#genuinely trying to get back to the swing of things on here i swear. my muse has just been fluctuating like CRAZY these past couple of days
brutalmasks · 15 days
ahh... just thinking about how one of the first things that bunny mask did whenever she was liberated from her cave was search for her quote unquote ' creator, ' as she would put it. and whenever bunny found no one to speak of that fulfilled that role for her, the emptiness that she felt inside was immeasurable, for lack of better words. because although she is able to make friends with people quite quickly depending on the other person and i could very much imagine her becoming a parental figure to a child; it just makes her feel a little bit like maybe she wasn't worthy of being given one and like she's got a void inside of her heart that she just can't fill. because in bunny mask's mind, whenever you aren't able to fall back on friends for whatever the reason may be, that is where your parent/s step in and the fact that she doesn't seem to have any... means that she's got to hold onto them twice as hard. because if they leave her, then bunny mask thinks that she'll be without any sort of support system, including even tyler because he was her friend first before they were on-and-off again lovers.
and the last thing that bunny mask wants to be is alone. though she is exactly the type of being to put on a brave face in front of people, no matter what she may be going through, bunny mask honestly was so starved for interaction after all of those centuries that she spent in the cave below the fosters home that these bonds that she's made with people since then — they mean a hell of a lot to her and she sort of subconsciously is exceedingly loyal to them out of fear that they may decide one day that they don't like her anymore, as there isn't something that she can give them that they can't find somewhere else; if that makes any sense. i guess basically what i'm trying to say is that, under the surface, bunny mask is somewhat insecure in her relationships and if she doesn't offer them something valuable like loyalty then she thinks they might not want to stick around with her. so, in a way, bunny mask is always thinking of ways that she can make her friends life better not only because she wants to but to ensure that they are getting something in return for their investment in her as a friend.
which, i realize is a kind of sad way to have to view friendship, but bunny mask had already been a loyal being before this mindset had taken effect in her mind, i guess you could say. i mean bunny will literally defend those who she loves with such a fervor that if one of her friends had done something bad that her first impulse would be to deny that they had and then, if/when it had been confirmed, she would literally just deflate like a balloon because bunny mask may or may not have a tendency to sometimes put those she likes on a pedestal; so whenever the illusion of them being able to 'do no wrong' in her eyes is finally broken... bunny wouldn't even be mad at them for a little while. depending on the severity of what they'd done, she'd either just become disappointed in them, or completely disheartened by it and would still not want to believe it to a certain degree. but bunny mask certainly wouldn't do this forever as she is aware that other beings can be morally dubious and/or capable of doing evil things, of course. it's just that, even when she platonically loves someone, she loves them with all of her heart often times and so it seems to effect her heavily if it is particularly criminal or wrong.
and don't get me wrong, bunny mask would still go after someone even if they were a friend of hers once upon a time if they had committed a crime / some kind of heinous act because that is what she is convinced her purpose is on this earth. bunny will just be simultaneously heartbroken at them AND then become angry later that they had done such a thing. whichhh could be quite bad news for the now ex-friend or whoever they might've been to her NGL because an angry bunny mask is bad enough BUT a heartbroken and angry bunny mask? you better start running, because she would be liable to turn you into a shish-kabob or something JSJSJ 💀 nahhh, i'm only halfway being serious here LOL but honestly, if there is any way that you can avoid attracting bunny's ire, then i would totally suggest it because uhhh. breaking her heart does tend to make her more aggressive when she's 'hunting' someone
#SOMETHING FEELS AMISS: musings.#LET ME TEACH YOU: headcanons.#I AM HERE BECAUSE I AM BUNNY MASK: character study.#heyyy y'all how are you doing?? i know it's been a while since i've posted one of these on here and i am SO sorry about that but i am-#genuinely trying to get back to the swing of things on here i swear. my muse has just been fluctuating like CRAZY these past couple of days#so that has left me with switching from account to account kind of frequently BUT i am here now and ready to answer some things tehe 😎#anyhow though bunny mask being SO loyal towards her friends but then doing a complete 180 if they ever were to break her heart by committin#a crime seemed on brand for her so i just had to make a post about it SKSKS because like i said in a previous post on here bunny's-#greatest weakness is probably her emotions so people could theoretically exploit that and become her friend even though they are like...#secretly evil or something even though that would be awfully terrible because she would be willing to defend them with all of her being-#that way and so they'd have a powerful ally on their side BUT once she finds out that they've been conning her and that they are actually-#a criminal? yeah i'm not gonna lie it would be all over for them. like NO one would be able to help save them from her at this point bc-#if there is one thing that bunny mask finds completely irredeemable it's taking advantage of people's kindness so yeahhh#all i have to say is they better be preparing their funeral / j☠️NAHHH lmao but bunny mask would ahh definitely want to kill them so. yeah#tw: mentions of violence.
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saetoru · 10 months
contents. established relationships, it’s literally just teaching neuvillette how to cuddle bc he doesn’t understand humans sobs :(, also idk how to write him yet. i apologize i tried my best. i’ll get it soon i swear
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“come here,” you tug neuvillette by the arm, shuffling closer, “i want to try something.”
neuvillette, for all his brilliance, doesn’t understand human customs—you can’t help but find it hopelessly endearing.
he doesn’t understand the concept of bringing you flowers. you’ve never minded, never mentioned it until one day, lady furina teases that he’s never brought you so much as a single rose. he questions you that day, innocent and curious and just a bit confused, if it’s normal to gift flowers, if they mean anything special. so you chuckle, kissing between his brows as you explain to him. he brings you them regularly from then on.
one time, he notices a couple holding hands, eyeing their intertwined fingers and swinging arms—you watch in amusement as he studies them for a while, watch him simmer in his thoughts before you chuckle and grab his own hand, squeezing gently. he makes sure not to let go for the rest of the day, making a point to tangle your fingers and guide you through the city. you realize after that day that he’s probably never felt someone’s body so close to his—and you decide you’ll have to change that.
“what…what are you doing?” he asks, looking at you confused. for a second you think he might be uncomfortable, and then you realize he really doesn’t know.
he’s certainly the most unique man you’ve ever dated.
“i’m cuddling you, of course,” you grin, resting your head against his sturdy chest as your arm loops around his neck. he sits stiffly on the couch, as if it’s his chair in the court, as if he’s not here to relax.
“and that is…?” he raises an eyebrow.
you giggle, shaking your head as you lean up and kiss his cheek affectionately. he’s adorable—quite uninformed about romantic affairs, but adorable all the same. and he tries his best, just for you.
“we hold each other, like this—” you explain, taking his arm and wrapping it around yourself. you shuffle closer, pressed tightly against his body as your hand finds his chest, “—and it’s romantic.”
“i see,” he nods, “i think…i think i understand.”
you’re pretty sure he does not understand—you chuckle to yourself as his forehead is still covered with those crinkles from his furrowed brows, the gears in his head working to try and figure out what makes you crave this. and then you start to rub circles into his chest, and the tension melts instantly from his shoulders…and then he thinks he does understand.
“isn’t it nice?” you murmur, cheek pressed against where his heart is as his hand lays on your hip—it’s warm, he thinks. you’re warm, and you’re close, and he can feel your heart beating from being so near. “we get to just feel each other, you know? and not worry about anything else.”
“but…your worries won’t disappear simply by holding—”
“oh, neuvillette,” you huff, “you always take things so literally. just relax, would you?”
“i’m sorry,” he says genuinely, as if he’s offended you by not understanding your cuddles. you look up at him fondly, cupping his cheek as you stroke a thumb over the soft skin.
“you don’t have to apologize, silly,” you peck his lips, trying to hold back the laugh that bubbles through your throat. and, if you’re not mistaken, you think there might just be a faint pout tugging at his corners of his mouth.
“now you’re laughing at me,” he frowns.
“i’m not,” you insist, smiling teasingly, “i just find you adorable, is all.” and then, as your head finds its way back to rest on him, you add, “it’s just nice to have someone close. to know they’re right here with you. does that make sense?”
“yes,” he smiles softly, “i suppose it does.” and then his hand starts to mimic yours, rubbing those slow, careful circles into your hip just like you do against his chest. “i enjoy having you close. your presence is comforting.”
“you’re catching on,” you tease, grinning brightly, “pretty soon you’ll be an expert at love.”
“i’m not so sure i’m quite there yet,” he chuckles, but his cheeks are dusted a light shade of pink.
you think you fall deeper in love right there—there are so many feelings neuvillette doesnt understand, but you’ll help him. slowly but surely, you’ll teach him by loving him in between every emotion so that it’s easier.
“i think you’re doing great,” you say softly, “i love you, y’know.”
he knows he understands this much for certain when he replies, “i as well, love you. very much.”
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guys he’s literally just a weepy dragon are u kidding me we have to coddle him i accept nothing else
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szasfuckingwife · 1 year
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WARNINGS: SMUT, Eren calls reader a slut and whore, swearing, Eren is a secret fuck boy, reader has she/her pronouns, no mention of reader’s appearance other than what she’s wearing
SYNOPSIS: Y/N is new to Marley, just moving a few months prior. Her parents are rich doctors and she wants to be a professional golfer. At the country club, Grisha Yeager introduces his son, Eren Yeager to her. As she teach him how to improve his golfing, Eren teaches her one or two new things..
A/N: it’s finally summer time, and this summer me and my friends are going golfing🤭 i hope i find my eren + soundgasm is such a summer song, reminds me of 2016 drake for some reason
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It’s 1:25pm at the country club. The sun is shining, the grass was greener than the pockets of the people there. And, above all, a pretty brunette and a pretty blonde are in that field playing a good game of golf.
Eren has his club in hand, his eyes are on the ball. Noticing that he won’t get a good swing from that distance, he scoots himself back a few steps until he finally feels comfortable. His veiny hands latch onto the club a little tighter as he takes a deep breath.
“Are you gonna hit the ball or…?” Armin is tired of waiting. He’s been waiting for his best friend ever since kindergarten. Eren had to stay behind a grade? Armin was waiting. Eren had detention? Armin was waiting.
But waiting for his best friend to hit a stupid ball was so damn infuriating.
Suddenly, Eren’s club went sky high before he hit the ball, sending the white sphere flying over the sky. The green eyed boy whistled in satisfaction; he was getting better each day.
Eren turned to his friend with a smug look on his face, “See! You want perfection? Be patient.”
Armin rolled his eyes before the two heard the familiar voice of Grisha Yeager, Eren’s father and the CFO of a tech company.
“Boys! Get in, drinks are out!” He yelled, waving his hand to grab their attention but all they could see was the bling of his Rolex. “Oh, and son? Getting better!”
Eren smiled, flashing his pearly whites.
“Not better than me though.”
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This was your first time at this country club since your parents moved states. Not only was it awkward as most of the girls your age played tennis instead of golf, but all the guys who played golf were…facially challenged.
“Sweetheart, smile.” Your mother spoke through gritted teeth. She had noticed your unusual (but expected) awkwardness even when you were driving to the club.
You looked at her before sighing deeply, “Everyone here is just…weird.”
“The girls play tennis. You know how to play, why don’t you join them?”
Oh yeah, join the girls that laughed when they saw my personalised club!
If anything, you wished your mother would stop trying to get you to have fun so much, because all it did was remind you how much fun you were missing out on back home. It was heartbreaking to say bye to genuine friends and say hello to well…the plastics.
“Y/N!”, You heard your father’s voice and instantly turned around to spot him. He waved you over, looking eager and excited.
“Why is he so happy? I’m scared..” You mutter at your mother. She laughs and pushed you to his direction.
You try not to draw as much attention to yourself as you walk despite your very loud father yelling your name. Upon arrival, you see Mr Yeager, your fathers new friend.
He’s also the man that prompted the idea to move states.
