#for now though have these nice chill little doodles of them!
nightmun · 4 months
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A bunch of fun little drawings of Haniel I did a while back!
The other two interns in the first image belong to @lolatulips and @pokeblog123!
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kiss-me-cill-me · 3 months
Now We Pay The Price | Pt. 2
Start with Pt. 1 HERE!
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x Reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: ALL OF THE SAME WARNINGS AS PART 1, plus more angst, some fluff, general dark themes, depiction of a stick n' poke tattoo, violence, makeshift weapons, fear toxin, Crane spikes someone's drink (not the reader's)
A/N: Back by mildly popular demand lol :) First, I have to give a huge thank you to @cillianslvt for all of her help with brainstorming, concept bouncing, and song picking! She gave me the perfect inspo for this part: Supercut by Lorde.
I wanted to do something a bit different here, so this is told in alternating cuts between the fallout from part 1 (written in past tense) and flashbacks to the reader's college days (written in present tense just to be confusing lol). I probably will be writing one more part for this, but it might be a while before it's out because I kind of want to take a small break from angst haha. But, I hope you enjoy this part!
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Somewhere out in the echoing hallway, an alarm buzzed.
“Lights out in five minutes!”
The guard’s booming voice was almost too muffled to understand through the thick metal door. But you weren’t paying enough attention for it to matter. It was the same routine, for the hundredth time. You didn’t need an announcement to know that you were about to be plunged into the dark.
And besides, you had more important things to worry about.
Your fingers traced over the hearts that still littered your bedsheets. Contained to one of the corners for now, but wild and scattered, as if they might be about to spill out over the rest of the white cotton at any moment. Unrestrained.
You clenched your teeth, trying hard to focus on something other than the hailstorm of tremors that seemed ready to wrack your body. Your skin was prickling. If you opened your mouth, you weren’t sure if what came out would be a sob or a scream. You didn’t particularly want to find out.
The familiar sound of a key in the lock was enough to pull you out of your stupor. Quickly, you covered the doodles again, and whipped your head toward the door, hoping.
But no. It was nobody. Some faceless orderly, sent to give you the pills that you never took, if you could get away with hiding them.
Tonight, though, you decided to behave. You had certainly been causing enough trouble lately. And besides, if you were being honest, you could use them. Your mood had been a complete mess all day, and a little stability would be nice, for a change.
You swallowed your pride along with the pills, and flopped back onto the mattress. As soon as the orderly was gone, you inched the sheets back down, exposing the blue stains. Tomorrow was laundry day, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy them for much longer.
Seconds later, the lights flicked out, and you were left alone with your memories.
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The asphalt beneath your feet feels like it’s not even there as you practically skip down the driveway, and you’re not sure how gravity still has a hold on you by the time your hand wrenches open the car door.
“Hey!” You smile as you climb in, whipping around quickly to fasten your seatbelt. Maybe that will be enough to ground you, but it doesn’t seem likely. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“You took long enough to get out here,” he replies, slightly snarky.
But when you finally look up at him, his soft half-smile makes your heart melt, and your legs and arms feel even more weightless than ever. His blue eyes peer over at you from just below the rim of his glasses, and he tilts his head while he waits for you to respond.
“Fuck off, Jonathan,” you laugh, waving a hand in his direction.
He shakes his head, shifting to take hold of the wheel.
As he starts the car, the two of you sit in silence for a moment, and you use the opportunity to take a closer look at him. He’s bundled up tightly in his jacket. A slight chill permeates the air, though you feel perfectly warm sitting next to him.
“I don’t know how you can stand driving around without listening to music,” you say suddenly, reaching for the radio.
It takes you a minute to find anything worth listening to. Static mixed intermittently with snippets of sound fills the car as you carefully turn the dial, until finally landing on something you know. Satisfied, you sit back.
“I don’t know how you can stand listening to this,” Jonathan laughs. “I mean, are you even hearing these lyrics?”
“I like the lyrics!” you insist. “What’s wrong with them?”
“They’re just cheesy,” he says, dismissively.
You roll your eyes, and settle back with your arm resting against the car door. Before long, your head is bobbing along to the music, and you start to hum.
You’ve only known Jonathan for a few weeks, but already it’s become nearly impossible to ignore the way your heart pounds when you’re next to him. It’s nerve wracking - to think he might not feel that way about you. But you don’t let yourself imagine that possibility too often. It’s better to stay positive, and look to your future together. You honestly can’t imagine things any other way.
At the start of the chorus, your humming turns gradually into words - quiet at first, and then louder when Jonathan doesn’t try to stop you. Soon, you’re singing at full volume.
“You know, distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents,” he informs you.
When you look over, you notice the small smile that tugs at the corner of his lips.
“But music improves mood and cognition,” you shoot back, interrupting your singing to give him a slight shove. “Shouldn’t you know that, Mr. Psychology Major?”
Jonathan scoffs, but mercifully keeps his mouth shut when you open yours to start singing again, rolling down the window to scream into the night.
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Your eyes, tight with heavy sleep, shot suddenly open, to be met by the darkness of your cell. Breath heavy, you tried to remember the dream you’d been having. Whatever it was, it had gotten you worked up. So much for the sedatives doing you any good; maybe Crane hadn’t actually upped your dose like he’d threatened to do.
Or he had, and this was just your body’s paradoxical reaction to the sudden increase. Not that you had been taking the regular dose with any consistency.
You considered getting up, but what was the point in that? There was nowhere to go but from one corner of the small room to the other, and you had spent enough time pacing back and forth to last a lifetime.
The small window set high up on the wall of your cell let in a sliver of light, just briefly, as a rotating searchlight made its round, and you closed your eyes again.
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The university’s library is calming, in a way. The seemingly endless stacks of books reach out to greet you as you run your hands over their spines, walking slowly down one row and then another. 
You’re looking for something specific, but not a book. You know that he always comes here at this time.
Jonathan is crouched down to reach something on a low shelf when you finally see him. You hover, half-hidden, at the end of the row where he’s kneeling, and watch as he flips through the first few pages of a book. Satisfied, he stands up, and you saunter into the aisle to join him.
“Hey,” you call, softly. “Thought I might find you here.”
Jonathan tucks the book under his arm, and looks at you curiously for a moment.
“Hey,” he echoes, apprehensive. “Don’t you have class right now?”
“Do I?” you ask, stopping next to him. “Whoops. Whatcha reading?”
“Nothing. Just a book for class. Unlike some people I know, I take academics seriously.”
As he talks, he tilts his head to the side and takes a step closer to you, crowding you back against the bookshelves. He’s smiling. Just having fun with you; you’re sure of it. But you can’t stop the warm rush that spreads over your cheeks.
You try to straighten up under his gaze, bringing the tip of your nose close to his.
“I take this stuff seriously, too,” you insist. “Here, I’ll prove it. What’re you studying?”
Before giving him a chance to respond, you reach down and snatch the book from his hand. Brushing a thumb over the cover, you consider the title.
“Phobias, huh?” you muse. “No offense, Jonathan. But you’re not very scary.”
You beam as you watch a blush creep over his cheeks. He’s been doing that around you more often, and every time you notice it, your heart swells.
“You don’t think so?” he drones, taking another step closer.
He’s nearly on top of you as you press back into the row of books, and you feel your heart leap into your throat. Not out of fear, but for an entirely different reason.
“Nope,” you challenge. “Not scary at all.”
“Hm. Guess I’ll have to try harder then.” 
He snatches the book back and starts to move away from you, but before he can get too far, both of your hands shoot out. Your fingers grab onto his sweater, and faster than you have a chance to think, suddenly your lips are pressing against his. Eyes squeezed shut so you don’t have to face his reaction, you hold him. But when you let go of his shirt, he stays there for a few seconds longer, before pulling away.
“That was scary,” you breathe, finally daring to meet his cold eyes.
But, what you see there is softness, mixed with slight shock. The piercing, frost-blue that normally seems to slice through you has taken on a watery quality, as if something has melted, if just for a moment.
You take a deep breath as Jonathan leans back in.
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By the time the orderlies had started to wheel their huge bin of laundry down the narrow hall, your white sheets were already torn off and crumpled at the foot of your bed. You weren’t about to take the risk of anyone else seeing the hearts you’d drawn. This way, they were unlikely to be noticed. At least until after they’d already been mixed with all of the other patients’ laundry, untraceable to you.
Before, the worst that could happen was you losing your pen - a sorry excuse for entertainment, but nothing vital. Now, losing that same pen meant losing your one chance at freedom as well, and you weren’t prepared to give that up.
You stood in the far corner of the room, watching silently as two men came in to collect your sheets. They didn’t comment on the fact that you’d stripped your own bed - perhaps too caught up in their meaningless conversation to notice.
When they left, you finally felt able to breathe again. You exhaled, trying to push every last trace of air out of your lungs so that you could start fresh again.
Sitting back down on your new set of sheets, you ran your hand over the blank space that no longer bore even a faint trace of love.
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“What are you doing?” Jonathan asks, leaning over your shoulder to peer down at whatever has you so occupied.
“Giving myself a tattoo,” you reply easily. 
“It’s just a little heart - see?”
You carefully hold up your wrist to him, showing off the half finished lobe of a heart. One side of it, anyway. It’s slow going, but you’re determined to take your time; to not rush through the impulsive decision you’ve made.
“Why would you do that to yourself?”
“Because I felt like it,” you reply. “Do I need another reason?”
