#fred x lee
flowgeeksout · 1 year
How Lee and Percy became friends
Lee, done with twins shit hiding in the library to actually get work done (in his 5th year): Ugh where can I hide from them.
Percy, who has been doing this his whole damn life (in his 7th year): Come here. They haven't found me here yet.
Lee: Move over
Fred: Where is Lee? Love of my life where art thou?
George: You know I have not seen Percy in a while. . .maybe we should not have given Harry out map earlier this year.
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t1oui · 2 months
hc that george promises fred he’s going to ask angelina to the yule ball but then he chickens out so fred asks her instead. to get back at him george asks lee
at the ball while fred is moping watching george and lee dancing horribly together angelina is like “oh i didn’t know your brother was gay” and fred is so done (angelina 100% knows he’s in love with lee but she can’t talk because she and george have liked each other since 3rd year and have done jack shit about it)
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Y/n: *literally just existing*
Fred from afar: *staring lovingly*
Fred: look at her...I would die for her...I would kill for her...either way, what bliss?
Everybody near him:
Fred:...I said that out loud, didn't I?
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dqbbiegallaqher · 2 months
being a multi-shipper is so fun you guys should try it instead of arguing about which ships better cause it’s rlly not that deep 😭🙏
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perciver4ever · 6 months
Bill: I don't think I'm straight
Charlie: I'm definitely aroace
Percy: I've been with Oliver Wood for one year, 5 months, 3 days and 7 hours.
Fred: I only slept with Diggory a few times, and snogged a few times... I'm still straight, right?
George: Okay, I'm totally in love with Lee
Ron: Blaise and I are kinda a thing, ya know?
Ginny: In my defence, I was straight before I met Luna
Percy: *sighs* We're going to end this bloodline, aren't we?
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kaciebello · 4 months
Love accusations
Masterlist George Weasley x Gryffindor! reader (fem) Summary: 3 instances where you deny dating George, and the one where you don’t. Much to Fred's dismay. warnings: Mention of sex, swearing, no use of y/n Authors note: one-shot. English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) Word count: 3k
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A pair of Gryffindor sat on a sofa in a secluded part of the common room.  The two had previously worked on their charms homework together, however, one had seemingly finished and moved on to a book, while the other one took avoiding it as his main mission in life. However, any attempt to get a reaction from the girl goes unnoticed by her. Disappointed he returned to doing his homework. They both fail to notice his twin approaching with their friend.
“You two ARE having sex!” Fred yells making some heads in the common room turn in their direction with curiosity.  George jumps a bit in shock and looks at his brother. Eyes widening.
“Really? George, why didn't you tell me? I would have put my book down.” Says the girl lazily not even attempting to put her book down. She was not even bothered enough to pick up her gaze from it or bothered by her friend's antics.
“ We are not!” George argues back as Fred and Lee sit down opposite the couple. That however goes flat to their ears. Because if there is something Fred loves more than testing his brothers, it's teasing his twin brother.
“Fred, the only people having sex here, are the characters in my book.” She says, turning to another page. George leans over and tries to peek whether that is true or not. The girl shuts the book with a loud bang and places it gently on the table. Now finally giving all the attention to the overly loud Gryffindor duo. Lee's hand reaches for the book but she just swats it away.
“What do you want.” She asks.
“I want, you two to admit you're dating.” He says pointing a finger between her and George.
“Not gonna happen Fred.” 
“Why not?”
“ Because we are not dating, easy as that.”
“Bullshit!” Fred yells and slams his fist onto the coffee table. She leans back into the sofa and just shakes her head dissapointly. Kicking her feet up on the coffee table and crosses her hands over her chest.
“You have no valid argument, Fred. I will not debate this with you if you have no evidence.” She says looking into Fred's eyes, knowing damn well it will fire the boy up. He narrows his eyes at her and nods as if telling her he will play her little game. Quickly he turns to Lee and they start whispering sometimes glancing at the pair. The two of them made it look like they just thought of a groundbreaking strategy in quidditch.
“ You know what you're doing, right?” George leans back and looks at the girl. Giving up on the homework at this point. She just smirks and nods. Lee and Fred turn back and simultaneously clear their throats.
“We have proof.” He says seriously and pokes Lee in his side with his elbow. The girl just raises her eyebrow before motioning them to continue. Lee sits up straight.
“ I have seen you two almost kiss in the corridor before.” He says very proud of himself. Fred started franticly nod and a smile spread across his face. Gorges's eyes widen a little at this information. The girl, however, remained unphased.
“ You can't prove that it was us. I could have been anyone.” She argues back, looking at her nails, seemingly bored. Fred's smile flatters a bit before he jumps up.
“I CAN RECOGNISE MY FACE ANYWHERE!” He yells and points at the girl. She just lifts her gaze and him.
“You didn't see us tho. Lee did. Hence, could have been anyone.” Fred's and George's faces snap to Lee who gulps very loudly. Looking nervous between the two brothers and the girl. Lee felt like in the front line of a war.
“ We walked together to the library after tho.” He says.
“ You walked together to the library after!” Fred repeats seeing this as his victory. Placing his hands on his hips and making a superhero pose. The girl just sighs and takes her legs off of the coffee table.
“ Are you jealous about me almost kissing George? Fine. I can almost kiss Lee if you want. Even you if you desire so much.”  Whine leaves Geroge as Fred and Lee watch the girl in confusion.
“You heard me, Weasley.” She says before getting up from her comfortable spot. Both Lee and Fred move a few inches back. She just chuckles and goes to pack her things. George sees this and goes to do the same.
“Plus it couldn't be me kissing George, as I fancy someone else.” She says after picking her book from the table and placing it in her bag.
“You do?” Say all 3 boys at the same time. She just rolls her eyes at their antics and turns to leave. George hurriedly followed her.
“ Where are you going?” Fred asks as both of them get up and move toward the exit. She just flashes him a smile.
“ To almost kiss your brother in the corridor.”
The four of them were on their way to Hogsmeade. The snow as fallen in a thick  layer and all there was to do was some shopping. The twins wanted to buy some trinkets from Zonks, while Lee and the girl had only butter beer on their minds. Walking swiftly to get from the cold and hoping their younger siblings don't catch up on them and they would be forced to take them with. Fred and Lee led the group, while the other two were falling behind. Fred and Lee could be heard from miles away. George opted for a much quieter conversation with his partner.
“ When are we going to tell him?” asks George the girl next to him. “Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious, but I miss holding your hand.” He continues and his hand brushes over hers. Although he dubs she could feel it over her gloves. To be fair, George finds it as much fun as she does. He just sometimes misses her despite being right next to her.
“You can hold my hand whenever you want to, but, It's too much fun, it's like he's obsessed.” A smile spreads across her lips as she stops her movements and looks at the boy. He also stops and looks at the girl. Her hand extends to him as a gentle offering. He takes it as fast as he can. Walking closer to her, he places his other hand on her cheek.  Smile adored both of them, as George leaned in, Smack.
Crumbs of snowball have fallen on her face, a giggle escaped her. George wipes his head around to see his brother and friend both with loaded-up snowballs. Before he can react, two more hit him. Effectively stunning him.
“OI! Hurry up you lovebirds!” yells Lee before he and Fred run in the direction of Three Broomsticks. George just curses and runs behind them. Leaving the girl to leisurely walk and meet them there.
When she got here, all of them had already shed their outdoor layers and had butterbeers sitting in front of them. One was in a space next to George waiting for her. She took her scarf and coat off. Something perked up Fred's attention.
“Is this your way of telling us?” He says pointing between her and George. 
“Telling you what?” She asks, sitting down. Not even being able to take a sip of her drink before Fred spits other nonces.
“That you two are together.” Lee is however faster and suppresses his friend in the explanation. The girl just rolls her eyes before taking a sip. A foam mustache forms on her upper lip that she quickly wipes with the sleeve of her sweater. Momentarily stopping to progress something.
“ Guys, we have been over this.” Defends George this time. Fred just narrowed his eyes at him before pointing at the girl, who was still frozen.
“Explain this then!” He says and grabs the sleeve of the sweater she was wearing. “ This is your sweater!!” Sudden touch wakes the girl up and she retracts her hand.
“Again Fred, you can't prove that.” He looks at her in disbelief, lost for words from the sheer audacity of this girl. Groan leaves George and Lee is just laughing at his friends' antics.
“Oh? So the giant G on the front doesn't mean anything?” Recovers Fred rather quickly. George chokes on his butter beer and Lee goes to pat him on the back. The girl looks down and stretches the sweater. There is indeed a giant G on it. No dubbed Mrs. Weasly work as always. She wondered if she did it to help herself to keep track of whose laundry she was doing.
“It's just a G, could mean anything.” leaves her.
“G for George.”
“ Or G for Ginny, ya know? Your sister.” She says, raising her eyebrow at him.
“Why would you have my sister's sweater?” he asks accusingly. She just shrugs and takes another sip from her drink. 
“ Why would I have George's one? I don't like him like that.” When she says it like that it makes sense for her to have Ginnys' sweater more than Georges.
“So you do like him!” Lee jumps on the accusation train. Another groan leaves George and he finishes his drink.
“Just how I like you, and Fred, and Padma, and Harry, And-”
“ Okay, okay, I get it.” Freds gives up and takes a sip. A smirk spreads on his face. “ So tell us, who do you fancy?”
