#ganondorf x fem
aikoiya · 8 months
LoZ - Ganondorf's Sexual Profile
I see most of the Ganons as having a similar basic personality with differences based on their personal life experiences.
CoH, OoT, TP, & WW Ganondorf are the same Ganondorf but at different stages of his life & thus, exhibits different levels of maturity based on the external influences in his life.
Similarly, FSA & HW Ganondorf are likewise the same Dorf.
Tell me if you think my assessments are accurate or not.
For a non-sexual profile, go to Ganondorf's Characterization Profile.
Also, please keep in mind that these ideas are all free to use.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
I've just come up with nicknames for the various Ganondorfs in a way reminiscent of Linked Universe.
FS = Sloth
CoH = Ambition (because he's just a kid & is mostly just a rude little brat, so he isn't represented by a sin here)
OoT = Greed
TP = Pride
WW = Envy
FSA = Gluttony (Pre-HW Lust)
HW = Lust or Lech (though, the only ones able to call him the second one are other Gdorfs)
TotK = Wrath
I actually theorize that a new Gerudo-born incarnation of Demise's hatred is born every 2,000-10,000 years. If true, then by that logic, it means that around 16,000-50,000 years have passed between Skyward Sword & Tears of the Kingdom's presents.
However, I don't think that a Gerudo male still being alive really affects when another will be born. More so, it happens on a schedule. So, it's actually very possible for 2 Gerudo males to be alive at the same time.
Now, Gerudo males are still born every century between, right on schedule. They're just lucky enough to not be Demise's grudgemental stank reborn.
One thing of interest; these Gerudo males are always born on the 12th, though the month tends to change.
The Gerudo males are referred to as Centennial Kings or Mafzīnànkha Voe'attàren. However, those born of Demise's hatred these days are known as the Myriennial Tyrants or Mafzī'àlfankha Sûlfetànïren. They are also often referred to as the Vōton al’Khinzīr’è or Sons of the Boar as they are always born on February the 12th, under the sign of the Boar Constellation. Though, it took a very long time to figure that one out considering there's only been, like, 3 max.
Also, to keep track of each Gerudo King, they are given a birth name & a King Name. Their King Name is a descriptor of when & where they were born.
However, every Gerudo King has the same family name: Drāgamīr. From the Gerudan root words, Drāga meaning noble dragon, & Mīr meaning general or ruler. This means that Drāgamīr can be translated into draconian general or tyrant.
Fairly Consistent:
Small Tusks - I just sorta headcanon that male Gerudo generally have small, not obvious tusks & even smaller upper canines. This leads to them having very slight underbites.
Straight or Close To It - Just, generally prefers biological women, no matter the iteration. Both romantically & sexually. Will take no substitutions. Even when he does have sex with men, it's generally as a humiliation or dominance tactic as per the old custom of Feminizing the Enemy. As a result, most Gdorfs don't fuck with men often.
Except for Lust, he's borderline bisexual.
Feminizing the Enemy - A sexual war crime where someone rapes their enemy to exert dominance over them or to just outright humiliate them. Used to be a fairly common tactic for the Gerudo back before they stopped thieving. The Vaien (women) especially did this partially as a means to continue the Gerudo race.
In fact, way back when, most Gerudo were fathered by enemies of the tribe or male concubines which are foreign men enslaved to act as studs. As such, not many Gdorfs will see anything wrong with it.
(This theory is mostly based on the reactions of several Hyruleans, not just Hylians either. Several men in Castle Town react, not with derision, but rather abject fear at the mere sight of a Gerudo Vai. These reactions were visceral. Not the typical reaction one might have towards simple bandits. This showcased a fear for the loss of something important. Also, keep in mind that the Gerudo Fortress has 6 very large cells. Large enough to fit many prisoners. Why would they need such cells if they had no purpose? And also keep in mind that when caught as a child, Link is toss off the bridge into the river below. But when caught as a teenager, he's instead thrown into a cell. Now, I don't know how to explain it away without being disparaging, but in the Japanese text, the Gossip Stone at the Temple of Time says that ゲル ド族は時々ハイラルの町にボーイハント しに来る, which translates to "The Gerudo sometimes come to Hyrule Castle town to go boy hunting." Which is different to searching for boyfriends. All I'm saying is, the optics aren't looking good.)
Anyway, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, & Wrath only seem to do this to their female enemies. This was always considered a boon as a Voe could sire many Vaivïn in very little time. So, in times when Kōme & Kotake were in charge, any foreign women that a Gdorf bred against her will were commonly brought back to base, where she'd be imprisoned. If she turned out to be pregnant, they would tend to her until the child was born, & if the Gdorf took a liking to her, he could keep her as one of his toys.
However, a Darling who has experienced such trauma personally might be able to provide him with a different perspective on the subject. Especially if he's at a point where he deeply respects & trusts her. It doesn't negate his crimes, but it does allow him to better understand that these things are not okay.
It wasn't until the Gerudo had a legitimate alliance with Hyrule that they were able to discontinue the practice entirely.
Yandere - Very possessive & can definitely be obsessive. However, to what degree & how evident his yandere traits are tends to vary between iterations. However, whenever he's classified as a "soft" yandere, he becomes far less likely to punish his Darling with physical pain & more likely to either punish her by holding blackmail over her head, by going after her loved ones, or via pleasure & overstimulation. It depends on the "crime." At the same time, that doesn't mean that he won't hurt her as punishment, just that he's much less likely to do so.
However, generally speaking, he'll almost always be very manipulative with her. Or, at least he'd try to.
Paradoxically, he'd actually find a woman who he couldn't manipulate, very attractive.
What can I say, he likes a challenge.
Manipulative - He's just a naturally cunning & manipulative individual with very little qualms with using others for his own gain. He also finds it easy to betray those he sees as less than him. He can even be borderline Shang Tsun (Mortal Kombat) depending on the version of him.
Control Freak - Depending on his iteration, he can have control issues. Part of this is due to having felt powerless as a child as his mothers tended to have him on a short leash.
Naturally Deceptive - A liar. He falls into the role of deceiver naturally & with great ease.
Naturally Dominant - Due to the societal pressures placed upon him at a young age as the Centennial King, he tries to project dominance at all times, especially when near his subjects.
King Alone - Initially doesn't ever intend to marry as that would mean sharing his power. As such, he instead has many concubines to attend to his needs.
However, this changes when he finds his Darling. At least, most of the time.
Machismo vs Caballerismo - Tends to originally classify as misapplied Machismo, meaning aggressive & overly macho. Though, even when he is primarily misapplied Machismo, he is very much not chauvinistic or sexist due to how he grew up, except against weak women. He hates weak women. At the same time, he also isn't chivalrous either. However, real, genuine love & care tends to soften him & he begins to exhibit more correctly-applied Machismo (meaning to project the features of a man, specifically stoicism, strong, dominant, resiliant, cool, virile, ect), as well as Caballerismo tendencies (such as nurturing, being family-oriented, protective, & chivalrous).
Said correctly-used Machismo will eventually become his new public disposition, thus becoming truly masculine.
However, his newly acquired Caballerismo tendencies will generally only come out around those he cares about.
Struggles With His Masculinity - Due to being raised by all women & no other men besides concubini (plural of concubinus; defined as male concubines) being allowed in, Gdorf really only had those very women's understanding of what being a man was & the concubini for examples.
It also doesn't really help that his mothers tend to encourage the more negative behaviors most commonly associated with men.
However, despite this less than ideal situation, he tends to be expected to be this pillar of masculinity for his community without much decent direction, which tends to put a lot of stress on him, especially in his early years. As such, his masculinity is actually pretty fragile & only gets marginally stronger with experience if he never gets better role models.
Even amongst his own race, he is always considered as "other" due to being a male & this results in him feeling extremely alienated as he is always forced to become innately aware of the fact that the Vaien (women) of his tribe tend to talk about & treat men as almost an entirely different, even alien, species.
He was also generally barred from visiting the more populated parts of the Gerudo settlements until after all the Vaivïn (girls) below 18 had been lain down for bed. This way, none of the Vaivïn ever saw him, as per the Gerudo's custom.
However, this results in him never really interacting with other children his age, which results in him being ill-socialized. At least, until he himself had reached 18 as well, but the sudden introduction to peers without any experience with them tends to cause him to close off from them.
In this way, he doesn't really understand what being a man actually means. Though, he manages to hide the fact that he's been absolutely starved of positive male role models, potential father figures, & even male peers, rather well. However, when this fact does show itself, the reality & obviousness of it tends to be staggering; glaring even.
Generally, it just shows itself in little ways. Like not knowing how to shake hands with a firm grip properly while maintaining eye contact or how to be strong & firm, but also gentle at the same time. Or how to be competitive in a lighthearted & friendly way while not letting pride sour things. Or how to not take certain things to heart. How to be resilient in character & not just in body.
It also shows itself in how he feels the need to gain female attention. How he's become codependent of the women around him, specifically depending upon his mothers' approval in order to feel validated.
And when he realizes that his basically non-existant understanding of manhood has been made apparent to someone, he becomes embarrassed & ashamed, then aggressive.
Secretly Insecure - Hides it extremely well.
Breast Man - Don't get him wrong. He enjoys flared hips, a plump ass, & shapely legs too & will never say no to them, but he just can't help how much he loves a soft, pillowy bust. Not even just sexually either.
Sometimes when he's overwhelmed or just frustrated, he likes to hold his Darling around the waist & rest his head on her chest & drown everything out.
Part of it has to do with hearing her heartbeat, which helps to ground him in the moment with another part just being the smell of her skin. He most especially loves the smell when she's pregnant or still breastfeeding. The scent of milk & and motherhood, along with her natural smell, is quite soothing.
Especially appreciates it if she begins to pet his head, run her fingers through his hair, or sing quietly to him. It very much relaxes him & may just end up causing him to fall asleep buried in her bosom.
Part of it also has to do with a general fascination because not many Gerudo Vaien have large busts. A shapely lower-half, absolutely, but not very busty.
Now, there's definitely lust to his attraction to breasts, I'm just saying that there's more to it than that is all.
Naturally Dominant - Due to the societal pressures placed upon him at a young age as the Centennial King, he tries to project dominance at all times, especially when near his subjects.
Flirty & Charming - Part of this is connected to being manipulative. He sees what he wants & will get it by whatever means necessary. Even if it means flirting with the enemy.
Even the straight Dorfs, if he senses that a male enemy can be manipulated in such a way, is more than willing to go that route even if he silently degrades them for their predilections.
Endearment Usage - Most Gdorfs are pretty frugal with handing out nicknames & endearments unless he legitimately cares about them.
But if he does, then he very much likes giving his beloved nicknames.
Extremely Monogamous - The idea of cheating on someone he legit cares about would leave him shocked & aghast. This is due to the Gerudo just being an extremely romantically exclusive & monogamous people in regards to their hearts. Romance is considered something almost entirely separate from, yet still connected to, sex & the Gerudo, just as a people, are very cautious with their hearts. They also, as a culture, value fidelity.
Like, to the point where infidelity is considered a serious taboo. Even a crime punishable by death.
Amazon Chaser - A number loves it when he's beaten by a woman, but not all of them. However, fighting him to a stalemate? That almost always catches his attention. He loves that. Especially if she exhibits tremendous skill during their fight.
Now, being beaten consistently will definitely chafe him, but the occasional win? That's hot!
He also loves to watch his Darling take down those who challenge her, proving her right to be at his side. Finds it excessively sexy.
However, in the worst case scenario, this, plus his yandere tendencies when added to a woman who does manage to defeat him in battle consistently, can result in extreme ambivalence, specifically abheroticism, which is to both hate & lust after. This can cause a lot of toxic desires revolving around dominance & possession, which can lead to a deepening of his yandere-ness until he eventually reaches the yandere event horizon. Meaning, he goes full crazy pants.
- Dextrophile - Competancy is hot. Displays of talent or competency is an immediate headturner for him.
Goes hand-in-hand with being an Amazon Chaser.
One of very few things that literally every Dorf has in common.
Loves Begging - All of them enjoy it to a degree. Just comes with being an evil bastard. But Pride has a serious problem. He likes it too much. He especially enjoys lording over his conquests.
Yet, when the tables are turned, he begs so prettily.
Breeder Balls - And with the kink to go with them. No one will convince me otherwise. Just generally has macroorchidism & hyperspermia, but with an unusually high sperm count, even compared to one without hyperspermia. This is thought to be a blessing from Vah Sāqmàla, being a Gerudo goddess of vivifatility (pertaining to both virility & fertility).
Very few Voen (men) other than the Centennial King are bequeathed with this feature as it wasn't a common thing for Voen before the female-only curse, which theologians theorize to be part of Vah Gela's boon. Which, would make a degree of sense considering Vah Gela is said to have been one of Vah Sāqmàla's many daughters.
However, every Centennial King has it.
This is why the condition is often referred to as Mùta Vallah'jï Shôhxàl (Sex Goddess's Divine Favor).
Long Ejaculation Times - His beast form is a boar after all.
Power Dynamics - Naturally dominant & enjoys asserting himself over others. However, he has a secret submissive streak &, depending on which Gdorf, he'll either be initially uncomfortable with it, embrace it, or reject it entirely.
Thinks that watching his Darling ride him is a thing of true beauty.
Dirty Talker - The mouths on certain Gdorfs can be downright filthy at times.
Partner Pleaser - Most Gdorfs take great pride in his abilities as a lover & won't be satisfied with a lay unless his partner has cum at least twice, if not thrice. That isn't to say that that's all the rounds he can go for. Rather, it's what each one requires before he allows himself to cum even once. Though, when it's just anyone, it's less about being a kind lover & more so for self-satisfaction & to exert control over them. A desire to watch his lover writhe as they come undone due to his ministrations.
Praise/Degradation - Depends on the Gdorf & the situation.
Body Worship - Always initially just receiving cock worship, as it really strokes his ego & makes him feel like a god. However, if he loves his Darling, he'll become an avid giver as well.
Marking Kink - Loves it when his Vai leaves marks on his body & likewise loves to see his own marks on hers. However, if a Voe does it, he'll see it as an act of defiance & an attempt to dominate him. Thus, it'll result in him seeing red & possibly biting a literal chunk out of the offender before spitting it out like trash.
Breeding & Pregnancy Kink - Loves completing inside his partners & hates having to pull out before cumming. However, it's mostly about the feel for him until he's found his Darling.
Afterwards, it becomes a complex mix of wanting to claim her as his in the most intimate place possible & wanting to have her carry his heirs. If he's not careful, he could overstimulate them both with how feral it can make him.
Master Pussy-Eater - I mean, is it really surprising? With time & experience, his skill at bringing women to nirvana is top notch. Though, when he does it to his Darling, he'll have a tendency to get pussy-drunk & could accidentally overstimulate her.
Tsundere Peggee - Would like it a lot when his woman uses his ass (though only his Vai), but initially believes that he wouldn't & would be deeply opposed to trying in most situations, seeing it as a knock at his masculinity. Would only consider it in certain situations. Even after trying it, he'd try to deny how much he enjoys it & it would take time to get him to admit to it. That doesn't mean he prefers it that way. Rather, it's just another fun option for play.
