whisfer · 5 days
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Icons of Self Indulgence
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Vampire!Mark x Reader - 1081 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: I’m not sure if this was actually a request or not but evidently when I saw it I must’ve assumed so because when I got back online post election I had half a fic.
Warnings: references to blood/blood play, biting (of a wrist no neck biting here), reference to scars, references to death, smut (gender inclusive oral).
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“I couldn’t stop them,” you said leaning against a shoddy table before kicking a piece of litter across the room.
Mark stayed silent, watching you whilst draped across a tattered armchair, one of the abandoned house’s remaining pieces of furniture.
You could see a mockery of life playing inside his eyes, and you knew the man you loved could still hear you despite the cold existence he was forced to take on. Your eyes subconsciously traced the jagged scar on his neck, something you could’ve prevented.
You yelled and bruised your knuckles against the table behind you, “I did everything I could,” you spoke in harsh whirlwinds of passion, “I sat every night with you, I made sure no one interfered with your recovery...” Your voice rose and fell with enough human emotion for the both of you.
You shook and gripped the edge of the table violently, unable to look him in the eyes. “I hated them for a very long time,” you confided venom dripping from each word, “there were times where I considered revenge...”
You tossed your head back in a laugh that would’ve scared Mark had he still been human, “but the fuckers were already dead!” In a manic rush you threw your gaze back at him, he had shifted forward his arms and hands folded in his lap yet perched just so you could see the desire and power behind the restraint.
You had been there when he died, you had witnessed the change begin. You knew exactly what he was and you were not afraid.
Mark resisted the urge to interrupt your monologue, your mood swings were the closest thing he’d tasted to humanity in days and it was sweet, savory, and unimaginably satisfying to feed on. The closer he got to you the more he felt the life you gave off- it made his teeth itch.
Mark could feel the anger and pain in your veins from across the room. The spectacular heat was intoxicating. He could feel how badly you wanted retribution against those who you thought deserved it.
You had always been a little bloodthirsty, rage does that to people over time, but this was different- you were different. Your unhinged aggression had brewed into the best discontent.
You had left grief behind at some point and replaced it with the amalgamation of emotions you currently displayed. Mark breathed them all in deeply letting the chaotic feelings entice him until he stood and crossed the room to take your hand in his.
You couldn’t help the shiver that spread across your body as Mark pulled your hand to his lips, his cool touch shocking you as he kissed your knuckles reverently. You stood silently transfixed as he kissed your palm, before dragging his lips up to your wrist and up across the soft flesh of your arm. In a rare moment of tenderness, he pressed a lingering kiss to the skin, and the feeling of him resting there threatened to push you to tears so you closed your eyes.
A hazy cloud swept over you as the soft gesture turned hard enough to draw blood. You melted into the feeling and lost yourself in the euphoria. Your rapid heartbeat slowed and it felt like you had finally been released.
You felt Mark lave his tongue over the bite before dropping your arm back to your side. You swallowed thickly trying to reground yourself in reality before you opened your eyes. A shadow of life settled in over his features and your heart almost stopped. For a blissful moment, he looked resurrected. The slight rush of blood and emotion brought new life into his skin and animation into his expressions.
You froze, unable to comprehend the full wrongness of the facsimile before you- of the dead man with sparks of life dancing in his eyes only to fizzle and fade away. True panic refused to surface and your wanting heart glowed as he wrapped an arm around you.
All you could see was him, no matter what logical fears your mind possessed. By the time you could fully think again, the blood on your arm already dried into lines and even that felt like a distant dream. You trailed a shaky hand across his jaw to cup his face- a faint warmth had returned to him from the blood. It was enough to silence whatever doubts still plagued your subconscious.
“And what of your vengeance?” His voice was almost as you remembered it- just impossibly smooth as if someone was editing the sound in real-time to perfect it into a hypnotic drone.
“Vengeance is cold,” you whispered bitterly as you desperately pulled his face towards yours and pressed your lips against his in a harsh kiss, “I want to be warm.”
Of course, Mark wasn’t exactly warm but kissing him felt like drinking whisky- as if the blood on his lips sent copper flames into your very core. You gripped his shoulders pressing your bodies impossibly close as your kisses grew feverish.
Mark turned to kiss down your jaw and your mind finally bought the lie, and any reservation you held faded away. It was Mark, you could taste him- feel him and you weren’t about to stop or let go now. You lived in that moment until every inch of your skin felt thawed and you couldn’t feel the piercing cold as he methodically undressed you.
The crumbling building around you felt brighter and impossibly warm as you pushed yourself back onto the table. Your hands ached to touch him as he settled between your legs and the next thing you felt was his teeth scraping over your hip and downward, never drawing blood but rather drinking in your wanton desire that was just so painfully human.
The next thing you felt was his mouth between your thighs and couldn’t tell but you were screaming from the feeling. Your head was spinning and everything was a tangled spiral except for him. The world around you reverberated moans and sighs you weren’t registering and you couldn’t think anything beyond what you were feeling.
You were so warm, your taste familiar, and your sounds so strained, it made Mark feel uncomfortably alive. The trail of blood smeared kisses covered your sex and it all seemed too real for actual reality. But it was real. It was you- your blood made him stir into some half-life and he had to know what else you might revive within him.
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choicesatnight · 5 years
Title:  Quick
Pairing: James Ashton x Vivian (MC)
Rating: NSFW and stuff...
Word count:  1,466 words
My disclaimer:  This character is owned by PB, I just enjoy some elaboration. I really love James Ashton and I love Choices fanfics, especially nasty ass stuff but there isn’t much featuring my original bae, James Ashton from The Freshman series
So, I decided to put my amateur ass talent to work and write with James being the *star of the story*
A/N:  Use of Daddy
 “James…oh…. please…”
“hmmm?” his lips parting hers, allowing his tongue to swim in the ocean that has formed in anticipation  
“Never stop.” He isn't nearly finished with her, inserting two fingers to add to the sensation she feels.
“I want…your dick" she moans, and he uses his fingers to hold her lips open while strumming her clit like a guitar.
“Oh fuck…oh fuck…Daddy, I'm gonna…” he quickly puts his tongue on her clit, flicking than sucking, enjoying how wet she's become. Her legs start to shake as she feels every movement of his tongue.
He's never been so thorough before, his tongue licking every inch of her pussy, inside and out. Her moans are short and urgent, as though she's out of breath. He sucks on her clit again and while he tastes her completion, he flows down his shaft.
“Oh. My. Goodness. How did you get better at eating my pussy?”
“I became your husband. “
“Even you came!”
“I'm excited about how delicious my wife's pussy taste"
“Let's go to bed, my nasty hubby"
“Okay, let me clean my dick off"
Vivian gets on her knees in front of him and swallows his dick, feeling it go stiff in her mouth
“Yesss baby"
She immediately starts slurping, remembering the noise drives James wild. She loves the feel of his hard dick (anywhere) in her, giving her the juicy mouth for the kind of wet, messy blow job he loves to get.
Taking him in her throat each in and out repetition he closes his eyes, lost in the comfort that her mouth provides. Lost in the joy he feels from having his dick in her mouth. She starts to lick his balls and the underside of his shaft jacking him off while she does it. The bead of pre-cum glistening the head of his dick does not deter her from sucking on it, his most sensitive part, until she's deep throating him again. With the gentle glide of her nails down his chest to his waist as he rests in her mouth, he reaches his limit, grabbing her hair and she finally releases his dick from her mouth.
“There. You're clean now.”
He gently pulls her up from her knees to kiss her
“You're amazing. I’ma fuck you so hard, guarantee a baby will find their way to the womb"
She laughs, “Let's wait on that, Logan is still an infant. Newborn! We should call to check on him. I’m sure my parents are spoiling him, but we have to make sure they remember to alternate weeks with your parents while we're on trial.”
“So, no more nasty time? We're having parent talk now? Okay. We'll call in the morning before we leave for court. “
“Great!” she kisses his lips, throws on her nightgown and gets in the bed “I love my baby daddy!”
He searches for some PJ pants to put on and gets in bed after finding them “I love my wife.”
 “Your honor we'd like to present video evidence A" the prosecutor inserts a small disc to play on the television showing James walking into the café with Comfort and Vivian's seemingly empty car is parked across the street. It cuts off to show James with other women, each time Vivian's car is there. 
“People of the jury, this video shows the defendant in the vicinity of the café every time Mr. Ashton visited.”
The jury murmurs and some seem to be taking notes.
“Prosecution calls Comfort Greene to the stand.”
