#fuckign fis
bleepzip · 1 year
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fish i drew recently
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
Cinematography?? In MY BL??? Not as likely as you think.
TLDR: it's a joke!!! but also legit sometimes I see "cinematography in bl" and it's just some basic pictures with mid-tone lighting and blue t-shirts. Let's talk film terms like: aperture, panning, tilting, and movement in film so we can see what goes into cinematography (with sources!). Also if I name a show you like as "boring cinematography" don't send me hate mail I'll laugh
(examples used: Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign)
If I name a show you like in this post as "bad cinematography" be chill about it, like, I ain't saying you can't like it, I'm just talking about techniques here not personal likability or overall show quality. I like badly filmed shit too say hello to my collection of Friday the 13th Blue Rays we're just here to talk techniques and like, educational stuff okay?
So the straight (heh) textbook definition of "cinematography" is: the art of making motion pictures. Which, frankly, tells you nothing. Like it's not wrong~~ but it's not informative either. Cinematography covers a lot of what we, the audience, visually see on screen:
"Cinematography is the art of photography and visual storytelling in a motion picture or television show. Cinematography comprises all on-screen visual elements, including lighting, framing, composition, camera motion, camera angles, film selection, lens choices, depth of field, zoom, focus, color, exposure, and filtration." (source)
So let's talk movement in film.
So when I talk about movement, what do I mean? I mean the way the camera, the characters, and the environment moves within a frame.
This video on Akira Kurosawa's usage of movement in a scene is brilliant:
Something as simple as having rain or fire in the background of a shot can enhance the emotions of a scene vastly. it gives the scene depth - literal depth, not narrative depth - that would otherwise be missing.
The way the camera moves and transitions leading the viewers eye back and forth makes what you're watching more engaging. You aren't consuming these scenes, you are engaging with them. They are apart of the story itself, giving the environment life and texture so the characters within them matter more.
And, look, I get busting out Thee Akira Kurosawa might be unfair, but if we're gonna talk cinematography we can't not talk the importance of movement on film.
To understand good cinematography you have to understand what makes it good and as such what makes bad or mediocre cinematography.
In connection with movement we gotta talk about camera techniques like panning and tilting:
"Camera movements are a fundamental part of video production. They can be a powerful storytelling device, heightening tension, evoking emotions, and bringing the viewer into the action. Without saying a word, camera movements can transform a scene’s entire narrative, and direct audiences’ attention where you want it." (source)
So we have movement of environment, of characters, and we also have movement of the camera itself.
Ok so like, where does the BL come in Pikachu??
I'm getting to that, I'm going to start with a more general example: Our Skyy 2 (Bad Buddy meets 1000 Stars edition) vs Kinnporsche.
Starting at 5:17 we have Pran stranded or whatever, and this shot is like, it's fine. It's boring as hell, but fine. Why is it boring as hell? Well it's flat, it lacks movement, it lacks depth.
When the driver drove off the camera could have panned to follow his movement and then panned back to Pran at a different angle to showcase his isolation. Honestly since the scene starts with a mid close up of Pran, I would have had the camera behind Pran as the driver drove away, and had the camera pan around Pran 360 so we get shots of his environment, and him, while also emphasizing holy shit he's like, fucking stuck in the wilderness. 
In general, there's a big lack of movement in the scene. The camera remains almost entirely static, there's no attempt at zooming in or out, following Pran's movement, or showcasing his environment in any meaningful way. Even when Pran begins walking towards the camera the angle of the framing is still centered, rather than tilted downward or upwards to give us more dimension (non-BL comparison, the Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington does the "walking towards the camera" shots really well).
We get a cut of a medium close up of Pran, with a deeper focus so his environment is blurred out.
I understand the thought process of this shot, we want the audience to focus on Pran, but if the point of the scene is to emphasize he's alone, confused, maybe even a bit anxious at his new circumstances it could've been done better. Take a wider shot from this angle, open up the lens to allow for that background environment to come through and show him isolated. Maybe do a pan above him or tilt the camera up going from his feet up as he nervously ruffles his hair. There's options here.
This just adds more walking to the scene, which we already had. It doesn't enhance or emphasize anything about Pran's emotions as a character.