“Did you at least sterilize your wrist - and the needle?” he sighs.
“I used some hand sanitizer. M’sure that’s good enough.”
Jonathan pinches the bridge of his nose, putting his other hand on his hip.
“You’re going to hurt yourself,” he complains.
“Well, it’s not like I can’t stop now, though - right?” you say, playfully. “You’re always telling me not to leave things half finished.”
Jonathan sits down in the chair next to you, as you go back to carefully maneuvering the needle. Your tongue sticks out from the corner of your mouth, frozen in concentration. You jump, just a fraction of an inch, as the sharp point breaches your skin.
“Give me that,” Jonathan mutters.
He’s already swiped the needle away from you, and is holding your wrist down securely against the table as he inspects your work.
“This isn’t going to heal nicely,” he informs you.
“I don’t care.”
To your surprise, he dips the needle into the little pot of ink that’s sitting on the table between you, and then lines up the point to continue.
“You’re pushing it in way too deep,” he says, peering over his glasses.
When he presses down, the sharp end of the needle barely seems to graze you. It doesn’t hurt so much when he does it. Jonathan’s thumb brushes over the flesh of your palm, soothing you.
“You’re good at this,” you comment. “You’ll make a good doctor someday.”
Jonathan tries to hide his smile, but you catch the small curl of his lips despite the way he’s hunched over, focusing on your tattoo. The second jab is just as painless as the first, and you smile back.
“This isn’t exactly what I picture myself doing for work.” He laughs - just a small hum, but it’s there.
“Right - you want to study the fear of needles. Not be the one jabbing patients.”
“Something like that,” he agrees.
The two of you sit, huddled close in the silence; you watching Jonathan work as he gingerly uses the needle. It’s strangely intimate, and you feel closer to him than you have in a long time. 
Not because you’ve spent too much time apart. On the contrary, you’ve been seeing each other more often than ever. But the more time you spend with him, the sharper you seem to feel his small absences. It has, lately, started to seem like you need to see Jonathan more and more often just to feel normal; like you’re in danger of something bad happening when he’s not there.
“Thank you,” you say.
“For what?”
“The tattoo means more, now that you’re the one doing it.”
Jonathan keeps his head bowed, trying desperately not to let you see his expression. The tips of his ears give him away, though, as they turn a bright pink behind strands of hair that have fallen away as he leans down.
“Jonathan?” “Hm?”
“It’s polite to say ‘you’re welcome’ when someone thanks you,” you tease.
As he looks up to narrow his eyes at you, you take the chance to lean in and press a kiss to his cheek.
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The harsh white fluorescents buzzed over your head as you leaned back in your uncomfortable chair. You’d sat in this same plastic seat for probably dozens of therapy sessions. Not once had the miserable thing ever done anything other than give you back pain.
“Are you paying attention?” the doctor in front of you asked.
“No,” you replied.
What was the use in lying, when it was obvious to both of you?
The doctor hummed in annoyance, shuffled some papers, and frowned at her clipboard. 
“Well I suggest you start,” she began, “because what we’re trying to do here is very important. You know your appeal is in the process of being reviewed, and…”
You tuned her out, turning your attention to the much more important matter of planning your escape. Even just thinking those words made you feel strangely giddy. This was something that happened in movies and cheap paperback novels; not real life. But, you had made up your mind, and there would be no going back now. You were going to rebuild your life with the person who mattered most, and doing that meant that you needed to get out of here.
You thought of the ballpoint pen, now modified and hidden, deep within the bones of your mattress. It had taken patience to sharpen the plastic casing against the concrete, and patience was something you didn’t have much of these days. But in the end, it would all be worth it.
“...three counts of manslaughter, and two more of - are you listening?” the doctor repeated. 
“Why should I? We both know that I’ve heard this a thousand times,” you sighed.
The doctor, equally as exasperated, crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. It’s your life.”
“My life doesn’t exist in here,” you whispered. “Not the one I want, anyway.”
“Well, it’s the one you’ve got, so maybe you ought to start acting like it,” she suggested.
You ignored her, and retreated back into the world that only existed inside your memories. Yours… and his, if you were lucky.
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The room is dark and full of music. Music, and bodies - swaying in time to the rhythm; draped over furniture or pressed up against walls, as lips meet and hands wander. You pass by two people who look like they’re three seconds away from ripping each other’s clothes off, and duck under the raised elbow of somebody else as they pump their fist in the air. A clamor erupts as you pass; some conversation you’re not part of that’s full of hollered laughter and shouts.
You’re looking for Jonathan, amidst all the colors and flashing lights. You’d left him several minutes ago to go and find the bathroom, and got turned around on your way back. The slight buzz of alcohol makes your limbs a bit looser than usual, and you pause to savor the deep thrum that emanates from the sound system. As you close your eyes, your feet sway a little, and you smile.
Jonathan is never interested in going to parties with you, but for whatever reason, he had accepted the invitation tonight. You like to think it’s because he just wants to spend time with you, even if loud, messy gatherings aren’t usually his idea of a good time.
Finally, you find your way back to the couch where you left him. And there he is, smiling that soft half-smile you know so well, from the hundreds of times it’s made your heart do somersaults in your chest.
You frown. Scowl.
Jonathan is leaning forward, hands on his legs as he talks to another woman. Smiles at her. You stop short in your tracks, and watch from a distance as Jonathan tilts his head to her ear, whispering something.
The girl stands up, giggles while she looks down at him for a moment, and then walks off. You see red; a crimson wash that feels slightly too familiar as it drapes over you.
Jonathan, still on the couch, smiles for a moment longer before reaching into his pocket. The girl has moved on by now, and you watch as the affable grin is wiped neatly from Jonathan’s face, replaced by something blank and more difficult to categorize.
There’s a tiny glass tube in his hand. You can’t see what it is exactly, but you can make out the way he removes a cap, and then brings his hand close to the red plastic cup that’s sitting on the table in front of him, right where the woman had been.
Your rage propels you forward, and without time to think things through, you’ve grabbed the sleeve of his jacket before you even realize you’ve reached him.
“Shit- Oh. It’s you,” Jonathan mumbles.
“What the hell are you doing?” you hiss.
Jonathan looks at your hand on his arm. The vial, now empty and still pinched between his fingers, hidden from the rest of the crowd. And then back up to your face.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” he begins.
“What are you doing?” you repeat, your voice wobbling louder.
Jonathan’s eyes dart off to the side, and he stands up quickly. Suddenly, his hand is in yours and he’s dragging you off, heading for a set of glass doors that lead to the back patio.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” he says, and you can barely hear him muttering over the sound of the screeching music and the pounding, frantic whir that seems to have taken over your head. 
By the time you’re outside, the door shut firm behind you, you haven’t calmed down a bit.
“I swear, I’m not doing anything bad,” he interjects. “I know that it… probably looks like I’m-”
“Why her?” you say, softly.
You can’t even stand to look at him as you speak. Your whole chest feels impossibly heavy; as if it’s consuming the rest of your body, piece by dissolving piece.
“...What?” Jonathan looks at you curiously, as you feel yourself fall even more fully apart.
“Why her, when I’m right here, huh?” you demand, tears squeezing out from behind your damp eyelashes, even as you try to blink them back. “I’m yours, Jonathan. I’ve been yours. All you have to do is ask.”
“That’s not… God, I’m not trying to-”
“You don’t even have to try with me!” you cry, voice rising up into a frenzy. Your hands fly to slam against him, pushing him by the shoulders. “You’ve never had to-”
You cut yourself off, and cradle your wrist to your chest. The tattoo that he gave you is settled close by to your heart, and you bring your other hand up to trace absently over the ink that mirrors it.
“Listen to me,” Jonathan says, taking hold of your shoulders. You look up at him, salty tears still welled in your eyes, starting to spill down over your cheeks. “That’s not what I’m doing. This is just… research.”
“Research?” you echo.
“Yes. That’s all,” he assures you. Both of you have started to calm down, and the pressure of his hands on your shoulders finally becomes noticeable. “It’s for… how do I phrase this?”
The sounds of the party are muffled out here, but suddenly a sharp scream rises over the music. Both of you turn to peer through the glass doors, and you catch a brief glimpse of the woman from earlier, just as the red plastic cup falls from her hand. She claws at her face, and sinks to the floor, still screaming.
Your focus shifts back to Jonathan, and you watch as he stares through the glass, his eyes frigid and, suddenly, calculating. His hands are still on your shoulders, and you feel as his grip tightens slightly, as if his fingers are itching to do… something. You can’t say quite what.
“...Fear,” you breathe, quietly.
You aren’t sure exactly what’s going on, but some sort of vague understanding has started to seep into your nerves, mending the frays that had threatened to form. Like healing salve, soothed over all of the tiny rips and tears that had nearly pulled you apart, only seconds ago.
“Yes,” he agrees. “That’s all I wanted her for. I swear.”
It takes you a moment to realize he’s looking at you again, a serious expression on his strained face. His eyes seem to bore into yours, but it’s comforting, just to feel like he’s burrowing into you.
The commotion inside becomes louder; more shouts of alarm rising to join the first, and you hear something crash to the ground. But you’re not paying attention to that anymore; you’re swimming in Jonathan’s eyes as the tears slowly dry from yours.
“Jonathan?” you ask. “Can we go home?”
He turns to look again at the riot that’s quickly developing inside; the bass of the music replaced now by shrill cries that have risen above everything. For a moment, you think he’s about to refuse, and the lump in your throat almost tears through the delicate flesh of your neck.