Your father enthusiastically put his arm over your shoulder, “This is my daughter, Y/N.”
You stick your hand out to shake Mr Yeager’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you sir.”
“Nice to meet you too. Your father tells me that you’re applying to U of M. What’s got you so interested in Marley?”
If you wanted to be frank, and boastful, you’d tell him that you didn’t apply but rather you got a scholarship. Whether it was nepotism because it was your dads alma matter or if it was your big brain and athleticism, it was the best offer you’ve gotten.
“I heard they do good Neurology courses. I wanted to go to university and well, to put it short, make sure I have a plan B.”, You reply, smiling sweetly at both your father and Mr Yeager.
Grisha nods in acknowledgment, giving you back the same smile, “What’s your plan A then?”
“Professional golf, of course.”
It sounds boring, but golf was one of those hobbies that just never went away. You remember when you were 9, going with your father to the golf course just to see what it was like. When your dad taught you how to hit the ball, you loved it.
As you grew older, hitting the golf ball became your outlet. Like that one time you imagined that it was your teachers head instead of the ball after she gave you a C in a test.
Where others prefer an ice rink or a race track, you prefer your club and the nice smell of freshly cut grass.
“Y/N reminds me of Jordan in ‘88 but instead of a basketball court, it’s a golf course.”, embarrassment filled your body as your dad bragged about you. All you could do was laugh at his strange comparison.
“Ah, my boy does some golf in his spare time. He’s not trying to go pro, I hope, but, he could definitely use some lessons from you if you’re that good. In fact…” He looks around, squinting his eyes. “Eren!”
Right then and there, you pray with every bone in your body that this ‘Eren’ wasn’t those boys you saw earlier. God knows what you’d do to avoid teaching them a single thing.
What came, however, was a surprise. And the surprise came in the form of a boy. Not too old, maybe nineteen. He wore navy shorts and an emerald green ralph lauren vest over a plain white tee.
His hair was gelled in a small bun in the back of head. You don’t mind though, since it gave you a better view of his chiselled jawline. You’re sure it could cut your mothers diamonds at home. His eyes were green. No brighter than the grass outside, no deeper than the vest he was dressed in but some odd mixture.
He’s hot, you thought.
Grisha out a firm hand on his sons shoulder as he introduced you and your father to him, “This is my second son, Eren. You’ve already met Zeke by the tennis court.”
As your father gets into another conversation about Zeke Yeager, all you can do is stare at the curve of his younger brother’s muscles. You wish that he lifted the sleeve of his t shirt ever so slightly-
“What’s your name?”
You looked at Eren, and he looked at you.
His smile was just so…genuine!
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled sweetly back at him.
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After your fathers urged you to go outside, you find yourself next to Eren on the kart. He’s driving, riding across the beautiful field.
The sky is honey coloured, the sun slowly descends giving the lake a beautiful shimmer. You’d look at that view, but there’s already a good view next to you.
Eren finally stops the kart before exiting. The both of you get your equipment from the back of the kart and begin to play.
“So…uhh how do you like it here in Marley?” Eren says, grunting after he hits the ball. You stand there, semi criticising his swing, semi fawning over him. “It’s definitely different from Trost.”
You sigh, “Yeah, the air is a little different. And not too many people play golf here.”
Eren looks at you, chuckling whilst shaking his head a little, “Aren’t you glad you met me then?”
You have no idea how glad I am.
You stay silent, instead choosing to smile and getting ready to hit the ball. Eren whistles when he sees the height of your swing. “Where’d you learn how to hit like that?”
After a couple more swings (and misses from Eren), you guys sit in the kart.
“So, where are you applying for university?”, you ask looking up at him. He scoffs, taking a sip of his water.
“No clue. All these offers and all I really want to do is go to Malta ‘n relax.” You notice how careless his face is when he speaks. He must not care that much about his future.
I mean, his parents are rich enough that both him and his brother can live off them for as long as they want to.
You look down, not in embarrassment, but in awkwardness. It’s strange seeing parents not urge their kids to go to university like your parents and Trost parents do.
“What’s your plans?”
You explain how you want to become a pro at golf. Eren listens attentively but, he get’s distracted when the breeze washes over the both of you.
The hem of your sport skirts lift up ever so slightly and Eren’s heart begins to race. For the next few conversations, he can’t stay focused. I mean, he’s just seen the curve of your ass, who could?
As the conversations die down, you and Eren go back to playing golf. It’s Eren’s turn and if he’s lucky, he can get a hole in one. He does what he did earlier: pull his hips back slightly, legs apart, breathe and…
Eren swung and you swore you saw the ball fly into the stratosphere.
“Yeager, I didn’t know you were the athlete.” You chuckle, shocked that he was actually really good.
He shrugs, “I don’t try. I feel like it just comes naturally..”
You roll your eyes as you walk over to him, pointing the end of your personalised club at him, “Teach me?”
Eren licks his lips, trying to find the words to speak but, the look that you’re giving him makes him feel butterflies. “Yeah…come ‘ere..”
You begin with your starting position, y’know the position that has won you regional competitions and a 2nd place in national.
However, you hear Eren scoff. “Don’t know how you’ve been able to pull of holes in one with that position..”
Suddenly, you feel his breath on your neck as he moves your hand up slightly to your upper chest, brushing agains your boobs.
“I don’t want this to be awkward but can you move your hips back ever so slightly..?” Eren chuckles in embarrassment. You do as he says and move your hips back until you feel his crotch against you. “Now, practice your swing without the club…”
Eren was filled with glee as he felt your ass rub up against him while you practiced your swing. “Is this alright?”
“It’s perfect…So fuckin good..”
Your brows furrow and then you finally feel it. His hard cock almost bursting out of his shorts. You didn’t stop your movements, seeing the fun in making him more distracted. He was absolutely mesmerised seeing your ass go back ‘n forth on his crotch.
Suddenly, you stop, sighing with your lips tilted up into a smirk, “I feel like I’m ready now! Thanks for the hel-”
As soon as you tried to walk away, Eren pulled you back against him. You swore you heard his heart beating a thousand times per second, and his cock was still rock hard.
“I can show you a couple more tips.” He whispered in your ear, “Just gotta listen for me, yeah?”
You nod before Eren throws your club onto the ground and pulls you into the kart.
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As soon as you both sneak into the lavish looking bathroom, his lips are on yours. Hungrily making out with you, not giving you a chance to breathe. He gingerly moves you against the wall, giving you more breathless kisses.
He feverishly pulls up your lilac polo top, exposing your stomach and sports bra. Nothing comes to mind as he starts to plant wet kisses along your collarbone.
You try to fondle with his dick through his shorts but Eren wouldn’t let you, deciding he wants to make you feel good before he does.
He sits you on the white, pristine counter, pulling off your shorts in the process. “Fuck, you’re so hot…”, he says in a shushed tone. You can’t help but moan when you feel his hands on you, especially when he begins to rub your clit under your panties.
He starts of slow, achingly slow. All you want is for him to ruin you, rough and hard. But Eren is a tease, he wants you to beg for him.
And, he won’t stop till you do.
Eren feels your slick on his fingers and begins to chuckle. You look so cute like this: a whimpering mess, bucking your hips against his hand. He smirks when he hears you mew small ‘Please, Eren’s and ‘it feels s’ good!’s
“You’re such a pretty girl, huh? You’re doing so- ha- so good for me.” He grins. You see him lower himself, peeling of your panties so he’s at face level with your wet pussy. “What do you want, baby?”
You looked at him with jaded eyes, “I wanna cum..”
He shakes his head, tutting. He looked so different to that sweet boy who cheered you on at the golf course. “Manners, princess. What do you want?”
As he repeats his question, he slides a finger inside you. You moan and it sounds like beautiful to the brunette. You try to regain your voice as he stares into your eyes, blankly as if he was bored.
“I want you to make me cum, please.”
He chuckles again before letting his lips meet with your pussy. Eren takes his time with you, you’re not one of those valley girls that he’s fucked dumb in the past.
You’re different, so why should he treat you like them?
Nothing could be heard in the bathroom but your moans and the sound of your wetness against Eren’s mouth. He lapped his tongue at your clit whilst he continued to fuck you with his fingers, smiling against your sex when your fingers rip through his locks.
“Taste…so good, Y/N…” He muttered. You were so so close, wanting nothing more but to make a mess all over his mouth. Eren knows, he can feel you tightening up. “Gonna cum?”
You nod quickly but just then, he stops.
“Eren-” “Shhh, turn around, show me that ass..”
You do as he says, bending over the desks as he marvels at the curve of your ass behind you. You feel Eren strike your flesh a couple of times in awe before he slides his huge dick inside you.
He groans beside your ear as he hears you gasp, “Oh my fuckk…”
Every stroke feels like he was going deeper, kissing your cervix. His hands traveled to your chest as he lifted the bra revealing your perfect tits. You moan louder as he pounces on your neck again, kissing and biting you whilst his fingers were busy playing with your boobs.
“You knew what you were doing when I was teaching you how to swing, hm?” He chuckles. When he sees you nod, Eren slaps your ass again. “Words.”
“Yes!” you cry.
“You knew that it’d end up with you like this, right? You wanted this.” He asks, earning another ‘yes’ in response. “None of your boyfriends at Trost fucked you like this.”
“N-no! No, they didn’t! Fuck!” You moan. He tilts your head so you can look at the mirror and you finally see Eren, topless. You don’t know when he took of his top, and you were too fucked out to realise. “Shit, you’re so deep in me..”
He smiles at your comment, slapping your ass once more, “I know, sweetheart. Look at you. You pretend to- fuck- be a good girl in front of everyone but now look at you.”
You feel his hand wrapped around your throat as he pulls you back. Eren’s cheek is against yours as you both look at yourself through the mirror. Now, he’s fucking you harder than he did before. Harder and faster.
“You’re such a slut, hm?” He kisses your cheek before speeding up his thrusts. Your moans are louder than ever as he continues to ruin you.
“‘s too big!” It’s scary how croaky your voice sounds. He kisses your crown before leaning your head back and forcing your mouth open with his fingers.
“Stick out your tongue.”
And after you did so, a glob of spit fell from Eren’s lips and landed on your tongue. “Good fuckin’ girl! You close?”
Mistakenly, you nod again earning another harsh smack on your ass. “Yes, I’m close!”
“Gonna be a good girl and cum for me?!” He asks, his thrusts are amazingly fast and Eren’s lips are on your neck again.
The sight of him makes you cum alone, sweaty forehead that makes his hair curl upwards, his toned body and veiny hands gripping onto your waist and his green eyes boring into yours.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” you cry out. When you reach your climax, Eren doesn’t stop.
If anything, he thrusts deeper, chasing after his own orgasm. Your whole body shakes in his touch as he whispers the most filthy things in your ear.
“This pussys fuckin’ mine now, you hear me? I’m gonna be the one that makes you a slutty mess. You’re gonna come to me when your horny, yeah? Anytime, baby, just say the word and I won’t wait to fuck you like the whore you are.”
Although you know you shouldn’t, you nod again, your voice is too broken to respond.
He pulls out and grabs you, forcing you onto your knees. Immediately, you let Eren put his thick cock in your mouth, fucking your face just as quickly as he fucked your pussy.
You feel his thrusts get sloppier as you finally see the white ropes of cum shoot out of his cock onto your face. He groans out so many expletives but you’re too busy finishing him off to hear, making him shake at your mouth still sucking him.
Once he’s done reaching his climax, the two of you look at each other for a moment before laughing. You both look a mess, Eren with his mouth red from kissing you so hard and sweaty from…well, fucking you.
You look like a real pornstar, Eren thinks. If it wasn’t for you very obvious ambition in golfing, Eren thinks you’d make a great model.