Anyway the camera continues to follow him and then we get another cut. And it's from the same angle as before, only this time we see a truck coming. The camera remains static, it completely stops moving, and we just wait for the truck to drive into the frame.
This whole sequence of events ends at 5:57 and while not a long sequence I find it frustrating because it's boring. The only way the audience knows that Pran is anxious is via Nanon’s acting, there’s nothing in the filmmaking that enhances or contributes to that feeling.
He’s alone, until he’s not, and that’s all the scene tells us. It leaves the scene lacking any tension as well, because we’re not getting a sense of isolation - how large is this space? How alone is Pran right now? What is the entirety of the environment? 
Contrast this with a similar scene in kinnporsche ep06 where Kinn and Porsche are alone in the mountains. I don't have a video of this specific scene so I have to link the trailer, starting at 1:48 to 1:52, but see how we start mid-close up of Kinn and Porsche, then pan out from above them? This is a better showcasing of just how vast the environment around Kinn and Porsche are.
They're still center frame throughout all of this, the depth of the scene is in mid-focus so nothing is blurred out and you can see the sharpness of the environment.
It also places the audience in the same space as Kinn, who is looking up at the sky while the audience looks down at him. It makes the audience a more active participant in the shot, emphasizes the state of the characters, gives the audience a sense of space & environment, and relies a sense of emotion.
The additional fast zoom out also adds to the scene by adding movement and making it more dynamic.
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(my man pran looking like this 🧍)
Both these scenes are pretty short, but they're relaying similar information and one is way more dynamic and effective than the other. Both Pran and Kinn/Porsche are alone in the wildness, but in the latter there's a lack of space, a lack of movement, and a lack dimension. This is mainly a framing issue, so let's talk more about camera movement (panning, & tilting).
Here's a scene from 2gether vs a scene from Semantic Error.
(saw someone say 2gether had a high production value and chepie where??)
This entire scene with Sarawat and Tine is flatly shot. There is nothing in their background so no outward movement is happening, the lighting is even as are the colors, everything is at the same depth, and there's little to no motion in the camera.
The scene with Sarawat pushing Tine into frame. Why doesn't the camera follow Tine's motion of movement so the scene has more momentum? It just stops and the char falls out of frame before walking back into it. Then we get a series of cuts back and forth of close ups on Sarawat and Tine's faces. Back and forth, back and forth.
The editing leaves a ton to be deserved because if the back and forth did a quick pan back and forth with each beat we could build up tension, give the scene some texture, heighten the intensity of the argument. If we're going for something softer we could place them in on better set, or make the characters move themselves - have Sarawat walk away from the argument up those stairs, have the camera follow his movement as Tine chases him continuing the argument - or play with the lighting a bit, pan the camera down or tilt it something!
When Tine kisses Sarawat why doesn't the camera move with him in a more notable way? Why did we have a cut to a close up? And then we're back in a mid close up and more cuts and this editor is killing me!
This scene is 4mins long and the only engaging bit of filmmaking here is when the camera follows Tine when he steps closer to Sarawat putting the latter in the frame at 3:15, the entire scene is 4 minutes long.
I want to compare this scene to this scene in Semantic Error which is also all dialogue and also obviously filmed on a shoestring budget.
So right away the camera work here is smart, it starts off in an establishing shot, evenly lit, of Sang Woo and Jae Young both in the frame. Then we get a mid close up of JY looking down, then a tight close up of JY looking up.
The change in camera angle emphasizes his surprise at seeing SW here as he looks up at SW. The lighting has also changed, it's much brighter now. The camera also begins to move, where it was static before it begins to tilt and shift.
We get a cut to SW, the first one of this scene. JY is seeing SW in a new light for the first time, and as such so is the audience. By starting the scene off in an outward shot with both chars in the frame, they are placed on the same level and the audience doesn't see their expressions up close. So when we're hit with JY's close up of surprise and then SW's close up of his wet hair it holds way more impact. It enhances the feelings of JY's character for the audience.
The lighting behind SW has also changed, it's much brighter, and warmer compared to the cooler tones of light behind JY. The camera also slows, and continues to to tilt and shift. JY's world has literally been shifted on his axis.