“Sure. Let’s go home,” he agrees.
You walk, hand in hand, away from the party. Looping around the house and down the sidewalk, your fingers intertwine with his in the night air. You smile, and grab onto Jonathan’s arm, pulling him closer.
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Today was the day.
You pulled your sleeve down, trying to cover the now-sharpened pen casing that was held tight in your sweaty hand. The tip of your finger brushed over the point, as you went over the plan in your head again.
If you could manage to be stealthy enough, you wouldn’t even need the pen. Not that you would hesitate to use it, but there was a certain amount of risk that you’d prefer to avoid if at all possible. Things could get messy, and that would be sure to draw attention. For once, you didn’t want Crane to notice what you were doing.
You stayed close to the wall of the cafeteria, practically hugging the stone as you walked briskly. It was important to be fast, but not too fast.
“What are you doing?” asked a sharp voice behind you.
You would have spun faster than either of you could blink, pen at the ready to plunge into his neck. If only you hadn’t recognized the voice.
Crane grabbed you roughly by the shoulder, and you screamed silently behind your eyes.
“Nothing,” you said calmly. “Going for a walk.”
“You’re not allowed to do that,” Crane sighed, already dragging you to face him. His expression was just as drab as the bricks that now pressed into your back. “What’s in your hand?”
Your finger flicked over the sharp point again. This was the one possibility that you hadn’t imagined, of course. The one opponent your weapon was useless against, all because you couldn’t bring yourself to use it.
With your jaw set and shoulders squared, you straightened up to face him. You wouldn’t shy away from his eyes, even if looking at them meant facing the disappointment that lurked, not-so-subtly beneath their surface.
Crane grew impatient awaiting your answer, and grabbed you by the wrist. You let him. It was useless to resist, and the two of you glared at each other as he yanked your hand and your fingers fell open. The story was written over your palm, almost as clearly as if you had used the pen to record it across your own flesh.
Crane picked up the wrecked pen, considered the jagged edge of the plastic, and pocketed it. Without another word, he turned and dragged you out of the cafeteria, heading toward your cell.
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Jonathan’s hand in yours is restless; seeming to flutter as his thumb drifts absentmindedly, rubbing back and forth in a way that might be more soothing for him than it is to you. You want to help him, but you’re not sure how. You’ve noticed the anxieties that have seemed to overwhelm him lately, and you wish there was more you could offer him.
“Maybe you should take a break,” you suggest. “We could watch a movie or something. Go for a walk?”
Jonathan shakes his head, and tears his hand away to go back to scribbling on the pad in front of him. The paper is already littered with letters and symbols that mean nothing to you. Three vials full of pale liquid - Jonathan’s pet project - roll gently back and forth on the table.
“I can’t get it right, and I don’t know why,” he snaps, frustrated. “I need to run more tests, but…”
“I could test it for you,” you offer.
Jonathan looks at you with a mix of shock and, maybe, revulsion, and you feel yourself shrink back into your seat.
“I wouldn’t ask you to do that,” he says.
“You don’t have to ask,” you reply. “I’d do anything for you.”
His expression morphs into something that’s harder to read. That’s been happening more and more often lately, and it’s started to panic you when it does. You know him so well, but suddenly, there are sides to him that seem almost foreign to you. You bring a hand up to cup his sharp cheek, and the smile stretched over your own face feels plastic.
“Us against the world,” you remind him.
Jonathan places his hand over yours, only for a moment before pulling away entirely.
“I just… want to know I can do something,” he says. “Something I set my own mind to.”
“You can,” you assure him. “You have.”
“My whole life, I’ve felt as if I’m just reacting to things that are outside of my control,” he continues, almost as if he hadn’t heard you. “I just want to understand why.”
Emotion has crept into his voice, and your first instinct is to pull back. You ignore it. Instead, you place a kiss on his temple, and he lets his head fall to rest on your shoulder. The room is silent for a moment, as you wrap both your arms around him and try to think of something to say.
“You know I’d be lost without you, right?” you ask, gently. 
“That’s because you have a dysfunctional attachment style.”
You stop. His words, flat and unemotional, pierce through you as if he had stabbed instead of spoken them. You can feel the ground opening up at your feet, and struggle to reassert yourself.
“That’s not true. You… don’t mean that,” you flounder.
“Maybe I don’t,” he agrees, halfheartedly. “Who knows anymore.”
Your heart aches. You hate that he’s talking like this is the end of something. A foregone conclusion that’s just out of his grasp, but that he doesn’t even care to reach for. A sentence on a page, half-finished but forgotten.
“You’ve been working too hard,” you decide. “You’re tired.”
“I am tired.”
“Let’s go to bed, then,” you suggest. 
He nods, and you take hold of his hand to guide him, the dark ink of your tattoo pressed up against the blank space on his wrist.
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Back in your cell, Crane didn’t bother to lock the door behind him for once. Instead, he stood directly in front of it, hands on his hips as he stared down at you.
“I would say I’m shocked, but I’m not,” he sighed, voice already grinding against itself. “But, what I can’t figure out is this. What gave you the idea that this would go well for you?”
You didn’t answer.
“It’s not as if I don’t monitor you.”
Normally, the admission that he’d been paying attention to you would have made your heart flutter. But now, it felt like there was nothing more than a pit in your chest. The same one that was always there, longing for something that could fill it without being swallowed.
“You’re lucky it was me who found you, and not somebody else.” He moved one hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose, just like he always had. For as long as you’d known him. “Don’t you ever stop and think before you act?”
That was insulting. You’d spent plenty of time thinking about this. In fact, it was all you’d been focusing on for weeks - at least when your mind was clear enough to focus. 
And really, he was one to talk. How many times had you helped him crawl out of one failed situation or another? It wasn’t fair for him to talk like everything he did went perfectly, when both of you knew very well that it didn’t.
“Don’t have anything to say?” Crane pried.
You felt anger swell furiously within you, and - as if to prove the point he’d just made - you surged forward without thinking. Crane didn’t have any time to react, and you pressed your lips up against his in a harsh kiss that felt sickeningly void of love. Your cold fingers grabbed at the front of his sweater, and you felt your lips crush into your teeth, desperately searching for some hint of the spark that you felt certain was still there.
Crane scrambled, his back pressed against the hard door, and finally tore you away from him.
“What are you doing?” he spat.
Your eyes were downcast, unable to meet his, and you bit the cracked skin of your lips.
“Who knows anymore,” you replied, echoing his words from long ago.
“You need to control yourself,” Crane hissed. “If you can’t, I’m not going to keep making excuses for you.”
His words might as well have just echoed off the stone walls, vibrating in an empty cell. You weren’t listening. You weren’t even there anymore.
Fleeting as a beam of light. 
Crane collected himself and then left, departing just as the sleek ribbons of past life came to wrap over you again.
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You woke, not realizing that you’d fallen asleep. You weren’t sure how long it had been since Crane left, but, judging by the way the lights were already turned out, it had been hours. 
Automatically, your hand went to the top corner of your mattress, intent on blindly tracing over the hearts that had once been there on the sheets. But of course, they weren’t anymore. Instead, though, you heard a clatter as something fell to the floor.
That was odd. Certainly, you hadn’t left anything there this morning. It wasn’t as if you had any possessions to leave.
Groping in the dark, your fingers slid across the floor. Finally, you found it, and held the object up close to your face.
A key.
Your lips curled as you held tight to the metal.
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Read Pt. 3 HERE!
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icycoldninja · 3 months
The Turks incorrect quotes
Reno: You’re not jealous, are you? Rude: No! Reno: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Elena: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart? Tseng: For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am! Elena: Mean.
Tseng: Did you like the food I made? Elena: No, not really. Tseng: But I put my heart and soul into it! Elena: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
Reno: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Rude: Tseng likes to win. When he was 8, a little Club Scout friend of his bragged she could sell the most cookies. Rude: Damned if Tseng didn't walk the neighborhood till he got blisters on his feet, and won by 10 boxes. Rude: Best part is, Tseng wasn't even a Club Scout.
Reno: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time.
Reno, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Reno: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Tseng: It was you the fuck. Reno: It was I the fuck… Rude: Who cooks rice in a pan? Tseng: He the fuck.
Reno: Any questions? Rude: Uh, yeah, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Reno: Uh, a plan, duh… Elena: Rude, chill, I know it’s weird, but Reno has a point. Rude: Rude: THAT WAS LITERALLY A PONY DOODLE WITH A HAT!!
Tseng: If there are no questions, we’ll move on to the next chapter. Rude: I have a question. Tseng: Certainly, Rude. What is it? Rude: What’s the point of human existence? Tseng: I meant any questions about the subject at hand. Rude: Oh. Rude: Frankly, I’d like to have the issue resolved before I expend any more energy on this.
Reno: Anything else? Rude: Yeah. Stay away from me! Reno: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Reno: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
Rude: What's the most efficient way to burn calories? Tseng: Exercise more! Reno: Set yourself on fire. Elena: There are two kinds of people.
Elena: Come to think of it… You’ve always been nice to me. Elena: I mean, you listen to all my problems- Tseng: No, Elena I just simply stand here while you talk, there’s a big difference.
Tseng: Guys where did Reno go? Elena: He got arrested. Tseng: How the hell- Reno: bursts in through the window The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Reno: Shut up, you’re messing with my train of thought! Tseng: I thought you didn’t have a brain and now you say you have thoughts?
