strikerangel · 1 year
sun stars and moon so fundywasfound core. dream is the sun, George is the moon, and Fundy is the stars between them <3
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nerdycolorcupcake · 2 years
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A evening with you will always be a delight, love
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noxspost · 1 year
fundy and the moon soul festival
The soul moon festival, the smells were so much from fresh food to candles and the sounds of peoples and animals was loud but also comforting to fundy. This was his first soul moon without his dad or mom joining but this time was different thank to his father being busy with the place called maria. He was happy since his father could be a bit much sometimes.
Fundy was at the soul moon festival, with Conner and punzs when he meets Dreamweaver and George drinking some drink with Nikki. A woman with a fire in her eyes and talent for wine, she didn’t looked very tipsy but her tail was flicking like a cat. She was one of the familiars of soleks.
“Huh he thought that was great idea?!” spoke dream as George spit his drink a little from the idea. “Wow trying to do that with- oh hey fundy, wow you are soul guardian!” cheered Nikki who handed him a drink “don’t worry about that is just sugar water with raspberry flavor.”
Said Nikki at dream who eyes the drink and Conner was drinking some night’s feather which was some mock wine and punzs was arguing about something with the tired god of the dead sitting on the mushroom with his brother black feather.
“So where is Phil?” asked fundy “well he is busy with his wife and northern lights is probably protecting the book since what happened with Glatt.” Replied Nikki who was getting more drink made and then the music started to play…
George handed Hannah his drink and started to dance with fundy who he dragged over and Nikki catching the drink before any spilled too much on the ground. She was a great maker of alcohol since soleks was the god of alcohol and the dead. She and dream were his familiars.
He spun the fox around and both were dancing around each other as the music was playing this was a place of joy as fundy noticed all the dead souls gather to see many of other still alive and to celebrate the season of spring and winter.
“Come fundy just dance let the music lead.” So, he did he used his staff with peafowl feathers. It was so cool to watched as fundy moved to the sounds.it closed, opened, and moved as he did, and George join in dancing as the others gather around the pair as both dance as if both and trying to mimic a bird courting dance. Dream was watching the pair as Nikki drank with puffy. “so you doing to join them?” asked a soul who was standing next to dream “oh maybe and hey ocean.” He bowed to the former queen, and she smiles.
The scent of morning drew, fresh food being cook and candles burning filled the air as he drank in the scent for he loved to walk to the shrines of the dead mortals and see what candles were bruning and food set up for the souls and spirits. He was quicky pulled from his thoughts and was now slightly tipsy with George and fundy.
 he was dancing by himself and then dancing with fundy and with George it was a beautiful dance as George smiled his marking glowing and fundy’s ear tips glowing soul blue fire same with his tail and feet.
 People were moving, dancing, buying, selling and talking, Dream’s ears flicked as he pick up the sounds and knew someone else was here and his necklace gem glow white and he stopped and walked back to the table were punz and conner are playing soul cards with Karl and Callahan.
“Hey.” Said Karl his antlers making a slightly jiggle from the small silver bells and tassels on the antlers, he was deer hybrid and was a familiar to Pyro. His eyes were still on the cards as he place the card called “the moon Lilly.” And the “broken mask.” similar to Dreamweaver’s bone mask.
He was smirking as punz growled in annoyance before he place a card named “blood soak soul.” The art of that card reminds him of that warrior of the frozen north that alcove and Oka-la talked about but then he see Callahan pull the card “curse of empath.” On top of the other three cards and others sighed pushing in the small velvet pouches of souls to Callahan who just smirks at wining. “So, what do you want to do?” asked dream who was behind fundy causing him to jump “don’t scare me like that.”
Dream nodded “my question wasn’t answered..” fundy sighed and turned to one of the shops “I want to go in to the dragon’s den.” He pointed to the store where different type jewelries, accessories, textiles jewels and clothing and some other things could be bought and sold. Dream started to walked over with fundy behind him for fundy didn’t have much in shells or copper coins. The others
“Welcome to the dragon’s den! How can I help you today?” asked the dragonborn woman at the front desk “we are just looking but thanks rain’s call.” Said dream.
Fundy was staring at a cloak a dark blue and purple cloak with runes sewn in the fabric and he has some fox fur lining the bottom of the cloak, the red fox fur tying nicely with the deep blue and purple. The runes were green with yellow as well.
 He felt the cloth and it was soft on the inside, but it was well crafted like loco has some way with the creation of this cloak, he dare himself to look at the price, thanks the gods that it was about 12 shells and three copper coin that was so cheap for a well-made object.
 “Yes I am able to buy this.” He smiles in joy. He careful with managing the clothing and walked about to the desk, rain’s call was talking to dream about 3 rings “can I buy this?” asked fundy then the woman smiles and said, “well yes but where did you find that one dear?”
“in the back next to the peacock earrings and jewelry.”
