#froglet rambles
frogletscribe · 4 months
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Continuation from this post where i was musing about Na'vi biodiversity as a species and how environment might affect them, I thought I would draw them out while i took some notes on what I thought might change/be different among Na'vi.
Again these are all just headcanons and excuses for me to draw more ocs lol, but i would love to hear what people think!
Just incase people dont want to attempt to read my handwriting (or if tumblr eat the quality of the pic too much) Im gonna type up my notes below. (Also elaborating on some of the notes some more)
Forest Na'vi*
Default for sake of comparisons* - Yellow eyes most common - 'Tiger' stripes - Brighter blue skin tones - Average height around 9-10ft - Thin tail with tuft of 'fluff' at the very end - Longer pointed ears - Generally thin toned build for climbing trees
Reef Na'vi
- Blue and green eyes most common - Wave-like stripes - Softer teal skin tones - Average height slightly taller, around 9-10.5ft - Smaller/shorter ears - Nictitating membranes (3rd eyelid for better sight while swimming) - Fins on arms and Legs for swimming - Broader 'swimmers' shoulders - Paddle tail
Cliff Na'vi
- Yellow eyes most common - Slightly wavier stripes - Teal/Aqua blue skin tones - Average height around 9-10ft - Smaller fins and Paddle tail (Similar to Reef Na'vi) - Happy medium between Forest and Reef for both ease of swimming and climbing cliffs
Plains Na'vi
- Yellow eyes most common - Spotted 'cheetah' pattern rather than stripes - Darker blue skin tones - Average slightly shorter height, around 7.5-9.5ft - 'Tear marks' allow for protection from the sun - Longer tails with more gradual fluff at the end
Mountain Na'vi
- Blue eyes most common - Spotted 'snow leopard' pattern rather than stripes - Blue-Grey skin tones - Much taller than average, around 10-14ft - Small rounded ears, better in the cold - Generally larger builds, able to put on more fat in order to keep warm in cold climates -Clawed hands and feet for better grip while climbing - Larger fluffy tail
River Na'vi
- Blue and green eyes most common - 'Rippled' stripes - Deep Teal skin tones - Average height around 9-12ft - Broader shoulders from swimming, similar to Reef - Fins on arms and Legs for swimming - Thicker Crocodilian tail - Hard 'plates' on tail and fins - Nictitating membranes (3rd eyelid for better sight while swimming) - Webbing between fingers and toes?
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alllgator-blood · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
OH ABSOLUTELY, I personally feel like the key to art improvement is trying new things and experimenting often. But the thing about trying new things is that they're typically out of your comfort zone, and often times you're left struggling because you've never had to move your hand in the configuration needed to depict the thing you want? So often times it feels easier to just not do that thing, but you might not improve if you give up when you fight against your own skill level.
I'm wrapping up on a comic and I almost gave up on it because for some reason, I decided "these two should be hunting while this conversation takes place" and I struggled on and off for two days because of my dedication to get this comic out. The payoff to them hunting doesn't even happen til the second page so I really didn't need to do this. I actually have experience with archery but for some reason, I just COULD NOT figure out where to put shamura's arms to make them hold that damn bow.....UNFINISHED COMIC PANELS INCOMING:
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Is it perfect? HELL no I think it looks pretty awkward cause I've only been drawing these characters for a few weeks so I'm still getting used to them, and that in combination with drawing them doing action poses after years of drawing slice of life comics is..............not ideal. I'm more used to drawing furries hitting a bong on a garbage covered couch. But that's the thing! I wanna do more fanart for this Violent Video Game, so I need to learn how to draw people holding weapons. If I give up, like half my fanart ideas will never come to fruition, so I think making flawed art is better than making no art at all.
If you're struggling with your art, just absolutely barrel through whatever it is you're struggling with and come back another time in the future to revisit it. Attempt to draw you're struggling with (even if it's like the shittiest worst sketch ever, god knows I have tons of those), save it somewhere, and when you want to give that idea another go, compare the new art to what you did last time. Honestly I wish I tried and failed more than I didn't try at all, I'd have more to show for myself if I took my own advice.
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groovylittleclown · 1 year
Hello Hello!! My name is Mackerel or Mack. I am 19, I use mirror pronouns, and I am using Tumblr as my little corner of the internet to dump my thoughts.
