#fuck me up el diablo
tradingjack · 2 months
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From the firmament above, a blood-red eye looks down upon us.
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tarjapearce · 2 months
El Diablo Wears Prada (Pt.3)
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Mafia boss! Miguel O'Hara x Reader.
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Smut, Fingering, non-con oral (M! receiving), masturbation, power play, sexual tension, mild angst, Dom! Miguel.
Summary: Another toll is put on your shoulders.
A/N: Centuries later, here's part 3! Hope you like <3. Feedback much appreciated. Cooper Coen belongs to Marvel ✨
As much as you wanted to remain in Morpheus' arms and let your body rest until it reached a hundred percent, the constant buzzing of the tracking device against your ankle kept alerting you. 
The last vibration had bolted you awake with a startle. Body whined in protest at the sudden movement that took such a strong hold on your hips, the juncture of your arms and thighs. 
It took you a couple of seconds to get your bearings and see the little and borderline fancy tracking device on your ankle. It was as if a digital watch had been locked up around your smooth skin. 
A little jolt of electricity ran through your nerves in a clear sign to not mess with the device, since you had tried to remove it. If you looked closer, it had a little password lock behind, a four-digit code. 
You gotta be kidding me
How dared he putting such a thing on you? When did he put this thing on you?, but more important, was he still around? Cause if he was, he'd have a piece of your mind. 
His sweater on your skin felt a too stuffy, and you needed a bath. A couple of bruises begun appearing in your ankles and the fatty part of your thighs cause obviously he needed to make sure you understood the magnitude of your current situation and how Massimo had willingly put a target ring on your back.
The buzz however snapped you out of the spiralling trance of thoughts that assaulted your mind. Brows puckered as you made your way towards his room but as soon as you entered, anger sapped away for a moment from your head. 
The curtains were drawn shut, their dark colors provided enough darkness to isolate the brightest sunshines that tried with all their might to seep past them and take a hold of whatever thing they could reach. 
With careful steps and a petty heart you sauntered over the windows and one by one removed the curtains, letting all the sun's ablaze glory to illuminate the darkened room in a go, even if it meant for you to be blindsided for a second before you turned your back on the light and saw the results of your anger display before you. 
El Diablo, laid sprawled in his ever big and cozy bed, his right and sharp cheek smooshed against the soft and silky burgundy sheets that wrapped like a second skin on his torso and legs. One of his feet poked out from underneath, letting itself to hang outside the smooth prison. 
His gorgeous mouth laid slightly ajar, letting a little drool streak to escape him and get long dry over the sheets. The smooth locks with the little silver strands in it were also sprawled all over his forehead and the mattress. Your eyes shamelessly raked his back. Big, well worked, perfect for leaving scratches and marks. He had none of those, but a different one. 
A red lips silhouette located a few inches from his ear, half of it smeared, as if wrongly or quickly wiped, trying to cover up a trail. 
The fact he had someone before giving you a rough fuck, not only put a little familiar yet painful stab in your heart, but returned the angry thoughts that initially gave you enough courage to foray into the devil's personal hellhole.
The pain felt like an old friend now that you had seen and heard the type of man Massimo really was. You didn't want to admit that there were times you could still feel a woman's perfume on his clothes while busying yourself in the confinement of your manor, trying to distract yourself from the emerging distraught of knowing your husband was possibly cheating. 
With a scowl, you took one of the many pillows and threw it at his beautiful sleeping face. 
"Wake up!" 
That quickly contorted into several emotions upon suddenly awakening. Surprise cause you had dared startle him, anger because you had the guts to interrupt his slumber and throw a pillow and finally, annoyance at your yapping. 
Your arms crossed against your chest as he placed the pillow you threw his direction on t of his head with a bored grunt. 
The smell of his perfume wafted through the air, hand in hand with a light natural musk and a dash of air freshener coming from the bathroom. 
"What the fuck is this on my ankle and why did you put that thing on me?" 
"Can you shut up?" His slouching form only turned enough to take a proper look your way once his irises had adjusted at the room's brightness. 
Wearing his oversized sweater that covered those perfect mounds of yours he didn't have enough time to squeeze properly. Face twisted in a scowl, that although he rather your scared and demure look, he had to admit this angry you made his lips smirk and a spark of excitement to run through his body. 
Your hair spooked and tussled even if you were now trying to contain it in a messy bun while ignoring the rebellious baby hairs, revealing more of your upset features.
Beautiful and angry. 
Was this the sight you gifted Massimo every day?
"I'm talking to you!" 
"¡Ya pues! Cállate... fucking heard you already." He grumbled while laying down on his back. 
But in truth he hadn't heard a single word it came from your mouth. Too deep in suddenly remembering last night's events and what had transpired back in the club. 
"Take this thing off me." 
Miguel stretched his spine with feline grace and a satisfied smirk, letting some joints pop back into place. His spine wasn't aching anymore, he didn't feel like dragging the past few weeks' tiring load, his shoulders felt rather light, he was even in good spirits. You had spent him real good last night. 
"What is this anyway?"
You remained on the window, letting the sun warm you up a bit. The whole floor was cold anyway. Your hands grope on either side of your waist and your frown deepened upon him turning his back on you. 
"Fucking men." 
He smirked as you went to his closet. He noted you only wore the thick sweaters. You didn't rummage through his clothes and personal items like he initially thought. 
"I need to get some things back from home."
With a groan he finally rose, and sat against the bed's oak frame, his hands reached for his phone, and scrolled through his messages as his other hand slicked the messy strands that partially obscured his sight. 
"Are you even listening?!" 
"I'd rather not to."
He grumbled while his eyes remained on the screen. 
"I need to get myself some clothes. I don't wanna keep using yours for you to have me naked later." 
"You're thinking way too high of yourself, Ratoncita." He removed the silky sheets and tossed his phone somewhere in the bed, revealing his bare physique to you as he prowled your way. 
Eyes boring on your tense form. Undoubtedly he was the cat and you his ever lovely and amusing little mouse. One of his hands landed a few inches on one side of your face, but as soon as you tried to remove yourself from the equation, his other hand and a step forward of his frame closed the space, sandwiching you loosely between him and the wall. 
Even if limp, his cock felt above the sweater's fabric, right above your lower belly, ever warm and hefty. He had to lean down enough to face you, then took a half firm half gentle hold in your chin.
"If you have the energies to be mewling this early in the morning, you can take your pretty ass to the shower, clean yourself and get changed. We'll leave soon. ¿Entendido? 
"I'm not coming-" 
He squeezed your chin, igniting that spark of fury within you as he growled between teeth, "Understood?" 
His tone left no space for replies. But you slapped his hand away and retreated away from his confinement, but the petty in him needed to have the final saying. Even though words were done, he took your actions as a defiance. So he returned it, on your butt as a firm slap that smacked deliciously in the air. 
You didn't even turned to face him. Anger was too much in your mind to let it have the whole control over your emotional panel, and part of you assumed that he'd settle the score to his favor with another rough fuck.
Your hands clenched into tight fists to finally disappear into the bathroom with a loud slam on the door. 
As much as he wanted to yell for the poor treatment on his property, he couldn't help but smirk, satisfied at your reaction. 
Part of his brain was amused to no end to see this new emotion in you. Anger made his senses tingle. But the ever rational part of his gray mass, wondered what had taken over you to be this pissed. 
Hadn't he fucked you silly last night? Cause he refused to believe he had done a poor job. 
The sudden thought of him underperforming in bed made his bushy brows to pucker in annoying concern. He'd take many insults, name calling, but someone, a woman specially saying he was bad at in bed? No. He couldn't allow it. 
He heard the shower run, and it was his cue to get his clothes ready. 
He'd go for a pair of black pants, a burgundy Prada button shirt, socks, dress shoes, no tie neither a suit, Day was too humid to be overdressed. 
The shower stopped a couple of minutes later, and he put all the things on the bed. 
You had finished a hot shower, rinsing all trace of him, wrapped your hair in a towel and pat dried your body to then wear one of his many black sweaters and slippers, the only thing you truly possessed. 
Upon seeing nothing but his toothbrush and grooming devices, you rummaged through the marbled drawers to look for a new toothbrush. You'd eventually find them next to a neatly arranged box of condoms and some gun chargers. But to your surprise the box was intact, sealed even, waiting to be used. 
With a roll if your eyes and a huff, you got to brush your teeth, a little harder than intended. 
Miguel simply entered the bathroom and slowly squeezed his way into the same space as you before the mirror, pushing you softly as you brushed your hair with your fingers. 
He looked in the mirror, the grayish hue on his cheeks increased, but he kept it. Not really feeling like grooming himself. His happy trail was on full display to you. 
If honest, it was the first time you actually paid attention to the secrets of his skin. 
A couple of scars littered his cinnamon tan and muscled skin, bullet marks? perhaps. The muscles rippled at every movement, enhancing the sight of his lower back's dimples, waist narrow and sharp, adorned with well-worked abs and sculpted thighs. There were no tattoos on his skin as he rather keep himself clean from them. 
His mere existence spoke loud and clear, he didn't need ink to prove his prowess. Plus, he considered himself too old for them. 
Gabriel on the other hand was like a walking board underneath his clothes. Or a bathroom stall's wall like he once called him. 
Your stomach grumbled loudly, and he chuckled. 
"Instead of staring, why don't you get some food? You'll need it." 
He grabbed his toothbrush and put a dollop of paste on it. Voice smooth like butter, that barely did a good job at hiding the rising mirth. But his lid twitched, vexed on your mimicking words 
"You're thinking too highly of yourself."
You pointed at his neck. 
"And make sure to properly clean yourself from others before even considering touching me." 
His smirk widened and held your wrist with enough force to make you whimper. Miguel finished washing and rinsing his mouth to then pull you by your nape and crashing his mouth on yours. 
You froze as he made you taste the fresh and cool flavor of mint in his mouth. When he pulled away, a sardonic smile plastered all over his infuriating yet beautiful face. He didn't give you time to reply as you were being pushed out the bathroom and before you could even give him again a peace of mind; he slammed the door in your face. 
He chuckled as you yelled behind the door and finally got to shower. 
After a hearty breakfast and some more calls from Miguel, you and the rest got into the cars and left. 
Ben, the blond man drove the SUV again. Jessica was tailing after in her own car as another car with a lanky and pierced man lead the way. 
Buildings and skyscrapers of all sizes and colors passed you by, streets were averagely full, but Ben drove through shortcuts that approached faster towards your secret destination. 
Miguel had refused to speak after you recoiled away from his sudden urge of teasing you. He deliberately ignored you through the road, focusing occasionally on his phone screen. 
"We're here, boss." Ben mumbled after what it felt like forever. 
The little caravan had stopped before a bright red three floored building. Dark windows prevented the sunlight to seep in. The name, Casa Cisneros displayed in a Dior alike typography over the red walls. 
Your eyes widened when you saw the gorgeous, elegant and colorful clothing designs neatly arranged in the window's showcase. 
Miguel guided your surprised self deeper into the boutique. A man around his forties, white hair, shorter than Miguel, dressed up in an orange suit and a shit-eating grin came to greet Miguel. 
"Por Dios, te juro que si vienes con esa mierda de zapatos de Prada ni me molestaré en atenderte." (I swear that if you've come with those shitty Prada shoes I won't even bother in help you out.) 
Miguel chuckled while shaking his head. Then hugged the man briefly yet sincerely. 
"How have you been Mateo?" 
"¿Cómo que 'How you've been?'" His disgust couldn't hide, "Ugh. Never mind, where is Dana? Can't wait to dress her up in my new collection!." 
Your brow quirked upon the woman's name but Miguel just dismissed him with a disdainful wave of his hands and a blasé scowl. 
"Ah... Ya veo. En fín, whose the new seasonal fling?" 
Mateo, the owner, or so you supposed, fixed his eyes your way and smirked approvingly as he watched you from head to toes. 
"Nothing better and exciting than a blank canvas." he then turned to Miguel, "The same as usual?" 
The same as... what? 
You looked at Miguel and the mob lord shook his head while focusing once more in his phone 
He dialed some numbers to place the trinket in his ear, "Up to her." 
He mumbled before disappearing into another room. Mateo however grinned upon you being given a carte blanche from his best client. Cause that meant money. 
"So... What do you want?" 
"Uh... The basics I believe?" 
This earned him a giggle. 
"Preciosa. Hermosa, muñeca. Listen to me. And listen well.", He waved a warning finger at you, "Basic is not in this fashion's house vocabulary. Secondly, if Miguel brings you here is cause, he wants you to look good and not embarrass him. I know it sounds awful, but if you're with him-" 
"I'm not." Your frown deepened and Mateo just rolled his eyes. 
"Of course you aren't. Anyway, I'll give you a wardrobe. Let's go. Cooper!" 
He called and soon a tall, young and redhead man approached. His green eyes lit up upon the task ahead. 
"This is Cooper Coen, my assistant. He'll be helping us today." 
The young man greeted, and soon they began working. 
Mostly of the pieces the both picked suited perfectly on your body, every curve lavished and worshipped with utter care. But you also noticed that as beautiful as it all was, the crafts were easy to remove. As if Mateo knew the purpose behind everything he donned you with. 
Cooper kept packing and bringing clothes that not only enhanced your body shape, but made you look like a spoiled rich man's wife. Elegant, beyond gorgeous, expensive and oh so tempting and fuckable. 
Mateo seemed delighted in having you as his personal doll, trying outfit after outfit. Miguel had left to business but Jessica remained behind to look after you. 
Hours kept passing, and you moved to the undergarments. You were too focused in getting the underwear you had missed for so long that didn't hear Miguel returning. 
You wouldn't ruin him financially, sadly, but as Cooper had told you, it wasn't going to go be cheap either. And if your intuition wasn't failing, you knew something didn't add up. Not that you weren't grateful to finally have your own clothes to wear, but deep in your brain, the ever rational and alert part of it kept telling you to be wary. To not trust Miguel.
What is he hiding? 
Miguel had to leave for a couple of minutes to have an impromptu meeting with Peter back at the club for more Intel gathering. Apparently a clue on Massimo's whereabouts came up and he left you with Jessica. 
But upon returning and seeing the amount of packages and the count ascending past the fifty grand, he called you. 
Money wasn't an issue for him, but the amount of unnecessary shoes that you or rather Mateo had made him wonder how many pair of shoes a woman truly needed. 
Never enough apparently. 
He called you once, but Cooper showed up instead. 
"She'll be here soon, Mr. O'Hara." 
The young man nodded as Miguel huffed.  
It reminded him the too many times he took women for shopping and always ended up like this. Bored out of his mind, sometimes pissed at the constant questions they asked him. 
Do I look fat? Does this color matches my skin? 
He sighed, irked but somehow ready to ignore the flood of questions you'd annoy him with. 
Much to his dismay, minutes kept stretching impossibly longer and he had things to do and places to be at. He called you again. 
No response. 
His jaw tensed as his teeth ground together. He immediately took his phone and searched on the tracking device location. 
Signal Lost 
"Pinche mujer" He growled as he bolted gun in hand towards where you had been, Heart pounding with such an intense anger it felt like molten lava flowing through him. 1Jessica was helping Mateo, unaware of what was to unfold. 
Heavy and livid steps guided him towards the dressing rooms. He swung the curtain, ready to look for clues as to where you had left, only to find you, struggling with adjusting the back straps of the lingerie Cooper had handed over to you. 