“Hmmm, well, truth to be told, he's a Gryffindor, tall, and very cheeky and his name is- WELL would you look at that! I will get us another round.” She says and gets up from her spot. Knowing better than to take Fred's bait, she walked away to the bar. She can hear Fred turning to Lee and George.
“I'm telling you it's George, You can't fight me on this one!” Georges's giggles are heard throughout the tavern. “ Motherfucker, you ain't telling us shit!”
A scream is heard throughout the burrow, together with fast steps going down the stairs.
Harry, Hermione, and Lee turn to the sound startled. The 3 Weasleys, however, not even looking up from their card game. Fred places one card down making Ginny frown and carefully study her own. Ron just curses under his breath.
The girl appeared first with the other twin on her toes. She stops in front of the group, eyes gleaming with victory. George stops once he notices the other people, opting to just stand behind her.
“Are you okay?” Hermione asks, Placing her own card down without even looking. Ron curses again and tries to peak at Harry's cards. He just presses them to his chest, preventing him.
“Yeah, why?” The girl asks, clearly out of breath from running from the much faster boy behind her.
“ The scream?” Harry says, not really sure he wants to join the conversation. She just waves her arms at them.
“Oh no, don't worry. It's something George did.” The boy behind her straightens at his name. Looking at his sister who seemed to be winning the game with almost no effort.
“ Oh Merlin, he finally did it. He showed her the birthday suit.” Fred says.
“and it was SMALL.” Followed Lee, Fred's head snapped to his friend, he took full offense to that. Hemione's face twists in disgust. A small ‘ew’ can be heard from Ginny before she places another card on the table. Ron makes a fake gaging sound and George had nothing better than ‘dude’. The girl laughs at this.
“Oh Lee, I love you so much,” she says and goes to hug him. George whines and stops her by grabbing her upper arm.
“I can confirm that is not true mate.” Says Fred with full confidence. George just shakes his head. Hermione decided to force her cards on Harry, who was not very happy about it, and got up.
“I'm going to make some tea, you want some?” She says to the girl, she just nods and follower her to the kitchen. 
“ Count me in!” Says Ginny as she places her last card on the table, successfully winning the game. Her brothers and friends just groan. Ron looks like he might cry at this point.
The girls moved to the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was looking out the window, watching her older sons and husband work in the yard. She notices them walking into the kitchen and smiles at them. Ginny mentions something about tea and the girls sit down. After some time and bickering over what does and does not belong in tea, steaming cups were sat before them. Hermione breaks the silence.
“So, when are you gonna announce it?” Confused look from the girl, Mrs. Weasly just glances at them, seemingly paying them no mind. While she may be facing the window, her years are very much facing the three girls sitting at her dining table. Because be assured if something is going on with her children, under her roof, she is bound to know. The girls didn't even have time to answer before Ginny jumped in.
“Wait, are not just pretending to not know in front of Fred?” She asked, confused as well. Hermione stops putting sugar in her tea and fully turns to the girl. She grabs her hands into hers and looks her in the eyes.
“Are you?” The girl grows nervous. Curse Ginny and her watching people skills.
“I have no idea what you're on about Hermione.” she says with a full chest, then leans in and whispers.” Let's not talk about it in front of his mum!”
“Stop whispering, we all know something is going on between you and George. I know my brothers, and I know when they have that lovesick look.” Ginny blows on her tea before taking a sip. Somehow she manages to give both of them a pointed look. 
“I know what you look like with that look too, don't start Ginny.” says the horrified girl, still not comfortable that Mrs. Weasly is there. Ginny goes red and just looks away. Speaking of the older woman, she turns to them.
“ Who has a lovesick look?” She asks with a smile that feels a little bit too threatening to all of them, although others may see it as the sweetest one.
“You when you look at dad. What is he doing anyway.” Ginny says hoping to change the subject. The older woman just huffs, turns around, and looks out the window again. Ginny leans forward to the other two before she whispers.
“I'm just saying, let it really be my sweater you borrow next time.” A smirk on her lips when she retries. With the corner of her eye, she sees her brother trying to catch a glimpse of the embarrassed girl.
“Source?” Lee asks.
“ Dude, trust me,” Fred answers.
“ You know I am physically unable to do that.” The two boys were hiding behind a bush. Good view of the pair sitting on the bench.
“ I too was advised, not to trust you.” Pipes in Collin, who was dragged into this mess by an accident. The poor boy wanted a picture of that tiny firework Fred had, instead, he dragged him to this when he refused to let him borrow his camera.
“Collin, this is the talk. This is the news! I need you to take a picture of them when they kiss.” Says Fred, a creepy grin on his face. Collin scared a bit just nods his head and gets in position. After a few good minutes of spying, Fred gets impatient and turns to Lee.
“Should we find a better spot? My feet kinda hurt from squatting.” He says but then a shutter goes off. A little photo comes from the camera and Fred grabs it.
“AHA, GOT YOU!” he jumps out waving it in the air and running to the startled couple. Scaring the couple that jumps away from each other a little. Lee and Collin follow behind him.
“What are you on about Fred?” Asks him, George. Still holding the girl that had her legs on his lap. 
“ YOU TWO! KISSING! I GOT PROOF!” HE yells and shows them the picture. The girl just grabs it and looks at it. Fred is jumping up and down, hugging Collin and then Lee. Victory celebration. The girl gets up and walks to the poor younger Gryffindor. George is pulled up by Fred and forced to join a jumping hug.
“Hey Collin, can I keep this?” She asks the boy gently. He just nods, seemingly scared of the situation. The girl turns back to the three overgrown babies smile on her face. She can no longer argue about proof, as she was holding one in her hand. She turns to Collin again and tells him he can go. The boy just nods and runs away as fast as he can, very much terrified of his upperclassmen. 
 George wiggles out of the hug and makes his way to her. Cheers can be heard from his brother and friend. When they meet again, George stops right in front of her. One of his hands finds her waist and the other on her neck. They stay like this for a few seconds seemingly in their word, not noticing the cheers dying down. He leans in, their lips brush, when...
“Not in front of me Forge!” Yells Fred with the girl in his arms, running away with laughter, followed by Lee. George was frozen in his position, the girl missing from his arms. George shakes his head at his brothers' antics. Now that he looks at it, maybe living in denial wasn't the worst thing. Because if there is anything his twin loves more than teasing other people, is teasing him.
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why does molly weasley kinda give me homophobic vibes
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: You fall for your best friend Warnings: mention of crying, snogging
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you only started to notice the tingly feeling you got when you around George at the beginning of your 6th year at Hogwarts.
the way your cheeks turned hot and palms turned sweaty when you around him. that never happened before.
you knew what was happening, it happened to a lot of best friends, it was a phase they go through, but you never thought if would happen to you, because it it were to happen, it wouldn't gone by now.
he's a very attractive bloke. but this year is different. he grew his hair long, his face is more defined, grew another inch taller and his arms seemed bigger and more toned, probably from quidditch. his posture straightened and his lips were more full.
he was hot, but he was your best friend
but how could you not like him? he was funny, playful, and just plain adorable.
"wicked" the twins whispered as Dumbledore announced the Triwizard tournament, you smiled at them and continued listening, your eyebrows furrowing at the mention of no one under the age of 17 can put their name in the cup.
you laughed as the twins stood up and booed "you don't know what you're doing!" they yelled
"god those two are loud" Angelina spoke to you, being dorm mates for the past 6 years have made you guys really close, you guys will stay up late talking and gossiping about merlin knows what
"tell me about it" you rolled your eyes playfully
you've heard a familiar voice call out your name and you smiled, your stomach feeling like it's going to explode. you turned around and saw him
"hi George, what do ya need?" you asked, he smiled brightly at you backing your cheeks turn red.
"Angie and Hermione were looking for you, there in the library" he told you.
"oh, ok, thanks!" you grinned
"i'll walk with you, c'mon" he placed his arm around your shoulder, you tensed up and felt your hands start to get clammy, he was always sort of touchy, but your newfound feelings make you nervous.
"so, me and Fred are thinking of putting own names down for the tournament" he said casually
"what? but you're only 16, you won't be able to do that" you raised your eyebrows
"ah, but that's where you are wrong, love" he always called you that, but now it made you want to cry.
"how so?"
he only smirked "guess you'll have to fine out"
"oh merlin's beard, please don't do anything stupid" you pleaded. he chuckled as he let go of your shoulders, dropping his arm and grabbing your hand instead. going ahead of you and walking backwards, pulling along with him
"do you even know me?" he tilted his head
"unfortunately" you grumbled
"oi, don't be annoyed at me, you love me" he furrowed his brows, narrowing his eyes to glare at you playfully
"I- I do not!" you agued pathetically, your words getting caught in your throught
"don't deny it, I know you do" he teased but you began to feel dizzy from the butterflies. a good dizzy.
you avoided George after that, you didn't want to embarrass yourself and ruin the friendship by letting something slip, you didn't want him to know your secret. you didn't want anyone to know, it was pathetic, falling for your best friend.
he noticed, how wouldn't he, he would look at you and you did your best to avert your eyes.
he would try talking to you and you would get up and leave or start a conversation with the person next to you.
he would go up to you and you would rush away.
he felt like he did something wrong
it's been 2 weeks and nothing
even after him and Fred's failed attempt at putting their names in the cup, you didn't go up to him and scold him, you didn't even laugh when they turned old. you just looked at them, looking disappointed
so when you were sat in muggle studies, 5 minutes into the lesson when he rushed in, the only empty seat was next to you. he smiled as he sat next to you, trying to get you to look at him
"hey, love" he whispered, you sighed, closing your eyes and you bit your lip
"hey" you mumbled
"you alright?" he asked you, leaning closer to you
you hummed at him and looked at the board, writing your notes
"what do you think the second task will be?" he questioned, the first task were brutal, how could they let kids fight dragons?
you almost smiled at his attempt to talk to you.
you only shrugged your shoulders in response
"why won't you talk to me?" he wondered out loud.