James' eyes go wide, he never even considered Comfort would testify against Vivian although it makes perfect sense. Comfort has always labeled Vivian as guilty.
Comfort walks to the stand, clearly dressed in hope of gaining James attention, while maintaining the professionalism that is expected in court.  James only feels annoyed that someone he knows dares to testify against his wife.
After being sworn in, the prosecutor asks
“Ms. Greene, how do you know Mr. Ashton?”
“He’s my ex-boyfriend.”
“And how long were you two together?”
“We dated a while before we became a couple. We dated for about three months. We were a couple for two.”
“During your relationship, did the defendant interfere at any time?”
“She was the reason he wouldn't commit to me and eventually the reason we broke up. She and James have a child together so that also kept her in our lives.”
“And you say you have evidence of her bad behavior?” Comfort hands the judge a picture, “After James left me for her, she did this.” The picture shows Vivian with her middle finger up hanging out the passenger side of her husband's ride.
“Your honor., I object. How do we know when this picture was taken?”
“Ms. Green, can you address that?”
“Yes, your honor. The picture is time-stamped in the lower right-hand corner and I have multiple copies on my phone with the date as well. It will match the day he came over.”
“Objection overruled"
“Thank you, Ms. Greene. No further questions” the prosecutor takes a seat, allowing the judge to speak to the defense lawyer.
“Does the defense wish to question the witness?”
“Yes, your honor” Michael walks to the stand
“Ms. Greene, did my client ever get involved in your relationship?”
“Objection your honor, asked and answered.” the prosecutor argues
“Sustained. Find another way to ask your question, Mr. Board.”
“Were you two friends?”
“James never conducted an official meeting between us except the day Reyna died.”
“It is safe to say that you two don't know each other?”
“Umm. Yeah.” Comfort thinks for a moment but ultimately agrees.
“And yet you're convinced of her guilt.”
Comfort is silent as the jury scribbles and mumbles more.
“No further questions. You are dismissed, Ms. Greene.”
With barely a second of “empty air", the prosecutor calls attention to himself, 
“People of the jury, the defendant had an empty vial in the purse she used the day she and the victim went to the coffee shop which she scoped her supposed lover entertaining multiple women at. This was a revenge murder. Reyna Mercado was a friend to Mr. Ashton and she mistakenly thought she had a friend in the defendant as well. Don't let her murder be in vain. The prosecution rests.”
“We will reconvene tomorrow to hear the arguments of the defense. Court is adjourned.” The judge hits the gavel, and all begin to speak to one another. James and Vivian walk hand in hand alongside Michael.
Once outside the courtroom, Vivian is hardly able to control the fear flowing from her voice in urgency.
“They're building a case against me. Did you see that evidence? and James former failed replacement testified against me!”
“of all the things you've called her, replacement is the worst. She could never replace you.”
Vivian grabs James' cheeks, “That’s why I said FAILED replacement, honey.” She lets him but continues “They're making me look like a vengeful murderess. As though I'd harm anyone who poses a threat to my relationship.”
“To our marriage “James corrects her
“Why are you focused on the details? For goodness sake, they know we've only been married a few days. You said I'd be okay with you by my side. What happened!?”
Feelings just a little hurt, he ignores that and replies “I'm still here and you're still okay. Why are you so worried? There still isn't enough evidence for a conviction. Baby, you're innocent. That will prevail. I know it will. Michael? You're the lawyer. Tell her some legal stuff.”
James steps aside to reveal Michael cowering behind him. Michael stands straight, straightening his fie and blazer. He places a hand on Vivian's shoulder, “Mrs. Ashton, the only thing that prosecution did was paint a hazy image of you.” He clears his throat before continuing, “We have better witnesses. Better evidence, and better information in general to paint a much clearer image. We have what it takes to prove your innocence. Honestly, between you and me. I could get a guilty man off. I’m the best. Don't worry.” Vivian looks at Michael and visibly calms down.
“Okay, but can we talk about why you were hiding behind my husband? My lawyer needs to know how to handle confrontation. “
“I do. I just don't like it.
“Okaaaay… “Vivian walks over to James, placing a peck on his neck before grabbing his hand to hold.
Michael addresses them both “We're up tomorrow. You guys ready!?”
Catching Vivian and James ending a kiss only after hearing his question
“What? Yeah, of course “James speaks, unable to hide his smile
“I'm going to head to my office and let you lovebirds be. Call me if you need me.”
Teeny Tiny Tag List:
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freakynerd85 · 5 years
Take A Bow
Title: Take A Bow
Pairing: James Ashton x Vivian (MC)
Rating: Angst
Word count: 911 words
My disclaimer: This character is owned by PB, I just enjoy some elaboration. I really love James Ashton and I love Choices fanfics, especially nasty ass stuff but there isn’t much featuring my original bae, James Ashton from The Freshman series
So, I decided to put my amateur ass talent to work and write with James being the *star of the story*
A/N: * is a separator due to scene change, use of Daddy. My pc is broken. This is my first time posting from my phone (a full story). Don’t judge me too harshly lol.
"That note you found looks like Shaun's handwriting"
Vivian stood rifling through the closet, although her back is facing  James she can still feel the shift of emotions when she says Shaun's name.
"Oh, so that note is from when you were fucking him."
James doesn't even attempt to disguise his dismay regarding Shaun.
"James!!" She exclaims at the vulgarity of his word choice. "Don't talk that way. You only speak that way when we're being intimate and I like it like that. AND I never had sex with Shaun."
"He flirts with you incessantly, He's even attempted to pursue you to leave me while I was holding your hand. And I am to believe that you didn't fuck him,you only kissed him?”
"Yup. You're the only one for -" she's interrupted by the sound of her phone. She picks it up and is silent as she reads the screen.
"You went suddenly silent. Is everything okay? Your mom?"
"Yeah....you know....you know I can't multitask. Shaun texted I was texting back."
"Are you fuckin kidding me!? You stop talking to your HUSBAND to respond to your boyfriend!?" He snatches her phone out of her hand and dashes for the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
She bangs on the bathroom door as James sits silently reading her messages to Shaun.
"James, give me my damn phone!"
"My kids are at home today, I don't need to see you anyway" James reads aloud to inform her that he's in her messages when his yelling comes to an abrupt cease.
Vivian continues banging on the door "James, what the hell!? Open the damn door!". To her surprise, James opens the door and throws her phone at her, wordlessly leaving the house.
"What the...?" She speaks aloud after he slams the door, looking at her phone to see exactly what causes James to leave. Her eyes widen as she frantically dials Shaun.
"Shaun. He found out. He knows! Oh my gosh, he knows!" Her words are clear but frantic, a tone of emergency behind them.
"Slow down, sexy. Who knows what?"
"James knows that I poisoned Reyna and that you helped me!"
Shaun trades his cool demeanor for urgency,
"WHAT!?!? How does he know ANYTHING!?"
"He took my phone, read our messages."
"Why did you keep those!? Fuck!"
"I don't know! I don't know! I wasn't thinking! What are we gonna do?"
"You know what? You have that man ready to do anything at your request. He ain't calling the cops or nothin. Y'all will argue and make up."
Vivian sits on the couch,
"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. He loves me unconditionally. Thanks for the reminder, Shaun. You always save me."
"And always will. Text you later."
"Okay, bye"
"Hi, I'm here because I have new information on a cold case."
"What case?"
"The Black Mamba case"
"Oh, you're gonna need to see Detective Lee. Let me see if she's available."
"Thank you officer" James remains standing in front of the officer, hoping it is showing his commitment to the urgency of his information. Looking through his phone to refrain from staring at the officer while he waits. After moments pass,
"Detective Lee will see you. Straight through the first door on the right" He leans to shake the officer's hand, "Thanks again Officer." and walks to the necessary office.
"Hmph. What a good citizen." The officer mumbles to himself while watching James open the door to Detective Lee's office.
"Hello. Have a seat, Mr...."
"Ashton. Or you can call me James "
She sits tall in a blue suit with her hair pulled back tightly in a neat, high ponytail.
"So what have you got for me?"
Grabbing his phone while maintaining eye contact with the detective, "I know who did it."
The detective quits shuffling through the paperwork on her desk.
"There's no trace evidence. How does this guy know whose guilty.?"
Realizing she said that out loud and not in her mind as she intended, she quickly speaks n correction
"What I meant was, who?"
"My wife. Vivian Ashton"
James winces at the words, ashamed to acknowledge he's married to a murderer.
"Your wife? How do you know?"
Placing his phone on Detective Lee's desk.
"A text message between her and her boyfriend. I took a screenshot as well as forwarding the entire thread to myself. Her boyfriend, Shaun, was definitely involved."