I've got a buncha interests, the top ones are.. Clowns, Puppets, Frogs, Theater/Theatre, aquatic life (especially crustaceans), bones, horror, videography, and bright wild wacky funky fun colors!!
There's also a buncha projects I'm working on!! Some are put on hold while I move out, but they all are dear to me, and I will most likely post about them!
Ollie and Lucky Against the World - Started on May 13th, 2022. A story about two kids who go missing and their siblings who have to communicate through supernatural beings to get them home.
No Flash Photography Please - Started on March 15, 2023. A silly goofy story about a bunch of theater kids making a show, and ignoring the lore of the world. (Spin off/sister series to Against the World)
Poltergust 5000 - ON HOLD!! Started on February 14th, 2023. I am making a Luigi cosplay and Poltergust, based on my favorite Super Mario Bros game, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.
Frogs - NOT BEGUN!! Waiting until I am more financially stable, but I have big dreams for a Fire-Bellied Toad Paludarium. I really like reptiles and amphibians. They're super neat.
I am also in quite a few fandoms!! Although I am a silent member of them. The big ones aaaare.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Hedgehog, Five Nights at Freddy's, Super Mario Bros, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, The Muppets/Muppet adjacent, Rick and Morty, Trolls, and Splatoon!!
Last but not least!! I do have a reblog account. I bounce between tagging and not tagging, it is a big jumbled mess. @mackerel-reblogs!!!
My internet persona is a frog
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That is them ^
I am what people call a procrastinator and I will do non important things like playing my silly little pony game rather than get things done, despite being projects I want to work on. So posts about my projects will probably be few, unless I'm having a really productive couple of weeks, or am in a very rambley mood.
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thebeesareback · 6 months
Ladies, gents, froglets, the girls, the gays, the theys, and anyone who doesn't fit into these categories: it's time for the Bees random ramblings.
I've been revisiting some children's fantasy books when I can't sleep. It's winter here in the UK and I love a cosy moment. Fantasy books do that really well! The thing is, there's often something lurking underneath the feeling of safety.
For example, in The Hobbit, the little squad are hiking up a mountain during a storm. They're wet, tired, hungry and cold, and the weather is so bad that giants have appeared and started throwing rocks at each other. It's the sort of thing which would make anyone feel pretty miserable. Filli and Killi find a nice cave, and so everyone goes and shelters with them. The mood of the new scene is much nicer. Their ponies start to dry off and gently steam (this is a real thing), they spread their wet clothes out to dry; have something to eat; then lie on the floor in blankets and get out their pipes. Gandalf uses magic to turn their smoke rings into different colours. It's absolutely charming! I would love this! I appreciate being inside when there's a dramatic storm outside!
Unfortunately, Bilbo wakes up to see goblins stealing their ponies, and he and the dwarves are all dragged off to a place which feels like hell. It's very nightmarish and everyone thinks they're going to be eaten.
Lucy, in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe goes through the eponymous wardrobe and finds herself in a snowstorm. She's rescued by Mr Tumnus the fawn, and ends up having tea with him, safe and warm in his little cottage. The food and drink are tasty; she watches the fire and sees the flames dancing; and Mr Tumnus gets out his harp and plays a tune. Like the cave scene, it's really charming and comforting. I would love to go for tea with Mr Tumnus.
Oh, except he betrayed Lucy and the White Witch's agents are on their way to kill her.
My theory is that, as Tolkein and Lewis fought in WW1, they found it hard to feel safe and knew that places which appeared friendly and welcoming were often traps. A lot of people have noticed how both WW1 and WW2 are clearly in Tolkein and Lewis' minds as they wrote, but I just wondered how frequently they were surrounded by things which once made them feel safe, yet were unable to truly relax.
But death of the author or whatever.
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merwynsartblog · 6 months
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totally not a algebralian sona named 17 totally not
ok im rambling under here -17 wears contacts due to him wanting to look more like a froglet -is the co-host of tpot and helps two with alot of stuff -tail is fake he made it himself -LOVES THE WATER. he is always in the water -doesnt have alot of powers actually -usually ribbits or croaks when excited (is that a vocal stim?)
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virigorne · 2 years
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Ref sheet for Gal's species, Usials! Just a quick thing compiling all basic biology facts and fuctions for these guys! Was going to illustrate and elaborate on their reproduction and perception of gender (things that Fascinate me when it comes to world building) But I'll just ramble about it under the cut.