"silence Mister Weasley, not only did you arrive late but you are interrupting the class and disturbing miss Y/L/N" the Professor yelled at him
you and Angie stayed up late again, sitting in your beds talking to each other
"so, the yule ball huh?" she smirked
"i know, it sounds so fun!"
"what colour dress are you gonna wear, i was thinking purple" she informed you
"I haven't thought about it, but purple sounds great for you Ang" you grinned
"sooo, do you fancy anyone?" she interrogated suddenly
"no" you responded quickly
"I don't believe you" she glared at you with a smile
"do you?" you asked back, she shuffled in her seat
"you can't tell anyone, promise?" she raised her eyebrows, you nodded your head
"promise" you repeated
"I kind of Fancy Fred" she whispered, even though it was just you two in the room.
you gasped lightly "do you think he'll ask you?"
"probably not" she frowned "i mean, he's really popular, you could go with a girl from Beauxbatons"
"i bet he'll ask you, you would look really cute together" you pointed out
she giggled softly "speaking of a twin, I heard you were avoiding George, why? he's your best friend" she whined
you stayed silent to for a moment, your mouth slightly open, trying to fine the words
she let out a gasp and covered her mouth in shock
"oh merlin- do you fancy George?!" she stared at you wide eyed
you stayed silent again, there was no point denying, it's safe to say that ever since you found your new feelings for him, he was no longer your best friend, but your crush.
Angie was your best friend now.
"aw, that's so cuteee, you guys are perfect" she awed
"as friends" you mumbled
"hey, don't say that, he would be stupid to not like you back" she frowned again
"thanks Ang" you murmured, laying on your back on your bed
"let's get some rest, yeah?" she turned off her lamp and you went off to bed
it's been another week and you were sat next to Angie when a paper ball got thrown at her, she looked over and Fred was staring at her, signing at her to go to the ball with him, she nodded her head happily and looked back at you with a big smile
"we need to get you that purple dress of yours" you said quietly.
you both got up and heard footsteps behind you
"wait up" they called, you both turned around and saw George coming up to you, Angie nudged you as he got closer looking at you, you looked at the ground and avoided eye contact with him
"would you give us a minute Ang?" she stepped away to give you a bit of privacy
"i uh- i need your help with something" he looked at you
"with what" you took a deep breath, tapping your foot
"doesn't matter yet, just meet me outside of potions after dinner, alright?" he told you briefly.
even if you were trying to avoid him, you couldn't say no to him when he needed your help
"ok" you mumbled before turning away and walking back to Angie. George still felt like he had done something wrong, but it didn't matter, because he knew how to cheer you up.
"did he ask you?"
you shook your head no and continued walking with her.
you had told her everything about your feelings for him, how you didn't want him to know and that you don't want to like him because you didn't want to lose him
so she knew that you didn't want to talk about it anymore
you finished your dinner and saw that Fred was without his partner in crime, so you excused yourself and began walking to potions.
you turned a corner that led to the classroom and caught George snogging Alicia Spinnet
"George?" you said in shocked. they broke apart and he looked at you
"what do you want?" he grumbled angrily as you interrupted their session
"you told me to come here, you needed help" you spoke weakly
"no I didn't, just go away, I don't know why we're even friends anymore" your heart broke bit by bit as you saw them holding each others hand, she looked at him with such love, it made you jealous that she looked at him the same why you did
"i- I'm sorry" you said soflty
you rushed away, going to your dorm room.
it was pathetic, this whole situation, crying because he was with someone else, crying for a boy that wasn't even yours to begin with. it wasn't like he cheated on you, you're not that type of person, but it hurt to see him holding her waist so gently, so tenderly, kissing her with such passion and love.
Angie came into the room finding you sobbing, you told her what happened and she comforted you
"it's ok, there's always somebody else out there" she cooed
"but they're not him, Ang!"
"I know, I know"
"so do we all have dates to the ball?" Fred asked
Lee nodded and George sat there, next to Fred looking at you, but you refused to look at him, you were embarrassed and uncomfortable
"George and Y/n don't" Angie replied, looking at you
"I might" you interjected
her eyebrows raised as she stared intently at you
"who!" she interrogated
"doesn't matter, I don't know if I'll say yes yet" you blushed nervously, you saw him watching you.
"what house is he in?" Fred wondered
"none, he goes to Durmstrang, he's a seventh year, friends with Viktor Krum but he's super sweet" you smiled sheepishly
"when did this happen?" Lee talked curiously
"this morning when I walked in here, he said i could think about it"
"say yes! please say yes, we both need dates" Angie clapped her hands exitedly
"i'm still thinking, but i'm leaning towards a yes" you saw Fred look at George shortly and glare at him, they seemed to have a conversation with their eyes
"wait, I thought you were going with Spinnet?" Angie interrupted them
George looked confused "Alicia?" he huffed. Angie nodded her head "why would I go to the ball with Alicia Spinnet?" He continued
"Because you were snogging her in th-" you nudged her leg with yours to stop her from talking and she shut her mouth
"What? Where did you hear that from?" she glanced at you and then shrugged
He looked at you and you averted your eyes
George felt like he was about to burst. He was sick of you doing this to him. He had done nothing wrong and you just ignore him.
He looked at you with sad eyes and his began picking his nails under the table
"So you weren't snogging her?" Angie breaks the silence. Still curious
"No! I've talked to her once, where did you hear this Angie?" He shook his head
"Doesn't matter. Let's go. Y/n, we got to study" she stood up and waited for you
You got up and walked out of the hall with her to go study
"Are you sure it was him?" She asked
"Yes. I'm sure. It couldn't of been anyone else, it was him. Angie, trust me" you sighed
"I believe you but I don't get why he would deny it"
You hummed along with her. Wondering why yourself.
the yule ball was coming up and you had gotten your dress along with Angie's. but you didn't have a date, you were going to go up to the boy to say yes but he told you a girl from Beauxbatons asked him and he said yes, they were quite cute actually, so you weren't mad.
but that meant you were alone. even though Angie said she'll reserve a few dances with you, and Fred said he would save one for you, you continued to feel a bit embarrassed, I mean out of hundreds of guys in Hogwarts, absolutely no one wanted to go with you. not to say you were desperate- if a first year, second you or third year asked you, you would probably say no, probably a fourth year too, but no one through 5th to 7th didn't want to go with you? it sounded sad and pathetic.
"so you asked Spinnet, huh?" Angie chuckled, cutting her pork, glancing at George
"what?" he tilted his head
"right, I heard that, good on ya, finally got yourself a date, Georgie" Fred smiled, patting his twins back, making the younger red head tense
"i don't have a date." he denied, he made eye contact with you and you saw a glimpse of hurt in his eyes as you broke it, looking at Fred.
as much as you wanted to avoid him, Angie was always with Fred, and Fred was ALWAYS with George, so you didn't have a choice, because otherwise you would be alone, you had other friends, but you weren't as close, and it would be weird if you suddenly starting sitting with them out of know where. so this was your only option.
"but Alicia has been telling everyone about how you asked her, sounded pretty excited about it" Lee said, looking lost.
George rubbed his face roughly, looking tired and annoyed
"I've told you this, I have no ide-"
"Georgie!" Alicia cut the by off, walking up to him and ruffling his hair, he moved away from her hand and looked at her strangley
"why did you move away, you love when i play with your hair" she pouted. you all looked at him with the same look, a look that said "can't deny it anymore, can ya?"