"Wow. An accomplice is something I never would have considered. Can you send me the transcript?"
"Of course. Where should I send it?"
"Fax it. You can get the fax number on the way out." She unbuttons a few buttons from the top of her shirt.
"And I'm sorry about all this. I know its gotta be difficult. Finding out your wife is cheating and she's a murderer. You know how to reach me." She winks at James and he smiles in return. "Thanks, Detective."
James printed and faxed the message thread between Vivian and Shaun to Detective Lee.
Shaun has since been arrested and immediately plead guilty to murder in the first degree. He was sentenced to 31 years. He has a lengthy criminal record and that worked against him.
Vivian was questioned and released. Having been tried and found innocent means she can't be tried for the same crime due to double jeopardy.
James stayed single and dedicated to his two kids. Logan wants to write an original comic book.
Giselle wants to anchor the news...
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freshmusicfreak · 5 years
Lucii | The Alien Among Us Answers the Freaky Five | Interview
@LuciitheAlien | The Alien Among Us Answers the #FreakyFive | Interview *Featured Image Via @OhDagYo* @LiquidStranger @Wakaan Official @UbbiDubbifest #UbbiDubbiFestival
Ubbi Dubbi Music Festival 2019 was a weekend of firsts. The first ever Ubbi Dubbi, my first time in Texas, and my first in-person interview with a major artist: Lucii. Was I excited? Ecstatic. Was I nervous? You bet.
It was a beautiful, sunny, 85-degree day one of Ubbi Dubbi, and it was just a few hours in. Lucii was my first must-see set of the day and she delivered everything the crowd was…
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Ahhhhhh I’m not in ur time zone so I hope I didn’t miss the cut off for your new event!!! Idk if you still do ‘em but if you do, I’d love one for Luke Crain where they carve pumpkins and it’s just sawft ❤️ thanks!! Xx
Tragic and Beautiful
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Luke Crain x Reader - 425 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: Thanks for the Luke request! I absolutely adore Oliver Jackson-Cohen and I am totally open to writing more happy stuff for Luke!
Warnings: one thinly veiled joke referencing a sex act. It’s pretty PG folks.
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You and Luke sat around the low coffee table in your living room, newspapers littered the floor splattered with pumpkin guts, an old cheesy movie played on the TV.
Despite the sunny L.A. day outside, your shared home smelled like cinnamon and apples putting you both in the fall mood. You’d both been working on your pumpkin carvings for a while and things were getting frustrating. Apparently, pumpkins weren’t a forgiving medium for beginner carvers.
“It’s not fair you’ve done this stuff since you were a kid,” Luke groaned as you expertly notched another section for your design.
You leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “that just means you have some catching up to do... besides, yours is really well done the lines are all straight and precise.” You giggled gesturing at your own design, “mine gets a little...wobbly.”
Luke grinned and wiggled his fingers out in front of him, “it’s all thanks to these bad boys.”
“Alright ‘Mister Manual Dexterity’ you don’t have to show off,” you said teasingly.
“I didn’t hear you complaining about that this morning,” he said with a smirk.
You swatted at his arm playfully before turning back to your pumpkin. You carefully scraped and peeled parts of the pumpkin to add shading and depth. Turning the pumpkin around you made one last pass through the interior, trying to get a smooth base for the candle.
You tossed the extra guts onto the newspaper, in doing so a strand of seeds caught on your arm. You flicked it off senselessly and set to putting your finished pumpkin back onto the table.
“Done!” You chirped before standing with a stretch. You grabbed a lighter and the box of tea lights before turning my back to the living room and lighting your pumpkin. You looked down at your boyfriend and noticed the sinew of seeds had landed on his shoulder not the floor.
You covered your mouth to stifle a giggle as you rearranged your pumpkin. Luke finished his carving too and glanced up at you with a grin.
“What do you think?”
You tried to keep your voice level as you let him pull you back down into his lap, “I think it’s great honey…”
“But?” He prompted expectantly.
“But this is my favorite part,” you said peeling the string of seeds off him, the both of you once again dissolved into laughter.
You giggled as he held you tighter and sitting there in the soft glow of two oddly carved pumpkins- you couldn’t be happier.
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If you still write for slashers could you do a freakyfick for Candyman with a plus size partnera nd the already deas prompt? 💗
Try to Cut Me Loose
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Candyman x Plus!Size Reader - 522 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: Already Dead- A character is not aware they’re a ghost and must reach out in order to pass on. Or, a character knows they’re a ghost and refuses to pass on. This is my first sole Candyman fic so I hope y’all like it!
Warnings: major character death, references to death/dying, brief description of alcohol, a man made of bees. This is dark, it alludes to hanging and murder. Enjoy responsibly ❤️
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You didn’t remember falling asleep on the couch. But the sharp pain in your neck and the blinding light pouring into your apartment said otherwise.
Pulling yourself up, you struggled to look around the apartment happy to find it exactly as you left it before work yesterday. You chewed the inside of your cheek noticing the half drank bottle of wine on the counter. It almost explained your current state of confusion. Almost.
You stood and moved forward with swinging, stunted steps that didn’t quite feel like they reached the ground. You furrowed your brow as your feet struggled desperately to surge forward and meet the floor with some semblance of rhythm.
You only managed to walk a few paces into your kitchenette. An invisible force seemed to pull you backward with each movement like some sort of demented leash. You leaned against the counter and tried to read the wine bottle. Perhaps you were suffering from a rare allergy- something that could cause such specific pain yet immense bodily malfunctions. The text was hazy and impossibly to translate.
You picked the bottle up to read it closer. With a yell, you tossed the bottle to the ground and turned around in a newfound panic. You couldn’t feel its weight in your hands. Behind you, the bottle didn’t even shatter as it collided with the floor, but you didn’t notice. Your panic dissipated as you caught your lover’s eye from across the room.
Daniel smiled softly and held his hand out for you. You seemed to glide over the floor to slide your hand into his. A thrill coursed through your body at the sensation- for the first time since discovering his existence, you could feel him. His arms around you weren’t the distant touch of an apparition or the figment of a lingering dream. He was real.
His hands traced your generous shape with a reverence you’d always longed to experience. His lips on yours felt more real than the carpet underneath your bare feet. You could feel him, and it was better than you’d ever imagined.
“My beloved, it is time to rest.”
You laughed and smiled at him without understanding, “I can’t go to sleep just yet. I only woke up a few minutes ago!”
You giggled as you spun yourself out of his arms and across the room. For the first time in your life, you felt truly weightless, as if gravity took the day off just for you. And not even the mangled scarf around your neck could convince you otherwise.
For you, it was a new day, just another dawn. Something you had thought for the last four weeks, much to your lover’s dismay. How easy it would be to gather you up and take you with him- if only you could remember the attack. If only you could untwist the fabric tethering you to that damn apartment.
Yet as you moved through the phantom motions of what had been the last day of your life- he couldn’t look away. He couldn’t leave- not when next time you might truly remember and finally, be his forever.
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We’re Lions Now
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703 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: This ended up being just a nice fall inspired thing which doesn’t really include any traditions but it’s cute. No references to anything sad at all, and with Hill House you have no idea how hard that was for me. There are x reader implications for all of them except Shirley because I dont vibe. And yes, it includes Nell. ❤️
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The hazy late October air had already covered your new home in leaves. The particularly large oak in your backyard was the primary culprit, and it made for a nice spot to relax.
You leaned back against Nell and Theo, unable to stop laughing as Steve and Luke chased your dog, Jackson, around the yard. The tree behind you whistled in the wind and pulled the little pup’s attention for a second before the race began again. You had missed them dearly. You hadn’t seen the Crains in years and your housewarming was the perfect excuse to bring them all together. Now with everyone spread around the yard, except Shirley and Kevin who insisted on making dinner, it was like you’d never been apart.
All around you, the leaves fell in a dazzling array of colors and you reached out to flick one out off Nell’s hair. As you did so a slight flush settled in over her face and a soft smile on her lips. She looked so content and happy that you couldn’t help offering a soft smile back. Your heart skipped a beat as Nell rested her hand over yours. You quickly glanced away, trying to refocus on what Theo had been saying.
“...I dunno I think it’s just so much more realistic.” Theo’s passionate tones pulled you back into the conversation and you couldn’t help smiling as she continued. Her energy was infectious, intelligent, and damn near irresistible.
“All I’m saying is- why go out and spend all that money on plastic decor when you can get the real thing for free?”
She looked at you expectantly and you scrambled for an answer. You’d gotten caught up in studying the lines of her face and the melody sewn into her voice. You had no idea what she was even talking about.
