#garden trailers for sale
Budget-Friendly Hauling: Where to Find Cheap Trailers in Melbourne
Need to move some furniture, take a weekend camping trip, or clean out the garage? While renting a truck can be an option, it's not always the most cost-effective solution. Enter the cheap trailers in Melbourne: versatile and budget-friendly workhorse for hauling all sorts of cargo. But where do you find cheap trailers in Melbourne, a city known for its bustling lifestyle?
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New vs. Used: Striking a Balance
Garden trailers for sale come in a variety of sizes and configurations, from basic utility trailers to enclosed trailers for weatherproof transport. The most budget-friendly option is typically a used trailer. Several places in Melbourne specialize in selling pre-loved trailers:
Trusted Sellers: Look for reputable dealerships or online marketplaces specializing in used trailers. These sellers often inspect and service their trailers before resale, providing some peace of mind.
Condition is Key: Carefully inspect the trailer before purchase. Look for signs of rust, or damage to the frame or axles, and ensure the lights and brakes function properly.
Match Your Needs: Don't get swayed by a low price alone. Consider the size, weight capacity, and features like enclosed storage or ramps.
Beyond Price: Considering Your Needs
While finding a cheap trailer is important, prioritize your hauling needs as well. Here are some factors to consider:
Trailer Size: Don't get carried away by a bargain price on a trailer that's too small for your cargo. Measure your largest items and choose a trailer with ample space to avoid overloading.
Trailer Type: Utility trailers are the most versatile option, but consider enclosed trailers for weather-sensitive cargo or motorcycles. Open-car trailers are perfect for transporting vehicles.
Condition: A cheap trailer might seem like a steal, but extensive repairs can quickly negate the savings. Inspect the trailer frame, brakes, lights, and tyres for any damage or potential safety hazards.
With a little research and these tips in mind, you can find a cheap trailer in Melbourne that perfectly suits your hauling needs without breaking the bank. Happy hauling!
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dante-mightdie · 6 months
Blue-collar Simon with a frugal girlfriend. I am absolutely projecting onto this rn lmao.
A sweet little thing with a taste for shiny stuffy and pretty clothes, but an even bigger taste for money. It took one look at her from across a Chick-fil-a, witnessing her glancing over her shoulder as she grabbed a handful of sanitizing wipe packets and stuffed them into the side-pocket of her purse, for him to fall in love and ask her out right then and there.
Got him to cut down on smoking when she pointed out that a single pack of cigarettes—ten dollars—is the same price as a Costco pizza that could feed them for a minimum of two days. He doesn't quit completely, but does so less frequently and favors bumming smokes off of coworkers.
Always complains about him having a truck and how the miles per gallon is so bad. Keeps track of how much they could've saved if his pickup didn't take up so much gas. Diesel, at that.
"You know I need the flatbed for work, dove."
"You could honestly just get a car with a good MPG and hitch a trailer on the back."
He almost laughs, but swiftly shuts his mouth when he realizes that that's actually not that bad of an idea. It would make loading and unloading supplies easier, and it wouldn't force so much weight onto his rear axle.
Sixth sense for sales. Avid user of coupons. Always knows what places offer which discounts that they qualify for. Clearance aisles are the go-to. Knows when happy hour is everywhere. Avoids more expensive stores (aka Target) like the plague. Has not paid for a single piece of produce in her life; all veggies are grown by hand.
Loves to go to stores, but rarely buys anything. Simon tags along and gags at price tags with her. They both consider this a date.
On actual date nights, reader makes it clear that she does not care for gourmet restaurants or their dogshit food. Homeboy almost dropped to his knee right then and there. Peak of fanciness is Olive Garden. And even then, it's only at the location where she knows the manager from high school so they can get a discount.
In truth, they both prefer simple dates where it's just the two of them, like stuffing pillows and blankets into the back of his truck and ordering takeout while watching a movie on his laptop. She's creative, too, and Simon couldn't be more ecstatic about it. He's got his girl, food, his truck, a barely-tapped wallet, and his lil wifey bae is happy. What more could a man want?
She dresses real cute, which often has Simon wondering where she gets her clothes bc she almost never gets things when they go shopping together.
"Those new?"
"The pants? Yeah. They were like... seven dollars, I think."
"Where'd you get those for seven?"
Yeah she does not give a single shit about name brands. If it looks good, feels good, and is cheap—it's hers. Could not care less about Nike n shit.
Simon ofc feels a little bad about not being able to spoil her, but lemme tell you when money is an object—it is very much preferred that it be regarded as such. There is nothing more attractive than a financially responsible man.
In the beginning of their relationship, Simon once tried to be that guy and got her an accessory that she'd been admiring. It was pretty, but all broke girls will understand when I say that the want for something DIES if it's overpriced. Gone. As if it were never there. So he was a little shocked when he surprised her with it a few weeks later and her face dropped. Like genuine existential dread just plastered on her face, clear as day.