"¿¡Qué no oyes cuando te hablo?! ¿'Tas pinche sorda o qué?" (Didn't you hear me when I'm talking to you?! You fucking deaf or what?!) 
His sudden outburst startled you while your frightened gaze settled on him and it quickly turned angered. 
"What the fuck?! I'm changing!" You were about to keep up with his yelling when his gun stood high and proud in the air. Silencing your babbling with an unintelligible grumble. 
"What was that?" With a scowl he glowered your way. Your tongue clicked, ignoring him. 
His eyes couldn't help but rake your body for some brief seconds to finally settling on the tracking device. The thing was off. 
"What did you do to it?!" He growled while pushing you against the mirror and kneeled to grab your ankle and see with his own eyes why the device wasn't working. 
Updating 40% 
Of course the damned thing would be updating. His nostrils flared angrily as you yanked your limb away from his grasp.
"Hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day."
He let you go and headed towards the entrance. 
"Che palle! Lasciami in pace un attimo, stronzo!" (How annoying! Leave me alone for a second, you asshole!) 
And oh his head turned in many dangerous and dark thoughts. It wasn't the words you used, he couldn't care less about them, but the fact alone you still had bits of Massimo still clinging to you. 
If honest, you only had learned some phrases in the attempt to rekindle things with your husband, it somehow worked, but this was a completely different outcome you truly weren't expecting. 
In a blink of an eye he was already before you, red eyes glowering your way, a steely grip on his gun. 
"The fuck did you say?" 
You had to recoil away, but where? He had trapped you again against the mirrors, your fear etched in every face the multiple surfaces provided and it fuelled him. 
A thick gulp rolled down your throat as his gun's tip placed underneath your chin to drag down between your breast to stop right above your heart, tapping a tad rough with it. 
"If you wanna act like a spoiled brat, fine." he seethed as he pushed you on your knees in a swift move, the sudden movement had you stumbling down, startled "I'll teach you a fucking lesson." 
His other hand immediately went to your front strands, tangling his long fingers in them, your hands immediately flew to his wrist, grunting uncomfortably at the tight grip on your skull, trying to pry yourself away from him. You could feel his anger through the little tremors his body did as he tossed the gun to the seat inside the little cubicle. 
"Let me go!" he pulled your head back, parting your lips open in the way. 
"Since you fucking love opening your pretty mouth to disrespect me," His hold tightened on your hair as his hands fumbled with the belt of his pants, sliding his free hand past the layers of clothing and pulled out his engorging cock. A few pumps of his hand around it had it twitching to life. 
"I think it's time to find a proper use for it, hmm?" Before you could even protest, his flushed tip was already invading your mouth. A hiccup escaped you while he pushed in inch by inch, earning a brief gag and gurgle from you. 
A satisfied growl escaped his smirking mouth. 
"What's wrong? Cat's fucking your tongue?" 
He stepped in closer, your nose nuzzled his happy trail as he was now holding your hair in a fistful. A sharp tinge of tears blurred your eyes for a moment as he slid down your throat. Your hands slapped his thighs while trying to push him back, earning him a breathless moan. You had tested his patience long enough for him to snap and remind you of your position. 
If he had known how easy and quick you'd learn how to get under his skin, he would've left you back with your rotten husband. 
Upon sensing you gag again, he chuckled while sliding some of his fingers underneath your chin, guiding you slowly to take him properly. 
"Fucking relax." He heaved when your mouth flattened around him to have air flowing back to your lungs. 
Fucking gorgeous. That's how you looked, staring with your pretty and angry eyes while you choked on him, set a long forgotten thrill alive that he rather keep buried for good. 
You coughed as soon as he slid out, completely hard, glistening in your saliva and beads of pre cum that connected to the corners of your flushed mouth. 
"Uh-uh. Open up, I'm not done yet." 
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and coughed a couple of bits; the glare returned to your eyes. 
"Fuck you." 
Miguel huffed, crouched and took your chin to kiss you, tasting himself. You bit his lip, hard trying to get him to free you, but the growl grumbling through his chest only made your skin crawl as his tongue slid in your mouth, also invading you. 
The sheer size of his frame and the little space between sandwiched you, deliciously against him. One hand cradled your head, not giving you a truce while devouring your lips as the other one slid down between your legs. 
The sudden contact sent jolts up your spine, as he changed the cradling on your nape to a light squeeze on your neck as he pressed you against the floor, and spread your legs with his teasing hand when you trapped his hand in between your thighs, preventing him from reaching deeper. 
The motions had slowly made his cock to be trapped again in the fabric confinement. 
He earned a feeble mewl as he slid two of his fingers inside. The vibrations of your purring reverberated underneath his skin made his eager tip to twitch again 
His phone buzzed and he let your throat go for a second, but his fingers remained inside, massaging and wriggling softly within your flesh. 
"Not a peep from you, ok? This is an important call." 
Your hands immediately clenched and your thighs trembled when he moved his hand, back and forth, delving into your drenching walls. 
Heat licking at every pore of your skin. You didn't know if it was in anger or your hormones betraying you once again. The lack of sex with Massimo was costing your dignity big time. 
He's just toying with you cause he knows he can. 
Your mind reasoned, despite the rationality's grip loosening at his ministrations. 
"Ya le dije a Gabriel que procediera sin contratiempos." (I already told Gabriel to proceed without problems)
He talked and moved his hand like the most natural thing to do while in a call. 
Shame washed over your cheeks at the raunchy and sloppy wet noises your cunt made the more he probed your insides. 
"No, no-"
You hissed and his eyes went immediately on you, as if with his glare alone he'd be defying you to make a noise again. 
Your lips pursed shut as your chest heaved with ragged yet quiet breaths 
"I've got it under control." 
More than a reply to whoever he was talking to, his words were a fact. An undisputed truth that clawed at your brain the deeper he stimulated with his fingers. 
He was on control. Of you, your body and every bit that formed it, of every contraction that sucked and trapped his fingers, of every breath he made you exhale. 
His pace increased, and you choked while your body trembled at the beat of his thrusting fingers. A satisfied smirk crept up to his face, determined to break your forceful silent vow. 
He's worse than Massimo. Don't forget that. 
The hardened nub of your breast peeked underneath the flimsy fabric, swaying, demanding to be tasted. 
His initial resolution of not making a physical approach, had been long broken, ever since you insulted him in that foreign language that certainly sparked things within his mind he rarely liked to indulge thinking. 
You amused him, that was much true. But God you also made him so fucking angry. Running your mouth like you were his equal, facing him despite being scared to the core and spending his energies in such a delicious way he only sought whenever stress was eating him alive and none so far had properly known how to sate. Not even Dana. 
The only serious relationship prospect he had so far until she cheated on him and he had to get rid of her. 
But you, He didn't know if to kill you himself or fuck you 'til you were in tears. 
Your mouth parted in a pornographic 'o', gasping quietly, eyes shut, face covered in a deep shade of red, hands clenched into fists on the floor as your body swayed underneath. 
"Let me see what I can do." He crooned as his golden chain around his neck dangled with his motions.
His eyes kept glued onto your face as he slowly rubbed the rough pad of his thumb against your neglected clit in a tortuous and flickering motion. 
You bit your lip, and he smirked darkly. Slowly, he pushed in a third finger as he applied a bit more of pressure on your already sensitive and engorged nub 
Think about the condom box! 
Your toes curled in, body contorted in between gentle twitches and jerks when he grazed ever softly and teasingly at your sweet spot. A soft and barely audible gasp escaped your mouth. And his breath hitched as soon as you locked eyes with him in a glare. 
How dare he? 
He moved in and out, alternating between fucking his fingers inside and caress your bundle of nerves for enough time to edge you. 
"I know. Hmm." He nodded at whatever words Peter gave him, "You're more than capable of handling it." 
It felt like he was encouraging you through the whole process. 
He's not in control. 
One of his fingers grazed into a spot that got your hips stuttering and shaking your head as your teeth sunk deeper into the plump of your bottom lip, jaw tense but unable to trap in a garbled moan. You felt like a hypocrite. 
"Yeah, don't worry. Everything's fine." 
The way your walls increased their drenching with every contraction on his digits, had him tittering silently in twisted delight. 
At this point it was a matter of seconds to have you coming undone. He was set into making you break the rules. Your toes curled and trembled as he fastened the pace enough to have a soft squishing slap echoing just for him. 
El Diablo tilted his head as you clawed your nails on his ankle, it barely tickled him. 
"All he has to do is to agree. Offer him more money if that's the case." 
With clinical precision he stopped a few seconds before you got to come undone and trap him inside. A frustrated and shallow whine flew out your mouth. His thumb pad was now tracing the outline of your lips, to then slid two of his drenched fingers into your mouth. 
"All he has to say is yes." He moved his hand, making your head bob in a nod as he spoke. Your taste exploding into your mouth. 
With little he just retreated outside the cubicle to return a few minutes later with a plain pair of pants and a shirt. He hung the call up and sighed. 
" Now that you've learnt how to shut the fuck up, get changed. We need to go."
With trembling legs you stood, trying to catch your breath, the lingerie soiled, your thighs sticky. Heart and pussy played like a fancy tailed piano and he was the main musician. 
He fixed his clothes, despite the raging boner pulsating between his clothes. He looked at you for a moment, nose reddening, lips flushed and glossy eyes that turned aqueous the more he remained in there. 
His brows pinched softly in an imperceptible frown before leaving you alone. Not really wanting to witness your sudden discomfit. 
What had came over you? 
Ever since he woke up that day there were so many changes he had barely had time to adjust. But this quiet and distant you was unsettling and uncomfortable for him. 
First the need to cry after he almost gave you an orgasm, then, the silent ride back at home. 
You barely glanced his way when explaining the dress you needed to wear for the party he was also changing into. But what frustrated him the most was when he asked you to remove the ring out of your finger. The urge to cry returned on your face. 
He truly didn't understand why you still clung so blindly to Massimo. At this point he thought it was love.
He huffed, disgusted. 
You wouldn't drag him to your emotional rollercoaster cause he already had his own. And there was an enough mess as it was to keep adding to his plate. 
He was proud of his detachment skills, soon you'd return to that asshole you called a husband and he wouldn't have to worry about you anymore, cause again, he was growing tired of facing other emotions that weren't the ones he could master. 
No matter how gorgeous and fuckable you looked in that backless and sequin golden dress that undoubtedly did a better job at treating your body than him. 
You had to apply some makeup to the most visible bruises around your body. Neck included. He loved squeezing it apparently. 
Miguel had removed the tracking device of your ankle to disguise it as a clock on your wrist. He looked handsome as usual. 
In truth, you looked like a celebrity. It made you wonder what kind of party you headed to, but you refused to speak to him and he was more than happy to not be bothered. 
Each sat in opposite corners in the car. Not saying a word during the ride. The only instruction he gave you was to stay close as he hugged your waist, although weakly, with his hand. 
Nostalgia was rampant on you today, and it didn't help the not so clandestine reunion harbored within a familiar milieu for you. 
A fancy club, L'Enfer, you once had the chance of visiting. Your engagement night, and returning after so many years in extremely different circumstances, tightened the knot around your throat and the need to run away to increase tenfold. 
Golden floors matched the velvet curtains that protected the black windowsills from prying eyes. The tables pristinely arranged to the left and right, ready to witness its attendee's darkest and deepest secrets. 
Servers were dressed in jet black suits and red gloves, offering the myriad of delicacies prepared for the night. 
Some men stared at Miguel, apprehension and wariness in their eyes. Others smirked and raised their champagne cups as he made his way deeper into the place. Peter walked ahead, Miguel and you followed, and Jessica tailed behind, yet his agents scattered all over the place, either as servers or valets, even bartenders. 
Miguel wore his usual frown, occasionally changing into a deadpan whenever a fan of his work approached. 
Miguel entered to a further room, more private and secluded. The smell of tobacco and expensive perfumes polluted the air, assaulting your nose at once. 
You downed the discomfort with a cup of champagne. 
"Try to not drink too much. Need you sober for the meeting." 
A meeting? 
You quirked a brow at his mumbles but nodded and remained seated near the indoor font, the least tobacco smelling place from the rest and the same place Massimo proposed. Now, you were eating the different entrees, balancing the alcohol ingest in a mob lord party, you realized too late. 
Jessica remained on your side, also eating whenever a snack she liked passed by. Peter accompanied Miguel as he greeted and exchanged a few words with the other people. 
Orborn, Kravinoff or Kraven for short, Olivia Octavius, and other men didn't ring a bell on you. 
"Let Miguel do the whole talking. In fact, act as the listener. And if Kraven calls you beautiful, don't say thanks. He'd think he can hit on you and the least Miguel needs-" 
"Is worrying for stupid shit. I know." 
The sweetness of the mini desserts and other assorted flavors didn't help to conceal the tart tasting in your mouth. Jessica quirked a brow and nodded. 
"You're adapting quick. That's good. But despite having a ten grand dress on you with matching shoes and gold in your ears, you look like you're about to cry. What the hell is wrong now?" 
Tough love was all you got from her, but it also surprised you how perceptive and unsuspecting she could be. 
Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed, adding another lemon curd mini tart in your plate. One you hadn't had before. 
"What in specific? Is it... That guy, your husband?"
Jessica smacked her lips with her gaze fixed on you, scrutinizing within your eyes upon your sudden silence. 
"You're really hung up on that asshole, aren't you?" 
"It's not that. And I'm not even sure about my feelings on Massimo. I want to punch him in the face for lying to me, but I also I want to know he's alright, so I can... pass page."
Your shoulders slumped as you heaved, defeated, "And Miguel is no better. It feels like they'd be secretly competing against eachother whose worse." 
Jessica grunted with a silent titter and shook her head. 
"He's blunt and an asshole, undoubtedly. Despite that, I'd stick in Miguel's side, he'll make sure you're safe in his own way." 
"Just wished he'd be less cryptic whenever I ask for answers." 
"Again, he's protecting you."
"From what? From himself?" 
"No. From the troubles your man dragged you to, honey." 
"Ugh" You rolled your eyes, the last thing you needed right now was to be reminded how awful Massimo was, "Just forget it. I feel anxious enough as it is." 
"What do you mean?" 
"I... I have a bad feeling." 
You sat next to Miguel and carefully listened. The mobster's voice occasionally drowned the cutlery's tinkling out. 
Topics had varied through the night, from luxury cars and ways to armor them, weapon hiding and smuggling, to your current predicament. Massimo. 
"Kingpin is looking for him, his wife has gone MIA, which is convenient. Bitch's smart. The guy could learn a thing or two from her."
"He ratted out Delgado with the FBI. His associate! Wouldn't surprise me if he'd sell out his family to save his skin." The man called Harry Osborn spoke as he downed his whiskey. 
"Da. My associates have gathered Intel, he hasn't left the country still."
You gulped thickly the more the men spoke. If seeing with your own hands what your husband had created wasn't enough, hearing it straight from the horse's mouth only crushed your heart even further. 
"What about you, Diablo?" 
"Max owes me money." 
Many just hissed while contorting their faces disapprovingly. 
"How much?" 
"Four Million."
"Poor bastard sold his soul to you, didn't he?" Olivia Octavius mumbled between sardonic and titters. 