Snarls When He Cums If It's Really Good - Nuff said.
Sealing Balls - Tends to get blue balls something fierce after being sealed away for a long time. As such, it isn't uncommon for him to perform a bit of classic piracy.
Best Match - A strong, honest, capable woman who (quietly) demands respect, sees past all his crap, & doesn't believe his lies, while managing to be respectful at the same time, but also doesn't try to change or "reform" him. Holds him accountable & wont sugarcoat things. A woman who'll enforce rules & lines that she will not allow to be crossed between them if he wants their relationship to continue, but will also respect the boundaries that he puts in place. Who can counter all his attempts to control or manipulate her, whether consciously or subconsciously. Both humble, yet confident & proud in her own, not egotistical way. And, despite himself, he'd be deeply attracted to one with strong maternal instincts. Because some buried part of him desires a family who will love him unconditionally.
He'd be unprepared for someone so direct & unaffected by his tricks. Especially someone able to unbalance him. In this way, he would find himself charmed. These things will cause him to respect her in a way that he doesn't many others.
Which, respect is extremely important for him in any relationship. If he respects you, he is far less likely to betray you. It's even more important for a Darling to have his respect in lives where he's NPD or even just borderline NPD.
He also just very much likes 'em in one of 2 extremes: feisty badass & elegant, yet deceptively lethal badass.
Likes To See Her Angry - Thinks she looks gorgeous with that fire in her eyes. So, he very much enjoys teasing, picking on, & bickering with her.
He also just generally enjoys a good verbal duel of wits.
Wants To Be Romanced - Despite being the dominant sort, he actually really wants to be romanced. He'd legitimately melt inside if a woman tried to woo, romance, or court him. Especially if she does so using things she's learned about his interests.
Not Used To Genuineness - Most gifts he's been given throughout his lives were frivolous & superficial. Just extravagant things that look nice, but really serve no purpose. So, when given something that he truly likes or legitimately interests him or has meaning to him personally, he's both shocked & touched, but also confused. Something high-quality & handmade with care will especially make his heart flutter. It's the effort put in.
Love Language - Gift-giving & physical affection. Initially, most of his gifts will likewise be frivolous & extravagant, but the first time he gets a heartfelt gift from his Darling, he'll honestly feel outdone & will endeavor to improve his gift-giving skills. He wants her to feel every bit as touched by his gifts as he is touched by hers.
Another important one for him is time spent together, though.
Touch Starved - Is initially uncomfortable & unused to positive non-sexual physical affection, but upon getting used to it, begins to crave it like air. Loves having his hair touched or pulled or brushed or his scalp massaged or scratched.
Also, bathing each other is actually an important Gerudo bonding experience for married couples. For Gdorf, it's a very vulnerable & tender time. Is initially defensive & guarded when first doing so with his wife, but will gently unfurl his grip around his heart over time & bare it to her willingly.
He's actually a very warm & tender lover with his beloved wife. Is also a natural romantic at heart, but tries to keep this fact hidden & deeply buried. Loves it when his lover & him brush each other's hair. It's incredibly intimate to him as he takes his overall appearance very seriously. Will even let a Darling with hair-styling skills style his hair.
Actually, really loves his hair or head being touched, though he won't allow it unless he trusts her. But when he does & the trust is 100%, massage his head & he may just drift off to sleep in his lover's arms.
Casual Physical Affection - When near his lover & the 2 are close, he naturally draws close to her & rests his hand on her hip or shoulder or lower back. Sometimes even just bumping his hip against hers. Enjoys tilting her chin up as he dips his head down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
Cuddle-Bug - Craves closeness. Often wraps his arms around his lover & even curls around her protectively in his sleep. Face pressed into her neck, shoulder, or hair. Sometimes drools in his sleep. Snores, but quietly. Occasionally snorts, but not often.
Loves Kisses & Casual Affection - He often leans down to kiss his lover & thinks that her standing on her toes to meet his lips is absolutely adorable. Will also pick her up by her waist or hold her under the ass or bridal style to do so.
Reciprocal Ownership - Initially, he is the type to want to own people, yet not be owned himself. Until he falls in love. At which point, he takes great pride in being claimed or in any way acknowledged as being hers.
Wears her marks with pride.
Often uses "my" to refer to her & might become inwardly flustered initially if she refers to him in the same way.
FS (Sloth) Specifically:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea.
However, it's important to note that Sloth is who all the other Ganondorfs were named after. But they aren't his reincarnations. My hc is that Kōme & Kotake were his pupils & he was a true follower of Demise & they named the vessel of Demise's hatred after him in his honor.
The Nerdy Incel - This man's rizz levels are zero. And while he could charm a woman, he's much too much of a creep for it to stick for longer than a one-night stand.
CoH (Ambition) Specifically:
NONE, he's a kid! Leave the boy alone in this regard or I'll break your knees!
OoT (Greed) Specifically:
Keep in mind that I see him as being 19-20 at the start of OoT & 26-27 at the end of it.
Tsundere - Wants a genuine connection, but denies it. It isn't that he thinks he doesn't deserve it; in fact there isn't much that he believes he doesn't deserve. However, his mothers, & thus he himself, have convinced him that he doesn't need one beyond Kōme & Kotake. As such, when he has a genuine crush on a woman, he tends to come off as abrasive & a jerk.
Social Darwinist - The Gerudo tended to still live by a very Might Makes Right philosophy back then & one part of that was the concept of "to the victor goes the spoils."
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact a secret, which results in him being tsundere. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis through the eyes. Can also be quite the tease.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. In terms of things, this tends to include music sheets, his horse, & books, especially books revolving around cultural anthropology, mythology, & magical practice.
Manipulative & Eliminating Yandere - Gets very jealous & even kinda needy. Wants to be the center of his Darling's attentions & will do damn near whatever it takes to do so. Will take out anyone he thinks might be trying to take his Darling from him.
Secretly Wants To Be Dominated (but only sometimes) - If a woman can kick his ass, instant erection. Literal heart-eyes mofo! Despite being a tsundere, he will quietly crush on her afterwards.
Though, being beaten all-the-time would just make him angry & his insecurity swell. It only needs to be once.
However, it's Gerudo custom that if a ruler is beaten by a member of the opposite sex (so long as they are the relatively same age), they are to be the ruler's spouse. In the old days, the Gerudo ruler was expected to make that happen by whatever means necessary. (This tradition also holds true for the common Gerudo, though to a lesser degree.)
In many ways, as soon as she knocks him on his ass, he mentally begins referring her as his wife or his queen.
Power Dynamics - Naturally dominant & initially uncomfortable with letting go of control. He'd have to be very close to his Darling to allow that, but much like how being dominated can be relieving & destressing for CEOs, so too can it be for Greed. Will absolutely melt when dommed. That isn't to say that he doesn't enjoy being dominant &, in fact, he very much likes it, but the occasional change of pace is also very much appreciated.
Somnophile - Actually, very much enjoys watching her sleep. He's also prone to admiring her face as she dozes. Will kiss her face sweetly & tuck hair behind her ear & nuzzle her face or neck. However, he'll only do this sort of thing after they're married.
If she wakes, she'll likely catch quite the tender & fond expression on his face. However, he's tsundere af & will get flustered at having been caught like that. He might also get grumpy about it, but he isn't actually angry. Just embarrassed.
He'll refuse to fuck her while she sleeps unless he gets the idea that she'd be amenable to the idea. Though, he'll also refuse to bring up the idea himself due to being both stubborn & embarrassed.
As such, there will be times when she might wake up to find him masterbating beside her with lusty yet sweet praise, whispering past his lips like a prayer. Which, if she reveals that she's awake at that moment, will leave the man absolutely mortified & he may just lock himself away for a while.
However, if he's ever given the idea that she wouldn't mind or might even think the idea hot, Greed will have zero issue with the idea of having sex with her while she's asleep or receiving pleasure as he himself slumbers. In fact, when giving, he enjoys challenging himself to see how long he can breed her without waking her fully. Seeing it as a victory if he manages to get them both to the finish without waking her. (He tends to be extra full of himself & cocky for the rest of the day afterwards. A slight mischievous streak will also have him not mentioning it.)
He'll also whisper some of the sweetest, most honest praises you've ever heard into her ear as he gently breeds her. Unfortunately, if he happens to wake her, he'll kind of panic & stop, even pulling out & trying to hide the fact that he'd done so. And that's even after having gotten direct & open consent. Though only in the beginning. It'll take him time to fully realize that it's okay & even then, he's likely to keep flinching at first for a while.
After he's gotten adjusted, then accidently waking her, he'll stop & wait for her consent to continue as she comes to. If he's told to stop, he'll get pouty, but he'll acquiesce. However, if she tells him to keep going, he’ll do so… hesitantly, before eventually relaxing. Though, whatever praise he'll give won’t come out quite as raw as while she was asleep.
One great, if somewhat cruel, way to get him to stop that is by pretending she’s still asleep & memorizing everything he says, then the next morning, use those same words to praise him back.
He'll be shocked & sputter, but she should not give him a direct answer unless he asks a direct question about it. However, she should make it clear through expressions & euphemisms that she enjoyed it. Not to mention, kisses (deep & passionate, yet filled with love) of affirmation as a greeting for the day while she holds his face tenderly. Like he's sincerely the most precious treasure she's ever laid eyes on. This, followed by coquettish behavior throughout the day, will reassure him without pressuring him, that it's okay & that it's very encouraged. Which will allow him to be less thorny & embarrassed by it.
And when receiving, he'll often see it as the most beautiful sight & the absolute best way to wake up. However, he'll try to pretend that he's still asleep.
After that, I'd he realizes that she's woken during intercourse, he'll, unfortunately, begin to pull back on the open tenderness, but will replace it with an edge of seduction.
Will not breed her in her sleep unless she's given him the cues.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Greed singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. Which, BTW, I think he'd have a naturally operatic voice.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances, specifically in this situation, the more sexual ones. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Greed has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
TP (Pride) Specifically:
Remember that this is the Child Timeline where he was ratted out by a pair of children & was discovered to be treacherous.
However, I tend to believe that the Hyrule King didn't initially believe Link or Zelda &, instead, sent Impa to investigate in an attempt to assuage his daughter's paranoia & prove that her & her new friend were just worrying over nothing.
He didn't expect for Impa to actually turn up evidence of a legitimate coup.
Which, keep in mind that unless Zelda specifically sent Link back to before he even woke up in his treehouse, then at the very least, Greed had still sent Ghoma to infest the Deku Tree, which resulted in him dying.
And depending on whether or not the same is true of his attempts to attain the other Spiritual Stones, then there'd be eye witness testimony to Greed's treachery. Hell, Darunia himself said that Ganondorf told him to "give me the Spiritual Stone! Only then will I open the cave for you!" And, keep in mind that, according to Darunia, the king is his Sworn Brother. So, even though I don't think that the king would believe a couple of kids, he'd likely believe the word of his own friend. Which, all Link would have to do would be to tell the king to "ask Darunia." And, bringing up Ruto could also help, because even though she too was a child, the fact that yet someone else was insisting that Greed was after their Spiritual Stone, would only further cement his suspicions. Hell, the mere fact that Link has the Kokiri Emerald should at least raise a couple of red flags!
And the fact that Greed was specifically after the Spiritual Stones, the keys to accessing a holy relic of the country that he was supposedly trying to form some sort of alliance with, would raise some freaking alarm bells, I'd think!
As a result, the king likely kept the fact that the investigation was prompted by a couple of children quiet as not only would it reflect badly upon the Royal Family for not having investigated until then, but it'd paint a target on both the kids' backs.
As such, no one, not even Pride, actually knows that it was the children that snitched on him. He knows that the princess didn't like him & he assumes that the boy in green was one of her little friends, but thinking that it was them would most likely be a bit of a logical leap for him regardless of whether it was true or not. Part of the reason that he betrayed Zant is due to the mistaken belief that someone close to him betrayed him. As a result, he became extremely paranoid of those working under him.
Anyway, after Greed began to suspect that the jig was up, he escaped before he could be caught. This resulted in a 7 year long war (which is why Pride has longer hair during the execution scene). At the end of those, Link defeated him in battle & took him to face his crimes.
After Greed was sealed in the Twilight Realm, his ardent Gerudo followers (excluding Kōme & Kotake) were all executed while the rest were banished. (Which leads into Gluttony.)
However, he actually isn't aware that the rest of the Gerudo were banished & legitimately believes that they were all killed & thus he is the only Gerudo left. And the state of the once Spirit Temple does not help in any way.
So, despite having not truly cared for them, he's still extremely angry about the believed genocide.
Will Fuck Both Women & Men Whenever - However, he really only finds women to be attractive. He's mostly indifferent to men & generally only fucks men to humiliate them & prove his dominance. It's sort of an expression of how he thinks that he can do anything due to having the blessing of a goddess. So, while he's not attracted to men, he's turned on by their humiliation & gets a bit of a high from dominating his enemies.
Rapist - Very much not a good man & will take what he wants from whoever he desires. A cereal Feminizer of the Enemy. While other Gdorfs do this too, it's mostly seen as just business for them. But Pride has a legit sadistic streak about it.
Worse yet, he'll mock his victims. Especially men whose bodies react despite not wanting it.
So, yeah. Horrible dude.
Isolating & Eliminating Yandere - Due to having been just sort of given the Triforce of Power even though he hadn't gotten it in this timeline, he's gotten a huge ego boost & doesn't take rejection well. In many ways, he sees himself as being chosen by Din & rightful king of Hyrule because of it. This is what spawned his God Complex.
Much like all Gdorfs, he's also very selfish & greedy, wanting his Darling all to himself. It's just to the extreme here. Insanely possessive & jealous. Will punish his Darling physically if he believes she's defied him in any way. Seeks to isolate her from those around her. I can't reiterate more how extremely possessive & jealous this man is. As such, he'll have anyone he views as a threat to his relationship with her, eliminated.
And, in his sadism, if he believes this individual to be someone Darling cares about, he's not opposed to making their death a spectacle.
The Ganondorf most likely to imprison his Beloved in a tower & rape her at his leisure.
Perverted - Not even secretly at this point. Just downright lecherous to the point of chauvinism & doesn't even try to hide it. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis via the eyes. Makes some downright obscene comments sometimes.
Can honestly be very lewd & crass.
Objectifier - Especially if she's Hylian or Sheikah/Yiga. In such situations, it even takes on a feeling of racial fetishization. Takes simple joy in humiliating her.
Most likely to dress her up all pretty & parade her around as a sort of living trophy.
Will often nibble the tip of his prize's pointed ear rather mockingly if she's Hylian/Sheikah. He's honestly weirdly obsessed with them.
Endearment User - However, he tends to do so in objectifying, possessive, or mocking ways.
Will often refer to a woman that he's made into a concubine as Bensinï, Benzenï, Kinzanï, all meaning "my treasure." Vesginï to mean "my jewel." Hiahxàlnï, meaning "my prize." Làba or Làbanï, translating to "toy/plaything" or "my toy/plaything." Ghànj or Ghànjnï, for "pet" or "my pet." Morizī, "pretty one."
