#frisk can do magic now yay!
thepilotdogee · 2 years
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Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10 ,11 ,12, 13 , Characters
So I’m currently drawing a comic which depicts my take on the “Frisk takes Flowey to the surface” scenario. As you could tell in the title, this comic serves as my “extension” of the post pacifist ending of Undertale, particularly Flowey’s epilogue dialogue from said ending. Since this is the first time I’m writing a full scale Undertale comic, I’m working on how I’m handling writing for UT characters, as well as providing my own lore that I’m hoping would be canon compliant. But feel free to provide feedback on how I’m writing within the Undertale universe, and I can see if I can address them to the best of my ability somehow.
As of this writing this comic is still in the works so hopefully I can upload more of these as I complete them.
-This comic is inspired by LynxGriffin’s Flowey comic where Frisk takes him to the surface. In fact this comic really opened my eyes in that no… you don’t need to “re-goat” Flowey back into Asriel so that he could be brought to the surface. I would take a look Lynx’s version, it’s a good read. lynxgriffin.tumblr.com/post/14…
I consider the Alarm Clock Dialogue to be canon within the Undertale universe. But one thing that I found strange is that although it seems to be a post pacifist world, Flowey is apparently on the surface being an edgy flower boy, a far cry from his dialogue from his post-pacifist epilogue. Like, was Flowey nice one day and then afterwards he’s an edgy boi on the next day? This comic will (hopefully) address the transition, but it is interesting that in both the actual game and the alarm clock dialogue, Flowey’s edgy personality isn’t THAT consistent. UNDERTALE 5th Anniversary Alarm Clock Winter Dialogue - Flowey
I’m hoping that this comic will serve as the prologue to the Undertale AU that I’m working on, but before I can even get the story for that one started I would like to do this comic first.
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Sleepover Shenanigans - Part 2
Mod Yosh asked me if I would expand on her Sleepover Shenanigans story, and I finally got around to it! - Kitty
[Part 1] by Yosh Based on [this picture] by Secret
It could still all be just a prank. He managed to glimpse the shining numbers on the alarm clock beyond the horde of toothy grins. Only barely past midnight — there was no way their interest wouldn’t fade in an hour at most.
The legion of fingers landed; scribbling, squeezing, pinching, raking. The swarm of physical sensation was overwhelming enough, but the accompanying flood of intent was a new layer of panic-inducing torment entirely — a mix of voracious appetites probing him for reactions, chipping at his blasé mask.
Sans bucked and twisted with a squeal, but there was nowhere to go, his small frame pinned by legs and magic. “wahaaaaaiiit—! aaahaaa! ohgahaaa—aaaahahaaaa!” Despite the onslaught, it wasn’t at all hard to pick apart the people behind the techniques.
“FFffuhuu—! Dang, Sans, you are INSANELY ticklish!” Undyne laughed boisterously, scratching roughly all over his ribs, quickly leaving the unfortunate skeleton nearly breathless already.
“That’s why he tries to keep it such a secret,” Papyrus commented with a bit of a snicker as his familiar, pointed fingertips traced the weak points under Sans’s arms.
Frisk’s soft hands squeezed at his spine with malicious purpose, fingerpads poking between his sensitive vertebrae. “Hehe, just like he keeps it secret that he thinks it’s fun, right?”
“H-he likes it?” Alphys asked, slightly shocked, her shyly skittering claws at his feet faltering.
“noho no!” Sans protested, wishing he had the power to wipe the silly, wild grin off his face. He knew how to present an intimidating front, and there was no way he could pull it off like this.
“While it is impressive you are still able to resist, there is no longer any need to fight so hard, brother,” Papyrus pointed out. “The challenge is over, and you are free to laugh to your SOUL’s content!”
Sans was getting used to letting his guard down with his brother, sure, but his former captain? His science study buddy? Even the human knowing how vulnerable he was to this was a bit unnerving in its own way. Besides, he’d done a pretty decent job overcoming even half the dare — which now that he thought about it was incredibly slanted against him compared to the rest of the playful challenges that had gone around. That had to count for something, right?
“ahee made it through five rounds, ghh~haahaa—! sh-show some mehercy…!” he entreated, turning his head from one side to the other.
“For warriors, it’s all or nothing, punk!” Seeming to double down, Undyne rubbed fiercely at the sides of his ribs, prying a frenzied howl out of him.
“aaaaaaaaaahaaaaahaaa—!  ahaaa! staahaaap ohstop!” Almost nothing could make Sans fight harder than strong gargalesis against his ribs, instinct blaring from his very core to protect himself. Yanking on his limbs, he actually came close to unseating the smaller of his companions.
“Ahh—! M-maybe you sh-shouldn’t be s-so rough with him, Undyne,” Alphys chided gently.
“Psh. If he’s not passing out, he can take it!”
“Ugh, whatever. You got lucky, this time, Sans.” Slowing her speed, she switched to a surprisingly mild kneading massage.
“hahhhh….! ahhaaa….! khh~hh!” A little wheezier after the harsh attack eased up, Sans suddenly found himself unable to hold back anymore, his defenses shattered too far to even hope to pull back together while they all continued to tantalize his magical nerves. “heheeeaa! ahahaa! nnhn~! aaahaahaa!”
“Can we do the last round of Truth or Dare?” Frisk asked, moving from Sans’s spine to his hips. “It was supposed to be my turn to ask someone next.”
“I do not see why not!” Pleased to see that his brother was starting to give into the sensation, Papyrus agreed to the request cheerfully. “I believe everyone exhausted their truth eligibility, so whomever you ask must complete a dare!”
“Yay! Okay, Alphys, I dare you to make Sans say something really embarrassing, hehehe.” The child giggled mischievously.
Even through his current duress, Sans still managed to be somewhat startled. But of course, he’d made Frisk say silly things through time-travel shenanigans. It stood to reason a little revenge was in order. Not that he really minded saying anything really goofy, especially if it got a chuckle out of someone.
And maybe he’d be able to escape after this….
“Oh, hmm….” Alphys looked down in thought, then smiled, taking inspiration from her Kissy Cutie printed pajamas. “I want S-Sans to proclaim his love for tickling—”
All said skeleton’s thought processes stopped.
“—just like how Mew Mew proclaims her love for snail ice cream in the beach scene and just gushes about how it’s so good even though her friends thinks it’s really odd, but they don’t actually mind because they’re all so close and don’t mind each other’s differences and—”
“nahat a chance in h-hehell!”
“Fuhuhu…. Make Sans say it, or you’ll be joining him,” Undyne warned in a low tone.
“M—!... M-me…?” Alphys squeaked, then gulped, shuffling with a blush flaring across her face. But in another second, her lids lowered and she grinned. “I kn-know what’ll get to him….”
The wandering fingers retreated for the moment, but Sans felt no relief as everyone's interest piqued. Alphys's tail was already whipping past the doorframe before he could make use of the break to stall her – the lizard monster could move fast when she was excited. "hh–! nnmh….” Mustering a pout, he tilted his chin back, looking at Papyrus above him.
Do I really have to do this?
Gloved fingers gently patted the crown of his skull, his brother breaking away from shared conspiratorial chuckles, heeding Sans’s unspoken question. Cheekbones perked, his expression somehow combined radiant, innocent joy, with a sly, questioning squint.
Do you really not want to?
Sans quickly broke eye contact, SOUL fluttering in his chest. What he really didn’t want to do was confront the truth….
Shuffling back into the room, Alphys was now cradling something clearly mechanical in her hands. Sans jolted as he noticed bristles jutting from one end of the thing.
“What’s that?” Frisk asked curiously before anyone else could.
“It’s a scale p-polisher.” She ran her claws through the brush. “Soft, but also f-firm, for exfo-foliation, ahah…. And it goes up to twelve r-p-s!”
Undyne's brows scrunched. "R-p-s? What kind of nerd talk is that?"
"Oh! It st-stands for 'rotations-per-second'," Alphys clarified. "That means the brush sp-spins fully around twelve t-times in a single second."
"Only twelve!? What a slacker! You want me to whip it into shape for you?"
"Trust me, this will be p-plenty." Seeming in a rare self-assured mood, Alphys settled herself down on the floor beside Sans, her tail curling up around herself. The tip wagged a bit. "Frisk, can you bunch up his knee and hold it st-steady for me, please?"
"Hehe, okay!"
"hey, hey! get off!" Sans cringed, fruitlessly fighting against the hold on his leg. His brother may have been prominently pinning him – magically and physically – but Sans still felt a bit pathetic that he couldn't hold his own against a mere child. Especially in front of Undyne.
“I-if you admit it now, I won’t use it….” Alphys hovered a thumb over the power button.
“...nothin’ to admit.” As if any of them were going to let him evade a torturous working over at this point.
“It seems my brother likes tickling SO much that he WANTS you to use it!” Papyrus cheerfully chimed in.
“Ehehe, w-well, if that’s the case, then….” The room was filled with a noisy drone as the brush head began to spin, whirring faster until it reached peak speed. And then Alphys pressed it to his knee.
Sans’s leg jerked, the rest of his body instantly contorting. "gghrrgg! aahaa! oh noho! ghh–! haaa~ahah! get ahaff!" Getting hit with such a strong shock of sensation instantly put Sans on edge. He couldn't distinctly make out the rotations with how fast the brush was moving, but the sheer force and vibration of the tool was horribly overwhelming. “hnnn–! aahahaa! aahahaha!”
He was saved any further protests as the machine suddenly powered down, though the buzzing was still ringing in his ears – and worse, deep tingles continued to wrack his knee.
“Hey, why’d you turn it off? He hasn’t confessed yet!” Undyne pointed out, clearly unsatisfied.
“That was just a warm up. I was t-testing to make sure it actually would tickle h-him, ehee…”
“hehh, c’mon…,” Sans panted. “ya hardly needed t’ prove that i’m weak in the knees….”
A disgruntled noise burst from the younger skeleton monster, and he glared down at Sans. “...Alphys. Destroy him.”
“Oh, I will, but first, I n-need Frisk to climb on both his legs now, a-and Undyne, you should probably hold his ankles.”
“Like this?” “Hell yeah!”
“P-perfect!” Now, knowing the true power she held, Alphys went for the ribs.
“ohgaahaa–!” For a moment, the wind was knocked right out of him, pressure building up in his chest until he exploded into screaming laughter. “aaaaahaaahaa! naaaaaaahhahahaa~aaaaaahh!” He couldn't have been louder if she'd been wielding a power saw. "ahaahaaaal! al! ahal! al! staaaahahaaahaaaaa–!!"
"Oh, no, is it hurting him?" Frisk asked in concern, now hesitant to hold onto the thrashing skeleton.
"He's just fine!" Papyrus assured. "He's saying 'Al', not 'ow'!"
“ahee’m sahayin’ stahahaaap!” Sans managed to wail coherent words. “aaaaahahaaaa! s-sahahaave me, kid!” he begged the only one who seemed slightly sympathetic to his suffering.
Seeing that Sans was ultimately all right, or at the very least not dying, Frisk giggled with a head shake. 
“Say that you like it, Sans!” The lizard monster was truly engrossed now, tilting the polisher against the curves of his torso with an increasingly heavier hand.
"ghgg–gkh! nonononahaahaaaaaa!!" he defiantly howled.
"And here you were scolding me for going all out on this punk! You're ruthless!" Undyne relinquished one of Sans's ankles to lightly clap Alphys on the shoulder, hand lingering and raising to a poised claw. "Or … you're just that determined to not face the same consequences…"
Beads of perspiration broke out over the scientist’s temples, and she stuttered out an unintelligible rush of squeaky syllables. The looming threat spurred the familiar feeling of working under pressure; now the only thing that mattered was getting results.
Hardly about to get enough breath before, Sans wheezed thickly as Alphys's intent strengthened against him. The polisher was so much more devastating than he had imagined, attacking him with perpetual, revolving motion that seemed to penetrate to his marrow. But still, as long as a speck of dignity remained to his name, he could not bring himself to say what they all wanted to hear from him. Literally, he couldn't anyway, as any word he tried to form now was lost in strained gasps that could hardly be recognizable as laughter anymore were it not for his expression of coerced mirth.
Papyrus leaned forward towards his current tormenter, a hand to his mouth while he whispered something that Sans couldn’t quite make out. Which was saying something because, great as he was, Papyrus was terrible at keeping his voice down. Sans could hear the tool’s buzzing straight in his skull, so that wasn’t helping either.
Mercifully, Alphys switched the polisher off, just as Papyrus sat back upright with an encouraging smile. “Let him go for a moment!” his brother ordered, and soon all the restricting hands and magic were off of him.
“...ohhhhhh….” Sans groaned out the shape that he was curling up into. His torso throbbed everywhere that the brush had touched, tingles seeming to float and bounce inside his chest cavity.
Expecting a bit of respite, Sans jumped as tentative claws traced over his thoroughly sensitized ribs.
“T-tickle tickle! Hehe!...” It wasn’t hard for Alphy’s to keep up with his pathetic attempts to protect himself. Though not pinning him, she hovered closely enough that he could catch a whiff of her New Mew brand bubblegum-scented lotion. "Tickle tickle tickle!" His ears rang with the teasing word, making his SOUL flutter and jump.
Through squinted watery sockets, he could make out a genuine toothy smile through the glow of her blushing magic, and for a moment – with all of his senses so full – he forgot everything else. Giggling under the fingers of his friend, he was just Sans; Sans the ticklish skeleton.
“ohho! aahaha! stahappit!” he gasped out breathlessly, rocking in place with a large, goofy smile. “ohho~ahahahaa! haa~haha, ahee can’t take this!”
Papyrus snickered. “Wow, brother…. That would be SO much more convincing … if you were actually TRYING to get away.”
“hck–!” Sans could feel all the magic rushing to his cheeks – burning in his chest along the way.
“Yeah, no one’s holding you down anymore!” Undyne reiterated the obvious, just to rub it in.
Alphys laughed in nervous relief, no longer feeling quite so doomed. “C-come, on, Sans, it’s really obvious now, s-so just admit it, ehee….”
Hands rising to hide his eyes, Sans gulped and whined as he caught his breath, finally sputtering, “i…. i reh~heally … love….. h-hheh….”
He could feel all four of them bending closer with bated breath, as if even an exhale would chase away his admission.
"i … love…. snail ice cream too." Sans blew out a sigh, sliding his hands down to reveal his terribly amused expression. "phew! ya'know i'm really glad to finally get that offa my chest, eheheh!"
The others remained in an even heavier silence than before, eager anticipation replaced with shock and a boiling indignation.
Sans could even swear he saw steam rising from the Captain's ears.
“ATTAAAAAACK!” Undyne screamed, shoving Alphys down beside Sans, the lizard monster’s shrieks joining his through the rest of the night.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXXI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Right now Val’s fic and mine are screaming ‘Fuck Harry Potter!’ But in entirely different contexts and I love it jsdjsdj -Danny P.S. the Twins’ leaving always makes me cry when I read that.
Words: 4,428
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Fine Line’ -by Harry Styles
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Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Twins' Farewell.
"Aren't you going to say anything?"
"I need a moment."
"You've been quiet for five minutes."
"Well, I found out my mother used to be a bully," She snapped. "I kind of have a lot to think about!"
Their parents had treated Snape the same way Dudley used to treat her and Harry when they were younger. Not only that, but Harry's mother appeared to hate James with a burning passion. As if that weren't enough, Emily had actively taken part in attacking Snape and threatened Lily with hexing her if she interfered. Harry was holding back information though, and she needed to know what it was.
"What is it?"
"Hmm?" Harry said nervously.
"You have that look on your face. You haven't finished the story.”
"I have."
"Don't lie to me."
She took advantage of his inexperience and forced the memory out.
Mel looked at the fifteen-year-old version of her mother and saw herself reflected on her. She had her eyes, hair (exactly as long as her mother's when she was her age, and it fell in the same elegant fashion). She also had her lovesick gaze, which caused her to realize Emily was head over heels for none other than James Potter.