Elena: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time? Tseng: AS ENEMIES?! Elena:
Reno: Tseng, you need to react when people cry! Tseng: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. Rude: Which one? I have seven. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Rude: Which one? I have seven. Reno, distantly: HEY!!!
Reno: Come on, you need to go to bed. Tseng: Mr. Snuffles says that I can stay up as long as I want. And that you need to die! Reno: … Reno: What the hell, Mr. Snuffles—
Tseng: Oh, they left the bowl out? Tseng: It says, “Take two pieces of candy.” Reno: Nobody around though… Reno grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it Tseng: NO—
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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“Oh,” she says, perturbed, “Jude is here.”
I swipe the heel of my hand under my teary eye, “Yeah, he is. We’re doing maths.”
“Looks like it.”
“Shell, do you want to come in?” Jen says, “We were just taking a break if you wanted to talk about something.”
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“Um, no, I’ll talk to you later.”
“No, come on,” she holds out her hands and beckons her over to us, “Come and chill out with us.”
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Michelle’s journey to the bed is stilted, like she can’t imagine something more awkward than sharing space on a mattress with me, and I am awkward too, discomfort in my stomach as she occupies the patch of bed to Jen’s right, while I sit on her left, one earphone still dangling from my ear. 
Jen slings arms around us both, “I wish you two would just hang out,” she says, “Wah! It’s so silly, yeah, Michelle you’re, like, doing the emo thing right now and Jude has decided to be a Rugby Wanker, but why does that have to divide us? At the end of the day you’re both immigrants, and I’m gay. We’d be the ideal friend group,” she nudges us with her knees, “outsiders, yeah?” 
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“Jude is not an immigrant in the same way. He’s white.”
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“His grandmother on his dad’s side is Portuguese,” Jen says diplomatically, and we both roll our eyes, “God, I’m joking, I know it’s not the same,” She snatches hold of my face, “But look at his complexion, hm? Can’t you see it a little bit? That lit-from-within skin? God, he’s so pretty.”
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Michelle makes a face, “Um, I think I’m going to go out and hang with Evan.”
“Isn’t that what you and Debra were shouting about just now?”
She goes a bit red, and eyes flit to mine for a moment and make me wish I wasn’t here. “Yeah, mam doesn’t want me to go out but like, she can’t really tell me what to do.”
“Okay, well, suit yourself. You’re missing out here though, Jude was just singing My Chemical Romance to me, and it was gorgeous.”
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It’s my turn to feel embarrassed, “Clearly you’re not missing much. Um, have fun with Evan.”
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“Yeah, I will,” She stands up and adjusts the hem of her black mini skirt, “Do I look okay, Jen?” Her tights have loads of holes in them, but I assume she wants them to be like that so I don’t give any insight.
“Yeah you’re hot. Go get rode.” She gives her a playful slap in the bum and she’s gone. We listen to her boots thunder down the stairs, then the slam of the front door. Debra screams at her to come back, or at least put on a coat. She does neither.
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“You’re so weird around Michelle,” Jen accuses me as we resume our trigonometry lesson, “Why do you do that? You just stop talking.”
“I don’t know. I guess I can sense that she doesn’t like me.”
“She would like you if you talked to her.”
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“I don’t know, Jen. If she was going to like me she’d probably have done it already,” I scan the page of equations for something that looks familiar, and can’t even remember what we were working on. “I think I must have done something, or maybe she just doesn’t like the kind of person that I am.”
“But you’re the sweetest, nicest, cutest boy alive,” Jen protests, “That’s not it. I think it’s just a clique thing. She’s just used to hanging out with a certain crowd of people. She doesn’t think that the people who play sport are going to be nice to people like her.”
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“Well, I hate that then, because it’s not true. Being on the school rugby team and not having greasy hair doesn’t make me an arsehole by default.”
“What you just said does.”
“Saying she has greasy hair doesn’t really help your case.”
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“It’s not Michelle who has greasy hair. I was thinking about the other people who hang around the back steps of the lunch room.”
A snort, “You can say Evan.”
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“Yeah, Evan’s hair is greasy sometimes. But like, so what, I guess. He doesn’t have to wash it,” I find a doodle I did earlier in margin of the maths book, a little drawing of a guy with lank hair flopped over one eye and a mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth. “He also doesn’t have to be an arsehole, which he is, by the way. Not me.”
“Evan is actually pretty nice.”
“I think you should make an effort with him. I think he’s just cagey, and I think if you took time to hang out with him and talk to him then you’d see that you actually have a lot in common, you know? He’s got really good taste in music, and he’s funny, and he likes to draw.”
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“Yeah, I know, he and Michelle sit down at the back of my art class and scribble pictures of crying eyes and wilting roses and shit for the whole hour.”
“They’re so deep and romantic like that,” She says wistfully, and I can't tell if she’s joking. 
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“I think if you make an effort with him then you and Michelle can get closer and then we’ll all be like a big happy family. The perfect little friend group, hm?”
I snicker, “So I’d be going through this effort for your direct benefit?”
“Of course,” She says, rolling over to her back and shooting me a grin, “Who else would it be for?” 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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tezzbot · 7 months
Thoughts on Big the Cat? Just in general. But if you'd like something specific then I guess, how do you think he'd get along with characters he doesn't get to talk to that often, like the Chaotix or Team Dark?
I LOVE BIG SO MUCH!!!! I love a good gentle giant character. And him being like actually kind of wise despite just bein a humble fisherman hehe Big has everything So figured out ^_^
As for interactions, I feel like Big would just get along with everyone tbh
For Team Dark
I think he would just confuse Omega, like Omega just doesn't. See the point in him as like a person BDJDGD because he doesn't "serve a purpose" he just doesn't get this big extremely chill dude, but Big is okay with that everybody lives differently :] Omega does respect Big teaching those fish who's boss though he's like yesss reverse waterboard thosr fuckers!!!! While Big is like thank you fishy<3 and plopping it back in the water
Rouge and Shadow I think would have opposite. I guess relationships with him? Rouge I think would find him nice to vent her frustrations to he's p much always willing to lend an ear and has learned he's not really gonna get a word in edgewise so he is content to simply sit and listen and nod along when needed
On the other hand Shadow would find it nice to have someone to Just sit with, no obligation to listen or talk or. Just no expectations of him to do really anything except Be there. And it's nice to finally be able to sit with someone who doesn't talk Just Fuckin Constantly LOL and again! Big is content to provide that for him hehe
The Chaotix uummm
Well I think Vector would be cool to just chill with him as well, they both vibe well near water LOL Maybe Vector swims fr a bit then chills out in Big's boat or like next to him on the dock and he brings a little radio to sit nearby to fill some silence. Also that one post with those two smoking weed together was so real actually, 2 big queer men smile
I think Espio wld appreciate his sort of. musings? He's susceptable to fake deep shit online I feel like LOL, but Big tells it straight to the point just as it is and it like blows his little mind, and the stillness and quietness after Big says somethin gives him a moment to meditate on it or whatever, he writes some of the quotes down in a journal and then like doodles and little notes to self around em because I need him to be portrayed as an edgy cringelord teenager so badly HGFHJ but yeah he has a huge respect for Big I think
Charmy. is kind of difficult? I mean, pairing any Extreme Hyper Energetic and Chillest Guy On The Planet characters together isn't ever gonna be easy HJGFH Maybe hanging out with Big after running out of All of his ideas for stuff around them to play with in different ways, he'd decide he was bored and maybe start to get grumpy, but then he notices Big get a bite and catch it and then suddenly is really really into fishing with Big. He asks about every item in the kit Big brings with him and is THE most excited when he eventually actually catches something himself. Vector and Espio come to pick him up and are Shocked to see him sitting in one place not saying anything just intently staring at a pond with his own little fishing rod next to Big QuQ
Oh also headcanon Big, when he's not fishing, makes The Most dad noises of anyone in the cast because I think that's funny GHFJGH
I could probably think of more but I am. Tired now lol
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milflewis · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could do a blog rec list maybe? no pressure though! you just have good taste in drivers and shows and stuff imo and seem to know a lot of cool people here!
ah ofc! not really sure how to do these tho so sorry if it’s shit lol or if i forget anyone!
writer blogs
@hungerpunch valewis. dantteri. valtteri blog. lo’s writing has literally made me sit and stare at a wall before. @husbono sewis. smick. posts seb, lewis, mick, alex etc. i live for whatever genius edit idea natasha will bless us with next. @vettelsbitch maxiel. sewis. seb blog. every other month c comes into the gc like. guys. i had this idea for a fic and now i’ve slipped and accidentally written 10k. pls help. and it’s always the best thing ever. @rosyjuly smick. sewis. posts seb, lewis and mick. whenever i see that rosy has answered some fic prompt or smth and there’s a little readmore under the cut! pure delight i’m telling you. @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm sewis and slagclaren (will forever be grateful to a for writing a fic based on one of The lewis/jenson commercials). @traincoded also has written a slagclaren fic that filled the void of Another batshit insane commercial. @lewishamil10n valewis and sewis writer. always has the Correct Takes. @effervescentdragon sewis. brocedes. sebchal. charlos. pretty much whatever is poking at akira’s brain at that moment is what she is writing. @azzy421 mainly sewis. the writer of the lucky thirteen au! @trailsofpaper also mainly sewis. the writer of The sewis Knight au. @tinytauris and @yukierres are both doing god’s work filling the yukierre ao3 tag. @collarboen sewis and is also a miles/lewis truther! every single one of these writers have knocked me the fuck out with their writing. just saying.