The concept of gender, human or otherwise, is foreign to Usials. This is mainly due to the fluidity of their sex. Usial's biology allows for sexual characteristics to remain dormant until arousal. Once arousal is sparked, the individual consciously decides whether to trigger ovulation or spermatogenesis. This allows for all mated pairs to have the possibility of reproduction. Like most frogs, the "female" Usial will release their eggs into the surrounding water so the "male" can fertilize. There are only a few dozen eggs released and even less are fertilized but, once they are, the parents will cover the eggs in a mucus membrane and attach them in sacks to their bodies as to keep an eye on their development as well as to provide a suitable temperature for the offspring to develop. If threatened or stressed, a parent will quickly consume the eggs, consealing them within their stomach until either the threat has passed or the froglets are ready to hatch. The reason this approach isn't used during most of the development process is that eggs exposed to the internal heat of their host for long periods of time can inadvertantly kill the developing froglets.
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fuddlyduddly · 5 years
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froglet eats your mail
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averlym · 4 years
wait no that's a really good cathy and just good in general!!!!
thanks love, that’s really sweet of you <3
#okay so i guess I'll ramble here then#sorry anon don't mean to uh what's the term clown? on your post but-#in the sake of semi-relevance i guess we'll start on why i'm replying late to these asks because I know I've been on tumblr on and off toda#mentally I haven't been having a good day. days? at least two. I'm not sure#why I went mad and sad and tired and done I'm not sure but something triggered it and I've been in a pretty bad spiral#I've cried at least twice and forced myself to get up and help out around the house and take care of myself and act normal#I've written venty things and ranted to friends and honestly props to frog and mish for being there with me and putting up with my shi#especially froglet who is the bestest and amazingest and so so kind i love her so much#also kudos to ryts and uwu anon who are lovely lovely people and :)#as a whole I was feeling like oh gods I'll never amount to anything in my life and also like a not-homicidal JD#I didn't know why and I was fairly sure it wasn't tumblr but at that point I had no motivation to do anything. at all.#even answer really nice and chill asks like these.#tumblr as far as social medias go has been the place most like a safe space to me and I've been so lucky as to not get anon hate#there was an incident a while ago about toxic people online and ever since I think I've been afraid of being one#that or being attacked because sometimes I see people complain about parts of the fandom and internally I just shrivel in a ball and die#because I don't want to produce content people dislike and complain about and talk about behind my back. especially that last one.#if you dislike my art or aspects of it please please please just tell it to my face. so I can deal with it. as soon as possible. I mean it.#oH righgt okay back on topic we go#I'm the kind of person who trial and error cuts out stuff to make myself feel better. which is why when I panic like that I go on hiatuses.#and if you've been around long enough I suppose you can tell that these never last long.#I think I might be addicted to tumblr and that scares me because I put effort here and neglect the real world. so-#I'm going to try to be less active. go back to doing things for fun and not a fandom or to post. and you'll see me around.#I did consider turning off my asks but one is that I like asks. they very often make my day especially when I snap out of self-induced funk#two is that if you're like me asks and anons make you more comfortable than dm-ing because I lack the nerve to dm people#but asks I'm okay with sending.#also I'm avoiding discord for a bit so- I suppose you'll find me here again!#something I don't like doing is saying I'll go on hiatus because I never know if they'll last long enough for proper hiatuses.#so I guess being less active will have to do. I'm going to try to wean myself off the attachment to this blog#because *laughs* going cold turkey certainly didn't work. anywho see y'all around off to clear my inbox muacks#not art
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moonlit-enby · 3 years
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
Tris - I’m gonna talk about my cat hdhdh. She is literally sooo baby 🥺 so cute and tiny and she is so snuggly and I love her so much even though she steps on my ribs and lays on my face and pukes on my carpet hdhdh. She is just so cute and soft and her face is so round and fluffy and I love her meows and her purr and she is just!! Baby!!
Ares - I love how his face lights up about little things, and how he calls literally everything “cute” even when it doesn’t make sense, and how he listens to me ramble about animals even though he doesn’t understand what I’m talking about. I love how he saves animal posts he knows I’ll love even if he thinks the animal in the post is weird looking. I love how he does his makeup and his outfits. He’s just perfect.
fairy; do you have a pet?