It was uncomfortable to watch, not only because Matt and Sirius would glance from time to time with a grumpy expression, but also because they were so similar to their parents that it was like looking at a very odd mirror. James was utterly oblivious, he would look at Emily like she was an adorable toddler. 
Emily, on the other side, was a lost cause. James would constantly look back at the group of girls that were hanging out by the lake, where Lily Evans was chatting happily. His eyes would light up the same way Harry's used to. 
Then she had to witness the look of pleased evilness when they attacked Snape, the way Emily pointed her wand at Lily, ready to attack...
She pulled back abruptly.
"I told you not to do it!" Harry groaned, closing his eyes tightly and pressing his palm on his temple.
"I can't believe she never told me!" Mel exclaimed.
"What were you expecting? 'Hey, you know that boy you're friends with? I used to have a crush on his dad!"
"I don't know!" Mel blushed. "I... Sirius told me my mum had the longest crush on this boy before dating my dad... I never thought it'd be James!"
"I never thought my dad was an arrogant twat," Harry said miserably. "I can't believe Snape was telling the truth..."
"What if..." Mel pushed her hair back, and she grimaced at the thought of doing it in the exact same way her mother used to. "What if Snape tricked you into believing he's telling the truth?"
"Well... we can't trust our brains, let alone someone else's! I mean, we treat Malfoy rather badly but we're not bad people, are we? If you were to look at us through his eyes we would look like monsters..."
Harry considered the idea, then shook his head miserably. 
"Snape didn't want me to look at the memory, he'd hidden the Pensieve and I was the one who snooped around."
Mel thought back on all those years uncle Lupin never talked about his relation to his mother, how they said she was too young... They had been right, but Mel was old enough now.
"I think," Mel said, standing up and indicating Harry to do the same. "We deserve an explanation."
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"But why haven't you got Occlumency lessons anymore?" 
"I've told you, Snape reckons I can carry on by myself now I've got the basics... He says that if I need help, I can ask Mel," Harry shrugged, avoiding looking up from his parchment.
"Is it true?" Hermione raised her brows in polite surprise.
"Yeah," Mel lied. "We got this under control."
"So you've stopped having funny dreams, Harry?"
"Pretty much," He replied, his face almost completely hidden.
"Well, I don't think Snape should stop until you're absolutely sure you can control them!" Hermione frowned. "Harry, I think you should go back to him and ask —"
"No. Just drop it, Hermione, okay?"
"Are you done with the schedules, 'Mione?" Mel asked, trying to change the subject.
"Why are you making studying schedules, exams are ages away," Ron yawned.
"Exams are only six weeks away, Ron," Hermione sentenced.
"They're what, now?" He straightened up on his chair.
"How can that come as a shock?" 
"I dunno..." said Ron, "there's been a lot going on..."
"Well, there you are," Hermione handed three identical schedules to Harry, Ron and Mel, "if you follow that you should do fine."
"You've given me an evening off every week!" 
"That's for Quidditch practice," said Hermione. 
"Yay," Mel said without excitement. Next game she was playing seeker against none other than Cho Chang, so she was starting to feel nervous.
"What's the point?" Ron pouted. "We've got about as much chance of winning the Quidditch Cup this year as Dad's got of becoming Minister of Magic..."
"All you need to do is stop the Quaffle from entering the bloody goal posts, how hard can that be?" Mel huffed. "I have to find the smallest little thing against a well-trained seeker!"
"You're well-trained," Ron argued. 
"I'm not even close to being at her level—"
"What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione interrupted.
"What?" Harry gave a start. "Nothing..."
He picked up his Defensive Magical Theory book and Grey jumped onto his lap, Harry barely acknowledged him. 
"I saw Cho earlier," Hermione started tentatively, "and she looked really miserable too... Have you two had a row again?"
"Wha — oh yeah, we have," Harry nodded.
"What about?"
"That sneak friend of hers, Marietta," He said.
"Yeah, well, I don't blame you!" said Ron. "If it hadn't been for her..."
The boy went off for several minutes about what an awful girl Marietta was, looking back on it, it was a bit unfair not to warn her about the risks...
Marietta was scared for her family, it was obvious she'd try to do the best for them. People are allowed to change their minds! 
Mel was hoping her parents had done the same, otherwise she would have to live with the fact that they were... not the best of people.
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All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below...’
The four of them were going through a bunch of pamphlets of different wizarding careers, trying to decide what thing suited them better. Mel was quietly reading the pamphlet on Magizoology when Fred and George sat down between her and Harry.
"Ginny's had a word with us about you," said Fred, putting his legs on the table and kicking pamphlets in the process. "She says you need to talk to Sirius?"
"What?" Hermione spat.
"Yeah..." said Harry, "yeah, I thought I'd like —"
"Don't be so ridiculous," said Hermione. "With Umbridge groping around in the fires and frisking all the owls?" 
"Well, we think we can find a way around that," said George. "It's a simple matter of causing a diversion. Now, you might have noticed that we have been rather quiet on the mayhem front during the Easter holidays?"
"What was the point, we asked ourselves, of disrupting leisure time?" continued Fred. "No point at all, we answered ourselves. And of course, we'd have messed up people's studying too, which would be the very last thing we'd want to do."
Hermione looked at him as if she could not believe him to be so thoughtful. 
"But it's business as usual from tomorrow," Fred continued, putting an arm around Mel casually. "And if we're going to be causing a bit of uproar, why not do it so that Harry and the lady can have their chat with Sirius?"
"I never said I wanted to talk with Sirius," Mel raised a brow, giving her wand a light flicker and making the pamphlets go back to the table neatly.
"But you do though," George replied. "You wouldn't miss the opportunity to check on your mum, would you?"
Mel pondered. "I guess not..."
"Yes, but still," said Hermione, "even if you do cause a diversion, how are Harry and Mel supposed to talk to him?"
"Umbridge's office," Harry replied matter of factly.
"Erick said that's the only floo line that isn't being watched," Mel nodded.
"Are — you — insane?" Hermione asked angrily.
"Yeah, people keep telling me that," She smiled.
"And how are you going to get in there in the first place?"
"Sirius's knife," Harry said.
"Excuse me?"
"Christmas before last Sirius gave me a knife that'll open any lock. So even if she's bewitched the door so Alohomora won't work, which I bet she has —"
"What do you think about this?" Hermione hissed at Ron.
"I dunno," Ron blushed. "If Harry wants to do it, it's up to him, isn't it?"
"Spoken like a true friend and Weasley," said Fred. "Right, then. We're thinking of doing it tomorrow, just after lessons, because it should cause maximum impact if everybody's in the corridors — We'll set it off in the east wing somewhere, draw her right away from her own office — I reckon we should be able to guarantee you, what, twenty minutes?"
"Easy," George nodded.
"What sort of diversion is it?" Ron frowned.
"You'll see, little bro," said Fred, getting up at the same time as his twin. "At least, you will if you trot along to Gregory the Smarmy's corridor round about five o'clock tomorrow." 
"Okay then," Mel sighed. "We'll do it."
"Hey," Harry whispered once everyone was back in their business. "Don't you get uncomfortable with the way Fred treats you?"
"Huh?" She blushed. "Oh! I don't even notice, you know? Yeah, no big deal..."
She hid her face behind the pamphlet, fearful that Harry would insist on asking questions.
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"I'm sorry," McGonagall blinked. "Could you repeat that?"
"I'd like to pursue the careers of Auror, Magizoologist," She smiled, "and Unspeakable."
Umbridge (who had been supervising the interviews that day) let out the faintest little chuckled, but they ignored it.
"Miss Dumbledore, are you aware of the work—"
"Yes. I require a minimum of five N.E.W.T.s and nothing under 'Exceeds Expectations' for the Auror position. They ask for a character and aptitude test as well. I'm aware that they haven't taken any new blood for the last three years, but fortunately, that's the same time I have to finish my studies, so maybe by then, they'll have a spot — As for my character and aptitude test, well, I'll work on that. Moving onto Magizoology: I need to pass Care of magical creatures, Defense against the dark arts, Potions, Herbology and Charms. My weak spot is Herbology, but I'm sure I can catch up. As for the Unspeakable position, well, it's all of the above."
She knew it was ambitious, but Dumbledore had told her she could achieve it with hard work and the proper schedule, and she wanted to believe he was right.
"For two of those you'll need to have a respect for authority," McGonagall stared at her. "Something which I've noticed doesn't come easily for you."
"It's not that I don't respect authority," Mel replied. "I respect you and the other teachers, I respect most of the Aurors I've met, I respect my mother... I just have zero patience with idiots."
"You'll have to accept that some people will know better than you, even if you find them idiotic."
"Well, I respect Snape don't I? I have a solid 'Outstanding' in his class."
She might have been wrong, but she saw the faintest hint of a smile on the woman's face.
"Very well, Miss Dumbledore," She drew out a parchment from Mel's folder and started to write down subjects. "I won't deny it'll be a long time before you get everything you want, but I've seen your abilities and I trust you'll get there—"
"Excuse me," Umbridge spoke. "It's blatantly clear that a Dumbledore, one that's proven to be mentally unstable, has no place in the Ministry."
"Good thing the Unspeakables aren't obliged to respond to the Minister, then," McGonagall replied with disinterest.
"What?" asked Mel and Umbridge.
"Miss Dumbledore, I thought you'd done your research," McGonagall then did show a polite smile. "The Department of Mysteries is a closed ward, they don't talk about their work outside office hours and most certainly they don't talk about it with people who do not belong in their area."
"No one is above the Minister," Umbridge replied with outrage.
"You're quite right about that," McGonagall finished whatever she was writing and folded it. "The Unspeakables work in the basement. You're free to go, Miss Dumbledore."
Mel took the parchment McGonagall was offering to her, but the professor held onto it for a moment.
"Best of lucks," She said, gazing up at Mel through her glasses.
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As she slowly made her way to Divination, Fred ran into her, looking more energized than ever.
"All right, Lady?" He smiled.
"Yeah," She said brightly. "McGonagall just approved my future careers, she says I have a good chance to do them all!"
"Nice! Are you ready for what's coming?"
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asked. 
Fred had told her this was it for him and George, they wouldn't stay to get detention or being officially expelled. They were planning to run away, and Mel was dead worried.
"I'm brilliant," He smiled. "Everything's okay. Especially between us — I promised, didn't I? I'm keeping my word, and I promise to write as soon as I'm safe —"
"No!" Mel said. "Umbridge goes through our mail..."
"Don't worry, just leave it to us."
He started to walk away and Mel did too.
"Mel?" The boy called right before she left the hall, the girl stopped and turned to look at him. "Don't waste your chances."
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Harry and Mel made their way to Umbridge's office as soon as they heard explosions at the far end of the school. They crouched in front of the fireplace and threw floo powder in the centre, the flames surrounded their heads.
"Number twelve, Grimmauld Place!" Harry said out loud. 
She closed her eyes until the feeling of being pulled forward came to a stop.
"Sirius?" Harry asked.
However, when Mel opened her eyes she saw her uncle.
"Mel! Harry! What are you — what's happened, is everything all right?"
"Yeah, I just wondered — I mean, I just fancied a — a chat with Sirius."
"I just want to know how my mum's doing," Mel replied clumsily.
"I'll call them," said Lupin. "He went upstairs to look for Kreacher, he seems to be hiding in the attic again. Emily's having a nap, she takes lots of those lately..."
"Is this really a good idea?" Mel asked the boy next to her.
"We're already here..."
Lupin returned with a short-haired Sirius (apparently he'd given in to Emily's desires) and Mel's mum, who was now six months into her pregnancy.
"What is it?" Sirius and Remus knelt, leaving Emily on a chair facing them so she could look at the kids. "Are you all right? Do you need help?"
"No, it's nothing like that... I just wanted to talk... about my dad..." Harry started. "About something I saw in one of Snape's memories."
Lupin and Sirius exchanged a look of surprise, Emily's frown deepened. When Harry finished his story, Lupin was the first to speak.
"I wouldn't like you to judge your parents on what you saw there. They were only fifteen —"
"We're fifteen!" 
"Look, Harry," said Sirius, "James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can't you? I think James was everything Snape wanted to be — he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything. And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts and James — whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry — always hated the Dark Arts."
"Yeah, but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because — well, just because you said you were bored." 
"And Mum helped him," Mel said, pouting. "You threatened to hurt Lily if she tried to help Snape!"
"I'm not proud of it," said Sirius.
"Neither am I," Emily stated. "As you've heard countless times before, I want you to grow having better morals than the ones I had when I was your age. I can't erase what I did, but I've learned to live with it."
"What you've got to understand is that your fathers and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did — everyone thought they were the height of cool — if they sometimes got a bit carried away —"
"If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean," said Sirius. "Matthew was the only one who knew how to keep his feet on the ground. He was a flirt, yes, but he was never a total prat."
"He kept messing up his hair," Harry said quietly, referring to James.
"I'd forgotten he used to do that," said Sirius, laughing.
"Was he playing with the Snitch?" asked Remus.
"Yeah," said Harry. 
Mel felt tempted to mention her mother's crush; but what was the point, really? It'd been years since that, and in the end, Emily had stopped liking him, it was long over. Bringing that up would only make things awkward, and Mel knew there was no use in reliving things of the past.
"Well..." Harry started, "I thought he was a bit of an idiot." 
"So that's where you got it from, then?" Mel teased.
"Of course he was a bit of an idiot!" said Sirius. "We were all idiots! Well — Ruddy and Moony not so much..."
"Did I ever tell you to lay off Snape? Did I ever have the guts to tell you I thought you were out of order?" Lupin grimaced.
"Yeah, well, you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes... That was something..."
"Matthew wasn't afraid to be brutally honest, though. He would say the truth no matter what," Emily tilted her head. "Perhaps that's what made me liked him. I had an awful temper and he would always stop me from doing stupid things."
"That explains your temper," The boy whispered to Mel teasingly as well. "Oh! And... he kept looking over at the girls by the lake, hoping they were watching him!"
"Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around," said Sirius. "He couldn't stop himself showing off whenever he got near her."
"How come she married him? She hated him!"
"Nah, she didn't," Sirius smirked.
"She started going out with him in seventh year," Lupin explained. 
"Once James had deflated his head a bit," said Sirius.
"And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it," said Lupin. 
"Even Snape?" 
"Well, Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James, so you couldn't really expect James to take that lying down, could you?"
"And my mum was okay with that?"
"She didn't know too much about it, to tell you the truth. I mean, James didn't take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?"
"I was already friends with Lily by the end of our fifth year," Emily said, "actually, right after that day when we finished our O.W.L.'s we had a talk... yeah, I reckon that's when we decided to call a truce. I made sure she never got anywhere near Snape after that day, for her own sake, really. Snape was always awful to her."
"Look," Sirius said, "your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it. So did Emily, but they never did anything that could be considered a crime."
"Yeah, okay... I just never thought I'd feel sorry for Snape."
"Now you mention it," said Lupin, "how did Snape react when he found you'd seen all this?"
"He told me he'd never teach me Occlumency again," Harry shrugged, "like that's a big disappoint — Ouch!"
Mel had pinched his arm to stop him from talking, but it was too late.
"He WHAT?" Sirius yelled.
"Are you serious, Harry?" said Lupin. "He's stopped giving you lessons?" 
"Yeah— But it's okay, I don't care, it's a bit of a relief to tell you the truth, and Mel said she can teach —" 
"I'm coming up there to have a word with Snape!" said Sirius, trying to step into the fire but stopping when Lupin grabbed his arm.
"If anyone's going to tell Snape it will be me!" Lupin said firmly. "Emily needs you here. But Harry, first of all, you're to go back to Snape and tell him that on no account is he to stop giving you lessons — when Dumbledore hears —" 
"I can't tell him that, he'd kill me! You didn't see him when we got out of the Pensieve —"
"Harry, there is nothing so important as you learning Occlumency! Do you understand me? Nothing!" 