We get another cut, this time medium on SW and notice, the camera stops moving for that moment and the light around him dims. It's not as saturated. We're moved out of JY's pov here and back into "regular" framing.
SW tries to make JY leave, we get a close up cut of the cut on JY's arm - hey editing used to display important and new information! - then the camera cuts to SW getting medicine and here's a small but important thing, when he tosses at JY the camera follows his movement. And instead of cutting away, when JY gets up thinking SW is hurt, the camera follows JY's movement back towards SW.
It would have been easy to make a cut there back and forth - like in the 2gether scene did over and over - but following the movement of the characters makes the scene way more interesting visually to watch.
Changing the angles of the camera from a lower angle (where JY is looking up) to a downward angle (where SW is looking down) makes the scene more interesting visually as well and enhances the storybeat of JY looking up at SW in a new light memorized. This contributes to the story as well, as it's JY who catches feelings for SW first so their are literally, on uneven ground until they're not later in the story. The camera is panning, tilting, moving with the characters even given the limited space. The lighting adds to the effectiveness, as do the minimal cuts.
On a technical level, the scene in Semantic Error is just better filmed. In my own opinion, the scene is far more engaging b/c the filmmaking is better, where in 2gether the reliance is almost completely on the actors to sell the scene with little help. And I'm not saying nothing about Bright and Win cause their stans wildin'.
Next, I wanna talk about aperture.
I saw a post that used this word and I didn't understand the context in which they were using it because aperture isn't a style of filmmaking its a camera setting or lens adjustment - it's the rate at which the camera opens and closes letting in light and focus.
"Aperture is the opening of the lens through which light passes. When you hit the shutter release button to take the picture, the camera aperture opens to the predetermined width, letting a specific amount of light through. A large aperture lets more light in, and vice versa. Aperture is calibrated in f/stops, written in numbers like 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11 and 16. The larger the number, the narrower the aperture." (source) <- really recommend this article if you want to learn about aperture in film.
A great non-BL example of aperture used for style is One Piece Live Action where cinematographers Nicole Hirsch Whitaker, and Michael Wood love using deep focus aperture in a lot of scenes.
But let's compare The Sign vs 1000 Stars.
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So when the scene starts, we're in mid-focus/aperture, everything is of similar sharpness and depth. Nothing is especially blurred out we're getting the full spectrum of Phaya and Tharn's environment.
When the camera switches to close ups of Phaya and Tharn however, we get a deep focus aperture. That's why everything behind them is so blurred out. In a close up of Phaya, even Tharn's face is blurred. The director wants the audience to focus specifically on these characters individually, so we can understand the weight of their dialogue. But when the camera wants us to see the characters as a unit, it cuts, pulls back out of that deep focus and everything is back in mid-focus again.
Here's another thing, it's subtle but it's important.
This scene also combines what we already discussed about movement. At :08 of the scene, in that first mid-shot the camera is actually zooming in closer on Phaya and Tharn. Not dramatically, subtly, but it is there. This is important, because at 3:23 we get another mid-shot of them, pulled out of that deep focus, and the camera begins to zoom out.
The camera also follows the movement of Phaya grabbing Tharn's hands, then pans back up to Phaya's face once again before panning higher into the frame and panning back to their faces and zooming in.
When we move back out of that deep focus, into a mid-shot the camera continues to zoom out on the two characters as they kiss.
I saw someone say that this scene wasn't "filmed like BL kisses" and, eh? Like it isn't filmed in that static style of filmmaking which has dominated BL filmmaking probably due to budgetary reasons. But
The Sign follows a similar filmmaking style as Kinnporsche and Domundi shows do. But also just like, basic filmmaking techniques you'd see in shows of the non-CW/soap variety.
The thing fans are seeing here is film technique (probably partially due to a larger budget). Movement, lens adjustment, panning and titling, lighting and color are all playing a role in this specific scene.
Cinematography baby.
(sidenote the VFX of The Sign is dope as fuck too)
Okay so let's talk Our Skyy 1000 Stars
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So this opening scene follows a similar structure to the scene in The Sign: mid focus shot of the two chars, into separate deep focus close ups. It's also a dialogue heavy scene like the one with Phaya and Tharn.
So why does their scene work better on a technical level than this one in Our Skyy 2?