Or, in the case of Darling being a Hylian or Sheikah, he will regularly use Bensïrénï, which refers to the spoils of war or thievery, thereby giving it a meaning similar to "my trophy."
And, surprisingly, Tzhamdnï, translating to "my sheath." Which, if this was said in privacy, whispered in the ear, or even just said with affection, then it'd take on a very sweet & wholesome meaning. As it can mean something similar to Baynï or Amïnq'tonï, which mean "my home" or "my sanctuary or safe place." Though, while whispering can still have that sort of feel, the act of making it secretive, will cause the endearment to be edged with seduction or promise.
However, because this Gdorf calls her such out loud regardless of someone being present, with an abundance of smugness, & very little tenderness. It actually causes it to take on the more literal & euphemistic meaning due to Tzhamd also being frequently used to refer to a woman's cooch. As such, his use of it would be considered outrageously lewd, very bold, & even just downright shameless to a Gerudo listener.
Strong, But Not Too Strong Women - It's easiest to get his attention if a woman nearly beats him, but not to such a degree that he feels insecure in his position as strongest. If she's able to literally beat him from the beginning, then that'll just get him angry & give him a sort of psychosexual hate-on for her, thus causing him to desire to imprison her & punish her for her insolence.
Possibly even making her his prized concubine. Not even respecting her enough to put a ring on that finger despite the custom that says he should marry her. The reason being that he's become extremely narcissistic & prideful of his power that he openly disregards his people's customs.
At the same time, if she manages to turn the tables on him to such a degree that she is able to imprison him & use him as her personal fuck toy, there will be a part of him that'll marvel & be enthralled by her. Especially if she generally treats him fairly when not having sex. It actually doesn't take long for him to submit & become her loyal concubinus (male concubine) in such a case.
In many ways, he's much like a giant, spicy cat in need of socialization. He butts his head into his mistress' hand like one too. (Though, the grandma rollers have got to go.)
However, it'll take quite a lot longer for him to be able to call her Mistress.
There will definitely eventually be some Stockholm going on for him though as he'll eventually take to referring to her possessively.
Such as "my Mistress" or "my queen."
Unfortunately, he's so prideful & wicked here that the only way to make him better is by breaking him down first. And even then, he'll prefer his new place. This being the ultimate reflection of his Might Makes Right mentality. Meaning that, in his mind, Darling had totally & completely beaten him in every way that mattered, therefore she was allowed to do whatever she wished to him & he was hers to command.
And he's so brainwashed by this belief that he's turned on by her utterly dominating him.
Needless to say, he's a sick mofo.
Somnophile - Actually, very much enjoys watching her sleep. (Just because he's a wicked piece of shit doesn't mean that he's incapable of real affection.) He's also prone to admiring her face in a relaxed state. Those are some of the only times that he allows himself to be truly tender with his Darling as he actually feels safe to do so. Will kiss her face sweetly & tuck hair behind her ear & nuzzle her face or neck.
At the same time, due to how he is, especially when he's still in power, if she suddenly wakes up & sees him, it'll often induce fear as the image is quite creepy. And worse is that he won't even stop. Choosing to instead continue indulging in her presence, though with a more sinister air to it.
He also has no issue with the idea of having sex with someone while they sleep or receiving pleasure as he himself slumbers. In fact, when giving, he enjoys challenging himself to see how long he can breed her without waking her fully. Seeing it as a victory if he manages to get them both to the finish without waking her. (He tends to be extra full of himself for the rest of the day afterwards.) He'll also whisper some of the sweetest praises you've ever heard while she’s still under. Though even if he does wake her, he'll simply continue unfazed, just without the tenderness. And when receiving, he'll often see it as quite possibly the absolute best way to wake up.
However, due to his nature as a person, he doesn't see a need for permission unless he's been fully toppled from his perch & subsequently ground into the dirt.
As such, he does this regardless of consent.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up. Though, he hasn't had the chance to play in a while.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Pride singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. Which, BTW, I think he'd have a naturally operatic voice.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances, specifically in this situation, the more sexual ones. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Pride has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
Bratty Bottom Who Enters Subspace Fairly Easily - Never ever will you find a brattier bottom. Though, if she treats him tenderly while he's in subspace, it'll unconsciously accelerate his transition into the mindset of her as his Mistress.
Bondage or Restraining - Loves to have his Darling helpless beneath him & crying out his name. However, the gander doesn't appreciate its own medicine initially.
Enjoys Toys - By that I mean adult toys.
Harem Owner - Has many concubines that he uses at his leisure. Until Darling makes him hers. At which point, they're all dismissed.
Extremely Touch Starved - Only rivaled by Envy, this Gdorf is unbelievably touch-starved & despite everything, craves physical affection like it's a force of nature. Absolutely melts when given it. However, he tends to be very tsundere about it.
Initially Refuses To Be Dominated - In the beginning, even when acting as the bottom, he needs to be in control. Until he's tamed as mentioned above, at which point he may eventually begin to willingly refer to her as mistress & literally beg to be used like a whore by her.
Praise/Degradation - Mostly degradation & even the few times he praises, it tends to be very filthy & backhanded. Until he's tamed as mentioned above, at which point the praise floweth like water.
Body Worship - Enjoys his cock being worshipped. Especially when he sits upon his throne.
However, once he's broken in, he'll borderline treat her as a literal goddess.
Exhibitionist - Legitimately does not care when or where he has sex &, in fact, sees it as his right to be able to take from others' bodies whenever.
As mentioned above, he especially takes great, sadistic joy in forcing his defeated enemies into worshiping his cock as he sits upon his throne & attends his audience or meetings.
Despite this, is actually deeply humiliated if his Mistress dominates him in front of others. However, despite himself, it actually turns him on more.
WW (Envy) Specifically:
This is the Adult Timeline, which means he experienced being at the top & nearly achieving his goals (even being King of Hyrule for a period of 7 years) before being toppled like a stack of dominoes. This humbled him to a degree & has had a strong effect on him.
Envy keeps his hair short due to perceiving himself as having failed as both a king & a man, thus he doesn't really see himself as a true man, let alone a true king, anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I don't actually think that Greed really cared about his people as much as some assume. Because if he had, then why were the Gerudo still all living in the desert? Why did he have them brainwashed? In this way, I think that he keeps his hair that short mostly due to failing himself & his own lofty ambitions.
As such, if Envy does feel guilty for having failed them, then it isn't for as selfless of a reason as some like to portray it being.
It's possible that he is genuinely regretful, but the likelihood of it only being because of his own personal failure, is actually very high.
Soft, But Manipulative & Unassuming Yandere (Borderline Sane) - Having been humbled so, he tends to have a stronger hold on his yandere tendencies. As such, he is more subtle in his machinations. "Soft" means that he'll often regret or feel guilty over the bad things he does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop.
One of the 2 Dorf most likely to use pleasure & overstimulation as punishment.
Prone To Jealousy - Yet, he also tends to keep it to himself. However, that causes it to simmer until it boils over.
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact a secret &, if nothing else, he at least puts in the effort to be polite about it. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis through the eyes. Can also be quite the tease.
Extremely Touch Starved - Only rivaled by Pride, this Gdorf is unbelievably touch-starved & almost openly craves physical affection like it's a force of nature. Absolutely melts when given it. Whereas Pride is the spicy cat that needs socializing, Envy is the big, fluffy cat that just sorta wanders into your house & decides you're its new family. Loves cuddles & is in no way ashamed of this fact. Might be a bit embarrassed, but not ashamed of it.
Secretly Wants To Be Dominated (every once in a while) - If a woman can kick his ass, instant erection. Though, he'll try to contain his excitement & will find his reaction embarrassing.
Has a greater tolerance for being defeated by a beautiful Vai due to having been humbled so.
Once more, it's Gerudo custom that if a ruler is beaten by a member of the opposite sex (so long as they are the relatively same age), they are to be the ruler's spouse. In the old days, the Gerudo ruler was expected to make that happen by whatever means necessary. (This tradition also holds true for the common Gerudo, though to a lesser degree.)
So, in many ways, as soon as she knocks him on his ass, he mentally begins calling her his wife or his queen & will quietly simp for her.
Somnophile - Actually, very much enjoys watching her sleep. He's also prone to admiring her face as she dozes. Will kiss her face sweetly & tuck hair behind her ear & nuzzle her face or neck.
If she wakes, she'll likely catch quite the soft expression on his face & Envy, upon noticing, will give a quiet “Sàv'otta.”
He also has no issue with the idea of having sex with someone while they sleep or receiving pleasure as he himself slumbers. In fact, when giving, he enjoys challenging himself to see how long he can breed her without waking her fully. Seeing it as a victory if he manages to get them both to the finish without waking her. (He tends to be somewhat full of himself for the rest of the day afterwards. A slight mischievous streak will also have him not mentioning what happened.) He'll also whisper some of the sweetest praises you've ever heard into her ear as he gently breeds her.
And if he happens to wake her, he'll stop as she comes to completely & wait for her consent. If he's told to stop, he'll get pouty, but he'll acquiesce. However, if she tells him to keep going, he’ll do so gladly, though perhaps a bit restrained in his affections as it’s easier to behave so tenderly with one who doesn’t hear. And when receiving, he'll often see it as quite possibly the absolute best sight to wake up to.
Will not do this without discussing it with her.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Envy singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. Which, BTW, I think he'd have a naturally operatic voice.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances, specifically in this situation, the more sexual ones. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Greed has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
Breeding, Pregnancy, & Lactation Kink - He just gives me that vibe.
Reciprocal Parent Kink - Only applies when they have a kid together. It's not even remotely about age-play & is instead about acknowledging each other's domestic roles. It's essentially calling each other mother or father of my child. Takes great, masculine pride in being referred to in such a way. Age-play creeps him out.
Power Dynamics - Naturally dominant, but has discovered that he enjoys switching things up a bit. However, he'd have to be very close to her to allow that, but much like how being dominated can be relieving & destressing for CEOs, so too can it be for Envy.
This Gdorf finds it pretty easy to give up control.
FSA (Gluttony) Specifically:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea.
Either way, this is a reincarnation of Pride (meaning, Pride died & was reborn as someone new) & he's affected by the fact that his people were banished from Hyrule, so he likely has ideas of revenge rolling around in that head of his. (Not sure if learning that they were banished because of his predecessor's actions would change anything, though.)
Important note: Gluttony is Lust from before breaking free of the Four Sword.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. Even more so than Greed.
Indulgent - He enjoys luxury. Even more so than all the other Ganondorfs & this includes sexually.
Hedonistic - Seeks out pleasure in whatever way he can. This goes hand-in-hand with his indulgent tendencies.
Secretly A Pervert - Honestly, can be every bit as much of one as Lust, but he hides it about as well as Envy does. The reason he's a pervert is simply due to the nature of gluttony. It isn't just about eating too much, it's about overindulgence & that goes for everything, including sex.
Ergo, he overindulges in his partners' bodies. He does seem to have an oral fixation though.
- Oral King - Look it up. The most liable to get pussy drunk. If his Darling happens to be a Vae, he'll waffle a bit before caving into curiosity. To his own embarrassment, he'll actually quite enjoy it.
Food Kink - Yes, I am playing to the new nickname he's been given. What of it?
Sensitive Nipples (But does not know) - As sensitive as Lust’s nipples.
Enjoys Toys & Lingerie - By that, I mean adult toys.
Somnophile - Actually very much enjoys watching her sleep. He's also prone to admiring her face as she dozes. Will kiss her face sweetly & tuck hair behind her ear & nuzzle her face or neck.
The idea of fucking someone in their sleep or being ridden in his sleep turns him on. But he is very disinclined to trying it unless he's been given a clear message from his Darling that she wants that. (Even then, for a long time after he starts it, he tends to be a bit shy for a few days afterwards.)
When first confronted, he says “Rijōnï hō umehéda so.” (My apologies for waking you.)
But while he's rutting her, he'll also whisper some of the sweetest praises you've ever heard into her ear as he gently breeds her. And if he happens to wake her, he'll silently freak out before pulling out & rolling over to pretend he's asleep while being ridiculously embarrassed & sort of ashamed. However, if she catches him before he does this & tells him to keep going, he’ll light up, but flush before continuing. Though, the praise will be a bit more retrained. And when receiving, he'll see it as the most beautiful sight & the absolute best way to wake up.
Will not do this without discussing it with her.
Secretly Wants To Be Dominated - Despite his overall shyness, he actually wants someone (specifically a Vai or a Vae) to dominate him. Not just that, but to take him "against his will."
Touch Starved - Absolutely craves physical affection & melts when given it. As opposed to Pride's spicy cat & Envy's fluffy cat, Gluttony's more so the feral, shy cat who desperately wants attention, but has obviously been abused. Loves cuddles. A bit embarrassed & a little ashamed of it.
Breeding, Pregnancy, & Lactation Kink - He just gives me that vibe.
Loves Soft Service Doms/Housewife Kink - A maternal, nurturing, & doting Dear will find Gluttony quite attached to her. He craves being treated with tenderness. Though, it depends on the energy that Darling puts behind it if he'll respond.
Soft Yandere - The most unassuming Yandere of the lot, because not even Darling is really sure that the flags are there.
He's one of the least likely to punish her with pain & as likely to do so via pleasure, overstimulation, & humiliation as Envy, but not as much as Lust.
HW (Lust or Lech) Specifically:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea. But so far, I'm getting that Hyrule Warriors was the catalyst for the 3 timelines merging by creating an event that was inevitable in all 3. A.k.a the Era of the Wilds.
Straight, But On Thin Ice - Borderline bisexual, but definitely heteroromantic. Has zero romantic interest in men. Mostly fucks men to dominate & humiliate them much like his other selves, but there is a small part of him that legitimately enjoys it & even finds certain men somewhat attractive. As such, he doesn't mind using men to "relieve stress."
At the same time, in Gerudo society, due to their reproductive situation, there is a distinct pressure on everyone to be straight & an overt bias against legitimate homosexuality & even bisexuality.
So, while Lust doesn't consider himself to be legitimately attracted to men, he knows that his liaisons would be taken as such. However, in the old days Feminizing the Enemy was common amongst the Gerudo. Gerudo Vaien especially tended to do this to the males of their enemies. But, before the all-female curse, when Gerudo Voen did it to the male enemies, it was strictly seen as an act of dominance & humiliation against the enemy to break their morale. And the few female enemies found on the battlefield tended to be enslaved & made into concubines.
As such, even though it wasn't as in practice anymore, Lust sort of uses it as an excuse to be able to get his rocks off whenever.
Amazing Kisser - Self-explanatory.
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact on the relative dl from his subjects &, if nothing else, he at least puts in the effort to be polite about it. Will sometimes stalk his darling & is prone to apodyopsis via the eyes. The biggest tease with the most perverted mind out of all the Gdorfs.