She told him that she really didn't want it after she saw how expensive it was, but he insists that she deserves a few luxuries. Only problem is, he begins to notice how overwhelmed with guilt she becomes when she sees it. She hardly ever wears it, and she really doesn't mean to be dismissive of Simon's generosity—but she just can't help but feel buyer's remorse any time she remembers it exists. It makes her feel terrible, and all she can think about is how much better the money for it could've been spent. When Simon realizes that and returns it, it's like a weight is lifted from her shoulders. Gave him THE sloppiest head that night. Besides, she prefers Simon's pearl necklace more than any other piece of jewelry.
He's smart enough now to know that money really doesn't buy her happiness. She's so perfectly content with her way of life. It also reassures him that she wouldn't ever entertain the idea of opting for a man with money to waste. Not when she's found someone who gets her and her reluctance of spending like Simon does.
absolutely adores a financially responsible girl! doing everything you can to make sure you two can live comfortably
watches you note down recipes that you can batch make and freeze to save money, no wastage in this household! simon will never complain when you say its leftovers for dinner
he's just such a simple man but in the best way possible. nothing gets him harder than walking into the kitchen to see you cutting up vouchers for the groceries
except maybe watching you haggle with someone. he took you to a market once and watched you talk a vendor down from £50 to £10 when he pointed out a hoodie that he liked
fucked you so good that night you walked funny for days <3
used to smoke straights but when you told him how much cheaper it is to roll his own cigarettes, he hasn't looked back since
IKEA dates. loves walking hand in hand with you around the large store, talking about how you're gonna decorate the house he's gonna buy you someday
doesn't miss the little smile that flicks across your face when he shakes his head at the bookcase you point out,
"£100? I can make you tha' for half the price, lovie..."
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pandamintcats · 3 days
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FINALITY - The End of A Beginning
The line between the light and the dark is so thin. Now, I am that line? I never asked but here I am. They say to become a Guardian you must show devotion, bravery, sacrifice and... Death... It's funny how I don't remember me, the life I had before this. I was chosen, but why?
I remember when I thought the light was my only guide. The enemies I once sought to destroy have become my greatest allies... Friends. The force that destroyed me has given me hope... [Laughs] I never knew the universe was a comedian.
The light, the dark, the gardener, the winnower... So different yet so same. I was fool, blind, naive... I was led by my eyes and not my heart. I think I see now but I am blinder than I ever was. I stand here, troubled but joyed that this war may finally be over. I am no fool that wars can never end, but I would die knowing I ended one so the youth may live.
I am no defender of the light or fighter of the dark. I am a defender of Humanity. I am a Guardian forged in light, given a power to survive and took a power to protect. I am not division between paracausuality. I am just human who has forgotten the bitter taste of death. Now it grips me but I will not fear.
The coming days draw nearer but I will not quiver. I have dove into the Dark below, dinned with the House of Wolves, taken the Taken King, risen like the Iron Lords, been forsaken by my greatest allies, walked between the shadows, leaped beyond the light, killed the Witch Queen, watched my light fall and now I will stop the Final Shape. I was chosen to protect and I will even if I breath my last breath.
I shall Become Legend.
I finally did it. I did my first ever fan-art for a video game and for Destiny.
The Final Shape Trailer came out a few days ago and I ran almost immediately out of my mind. I didn't start the game early but I always knew about it and now I'm here God willing, watching it's first saga come to an end.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be among other guardians in this war. I really wanted to be but I currently can't until maybe later next year or if the game decides to be nice and go on sale during my next summer🤣. I can't be affording such right now so I might as well empower other guardians to fight for me. I'll be around Sol in the crucible or most likely Gambit helping however I can and with this poster art, I think I've done enough😂.
Destiny has come so far from when I first ever saw it. It's like watching a child grow. Ironically it's not even my favorite game but it has a special place in my heart. I don't want to rant anymore so I'll just cut to the chase. I wouldn't be posting any new art for some time... I'd be having exams soon but I would post the light version of this before the Final shape release. Well, that's all from me guys. I am extremely proud of myself and the game.
Eye's up guardians!
DeviantArt | Pinterest
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The Lord of the Rings Musical - The First Teaser Trailer
This summer's going to be epic...
Bursting out of the theatre and into the Watermill gardens, be immersed in the magical landscape of Tolkien and join an ensemble cast and large-scale puppets on an epic journey celebrating the power of friendship and common goodness to conquer unimaginable evil.
Published by The Watermill Theatre on Instagram & Twitter.
Performances from 25 July to 15 October 2023. Ticket sales from 15 March.
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Home sweet home
This is a set of scenes that lives rent free in my head. I am writing a fanfic/study/whatever, just a longer text about this, but as for now, let me share!
Steve's parents fuck off for good when Hawkins falls apart and leave Steve the house, probably because it wouldn't sell well with a garden in two pieces, thank you earthquake. Steve feels torn about it and gets drunk with his metalhead boyfriend, admitting that he wants to sell the house, the sooner the better, all the shitty memories and that. Unbeknownst to Steve, Eddie makes a few phone calls and the next morning, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and Argyle rush in with boxes and trash bags and get to cleaning out the Harrington residence.