Yes hehe we do! We have a kitty cat named Brina (sabrina), a lizard named Franny (Francis), two fish (one named Parfait and one is new so no name yet), and a snail named Butterscotch! Also downstairs mom has two dogs (Rocco & Toby). And at Arthur’s he has two kitties, Jax and Kiwi, and a doggy named Coco that are sorta ours too. And Denny is in Canada now with his new owner but he’s still my doggy hehe
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
Tris - Ummm hmmm... they’re both very pretty!! But I guess ocean??? I dunno hehe
Ares - I like oceans because I like the color blue, I like the animals in it, and I think it’s pretty. But also it scares the absolute shit out of me. Mountains have cool animals too but honestly, they can be scary too haha.
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
No we aren’t really hdhdhd, well Ares may be I dunno because he hasn’t had much practice, but I certainly kill a ton of my plants by accident. I wanna get better at it though! I will when I can dedicate more time and energy to it hehe
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butterbeb · 4 years
hello! Ily and you deserve softness so imma ramble: you're just about one of the nicest, sweetest people I've ever met♡♡ thank you for leaving all those supportive comments on my art and being so nice to me in general! I'm so glad to have you as my friend♡♡♡♡ your art is amazing but you are amazinginger and I wish I could give you an irl hug uwu Froglet loves you♡♡♡
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frogletscribe · 3 months
Update on my Pa’li charm carving project below!
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I got all the initial shaping done today! My dad helped a lot but cutting the initial chunk of wood on the bandsaw for me, but everything since then is all me! He’s not perfect, and I accidentally put one of his back legs in the wrong position, but I really don’t expect him to be when I’m not the most experienced with carving yet anyways. I cut the shit out of my finger on a different small carving project a couple days ago too bc im a genius, and have been a lot more careful when working on him. Safety first yall!!
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Anyways I drew out some of the cleanup/details to work on for tomorrow too. With any luck I can get carving him done by the end of the week!! (Big fingers crossed on that tho I got a lot going on) but then I’ll just need to find some bits and bobs to make the braided cord he hangs from and the feathers.
Also yes I know he’s like an entirely different color than in the reference. I plan on staining his wood darker to match once the carving is totally finished!
Finished Project!!
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frogletscribe · 3 months
Final update for my Pa’li charm project!
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He’s all finished!!
I’m so happy with how this little guy turned out, and especially that I figured out how to get him to hang fairly easily. There’s a few things I would do differently if I made him again but otherwise I’m really happy with how he turned out!!
I opted for feather beads rather than actual feathers this time around but maybe if I do this again I’ll use those instead.
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frogletscribe · 4 months
Rambling about Na'vi biodiversity...
Thinking about the potential different clans/types of Na'vi again bc the potential!!!!
So far the only variants we have seen in canon are Forest Na'vi and Reef Na'vi (in terms of like biodiversty) but i wish we had morrrrreee. I kinda feel like some of the clans are kind of a missed opportunity in terms of evolutional differences.
Like you're really telling me that the Cliff people, who live and lives revolve around the SEA and Ikran wouldn't have features similar to the reef people from living on/by the sea for so long? I know JC probably hadn't come up with the idea of diversity among Na'vi yet when they were introduced in A1, i'm just sayiiinnnggg
Personally headcanoning that Cliff clans are like the perfect middle ground between typical Forest and Reef Na'vi, coloration and builds more similar to forest but with fins and tails like reef.
I like the idea that Plains people maybe look generally similar to forest people, have more subtle differences? I tend to think of Na'vi as similar to various species of large Cats (Lions, Tigers, Panthers, etc.) So if Forest people like the Omatikaya are like Tigers/Panthers, Plains people being like Bobcats or maybe Cheetahs? Like if we lean bobcat, then maybe they are on average a bit shorter/stockier, short tails and stripes that break up a little more. Or on the flipside with Cheetahs they're on the taller side, with more spots than stripes and tear marks?
I really love peoples fan clan interpretations of various potential clans too!
The idea that Na'vi in snowy mountain/colder biomes are like snow leopards. Like big fluffy tails, and bodies that actually put on fat to help regulate body temp, softer grey-blue skin tones to blend in with the snow and rocks of the mountain, big claws to help scale rocks, shorter more rounded ears. I keeps thinking of them and like Pallas cats or spotted seals too.