Miguel downed his whiskey as your hands clawed on the golden sequins of the dress. 
"What kind of fucked up woman marries a guy like that? She's desperate or corrupt as he is." 
Olivia spat and a few nodded. 
"Heard he was fooling her this whole time."
"Ahh, C'mon, Miguel. Didn't know you fell for such things." 
Miguel just shrugged, then he lit up a vanilla and cherry cigarette to blow the smoke away from you. 
"I'm giving people the benefit of doubt still. But I'll find him."
"You'll kill him?" 
"Gotta collect my reaps first." 
The men and Olivia grinned, everyone seemed pleased but you. It had been a good deal of information to swot on, so many to digest your stomach had turned queasy. 
You were about to stand up, feeling the bile and nausea rising, that registered too late the acute ring piercing through your eardrums so badly after a powerful loud bang. Unable to move, frozen in the spot. 
Everything felt in muted slow motion, some droplets of something warm and wet fell on your face, spraying you. You saw the group pulling out their guns one by one as Harry Osborn fell with a seemingly loud thud on the table. 
Why isn't he moving? 
Your heart pounded in your ears, throat constricted, and when you tried to scream nothing but a mute yell came out. A strong tanned hand pulled you down, as more loud bangs kept echoing, like distant fireworks underneath water. 
Guns were sparkling with every shot they fired, people fell on the floor, staining the golden surface with crimson as the walls around received an ugly hole-themed makeover. 
You could see Miguel grabbing your shoulders, shaking you while his mouth moved angrily as he pulled his gun away and kept you secured tightly underneath his frame. 
Chaos had broke loose. And you weren't sure you'd live up to tell. 
@bunnibitez @gabrielarose29 @night-spectrum @katitakenway @reverieblondie @choppednerdtriumph @amelialysm @tatatida @daddysfavoritesexkitten @huniedeux @blissdoubtyattuma @rositabluemoon @freehentai @solesurvivorjen @ewan-tef @miranexx @madastrid @sukioyakio @whos-writting-stuff @spiderbunny00 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @ginger23 @bammzyboomy @mmyyhhhh @escape-your-nightmare @m4dyy @mxtokko @lauritajn @pearlescenthearts @bookshied @stevespixie @crimin4llyins4ne @6thhokageswife @arrozyfrijoles23 @mangoslushcrush @beingdeluluisthesolulu @aroyalbirb @brelikestoread @ilovereid21 @orangemango7 @luv-rei7 @4crew
@nanamiscunt @rabiebarbie @sailorlilipa @theywannabem3
@36namey @spiderpapi2099 @palesatan @homewreckingwreck
@arrozyfrijoles23 @instanttimetravelpizza @migueloharacumslut
@n3v1 @zelolinator @ewan-tef @alyeskathewave @mightyknight501
@alitaar @miranexx @the-pan-liquid @coffeeandtealol @haveclayeveryday @aizawasprimarybabymama @elliaze @tian-monique @deathlypickles @straw-berry-ghoul @rl800 @what-the-jams @6thhokageswife @thejaymaker @itsjstz @reader-1290 @kaikanther @vicravluv @anotherdisapointment @lemonpies2
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babyangelsky · 3 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 7✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
Favorite Villain: Korn Theerapanyakul
It isn't often that we get an actual villain in a BL. We have plenty of love rivals but those are rarely ever villains in the true sense of the word. We also have a large, unfortunate array of shitty parents and parental figures, some of which absolutely do fall into the villain category, but they don't deserve my effort or your attention.
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But then we have Korn.
Korn is a villain. Make absolutely no mistake about that. This man has dedicated his life to playing 4D chess with everyone around him, including and especially his sons, and he's brilliant at it. There is never a moment where he isn't in control, there is never a moment where he hasn't thought at least five steps ahead, and he has very few blind spots.
What gets me—and what makes him that much more insidious in my opinion—is how he presents himself to the world.
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♡ gif by @guzhufuren from this set
"This man, a villain? Never! He's just a nice, soft-spoken dad in a sweater vest! Sure he's a bit intimidating but he's in the mafia, it's to be expected. And just look at how accepting he is of his gay sons! He's looking at a photo of his son and his son-in-law and smiling, isn't that lovely?"
Korn's image is perfectly curated and if you only look on the surface, from the outside that's exactly what he is: a nice dad and a respectable businessman. He's rational, calm, and level-head, especially when you compare him to Gun—which you can't not do. It's impossible to have a conversation about Korn without talking about Gun, who is absolutely just as bad and who I easily could've chosen.
The difference is that Gun's evil is overt and in a way, it's more...honest because of it. He's not out here pretending to be a good person or trying to be anything other than exactly what he is. What you see is what you get. However, I chose Korn precisely because of that insidiousness, because his evil appears so much more subtle but only when it remains in the shadows.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
Because when everything gets brought to light? Hoooooo BOY.
This man kept his foster sister in isolation under lock and key for years after he killed her husband and took her away from her two little boys. Then he left those little boys in the care of a degenerate gambler and watched them sink further and further into debt. And that's only the thin end of the wedge! If we got into all the ways he fucked up his OWN boys, we'd be here all damn day.
Kidnapping on perhaps more than one occasion, a hit squad, Kim's entire personality, Kinn's emotional range, need I go on?
But getting back to Porsche and Chay, Korn could've helped them at literally any point but he didn't lift a finger until they grew up and became useful to him. He could've cleared their debts, paid for Chay's education, provided for them, kept them from getting remotely close to a situation were men were beating them and trashing their home. But he did exactly none of that because whatever sense of obligation Korn might have felt toward them absolutely pales in comparison to his need for control.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
That's what this all comes down to: control. The world is a chessboard and everyone in Korn's orbit is a piece on it. He proposed an outcome for himself and he got it.
He made sure Kinn was cemented as head of the main family and found a way to cement Porsche as head of the minor family. He got rid of Gun and the threat he presented and succeeded in burying the truth of what happened to Porsche's parents with him, because the truth that Korn gave simply is not the whole truth. It never will be because divulging the truth means giving up control, and that is something he will never do.
I could literally talk for hours about Korn. He's a fascinating character. He's got so many layers. Bottom line?
Este señor es el mismísimo diablo. This man is the living breathing devil.
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madelynraemunson · 8 months
(strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!x reader)
Ch 007: Buckle Up, Baby
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A night in the town with Eddie takes a spicy turn when an outfit on display catches your eyes. And what do ya know? It’s your exact measurement…
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 3.5k words
disclaimers & warnings — dialogue heavy, arguing, trauma dumping again, angst, yearning, shy girl yelling at eddie (as she should), sexual tension, grinding, thigh riding, car canoodling 🫣
“She’s a black magic woman, she’s trying to make a devil out of me.”
Spellbinding is the best word you can think of to describe Nocturna, a town spookier than Hawkins just 20 minutes inland. It sure lives up to its name, with the average closing time for restaurants, bars, and shops being 3:30 AM.
“This city is so cute,” you beam. “Love the late night vibe it’s got going on.”
“Right?” Eddie agrees. “If Hawkins were a Spencer’s, ‘Turna would be the back of it.”
Eds takes you to El Diablo Bar & Grill where you settle for a ‘TURNA Tossed salad’ and beer. ‘The Eddie Special’ may have left you full, but there’s no way you’d ever pass up free food.
Your boss helps himself to a couple of beers as well, both of them way too hoppy for your liking. And just as you predicted, downing two of those bad boys after smoking a shit ton of weed has its repercussions.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing?”
Personal space is a foreign concept for Eddie whenever he’s under the influence. Not like that’s any new information. You just didn’t expect him to be so tender, affectionately fiddling with your hair, using it as a mustache, and then attempting to braid it. You’re surprised because he actually does pretty well.
“Where’d you learn how to braid?” you ask.
“Taught myself,” he replies. “That way if Nancy ever calls out, someone at Hellfire would at least know how to do hair. Luckily I haven’t ran into that problem yet.”
“That’s really thoughtful,” you swoon as Eddie goes to braid your other side.
“I’m also learning how to curl hair,” Eddie adds. “If I could get past burning myself with the iron, that’d be great. Until then, I’ll always vouch for a traditional sock bun.”
You watch has he loops your hair around itself to secure the braid, just as he did the first one. Then comes the unpredictable. Suddenly, you’re taken aback when Eddie gives your hair a tug. Aggressively.
“Eddie!” you cry out.
He spirals into an outrageous belly laugh.
You shove Eddie away from you in a playful form of disgust, his dramatics launching him right out of his seat. Customers start to look your way. You hide your face in embarrassment.
“I think you’ve flown off the handle,” you accuse.
“No,” he denies. “Just comfortable that’s all.”
“Yeah and a bully,” you hiss, undoing your braids out of spite. He knows you’re kidding around.
“What?” Eddie questions, reeling you in via bar stool, smirk growing more and more prominent the closer you get. “You don’t like that I pull hair?”
“That’s enough, you little freak.”
Eddie stops, jokingly wincing at your harsh words. "Thought you were into freaks."
"...Shut up,” is all you can think to say.
"Come on..." he taunts, giving your side a soft pinch. “You know I'm right."
He is right.
You poke his stomach with one of your pointy fingers.
"Okay, and what if I was? Does that get you off? Mr. Know-It-All?”
Eddie clears his throat and squirms in his seat.
"No, actually,” he shakes his head, leaning into your touch. “Cuz that's just not true.”
Your eyes find each other again.
An apology lingers in the air. Eddie bites his lower lip as he stares, closing the gap between you two with a slight turn of his knee. You explore his dark irises, his wide pupils. When fixated on you, they emit what appears to be sorrow, with just a pinch of regret.
"Sometimes I'm wrong. And I fuck up,” he admits. “Whether I like to admit it or not."
Eddie chugs the remainder of his pint before slamming it.
You shrug. “Yeah. Like when you told me to get off my phone today but stayed on yours the entire time.”
Eddie chuckles away from you.
“Playing music…” you persist, leaning into him a little more. “Texting people…”
“You jealous?” he questions, tongue rolling around in his cheek.
“In your dreams,” you lie.
You’re so close to him now you can practically smell the beer. He inches closer, the front portion of his curly locks tickling the side of your face.
“In your dreams.”
Your thighs clench. In your dreams, indeed. Eddie winks at you like he knows.
“Whatever you say,” you scoff. “Freak.”
———— 🌹————
After dinner, you and Eddie decide to walk around the shopping strip. Eddie walks closest to the street, leaving you on the innermost part of the sidewalk like a gentleman.
“So who’s Wayne? Heard you and Henry talking about him before we left.”
“He's my uncle,” Eddie answers. “Pretty much raised me since I was a kid. I owe a lot to him.”
You continue to walk. Somehow along the way, you and Eddie end up strolling with your arms around each other. He turns to ask,
“Who is Max?”
“Max?” you’re stunned to hear that name roll off his tongue. Despite him helping with her YMCA membership, you had always registered them as being worlds apart from each other. “She’s my sister.”
Eddie slowly nods in understanding.
“Her full name is Maxine,” you explain. “Max for short.”
“No wonder,” Eddie chuckles. “I always hear you mentioning a Max and have been wondering who that is.”
“You jealous?” you echo him.
He sneers, “You wish.”
You take this time to admire Eddie. His wanderlust eyes. His pronounced Cupid’s Bow. His thick, wavy locks. The tiny freckle at the crook of his neck that you were sure a lover left for him in a past life. The way his dark clothes always seem to hug him so nice. He’s breathtaking. The hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
"WHOA!" Eddie brings you back. "That's the hottest shit I've ever seen!"
There he goes again. You race after Eddie as he scampers across the street, leading you to what appears to be a lingerie-slash-sex shop. On display is a beautiful scarlet red two piece with fluffy wings behind it to match.
DEVIL WOMAN, is what the set is advertised as.
"Whew, lord," Eddie whistles, pressing his hands against the plexiglass.
He turns to you desperately.
"You can make SO many tips with this on," Eddie insists. "I'm telling you right now woman, you need to seize this opportunity."
"Are you gonna pay for it?" you joke, batting your lashes seductively.
"Sure!" Eddie exclaims. "A-anything you want tonight, you'll get."
It sounds too good to be true.
"Not you trying to spoil me..."
"Definitely me trying to spoil you,” a sneaky smirk forms across his face yet again. “Especially since I’ve been an asshole lately.”
It’s a fair bargain. Not like you can deny it either.
You two shake hands, deal, and make your merry way inside Madame Sédutrice’s Love Boutique.
Time to make his pockets — and heart — hurt.
————💋 ————
It fits you like a glove.
Everything is just right. There is no free space, but there is some real estate to breathe. The set is also squat and split proof. Perfect for a good show.
You strut in front of the mirror like a Victoria’s Secret Devil, relishing over how well the fiery red set accentuates your bust, hugs your hips, and highlights the cheekiest parts of your ass with just enough coverage to have the men wondering.
To leave Eddie wondering.
You’re parading around some more, taking selfies at all angles while Eddie talks to the cashier about guitars. Eventually he does circle back around, as you've been in here for a long period of time.
"Shy Girl," Eddie checks on you from outside. "Did you die in there?"
You put your phone away.
"No, but you're about to."
He laughs. "I love the confidence. Let me at her."
You pull the curtain over so that Eddie can see.
“Jesus fuck.”
Eddie sinks down to his knees, the tips of his fingers trailing from your hips to your thighs, down to your calves. He’s being dramatic again, you think, evident by the three bows of resignation he gives you as he continues to take in your beauty.
"What do you think?" you ask him.
"Simply out of this world," Eddie gasps. He stands to spin you around like he once did before. "You look... like an absolute fantasy. Destined for some alternate dimension."
His breathing heightens as his rough hands trail down to your birthmark. And soon, you’re up there with him.
“I can already see you on that stage,” Eddie gushes. “Doing your thing, stealing the show, driving customers wild. The spotlight soaking in all your beauty...”
“The version of me living in your head sounds pretty damn cool,” you giggle.
You snake your arms around the nape of his neck. Eddie blushes. “She’s a lot like the girl in front of me, actually.”
Either of you can let go now. But you both don't.
“Wanna get out of here?” he asks.
"Mmm… I don't think I'm done just yet," you bat your eyes once more. "What’s a set like this without some accessories?"
You grab his hand and he watches in shock — almost starstruck by you — when you manually wrap his hand around your neck.
“Like a necklace of sorts,” you continue. “A choker, maybe?”
“A choker,” Eddie nods. “Yeah, I can do that.”
He gives you a teasing, gentle squeeze. You’re an absolute puddle.
He grins at you connivingly, playfully.
"Lead the way, m'lady. Anything you want tonight is yours.”
———— 🔥 ————
Satisfied is an understatement. You’re strutting back to Eddie’s van now as he trails closely behind, hauling shopping bags that belong to you in each hand.
“Thank you Eddie,” you say as he manages to open the door for you too.
“Anytime, Princess,” he insists.
You get settled on the passenger side while Eddie starts the van back up again. He waits for a while in his seat.
“You looked stunning in that piece,” Eddie raves, the image of you strutting around still living in his head. “I almost don’t want you to wear it anymore.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“I wanna be the only one who gets to see you in it,” he explains.
“Gatekeeper much?”
“No, I’m just selfish,” he says. “Especially when you look like that.”
Eddie takes it upon himself to fasten your seatbelt for you.