"It's true, kid," Emily said, a look of sympathy on her face. "We need you safe."
"Okay, okay," Harry responded. "I'll... I'll try and say something to him... But it won't be..."
Mel raised a hand to quiet him down, they both heard footsteps.
"Is that Kreacher coming downstairs?"
"No," said Sirius, looking over his shoulder. "It must be somebody your end..."
"We'd better go!" 
"Thank you for the talk!" Mel said quickly. "See you!"
They both pulled back from the flames, falling on their butts.
"Quickly, quickly!" Filch wheezed outside the room. "Ah, she's left it open..."
Harry pulled her close abruptly and Mel put the cloak above their heads just in time. Filch rushed over to the desk without paying attention to his surroundings.
"Approval for Whipping... Approval for Whipping... I can do it at last... They've had it coming to them for years..." He ran out holding a piece of parchment.
Harry and Mel left the room in a hurry, one floor down they took off the cloak and followed the noises. They ran to the marble staircase and found the entire school there.
It was just like the night when Trelawney had been sacked. Students were standing all around the walls in a great ring (some of them, Harry noticed, covered in a substance that looked very like Stinksap); teachers and ghosts were also in the crowd. 
Prominent among the onlookers were members of the Inquisitorial Squad, who were all looking exceptionally pleased with themselves, and Peeves, who was bobbing overhead, gazed down upon Fred and George, who stood in the middle of the floor with the unmistakable look of two people who had just been cornered.
"No..." Mel tried to enter the crowd but someone held her arm before she could get in.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you," Erick whispered. "Let them handle it. They're about to leave anyway."
"How do you know?" Mel asked in surprise.
"I helped them buy half of the things they needed for this. Umbridge doesn't check my mail."
"So!" The woman exclaimed. "So... you think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"
"Pretty amusing, yeah," said Fred unbothered.
"I've got the form, Headmistress," Filch exclaimed in joy. "I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting... Oh, let me do it now..."
"Very good, Argus. You two are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."
"You know what? I don't think we are. George," He turned to his twin. "I think we've outgrown full-time education." 
"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself," The boy responded. 
"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?"
"Accio Brooms!" They yelled in unison.
Harry heard a loud crash somewhere in the distance. Looking to his left he ducked just in time — Fred and George's broomsticks, one still trailing the heavy chain and iron peg with which Umbridge had fastened them to the wall, were hurtling along the corridor toward their owners. They turned left, streaked down the stairs, and stopped sharply in front of the twins, the chain clattering loudly on the flagged stone floor.
"We won't be seeing you," Fred told Professor Umbridge, swinging his leg over his broomstick.
"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch," said George, mounting his own.
Fred looked around at the assembled students, and at the silent, watchful crowd.
"If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley — Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes," he said in a loud voice. "Our new premises!"
"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
"STOP THEM!" shrieked Umbridge, but it was too late. As the Inquisitorial Squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below. Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
And Peeves, whom Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset. 
Mel clapped along with her classmates, she'd promised not to cry over silly boys, but this was a different kind of crying. No more afternoons with Fred and George around to make her laugh, to tease her about her height or her temper. It hurt, but she also felt proud to call them friends.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked. 
"I don't know."
"You'll be okay," He assured her. "I'm sorry Fred and you broke up, though."
"You and Fred broke up?" Erick asked in a strange voice.
"Have you been living under a rock?" Harry grinned.
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Next Chapter —>
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krat395 · 3 years
Gorgeously Glamorous Gargalesis (Chapter 1)
Happy 6th Anniversary to Undertale! Yay! :D It sure doesn’t feel like it’s been six years already but it has! OMG! And to celebrate, here is the first chapter of a lengthy story; first of ten, believe it or not. Taking place one day after “Laugh For Us, King Fluffybuns” and three days before the first seven chapters of “W.D. Gaster, the Ultimate Tickle Master,” Asriel and MK get themselves into a real ticklish situation at MK’s house; one approved by MK’s mother, Lydia, and orchestrated by a “fabulous” house guest. ;) But before we dive into that, let’s take some time to meet a special, talented little guy, whose role in this story might be more important than you think. X3
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
 Chapter 1: Baby Lizard! :D
 It is a Tuesday afternoon; 3:30pm to be exact; and just recently, MK and his mother, Lydia, arrived at their home after a full day of school. But they're not alone however. Accompanying them is Prince Asriel Dreemurr, who promised to hang out with MK today after school while his two sisters and MK's kid sister are off at a slumber party; and Rocco (MK's father), who has been home most of the day due to having a day off from work. Asriel and MK don’t have anything in particular that they want to do today after school. They just want to spend some time with each other, that’s all. It’s been a while since the two of them hung out together without Frisk and/or Chara accompanying them.
 Rocco: Hey, hey! Look who's here! *said Rocco with a smile, noticing his wife, older son, and Asriel right as he was about to put a pan of lasagna in the oven*
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheehee! Hey there, handsome. *said Lydia in response, smiling and kissing Rocco on his left cheek* Heeheeheehee! *she then giggled after noticing that she made him blush X3*
 Rocco: Hehe. W-wow! Perfect timing, you three! I was just about to put the lasagna in the oven!
 Lydia: Heeheehee! Yeah, I can see that. X3
 MK: Lasagna?! We're having lasagna?! *asked MK excitedly with a big sharp-toothed smile on his face, mere seconds before wagging his tail to further express his excitement* Oh man, what's the occasion?
 Rocco: Haha! No occasion, champ. *lied Rocco* We just haven't had it for a while and your mother and I thought it sounded good for a change. Hahaha! Right, honey? *he then asked Lydia while winking at her*
 Lydia: Heeheehee! That's right! *Lydia agreed, winking back at Rocco* Heeheeheehee! (It will serve as a reward for taking part in a fun little afternoon activity orchestrated by a very special friend of ours and approved by yours truly. Tee hee!)
 MK: Haha! Well alrighty then! If you insist! Just be sure to save at least one piece for GK since she won't be joining us tonight.
 Rocco: Haha! I'll do you one better, champ! I'll save her at least two!
 MK: Hehe. Awesome! And some garlic bread to go with it?
 Rocco: G-garlic bread?! *asked Rocco, pretending to be offended by his son's innocent question just to mess with him*
 Lydia: *gasp* Uh oh! Now you've done it, honey puff! *Lydia then said to MK in response; to add to Rocco's little joke*
 Rocco: You think we're having garlic bread with the lasagna?!
 MK: Y-yes? *answered MK both awkwardly and nervously in response*
 Rocco: Well… you're absolutely right, champ! *Rocco then said in the friendliest tone imaginable while showing his son a pan with slices of garlic bread on it*
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Oh, you. Heeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Aw, Dad! Again?! Come on! *shouted MK with a bit of an irritated tone in his voice*
 Asriel: Pfffffffff… Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh, man; he got you again, MK! Hahahahaha!!! Good one, Rocco!
 Rocco: Haha! Thanks, Azzy! Hahaha! Glad to know that at least one of you boys appreciates my jokes! *Rocco then said jokingly while grinning cheekily at MK* Ehehehehehe!
 Rocco loves teasing his son and one of his ways of doing so is changing his friendly tone of voice for a brief moment to give MK the impression that he might be in trouble only for MK to find out that he isn't actually in trouble at all. Rocco's a jokester like that. ;)
 MK: H-hey! I-I-I a-appreciate them! *stammered MK in defense* I do!
 Rocco: Hehe. Are you sure about that, champ? *Rocco then asked with a mischievous sharp-toothed smile while scooping MK up into his arms* Are you suuuuuure?
 MK: Eeeeeeeep! Yes, I'm sure! *shouted MK nervously in response*
 Rocco: Are you really sure? *Rocco then asked as he proceeded to hold MK upside down*
 MK is now being held upside down by Rocco! Rocco is strong enough to hold MK upside down with just one arm (either arm; but in this case, his left arm); usually with a secure and comfortable grip around both of MK's ankles; and while holding MK upside down with one arm, he is then able to do whatever he pleases to MK's feet. And that will be easy because MK's soles are currently facing upwards directly underneath Rocco's chin with the whole backside of his body up against Rocco himself.
 Rocco: Hahaha! Really? Hahaha! Well, good! It pleases me greatly to hear you say that, champ!
 MK: I-it does? Hehe. Awesome!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Yes! Super awesome, honey puff! *Lydia agreed*
 Rocco: Haha! Yes, it is; I agree. *Rocco then chimed in while intertwining his own tail with MK's; just in case MK decides to try anything funny with his tail during the next while* Ehehehehe. But not nearly as awesome as this! *he then claimed with a mischievous smile, beginning a ticklish assault on MK's bare soles with every single clawed finger on his free hand* Hahahahaha! Coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo!
 At that moment, Rocco began tickling MK's yellow three-toed feet with his free hand fingers, scribbling each of them wildly against his extremely sensitive soles. What followed of course was several squeaks and frantic laughter from the young reptilian boy, who couldn't pull his feet away from his father's fingers no matter how hard he tried. X3
 Rocco: Hahaha! Yes, champ, I'm aware. *said Rocco with a chuckle, right as he began wiggling his fingers all willy-nilly in between and underneath his son's toes* Which reminds me; Azzy, get his belly! *he then suggested with an "evil" sharp-toothed grin, causing Asriel to perk up* Come on! You know you want to! Hahahahahaha!
 Asriel did not listen to MK’s pleas. When given a chance to tickle his precious reptilian friend, he almost never refuses! ;)
 Asriel: Hahaha! Yes, sir! You got it!
 Lydia: Wait! Azzy! Stop for a second, would you, my dear?
 Just as Asriel was about to wreak havoc on MK's belly with his furry fingers, Lydia stopped him; long enough to do something about MK's flailing robotic arms.
 Asriel: Uh… ok? What for?
 Lydia: I don't want MK hitting you with his robot arms. *answered Lydia, summoning a pair of magic arms made up entirely of magical energy (cyan in color) to hold MK's robot arms above his head; or, in this case, under his head since he’s upside down; and expose his sensitive armpits* Not that he'd do it on purpose or anything. He just loses all sense of control while he’s being tickled.
 Asriel: Haha! That he does! *Asriel agreed* Hahahaha! Thank you!
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheehee! You’re welcome! Heeheeheeheehee! Now go get him!
 And so he did! When given the ok to do so, Asriel wiggled every single one of his fingers against MK’s exposed stomach and sides, especially the area around his bellybutton! What followed of course was more frantic laughter from MK. Much more frantic laughter! Asriel’s fur tickled him so much and once it was combined with his father’s clawed fingers, his laughter shot up an entire octave and his stomach quivered like you would not believe! Constantly trying to pull away from the each set of skillful fingers but to no avail! And it certainly didn’t help that his mother was preventing him from being such a wiggle worm either! The more limited the movement, the more intense the tickle torture is as a whole! Especially with furry fingers wreaking havoc on his exposed scaly belly and sides; and clawed fingers wreaking havoc on his bare scaly feet!
 Rocco: Haha! Don’t worry, champ! We’ll let you go very shortly. *assured Rocco, moments before blowing two raspberries on the balls of MK’s feet* Right after some foot raspberries! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!
 Asriel: Heeheehee! And nuzzles! *Asriel chimed in, nuzzling MK’s belly for a few seconds*
 Whenever Rocco tickles MK while holding him upside down, he tends not to do so for any extended periods of time. Rocco may be a jokester but he’s also very considerate towards others (especially those closest to him) and would never do anything to harm anyone and/or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Not intentionally, anyway. But none of that mattered in the end because the tickle torture came to an abrupt stop the moment everyone in the kitchen heard the sounds of cooing and babbling on a baby monitor.
 ???: *cooing and babbling*
 Lydia: *excited gasp* REX! He’s awake!
 Rocco: Hehe. Well he sure got some good rest! I put him down for a nap about 3 hours ago!
 Rex: *more babbling and cooing*
 Lydia: Oh, he sounds like he's about to start playing. MK, Azzy; you boys should go upstairs and play with him. He'd really love that, you know. Heeheeheehee!
 MK: Heeheeheehee! We do! Heeheeheehee! Consider it done!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! Yeah! Plus, it'll be nice to hold him without Frisk trying to steal him from us.
 MK: Hehe. You got that right! She's so baby-crazy!
 Lydia: Heeheehee! She is! *agreed Lydia with a giggle* But can you really blame her though? Rex is just too cute for words! Like you boys! Heeheehee!
 Asriel and MK: Hehe. Y-yeah. *the two young boys agreed, both of them blushing at Lydia’s comment* Heeheeheehee.
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Well, go on now. Don't keep him waiting.
 MK: Right! ...Heeheehee. Race to the top, Az! *shouted MK as he took off running* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: H-hey! No fair! You got a head start, you cheater! *Asriel chimed in, following behind*
 MK: Heeheeheehee! Too bad! Heeheeheheheehee! OOOOOOF!
 While running towards the stairs, MK tripped and fell face first on the floor. So clumsy!
 Asriel: Oh, dude, are you ok?!?! *asked Asriel all concerned*
 MK: Hehe. Y-yeah. I'm ok. *assured MK, immediately bringing himself back up on his feet and in a standing position* Uh, on second thought, l-let's walk upstairs instead, o-ok, dude?
 Asriel: Sure. Good idea.
 And with that, the young monster boys made their way upstairs to Rex's room. Since Asriel doesn't have any siblings under the age of 3, he is especially excited to see Rex, who, unlike MK, has real arms rather than robotic ones and two rows of spikes on his head rather than just one. Rex is a fun little boy and for a 15-month-old, he's quite talented; capable of performing various tasks that many children his age are incapable of performing; and he does all of them with not just his arms but also his mouth, feet, and tail. Yes, despite the fact that Rex was fortunate enough to hatch with a pair of arms like his father, he makes very frequent usage of his mouth, feet, and tail just like his mother and siblings often do. Though especially his tail, which is unusually long for a lizard monster his age and size. But despite its long length though, he rarely trips over it; and if he's feeling real energetic, which he does a lot of the time, he can stand on it and even hang upside down by it. ;)
 MK: Rex. Oh, Rex. Your big bro is back from school. *said MK in a singsongy voice, slowly opening Rex's bedroom door to greet the young toddler himself*
 Asriel: And Azzy too! *Asriel chimed in, following MK* Heeheeheehee!
 As MK and Asriel entered Rex's room, they saw Rex, who's currently wearing a red sweater and long black pants, sitting on the floor stacking up wooden blocks with letters, numbers, shapes, and symbols on them. Rex loves playing with wooden blocks and one of his favorite things he likes doing with them is stacking them up as high as he can reach and then knocking them over with one or more of his favorite toy weapons and/or his own tail. It’s such a good time! ;) And it’s even more of a good time if he has someone there with him; to watch him knock donwn his tower(s) of blocks and/or lend a hand (or tail) in the "destruction." ;P
 Rex: Ah... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Bababababa! Heeheeheehee! *Rex squealed, babbled, and giggled excitedly the moment he heard his big brother's voice, completely stopping what he was doing to greet him (and Asriel too) X3* Ooooooooooooooooooooooo… *he cooed, wagging his tail happily to express his excitement even more*
 Asriel: Awwwww! Hey, little guy. It’s so nice to see you; tank top or no tank top. Wait, how come you're not wearing a tank top today, buddy?