A Bit Of A Slut - Always up for sex. While the Gerudo tend to be more sex-positive, they believe that there is a distinct difference between just having a bit of fun every once in a while, & outright being loose with one's body & this Ganondorf would be considered loose among them. He knows this &, thus, tries to keep this fact a secret from his people.
Homme Fatale - A seductive & charming, but manipulative & dangerous man. A cereal one-night-stander. Despite this, he's extremely romantic & suave, which is partly how he gets laid so often.
An Incorrigible Flirt - As mentioned above, he's very romantic, very suave, & very charming. Knows that he's attractive & flaunts it. Often using it to his advantage to get what he wants.
Part of this is connected to being manipulative. He sees what he wants & will get it by whatever means necessary. Even if it means flirting with the enemy regardless of sex.
Unbothered By Nudity - Doesn't care who sees him in the buff. Absolutely shameless.
A Subtle & Unassuming, But Very Dangerous Yandere - He keeps these tendencies hidden, but doesn't stop from indulging in them. Extremely manipulative & a definite gaslighter. So good at hiding it, in fact, that extremely few would believe his Darling if she were to try & tell anyone. This would result in her becoming isolated & lonely, thus becoming vulnerable to his machinations. Which is exactly where he wants her. Wants her to be dependent upon him. Genuinely believes that he's doing it for her own good.
Lust is most likely to go from simply obsessing over his Darling to genuinely loving her as he gets to know her, thus causing things to become more complicated.
Once he's grown to trust her, he isn't the type to believe that his Darling is cheating on him without some damn strong & condemning evidence. Yes, he'll start off as the suspicious sort, but as he begins to get to know her, he'll begin to trust her more, especially if she's just generally the honest & fidelous type.
Rather, he tends to not like it when she pays other men more attention than she does to him even if she's just being friendly.
Though, he also realizes when she is just being friendly & thus doesn't take it out on her. More so becoming an intimidating presence to the other man by casually, yet not overtly exerting his dominance.
"Soft" means that he'll often regret the bad things he actually does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop. And, he's also the least likely to punish her with pain & the most likely to do so via pleasure, overstimulation, & humiliation.
Wants To Be Defeated - But only by a Vai or Vae. If she's able to put him on his ass? Heart eyes motherfucker! Will high-key simp for her but tries to hide the hearts in his eyes behind a suave, flirty veneer.
Again, it's Gerudo custom that if a ruler is beaten by a member of the opposite sex (so long as they are the relatively same age), they are to be the ruler's spouse. In the old days, the Gerudo ruler was expected to make that happen by whatever means necessary. (This tradition also holds true for the common Gerudo, though to a lesser degree.)
So, in many ways, as soon as she knocks him on his ass, he mentally begins referring to her as his wife or his queen. But he also begins referring to her as such out loud.
Will openly flirt with her & will no longer flirt with anyone else. Also no longer lays with others, not even in acts of dominance. Will even go so far as to outright say that she will be his queen someday to her face. He'll even make little jokes about it when asked.
Someone asks him what he's doing, he might quip "planning my wedding."
Really Wants To Be Romanced - Despite being the dominant sort, he actually really, really wants to be romanced. So, even though he's charming & suave & romantic, he'd actually melt inside if a woman turned all that around on him & tried to woo, romance, or court him. Especially if she were to do so using things that she learned about his interests. May inwardly swoon as a result. Even more than other Ganondorfs. At the same time, he doesn't really know how to pursue a genuine & healthy relationship.
A Sucker For Romance - Most of the novels he enjoys reading that aren't in some way related to cultural anthropology (history, culture, myth, theology, ect) or war/strategy, tends to be smutty romance novels. (If a book has all of those things, though, then he's found a new top pick.) Though, he's a bit of a literature snob as he honestly can't stand badly-written literature.
If he were in any other situation than the one he was in, he'd ship the hell outta Zelink. However, because he is in his current position, this is one instance where he hates the Destined Princess Saved By Her Knight trope.
Craves Love & Affection - More than any other Ganondorf, he wishes to find that woman who he can spend the rest of his life with. In a way that's somewhat reminiscent of Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom. Despite his own tendencies & habits, he's also the one who'd find it the easiest to transition into partner exclusivity, followed quickly by Gluttony & Envy. And with the right guidance, he's the quickest of the lot to take up more healthy relationship habits.
Oral King - Look it up. Though, he's only ever serviced women due to fear of being seen as submissive if he were to suck off a man.
But if his Darling turns out to be a Vae, then let's just say that he is a quick & enthusiastic learner.
Enjoys Toys & Lingerie - By that, I mean adult toys.
Loves lingerie. Corsets especially gets him going.
Kinky - Self-explanatory. Will try almost anything at least once so long at it isn't absolutely disgusting or unsanitary.
Sensitive Nipples - The one time someone tweaked him, he gave the most whorish moan he'd ever made before. It embarrassed him to a degree that he no longer let's anyone touch them. He'd only let someone he trusts to not say anything to anyone or make fun of it, touch them now. Never had them sucked or really played with before, but it would reduce him to a wanton puddle.
Secretly Wants To Be Dominated - Is able to dominate just about anyone without much effort, even when he bottoms. Weaponizes his natural animal magnetism against certain enemies like it's an actual, physical weapon.
However, he actually wants someone (specifically a Vai or a Vae) to dominate him. Not just that, but to take him "against his will."
Dude's a freak.
Touch Starved - Absolutely craves physical affection & melts when given it. Much like Envy, Lust is the big, fluffy cat that just sorta wanders into your house & decides you're its new family. Loves cuddles & is in no way ashamed or embarrassed of this fact.
Somnophile - Actually, very much enjoys watching her sleep. He's also prone to admiring her face as she dozes. Will kiss her face sweetly & tuck hair behind her ear & nuzzle her face or neck.
If she wakes, she'll likely catch quite the lovesick expression on his face & a quiet “Sàv'otta” & “Rijōnï hō umehéda so.” (My apologies for waking you.)
He also has no issue with the idea of having sex with someone while they sleep or receiving pleasure as he himself slumbers. In fact, when giving, he enjoys challenging himself to see how long he can breed her without waking her fully. Seeing it as a victory if he manages to get them both to the finish without waking her. (He tends to be extra full of himself & flirtatious for the rest of the day afterwards. A slight mischievous streak will also have him not mentioning what happened.)
He'll also whisper some of the sweetest praises you've ever heard into her ear as he gently breeds her. And if he happens to wake her, he'll stop as she comes to completely & wait for her consent. If he's told to stop, he'll get pouty, but he'll acquiesce. However, if she tells him to keep going, he’ll do so gladly. Not even a pause as he continues with the shmaltziest praise. And when receiving, he'll often see it as the most beautiful sight & the absolute best way to wake up.
Will not do this without discussing it with her.
Bondage or Restraining - Loves to have his Darling helpless beneath him & crying out his name. However, he quickly realizes that he enjoys it the other way around as well.
Knife-Play & Vampirism - Uses the claws of his gauntlet to make small cuts on his bed buddies. Then proceeds to lick up the blood. Also files his nails into claws.
Weird-Ass Rape Fetish - Secretly wants to be "forced" into sex by someone (specifically a Vai or Vae) stronger a/o more skilled as a fighter than him.
I did say that he was a freak, okay?
Odd Hermaphrodite Fetish - Ever since learning of the Myth of Talthïrï, which had taken place during his 500 years sealed away after facing the Hero of Light & the Four Sword, he'd been curious. Secretly reads Gerudo-written Stolkéda (Strap-On) a/o Vae Yūg Voe (Herm-With-Man) romantic smut literature. Like, the really trashy & borderline cliché, but admittedly well-written kind with great characterization, decent plots, & legitimate relationship growth. It's one of his greatest secrets & would commit literal genocide to keep it that way.
Despite his kink, he actually finds the Legend of Talthïrï (click for more info; WARNING it's weird) & the way that the 3 Vaen have influenced his culture to be legitimately interesting from a cultural anthropology standpoint. Like, there's more to his interest in them than just sexualization & kink.
Lust's current favorite is a book series called “The Heart of the North” written by Highland Gerudo author, Rúdja.
It's evidently based off a true story, though embellished.
It's about the Awli (Prime) Vaesitulïxa (A Vae dominitrix that is paid to break in male concubines) of the time, by the name of Nïla, & a new Vo'màzr (Gerudàn word for male concubine), named Thordack, a Hebra-born Ovelian (humans without pointed ears), set in the time before Vaen were allowed to wed.
They fought in battle between the Desert & Highland Gerudo as enemies & Nïla found herself excited by his strength & warrior spirit, not to mention his unusual height (taller than herself). However, before the battle could conclude, her soldiers intervened & he had been captured & she'd raped him in battle.
Wanting him for breeding stock, instead of killing him, she had him made into a Vo'màzr.
But he was fierce & refused to be broken, so she endeavored to break him. Though she was unable, until he was forced to breed a client & he later learned that he'd sired a Vaivï (girl) with her.
Then, his once limitless defiance seemed to falter as he realized that he had a child whose life he was forbidden to be a part of.
Something about that, Nïla found strange, so she endeavored to understand. It turned out that in Hebra culture, becoming a father was considered an almost sacred duty (I mean, so was becoming a mother, but fatherhood would obviously apply to him more) with both a father & a mother being considered essential to the development of children & the idea that he was unable to accomplish his duty, hurt.
In the process of learning this though, she committed a cardinal sin among Vaen. She fell in love.
She then bought him & became his Vaeyïda, his Mistress.
From then on, they got to know each other & when they bred, they made love.
When Nïla became pregnant, she saw a different side to Thordack. One that was gentle, yet still showcased strength & masculinity. He became protective & nurturing in a way that was unique compared to Vaien.
When she had cravings, he went out & retrieved them with little more than gentle teasing.
When her feet were swollen & aching, he rubbed her feet to sooth them without complaint.
He even built the Vehvï'jï (baby's) cradle himself & made toys for her out of wood, with his own 2 hands.
These were things that Nïla didn't understand.
Then, when the Vehvï was born, Nïla finally began to understand. Men… were important.
Not just as breeding stock, but as fathers & guides. As teachers. Having him there just made caring for their daughter so much easier. She doesn't understand how other Vàman (mothers) manage it.
Then again, she notes sadly that not many do. Many Vàman tend to slowly give their Vaivïn over to the community rather than care for them themselves. It's actually become distressing prevalent she notices. To the point that not many Vaien even remember what it was like being cared for by their Vàma. Nïla herself had been all-but abandoned at age 2 which is around when toddlers begin pushing their boundaries to see what they can get away with. It was also the most common age for Vaivïn to begin showing up at the community homes.
So, hearing with how much love that Thordack spoke of his own mother, who'd been such a big part of his life... It made Nïla want to become that warm, beloved memory for her own Vaivï.
That was when she realized that she wanted to take him as her husband & never wanted to be a stud to anyone else. She wanted this!
But the Gerudo custom would not allow it. So, she & Thordack hatched a plan where they sprung as many of the Vo'màzren as they could & took them & their daughter with them north passed Ealiyah into Hebra where they could marry.
There, of course, is a reasonable amount of smut in the series, but not nearly as much as you'd think. Most of the story is actually plot driven & really goes into the Desert Gerudo's sex industry, as well as the adverse effects that such hypersexualization has on a person's mental state & sense of self-worth as well as criticizing the overall misandry of many of the Desert Gerudo's customs & traditions in an intelligent & thoughtful way without bashing the Desert Gerudo culture itself.
Which is partly why Lust is so invested in it.
Breeding, Pregnancy, & Lactation Kink - He just gives me that vibe.
Predator/Prey Kink: Sometimes, he gets into a certain mood. Where he wants to pursue his Darling. Chase her down. Hunt her. And when he catches her, he wants to fuck her hard & fast & rough. Like animals.
He's not hit with this urge often, but whenever he is, he thoroughly enjoys the chase.
His Darling will know he's in that sort of mood if he watches her from a distance with that look. Eyes sharp & fixated on her like she's prey.
In these times, he'll especially enjoy a Vai who'll tease him just a little but not too much. One who has actual survival skills & can really test him.
In these times, Lust will stalk her & she knows it's go time when he creeps up behind her & whispers into her ear seductively, "run..."
That's her queue to book it. And fast.
TotK (Wrath) Specifically:
Soft, Manipulative, Unassuming, but Eliminating Protective Yandere (Borderline Sane) - Very possessive, protective, obsessive, & is prone to jealousy. However, he's extremely unassuming, even to his Darling. As a result, there's a possibility of a real, healthy relationship growing between them if he's careful. And, once he's grown to trust her, he isn't the type to believe that his Darling is cheating on him without some damn strong & condemning evidence. Yes, he'll start off as the suspicious & paranoid sort, but as he begins to get to know her, he'll begin to trust her more, especially if she's just generally the honest & fidelous type.
Rather, he tends to not like it when she pays other men more attention than she does to him even if she's just being friendly.
Though, he also realizes when she is just being friendly & thus doesn't take it out on her. More so becoming an intimidating presence to the other man by casually, yet not overtly exerting his dominance. He also doesn't tend to be anywhere near as overt in his yandere tendencies as most in the trope are, being an overall duplicitous individual & thus, being the sort to instead try & subtly manipulate his Darling into loving & trusting him. If his Darling reciprocates, then his yandere tendencies will tend to only make themselves known occasionally. However, this can change relatively quickly if he's repeatedly rejected.
As a result of this, Wrath is most likely to go from simply obsessing over his Darling to genuinely loving her as he gets to know her, thus causing things to become more complicated.
Also not the sort to hold his Darling captive specifically unless he's rejected too many times. He will, however, quite readily eliminate anyone who tries to get between them, even if it's a woman who wants to get rid of his Darling so that she can be with him. Especially then.
"Soft" means that he'll often regret the bad things he actually does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. In terms of things, this tends to include his horse, his weapons, & books, especially books revolving around cultural anthropology, mythology, & magical practice.
Gambling Man/Calculated Risk Taker - Recall the fact that this Gdorf sent a swarm of Molduga to attack Hyruleans... who were standing on a mountain... So, they wouldn't have even been able to get to them, most likely.
However, instead of being a dumbass, I think that he actually used them to get information.
The fact that Hyruleans & the Gerudo were at odds with each other at this time, it's likely that not many Hyruleans traveled to the desert during this era. Thus, it's possible that the fact that Molduga can't swim on solid earth might not have been common knowledge within Hyrule.
If so, then Wrath was probably using them as cannon fodder by using their big & intimidating appearance as well as their large numbers to bait Rauru into showing his trump card.
This is very much a possibility due to the fact that not only did he not in any way seem surprised by the fact that they were taken down so easily, but also the fact that he said "the Zonai's Secret Stone." Meaning that he knew about them beforehand.
However, the fact that he was willing to risk looking like an idiot says that while he's a good strategist, he's willing to take a certain degree of risk.
As such, I'm gonna take this & run with it.
He actually very much enjoys both strategy games & luck-based games that involve bluffing or maintaining absolute control of his visage.
Because of this, I actually think that he might be a bit of a card shark & that he actually doesn't mind cheating every once in a while. Like, he'd rather not (because where's the fun in that), but he will.
