#but hopefully I made some decent points along the way
yourmortalenemy · 2 years
So I’ve been having some Thoughts ™ about why there is so much hype for middle aged queer people rep on the internet right now (or at least that I’ve seen being part of the ofmd + mcr fandoms)
[Warning: I will make some reference to homophobia, transphobia, mental health issues and HIV/AIDS in this post. It will be brief and not particularly graphic but if that’s likely to affect you, maybe give this one a miss]
Bear with me, in order to make the point I want to make I will have to get into some personal history (but hopefully in a way that is still relevant). When I was younger and I first started to realise I was queer I distinctly remember my family telling me that it was a phase I would get over or that I was just following a trend and soon I’d get bored and be ‘normal’ again. I think a lot of other queer people were told this by friends/family growing up too and it really does get to you. Even though I knew it wasn’t true part of me always doubted (and honestly still doubts) whether they might be right and one day I might just wake up cishet and then I’ll have to go back on so many of the things I’ve said. Not feeling able to trust your own lived experiences really fucks a person up, personally it made me feel unstable and pretty hopeless. I think there is still a belief that queerness is a trend or a fad and that with maturity comes ‘normalcy’ if that makes sense? 
I think another contributing factor is the fact that the HIV/AIDS pandemic. While I am fully aware that HIV/AIDS is an ongoing issue, It’s also fair to say that there were millions of  AIDS-related deaths in the 80s and 90s, the majority of those who died were queer men. Due to that pandemic a huge portion of a generation of queer people were lost. And we didn’t just lose them, we lost everything they could have contributed to the world. And the queer people who weren’t lost had their voices supressed so much that hardly anyone could hear what they had to say. We lost quite a lot of people who would have been role models for us. 
And obviously there’s so many other things that contribute to the erasure of queer people and our  lives that would take me fucking millennia to properly get into.
But essentially, I think for these reasons, it’s very hard for young queer people to see a future for ourselves. I think that’s why it means so much to us to see older queer people just living out their queer lives. 
For me, seeing Gerard Way at 45 years old standing on stage wearing a dress has such a profound impact on me because it’s a kind of self-expression I was always implicitly told there was no place for in adult life. When I watch shows like Our Flag Means Death with two queer main characters who are 40+ falling in love it means so much more to me that these coming of age dramas centred around 16 year olds coming out because what they show me is that it is absolutely possible for me to keep being myself, for the rest of my life. I remember a time when it was impossible for me to have any hope or goals for the future because I believed I had no future. 
But seeing these queer adults express themselves serves as a reminder that not only is there a future for me, and all of the queer people out there, but that we have a place in the world. Our queerness is not a fad, we are not going to just ‘grow out of it’, being nonbinary was not invented by social media in the early 2010s. Queer people (whether that be in terms of sexuality or gender) have always been around and we always fucking will be. This world is ours as much as it is anyone else’s and we are going to live here. 
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dallaji · 6 months
Control Freak.
♡ bada lee x reader / NSFW❗❗❗
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SUMMARY: Your girlfriend doesn’t like giving up the reins, but perhaps with some gentle urging she will finally let loose. Even if it's just for a little bit.
CW: PORN WITHOUT PLOT (like leech rallay NO plot), established relationship, reader is a power bottom and bada is perplexed!! befuddled!!11, bada with a strap, toys.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: please don't kill me for not releasing a request. (〃´▽`〃) this has been in my drafts for a while, so i decided to finish it. kind of experimental / out of my comfort zone, but hopefully still enjoyable!!1 not proofread yet btw.
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Bada always needed to be in control.
You had noticed when you first met her.
That particular club had never been on your radar before, but your friends dragged you along and the crowd and music were decent enough. It had only taken fifteen minutes of you dancing around strangers, the heavy bass of the music controlling the sway of your body, until a pair of magnetic eyes met yours from across the room. 
Something about her beckoned you, the anticipation blooming in your stomach. Even when her arm had snaked around your lower back, signaling to any passersby that she had staked her claim, Bada couldn’t help but glance over to her friends every once in a while; making sure they weren’t going overboard with drinking. Before she took you to her place she checked in on each and every one of them, her hand never leaving your lower back.
When Bada had invited you to watch one of her dance classes, you immediately picked up on her ability to command the room. When her students performed the taught choreo back to her, Bada's eagle-like eyes searched for any out-of-place formations or unsharp movements. If anyone was off the beat, she would make them redo the entire routine start to finish. Not in a draconian way, but with words of encouragement, only ever wanting to see them give their very best.
You noticed again on one of your first dates. After offering to cook for her that evening, Bada insisted on tagging along with you to the grocery store. She had wricked the basket from your hand straight away with a half smile. Without even needing to, she reached any tall shelf regardless. 
Once settled in your small one bedroom apartment, Bada had lurked over your shoulder with curious eyes like a patient puppy, watching you prepare the meal. Before you could even ask, she handed you whichever utensils or ingredients were needed. All that despite your constant urging to have her sit back and relax.
Instead, Bada shook her head with a bashful smile: “I want to help.” Is what she had said.
You noticed in more private settings, too. 