River/Swamp lands people that are the most like reef people but lean almost crocodilian? More ridges and scale-like markings? Deeper green/blue skin tones.
Variation among Na'vi is so interesting to me, largely bc it makes for a more interesting and diverse world. Plus, like, i know a lot of people like making mixed forest/reef ocs, esp Loreya fankids etc. so like, 👀 more of that but more variation than just forest/reef? (Maybe mountain/reef is where that seal idea comes in, etc)
And in my own corner, its an excuse to make more ocs lmao
I might attempt drawing some of the ideas out at some point too, im just actively being eaten alive by these brainworms rn lol
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frogletscribe · 3 months
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Finally onto finishing up my little Pa’li charm!!
This has been such an interesting learning experience for me and honestly I might make more just to really hone my skills and maybe make one that’s a little more accurate in the future but I really like this little guy right now!!
Finished project!!
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frogletscribe · 4 months
I finished the main story of A:FoP last night and I have more thoughts but don't want to spoil anything for anyone who is not there yet so im putting them under the cut again lol. Also a lot of this gets into like general Avatar lore things and not always specifically A:FoP. I just have a lot of thoughts and not a lot of people to talk to about it lmao.
Warning: this is very long, i am apologizing now if you choose to read the whole thing.
Spoilers for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora under the cut
TEYLAN oh my god my boy. He scared me so bad when he showed up again but I'm so glad he had a hand in stopping Mercer. It felt like such a moment of growth for him finaly setting himself free of his abuser. Poor guy feels so guilty about everything that happened, and I'm very nervous about whenever Nor comes back in future DLC stuff because he still doesn't know that Teylan 'betrayed' them. Especially after everything with Alma.
Speaking of Alma, I have somewhat mixed feelings about her story? Obviously the Sarentu have every right to be pissed at her, I am pissed at her, she used them (and honestly is still using them) to ease her own guilt. What bothers me is the "You will never be one of us" rhetoric? Mostly because it makes me think of Jake and the Sully kids (Lo'ak and Kiri specifically) who all are/look more like Avatars rather than Na'vi. It makes me wonder how the Sarentu would react to them? The situations are very different, Jake gave up almost everything that made him human to live as a Na'vi where Alma has stayed human, albeit unhealthily attached to her Avatar form. Jake worked to earn his place with the Na'vi where Alma is trying to take it from this group of children she has been lying to from the very start.
But more than that, her still talking as if she was a part of their family at the end made me so mad. I don't think Nor had a good reaction to her by any means, stabbing her was definitely not good, and it leaves all of the other humans scared of him but like,,, i'm on his side tbh. His anger is justified, he's just not coping with it in healthy ways. Like at least the Sarentu did shut her down, Alma is not a part of their family by the end, but giving her the grace they did at the end i think was more than she deserved. Idk, I am glad that they are able to be the bigger persons (pun not intended lol) and move forward, I'm just not a fan of forgiving a person who was partially responsible for the murder of your entire family?
Back to Nor. He is such an interesting character to have next to Ri'nela and So'lek. His anger is palpable and it has nowhere to go. He refuses to connect to Eywa again because he feels he has been poisoned by TAP and humans as a whole and it colors everything he does. He copes with his pain by ignoring it until it becomes too much and he snaps.
And then there is Ri'nela, who is also clearly hurt by everything that comes to light about the Sarentu and TAP, but she is so much more reserved about it. She has a really lovely audio log about how she feels the need to set her own emotions aside so she can take care of others and their emotions. You can really tell how much pressure she puts on herself to be that emotional stability for others. Still she works through it and at the very least tries to talk with the Protag about it in a much more healthy way than Nor does.
Compare that to So'lek, who is similarly reserved in is emotions to Ri'nela, but less to protect others and more to protect himself. Hopefully we will get a little more insight into his character with the comics coming out, but So'lek is i think very similar to Nor in a lot of ways. His clan was wiped out in the Great War, and he was the only survivor to not assimilate into another clan, and we can assume, i think, that those other survivors were most likely children and other non-warriors, either too old or unable to fight for whatever reason. He is entirely alone by choice, and he is angry, but he keeps it together.