Thankfully before you could stumble through a response Jackson bounded over and into Theo’s lap with the boys right on his heels. With Theo thoroughly distracted you looked up at Steve and Luke.
The setting sun cast Steve in a soft amber glow and for a second he looked relaxed and carefree for the first time in months. Your heart fluttered as he cast a lazy half-smile towards you.
“The sun’s getting low and this guy,” he said gesturing to your dog, “thought it might be time to move inside.”
You laughed as your dog barked and gave you the biggest puppy-eyes he could, his stomach growling almost on cue.
“Kinda sounds like you’re getting tired old man,” you said, holding back a laugh, “Jackson would never turn down more outside time.”
Steve scoffed and shook his head, “that’s pretty good coming from you who’s been sitting around chatting for the last hour.”
You giggled and glanced at Theo and Nell who were holding back laughter. You felt your breath hitch as Theo leaned over to whisper in your ear, “I think it’s all a clever ruse to get us to give up our spot.”
She had never seemed so young before, and you couldn’t help giggling as you shook your head. You shrugged at your would-be co-conspirator and turned your attention back to Steven.
“I guess we’ve done enough sitting around for one evening anyway,” you sarcastically, “I wouldn’t want grandpa here to break a hip”.
Steve laughed in a mock victory as Luke offered you his hand to pull you to your feet. You blushed and squeezed Luke’s hand as you stood up, thankful for his strong arms around you as you stood. You lingered in his arms for a moment too long. You felt cozy and safe and you felt your face heat up as you finally stepped apart.
“Hey folks,” Shirley yelled from the house, “dinners ready get in here!”
The crisp fall air and setting sun pushed your group towards the house. The pumpkins on the porch still smelled like cinnamon and you were impossibly warm despite the advancing cold. It was like you’d finally come home and you couldn’t have been happier.
As you all settled into your slightly cramped dining room you couldn’t help thinking about the coming holiday season, and all the wonderful friends you had to share it with.
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omgggg im stoked ur on the slasher train now!!! for ur spooky event could you do drabbles for them comforting a really kinda sad s/o??? ik this wasnt on the prompts list but 2020 has been v rough and i just wanna be held 😔
Pick Me Off The Ground
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Notes: I ended up writing this for Pelle, The Candyman, Hannibal, Tiffany Valentine, Jennifer Check, and Susie Bannion. It’s been a long ass time since I got a drabbles request, I hope the formatting is okay.
Warnings: Refernces to being sad, I struggle with depression/anxiety so some of the terminology and descriptions I use can be trigger or relate to depression, also they’re all murderers. Enjoy Responisbly ❤️
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Your shoulders slumped and you hid your face on the cot trying to muffle the chocked sobs racking through your body. This entire trip was a disaster. You’d woken up that morning with a positive outlook, sure the Hårga wasn’t what you expected. But their beliefs and rituals, although grim, were fascinating as far as anthropology and psychology go. Pelle had shown you around all day, even letting you see pages from their sacred text. But when you got back to the center of town you were confronted by the other angry tourists complaining your friends had taken the only transport and left.
You were embarrassed by their rude behavior, and absolutely heartbroken that they hadn’t cared to wait for you. Members of the Hårga had calmed the other tourists and promised to take them to the airport as soon as possible. You felt utterly alone, and displaced. You froze when you felt a hand on your shoulder, your mind scrambling for an apology to send whoever was there away.
“I’m sorry about our friends,” Pelle said quietly, his voice soothing and remorseful.
You sniffled and sat up, wiping your eyes. “I’ve felt for a while I wasn’t fitting it but I didn’t know...” you bit your lip but couldn’t keep your eyes from welling with tears again.
Pelle sat closer to you, and pulled you into his arms. He didn’t say anything, just let you cry and for the first time in a very long time, it felt like someone truly cared about you. You felt warm, and safe.
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The Candyman (Daniel Robitaille)
Every bone in your body ached, you were exhausted body and soul. Life had gotten to be so draining, so stagnent and empty. Your career felt stale and the late hours impossibly fruitless. You had just enough energy to kick your shoes off and drop your things at the door before collapsing into bed.
At first you were restless, tossing and turning your body unable to relax. Desperately you turned to gaze and whisper at the mirror over your dresser. You knew he didn’t like be summoned without a more malevolent purpose, but you were always the exception. You couldn’t feel his weight on the bed, but you could feel his presence in the room instantly.
You smiled softly as you felt his arms around you. You turned in his arms wishing he could appear in something other than the cloak, although you appreciated the added warmth.
“Daniel,” you whispered pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, you could feel him faintly but the smile on his face was plain enough to lift your spirits slightly.
“Hush, my love. Rest.” His voice, like always, filled the room around you yet at the same time sounded miles away. For a moment you felt as if the burdens weighing you down were just phantoms. In another minute you were asleep, pleasant dreams and your lover beside you keeping you at peace.
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Hannibal Lecter
The rain outside soaked into your jacket as you got home from work. Classical music was already playing as you shucked your jacket and boots off in the mud room. Keeping your head down you walked directly to your room and closed the door. Sometimes when you had a bad day, Hannibal overstepped the line between psycho-killer boyrfriend and professional psychologist. You knew him, and he knew you all your darkest secrets. Yet sometimes when your own mind turned on you for no reason, you didn’t want to come home to another therapist.
You peeled the wet clothes off your body and dug around for your favorite pair of flannel bottom, and that one shirt of his that always ended up in your laundry. The softness of the fabric, the warmth of the flannel, the hint of his aftershave- they were all impossibly small comforts in the wake of what you knew to be a wave large enough to drown in.
Felling a little better you emerged from the non-confrontational sanctuary of your bedroom. You wandered into the living room and curled yourself into the corner of the couch. You picked up a book and turned the pages but the words weren’t sticking. You looked up from the pages, as Hannibal walked into the room carrying a tray.
“It’s your favorite,” he said smiling softly setting the tray down on the end table next to you. The food smelled perfect, the dish was one from your childhood and the drink along with it was your absolute favorite year and type of wine. The pairing was one you had never thought to put together, another glaring example of Hannibal’s particular genius. He sat next to you on the sofa reading quietly. Although it couldn’t fix or change how you felt, it was helpful to know even now, someone cared about you.
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Tiffany Valentine
You were curled up in a ball, the tears still fresh on your face when Tiff got home.
“I swear to god I’ll kill him!” She said looking over your saddened state. Mascara ran down your face, your hair was disheveled and your eyes looked so sad it broke Tiffany’s little black heart clean in two.
Your boss had become a problem. He acted too familiar in private, around other employees he made jokes about your appearance, about your performance, hell he even made fun of your picture of Tiffany once. Nothing was off limits because he was the boss.
“He kept jokin’ during the meeting about firing me,” you said between sniffles, “I’ve worked there for five years I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.”
She crossed the room quickly to pull you into a hug. “You didn’t do anything wrong hes just a dick,” she said firmly. You laughed, and couldn’t help smiling through the tears as she held you. The soft curves of her body were inviting and promised you nothing would ever hurt you again.
“Now let’s get you all cleaned up we’re going out!” Your protestes were silenced with a quick kiss. “There’s nothing better than a hot date, and a little retail therapy,” she said with a wink pulling you to your feet.
You nodded and let her lead you by the hand back out to the car. Anytime you had a bad day she pulled out all the stops until you were absolutely spoiled and tonight would be no different- except tomorrow morning at work you’d get another present. And Tiffany would add another man to her list of recently deceased assholes.
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Jennifer Check
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It was past midnight when your girlfriend came home, covered in blood. It wasn’t an unusual sight but the dress she had been wearig was in tatters and you were certain some of the fluid was hers.
Panic quickly set in, and you ran to her side your hands flashing over her body trying to stop the bleeding. You pulled your shaking hands away, they were covered in dark blood. As She gasped and fainted you ran to catch her and smeared the dark substance over her skin.
As her surprisingly human looking body hit the ground, you woke up. The nightmare made your skin crawl, and you could feel tears streaming down your face. Jennifer, who wasn’t dead yet wasn’t exactly alive, laid next to you.
She lazily threw an arm around you and pulled you closer. “I’m right here,” she mumbled sleepily. You shuddered as she kissed the lines of tears on your face. The gesture made fresh tears threaten to spill over, but you bit your lip and instead snuggled closer into her chest. For now she was there, for now things would be okay. You felt her stroke and play with your hair as you drifted off to sleep.
