#genre: children's
cinema-hallucinations · 2 months
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Prompt: Create a movie concept similar to those cartoons about TCGs that connect to real creatures, except the cards in questions in this case are just normal old-timey christmas cards and not intended for duelling/playing with.
Title: Yuletide Chronicles: Guardians of Christmas Past
Tagline: Discover a whole new form of Christmas magic
Logline: In a hidden world nestled within Christmas traditions, mischievous sprites called "Yuletide Imps" threaten to erase cherished memories and unravel the magic of Christmas. Only the Noel Navigators, children who can activate the power of vintage Christmas cards, can stop them.
Clara Claus: A bright and curious 12-year-old who discovers a hidden box of antique Christmas cards left by her late grandmother. Little does she know, these cards hold the power to summon legendary Christmas spirits.
Dasher: A mischievous but loyal Yuletide Imp accidentally trapped inside one of the Christmas cards. He becomes Clara's reluctant guide to the Yuletide Glade, the secret world of Christmas magic.
The Noel Navigators: A group of kids who have inherited the ability to activate the Christmas cards, each card summoning a different Christmas spirit with unique powers.
The Snow Queen: A once-benevolent guardian of Christmas magic, now corrupted by the Yuletide Imps, seeking to erase Christmas memories and plunge the world into eternal winter.
Clara Claus, grieving the loss of her grandmother, stumbles upon a hidden box filled with beautiful vintage Christmas cards. As she flips through them, a mischievous sprite named Dasher pops out of one of the cards, revealing a hidden world known as the Yuletide Glade, the source of all Christmas magic.
Clara learns from Dasher that the Yuletide Glade is under attack by the Yuletide Imps, mischievous creatures who feed on forgotten Christmas memories. Led by the corrupted Snow Queen, the Imps aim to erase Christmas cheer and memories, leaving the world devoid of holiday spirit.
The Christmas Cards:
Clara discovers the cards are not ordinary. Each card, when activated by a Noel Navigator with a pure heart, summons a legendary Christmas spirit depicted on the card - a jolly Santa Claus, a troop of helpful elves, or even the reindeer guiding Santa's sleigh. These spirits possess unique magical abilities and become Clara's allies.
Challenges and Teamwork:
Clara joins forces with other Noel Navigators, each wielding different vintage Christmas cards and summoning various spirits. They embark on a series of whimsical adventures, traveling through fantastical landscapes inspired by traditional Christmas imagery - gingerbread houses, candy cane forests, and glittering snow globes.
Lines as Clues:
Dasher, explaining the Yuletide Glade, might say, "These cards hold the memories of Christmases past, and within them lies the magic that keeps the spirit alive!"
The Snow Queen, corrupted by the Imps, might declare, "Let the world forget the warmth of Christmas, the joy of giving, the laughter of children! Let there be only winter!"
Climax and Resolution:
In a thrilling climax, Clara and the Noel Navigators confront the Snow Queen in her icy palace. They utilize the combined power of their Christmas spirit allies and their unwavering belief in the magic of Christmas to defeat the Imps and restore balance to the Yuletide Glade. The Snow Queen is redeemed, realizing the true meaning of Christmas.
The importance of cherishing tradition and maintaining the spirit of Christmas.
The power of friendship and teamwork.
The beauty of imagination and childhood wonder.
The movie ends with Clara and her new Noel Navigator friends spreading Christmas cheer, ensuring the magic continues for generations to come. Dasher, no longer mischievous, becomes a cherished friend, reminding everyone that even the smallest creatures can play a part in the magic of Christmas.
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tolkienillustrations · 9 months
“It [The Lord of the Rings] is finished, if still partly unrevised, and is, I suppose, in a condition which a reader could read, if he did not wilt at the sight of it…now I look at it, the magnitude of the disaster is apparent to me. My work has escaped from my control, and I have produced a monster: an immensely long, complex, rather bitter, and very terrifying romance, quite unfit for children (if fit for anybody); and it is not really a sequel to The Hobbit, but to The Silmarillion.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien to Sir Stanley Unwin, 24 February 1950
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Albert Anker (1831-1910) "Knitting girl watching the toddler in the cradle" (1885) Oil on canvas Currently in a private collection
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haveyoureadthispoll · 26 days
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lionofchaeronea · 7 months
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The Umbrella, Marie Bashkirtseff, 1883
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climbdraws · 8 months
im so so sick of the infantalizing takes of "this children's media is soooo dark its not for kids!!!" and it's just a millennial recounting scene for scene what happens like this
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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horror sub-genres • children’s horror
children's horror is a genre defined by its style, humor, and themes of acceptance. it is a genre defined by a mark of maturity in its audience.
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locusfandomtime · 7 months
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i hope you guys understand my vision
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thepaintedroom · 4 months
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James Tissot (French, ) • Hide and Seek • c. 1880-c.1882
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scintillyyy · 2 months
also the ideas of "the way comics have been written and the fact of child sidekicks being placed on equal ground with their adult heroes and being there for emotional support of the adult character often leans into textbook parentification and it can be interesting to view the way that can affect the characters and their relationships and their mental health based on real world cultural norms and how that would affect real children" and "the reality is that in the nature of a medium such as comics, child hero characters being capable of being on equal ground and listened to and taken seriously by the adults around them & being able to meaningfully be considered by and helpful to the adults around them is part of the nature of a power fantasy story for children and a lot of the emotional support provided by child characters/parentification that you see in comics is a result of this desire of children to be able to be seen and taken seriously by those around them in children's stories and you do have to suspend disbelief and believe that in comics children are probably capable of some emotional complexity, maturity, and understanding beyond what they would be capable of at those ages in real life in order to even be able to do the job of heroics to begin with" can and do coexist.