"no, I really don't" he replied shortly
she giggled, hitting his shoulder softly, obviously flirting
"anyway, my dress for the ball is gonna be orange, in case you want to match your tie, although you're clearly already matching with your hair" she giggled again. you and Angie looked at each other, amused smiles planted on your faces
"I'm not going to the ball with you, Alicia" he spoke bluntly
"don't joke like that, Georgie, it's not funny" she laughed
"Alicia, I would really appreciate it if you left me alone and stop telling people we're going out" he rolled his eyes
"but what about us? you told me you loved me? remember? in the corridor, where Y/n interrupted us" she looked at you bitterly. George glanced at you as you stared down at your plate, the food looking more interesting than this conversation.
he looked back at Alicia
"no, I don't remember, because it didn't happen" he fought with the girl in front of him
"merlin's beard George, stop trying to deny it- I saw it, there's no point in pretending it didn't happen, she knows it, you know it and I know it, now stop" you but in, getting annoyed at his childish ways
he stared at you, looking hurt
"no you don't know it, that's the first time you've talked to me in weeks, Y/n! why have been ignoring me" he spat
you looked at the brunette who clung to George
"Spinnet, do you remember what George said to me when I saw you both that night?" you asked her, she thought back for a moment and replied
"he said he didn't want to be friends anymore"
you looked at George and held eye contact with him for the first time in a ages
he, however, looked disgusted, but it didn't seem like it was aimed at you
"I didn't say that" he shook his head
you sighed, picking up your bag
"I need to study, i'll see you guys later" you got up, walking away from the table
it was the day after the ball, you had a good time, and Angie helped you with that, she grabbed your hands danced with you, smiling brightly trying to motivate you to have fun the whole night.
but you couldn't help but notice George, alone, staring at you almost the whole time, he was without a date and was sat down the whole time that he seemed bored, so much so that he left half way through the ball, he looked handsome, he looked really handsome, it made you want to go up to him and ask to dance, but if he wanted it, he could do it himself.
you had gotten detention a week ago in Snape's class, and after a discussion with McGonagall, he was forced to not have it on the night of the ball. George was trying to prank you by messing with your work cause he thought it would get you to talk to him, but it only ended up in you both getting detention.
bringing you here
"you'll be cleaning the classroom while i run errands" he informed you
"it's already clean sir" George butted in
"then you will sort the books in alphabetical order and then scrape the gum underneath all the desks" he glared at the twin
"without your wands"
he walks out of the room, leaving you and George alone, for the first time in months
you walk to the shelves and begin sorting the books, letting the boy deal with the gum.
you knew that you couldn't escape him in this moment, stuck in this locked room with only him, so when he tried starting conversation, you knew he would wear you down and you'll end up cracking
"so uh- I want you to know that it really wasn't me, that you saw with Alicia" he started
you sighed quietly and took out books, looking at the titles, wondering if Snape wanted them by the titles or authors, you decided on titles because it was easier.
"you can't ignore me forever, Love" he used the nickname, you could tell that wasn't doing the work by not even looking at him.
"love?" heat rose to your cheeks as the butterflies came back after a long time of ignoring them.
"it was Dylan, Dylan Trellweather, he's in Ravenclaw, I found out he was using Polyjuice potion, turns out Spinnet just likes me and he likes her so well, he wanted to be me so he just- yeah" he explained
you believed him, his confusion to the whole situation every time it was brought up seemed quite genuine, and he's supposed to be your best friend, he wouldn't lie.
"I was waiting for you that night, outside potions class. I waited two hours, thought you might of forgotten and were on your way because maybe you went to the common room" he spoke softly, you felt his presence behind you.
you felt his warmth as he stood there, waiting for your reply
you placed the books in their place and scratched your nose
"you should probably get to the desks, wouldn't wanna be here longer because you didn't do it" you said quietly
"please talk to me, what did I do?" he questioned standing beside you, leaning against the shelf, you glanced at him and refused to smile at him
you took a deep breath and took hold of more books, reading the titles and putting them in there place.
you went to get more but he grabbed your wrists gently, turning you to face him, pulling you closer to his tall body
he looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to talk, to tell him what's wrong, but you knew if you did, he would be the one not talking to you. you were saving yourself from embarrassment.
"I'm your best friend, Y/n, you can tell me anything" he reassured you.
you looked at him painfully, feeling yourself begin to cry, the tears forming in your eyes as he began he get worried
"hey, what's wrong, hey, hey it's ok," he pulled you in, bringing you in to his embrace "it's ok" he cooed and you began to cry
"shhh, please don't cry" he hushed, rocking you in his arms.
"I'm fine" you sniffled
"c'mon" he let go of you and held your hand, guiding you to a desk, pulling out a chair for you and making you sit down as you sobbed.
he knelt down in front of you and held your hands
"you looked pretty last night," he broke the silence, looking up at you.
"you always do but you looked really, really pretty" he smiled slightly
you stared at him, admiring the way his hair was in his face, long enough to reach to top of his collared shirt. you took a moment to appreciate his parents for raising this beautiful young man in front of you, who was looking up at you tenderly
"I was gonna ask you, you' know. if you showed up, I was gonna take you up to the astronomy tower- cause you love that spot, i was gonna take you up there, light a few fireworks and ask you to go with me" he admitted
you stopped crying and you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt
you didn't say anything- he was gonna ask you to the ball?
"this might not be something you want to hear, because of reasons i still don't know, but I love you, I have for quite some time now" he confessed, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear, his hand resting on your cheek, you leaned in to his touch, letting your eyes close at the contact
"I'm sorry if that ruins things, but i thought you should know, because I don't wanna keep it a secret, I want you to know how much I love and care about you" he rambled
you looked at him knowingly, giving him a smile.
the butterflies came back again, stronger this time. he felt the same way, it seemed unbelievable, a popular, gorgeous boy like him? liking a girl like you? it had to be a dream.
it wasn't, it was too good to be a dream
"I didn't want you to know about my feelings for you," you began, sighing
"so you avoided me?" he finished for you, looking upset
"I thought you wouldn't talk to me if you found out, I thought I was doing myself a favour" you looked down at the ground
you heard him chuckle lowly, you looked at him, your eyebrows furrowed as you frowned
"I'm sorry" you apologised
he lifted you up off the chair, pulling you into another hug
"don't apologise" he rested his chin on your head, holding your hips gently.
he was always gentle with you, never rough, he would never grab you forcefully or pull you violently.
he always held you with such care and sincerity. and that never changed
"can I- can I kiss you?" he looked at your lips after pulling away slightly, you felt your heart flutter at the question, you nodded you heard, letting him bend down, cupping your cheeks and placing a delicate kiss on you lips.
he pulled away from your lips stared at you lovingly
"well then, wanna ditch?" he smirked mischievously
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itstopplingdomino · 4 months
confident | weasley twins x reader
A/N: i made a promise to write something after my test based on how i feel afterwards. so here we are...
pairing: fred weasley x reader (if you squint), george weasley x reader summary: Fred carries the essence of confidence like it weighs nothing; academic, friendship, quidditch and even love life - he is sure he's set for life. So when he finds out about your little crush on him and how it had been like that for years, he does absolutely nothing. And that teaches him a lesson that he'll remember for the rest of his life. tags: hurt/no comfort, idiots in love, no usage of y/n, gn!reader (usage of 'you' instead of specific pronouns), usage of pet/nicknames, mild cursing, false hope, leading on, jealousy, no war alternative universe ───────── "I don't understand," Lee states. He is sitting on the armrest of the sofa, the afternoon light shines briefly across his eyes as he tries to block it with a book. "If you like Daisy too then why.." Fred shrugs. "Well if Daisy maintains a secret crush on me for five years, then waiting for another two- you know until after graduation- won't hurt."
Lee looks at Angelina, hoping that she'll have a better explanation for this. Unfortunately she returned his confused look with her own.
"How are you sure Daisy won't give up? What if tomorrow your little admirer wakes up and decides to like someone else?" Angelina probes.
"Please, I have a plan." Fred says, with his usual air of mock-arrogance. "Trust me, it'll work."
Lee and Angeline exchanges a resign look. "Well, it's gonna be your lost anyway.." Lee says in which Angelina nods to.
Fred shrugs, again, then leaves to find you.
He knows where you are. Five years in Hogwarts together, causing ruckus in all forms with the promise of detention almost every time, he can understand you in ways you sometimes don't.
Which is why your crush on him is not a surprise to him at all. In fact it was almost hilarious that everyone else think of it as such a big deal. You two are attached to the hips most of the times; if he's not there to bring trouble, you'll find him - and it's been like this ever since you set foot in Hogwarts.
George, of course, joins in the fun. Though Fred notices that he's slowly been opting out over the years, preferring to prank with just the older twin. Fred considers this an act of jealousy yet he never brings it up as George's blatant avoidance never seems to bother you. He's seen his twin interacts with you alone just yesterday, the day before, and Merlin even before that. He thinks that George simply want a little separation as michievenous activities are always a two-person activity until you came.
That is exactly why, right now, Fred waits for you just outside Arithmancy classroom for a planned pranking session; target for the day is Filch.
Not too long after he arrived, students emerge from the classroom, all looking like the boredom has threatened their life. You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing beside your classmate who Fred sure he was introduced to before yet he can't remember her name. It didn't matter though, he's only here for you.
"My Daisy," Fred greets you with a playful smile on his face, bowing like a gentleman from the victorian era, lowering a pretend-tophat.
You rolled your eyes. "Please stop calling me by something I'm deathly allergic to. Even Lee and Angie started using it too."
"If you say so, Peanuts."
You playfully smack him across his back. He knows you're not deathly allergic to Peanuts, only mildly.
"Ready?" He asks, offering you his hand.
The brief shy look that passes your face did not escape him as you joins hands. "Ready!"
Fred smirks knowingly. With usual flirtatious remarks in his repertoire, physical touch is a newly added part in his friendship with you. He loves it when you look away nervously whenever your faces are a little too close, or when you jolts and become a stuttering mess every time he whispers right next to your ears, or moments like this - hand holding, plus short hugs and arm across your shoulder that's he's planning to include in the future.
With what he knows about your feelings, he revels in this reactions without ever needing to confess. - - -
You doubled over the grass just outside Hogwarts grounds, laughing at the wrath Fred and you invoke in Filch from the prank. This time you calculated for sure that the caretaker of Hogwarts will not find out who the pranksters are. A red herring steering towards obnoxious Slytherins is placed perfectly for him to think it's not the two of you.
"That was brilliant!" Fred shouted, he dips to lift you up and spins you around. "Bloody smart, you are!"