artist blogs
@andreagrimes writer. also a valtteri blog and v v funny. their style of drawing is one of my fav. @russilton writer. george/lewis blog. mark also bullies kyle on main so like. follow him even just for that lol. @ilikecarsandlike4people and @storm3326 they both do v different kinds of doodles and art styles and i love them both
@ferrawri this is fran. if i loved her less i could talk about it more. posts daniel, lewis and motogp. mostly fabio and marc. @userhamilton posts seb, lewis, mick and lance mainly. has only one wrong opinion but that’s about the sebstache and i’ve given up trying to get ppl to see that light on that. @mickschumachergf posts v cool gifs of lewis and seb and mick etc. and is into fe! (also v funny and sometimes does these cool gif sets with subtitles or smth different and funky with them and they’re fantastic everytime). @formulaonedirection posts mainly lewis and lando. (her tags? genius and comical). @eliotheeangelis posts old f1. a godsend truly
editors/graphic makers
@queerbenched the funkiest graphics. @brawn-gp v v cool edits. @ivettel the most insane gif-editor i know. like half the time i’m like literally HOW are you doing this. fairly sure pure magic (and sooo much skill) is the answer. and writer and seb main. @yukierree v cool and colourful graphics and edits.
lewis blogs
@teamroscoes and @l8tof1 are The lewis blogs. @localoptimist and @lewishcmilton are v funny and have the best takes on things. @4405x sewis main. @sweetaswithscottymac also into fe! @vvettell also posts about seb and alex and fe! (also v funny and nice and i love seeing her takes on stuff)
seb blogs
@wdcseb also a writer! of the sebchal agenda. @unhinged-vettel v funny and really cool edits. @seblicha also v funny and chill
mick blogs
@princemick if you follow me you should definitely follow kyle lmao. at least just for context. they also make cool gifs and graphics too ig. @acrosstobear The Mick Blog . @mickbetsch the coolest gif-edits fr.
yuki blogs
@tsuchansworld and @tsu22 are both yuki blogs and are always correct. @lewki The yuki and lewis blog.
valtteri blogs
@eleyhsa and @garnetaldebaran are The valtteri blogs.
alex blogs
@raceweek her text posts never fail to make me laugh. @alxalb the funniest tags.
fe blogs
@sweetaswithscottymac also posts about lewis and indycar. @mickstart also has the Best michael schumacher takes and just takes in general. @andrelottering also a writer and i think into indycar too? (pls i’m so sorry if i’m wrong)
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poorlemons · 9 months
If it's okay to ask, what is your Birdwatcher au about? I was able to figure out the godhuntrer but not the Birdwatcher
Oh yeah of course! I'm always up to ramble about my ideas. (for ease i will refer to my aus by the abbreviations BW and GH) Ok so Birdwatcher is a lot less plotty than Godhunter. Where GH is angsty, bloody and has an actual timeline now, BW is feel good vibes, a nice break from the more heavy peepaw Leo aus. So there's not much by way of story or potential long-form content because it's more of a thing i can doodle and feel good while doing it. But there still is stuff to it, since it is the older AU. BW is a classic "what if Leonardo went with Casey jr through the portal". So Mikey makes the portal and as the krang hounds close in Leonardo grabs Casey and lunches through the portal, knowing he can move farther faster than Casey. In this au Leo wasn't as resigned to die, deciding he wanted to be there with Casey and ensure his safety. That's his son and he will give that boy a better future even if he has to do it with his two hands. The events of the movie are murky, generally it all goes the same, since it isn't the focus of the AU. Leonardo is wounded so cannot join the kids on the ship, the wound being too grievous to handle the physical exertion it would take to get there. He most likely works on saving civilians and aiding in the krang sister fight. Boom bam the krang gets defeated, Mikey opens the portal (much to Leonardo's horror) little Leo is saved. Everything is ok. Recovery happens, they all slowly heal, Leo is probably wounded as ever but Leonardo is there to make sure everything goes smoothly, and Casey jr is there to make sure he actually gets rest. that was mostly backstory but context is important!! I haven't focused as much on BW's dynamic with his living family but I assume he is very loving and caring towards them, tries to get them to go on nature hikes with him. He becomes another older figure in their life, older sibling type thing, though Raph insists he will always be the little brother. Leonardo and little Leo are a little different. Leonardo adores little Leo, thinks he's just a silly little guy. Little Leo pokes fun of Leonardo and is a little freaked out that his main hobby is birdwatching (little Leo secretly likes birdwatching with Leonardo). But everyone is family and it is great, Casey slots into the role of cousin-nephew-sibling type beat easily. Now to the main chunk of the au is his and Casey's rediscovery of the world. The basis of BW is that they find solace in nature, it is an old memory for Leonardo and a discovery for Casey jr. Leonardo is old and weary, Casey jr is uncomfortable in crowds, so the quiet peace in nature soothes them both. They take trips, visit state parks, zoos, forests. Leonardo becomes friends with Todd and they hang out, drink some lemonade together and watch birds. They also take to visiting the hidden city, to see the nature down there. I have some OCs to pad out the roster, Ellus is a plant wrangler/seller, and Leonardo likes to talk about plants with them. Elmon is up in the air but they could chill with Casey jr, do parkour together. The big chunk of the au is a lot more up in the air because it's very much a 'anything can happen, they're just having fun watching birds and healing from the pain of the apocalypse'. Sometimes I dabble with the idea of Leonardo's brother's ghosts in the form of little spectral birds but that's also wishy washy. Leonardo does have a weird griffin style bird though, I think it is goofy to give him a pet. I mean just look at him
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muertawrites · 2 years
Ok but like!!! I really wish Eddie and Will had some time together because I feel in my heart of hearts they would be good friends and Eddie would be like an older brother to Will but that’s not why I’m here.
I’m here because I can’t stop picturing craftstore!eddie helping Will when he comes in for new paint supplies and stuff. My favorite thought I’ve had though is Eddie stealing some paint he saw Will looking at and knows he isn’t able to afford and giving it to him and being all proud of himself when he sees Will’s face light up 🥹
oohhhhhhhmygodohmygodohmygod eddie would love will. he'd love him so much and just. shower him with brotherly affection. eddie and i have three children and their names are eleven max and will dustin is the annoying neighbor kid who's always in our damn house
i can just imagine like
maybe you're a family friend of the byers. like maybe you and jonathan grew up together and are good friends and because of that will has adopted you as a second sibling.
and maybe you and eddie work together at the craft store. you're doing it part time while you finish up school and eddie makes your shifts not so miserable because he's just. fun. and he goes out of his way to try and make you laugh. and he always hypes you up about finishing your degree and getting the fuck out of here. the guy brings you coffee and food on long nights when you're up late studying and encourages you to take breaks when you need them. he's the mvp.
and of course eddie and will are immediately attached to one another. the moment you introduced them when will came in to get canvases they were soul bonded. will helps eddie come up with campaigns and they draw doodles of characters and monsters together. always shows him whatever painting he's working on to get a second opinion. eddie has like 15 of will's sketches on his wall his favorite is the one will drew of you that he totally asked to keep in a very chill casual way not like someone with a crush or anything
jonathan and eddie and argyle are smoke buddies and jonathan and eddie constantly fret over will like worried hens. the love is so strong. ("doesn't will have a mom" argyle always says "like why are you guys coparenting him he's got a mom and a stepdad right")
so it's will's birthday. and the past couple times he's come to get paints he can't stop looking at the really nice, really expensive oils. they're like thirty bucks a tube. way more than any struggling artist can afford.
so you and eddie pick everyone up at the byers' house (jonathan and all the little ones) in his van to go for a massive round of laser tag (god can you fucking imagine??)
eddie makes sure will gets shotgun ("because it's his birthday and he deserves to ride like a king") and is like wait hold up, gotta give you your present before we go.
he pulls out a bundle of something poorly wrapped in old newspaper.
it's a primary color kit of the super expensive paint. "so you can make any color you need, y'know?"
will almost starts fucking crying.
"how did you even get these?"
"i have my ways" and eddie just waggles his eyebrows
as you're walking up to the arcade you bump eddie super hard with your shoulder and are like "you totally lifted those paints didn't you"
he just shrugs, grinning
will paints eddie a portrait to thank him. it's of him on a mock cover of rolling stone.
now eddie's going to cry
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wyldblunt · 1 year
okay i'm not including glynach + merrilei bc i already talk abt them all the time but. when i next get the time to do other ship art (or just chattering) who are ppl most interested to hear abt.... just out of curiosity! doodles and descriptions below the cut. actually under the cut is just going to become an official intro post to these ships now that i think about it
bowyn/rhys: lazy hedonistic con artist/actor x brooding nightmare court splinter faction leader. meetcute: bowyn tried to mug him on the lionroad by pretending to be a wounded traveller in need of assistance, but, being a nightmare courtier, rhys did not give a shit
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bowyn ends up following him around and giving him advice on why nmc recruitment is so bad post-HoT (gleaming nuggets of wisdom like "you're worse than evil or hated, you know. you're POLITICAL" and "you just need to lean into the sex of it all"). eventually they fall in love and bowyn agrees to settle in with rhys' faction of the court, though they firmly maintain that they're not interested in actually participating. (this is kind of not true. bowyn really loves sitting at rhys' side during big important court meetings and leaning over to crow "they're lyyyyiiiiiiiing" and shit like that.)
callas/lisk: hysterically vain nightmare tyrant x completely unhinged attack dog. callas is the count of malice, head of the spies/undercover agents of joy's end (and later more camps as she extends her reach); lisk is the captain of joy's end's vanguard and she is slobberingly obsessed with callas. callas is also glyndwr's ex.