Because of this, I see him being good with sleight-of-hand.
He'd probably enjoy playing strip poker with his Darling. Would also absolutely teach her how to hustle people.
Also enjoys making bets. And while he's okay with cheating, if he makes a bet & he loses, he's actually very firm on keeping to said bet. Though, he may use loopholes in the wording used, whether his or theirs.
Breeding, Pregnancy, & Lactation Kink - He just gives me that vibe.
Strong, But Not Too Strong Women - If she's able to literally beat him from the beginning, then that'll just get him angry & make him hate her. Occasional wins are fine, it's beating him consistently that would chafe him.
If she ever does beat him, even if only briefly & due to surprising him, it's best if it happens after he's grown at least somewhat attached to her for things to turn out well between them.
At which point, he may simp slightly, but not a lot. Not even any Gerudo women can boast such a victory against him.
He's alive long after the flood of WW, so a lot of the old Gerudo customs have been lost. Including the custom that demands Gerudo of age marry foreigners of the opposite sex who defeat them. As such, he doesn't have that influence to shape his views.
Size Difference Kink - A petite Darling is perfect for him. He loves how delicate she is.
Power Dynamics - Naturally dominant & initially uncomfortable with letting go of control. He'd have to be very close to her to allow that, but much like how being dominated can be relieving & destressing for CEOs, so too can it be for Wrath.
Loves to watch her ride him.
Predator/Prey Kink: Sometimes, he gets into a certain mood. Where he wants to pursue his Darling. Chase her down. Hunt her. And when he catches her, he wants to fuck her hard & fast & rough. Like animals.
He's not hit with this urge often, but whenever he is, he thoroughly enjoys the chase.
His Darling will know he's in that sort of mood if he watches her from a distance with that look. Eyes sharp & fixated on her like she's prey.
In these times, he'll especially enjoy a Vai who'll tease him just a little but not too much. One who has actual survival skills & can really test him.
In these times, Wrath will stalk her & she knows it's go time when he creeps up behind her & whispers into her ear seductively, "run..."
That's her queue to book it. And fast.
Reciprocal Parent Kink - Only applies when they have a kid together. It's not even remotely about age-play & is instead about acknowledging each other's domestic roles. It's essentially calling each other mother or father of my child. Takes great, masculine pride in being referred to in such a way. Age-play creeps him the eff out.
Anyone who wishes to use these ideas for their own content is free to do so, so long as I get a link to it & a brief, unintrusive mention. I'm not picky. Or I try not to be anyway.
Ganondorf's Characterization Profile
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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newtabfics · 9 months
"Ah fuck," Y/N moaned as she was held down, feeling the gloom singing at her skin as Link writhed in front of her.
He wanted to yell and rip her away, but couldn't as he was held in place by the gloomhands' arms wrapped tight around him. He could only watch as the Phantom thrust into her, making her whimper and whine as the monster made her shiver.
It wasn't as though this was anything new to them. In fact, watching her, he knew she was thriving from it. She enjoyed this brutality and wanted more. It was the gloom that worried him as he pulled at the hands again. The phantom laughed mockingly at him as it shoved Y/N's shoulder into the gloom puddle, driving itself deeper into her.
She bit her lip and shuddered as she felt it begin to throb as it thrust harder into her. "Sh-Shit!" She gasped, shaking and moaning. "Fuck yes!"
Link shivered at her moan as he watched the monster release into her, letting out a shout before it faded away, having spent all of its energy.
The dark clumps pulsed on the ground as he hurried to her. Before he could check her for injury, her lips were on his and he was being pushed against the ground, feeling her soaked core rutting against his trousers.
"Linky, please. Wasn't enough," She whined.
"Fuck," He groaned, quickly pulling out his cock and letting her sink down on him. His moan made her whine as she began to ride him frantically, his calloused thumb finding her clit to help her.
He was certain Ganondorf attempted that to maybe strike a blow at his ego. If only he knew he loved to watch her fuck monsters.
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shiftlit · 10 months
If you were it on a blood moon and they weren't with you?-The legend of Zelda
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The Male character section
Link would be very worried if you were out on a blood moon
He would wait a bit to see if you were just a tiny bit late but if it was all most time for the red flakes
He would go out weapons on him and would look everywhere for you
Once he found you, he would drag you home as fast as he could and the second you two got home he would check for any injuries
After he checks you for injuries and patching any if you had any, he would scolded you for being out so late during a blood moon
Ravil would put on a he doesn't really care front but would be looking for you right when the blood moon comes up
If he doesn't find you in the first couple of hours, he would start to fly around panicking trying to find you
Once he finds you, he let out a breath of air and land near you, getting your attention
"you know staying out in a blood moon with out protection isn't the best idea" when he gets a good look at you he sees you were picking barriers, he grabs a few from the basket and eats them smirking
You were about to say something because he grab the barriers you were going to use for dinner but he then grab you and lifted off in the air heading home but sadly you drop the basket
When you guys got there you yelled at him for lift you in the air with out warning but you knew he was only worried, no matter how many times he tryed to deny it
he would be a little less worried sense he knows that your most likely in the garden with some guards
when it get bit later and doesn't see you later in the night then he start to ask the guards were you are
When none of them know we're you are he start looking for you tell guards to find you
The more moon goes up the more he starts to worry but luckily he finds you in the garden, just asleep
He's very releaved when he finds you and tells all the guards to stop looking
He picks you up happy to have you in his arms taking you to your guys room, putting you down in bed, getting in with you and holding you really close happy that you are safe
❤️-Prince Sidon
He would be worried but wouldn't start panicking until the moon starts to fully form
He would be very optimistic trying to smile it away but would be looking
The more late it got the more he got worried
He would be talking to the guards and while talking to them, one the guards would be dragging you towards him saying you were right out side the domain swimming
After talking to the guard he would run straight to you holding you, happy that you were ok
He wouldn't be worried at all senses he created the blood moon and you were his queen/king(or what ever you are) of darkness
But in the back of his mind he would be worried that some people would see that no monsters were never attacking you and would suspect you and Ganon being associated sence he put you in charge of making sure that all the monsters are revived
He would laugh it off knowing death mountain was safe but he knew you like to leave once in awhile
So when you told him that you were going for a walk on a blood moon night, he tryed to convince you to stay but you didn't listen and left and said you would be back before the blood moon starts
But when you didn't come back, he went out looking for you trying to think you were fine but was deeply worried
So when he found you in a hot spring asleep, he was relieved and pick you up and took home
In the morning you apologize for what happened and he just laugh it off saying he was just happy you were ok
He wouldn't think much at all but when you didn't come home is when he started to worry
he knew you could handle yourself but after awhile he started looking for you
He didn't find you for while which made him more worried, he started to fly around and when you were nowhere in the village so he took flight to the shooting rage where you both practiced
Luckily he found you there shoot target after target
When he land you felt a gush of wind from his landing and you turned to look at him and smiled he sighed but smiled
He was going to take you home but he knew by look of you, that you were to tired so he took the bow out of hands and took you in his arms and took you both to the ground cuddling you as you cuddled him back
You and him traveled pretty frequently to stables to show off your guys music
So when you guys were traveling to the next stable that was pretty far away and to camp for the night and you went to get some food and the moon started to turn red
He got worried and decided to look for you luckily you were on your way back with some food and so he didn't have to go far which made him happy that you were safe that he played your favorite tone that night while you guys ate
He would be really worried sense it's a blood moon but he know you were getting him a surprise
when you didn't come back for the night, he went to look for you, when he couldn't find you in the town he look at Yunoboco caves and luckily found you mining some ore for him
He was happy to see you and wanted to get you home so he just broke all the ore for you and took home
He knew that it was supposed to be a gift but he only want you to be safe so he apologized right when you guys got home but you were a tiny bit mad that the surprise was ruined but you knew that it was right thing to bring you back
💙-King derophan
He knew you would be ok cuz he always had a guard with you so he wasn't that worried
But when he was told that you were missing, he started to get worried and ask most of his guards to look for you
When you were not in the domain and the moon was get higher he look for you himself
After a bit he found you in a near by flower fealed making a big flower crown for him
He smiled at you seeing you were all most done he didn't disturb you until you were done
When you turned around to see him, you jump not suspecting he would be here which made him laugh. Which made you laugh
And You put the flower crown on him and left for the domain
After link help out with the snow in rito town, you both moved to look out landing
He did get a bit worried sense they were closer to the castle that has been causing all these problems but he wasn't to worried
But when you told him you were going to help the monster patrol people in fight some monsters he got even more worried but he didn't stop you
After you left a hour ago, the moon started to come out and it was all red which made him even more worried then ever, that he decided to fly to were you, you said you were going
When he got there he saw you bandaging yourself, he landed right near which put you in shock from him coming out of nowhere
he would be helping you with you wounds, after he finished he pulled you in to a hug and gave a peck the lips
You both were reading some runes, when the moon started to turn which made you both stop
He ask you to go to the place you and him were staying at but you refused but when the black Smoky stuff started to from near you guys, he grabbed you and both of you hind behind a piller
He sighed and saw there was a small crack in the wall that you both could go through
He dragged you over to the crack and made sure you went through it first
After you both of left to the place you have been staying at he held you as close as he could happy that you both made out of there
The female character section
She all ways was near you with link so she wasn't that worried
But when you went off on your own to grab some food and the moon turned red
She told link to find you right away she really worried pacing back and forth
Luckily link found you and she ran right towards you making sure you were all right and you were perfect fine
You were actually on your way back when she sent link to get you
Soina was very calm about it and didn't think you would get hurt
she new you were perfectly fine but when it was all most morning she started to worry
She ask the guards to look for you as she went looking her self and it turned out you were slaying a lot of monsters so there wasn't as much to deal with
When you got beat up, soina took you straight to the infirmary and got you patch up
Sence neither you or her got sleep, you both fell asleep in the infirmary
She never let you out a night but you had to work out side the town sometimes
She will walk you to the gate every time you leave and make sure you are safe
But when you were about to exit red flakes started to form making urbosa pull you back and tell the guards to be on high alert
Yeah....your not leaving her side for the next few days till the monsters are cleared out by the paths
Purah...I can't see her being super worried when the moon is happening because you both would be working in the lab and stuff
But one day you decide to go out to one of land marks and she wasn't that worried....till you got back
When you got to the front gate covered in bruises and bleed the guards panic and brought you to purah
And let's just say your body hurts from how tight she was pulling on the bandage and your now no longer aloud to leave with out a wepon
Yeah...you got scolded while being bandage up
She would always spend time with you so when you both decide to deal with the monsters near her town
She was all prepared but once you guys killed them all...the red moon came and let say with the little resources you guys had you did not make it out unscarred
She was injured but only by a few cuts but you....you had a whole f****** arrow in your thigh...
She was panicking and worried, you'd have to reassure her, that you were fine
...she will be spoiling you after that...
She would be panicked if you were not safe on a red moon
Basically you were out by the research site and were studying a few things, when all of a sudden you were hit on the head by a moster
You would wake up later to a paya in tears but the second she see you awake, she will jump on you and give you so many kiss on your face you all most passed out again
She...she would be the calmest
Like her brother she would not worry till the red moon got really high
Then she would start to worry, she wouldn't make a big deal out of it but she would look for you and would get more worried the more she didn't find you
Eventually Rauru would find her in a panic and try to calm her down
And while he was calling her down, you came into the room and ask if everything is okay...
She's relieved when she sees you but your getting the biggest scolding of your life
Mipha would be very worried right when the moon starts to turn red she would be in a panic
She would ask anyone were you have been and when no one knows she goes even crazier
She starts to think the worst and has to have her father calm her done
Luckily when you come back and she sees you she gose over in a rush crying happy to see your okay
When she ask were you were, you said you were dealing with the Lynel after the blood moon so the Zora didn't have to deal with it
She was very touch by what you were doing but realized you were really hurt and healed you right away
After healing you,she would drag you to your guys room and would snuggle with you in bed (please never worry her like that again)
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Sorry it took so long to make something, I have just been really busy and kinda ran out of ideas for this 😅
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Ganondorf : We could form a beautiful relationship where we benefit from each other. o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
Y/N with weapon in hand : Not interested. (#`Д´)
Ganondorf : If you do not want to be my master…
Ganondorf : You could be my betrothed instead. (◕‿◕)♡
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elufire · 11 months
Just wanted to take the time to promote my problematic Ganondorf x reader fanfic. (I’m sorry that Ganondorf is evil in this, I know many people do not vibe with that, and I usually don’t either but something wicked was cooking in my cranium)  Chapters: 7/9 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)/Reader, Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda) & Reader Characters: Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule Additional Tags: Angst, Smut, Assassination Plot(s), Regicide, Murder, Loss of Virginity, Virginity, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Creampie, Poison, Porn With Plot, Plot Twists, Ganondorf Being an Asshole (Legend of Zelda), Evil Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda), Evil Plans, Canon-Typical Violence, Fantastic Racism, Family Drama, POV Female Character, Female Protagonist, No Proofreading We Die Like Men, Patriarchy, She/her pronouns for reader, Animal Death, Coercion, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Reader is evil, Fake Pregnancy Summary:
(Y/N) seeks the aid of the Gerudo King of the desert Ganondorf in a plot to save her own life.
Set on the same map as BOTW and Tears of the Kingdom, but the timeline wise falls a few incarnations before the calamity.
Maybe I read too much Shakespeare, but you can never have enough regicide.
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
15 with Ganondorf as person B 👀👀👀👀
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event here.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, quickies, creampies, slight roughness, sort of modern AU kind of thing going on word count: 0.8k pairings: Ganondorf x Fem!Hylian!Reader prompt: Person B and Person A fucking in public and having to keep their voices down to avoid getting caught. Bonus: Person B has to cover Person A's mouth with their hand. Or their lips.
You wondered often to yourself how you managed to catch the eye of the king of Gerudo. But you were never complaining when he showed you this sweet side of him. You remind him of sweet days frolicking in the forest of Hyrule in his youth, and he reminds you of warm summer nights watching the stars. Somehow, you became a perfect match for Ganondorf. He had quickly become your lover, and the intimacy you two shared was nothing short of mindblowing and magical. He made every time with you feel like it was this sensual ritual.
Even though he was more a fan of making love in his bedroom or yours, sometimes he would surprise you with something quite spontaneous. Whenever he did that, you were always so excited. Having a quickie in somewhere new and with the potential of getting caught always gets your blood pumping and your heart racing like nothing else. So when he invites you out for a few drinks at this new tavern built in your town, you know that maybe this will be the night you two decide to have such a risky rendez-vous.
You wear a new dress, just begging to be pushed up over your hips. This is exactly what Ganondorf does as soon as he locks you both into the overly cramped restroom of the tavern. His eyes are full of fire as he kisses your neck, making you squirm in his grasp.
“You know the rules,” he whispers in a husky voice. “Don’t make too much noise and you need to let me finish inside.”
You don’t often let him finish inside, just because you aren’t necessarily ready for the commitment of a baby. But whenever you two indulge in these sorts of quickies, it’s just easier for him to finish inside of you so that he doesn’t need to clean up messes. You kiss him frantically, clinging to him as he pins you against the wall of the restroom.