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Susie Bannion
You stormed through the dormitories, stopping only at your bed. You haphazardly grabbed shirts and linens stuffing them into the suitcase on top of your mattress. If the other girls didn’t think you were up to snuff, that was their problem. You didn’t have to stay.
Your bag was mostly packed when you started biting back tears. You’d worked your whole life for this chance, would you really give up now just because they wanted you too? You didn’t know that answer but you did know something inside you felt broken. Shakily, you sat down on th edge of your bed and held your head in your hands.
“Are you okay?” You quickly looked up and saw Susie standing there her head slightly cocked to the side as she observed your hastily packed case and distraught appearance.
You shrugged helplessly and tried to wipe the tears from your face.
“I don’t belong here,” you said. Your tone sounded like a challenge and Susie wasn’t one to back down. She dropped herself to sit next to you, and started stroking your hair as you began to cry openly.
“You’re the only one that belongs here,” she whispered wrapping an arm around you. You felt her kiss the top of your head, and it was like magic. As if she had chosen you to be her person, and in that moment the world changed and you were no longer an outsider.
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killing boys was maaade for queer Jennifer Tilly tho? Nd since it’s freaky you ccould have it get a litl freaky u know what I’m sayin 😉
Sycophants on Velvet Sofas
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Tiffany Valentine x Reader - 620 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: the prompt was killing boys (queer Bonnie and Clyde), this features elements of wlw, and is written as an lgbt couple (even if the reader’s gender is never specified). If that’s a problem gtfo 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings: pwp, murder, blood, sex, choking, knife play, blood play, brief refrerences to sexual punishment, oral sex with a vagina bearing person. Enjoy responsibly ❤️
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The cold metal against your throat made you shudder, the heat in your core worsening with each pass of the blade over your skin. It was only the flat edge, and knowing your girlfriend you were never in any real harm.
The same couldn’t be said for the pile of bodies in the next room, nor for the man strewn half out the bedroom window clutching some kids toy in his lifeless, now stiff, hands.
The knife left a trail is sticky sweet blood down your neck, along your jawline, and over your clavicle. The substance coated her hands and the drastic colors against your skin made you breathless.
You moaned as Tiffany slipped the knife under your shirt, easily tearing and staining the fabric before it fluttered off your body. The knife clattered to the floor as her hands frantically found purchase on your body, you were safe now. You were hers.
You trembled under her hands as she backed you against the wall, a hand resting above your head the other curling deliciously around your throat.
The man in the window you recognized as her ex, someone you’d both been planning on taking out as soon as possible. You were disappointed you missed it, but with her hand tightening around your throat and her mouth crashing against yours you didn’t care. Each action made you ache and you ran your hands over her greedily.
She tasted like hellfire and copper and it made your skin itch with desire until you growled low in your throat, pushing her back onto the nearby bed with a force you’d never used before.
The display of power made her wet with desire. Tiffany Valentine craved you more than any kill or drug and right now she was helpless to do more than call your name in a choked moan as you sank to your knees.
You pushed her skirt up past her hips and hooked her legs over your shoulders. You kissed your way from her ankle up to her thigh, leaving blood-smeared kisses and bites in your wake. You reached her throbbing center, and could already smell her arousal. You teasingly licked a stipe song the edge of her panties, and she sighed at the contact. You painstakingly pulled the lace down with your teeth until it rested halfway down her thighs. You considered teasing her more, making her watch as you dragged them off entirely with your teeth the only contact the brief agonizing scrape of your teeth along her sensitive skin. But you see her dripping on the bedspread and couldn’t wait anymore to taste her.
She yelped as you ripped the tiny pair of panties in half, the sound tearing through the room like a warning that she wasn’t the only one with secrets.
She was so wet, and all for you. You glanced up into her eyes and knew she was just as hungry as you.
Tiffany looked down at you between her legs, a bloody hand print curled around the column of your throat. You were hers and no matter who tried to get between you, or in your way she knew you wouldn’t run away or leave her behind.
If anything the ferveur with which you surged back to her center showed just how content you were with this lifestyle. She screamed as your mouth covered her clit, and you laughed darkly against her as she squirmed. Tiffany screwed her eyes closed, you were the sweetest torture she’d ever loved and she knew exactly what kind of a night she had earned.
She had been a very bad girl, and you were going to make sure next time you’d be around for that first kill.
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Idk what mcu gals u write for but for yr freaky fics if you do would u write for Wanda Maximoff, as a lesbian with the costume party prompt? Other WandaVision stuff has me feelin a type of way 🥰
Sweet Little Lies
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader - 332 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: For MCU/other larger fandoms I don’t have specific characters I do/don’t write for I just either do the request or don’t. Also this is, again wlw/lgbt content. If that’s a problem gtfo 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings: they make out on a couch?? Idk if that needs a warning lol.
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Wanda looked amazing. Her Halloween costume was a little silly and very sexy. It reminded you of the comic book heroes you read about as a kid, except you knew Wanda could destroy you in under a minute.
“You don’t think this is too tacky?” She did a little spin showing off the sleek cuts and tight fabric.
You shook your head slowly, your moth running dry at the sight of her. “I think it’s perfect,” you said feeling your face heat up.
Before your girlfriend could respond, the storm outside sent a pile of snow on top of the already covered power lines and then everything went dark.
You swore lowly and stumbled through your apartment looking for a candle. Finally getting some light back into the room you watched Wanda’s entire demeanor deflate as she slumped back onto the couch.
You sat next to her and took her hand in yours as she sighed.
“I was so excited about this party. It would’ve been the first time you got to meet the team and just,” she gestured to the darkness of the apartment and the blizzard outside, “this sucks.”
The candlelight flickered over her face and you pushed the headpiece off her hair and pulled her into your arms.
“It can suck, less.” You said with a wink that made her laugh. She giggled as you danced your fingertips across her collarbone, quickly undoing and sliding the dollar store costume cape off her shoulders.
You leaned forward to kiss her and as your lips met you felt the same butterflies you did every time she touched you. Everything about her was magical and made you feel as if anything was possible.
In another breath, Wanda gently pushed you back onto the couch and wrapped her arms around you. As the kisses grew deeper and her hands roamed over your body shedding the parts of your costume- you couldn’t help thinking this was a much better way to spend the night.
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I loooove your plus size reader stuff, for the freakyficks can u do one of those with Hopper from stranger things activities 4 and five???? <333333333
A Good Thing Here
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Chief Hopper x Reader - 803 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: Activity 4- trick or treating, Activity 5- decorating for Halloween. I really love Hopper with an s/o of a comparable size it just makes me feel all warm and happy. Part 2
Warnings: 80’s movie typical swearing, kissing, alcohol use and description, someone only wearing a t-shirt.
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You got home from work late, the box of decorations heavy in your hands as you nudged the door open with your hip. Inside Hopper sat with an impatient El and her typical gaggle of friends around your coffee table.
With all the drama associated with growing teenagers, and the typical government conspiracies and cover ups- you’d never gotten around to putting up any Halloween decorations. Hawkins’ Trick-or-Treat started in three hours. Judging by the empty Pizza boxes, the kids were ready to turn the tiny lawn in front of your home into a Halloween haven. After all, it was El’s first real Halloween and you wanted to make it a good one.
“I wanna set up the yard zombies!” Dustan yelled excitedly pulling the fold-out cutouts out of the box. Mike, Will, Max, and Lucas were equally excited and the group tore through the box and onto the lawn in an impressive display of chaos.
You turned your attention to El who still looked a little reserved, “you were late.”
Her little voice sounded older, and for the first time, you realized she was growing up. “I know honey, I’m sorry. But I’m here now,” you softly smiled before tossing a conspiratorial grin towards Hopper.
You grabbed a box of orange twinkle lights from the bottom of the box and pulled El closer to show them off.
“Honey, do you think you might be able to help your daddy get the lights up around the porch while I finish up your costume?”
He groaned and pulled himself out of his chair. You couldn’t help smiling as he wrapped an arm around both of you. “Save it, kid, I can’t tell both of you no.”
El laughed and enthusiastically hugged back before pulling him outside with the others.
You quickly stepped back into the living room proper to fox together the last few pieces of El’s costume. You’d taken the time to sew it yourself so you knew it would be perfect. It just needed some ironing, and a little nip here, a slight stitch there... You’d just gotten the thing finished when the kids burst back inside.
You shoved the pieces into a paper bag and waited until it was El’s turn to get dressed. For a moment El looked confused, the costume fit her perfectly and you were pleased to notice how well it matched with Mike.
Carefully El double-checked the paper bag before looking at you in wonder, “no mask?”
You grinned, “not any more honey.”