“We need to get back…” You whisper, “They’re gonna kill us since we left all of the equipment there.”
You stand up and reach down to get your clothes, he helps you dress and dresses himself. Eren takes a tissue and wets it with water before cleaning his cum off your face.
“Next time, I’ll fuck you in the kart. And after that, I’ll fuck you on the field.” He whispers, causing you to giggle.
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acapelladitty · 20 days
Just a cute lil idea that’s stuck in my head even though it’s probably very out of character for the ghoul but cooper carrying reader through the wasteland when she has a fever and bonus point if he lets her wear his hat
Aye aye captain 🫡 have this little thing! 💋
And In Health
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Fem!Reader
Summary: Falling ill as you travel through the wastelands, Cooper is forced to take care of you. Sadly, not in the assassin way.
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Dropping against the wooden information board which was too rotten and devoid of actual intel to be of use to anyone, your body chose to add to the mess surrounding the small board you as you drop your head to the side and vomit once again - the burn making your eyes water as you retch pathetically.
The fourth time you'd been sick that day, not that you were counting.
Having moved in silence for the last while, Cooper had been maintaining a rapid pace which you struggled to meet as your worsening condition hadn't proven too much of a hindrance until stopping for a moment had apparently allowed each element of your various ailments to assault you like a bonafide firing squad just waiting in the shadows.
"Not looking too hot, sweetie. Something you ate?"
"Probably." Groaning out the word, the taste of bile stings in your throat as you gaze up at him with bleary eyes. "Knew that meat you roasted up was foul."
Standing with a straightened spine, Cooper gazes back at you and you can feel the heat of his assessment like a host of ants crawling across your sweat-slicked skin.
"Didn't do me no harm. Quack doctor in the next town would have what we need for you to get that sweet ass back on the move. Chem, stim packs, hell - he probably has shit stowed away that even I wouldn't take. And that's a very, very small list."
Not trusting your voice as you keep your focus on breathing evenly, a sick hope alights in your gut as you blink up at Cooper and take in his contemplative musings.
"Can you walk?"
You shake your head carefully, every movement making your brain feel inflamed as even that small motion sparks fresh nausea in your throat.
Cooper grunts with displeasure at that, making no effort to hide his growing irritation with your pitiful state.
"Can you defend yourself here while I go and fetch what we need? That nasty little projectile skill you've developed there should keep the worst of the raiders and deathclaws away."
With inhumane effort, you raise your hand enough to flip him off very shakily before dropping your wrist back to your lap, the mild effort making your joint tremble and ache.
With a deep sign, Cooper shifts his body as he bends towards you. Strong hands lock around your frame as they pull you heavily to unsteady feet before swinging you up into his arms - the motion making you dry heave as you carefully tilt your head away from his body.
"Can't have you dying on me, sweetie. You owe me twenty caps after proving to be the shittiest gin rummy player I've ever had the misfortune to share a table with."
Held bridal-style against his chest, the little showcase of strength is enough to make you hum out an interested noise as his hands wrap around your knees and upper body. Borderline delirious as your vision swims and shakes, you swear you can hear the tiniest hint of genuine concern hidden beneath the sarcasm in his tone but you chalk it down to the ravages of infection.
The scent of him floods your senses as you tilt your head to push your face more roughly into his chest, desperately trying to block out the sun as it threatens to burn the life out of your eyes. Leather mixed with the definite tinge of coppery violence which always seems to hang around him is the most potent scent he usually carries but this close, with your nose practically touching his skin, you can pick up the faintest notes of sweat and natural musk which his lifestyle often hides.
"For someone on the brink of death you sure do seem to want to yap your hole a lot." Grumbling, he indulges you regardless as he begins to stride quickly in the direction of the town hosting the quack doctor he seems to know. "But what do you want?"
"Will...'m gonna die?"
"Oh, I doubt that. Too stubborn for sure. Why? You got a final request in mind? I don't sing so you're shit out of luck for a funeral chant."
Too out of it to think up anything witty as a comeback, a hiss escapes your lips as his head shifts and the sun glares down into your squinting face - the sudden brightness like an inferno alighting behind your sockets.
Sighing, Cooper bends his body enough to allow his curved knee to support your legs as his hand slips free from beneath your knees. In a single fluid movement, he pulls the weathered cowboy hat from his head and drops it across your eyes; the instant darkness soothing your pains a little as the scent of fresh sweat and leather swirls across your senses.
"Thank you." You squeak out your gratitude, the second word more of a noise than a word as Cooper slides his arm beneath your knees - once more pulling you close as he continues his journey.
The hat acting as a delightful barrier to the harsh rays of the sun as he refuses to acknowledge your thanks, your weakened grip on remaining conscious seems to flee you in an instant as you allow the steady beat of Cooper's heart to lull you into a restless nap.
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girlokwhatever · 23 days
based on a request where reader meets kate’s family!
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⊹ ࣪ ˖✩°。🦦*ੈ✩‧₊˚-‘๑ meet the martins,,
kate martin x fem!reader
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you were beyond nervous. today was the fateful day where you were meeting kate’s parents for the first time. you knew they’d be welcoming considering how amazing their daughter was, but you didn’t know if you’d be able to impress them enough.
kate asked you to be her girlfriend six months ago. the almost unbearable time before that where you two would flirt until your heads spun was about three months long. you considered yourself the luckiest person in the world to have kate, and vice-versa.
you and kate where about to leave university to spend the weekend in her hometown, lugging your bags into the back of her car. as soon as everything was ready she started the car and drove off, deciding now would be a good time to drop a bomb on you.
“so.. babe,”
“i jus’ wanna let you know my siblings are gonna be there too..”
“okay.. okay. that’s nice. it’s good actually. just knock it all out at once..”
kate smiled over in your direction but you didn’t see it, facing the window as you let out a deep breath. she knows you’re unbelievably nervous because the only person you’ll know there is her, but she knows everyone will love you.
you spend the rest of the car ride trying to relax. you try meditation, deep breathing exercises, and even sleep. your girlfriend says nothing, trying to let you cope with your nerves.
when kate pulls into her childhood home’s driveway you’re sleeping, head and hair pressed gently against the side of the seat. she gently grasps your shoulder and leans in to press a kiss behind your ear, whispering that you’ve both arrived. you wake with a startled expression, disbelief written across your face.
“what?! kate! why didn’t you wake me up earlier, i’m probably a mess right now!”
you’re not mad, just panicking. you try to press your hair back down into place and smooth out your sundress but your frantic attempt doesn’t help you much.
“baby you look amazing, i swear.”
you look at her, slightly pouting at the situation. she seizes the moment, taking the opportunity to press and kiss to your lips. some of your worry slips away with her silent reassurance, feeling more confident and accepting that whatever happens, happens.
suddenly you remember the flowers you bought for her mom, pulling away from your girlfriend to grab them from the backseat. kate said these were her favorites so of course you had to buy some.
“are you ready?”
you nod, feeling some of your anxiety resurfacing. you’re not sure why it was so nerve wracking for you. there have been times in the past when you met your partner’s parents and it never made you feel this way. maybe because kate is the best thing is the best thing that ever happened to you and you never want to lose her.
as soon as kate knocks the door swings open, revealing both of her parents. her mom is smiling wide at you and her dad is too, beer in hand. you don’t miss the loud thudding of steps from her siblings either, both of them greeting you with similar smiles.
“okay guys, you don’t have to stand and stare like robots.” she’s joking, pulling her mom and dad in for a hug all at once. her sister kennedy pulls you inside as she introduces herself but you’ve heard so much about her from kate you feel like you’ve known her all your life.
“everyone, this is my wonderful girlfriend, please don’t suffocate her while i go get our stuff from the car.”
“oh kate, i can help you-”
her mother touches your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks in your pursuit to follow kate. “trevor can help kate, you stay here. you’re our guest!”
kate rubs her hand on your back before she departs. she’s giving you this ‘just relax’ look, so you really try. it’s not difficult to think that this is where kate grew up, baby pictures and her warm vanilla scent lingers everywhere.
once you snap back to reality, kate’s mom is looking at you so genuinely and with so much certainty you feel as though this is already your family. you feel bad watching trevor leave but he doesn’t seem to mind at all, helping ease your conscious. this house feels so familiar to you, almost as if kate embodies this space she grew up in. loving, accepting, cherishing, and sweet.
“oh! i bought these for you. kate said they were your favorite.”
you hold the flowers in her direction, watching her face light up as if she hadn’t noticed them until now. you all drift to the kitchen as she thanks you, getting out a vase to set them in. she’s bubbly, smile wide and cheeks a perfect shade of pink you recognize from kate.
they’re all so welcoming to you, patting you on the back and squeezing your shoulders every so often. their aura exudes love and positivity, spreading into your bones and helping you sink into the moment. all your worry is left behind, pure excitement taking over at the prospect of the rest of your weekend here.
a few hours later you’re all sitting outside on the back patio. you’re in kate’s arms laying on the couch, her parents sitting across you both, and trevor and kennedy in two lounge chairs.
kate places her chin on the top of your head, wanting to engulf your entire being. the sight of you laughing and making jokes with her closest family melts her heart. she admires every single second you spend just laughing at something someone said, feeling as though you were meant to be here in this moment.
you’re all mid laugh after kennedy recalls a high school basketball fail memory when her eyes widen, gasping loud and holding back a laugh.
“did kate tell you- oh my goodness. did kate tell you she used to have the most aggressive side part ever?!”
kate’s eyes widen at the exposure, face turning red when she tries covering your ears even though she already knows you’ve heard it already. your jaw goes slack because you had no idea, and think it’s absolutely hilarious.
“what?! no! i had no idea! she never said anything.”
“really kate? you’ve never shown her a high school photo?” her mom speaks through laughs, kate’s face and the reveal stuck in her mind.
“oh my god- was this a whole high school career thing?”
“yes! at least five years, i’m surprised it didn’t get stuck that way.”
everyone’s in on the conversation now and the inside joke begins to form. even with her embarrassment, kate doesn’t mind much because it’s you, joking with her family. she’d go through a million moments like this if it meant bringing you closer with the people she loves most.
through the hysteria, kate meets her mom’s eyes. the approving smile is present, a silent ‘you got a good one’ look that tells kate all she needs to know. of course she was certain her family would love you, but she didn’t know it’d be so easy, all the pieces falling into place. kate smiles back, trying to burn this memory into her mind forever.
after dark everyone’s drifting back inside and bidding trevor and kennedy goodbye. you hug them both, telling them how amazing you think they are and you’re really happy to have met them. they tell you the same, especially kennedy who sneaks in a joke about how you’re her ‘future sister.’ your heart stutters at that, the idea of being kate’s wife giving you butterflies in your stomach.
it’s when kate places her hand in yours and guides you to her bedroom that her mom really knows. with absolute confidence she knows how deeply in love her daughter is with you. she knows kate has found her soulmate from the way she’s always watching over you, making sure you’re alright. it’s mother’s intuition, she just knows.
kate hands you your towel, kissing your forehead as you exit the shower and she takes your place. you’re brushing your hair when she asks you how you feel about her family.
“i really love them kate. they’re all so sweet and funny. they really were so welcoming.”
“yeah, i can tell everyone really likes you.”
it makes you feel good to hear to say that, like it’s an official welcome into her family. and it means everything to you, knowing how much family means to kate. knowing she brought you here to see where she grew up and who she grew up with.
“i’ll be right back kate, i left my socks in your room.”
“okay! i love you!” her voice fades as you walk out, shouting out a quick ‘i love you’ back. because you really do love her, more than anything.
you’re searching through your bag when you hear a gentle knock on the open door, turning to see kate’s mom jill.
“hey! is everything okay?”