So'lek sees the bigger picture, he knows that the resistance is the one other group that's actually fighting back (Besides Jake and the Omatikaya), even if its entirely a group of humans, who we can assume he is not terribly fond of in general. He makes a point of saying the RDA is what needs to be removed from Pandora, not humans. He knows how to separate his allies instead of generalizing 'all humans bad', something Nor is implied to struggle with at least a little. That is especially clear when So'lek calls Nor out after he stabs Alma. But that still doesn't negate how angry So'lek is and is capable of being. He says it after HQ is attacked, he is trying not to follow Nor and his rage. He knows that if he has that conversation with Nor, it will be very easy for him to let his rage consume him as well.
Given that Nor is pretty much gone from the game after he stabs Alma, I'm hoping that in the upcoming DLC we get to find him? Maybe he is being an angry loner out on the woods or if he has found other missing TAP students? There are 4 mentioned in game, either by name (Ri'nela asks where two of them, Telisi and Yefti, are at the very start of the game, and 2 more are mentioned in TAP School Records, Okni and Yuayt) Of course they could all have died while the main four were in cryosleep, 15 years have passed and if they werent with that group when Alma saved them, theres no telling what exactly has happened to them. I just think it could be cool for them to pop up and join back up with the Sarentu.
On, like, an entirely different note, the joy it gives me that there are multiple nonbinary characters! Ahh!!! I think right now the only ones are Tsu'kiri from the Aranahe and Okul from the Kame'tire, at least that I have found, but the way that they are handled, I really really love. They are both just people! Existing in the world! As a nonbinary person myself i also really appreciate the game using they/them for the protagonist and letting you flavor your character however you want so that you aren't locked into male/female like so many games tend to do.
Getting into less A:FoP specific and more general lore territory: Something else I found really interesting while digging around on the wiki is that Mokasa is not the Olo'eyktan? He is listed as Anufi's chief advisor, which made him a sort of stand in Olo'eyktan while she was exiling herself, but he isn't actually the Olo'eyktan the way Ka'nat and Nesim are for their respective clans. Even on the wiki, the Olo'eyktan for the Kame'tire is labeled as Unknown. At most we get Okul being named ? Tsakarem? Thats at least what I took from it. But it makes me curious about the other clans and their leadership (also just very curious about them in general lol). There are 16 clans that we know of (that are all still canon) but we really have only really in depth explored 6 of them in the whole series so far. (Just counting the movies and A:FoP right now because I do not have access to the comics or I think the like one? other games that is still canon) Idk im interested in more Olo'eyktan/Tsahik dynamics beyond just mated pairs like we have seen. Like the Zeswa sisters is really cool to me, or father/daughter dynamic with Ka'nat and Etuwa. Obviously, Jake, and later Tarsem, are not mated to Mo'at but there was the intention of Neytiri eventually taking over as Tsahik before the Sully's left, which would have continued the married couple leaders dynamic that we have been seeing.
We also know that Olo'eyktan don't always have to be men (See Nesim for the Zeswa and Ikneyi from the Tayrangi clan that we see in the first film), so then are there examples of male Tsahik somewhere? Okul being presumably named Tsakarem as a nonbinary/gender non-conforming character would imply that on some level, but im curious if we will ever see examples of it.
And finally, somebody has got to let me smooch the characters in this game PLEASE.
If you actually read all that kudos to you and thank you for indulging my screaming.
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frogletscribe · 4 months
I have thoughts and observations about AFoP that i need to scream into the void for a sec lol.
Spoilers for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora under the cut
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Managed to get a screenshot while going through the memory section of who im like 90% sure is Kataru (Players mom) and the baby player. Im sure other people have seen/mentioned this before but i thought it was an interesting detail. Also the implication that we the player are the creepy baby from that one glitch that was going around lmao.
Also very curious about the two lost Sarentu children Yefti and Telisi. Ri'nela mentions them at the very start and they don't get mentioned again as far as I know. Interesting that Telisi is also a potential name for your Ikran (and the one i chose lol). So, i wonder if that was maybe an oversite?(I am choosing to headcannon that Telisi was my Sarentu's best friend and they named their Ikran after their missing friend) but I'm interested to see if they will pop up again at some point in the future? Like if future DLC type stuff will address what happened to them.
I still have to actually finish the game but mmmmany thoughtss
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