None of them talk about his parents and their departure, but Steve can feel that they're pissed off on his behalf, from the way that the level-headed and careful Nancy "accidentally" destroys his mother's treasured perfume collection, that Robin creates a huge yard sale sign that says "YOUR DREAMS CAME TRUE, THEY MOVED AWAY! EVERYTHING HAS TO GO!" and stabs it into the front lawn for all the neighbors to see. Argyle raids his mother's kitchen and bakes them all pizzas when they get hungry, then smokes a joint on the pristine carpet and when Steve remarks his mother would have hated that, he just smiles at him, blissed out, and mutters "good!" Jonathan visits his room to drop off some more boxes and freezes in the doorway. "That's one hideous wallpaper" he says and Steve just laughs because yeah, it is hideous and he's so glad he's leaving. Eddie helps Steve pack his room and gets ready to move him to his trailer until the house is sold, "seriously, Steve, this house is like a mausoleum, tomorrow you're coming with me and that's final." A concerned neighbor probably calls the Hawkins PD that some punks are trashing the Harrington property and when Hopper shows up to check what's going on, he just chuckles and remarks that Joyce keeps talking about getting better curtains, so if those go in the yard sale, he asked first, yeah?
In the evening, they are all tired, but they crash in the halfway packed living room and giggle at the stupid shit they found in the Harrington household. An idea flashes in Steve's head and he drags all of them upstairs, ransacking his father's office. Nothing important there, just a magnificent room to represent a shallow human being. They raid his alcohol stash and bring all the loot downstairs, taking one of Mr. Harrington's most prized trophies as an ashtray. On their way downstairs, Nancy stops and stares at the framed family pictures on the staircase. A perfect family, a successful man, a devoted wife and their son with so much potential. All of it lies. "Do you want to keep any of these?" she asks and when he shakes his head, she nods and takes them all down. While the rest of them discuss which bottle they should open first, Nancy comes back with an innocent smile, the photos and duct tape in one hand, a set of darts from Mr. Harrington's office in the other one. They end up playing darts in the living room, doing shots every time someone hit Mr. Harrington's face, spilling some alcohol on the carpet and overall desecrating the image of perfection and cleanliness Steve's parents cultivated for decades. There are still many pictures left and Nancy suggests that they could take them to her improvised shooting range for a celebration when the house sells. "Shooting at bottles gets boring after a while," she grins and slumps against Robin who is removing the latest photo target, Mrs. Harrington, and hums Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.
The morning finds all of them very hungover, munching on the leftover pizza and cleaning the place before they have to go to their respective homes, families and jobs. Robin is hugging a broom like a lover and swears she's never, ever drinking again. Nancy falls asleep standing next to the coffee machine before Jonathan peels her off the counter and accidentally pours baking soda in his coffee instead of sugar. Argyle and Eddie are mostly fine, chatting and covering holes from the less lucky dart throws. And Steve just stands there, between boxes and trash bags, watches them all, his friends, his boyfriend, and finally feels like his life might be beginning.
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lermisv4 · 2 years
Some things that I would like to see in KH4
1. A sidequest where you gather different plants from different worlds for Strelitzia’s apartment. Make the damn place look like the urban garden to end all urban gardens
2. Literally everyone recognizes Yozora and he has no idea why up until someone shows him that Kingstagram post Sora made in KH3 that shows the poster of Verum Rex from Toy Box. Better yet, give him the physical copy of said game.
3. Luxord mission control
4. Star Wars characters thinking that Sora’s magic is an “anomalous use of the Force”
5. Sora looking for Neku once he hears that Shibuya is a thing
6. Riku and the unregistered Keyblade motorcycle that never fails to get him in trouble with the cops
7. Speaking of the cops: After the trailer they bombard Sora with questions and the poor guy is like “um, look, I really should lie to you about all this but I’m a really bad liar and I’m not sure what lies I can even tell you so can I just not talk about this?” and he has those puppy dog eyes that scream “I really miss my friends” and the police leave him alone because poor thing. Except for That One Cop He’ll hound poor Sora until the end of time
8. Heartless plushies for sale in a week flat after they appear
9. Strelitzia party member
10. Speaking of which, her Keyblade formchanging into a scythe that looks too similar to Marluxia’s for Sora’s sanity
11. Sora will jump on the local social media the first chance he gets and we all know it. ALL sorts of content - cooking, the pant collection, fighting, “look at this cool bird”, “wow this building is so weird gotta show it to Riku” and other weird stuff. He basically becomes a lifestyle influencer with a side of monster slaying and he has absolutely no clue what he’s doing, so just posts cool things as far as he’s concerned
12. Luxord running the casino mini-game
13. Yozora giving Luxord crap whenever he loses said minigames
14. Ava vs Luxu, except that it involves a screaming match on top of the fighting that DOES get posted online
15. Imagine the Master of Masters treating Luxu/Xigbar like he’s still that awkward teenager... In front of everyone who knew him as Xigbar. Top tier blackmail material right there
16. Sora vaguelly referencing a “fighting tournament” and NEVER giving specifics
17. Dream Eaters in the real world. Cue even more plushies. So many dream eater plushies. Except that then the Dream Eaters will get jealous of the plushies and will start giving cuddles to EVERYONE so there’s no point in the plushies anymore
18. Have you seen that post (don’t know from which website, I found it on Pinterest) where Ventus introduces his friend groups to each other... and from one hand it’s Lauriam and Elrena and one the other is Lea, Isa and Skuld and they all look extremely awkward? That needs to happen.