“oh yeah, everything great. i just wanted to tell you it was really amazing to meet you. you’re a wonderful girl, and i can tell kate really loves you,” her voices lowers a bit as she speaks again, “y’know, kate’s never really had a serious girlfriend, you’re the first girl she’s ever brought home. i know she’s happy with you, so thank you for being so good to her. and you’re welcomed here anytime.”
you’re at a loss for words, thankful for the praise and slightly shocked by the news that kate hasn’t ever brought a girl home. you and kate never discussed dating history in detail and it didn’t matter to you. it still doesn’t. your heart pounds and warms your body, flustered because of how well jill thinks of you.
“well, thank you for having me. i really appreciate how welcoming everyone was today, it means a lot. i really feel happy here and hopefully we’ll get to come back soon.”
her mom smiles and nods, kissing your cheek as she says goodnight to you. the whole interaction is almost surreal. your love for kate grows impossibly larger knowing that the love you two share is so easy to notice.
your girlfriend walks into her room and spots you, picking you up bridal-style before laying down in bed. you straddle her, eyes gleaming at her big silly grin. she reaches for you hands and kisses them repeatedly, closing her eyes and melting into the touch.
“i love you so much, never wanna be without you.”
“i never want to be without you either,” you’re leaning down, kissing her skin wherever you feel it. she’s warm and soft from the shower, skin smooth and perfect for leaning into.
“i want to marry you.”
“kate, don’t say those things.”
your heart pounds for what feels like the millionth time that day, not sure if she’s saying it just because of the heat of the moment. either way, you know with absolute certainty that you would want to marry her too and if she asked you’d say yes.
“why not? i mean it. i want to marry you.” and she’s not lying, she really does mean it. with the deepest parts of her soul she means it and knows it’s true. she thinks she’ll buy you and ring the second she gets back to iowa, feeling a sudden urgency to bond your love.
“i want to marry you too.”
you both stare at each other wordlessly, the only thing existing between you is the love you share. she kisses you again and again, feeling that if she doesn’t you’ll just disappear because you’re too good to be true. she holds you tighter because she fears you might vanish or realize you don’t actually want this.
but you do. you both do. you’ll always love kate even in death, wherever that may take you. you know that for certain, just as certain as kate is about her love and adoration for you.
“mrs. martin. i like that.”
“for you or me?”
“for us. i want to be with you forever, future mrs. martin.”
ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚*:・゚✧*:・゚
GUYS I REALLY LIKE THIS. i want to turn it into a little series of reader and kate’s future (wedding, kids, etc.)
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pairing: roy kent x footballer!reader
description: you’ve just finished negotiating a contract to sign for arsenal, and the first thing you do is excitedly go to tell your boyfriend. you forgot, however, to factor in how he’d react to your choice of club. [based on a request]
warnings: swearing, jokey argument, a lil fluffy too
author’s note: kinda short and sweet but i hope you enjoy regardless !!! this is the first roy fic on the blog so i hope it’s okay. x
“I have news!”
Roy raised his eyebrows silently, waiting for you to blurt out what it was that you were so excited to tell him, you’d not even said hello first.
“Go on then,” he urged, and something in his face told you he already knew what you were about to say.
You perched yourself on the edge of your shared couch, where he was sat leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“So you know my contract is coming to an end and I said I wasn’t going to renew given the terms they wanted me to agree to?” you bit your lip, and he tilted his head, “Right.”
You’d just made one of the biggest decisions of your life and signed for one of the biggest clubs in England, and yet here you were suddenly terrified to tell your boyfriend the news.
How had you not considered that your boyfriend was a Chelsea legend and you’ve just signed for fucking Arsenal?
Sure — you were positively ecstatic at the opportunity, but you knew he wasn’t going to be all too impressed even if he did want the best for you.
As far as Roy was concerned, Chelsea were the club you should’ve set your sights on.
“I’ve been trying to keep my discussions with clubs secret from you in case they fell through, but I’ve just signed for fuckin’ Arsenal!”
You watched him grit his teeth for a moment before he forced a smile that was nothing short of sarcastic, before he then managed to muster a smile that could have appeared genuine if you didn’t know him so well.
“You’re mad,” you folded your arms across your chest, a teasing smirk on your face as you tried not to giggle at his petty irritation.
“Mad? Me? I’m not mad,” he replied, gulping, “This is big news, I’m proud of you.”
You quirked your brow at him, “Might wanna tell that to your face, babe.”
You watched his face switch through a number of expressions in a matter of seconds as he overthought how he was appearing right now.
He looked down for a moment, “I am proud of you,” he paused for a moment before looking back up at you, “But Arsenal? Really?”
“You’re just pissed I didn’t sign for Chelsea,” you tutted, “They didn’t even want me!”
“They fuckin’ did,” he countered, “They told me they did! They said they were going to try and make you an offer!”
You laughed, shuffling a little closer to him and placing your hand on his arm as you watched the veins on his forehead begin to appear as you made another confession, “Yeah, okay you’re right. They did.”
“You what?”
“They made me an offer…”
Roy went to interject, but you weren’t going to let him do so before you finished.
“But Arsenal made a better one,” you shrugged, not mad at his reaction but just rather amused, “I love you, babe, but I’m not going to just sign for Chelsea to keep you happy, you grumpy old sod.”
“Fair enough.”
You were silent for a moment, watching him fight the urge to make a comment until he no longer could, “It’s turning my stomach just thinking about you having to wear that kit, you know.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t watch then!”
“Well I have to! I can’t not support my girlfriend, I’m not a total prick,” he grumbled, to which you quirked your brow, “I said not a total prick.”
“Then grow up and get over it, I guess. I’m a gunner now, baby! And you can’t stop it!” you singsonged as you walked away from him into your shared kitchen, hopping up on the counter and swinging your legs as you took a sip from a glass of water he’d left on the side.
He shot up to follow you, parting your knees so that he could stand between them and holding them still.
“I am really fucking proud of you, love,” he smiled, “Even if you have made the wrong decision here and picked the wrong club.”
You shoved his chest softly in jest, scoffing, “Shut up!”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, lifting his hands in surrender before cupping your chin with them, “I’m proud you’ve signed a better contract, and I will get over seeing you in that godawful fucking kit.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, pressing a quick kiss to his nose and watching him roll his eyes as you did so, “Better. We’ll work on it.”
He didn’t say anything, kissing you now in such a way that made it clear he really was proud of you.
Roy knew how hard you worked and how much you loved football, and to see how well you were doing for yourself made him immensely proud.
Sure, he was less than impressed that he’d have to spend at least the next season or so in the home end at the Emirates stadium cheering you on.
But for you, he’d do anything, really.
sorry this was quite short but i liked it as it was and didn’t want to add superfluous filler for the sake of it so kept it short and sweet <3 hope u enjoyed and thank you again for the request x
if you’d like to request anything, feel free — and in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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ihearthes · 6 months
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Christmas Thyme Part 2
Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (1st person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 3060
Leaving the bank where I’ve deposited the day’s earnings, I notice Harry has his hands stuffed in his pockets as he jauntily walks beside me. “Not a fan of the cold?” I ask, and he shakes his head. 
“I’ve gotten better at it.” He huddles in his coat. “There was a time when being cold was the worst thing in the world. I would shiver no matter how many layers I had on.”
“That’s me to my core. I can be cold anytime, anywhere. But you chose to live in London instead of Los Angeles. Why?” Genuinely curious, I watch his face as we walk towards the closest chippy. I said I’d buy him dinner for his help, but I’m still trying to save every penny I can and sink it back into the business. So his usual elegant fare is not on the menu tonight, and he’ll just have to deal with that. Not that he seems the least bit upset or offended by the idea of fish and chips. 
He glances at me. 
“Oh,” I reply to his glance. “I get it. Off limits. Private. Personal.” Waving my hand, I seek to soothe him. “Don’t even worry, Harry. You don’t owe me answers to my inane questions.” 
“Sorry,” he mutters. “It’s not really a big secret or anything –”
“Doesn’t matter. You have the right to choose what you share with strangers.” 
“True.” Hunching his shoulders, he looks away from me. “It was definitely warmer in LA which I enjoyed. And I know a lot of people there – many who are friends – close friends even. But…it just never felt like home, you know? During the pandemic, I was there at first, and it just all felt so…off. Not me, you know?” 
I nod. “Same experience when I moved away from London for work. It just didn’t feel like it fit. Coming home to take care of my dad was a blessing in more ways than one.” Arriving at the chippy, I glance at my watch. “Shit. They close soon.”
“Guess we’ll have to order takeaway.” 
I don’t ask where we’ll eat it. The possibilities make my stomach flip upside down. Yanking on the handle, he holds the door for me as we walk into the blast of heat. The sultry tones of “The Christmas Song” by Greg Spero, and it makes my heart happy. Grinning, my smile widens when Harry takes my hand and twirls me around as though we had been dancing the entire way here. He waltzes me to the counter where the guy looks at us wearily. 
“We’re closing soon.” The attitude borders on surly but doesn’t quite make it. 
“No problem,” Harry replies. “We’ll have two suppers for takeaway. Mushy peas?” He asks me, and I nod eagerly. 
“We’re out of peas.” The sentence is short, and the young man who delivers it sounds bored. 
“Then just the fish and chips, my good man!” Harry’s energy is the exact opposite of our order taker who simply sighs, punches some buttons on the register, and lazily shouts, “Two suppers! Takeaway!” 
As Harry begins to remove his wallet, I playfully nudge him aside, withdrawing money from my back pocket and placing it on the counter. “My treat, remember?”
“I would never forget that.” His response is lighthearted and jolly. “After all, I slaved all day for my pay.” 
“All day?” I scoff. “Try two hours.” 
“Mhm.” I follow my doubtful tone with a grin, and he grins back. I swear we stand there beaming at each other until the order is ready. It’s both dorky and endearing. Which is about what I imagined meeting this man would include – if, I mean, I’d ever thought about meeting him. 
Swinging the bag with our supper inside, Harry steps onto the pavement outside. “Where to?” 
I bite my lip. “Well, we could go trace our steps back to the shop or…” Hesitating, I finally reveal the second choice. “...my dad’s flat is just around the corner here.” I gesture with my hand, and Harry’s eyes widen before they narrow. 
“If you’re planning to kidnap me, I’ll have you know I’ve left a trail for the police to locate me.” 
“Dammit,” I smile. “Foiled again.” His teasing has put me at ease, and I start leading him to my home. “Usually I would never invite a man home when we’ve just met…” 
“Yeah? What’s different about me?” 
“I think I would have heard if there were a trail of bodies in every town you’ve visited. Not the kind of secret you could keep for long.” 
Chuckling heartily, Harry shifts to the opposite side of the sidewalk when we cross the street. It’s a gentlemanly move, and it’s one I’ve not often had the pleasure of experiencing with the men I’ve dated. Not that they’ve been oafs or criminals or horrible humans. But they haven’t been chivalrous for sure. 
When we arrive, I push open the gate and lead Harry to my garden flat. The front door leads us directly into the reception room. 
“I thought you’d lived here for a couple of years?” Harry asks, surveying the boxes on the floor. 
“Christmas decorations,” I laugh. “I’ve not had a chance to put anything up yet since I’ve been so busy with the store.” Removing the takeaway bag from his hand, I move towards the kitchen. “Let me put this on real plates.” 
“Don’t do that,” Harry interjects. “No need for you to have to tidy up dishes.” 
“Special occasion! I’ve got company.” From the cupboard, I withdraw plates for us. Opening the containers, I snag a chip and take a bite quickly. “Oh wow. They didn’t have mushy peas, but they certainly have mushy chips.” 
“Uh oh.” 
