#fourteen days: an unauthorized gathering
wttnblog · 4 months
10 February 2024 Book Releases
It’s nearly the shortest month of the year, but that isn’t stopping authors from publishing their exciting new work! Below is a list of the 10 books I’m most excited for that are debuting in February 2024, the month of love. Many of these are memoirs, nonfiction pieces, and short stories, which is a bit off brand from my usual recommendations, but I’m sure you’ll find these delightful…
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cyanotiger · 6 years
City Of The Dead
Read it here on ao3!
For MiriTama Week
Day Six: March 9th
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,240
This is a prequel of sorts, I’ll expand on it and post the full thing eventually
Tamaki was fourteen years old when the war broke out.
By that time, the age of heroes had well and truly passed, reached its complete and irreversible decline. Villains had gathered in the shadows, coiling like snakes to pounce at the right moment,  when the Symbol Of Justice All Might would be too weak to even defend himself, let alone everyone else.
And then they had attacked.
At first, it had seemed like a really well-organized villain organization, one that could do significant damage, but whose members would eventually be put behind bars.
Alas, in a few weeks’ span it became evident this was not the case; politicians were backing them up, allowing them to wreak havoc in the world.
They came for the heroes, and first of all, All Might. In plain sight, they descended upon him like vultures, far too many and far too powerful.
All Might died in Kamino Ward while everyone was watching him with baited breath, died with a heart heavy with regrets.
Tamaki can remember exactly what he was doing when the first attack happened.
He and Mirio are giggling at the weird shapes of the shadows dancing, disrupted only by Tamaki’s flashlight.
The walls of the cave are wet, Tamaki found out a while ago.
“Hey,” Mirio says, his voice echoing even when lowered. “Can you believe All Might actually did this?” He gestures towards the space all around them.
Tamaki nods. It’s true. It happened around ten years ago, when All Might was facing off against a villain called All For One. They were fighting inside a pit opened by All For One, and All Might delivered a punch so forceful it split up part of the ground and formed the cave Mirio and Tamaki are currently exploring.
Technically, unauthorized entering was forbidden because the site was deemed too dangerous, but these days it’s unguarded, because most villains strike at the other side of the city.
“All Might has saved so many people,” Tamaki says. “I know that he’s not as strong anymore, but I want to be just like—”
A loud crash above them cuts him off. He and Mirio look up simultaneously.
Another crash sounds, then a scream, then the ceiling quivers. Dust spreads, making Tamaki cough, and the ground starts to shake as well. Tamaki’s pulse spikes, and he grabs Mirio’s hand.
“I think we should get outta here.”
“Yeah!” Mirio shouts, to be heard over the tremors and the shouts increasing in volume above them.
They start running.
The tunnel doesn’t have multiple routes, it’s just a long line, open from both sides. Still, Tamaki can feel his stomach nestling in his throat, and that feeling is only enhanced when rubble begins to fall.
“Watch out!” Mirio shouts, and Tamaki swerves in the narrow path to avoid a particularly large piece. He trips over his feet, sliding a few meters away. His arms rub against the ground and he hisses as his skin splits open.
The ground shake again, and Tamaki only has time to look at Mirio, much too far, before the ceiling between them cracks open and spits out rubble.
“No!” Tamaki calls, scrambling to get up, to get to Mirio.
He can’t pass below the falling debris, however, and neither can Mirio. He can only look in horror as it falls, and falls, and falls, and fills up the space between them, separating them for good.
The ground stops shaking.
Tamaki ignores his legs trembling and rushes to the pile.
Mirio’s voice sounds a bit disjointed from where he is, like a ghost wailing, and Tamaki isn’t exactly reassured by it.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry! Are you okay? I saw you falling!”
“I’m fine, I just scraped my arms a bit! What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know. Earthquakes aren’t like that,” Mirio replies. He sounds worried as well. “I think it might have been a villain attack,” he adds quietly.
Tamaki’s heart nearly leaps out of his chest. They’ve done drills in case of a villain attack in school, of course, but this is a vastly different situation that he’s completely unprepared for, and so is Mirio. He swallows, trying to put his thoughts in order.
“I’m going to try to remove some of the rubble, okay?” he asks.
“Yeah! I’ll do the same.”
Tamaki grabs a piece of debris as best as he can, his small hands contrasting with its sheer volume, even if it’s the smallest piece in sight. He braces himself, then pulls, feeling his nails trying to dig into the stone. A grunt leaves his mouth, while a bead of sweat starts forming above his eyebrow.
No matter how hard he tries, it feels like it has stuck there completely.
“It won’t move, Mirio.”
“Yeah, I can’t move anything either! What do we do?”
Tamaki rubs his face with one hand, exhaling slowly.
“I...What of you tried to phase through the rubble?”
He can practically see the light bulb going off above Mirio’s head.
“Oh yeah!”
Tamaki waits, relief bubbling up in his stomach, albeit mild. This isn’t over yet.
An agonizing minute passes, and then Tamaki asks, “Well?”
Silence. His breath hitches.
“I...I can’t,” Mirio says, and as if on cue, tremors pulse across the ground again, more powerful this time.
“You can’t?”
“I—I don’t know why.” His voice is laced with fear, something so uncharacteristic for Mirio that it unsettles Tamaki to his core. “It’s like—You know how sometimes when you get really nervous, you can’t manifest anything, even if you just did it minutes ago?”
Tamaki nods, then realizes Mirio can’t see him. “Y—Yeah”
“It’s like that. My body just won’t—it won’t—”
Tamaki’s shaking, but he doesn’t know if it’s from the vibrations or the fear dousing him in cold sweat.
“Hey, Mirio, it’s—it’s okay. We’ll figure this out, yeah?”
More rubble falls behind Tamaki, and judging from the muffled sounds, the same thing happens on Mirio’s side too.
“Tamaki, go!”
Tamaki chokes on the stale air. He starts coughing.
“What?! No, Mirio, we’ll figure this out!” he yells.
“No! Just go, I’ll be okay!”
Tamaki pounds on the rubble. “I’m not leaving you behind! It’s too dangerous!”
“No, this is too dangerous, and if you stay longer, you’ll be trapped!”
The rational side of Tamaki recognizes some truth in these words, but he can’t just leave Mirio there.
“I won’t leave you here, Mirio!” he repeats. He tries to move some of the rubble again, but to no success.
Mirio’s voice comes again from the other side. “Listen, I can get out from the other exit of the tunnel, I’ll be fine! I’ll find you after this entire thing is over, just go.”
Behind Tamaki, more rubble falls, and the path to the exit will swiftly be blocked, but he can’t go.
Frustration wells up inside him, but he knows this is the plan that offers them the highest odds of getting out alive.
“You promise you’ll come find me?”
“Yes! Promise, I’ll come find you, Tamaki, just get out!”
Tamaki turns around and bolts.
The ceiling collapses completely behind him.
And then the villains poisoned the water supply, the food, even released chemical gas, and no one knew until it was too late.
The chemicals did not kill anyone; instead, they achieved the villains ultimate goal; a world with no Quirks.
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