The scene in The Sign combines techniques of aperture, movement, lighting, color and framing to give everything more impact.
In this scene with Phupha and Tian we get a similar editing style as the scene in 2gether: lots of back and forth cuts, very tight close ups, static camera movement. Where as the camera zooms in and out during mid-shots, the camera doesn't move in Our Skyy 2. It remains motionless even though a zoom in as the two characters lay in bed would add a lot to the scene itself.
In the close ups the camera continues to remain static, only changing angles when there's a cut. At 1:22 Phupha moves his arm to wrap around Tian, the camera could have taken a closer shot at his arm, and then followed his movement as he wraps it around Tian. Like how the camera followed Phaya's movement when he holds Tharn's hand.
Instead it's just a flat shot, we see his arm wrap around in a mid-focus above shot. The camera does move to follow Tian a couple times - at 1:50 for example. But overall, the scene is stiff - who sleeps like this frfr - in framing, in movement, in depth.
I want to say that I don't think this scene is bad - like I do the 2gether scene or the earlier scene with Pran - I think it's just, okay~~
And no, for none of these examples did I pick "the worst" shots or whatever. I'm not out to get any specific show, but tried to find comparable scenes and compare and contrast the filmmaking techniques used in both and how effectively they were used.
I want to leave off with this.
There's a lot that goes into cinematography, yes this singular shot of Furiosa is amazing, but what makes the scene amazing?
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Pay attention to how the camera moves (panning and tilting), when the camera moves (zooms in and out), the movement of the scene (the hair and sand moving), the lighting (Furiosa from behind is in darkness, her side profile more lit), the depth of the scene itself changing (as she walks away from the group the focus/aperture gets deeper on her, then when she walks out of the frame it grows larger to focus on the characters left behind).
All these little things make up what is "cinematography". The more you learn about the techniques used the more you can notice about film and what makes a scene powerful.
As BL gets more budget we're seeing shows expand their filmmaking catalogue more and more. Which is exciting! If fandom is gonna talk cinematography I think it's helpful to have the vocab to do so, and it's cool to watch a scene and be like "oh I see what they're doing here and why and how".
I mentioned other things that go into cinematography like framing, lighting, color, and there's also editing (which is separate). Idk if I'll make a post about those things cause I'm lazy and this shit takes forever to research and write but who knows~~
Check out other posts in the series:
Film Making? In My BL? - The Sign ep01 Edition | Aspect Ratio in Love for Love's Sake | Cinematography in My BL - Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign | How The Sign Uses CGI | Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
[like these posts? drop me a couple pennies on ko-fi]
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ghostlover4life · 8 days
But you gave me cocaine for my 19th birthday And about a year ago that day, we almost got arrested at the movies And I was just there talking with my hands shaking in my pockets I looked at you and read your lips, they said, "I've got your back if you've got mine"
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imagine being like 9 and the ex mayor of gotham now crimelord that controll the whole city sits you down to explain how to revenge properly and how NOT to set your enemies on fire but instead make them suffer properly
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powerfulkicks · 2 years
God high noon over Camelot is really fucking good huh
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thefirstlie · 1 year
my family has like No Fucking Money and it's freaking me the fuck out 👍👍 my mom works like 2 fucking jobs but she works in theater so she doesn't make that much and my asshole grandfather and asshole dad are refusing to Help Us and there's a possibility that we'll lose the house and we already need food stamps so. fuck 👍👍👍 basically.
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bloodystray · 2 years
ithink i have been so good girl and also am super cute so basically, give me 15 bucks for nice breakfast or i will burn down a house <3
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bluury2 · 3 months
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I was sobbing my eyes out when fi oml
AND THE WAY IMPA JUST FUCKIGN DIES??? like Mrs girl was like "well done, yes I'm impa, ✌️ 🧓✨️" LIKE???
Old version under cut
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lazer-screwdriver · 3 months
More things about my imaginary new master:
Leg braces and/or a cane (hitting people with cane mandatory)
Those silver sci-fi hyper mobility rings
Return to b/w to contrast 15 being 🏳️‍🌈✨ but SO many fun textures
Long hair either free or in a loose single braid
Scruff but only sometimes like dhawan did/oscillating gender presentation
More one on one hypnotizing!!! I don’t care if it’s problematic now it’s fuckign sexy!!!! Please god people who haven’t seen classic who don’t know what they’re missing!!!!!!