“Gan…” you breathe out as he plays with your clothed cunt. He smirks as he notices how the fabric is clinging to your folds already.
“Naughty little princess,” he grunts as he pushes your panties aside. “You were just waiting for this to happen.”
It doesn’t take much longer for him to pull his own pants down and let his cock bounce free. It smacks against his abdomen, standing tall and leaking out the pearlescent fluids you usually love to taste so badly. He can see that look in your eyes, and he knows he doesn’t want to tease you for much longer. So he opens your legs a bit more, and he uses his cock to spread your wet folds.
“Fuck, you’re so damn wet.”
He doesn’t say anything more before sliding into you, making you squeak out from the intense feeling of being stretched. No Hylian man could ever fuck you the way this giant Gerudo does. He just makes you feel so full every time. You feel it all the way in your navel sometimes. It’s just the size of him that has you completely stretched out. His eyes narrow at you as he begins pumping into you.
“Be quiet, princess.”
You try your best, but it always feels so good. You grip onto him as his cock pistons into you, in and out and in and out… He’s slow with the rhythm at first, keeping it nice and deep. It doesn’t take much for him to pick up the pace and begin fucking you harder. Your nails dig into the meaty flesh of his biceps.
“Oh fuck, Gan!” You cry out, and he growls. He knows if he continues to let you be loud like this, you’ll surely get caught.
One of his hands comes up and smacks against your mouth, making sure you understand the warning he is trying to give you. The sounds of your cries of love are now muffled and they vibrate against his large hand. The way he keeps his hand on your mouth while fucking himself into you so fast and hard has your head spinning. It’s so sexy to have him have to shut you up like this.
“I warned you,” he growls into your ear. “You’re just begging to be punished huh?”
He removes his hand for a moment, allowing you to breathe and be able to respond. But at the very same time, the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot dead on and you let out a moan. Ganondorf leans in and kisses you roughly, fucking you harder and faster until you reach your peak. He grunts at the way your silky walls milk him so good, sending him over the edge along with him.
“Next time, you need to be more quiet…” He tells you as you straighten out your dress. “Or else I’ll shut you up myself.”
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I'm kinda leaning on the Toji x reader, Kokoshibou x reader, Muzan x Reader, or Ganondorf x reader stuff we mentioned, ngl - H
I'm partial to the Muzan x Reader one sooooooo You'll find it below~!
My apologies for how short it is, but sometimes, short is sweet
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Title: In Sickness and in Health
Characters: Muzan x m!Reader
Contains: fluff, sickness, near death, pet names (love, dear)
Fandom: Demon Slayer
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
MINORS, FEM ALIGNED, AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DNI (This may not be smut, but I still want the above to be followed)
Reblogs > likes
"My love...I think...it's time."
You lie on your back on the bedding Muzan had made for you, a bedding befitting royalty. Pillows softer than an angel's wings propped up your heavy head, and blankets more plush than a sheep's wool covered your body.
A sickness had attacked your body, and despite his knowledge in medicine, Muzan was unable to find a cure for this disease, leaving him to become a mess you had never seen him become. Worry took over his own body, panic slowly creeping up on his face as you spoke the words he never wanted to hear you say.
"My dear, please, don't say such things. You merely want to rest, yes? Then please, rest."
"Muzan..." A weak, pale hand raised to gently caress his chilled cheek. "We both know what I mean...and I'm ready."
You were grateful, as this sickness had taken the years to finally get you to this point. You were able to enjoy what time you were given to your husband, and throughout that time, you had come to accept what was to come, especially since a cure seemed further and further out of reach.
You had never seen this man cry, so to see him shed so many tears at your bedside only made your heart ache, even more so when he gripped at your hand, thinking holding it tightly would keep you down to earth with him.
"Muzan, shhh...please...I promise...it's better I go while I'm ready...than to leave with regret."
He knew that. He of all people should know that, especially with the time he has spent alive. He has seen many people come and go, but never, never has he felt such a fear of losing anyone before.
"...You can't leave me...I'm sorry..." Muzan's voice shook as he spoke, pressing your hand and his to your forehead. "Please...give me more time. I can find a cure! I know I can!"
"As great of a doctor as you are...not everything is meant to be cured..."
Ah, that's right. That's what he told you. He told you he was a doctor. He had almost forgotten his little white lie amidst his rare emotions.
"But...you cannot expect me to just let you die..."
"No...No I don't." Your voice was weak, and it only weakened by the minute. "I expect you to let me go, to allow me to move on. I told you, love...I'm ready."
"But I'm not! Please just..." He choked on a sob, wracking his thoughts around for an idea.
And one came to mind.
Immediately, his emotions flipped like a switch, and he slowly gazed at you with red, puffy eyes.
"My love...If I...If I may be selfish..." He stood from his seated spot, his hands moving up your arm until one rested under your head, gently lifting it so you two could meet eyes. "Please...allow me to..."
"Muzan...?" You furrowed your brows, tiredly meeting his eyes as he moved around. "What is it you wish to do...?"
"I...I have not been honest with you, dear. There is...a part of me I kept hidden from you for so long." He thought carefully about what to say, about how to say it. "This part of me...I never wanted you to see, to experience, but..."
You chuckled lightly before it turned into a phlegm filled cough, only startling Muzan further. However, you spoke before he could utter a word. "Alright, love..."
Muzan froze, unsure if he heard you correctly. "A...Alright?"
You gave him a weak smile. "I'm not sure what you're wanting to do, but...heh...I trust you." Honestly you thought maybe he was finally losing it at this point, considering how he had behaved with you during your sickness. Your sickness was lighting the fuse, and you dying was the explosion you never wanted to see. However, who were you to deny him at this point?
Your trust was all he needed, and it was like all fear and sadness left like water rushing out of a dam. Adrenaline kicked in, and with a bite of his tongue, Muzan's lips met yours.
At first, your suspicions felt correct, though you weren't complaining. His kisses were always lovely, and you'd be a fool to leave before receiving one last kiss from your husband.
But what you weren't expecting was the rush of blood that poured into your mouth.
Metallic liquid settled against your tongue, sliding down your throat. You had never tasted anything so foul, but as you swallowed it, you wouldn't remember the taste. In fact, you wouldn't remember anything for awhile.
It felt like a blink, and you were sitting up in bed, panting heavily as your eyes darted around the room. Your vision felt...cleaner, clearer. It was...sharper than before. Your body felt famished, like you hadn't eaten in weeks.
Even your voice was affected, hoarse and weak. At first you thought it didn't change based on your sickness from before, but no. It had changed. You just didn't recognize it yet.
Muzan stood by the bedside, his red eyes gazing down to meet similar red irises. He knew well what he had done, and he was ready to accept the consequences of it, whatever they may be. For now, he saw this as a moment of joy, and he reached for your hands once more. Again, an emotion you never thought you'd see on him molded his face, leaving him smiling slightly wider than usual.
"My dear...you're just like me now. We can walk the earth to the end of time...as demons."
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In all honesty, this is a nice segue into a possible part 2, so should you desire that, please let me know once requests open back up!
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frickingnerd · 5 months
the world is (y)ours
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pairing: ganondorf x fem!reader
summary: you love ganon, you really do. but you worry he has gone too far this time...
tags: manipulation, mention of death/murder (nothing graphic), toxic relationship, established relationship
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“w-what… what did you do…?”
you couldn't take your eyes off the ruins of the city. only days ago, this place was a lively city, with dozens of people living in it. but now, it was burned down to ashes. you couldn't even make out what the burned down buildings used to be. and in the middle of all those ruins and ashes stood the man you loved.
“they were in my way, so i got rid of them”
he had his back turned to you and you could only imagine that his eyes were wandering through the remains of the city as well. yet he seemed to feel no remorse.
“they were in your way!?” you stepped forward. “all of them? all those innocent people were in your way? every single one of them?”
ganon didn't reply. because he couldn't. there was nothing he could say to defend himself.
“this…” suddenly, he raised his voice. “this is what we wanted. with this town gone, there's a gap in power. i'll be there to fill it and then we'll–”
before he could finish speaking, your hand met his face. normally, nobody would've been able to land a single hit on him. but he was careless. ganon thought he could let his guard down around you. but clearly, he couldn't.
“this isn't what we wanted! this is what you want! you want to seize control over hyrule! i only wanted to be with you–!!”
you tried to go in for another slap, but this time ganon was prepared. he grabbed your wrist and held your hand up. he was so much taller than you and yet you struggled against him. while you kicked and screamed at him, telling him to let go of you, he barely even bat an eye. there wasn't a single emotion on his face. he looked as calm as ever, until eventually he shoved you against the nearest wall, hands pinned above your head.
“you lost.” he told you calmly.
“no, you lost your way–!!” you screamed back. “you told me we'd be king and queen of hyrule! but not like this! not by killing people and taking those positions by force! this isn't how it was supposed to be… you changed…”
those last two words were barely a whisper, yet ganon heard them so clearly. the grip around your wrist loosened and one of his hands found its way to gently caress your cheek.
“i'm still the man you trust” he reminded you. “being your king was always my dream, my love. i just want us to rule, side by side. don't you want this? don't you want to be with me? don't you want to see me happy?”
you knew this was a trick. he'd have you tell him that you still love and trust him. in the end, you'd be the one apologizing, while he faces no consequences for his actions. because it was always like this. you loved him and you still saw the man he used to be in him. but that man was gone. and yet, you wouldn't stop chasing who he used to be…
“i… i still want to be with you.”
you lowered your head, too ashamed to even look at him. perhaps if you had looked at him, you would’ve seen that sinister smile spreading over his lips, as he spoke:
“i know you'd say that, my love”
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kiame-sama · 11 months
The Hylian Zonai- (Yandere!Ganondorf x Reader)
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Warnings; Based in Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom, only a few spoilers for 'past' characters and what they look like, Ruaru & Sonia & Ganondorf appear in this fic, divergent from primary ToTK plot, reader is fem bodied and pronouned, Reader is half-Zonai half-Hylian, yandere behavior, yandere temper, obsessive behavior, romantic yandere (Ganondorf), platonic yandere (Rauru), soft kidnapping,
The sands rolled in a never ending storm that seemed to sweep over the vast landscape. Wind howled in mournful wails that seemed to only be amplified by the ever rolling sands. Even the village built to nestle within the sands seemed to be rather battered by the constant winds.
Not far from the village, near buildings meant as training grounds stood an imposing figure. His wild red hair seemed to whip around his face and accented his sharp features. He stood staring out into the rolling sand, eyes fixed on a truly pathetic sight.
Struggling in the sand was a newborn molduga. Though it was a monster in almost every regard, this one was just an infant and would be claimed by the sands in no time without the brood mother that bore it.
"Another beast soon to be felled by the very thing that gave it life."
"Should we intervene, my king?"
"No. The sands take as much as they give. The beast will nourish the sand with the blood in its veins."
The tall and well-built Gerudo woman nodded, knowing that going against the King of the Sands was suicide. Still, she felt pity for the whimpering pup that struggled blindly in the scorching and unforgiving land.
A movement among the rolling dunes near the pup caught their attention, sure it was a larger beast coming to claim an easy meal. However, a much smaller figure than expected emerged from the intense sands. They walked with purpose towards the whimpering pup and remained obscured beneath a cloak that shone white like exposed bone.
The molduga pup growled and tried to struggle away from the figure, barely getting any distance from the being before being easily overtaken by the stranger. Every snap of the small molduga's jaws seemed to do little to dissuade the being before the infant beast squealed in fear. It cringed away and tried to curl up in a futile effort to protect itself from what was no doubt about to end the little creature.
That end never came.
Instead, the figure rest a forgiving hand on the side of the pup, soothing the frightened newborn with a kind touch. The pup seemed calmed by the being, a faint yet sweet voice carried on the wind with clear sweet tones that put the young monster at peace. Far too distant to hear clearly, the voice seemed to have an effeminate pitch to it that interested the king.
After a moment's time a sudden music met the ears of the onlookers, the figure holding up a beautiful pan flute that sparkled in the sun. The sounds carried on the sand and echoed out in all directions, seemingly calling attention to itself.
Silence was what met the music at first before a deep rumbling gathered in strength and volume all around. It was the familiar sound of a molduga- an adult molduga- burrowing through the sand. The sound of the pan flute had attracted the attention of the nearest molduga and it now rushed to find the source, not wanting to pass by an opportunity for food.
The figure did not flee even as a spout of sand flew into the air due to the molduga breeching to take a breath. Even as the beast drew near, the figure remained by the side of the pup, standing so still the onlookers would have mistaken it as a statue had they not seen it move moments before.
When the adult molduga finally emerged from the sand to find the source of the sound, it reacted in an unusual way. The beast turned one small eye to examine the figure and the pup, carefully staring the two down. It then seemed to let out a deep rumbling purr, the molduga pup responding in kind to the sound as it nuzzled up to the adult. Despite all odds, it seemed the scarred and old molduga was the brood mother of the abandoned pup.
The pup was quick to climb into the open maw of the brood mother, taking shelter much like a crocodilian species would. It was clear both pup and brood mother were pleased to be reunited as the brood mother  purred to the figure. Just as quickly as the brood mother appeared, she burrowed back into the sand and began the long travel away from the figure.
The wind whipped around the figure, pulling back the light covering the figure wore to reveal the being underneath.
A shock of white furred ears lay back against the (h/c) skull of the figure, likely working to keep sand from entering the soft ears. The figure had the clear complexion of a Hylian despite the large Zonai ears which tucked back to reveal the typical Hylian pointed ears. The general figure of the being seemed to be Hylian and bore a peaceful smile as their eyes followed the path the brood mother molduga had taken.
"A Hylian? Here? Unacceptable! Shall I dispose of the intruder, my king?"
"No," the Gerudo King shook his head dismissively, "this is no ordinary Hylian. The Zonai King Rauru has a daughter, correct?"
"Yes, my King. Our sources indicate that the Zonai Rauru has a child and she has been absent from their kingdom on some kind of exploration journey."
"Excellent," the intimidating figure bore his teeth in a clear grin at the fortune smiling upon him, "if it cannot be dismantled from the outside with brute force, I will destroy the kingdom from the inside with wits."
The Gerudo King grinned and walked forward towards the odd Hylian-Zonai, noticing how one of the large furred ears angled back towards the sound of shifting sands under his feet. He debated cutting the woman down while her back was turned, but decided the princess would be of better use to him alive.
Before he could reach an arms-length away, she turned to face him. Her golden adornments clinked together and chimed with her movement as he finally got a full look at the unusual woman. Her facial features seemed almost tailor made as she observed the much taller Gerudo man, her (e/c) gaze examining him as the notable Zonai feature of a third eye stared unwaveringly at his imposing frame.
She had a feminine figure that accented her unusual appearance, the union of Hylian and Zonai attributes giving her a unique silhouette. He would be lying if he said he didn't find her beautiful and her mixture of features only seemed to accent that beauty. The silence stretched for a moment before one of her delicate eye brows lifted in question, snapping the Gerudo King out of his temporary stupor.