You cackles loudly, just enjoying his grip on your body. You're not thinking of anything inappropriate but Good Godric if you could just kiss that lips, you'll be content eternally.
He must've realise that you're staring at his lips as an unreadable expression crosses his face, he sets you down as his eyes flicks between your eyes and your lips.
It can't be.. can't it?
You think again.
I mean.. he's been sweet these days.. more so than usual.
If that's not a sign, then you don't know what is. So you fight your doubts and tiptoe to reach his lips. Your eyes closes as it nears his face yet what stops you is not the innocent peck you've been dreaming of, it is his hands on your shoulder.
Confusion evident on your face as you open your eyes and lower yourself. You search for answer in his face but all you could find is a torn look. The kind of look you've seen him give to other students who had asked him out. The kind of look that you desperately wish against yourself every single night.
And now you're at the receiving end of it.
A thick lump forms in your throat and all you say is, "Why..?"
Fred clears his throat as he looks away, clearly uncomfortable in this situation, his hand still on your shoulder now caressing in consolation.
You don't need consolation. You need explanation.
"Freddie, why?" Tone firmer than before as you shake off his hands.
"Well, its just.. I mean.." He took a deep breath before he continue. "Let's just have fun, you know. We only have two years left. Surely you don't want to spend the majority of it with- with this." He gestured between you and him.
If nature is a little quieter, you're sure the sound of your heartbreak can be heard.
"Is that what this- all this has been about..? You having fun?" You hissed, taking a few steps back which he closes just easily in a single move.
"I mean, you like me for five years, certainly you can wait a few more.."
The icing on the cake. He knew.
He knew and he still did that.
Play with your heart, push and pull it like a tug of war.
"You are the absolute worst."
Without sparing a single glance, you turn on your heels and apparated away. - - - The rest of the year passes in a blink of an eye.
To everyone else, it seems. Lee had been whining non-stop at Fred and George's decision to leave Hogwarts early. NEWTs is irrelevant to the path the Weasley twins has set for themselves, after all.
To Fred, the year drags on painfully slow as if he's aware of every single second that ticks by. He's just glad the day for them to leave is finally nearing.
After what happens between Fred and you, he notices that he almost never see you anymore. The one time he did was when you came looking for Angelina to pass her notes you had borrowed. You greeted him with your usual cheeriness but the smile didn't quite reach your eyes. He thought you'll warm back to him, forgive him, but how can you forgive when he can't even find you to apologise.
He realises that you know him better than he does himself. Otherwise how else can you avoid for so long.
At one point, he even asks Angelina if you had ever mention anything about your little crush on him anymore.
"Hm, no actually. I mean, it's pretty clear that Daisy's focusing on NEWTs, we all are anyway, so boys talk never really come up. It just adds to the stress."
Her answer disappointed him but he has an image to uphold so he act nonchalant about it.
"What? Are you finally going to pursue Daisy?" Angelina teased.
"Why are you asking? Afraid of the competition?" Fred in his usual manner put on a smirk, albeit a fake one. And the way Angelina rolled her eyes and smacked him meant that he successfully fooled her.
How he wished it was you who's rolling her eyes and smacking then, instead of her.
He made a fool out of you.
- - - Fred enters the apartment after a long negotiation with the accountant at the bank. He just couldn't figure out why the numbers are not adding up and the son of a bitch he hired is as unhelpful as a broken wand. Three years they've been doing business and this accountant is the first one to be so incompetent. Fred regretted making a rushed hiring decision as the last one had to resigned immediately from chronic health issues. A breach in one year contract would cost them quite a lot so he just puts up him. Two more months and he'll fire that bastard.
He searches for the bottle of wine in the cupboard, typically reserved for celebratory occasions and not punching the accountant in a very public space counts as a win, but the wine is not there. He looks at other cupboards too, but the bottle is still nowhere to be found.
George must've taken it.
No one else lives here, and unless the bottle of wine grew a pair of legs, it simply do not move from it's designated place.
The older twin drags his feet to his brother's room when George's door opens.
And there you are.
You, in all your glory, comes out looking like you defeated boredom. Laughing hysterically at what George says as your hands wrapped delicately around his twin's arm.
He had seen this sight before. Often when you went out from your favourite classes like Arithmancy or Ancient Runes.
But never with George. Never to George.
He whispers your name in a hopeless attempt to make you direct that smile to him, but your light dims as soon as you heard him.
George and you stop, taken aback by Fred's early arrival. The younger twin isn't expecting his brother to return until an hour from now.
"I know you two know each other." George chuckles, which you smiled at. The sweet smile that once had been directed to Fred. "But I'd like to introduce Daisy again.."
His eyes practically sparkling at this point. "as my Fiance."
George didn't falter and your smitten look unwavering. There isn't a single mischief or malice in his demeanour, nor yours. This isn't some sick, twist prank the two of you are pulling. Fred had never told anyone about what happens between the two of you, but he had assume you had ignored George all the same. What, being identical twins and all. Just looking at George should've brought pain to you.
Apparently looking at George seems to make you smile even brighter.
"Uh.. S-since when..?" Fred force out a cough. "I mean, I didn't know you two kept in contact, let alone are seeing each other.."
"We didn't." You answer, though your eyes chose to look at his general direction and not his eyes. "We met around two years ago by coincidence."
"Merlin, a lucky guy I am." George chimes in. "It started with a simple catch up over tea. Then it became a monthly thing. Before we know it, we were meeting almost every other day for half a year."
How did he missed it. "Daisy here is still a tough one. Took me a year and half to convince her to date me. Another half year to convince marrying me!"
Seriously, how did he missed it? Fred remembers when George comes home late, snickering to himself, sometime last year. Then the next day he was so high spirited that he gave out discount to everyone the first opening hour. He was so high on cloud nine that whenever Fred tried to pry out details of joyous mood, George simply kept evading the question. Saying he doesn't want to jinx it. "Oh, while we're on the subject.. Will you be my bestman?"
Fred looks between you and his brother. Your eyes refusing to meet his. Hesitantly he replies, "Y-yeah! Of course Georgie! I'll be honoured!"
He hope his emotions didn't betray his tone. His younger twin is engaged, no foul play is coming from you as far as he could tell. Well, of course he could tell. However you're behaving with George right now was how you acted when you had a crush on Fred. He knew that love-adorn smile, that twinkle in your eyes, the pitched giggles in between. He knew that all too well, though you're definitely less shy and hesitant about it with George.
You lean against his brother wearing a specific form of confidence Fred had only seen once in you.
The same air of confidence that he had shattered when he pushed you away as you tried to kiss him. Fucking Fantastic. It is his lost.
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iconicstoner · 11 months
shut up…and kiss me
gn!reader x george weasley
words: 1121
summary: y/n is tired of the stupid pranks the Weasley twins pull, but despite this, they can’t help but find one of them so lovable.
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“It’s every day with these stupid pranks.”
“You don’t have to take the fun out of everything,” Lee says with a grin. We’re sitting at our table in the back of the charms classroom. The class has just ended, but Lee and I have nowhere to be. Somehow, we lucked out with having a free period before lunch, giving us extra time to goof off.
“I just want to pass this class. I shouldn’t have to worry which class the Weasley twins will blow up next.” Lee rolls his eyes, but I don’t feel wrong for what I said. Usually, with this free time, we would go to the quidditch pitch to mess around and inevitably terrorize Oliver Wood because of it. Or at the very least, we would get to relax in the common room, but I’d been trying to avoid the twins ever since their pranks started getting shockingly extreme.
“In their defense, I don’t think they’ve ever blown up an entire classroom.”
“Yet,” I mumble. Lee says their pranks are getting more extreme because we’re about to graduate, so there are fewer consequences. I say it’s because they’re getting more deranged.
“Awe, you don’t like our pranks?” I quickly turn my head to the right to see Fred’s head poking between Lee's and my shoulders. It’d be comedic if his ability to be sneaky wasn’t so terrifying.
“We just want to entertain the masses.” I swivel my head to the left to find George hovering over my other shoulder. He’s closer than Fred was, and the smell of pine radiates off him. It overshadows the smell of fireworks and candy that linger on his clothes, most likely from his new inventions. It combines to make a warm smell that I could wrap myself in on a cold day.
“Well, clearly y/n is not part of the masses, because they don’t seem to be having much fun,” Lee mocks. Fred and George pout while Lee tries his best to keep from laughing his ass off.
“You don’t like our pranks?” Fred asks as he jabs his index finger into my cheek.
“That’s just pitiful,” George says. He leans his head against my shoulder and lets out a deep sigh. From the right, I can tell Lee and Fred are giggling. A part of me wants to say something, or to shut them up, but the other part of me wants George to stay leaned up against me for eternity. As I’m contemplating my choices, George lifts his head.
“Time to go, Feorge?” Fred asks his twin.
“We have mischief to manage elsewhere, Gred,” George responds with a serious look. My suspicion that they’re maniacs grows rapidly.
“I have never understood those nicknames they have for each other,” I tell Lee once the twins are out of the room.
“I have never understood how you and George aren’t dating yet.” I shoot him a grim look, but he just returns it with a toothy smile.
“I don’t know what makes you think I’m interested in that miscreant.”
“Well, the fact I have eyes capable of seeing past your bullshit makes me know you want him. I see the way your eyes linger on his lips and the way you two always keep physical contact for just a bit too long, and let’s not forget the time Gryffindor won a quidditch match against Slytherin and you ran over to the field and hugged him for like ten minutes.”
