#for me it depends on the mood tbh
evanbukley · 7 months
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Luffy not knowing about Zoro promising Sanji to kill him if he ever ends up losing himself makes me go feral because that's something they can only know about. Because Zoro's respect for life and death goes beyond anything, and Sanji knows he understands. Sanji knows that if somebody has to kill him, it's him.
And I don't even think it's because Sanji assumes Zoro's opinion of him is hatred and it would hurt less for him to do this, but because Sanji knows only Zoro would be able to treat the promise as it is. Because he would put Sanji's wishes before any feelings he has for him. It's not that Zoro doesn't care, but I think he respects people's ideals and decisions to the extent of being able to kill Sanji if he so desires.
That being said, he'd do it if there's no other way to fix it. If it's either dying or living as an emotionless machine, which is the same as dying for Sanji, Zoro would fulfill his promise. And there is just... Something about Luffy not knowing. Their captain. The man they're devoted to the most as if he were their God. Luffy doesn't know. It's something only the captain's wings are aware of and the thought of these two keeping this from Luffy until the end is just insane. Not even trying to make it romantic here, but the bond and respect these two have for each other is crazy.
Maybe it's the poetry of it all, too. Somebody like Zoro, who has looked at Death in her face multiple times and said "no", ending Sanji's life, who wants to give in to death to not experience a fate worse than death for him.
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neptune-scythe · 4 months
Once again going feral over wesper and their queerplatonic feral cat boyfriend that breaks into their house and watches them while they sleep
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comradekatara · 4 months
hi! apologies if you’ve answered this before, but what do you think of the theory that sokka was killed protecting korra from the red lotus??? i’ve always had mixed feelings about it - on the one hand, sokka Would. on the other, a) the in-text treatment of the red lotus was always questionable and b) the idea that sokka, the most self-sacrificing character, ending up dying for someone else is just so sad to me. what do you think? you consistently have the best ATLA takes on this app!
yeah. I think that theory comes from people valorizing sokka’s protectiveness without understanding why that trait is in fact harmful to him. like, dying a martyr to protect someone important against evil forces that wish to harm them and/or the world has always been sokka’s top #1 fantasy. I don’t really think that’s the kind of thing we need to be encouraging. if anything I think the nicest death sokka could ever possibly get is to die peacefully in his sleep as an old man, because by contradicting his internalized notion that his body is a vessel to used rather than the subject of his own experience, this signifies that he has innate meaning as an individual even when he is not serving another, which is a crucial facet of his arc. that said I also love sokka’s misery and suffering, so I think the idea that sokka does ultimately die a martyr kind of rules in a gruesome, morbid, sick & twisted way.
and then there’s the other element to unpack here, which is the red lotus. it's no secret that the red lotus is one of my favorite elements (no pun intended) of lok, and i spend way more time thinking about them than i do most aspects of that show (not including korrasami. i have clocked so many hours at the obsessing over korrasami factory you don't even know). so in the xai bau spy novel that (mostly) lives in my head, the notion that sokka one day dies at the hands of the organization that was formed through xai bau's ideology is very thematically satisfying to me. but also you really have to share my very specific brand of brainrot regarding who xai bau was, what his relationship to sokka is, the poetic injustice of that particular resolution, etc etc. and obviously none of that is remotely canon, so like. that's clearly not what you're asking here.
on one hand, the red lotus could've killed sokka in their mission to eradicate all world leaders (they do call sokka the chief in that one scene, which i resent, but according to the text, that does make him a world leader. ew), but also sokka could've easily just died in a bunch of other situations, it's really left ambiguous in the show. i don't think that the characters who would have been close to sokka who also fight the red lotus (zuko, katara's kids, lin beifong, etc etc.) seem vengeful enough for them to have been the cause of his death, though, but it's also been a while since i've seen the show, so maybe i'm wrong about that. it is beautifully tragic though. if you're some kind of fucked up sicko (which i'm NOT!!!!!!!!)