19. Foretellers looking up cosplay because they’re tired of everyone questioning who they’re cosplaying as
20. Luxu being #tired of everything
That’s all I got for now!
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awanderingcanadian · 7 months
A Little Catch Up on My Life and Travels
My last post was about selling our beloved place in Mexico. I haven't posted since then, but I've been busy, both with closing down the business, and then taking to the road.
I'm writing this from a hotel room in San Antonio, Texas. We have just finished a 5 day vacation with family, and my husband and his brother attended 3 days of the Formula One in Austin. They are very close to each other, and I think they enjoyed everything about their 3 days together. My sister in law and I are also close, and we enjoyed hanging out: there was a day of walking and checking out the River Walk, and a couple of days of relaxing and reading, (things we both enjoy).
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Today we parted ways, with my BIL and SIL returning home and Craig and I staying one more night then flying onward to Mexico to meet up with my dad and a friend. We are headed to the town where we have spent 16 happy years, but this time we're not staying at our own place. Instead we are staying with our former property manager who also has rental apartments. While we will be doing many fun things with our local friends, we will NO be painting or fixing things, (a staple of our previous trips). It will be a different trip for sure.
However, I started my travels the last week of August, when my sister invited me to accompany her and my niece back to Ontario, (where my niece attends university). While I've passed through Toronto, both just within the airport, and by vehicle, I've never actually spent any time there, so I jumped at the opportunity. It was a fun and busy 5 days, sightseeing, catching a Blue Jays baseball game, and touring the infamous Kingston penitentiary, as well as getting my niece settled into her new house.
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In between the two above trips, we took our travel trailer down the Washington and Oregon coasts, before cutting into more central California to Yosemite National parks. We stayed at both National Parks and State Parks, and boy to do I have a lot to say about those...however, that will be in another post. We had two nights in the San Francisco Bay area, staying in fabulous new regional park in the East Bay, where we spend an unexpected $900+USD when the water pump, followed by the serpentine belt gave out in our truck! Fortunately, we were in a big centre with lots of access to mechanics and parts!
We picked up friends who arrived from Scotland and together the 4 of us made our way back to Canada, via wine tastings and microbreweries!
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We loved catching up with family en route, and it was fun to play tour guide to our Scottish friends! We took them out to my favourite place in the world, (the west coast of Vancouver Island), as well as visiting the famous Butchart Gardens, (in the POURING rain), finishing with 2 nights in Vancouver.
So...I've definitely not been lollygagging or wallowing in sorrow over the sale of our place, although when I see it tomorrow evening for the first time since the sale, I may have a wee wallow. Until next time...
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paranoidgemsbok · 2 years
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about 5 or 6 years ago these new neighbors move in directly across the street, a couple and their like.  3 year old daughter.   it quickly becomes apparent that theyre Churchy people, the kinda ‘weird fringe christian’ that pops up around here constantly thats like a step away from a cult.  
their house sits against a stretch of woods that go deep enough that bears come out of them sometimes, and its a decent sized bit of land on the lot itself, to put it in perspective. 
immediately the guy starts Landscaping, which like, fine okay.  whatever put a garden in sure.  but he keeps landscaping.  way into the night sometimes, like 11-1am, machines running, lights on, his truck pulling in and out.  he starts a landscaping Business, and buys Machines and Equipment. 
Every Night he backs his truck into a Very Specific part of the yard, against the treeline and nearly touching the shed on the property.  I’m talking VERY specific like, he would spend upwards of 15 minutes per night aligning this vehicle. 
He builds a second shed, behind the first shed.  not an addition to the first shed, mind you, but a second shed.
he continues landscaping.  he sometimes puts in more Piles of Mulch and Trees in the yard, but its never the amount of change youd expect from the sheer time he spends Doing Shit In His Yard.  day and night he is coming in and running machines and generators by the shed.
they homeschool their kids (they since have another child) and largely keep isolated.  he keeps landscaping.  and up until this point im mostly alone in being like THIS DUDES A WEIRDO and its largely vibe-based, yknow?  its half a running gag.  literally he has not stopped landscaping his yard at insane hours since he moved in and i just think thats weird.
suddenly, about three months ago, a FOR SALE sign pops up, in the yard.  my mom casually asks the lady (Dani) what’s goin on and why theyre moving.  Oh, They Are Moving To Alaska.  theyre selling Everything and putting their valuables into a trailer and selling their house and theyre going to Drive to Alaska from Pennsylvania.  no, they dont have family or friends up there.  No, no one got a spectacular job.  No, they don’t have a fucking house lined up.  they plan to be out of the house by september (again, about two months after the decision to move) and Dani seems honestly pretty unsure about this whole thing, but her husband the serial killer pops out of the shed all cheery and cordial and talking about moving and how they’re selling all their things. hes selling the landscaping business and equipment and is planning to do Snow Removal as a freelancer.