Your eyes trail along as he clicks it in place, adjusting the seatbelt so that it laid perfectly and untangled, protecting your hips…shielding your chest…
“My eyes only, you know?”
“Just yours?”
“Mhm,” he strains. “Mine and only mine.”
His gentle eyes are begging, glued to your lips like bees to honey. His tongue pokes out again, and you watch as he licks his lips in lust. Fuck. You can’t help it anymore. You decide to lean into him and try again.
But hostile air stops you in your place. There's fear in that man's eyes the closer you get and he pulls away from you.
You swat the rest of him away. “You’re doing it again.”
Eddie sighs in defeat.
"I know."
The fact that you didn’t have to elaborate is very telling. Eddie is not stupid. He knows the game he’s playing.
You watch with zero sympathy this time as Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. He lifts a hand. You flinch. Then you relax again when you realize the man isn’t trying to hit you.
“I’m VERY aware of what I’m doing, Hargrove. Okay? That’s the worst part.”
“And you think it’s okay? You like stringing me along, is that it?”
“There’s MORE TO IT, alright?” he groans. “I just don’t know how to explain it to you just yet.”
Eddie starts up again.
“I…” he says, his haunted eyes sparkling. “I just. CAN’T. get. involved. with a coworker. Let alone someone who works under me. Think of all the legal issues that can rise up.”
“That is a FUCKING LIE!” you scream. “A fucking LIE, Eddie and you know how I know that?”
He looks back over at you.
“It’s because you didn’t think twice about it when you were hooking up with Chrissy.”
You’ve had enough of his excuses. Startled, Eddie shies away from you, surprised that you knew of what he so desperately wanted to conceal.
“Who told you that?”
“Who else would know?”
“Everyone at Hellfire, basically,” Eddie laughs pettily. “I just hoped it wouldn’t get around to you.”
Frustrated, Eddie turns off his car. He tosses his keys onto the center console between you both.
“Chrissy and I happened like two or three times. Is that what you wanted to hear?” he asks you. “She was horny, I was horny. She never gave me the time of day in high school so I got all excited. One thing led to another. Thrill eventually wore off. Now she’s just one of my good friends.”
You cross your arms and glare out the window.
“But the reason I was soooo okay with the Chrissy thing is because I only saw her as a fling,” Eddie continues. “End of story.”
“Where exactly are you going with this?”
“The difference with you is that a part of me actually wanted this to go somewhere.”
Does he think you’re stupid? Surely Eddie can’t think you’re just going to fall for his words instead of his actions.
You scoff. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“Am I?”
You muster up the courage to look over at him again. And there he is, his big brown doe eyes glimmering under the full moon.
“I’ve never met anyone like you before, Hargrove,” he mumbles softly. “That shit’s terrifying. For the first time in an incredibly long time I feel like someone gets me.”
You attempt to look away again. Eddie cranes his neck over towards you to meet you where you’re at.
“Someone who gets what it’s like to have a shitty, absent father,” Eddie continues. “Someone who also had to learn how to navigate grief before getting a fucking learner’s permit.”
“You can stop,” you choke. “I get the picture.”
But Eddie continues.
“…Someone who also has to be the bread-winner of the family, not by choice, but by necessity. And someone whose now got a shit ton of trust issues cuz somebody else had to go and fuck ‘em up THAT badly.”
Your throat begins to burn. A soul cry marinates at the pit of your stomach.
"I'm so infatuated with you, Hargrove,” your boss insists. “Okay? You have no idea.”
You tsk.
“You’re infatuated with me,” it’s more of a statement than a question of yours. “Yet you push me away.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on, like you don’t have trouble accepting things you so rightfully deserve?”
He reaches over to grab your hand. You let him.
"There's nothing scarier than falling for someone who is your literal mirror," Eddie whispers. "Especially when you don't like anything about yourself."
“I know.”
You two fall silent and end up staring ahead for quite some time.
Both of you observe a couple cross the street together. The smitten pair are taking a stroll on the sidewalk, hand in hand and falling into one another like missing puzzle pieces. The guy kisses the girl's forehead, his silhouette reminding you so much of Steve.
“I also didn’t wanna get in between you and Harrington," Eddie mumbles.
“I told you we’re just fuck buddies.”
“But he really, really likes you.”
“Yeah, but if he’s not over Nancy, then what’s the point?”
It’s been a decade since Steve and Nancy broke up and he’s still lovesick over her. When you realized that she couldn’t ever be replaced, you stopped trying to pursue Steve romantically. Eddie falls mute again.
"I'm just his lil pocket pussy for all I know," you break the ice with a laugh.
"Don't say that," Eddie disapproves. "You are more than your body, Shy Girl."
“Then tell me what I am, Eddie,” the wounded part of you speaks. “Since I don’t seem to know.”
His gaze softens. “Well, it’s easy.”
You look at him.
"Corn ball alert,” Eddie prefaces. “But you’re the conversations you have with your regulars, asking them about their day and if they have any updates for you… You're the friendships you make with girls that you don't see a need to compete with. And you're that silly little dance you do when Argyle makes you food. And you’re also the destructive parts of yourself that you keep hiding from but little do you know that even those parts of you tell a story."
The sound of police sirens divert your attention. You shudder at the noise. Eddie seemingly makes note of it and clears his throat as a placeholder.
"…I didn't think you paid attention to any of that, Eds."
"I'm more observant than you think."
You believe him. After all, there are instances when you catch him sneaking a glance at you, turning away too late because you’re caught by his eyes to do the same.
A sigh escapes your body. You interlock your fingers with his.
“I don’t know what... this… is,” you begin. “But all I know is that I really enjoy your company. And that I’ve had a crush on you since the day I met you. If it wasn't obvious already."
Eddie snorts. “Even when I was freaking out over kegs and ground chili?”
“Especially when you were freaking out over kegs and ground chili.”
And now forgiveness is in the air. Monkey see, monkey do, and soon both you and Eddie are grinning at each other from one side of your faces to the other.
“Please,” Eddie requests politely with a gulp. “Will you let me kiss you?”
To your surprise, Eddie leaves a peck on your cheek out of all places. This fucker, still so polite. He doesn’t touch or graze anywhere else while he does.
“Thanks,” he says as he pulls away. “I guess.”
But you only want him closer now.
“Oh don’t be stupid,” you giggle grabbing his face with both your hands. “Just fucking kiss me.”
You rest your hands at his chin when you pull him closer. And with Eddie’s permission, you sink your lips onto his. His warm breath circles you as your lips attach to one another.
There’s no turning back now.
Eddie’s lips are as soft as a cloud, and they seem to know yours very well. When he’s latched on, Eddie synchronizes with your rhythm almost immediately, getting a few more kisses in before his tongue begs you for entrance. You deny him access and push him back.
“Oooh,” you taunt him, causing him to laugh. “Someone likes me.”
“Maybe,” Eddie blushes, cupping the side of your face with one of his rigid hands. He gives the back of your head an endearing little scratch.
“But you…can’t get involved huh?”
Eddie shakes his head, doing his very best to stand his ground. He’s back to staring at your lips. “No. Definitely can’t…get involved.”
Of course not.
“Not even if I do this?”
You swoop over to press down on the button of Eddie’s seat belt to unbuckle it. Click. He restrains himself, but there’s wonder in his eyes.
“Or this?”
Your hands travel to the side furthest from you as you lean to crank the lever, lowering the head of Eddie’s driver seat to a 30 degree angle.
Amused now, he furrows his brows together and rests his hands behind his head, manspreading as you play that agonizingly long game.
“You’re pushing it, Hargrove…”
Using his unavailable hands to your advantage, you climb over him and assert yourself on his lap. A low groan escapes Eddie’s nose. You make sure to strategically situate yourself right on his crotch. Eddie’s breath hitches, hand hovering over your birthmark as you sink those hips into him. He bucks his up in return, trying to keep up with you.
“What about this?”
“Oh, that’s not fair…”
His hands are back at your waist.
A protruding essence grows in size as you continue to ride Eddie’s thigh. Soft, low whimpers escape from his chest, his dark eyes now beseeching at his mercy. Eddie’s fingers curl, enclosing themselves tightly around the fabric of your baby tee. His available hand gnaws at the seat below him.
“I don’t like playing fair,” you whisper huskily. “I just like getting even.”
Both of yours eyes are glued to what you’re doing, where you’re grinding, and how.
“Why do you do this to me?” he whispers longingly.
“I think it’s safe to say that you’ve been edging me for quite some time, Munson,” you shrug angelically. “Now it’s my turn to give you a taste of—”
You squeal suddenly when Eddie’s hand flies to your throat. The grip he has on you tightens hastily, long before you can even process it.
Shock overpowers you as Eddie studies you eagerly, with flared nostrils and a hot chest. You peer down at him with glossy eyes and yearning lips.
“Back of the van,” Eddie orders. “Now.”
tag list: @battymunson , @the-fairy-anon, @ali-r3n, @corrodedcoffincumslut, @bebe07011, @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerrr , @jxpsi , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @holabeans00, @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse
author's note: i'd be lying if i told you guys i didn't play imaginary barbies in my head in order to map out the argument between eddie and shy girl dfsjklfdkgfgsg would you say I’m a puppet master?
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respectthepetty · 19 hours
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 1/3
The crowd picked Love in the Air as the first show to ever move off of my Petty List, so I'm watching it and recapping my experience, and oh boy, is it an *experience*. I wrote about the first seven episodes in two parts [here and here], so it's time to dive into the next six episodes!
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Woot woot!
I had to make sure I didn't click on episode one again because it's the same scenes showing again. This is the third time they have been shown? Fourth? I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Quit bullshitting LiTA and GIVE ME WHAT I CAME FOR!
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Oh my God, my heart just jumped into my throat with this music and this lighting behind this devil.
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I know how their story starts. I already knew. I will be not be upset at him. I will not get into my feelings about this even though this music and lighting are hellbent on making Prapai seem like The Worst™
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I would love to claim "pink = 💕love💕" but not today, Satan.
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Sky saying "Where's the condom?" as more of a demand rather than a question and the arch of his back are an appreciation post in themselves. This is transactional and he is not here to make friends.
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WHY AM I BEING SHOWN RAIN AND PAYU AGAIN?! If you don't have enough material for thirteen episodes, just say it! Because my boy disassociated, went on autopilot, and is now tucking this nightmare away in a dark corner of his mind in true Trauma Compartmentalizing 101 fashion, yet I gotta see Payu and Rain's Daddy x Baby nonsense another round?! I only respect one person in this house and the rest of these men can choke. I wrote what I wrote.
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Hold up, Prapai was AWAKE when Sky left looking like that? And now he is reminiscing about it in all black with that black rose of death lapel pin? *Arthur Fist*
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I support queer rights AND queer wrongs, but this show is testing me like I'm fucking Frodo having to deliver a ring to the depths of hell in the month of Pride. Sky just went home and cried on his bed, while this woman is talking about getting over heartbreak because Prapai can't stop thinking about this one-night stand. I cannot be queer and *here* in these conditions with el diablo smirking every two seconds.
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KinnPorsche, my old enemy, we meet again. Didn't think I'd see you here, but it tracks because where there is a rich bastard incapable of getting over the poorer man he wrongfully exerted power over, there will be a robe, wine, and a sex worker. (That boy looks like the Memory in the Letter lead)
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"I feel sorry for your prey" - Everyone is too busy looking at the metaphorical weather that represents the characters to notice the red alert standing right there.
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On God, if a man called me like that without telling me his name and proceeded to just . . . be creepy, it'd be on like Donkey Kong. I was raised by Sidney Prescott from Scream and if a man wants to play games over the phone, then he needs to be prepared to die. And what is it with this show trying to distract me with with these problematic men working out? I know they are attractive, but as Michelle Visage stated "stop relying on that body!" AND NOW CREEPY TEXTS, and the only thing Sky thinks is a "man like that wouldn't be into [him]" . . . BL boys would greatly benefit from feminism.
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Prapai, you have to get less creepy. You just have to because this is not it, my man. You are throwing out the beginning-of-a-psycho-killer vibes and I cannot. I simply. Can. Fucking. Not.
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Sky is pissed at Rain, threw the flowers, and has Prapai listed as "Psycho" so it's clear who has the brain cell of these weather boys, and it's the one whose back is hurting FROM CARRYING THE WEIGHT OF THE DAMN WORLD ON HIS SHOULDERS!
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I will not be swayed by the sunflowers, the fact that Prapai is aware Sky is a Sad Boy, or the blue. As far as I'm concerned, by the end of this episode, Prapai is still the devil. NEXT EPISODE!
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The energy between these two is giving me GMMTV "brothers," and that is not a compliment.
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I'm not going to fault Sky for not throwing away the flowers because reuse, recycle, re-
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*took a six hour break and contemplated the meaning of life, made an avocado smoothie then poured rum in it, started doing yoga then ended up in savasana, which means I just laid there and looked at the ceiling, and finally I remembered the gorgeous Zani is in this show, so I returned*
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This boy is me and I am him. I'm so chill that if I got any cooler, I'd be an ice cube. Just chilling. So chill. The chill is immaculate. I am meditating. I am praying. I am one with the storm. I'm the chillest. Climate change no longer exists because I'm just, so, fucking, chill. ~Let's continue~
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I don't want to give Prapai any credit because I already told my mom I hate him which means we are sworn enemies in this life and future ones as well, but him noticing that Sky spaced out even though he immediately jumped back into flirting mode, and him reinforcing that he thinks Sky is attractive in any state including this one should be an issue because he is still focusing on Sky's body, but he doesn't know Sky well enough to have anything else, so . . . one whole point for Slytherin, I guess.
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Rain is not a real one and if Sky was a rapper, this in when he would have dropped the ultimate diss track cementing his place in academic rhetoric for all eternity. Even if I didn't know about his ex, I could have read that expression, but Rain? Once again, one brain cell, and Sky has it.
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I want to give Prapai the points for the food, but he doesn't even know what Sky likes, so this is White Man Ambition at its finest. Thank goodness that Sky is throwing it awa-
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Dear Reader, I'm going to level with you here one and a half episodes into this arc: I now fully understand The Fuckery. I greatly appreciate the 126 people who picked this show because this is the perfect example of what I keep reading about a MAME series. The abrupt shifts between aggressive flirting, dick jokes, and trauma is jarring. I knew the kidnapping was coming for Rain, but hearing Stop say that Rain would be sexually assaulted by his gang of men if Payu didn't stop fighting back was the most violent moment of an already physically violent event that, strangely, did not affect me until that very moment. I know what is coming for Sky, yet having these intercuts of Sky's abuse, although effective, are humbling in a way I was not expecting. Because what I had thought I was walking into was a trashy watch with gratuitous sex talk and some drama, but what I'm experiencing is a lot of emotional discord as the story swings between extremes while refusing to balance itself out. There is no middle ground in this show. I will continue to be petty about this watch, but I get it now in a way I was never going to grasp without watching one of her series and I'm graciously realizing I would not have survived TharnType because even as Prapai connects the dots that something *very bad* has happened to Sky based on his interactions with Sky, he smiles because . . . well, because.
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So even though Sky and Prapai's arc is smaller than the first, my watch is going to be in three parts instead of just two because . . . well, because.