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khoailag · 2 months
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guess whose brain rot got so bad they made a whole ass illustration
scenario when it was one of the grunt who fight Courtney to stop her to blow up everything in the delta episodes. thats all the context here lol
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femmefeedist · 1 year
there's something scary about noticing the feeder herself is getting kinda pudgy
like that muffin top kinda sends a certain message
if even the feeder is getting fat, the person who is supposed to be fit and dominant and give all the food to her victim, then just how big is she going to make her submissive eater?
There's nothing scary about me at first. I'm into soft feedism, after all. I'll slip your favorite treats into your mouth and keep you comfy, rubbing your stuffed tummy and bringing you whatever you need. Letting you eat as much as you want and encouraging you to have seconds and desserts. Always keeping snacks nearby. Keeping you in cute stretchy clothes, telling you how cute you are when you eat for me and fill out the waistbands surprisingly fast.
But at a certain point that won't be enough for you. You'll want more, so much more. Being passive and just eating what you're in the mood for won't be enough. Your tummy will grow into a gut. Your cute little hungry cravings turn into a ravenous desire to get stuffed. A bit of excess turns into full on gluttony. Being soft and cute is nice but it isn't cutting it anymore.
Now you're begging me to go harder. To stuff you with the most fattening things around. Going from eating small cups of ice cream to drinking pints of heavy cream. You not only *want* me to make you softer, you *need* me to make you huge. Overfed, overweight, obese, as big as possible. Filling out your clothes isn't enough, you need to outgrow your clothes until your bloated gut pops a button and the seams rip from all the heavy fat I'm putting on you. Rather than enjoying every little bite I feed you, you just consume as much as I can stuff into your fattened up tubby gut.
And now that you've gotten yourself to this point, you're desperate to be teased for it. Mercilessly teased for what a fatty I've turned you into. How you no longer have an ounce of self control. How you've let me turn your plush middle into a huge gut. How you can't stop because you've become addicted to greed, gluttony, sloth. All of the things that seemed so extreme are now your reality. I made you this way, and maybe things went from soft to scary. But the funny thing is, you love it.
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Howdy everyone! I am starting off the new year with a new s/i and a new f/o thanks to my partner @cherry-bomb-ships (in case ya didn’t know x3) we’ve been watching star trek: the next generation together and pretty much from the very first episode I started crushing hard on Data 0_0 I wanted to watch a little more before making any decisions and after talking w Ruby a bit I’m already pretty crazy about him!
My self insert, Jane Callisto (yes I’m using the same last name as my star wars s/i cause I like it) was a friend of the Crushers and babysat Wesley when she was a teen, and thanks to that Beverly wrote her a letter of recommendation to get into Starfleet Academy and eventually onto the Enterprise as a schoolteacher at the age of 26! She remains close friends with Wesley, which puts her in a position to get to know a certain cute android...
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lifeismarvelous · 2 years
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userlaylivia · 6 days
what's your taylor swift album ranking?? i'm just curious lmao
hi bb <3333 this sometimes changes after the top 5 lmao
speak now
the tortured poets department
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daboyau · 10 days
True or false, you like bugs!
True, but I don’t want a lot of them near me. I love them for existing and some of them i find adorable, and if they’re bigger I’d hold them but a lot of them I would prefer to admire from a distance lol
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misano17 · 7 months
Quick drawing from today
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Silly DnD guy but from an au me and my friends are messing around with rn. I tried to keep some of his silhouette intact but I wanted to soften some of the edges for a more ethereal look.
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toy-sitting-anon · 3 months
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quiznak-ofgrayskull · 10 months
Math killed me time to make a circle skirt with math (but fun)!
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Have you read When the Duke was Wicked by Lorraine Heath? I've never read Heath before, and I'm looking for an opinion!
Oh, for sure! I love that book; it's one of my favorite Heaths. It's highly emotional and romantic, and I'd say it's fairly high angst, but not quite as angsty as Thee Angstiest Heaths I've read. I feel like when I first began reading Lorraine it wasn't given its proper due, but it's been slowly gaining icon status over the past few years--there are certain circles where you just have to go "RUM ON LIPS" and people will know which book you're talking about. And if you're into a rake hero, Lovingdon is one of my favorites. Deeply sexy, comes from a great family, would have benefited from some therapy. Great heroine, too--Grace is sweet but strong and very firm in her sense of self worth, while at the same struggling with her own trauma and how that's impacted the way she sees herself.