“It’s fine. Give me a minute to heat up the air fryer. I’ll crisp them up in no time.” Opening the fridge, I remove a bottle of white wine. “Perhaps you could open this for us?” Holding out the wine and the corkscrew, I’m relieved when he takes both while I locate wine glasses. Now that he’s here in my space, I feel anxious. While liquid courage might have the side effect of blurring some memories later, it will also assist me in the midst of this bizarre Hallmark Christmas movie I’ve walked into. Or rather that Harry walked into when he entered my store. 
Connecting my phone to the bluetooth speaker, I start a jazz Christmas station playing as the air fryer beeps. Adding the chips to the container, I start it for three minutes. From behind me, I hear the glug of wine being poured from the bottle. 
“My lady.” His voice is husky, and I turn at his words to find Harry holding out a glass of wine to me, filled nearly to the brim. “I think there’s something wrong with your bottle.” Holding up his glass, also completely full, he shows me the empty wine bottle. “It only holds two glasses of wine.” 
I can’t help it. My laughter escapes, and the glass in my hand jiggles with my giggles until I have to take a sip to keep the wine from overflowing onto my hand. My face softening when I look at him, I hold up my glass in his general direction. 
“Thank you for this tonight, Harry. You’ve made me laugh, and that’s not something I’ve done often enough lately.” 
“I think you should laugh every day,” he grins, moving closer to me and clinking his glass with mine. “Thank you for keeping me entertained after my sister ditched me.” 
Warren Wolf’s version of “Oh Christmas Tree” starts, and Harry takes my glass and sets both on the counter before he grasps my hand and puts his other hand on my waist as he twirls me around on the kitchen floor. Throwing my head back, I laugh out loud at the continuous twirling he leads me to do until I’m out of breath and somehow against the counter with Harry plastered close to me. 
We’re both giggling and breathing heavily from the dancing until I look up and catch his eyes on mine. Holy shit. He’s so fucking hot. Those eyes alone make my knickers wet, but when his tongue darts out and his eyes focus on my mouth, I’m lost. This is how it happens in movies, right? And I’m currently sleepwalking through a Hallmark Christmas movie. So when he leans forward and touches our lips together, I go with it. 
The melding of our mouths leads to his hands landing on my waist as he slides up the bottom of my jumper just enough to rub his thumbs on my bare skin. A moan leaves my mouth which also has the advantage of providing access for Harry’s tongue to enter, and I cannot get enough of his flavour. He tastes like candy canes and snowflakes. When he steps closer and slides his leg between my jean-clad thighs, I whimper. There’s no other word for the sound that rips itself from my throat. 
Which is when the timer on the air fryer goes off. 
I see. I’m not in a Hallmark Christmas movie. I’m in a television Christmas comedy. Figures. 
Feeling Harry’s smile against my lips, I am grateful when he doesn’t abruptly separate from me but rather maintains his nearness while gazing into my eyes. A sheepishness comes over him then, and I blink to bring myself back to reality. “I am so sorry. I should have asked for consent. That was…rude.” 
“Really? I was thinking how incredibly pleasant it was.” 
The smirk makes an appearance, and he surveys me, removing his hands from my waist and stepping back so that his leg is no longer propping me up from being a giant pool of jelly on the floor. So I’m surprised when I remain standing, although I’m not surprised that my head follows his for a brief moment before I snap to attention. 
Trying to get us back on track with supper, I politely say, “I think the chips are no longer wilted.” 
“They’re not the only thing no longer wilted,” Harry says, and I glance at him sharply. 
“We could –” 
“Skip supper?” The enthusiasm in his voice dampens my panties further, and although that hadn’t been what I was going to say at all, I simply nod and go along with the suggestion. 
Food? What’s food? I’ve eaten before. I’ll eat again. But right now I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something insane that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. 
With my head’s singular bob, Harry steps forward again, burying his hands in my hair as he tilts my head back to delve back into the practice we’d been doing previously. Knowing where we’re headed this time, I have no qualms about sliding my hands under his crewneck and towards the waistband of his joggers. 
He removes his mouth from mine long enough to blather on, “Are you – do you have – should we –”
“I’ve not had sex with another human in months. Definitely clean of STDs, and I have condoms. Somewhere.” Shit. Where were those? 
“Per-” Instead of finishing the word, he plants his lips back on my mouth, his tongue mimicking the dance we’ll soon be doing if either of us has any say. And we do.
“Bedroom!” I exclaim as I break the seal between us, having just remembered that the condoms are in my bedside table drawer. Taking control (and his hand), I guide him towards my bedroom – the one my father had insisted I take over when I moved in, relegating the older man to the former guest room. “Pretty sure they’re in –” Without finishing my sentence, I’m sorting through the items in my drawer as I feel Harry behind me, his hands sneaking around my waist to my button and zipper. With no qualms, he undoes both, sliding my jeans down my legs until I can step out of them. 
“Shoes!” I squeak, and Harry chuckles before untying my shoes and gently removing them from my feet. 
“Since I’m already here,” the devil grins, as he makes short work of my knickers too, removing all of my bottom half clothing so that I feel a breeze on my private parts. I have a moment of freakout when I can’t recall the last time I’d done any…um…landscaping there, but the thought disappears when I feel his breath on my thighs. “Mmmmm…I think I’ll start my meal here.” He raises my left leg and places it on the bed, exposing my entirety to his gaze. I grasp the bedside table to maintain my balance. 
Good thing I’m holding onto something solid because the second his tongue touches my labia, my knees weaken. Having no idea how I’ve lost control of the situation, I have no choice but to pant wildly while he makes short work of my clit, my juices already inflamed and flowing. 
“OH MY GOD!” I scream, and I can feel his stupid dimple on my skin as he smiles. How can someone feel the absence of space? No clue, but I swear that’s what I feel. My orgasm starts to build, and I grip the table more tightly as I tumble into the chasm of the mouth that belongs to one popstar named Harry Styles. Nearly collapsing, I am grateful when Harry adjusts my leg so that both are solidly on the ground to hold me up. 
But then he reaches around me, snagging a condom I’d unknowingly managed to unearth in my frantic movements. Behind me, I hear the wrapper being torn, and when I move to stand, Harry places a hand on my back. “Stay there.” 
There’s no sound of a zipper since he’s not wearing trousers, but I hear the latex snap just before I feel the head of his cock at my entrance. Once again, he places his hand on my back. 
“Let me know if it’s too much.” 
Most men who say this must be joking because I’ve often had to wonder if their member was even inside me. But not Harry. Holy fuck. His cock stretches my walls, and I have to tap his thigh once and call for a pause. 
“Too much?” 
“No. Just…let me adjust…” Bending forward some by crossing my arms on the night table and resting my head on my folded arms allows him to slip inside a bit further, and I can feel him all the way deep inside me. 
“Woah,” he breathes, and I agree. “Can I move now?” 
“Slowly at first please. I’m wet, but we might need more lubrication.” From the night table, I withdraw a bottle of lube and hand it around to him. 
“Oh, good plan,” he says, and I hear the bottle opening and the squish of liquid being extracted before he withdraws slightly. This time when he plunges inside me, I gasp at the feel. “Still need me to go slow?” 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” I warn. 
The man sets a pace that would go well with Kiwi or Only Angel. Steady. Fast. Reaching around, he teases my clit, and I groan in pleasure. After a few minutes at this pace in this position, my body starts to respond, and I feel my second orgasm building. 
Which is when Harry pulls completely out. Surprised, I twist to look at him. And laugh. He raises an eyebrow, and I clarify. “We must look a sight with both of us bottomless and our tops still on.” 
He grins, his cock standing up tall with the condom straining against its length and girth. “Strip show?” 
“Shortest strip show in the history of the planet,” I grin as I pull my Christmas jumper with its tree and presents over my head. “Forgot I had this on.” Reaching up, I start to remove the necklace I’m wearing. 
“Leave it,” Harry growls. 
My mouth dry, I give in, removing only my bra. “Your turn,” and when he pulls off the crewneck, I wheeze at the sight of the butterfly and the laurels and the sparrow, never having expected to view them this close. 
“How do you turn these on?” He demands, reaching for the strand of novelty Christmas lights surrounding my neck. 
“Same way you turn me on,” I tease, reaching both hands behind my neck, knowing exactly how the pose pushes my breasts forward. As the lights start blinking, Harry’s eyes light up and he captures my nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling in ways I’ve never felt before as he tweaks my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
I think I’m going to pass out. 
Just when I get used to the feeling, he swaps breasts, humming in between. “The lights make it even more fun,” he devilishly snarls before latching onto my other breast. 
When I’m close to losing my mind, I drop to my knees, planting my lips around the condom and applying suction. 
“HOLY –” Harry shrieks. He’s too big for me to deep throat completely, so I add a hand to his length, using circular motions with both my tongue and my fingertips, but in opposite directions. I’m quite pleased with myself until he taps me on the head. 
“I really would prefer to be inside you” is his polite comment, and who am I to deny this famous celebrity whatever he wants?
The bed covers get firmly wrinkled as we squirm together on the bed, his cock plunging into me from as many angles as we can think of, and the edging is starting to wear on me. 
“I can’t…Harry…I need…” 
“I got you.” And he does. With my legs in the air on his shoulders, his large gorgeous hands on my breasts, and his cock deeply embedded in me, he drives me to orgasm, and I cry out his name over and over again, forgetting everything but this moment. 
And then I get the pleasure of watching as his eyes roll back in his head, his chin turns towards the ceiling, and his entire body spasms as he spills into the condom. 
Merry Christmas to me!
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a one shot, but I think there’s one more part of the story to tell if you’re interested. Let me know if you’ll read it, and I’ll write part 3. 
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elleloquently · 1 year
a little push : robin buckley
| don't mind me, trying to ease myself back into writing
| warnings: severely unedited
robin would swear up and down that you were the sweetest girl she’s ever met, yet you infuriated her like no other. 
days of attempting to invite you to visit her at work so you could talk a little longer than your passing comments in the school hallway only ended with you chatting away with steve harrington... and a very frustrated robin buckley on standby. 
you laughed at his jokes, made fun of the family video signature vests, and talked about your favorite movies. 
robin now had the ability to recite all of your favorite movies in one breath, but the only problem was that you didn’t talk about them with robin, you talked about them with steve. 
you left but robin’s senses were still high - your empty icee cup in the trash and the smell of your perfume lingering in the air... you were everywhere but not at all where robin wanted you to be. 
she couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed at her best friend as he rejoined her at the counter, yawning lazily in stark contrast to her current high strung feelings. 
“i can’t stand you,” robin muttered half heartedly, earning a sincere and confused look from steve. “she comes in here, looking pretty and perfect, and you don’t even have to try and she’s laughing and smiling and all i get is a polite ‘goodbye’ when she finally manages to pull away from your disgusting presence!” 
“disgusting?” steve repeated, appalled, to which robin gave a defeated sigh. 
“i don’t understand why she won’t just talk to me,” robin admitted, picking away at her already chipped nail polish. 
steve frowned and straightened his posture, feeling suddenly very sorry that your latest interaction had so severely soured his best friend’s mood. 
“rob...” he started carefully, though she was seemingly too focused on her fingernails, “have you ever thought that she might be wondering the exact same thing?” 
this seemed to catch her off guard as robin paused, a look of genuine thought and contemplation flashing over her features before her guard was once again in its place. her carefully thought words were disguised in an overdramatic, irritated tone. robin slowly lifted her eyes to meet steve’s, who was now wearing a grin. 
“what makes you say that?” 
“seriously?” steve groans, shaking his head but his smile never wavering. “she looks over at you like, every five seconds. she talks loud enough so that you can hear her too. she likes you, robin, it’s hard for her to talk to you too.” 