"You aren't from around here, clearly. Tell me, what is a woman such as yourself doing in a land so inhospitable?"
"Well," her two primary eyes narrowed, the one in the center of her forehead still wide and staring, "it is common courtesy to introduce ones self before questioning the intent of another, no?"
An odd thrill ran through him at the clearly clipped tone the woman used, feeling his lips try to pull into a grin. It was impressive to hear the polite yet firm tone the woman used as she stood unflinching before the man who dwarfed her in height.
"It is indeed. I am Ganondorf, King of the Gerudo."
"Then we are well met. I apologize for intruding on your lands, King Ganondorf. I am (Y/n), daughter of King Rauru and Queen Sonia, princess of Hyrule."
The intimidating king decided to have a more cordial approach to the lovely woman, lifting one of her noticeably smaller hands to his lips as he kissed the knuckles gently. His hand seemed to only be bigger in comparison as he noticed the rather soft feel of her skin. Though he was not often the kind to partake in such pleasantries, the Hylian-Zonai interested him.
"Tell me, Princess (Y/n), to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
"I am on a pilgrimage of sorts to the neighboring lands of my father's kingdom. I wish to learn more of lands dissimilar from the kingdom I am accustomed to."
"I would be happy to tell you what I know of these lands. Of course, I must invite you to the city I call home for the sands are treacherous at the best of times. It would honor me if you would join me in a banquet this evening."
"The honor would be mine, King Ganondorf."
The large Gerudo king could feel the corners of his mouth curl into a toothy grin at the princess' easy acceptance of his invitation, knowing her royal upbringing would make her more likely to agree out of politeness. Though he intended to overthrow King Rauru and absorb the Hyrule Kingdom, that didn't mean he needed to harm the lovely princess. Perhaps he could even absorb Hyrule Kingdom through succession of the throne by wedding the princess.
He was of the belief that King Rauru would be unlikely to just offer (Y/n) in marriage given the strength Hyrule already had. There was no need to have a political marriage with another kingdom when there was an apparent standstill of strength in war between those kingdoms. In any case, it would behoove the Gerudo King to win over the trust of the princess before entering Hyrule to lure the King into a false sense of trust.
The afternoon sun shone through the windows and dappled the halls of Hyrule Castle with the colors of stained glass. The group that kneeled before the two sitting on their thrones seemed almost out of place, none more so than the Gerudo King who seemed so large even in the grand halls. Next to the thrones stood a woman with fair skin and blond hair, eyeing the Gerudo man with great suspicion.
"Allow me to offer you my deepest apologies on behalf of the Gerudo for taking so long to accept your repeated invitation. It is our desire to be accepted into the protective embrace of your kingdom. To seve it faithfully."
Each word was carefully chosen and spoken clearly, seeming to be almost hissed out by the Gerudo man. Though the pair of royals saw through the almost exaggerated show of fealty, neither said anything against the king. Instead, the Zonai King Rauru spoke with a kind and welcoming tone.
"A welcome appeal, Ganondorf. I will accept your vow of fealty to the kingdom of Hyrule. I understand that a single male is born to the Gerudo every one hundred years.  Receiving such an appeal from you, a hero to his people and a king by birth... Well, it is truly reassuring."
"It is my honor. When your Zonai ancestors first descended upon these lands long, long ago, they must have seemed to be gods. And now you rule as king and have taken a Hyrulean woman as your wife. Your Majesty has certainly risen above your admirable lineage. Most impressive. It is unfortunate that the noble Zonai no longer grace this world with their presence... All except you, your sister, and that lovely daughter of yours, that is."
The comment about King Rauru's daughter caused a clear reaction from the royals and the woman at their side, all seeming uncomfortable at the mention of the kind woman. Sonia, the beautiful Hyrulean Queen, glanced at her King with an almost worried expression. They had been quite careful when it came to announcing the birth of their daughter, (Y/n) Princess of Hyrule. Beyond just the care they took, Rauru in particular was known to be quite fiercely protective of his daughter and mention of her put him on edge.
"I am afraid my daughter is out on pilgrimage at the moment and not present in the kingdom."
"On that, I have to disagree, King Rauru."
Before the Zonai King could ask just what it was Ganondorf was insinuating, the door at the far end of the hall opened with a loud sound. Walking in- flanked on either side with tall Gerudo women- was a familiar face that put the Zonai King's heart at rest for what felt like the first time in ages. Queen Sonia was thrilled and stood quickly to meet her daughter, Rauru standing as well to do the same.
"Mother, Father," (Y/n) practically cheered as she melted into the affectionate embrace of her parents, "I've missed you both so much..."
The woman standing at the side of the thrones seemed confused and surprised, as if she were unaware of the royals having a daughter. Though the interaction was going exactly as the Gerudo King had planned.
"Oh, my beautiful girl, how was your pilgrimage?"
"It was fantastic, Mother. The other lands around Hyrule have such differences and complexities to them. Better yet, I have learned so much about the other lands and creatures from those lands. I have so much to share with you both and show you."
The excited tone of their daughter almost completely distracted the King and Queen as it had been a few years since they last got to hold their offspring. It was as if everything else had fallen to the wayside in favor of putting all their attention onto their beloved child. So often Rauru had considered bringing his daughter home simply for his own peace of mind, but he was thrilled to have her back now.
He did not overlook the stare King Ganondorf had fixed upon his beloved child, however.
"I thank you for your show of fealty, Ganondorf. You may leave."
"Father," (Y/n) interrupted with a chiding tone and an unhappy frown, "he is king of a kingdom near to our own, and he is a guest here! We should show him the same hospitality and kindness he showed me when I first encountered the Gerudo."
"... You are right, (Y/n). There is no need to be so crass as to dismiss visiting royals, regardless of their allegiance and standing with Hyrule. We should have a feast tonight, to welcome these visitors from the sands."
Despite the warm tone he took, Rauru fixed the Gerudo King with a clear gaze of distrust. The stare was an obvious statement to the Gerudo man to keep his distance from Rauru's beloved daughter. But the way (Y/n) looked as she smiled back at the foreign King made the Zonai's blood boil with frustration as it was clear the princess had taken an obvious liking to the man.
Rauru would not give up his dear daughter so easily.
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mylove-iv · 2 months
❝the one that got away.❞
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ʚ aged up, oot! link x fairy navi, fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: a fairy and a hero who were everything to each other—knowing what they are and what they are not—ignorant of the longing clouding their eyes when looking at the other until it was too late.
genres: angst, romance.
content warnings: mentions of impending death (you shouldn’t be surprised >:D), mentions of blood and wounds, and major spoilers of ocarina of time.
word count: 1.3k words.
author’s note: inspired by katy perry’s ‘the one that got away.’
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, jan. 17, 2023
ʚ masterlist ɞ
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The battle against Ganondorf has long been won, you and your hero claimed victory with one final swipe of the Goddess Blade.
Now camping in the woods, a serene silence enveloped you and your peacefully sleeping partner as you made the trek back home.
Home. The word makes you feel giddy and warm inside.
Taking a good look at Link’s sleeping face, the blue glow of your wings casted a blanket of a baby blue hue on the hero’s face which accentuated his pretty features.
You smile softly, recalling of your various adventures around Hyrule but your solace is short lived.
In another life.
Pain wracks your body and you bite your lip to prevent a cry to leave your lips, a soft plink that would wake up your beloved hero.
So, you twist away, fluttering to a nearby lake you and Link had stumbled upon before you set up camp.
Pain flares up and a scorching heat spreads atop your skin before a garbled scream leaves your lips unwillingly.
You force yourself to shed your miniature form before reverting to your true form, limbs and body growing to that of a grown hylian woman’s but with delicate, baby blue lace-like wings adorning your back.
You feel warmth run down your limbs and a grimace etches its way to your face at your realization, it was the blood seeping from your wounds warming your skin.
You wanted to laugh at your pathetic chances, even the goddesses above won’t grant you a small bit of time to tell him before you’re tittering on the edge of life and death.
I would be your girl.
Stumbling into the lake’s clear waters, you see your blood mingling with the water, creating ribbons of red that made you feel sick, your body screaming in warning at its incoming collapse
Your fixation on the water keeps you distracted and before you know it your knees start of buckle.
Yet, strong and familiar arms circle your body, preventing you from collapsing into the water.
Through your blurry vision, you meet sky blue eyes that remind you of a stunning, cloudless sky and the familiar blue orbs somehow eases the pain you feel.
“Navi?” Link croaks.
His scent of sweet pine and roasted chestnuts engulf your nose, hugging you in an embrace that brought thoughts of home and nostalgia.
You smile softly, bringing your hand to cup his cheek before your thumb caresses his cheekbone. “Y/n.” You hum weakly.
You see confusion flooding his bluebell orbs, “Navi is my fae name, we fae never give away our true names, dummy.” You breathe out and Link’s heart drops.
Eyes following his, you see his eyes surveying your wounds. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You don’t know if his question is directed to your wounds or your true name, “I was planning to, but I was too late.”
Smiling painfully, a bitter ache makes a home within your heart. “I had so much to tell you, Link.” You laugh softly and you know he can pick up on the anguish within your tone.
We’d keep all our promises.
Link falls silent, tears collecting behind his lashes. “Why must it be you?” He croaks, his sturdy arms hugging you tighter and you relish being in his embrace.
A comforting warmth embraces you and you're reminded of home once more.
Link—He is your home.
The realization makes your heart flutter as it also intensifies the ache you feel.
“The three goddesses will it, my beloved.” You hum, laying your head against his sturdy chest, listening to the strong beats his heart gives against his chest and you find yourself wishing it’d beat for you too.
Be us against the world.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Link thought he was going insane.
Through bouts of fever and illness, he’d catch glimpses of a woman with soft blue wings and a stunning smile adorning her face, an aura of familiarity blanketing the air around her.
But now, he sees the very woman in his arms, fully lucid enough to soak in the entirety of her.
She turned out to be you, his fairy companion he’d call ‘Navi’ on his shared journeys with you.
Y/n. Your true name rolls smoothly off his tongue like honey, just like the sweet scent you radiated.
In another life.
Your e/c eyes meet his and he feels his heart skip a beat, pulse skyrocketing.
You’re as beautiful as the first time Link had caught fragmented glimpses of you when he first fell ill early on into your shared journey, too sick to be fully lucid.
Yet those shattered pieces of the remnants of you seemed to have been burned into his mind and Link doesn’t know if it was by his will or something else.
A painful melancholy digs into his heart before making a permanent home there. He had just gotten to know you, the true you, the you who constantly plagued his mind.
You’d appear within his mind during the moon’s reign and you’d whisk through his thoughts when the sun rose, leaving him fumbling like a fool.
But yet, you’re starting to drift from his reach once more; a dream he could only yearn for, always out of reach.
“The three goddesses will it, my beloved.” His heart aches and flutters in an agonizing mix of forlorn hope and pain.
I would make you stay.
“I love you, you know.” Link’s heart drops at your admission, the words heavier than anything else he’d had to bear the burden of.
He doesn’t know whether to embrace the happiness or the pain dancing within his heart.
He cups your face tenderly, as if any drastic movement would break you, before bringing you to face him, his grip on your jaw gentle enough for you to pull away if you so desire to.
You nuzzle into his palm before a weak yet pretty smile adorns your face, the very face that invaded countless of his dreams that would leave his heart hammering with a simple smile that was oh so sweet whenever he awoke.
So I don’t have to say,
Link feels his heart become heavy, being tugged painfully with your incoming demise.
Goddesses, he wants all the time in the world with you.
He so desperately wished that the time would travel back to a period where he can undo your wounds and wrap his arms tightly around your figure with the intent of never letting you go.
And yet, here you are, slipping through his fingertips like fine sand that’d ultimately determine that time would be up.
You were the one that got away.
Tears freely roll down the Hero of Time’s cheeks because of the overwhelming melancholy that wound so tightly around his heart.
His life had been full of countless losses, everything ripped away from his rightful hand in devastating waves.
He had never asked for anything else from everyone surrounding him, not one thing from the Kokiri, from Saria, from Zelda, or even from the Goddess Hylia.
And when he did realize that he wanted one thing, you and your safety, even that one simple request seemed to be a greedy wish of his that the Goddesses could not fulfill.
Link wanted to scream at the absurdity of it all.
He was destined to be a hero.
He is a one.
Yet he couldn’t even save you.
So why does he feel like a fraud?
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness make a home in his heart at your incoming absence and it utterly kills him inside.
So now, he holds you for the first and last time, basking in the comforting warmth you radiated and the sweet scent of nectar and honey emanating from you.
Link’s thumb traces the edge of your lips, oh so soft and delicate, causing your eyes to flutter softly to a close.
Hand moving from your jaw to the small of your back, he provides support to your head as he brings you closer.
Link’s hand gently cradles the base of your head and he presses a saccharine kiss to your temple before tenderly confessing, “I grew to love you too.”
The one that got away.
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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spicyicetea · 8 months
HIIII, I love your writing!!! Like your my source of my alone time when not crying or crafting, or gaming! ( We have stuff in common :D). SOOOOO, I have a recommendation!! It would be pretty cool to have you do this sooooo Like Yeah! But could you do a part two to the Link x Milf reader because I loved that one ( Cuz im like that ;) ). And could you do Totk Link x cuddly reader.
Ps. My computer dosnt let me write question Marks :l
LOVE UR WRITING :D -Madisu Kulina
Awww you’re legit so sweet! Eeee it’s messages like this that make me wanna keep posting. I’m actually already working on a pt 2 for the Milf!Y/N and I’ll make sure to tag you in it once it’s done. So for now I’ll do the other request. I assume you’d also like this to be yandere themed as it’s kinda my main thing at this point. I’ll split this into bullet points and then a short imagine.
Usual warnings: Yandere behaviour, NSFW topics mentioned but no actual smut. MDNI.
TOTK Link x Cuddly, Fem! Y/N
Link has always hit me as the type of Yandere who loves a physically affectionate reader. Being able to be near someone and protect them is a big deal, especially with all the crazy things happening in Hyrule.
If this is before Ganondorf was defeated, he takes you everywhere with him.
Each Sage he recruited knows you are his priority and to protect you with their lives or face him in a battle. None of them wanted that, they knew better.
You were a Hylian woman he bumped into while visiting Hateno village. Watching you man the fields awoke something in him. A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t have to work day and nights just to get food and a roof over her head. She deserves to be pampered. And he can do that for you.
He practically swept you off your feet and proclaimed he would marry you once he defeated Ganondorf. He plans to keep that promise.
You ride sitting in front of him on Epona so he can make sure you’re comfortable. When he jumps off to fight or explore on foot, you stay on the saddle, Epona prepared to run for the hills as her master has instructed should danger even look your way.
He was fully prepared to be the “bad guy”. Making sure you would appreciate his generosity and gentle handling when he could be so rough. He needed you to need him.
But, he figured out he didn’t need to rather quickly.