oh, also, they didnt start shopping for an RV until like two weeks ago, and its going to be two to three months until the RV they want comes in.  putting us nicely in december.  to drive to alaska.  he reportedly talked about needing hay bales(?) to pack around the vehicle so it doesnt freeze at night.
ps they have two young children, who both seem outwardly to be special needs
pps they have two doodle-mix large dogs.
im begging you to imagine this RV. 
they are intending to homestead up there, in a ‘census designated place’ that is 700 square miles with less than 2000 people.  he mentioned offhand how its apparently hard to get animal feed shipped in and they have to get a special freezer for it to last through the winter.
they left sometime last week in the middle of the night.  i do not know where theyre staying until the RV comes in.
this is at the very least incredibly unhinged behavior and when they find bodies in that yard they wont publish my interview because ill just be like I FUCKIN TOLD EVERYONE! I SAID IT! YOU HEARD ME.  I TOLD YOU.  I FUCKIN TOLD YOU.
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kornwarner · 2 years
My Most Favorite Animaniacs Episodes (also including songs) by Animation Studio
Original series (1993 - 1998)
TMS: Hello Nice Warners, Yakko’s World, Ups and Downs, Potty Emergency, The Brave Little Trailer, Roll Over Beethoven, Temporary Insanity, Noel, The Great Wakkorotti: The Master and His Music, Drive-Insane, Little Drummer Warners, LA LA Law, The Monkey Song, Hooked on a Ceiling, Pavlov’s Mice, the Wheel of Morality segments, The Senses Song, Piano Rag, Turkey Jerky, The Three Muska-Warners, No Place Like Homeless, The Flame, Clown and Out; the Tower Escapes, Chases, and Returns segments, A Christmas Plotz, Fair Game, Newsreel of the Stars, I’m Cute, Babblin’ Bijou, The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert, Taming of the Screwy, Garage Sale of the Century, H.M.S. Yakko, Cutie and the Beast, the Mime Time segments, Cookies for Einstein, The Warners’ 65th Anniversary Special; Hot, Bothered, and Bedeviled
Startoons: Wakko’s America, Chairman of the Bored, Ragamuffins, Bully for Skippy, Dot - the Macadamia Nut, Wally Llama, Meet Minerva, Magic Time, Cartoons in Wakko’s Body, Slappy Goes Walnuts, There’s Only One of You, It, Plane Pals, …And Justice for Slappy, Critical Condition, Guardin’ the Garden, Windsor Hassle, Be Careful What You Eat, What Are We?, The Big Candy Store, Testimonials, the Randy Beaman segments, Meet John Brain, Meatballs or Consequences, Bumbie’s Mom, Karaoke-Dokie
Wang: Space-Probed, Go Fish, Soda Jerk, The Return of the Great Wakkorotti, Win Big, A Hard Day’s Warners, Battle for the Planet, Three Tenors and You’re Out, Mobster Mash, Dot’s Quiet Time, Hiccup, Gold Rush, The Sound of Warners, Yes, Always; With Three You Get Eggroll, Lookit the Fuzzy Heads, Super Strong Warners, The Party, Message in a Bottle, Take My Siblings Please, King Yakko, From Burbank With Love, the Good Idea, Bad Idea segments; Night of the Living Buttons, Fake, I’m Mad, Bones in the Body; No Pain, No Painting
Freelance: Chalkboard Bungle, Nighty-Night Toon, Moby or Not Moby, Survey Ladies, Of Nice and Men, Les Boutons et le Ballon, When Rita Met Runt, The Cat and the Fiddle, Katie Ka-Boom: The Blemish, General Boo-Regard, The Mindy 500, Animator’s Alley, Katie Ka-Boom: The Broken Date, Up a Tree, the Dot’s Poetry Corner segments
AKOM: Hurray for Slappy, Bingo, Raging Bird, Astro-Buttons, Multiplication, Noah’s Lark, This Pun For Hire, Dough Dough Boys, I Got Yer Can, Hello Nurse, Goodfeathers: The Beginning, Opportunity Knox, Boot Camping, White Gloves, The Girl with the Googily Goop, Mesozoic Mindy, Star Truck, Moon Over Minerva, Anchors A-Warners, Bad Mood Bobby, Back in Style, Dot’s Entertainment, No Time for Love, Jokahontas, Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner, You Risk Your Life, A Very Very Very Very Special Show, We’re No Pigeons, Kiki’s Kitten, Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago
Koko: Boo Wonder, The Carpool, Birds on a Wire, Cute First (Ask Questions Later), Here Comes Attila, The Sunshine Squirrels
Revival series (2020 - present)
Titmouse: WhoDonut, Math-Terpiece Theater: Apples, The Cutening, Hindenburg Cola, Manny Manspreader, Rome Sweet Rome, No Brainer, Bun Control, Mousechurian Candidate, Warner She Wrote, Teeniacs, Please Submit, Yakko’s Big Idea, Wakkiver Twist Parts One and Two, Talladega Mice: The Ballad of Pinky Brainy, Rug of War, How To: Brain Takes Over the World, Rejected Animaniacs Characters, Warner’s Ark, Equal Time, The Warners Are Present
Snipple: Gold Meddlers, Gift Rapper, Jurassic Lark, Fear and Laughter in Burbank, Good Warner Hunting, Suspended Animation: Part 1 and 2, Of Mice and Memes, Warners Unbound, Ex Mousina, Ralph Cam, Close Encounters of the Worst Kind
Digital eMation: Yakko Amakko, All About the Benjamin, Slappy’s Return, The Warner’s Vault, Mouse Madness, The Pinktator, My Super Sour 16, The Flawed Couple
Saerom: The Apology, WARnerGAMES: Parts 1 and 2, Christopher Columbusted, Wakko’s Short Shorts: Now Loading, Know Your Scroll, Santamaniacs, The Longest Word, The Hamburg Tickler
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jonathanwrotethis · 5 months
I was a child of the Star Wars generation
I was a child of the Star Wars generation. I was the perfect age for the movies, the toys, and the universe of marketing that followed it. I was five when the first movie appeared at the cinema. I don't remember going to see either of the first two movies, but I do remember Return of the Jedi.