“Maybe I’m just passionate about quidditch,” I counter. Lee laughs in my face, but when he realizes I’m serious, his smile drops.
“If you were passionate about quidditch, you’d be dating Wood, not drooling over George.”
“Hey! I do not drool,” I scoff, and he just rolls his eyes.
“Well, since you’re so passionate about quidditch, let’s go study by the pitch,” he suggests hopefully. He suggests going there so much that I consider he could be the one in love with Wood.
As we make our way down to the pitch, I hear soft music, which is a shock because I’d usually hear the whirling of brooms and yelling amongst teammates. As we round the corner, I turn to see George Weasley standing alone on the quidditch pitch. He’s taken off his school robe and just has on his white button-down and black trousers. Small candles that gently hover above the ground circle him while he holds out his hand in my direction.
“Now, go talk to him,” Lee says mischievously as he lightly shoves me forward before walking away in the other direction. I guarantee that he and Fred will be spying on George and me this entire time. I stand in front of George and slowly take his hand as the music continues to softly play in the background. It’s a song I’ve never heard before, but I can tell it’s French, and I can tell that it’s the type of song you slow dance to. As George takes my hand, pulling me close, he begins to slowly waltz with me on the field.
“How did you manage this?”
“I had to beg Wood to reserve the quidditch pitch so I could use it,” he says with his face tucked into my hair. I can hear his smile, and I’m impressed he worked something like this out.
“How’d you convince Wood to go for that?” My question is just louder than a whisper so I don’t disrupt the music as we continue to dance.
“I’m going to prank the Slytherin quidditch captain in return,” he tells me with a quiet laugh, and I can't help but smile. “I love to be near you,” he continues, “as crazy as I might sound, I wouldn’t want to love anyone but you.” My face heats up with his words, but he just holds me tighter.
“As stupid as I find some of your pranks, I wouldn’t want to spend a second away from you,” I admit. It’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say out loud, but I’m happy to finally get it off my chest. He gently pulls himself away from me and stops dancing. I look up at him nervously, hoping I didn’t say the wrong thing, but before he gives me that chance to apologize, he’s already got one hand holding my jaw. He pushes himself towards me again, and I feel his soft lips meet mine. The kiss quickly turns passionate, and my thoughts become jumbled.
“So, would it be safe to say we’re dating now?” He asks with a cheeky grin as he pulls out of the kiss.
“I think it would be safe to say that,” I assure, right before pushing us back into the kiss.
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economy-of · 5 days
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 6 months
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Summary: Yule Ball is right around the corner and you still haven't found a date. Or at least decided on asking someone as a date. But your heart is set on a certain redhead who just isn't taking a hint and is as dense as a rock.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Song: Must be Love by Laufey
Warning: fluff, anxiety rant (reader stressed with school)
Word count: 4.8k+
A/n: honestly I started this around February this year and forgot about it... yeah that bad. I wanted to get it out of my system since it's been there for a while. This was actually meant to be part of my serendipity book but i still havent written the other chapters but I really like this chapter. Either way I hope you lovelies will enjoy it, Happy holidays<3333
Everyone was ecstatic from the announcement of the Yule ball. It was the first ever dance they were to have at the school and everyone was already starting off their plans on what to wear and who to go with. With the Triwizard tournament at hand, you were glad there was something to take your mind off the stress.
Training and helping Harry through all of the practices were starting to wear you out.
At the moment, all of you were in the Great hall simply studying. You were nearly done with your assessment when from the corner of your eye, you spot Fred throwing a piece of paper towards his younger brother.
Ron raised his head up in annoyance, wondering why his brother would want to disturb him. He opened the ball of crumpled paper and read the words "you better get a move on or else there won't be any girl to ask to be your date." Or something like that, he only skimmed through it.
Ron gave Fred an annoyed stare, "Who are you going to the Yule ball with then?"
Fred crossed his arms and sent Ron a smirk, "Well, I still have to ask them. I’m thinking on doing it really soon,"
Your ears prick up at his words. He's planning on asking someone else to the ball? Of course he'd be going with someone but you had always hoped it would be you.
Your heart sank at the mere thought he was going to ask someone else to the Yule ball.
Ron looked surprised, he thought that Fred had already asked you but he was wrong. He looked towards you, seeing you leaned over your assessment, looking like you didn't care to pay mind to what he and Fred were talking about. But in truth, you did care, you cared a whole lot.
"How about you Y/n? Who are you going with? Lots of guys have been asking you lately, it shouldn't be too hard to choose one." Ron asked, not knowing that this was sparking a little jealousy in Fred.
You looked up from your paper and looked at Ron. You saw the worried glances Harry and Hermione were sending your way.
"I won't tell you cause it's a surprise." You whispered back with a wink before looking back down on your activity.
Fred tensed up at your words, it sounds like you already accepted to be someone’s date. He didn't want to pry on who it was in case he might get his heart even more broken, but of course, curiosity got the best of him.
"Really? Why am I only hearing of this now?" Fred asked.
"Well technically they haven't asked me yet so I'm going to ask them instead." You replied courtly.
Fred seemed perplexed. They haven't asked her to the ball yet? What an idiot. Oh god wait, is she planning on asking that Beauxbatons girl? No she wouldn't, she would have told me.
"...so who's the lucky girl- or guy?" Fred stumbled on his words as he leaned in. He really wanted to know who it was, even if it was at the expense of his own feelings.
You look at him with a grin, trying to mask the slight nervous breakdown you were having within. It was ironic that he was asking about this especially since it was him you were talking about.
"I'm not telling you who it is, Freddie. Like I said, it's a surprise." You state as you finish up your assessment.
"Oh come on, you don't need to tell me their name. Maybe give me some clues? Like which school they're going to-"
You narrowed your eyes at him, knowing how stubborn he was going to be about this. "Well that would just narrow down your possible choices."
He started shaking your arm like a child asking their parents for a sweet in a sweet shop. "Come on, just tell me."
You shook your head and laughed at his dramatics. "Fred, you should finish up your activity."
"Hey, don't change the subject." Fred pointed out.
"You're not gonna do it till I tell you, huh?" You said with an unimpressed stare.
"Nope. Now can you at least tell me one thing?" He urged on.
You let out a sigh as you went deep in thought. Do you really want to help him in finding out who it is or leave him to his madness. You decided on the first choice. It wasn't like he was gonna figure out it's him.
"They're studying here at hogwarts."
"...Yeah, that totally narrows down the choices." Fred sighed. "Which house are they in?"
You chuckled, "like I'd tell you that. That would make it too obvious."
Hermione laughed from the other side. "Y/n, even if you say what house they're in, I don't think they'll be able to figure out who it is."
You thought about it for a second and realized she had a point. "Huh, you're right." You agreed with a chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mea- you know what, I don't wanna know. What I do wanna know is, who this person is." Fred was adamant at finding out who the mystery person was, and it was starting to make you nervous that he might actually figure it out.
He sat up once he found an alternative solution to his predicament. "Oh, I know, I'll name a bunch of people, and you tell me if they're the person. Okay?"
"What if I lied and said no even if they were the person I was going to ask to the ball?" You smirked, which was only returned with an unimpressed glare.
Fred was about to say something but decided against it. "I'll just do it anyways… is it Diggery."
You shook your head a no.
You cringed at the thought, no offense to Draco. Besides you knew he had his eyes in a certain Gryffindor. "Godric no, he's already planning on going with someone else."
Both Harry"s and Fred's eyes seemed to widened at the statement, Harry seemed even more surprised.
They both yelled out in unison, "He is?!”
Snape went in to scold the two for their outburst. Removing 5 house points from each of them. Causing the surrounding students to send their glares towards the two.
“Yes he is! Now hush the both of you!” You scolded as you continued with your work.
“Right, I shouldn't get distracted… How about that Freya girl?" He spoke her name in doubt, scared that he might be right.
You chuckled at the mention of her name, "No, she's going with her girlfriend."
Fred's heart settled at the realization, abit shocked by the new information but he was delighted to have that thought settled in his mind. That means you weren't going to act on your childhood crush. But then the thought entered his mind that it meant you were planning on going with someone else, someone he wasn't aware of.
"How about… Neville?"
"Already going with someone."
"He plans on asking someone else."
"Nice guy but no."
"He's going stagg."
"I don't know why I'm even asking this but, how about Lee?"
You immediately shook your head a no.
Lee perked up from his seat at the mention of his name. "Huh? I heard my name, what's going on."
George leaned over and told Lee about the situation.
"Ohhh, I see." Lee chuckled, "this is going to be fun." He whispered back.
"Godric...well uh, is it Louis?" Fred guessed. At this point he didn't know who else could be the possible match.
"No. He is a good option but no." You simpered on, wondering where this conversation was going to take you.
"I give up on doing this, just answer my questions." Fred continued. "Do you talk to them everyday?"
The question seemed vague enough for him to not know who so it didn't hurt to answer him. “Yes,”
Fred went deep in thought, why did he even choose this question? "Who would you be talking to that I wouldn't know about...
You all chuckled to hear his words, he may seemed to be really observant when it came to you but completely oblivious at the same time.
"Oh wow Fred, you take note of who y/n talks to everyday?" George teased, though Fred didn't really see it that way.