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at first callas is just using her, but they end up pretty quickly getting mutually obsessed and lisk's passion for nightmare ends up sparking callas into activity again -- she had reached a point where she was pretty much "tenured" and didn't care about actually doing anything in service of the court anymore (why would she WORK when she can just lay around eating grapes and ordering people around instead?), but with the two of them riling each other up like barking dogs callas becomes a threat again.
sigvas/sorcha/tarahnis/rue, aka The Problemcule: deeply unstable unstable party drug synthesiser x mean meathead x nice (?) meathead x creepy cheerfully submissive squire. all four of these idiot lesbians are desperately in love with lisk, but lisk only has eyes for callas. they are all messily fucking each other instead as a weird substitute.
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(i don't have art of rue + tarahnis yet bc my wife and i made them literally This Week but here's a hasty cap, tara left rue right:)
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sorcha is one of the vanguard hounds, first under leurent (count of blood from the twilight arbor dungeon) but then transferred to be under callas when she takes the vanguard from him, which sorcha is pissed about. she is a dickhead popular-girl jock who cares about very little aside from showing off and getting lisk's attention. sigvas and tarahnis are archers under rhys' command. sigvas, as mentioned, is an alchemist, prone to attempts at game-of-thrones manipulation way beyond their actual social ability and completely at the mercy of their own wildly fluctuating self-esteem. tarahnis is a relatively easy-going thorn hound trainer who is way more chill and friendly than you would reasonably expect a nightmare courtier to be. rue is the weird little himejoshi who follows them all around taking care of weapon maintenance and polishing their armor and breathing really loudly while watching the first three flirt with each other and never daring to imagine they could actually Participate in all of this mess (but then they do)
when the nmc schism happens in the power vacuum created after HoT (in which rhys breaks off to try to form a more logical, less mindlessly violent version of the court, and callas breaks off to try to form a version of the court that is literally worse in every possible way, and they both try to kill each other absolutely dead over it), things are going to get so gnarly in here for these four.
cadair/maelduin: fated valiants with entwined dreams, destined to protect each other... but maelduin awakens two years before cadair does, with barely any real information about him.
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all their info is pretty much in these images -- we still haven't developed them much yet!!! but i loev them.
naoise/gann: beautiful gladiator with a completely empty skull x slimy nightmare court slacker. (listen we love nmc x non-nmc and are just going to keep doing it until we run out of ideas)
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naoise just has enough brainpower to swing a sword and not much else. they are death incarnate in the pit and literally the stupidest person you've ever met in your life outside of it. gann is a nightmare courtier in name only -- he does not give a single shit about the ideology and is mostly just entrenched as a criminal career choice. he was originally sent off to convert naoise to nightmare, but ended up so charmed by them that now he just travels around with them while mailing back increasingly implausible explanations for why it's taking so long. now he has fallen entirely in love with them for real. oops
oh shit i forgot. gann is also glyndwr's ex
alan/glyn: what it says on the tin! co-commanders + best friends, but their romantic relationship is doomed by the narrative (and by canach).
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(you know what glyn looks like.)
alan is the hero of tyria, the poster boy of the vigil, the champion of aurene; he shoulders all the responsibility and social weight that glyndwr has adeptly shadowstepped his way out of. he's also the first person glyndwr ever actually opens up to, outside of callas (BAD, many many years ago) and clooney (helped glyn escape the court, was his first relationship after callas and it was pretty weird and rocky, this was also still many many years ago). he's a safe bastion for glyn and whether he intends to or not, he teaches glyndwr a lot about kindness and patience in a way glyn may have never come around to on his own.
they're really deeply in love, but in the end glyndwr just isn't right for alan (and also, frankly, is not a good enough partner for him). glyndwr's hostility and callousness, which alan could initially brush off as quirks or at least see balanced out by the good parts of him, are too persistent and are improving too slowly. with everything else on his plate, alan can't put up with glyndwr's (increasingly glaring) issues on top of it all, and it comes to a head in HoT, where their relationship breaks down entirely and alan ends it.
i also somehow have NO SHIP ART OF THEM which is absolutely insane all things considered.
alan/clooney: alan's endgame ship! clooney is glyn's ex-boyfriend/current plug/go-to criminal contact, a secondborn who makes his living as a pirate and lives by the philosophy that as a sylvari his real duty to the dream is to have as much fun as possible to counterbalance all the horror and pain that inevitably makes it in through the world. that sounds like an elaborate excuse to be a hedonist but he takes it extremely seriously.
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they meet during LWS3; alan is so exhausted and worn out by HoT (and also, frankly, by dumping glyndwr) that he can't take his pact duties anymore. glyndwr points him to clooney as a way to be discreetly smuggled away for as long as he needs. they get pulled back in pretty quickly, before alan can have a REAL vacation, but the two of them still hit it off REALLY well and end up getting very close... :3c
okay now i've gotten to the bottom of all this and realized there are STILL two more ships i haven't gotten to but that's enough for now. we'll get to them later. if you actually read all this i give u a kith
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So I've decided to do some ✨Mike Wheeler Headcanons✨
I'm apparently in a very big Mike Wheeler appreciation mood right now, so here y'all go
-He tends to move around a lot. If he's sitting, then it's things like the crossing and uncrossing of his legs, taps of his fingers or toes, brushing his hands on his knees, etc. If he's standing or leaning, then it's rocking slightly back and forth or tapping his shoes on the ground or sometimes even pacing. He does it without thinking a lot of the time and sometimes someone else in the room ends up pointing it out to him or asking if he's alright
-Mike has ADHD/ADD. I have this headcanon for both him and Robin and I've seen it talked about with Robin a few times, but I have no idea if this is a thing people really relate to Mike or not, tbh. His isn't quite the same as Robin's, but it's definitely there, in my opinion
-He moves around a lot more and gets really fidgety when he's super excited or happy about something. Like, I keep thinking about that little wiggle he does in the pizza scene with El when she tells him that she missed him, like there's a lot of things like that when he's super hyped about something. It's not the same as his usual moving around a lot thing. It's more like little wiggles and random hand motions and drumming on random objects
-His favorite color is either green or orange
-He actually really likes flowers, though he doesn't really admit it to anyone. His favorites are roses and peonies
-He prefers bacon over sausage
-His favorite pizza topping is just cheese. Just plain cheese pizza
-He really likes coffee
-His favorite chocolate is white chocolate
-His favorite book genres are fantasy, mystery, and romance
-He's actually a very clean and organized person the majority of the time (and it improves with age)
-I feel like this is already kinda canon, but he doesn't like having his picture taken, it makes him feel all weird and a big part of it is definitely his insecurities
-He's more or a pie person than a cake person
-His favorite animals are cats, ferrets, elephants, and horses
-He absolutely loves creative writing, it's one of the reasons he's such a good DM for the party, and he eventually goes into writing for his career
-He really likes odd numbers (And El just so happens to be one as well 😂💀)
-One time when he was 8, he fell off of his bike and his arm landed on a shard of broken glass that was on the ground. He had to get stitches and he still has a scar from it right below the outside of his right elbow
-He likes to doodle a lot. He's not really that good at it, not nearly as talented as Will, but he thinks its really fun
-He doesn't really like swimming. I mean, he'll chill at the shallow end of the pool, but he doesn't really do much beyond that, it just isn't really his thing
-Lemonade is one of his favorite drinks. Especially raspberry or strawberry lemonade
-Whenever he starts drinking alcohol, he tends to go more for wine and liquor. Drinking in general isn't really something he does a lot, though, and it's mainly a social activity for him
-He has an absolute fascination with moths. He studies them and thinks they're so cool. He knows so much random shit about them. He could sit and tell you about them all day and do it happily
-He really loves spicy food
-He loves decorating his personal spaces. It's all very eccentric and random
-He hates plaid patterning. It's fine if other people have it or wear it, but he personally would never
-He's a workout runner. He really enjoys going out in the early morning right before the sun starts rising. Then he comes home and sits in the silence as everything is waking up and he thinks it's really nice. A lot of the time by the time he gets back, El is awake and has two cups of coffee in hand so they can sit and drink them together
-He's actually an early riser. He love his sleep, but he loves his routine more
-His least favorite colors are black and red, but he doesn't have like, a super big hatred for them or anything like that
-Once he's old enough and has the money to pay for it, he gets El's 011 tattoo on himself as well in the same exact spot as hers, so that they can match, and so that she doesn't feel as self conscious about it anymore
-He dyed his hair orange once on a dare. We don't speak of that time
-He thinks soda is kinda overrated, he doesn't drink a lot of it, it all depends on the kind. He's a sucker for peach flavored sodas, though
-And just peach flavored things in general. It's his favorite fruit
-He's a little more afraid of the dark than he'd like to admit to anyone, including himself
-He actually kinda likes spiders, but they also kinda freak him out at the same time
-His favorite nuts are pistachios
-He has a collection of magnifying glasses that he absolutely loves
-He's a beanie boy
So, in conclusion, I absolutely love Michael Wheeler and he is such a beautiful person. I hope you enjoyed all my random ass headcanons for him!!!! I was hanging out in the kitchen while typing this post out so that's why there's so many food and drink related ones, I'm sorry 💀💀 But seriously, lemme know what you think!!!! I love talking about these kinds of things with y'all, as I'm sure you've noticed 💜💜💜
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eyndr-stories · 11 months
1. Your first OC ever?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess (i bet i can guess something for that one kldgj)
ME!!!!! >:3
1 - I think my first ever OC that i can remember was this little dinosaur fella I would draw all the time in paper margins way back in middle school, I don't actually have any pics on my computer but I doodled him real quick for ya
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Binosaur cause his head is just the letter B fdkjgjhgfdkfdg
4 - Lianel!!!!! I don't think I've ever shared them anywhere?? I made them back in highschool (hence the old signature, I went by a different name back then), I actually made a short little comic of them exploring this ruined world that I can't find >:( It's hiding in a sketchbook somewhere i hope and I just haven't scanned it. But anyhoo! Lianel is on the run for space crimes!! Jury's out on whether or not they actually committed said crimes or were framed though. They found their ancient armor from the ruins of a resistance organization that died out a long time ago, but when you're on the run you take what you can get. They've got a funky staff that an even funkier little magic blob lives in, so long as Lianel takes them on adventures, since the little blob can't travel on their own. In return the blob lets Lianel use some of their magic when they get into trouble. I don't think I ever named the blob??????????