My strongest memories of the cinema as a child are of the Pearl and Dean adverts before the movie (along with the "Asteroid" soundtrack), ice creams being sold during the movie, and leaving at the end - feeling like you were walking on air, and wanting to run out into the evening with your arms out wide, making laser blaster noises.
It was always dark when you left the cinema.
I think the first time I ever went to the cinema in the daytime was with my cousin from America. She was over visiting, I got the afternoon off work, and we went to Oxford together. We saw "Shakespeare in Love", and bought a book of Shakeseare's sonnets in a little bookshop in Gloucester Green.
Anyway. Back to the writing prompt.
Throughout my childhood each birthday and Christmas would bring new figures and spaceships. I looked after them like the crown jewels. By the time I started at secondary school, I remember a high shelf all the way across my bedroom, filled with spacecraft, walkers, and monsters of all descriptions.
My only regret? It was all given away.
As I grew up computers took over from toys, and the Star Wars collection gathered dust on a high shelf. One day a family across the road was collecting for a charity jumble sale and my Mum donated all of it. Apparently somebody bought the entire collection before it went anywhere near the sale venue.
I suppose - being honest - I don't regret giving away the Star Wars toys at all. They were not "mint in box" - they were played with. They had survived countless adventures in the mud ravaged fields of the "Back Garden" planet, and the "Back of the Sofa" system. I suppose there has always been the hope that they would have gone on to be played with - not to be restored and locked in glass cabinets.
Random memory - the Tie Fighter pilot smelled of trifle. I never did figure out why.
So yes. Star Wars was "my jam".
It took over an hour to write this, because I got side-tracked watching recordings on YouTube of fan reactions to the various movie trailers as they have arrived. Then I fell apart again watching John Williams conduct the orchestra following Carrie Fisher's death. How her daughter managed to read her famous lines from "A New Hope" without falling apart is still a mystery to me.
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Explore Your Different Options for Cheap Trailers in Melbourne
One kind of unpowered vehicle that may transport freight is a trailer and for instance, bike trailers are used to transport bikes. These days, a lot of equipment is made to assist a car move a load, and since cheap trailers in Melbourne may transfer goods like merchandise, materials, machinery, and other items, manufacturers have a lot of options when it comes to customising this product.
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Melbourne's leading trailer manufacturers offer garden trailers for sale that are very versatile and safe for plant transportation. Trailers are used in many different industries, such as the construction, agricultural, transportation, and entertainment sectors. Box trailers come in a range of sizes and configurations, and they may be used for a number of purposes, such as furniture, equipment, and tool transportation, as well as camping and recreational activities.
A Snippet of the Main Trailer Category Product’s Discussions Below
Machinery Trailers: As the name suggests, these trailers are specifically designed to transport different kinds of machinery. They come in single, double, and alternative axle configurations. Furthermore, clients have the option to customise the ramp size—a crucial component of these trailers—and leading manufacturers will implement the recommended modifications.
Cattle Trailers: These have components designed especially for safely transporting animals, such as checkerplate flooring and LED lighting. One can have 12x6 cattle stock trailer and some of the features include 2800 GVM, 7 leaf rocker roller suspension, three way doors, etc.
Tradesman Trailers: Especially made to assist tradesmen in moving and storing their many items of equipment, these trailers are widely utilised in Australia. The leading companies supplying trailers for tradesman offer many different configurations like 7x5 tandem tradesman, 8x5 tandem tradesman, etc.
When it comes to trailers, there are a plethora of outstanding options from well-known manufacturers, and clients may specify their specifications to these businesses to ensure the best potential outcome. Speak with the leading trailer producers to receive a quote for a trailer that is perfect for your needs.