Once that was sorted you waited for Steve to come pick them up. Then you watched the kids pile into Steve’s car and you pulled Hopper over to wave from the window as they drove off. Once they were out of sight you set out a bucket of candy, leaving the twinkle lights on for any visitors, and locked the door.
Hopper had quietly moved into your shared bedroom to change out of the day’s clothes which gave you the opportunity for a little trick of your own. You ducked quietly into the bathroom and slipped into something a little more comfortable before slinking back into the kitchen.
You stood behind the kitchen island, smiling as he emerged dressed in stretchy pants and a soft t-shirt. Hopper paused, you hadn’t been wearing that shirt before had you? He puzzled over it as he walked towards you, certain it was one of his shirts. Although, it fits you pretty well too.
“Care to trick-or-treat chief?” You asked with a teasing lilt to your voice.
“After almost falling off that damn roof in front of that Wheeler kid it better be a treat.”
You hummed in agreement before pulling a cold bottle from the fridge and turning down the room’s lights. It made the small disheveled place feel a little cozier.
“For a treat...Pumpkin beer,” you said walking around the counter.
“Christ,” Hopper said, swallowing thickly as you walked out and around from behind the kitchen island. He was happy to notice he was right, you were wearing his shirt, just his shirt. The fabric fits you well and the hem rested just below the soft edge of your stomach.
You giggled softly as you watched him take note of the particular way your hips moved the shirt as you walked. You handed him one of the cold bottles, and set yours on the side table before walking him back into his favorite chair. You sat on the chair’s armrest, and tossed your legs over his lap, pressing yourselves together in the already restricted space. His free hand found your body immediately, and you wrapped an arm around his shoulders to keep you steady as he downed the drink.
“That’s good shit,” he said evenly before tossing the bottle onto the carpet, “want a taste?”
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I know ur very good at the sad stuff but for the event could I request something happy/fluffy for Nell Crain?? With the Holiday Special prompt please!
No More Crying
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Nell Crain x Reader - 596 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: Welcome to the first fluffy Nell fic I’ve ever written! The found family/fluffy elements of the prompt are what I focused on and I hope y’all enjoy!
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The small corner bookstore had been transformed with rainbow twinkle lights and soft candlelight. The candles were nestled inside mason jars decorated with passages from some of Nell’s favorite books. You’d gotten mod podge all over your favorite sweater affixing them on the outside of the glass, but once they were done and you stepped back to survey the room you knew it was worth it.
The low light made what was usually the spot of a weekly LGBT book club, feel romantic. The typical indie folk-rock playlist had been swapped for some breathy singer-songwriter cover of a classic love song on loop. You busied yourself with putting away the day’s new inventory while waiting for your friends to arrive. The entire time the box in your sweater pocket grew heavier with anticipation. As you were finishing up your closest friends pulled Nell into the shop. Her face was flushed from the crisp autumn air and in your mind she had never looked more beautiful. They were all buzzing from the cocktail hour they were returning from and their laughter made you feel confident.
You directed them all to sit in the reading room, and you let them talk for a while before standing up and calling their attention.
“I wanna thank you all for coming in today, on what would’ve been the 100th meeting of our book club, you paused while the more tipsy of the group clapped, “but I wanna take a second to celebrate something else.”
You turned to look at Nell, trying to ignore the knowing smiles of your best friends.
“Nell,” you started taking a deep breath, “the first time I met you was right here. I was desperately looking for a copy of the latest Sarah Waters novel and you were leaning behind the counter.”
You smiled at the memory, “I don’t believe in love at first sight but seeing you was like seeing snow for the first time. I know I left with a copy of the book and your number written on the receipt but it must’ve been magic because I don’t think I said a full sentence the entire time.”
Nell nodded and smiled as you talked, her eyes occasionally glancing around at your friends wondering if they knew what was going on. They’d known for weeks what you were planning- after all they’d become your family. Sure, Nell had a rather extensive family but it was messy. This group was your new family, one that was supportive to a fault, and right now you were thankful they were holding it together and giving nothing away.
“These last two years have been the happiest of my life,” you said taking a deep breath and pulling the box from your pocket. You slowly sunk to the floor, and down on one knee, you looked back up at your girlfriend.
You could see her shoulders rise and fall rapidly as she realized what was happening, her face moved into an expression of love and awe as you opened the box revealing an engagement ring.
“Eleanore Crain, Nell, will you marry me?”
For a second there was silence but then through a strangled sob, “yes!” Before you could process her answer Nell had flung herself onto the floor and wrapped her arms around you.
You could hear your friends cheering in the background but they seemed far away as you slid the ring onto her finger with trembling hands. You could feel the tears on her face moving with your own as you both laughed and kissed and held each other.
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Mind Your Secrets
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Theo/Steven Crain x Reader - 3044 Words - More Freaky Fics
Prompt: ‘the void is calling’ prompt with theo/steve x reader from haunting of hill house where the reader and Theo tag along with Steven for an investigation of another haunted house that manipulated people like Hill House does. (Thanks anon for the request!)
Warnings: horror situations, descriptions of rotting things/people.
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It was raining when Steven called. You blushed when you saw his name light up your phone screen. You were sitting with Theo who had dropped by to visit. There was a fire going and some cheesy movie playing in your living room.
It felt wrong that Steven wasn’t there, that you hadn’t included your other oldest friend. Mostly because when Theo showed up that morning you had the same butterflies in your stomach that you did now answering your phone.
“Hey! You’re on speaker,” you said, “but just so you know The-“
He cut you off, “that’s fine! So I’m going to investigate a new house but the owner will be there at first and I’m worried about their kids. Would you mind coming with me?”
“Of course I’ll go,” you had always wanted to sit in on one of his investigations and this sounded amazing.
“Yknow I wouldn’t mind some sibling bonding,” Theo said with a snarky grin that you knew he could hear on the other side of the phone.
“I was trying to tell you, Theo’s here.” Your voice wavered slightly and you felt your face flush again.
“Yeah Theo, I guess that’s fine... Could you take me off speaker quick?”
He sounded so dejected that your heart threatened to burst.
“Sure,” you said quickly, standing to change the call. You smiled at Theo before stepping out of the room for a little extra privacy.
“Okay, it’s just me now!”
“I had hoped we could use this as a chance to hang out alone. But I guess Theo could be helpful here.”
You heard him sigh, “what I’m trying to say is I’ve really missed you. Maybe in the morning I could take you for breakfast and we could catch up?”
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face as you responded, “I’ve really missed you too, that would be awesome.”
In that moment the last five years apart didn’t matter to Steven. Hell- he was even looking forward to disproving this haunting with you and Theo. He made the arrangements to pick you up soon, and you could hear his smile the entire time he said goodbye.
When you got back to your living room you noticed Theo put her gloves back on and all of a sudden you felt cold, like strangers.
“When’s the boy-wonder getting here?”
She threw the words at you with venom you hadn’t expected. She would never tell you, but she had loved you for the last six years. Almost, as long as Steven.
You smiled softly and sat back down, pulling her hand in yours until you were both cozy again, and Theo couldn’t help but smile.
“Not for a few hours,” you said watching her frosty demeanor thaw almost instantly. The relaxed tone returned to your living room, but her gloves stayed on even after you left with Steven.
The Manor was empty when the three of you arrived, and the light rain had escalated into a storm that left the world in a sparse fog. The light conversation about your education and last relationship died immediately as the car pulled into the grand driveway.
There was something familiar about the manor that stuck terror in the Crain’s minds. A true terror that felt uneasy, as if they knew what would await them around every new corner and behind every unknown door.
Children’s toys littered the front lawn creating a haphazard maze. Some of them looked exceptionally old, others as if they’d just unwrapped them. It made the entire property feel lost, outside of time. The door was already open, the family seemingly unable to wait for Steven.
Theo’s hands itched and aches from that first step out of the car onto the grass lawn. This place felt heavy in her hands. Looking around she felt apprehension and fear sneaking up her spine. She could feel the manor watching her, sizing her up. The only thing Theo didn’t know was if it was preparing for a meal, or defending from intruders.
Steven felt colder the second his feet touched the ground. He felt a familiar force, one he had been searching for since he was a child. This was a truly haunted house, he knew it even if he wasn’t ready to admit it.
You huddled closer to Steven under the umbrella, unaware of the intense dread the siblings were feeling. You could only see the house peaking through the fog and rain, you knew it was a grand and old manor on a lush estate. But the scene reminded you of a scary movie. Unconsciously, the thought made you shudder and you were beyond thankful when he put an arm around your shoulders to lead you inside.