 MK: Hehe. Same reason Dad's wearing one of his 3-button shirts and jeans. He wanted to look nice for our guest. *MK answered for Rex, scooping Rex up into his robotic arms* Heeheeheeheehee! *he giggled, teasingly poking Asriel's belly a few times with his tail not even one second later*
 Asriel: PFFFFF… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *Asriel laughed preciously in response, seconds before grabbing MK's tail and simply moving it away from his stomach rather than tickling MK back* HEHEHEHEY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DUHUHUHUHUHUDE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
 MK: Heeheehee. Well, that and we lowered the temperature a little so you wouldn't be uncomfortable.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee… Aw, dude; you, heeheeheeheeheehee, you didn't have to do that. *said Asriel in response, speaking in short bursts of giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations*
 MK: Hehe. Dude, we used to live in Snowdin for goodness sake! We'll be fine. *assured MK*
 Asriel: Are you sure?
 MK: Oh my gosh, yes! But just to be extra sure, let's ask Rex. Rex…
 Rex: Ababa. *babbled Rex in response, looking at MK as he set him back down on the floor*
 MK: You ok with it being a little colder in here, bud?
 Rex: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *squealed Rex happily, clapping his hands and feet while standing on his long tail* Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Hehe. Well, I'll take that as a yes. *said MK in response, gently grabbing Rex's legs to play with them a little as he continued standing on his tail* Heeheeheehee. Man, you're full of energy today!
 Asriel: Hehe. Well, he did just wake up from a 3-hour nap. *Asriel pointed out*
 MK: Hehe. True. Heeheeheehee. So, what do you want to do first, Rex?
 Rex: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaabububububu. *said Rex in response, pointing at the wooden blocks he was playing with before MK and Asriel showed up* Gugagutaga… Abeebababaaa. *blows raspberry*
 Asriel and MK: Heeheeheeheeheehee. *the two older boys giggled in response*
 MK: Heeheehee. Well, alrighty then! But, uh, can Az and I get some fist bumps and high fives from you first?
 Rex: YEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *squealed Rex happily in response as MK let go of his legs* Heeheeheeheehee.
 Thanks to Rocco, Rex knows how to do high fives and thanks to MK's friend and classmate, Brad (Bravery), Rex knows how to do fist bumps. MK would've taught him how to do both of those things but he didn't have his robot arms at the time; or any type of arms for the matter. But now that MK has robot arms, he has been asking Rex to give him fist bumps and high fives practically every day for the past three months; and the way Rex does so is absolutely adorable and so is the way MK interacts with him while he does them. First, MK holds out his fist for Rex to give him a fist bump and every time Rex gives him one, MK pulls back his fist and jokingly pretends that Rex hurts him, causing Rex, who can always tell that MK’s just kidding around whenever he does that, to giggle in response. Then after that, MK holds up both of his robotic hands for Rex to give him some high fives; double high fives to be exact and Rex always does 3 sets of them. The first set of double high fives is traditional; Rex slaps MK's robotic hands with his own hands. But the second and third sets of double high fives however; those ones are rather unique. Rather than standing up straight on his feet, Rex stands on his tail and slaps MK's hands; first with his own two hands and then with his own two feet. X3
 MK: Yay! Feet five! Good job, baby bro! Give Az a fist bump and fives and then we can start playing, ok?
 Rex: Okeeeeeeeeeeegagagagagaga! *blows raspberry* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Moments later… after Asriel received a fist bump and high fives from Rex…
 Asriel: Yay! Way to stand on that tail, little guy!
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! *giggled Rex in response, positioning himself back on his feet* Meeyataboobu! Babababababa! *he babbled, running over to his toy box to grab some toys*
 Toy box: Playtime! It's playtime! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Have fun, Rex! *said the toy box in a singsongy voice that sounded like Alphys's voice; because it was Alphys’s voice X3*
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Hehe. Gotta love Alphys.
 Rex is very protective of 4 particular toys of his and to help him protect those 4 toys, Alphys built him a special toy box a few months ago. Only Rex can open the box and he does so by inserting the tip of his long tail inside a small hole that scans his tail. It's a neat little contraption and very toddler-friendly too; always speaking in Alphys's voice to bring a smile to Rex's cute little face. X3 Rex loves Alphys very much and the fact that he's the only one that can open the box she made for him makes him feel pretty dang special too! X33
 Asriel: Oh! Is he getting what I think he's getting?
 Inside Rex's box are 4 toy weapons; one hammer, one axe, one sword, and one very, very, very special toy weapon that Papyrus made for him for his very first birthday last February. The weapon Papyrus made for him is his favorite toy weapon and whenever it’s not in use, it’s concealed in a red protective toy scabbard. Overall, Rex loves playing with toy weapons. Whether he's using them to knock down wooden block towers or playfully hitting someone with them, he always enjoys himself and never gets tired of playing with them. And while the toy weapon Papyrus made him is his favorite weapon, he enjoys playing with his hammer, axe, and sword just as much. One thing he likes to do is triple-wield. One weapon with his left hand, one weapon with right hand, and one weapon with his tail! :D
 Rex: Eeeeegah! Amaboo! Adeedada! *Rex babbled excitedly, simply just for holding a toy hammer in his right hand, a toy axe in his left hand, and a toy sword with his long tail* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: Haha! Yes! But, you, uh, y-you don't have any block towers to destroy though; not any finished ones. So, what are you planning to do with those, little guy?
 Rex: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Rararararara…!
 All of a sudden, Rex charged towards MK, who was sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position, and went to town attacking him with his toy weapons, starting with his tail.
 MK: Eeeep! Rex! Oof! Hey! Oof! W-why are you attacking me?! Oof! You’re… Oof! You’re supposed to be attacking Az, remember? Oof!
 He does remember. Rex is just messing with MK right now, that's all. Like Rocco, Rex loves teasing MK and one notable way he does so, besides attacking him with his soft toy weapons, is throwing toys at him. Yes, to tease MK, Rex throws toys at him; soft toys like his stuffed animals to be exact and ones that don't physically harm MK in any way. Oh, but if Rex is mad at MK however, then he'll throw hard toys at him; hard toys like his wooden blocks! And those hurt! And since Rex is a little toddler, there isn't much MK can do other than say to him, "No, Rex! Don't throw toys at MK!" MK's a good sport about it though and fortunately for MK, Rex doesn't get mad at him all that much. :)
 Asriel: Haha! No, don't attack me, Rex! Keep attacking MK! He deserves it!
 Rocco: Hahaha! That he does, young man. *said Rocco with a chuckle as he entered the bedroom to check on the boys, startling Asriel a little due to his all of a sudden appearance* Hahaha!
 Asriel: O-Oh, h-hey, Rocco. *said Asriel awkwardly after being startled by Rocco's all of a sudden appearance*
 Rocco: Haha! Yo! Dinner will be a while so I thought I'd check in on you boys; to see how you're doing.
 Asriel: Great! We're doing great! Haha! Right, MK? Right, Rex?
 Rex: *babbles in agreement*
 MK: Haha! Yeah! Haha! Oof! Rex! Oof! Ok, come on, bud; joke's over! Oof! Go attack Az now, please! Oof!
 Rex: Raaaaaaaaaaaaa! Gagagagagagagaga! *babbled Rex in response, completely ignoring MK's request* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Despite being told to playfully attack Asriel with his toy weapons, Rex continued attacking MK with them instead; to tease him some more. XD
 MK: Come on! Please? Oof! Please, Rex? Oof!
 Rex: *keeps attacking MK* Gagagagagaga...
 Rocco: Hahahahaha! Good job, Rex! It's fun picking on your brother, isn't it?
 Rex: *babbles in agreement*
 Rocco: Haha! Yes! And here's someone else that thinks so too! *stated Rocco, pulling out Darius, Rex's favorite stuffed toy*
 Darius is a cartoonish-looking stuffed toy; a hybrid creature; part dragon, part cat. He's Rex's favorite stuffed creature and he has a red dragon tail with spikes, red dragon wings, red three-toed feet with white toe claws, red dragon arms, red hands with clawed fingers, dragon spikes and black cat ears on his head, a dragon snout with whiskers, green eyes, and black fur on the non-scaly areas of his body. In addition, he can be controlled like a puppet, a feature that Rocco often takes advantage of when putting Rex down for a nap, putting Rex to bed, calming Rex down whenever he's upset, cheering Rex up whenever he's sad, or just playing with Rex in general. And the voice Rocco does for Darius; very baby-friendly! :D It's a high-pitched squeaky voice (similar to Elmo from Sesame Street); way different than his normal speaking voice; and with it, he puts a smile on Rex's face just about every time. X3
 Rocco as Darius: Meeeeeeeee! Hahahaha! Yay, Rex! Haha! "Destroy" your big "smelly" brother! "Destroy" him! Hahahaha!
 MK: Big “smelly” brother? Oof! Dad, are you serious?! *asked MK in a response while rolling his eyes at Rocco; in a slightly irritated way* Oof!
 Rocco: What? I didn’t say anything! *lied Rocco, acting all innocent*
 Rocco as Darius: But I did! Hahahahaha! Holy moly, young man! When was the last time you showered or took a bath?! P.U.! Hahahahaha!
 MK: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
 Then suddenly,
 MK: GUH! BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! *MK laughed hysterically all of sudden, furry fingers overflowing his scaly soles with mega ticklish sensations* AZ, NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! *SQUEAK* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OH GOHOHOHOHOHOD, STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!!! *he pleaded, squirming up a storm, which prompted Rex to move away from him, and wiggling and splaying his toes with every passing second as he tried to pull his feet out of a predicament that was practically impossible to break out of in his current state* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
 MK is being a bit grouchy at the moment. So, to get him smiling and laughing, Asriel has decided to tickle his feet; and to ensure that MK won't kick his legs, swing his tail, or escape at all during the tickle torture; Asriel kneeled over MK's calves with his back facing towards MK, trapping the young lizard boy’s legs and tail underneath his own legs.
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gaaaabagoogaaaaa! *Rex giggled and babbled excitedly while watching Asriel tickle his brother's feet*
 Asriel: Hahaha! No can do, dude! You're being too grouchy! Hahaha!
 Rocco: Hahahahaha! Oh, don't worry, champ! We'll pick on Azzy soon enough! I promise!
 Rocco as Darius: No we won't! Not if I have anything to say about it! Hahahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo, “smelly” boy! Hahahahahaha!
 To add to the tickle torture and to tease MK some more, Rocco lifted up MK's shirt and used Darius to tickle MK's belly; using his right hand to control the toy’s mouth to nibble on MK’s stomach and pretend that he was eating it. Then, as a precaution, Rocco wrapped his long tail around both MK’s robotic wrists; in order to prevent MK from trying to tickle him back with his robotic hands.
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeeheeheehee! *Rex giggled while watching his dad and Asriel tickle MK together*
 Rocco: Hey, Rex; come on over here, buddy!
 Rocco as Darius: Haha! Yeah, you can help us if you want! There's always plenty of room for my most favorite friend!
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeheehee! *giggled Rex once again, hugging his own long tail excitedly while at the same time ignoring his father's request*
 Rocco: Or you can just sit there and keep watching us! That's fine! You do whatever makes you happy, buddy! *said Rocco in a very friendly manner* Hahaha!
 And he is too! Just watching others being tickled is enough to put a smile on Rex's face. :D
 The tickle torture continued for at least 90 seconds but then came to an abrupt stop once Asriel told Rocco that he wanted to try blowing some raspberries on MK's feet.
 Rocco: Oooooooh, great idea! I'll hold his legs for you!
 Seconds later, Rocco, while keeping his long tail wrapped around MK's wrists, set Darius aside and grabbed both of MK's legs and held them up in a position where Asriel could easily and comfortably blow some raspberries on his feet. In addition, Rocco placed his own two feet on MK's tail; not hard enough to crush it but hard enough to prevent MK from using it to retaliate against Rocco and Asriel.
 MK: Eeeeeeeeep! Dad, get your big smelly feet off my tail! *pleaded MK, struggling to get his tail out from underneath his father's large 3-toed feet, which don't actually smell bad at all*
 Rocco: Hahahaha! Why? So you can use it to try and escape from this? Hahahahaha! No can do, champ! I know your tricks! *said Rocco in response, smiling cheekily at his older son while wiggling his six toes* Hahahaha! Azzy, do your worst! *he then said to Asriel, giving him the ok to blow some raspberries on MK's feet* Hahahaha!
 Asriel: Hahaha! Yes, sir!
 MK: Eeeeeep! No, Az! Don't listen to him! Don't…
 Asriel: Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffff…!!!
 Asriel has just blown a raspberry on MK's right heel.
 Once again, Asriel's tickly fur is being put to good use! :D Foot raspberries alone are enough to send MK into ticklish fits of hysterical laughter but with Asriel's fur thrown into the mix; it's a whole new level of ticklishness! MK was laughing, squealing, squeaking, and everything in between and Asriel's fur combined with raspberries tickled his scaly feet so much that tears began streaming out of his eyes; and once Rocco told Asriel to blow raspberries on the balls of his feet right underneath his toes, it was all over for poor MK!
 Asriel: Pbffffffffffffffffffff! Pbfffffffffffffffffff!
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event! #3
“UT sans why do you refuse to fight the human until they are level 19 in genocide route?”
“Because it is the only time it matters. Any other time I don’t have to worry about the world ending. If you were trapped in a world where nothing, almost nothing, you do matters, why do something that doesn’t matter? And I must say, the look on their face when I launched my first attack, and their faces afterwards, were worth it.” Sans said, smiling at the memory of their shocked face.
“Flowey if the human genocides you are aware they won't hesitate to kill you right? ps why not just pop up from the ground in the room with the human souls and take them?”
“I know. But I like watching everyone die, it’s funny as they try to stop an unstoppable threat, how they sacrifice themselves and whatnot. And if the human can beat Sans, Undyne, and slaughter almost every monster of all, why would the souls be able to do anything? Sure I could flee, but I am the Prince of the Underground, I’m going down with my ship.” Flowey said, his face appearing to be a mix of Asriel and his own before morphing back as he chuckled a sinister giggle.