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tradedmiami · 2 days
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SALE IMAGE: Miguelangel Salazar-Pesce, Gabriel Garcia Menocal, David Oxios & Lucia Custer DATE: 05/30/2024 ADDRESS: 13951 Northwest 109th Avenue MARKET: Hialeah Gardens ASSET TYPE: Land ~ ACRES: 4.2 SELLER: Todd Bowman - Bowman Trailer Leasing BUYER'S REP: David Oxios (@DadeRealEstate), Gabriel Garcia Menocal & Lucia Custer - NAI Miami SELLER'S REP: Enrique Jordan (@Enrique_a_Jordan) & Miguelangel Salazar-Pesce - East Coast Properties & Commercial Real Estate SALE PRICE: $9,600,000 NOTE: NAI Miami | Fort Lauderdale closed the sale of a 4.2-acre industrial land parcel in Hialeah Gardens for $9,600,000, with representation from David Oxios, Gabriel Garcia-Menocal, and Lucia Custer, on behalf of seller Todd Bowman of Bowman Trailer Leasing. Despite the seller's preference for an off-market sale, the NAI team successfully identified a qualified buyer, led by Enrique Jordan and Miguelangel Salazar-Pesce of Central Commercial Real Estate & East Coast Properties, overcoming hurdles to achieve the client's goal. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #HialeahGardens #Land #DavidOxios #EnriqueJordan #GabrielGarciaMenocal #LuciaCuster #NAIMiami #MiguelangelSalazarPesce #EastCoastPropertiesandCommercialRealEstate #ToddBowman #BowmanTrailerLeasing
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pandamintcats · 1 day
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Light and dark mode side by side
The line between the light and the dark is so thin. Now, I am that line? I never asked but here I am. They say to become a Guardian you must show devotion, bravery, sacrifice and... Death... It's funny how I don't remember me, the life I had before this. I was chosen, but why?
I remember when I thought the light was my only guide. The enemies I once sought to destroy have become my greatest allies... Friends. The force that destroyed me has given me hope... [Laughs] I never knew the universe was a comedian.
The light, the dark, the gardener, the winnower... So different yet so same. I was fool, blind, naive... I was led by my eyes and not my heart. I think I see now but I am blinder than I ever was. I stand here, troubled but joyed that this war may finally be over. I am no fool that wars can never end, but I would die knowing I ended one so the youth may live.
I am no defender of the light or fighter of the dark. I am a defender of Humanity. I am a Guardian forged in light, given a power to survive and took a power to protect. I am not division between paracausuality. I am just human who has forgotten the bitter taste of death. Now it grips me but I will not fear.
The coming days draw nearer but I will not quiver. I have dove into the Dark below, dinned with the House of Wolves, taken the Taken King, risen like the Iron Lords, been forsaken by my greatest allies, walked between the shadows, leaped beyond the light, killed the Witch Queen, watched my light fall and now I will stop the Final Shape. I was chosen to protect and I will even if I breath my last breath.
I shall Become Legend.
This is the light version of the poster. Enjoy!! Link to the dark version. I am currently not selling this piece as a poster of any sort. Anyone who sells this to you is most likely a scam. Please beware!
I finally did it. I did my first ever fan-art for a video game and for Destiny.
The Final Shape Trailer came out a few days ago and I ran almost immediately out of my mind. I didn't start the game early but I always knew about it and now I'm here God willing, watching it's first saga come to an end.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be among other guardians in this war. I really wanted to be but I currently can't until maybe later next year or if the game decides to be nice and go on sale during my next summer🤣. I can't be affording such right now so I might as well empower other guardians to fight for me. I'll be around Sol in the crucible or most likely Gambit helping however I can and with this poster art, I think I've done enough😂.
Destiny has come so far from when I first ever saw it. It's like watching a child grow. Ironically it's not even my favorite game but it has a special place in my heart. I don't want to rant anymore so I'll just cut to the chase. I wouldn't be posting any new art for some time... I'd be having exams soon. Well, that's all from me guys. I am extremely proud of myself and the game.
Eye's up guardians!
Deviantart | Pinterest
Deviantart | Pinterest
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kokujin-josei-simmer · 2 months
Finally updated and installed all the packs I got
I had to install Romantic Garden (free), Home Chef Hustle and For Rent (sale), I was worried about the lag. I think some of the lag was due to an outdated mod I thought I had deleted. Also found a duplicate of a mod, got rid of that and it runs a bit smoother now. Updated most of my mods (the major mods) and got a few more that need to be updated like the No EA eyelash mod.
I'm gonna have to clean out my folder though because I have a lot of stuff I don't use, fortunately Tmex's BetterBuildBuy mod has the option to add CC to a favorite folder, I'll slowly go through stuff I actually use and really want and delete everything else.
I just plopped down a few residential rentals (one is a trailer park by Jenba, I wanted a decent trailer park because most builders equate trailer parks with cesspools), I downloaded a mod by Kuttoe that modified that rent prices but I thought it was too high. A lot in Brindleton Bay that is a rental is originally $100+ per day, the mod made it $300+ a day so I deleted because that's just too much of an increase especially for rentals that are not luxurious.
Then again, Brindleton Bay is based on New England and that region is pricey lol, maybe I'll install it again to see all the price difference in my other rentals before making a final decision 🤔
Sucks because the mod is interesting, certain lots (for cheaper neighborhoods) see a decrease in price and certain traits (like good schools and celebrity homes) increase the rent price.