Without getting into spoilers, the book does deal heavily with grief (Lovingdon is a widower who lost his wife and child at the same time, and it deeply fucked with his head) as well as some intense past medical trauma. But I still would say that it's deeply optimistic and fun, and has some wacky Lorraine Heath third act shenanigans.
The one thing I will say, though... This book does begin its own series, but you do have a preceding series that's pretty connected? When the Duke Was Wicked kicks of the Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James series, but the Scoundrels of St. James series is about like... the parents of the Scandalous Gentlemen, basically. Like, Scoundrels has this scrappy group of former child thieves (lmao) and the Scandalous Gentlemen are their nepo baby kids.
Lovingdon is actually the son (well, in the case of the hero, stepson) of the hero and heroine of Between the Devil and Desire, which is another all-time Heath book, imo. That one is about an uptight duchess whose husband dies and leaves the guardianship of their son to some random she's never met before, who happens to be Jack Dodger, a Prototypical Heath Hero (put some respect on Jack Dodger's name, nothing but respect for my gambling club owner turned father who stepped up), a total scoundrel/ne'erdowell/rich guy with a big dick. Lovingdon, aka RUM ON LIPS, is the duchess's young son, who is extremely sweet in his mom's book and I don't know, learned some shit in between books I guess.
And Grace, the heroine, is the daughter of Sterling and Frannie from Surrender to the Devil, a book about a woman who has survived immense trauma now having to deal with this fuckin' drama queen of a duke who's started sniffing around.
Anyway, would recommend all these books with TW caveats (pretty much every Scoundrels book is going to touch on the traumatic childhoods of the Scoundrels, which involved general abuse as well as sexual assault for several of them).
Other Lorraine Heath books I'd consider starting with:
Waking Up with the Duke. Probably her best work. The last book in a series, but you can read it as a standalone. It's the one that begins with the heroine's husband telling the hero "YOU OWE ME A COCK" because the hero caused the accident that made the heroine's husband impotent. Anyway, as a friend, he agrees to impregnate the heroine, because like, if you're gonna have your bro impregnate your wife, you should probably choose the bro who's AMAZING in bed. Highly emotional, angsty as hell, he's wanted her so long he basically has an orgasm from eating her out (and the lightest caress of her hand).
Scoundrel of My Heart. A series starter. You open on this very conventional romance between a heroine and her best friend's obnoxiously charming older brother, where she finds out that this local duke is literally taking applicants for a wife, and the hero agrees to help her get said duke's attention. Obviously, they fall in love, and they're just about to truly get together before THE MOST INSANE SHIT HAPPENS LOL (I literally paused, read the sentence several times to make sure I read it correctly, and laughed in pure delight), and they're separated. The book does a year timeskip, she's now engaged to local duke, and she and the hero reconnect as changed people.
A benefit is that this leads directly into The Duchess Hunt, which is imo soooo much better if you read Scoundrel first. Spoiler alert, local duke does not get the girl, but he's still running like, Indeed for Wives, and he's doing it with the help of his literal Girl Friday, his secretary Penelope, a bad bitch who literally masturbates to the thought of him in a carriage, who he CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT but only AS AN EMPLOYEE, it's SUPER NORMAL GUYS. If she quits he'll like, jump off a cliff.
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non-un-topo · 10 months
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Was tagged by @polarcell to make a fanfiction trope tier list! Thank you, my friend <33 S tier is tropes I will always love and read. Just a simple sort of base. God I'm specific... A tier is for tropes I also enjoy, but not for every fic / all the time. B tier are tropes that are in the middle for me. I generally like them, but only look for them occasionally or when I'm in the right mood. C tier is for tropes that don't interest me, but which I will sometimes indulge in depending on the fic! And D tier is the no-thank-you tier lol.
Tagging @spacegirlsgang @the73rdpostscript and @maddielle!
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rosicheeks · 11 months
thinking about kidnapping you and asking what kind of pet you want to be… maybe an adorable kitten 👀💖 or a soft, eager puppygirl… or a sweet breeding bunny 🤭🥰 i’ll lay out a bunch of tail plugs and cute outfits and animal ear headbands, and have you choose~?
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