#for the dearly departed
ordosonituslux · 11 months
An article I had written months and months ago and somehow forgot to post here!
We have quite a few articles in the drafting process right now, and fingers crossed we will remember all the places to share it.
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thestuffedalligator · 2 years
As we enter Over the Garden Wall season, remember: Friends don't let friends pigeonhole Over the Garden Wall as being about death and the afterlife and Dante's Inferno.
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Marry My Husband text posts for Ep 15 (Parts One, Two, Three)
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Ghost speaks pretty good spanish, or, atleast understands it well enough. He speaks better french, learned it in highschool, kept up where he could since.
Problem is, it’s like his voice hasn’t aged in the slightest since then when he speaks french. There’s the hardwired gravel, sure, but with none of the grit of his accent or his mannerisms. It’s like a whole different person talking.
It creeps the shit out of Soap the first few times he hears it. He waits for Ghost to flip up his mask just to make sure it really is him talking. Every time Soap hears him in the other room he has to tamp down the sense it’s someone else.
Ghost loves to tease, as much as he loves to deny it, so he keeps it up. Usually when getting back into the swing of it his normal cadence would filter back in, but he intentionally keeps it out.
He does more than that, even. Practices on his own, digging out old novels to read aloud. He even makes chitchat with some canadian soldiers (though both of them have trouble parsing the other’s accent).
The last one makes Soap twitch, and not just because of the language issue. English or no he can still catch the responding grin in Ghost’s voice.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
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Since that first time i drew the twins older, i been calling them little joe bidens in my head.
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elderwisp · 8 months
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just a girl and her cat... sort of
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skiptomy · 1 month
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Will I ever get tired of drawing my wife's character from our DND campaign? No
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Phoenix:...This is not one of those stupid action movies you like, Hangman! Hangman: No, it isn't. If it was, you'd be dressed differently. Phoenix: And you'd be far better-looking. Rooster(to Hangman): You'd be dead by the opening credits. Hangman: Did you ever stop to think that maybe I'm the plucky comic relief?
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Hi!! I don't know if alternate POVs count as followup scenes so if not feel free to ignore this request... but I would love to see Dick's POV of the scene in Grave Pretender where he finds Bruce cuddling Jason and thinks its his dead body!! I need to know what was going through his mind!!!
Yes alternates POVs absolutely count 💚💚💚
And I was hoping so much someone would send this request and I absolutely squealed when I saw it!
… and then proceeded to go overboard with writing it and it ended up having almost 2k words again 😭
So yeah I didn’t put this follow up scene in Ghost Stories and instead gave it its own part 💚💚✨
Here you go anon! Thank you for the request 💚💚💚💚
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runawaymun · 3 months
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some very messy loose OC sketches for the sci fi series @the-commonplace-book and I are working on :D Man I just love these guys!
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bonescaps · 8 months
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robindrake93 · 2 months
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Dallas looking out for Ponyboy one last time. 😔
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billford-dump · 5 months
Stranger Avatar Stan Thoughts
It starts with his first new identity, not long after he was kicked out. He… enjoyed being someone else. He was no longer Stanley Pines, high school dropout, moron who ruined his genius brother's science fair project, the useless kid, the spare. Now he's Stan Pinington, a man who has just barely started existing, who is old enough to hold a proper job, who has never fucked up so badly he got kicked out, who is confident and smart and is going to make millions.
It doesn't turn out like that, of course. He gets fired from his new job after a week, barely earns enough to pay for food and gas. He keeps going, keeps trying, because at least this was better than being Stanley. Eventually he broke one too many laws and was forced to leave Jersey, but that's okay because now he was Leland Oakley, a new face with new opportunities.
And on and on, he became person after person after person. Never caught, never recognized when he didn't want to be.
Then came the day he had to become Stanford Pines. He's not sure how anyone actually believed he was his brother, the hands alone were a dead giveaway, not to mention the sudden lack of nerdiness. But still, he settled into his new role, molded it to fit him better, and eventually "Stanford Pines, the reclusive scientist" became "Stan Pines, the owner of the Murder Hut (later renamed the Mystery Shack)".
Stan doesn't even know he's an avatar. He's not a full one, never actually crossed the boundary between human and Not, still stuck between them. There was usually enough fear around to keep him from getting hungry, and the way that he could go weeks without eating if he had to was something he wasn't about to question. The only time he got seriously hungry was after Ford fell through the portal and he spent weeks (it was months, he survived for MONTHS on what little half-rotten food Ford had in his house) before he was so hungry he was forced to go into town.
He felt so much better, once he gave that first tour. He tells himself it's because now he has money, and money always makes him feel better. The townsfolk won't make eye contact with him, but something keeps a few of them coming back.
The Mystery Shack is the way he feeds himself, although he isn't aware of it. That mild fear of the tourists is enough, and at the height of tourist season he doesn't even have to sleep, he can work all night and feel fresh and ready to go in the morning. The off-season is another story, he'll fall asleep and wake up days later, telling himself he just forgot to mark the calendar.
(He knows there's something very, very wrong with him. But if it helps him get his brother back sooner, he will embrace that wrongness completely.)
He never closes down his wax museum. See, rather than them just being cursed wax figures, a few months after he stole them they stopped being constrained by their curse and started being animate all the time. And THEY were aware that Stan was nearly an avatar, and they enjoyed hanging out in his house, so they put in the effort to scare the shit out of people to feed him. Like paying rent. When the wax museum stopped pulling in money they got moved to the main area instead of locked up.
That, plus he can supplement his diet with human food.
Occasionally though, when all of that isn't enough, he'll feel… odd. He'll lead tourists through rooms he doesn't remember having and the tourists' expressions will change from that gullible interest he's so used to into fear, then terror, but they just follow him until the end of the tour and then leave immediately without buying anything. (They watch, as the old man acting as their tour guide looks less and less human, leads them past hanging, empty skin and people who aren't people, leads them past puppets and mannequins and people they Do Not Recognize, and the moment they're outside again they flee in terror and never even set foot in Oregon again.)
Then came the day he was finally, finally able to bring his brother back…. His brother, who barely recognized him, who treated him like a stranger when he first saw him, who seemed wary and on guard and kept protectively placing himself between Stan and the kids.
(Avatar Ford post here.)
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illuminatedferret · 5 months
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skiptomy · 27 days
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Another NPC for my campaign, you'll never guess this guy's name (it's Gooey)
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reverend-meat · 1 year
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Happy Pride month
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