“huh,” robin murmurs, new possibilities and ‘what if’s’ dancing through her mind. maybe steve was right, and if she managed to swallow down her own anxieties and make the first move, she could finally be someone to you. 
or... what if he was wrong? and she managed to make a total fool of herself and would never be graced to see you walk through the doors of the family video again? 
robin was silent, which steve took as a bad sign as she typically didn’t mind giving him an earful. inwardly, she was debating with herself. screwing up a chance with you would certainly make her a fool, what was worse? making a move and completely scaring you off, or never trying and therefore never knowing? 
her thoughts were sharply cut off by the door swinging open, shaking her from her monologue though her thoughts of you could never be put on the back burner. steve watched his friend carefully, partly amused by how oblivious the two of you seemed to be.  
                                                         - - - 
the next day, robin was a mess and steve’s patience was hitting its end. 
“what if she ignores me? what if she turns around and leaves and never comes back? what if she thinks i’m a total freak and laughs in my face? or if she thinks i’m being a creep?” 
robin mindlessly continued handing steve movies for him to place on the shelves, continuing her spiral until she feels as though she doesn’t have any words left. 
“rob, you’re stressing me out. she just picked up a movie yesterday, it’ll probably be a couple days, right?” 
furiously shaking her head, robin made a sound of disagreement. “she always returns her movies early.” 
a familiar body moving towards the family video door made both steve and robin freeze. the timing could be argued as either perfect or horrible, but there was no time to debate as the door opened and steve roughly shoved robin away from the shelves. 
robin caught her footing just as your eyes met hers. despite feeling like her body went limp and could crumple beneath her at any moment, she straightened her posture and offered a smile that looked more like a grimace. to robin’s amazement, surprise, daze, bewilderment... you smiled back. it was a genuine, true smile. like a breath of fresh air. robin knew that she was undeniably smitten. 
“hey, robin.” 
your voice. 
sweet, quiet, not overheard, but directed at her. 
robin met you at the counter. you were separated by the barrier but this was close contact for robin and she surprised herself when she managed to hold eye contact. steve made himself unseen, blending as closely into the shelves as possible as he silently organized dvd cases. 
you placed your borrowed movie on the counter and carefully slid it closer to robin. she wondered if every movement of yours was careful until she felt daunted by the silence and her words escaped faster than she could have imagined. 
“how’d you like it?” robin asked, a little loudly, but friendly. your smile was warm and she could’ve died on the spot but your words saved her. 
“i loved it,” you gushed, momentarily forgetting yourself. “i watched it twice last night and once more in the morning, skipping ahead to my favorite parts.” 
your fingernails tapped lightly on the counter, and robin was in awe. you were talking! you were actually having a conversation! robin caught on when your smile went sheepish... you figured you may have rambled, but robin didn’t mind. she opened her mouth to say something, but you beat her to it. 
“thank you for the recommendation,” you said earnestly. 
robins eyebrows furrowed. with how much she thought about you, she definitely would’ve remembered telling you about one of her favorite movies. 
“but i didn’t...” 
“steve told me it was one of your favorites and that i should give it a try. i loved it, but i’m sort of embarrassed it took me this long to watch it,” you clarify with a sigh. 
robin smiled, grateful that you spared the moment from any awkwardness and grateful for the push from her best friend. 
“if you liked this one, i think i have a few other movies in mind that you would probably like too, if you want?” 
robin thought she might sound like an overly helpful employee, but she was suddenly desperate to earn your approval on her favorite movies. her heart fluttered as your smile grew wide and you nodded eagerly. 
“robin, i would absolutely love that.” 
the sound of her name coming from your lips in such a natural way was too much, and robin wondered if steve was right. maybe you have been talking about her just as much as she has rambled on about you. 
robin knew movies, and you listened and nodded along enthusiastically as she pulled some more for you to rent. you graciously accepted, and even lingered by the door before you left. 
“thanks robin, see you tomorrow!” you called, one last smile as you gripped the movies tight to your chest on your way out. 
“see you tomorrow,” robin replied with a breath of relief. it was easier talking to you than she expected. robin didn’t want to admit that maybe steve had been right... but he definitely hadn’t have been wrong. all robin knew was that she would be eagerly awaiting her shift tomorrow, and this time she wouldn’t waste a chance to talk to you. 
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snixx · 2 days
you know what it's 1:30am and quite literally no one cares but idk. the tags on my last post reminded me and I feel like rambling about something no one cares about and that's why I have a tumblr so why tf not lol
izzie taylor taught me that i could love.
ironic because the first person I ever loved fucking hates her guts and thinks she's toxic af lol. but cazzie meant the fucking world to me as a baby sapphic, not just because they were one of my first sapphic ships ever but because of how fucking relatable they were. they were messy ass teenagers and their chemistry felt so real. and fivel stewart (along with deepika padukone) is my #1 celeb crush of all time but Not The Point lmao.
like idk how to explain it because I'm obviously a much more stable person now than I was when I first got into the ship but the thing I love so much about izzie is how hard she tries to get fucking better. and how she apologizes and communicates when she fucks up no matter what. because the thing is she Does fuck up. a Lot. girlie has trauma and issues the size of jupiter and she has mood swings and bouts of shame and her "brain just betrays [her] sometimes" and she doesn't know how to handle it. she doesn't trust herself because she doesn't feel things consistently. and god did seeing her work her ass off to become a better person and get over her self-destructive tendencies to maintain a healthy relationship mean the world to 14 year old me. it kind of snapped me out of my self-hating cynical world view and gave me so much hope honestly. because back then I genuinely didn't believe I was capable of maintaining a healthy long term relationship (of any kind, not specifically romantic). I thought I would inevitably end up hurting everyone and the kindest option was to isolate myself forever. but the thing is. people need people to get better. sometimes you need to let people in. and izzie showed me that as long as I didn't stop trying and made sure to communicate openly and honestly no matter what, I could love people and be there for them too. and progress isn't linear. izzie does regress and fuck up over and over, but the thing is she LEARNS from her mistakes. she gets over herself and apologizes and does her best to make up for it. and she gets more stable with time, just like I did. it's not easy to realize your agency when you struggle with depression or ocd or bpd or whatever. but you do have agency. you just. have to keep trying. no matter how many times you fall on your face and fuck up. izzie showed me that it's worth trying, because you do get better. which is why she'll always be one of the characters closest to my heart. (and the ship. fucking ship of all time.)
anyway. here's my trying to be better as a fucked up mentally ill teenager playlist inspired by the one and only izzie taylor <3
and the companion casey-inspired playlist of loving someone who can and does hurt you because they're struggling with mental illness because you know they're trying and getting better and that they're worth it <3 (sidenote i could go On about the casey side of things forever too but. that's for another time lol. you don't have to put up with shit just because the other person is going through stuff that's not what I'm saying. it's more nuanced than that and I love how casey set boundaries for herself re: that buuuuuut i digress)
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
Allergic Reaction
“Why are you scratching?” 
Busted. You looked up at Alex, a guilty look on your face. 
“I’m not?” you respond. 
She shoots you a look, “why do you sound like you’re asking me? I’ll ask one more time, why are you scratching?”
“I don’t know,” you reply honestly, “I’m just itchy.”
You squirm slightly in your clothes, trying to relieve the itch. Alex takes a step closer to you, grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulling it up. When you hear her gasp, you peek down. Your torso is covered in red hives, no doubt the cause of your scratching. 
“How did this happen?” Alex asks you. “Did you eat something? Use a new product? Anything new?”
“No, all the same stuff. The only things I eat have to be pre-approved by the staff after the whole allergic reaction incident, so it can’t be that. And I bring all my own products, so it’s not that. Everything’s been the same but I’m so itchy.”
By the end, you’re whining, close to tears. Every part of you itched, deep under the skin so you could never be satisfied. Alex looks at you sympathetically, pulling you into her arms and allowing you to rest your head on your chest. She rocks you for a minute, giving you time to calm down and gather your thoughts. Once you’re able to take a few deep breaths, she pulls back slightly. Her hand moves to your face, cupping your cheek. 
“Why are there hives on your face now? Those weren’t there a minute ago. Can you breathe alright? Do you need to go to the ER?” 
Alex is clearly spiraling, panicking about the possibilities. You try to reassure her, shaking your head. 
“No, I don’t need the ER. My breathing is totally fine: my throat and my lungs are good.”
“Ok. Ok, that’s good. Did I cause them? They showed up on your face after I touched you.”
“Alex, don’t be ridiculous. I had them long before you came over here. I got them after I got dressed this morning.”
Suddenly, Alex’s eyes light up- clearly she has an idea. She grabs your hand, pulling you behind her into the locker room. Scanning the crowd, she pulls you over to Becky. 
“Becky, do you have a key? I need to check something.”
Becky looks slightly confused, but hands off a key nonetheless. She trusts Alex. 
“Thanks,” Alex says, sounding genuine. “Can you do me a huge favor too?” 
Once Becky nods, Alex continues. 
“Can you keep an eye on Y/N? I’ll be back in 2 minutes, max.”
Agreeing, Becky sends Alex away. She looks to where you have settled on a bench by her locker, your feet swinging. 
“What kind of trouble did you get into, kid? Why’s Alex running secret missions?”
“I never get in trouble, you know that,” you tease, hinting towards your somewhat troublesome nature. “I’m not sure where she was going. I broke out in a bunch of hives and I think she’s trying to figure it out.”
Much like Alex, Becky strides over to you and pulls the hem of your shirt up. Seeing your stomach covered in welts, she winces sympathetically. 
“Why does everyone do that?” 
Becky looks up to meet your eyes at your question, clearly confused. 
“Why does everyone keep pulling my shirt up? Does no one on this team have boundaries?”
“No, I don’t think we do,” Becky laughs. 
By this point, Alex jogs back into the room. 
“If soccer doesn’t work out, I’m becoming a detective,” she announces. “I figured it out. New laundry detergent. It’s why you got hives after you got dressed. And you must have gotten the ones on your face from being pressed against my shirt.”
Becky sighs, running a hand through her hair, “I swear, no one listens to me. I told them to buy the sensitive skin detergent only and wash all of the clothes in it. But clearly they saved a few dollars and bought the cheap stuff. You would think they could afford it, they clearly aren’t paying us enough.”
You give her a shocked look, which she completely misses. She’s looking towards Alex. 
“I’ll handle it and make sure everything is rewashed before tomorrow. You’re in charge of handling that,” she nods her head towards you, winking. Grabbing her bag, she walks out the door. 
Alex turns towards you, “Kid, shower, now. Clothes off and scrub thoroughly. Don’t use the towel though, it’s probably the same,” she digs through her locker, tossing you a towel. “Here, use this. Don’t worry, it’s clean. Don’t get dressed after though, call me when you finish, okay?”
You agree quickly, hurrying to shower. Once you finish, you shout for Alex who quickly comes in. She helps you to cover yourself in hydrocortisone and hands you a stack of clothes to wear. You gladly take them, getting dressed quickly. You’re glad Alex gave you one of her sweatsuits, the clothes swamping you. You had to roll the waistband a few times so they didn’t drag on the ground, but they were loose enough to not irritate your skin further. 
Later, you find yourself in a teammate’s room. Everyone is piled on the beds and across the floor, a movie playing in the background. But they’re more focused on teasing you. After Alex had made everyone shower and change before they could come near you, your secret came out. This was followed by multiple people inspecting your body, again pulling your shirt up. 
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buckleburyblog · 4 months
LOTR Characters as things I did when I was younger, Part 2:
-> Part 1
- Faramir: Going ice skating with a friend who jokingly dragged me into the middle of the rink and tried to make me slip, only to have it backfire when I somehow turned it back on her and made her lose her balance whilst I stayed upright. (Don't know if this fits w/ Faramir but I feel like he's the type of person to have pranks on him somehow accidentally backfire for whoever's trying to prank him).