It was a cold and he had left to handle a monster infestation near where you had been camping. The rain lashed at the ground outside the cave you and Epona were hunkered in for safety. The oversized tunic you wore as a makeshift dress club to your form, soaked with water. Flint sparks as you tried to start up the fire, having moved some spare sticks into the cave. It just wouldn’t work. With a heavy sigh, you hunkered over, shivering while fiddling with the flint in your hands.
“Y/N… you’re cold.” A familiar voice rang.
Link stood behind you, soaked by the rain. He tossed his pouch aside, prepared to strip you so he could dry your clothes. With a sigh, he took his gloves off but when he went to grab you, he jolted to a stop. Your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nuzzling his chin.
“Link! I was so worried, I missed you.” You pouted up at him.
His face flushed red and he hugged you tightly back, peppering your face with kisses. You truly were his adorable little wife. He couldn’t wait to have you back at his home where you’d stay safe for him to come home to each day.
His day dreaming was interrupted as you tugged at his shirt and trousers. Your greedy hands couldn’t get enough of him, maybe he’d have to give you what you wanted. He had planned for your first intimate experience to be on your wedding day but he’s more than willing to jump the gun. Oh how he would love to fold you and abuse that tight pretty c-
“Link! You need to dry your clothes!”
Yes… he couldn’t wait to marry you. His touchy little princess.
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aikoiya · 11 months
LoZ: TotK - Injustice
Ya'll, there are literally only about 5 Ganondorf x Fem!Reader posts on this site that I've seen at the time of this post & that's an absolute crying shame.
Look at that buff, brickhouse of a man!!
Like, I don't mind at this point what kind of story it is. Make Ganon become good through exposure to her. Or medium dark gray when before he was pitch black morally. Make him remain evil & kidnap her for his own. Have him turn her into a concubine. Make him vicious & cruel with everyone else but soft & gentle with her. Make her a warrior who fights him & he's impressed by her might. Maybe he makes her his queen & the mother to his heirs because of her skill.
I'd prefer if he was made a complex individual & even if he's turned "good," he remains morally dubious at least. But in the end, I just wanna see some damn content!
Those looking for content like me.
Go here: The Bandit King's Bride | Warning: NSFW MDNI
And here: Meeting One's Match | Warning: NSFW MDNI
LoZ My Fanfic Masterlist
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newtabfics · 9 months
Could i please get ganondorf overpowering archer y/n in the battle field and she's just completely lost on his cock?
Triggers for noncon to dubcon elements.
She gasped and moaned, back arching off the tower wall as her wrists were pinned over her head.
She was the last soldier in the outpost alive it seemed and this was how the Gerudo King opted to celebrate his victory. Y/N would gladly take it over that brutal blade on his hip. Though the massive weapon pounding into her fluttering hole was making her see stars.
Ganondorf smirked as the Hylian, with tears rolling down her face, moaned out in pleasure as he thrust into her. "Such a small vai. Practically--Nnff! Made to be fucked," he grunted as he thrust, keeping a steady pace. "I think I'll be taking you." He pressed deeper into her as he pressed his entire body against her, watching the bulge in her stomach with a mad grin. "I think I'll make you my wife. Not a chance I'll let such a tight cunt escape me after this. Would you like to be my wife?"
If it meant being ravished like this, she gladly accepted this, rolling her hips.
"Good vai," He groaned, his free hand lifting her leg and hooking her ankle over his shoulder. He watched her choke and scream as her orgasm ripped through her. With a smirk, he drove himself deeper. "I'm going to breed my heir into you."
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beneathstarryskies · 1 year
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Header created by @actuallysaiyan ✦ Created: Feb. 24, 2023 ✦ Updated: May 27, 2024 ✦ #of works: 25 ✦ Posts marked with ‼️ may contain dark/triggering content. I include content warnings on every post. ✦ Posts marked with 🔞 are not safe for minors. MINORS DNI!
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Devil May Cry
V Smut Alphabet 🔞
Is it safe to just be who we are? (Dante x fem!Reader) ‼️🔞
Stalker Dante (Dante x fem!reader) ‼️🔞
Stubborn Lovers (Vergil x Reader, Dante x Reader)
Fluffy Headcanons (Vergil, Nero, Dante, Sparda x fem!reader)
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Final Fantasy 7
Nighttime Routine (Cloud Strife x GN!Reader)
Anytime, Anywhere Part 1 (feat. Reno, Sephiroth, Zack, and Cloud)🔞
Anytime, Anywhere Part 2 (feat. Rufus, Tseng, and Vincent)🔞
Gimme Some Sugar Little Honeybee (Reno Sinclair x Fem!reader)
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Coming home to find you sleeping (feat. Nanami, Gojo, Geto)‼️🔞
Can I go where you go? (Megumi x fem!reader)🔞
Welcome Home, Baby (Kento x housewife!reader) 🔞
Fighting over you, then sharing you (Kento x Gojo x fem!reader)🔞
Stress Relief (Kento x Fem!Reader) 🔞‼️
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Dragon Ball
I just want your innocence (Vegeta x Fem!Reader)🔞
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Baldur's Gate 3
I get to love you (Gale Dekarios x fem!reader)🔞
Drinking your blood during sex (Astarion x reader)🔞‼️
Let Me Be Yours (Halsin x fem!reader)🔞‼️
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Resident Evil
Hello, It's Me (Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader)🔞
Breeding Kink (Chris, Leon, Wesker, Ethan, Heisenberg x fem!reader)🔞‼️
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Legend Of Zelda
La Bete (TOTK!Ganondorf x fem!Reader)
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Renji comforting his insecure gf (Renji x fem!reader)🔞
I’d just die to make you proud (Renji x fem!reader)🔞
Bad boys bring heaven to you (Grimmjow x fem!reader)🔞‼️
Was It Over Then? (Grimmjow x fem!reader)🔞‼️
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Event Masterlist
2K Followers Event
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Kinktober Day 24: Dubcon(I adore the despair in your eyes...)
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warnings/kinks: dubcon, threesome, smut, unprotected sex, mentions of oral sex(male receiving), kidnapping word count: 0.6k pairings: Link x Fem!Reader x Ganondorf teaser: “Awh, it didn’t take too much to get your lover to bend over for me,” Ganondorf claims, a smug look on his face. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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Being the lover of the Hero isn’t always easy. Knowing that you’re always going to be in danger really makes it interesting and risky at the worst times. You’ve managed to keep yourself safe for the most part, but sometimes things seem to take a turn for the worst.
Whenever Link isn’t around to keep a close eye on you, then you’re often a target that most of his enemies would gladly kidnap or hurt to prove a point to Link. This is such a situation that you knew you’d probably find yourself in, but it definitely turned into something so different.
Ganondorf isn’t a kind man, and he certainly doesn’t care much about your feelings. When you are kidnapped by him, you are so sure that he’ll kill you or torture you. You’re the key to Link after all. If he tries to do anything to you, he’s sure to lure your lover right to him.
Ganondorf surprises you by using you as his personal stress reliever. He sees you as holes to fill with his fat cock. You never expected yourself to enjoy it so much, but you always hide your pleasure behind tears and attempts to fight him off of you.
When your lover finally shows up, Ganondorf is balls deep inside of you.You can barely hide your face all contorted with pleasure. It gets worse when Link finds you and Ganondorf in the bedroom. There’s a look of shock and pure anger when he sees what the Gerudo is doing to you.
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“Get off of her!” Link growls, coming closer.
Ganondorf laughs and he tugs on your hair a little harder, showing off your face. Your eyes are glazed over with lust. He’s been tricking you this entire time, trying to find different ways to get you to enjoy this. Ganondorf is no stranger to using pretty words or mind games to get you on your hands and knees with your ass on display for him.
“Awh, it didn’t take too much to get your lover to bend over for me,” Ganondorf claims, a smug look on his face.
Link is in shock. He’s not even really sure how to react. Surely you’d never enjoy this treatment, would you? You just look like you’re really enjoying it. And Ganondorf seems like he’s loving this as well. Link grows hard in his pants. He never knew that something so erotic could exist.
“Oh is the little Hero horny for this? What is it, Link? You want to fuck your girl too?” Ganondorf shoves you off of him, throwing you towards your lover. You whine softly.
“Come now, princess. You know you’ve been loving this…I didn’t even really need to convince you, did I?” There’s a maliciousness in Ganondorf’s tone.
Link is so quick to gather you up in his arms, but there’s something else on his face that you aren’t able to decipher right now. Just when you think you’re being saved, you feel your lover’s hands caressing you all over.
“The only way you could truly save her is to fuck her. Better yet, if you take one hole, I’ll take the other. Once we’re done with her, I’ll let you both go.”
You shudder at the words that are coming out of Ganondorf’s mouth. Surely Link won’t want to comply with this. But you’re so wrong. He begins removing his clothes and he puts you into the same position you were in before. He grunts when he spreads your asscheeks and sees how wet you are right now.
“That’s it! Let’s stuff her until she’s dripping, then I’ll let you both go.”
Your eyes roll back into your head as you feel Link slamming into you. You never knew he’d be so possessive and animalistic like this, but you wonder if maybe this is all a mind game from Ganondorf. You don’t have much time to consider any of this before Ganondorf is shoving his thick cock between your lips.
“Just a little more,” Ganondorf lies to comfort you. “Then I’ll let you go…”
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Do you think it would be possible for me to request Ganondorf x masculine hyrulian readerwith size difference + whatever other kinks you wish to add?
I adore reading your fics for those of us who use masculine, nonbinary, and neopronouns! So far, I've probably read almost all of them, and look forward to what ideas you have in mind for this! Thank you for such a wonderful set of stories!
Of course that's possible! I'm quite the fan of size differences myself, especially with our Great Demon King~
Thank you for your kind words, guest! It's an honor to serve this community.
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Title: A Hylian's Fantasy
Characters: Ganondorf x m!reader
Contains: size difference, roleplay, restraints, fingering, slight degradation,
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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It was times like these that you forgot just how terrifyingly tall the Demon King was.
The demon king had destroyed your tent, having ripped the shelter from its stakes and tossing it aside. You were lucky to escape the crumpled fabric just in time, quickly standing to your feet with sword in hand.
Now you stood just some feet away from him, your hand clenching tightly to your sword as the other gripped the steel shield. You weren't sure how he found you or why he was even after you.
"I see you found me," you stated, getting into fighting stance. "Care to explain why you're always on my ass?"
"How vulgar." Ganon chuckled darkly, not even fearing you. "Not even a 'hello?'"
"Not unless you explain why you've been tailing me!" At least the few times he's spotted you, you've managed to make an escape, but this time, it seemed like he wanted to fight.
"Do you really think I owe you any explanation?" Ganon tilted his head, looking down at you both literally and figuratively. "You are a nothing pesky Hylian, but I simply require your services for something."
"Could have stated that before..." you huffed, not once faltering your stance. "But as if I'd work with you!"
"Oh my dear..."
"...it's not about working with me." You didn't realize he had moved behind you. You whirled around only to realize just where he stood. Your head ended up just below his chest, and you had to crane your neck up just to see his face. You were about to jump back when the flat of his blade kept you still.
"Come, let's take a little walk."
Ganon led you back to an enemy enclosure, one that was gussied up more like a shelter than a hideaway. He fastened a set of shackles on your wrists behind your back after taking your items, leaving you with nothing but the basic attire you wore.
"Gh...so...what's the Demon King need with a 'pesky Hylian' like me?" you asked, adjusting to the restraints."
"Oh it's quite simple, really. There's actually something...special about you." Ganon tilted your head up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "Yes...very special."
You shook your head away, glaring at him.
Ganon merely chuckled, setting himself on the cot that resided in the shelter. He beckoned you over, and though hesitating, you stepped over. He reached for you, grabbing and setting you on his lap. Despite the both of you sitting up, you still felt small compared to him. His form was massive, and you straddling him felt like an accomplishment given your shorter stature. One of his large hands caressed your body, slowly slipping down to the hem of your pants.
"See...I think you'd be perfect as a new...toy for me~" At his words, his hand slipped in, past your boxers as well, and gripped one of your cheeks.
You gasped as red tinted your face, writhing lightly. "A-As if I'd ever--!"
"Ah ah ah...you haven't even given it a chance~" One of his fingers carefully worked its way into your ass, making you gasp and rest yourself on his chest. His fingers were larger than average, and you swore it felt like someone shoved their dick in you straight away. You moaned softly once he began to move, body subconsciously rocking against his finger. "Ah see~? And you almost didn't want it~"
It honestly felt too good to pass up, not to mention with how pent up you were. You welcomed his finger, even urging him for more.
"P-Please...~ J-Just a little more~"
If one finger wasn't enough for you, then two it'll be. Ganon added a second, steadily thrusting them. You practically bounced against his fingers, burying your face into his neck to muffle your moans. He kept this up for a moment until he deemed you ready, carefully taking his fingers out of your ass to literally rip your pants off your body, tearing them at the seams. Though you didn't seem to mind, for you knew what was about to come.
After a small bit of maneuvering, Ganon's cock sprang from his bottoms, pressing flush against your ass. It was enough to get you to sigh out, teasing it with gentle hip gyrations.
"My...someone is quite needy, isn't he?" Ganon teased, lifting you up to position you over his cock.
You shuddered at the fact he could lift you with ease, but again, you didn't mind. Your mind was too blissed out to even care at the moment. In fact, you were begging him to fill you.
How could he deny such an adorable, broken man? Well he spared no second, pulling you down while thrusting up at the same time, filling you to the brim. You arched back, broken moans filling the air as Ganon could clearly see the bulge forming from your stomach. He chuckled at the sight.
"Such a mess you are now~ Look at you~" Without wasting another moment Ganon began to move, thrusting at a steady speed as to not break you so soon.
Ganon was a lot but nothing you couldn't handle, or rather, you would be made to handle it, but not that you were complaining. His cock filled and stretched you so much, you didn't have a single complaint. It felt so heavenly, so blissful. At this point, you'd gladly be a toy for him.
"That's it, that's a good boy~ You're taking my cock so well for a worthless little Hylian~"
You found yourself once again resting on his chest, unable to form proper thoughts from the feeling of him stretching you open so wide. All you could do was call for him, call for the Demon King and tell him how good he felt deep inside of you.
Your chanting and praise seemed to really aid him, as he could feel himself about to cum very soon.
"Come on~ Just like that~ Cum with me~"
You didn't need to be told twice, as when he ordered it, you came with a muffled shriek, your body quaking against him.
The two of you laid on the cot after cleaning up. Your shirt was a mess so you had borrowed a portion of Ganon's top wear, but that didn't mean much as you laid on top of him under the blankets.
"So...did that satisfy all your little fantasies?" Ganon asked, rubbing your back in a soothing way.
You nodded tiredly, snuggling into your king. "It was perfect~"
The two of you had had this planned out for some time. You were a traveler that Ganon sought after, and he'd do anything in his power to make sure you were his.
"Though you fell a little to easily~" Ganon teased.
"Oh hush." You gave him a light hit to the chest. "How could I not with how big your fingers are~?"
Ganon simply gave a soft chuckle before rubbing your head. "Rest up. We'll get home later."
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