Another “surprise it’s me” reveal. We’re 3/3 we can’t break the streak now
Piercings. Ears and eyebrow at minimum with wink wink implication of nipples+ also.
At some point a hover-chair throne thing. Maybe only for a few scenes but we gotta we just got the tardis just got wheelchair accessible
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gidakata · 9 months
DPR Ian is a comedic genius simply for the fact that like. ok mr insanity is this joker/harley quinn type. got it. great happy aesthetics, unsettling smile, having fun causing chaos and wrecking things (THAT HE SET UP) and then like. just dragging this faceless green dude around. ok. got it. that's his shtick that's what he does.
and then mito, who we've seen have some pretty serious moments in MVs up until now, but in like a more emotional kind of way, is all of a sudden like. dressed like a cowboy out of a sci-fi western and every time he appears in this mv mr insanity just has this little cartoon "uh-oh!" moment and a delayed reaction while everything goes to shit and it brings me joy because why do you give the "oh we're fucked" look while ROBBING A BANK... and then immediately go shooting the only entity that could hurt you EVEN THOUGH he just took even MORE power from one of the objects in that bank!??!
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LIKE!?!? ALL OF A SUDDEN THE MV GOES HARD AND FOR A SPLIT SECOND MR INSANITY LOOKS PETRIFIED AND THEN HES LIKE :D NO ACTUALLY. I LIKE THIS. (which is hilarious considering not even 5 seconds later he and his faceless bank robbing husband dip like??)
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like im so. im so fond of these two in particular. mr insanity who does not at all register the actual threat mito poses and MITO who goes so hard the MV changes visuals and the music changes its tone and rhythm completely like this is so fucking funny to me please. I need more content of just this pure emo tom and robbing-a-fucking-bank jerry
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chushanye · 6 months
all my notes on episodes 44 and 45:
the Beth and Ron intro and "Ron...what are we?" made laugh while in a dead quiet bus on a border crossing while people were getting their passports checked and maybe THAT'S why the officer was rude to me
directly from my notes: "google lauren booger??? over the panrs hj in beetlejuice the musical, transphobic? okay i googled her ANTHONY WHAT THE FUCK"
ron sounds like Jennifer Coolidge in this episode
"Taylor walks in and looks at him a s i a n l y" *anthony losing it* "roll intimidation" -> i think i got a fever from how hard I laughed
*guitar strumming* "hold on Freddy's cooking" 🎵would you say a slurrrr. if you saw me in heaven🎵
listen you can't APOLOGISE away killing someone but Scarys grown as a person and Beths speech was very well composed
Taylor I love you forever (already rolling up sleeves, "you wanna go", stuttering over his words, the moment someone questions his dad's power) Freddy is a genius for this character
I relate to Normal painfully this episode. him welling up with tears and him feeling left out while people yry to comfort him in vain is like integral to my middle school experience
"schooled in jail" is so Scary of Link. shes really emo-fied them I appreciate that. I appreciate her influence.
i cannot get over the "chaos orbs" joke because everytime i just think they're talking about the fucking chaos emeralds from the sonic franchise
*crying* IM A BAD PERSON! RON! DADDY! -> I love Terry Jr charactarisation. I love how guilt has been eating him up. I love how he still loves Ron so much. I love that he still goes to his dad. I love them sm.
Ron is just Gandalf in the way hes an old man with wisdom everyone respects despite him making no sense sometimes.
I love Ron's charactarisation. How he tries to help Nick and "you lied to me kiddo" and how he's honest with Nick and fuck I miss Ron. Beth is doing a fantastic job.
Nick is so fucking cool.
Nick and Terry Jr were best friends? Was this established before?
ooh i love the just TASTY instrumentals as anthony describes the daddy magic
I LOVE NICK. hes so fucked uo and traumatised and he isn't exactly trying his best but that is due to the things he went through and he's going through so much but he loves Taylor even more and UGGGH the fuckign Close family man.