- Eomer: Befriending one of the largest horse in the stables that I used to go riding at easily despite the fact that the people working there said he hated most people and wouldn’t cooperate when they took him for rides.
- Eowyn: I genuinely forgot how to cook a dish I cooked regularly for like half an hour and had to physically leave the kitchen to do something else to get my brain to reset. (Happened like last year, but it fits with Eowyn's -10/10 cooking skills so I had to use it here).
- Arwen: Whenever I went with my parents to the local RSPB (a wildlife conservation charity) I used to find the bees on the flowers and literally pet them. I also used my coat to straight up carry them by just gently trapping them inside it (I swear no bees were harmed).
- Elrond: Jokingly being known as Dad by my friend group in secondary school. (Years later it is still a running thing with some of them to the point that their friends, who are a bit younger, genuinely only know me/refer to me as Dad).
- Galadriel: I did karate for a while and one of my favourite games that we'd do at the end of the 'term' was when we had to balance on one leg and the last to put theirs down won. The longer it carried on the more rules there were like: not being allowed to wobble, the instructor putting his foot close to our face or making us laugh, and in the finals you had to close your eyes so you couldn't see who was still in. I always won it whenever we played bc I was competitive af (and there were like GROWN ADULTS in this class that I beat as well).
- Gollum: Spent a few hours messing around by a stream with a little fishing net but got distracted at some point whilst in the water and let go of the net without realising. It got taken by the current and I was too small and slow to catch up to it so I lost it. (Cried when I realised I had lost it ;-;)
- Treebeard: Would have a go at some of the boys in my primary school who snapped the small branch off of the tree me and my friends named Steve because "they hurt it" & it meant we couldn't swing on it anymore.
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strawmyberry · 2 months
as the great Kyle Herschel Schwartz once said:
hi hi hi! boy, it has been a WHILE. the last post i did was in august, so that means it has been SEVEN MONTHS since i last posted on here. i know i said i would be taking a short break- and it is very apparent that i completely underestimated how much time i would need to get back into the swing of things.
i am so so sorry for my disappearing act! (you might as well call me magicmyian!) i swear i never forgot about you guys- writing and i were having a bit of a tiff for the last couple of months.
i would come back to this blog a lot and just…kinda stare at everything? kinda thinking to myself “what do i do now? where do i go from here?” and nothing ever came. I’d try to write things- but they always felt like they weren’t good enough- especially considering how long i made you guys wait for it. but then- out of the nowhere:
i started writing again!
like- actually writing! and i actually liked it! and at first it wasn’t t-word related at all- just to kinda get back into the swing of things. and now…here we are!
i plan to post a fic this week- so keep your eyes peeled for that!
i wanna thank you guys for being SO SO SO unbelievably patient. i made a promise that every request in my inbox was gonna be fulfilled (unless stated otherwise, of course!) and i intend to keep that promise!
the new fic IS southpark! (yaaaaay!) but I’ll be completely honest- i’ve been gone for so long that i don’t even know if that’s “in” anymore. so- im here to ask, after i finish all the southpark requests- do you guys want me to branch out to other fandoms? should i just stick with the southpark? or do you want me to dabble in multiple? make this a melting pot of fics!!! please please PLEASE leave ideas below!
i have missed so much- and im going to work my butt off to get caught up! so, my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing mutuals, be prepared for a TON of reposts- because i am catching up on ALL the amazing works you guys have posted that i missed.
thanks again for being amazing amazing people!! i know i say this a lot, but i only do because its true! this blog makes me so happy, and im genuinely thrilled to get back to writing again! i hope you guys like it, and here’s to hoping i don’t decide to become houdini again and completely disappear! (sorry for that!!!)
thanks for everything again! i got a lot of work to do- and it’s time to get to it!
-❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
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raineandsky · 1 year
Taxi to Hell
(Part 1) (Part 2)
The villain’s lair isn’t as bad as the civilian expected. It’s a little on the dank side, sure, but it’s clean, clearly well loved. The little room she’s dumped in is exactly like the rest of the place—cold, but pristine. 
The only thing she’d change is the thick cuffs around her wrists. It seems a little overkill, since she’s possibly the least dangerous person on earth, but telling her oh-so-kind driver that hadn’t changed his mind. If anything, he made them a little tighter.
Said driver has been drifting in and out of the room ever since they got here. He’s clearly one of the villain’s henchmen, constantly on the phone and sighing and huffing and getting visibly irritated. She gets the distinct impression she’s ruined his day, but she daren’t say anything about it in case he gets even more mad.
He comes in after fifteen minutes, for the nth time, but he’s not on the phone. He just stares at her, arms crossed, letting his incensed glare bore into her. 
“Boss is on their way,” he informs her after watching her shift awkwardly in the silence for a moment. “Hope you have your explanation ready.”
She doesn’t have an explanation, really. Her explanation is that she mistook their getaway car as her taxi and neither she nor the driver questioned it until they were too far away to do anything about it. How viable even is that? The villain’s going to think she's the world’s worst undercover hero or something.
The door swings open no more than ten minutes later, and the henchman—standing pointedly next to it to stop all zero of the civilian’s escape attempts—gives the villain a short nod as they enter.
“[Villain],” he greets quietly. The villain, clearly less intent on the formalities, breezes past him with a bright grin.
“Oh, [Henchman], it’s not a big deal, I promise. Lighten up.” The henchman locks his eyes to the floor stiffly, and the villain pauses when he doesn’t heed the instruction. “[Henchman].”
He finally looks back up at the villain, and they laugh lightly. “Give me a smile, darling.”
His eyes flit nervously to the civilian, sitting a couple of metres away and watching their entire interaction, before offering the villain a smile. It’s small, not entirely genuine, but it seems to be enough for his boss as they turn away from him with a satisfied hum.
“Now, what poor, lost soul have you brought in for me this evening?” They bend down slightly to where she’s sitting rather miserably, fiddling with the metal around her wrists, and she suddenly understands the urge to avoid their gaze. “I’ve been told you stole my car.”
The accusation startles her to say the least. “I– I didn’t steal it,” she blurts. Her eyes flit to the henchman, who seems uninterested in defending her lack of thievery. “I just– I thought it was my taxi. I was just trying to go home after work—I wasn’t thinking. It was an honest mistake, I swear. I really, really am sorry.”
The villain huffs something of a laugh. Their hand settles under her chin, tilting her head back and forcing her to meet their eye. The movement isn’t gentle, their touch guided by a familiarity with control, but it’s careful, like they’re handling something fragile.
She was expecting them to be annoyed, or maybe disbelieving, but the expression she’s met with is amusement. Their gaze roams for a moment, studying her face. “She’s not a hero,” they announce after a moment. She can see the henchman frown in her peripherals. She daren’t take her eyes off the villain now that she’s here.
“Are you sure?” the henchman asks uncertainly, and from here the civilian can see the slight crease of their brows at his words.
“I’m sure,” they counter sternly. Their tone leaves no space for question. “If she was a hero you’d be dead and she’d be long gone.”
The henchman shifts awkwardly with a nod, even though the villain can’t see it. A silence settles in the room, tense and uncomfortable, and the civilian stupidly decides to make another effort to proclaim her innocence.
“It was an accident,” she adds, and it comes out a lot more timid than she intended. The villain clicks their tongue thoughtfully before offering her a kind smile, sincere and mild.
“I know,” they whisper, and they finally let go of her and step back. “She can go.”
The henchman visibly blanches. “[Villain], I don’t know if that’s—”
“She’s not a hero, and she made an honest mistake,” the villain cuts over him sharply. “She’s not a threat. Let her go.”
The henchman steps forward with a disbelieving huff, key in hand, and within a moment the cuffs are off her wrists. He hauls her to her feet, the force sending her staggering slightly. “Be careful,” the villain adds casually.
He starts for the door with the civilian in tow. The villain puts a hand on his arm as he gets to the exit, and the touch gives him pause. Their hand is on him, but their gaze is locked onto the civilian.
“Don’t get in any of my cars again,” they say lightly, as if the threat beneath it isn’t as clear as day, “or I might be forced to put it down to more than a coincidence. Are we clear?”
She nods tightly. “Crystal.”
They return her nod with one of their own, and with a smile they move their hand from the henchman’s arm. It’s like he unfreezes, and the moment they’re away from him he’s back on the move, tugging her away and down the plain corridors.
The henchman is so kind as to drop her off where he found her. There’s police tape around the bank behind her, half the building blown to smithereens. She pulls out her phone with a sigh—which the henchman gave back to her once they were out the villain’s lair—and pulls up her usual app for a ride home. Her last driver gave her a one star review as a passenger, complaining about how she didn’t turn up and left him hanging around at a crime scene.
She shoves her phone back in her pocket with a groan, resigned to her fate. She’ll just walk.
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rickmas day 24!
prompt: Christmas Party
warnings: drinking, loud music, swearing
AN: I did it! A full 24 days of prompts completed! Thank you to everyone who read and took part. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Continuation of day 2
As the party got into full swing, Metatron made himself comfortable in the corner. He preferred watching than engaging in this kind of behavior. People wandered around with red solo cups holding various liquids. Despite the room full of people though, his eyes kept moving back to the one person he actually wanted to watch.
“They’re pretty great right?” Metatron looked to his left and saw that Silent Bob was standing next to him.
“They truly are.” He agreed. “Strange you choose to talk to me of all people. I thought silence was your thing.” Silent bob shrugged.
“Usually jay does enough talking for everyone.” Metatron chuckled at that. “I see they dragged you into the party. Jay dragged me here too but honestly I don’t mind it.”
“I don’t mind it either.” Metatron shrugged. “True (Y/N) dragged me here but…” he trailed off, wondering if he should actually admit it to someone. “They’re my ward. Always have been. I prefer to keep an eye on them and if them forcing me down here for trivial things like a chrismas party means that much to them,” he shrugged again and looked over at the party host with a fond look in his eye. “I can’t argue with them about that.” Silent bob nodded and patted him on the arm. Metatron raised an eyebrow at the shorter man.
“Well try to enjoy the party a little at least. (Y/N) didn’t just call you down here for that. I think they also wanted to get you away from whatever’s going on upstairs at the moment.” Metatrons eyes drifted back to his ward. “Is anything going on up there?”
“A party. Not unsimilar to this one. Although this one is better under control.” He said off handedly. Silent bob nodded and then disappeared. Metatron made his way over to the person who had called him. “Enjoying yourself?” I jumped and looked up at the man who had always watched over me.
“Yeah.” I smiled at him. “Are you enjoying yourself?” Someone chose that moment to turn up the music and I watched with sympathy as metatron pressed a hand to his ear. “One second. I have to fix that.” I yelled and took off. With the music turned back down and everyone under strict rules not to touch the volume control, I made my way to the corner metatron had retreated to. “Sorry. Can’t have my landlord coming to shut us down.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “So…my question?” Metatron smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug.
“I am. Even if it doesn’t look like I am.” He squeezed me gently. “Thank you for saving me from the other party.” His eyes flitted upwards for a second and I smiled.
“Silent bob told ya huh?” He nodded and i shrugged. “Sorry if this ain’t much better but you know us humans.” Metatron kissed my forehead and I stopped trying to explain it to him.
“It’s wonderful.” He smiled genuinely. “merry Christmas (Y/N).” I smiled back at him.
“Merry Christmas Metatron.”
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randoauthor · 2 years
Hurt (P.M)
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Pairings: Pete Mitchell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Car accidents, mentions of death, injury, swearing (Maybe?)
Word Count: 1.4K
Author's Note: I'm back! (*again*) I was fighting a massive cold + starting school back up so I think I now have a pretty set schedule and will hopefully be back to posting regularly!
Summary: Car accidents suck, but sometimes even with the most hurt in the world the best things tend to blossom
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It all happened so fast.