“Frisk so your saying that your next reset will be a genocide if so is it because your possesses by chara or because your a bad person. ps if your possesed by chara during genocide why kill flowey knowing he is asriel? pps do you even make it to the surface after genocide?” “Chara is only there to make me remember my crimes, kill Asgore, and Flowey. And I’m not really a bad person per say, I’m just a kid having fun! And why would I return to the surface? The Underground is more fun. Asriel is dead, Flowey is someone new, and Flowey is pathetic.” Frisk said, smiling. “To all skeletons when you eat food where does it go? do you even have a stomach?” “We only eat magic-based foods so it is instantly absorbed. It just disperses and helps heal and stuff.” Papyrus said, making hand gestures to help explain it. “Error, when are you guys going to start looking for who Error once was? We can help! We know multiple versions of Error and many versions of his backstory to draw reference from. I'd start with G̵͈͇̙͖̰͇̠̥̱͍̅̿͌̀̋̄͛̇̽̒̄̿̄̑̈́̾͊̔̉̄͒̕ȩ̸̛̠̗͓̗̃̈́̏́͆̓̃̅̎͊̾̃̐͐̍̍͘͜n̸̢̢̛̲̬͎̱̘͍͎̗̯̘̭͉̦̓͗̓̓͂̀̈́̀͜͠͝͝ơ̵̢̗̼̳̥̞̱̺̭̠̅̐̐̾̽͋̋͐́̍͊̈́̈́͘͠. Trust me.” “What? We didn’t hear what you said.” Error stated, sipping some hot chocolate. Mini marshmallows danced on the surface. “Well, since you apparently can’t say who to start with, I guess we have no where to start from.” “How about we look at the timelines? Talk to the voices and see how long Error was there and what timelines had separated before and after then.” Horror said and Nightmare shrugged. “Sure.” In the Creator Realm, Maxie, Zack, Beatrice, Jana, and Jack were listening. “We all know it’s Geno right?” Maxie said and they nodded. “How about we drag this out? Make them suffer!” Jack said, and for once, Zack agreed. “It would be funny, just as long as they learn the truth eventually.” Zack said, earning a sadistic grin from Maxie. “Yay! I wonder if we can get some help in leading them astray?” Maxie said, calling over to the group asking the questions. “Wanna help us drag this out?” She asked. “UT sans when are you going to tell papyrus about resets?” “I already know. Though I have asked Sans the same question many many times.” Papyrus said, giving Sans a dirty look. Sans had come back from his sentry station for lunch. “You’d forget! Just because you know doesn’t mean you’ll remember. I’d figured out it was possible while looking through scans and other old work I look through every day. Plus knowledge of the multiverse helps.” Sans said, “I actually did tell you once, but it crushed your spirit. I didn’t want you to lose what made you, you. and I had a support group so I wasn’t handling it alone like I used to.” Sans said, Papyrus sighed in response. “UT sans how do you manage to put 29 hot dogs on a person's head and why not 30 hot dogs?” “Why not 28?” Sans said, and Papyrus groaned. “Ok ok I think we have embarrassed the boys enough, for now.... Dream any stories from your brothers past he would rather his boys not know about?” “YES!” Dream cried out and Nightmare tried to silence his brother, but he was tackled, bound, and gagged on the ground before he could make a sound. Everyone listened to Dream intently. “Nightmare, in the early days of our village’s founding, had a girlfriend.” Dream said, Nightmare thrashed on the ground as everyone gasped “Who?” Cross asked, eyes wide as he heard Chara snicker and make faces at Nightmare. “I don’t remember her, we didn’t really talk all that much, but what I do know is that,” Dream donned the smuggest and most evil smirk as he gave his brother a wicked glance, a twisted smile on his face. “Nightmare, lost his virginity to her.” Dream said and everyone went nuts. “Did he top?” Horror asked, and Killer laughed. “Was she a virgin too?” Dust cried out, looking at his struggling father. “She wasn’t, and I think he bottomed based on what he told me.” Dream said, genuinely puzzled. “So, how old were you?” Error asked, Dream thought about it. “We didn’t know at the time, as far as we’re aware, right now, we’re about 1200 years old, and the village was around for about 1,000 years, but she was about a young adult, maybe 20 or so.” Dream said, looking at his brother for confirmation. Tears were streaming down Nightmare’s face and Dream took pity on his sibling. “There, there, I only have one more to tell.” Dream said, picking up Nightmare and placing him on his lap as he cuddled him. “What’s the story?” Fresh asked, he was mostly silent but he was curious. “Nightmare’s first time drunk.” Dream said, and Nightmare froze as he tried to run away. “Nope.” Dream said, keeping Nightmare in place easily. “One day, I was given a present by someone, I don’t remember who they were. Nightmare girlfriend, Lily was her name, had long passed away by this point. They broke up but remained friends. It was a bottle of whisky, hardcore whisky.” Dream said, “Like Blue’s signature drink spiker.” Dream said and Blue gasped. “I do not spike drinks!” Blue said, huffing. “Sure.” Dream said, rolling his eyes as he continued. “Anyway, I wanted to share the gift with Nightmare, as I always did. I even broke apart, remade and regifted presents I recieved to Nightmare to make him feel better. So we drank the entire thing, Nightmare having most of it.” Dream said, clearly embarrassed. “If we had known, that night would have ended differently.” Dream told them. “Nightmare ended up singing a random song at the top of his lungs at the top of the tree. I was about to pass out most of the time. We never got drunk again, the hangover was bad.” “Ok back to embarrassing the boys, on a scale of 1 to 10 how cute is Error? this is for anyone that wants to weigh in on the Error cuteness scale. Also does he have glasses in this multi-verse and do they up his cuteness? Sorry Error you are my favorite!” “10.” Everyone said they had by this point released Nightmare. “I do have glasses, Nightmare gave them to me soon after they learned how bad my eyesight was, but I began to wear contacts when I started fighting with them.” Error said. “They were bigger and red versions of Harry Potter’s glasses, and they increase his cuteness to a solid twenty-six out of ten.” Cross said, smiling as Error blushed. “Oh I saw someone else mention how we know of many different Errors. I gotta say most of the Errors I have seen have been tortured horribly and are left in a pretty bad state. Are you sure you want to know where you came from? You can't ever go back to what you were before, and I don't want you to get hurt Error.” “I know. But, I want to know my story, I know I can’t go back, I know I have a Papyrus, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, and all. But I never thought about it, and with the revelation that I’m an alternate timeline, I can dive a bit deeper. I know these people, and Killer, Horror, and Dust can help me. They know what it’s like.” Error said, “And I’m not asking to know about what you have put other me’s through, I can infer what you’ve done to them.” Error said, glaring. “Frisk, what do you think about the humans from other AU?s” “AUs? Do you mean, alternate universes? I was involved with many fandoms, so I know the term. Papyrus broke script last time, and Sans was acting odd a few years ago. Interesting. I must thank you, if I’m right, then I might be able to see my own handiwork again.” Frisk said. “Frisk, have you encountered Gaster yet? ps do you even know who Gaster is?” “I know who he is. Though he always disappears before I can say a word to him.” “Stretch, my tall orange jerk. How did you take the news that not only did Ink lie when he said the dark sanses took blue, but Ink was actually the one to take him and do some pretty bad things to our sweet little blueberry? What about when Ink had Dream hurt blue to keep him crashing? And how are taking Blue being more like Error now?” “I was mad, I wanted to kill him with my own hands. I let myself be fooled, and I can’t even blame myself half the time! I was just so powerless. I’m glad he’s dead.” Stretch said, grumbling as he blew out a puff of smoke. “I was ready to dust Dream right then and there, but Blue held me back. And the yellow squirt’s apology was overwhelming. I could barely go a day without a text or in-person apology, and when he finally earned my lack of distrust, we haven’t talked since aside from the occasional ‘hello’. And Blue had it worse.” “It took awhile for me to get used to Blue’s glitching. Sometimes he crashed and rebooted, those were scary and they still are. Error helped Blue and I adjust, helping us figure out Blue’s glitching triggers. Stress being a big one. I’m grateful for his help, though I may not like him.” Stretch said, lighting another cigarette. “And now the most important question ever asked... Who wants to join the Error protection squad? I'll make badges!” “ME!” Blue cried out, eyes glowing big and blue as he smiled. “Don’t forget about us!” Cross said and Error sighed as he buried himself in his outfit as everyone announced how they would join. “It’s ok Error. I’d defend you, but I don’t need a badge.” Dream said and Error smiled, he was glad his family would defend him. He felt safe, and he felt loved. “What is the worst timeline or version of this universe any of you have ever experienced? I mean, this is a multiverse. What are the darkest reaches of it?” “Aside from our own personal trauma, I think it was one of those torture AUs.” Nightmare said, and Cross snapped his fingers, realizing what Nightmare meant. “Yeah, where the people exist only to be beaten and broken, no hope, no dreams, no reason and will to live. There’s also HorrorLustFell.” Cross said and everyone shuddered. “‘Nough said.” Dust announced and everyone nodded. “Frisk you know a genocide is technically impossible because you never kill annoying dog ps what do you think of annoying dog?” “The annoying dog doesn’t count, and I never get to Alphys or the people she evacuated either. And the dog is cute, I want to cuddle them.” Frisk said, their face looking like an innocent child’s instead of a mass murderer.
Formatting is off because of glitching in my word processor. I have it fixed.
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pyroraider · 6 years
Worst Nightmare
(Written scene idea that goes with the last image I posted here.)
(Please note that this actually doesn’t connect to For a Flower’s timeline, but does have some aspects of it.  That means no spoilers!  Yay!  It’s long though, so I’m gonna let you click on it if you want to read it all, haha.)
          Frisk slammed the front door and bolted from the cabin as fast as he could.  "Asriel!" he called.  The child glanced left and right as he moved between the forest trees.  Frisk had no clue where Asriel had gone, but he had a feeling the little monster was heading back toward Mount Ebott.  So Frisk hurried in that direction as fast as his little legs could take him.  "Asriel!  Where are you?!"  Frisk continued further and further from home, determination driving him on.  "Asriel?!"  After several minutes of running, the small human slowed to catch his breath.  He stopped and leaned forward, gasping for air.
          ‘He's close by,’ said a voice in his head.
          ‘What?  How do you know?’ thought Frisk.
          ‘Because he doesn't run much faster than you.  He just had a head start,’ said the voice.
          Frisk nodded, still panting.  ‘Alright, Chara,’ he thought.  It took a few more seconds to catch his breath, then Frisk continued ahead quietly.  As he moved through the trees with caution, something blocked the way ahead . . . something big.  
          ‘I have a very bad feeling,’ said Chara’s voice.
          Frisk gave a slight nod as he moved closer to the unnatural form.  "Yeah . . . me too,” he whispered.  The child continued until he could see what lay ahead, then stopped in his tracks with wide eyes.  It was a structure made of large, thorny vines.  They had come up from the ground, wrapping around several trees and extending upward to form a dome in the midst of the forest.  The vines were jagged and dull, twisted and dry.  Through openings between them, Frisk could make out a small, white monster sitting on the grass.  His back was turned and head down.
          ‘Approach carefully,’ said Chara.
          Frisk already had every intention to do that.  He moved closer to the dome and stopped a few feet from its perimeter.  The child peered through, his brown eyes focused on Asriel.  "Asriel?" he called calmly.
          The voice that replied was that of Flowey, yet with obvious sadness.  "Go . . . away . . ." he mumbled.
          “I just want to talk," said Frisk.
          Asriel's head lowered a little more.  He spoke up louder, this time with more frustration.  "I said . . . go . . . away!"
          Frisk knew he couldn’t leave his brother in this condition.  He sat down quietly near the dome of vines that had grown up around Asriel’s position.  He kept his attention focused on Asriel, who still sat in the middle.  The human waited, giving Asriel a chance to calm down.
          ‘Asriel doesn't do very well managing his anger in this state.  Letting him stay here and think for too long could be a bad thing,’ Chara warned.  ‘However, a few minutes should be fine.  I am not sure he realises there’s a dome of vines around him.  But if he does . . . then this could be a bigger problem,’ she added.
          ‘Yeah,’ thought Frisk.  Several minutes passed.  Asriel didn't move.  Neither did Frisk.  Nothing was said.  The sun shone on Frisk with a pleasant warmth, but the dome of vines around Asriel blocked out most of that light.  Only bits of sunlight reached the inside.  No bird song could be heard from the trees.  The quiet was unnerving, yet nothing seemed to change.  Frisk was sure that Asriel knew he was there, but the little monster apparently hadn't seen any use in speaking to him.
          Reluctantly, Frisk spoke up again.  "Can I come in?"
          Asriel growled.  "What?"  He lifted his head to see the thorny, twisted vines surrounding him and screamed.  He jumped to his feet and spun around to face the human just as Frisk stood too.  Asriel tried to run for the dome edge toward his friend, but something had a hold of his right ankle.  He glanced down.  There was a vine wrapped around his foot.  The monster shifted into a panic almost instantly.  He tried to pull from the vine, but its grip only tightened.  Frisk stepped closer to the wall of vines between them.
          Asriel peered back pitifully.  He reached out and called with his normal voice.  "Frisk, help!"  He pulled harder, trembling with fear.  "Please!  Help me!"
          ‘Vines are wrapping around him,’ said Chara.
          "Hang on!  I'll get you out!"  Frisk stepped back and lifted his hands.  His eyes sparked red.  The light around them dimed when a glowing, magic sword appeared in his grasp.  The child swung the blade as hard as he could, striking across vines between them.  The attack cut deep, tearing several vines in half and damaging others.  The broken ones dropped limply to the ground and scattered into magic energy.  Asriel gasped and dropped to his hands and knees.  Twisted vines still blocked Frisk's path, so he lifted his sword to strike a second time.
          Asriel noticed him preparing another attack.  "No, WAIT!" he shouted.  Frisk's already in mid-swing.  The magic blade sliced three more vines.  Asriel yelled as a sharp pain shot through him.  He wrapped a furry hand around his waist and cringed.
          ‘Frisk, stop it!  These vines are his.  Destroying them is hurting Asriel too!’ said Chara.  More vines shot up to replace those Frisk had destroyed.
          Frisk frowned and let his hands drop to his sides.  The magic sword vanished.  "I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to hurt you!" said Frisk.  Asriel's head lowered.  He was still in a panic and breathing hard.
          ‘Remember, monster magic is driven by feelings and emotions.  You can't get to him unless he lets you.  A part of him is blocking you out,’ Chara said.
          Frisk called again.  "Asriel!  You have to calm down!  I know it probably sounds stupid and I know you're really scared, but please!  Calm down.”
          Asriel glanced up at Frisk where he knelt on the forest floor.  The vines around his legs had him tied down so that he couldn’t stand.  "I . . . Frisk . . . Chara . . . I'm scared.  I don't know how to stop them!  They're not doing what I want!  I keep telling them to stop, but they won't disappear!  This isn't me!  I'm not doing this!" Asriel said.
          ‘There is no one else in this timeline that can make or control vines,’ Chara said as if he could hear her.
          "Monster magic is based on emotion, right?" said Frisk.  "The vines are doing what your emotions are telling them to do!"
          Asriel looked confused.  "But I don't want to hurt you!  And I don't like feeling trapped!"
          ‘I don't think that's the root of the problem,’ said Chara.
          "I don't think that's the real problem, Asriel!" Frisk said.
          Asriel glanced down, tears welling up.  Thorns were forming on the vines around his ankles.  They hurt.  "Ah!  Then what is the problem?!  If I knew, don't you think I'd stop them?!"
          Chara sighed.  ‘This is going to take forever.  Frisk, I wish I could say I was sure you'd know how to help.  But since it's taking you this long, I can't.  Let me attempt to get you on the right track.  Tell Asriel that he is the only one who can control the vines.  And the reason it isn't working, is probably because he's ignoring something . . . that part of himself,’ she said.
          Frisk began to explain what Chara had said the best he could.  "Asriel!" he called.  The little monster was still trembling within vines, kneeling in the middle of the dome.  "You're the only one who can control the vines, and the reason you can't right now . . . is because you're ignoring that part of you!"  Asriel stared back.  "You have to accept that this is part of you as well," said Frisk.  Asriel frowned and shook his head.  Frisk leaned against the vines between them.  "Please!”
          "I don't want to!  I hate this part of me!  It's not me anymore!  I'm not this!  I'm not a flower!" Asriel sobbed.  The vines around him grew larger, while others grew around his position.
          "You don't have to like it, but you can't just deny that this is a part of you!" Frisk said.  "Look around!  Look what it's doing!"
          Asriel's blue eyes darted left and right at the growing vines then up at the dome which was closing him in.  He cringed.  "I don't . . . I don't understand!  Why are they . . . why are they holding me?  Why are they closing around me?!  Why . . . why am I attacking myself?!" Asriel asked.  He tried pulling against his own vines that held him but with no success.
          "Because you are attacking yourself!" said Frisk.  Asriel pulled desperately against the vines.  "Asriel . . . the reason you don't have control of the vines, is because you're refusing to accept that they are yours.  And the reason they're attacking you, is because you're already attacking yourself on the inside.  But you can't control them now, and so you’ve set yourself up for failure!"  Asriel slowed his struggling, but the dome was still shrinking around him.  "It's not bad to dislike the negative aspects of yourself.  But it is bad to pretend they aren't there.  It's okay to accept this as part of you.  You have to . . . or it'll tear you apart.  Asriel, please,” begged Frisk.
          Asriel peered back at his friend between the closing vines.  "How?  How do I accept it?  I'm not blaming myself for the what I did anymore . . . so . . . what am I supposed to do?!" he asked.  The small monster waited for a response, fear in his eyes.
          Frisk sighed.  "Don't be scared.  Stop being afraid of yourself," he said.  Asriel panted a few times then lowered his head and closed his eyes.  The dome of jagged vines stopped shrinking, though they were still tightly intertwined.  From where he stood, Frisk could see Asriel trembling within the vines that wrapped around his body.