~Let's continue~
I'm going to try really hard to give Slytherin points here, *grinds teeth* so even though this man is stalking Sky, he gets credit for showing up, which according to the great philosophers, is half the battle. Also, I know his lapel pins are important, so the sunflower and the bee after he gave Sky meaningful sunflowers is a nice sentimental touch, but he gets no points because HE COULD'VE OFFERED THE BOY A RIDE! The perfect pitch was right there, yet he swings and misses.
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I don't listen to true crime podcasts, but I feel confident that most cases start with a stalker using several devices to contact their victim after his primary mean is blocked. Basically, I need Prapai to do as Sky's shirt says and "CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" I'm trying to give him points but he refuses to exhibit any level of chill. None. No chill. Not ice cube. Just sad hot puddle of zero chills.
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I felt *something* between Sig and Som when they were arguing across the tables in episode seven, but now I know Sig is trying to instigate a fight with Som just so he can have that boy's hands around his neck. I respect it.
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Sky is having a breakdown because of the onslaught of texts Prapai keeps sending him from multiple devices and as he huddles in the fetal position begging to be left alone having bursts of anger, the phone begins to vibrate signaling more texts are coming through. The director, Ne, also served as an editor on Only Friends, and if he whispered in Jojo's ears to make Ray's bathtub scene just as gut-wrenching as this, I just wanna eat some soup with Ne and know like "You good, boo?"
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I am fighting for my life in these trenches!
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Rain picked up Sky's phone and told Prapai to come to the hospital. Rain? Rain who was on his knees begging for Sky's forgiveness after he gave Sky's number to Prapai? As in the Rain who was told to stay out of Sky's business? Like the same Rain who Sky looked in his face and told him he would never be with Prapai? THE RAIN WHO IS NOW GIVING PRAPAI THE KEY TO SKY'S APARTMENT?! That Rain?!
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"I made a promise to Rain" - Pero like . . . why do you have to make promises to not fuck with unconscious and sick people? Cause shouldn't that be a given? No? Mmm. Interesting development.
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I have only watched two episodes. TWO! I'm not even halfway through this AND I know how this ends. No amount of knowledge or spoilers has properly prepared me for this journey, and now I'm scared and I want my mom to come pick me up.
But here I am. Clicking on the next episode.
pinche cabrón
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Hey so I was wondering if you could do an Valeria x f reader where the reader goes to infiltrate the cartel instead of soap and the reader gets like scared and starts tearing up a lil bit yk?
Anyways thanks if you do it 🫶
Learn and Convince Me
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♡o。.✿ฺ Paring // Valeria Garza x F!141!Reader
♡o。.✿ฺ Summary // With the rest of the men being too military, you went instead but what you hoped would be a walk in a park became a fear for your life.
♡o。.✿ฺ (A/n) // Thanks for requesting! Sorry for the errors in the Spanish translations… Yes I did use google translate, please don’t look at me like that. I decided to make this a bit longer since I feel like there wasn’t enough Valeria in it. I hope this is all to your liking and hope you enjoy it!
♡o。.✿ฺ Word Count // 3k
♡o。.✿ฺ Content Warnings // Female reader, violence, murder, profanity, blood, guns, drugs, death, horrible flirting, pet names (cariño, crybaby?), incorrect medical stuff…
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“I’ll do it.”
Why the hell did you do it? Like Ghost said, make your presence known and show that you mean no harm. Like it was so easy for him… You peer from the car, with no radio in your ear and no weapon, fear became known when the guard caught sight of you. They shouted, guns aimed. One marched over and dragged you forward and pushed you down to your knees.
“¡¿Quien diablos eres tú?!” (Who the hell are you?!) Feeling the barrel of his gun pushing into your head, and arms held high.
“I’m (Y/n) (L/n).” You spoke, not even attempting to look up from the ground, “I have information that El Sin Nombre would like to hear, I can tell him who attacked them.” One guard stepped aside, speaking into his comms.
“Stand up.” He ordered.
Even with your pace, the other grabbed your arms while the other threw a bag over your head and roughly pushed you forward. You were lucky not to fall on your feet, but you continued your way blindly into the mansion of one of El Sin Nombre’s members.
You could hear whispers of others in the mansion, some in Spanish and some in english. All eyes were on you as two guards held their grip on you, leading you to the elevator. You were too focused on memorizing the path that the two left you alone and another was waiting for you.
Suddenly the bag was pulled off your head and you were faced with a man, “You’re alive.” Alejandro spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You let out a sigh of relief, “Alejandro, thank god it’s you.”
“Listen…” He comes in closer, “Give them good intel, American PMCs, the Shadow Company, Mexican Special Forces, everything.”
“Even you?”
The elevator doors open before he can speak, Alejandro steps to the side to which you are greeted with a new face, Diego, “¿Es esta ella?” (Is this her?) The man asks Alejandro who nods, “¿Cómo se llama ella?” (What is her name?)
“...(Y/n).” You answer.
Diego laughs at the tone of your voice, “¿Trajiste una perra tímida?” (You brought a shy bitch?) It was difficult to tell if he was angry or not. He grabs you by the collar of your shirt, “Listen here.” His breath reeks, he smells of gunpowder and men’s body spray, “You give me some good information or I’ll let my boys finally have some fun.” He laughs in your face, finally letting go of your shirt, “Get the fuck out of my elevator.”
Another man pushes you out of the elevator, seeing it close on Alejandro, “This is my house. That means you don’t meet the boss until I say so. You don’t speak unless spoken to. Y lo mas importante (And the most important thing) tell the who fucking truth.” Diego is brought to a halt when one of his men is sniffing cocaine, you don’t need to watch what’s gonna happen, all you need is the sound of Diego’s fist coming into contact with the man, and his shoe stomping on his face.
You open your eyes before Diego can see, “Las Almas is at war. You want to win? Don’t disobey.” The guard following you pushes you again, “That is how the organization survives, and that is why the boss is here tonight.” Diego brings you to a door.
“El Sin Nombre is here?”
“Heh, no... Sin Nombre’s personal sicaria is.” Diego opens the door as he and you enter the room. A woman and another guard with three soldiers tied to their chairs, one is struggling against the bag tied over his head, the other is alive and not harmed, but the third…
“Valeria, il y en a une de plus.” (Valeria, there’s one more.) Diego walks down the steps, leaving you standing there, “A gringa.” He stands next to Valeria who eyes you carefully.
“Come…” Valeria pushes the dead soldier off the chair, “Take a seat.” You’re slow to move down the steps, shaking, “We don’t bite, that’s unless you tell us something we don’t want to hear.” She warns, giving you a push of encouragement.
You sit in the chair, anxiety feeling your stomach as well as worry, was it the right choice to offer yourself up so quickly?
“¿Quién es?” (Who’s this?) Valeria asks Diego.
“Su nombre es (Y/n). Ella vino a nosotros.” (Her name is (Y/n). She came to us.)
Valeria walks behind Diego, “¿En serio? ¿Y la dejaste entrar?” (Really? And you let her in?)
“Ella dijo que tiene información-” (She said she has information-)
Valeria kicks Diego behind and brings him to his knees, then she takes her knife and holds it close to Diego’s face, “¡No la conocemos y ha visto caras!” (We don’t know her and she’s seen our faces!)
“Valeria, necesitamos la información. Ella podría ayudarnos.” (Valeria, we need the intel. She could help us.)
Valeria drags her knife across Diego’s face, “Ella debería o después de que la mate, estarás en la silla.” (She should, or after I kill her, you’ll be in the chair.)
Valeria releases Diego, who gets up and rubs his throat. Valeria unholsters her pistol and walks up to you. With a happy and kind smile spread across her face, she pats your leg when she comes in close.
“¡Niños y niñas! (Boys and girls!) This is simple. I ask questions. You answer truthfully. Do not lie to me.” knowing she meant Nunez, “Recently someone attacked us up in the mountains while we were protecting a friend... Who?” Now looking at Nunez.
Nunez shakes under her glare, “Era un caos... yo no-” (It was chaos… I didn’t-)He stammers before Valeria angrily cuts him off.
“¡En inglés!” (In english!) You could’ve swore you saw him jump the second he heard her shout.
“I-I think it was the Rivals Cartel.” Nunez finally comes up with his answer.
Valeria cocks her head to the side, then turns to you, “Your turn, cariño. Who attacked us?”
You feel your hands start to sweat, feeling your heart beat rapidly, “It… It wasn’t cartel.”
“Then who was it?” Valeria asks, coming in closer.
“...I-It was-” Suddenly you’re pistol whipped.
“¡¿Podrías responder más lenta?!” (Could you answer any slower?!) Valeria growls growing frustrated, “Who attacked us? Or do I need to beat the answer out of you?”
Your vision went hazy for a second before focusing. Your head sting, letting out a hiss which made Valeria more irritated.
She again pistol whips you, “Answer me!”
“Valeria!” Diego shouts, “We need her alive.”
You hear her scoff as a warm feeling falls down your face and onto your lap. You’re beginning to bleed, “I’ll ask one more time, who attacked us?”
“It was Mexican Special Forces.” You finally speak, giving her a satisfying answer. She backs off and you let out a soft groan.
“We found the bodies… Fuerzas Especiales.” She smirks. She now looks back at Nunez, “Now, how would an outsider know they were Mexican Special Forces and not you?”
“M-Maybe she was there!” Nunez said.
“Tú también estabas allí, imbécil. Tal vez ella también…” (You were there, asshole. Maybe she was too…) Diego offered Valeria another question.
“Were you there?” Valeria asks, her grip tightening around her pistol.
“I-I was.” You spoke before she could even lift her arm threateningly.
“Looks like you’re learning.” Valeria comments, “So then, there were outsiders helping the Mexican Special Forces… Who were they?” Asking another.
“W-We heard them yelling, some in English. They were with the-”
“Enough.” Valeria ordered, “Your turn.” Now looking at you, again her grip tightens on her pistol.
“Shadow Company, private military companies.” You tell her, feeling more of your blood.
Valeria takes a few steps back and confers with Diego, “Los vaqueros están trabajando con mercenarios…” (Los Vaqueros are working with Mercenaries…)
“Esas malditas serpientes.” (Those damn snakes.)
“¡¿Verás?! ¡Yo tenía razón!” (You see?! I was right!)
Valeria scoffs and comes back to her original place, “Can you even prove this ‘Shadow Company’ even exists?” She asks Nunez whose face shows fear.
“H-How can I prove this…?”
She turns to you, “What about you cariño? What proof do you have?” Again ready to whip you.
“My pocket. Left.” You feel her left hand pull the patch out of your pocket.
Valeria hums, observing the insignia, “How did you get this cariño? Come on.”
“Off one of the dead Shadow.” You lie.
“I’ve told you before that I do not like lying.” Valeria hands the insignia to Diego, she comes in closer than she was before, “I’ll give you one more chance, who?” You feel the cold serrated steel against your neck, slowly pressing into your skin, burning…
“I-It was given to me!”
Valeria sighs loudly, dramatically, “You were doing so good.” Shaking her head, pulling the knife back. But she doesn’t move, still too close, “Now, who leads this Shadow Company? Give me a name.”
“Phillip Graves.”
“And is he the one who gave you the proof?”
Valeria moves back, “See? That wasn’t that hard.”
“Fill Graves… Me gustan.” (Fill Graves. I like that.) Diego smirks.
“This man… Graves… What does he want?”
“He wants the Iranian you’re protecting, Hassan.”
“¿Cómo sabes eso?” (How do you know that?) Diego asks, getting in Valeria’s way and now the one in your face, “Answer me! How the fuck do you know?!”
You choked on your words, trying to come up with a reason that’ll not blow your cover. But you couldn’t find any, you shook under his glare, his voice scared the ever lasting shit out of you.
Diego is pushed back, “¡Bastardo! No te atrevas a interponerte en mi camino.” (Bastard! Don’t you dare get in my way.) Valeria warns him, she then looks at you, “But like he said, how do you know?” Valeria spoke in a more softer tone but you knew the venom behind it as she was filled with it.
“I-I… um…” You couldn’t say it, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t risk blowing not only your cover but Alejandro who was still somewhere in the penthouse. Your eyes begin to water as you panic, “I…”
“What? You what?” Valeria asks, “Don’t you lie.” She warns.
You’re tearing up and now head hanging low, you say, “...I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” You don’t respond but you shake your head, refusing to answer. Valeria grabs your hair and pulls your head up, she sees you beginning to tear up, “Oh, now you’re gonna cry? Like a little crybaby.” She growls, she releases your hair, “Go on, cry!”
“¡No puedes confiar en ella, no puedes! ¡Te lo estoy diciendo!” (You can’t trust her, you can’t! I'm telling you!) Nunez shouts.
“¡No nos ha dicho nada!” (You haven’t told us anything!) Valeria retorts, looking at Diego.
“Te pagamos bien, y este llorón sabe más que tú.” (We pay you well, and this crybaby knows more than you.) Diego comes around as Valeria holsters her pistol.
“Es hora de matar a este inútil hijo de puta.” (It’s time to kill this worthless son of a bitch.)
“Con mucho gusto Valeria.” (With pleasure, Valeria.)
Nunez is next to beg and begin to cry, sobbing on his words, he shuts his eyes as he could hear the sound of Diego’s gun before the sound of the gun going off makes you jolt and turn away. Diego comes back to Valeria’s side who is just staring at you.
“Mira a este llorón.” (Look at this crybaby.) Valeria snickers with Diego, “But I do love the ones that cry.” She comes back again, taking your chin into her hand, titling your head to look at her, “I’ll let it slide… For now.”
Again, Valeria unsheathes her knife, and cuts on the zip tie off, “You’re bleeding all over the place, get this llorona fixed up, I’ll have your head if she dies.” Valeria walks out of the room.
“To be clear we are not done with you.” As you walk towards the open door, you take one final glimpse at Nunez’s body, “¡Vamos, llorona! (Come on, crybaby!) We don’t have all day.”
You follow back into the elevator with Diego and you see Valeria waiting, you’re pushed again inside. You feel cornered, maybe because you are cornered, feeling so small and helpless…
It wasn’t long before Diego’s inside, swiping his keycard on the sensor before pushing the three buttons on the elevator wall, “Los Vaqueros se están moviendo rápido.” (Los Vaqueros are moving fast.)
“When can I talk to him?” You ask, quickly regretting your choice of words.
“Valeria is going to speak with the boss, now. You will wait with the others.” Diego tells you.
“I have a feeling El Sin Nombre will be very interested in talking to you.” The elevator doors open to outside where another guard is there waiting, “Fix her up and keep a close eye on her, I have a feeling she’ll try something.” Valeria orders.
“Sí, señora.” (Yes, ma’am.) The guard has a tight grip on your arm, pushing you up against the glass, ready to pat you down.
Alejandro appears, “Lo tengo. Te necesitan afuera.” (I got it. They need you outside.)
“Bueno. Dale una máscara y obsérvala. Haz algo con el sangrado también.” (Okay. Give her a mask and watch her. Do something with the bleeding too.)
Alejandro begins to pat you down until the guard is no longer in view, “¿Qué mierda te hicieron? (What the fuck did they do to you?) He brings you into one of the bathrooms, sitting you down on the toilet.
“Valeria. Pistol. Head.”
“She pistol whipped you?”
“Two times.”
“Two times?”
“Or was it three?”
“Fuck.” Alejandro curses, “Ghost, we have a problem.”
“What is it?”
