#girl gerard
fag-on-goth-action · 2 years
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this is so siblings of them
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wednesdaythesecond · 5 months
Most of girl Gerard's underwear has old faded blood stains because she doesn't give enough of a shit to change her pad on time or to wash her underwear immediately after
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rainbluealoekitten · 2 years
hey! white mcr fans! remember that just cause we talked about it a lot two days ago doesn't mean that's done and over. racism is STILL a HUGE problem in the fandom space, and we saw that literally just today/yesterday (time zones are wack) with the treatment, or rather lack of major acknowledgement towards ray despite him being such a huge presence last show!
this has been a problem within the fanspace since the band formed 20 years ago, and it will CONTINUE to happen if we don't consistently challenge it and force people to reevaluate how they feel and what they are doing.
please EDUCATE yourselves on racism and start doing everything you can to destroy it, and remember that this fandom space and your own biases towards ray are a good place to start.
and don't leave all the work to poc!!! white people NEED to talk about this and NEED to use their voices and their platforms to speak and boost poc's voices.
and if you can, try giving some money to poc , especially those who have been spending hours and days of their lives trying to educate you on this!! @girlgerard has a post full of tons of people's cashapps and kofis that you can check out, and reblog if you can't give any money!
and if you're wondering why you should give money to poc, try doing some research on that! don't make other people, ESPECIALLY poc, spend forever explaining it to you, but start doing some research of your own. and while you're at it, if you don't know where to start, do some research on how femininity vs masculinity for poc is perceived by white people. start looking into microagressions, especially the ones happening in this fandom. look into whitewashing. idk man, just do SOMETHING
i know this was a long post, but white people PLEASE read AND reblog this, and actually fucking do something for once
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plurscene · 8 months
its always girl gerard THIS. girl gerard THAT. but Billie Joe Armstrong has been RIGHT THERE this whole damn time.
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l0vebitezzz · 2 years
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prettiest girl at the party
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yourmortalenemy · 2 years
So I’ve been having some Thoughts ™ about why there is so much hype for middle aged queer people rep on the internet right now (or at least that I’ve seen being part of the ofmd + mcr fandoms)
[Warning: I will make some reference to homophobia, transphobia, mental health issues and HIV/AIDS in this post. It will be brief and not particularly graphic but if that’s likely to affect you, maybe give this one a miss]
Bear with me, in order to make the point I want to make I will have to get into some personal history (but hopefully in a way that is still relevant). When I was younger and I first started to realise I was queer I distinctly remember my family telling me that it was a phase I would get over or that I was just following a trend and soon I’d get bored and be ‘normal’ again. I think a lot of other queer people were told this by friends/family growing up too and it really does get to you. Even though I knew it wasn’t true part of me always doubted (and honestly still doubts) whether they might be right and one day I might just wake up cishet and then I’ll have to go back on so many of the things I’ve said. Not feeling able to trust your own lived experiences really fucks a person up, personally it made me feel unstable and pretty hopeless. I think there is still a belief that queerness is a trend or a fad and that with maturity comes ‘normalcy’ if that makes sense? 
I think another contributing factor is the fact that the HIV/AIDS pandemic. While I am fully aware that HIV/AIDS is an ongoing issue, It’s also fair to say that there were millions of  AIDS-related deaths in the 80s and 90s, the majority of those who died were queer men. Due to that pandemic a huge portion of a generation of queer people were lost. And we didn’t just lose them, we lost everything they could have contributed to the world. And the queer people who weren’t lost had their voices supressed so much that hardly anyone could hear what they had to say. We lost quite a lot of people who would have been role models for us. 
And obviously there’s so many other things that contribute to the erasure of queer people and our  lives that would take me fucking millennia to properly get into.
But essentially, I think for these reasons, it’s very hard for young queer people to see a future for ourselves. I think that’s why it means so much to us to see older queer people just living out their queer lives. 
For me, seeing Gerard Way at 45 years old standing on stage wearing a dress has such a profound impact on me because it’s a kind of self-expression I was always implicitly told there was no place for in adult life. When I watch shows like Our Flag Means Death with two queer main characters who are 40+ falling in love it means so much more to me that these coming of age dramas centred around 16 year olds coming out because what they show me is that it is absolutely possible for me to keep being myself, for the rest of my life. I remember a time when it was impossible for me to have any hope or goals for the future because I believed I had no future. 
But seeing these queer adults express themselves serves as a reminder that not only is there a future for me, and all of the queer people out there, but that we have a place in the world. Our queerness is not a fad, we are not going to just ‘grow out of it’, being nonbinary was not invented by social media in the early 2010s. Queer people (whether that be in terms of sexuality or gender) have always been around and we always fucking will be. This world is ours as much as it is anyone else’s and we are going to live here. 
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lydia-applecore · 2 years
i really like danger days tbh
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dollzine · 2 years
The autism creature and mikey way have the same energy/ vibes to me
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oh-fuck-off · 2 years
When I heard Gerard Way was dressed like Princess Diana, THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!
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overlordlucandlere · 2 years
Gerard Way more like Gerard They
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fag-on-goth-action · 2 years
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so @girlgerard was right in front when this happened? i stg he's like blessed or something but she deserves it
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wednesdaythesecond · 6 months
i can’t stop thinking about girl ways fucking around with a dog (frank) do you have any specific headcannons about what they’d do
(99% of the time I post about femcr it's tgirl Mikey so I'm assuming that's what you're asking about here too.)
Girl Mikey and Gerard are weird girls. They're strange little freaks. They're basement dwellers who don't know how to talk to people. They're queer too and Mikey's trans and it's like, the 90s, so they're extra strange weird freaks that “normal” people don't want to date or fuck. But they have each other and now they have their dog <3 
Frank's a cute little garbage mutt <3 Gerard and Mikey found him in an alleyway or a dumpster and how could they say no to that little face? With his scratched nose and his little chewed up ear and his little puppy smile? Little, too. Frank is a runt of a puppy. He is smaller than he should be. Little tucker. Baby boy. Time to get gross <3
You know how most couples will take their pets out of the bedroom and close the door before they have sex? Gerard and Mikey don't do that. They're bringing Frank into the basement with them and Gerard's patting the bed beside them while Mikey undoes her tuck. It's not like they're making Frank do anything, but if he sniffs around while they're having sex and licks a wet spot on Gerard's stomach, who are they to stop him? 
They also teach Frank lots of tricks, because Gerard and Mikey are great owners <3 which makes Frank kind of a menace around guests because he hasn't realized that he only gets treats when he sniffs and licks Gerard's cunt, not everyone's. 
Mikey's biology is a little more finicky for dog sex (one of the only drawbacks of HRT) but if she does want to… spend alone time with Frank, it's usually masturbating in front of him or feeding her cum to him. He gets treats for that too because he's such a good boy <3 
Also Frank sleeps in between Gerard and Mikey when they share a bed because he's their puppy and they love him so much <3 
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vigilantesanonymous · 2 years
i found a bunch of girl gerard edits on twitter and i’m-
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I’m so whipped for her like I want her to bully me i want her to be my girlfriend i want to buy her the nicest things
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THE RED??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???? i’m feral right now
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I think this is my favorite of all. She’s glowing here, just got her little morning caffeine boost and her hair is all messy from bed head. She has last night’s mascara on and will probably keep it on today because she just can’t bother to wash it off and i’m in love with her for it
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banana-bonanza · 2 years
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chelltttttt · 2 years
Hello gerard major girl moment half up hair with the tiny strands in front of her face
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l0vebitezzz · 2 years
she/he was shaking his ass last night just to mess with me, I just know it-
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