          ‘Come on, Asriel.  You can do it,’ said Chara.  Several seconds passed, but slowly Asriel's frightened shaking ceased.  Vines that had once held him, loosened their grip and returned to the ground.  Large, twisted vines that had formed the dome above cracked and fell apart.  With a few flickers of bright light, they dispersed completely, leaving sparks of energy that floated to the forest floor.  Frisk rushed toward Asriel and knelt down in front of him.  Asriel's eyes were still closed.  He took deep, slow breaths.
          "Are you okay?" Frisk asked.
          Asriel nodded then lifted his head.  "Yeah . . . I . . . I think so," he said and glanced down.  "I didn't think . . . that being so scared of Flowey was dangerous.  I . . . have so many reasons to be scared of that part of me."
          Frisk nodded in agreement.  "You're really strong, Asriel.  But you're strong as you . . . all of you.  And . . . knowing what's wrong, is the first step in learning how to prevent yourself from doing bad things in the future . . . without pretending that half of you doesn't exist," Frisk said.
          "Yeah, I think I got that now," said Asriel.  "It'll take time to get used to it though.”
          Frisk smirked a little.  "We both have some pretty serious problems, don't we."
          Asriel smirked too.  "Yeah, definitely.”
          “We'll make it.  Okay, Asriel?  We’ll help each other keep going," said Frisk.
          “That . . . sounds nice.  Thank you . . . Frisk.”
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blue-icarus · 6 years
Family Day Out
ao3 link HERE
It was Frisk who first suggested it.
 "Mom, mom, mom, can we please go to the arcades? Please!?"
"You want to go where my child?"
 "The arcades, they're a place where you can play games and win prizes and it's really really fun! Please, please, please can we go?!"
Chara and Asriel, who were able to see Frisk's rapid signing from where they were raiding (well, trying to at least) the chocolate stash, joined in.
"Yeah mom! We'll be good we promise!"
"Yeah, we won't raid the chocolate stash for a whole month!"
"ASRIEL YOU TRAITOR! A day at the arcades is not worth a whole month of no chocolate, a week yes BUT NOT A MONTH!"
"AAA, I'M SORRY CHARA!!! NUUUU, DON'T NOOGIE THE GOAT!!! *distressed goat noises intensifies*"
After Chara had been calmed down with the promise of chocolate and Asriel removed from Toriel's shoulders, it was decided that the group of four would visit the arcades along the coast.
There was a street just opposite the ocean lined with arcades, food stalls and nic nack stores. The busy street was packed with humans and monsters alike, most just out to have a good time with their friends or window-shopping and such.
The arcade they arrived outside of, the one with the least amount of people in it, was a huge old building painted white. The paint was chipped and faded in areas, allowing people to see the red brick beneath. Twelve floor-to-ceiling pillars stood in front of the arcade's entrance; a glass windowed wall with three pairs of evenly spaced double doors. Bronze crowns adorned the tops of the pillars and faded green vines were painted on them, winding up the pillars. Above the middle pair of double doors was a large metallic green dragon, the green wings were extended behind it and it's clawed paws gripping the ceiling above the centre pillars. Below the dragon's snarling maw was the name of the arcade 'Dragon and Crown Arcade'.
Asriel and Chara looked up in awe while Frisk dragged them and Toriel inside. Inside the building there were rows upon rows of 2p and 10p slot machines, prize claw machines, a DDR machine, plenty of 2p change machines (e.g. put in a pound and you'll get a pound's worth of 2 pence pieces out of it), and many many more. Chara made a beeline to the alien shoot-em-up in the corner of the room almost immediately after they were given their arcade money, Asriel to a 2p slot machine and Frisk to the DDR machine with Toriel.
 With Chara
Chara's name was at the top of the leaderboard. They were wiping out aliens (and the competition) left and right, earning themselves a nice large pile of prize tickets in the process.
Did you really expect anything other than this?
 With Asriel
"So close, so. Darn. Close. If I could just...OH COME ON, AGAIN???!!! MOM, I'M OUT OF WEIRD BRITISH MONEY!!!" In the slot machine was a green cinema-ticket shaped piece of felt worth a thousand prize tickets, just teetering on the edge. Asriel was clutching the empty coin tub, debating whether or not to leave the machine to get some more money or yell till his mother heard him.
 With Frisk
A crowd gathered around the DDR machine as Frisk solo danced to Beethoven Virus like a pro, gripping the handrail behind them as they sped from arrow to arrow. All that time spent dodging magic attacks in the underground paid off in the end. I guess? Like Chara, Frisk's name was at the top of the leaderboard by the time they were finished, earning them many a prize ticket.
After beating Beethoven Virus, Frisk took a break before picking up their prize tickets and moving onto another machine: a Pacman slot machine. This was close to Asriel, very fortunate for him, who had also gained quite a few prize tickets himself from his slot machine. Toriel handed him one last bag of 2p's before deciding to help him herself, the two pushing 2p's into the slots either side of the machine at the same time.
Chara, who had gotten bored of the alien shoot-em-up, could have been mistaken for a large pink ticket monster with the amount of prize tickets they had bundled in their arms. Chara took the seat next to Frisk on the next Pacman machine along, they were gnawing on a chocolate bar from god-knows where.
"You having a good time, sib?" Chara asked, not taking their eyes off of the screen in front of them. Frisk smiled and tugged Chara's sleeve, causing them to turn and look at Frisk. "Yeah, it's nice to have some family time together! A shame goat dad couldn't come with us though." Chara hummed in agreement at this. "Mom and Azzy seem to be having fun together." Chara nodded at the two, Asriel was currently prancing around in victory and waving the green ticket over his head.
"Hahaha, calm down now my child, it's only a ticket."
"Nonono, mom, it's not just any old ticket. It's a special prize ticket, worth a THOUSAND regular prize tickets!"
Chara chuckled softly as Asriel ranted to Toriel about how the prize ticket system worked, and sighed in content. "You know, it's nice to see everyone so happy." Frisk nodded in agreement, a happy grin on their face.
"Alright my children, it's time to go now."
 "Awwwww, but mom we're having so much fun!"
"Please can we stay a little longer?"
"I'm sorry Asriel, I wish we could but I don't have enough money on me to stay longer."
"Can we at least see how many prize tickets we won?"
"Alright, I think there's a machine here somewhere that can tell us how many tickets we've won."
 At the ticket machine
Toriel and Asriel: 1500 each (they won 2000 from the slot machine and 1000 on Asriel's special prize ticket and decided to split)
Chara: 3000 from the shoot-em-up and 100 from the Pacman machine
Frisk: 3000 from the DDR machine and 100 from the Pacman machine
Total: 9200
In the end, Chara, Asriel, Frisk and Toriel decided to split the total amount of tickets between them -giving them all 2300 tickets each-. Chara spent all of their tickets on jumbo chocolate bars, Asriel spent his tickets on two packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and a navy F.B.I. print cap, Frisk spent their tickets on a large white dog plush, and Toriel spent her tickets on two pun t-shirts (a green one with the caption 'I make bad chemistry puns periodically.' on it with a picture of the periodic table below it, and a white one with 'What does a nosy pepper do? Get Jalapeño business!' on it and a green jalapeño pepper next to the caption. The white shirt was much larger than the green one.).
"Mmmph, muuurmph, hmm, yum."
"Chara, my child, please don't eat all those chocolate bars at once. You'll get sick."
 "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
"You know, I think I'll give the chemistry shirt to Sans."
"Goat mama and bone boy sittin in a tree, F.U.C..."
"Chara, don't finish that sentence unless you want me to turn your week long chocolate ban into a year long one."
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madluv · 6 years
joker origins / napier thing I wanna start that’s like a new take on the killing joke backstory? I spontaneously started writing a little bit last night, kinda got some ideas for it - it’s unfinished but what dya think yay or nay? 👀🃏
language / drug use / violence under the cut
The music and bodies were throbbing, a stage of lowlights and loose limbs. Techno thumped hard  against his chest, aggravating his adrenaline heavy heart. It was an assault to the senses, the acrid scent of sweat and semen lingered in the stagnant air. It was all tits, legs, teeth and tummies, though the flesh show wasn’t the reason for Jack’s sticky shirt, nor even the reason for his presence at the stripclub. Much unlike the sparse patrons perched on stools and splashing the little cash they had for a flash of slit, or rarer still, a smile. Jack sat alone and to the side, a single chair against a single table, vibrating from the hefty speakers, ashtray still smoking from one half-cinder cigarette. The lack of customers, though bad for the girls, made it the perfect setting for the work they had planned. And every few minutes, as to not raise suspicion, Jack turned his attention from the split legs and bulging bikinis to the VIP suite, where the owner sat behind tinted glass, snorting coke and counting change. Where they needed him to stay while they robbed this shithole blind.
It could certainly do with some style – the neon pinks and purples worked to flatter the aging strippers but did very little for the drab furniture and chipped paint. Personally, he’d get rid of the podiums altogether, replace them with cotton candy machines, poker tables, how about a little roulette? People had very little vision in this town and he hoped one day to change that. For now though, Jack settled with whatever paid. Whatever paid for his very particular skill set. The Red Hood gang, he found, were more than willing to. Equal splits when a job was done, perfect for an upstart fresh out of juvie. At least that’s what he’d said. So, they’d shoved a flip-phone in his hand and got him entry to the local strip joint. “Don’t fuck this up, kid,” worried he’d get distracted due to the setting. He’d seen more meat on his own mother – wasn’t his thing. They’d be rolling in notes by the morning. Women were a dime a dozen and Jack was out for a lot more than fucking dimes.
The phone buzzed against the table, jittered against his empty glass. Bored eyes blinked, adjusting to the screen brightness. WE GOOD? Not yet. Jack had other plans. They’d be a certain success, he was leaving nothing to chance. He’d shut the phone just in time as a waitress loitered in his blotted peripheral. Sent as an obvious prompt that he should buy another cold one, she was slowly collecting empty tumblers, a blank expression beneath a battered blonde wig. He could barely contain his disdain as she approached and reached for his drink.
“Handy tip,” she started softly, “the girls won’t come over unless you throw ‘em some notes –”
Startled, she jolted as he grabbed for her wrist, catching her mere inches from the rim of his glass. “That is handy,” he replied with a chuckle (hahahaha…) “but why do that when I can see all I want from here, for free?” Jack felt the gentle tug of her arm but her expression remained neutral. She was noticeably practiced in the art of accepting unwanted advances. He didn’t relent.
“You sure?” Her tray of empties now placed upon his table, she pulled her pinny upwards to present the hem of her skin-coloured stockings, brushing a knee lightly against his splayed leg. He could feel her warm breath against his damp neck, could see the raised veins in her skinny arms. The wide and searching, empty eyes. Parched and cracked lips coated in thick crimson. The hunger.
“It’s far less disappointing from a distance,” he assured her, laughing lightly – with pity – and patted her skirt back over her thighs flippantly. “Scotch will do.” He extending a single crisp $50 between two fingers. Grinning widely as she desperately swiped for it… But Jack was much faster and sleight of hand had the fifty dollars once again tucked down his sleeve, out of sight and out of reach. “Tadaa!” Jack splayed his palm to prove the money’s absence and the waitress sucked through her teeth, disgusted.
She glared dangerously from beneath the rough fringe of her shiny wig. Not even the neon lights could flatter her deep-lined frowning. He tutted falsely at her repulsed response – she was used to disappointment, surely? After all, she lived it! “Magic tricks don’t do it for you, huh?” Jack asked, retrieving the note and offering it up again. Dangling it temptingly, smiling warmly at her all the while.
She snorted, visibly angry – long gone was the vacant waitress – this time, she viciously snatched at the fifty, scratching his hand with sparkling nails. She left three tiny welts that stung. Jack finally let go and she stumbled, snapping up her tray she stormed back to the empty bar, muttering obscenities about scumbags and skint men. “Wash your hands before you make mine!” he called eagerly from his seat, utterly satisfied. He’d paid $50 for that, it was the very least she could do!
Another text sent his cell spinning in a semicircle. HOW ABOUT NOW? Jack sighed, they had all night. Success – and more importantly finesse – took time. Something the Red Hood gang had yet to learn. Still, Jack eyed the lounge from his quiet corner. No one had left in a good hour or so. He just needed the dumb broad inside to return to the stage. The owner had beckoned in some top-heavy brunette thirty minutes prior and she had yet to come back. Considering the amount of snow Jack had seen him sniff up his nostril, a half hour stint was certainly commendable. So, Jack had been inclined to wait out their awkward coke-dick coitus with a quick drink – only for it to go on far longer than he (or anyone for that matter) could have anticipated. Now the gang were getting impatient. R WE GOOD YET J?
Jack stood. He’d given up on his waitress as they were giving up on him. J? Sighing somewhat dramatically, he slicked bouncy curls from his brow. He didn’t like to be rushed. This was only Jack’s  second time on the job with them – couldn’t risk a premature sacking, so to speak. He hoped to avoid too much of a scene, he’d have to be quick as not to scare the punters. Though looking back at very few of them, noses halfway up the girl’s assholes, he doubted they’d notice a damn thing. The thrumming of the mindless music would drown out any screaming, he’d just have to be be sure they didn’t escape before he was done with them.
Five minutes. Jack finally replied, flipping the lid and pocketing the phone.
No one batted an eyelid as he approached the VIP suite, not one client noticed his thin and unassuming frame stride across to the owner’s own private quarter. Not a single person thought to stop a stranger from stepping beyond the public premises. Without encountering any problems whatsoever, Jack was at the lounge door and waltzing inside.
“What the fuck?!”
The owner, bald-headed, dried blood from his nose to his lip, pupils pinpricks, jaw solid, sat spread out gurning on a leather sofa. The brunette was bouncing lazily in his lap, barely lucid. That was until Jack appeared in their doorway, smiling pleasantly at them both. “I’m ever so sorry,” he lied loudly, “I thought this was the men’s!”
“Get the fuck out!”
The balding beast of a man shoved the stripper roughly from his thighs, clutching at the slack of his jeans to quickly cover his flaccid cock. Jack continued to smile politely as though he’d interrupted a picnic rather than a failure of a fuck in a private room. “I don’t suppose you know where they are?”
“I’ll fuckin’ kill you, you little fuck –”
“I’ll take that as a no, shall I?” His teeth flashed, tugging swiftly at the ankle of his own pants – flicking a knife out from his sock suspenders. This was where chaos always ensued. The stripper immediately set to squealing, bunching herself up in the corner and cowering, brittle arms covering her matted hair. The owner reacted far less submissively, and despite tripping on his loose trousers, swung a firm fist that spelt CUNT across the knuckles. One terrible scratchy tattoo that was quickly followed by its predecessor, TUFF. Both missed – and in his open state, gave Jack the gateway to his soft, bare belly.
The first stabbing went straight up between his ribs, where the man immediately slacked, sputtering, stunned. The second swiped his stomach, which turned him rigid, only his eyes roved madly about his skull, unseeing. And finally, the third, driven directly into his thick throat, silenced instantaneously, he shook uncontrollably in Jack’s slick hands. “It’s t-o-u-g-h!” Jack explained, breathless and exasperated, dropping the body at his feet.
“So–” He clapped his sopping hands together and felt the splatter speckle his face. Grinning widely, welcomingly, at the woman staring, the brunette was wordlessly mouthing something, aghast. Blowing wandering wet curls from his face, Jack continued calmly, “I don’t know why you’re hanging around I’m not gonna pay ya.” Frozen solid with fear, she dared not move. Not an inch. “Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright.” Jack squatted down to frisk the sorry carcass of the club owner, oozing black and red from wide and pumping wounds. She gave a strangled whine as Jack proceeded to pat it down, shoving stained palms into tight pockets, eventually he found himself fat leather wallet. “Here.” Limply, he tossed it, flicking tendrils of thick clotted blood, along with payment, her way. “Now you can go.”