"So what? I'm with her almost all the time, I would know who she'd be talking to." Fred explained.
"You aren't with her all the time. What about during class hours?" Hermione stated.
Fred looked dumbfounded, he didn't think of that.
Harry leaned over to you, making sure no one else heard him other than you, "I wonder how long it's going to take for him to realize it's him."
"Give it 2-3 business days." You replied with a chuckle.
Fred turned back to you with another question in mind. "What does their name start with?"
You shook your head with a chuckle. "I'm not going to answer that."
"Ugh, fine. Are they taller than you?"
You laughed at his question, "Yes." By a lot.
"That question doesn't even help. Lots of people are taller than Y/n." Harry commented earning a smack on the head from you. You caught Fred laugh at his joke which you used to your advantage.
You gasped and feigned an insulted look, "Okay, ouch. I was just thinking about telling you who it was but I changed my mind." You scooted away, with a false pout.
Fred laughed, trying to pull you back to him by pulling you by the waist. "I'm only joking, love."
You replied with an eye roll, trying to conceal the grin that slowly crept onto your lips.
You began packing your things before facing Fred again, "Seeing as you're not doing the activity, I'm going to go and spend the rest of the period outside."
“Oh come on, tell me who it is.” Fred stated with a pout as he theld onto your hand to keep you from leaving.
“Like I said before, no.” You replied with a teasing grin before grabbing the rest of your things.
You stood up from your seat and handed in your paper to Snape. He seemed to have been listening in on your conversation. He seemed to find your conversation quite amusing.
"If that Weasley boy doesn't ask you soon, I think it's better you accept Diggery's offer." He suggested in his usual monotone voice but there was this spark of interest in his eyes on the topic which surprised you.
“Professor Snape!” You laughed, surprised by this side of your professor.
“I'm just saying,” He simply shrugged before walking off with your work.
The following day was hectic, more so than usual.
Most of the classes were finishing up their lessons so that during the holiday break you'd all be free from the burdens of school work. But it didnt help when they just piled more school work over the other to cram everything in one go.
Things seemed worse for you since you had decided to take up more classes this year. Not just that, but you somehow tangled yourself into becoming a some sort of charm fixer for the younger years whenever they'd mess up a spell.
And because Harry got himself stuck with being a triwizard champion for Hogwarts. You had to help him with spells and charms just so he could survive the challenges. You wouldn't be able to to live with yourself if anything were to happen to him under your watch.
As the holiday's were approaching, the only decent things about your schedule was the dance classes in between subjects. You had already learned how to waltz when you were a girl. Your parents weren't ones to host glamorous balls but your grandparents were. You had fond memories of your dance classes during your summers spent abroad. Twirling endlessly in studios till your head wouldn't stop spinning.
McGonagall appeared at the front of the hall and cleared her throat to call the attention of the crowd. "find your partners everyone, we will begin shortly."
Everyone began scattering across the room searching for their partners. You had the tendency to switch partners every now and then since the boys kept asking if you could show them the steps to the dance. You didn't mind, even if it meant getting your toes stepped on every now and again.
As you looked across the room, you wondered who you would be dancing with this time. Your own question was answered when your hand was suddenly grabbed and you were twirled around to be flush against someone's chest.
"Freddie!" You laughed, the wind was nearly knocked out of you from the sudden turn.
"You don't mind having this dance with me, do you love?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
You shook your head with a grin, "No, I don't mind at all."
Your hands were intertwined as your other hand rested on his shoulder and his hand grasped your waist. There was no tense atmosphere compared to the other boys who always seem to stray away from their confident selves when around you. But not Fred, no. He was always his true self around you.
The music began playing and echoed through the hall. Light footsteps pattered across the floor as people tried to find their footing. Some seemed to struggle more than others but that wasn't the case for you and Fred.
The two of you danced across the floor in sync. The two of you paid little mind to everything around you as you both were lost in your own world. Like your heart harmonised with the beat of his heart and that was the only rhythm you guys needed to dance.
"You've improved since the last time we've danced." You teased as you continued your steps.
Fred rolled his eyes at the memory of his poor attempt at trying to dance the waltz with you during one of your grandparents balls. He didn't exactly want to be there in the first place let alone dance a waltz he's never learned. But he didn't want to leave you there alone either. You wanted to dance, so he danced with you.
"Careful, I might step on one of your toes again." He taunted as he went along with your teasing.
You shook your head with a laugh. You had hoped that he would be your date for the ball. When he accompanied you to your grandparents' ball, it was like something out of a fairy tale. Though he stepped on your toes once or twice, it was all worth it. Especially when around the end, the two of you were left alone out in the gardens to stargaze the rest of the night.
Maybe, just maybe he would ask you to the ball.
Fred knew from your silence, you were stuck in thought. "You're still not going to tell me who it is?"
Your eyes snapped back to him, "Who?"
"The one you're taking to the ball." He replied almost in a whisper. At this point he wondered if he should still be asking about who it is. Is he really going to subject himself to this hurt?
Your eyes softened at his question. "Freddie..." you could tell him the truth. You could tell him that the guy you most desperately want to go to the ball with was him. But you were too scared to do so. Godric forbid you had any bravery left in you to tell him your true feelings.
You could casually ask him to the ball. Make nothing of it. To go as friends. But something in your gut told you that if you went together, things would be different. Things were different.
You weren't just little kids anymore. You were both at that stage in your life where love and relationships were the main focus of everyone's lives. If you screw up things with Fred, you'd probably spiral into a mess.
"You don't have to tell me. Just make sure to save me a dance, alright?" You could feel the defeat sink into his voice. But before you could do anything about it you were pulled away by another person to continue the waltz.
You caught a glimpse of Fred and you could feel your heart start breaking. You wanted to tell Fred but was it really worth the cost?
It had been two days since Fred had questioned you about the mystery guy and you thought he just dropped the topic and forgot, but you were wrong.
Truth was, it was all he could think about. He didn't even try to ask you to go with him to the ball that day because he was scared he was going to get shot down.
And if you were being honest, he was all you could think about too. Not just on the fact that he was so adamant at knowing who the mystery person was, but also because he too had someone on his mind on who to ask for the ball.
If there was already someone he planned on asking, why even bother asking him to be your date to the ball? You felt hopeless and most of all, stupid for ever thinking you had a chance at asking Fred to the ball.
These thoughts consumed you to the point you didn't even want to try to sleep anymore. You just laid there on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually you got hungry and tired of your own thoughts.
You got up from your bed and slowly crept away from the girl's dormitory, being careful not to wake anyone up, especially Stark. Godric knows how grumpy that cat gets when he gets woken up. You didn't currently have the map with you since it was with Harry but you didn't mind. You've basically engraved the school's layout in your mind.
You eventually reached the portrait and got out. It wasn't totally pitch black but it would help to have a little light help guide your way.
As you walked through the empty hallways, you couldn't help but think about all the things that were troubling you these last few days. I guess lots of things have been bothering you lately. You didn't exactly know where to start.
The thought that Harry was constantly being placed out into the line of danger and you not being able to help him is killing you. You have always been there to protect him and help him out but with the stupid Triwizard tournament rules getting in your way, you can't do anything about it.
Your stroll eventually led up to the kitchens, quickly grabbing a few snacks and bidding daisy and the other elves goodbye before going around the castle again. You missed these peaceful silences.
In all honesty you were suffocating from all of the school work and activities brought by the Triwizard tournament. You may not have been part of them but your professors seemed to have the impression that you were capable of handling lots of extra school tasks.
Like helping lead the class in dance classes in preparation for the Yule ball since you had experience in ball dancing. Assisting in charms classes in the lower years in your free time. Being a sort of ambassador for the foreign students seeing as you can speak French and russian. As if already having to deal with your normal studies and Quidditch wasn't enough.
You liked that they thought of you as a responsible student but you were juggling so many things that you rarely had the time for anything fun anymore. While your friends were off pranking, you were stuck helping second years undo charms that went wrong. While Kayla, Pansy and Mione were doing their usual "book club" sessions, you were busy helping Harry figure out how to do certain spells.
Your mind was so wrapped up in all your worrying that you didn't even realize that your footsteps led you to Monty. You grinned at the sight of the tree.
"Hello old friend." You greeted as you sat at the root of the tree.
You snacked on your food as you contemplated in silence. Though the tight feeling was still present in your chest, it felt comforting to be in a place that made you feel safe.
You leaned your head back on the tree and looked up at the star covered sky. You missed star-gazing. With all of the chaos, you haven't been able to star-gaze in a while.
Like a gush of fresh air passing you, you knew a presence was nearby. One that you were all too well familiar with.
You turned your head to look at him with a light grin. There he stood in his plaid pajamas and initial sweater.
"How come you always manage to find me?" You asked, tilting your head with a chuckle.
"I should be the one asking why you're always wandering off, in the middle of the night no less." Fred replied as he sat down next to you.
You both sat there quietly; looking up at the stars, mostly lost in thought. That was until Fred decided to break the silence.
"Why are you up so late? I know you don't usually sleep early but even 3 am is a stretch for you.” Fred stated as he pointed at his watch. ”What's on your mind, Carrington?"
A concerned look fell on your face, you didn't realize that much time passed already. You let out a sigh, you knew you were going to end up exhausted the next day.
"Honestly?" You inquired.