“(Y/n) my have a concussion, and it looks like a bad one.” Alejandro holds your arm to keep you upright.
“Bloody hell, they must have a good arm. Soap get in there.”
“What about (Y/n)?”
“I’ll leave (Y/n) here, you’ll be taking her place.” Soap appears suddenly, nearly scaring Alejandro.
“El Sin Nombre is on the third floor.”
“We’ll be back.” Alejandro hands you a pistol, “Let’s go Soap.” Handing the mask to Soap, “Comms are hooked in.”
“We’ll need a keycard.”
“Diego has it.” You tell them.
“Just don’t sleep.” Soap warns before following Alejandro out and turning off the lights. You hid from view and from the door, anyone could walk in and that’s what scared you the most. Your head felt heavy and your eyes were ready to shut, it was a struggle to stay awake in a quiet environment.
But you were jolted awake by shouting outside, “¡¿Dónde diablos está ella?!” (Where the hell is she?!) It wasn’t just any guard, Diego… He was marching through the halls of his penthouse looking for you.
“¡Se suponía que debías vigilarla!” (You were supposed to watch her!)
“¡Me dijeron que me necesitabas afuera y cuando regresé ya no estaba!” (They told me you need me outside and when I came back it was gone!) The guard tried explaining, obviously scared.
“¡¿Qué tan estúpido eres?!” (How stupid are you?!)
His voice became louder and louder, and stopped at the bathroom you were in, “¡Lo siento señor! Te prometo que la encontraré.” (I’m sorry sir! I promise I will find her.)
“Será mejor porque él te despellejará vivo.” (You better because he'll skin you alive.) The doors are slammed open, scanning through the room. Did you forget to say that you shoved yourself into the cabinet under the sink, a tiny movement would make a sound but your pistol was aimed right at the doors.
“Señor, Valeria lo está buscando.” (Sir, Valeria is looking for you.)
“Bueno.” (Alright.) He walks away with the guard.
The instant relief washed over and you quickly relaxed, but your eyes were too heavy to stop them from closing on you. All you heard was you dropping your pistol and a thud of your head lightly hitting the cabinet, falling asleep.
“How’s the damage?”
“She received a head injury which caused the bleeding and considering she was hit twice, there was no internal bleeding, only external. We have her hooked up to an IV and she may receive additional transfusions later. I recommend that she physically and mentally rest to recover.”
“For how long?”
“At least two days, limit activities that require thinking and mental concentration.”
“That means she’ll be put on bed rest?”
How many hours passed since that conversation you overheard. You sneaked out of your room late at night and headed towards one of the buildings, where you found a shipment container. Slowly you opened the door and found Valeria leaned up against the wall.
“I see you’re still walking.”
“And you’re still talking.”
“When I say I’m surprised, I am. I didn’t think you had the nerve to sneak into the penthouse and lie to me. It explains everything.” Valeria now stands.
“Then you understand how I was able to get the insignia for the Shadow Company. I offered myself to get in and Graves gave me the proof I needed.”
“Come on, cariño. Talking to me like I’m a criminal.”
You scoff, “Because you are a criminal, hoarding a terrorist while a narco. You think it’s good for business and I say you are just digging your own grave.”
“You dug yours the second you stepped foot on my grounds.” Valeria gets in your face, “This isn’t what’s good for you cariño. I know it, Alejandro knows it, hell I think that gringo knows it too.”
“I can’t wait to watch you burn.”
“You’ll be burning with me, cariño.” Valeria laughs, “We’ll burn the world together, I can be very convincing.”
“...Then convince me, I don’t have all night.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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I want to make this little post too. Because I want to explain something. You know why I call the "Jungle Hunter" or "Anytime" Diablo instead of those terms?
While I actually got it from a fan actually. He would call the character Diablo. But also, because of this scene.
The fact the Jungle Hunter or "Anytime" is called literally named "The Devil" with "El Diablo" is such a RAW name. That it fits perfectly with the character so much. It gives so much more meaning to the character. Along with the horror of the situation the characters are in that people have straight up called the creature THE DEVIL. Like, God damn, that is the definition of fucking raw dude.
I have wondered if maybe one of the reasons they never called the character that in merch or whatever else because of possible religious reasons. Or the fact there is a DC character named "El Diablo". But I simply call him Diablo.
The same thing does for City Hunter/Pussyface who I call Ghost. Because it sounds more like a name. And I love thinking about the fact calling him Ghost reminds me of Ghost from Call of Duty. And just the name Ghost seems to have more meaning in a way.
But if you're called "El Diablo" you officially have one or the coolest name in the franchise.
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
“The end”
Screaming. She could hear screaming. Why was there screaming? It was almost Christmas. Santa surely would put them on the naughty list.
Tara toddled down the stairs, holding onto the railing as she went. The walls felt as if they were rattling from all the yelling. She could tell it was Sam and her mami going at it. It wasn’t unusual for the two to scream at each other. But there was typically some peace before Christmas that they usually adhered to. It was uncommon for a fight to happen so close to the holiday.
She peeked around the corner, seeing that her mami was holding a wine bottle, red-faced and screaming at Sam. Her big sister was halfway between the kitchen and living room, holding a book. Both were tense, hands at the ready for some fight.
“Your father did this to me! ¡El mismísimo diablo! He forced me to have you; I didn’t want you!” her mami screamed, spilling wine as she threw her hands around.
(The devil himself)
Sam bared her teeth, her muscles taut. “Oh yeah? Did he force you to fuck him and have me? I wish you didn’t have me! ¡Ojalá no me hubiera enterado de que era mi padre, zorra!.
(I wish I hadn’t found out he was my father, you bitch)
Tara walked out into the line of fire. Sam was upset. She hated seeing Sammy upset. She usually reverted to Spanish when she was feeling emotional. Normally she tried to speak English when Tara was around so she could learn better, but right now, something was wrong. Her big sister looked like she needed a hug. Tara could help her.
“¿Por qué gritas? Es Navidad. We don’t yell on Christmas?” she softly said, her big brown eyes widening at the sight of the two women screaming.
(Why are you yelling? It’s Christmas)
She turned to her big sister. “¿Qué pasa mi fuerte guerrera?” she whispered, staring up at Sam with big doe eyes.
(What’s wrong, my guardian?)
Sam faltered at the sight of Tara, her voice dying out. She swiftly descended the floor, kneeling at Tara’s feet.
“Oh mi cielo. No deberías estar aquí abajo. Why don’t you go back upstairs? Subiré pronto. Podemos jugar con muñecas, ¿sí?” she soothed, moving a piece of hair behind Tara’s ears.
(Oh, my sky. You shouldn’t be down here. Why don’t you go upstairs? We can play with dolls, yeah?)
Tara nodded, turning around to go back upstairs. But she was stopped by something hitting her in the back of the head, shattering onto the ground. She fell forward, crying at the pain in her knees and head. Glass. There was glass around her. A broken wine glass. What did she do?
“Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you? Ella no es parte de esto. ¡Déjala en paz!” Sam screamed, throwing the book at her mother. Sam missed, her mother ducking as the book hit the china cabinet, shattering the door.
(She’s not a part of this. Leave her alone!)
“Mami,” Tara whimpered, her head aching. There was blood on her knees. She had just gotten this dress. It was ruined. Sam was at her side, helping her stand up. She spun Tara around, hands firmly on her shoulders.
“Tara. Mi Amor. Necesito que corras arriba y cierres la puerta. I’ll be there soon, okay? ¡Vamos, rápido!” she hissed, pushing Tara towards the stairs.
(My love. I need you to run upstairs and shut the door. Quickly.)
Unfortunately, their mother had other ideas, lurching forward as if she was going to grab Tara. Sam stood up, pushing Tara behind her to shield her from her mother.
“Don’t you fucking touch her! This is between you being a slut and sleeping with a serial killer, not Tara!” Sam shouted, pushing her mother back.
Christina Carpenter smiled a wicked, chilling smile. It gave Tara goosebumps, shivering despite the pounding in her head.
“She’s a part of this just as much as you are. She is a Carpenter through and through. Es hora de que tu hermana descubra con qué clase de monstruo estás emparentada. ¡Un asesino!”.
(It’s time for your sister to discover what kind of monster you’re related to. A killer!)
“No, I’m not! I’m not like him! This is your fault! It’s all your fucking fault!” screamed Sam, one of her spare hands reaching for Tara’s. Tara caught them, holding her hand tight. Sam needed comfort. Tara would give it to her.
Instead of answering, her mother threw another dish at Sam’s head. Sam ducked, scooping Tara up and shielding her from the explosion of shattering glass.
“Fuck you!” Sam spat, holding Tara to her chest. Tara buried her head into her big sister’s shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut and started counting to one hundred. Sam would take her away from this. She would be safe. This would be over. Sam would make sure she was okay.
One. Two. Three.
Before their mami could retaliate, their papi walked through the door, clearly perplexed at the broken glass and blood on Tara’s dress.
Doce. Trece. Catorce.
“Jesus Christ, what’s going on?” he asked, struggling to decide which person to comfort. His eyes darted between the blood dribbling onto Sam’s shirt from the cut under Tara’s eye to his wife holding a stack of ceramic plates like it was a weapon.
Veintidós. Veintitrés. Veinticuatro.
“Oh, nothing, Mr. Carpenter,” Sam said cooly, holding Tara tight.
He raised an eyebrow at that, clearly annoyed. “I’m your papi, mija. You’ll respect me by calling me papi in my own house, got it?”.
Cuarenta. Cuarenta y uno. Cuarenta y dos.
Sam laughed, throwing her head back and interrupting Tara’s counting. A cold, hollow laugh. It made Tara sob, hearing her sister sound like that. Sam patted her back, laying the final blow on her parents.
“Oh no. Tú no eres mi padre. See, your wife here fucked Billy Loomis. You know, the serial killer of Woodsboro. Don’t worry. I’m not yours. Not that you ever wanted me anyways,” she hissed, staring daggers at her mother.
(You are not my father)
Tara remembers the fighting after that. The way Sam sprinted up the stairs holding her tight, barricading them into her room. She remembers helping Sam push the bed against the door and how their mami put her fist through the wooden door.
She remembers Sam sobbing, holding Tara to her chest like a teddy bear, the two hiding in her closet from their mami and Papi.
That was the last time Tara was held and kissed by Sam again.
That fateful night in December.
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crayonverse · 2 years
List of Slugterra VAs that also voiced in ninjago, becuase theyve all somehow been in this show:
Eli Shane = New Lloyd Garmadon Voice
Kord = MORRO. What.
Pronto = Cyrus Borg, some fucking how
Trixie = racer seven in the newer seasons (no big role) but she is pinkie pies singing voice.
Twist = surprisingly was not. was in a single episode of Supernatural, though.
Dana = not ninjago, but is ava’s va for nexo knights (sick /pos)
Tad = is scott + fugidove, also is iron man in the Armoured Adventures series, and Adam from the hollow, which is also a cool ass show
Junjie = KAI. how have i never heard it before?? hes also Vinny.
Drake (one of the fish men) = Pythor. of course he plays two annoying ass mother fuckers
C.C = did a few background roles but nothing large
Shanai = MISAKO?? WHAT>
El Diablos Nacho = the fucking idiot skeletons are you kidding me
Straggus = clutch powers. what.
king of sling = played in a short so pretty much not there
Desdamona (only chr she played with a name) = AKITA? RARITY FROM MLP?
mario bravado = played a chr in a mini series
Brimstone = Samukai? VEX? damn he knows how to play this role well
(kirby morrow voiced a single one-off character, which was kinda nice to see. to bad the episode he appeared in was Dog Shit)
these are from the imdb page and im far too lazy to look up the other vas right now but like. how are so many in ninjago and play very prominent roles
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
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The week finished but never the love.... and this fic )? @engportevents
2. A little change of plans
Spanish version
“Me cago en la puta leche, Gabriel! Windsor?! You two always do it in Buckingham!” the man scratched his head, nervous. “I cleared all my king’s agenda for nothing!”
“All because Albion fucking decides to have a romantic getaway on the other side! What about our children's protocol and all that shi-?”
Spain stoped for a second, looking back. Flushed, he smiled nervously when he faced with Belgium’s usual delicate features in a not-so-delicate frown.
“It’s your brother’s anniversary, he’ll know best what to do with his husband. If they’ve decided to change their plans, then so be it.” The woman crosses her arms, “There’s a month left, it's not that bad.”
“Oi, Anita, why do you defend them? They’re being irresponsible.”
“Because when you decide to cancel on plans right off the bat, Portugal goes along with your outbursts.” She pointed out, making his face turn redder. “But that’s not inconvenient when it comes to you, right, my dear?”
“I… argh, me cago en el diablo-”
“And stop being so rude! For God’s sake, that jealousy-“
“Oi, está lá? I can hear everything…”
Spain’s mouth twisted in displeasure, and he put the call on speaker as soon as his partner approaches him; he took her by the waist, kissing her cheek in compensation for the scolding.
“Thank you for letting us know in advance, Gabriel,” she commented, smiling. “Do you guys want something in particular? I think I ran out of marriage gift ideas some centuries ago.”
“Hahaha, we’re fine, cunhada. When we schedule a dinner for close friends and relatives, we’ll let you know. You know your company is enough for us.” 
“Aww!” The blonde coosed, whilst Antonio rolls his eyes to the side. Noticing this, Ana turns to him, pinching his waist.
“Hey! Stop punishing me!”
“… Are you sure?” She raised her eyebrows, holding him closer to her.
Spain blinked at her for a long second, and then looks at his cellphone. 
“Ten un buen viaje me llamais luego tengo cosas que atender. Adiós.” 
“Uh… what?” the brunette looked at the cellphone when he noticed the abrupt tone of the line going dead.
“So? How long did he complain for?” Arthur asks behind Gabriel, while reading his tablet and drinking tea.
“I think… Belgium has it under control.” he concluded amused.
“Ana Brel? I must say, women are always more efficient.” His finger continued to scroll across his tablet, reading each paragraph with great speed. “Out of all of us, they’re thrust into Europe, so I'm not surprised.” He siped more of his tea. “While she has reasons not to interact with me much, she has the right manners like the queen that she is, so I respect her.”
“Your weakness for women is endearing to me.” His partner admited, sitting across from the other. His legs are crossed as he drinks his own tea.
“You can’t blame me, I adore them.” He says smiling. “Anyway, do you want to make sure there’s anyone else to call?”
“Sim, but you should be the one to tell your brothers about the change of plans. Especially since they are more involved in the protocol.”
“Bah! It’s only two days we’ll be off track, they won’t miss me too much. Especially the redheads, whatever we do is an excuse to drink.” Arthur whispered sardonically.
“The good and bad drink you guys have is familiar, meu caro,” he narrows down, avoiding England’s side eye, “but that’s not the point.”
“And what is, darling?” the Englishman raised an eyebrow
“Scotland is in Lyon, and he planned to stay there with France until our Anniversary. You do remember, right? Lunch, last week?”
“Well, well! look who his Majesty decided to call…”
Francis Bonnefoy sounded delighted, tossing his golden hair to one side of his shoulder, tangling his fingers in the cord of his bedroom's landline phone, between amusement and mockery.
>>“To what do I owe this great honor?”
“Shut up, frog. I told you I have to talk with my brother.”
“Is it urgent?”
“No, informative.”