Money motivated most and as he’d hoped it would, had motivated her to move out from the corner she had clambered into. Reaching without flinching for the wads of cash he’d procured from her dead lover, she said nothing, nodded absently, gathered her gear and fled. Jack caught her so suddenly, slit her windpipe so deeply, she was as good as dead the very moment her fingers touched the doorframe.
The time he’d allotted was up, the phone once again hummed against his hip. NOW? They asked.
I’ll let you through the back.
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~Meet stitches~ Ok so this is stitches my oc he is a creator of his au understitches I will get into that later but not now so this stuff is just information so here you go btw if you have any questions I will gladly answer them So understitches is an au first of all that’s his au He can create thing if he as something from what he wants to create like for example if he wasn’t to create understitches frisk then he would have to get there sweater and tap it with is needle and there will be a flash of light and when it’s gone right there is a understitches frisk Another thing is he as a brother named maker I will talk about him later Personality because why not Serious, hot headed,very organized, overprotective,control freak,creative,loving,caring,and kind ~Likes because why not~ He likes to create,write,be in control,taking care of others,helping,working hard,and take a nap once in a while. ~dislikes because why not~ He hates when he as no ideas,not being in control.when he can’t do anything to help,when he forgets to do something, when he gets no sleep,and when someone forces him to do stuff. ~why is he here you may ask~ Stitches is here because there are these orbs that make stitches’s au all colorful but he keeps them all in a secret place. The orbs are all the au’s and if there’s a new one then another orbs will pop up.all the orbs have stitches if something bad his happing in the au then the stitches will start to fall off. Stitches of course as to stitch them back on. If he doesn’t the au will disappear forever. Which is really sad. He uses his magical needle and his string. And he loves his nod he loves helping other au’s. ~Back story because I can’t just note have one~ Stitches woke up in a dark room no lights no sound nothing. He could here his breathing. He tried to see if there was any light but nothing no light. Stitches was in panic. He thought he would be trapped in here forever but then he herded a ding. He was confused at first but then realized there was a light blue light at the end of the dark room he was in. He went up to it and it said undertale. He questioned. What could this be. And realized these are one of the au’s. He could see everywhere in this au. It was beautiful he thought he started to here more dingy. He looked around and realized the room was bigger that he thought all the orbs that meant different au’s were lighting up. It was beautiful. He loved it until he stepped on something. It was a glowing needle and some string. He was confused put picked these two things up questions how they even got here. But the he heard a pop. He turned around to see that there were stitches dropping from the au orb stitches ran to the orb and looked what was going on in the au. The more that the stitches fell the more chaos broke out in the au. Stitches had to work quickly so he did and once he put all the stitches back the au was back to normal. He was happy he helped and au he was proud of himself. And then he finally knew why he was here. He was sent here to help the au’s not fall apart he his helping all of them and he was happy because of that. He promised that he will never let an au disappear or fall apart he swears he will protect all of them with his life even if it takes his life away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yay I finally finished all of this I am so good at this,this took me so long guys but I hope you liked it tell me if I did something wrong or if it’s kinda bad because I don’t care if you have any questions please tell me and I will answer it when I can do for now I will see you all later byyyyyye Lot of love from KL
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l0rd-griffin-ii · 7 years
Rambling about Frisk and Chara.
Ok, here we go. Before we start I want to warn that there are a few head cannons in here, all of which can be replace with Determination (Because everything can.) if you really want to. I however stubbornly remember that there are 6 other confirmed traits that I believe have to be cool to, which is why Sans has Perseverance rather than Determination but that’s another theory entirely.
So to start off in my head cannon a Wizard is anyone whose soul consists mostly of a certain trait. They generally have very extreme personalities and can do amazing feats of magic. There are ten in the game. The seven who made the barrier, Chara, Frisk, and the Aqua Soul. They were so Patient that no magical attack could harm her. (Most patients only get damage reductions.) Now even Orange attacks. I think Asgore, his personal guard, The Royal Scientist, (not the captain, he was dead) had to bludgeoner her to death with sticks. It was not pretty for either party involved. Also Undyne did that thing where the backup arrives two seconds after it’s over, she was not happy about that. She did get to fight Toriel though. Yea I ramble, sue me.
There is also this soul trait called Logic. One does not need logic to be logical, Flowey proves that, but logic is a trait. A grey trait. Humans who have Logic as their dominate trait are able to replicate other people’s traits. There are other rules and limitations but they’re not strictly relevant to this dissension. The only on that matters is that humans who specialize in Logic cannot replicate Magic (White).
So Chara is born and is one of the most Logical, Logics to ever Logic. Naturally this means they have trouble with emotions, fortunate for them they have a family that hates them which makes them even less emotional. YAY! Anyway, on day some guy breaks into their apartment, (their poor) some stuff happens and both their parents end up dead. Didn’t even cry at the funeral, if there even was a funeral.
Time passes, Chara does some stuff in the human world then an earthquake happens. This earthquake destroys everything Chara built after their parents died and they flee into the mountains to escape the authorities. (It’s a long story.) A little ways up the mountain they find a cave, with a hole in it. A hole that was opened by the earthquake, which is why nobody found it before.
As they fall they are saved by a third party that will be important later, then Asriel finds Chara. Chara gets adopted and has trouble understanding love. They begin to liven up, then something bad happens. Chara poisons Asgore. It’s perhaps the first time Chara ever hurt someone she cares about, and it hurt, inside. Chara has no idea what to do, what’s happening to them, so they turn to a friend to make the pain go away. The third party from earlier.
Their savior is a creature called an ancient one, a race older than both humans and monsters. Some of them claim to have created the two (and to be honest it’s possible, though unlikely) and spent millennia ruling over them as gods. A sizable number of them got dumped with the monsters because of another long story.
Anyway Ancient Ones can mess with the souls of the other races a little by providing soul buffs. Some examples are Hate, Vengeance, Hunger, Pain, Complicity, Fear, and Greed. Actually I think that may have been all of them. Too lazy to go check. These buffs are powerful, but dangerous, and people who are consumed by them turn into demons. Chara’s friend agreed to make the pain go away, and gave them a Hate soul buff.
This only made Chara worse. Though they stopped feeling again it was ultimately bad because Chara still couldn’t understand love. In an attempt to take a logical approach they completely missed the point. [Love is good. People who love make sacrifices. If I make the ultimate sacrifice, it’s the ultimate act of love.] Chara dies, Asriel takes their soul, they cross the barrier, and Chara is about to kill the humans. Then something unexpected happens. Asriel’s pure emotional state overflows into Chara, and for the second time in her life Chara can feel. Their overwhelmed, and in that instance, they understand. They understand what love is, how it feels, what it means, how the Dreemurrs could care about them, that what they felt after poisoning Asgore was guilt, regret, but most of all it was good.
Then they die. However, Chara doesn’t want to die, they finally understand, and need to make amends. Replicating Asgore’s Determination, adding their natural determination and Asriels, and multiplying it by their hate (for themselves probably.) they manage to preserve their consciousness after death, and there they wait. Until someone calls for them.
Jesus. 10 paragraphs in and we’re just getting to Frisk. So Frisk falls in and lands badly, and dies. However, in their dying moments they see a plaque written by Toriel, and a name. in their dying moments and in desperation they call for help, and Chara comes. Awakened form death in a dying body Chara is just as panicked as Frisk. Chara replicates Frisk’s determination and together they refuse to die. Then the game happens, Flowey unintentionally gives Frisk the ability to Reset, and the adventure begins.
Frisk is absolutely determined to get home, but Chara is conflicted. I could spend a long time going into their phycology at this moment but it’s along the lines of: I’m back to square one on the emotional front, I am a terrible person, and I’m not sure who’s side I’m on. Sure, Chara does want Frisk survive, if only because Chara has no idea what will happen to them self if Frisk loses. But these are the people Chara loved, Their mom, their dad. I could write another essay about Undyne.
There are three ways their relationship plays out:
1. They escape and nothing comes of it.
2. They finally find a common something. I’m not sure what exactly it is but during the fight with Asriel Dreemurr they combine their power and push through the impossible.
3. Chara watches as everyone they’ve ever known or loved dies one by one. Many of them get away but it’s only temporary. As Frisk’s LV increases, do does Chara’s. She grows colder as they all die. All the most powerful monsters attempt to stop Frisk. And When Asgore and Flowey die, neither of which were as powerful as Undyne, or as skilled as Sans, but the only two who could retrieve the human souls. Chara snaps. Giving into their hate they go cold and destroy the underground. Leaving you stranded in an empty void, cutting you off from your save file because they replicated you determination and are now more powerful than you.
Though they’re not powerful enough to destroy the world, one soul can’t cross the barrier, no matter how powerful. The Underground is no more but the world lives on.
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muskycat · 7 years
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Chapter Three
 The first impression of the underground? It was cold. And huge. A row of snow-covered trees led her to a single path. It was night and there were no lights. Perhaps she might had brought some flashlight with magic light, but her decision had been so impulsive that she carried nothing with her apart from the net and the food. She had no idea where she should go, but there did not seem to be much choice. Frisk began to walk the gloomy trail of snow, there was no trace of life, it was late and the monsters would be sleeping, or in their houses.
“Brrr, I freeze” said Frisk, rubbing his arms, “ Napsti didn´t tell me it's so cold outside. Although of course, he is a ghost. He feels nothing… Atchis!”
Her sneeze sounded too loud and made a very loud echo, which repeated itself several times, frightening her. Frisk kept walking, faster. It would be best not to make any noise, although that would allow her to hear more clearly the sounds of the forest, the wind ... and it wasn’t very good either.
“It's okay, I don’t have fear ... Ah! “A whining noise made her jump again. Beneath it was a small branch, which had broken as it passed over, “Uff ... what a scare ... I shouldn’t scare myself.”
Frisk went on her way, though it seemed more and more that her journey had not been a good idea. She could have waited the next day for Napstablook to come back, or call him to go and get her. Or she might have dared talk to her mother. She would not like the idea but she had grown up. Together they could have gone to Waterfall, Tori would protect her and ... no matter what she thought. It was done and she did not want to go back. Flowey said she had determination and that would accomplish anything.
“Well ... I'll be determined.”
Suddenly, a strange sound came to his ears. It sounded like an interference on a radio or something. But there was no one.
“Huh? Is there ... someone .. there?”
“The route starts again. But time is not the same. Nothing is the same.”
“I do not understand anything. Who are you?” 
“Your determination is interesting. Very,very, interesting.”
That voice gave her chills. Despite not knowing, of being unable to understand their language, there was something that shook Frisk. She covered her ears, falling to her knees on the floor. Little tears trickled down her cheeks, she didn’t want to hear it, she didn’t want to feel this way, trembling without stopping.
“No”Frisk murmured, wetting the snow with her tears, “Make it stop.”
“Come back to me, Frisk. It will be easier for you. Die.”
Frisk felt as if a strange darkness would try to wrap her around, coming up from behind her. Everything became dark, darker.. yet darker. She couldn’t allow it, Frisk took the strength to get up. The darkness seemed to recede, that was the instant the girl needed. Blind and deaf, Frisk ran, guided by fear. She needed to escape from that place, away from that voice. She didn’t know how much she had been running when one of her feet failed, finding a huge hole in which the girl fell without being able to do anything.
 Papyrus headed for his favorite trunk, in the middle of the forest. Today had been a quiet day at Grillby's so I had been able to leave a little before work. Being the cook of his brother's friend wasn’t his ideal job, but it gave him money to help with expenses and to feel useful. Apart from that, he could maintain his passion for cooking, even though he was making that greasy meal that everyone liked, even his brother.
Speaking of Sans, that night he had left the bar early, after a few card games with the members of the royal guard. Dogamy and Dogaressa had been the first, they had to go and pick up their puppy from the nursery. Doremi was growing very fast. Dogo was still there when Pap left, they all got along very well with his brother. That pleased him, knowing he had friends and that he wouldn’t feel alone while patrolling, now that they did not do it together.
At last, there was the place where he liked to rest when he wanted loneliness, or when he was waiting for Sans from his patrol, if he didn’t have to go get him because he had fallen asleep. Sometimes he feared that this lazybones would forget how his traps worked and something happened to him. Maybe it would be better to go with him but ... he didn’t look capable anymore. Patrol in search of humans, that was something that the old Papyrus loved to do, the one that still believed to have possibilities of entering the real guard. Although he didn’t understand why Sans was following, if he never had an interest in that. He could do it to encourage him to accompany him again. Or maybe it was too lazy to change his routine.
  He bet for the last. Sure.
“I hope my special spaghetti goes well” said Papyrus, opening the tupperware, where he had stuck the remains of the last meal. He didn’t know why, being his first and, therefore, more specialized dish, always had so much espaguetti in the bar. And that had reduced the amount, as Grillby had suggested. Upon opening it, the food was in perfect condition and still hot, “Perfect, nothing better than a good meal to end a perfect day. Nyeh, heh heh!”
Seeing the dogs guards that day had reminded him Undyne. He missed her, but every time he tried to approach her again, she avoid him. Not counting his brother, she was the only friend he had. Her words had hurt him but he didn’t want to lose her. The Undyne he knew, the fish who had trained him and given him his masterful cooking lessons, seemed to have disappeared under the cloak of the captain of the Royal Guard. She wanted so much to finish Asgore's plan, but one soul was missing.
“As if humans fell from the sky ... Nyeh” Papyrus said,thiking about Undyne.
A bundle of snow fell in front of him, stopping his dinner and his thoughts. He had just caught it with his fork in his mouth and a couple of spaghetti coming out of his teeth.
  And that was how Frisk saw him when she lifted her head. Running without a glance had led her down a slippery slope, over a pile of snow that, although she didn’t know, was an old snowman made by a lazy skeleton.
Pap wanted to say something but Frisk jumped screaming.
“Nyeehhhh!”  Frightened by the cry, Papyrus mimicked it, slipping from the trunk and falling backward. His food flew, landing on his head, forming a strange wig made of pasta.
“Are you okay?” After the initial shock, Frisk approached him, focusing more on his new companion. He looked like a tall, somewhat awkward skeleton. He wore black trousers and an orange sweater, all very neat. She liked his red scarf, which now covered most of his face. Papyrus groped for his glasses, which returned to his face. Frisk wanted to ask how he could carry them if he had no ears or nose, but it was not the time. Flowey had told her that when she didn’t understand something ... it’s magic.
“Yes ... I think.” Papyrus tried to get up, Frisk helped him by taking his hand. From the floor he picked up the tupper, now empty, “Although not my food.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry” Frisk said, covering his mouth.
“It's okay, I've got more at home” he said, putting away the bowl and the blanket. He adjusted his glasses, with these accidents he was considering returning to his contacts. But that wasn’t what he was up to now, he had never seen a monster like that, “Are you okay? I've never seen you there ...”
Before he could finish speaking, Pap was surprised by the girl and her sudden hug. He didn’t know what to do, she seemed to tremble. He put a hand on her shoulder but didn’t pull it away.
“Thank you”Frisk said in a whisper. Papyrus didn’t understand anything , ”Someone was following me ... someone bad ... and ...”
“What? Did anyone want to hurt you?”
“No, he doesn’t follow me. You must have frightened him” Frisk raised her face, saw a few traces of tears in them. Whatever it was that was out there, it was terrifying her, “You saved me. You are my hero.”
Frisk didn’t realize the effect her last sentence had on the skeleton. He had helped someone else. He was her hero.
“Wowie, don’t tell me that or I blush” said Pap, late as he had already. He pulled the girl aside a little to make sure she had nothing broken, “I look good on you. You should not be around here at night, there are no guards who can protect you.”
“But you are” said Frisk, with all her innocence, “Oh, and I haven’t introduced myself. I didn’t even ask your name, how impolite!”
“Well, that fixes quickly. I am the gre ... ..My name is Papyrus.” He hated when he still missed that adjective that didn’t define him. He was not great. It was one of the pile, “And I live in Snowdin. And you?”