Fred nodded at you with sincerity, he had all his attention focused on you.
You sighed and suddenly the words just poured out of you, "it's just… so much is happening and I don't know how to deal with it all. I have to assist the younger years in charms, quidditch training, normal classes, foreign students and- il se passe trop de choses et j'ai l'impression que je vais pleurer et crier mais-" (too much is happening and i feel like I'm going to cry and scream but-). You paused, forgetting that Fred didn't know a lick of French.
"Fuck sorry, I didn't mean to do that." You apologized as you sunk your face into your hands.
"No, no, it's okay. Just keep going. I'll listen, even though I don't understand a single word of french. I'll be here to listen." He replied as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
You nodded as you continued on in your rant, the words were all coming out like a broken dam. "It's just that so much is going on and pour l'amour de la merde, you'd think they'd give a 4th year a break. I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking down every minute but I won't let myself go because there's still so much meant to be done."
You haven't really told anyone about how stressed you've been feeling lately and it felt so great to actually tell someone. Fred nodded along as he listened to you. There was this look on his face, as though he hung on every word you said, regardless if it was in a foreign language.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry you've been doing all that work. They should be paying you at this point. Is there anything I can do to lessen the load?" Fred asked as he brushed and stroked your hair.
You sighed and closed your eyes, "unfortunately, no."
He tilted his head, as if not believing what you said. “Are you absolutely sure? Cause you know me, I can give Minnie and Alby a piece of my mind.”
“Thanks for the offer but I'm sure I can handle it." You leaned your head on his shoulder in defeat.
"I know you can, but it doesn't mean you have to." He replied, rubbing his hand over your arm.
All these years, he's been by your side through it all. Through all the Voldemort nonsense, through the injuries, through the nightmares, everything.
"Freddie." You whispered.
"Yeah, love?" He replied.
"Thank you."
He faced you with this puzzled look, "For what?"
You gave him a simple shrug, thinking the answer was already obvious. "For just being there for me."
Fred's features softener and pulled you in closer to his side. "Anything for you, darling. You know that."
“I do…I hope you know the same applies to you.” You replied as you looked up at him.
“I do.” He nodded as he looked up at the stars. They were incredibly bright tonight, he wondered if you always wandered out here just to look at the stars to clear your head. That would explain why he would always find you here.
“When was the last time we went stargazing together?”
You grinned at the memory, “last summer when we went camping on the reserve.”
“We should do it again.” He replied, his eyes still glued to the stars.
You look at him with a cheek aching smile, “yeah, we should.” He may have meant the stars in the sky, but to you, it meant the freckles that were scattered across his cheeks like constellations. Those were the stars you were willing to spend endless nights studying.
“Can we just look at the stars while they're still out?” He laced his fingers between yours, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Okay.” You replied, snuggling yourself closer to Fred to get comfy as you looked up at the sky.
And that's what you both did till dawn came. The sky twisting in colors of peach and purple as the sun slowly rose over the grounds of Hogwarts. It was a quiet morning, and for once your mind was quiet too.
Maybe it had something to do with the boy whose shoulder you were resting your head on or the peaceful ambience the morning brought you. You didn't really care, you were happy and that was it.
You couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence flow through you. It could have been your mind lacking sleep but everything that was holding you back from telling Fred about your feelings just flew out the window.
You wanted to tell him, and you wanted to tell him now.
You sat up and turned to Fred in a rushed motion. Your movements startled the boy but he was left waiting for whatever you were about to do.
“What's wrong, love?” He asked you, surprisingly not as sleepy as you expected him to be.
“Remember what I said about that person I was going to ask to the Yule ball?” You hesitated with your words. You weren't even sure if you were thinking straight. You prayed that whatever words formed in your head would be the right words to say to Fred.
Fred tensed at your words. He nodded slightly, hoping that the next words that would leave your mouth wouldn't hurt too much.
“Well…” You felt your throat go dry but you were already in too deep, you had to commit. “To tell you the truth, they're really really really dense. And honestly I don't even know why they would even want to go with me if the opportunity presented itself but-.”
Fred's forehead creased at your words, who wouldn't want to go with you to the ball? That would be like turning down the chance to enter heaven. “Why'd you think that, love? Anyone lucky enough to even be in your sights should be thanking God or whatever force for putting you on this earth.”
You felt your cheeks go bright red and your heart beat ten times faster. You weren't even sure if you could have controlled it with Fred's words just pouring out of his mouth like they just came to him naturally. He didn't even stop there. Once he started he couldn't stop.
“I mean look at you, I don't think I can think of anyone else in the whole entire world that could even come close to how perfect you are. I mean sure, you're basically a night owl with how little you sleep because you'd rather read than have a decent amount of sleep,”
You laughed at his little comment, shoving him slightly in the shoulder, but that didn't stop him from continuing his rant.
“You literally land in the hospital wing every week or so because you'd rather put yourself in harm's way than others. And you don’t even like sharing your cookies but you still do. You even ask your grandmother to send more cookies just so you can share more of them. All these things I just listed down are just more reasons why you’re perfect- and why I love you.” He let those words slip past his lips so quickly he barely even registered them. By the time he realized what he said he knew he couldn't take them back, nor did he want to.
“And yes, I love you… and not just in a friend way but the “I love you so much that if you're not around I can't breathe and the mere thought that you probably like someone else is killing me”... way.”
You were left speechless. You felt like a complete idiot at that moment. You both were fools from the start. How couldn't you have seen the signs?
He was the only one there for you when no one else was. That time you landed in the hospital wing after a full moon incident from helping your uncle moony, he was the one who stayed by your side all those nights.
When you got a cold after a snowball fight with the Weasley’s over the holidays, Fred visited you nearly everyday at the Manor to check on you before he too caught a cold. Then it was your turn to take care of him.
When you got detention from getting caught for a prank you pulled, Fred got himself detention so you wouldn't be alone.
Fred felt his chest tighten at the silence, you haven't said a thing in the last few seconds and it was terrifying. “I know you probably don't feel the same-”
Finally, you snapped out of your self inflicted scolding and reached over with one hand to keep you up and the other on Fred cheek. “My god you are dense.” with that, your lips crashed into his and suddenly everything fell into place.
All the years of pining. All the endless hours of you avoiding and hiding your feelings when all along, the both of you were just too scared of saying how you felt.
His hand slipped over to your cheek while his other hand gripped your waist. He couldn't even process his thoughts about what was happening. Was this actually real? Was this a dream? Was he even awake?
His thoughts were silenced when you pulled away just slightly to let out a small whisper, something that was meant for him and him alone, “I love you too.”
A grin grew on Fred's lips, going up ear to ear. It felt like hearing your favorite song for the first time. You loved him. He couldn't believe it. Fred pulled you in for another kiss but it was difficult from how he just couldn't stop smiling.
“Really?” He asked, his voice heavy with bliss and giddiness. It was like the whole world just lit up for him. He really couldn't believe it.
You let out a light laugh at the sight, “Yes, really.” Before placing a peck on his lips.
“Are you absolutely sure?” He asked again, this time with a smirk and his usual tone of arrogance. Sure he still couldn't fully wrap his head around the thought that you, the girl of his dreams, actually loved him back. But that still didn't stop him from teasing the living daylights out of you.
You pondered on the question further, knowing how Fred loved to play this game. Your silence only furthered the fun when Fred began to grow impatient. “On second thought…”
Fred let out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to his lap, “Nice try love. You've already said the words. You can't take them back.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly before facing him with a cheek aching grin, “oh no, what shall I ever do?” You replied with feigned fear before letting out another laugh.
Fred leaned over to your cheek, his nose barely grazing over the surface of your cheek. “How about I take you to the ball as…your boyfriend?”
You pulled away with a grin, "Are you sure?”
Fred looked off into the distance and tapped his finger over his chin, “Hmmm, you know on second thought-”
You let out a laugh before resting your hands at the back of his neck, “Nuh uh, you already said the words, Freddie. You can't take them back.” You repeated his words back to him with a smirk.
He pulled you in for another kiss to wipe away that smirk. But he then pulled away, just slightly, “You have my heart, love. I don't think I'll be able to take that back either.”
Feeling the blush rush up to your cheeks, you could only hide your flustered state in the crook of his neck. Now it was his turn to smirk.
“Don't get shy on me now, love.” Fred spoke as he hugged you tight. He thought that this was just too good to be true. He thought that maybe if he didn't hold on tight enough, all of this would cease to exist and reveal itself to be a dream.
You lifted your head out of the crook of his neck, only to feel the heat rush back to your cheeks. Seeing as the sun was rising up already, the blush was much more evident on your cheeks.
Fred looked at you with a soft smile, it was finally sinking in. He was finally yours, and you were finally his. And though the two of you may be dense, Godric knows Fred is never going to let you forget he loves you.
"I love you so much."
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
Random Ravenclaw: I wonder how Lupin-Black survives dating a chaotic mess like Weasley.
Random Hufflepuff: Right? He's good looking and all but I don't think I could survive the constant pranking and detentions.
~meanwhile with Y/n & Fred~
Y/n: Can I-
Fred: No love, you will not eat the levitation candy.
Y/n, pouts: But I wanna fly like Peter pan.
Fred: And I don't want you to end up on the Great Hall ceiling and never get back down. They're just prototypes, they're still in the works.
Y/n: But-
Fred: No buts, sorry love.
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