“Then I’m afraid he won’t be able to get to you at the moment.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, you see, mon ami…”
“C’mon lov, don’t leave me here all day.” the clear boom of Scotland’s voice sounded in the background. “I think I'm beginning to cramp up, shet.” The blonde covered the telephone receiver for a second and turned to his partner behind him.
“Because you moved your leg lain, I told you not to.”
“It was starting to fall asleep, what did you want me to do tied up like this?”
“I’ll help you.” Francis whispered sympathetically, returning to the call. “As I was saying-“
“Agh! Bloody hell! Don’t tell me what you two are up to! Gross!” The Frenchman's laugh only worsened the British’s profuse imagination, who closed his eyes to shut out the thought.
“It’s no different from what you do with Gabriel… or your countless lovers, Angleterre.”
“What you two do is nothing normal like what the rest of us do, you perverts!” Arthur shooked his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Tell Scottie that we won’t be in Buckingham on the day of the anniversary, we’ll be going to Windsor.”
“Oh! The castle you two met for the first time? How romantic! What adventure have you come up with, mon petit?”
“Just tell him that. We’ll be back in two days for the main celebration.”
“Tres bien, I’ll pass the message on. Have a good trip!” He moved away a little, “Say hello to the kids, mon amour!”
“Don’t break anything!” Scotland called from a distance, in between laughs with the Frenchman.
“Yes yes… goodbye.”
“What’s wrong, Artie?”
Portugal stepped closer seeing how the other hanged up slowly, his face red and scratching his head nervously.
“Next time you call,” he answered covering his face absolutely embarrassed. “I hate this dysfunctional family.”
“Don’t rest so soon, soldier.” the brunette said.
“Why not?”
“You still have to call Matthew and Alfred…” he crossed his arms, accepting the Brit’s murderous stare with ease. 
“I don’t like this.”
“Why do you say that?”
Karpusi’s mouth twisted, concentrating on the conversation with no less effort, so that drowsiness wouldn't overtake him. It was something he did with very few on the planet; Portugal was one of them.
“Every time Arthur has wanted to surprise you with something, it’s become a disaster queued up for the rest of us. His actions do not make waves, but tsunamis for us.”
“I know him, Heracles, if it was something serious I would have noticed it. But he wants to renew our vows in a more original way this time. And to be honest, it does not seem like a bad idea to me; just an inconvenience, perhaps, for everyone’s schedules.”
“Big or small he always causes problems.” he sighted.
Greece scratched the back of his neck while one of his cats sat next to him on the window sill of his living room. The young man looked up at the clear sky, the sun was radiant and dry. On the other side of the call, Portugal smiled softly; the silence between the two, even from a distance, was one of the many things they love about the other.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Just… send me a message every once in a while, to know you’re fine. Not a report.” he clarified; “just something to keep me calm.”
“I will, but I want you to know I’ll be going to an old home with someone I love; I am not off on an adventure into nothingness.”
“I know…” the resigned tone made Gabriel smile. It’s not that the other was jealous like most mortals tended to be. It was simply concern based on long experience.
“Now I have to call Netherlands, he’s the last one left.”
"What did Kiku say about this?"
“He loves Arthur very much, he is one of the few nations who appreciates him deeply. He only showed enthusiasm and curiosity, and Arthur entertains him.”
"Then I have nothing more to object to," he sighed after another silence, "... I love you, my hyacinth."
“Me too, Heraclinho.”
The young Hellene looked with his eyes, apparently lost, towards a horizon that had nothing to do with the classic decoration of the wall in his residence, but something else. Something that he also felt was raising the hairs on the back of my neck.
He looked at his cellphone and hung up, setting it aside as a new cat inspected it and another joined the one on the sill, meowing for attention. Greece reached for his head and caressed him, not looking at him.
Throughout history, his and Britain’s relationship was rocky for multiple reasons; the most prominent being the theft of the earthly memories of his mother Helena, filling the museums and pockets of the English. But, beyond these twists, for not many years they had established a cordial relationship, in pursuit of peace of mind for the common object of interest: Portugal.
That's why he couldn't help but worry, when the Anglo-Saxons mind sparked, it caught fire, for whatever reason.
"Yeah, well... afterall, I can't expect anything normal from Arthur Kirkland"
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lovejustforaday · 5 months
2023 Year End List - #11
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El Diablo En El Cuerpo - Álex Anwandter
Main Genres: Synth Pop, Dance Pop
A decent sampling of: Electro-Disco, Synth Funk, Electro Pop
Yet another entry on the list that I discovered this year while looking for records from outside the Anglosphere. And again, it's another artist from Latino-America.
I already said this in an old review, so I'm just gonna reiterate my stance briefly again - the 21st century 80s synth pop revivalism wave has been very hit or miss. And I'm mostly talking about the stuff that very clearly is actually paying homage to 80s music, not just any artist who happens to make bleeps and bloops.
But yeah, hit or miss. Some of it is frankly very dull and uninspired, and makes me wanna just put on some classic Depeche Mode or Strawberry Switchblade instead.
But when it hits, it hits hard, somehow managing to justify this ""trend"" that's been going on far too long to even be considered a trend anymore. Let's face it - the whole 80s synth pop / synth funk / sophistopop sound is here to stay forever, and I think that's for the best, even if occasionally I get a little exhausted from the over-saturation.
Anyways, moving on to the artist.
Álex Andwandter is a queer Chilean alternative pop artist and director based out of Santiago. He's collaborated with one of my own favourites, fellow Chilean indie/alt pop artist Javiera Mena (who makes a guest appearance on this record!). The dude has been active for over a decade now, so again, I'm a bit late to the party. Cut me some slack; I'm a gringo.
Álex himself sings in a bright, chipper, falsetto-y tenor full of sunshine and rainbows, sounding every bit as colourful as the classic synthesizer sounds that he incorporates into his music, though he also has a more dark and seductive register that he often injects into his steamier dance songs.
El Diablo En El Cuerpo ("The Devil in the Body"), his latest offering and my first introduction to his discography, is classic dancey, funky synth pop with a lot of sincerity and a few pinches of homoerotic mystique sprinkled in here and there. A very indulgent record for you to just lose yourself in the glitter and glam of it all. Basically, this is some utopian gay space shit (shout out to those who get the meme) and I am here for it.
Nothing could prepare me for the tantalizing and straight-up badass electro-disco thunderstorm that is "Qué piensas hacer sin mi amor?" ("What do you think you will do without my love?"). Anwandter channels Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, and Donna Summer all at once on this fierce juggernaut that's absolutely soaking with erotic tension. Puts me right in the middle of the dimmest, sweatiest fucking over-crowded dancefloor in some sleazy ass gay bar on a goth night at 1:00 am, and I'm too drunk to feel anything except the pounding pulse of the rhythm and the arousal of strangers rubbing up against me....ahem, is it hot in here? Anyways, eat your heart out Troye Sivan ("Rush" is great too, I'm mostly just memeing).
In contrast, the following track "Precipicio" ("Precipice") gives off a very 'classy' vibe - more cocktail dresses and glowing white LED dancefloors, less BDSM goth fetish gear and sweaty dankness. Some nice, sexy funky horns on this one that really brings the whole thing together. I also LIVE for Álex's sassy twink diva vibes all over this track; gets me almost as h-word as the previous track.
"Toda la noche" ("All Night") is anthemic synth funk that's giving a little bit of INXS. Groovy and life-affirming feel good shit that I would snort if I could. I want this to be the soundtrack of my own silly little 80s romance that's all about being young in the big city.
"Vamos de nuevo" ("Let's Go Again") is less of a nocturnal dancefloor number, and more something you might skip along to down the sidewalk on a sun shower summer's day with your hot pink Sony Walkman. Gorgeous upbeat vibraphone and detuned synth keys providing a backdrop for foolishly lovesick lyrics. My other favourite cut off the album, after the obvious one.
At the end of the day, the record is definitely a bit frontloaded, and it wears me out a little bit with its sixteen tracks in total. I understand this is probably meant to be the kind of record you play late at night when you're ready to get wasted and dance your heart out until you pass out; I just think it could be sequenced to have more of the outright bangers towards the end. But putting that aside, this was my second favourite dance record in a very stacked year for dance records, and it's certainly my favourite on the more disco/house/funky/electro-y end of the spectrum. El Diablo En El Cuerpo is simple, hot, memorable fun with a lot of exquisite taste. I can't imagine anyone in my own life that I couldn't successfully recommend this album to. So go on, embrace your inner gay synth pop twink.
Highlights: "Qué piensas hacer sin mi amor?", "Vamos de nuevo", "Precipicio", "Toda la noche", "Tienes una idea muy antigua del amor", "prediciendo la runa", "Unx de nosotrxs (feat. Javiera Mena)"
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joeysmuttonchops · 5 months
2 and 21?
2. Who's your favorite supporting character and why?
flipped a coin for this one cuz theres sooooo many lets go with
korys dad MYAND'R. if there is one thing about me its that i love a truly fucked up parent-child dynamic. to me one of the most important aspects of a supporting cast is how much they affect the protagonist, and there are few ways you could say Myand'r hasnt affected kory. there are layers here and theyre all exquisite. hes insane.
21. Share a favorite piece of comics lore.
i went with behind the scenes lore for the last one, so lets go with in-universe and weird this time. Lois Lane is related to Lazarus Lane, the first El Diablo, an undead vigilante from the 19th century
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
I know this is going to be a strange request, but could you teach me some Spanish swears? Spanish is my second language and I never learned how to swear in it.
Ay Anon, mi querido anon
Sería mi honor
(Now disclaimer, ill only use curses/ phrases in pr spanish. Not all of this is universal i think! Also ill probably come back to this later cause jajaja i will forget some)
Mierda = shit
Carajo = a form of fuck
Carijo = same thing, just fuck but depends what you feel like saying. I use both interchangibly
Cabrón = male goat. (Kinda used like bitch in english. As in can be a friend, someone you really love, a dick. Also! can be used to say the situation was shit like "diablo eso esta cabrón" = thats awful)
Bicho/ bicha = bicho is dick while bicha is bitch. Thought careful because some spanish speakers use bicho as insect
Puta: slut
Huelebicho: smells dick
Mamon: technically im not sure where this comes from. Im like 99% sure its about someone sucking smth. Just means idiot.
Hijo e' puta: son of a bitch
Hijo de la gran yegua: son of the biggest horse (son of a bitch but fancier and stronger. Mostly said when you really fucked up)
Mamame el bicho: suck my dick
Sea la puta madre: just strong expression. Generally means fuck this
Vete pa' la verga: go to fucking hell
Verga: dick but it isnt used like english dick.
Me cago en tu mai: I shit on your mother
Me cago en to' : i shit on everything
Me cago en ti: I shit on you
Me explota los ovarios : You explode my ovarys
Jode más que una enema: Bothers more than an enema
Jódase: screw you
Que jodienda: general what a bad experience. Idk how to traduct this
Encabrona/ Encabronau' I am mad
Esto es un arroz con culo: this is a rice with ass. Just means this fucking s u c k s
And best of all
PUÑETA: everything. This can mean everything
If any other spanish speakers wanna keep rb with "jerga" from your countries 👀
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georgecunt · 9 months
honestamentete mostré esa cita porque se me olvida que hablas español también perdón DKSDF me pasa mucho que tengo que leer a shakespeare o leer clasicos en español porque la mitad del tiempo son inteligibles odio todo. anyway es esta cita y necesito que entiendas que job dice esto mientras pierde a su familia y se le acaba todo y está como llenode glalas proque a dios le dió la gana de apostar con el diablo LIKE NECESITO QUE ENTIENDAS QUE JOB ENCONTRANDO SUS FALTAS EN SI MISMO ES PUESTO TEXTUALMENTE COMO LO CORRECTO, CUANDO DIOS LITERALMENTE ESTÁ APOSTANDO CON LA VIDA DE ÉL.
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QUE RELACIONES ESTO CON DREAM ES HORRENDO AAHHHH tio esto t juro que son frases q escuché a mi abuela decir d pequeña y decia wtf está ocurriendo
pero en plan wow entiendo el concept de hpfx de la biblia ahora, pq veo esto y es como uhh y la de quotes y cosas fucked up que podria sacar de aquí? por que es si, dios te hace una herida y te la vendará dice quien tiene todo en su contra, y se supone que tiene razón cuando sabes que a el justamente ni le pasa ni le va a pasar???? fucked up y dream coded
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scarletk537 · 1 year
It was getting late, and James May is walking down the streets, heading towards back to his apartment. While he walks, he mumbles to himself, well quietly as it sounds so no one hear him blabbering, "Bloody hell Vercetti, showing up outta nowhere and take the kids away! I was having my moments with them and this happened. I really want to tell them, but I guess I didn't have guts to say. Fucking Vercetti, a notorious gangster but an impatient, bad-tempered prat. Hardly blame him. Italian mobsters are spoiled, power-hungry bastards."
Letting out a sigh, as he heads his way back to his apartment, passing by was a dealer, who noticed James, and the dealer starts calling out to him. "Hey señor! Over here."
James stopped in his track when he turned around and sees the dealer raising his hand to him. James looked around, thought that the dealer called someone else, but ended up point at himself in curious.
"Yeah you! Come over here," the dealer beckons. James walked up to the dealer, who is identified as Mexican, by the accent he speaks. "I know you, you're looking for The Reaper Man, are ya?" the dealer asks him. "Who's asking?" James asks him back, in a not interested tone. Surprisingly, the dealer thought James was going to ask how did the dealer knew about it. Guess the British man already knew that.
"Well, I got something to show you," the dealer began. "If it's about drugs, I ain't interested in those things anymore," James said. He remembers that time he was an addict to wizz but decided to go into rehab and overcome the addiction because he had enough of those in his life. It really gives him paranoia and delusions.
"No, no drugs holmes," the dealer replied. "Something's special for you." "Well what is it then? Whatever it is, I ain't interested in things," James said impatiently, crossing his arms. The dealer unzips his bag and takes out a small CD case containing a CD inside. On the case has a paper tape on it written in red marker.
James raises his eyebrow as he took the case from the dealer's hand and inspect it. "'ROMANO'S SPECIAL'?" he reads the title before turning to the dealer. "What is it, some sort of a movie or something?"
"It's an exclusive movie, señor," the dealer began. "The film was made by a guy named Romano Sanchez, claimed to be an adult star some sort, alongside the Diablo leader, El Burro, filming with every beautiful girls. They made bunch of copies like this one on VHS tapes, but me think all of them were destroyed, except this CD."
"Let me guess, it's a bleedin' porn film, and you want me to watch this piece of poncie crap, right?" James began with a snark tone. "Then, why me, why not anyone else wanna watching it? I'm not a porn addict, you know?" 'Well technically, we prefer jokes and taunts about it and other things instead. Quite subtle.' James thought truthfully.
"I know, señor. But this is a good stuff," the dealer said. "What's more good stuff than this bloody thing?" James groaned in annoyance. "Well, señor, you might be surprised that one of the girls you knew was in the film," the dealer stated. "She really got screwed up with a lot of men in that scene."
"Such as?" James inquired. One of the girls that he knew? Who was it?
"One of the girls with the Reaper Man, was actually the same girl in the film," the dealer replied.
This sudden reply got the British man's attention. "The one with the Reaper Man? You mean... Sereena Lane?"