“Howdy, Papyrus!”the girl said, “My name is Frisk and I live in the Ruins.”
“I didn’t know that someone still lived there.”
“Yes, it's small, but it's very cozy. I went out to see a friend but I don’t know where I am. And I'm afraid to go back.”
“This place is very dangerous, it's full of puzzles. Not counting the presence that you say ...” Papyrus was thoughtful, couldn’t leave the girl there, worried about what she said. In the morning he had to warn his brother, to be careful, especially taking care from the deepest part of the forest, “You will come to Snowdin with me, that will come first. I can’t allow you to wander around alone, Frisk.”
“Really? Yay, thank you very much, Papyrus!” Frisk gave him another enthusiastic hug, which made his new friend laugh, “I was afraid to remain locked in this forest forever.”
“Follow me, the village is very close.”
Frisk nodded and accepted Papyrus's gloved hand. Her evil thoughts had dissipated, she felt safe again, as in the Ruins. She knew that outside of them there must be other monsters like Napstablook, friendly. Even if they were more hostile, like that voice. As they headed toward Snowdin, Frisk gathered courage to look back. There was nothing, thankfully, though she didn’t like it. She didn’t know if she could dare to cross the forest to return home but now was not the time to think about it. Now she wanted to meet Napstablook.
“Hey, Papyrus.” Frisk followed the conversation as they walked, “Waterfall, is it far?”
“Is it your destiny, Frisk?” The girl made a sound of assent, “Then you're in luck, Waterfall is next to Snowdin. I can take you there.”
“Really?” Frisk's eyes flashed, she wasn’t going to have to walk alone, fearing for the shadow, “You're awesome, Papyrus. Although…”
“ What's wrong, Frisk?” Papyrus did’ot understand when the girl's face began to show sadness.
“You're very nice with me ... and I've screwed up your food. Sniff ...”
“Oh, don’t cry, please. Nothing happens, I have a lot of food at home, cook for me and my brother. Also, I'm not hungry.”
“Oh, I have an idea.” Frisk reached into her pocket and pulled out the leaves with his mother's piece of cake, “It's butterscotch-cinnamon pie, I want to give it to you.”
“Will you offer me your food? That is a very important gesture of friendship”
At least, it was for Papyrus. Frisk smiled, shrugging his shoulders.
“Great, I'd love to be your friend.”
“Wowie!” Papyrus grabbed the girl by the shoulders and with a super hug gave her a couple of laps, he was happy. He liked to make friends so much and what he had done in recent years was to lose the only one he had. I was beginning to think, could things start to change?, “I have a new friend. But I can’t accept all your cake. Only half.”
Frisk accepted and split in two halves her piece, leaving the largest for him. She felt as happy as the skeleton, forgetting the bad start. The underground was not bad at all. A pity it was only one night.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 7 years
CosmicTale - Red Code
CosmicTale part 7 "Red Code" Gaster blinked. Then blinked again. Where was he? He could barely see. Maybe his vision would adjust to the darkness in a few moments. He looked around. Had his machine worked? If so, what part of the code was he in? His vision was somewhat adjusted. Now that he could see a little better he realized he was surrounded by code. Nothing but code. Gaster studied the code for a few weeks. He was confident if he could find a- he touched a line of coding. It disappeared. What had he done? "Oh dear. Thats not supposed to happen." he said to himself. He made a mental note not to touch any more coding. Suddenly, he had a burning sensation in his hand. He looked down to see it slowly being replaced by code. In shock, he grabbed his hand, but nothing was there. Luckily for Gaster, only his left arm transformed into code. "This is not good." he said to himself. Suddenly, he realised that some of the code was glowing red, instead of the blue it usually was. He was worried, but curious. He reached into his pocket to find the only thing in it was a picture of him, Papyrus and Sans. Gaster shed a tear, then threw the picture into the red coding. As soon as it made contact it disappeared. Gaster now has to choose if it was transported somewhere else or entirely vaporized. Gaster prayed for the former, and jumped into the red code. Back in Alphys's lab, Frisk, Alphys, Mettaton and Napstablook were all sitting across from one another on a table. Frisk thought to herself, "if this is the best they can get, this place really does need help." Napstablook was a dark blue instead of white, and Mettaton had Blue replacing most of what was formerly pink. Napstablook looked cheerful, but Mettaton looked very shy. "H-hello..." Mettaton said twirling his hair. "Hello!" Frisk responded cheerfully. For a moment, Alphys looked at Frisk confused, and then she stood up. "People. I think I know the best way to develop a cure." everyone asked Alphys what that way was, to which she responded "Frisk here, is not affected by the disease at all. If I research the human body, I may be able to develop a cure from whatever makes them immune." Napstablook floated upwards with a smile. "Yay!" he shouted. Alphys smiled. Frisk quickly asked how she would be studied. Alphys replied with "Just a check up every day. A quick examination. And a blood sample." Frisk shuddered at the thought of blood samples. She hated needles. "A-Alphys... Is there another way to get what you need without a blood sample?" Frisk asked hopefully. "Well... Yes. Come here. Ill show you." Frisk approached Alphys cautiously, but all of a sudden Alphys struck Frisk lightly, causing her soul to appear. Alphys grabbed it softly and examined it. "Ok. Thats all I need for today." Napstablook smiled cheerfully. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked. Frisk shook her head. Suddenly, in the middle of the table, a line of code appeared. Alphys grabbed her new pair of glasses and put them on. "I-I made these to help me see after I was infected." she said. Frisk walked up to the code and touched it. As soon as she made contact with it, it disappeared and was replaced with red coding. Meanwhile in quarantine. Sans was relieved. He could finally sleep. His insomnia disappeared over night. Sans paced the room. He should be happy, he thought. But the voice kept saying that he shouldn't. Gaster got away. The mission failed. The voice told him that he shouldn't let anyone near him. He should be alone. Sans laughed at that. Why would anyone go near him? He was a MONSTER. Suddenly Sans snapped. He picked up his metal shelf he was forced to sleep on and crushed it. He broke down the door. He left his little room. He walked towards where he KNEW Alphys was. She locked him up. She was afraid of him. "She should be" he thought. "She WILL be afraid of me after this." Sans walked up a set of stairs. In the meeting room in Alphys's lab, Alphys heard footsteps. She quickly looked around nervously. While the others were expirimenting with the red code, Alphys was praying that the footsteps didn't belong to Sans. Alphys quickly turned around and asked the others, "What does the red code do?" to which Frisk responded, "It moves things. It teleports them. Or gets rid of them. We don't know." Alphys sighed. And suddenly she heard a door swing open. She turned around to see Sans standing in front of her. "Hello Doctor." he said with a laugh. Frisk was confused as to what was happening, but by the horrified face Alphys was making, Frisk new it couldn't be good. Suddenly, Mettaton started crying and Alphys yelled "Into the code!" Frisk didn't hesitate, leaping into the red coding, followed by Mettaton and then Napstablook. However, Alphys wasn't so lucky to make it into the red coding. As she ran towards it away from Sans, she was picked up by a dark blue magic and thrown into the wall. "Doctor. I think we got off on the wrong foot." Sans said before kicking Alphys. Alphys groaned in pain. She stood up and softly said "S-sans... P-please... I c-can explain e-everything." The code was disappearing. Sans looksd interested. "Im listening." he said. Alphys then said "W-well... If y-you want t-to know w-what went w-wrong... Then..." At that moment, Alphys jumped into the red code, leaving Sans in the destroyed meeting room.
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muskycat · 7 years
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Chapter One (English)
Seven years later... Frisk jumped out of her fluffy bed and ran out into the hall, dressed in her green and white pajamas. She was barefoot, but she didn ‘t care. She opened the door to Toriel's room like a whirlpool. “Today is the day, Mom ... Mom?” Frisk was surprised to see that Toriel was not in his room. She had nothing to lose so she ran again, this time in the opposite direction. “Mom? “Frisk crossed the room, Toriel was in the kitchen, as she imagined, finishing decorating some kind of food. Frisk jumped on his back, giving his mother a little scare, “Today is my birthday!” “Good morning, my child” Toriel said, lowering the girl gently, “Although, I don’t know if I should keep calling you that.” Frisk had changed since she had appeared in the Ruins, from the surface. She still had the same brown hair to her shoulders, as did her eyes. Although it wasn’t  so easy to keep the rest of his appearance. Her body had been stylized over the years, though she didn’t want to, her adopted daughter was becoming a woman. Fortunately for her, her candor and her friendly smile had not disappeared, even intensified thanks to her teachings. She already knew that she was a good teacher, Frisk, full of sweetness and affection, was his most precious sample. “Today is a special day, so we'll have some chocolate with gingerbread. You like it, right?” “Yay, I love it.” Toriel laughed at the energy of her little girl, who was already sitting waiting for her breakfast. They both tasted it while Toriel listened as Frisk told her some of her thousand and one adventures with her friend the ghost. All the monsters in the ruins got along well with Frisk, they no longer attacked her as in their first encounter. They had forgotten that, in fact, she was human. Now she was the daughter of the caretaker of the ruins. And Frisk had managed to dazzle them, one by one, until they had taken her as one more. “Oh, it's late” Frisk said suddenly, jumping in her chair, “Napsti wanted us to hunt snails today.” “Perfect” said Toriel, rising to pick up the table, “So I'll have the house for me, while I prepare the... Ahem.” Toriel paused, giggling, “I did not say anything, hee hee. Come on, prepare, Frisk.” Frisk returned to her room, she can't leave in her pajamas through the ruins, though one aspect of the monsters seemed to care about her more than she did. She didn’t remember the true day of her birth, for she was more important this, the anniversary of the day she fell into her new home with once the years. So she decided to wear her special outfit, the same that she wore when she met her mother. Unfortunately, over the years, she had grown up, unlike her clothes. Toriel was prepared for that, fixing her outfit with magic, although her blue shirt with violet stripes had not come out well. But she preferred it that way, after her mother in one of his old robes, turning the bottom of his chest into a cloth with the same symbol she carried. Thus, Frisk felt much more attached to her and the world that had welcomed her. With this and her black stockings and denim shorts went to the door of the house, although she had to return, forgot the net for snails. She also put on the two gifts of her friends, her blue helmets that matched the old music player, both Napsti gifts, and her bracelet of golden flowers. “I'll come back at lunch” Frisk said aloud. “It's okay. Have fun, my child. Be careful.” “Yes, mom.” Frisk walked through the ruins, humming a song, without losing the smile. The ruins were a very safe place, there, Frisk felt well. It might have seemed small, during her classes her mother had taught her every corner, and there was no area she didn’t know. But she always had something to do and monsters to talk to. “Ribbit.” “Howdy, Froogit” Frisk's familiar greeting seemed to encourage such timid monsters as Whimsun to engage in conversation, “You are very handsome. It shows that today you have courage in your heart.” “Thank you” Whimsun said, blushing before Frisk went on. She soon found the little river that crossed the ruins near the pastry shop of spiders. Very close was the place where they hunted snails. She liked to take a few of them to Toriel to cook them, they were delicious. Frisk had once asked her to show her some of her recipes, but Toriel liked to keep the mystery. And she could not with her or her attack of angry cheekbones, which destroyed by squeezing them and forcing her to launch a funny sound that made Toriel can't stop laughing. It had arrived before Napstablook, so Frisk sat near the water. She let the sound relaxed her, but she hasn't heard her other friend, came out of the ground beside her. “Howdy, Frisk!” “Howdy, Flowey” She said, looking at her friend, “I thought that today was not going to see you.” The little golden flower smiled at the girl, they had known each other for a long time. From the beginning, rather, although their relationship had not started well. “It's your birthday, right?” Flowey winked at her, “I must fix my present. Ready?” “Ready.” Frisk held out his arm, in which she wore the flower bracelet. It had been an offer of Flowey to apologize for his attack, when she fell into the underground. For him it had been banal, but Frisk took it as a great gesture of friendship, and since that day they had been friends. After a year, she looked a little shaken, until Flowey let out of his head a pair of petals that hit her. In seconds, she looked fresh again, revitalized. “It will last until next year. These flowers are the most resistant.” “Thank you, Flowey” Frisk said happily, “As I would like to know how to use magic, like you.” “You're a human, Frisk. You have almost no magic. But you have something more important. Determination.” “Determination?” Frisk asked. “That allows you to do as you wish. Except magic.” “You're a fool” said Frisk as Flowey began to laugh, “Your laughter is very creepy.” “It's the one I have. Come on, you know that shouldn’t worry. I'm your best friend.” “I know, Flowey. You would not hurt me. At least now.” “It's been a long time since you arrived, Frisk. I do not feel the same for you. I do not usually do this, but... Sorry for trying to kill you. Okay?” “Aw, you're adorable, Flowey.” Frisk took advantage of Flowey's oversight to hug him, raising him and lengthening his shaft several centimeters. “Let me go! Frisk!” “No, you're very cute.” “I'm going to bite you” said the flower, changing his face, “Aaahhh, damn it. Can I tell you anything without you touch me?” “Ok, Ok. Don’t be angry, Flowey” Frisk said, releasing him, “I just want to give you my hugs of love and...” “Here, LOVE takes you to death. So get away from me.” “You should socialize more, Flowey. I love being your friend, but you would be happier if you had more. Why do not you come and hunt snails with Napsti and me?” “The crybaby ghost? I pass”. “Flowey!” Frisk gave him a pout as a reprimand. Flowey sighed, looking down. “Look, Frisk... I'm not like you. Spending these years together has awakened emotions... Feelings that I thought I had lost. But they do not look like yours. It's... As if I could only be your friend. You understand it? Nobody understands me except you, Frisk. So, do not ask me to socialize.” “It's fine” Frisk whisper, “I just want you to be happy. And if that includes not talking about you to Mom or we cannot be all three, I will accept for you.” “Thank you... Frisk” Flowey said, regaining his kindest tone, at least until he saw the ghost from afar,  “Uh, I'm leaving. Have fun with... That. Will I see you at sunset near the tree?” “I will be there.” ** “Hi, Frisk” Napstablook said, he also had his net floating in the air. When they met, Frisk had encouraged him, making him feel better. The ghost did not think he would see her again, but it happened a few days later in the same place. Gradually they were talking, getting acquainted, becoming friends. Next to Flowey, Frisk felt Napsti as his other best friend and they both liked snails. “Howdy, Napsti” Frisk greet him waving her hand. Napstablook smiled to see the girl's helmets, she always carried them to know how much she liked his gifts that brought him from the underground, beyond the safe ruins. “I'm sorry to be late. You must think I'm the worst.” “No, of course not” Frisk said quickly, seeing a pair of tears peeping out of his eyes,  “You've had to wait for me too many times, haven’t you? Come on, let's hunt snails!” Frisk and Napstablook headed toward the garden of the snails. Frisk knew from the ghost's mouth that he had a snail farm in Waterfall, the place where he lived beyond the ruins, He also knew that he lived alone, although he had a relative a long time ago, a cousin who helped him but had gone in search of his dreams. Frisk felt sorry for him, but she didn't want to say anything that made him feel bad. “I have the last!” Frisk shouted, raising the net in triumph. Toriel would not allow her to bring more than a limited number of snails home, so she would not over-hunt. But by the time Nasptablook reached it, his net was full, “You're too good, Napsti.” “Sorry... I did not want to bother you.” “No, you don’t. Come on, it's a joke. I cannot take more. Even if it's my birthday, she lets me...” “Oh, I'd forgotten” Napstablook opened his eyes even more than they had, “I left your gift at Waterfall. And you can't go looking for it. Oh no…” “Hey, don’t worry, Napsti. What matters to me is you're here with me.” “But... I made you a song... And I did not bring you the record." Oh, no...” “Wait... Napsti?” But he had disappeared, “Ehm... Hi? Anybody?”
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