One moment we were listening to music in my car, the windows rolled down as I stared at her. Her hair flowed freely in the wind, her smile so genuine it made my heart skip a beat.
But that was one moment.
This is now.
Now I am lying on the ground staring at the stars.
How was I staring at the stars?
I was just in the car with her, why am I now here?
More importantly, where is she?
I remember the tires screeching.
I remember the shatter sound of glass against the pavement.
I hear her screaming for me, screaming in pain.
I can't feel my legs.
My head is pounding, she is screaming, and I can't feel my legs.
What the fuck happened?
"Pete?" she calls frantically, "Pete Steven Mitchell you better respond to me or else!" she called again, in between sobs of pain. The faint noise of sirens wailing in the distance, mimicking the noises she was making.
Is she okay?
That has to be a loaded question, she is obviously okay to an extent but until I lay my own eyes on her I won't know for sure. I groan as I try to move.
I have to move.
Slowly I move myself around, the lack of feeling in my legs proving to be unhelpful in this moment in time. Swinging around to my belly I finally have eyes on her.
She's okay.
Well, mostly. She seems to be bleeding but from where I don't know, a slight limp indicates that she has some form on an injury there. red marks on her face an arms suggest bruising will appear in the next day or two.
But she's okay.
The lights of the ambulance and firetrucks become more visible as they light up the scene around us. Did we get into an accident? Is anyone else hurt?
I glance around the scene a bit more. A car seems to be flipped on its side angling more towards a ditch, our car seems to be relatively fine besides a smashed hood and a shattered windshield.
Did I go through the windshield?
"Pete!" She yells, rushing to me as well as she can, collapsing next to me she takes my hand in hers. "There was an accident, another car swerved and hit us, I think you went through the windshield." She let a few tears slip. I glance at her up and down trying to find any more injuries that I missed from afar.
There's a giant blood stain on her stomach, oh my god she's bleeding from her abdomen.
I can't speak. I try my hardest to motion to her abdomen but she isn't paying enough attention to herself. She needs to look down. How do I get her to look down?
It doesn’t take much because as soon as the paramedics took one look at her she was take away, despite her protests.
"He's hurt." She tried.
"Darling you are way more hurt then him." The shorter paramedic responds, she reminds me a lot of my mom, constantly disregarding stupid protests, regardless of how hard the person tried to fight.
They eventually convinced her to get onto the stretcher, half empty promises of me following soon after. She took one final glance at me before climbing on, eventually being wheeled away from me.
Then it goes dark.
There's a steady beeping, it is the most annoying beeping I have never heard. There's a figure next to me in a chair, upon closer examination I find it to be Goose. His hair seemed to be a mess, his eyes seemed bloodshot.
God he looks worse then when Bradley was first born.
"Pete, hey buddy," his voice hoarse, tired, full of emotion.
"Hi," I say back softly, my throat feels like its on fire, "how long was I out?"
Goose gives me his signature smile, "a week."
I nod a soft response as we continue to talk.
"What happened?" I question out loud, hoping he'd be able to answer that for me.
He looked up sadly, "drunk driver." He shook his head. "There was a kid in the back too, not much older then Bradley, the driver was dead by the time everyone reached the scene. The little girl is three floors above you in intensive care."
I feel my heart ache, and I know if my heart is aching so is his.
"He swerved, they couldn't tell if it was a malicious act or just plain dumb luck that you two were picked to be the victims." I look up at Goose his final few words striking a memory I had forgotten about.
She was in the car with me.
"Is she okay?" I ask frantically, my health and well-being not important at all anymore.
I am finally thankful for the use of my legs, swinging them over the bed I ignore the throbbing is my head as I go to walk, I don't make it very far though as Goose grabs me and put me back on the bed.
"She is fine Mav," Goose says reassuringly, "She had to have surgery, but she's fine now, she's resting. She is almost completely in perfect health unlike you." He looked me up and down and I suddenly became very aware of my situation.
My legs were fine besides some cuts and bruises that were a lovely shade of purple. I had a few bandages on my arms and upon further inspection a large wrap is places snuggly around my chest and shoulder, covering what I can only imagine to be stitches.
"You had to have surgery too," Goose started, "the glass punctured a lung, you were struggling to breathe, they said you could barely speak. And you have a lovely amount of stitches along your shoulder from the glass cutting you, 387 I think they said, Carole would know she has been such a saint through all of this." I look back at Goose and realize the true state he is in, his hair was more messy then usual and he had clearly been crying.
"I'm gonna take you to see her Mav, I just need to get a wheel chair." He said heading out the door to grab one, "oh and one more thing you need to know, which I would let her tell you but she hasn't woken up yet." I look up as Goose smiles and sheds a singular tear.
"You're gonna be a dad."
Five simple words, five. Five words I can't seem to get out of my head, the ride up to her was quiet, I assume thats because I clearly need a moment to process this.
Goose was right when he said she looked bad, she was hooked up to so many different machines but the one that stood out to me the most was the one attached to her stomach.
The steady beating of a drum echoing through the room, cus that is our baby.
Goose gave me the room to let it be just us, he muttered something about having to call Carole to give her an update, so I found myself settled into a chair next to her speaking softly to her belly.
"Hi baby," I start, "I'm your dad, and your mom has done an amazing job of protecting you from this crazy world so far." I smiled, "your heart beats for the two of us peanut and I promise we are gonna spoil you so much."
Her hand moved slowly to place it on her stomach and I look up in a shock to meet her eyes.
"Damn right we are." She said with a smile.
I try my hardest to get to her quickly but with the state of my own body and the fear of injuring her more then she already is I move at a fast paced caution. I kiss her passionately before moving to kiss her stomach, the safe space for our baby.
We remained in the Hospital for another week, I ended up home sooner then she did for obvious reasons. I took my time to prepare my home, the both of us agreeing that while three weeks ago we thought moving in together was jumping the gun a little bit, it seems perfectly reasonable now.
So when I brought her home, I got to see the look on her face when sitting on our bed was a small pair of white booties for our baby to wear one day.
And that made it all worth it.
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jemmo · 11 months
desperately trying to forget about the preview for next week's his man 2 eps and focus on the adorable junsungho date we finally got, but it's all my brain wants to dissect over and over. once again, seonwoo why? i absolutely don't understand what his goal in this show is or if he genuinely is even interested in anyone because i honestly don't feel an ounce of sincerity from that man. he went on a date with yoonghee out of politeness, and his main goal was to see if he could overcome their age gap right? yet, he's the one who kept bringing it up. it's also the way yoonghee kept asking him questions and giving him opportunities to give him some kind of clarity, but seonwoo just gave him roundabout answers in return. it annoys me that seonwoo keeps trying to string yoonghee along without cutting him off completely because he needs that attention and 'support' from him as he always says. on another note, he keeps saying sungho is "special" to him and okay maybe he is, but if so, why does it look more like he just wants to shake him up again when he noticed sungho's attention shift away from him a little? it just seems to me that not receiving a voice message from yoonghee and sungho must've hit seonwoo way too hard and he needs that validation back. sigh. i know we don't see everything that goes on in these hour long eps, but i feel like it's definitely enough for us to be able to get a grasp of their personality and character, and seonwoo is clearly playing with so many people's feelings. i just don't know what to expect anymore because seonwoo is going to continue playing these mind games with that big ego of his. god, i swear, the absolute mood swing i had from being excited and happy over sungho's voice message to my face literally falling as that preview played. this week of waiting is gonna be torture as always.
oh dear anon i am trying so hard not to think about the preview, or about seonwoo watching sungho and junsung cook and asking questions about their date and his reaction, or seonwoo calling sungho, bc sungho and junsung have such a good thing going on, and yet we and them can’t just be left with the memory of a nice date bc seonwoo has to ruin it by sticking his nose in again. im trying to be so reasonable when I watch it and not just shit on him for everything he does, bc maybe he does truly like sungho, I mean since their date he has called him consistently, but then you have people out here like hyungjin saying i shouldn’t have gone out on a date with anyone else so as not to give a wrong impression to them or the one person I like (even tho he left the message for seonwoo but that’s something else), and yet seonwoo goes out with yonghee for whatever reason, obligation, pity, curiosity, so he can’t be so committed to sungho as to shut down all other options yet, which at this point i feel like the people who are genuine are starting to be committed about who they like, but seonwoo just has to keep all these options open even when it appears he’s committing to sungho. and i don’t want to say that’s bad at the face of it, after all if sungho doesn’t go with seonwoo, it’s good to not have closed off every other option; i don’t like to subscribe to the belief that just bc you are devoted to going for one person, that your feelings are better or more worthy or anything, bc at the end of the day it’s sungho’s choice. what does annoy me is the lack of clarity with which seonwoo approaches every situation. I think the only time he’s only been kinda clear about anything was when he talked with junsung about exploring other options, but at least from what i recall, he’s never been clear to sungho and said I like you but I’m gonna keep talking to other people bc I don’t know how sungho then sees the situation, does he think seonwoo is committed to him or does he know about the other people he has ties to and would that change how he feels??
and I’m trying hard not to talk about him and yonghee’s again bc I’ve already ranted so much, but I will focus on that line he said at the end of their date, that he relies on yonghee bc his feelings never change. which is what he keeps on saying, that he gets support from yonghee and that he’s important. none of these are inherently romantic things and the thing is I think yonghee intents them to be romantic but seonwoo doesn’t see them that way, or more accurately he sees that intention but the way he is grateful for it isn’t romantic in return. and I can’t get over how fucked up it is to string someone along and use their affection as a comfort without giving that person any clarity in return. he’s literally using yonghee’s feelings to make himself feel better, feel reassured and comforted, and the reason why he won’t clarify his feelings and say there’s no romantic affection in return is bc he’s scared to lose yonghee’s affection bc it comforts him to much to know he’s so strongly and unwaveringly liked by this person. it’s literally what he wants the most, to be liked so much, and that’s why he can’t reject him even though there’s little to no way I think seonwoo feels anything romantic for him. like is that not fucked up?? to use someone like that??? to not give them that cutoff so they can move on to someone else just bc you want to feel good about yourself??? it’s the way yonghee is so sincere and genuine with his feelings and seonwoo is so plainly disingenuous in return. it’s the way he asks yonghee nothing about himself outside of his feelings for him, let’s yonghee spill his heart and says nothing in return, how he asks yonghee to ask him questions but gives him half baked answers that don’t give him enough to give him any insight on how he feels, but enough to keep him wondering. like it feels cruel, it feels like someone older making light of a young persons feelings as nothing but childish affection, and I don’t want to see yonghee being looked down at like that. I said before how seonwoo feels complicated looking at yonghee bc he has this confidence that comes from youth and less experience and fear and wishes he could’ve had that youth, but it’s bc I think he views it like that that he sees his feelings as childish, bc he is wistful for a time where he could’ve had this childish crush and felt like they were the most special thing in the world and been so bold and forward about it. and bc he doesn’t take those feelings seriously is another reason why he doesn’t reject him outright, bc he doesn’t think it warrants it even tho yonghee is putting his all into this. I don’t usually like to shit on age gaps bc age isn’t just a number but it’s also not a be all and end all, but it’s situations like this where they bother me, bc you can feel the imbalance, you can feel that the issue linger in the air where it doesn’t in other parings where a gap still exists. and i think yonghee’s youthful sincerity doesn’t match with the life experiences seonwoo has had, but also doesn’t match with the lack of emotional maturity he seems to have despite his age, and altogether it’s just so messy and not right and I can’t even say it’s good tv anymore bc I’d much rather see yonghee move onto other people than be stuck here. like sure seonwoo, make mess, it’s fun, but when it stops being fun and starts actually messing with people, that’s when I’m gonna start getting mad.
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