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13 - Hehohoho!!!!! >:D This is Calcifur!!! They look small and unassuming but they will steal your wallet fhgjhkgfjklhgf
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Cal loves being gay and doing crimes, especially graffiti in places they're not supposed to, although after they met Lato they toned it down a lot and now stick to mostly silly pranks. Calcifur is one of the main three fellas I used to draw a whooooole lot before I fell out of doing art for a good while, and i will definitely be using this as an excuse to talk about them gjhfijhgfd but first, more about Calcifur! Cal's skin glows and changes color with their mood, (neutrally they're blue) and they've got a nifty pair of headphones that can transform into a stylish neck kerchief. They can speak, but can only be heard by people they want to hear them. And now the trio!
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Ok so the other two are Lato and Cube (bet you can't guess who's who lmao) Lato is my fluffy puff ball sweet boy, friendliest fella you'll ever meet. He's naturally very curious and aims to be pals with everyone he meets. He's semi aware of his being an artistic creation, though he's pretty chill about it. Cube on the other hand, is fully aware and somewhat peeved at me about it jhgdkhgdjkjhgfd Cube is a straightforward know it all with a short temper and vast knowledge. Originally I made him to be a companion to Lato, to keep him company in the void (since I was very bad about never drawing any sort of backgrounds lmao) and to answer Lato's many ceaseless questions for me. He often shows up doodled in the margins of whatever I'm working on to make snide jokes about something or other or yell at me to stay focused. Now a days the three live together in a nice house out in the forest and have fun domestic style shenanigans. I could talk about these three for a thousand years so I'll stop here because this whole ask has already gotten slightly out of hand kgfdhlkdjgfhgj
43 - (Looks at my crew of just the silliest lil guys. Jokesters and pranksters abound) Idk can't think of anything
dkhfjhlgdgljgfh I do really like silly characters, and characters with more simple designs that are easier for me to doodle here and there without taking too much time or energy. Cube is VERY popular in my notes and sketchbooks. Funny enough a lot of sillier characters are more recent creations, characters I made in highschool and earlier had more tragic / serious backstories. Oh, I also draw a LOT of little creatures, just strange monster things. Not sure if they count as OCs, most aren't even named or I only drew once or twice, but I do love me a creature
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wishi-selfships · 9 months
I yam interested in knowing a bit more about your ship with Kazuichi!! When you've got the time of course, any ideas or facts, I'd love to hear them🫶
🍪<- cookie for you
(Grins evilly) HAIII FLAKE >■</!!!!! So glad you sent this bc now I get to think about GabiDen 2.0 (so sorry StarSoda/KazWish for calling you guys that. If anything Gabi and Denji are StarSoda 2.0 if you really think about it [Kazuichi was the first shark toothed guy i ever unofficially f/o'd. This is some serious irl Wishi lore])
▪︎ Despite being in the class below Kazuichi, Wishi's actually the oldest !! Not by much, just by a couple of months (She's born in April, he's born in June)
▪︎ Kazuichi and Wishi met due to Sonia, actually !! Sonia and Wishi became friends due to fact that both of them were technically transfers. They'd hang out sometimes either during or after school, and considering Kazuichi's infatuation with Sonia, it was only a matter of time until they crossed paths with one another.
▪︎ Their dynamic is 100% "[A] fell first; [B] fell harder" with Wishi being A and Kazuichi being B. Except Wishi did fall first then proceeded to fall harder because of course she did.
▪︎ In a normal AU, Wishi fell for Kazuichi during their school years, but lacked the courage to do anything about it at the time. Meanwhile, Kazuichi would've realized he caught feelings for Wishi if not for the events that happened, which for lack of better term, distracted him from that. Wishi sort of got a do-over during SDR2 when they were both in the Neo World Program (which is its own story as to why she's in there), where she, in fact, ended up falling first AGAIN. But this time, Kazuichi finally fell harder (hallelujah)
□ However, in a non despair AU, things go slightly better ! And by slightly I mean The End never kick starts because I blended Junko Enoshima so now StarSoda gets to have a silly HS romance >■< In Which Wishi falls first and goes "ohno" because he's like. OBSESSED with Sonia and also because Wishi + Crushes = flustered hell and delusions too maybe. And Kazuichi FINALLY realizes that he's fallen HARD because "oh cute girl who's like really nice to me and is cute and probably likes me?? And is cute and is my friend who's actually been great and is also CUTE!?!" yaeah ♡♡ This time though Wishi actually ends up doing smthn about it. And by that I mean Kazuichi asked her out sometime in his third year bc he didn't have much time left and wanted to get at least a CHANCE at some Highschool romance. Wishi said yes. And by "say yes" I mean she was right about to ask HIM out too (with the same reasoning as him) and went "o.oh you were gonna. ah. okay guess I don't need this anymore" secretly hides heartfelt card she made bc she was too afraid to confess verbally (he got the card anyway)
▪︎ After some time of being friends, Wishi mentioned that she made silly little webcomics in her free-time and Kazuichi near BEGGED her to add him in one. And she went "I'm not doing THAT. EVER!!!" and then immediately added him in the background as a bg character in the newest web comic she was working on.
▪︎ Speaking of. Wishi almost always doodles Kazuichi whenever she's drawing warm up sketches. She's got a little sketchbook and almost all of the pages have some sort of Souda drawing on them. You can actually track her improvement when it comes to drawing him.
▪︎ In HS, they were the couple who technically weren't a couple but . Everyone could tell. "Yeahhh they defo have smthn going on" because they DIDD so then when they actually got together nobody was all that surprised about it.
▪︎ Not much changed when they went from friends to dating in terms of their dynamic, except Kazuichi got, like... REALLY super giddy near the beginning of their relationship. Almost to the point where he was but a liiiittle bit overwhelming. But Wishi knew it was from a place of genuine excitement, and he chilled out a little eventually!!
▪︎ I wanna say that they’re both super affectionate to the point where their friends go “yuck!!” at the PDA but really? I don’t think they’d get thaaat bad about it! While Kazuichi is 100% ready to go HAM with PDA, Wishi is a bit more tactful.
□ … THOUGH WISHI HAS HER MOMENTS!!! She’s definitely a repeat offender of sneaking behind Kazuichi and just completely GLOMPING the hell out of him. Sneaks up behind and jumps on his back ,, koala hugs him too,, Almost NEVER fails to scare the socks off of him!! But then he realizes it’s his GF and he goes from terrified to shakily happy :3c
▪︎ Wishi likes to draw her and Kazuichi together, or just make general art that he’d like, while Kazuichi likes making little trinkets for Wishi!!
□ They've both made eachother little charms and keychains for the other!! Wishi drew out a design and made one out of clay for Kazuichi, while Kazuichi worked overnight on a cute little trinket using the parts of two watches and also a couple of coke cans. It was a very pretty charm that had a neat flashlight function!!
▪︎ I like to think that somewhere in the future, they move in together 💭💭 They probably adopt a cat together (Kazuichi found a cat in the engine of an old car and brought it home and Wishigot attached quickly). Wishi probably ended up publishing her webcomic as a physical thing while Kazuichi finally got to finish that bike project he was working on, as well as being able to open his own mechanic .. um. Shop? I forgot the right word, mb
□ That’s all in a non-despair AU though. In a normal AU, they don’t live together… Technically. Wishi visits Jabberwock Island for half a year annually and lives with Kazuichi when she does, but she does have to leave the island to do her work as a Future Foundation Member (while FF started rebuilding Hopes Peak, I honestly doubt that there still wasn’t other work to be done. She keeps busy tending to Hopes Peak, as well as outside work that the Future Foundation assigns her to do). Fortunately, though, it didn’t really cause a lot of problems in the long run! It was a little difficult at first, but it definitely helped that they kept up contact when Wishi was away! Plus, Wishi started taking quick two-three day visits during the months she’s mainly working just so that the wait isn’t as long/unbearable.
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asktheisle · 1 year
Updates and Fun Stuff
Well, there it is! I...lemme be real January felt way longer than what it was supposed to feel like--
I told myself in October-Novemberish I would take a nice lil hiatus after Magi things, and now we’re at that point! No plot posts until March, I’m just gonna be taking a step back and chilling out in regards to productivity as I’ve been steadily doing updates here for...at least a year and then some without a break in uploads-
I won’t disappear entirely though! I’ll still do mundays and respond to any asks I’ve sent out, I plan to make an ask call in a few days or so to send the gang out to whoever wants them around too. Maybe I upload little doodles here and there, who knows, whatever anyone wants to see really.