Oh well, haven't played Tomarang yet since I just installed, updated and repaired the game yesterday (as well as downloading the remaining mod updates I needed) but I got a map replacement by 20th Century Plumbob and it's SO PRETTY 😍 *But EA was stingy with the number of lots and neighborhoods, was 3 hoods too many? 10 lots was 1 too many? I would've been happier with 12 but 🤷🏾‍♀️
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ryansbedroom · 5 months
My 2023 in retrospect...
Well, that year is almost over. Here's my story of 2023.
This year marked the 30th Anniversary of my time at the Surrey Downs Child Care Centre which I didn't like a little at first as I felt like a prisoner but I soon got the hang of it later. Also, my first video game, 'Super Mario All-Stars' for the SNES hit store shelves 30 years ago too but didn't get it until Christmas a year later at that time.
In January, I went to the St Kilda Mangrove Boardwalk for the first time in many years. It looked a bit different compared with last time I looked.
In February, I got a Lightburn Zeta coffee mug and saw a show at the Garden Of Unearthly Delights all by myself for the first time in my life! Then later, I saw Luke Million perform music from his first album 'Gina The Synth Cat' on his handy keytar! Then at the end, I got lucky and managed to grab one of his drumsticks! From a shop in Chinatown, I bought a Pikachu-design bathroom spout extension which slides onto most horizontal spouts!
In March, I got my Knight Rider Historians tee-shirt showing the GMC Prime Mover & Trailer which is now currently being restored. Went to the new TK-Maxx store at Churchill Centre in Kilburn and tried both 'Bard' & 'Barbarian' burgers from Carl's Jr who have teamed up with the board game based film, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Theives. After a remarkable 25 Years, Ash Ketchum's quest to become a true Pokemon Master came to an epic conclusion with the callback mini-series, 'Aim To Be A Master'. He and Pikachu came a long, long way together through the low times and the high. We still saluted him, celebrated him and praised him like we should.
In April, I went to a LEGO exhibit at the Museum Of Adelaide, then to a car show at Echunga Oval and then to an Easter carnival on Ridley Reserve. Bought the LEGO Icons 'Land Rover Defender 110' which is considered to be my best one for 2023 with working suspension, steering and the ability to tow! I even built a trailer to go with it!
In May, I took a time-lapse video of a Wisdom 'Sizzler' ride being setup for the first time in my life! Built a LEGO model of the gas heater we used to have in the lounge room until 2007. Went on a few tram rides at the St Kilda Tramway Museum.
In June, went to the Model Railway Exhibition in Angle Park. Then went on a few buses during a 'Farewell Tour' of the MAN NL202 fleet.
In July, I put 'Richard Stevens Hire' decals on my blue LEGO trailer as a nod to the days before Kennards came to South Australia! The old streetlights on our street were upgraded to LED. Saw the 'Barbie' movie at Hoyts. Brixpo was way better than ever, so was AVCon!
In August, The St Kilda Tramway Museum had a showcase of old buses. Then I went to the Gawler Show.
In September, Went to the Royal Adelaide Show and saw a small ex-John Martins semi trailer which was owned by one of the amusement companies. The supposed Masters Home Improvement store in Noarlunga is now being converted to Bunnings after sitting unused for quite some time. My grandmother Ann Smith turned 90 and we celebrated her birthday at the main hall in her aged care village. Took a hike in Cobbler Creek Recreation Park and I was exceptionally lucky to avoid getting bitten by a snake which could've cut my life short. Then I finally advanced onto my full driver's license and had a beer at the Old Spot Hotel in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of my first 'legal drink'.
In October, The former house of 'The Owens' (i.e. my mother's parents) was put up for sale. Had a discussion with an NDIS employee at the Disabilty, Ageing & Lifestyle Expo at the showgrounds. Then for the first time in almost 13 years, looked around in the Roseworthy Agricultural Museum and went on some rides at the Roseworthy Miniature Railway Club! Went to the Tonsley Hotel in Clovelly Park to have a meal before it closed its doors to be redeveloped for the T2D Infrastructure Project. The former Red Rooster building at Harbor Town in West Beach was finally demolished after TEN YEARS! Then I went to the National Motor Museum for the 'Bay To Birdwood' car showcase!
In November, Went to the first ever Tiny Homes Expo at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Ingle Farm Shopping Centre changed its name to Ingle Farm Plaza and the old 'wind pump' signboards had to be removed and replaced with generic rectangular ones. Went to the Skye Lookout for a lovely view of the city and its surroundings. Bought the new Jazwares 'Train & Play Deluxe Pikachu' from Toyworld! I just couldn't resist it.
In December, I went to the new entertainment complex in the former Harris Scarfe floors of Rundle Place. Received my 1/43 Scale Knight Rider FLAG Rig from a seller in Portugal but was in a few pieces so I had to gorilla-glue them back on. Also did a repair to a LEGO Fabuland plane set as the left-side exhaust pipe was in two pieces when I bought it from a shop in Cowell. Went on Adelaide's first ever BEB (Battery-Electric Bus) on Route 99C for the first time in my life! For Christmas, I got the new LEGO Chevrolet Corvette!
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Riding Mower - Craftsman Pro Series 46? 24 HP V-Twin TurnTight Extreme
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