She nodded mumbling something and flips through some paper “well dream I can have those gem drop rings made and sent about 5 months from now. All I need a signature from you.” She handed him a paper and he signed it then he handed the money, her eyes turned to fundy “that cloak is something special for I haven’t made another in over 800 years.”
 He was puzzled and it shown “because that cloak was made for the 20th soul guardian over 800 years ago and task me with the job to make the cloak. So that cloak always appears with a arrival of the next soul guardian.”
 She smiles “the one before you found that one too.” She hands dream some left over shells, as she talks “so I will pay this.”
Said fundy who handed her the shells and copper coins “thanks.” She said as bags the cloak “anything else?”
 he was looking around and saw a skull mask that flat and the eyes were small, and the smile was painted on with black pain and the details were bright and pretty like the sugar skulls.
“Can I buy that?” asked fundy who grabbed the mask careful
 “Yes and that is a human skull use for the mask.” Said rain’s gift who handed him the stuff he bought, dream was confused and fundy hands him the mask
“Let me please this on you dream,” for this mask of colors, were colors of death, power, trust with its sibling worry, and morning with loss right after? Yes it was and dream lowed his head to have the mask place on his head  
The blues meant morning and loss, yellow meant worry but its sibling trust and the death was the color of grey and white on the yellowish white base the evil color was purple for it took time in past to make purple dye.
The whole thing was beautiful sitting on the face of Soleks’s familiar with his amber brown, green eyes subtle seen from where fundy was and the face was now sitting on dream’s head like the deer skull that soleks had.
“so you brought my new skull mask even though you know that my dik-dik mask was fine?”
“well that mask’s coloring fit you as a familiar.” They both walked back to the main group, fundy could just hear George getting flustered by some comments as dream kissed fundy’s hand like he was a noble “why?”
dream chuckles almost getting to sound like puff’s annoying kettle, “because death wouldn’t work without the souls made by the god loco and his six familiars so you shall be respected for your work.”
Fundy rolled his eyes “well conner makes the soul shell which loco and punz make the rest. I just make sure the souls are care for till their bodies or vessel is made.” both just laughed and enjoy the festival
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prismartist · 4 years
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this is how fundywasfound can still win
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thal-chandra · 3 years
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[Reblogs/Shares greatly appreciated]
Is Cornelius really Dream ? I don't know, but it won't stop me from headcanoning such.
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weird0strawberry · 3 years
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Amans iratus multa mentitur (I will never be satisfied)
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DSMP next gen p1
(only talking about characters)
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eyzoa · 3 years
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finnitesimal · 4 years
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When there's only one other person who could possibly rival Dream's levels of simpitude and it's his own fiancé
Anyway Fundywasfound through a grueling simp-off let's go
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wooteena · 3 years
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maybe everything would be better if fwt shippers and dnf shippers just kissed
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dumbfandomaccount · 3 years
Dream: five years ago today, I married my best friend
Dream: Fundy’s still pretty mad about it but George and I were drunk and thought it would be funny
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nerdycolorcupcake · 2 years
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This is how the meme goes, right?
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simplyblue-live · 3 years
I'm at the doctors waiting for my appointment so have a some Soot family headcanons
Fundy and Wilbur both are cryptic lovers.
On that note, Dream, George and Sally are both cryptics.
Wilbur taught Fundy how to play the guitar and sing very young. She always wanted him to know how.
In addition to this, Wilbur also taught Fundy the art of archery.
When Dream and Fundy were together, Fundy would take Dream on dates, where he would play the guitar and sing for it. The two would dance.
Fundy was actually very open to the idea of George being in his and Dream's relationship, and would have gladly married both if the two had told him.
Dream the end cryptic
George the earth cryptic
Sally the ocean cryptic
Sally and Wilbur, when fundy was a baby, would regularly meet up and have family dinner.
Dream can cook really good due to Puffy wanting her kids to be able to charm people with food cause 'food is the number one way to a person's heart'. Therefore, he charmed Fundy and George with food.
Wilbur has, on multiple times, had to keep Dream out of l'manberg to keep it away from Fundy. Too bad she didn't count for George wanting to be with Fundy.
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prismartist · 3 years
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The very happy couples of the dream smp
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snowflakes-rulez · 4 years
man we got so many options of what could happen in the wedding video or outside of it.
1. fundywastaken win if dream changes his ways and actually be loyal to fundy ending
2. fundy divorces dream ending
3. one-sided love where fundy still loves dream and stays together, but dream still loves george ending.
4. fundy dumps dreams ass and goes off to marry george cuz haha fuck that green guy ending
5. ninja actually comes and tells dream to back off cuz george is his husband. but is it a really happy ending for fwt? ending.
6. fundywasfound cuz poly amirite ending
7. dnf ending...wait why is there a bunch of fundy fans crying?
8. couples therapy ending. yall know why
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thal-ent · 4 years
Guys stop putting Fundywastaken and DreamNotFound against each other.
Dream have two hands.
Fundywasfound can exist if we want.
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