“I don’t like this,” Theo said as you stepped into the manor, “I thought you said the family would be here?”
“They did,” Steven said darkly.
You shrugged and flipped on the lightswitch next to the door illuminating the room, “I’m sure something just came up.” You walked farther into the room, marveling at the opulent style. “Besides they were going to let us stay overnight alone, so I don’t see a problem with starting a little early!” Your enthusiasm felt misplaced among the straight and weathered walls.
The manor had raked up a list of lost and hidden things that remained undigested in its walls. Their bones were not yet buried when the last brick was slid into place over the hearth. For them, and all those who remained unseen, this house was a mausoleum. It was hungry. The ghosts were lonely. And you’d just walked in.
Steve motioned wildly at the grand entryway, “according to the owner’s this is one of the most haunted spots in the manor,” he walked across the space quickly to rap on the staircase, “but I think as we can all see this is just a very old house.”
The crooked stairs were laced in dark wood, and the bannisters were coated in cobwebs. Steven led the way, you walked along with Theo a few steps behind. Up close the manor wasn’t as perfect as you had assumed. Although the bricks ran even, and the walls met the floors steadily, You started to see cracks creeping up the walls.
“Allegedly the place was built as a wedding present back in the 1800’s for a man’s wife. She was some sort of heiress and after the wedding she was never seen again, and the place was left abandoned.”
Steven’s voice carried through the empty space, making you feel very small as if the vastness of the house was a gaping maw and you were walking into a place that wouldn’t spit you out.
As the three of you made it to the second floor landing and turned the corner you heard a whisper that sounded like your name. There was no one else around, you were sure of that. You shook it off, but couldn’t ignore the feeling that something was watching you.
The landing split off in hallways on both sides and proceeded to a large sitting room straight ahead. On the center most console table there was a note.
“See,” Steven said, waiving the paper around, “they just had business out of town and wanted to beat the rain.”
Theo laughed, “unlike us who will have to swim home in the morning.”
“Well, now what?” You asked, failing to hide the trepidation in your voice, that whisper still clinging to the back of your mind.
“Now we explore,” Steven said grinning, “and find some place to sleep for the night.”
Theo snatched the letter out of his hands and skimmed it quickly, “well if this is to believe there are six color-coded guest rooms so that shouldn’t be an issue.”
You couldn’t help but smile back at both of them before setting out. To the left of the central room the hallway ended at what you assumed to be the children’s room. The massive pile of plush toys in the corner was a dead giveaway. The beds were traditional four posters, the bedding modern. It was a nice reminder that real people still lived here.
The walk-in closet was really an alcove shaded by sheer curtains, behind them stood two ancient bassinets. Flecks of the paint littered the ground, the names were illegible from the years of use and then subsequent neglect. The legs were shaped like storks, and for a moment you thought you saw something reflected in one of their glass eyes.
A gaunt paper face seemed to smile at you, it’s rotten teeth falling out as it whispered your name- eerily like a nightmare you had as a child. You gasped, blinked, and it was gone except for the whispered words carried along the air. Words that not only knew your name but where you lived, and who you loved.
“What is it?” Theo was the first to your side, she had been holding a few of the toys in her hands trying to get a feel for the quality of life the children lived there.
“Did you hear that? I thought I heard my name…”
Theo looked scared for just a second, “No… but the storm is getting pretty bad out there. You know old houses make noise.”
Steven crossed over to place a comforting hand on your shoulder, “stuff like that happened in these houses. People expect things, want to see things. Nothing to worry about, probably just the wind.”
You smile up at him, and then over at Theo “Thanks, I guess the whole ‘ghost hunt’ thing is just getting to me.”
Theo nodded before opting to turn back to the toys. Steven lingered for a moment longer before steering you across the narrow hallway into the study.
You approached the dilapidated bookshelf in the corner. The titles were faded with use, the structure covered in a thin coat of dust. You waved Steven over and picked up the only clean book, it wasn’t necessarily part of the job to snoop but it was out of place, it practically called to you.
He held the book and turned it over, the language wasn’t one either of you recognized and curiosity got the better of both of you. He opened the book in half, and began thumbing through the pages.
As the pages turned, you could almost see your reflection move across the pages like a zoetrope. The flesh on the face peeled and flakes with each passing page until it was no longer yours and again it grinned. But this time the paper face screamed your name and demanded things you didn’t dare repeat. Suddenly your legs felt weak. You grabbed onto his arm for support.
“I heard that!” Theo yelled running over, “I fucking heard that.”
“I think someone’s watching us,” you said slowly, your hand still gripping Steven’s arm. “I heard someone whispering when we first walked in, and before in the nursery.”
“We swept the entire house before we started investigating,” Theo said, “besides that didn’t even sound human.”
“I think they’re right Theo,” Steven said gently, “someone probably snuck in. Maybe they followed us here.”
“I think we should leave,” Theo said her face going pale as she started to see all too familiar shadows move in the darkness.
“We don’t have to stay the night,” Steven conceded, “but these people are expecting me to give it a good chance before-“
“Before what?” Theo crossed her arms over her chest, “this isn’t even your job! And it’s not like you need another bestseller?”
“No you know what? You’re just jealous. This whole time you keep weaseling yourself in where you’re not wanted and I’m sick of it.” Steven’s typical resolve snapped and his entire mood shifted.
All around him he could see the walls closing in, his mind replaying scenarios where his family hated him and you did too. The real threat wasn’t Theo, the real threat was creating those very thoughts. But he couldn’t see that, he couldn’t believe it. Theo would have believed it, but her fears were overwhelming and everything she thought she saw approaching clouded whatever clear judgment you desperately needed
You heard footsteps on the third floor, the manor’s attic and long-closed servants’ quarters. “Hey, I think there’s someone-“
“Oh shut up! You always have to play Mister Perfect,” Theo said interrupting you, “as if you have no issues or anything. Newsflash asshole I can feel when you’re lying!”
“The only thing you know how to feel up is bridesmaids!”
“Shut up!” As the words rushed out of Theo’s mouth the ceiling shook with a noise that certainly wasn’t thunder.
“Those footsteps are right above us,” you said pointedly, finally holding their attention.
“We’ve been friends since I was twelve. I like spending time with you both. So maybe we can put that aside for now and get back to the whole haunted house thing?” You looked between them both and noticed they couldn’t really see you. Both Theo and Steven looked miles away, their eyes hazy as if someone else was in control behind them.
“You don’t get it,” Steve scoffed, “after all these years you still don’t get it!”
“Shut up Steve,” Theo begged, her eyes clearing for a fraction of a second.
“No not this time Theo just because you love them too, doesn’t mean you can keep trying to orchestrate this entire mess! Ghosts. Aren’t. Real!” His voice thundered over the rain but couldn’t drown out the paper face’s frail voice screaming into your mind.
You didn’t have time to process their accidental confessions as the voice echoing through the walls kept saying things that made your head spin. Between Steven and Theo bickering, and this thing that knew your name- you reached a breaking point and you bolted from the room. You had to get out of here before whoever was on the other end could find you. But as you moved through the manor it changed around you. It heard you, and did what it had to do to trap you.
Your feet slammed against the hardwood floors, unsure of where you were going in the darkness. You had to leave, you had to get out of there. Whoever- whatever it was knew your name it knew your thoughts...it knew your secrets. You tried to rationalize the experience but kept getting stuck on time. How long has it been watching you? How long had it been following you?
After an impossible stretch of time the hallway ended at another room and you slammed the door behind you. Shaking, you sank to the floor leaning against the wood to keep it closed. It was like every nightmare you've ever had come to life. Hallways with no end, someone who’d been following you, unseen threats… you felt like your mind had been cracked open and all it’s worst thoughts twisted out from the sinews of your brain into the last hours of your life.
You were beyond frightened and for a moment it seemed like the room around you was safe. It felt cozy, safe. A door on the other side of the room you hadn’t noticed slowly creeped open. You still held your head in your hands, and you couldn’t hear the approaching footsteps behind your shallow sobs. Wet feet walked right up to your huddled form, footprints colored with blood, dirt, and rainwater closed in around you and their owner simply stood there watching you dry heave and gasp for air.
You felt cold all of a sudden and remembered something Theo had told you once about growing up in her family home. “If you don’t look, it’ll go away.”
You could hear her voice as if she was sitting there and you screwed your teary eyes shut. The cold lingered and you slowly grew silent. You heard footsteps retreating as the thing that watched you crawled back into the wall. The coldness left with it, hopefully you were now alone.
Even without looking you knew that thing was whatever had been whispering to you earlier. It had been inside the house for a long time, and on some level you knew if you opened your eyes, you’d be in this house for a long time too.