Taylor and Glenn interacting is always just Freddy going:
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"if you found time travel maguc maybe you could pick me up and we could do childhood all over again" -> I don't want to hear ANYBODY say that Freddy's characters are one-note. He knows exactly who they are and exactly how to play them and they're endlessly fascinating to me.
Taylor and Normal volunteering to be kings of hell and getting themselves in a cage is so good. like from a character perspective. "fear. fear in talkors eyes. why did i open my mouth?" is SO fucking good. it does so much for portraying Taylors thought process or lack thereof. it does so much to paint how he reacts emotionally to things. Normal's desperate need for validation leading to him putting them in a dumbass situation? Taylor bejng blinded by what's funny/exciting only to realise too late he should think before he speaks? Perfect. this is so fucking true to teengehood I feel liek I've been both of them at some point
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vergess · 2 years
So anyway they found the Magical Greek Birth Control Herb and I'm losing it.
It managed to just keep on keeping on in some random homestead by a random greek immigrant 2000 years ago to part of Libya and just....
This plant had no idea we were looking for it disconsolately for over 800 years as a species before we gave up and declared one of the basic staples of human medicine and cuisine in the entire Old World extinct from over-harvest...
And it was just out there vibing about 1200 miles away in some dude's back yard.
And now, because we live in the Sci-Fi future with our magic boxes of infinite winter we have the technology necessary to actually cultivate it purposefully instead of trying to balance harvest and growth of a very limited wild supply.
The plant needs apparently pretty complex cold stratification to sprout (specifics as yet undetermined!). That simply wasn't possible prior to electric refrigeration unless you lived in an area where the actual climate can do it for you with a season cycle.
So when people transported the seeds out of their fields of high-elevation volcanic soil to the "similar" soil in Greece, they never sprouted. No snowfall, no stratification, no sprout.
And it takes a decade for the plant to sexually mature.
oh my god the family whose land it was found on just let their sheep eat it because it was decent forage.
This is blowing my mind I'm fuckign transcendant.
It'll probably take 30-40 years of concerted effort from botanists before it becomes possible to buy viable seed or seedlings to grow myself, but that's cool.
It's good to have a long-term goal to look forward to. Helps fight the Agonies.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
tiuq I ,tihs siht kcuF ?eromyna serif kcis nwod worht t'nseod eH ?gniod htimS lliW si neve kcuf eht tahW ?cisum ti llac dna skcerwniart lacitammarG nwo rieht etirw ot hguone evarb seno ylno eht erA stsitra par namuh naem uoy od tahW ?gnihtemoS ro etaretilli niffumehcuod eigref siht saW ytsat lleps ton seod YETSAT esuaceB sseug I ,kcehclleps ot ssecca dah reveN lanigiro eht etorw gnikcuf reveohw ,naem I ?gnos gnikcuf eht fo dne eht litnU tihs siht lleps ot evah ylsuoires I oD !dnoces gnikcufrehtom a tsuj tiaw ,woN eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht ot ,S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D eht ot ,S U O I C I L ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T )ydnac ,ydnac ekil si doolb ym syas ehs( ,suoicilakrak m'I )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled oS )ya ,ya ,ya ,ya( suoiciled os s'tI ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l ,suoicilakrak m'I )eb uoy pleh ll'I( suoiciled oS )em tsurt nac uoy( suoiciled oS )ees ,nadire( suoiciled oS liap a llif ot enil ni tsrif eht eb nettik taht hctaw tsuJ lias pihs tsrif reh tel neve ll'I )!woem( ssentiw ym s'atepeN ssenisub ot nwod tog I esuac' suovren gnileef neeb s'kahhaZ suoiciv syats ydob yM uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicileD llems I syas izereT llet annaw t'nod tsuj I taht terces a s'ti ,llet ot 'niyrt m'I tuB emosewa gnikcuf s'terceS eht woh gnitaeper no peek I hguohtla erucesni elttil a tsuJ sa ffo gnimoc m'I sseug I dnA wonk