(note: this is NOT me saying that they should be treated as or seen as adults as a result of this and is NOT me saying they're 100% on equal grounds. because they're children & absolutely should be acknowledged as children. however it's more like. yes, tim provide a lot of emotional support to the adults around him. it can be interesting to play with how that affected him (and i think it did) but also genre conceits do mean that you gotta swallow that it's not *quite* as harmful as it would be in real life because otherwise none of these people would be fit to do any sort of vigilantism.)
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solcattus · 7 months
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Admiring the Baby
By Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen
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cinema-hallucinations · 2 months
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Prompt: A seven-year-old kid doesn't trust clawfoot furniture because they think the legs are like THAT 'cause the furniture in question move when you're not looking at it. The kid is right. Generate a movie concept based on that.
Title: The Night the Furniture Danced
Tagline: You really shouldn't trust anything with claws.
Logline: When seven-year-old Leo's suspicions about his creepy clawfoot furniture are confirmed - they're alive and mischievous! - he teams up with a skeptical teenager and a grumpy cat to uncover the truth about the furniture's origins and stop them from wreaking havoc.
Leo: A curious and imaginative seven-year-old who always feels watched by the furniture. He's convinced they move when he's not looking.
Stella: Leo's cynical teenage sister. Initially skeptical of Leo's claims, she gets drawn into the mystery when she witnesses the furniture move.
Mittens: The family's grumpy cat who seems to understand Leo's concerns about the furniture. He may hold the key to their communication.
Professor Alistair Hawthorne (Voice Only): A long-dead eccentric inventor trapped in the spirit of the clawfoot furniture. He's mischievous but ultimately benevolent.
Leo has always felt a sense of unease around his family's antique clawfoot furniture. He's convinced the spindly legs resemble monstrous claws, and he swears they move when he's not looking. His family dismisses it as a childish imagination, except for Mittens, the family cat, who seems to share Leo's apprehension.
One night, Leo witnesses the furniture rearranging itself while the house is empty. Panicked, he wakes Stella, who initially scoffs. But when a chair lunges towards her, she's forced to believe.
Together, Leo and Stella discover a hidden inscription on the furniture leading them to research Professor Alistair Hawthorne, a forgotten inventor obsessed with imbuing furniture with sentience. They soon realize the clawfoot furniture is haunted by Hawthorne's spirit, trapped within his own creation.
With Mittens as their reluctant guide (turns out he can communicate with the furniture - badly), Leo and Stella learn Hawthorne is lonely and bored, using his newfound mobility to play harmless pranks. However, his attempts at amusement escalate, causing chaos in the house.
The climax involves a showdown where Leo and Stella must use Hawthorne's own invention manual to create a communication device to reason with him. They convince Hawthorne that friendship and genuine connection are more fulfilling than mischievous pranks.
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
Reblog and tell me about a movie/book/show that isn't Christmas-themed, but you still like to experience at Christmastime.
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Viggo Johansen (1851-1935) "Silent Night" (1891) Oil on canvas Located in the Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhagen, Denmark
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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A Girl Standing in the Wind, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1893
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Do you ship any of the turtles with anyone? or do you ship anything in rise at all?
(This ended up being a lot longer an answer than I intended hoo boy sorry about that)
Hmmm, I’m not too big a shipper tbh! Especially since I really enjoy canon interactions backing my ships, so it’s hard for me to actively like any that don’t really have that going for them. There’s plenty that I see around that I think are cute, but that’s usually the extent of my thought process for them.
For ships I more actively have, I guess I like AprilxSunita! They’re very very cute and I think they have some huge meet cute energy in their first episode together, and their chemistry is genuinely adorable (plus them being featured means more April screentime which is ALWAYS a good thing.)
I also think AprilxCasey (and when I say Casey I mean our OG girl) is really good, as I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers, and I think they have a lot in common and just bounce off each other very well (not to mention this ship in other iterations of TMNT has a loooooot going for it.)
Keeping the chain going, I think RaphxCasey (again, OG Casey) is also one with a tonnnnn of potential. They have a lot of common characteristics, and considering Raph’s whole thing with Franken-Foot, I really think there’s a lot of room there for a relationship to develop. Plus, like AprilxCasey, Raph and Casey tend to have a close relationship throughout the iterations of TMNT and it would be great to see that more with these two, even if not romantically.
Actually going back to enemies to lovers, I unironically think there’s a ton going for DonniexKendra. I know a lot of people hate this ship, but I don’t and I actually think it could very easily work whether in a love-hate way or a slow burn way. There’s a lot to like here and honestly they’re good together! Kendra is legit Donnie’s type too haha (cute, but mean.)
Lastly, SplinterxDraxum is good…when done right. I really like when people take it and don’t undermine the very real trauma that Splinter has gone through. As I’ve stated a lot, I love me some enemies to lovers, so I can see the potential here. Plus lbr Draxum was down BAD for Lou Jitsu when he first saw him haha.
I think that’s the extent to what I actively like? Everything else usually falls into “aw cute” or “ehhh not for me thanks”. And before you ask YES leosagi is cute and I’ll read fics with it if the premise is appealing, but I’m afraid I need some canon interactions to establish base character dynamics before I actively ship it alas.😔 Super cute though, no hate to it or any of the other CanonxCharacter-they’ve-never-met ships, I genuinely think people should just have fun! And for what it’s worth I really do wish we got a Usagi and Leo interaction in Rise like we have in other iterations.:(
So yeah. Overall, I have a few ships I enjoy, but I fall much more in the “prefer to keep everyone to themselves and make the focus family and friendship” category.
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