You couldn’t cry so you trembled violently as you yelled for help, you screamed for Theo and Steven until your throat felt raw and bloody and you didn’t know if the pounding was in your head, or from the door behind you.
The thing to snap you out of it was your name, it wasn’t said in a thin whisper from a rotting paper face, it was Theo’s voice and Steven’s.
“Please open the door,” Theo called gently through the wood.
“We’re right here,” Steven said, his voice breaking over the syllables.
Your heaving slowed, your screaming stopped. Trembling, you slid forward moving your weight off the floor.
They pushed the door open and froze in place. Part of the wall across the room had a gaping hole torn through the wallpaper and insulation. Behind it the original bricks had fallen out of place to reveal a pit of blackness, the edges coated in sludge and what looked like blood. You sat on the floor huddled with your head between your knees, a trail of the same muck reaching just before you.
You felt Steven’s arms around you and heard Theo’s voice urge you to open your eyes. You blinked your eyes open and saw Theo investigating the rotten hole. What you saw terrified you more than anything you’d already heard. The room was a dead end, there were no doors or windows; the trail was exactly where you heard the footsteps. Even Steven looked truly scared, as Theo shrieked and jumped back from the hole.
Later, as the cops interviewed you about the two skeletons in the wall, the one old the other new- you noticed the rest of the wallpaper was mottled with mold. Nothing was what it seemed and leaving the home you knew nothing between the three of you would ever be the same.
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pwease Mx I need headcannons for your horror ladies with a final girl s/o!!
Tainted Love
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Notes: I added a bonus ‘gal for you, to see if I liked writing for her so lmk about that. I wrote these with the intention of queer/wlw (women who love women) relationships, but as per usual kept it pretty GN.
Warnings: Mentions of horror themes and situations- murder, death, and similar things. References to gore/bodies but no descriptions. Enjoy Responisbly ❤️
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Jennifer Check
After tearing through the cheer squad and then prom night you were the last one standing. She never wanted to be a flesh eating vampire, her assault and sacrifice were done to her. You were that last shred of her former self and no matter how angry she was with Needy or that stupid band, she couldn’t kill you.
Of course, she’s isn’t the same Jennifer you knew and fell in love with. As a succubus it’s often hard for her to break out of a merderous rage, especially when she’s hungry. You’ve had a few close calls where she’d come home and backed you against a wall, a hand resting around your throat and fire behind her eyes. You might walk away with a few bruises, that you always walked away.
Her change would complicate your relationship’s dynamic. If you knew the context behind the transformation it would be hard to leave her. But surrounded by the entrails and partially consumed remains of your classmates you’re forced to reconcile that the girl you love has been taken over by something monsterous.
In the end, I can see there being a breaking point. After a slaughter you can’t explain away or rationalize, I think part of you would understand that the Jennifer you love isn’t really coming back. I think there would come a point where you’d put her out of her misery, you’d be one of the final girls who not only walk away but defeat the monster.
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Carrie White
Your survival was an accident. In her blind rage and overwhelming betrayal she didn’t care who was in that room. All that mastered was how she heard their voices mocking her the same way her mother did. Calling her names and slurs, ones she didn’t know before she started dating you.
Of course you hadn’t been able to go as her date, her mother would’ve locked her away forever if she knew. You’d left the room once she was announced Queen, filled with jealously and hurt of your own. The hallway you were in collapsed, but didn’t kill you. A freak accident on Carrie’s part. Her goal had been no survivors in any part of the building.
You could only worry endlessly that the girl you loved so dearly was now facing all of this alone. But you also struggled with the idea that she wanted to kill you. It was no secret her mother was a religious fanatic. Maybe the teasing had been too much, maybe loving you was too much and you were just one more thing in her way.
By the time you were pulled from the rubble, Carrie was gone. Even if you had wanted to save her from herself, or help her- she was too far away. There was nothing you could do.
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Tiffany Valentine (Jennifer Tilly)
You look like a lot of fun, she likes having fun. But in reality unless you serve a purpose on her path to reconnect with Chucky, or you are now the object of all her desires- fun isn’t gonna cut it. Your survival as a final girl hinges entirely on those two things.
She might’ve let you live but that doesn’t mean she hadn’t tried to knock you off before. Twice actually, before she realized your importance. The first time was shortly after you moved into the apartment across from hers. She tried sneaking into your apartment while you were asleep worried you saw something you shouldn’t have. But you just looked too peaceful. The second time was after your first accidental date. And once you kissed and she held your familiar form in her arms it became impossible. For the moment.
You never find out her previous plans to kill you, you never know you’re her final girl- and that’s just the way she likes it. She artfully conceals her darker dealings and if anything ever happens she’ll just have to convince you it was to keep you safe. And she can be very convincing.
You would be under her spell and the thought of escaping/taking her down would never occur to you. You’d never know if she was using you or still planned on hurting you. In your mind she was your love.
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Susie Bannion (2018)
Your undying loyalty to her once she reveals her true form as Mother Suspiriorum, marks you safe. The terror in your heart was outweighed by ambition and desire, she felt that the moment she saw you after the final confrontation with the other dancers. You didn’t beg for your death. You didn’t beg for you life. You begged for her, and that made the difference.
Initially upon her arrival to the school she set about to test the other students including yourself. Your meek demeanor signaled you could be swayed if you were against her and she couldn’t have that. You were sick for days, but that ended once you returned to lessons and refused to join the other girls who were growing jealous. Your meekness had not been a sign of weak will, but rather one of infatuation. She tested you again by choosing you as her partner for parts of the performance. Together felt powerful, she wouldn’t try to harm you ever again.
She is Mother Suspiriorum and you are so into that power play you just want to stay by her side and in her favor. It makes you a chosen one, it makes you something when Madam Blanc/Mother Markos would’ve made you nothing. The only effect the truth has on your relationship is strength it.
The tests she presented to you, the merciful deaths of those mutilated and abused by her predecessor, the slaughter of those who opposed her? While you’re by her side and in her bed those things seem righteous. There’s nothing for you to fight against.
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Hiiiiiii could you do a freakyfic for BOP! Harley x reader where maybe the reader is a bartender and they meet and bond over spooky cocktails????????
A Sticky End
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Harley Quinn x Reader - 425 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: Thanks for my first BOP! request! I’ve loved Harley since I was like, 12, and the films been in that list since it came out so imo this is long overdue lol.
Warnings: Alcohol use and mention, brief reference to a night club.
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“ ‘Scuse me!”
You turned to see Harley Quinn, one of the club’s regulars, perched on a stool leaning halfway over your bar. Her megawatt smile always took your breath away and you almost dropped the glass you were drying when you saw the Halloween themed outfit she had on.
“What can I get’cha Harley?” You smiled back, setting down the glass before your palms got too sweaty.
She nodded towards the specialty themed drinks, “what would you recommend?”
“I’m a fan of the ‘Slapstick.’ It's a shit ton of vodka mixed with blue curaçao, layered with grenadine and sprite, topped with cotton candy.”
Harley whistled, “geez that’s gotta be sweet!”
You laughed, “well for the more discerning woman there’s also the Grind-House which is a spiced beer-garita using an odd-ball hot sauce splash to finish.”
“ ‘yknow what gimmie both,” she said with a flourish that left you both in a fit of giggles. “Is my first major holiday as a single lady and I wanna celebrate,” she declared as you set to mixing the drinks.
You’d known Harley was single, hell after the incident with the Ace Chemicals Plant last summer, all of Gotham knew Doctor Harleen Quinzel, a.k.a. Harley Quinn, a.k.a the gal of your dreams- was back on the market.
She chattered on about various things- her hyena, her newfound group of friends, Bruce Wayne, etc. You listened the best you could, tossing out an occasional comment while finishing the two drinks.
“Hey where ‘ya going?”
“Just over there,” you said pointing towards the few other customers at the opposite end of the bar.
Harley shook her head and with a sly grin said, “I’m not really into beer but I bet you are so this one’s for you!”
“You ordered me a drink?”
Harley laughed at your bewildered expression and you felt your face start to heat up.
“Well, yeah! How else am I gonna get you all to myself?”
You glanced towards the other customers, a coworker was already chatting them up and getting their refills.
“I suppose I can sit for a little while,” you said pulling a stool from behind the bar over, “but if you just wanna get me alone you could always circle back around one.”
Harley cocked an eyebrow as she sipped her drink, a light smirk played across her lips as she watched your face grow warm.
“My shift ends at 1,” you clarified offering her a cheeky smile before taking a sip of your drink.
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