"Si señor, that's the one," the dealer replied affirmatively. "My amigo told me that he saw that same woman walking out of Luigi's with that Reaper Man. He recognize who she was because he watches this film and later, he was actually standing quite close across the streets to Luigi's." "And you actually confirmed his story that Sereena Lane was in fact, the same Sereena in this film?" James asked. "Of course señor, I do," the dealer said. "He gave me this CD and I watch it. She was the only girl there, what a hot shot she was."
James stared at the CD for a bit before asking, "Why you gave it to me then? You like watching this stuff, don't you?"
"I do, but I watch it so many times I grew bored out of it," the dealer said. "I lost count how many times I spunked my pants there. That's some good shit, though."
James groaned in disgust before changing the subject. "How much is this... thing cost?"
"For you, it's a free of charge, señor," the dealer said. James looks at the him suspiciously and takes out his wallet and pays the dealer $2000 in cash. "Keep the change, and don't tell anyone about this. They knew me, and inverted, well sort of. Got that?"
James walked away with the CD in hand, leaving behind the dealer, who's in shock by the amount of money he was paid by the British man.
Later, after returning to his apartment, James hung his hat on the hat rack and relax on the couch. He takes the CD case out of his pocket and stared at it.
''ROMANO'S SPECIAL', huh?' he thought. 'Let's see what special about it, you sick bastard. I hate it.' He didn't want to watch it, but if the dealer is telling the truth, then there'll be lots of questions. If Sereena was in the film, then why? And how? And yet, who is this Romano Sanchez character? The dealer said he was an adult film actor, or so claimed to be, but why this Sanchez guy has to do with Sereena?
Without waiting any longer, James opened the CD case and insert the CD inside the CD Player. He went back to the couch and picks up the remote and turns the TV on, but lowers the volume down so no neighbours will here him.
The TV starts showing static on the screen before later shows the title on the screen:
"The hell is this?" James asks himself, as he watches the scene runs further.
In the scene, it appears to be a girl was seen dancing on a stage in a private room. Strangely, she didn’t seem to be herself, or was she? He noticed every move the girl made as her body slithered into the pole had got him curious. The girl was moving like she was being forced, struggling to spread her legs and constantly covering her chest, by the look of it. Which is probably a good thing, atleast.
Seeing the background, it looks like no other women in this film, only her, and her alone. From the camera angle, he could see who was watching her. One was wearing a red bandana, and the other wore a blue one. Their clothes… he recognized who they were.
'The Diablos?' he thought. He had seen the Diablos before. From the newspapers. What are they doing in there for, watching the girl dancing? How perverted they are.
Suddenly, one of the Diablo men grabbed the girl’s wrist and hauled her toward him. The moment James saw the man pull his pants down and starts performing sex acts on her, he starts to gag and quickly paused the film, before immediately get up from the couch.
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'Good bloody God! That's horrible.' he thought in horrid and disgust, looking away from the TV while clutching his stomach as he tries not to throw up. His face slowing turning pale and green. Man, that's one awful film ever made. He takes deep breath, trying to gain composure and the green on his face slowly fading away.
Once he finally composed himself, he looks at the TV screen, where the video had paused on that scene, but only seeing the girl's face a bit clearly. He moved closely at the screen to take a closer look at the girl's face. Then, he noticed something. That girl, she looks so familiar.
At first, he thought it was just a product of his imagination, or some sort, but when he moved closer, he saw her face as clear as day. Freckles on the cheeks. Light orange hair. And those hazel eyes... seeing them start forming tears...
Then, it clicked together.
Surprised by the discovery, James slowly back away from the screen. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Sereena Lane, the girl who fell for the Reaper Man, Claude Speed, and had two children, was in the film? Questions start swirling in his head.
Was she a former porn actress? If so, I thought she was innocent at first, but why she looks so uneasy, harassed and afraid, to the point where she's about to cry in the film? Was she just acting or... an actual victim of sexual abuse?
Feeling confused and disillusioned, he went back to the couch and picks the remote up and turns the TV off. He drops the remote down, picking up the CD case and went back to the TV and ejects the CD from the CD Player. As he picks it up, he placed the CD back inside the case. The film really cause quite a bleedin' stir, even from a single CD.
"I never, EVER, watch this piece of fucking piece of dirty crap again!" James quietly swore. But something else got into his mind. The dealer said all of the film inside the VHS tapes were destroyed, but how did it get into the CD without noticing it? And yet, who did destroy those VHS tapes? Was it Claude? Or someone else with him?
Looking at the clock on the wall above him, and realising it was late, he places the CD case beside the TV and head inside his room to sleep.
'Tomorrow I'll be seeing the dealer again. He might have answers regarding this filthy movie, and Romano Sanchez.'
Finally, another GTA The Legend Unbound fic was made. I accidentally this one and it really frustrates me. So I rewrite it, and later change the sentences. Also, I copypasted the sentences from one of the chapters from ashmirkier's fanfic: The Reaper Man, but with changes and addition for James's point of view.
Man, haven't seen ashmirkier for a long time on Twitter and Tumblr. Kinda miss 'em 🥲
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
Last of my Trans Rights Readathon reviews!! “The Wicked Bargain” by Gabe Cole Novoa
(Strap in everyone, this is going to be a long one! Not only did I have a lot of thoughts on this, but it was somewhat an excuse for one of my hyperfixs to make a cameo. I don’t think I’ve had a 2K word review since The Dragon’s Promise?!)
Hello, Tumblrians! This wraps up my fifth and final review of my Trans Rights Readathon reads!! This one in particular might’ve been anticipated by y’all, as I’d mentioned both looking forward to it and listening to it on Audible for weeks. This particular review will be covering The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa!
I feel this is the only one with a worthwhile Book Discovery Backstory(or whatever fucking name I’ve used before), to be honest: I haven’t shared on here, despite it being the platform to do so (this is just a bookish account for now and I’ve yet to post art outside of that), but I’ve been an Our Flag Means Death fan for about a year now! I’ve gotten attached to the characters, especially a select few, and consequently, I followed a good chunk of the actors on Instagram. For reference, Jim’s my favorite (although my other top three are Oluwande and Jackie, as a sidenote), so I follow their actor, Vico Ortiz, on Instagram! Turns out they do voiceover work, particularly with audiobook narration(which I found out about in November but only remembered beginning of this year?), and they made a story post in January or so that was day 2 of them recording in the studio the narration for this book. The next day they actually made a video dropping the title of it, and I rushed to go check it out! It’s absolutely delightful, reading a gay pirate book narrated by my favorite from the gay pirate show. (Even if I suck ass with staying focused with audiobooks and as a result also had to have a hard copy on hand lmao. I haven’t listened to one since my seventh grade art teacher played all three audiobooks for The Hunger Games. Sidenote, who decided those were for kids?! They’re terrifying!) Despite that being the main reason I got into the book and knew about it in the first place, somehow I ended up forgetting it was actually real and not just something I’d gaslit myself into believing until a week or two until the release date💀
(No but seriously though I followed Gabe Cole Novoa’s Instagram and regularly commented under his updates, I had grown into a certified actual TWB fan between February and when I actually read it in March😭)
So yeah! The more you know, haha. Sorry about the long rant, and also to my dear friend who may be reading this and who I have ranted about my fictional crushes enough times that he can recognize some of them (including the aforementioned) by just pronoun, based on context alone.
BUT YEAH! So the ultimate question: was this book worth the hype? Not just from me, personally, but for most of Tik Tok and some of the bookish Crew folks who’d caught on to its existence? My final verdict? Yes, yes it was. It was an absolute blast of a book.
Ok, onto my actual review now! This is already plenty long, and we haven’t even talked about the plot.
The Wicked Bargain follows (newly) 16 year-old Mar León De La Rosa, a Latine nonbinary (transmasculine) teen working alongside their father on the ship he’s captaining(and became notorious for), La Catalina. (It’s worth mentioning that this book takes place somewhere in the beginnings of the Golden Age Of Piracy, I think the exact year the story starts is legitimately 1717?) On the night of their sixteenth birthday, however, El Diablo comes to claim their father’s soul because of a deal he made with him when Mar was born, then killing everyone else on La Catalina except for him and Mar. Mar has to find a way to get him back before it’s too late, having to learn to hone their own magical abilities (fire and ice elemental stuff!) if they have any hopes of successfully defeating El Diablo, and finding a new home in the ship, La Ana, that saved them from drowning at sea. (Of course, there’s other notable characters: like my personal favorite, a gender-fluid demonio named Dami with somewhat questionable morals, and the son of La Ana’s captain, Bas, who Mar much to their dismay ends up falling for.)
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(Sidenote: premise for this sounds sick as fuck, right?! There’s so much plot going on though that it’s taken me five tries to correctly condense and explain it to my friends. Five! Like..go to the Goodreads page, you’ll see what I mean. I legit needed to take a breather the first time I went ahead and read the blurb back in January ‘cause it’s a mouthful.) (I’ve noticed that the bullet-point explanation/“tagging” format used by a few Bookstagrammers works in their favor this time because they can just use a couple quotes, include “found family”, “magic”, “gay pirates” and “a deal with the devil” and call it a day.)
So as you can tell, plot-wise, this book is packed. There’s some other details and aspects I left out because it would be spoiler-y to include them, which can be overwhelming for a few (especially given on how long it takes for Mar to pick things up and start throwing baddies around, yeah it takes a while for them to actually be comfortable with using their abilities)(this does not work within the time constraints of the deal and every time it would mention weeks going by and the moon phases changing I’d be like “oh no”)! It took a bit of getting used to on my part, but it keeps things moving along and it ties into the swashbuckling part of it all (see: pirates, haha). This does not work in the ending’s favor, however, because it ended very quickly to the point where it felt a little abrupt. 
I really liked the cast of characters! (I think ensemble casts are starting to grow on me a bit.) A lot of them were so much fun, the obvious favorite being Dami. While a few of their schemes got…convoluted (especially in the last act, but that was kinda mandatory for it to work), I absolutely ate up their moral ambiguity and their banter with Mar. This book also had a solid villain, too! (And an interesting pick as well, being that it’s..the literal devil lmao.) El Diablo got a kickass introduction, cementing him as a threat and a force to be reckoned with in the story’s plot, and he remained menacing throughout basically the entire book. I enjoyed that a lot, he’s probably one of the more solid YA villains I’ve read about! (Even if I have a few questions about his identity at the end. We don’t have a spoiler section for this review, so I’m keeping things vague at that?) As for the non-villainous/morally gray characters I liked, Bas, although he got a horrible first impression with Mar, remained a fun character to bounce off of them. (“Them” singular, I mean bouncing off of Mar lol.) Eventually, when the romance between Bas and Mar was introduced into the plot, I actually liked it and thought that there was a gradual shift in Mar’s opinion of him rather than a total 180 just to make it work(maybe it was because the drag from listening to this and it taking me four times as long to read, though, that made me think it wasn’t rushed). (LMK what you guys think in the comments!) 
To wrap up my discussion on the other characters, Tito got mentioned only a few times I think, but he was one of my favorites too. He was just really sweet, I liked how caring he was towards Mar (especially during the point of the book when they were terrified after being discovered by him) and I appreciate fictional dudes like that. I missed him when Mar and Bas were the centerpieces of the second act and not the La Ana crew as a whole, because it meant there wasn’t any more time to be spent with him :(
Anyhow! Now, Mar themselves. They’re in emotional pain for a lot of the book, and have a sizable amount of trauma attributed to their magic(which is just called the Spanish word for it, magía, here). That prevents them from seeking out solutions related to that. I get it. But damn I was SO annoyed at them for just. Making things drag out?! Literally half of the book would’ve never happened had they just realized they had these super powerful abilities at their disposal!! The one time that Dami tried to get them to use their abilities was kinda convoluted (did the rest of the crew seriously have to be involved, too?!)(and by involved I just mean endangered bro), but their reasoning was understandable imo. When they were frustrated at Mar for their hesitance I was too oh my gods. (Seriously though, when Dami was basically about to pull their hair out because of anger and stress, I was too, and started full-on laughing because it was basically my reaction. I felt seen by that! Sigh.) Anyhow. That issue aside, I loved their characterization as a transmasc non-binary protagonist. I related heavily to their feelings of gender dysphoria, and appreciated as a Spanish learner that the La Catalina crew (and some other folks who knew about Mar not being a boy but non-binary) added the “e” ending to their Spanish when referring to them. Also, little bit of a personal note but I thought it was interesting how they presented really masculine and were alright with “boy” being used as a descriptor for themselves sometimes; a lot of non-binary rep is kept strictly androgynous(well, particularly in television because books are more diverse I noticed), and as a non-binary person who also identifies as gender-fluid and uses male/masculine labels occasionally, this was yet another facet of their gender identity I connected with :). 
(Additional thoughts on the nonbinary representation: I appreciated having this be in a story within the historical fiction genre, because although yes, the characters aren’t real, there’s still that acknowledgement that queerness has always been around. It especially helped to have that be told through the Latine lense that Gabe Cole Novoa wrote it in, because in non-European/white cultures, it’s been an integral part of them but got erased by colonialism. Colonization was semi-frequently mentioned in this book, due to Mar’s cultural background, so that was a point of complexity that was brought up along with it. I’m glad that got to be highlighted here, it’s a layer of queer history typically not talked/written about in mainstream narratives because they're mostly white-centered.)
Magic system I’m a little on-the-fence about, to be honest, because we have some idea of how the strain on Mar limits their usage of it and it ties into the plot(I liked the added detail of them having to use their magic every 2 or so weeks because it would build up!), but they also get pretty powerful with little to no training and I wish the book was a bit longer so we could get more time to develop that. And, as the paragraph on Mar’s characterization gave away, we didn’t get a ton of action scenes involving magic! It stilted its development, sadly, and kinda led to the sudden influx of power in the quick ending. (I was expecting Dami to try to train them a little more! I guess that didn’t happen. Maybe it could, in a version of the story where there were a few more pages and the pacing was a little less clunky towards the last act.)
Ok, in conclusion! I loved TWB a lot. (That’s the acronym that Gabe Cole Novoa uses in regards to it, and I picked up on that because it’s fun! It’s like talking about something with a dedicated fandom.) Even though it didn’t get the highest rating of my Trans Rights Readathon books due to the pacing hindering it a little, I think I enjoyed it the most out of all of them (maybe I’m a bit biased though, see the Book Discovery Backstory). Mar, Dami and Bas have stuck with me for weeks after I initially read about them on-page in March, I still have my hold receipt for my library copy(which I had to return, sad face) stored away in a tiny box in my room, and I’ll be reading anything Gabe Cole Novoa publishes from here on out :).
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(Also, I tried drawing digitally for my last fanart piece bc I just got a new iPad and it’s easier for me to sketch on this one, for some reason! I hope you’ve enjoyed the addition of my fanart!)
(Edit, August 10, 2023: I removed the second piece of fanart from this post only to include my art of Bas and Mar. My Dami drawing was inaccurate to how they look on the cover art for The Diablo’s Curse, and I felt the need to take it down for that reason.)
Book rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars
(Book content/trigger warnings: Drowning, confinement, grief, gender dysphoria, some instances of underage drinking, semi-frequent mentions of colonization, mention of racial slavery.)
~Paz, signing off!
Trans Rights Readathon Reviews: 5/5
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