ot uoY tnaw t'nod tsuj I rekcuf elttiL amard yna pu dnuor ot gniyrt t'nia I won ti yas annaw tsuj I doolb ym fo roloC eht sseug annaw ,em ta 'niffins syawlA dnuor rehtag sllort dnuora nrut I emit eht llA !uoy rof tuo ti lleps tsuj ll'I eht ot ,eht ot ,eht ot ,E eht ot ,D eht oT S U O I C I L eht ot ,E eht ot D ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T ytsat 'nikcuf - Y T S eht ot ,A eht ot T yzarc uoy ekam ll'tI ytsat ,ytsat os s'tI ycal htiw decal eb ll'I ytsat ,ytsat eb ll'I etsat a teg ll'uoy neht ebyaM ecneitap emos teg ,yenoH em tnaw yllaer uoy fI ybab ,ybab ,ybaB )tuo ti kcehc ,pu kcuf eht dloh srekcuskoon uoy won( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( sliap taews mih ekam am'I esuac' slewot eht lla gnideen eb ll'eh dnA liat s'atepen slruc pihs taht teB ssentiw ym s'kahhaZ ssentif emos gniod m'I esuac' suovren 'nileef sdoolbhgih eht llA suoiciv syats ydob yM )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I em edulcni retteb dah sgniriap fo ytirojam eht dnA T eht ,A eht ,K ,R ,A eht ot K eht m'I yttikrak ekil seman tep ysetuC 'nilaeuqs syawla s'atepeN yzarc sreppihs eht sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK )cim ym htiw dnuora gnikcuf pots ,hctarcs cod ,timmaddog( -fed suoicilakraK -fed suoicilakraK )ydnac ,ydnac ekil-l-l-l-l( suoicilakrak m'I )em 'o eceip a stnaw trebge neve( suoiciled oS )ytsrihtdoolbaroda 'nikcuf( suoiciled oS )teews repus( suoiciled oS )uoy kcuf ,owt ,eerht ,ruoF( liap a llif ot ecnahc a rof liev eht nwod gninil eb sllorT slliariom tsuj er'ew fi rettam t'noD )!hawm( sessik wolb I suoititcif si tihs taht llA scifnaf yna daer uoy fi dnA sisemsik od t'nod I ,oN )suoiciled os( suoicilakrak m'I snosaes ekil seog dna semoc tsuj hsulf reH esaet I yhw snosaer oN srovaf on reh 'niod t'nia I rovalf eht wonk ot tsuj 'niyD otohp ym ni etsat t'nac ehs taht sterces eht wonk ot stnaw ehS ocol izeret sekam noitinifed suoicilakraK !xinohp no dekooh sllort ot detius tseb era staeb s'redirtS cinori si tihs siht ,lla'y pu netsiL
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kurain-genealogy · 9 months
im so glad people on tumblr think the dittophobia stuff was ridiculous. i absorbed all that info via twitter (i didn't look here because i honestly didn't think there were people actively keeping track of fnaf lore news on tumblr 💀) and everyone was acting like the fucking. fnaf4 gas chambers solved everything and that it was genius and i felt like i was going insane because what the fuck is all that. that's ridiculous. WHY. it's overkill like for what reason does that have to happen. i know trying to think about things logically in the fnaf universe is out the window but logistically i cannot suspend disbelief that hard. i don't care if it was planned/hinted at since SL. it's dumb. it's weird. it's cartoonishly evil and in the BAD way. william afton is not some sort of mad scientist. he's a dad that fuckign sucks at being a dad and kills other peoples children for an undisclosed reason. ive always thought the immortality motive was dumb too. for why. for what reason. why in any way is this a compelling motive from a narrative standpoint.
i thought illusion disks were dumb until this. i'd rather that than whatever this is. to me fnaf4 is still just a nightmare. all the sci-fi elements of fnaf that occur before like, 2020, just straight up don't exist to me. my [non-paranormal] suspension of disbelief ends at the child-snatching funtime animatronics. like sure he fucking did that i guess. remnant? whatever. i dont acknowledge it but it can supplement the Lore if you want it to and it's fine who give a shit. but ur not going to tell me bro made a fake house and pumped scary gas that makes you see freddy fazbear and kept a guy in there for a decade. what.
steelwool-era fnaf can be as sci-fi as it wants, i enjoy the sort of new chapter they're doing with the mimic and virus and all that. very cool way to keep the story going while keeping afton in ucn hell. assuming they dont change their damn mind again.
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thiefofblood · 10 months
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i draw help me art like this as if it's not a fuckign zombie apocalypse story
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