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing alright! This year I want to get better at keeping in contact with others and generally being open to conversation (though I will drag myself kicking and screaming to have that happen, socializing HARD yo), so feel free to poke at me here or even ask for my discord if that’s what’s easier for ya, I don’t want to be THAT much a stranger to others heheh
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We’re just a bit past the milestone I was initially aiming for (350) so I will plan an art giveaway! Maybe make that happen this month while I’m on plot downtime.
Anywho thanks for sticking around everyone, throw me an ask or anything if you want and I look forward to chilling out and interacting some more!
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melchinafan · 1 year
I'm looking around for posts to read up more on alt text/image IDs/etc., trying to figure out what is preferred and how best to handle them. I've recently seen some posts using alt text instead of descriptions in the body of the post, and I remember something about alt text being fiddly for some folks though maybe not for others? But that was a bit ago so maybe there's been a tumblr update that made it better? Still not totally sure on that. (This article is pretty good so far, with clarification and examples of what each type of description is and what they're for. This one is also excellent, with a ton of thorough examples, though it's specifically art-focused. Tumblr-based link hubs I've found include this which has stuff about the why and how for various situations, and this which has even more, for both users and businesses.)
And part of my brain is going "my spoons, there's So Much involved here and AAAA..." (Both because I do try to make my descriptions Accurate and Interesting which takes brainpower to write...and also because I'm reading so much right now that my brain is currently full, so the mere concept of Having Spoons feels absurd at the moment.) But also I think...I think the basic flat starter sentences I keep doing are...what could/should go in the alt text section? (Like, "screenshot from [game]" and "stylized illustration, fanart for [thing].") I'm still reading, but if that's the case, you can chill, brain! We already do the alt text bit, we just gotta put it in a different spot.
It still does cost me spoons to also describe something after I've spent too much time drawing it. But I'm prone to sitting on things for a day before posting them, so I use that sitting time to at least start a description! Which I can then refine before posting, going back and forth between both image and description to double-check each for missed errors/potential improvements. AND sometimes I'm too lazy to pull out my tablet, so I'll start an image as a mouse-based doodle "note" to have the file ready to work on later...so sometimes I'll start the description then, if I've got a good idea of what I plan to have it look like! (Then it's doubly-important that I edit the description before posting, to make sure it matches whatever the actual end result was. But my perfectionism requires double- and triple-checking anyway, so it works out fine.)
Bonus benefit to image descriptions, besides increased accessibility (which is the point, and should be incentive enough to do them): I can indicate little details or intent in my drawings that might not be immediately obvious to everyone. Like, that Disco Elysium fanart I did had the swirling musical lines as a hugely key element that I pondered over and reiterated SO MUCH, trying to visually capture the audio differences I was imagining in every subtle way I could, even though the end result looks very simple. (Respective colors, different line thicknesses, and steady wave vs swooping swirls were obvious to me, but might not be to folks looking at it, yanno? Or they'd get the vibe, but not be able to explain why, so that could help make it "click.") Plus, I used the fuzzy edges and color fadeout as a nod to the Pale, which I also had the chance to add bonus hints about in the description (without having to go "HEY IT'S A REFERENCE" in the post itself). Or like this fanart of Ryou, I got to point out that the lineart placement and lighter areas of color not only served to indicate lighting, but also his slow movement and the fact that he's kind of dissolving. So yeah. Describing my stuff is also a nice little bonus to help everyone get in on what's going through my brain.
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backhurtyy · 2 years
hi, nellie! i'm a little frustrated today too, so you asking for nice, happy things is actually a good reminder that i need to try and chill so i don't go to bed angry. i bought a happiness journal a while ago, and figured i could do the prompt for today with you right now:) lemme go get it
okay it says: "Pay it Forward: The second positive emotion is gratitude, Gratitude is when you're greatly moved by a situation, or when you realize someone has gone out of their way to do something for you. YOu'll often feel that you want to pay it forward. I believe these "pay it forward" desires makes the world a better place. List three small things that makes you grateful."
hm okay! this is a good one for tonight!
i guess that three small things that make me grateful are:
i'm grateful for all the letters my friends have sent me, for the shelf with their letters or little expressions of love that never fails to make me smile or remind me that i have friends who care for me
i'm grateful for my stuffed animal pig vanessa because i have trouble sleeping without her and she's like a good friend. she's been cried on, i hug her when i have anxiety attacks, i squeeze her body weirdly when my ts is bad because it makes my hands feel better... i even brought her to staff meetings at camp last summer because she makes me feel comfortable and safe (not that i didn't feel that way at camp, i just get nervous around people i don't know super well)
i'm grateful for the little jjk doodles on my door. grace doodles the little guys during work sometimes and sticks them on my bedroom door. i see them every time i walk into my room and they always make me smile
well, those are mine! that was nice to think about! what are three things you're grateful for (you don't have to actually answer lol, i just thought it'd be something nice to put in your inbox for some positivity <3)
COREY i love you so much this is so sweet thank you!!! okay uhhhh let me think….
all my friends here on tumblr. y’all are genuinely some of the most important people in my life, and i can’t imagine that there was a time where i didn’t know you or couldn’t just reach out during the day and say hi randomly or scream about blorbos.
the sound studio on campus. this is a silly one but it’s so nice to have a quiet, secluded place on campus that i can go to when i’m feeling overwhelmed. it’s also the best place to take a nap and i took such a good one there today… thought i was late for class even though i set an alarm lol
theatre. everything about it makes me feel warm and at home and welcome. i don’t like my business classes that much, but as soon as i walk into a theatre class or a space in the drama building, i feel so much more relaxed and happy.
idk that those are small, but. ya know. they make me happy
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Could you tell us more about the rest of the Act 1 protagonists?
(sorry if i end up asking anything that are spoilers)
Yes! So the rest of the Act 1 Protagonist cast is Katherine, Lydia, Tabitha and Marcus, who I will talk about in that order
There's also Blake and Leah but like they're not protagonists and they're like... a whole spiel that I won't go into right now
Anyways! Katherine!
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Katherine is also one of the OGs, the story starts when she's 13 as with the rest of the Act 1 cast and probably ends when she's about 21 or so. Katherine technically has no powers, though she can notably turn into a black cat (think housecat), which she enjoys using to mess with people. She's a total jokester and kind of a comic relief character in many ways. She also really likes art and drawing and painting, and she has an ongoing floral motif in her work. She's very impulsive and chaotic and she likes causing problems for fun, but she notably doesn't like going over-the-top to the point of being hurtful. She's definitely an all-in kind of person and she doesn't like to half-effort anything, except maybe schoolwork.
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(Ignore the bright pink lines here I was crossing out some notes that I had with this sketch that I don't think are super necessary to the doodle or this introduction)
This is Lydia! Next member of the Act 1 cast! She's kind of the skeptic, so to speak. She's very much a scientist. She's a very very logical thinker, almost to a fault (aside from her bad anxiety but thats another tangent). She likes things that she can break down and understand, and as of the beginning of the story, she is very convinced that magic doesn't exist and that everything magic based is not real (boy she's gonna be proven so. So wrong) but once she has a working understanding of the magic system, and has witnessed it on several occasions, she concedes that it's real. She's wearing earplugs in this doodle, and wears them most of the time because sound is very overstimulating for her (which like. Not gonna lie is a mood). She also doesn't always grasp when people are trying to imply things to her. She's also kind of got a similar thing to Jesse where her spatial awareness isn't great. So as much as she's a little high strung, she's also usually the first person to logic the way out of situations. Also she's super cool and I love writing her.
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Here's Tabitha! Another OG! She's a super nice person, generally loves being around other people. She's fairly calm for the most part, there are a few notable exceptions to this but she is overall very chill. She's also a classically trained ballet dancer, which is kind of a specific thing that's not in any way plot related I just think it's cool. I'll be honest there's not much I can say for her other than she's arguably one of the more responsible characters in the cast and she's definitely taken very seriously but she does have some difficulty dealing with things that get out of hand and with people who make impulsive decisions. She likes thinking things through and she doesn't like having to improvise.
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Finally, we have Marcus. Marcus is a really fun character for me to write / think about and I don't really know why.
A few things about him! He's selectively (but honestly almost entirely) mute, he very rarely talks and communicates mostly with sign language. This eventually prompts all his friends to learn it, but Zander knew it long before the story started so those two definitely become quite close because they communicate with each other a lot easier than Marcus does with everyone else, at least at first. Marcus also notably is quite magically powerful. I won't really... go into his abilities because that's a bordering-on-spoiler-territory tangent, but it's notable anyways. Marcus is painfully shy, he does not want to be perceived (honestly understandable lol), but he likes being around his very good friends and while he doesn't talk around most of them, he does open up to them to an extent. That said he's also a fairly cuddly person, particularly near the end of the story- he likes hugs from his very close friends. Not all the time but. Sometimes. He's also really intelligent but he does have difficulty communicating that very frequently, which he finds very frustrating. Eventually, as his friends learn sign language, it becomes much less difficult to communicate with them, and it becomes less of a frustration. And honestly he's fun to write. I love writing him he's such an interesting character.
I hope this answers your question! And again, I'm definitely enjoying all these rambles :)
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