Whenever she made you orgasm, she would lock your legs in place and deliberately hold down the thrashing of your limbs. Bada wanted to feel you lose yourself to her, and never make you forget who got you to that point.
Her hungry gaze didn't leave your face, as if she needed to commit every expression to memory. “That’s it, baby,” She’d coax, “So good for me.”
When she wore the familiar harness with her strap-on, she immediately had you bent over in a perfect angle; a hand on the back of your neck to keep you exactly where she wanted you as she pistoned her hips against you. As soon as you got close, she would pull out with a giggle, only to move you onto your back; hoisting your legs over her shoulders to see how far she could edge you along.
Sometimes you wanted to return the favor: “Let me make you feel good,” You would whisper against her lips, Bada panting underneath you as her hands found purchase on your hips. 
Despite her unwavering dedication in keeping you pliant, you were desperate to give back to her. So you would throw a leg over her waist in a foolhardy attempt to lock her into place, and Bada followed your every motion with a lovestruck expression.
However, once your fingers pressed into her, half-lidded eyes meeting yours, her hand would curl around your wrist: sometimes dictating your motions, and sometimes just to keep a tight hold on you. A silent reminder of who is in charge.
And despite this clear-cut dynamic in the bedroom, neither of you ever cared for strict roles. It wasn’t something you had ever explicitly discussed. You worked her up just as much as she did you. Some days you were both desperate for it, one shoving the other against a wall after a long week of barely getting to see each other; other days the two of you giggled under the sheets, the early morning rise peeking through the blinds as soft pants filled the room. 
Yet the outcome was always the same. Completely surrendering yourself to her as she, almost obsessively, found new ways to have you exactly the way she wanted you.
You didn’t mind, though, as it was so inherently Bada. Soft, yet capable; kind, but forthright; sometimes shy, though always poised.
But sometimes, you wondered.
After a particularly stressful day, she would lay you down on the bed and put on her strap without you even imploring her to do so. Wearing her harness, she could sometimes come from just watching your eyes roll back as she fucked into you, the suction on the back of the strap rubbing against her mound at just the right angle. 
Other times, you pushed your hand down her harness, fingers circling her folds in an attempt to keep up with the unforgiving pace of her hips. 
But most of the time, she would hold your hands over your head or against your back, and intently watch you come undone, not paying attention to her own pleasure whatsoever. 
It almost seemed to be cathartic for her, having such a control over you when her grueling schedule was something she simply underwent. When her professional life had become hectic, she barely found the energy to say ‘no’ to things. She would come to your place with tense muscles and a tired smile, but never too tired to pull you into the bedroom with a meaningful look in her eyes. You were more than willing to give her that release. What were you if not at her disposal?
But you still wondered. You believed that, from time to time, it was healthy to let go of the reins. Perhaps finding a way to relinquish at least a little bit, allowing herself to unravel in your hold, could help her blow off steam too. 
You had an idea, and what better time to try it than today?
Bada had started her day with an early photoshoot and ended it with a filmed interview. Once she had reached your apartment, you already had takeout food laid out on the table for her. She greeted you with a warm embrace, pressing a tender kiss on your lips before digging in.
With a mouthful of fried rice, she complained about unfriendly hairstylists and bad traffic, rubbing at her temples to will away a commencing headache. You listened intently before sharing your own frustrations with a project at work; Bada squeezed your hand, urging you to take a break from time to time. You chuckled at the irony. Look who’s talking.
“I have a day off tomorrow,” Bada said nonchalantly, scooping some leftover slices of beef into her bowl.
“Good thing I changed my sheets today.” You replied teasingly, stealing some of her beef.
Bada looked up at you with a mischievous grin.
Soon after you were on your bed entirely naked, panting and sensitive all over, as Bada hunched over you in nothing but her underwear. She had been teasing you relentlessly, dragging her fingernails up and down your thighs as she scattered hickeys across your skin, tonguing at each bruise she created.
"Tell me what you want, princess." She mouthed against the soft skin of your inner thigh, before her teeth pressed down in a lovebite. 
"Want to get fucked," You managed to rasp, your fingers tangling into the locks of her hair.
She hummed thoughtfully, as if she was deciding on what to eat for dinner, and you felt the reverberations against your skin: "It has been a while, hasn't it?" Her tongue licked a long stripe along the area where your cunt and thigh met, her fingertips squeezing into your quivering legs; holding them still.
It was difficult to stay focused with Bada winding you up as much as she did, but you managed to find a stable enough voice to speak: "I- I want to try something new, though..."
"Oh?” She glanced up at you from in between your legs, her mouth slick from the kisses she had left all over you.
You nodded timidly, slowly moving to sit up. Bada followed suit, watching you curiously with her hands resting atop your thighs.
From your bedside drawer you pulled a small box, quickly opening it and placing the contents on the bed. Bada raised her eyebrows.
It was a small pink bullet vibrator, and a remote.
You watched Bada do the math in her head.
“Do you want to have both…?” You almost choked on your spit, flustering not only at her suggestion but the way she seemed incredibly interested in the prospect.
“No! I want you to… wear this, while also wearing your strap,” You muttered, feeling more embarrassed by the second. Bada’s mouth formed a small ‘o’, and you continued hurriedly: “I think it would feel good, for the both of us.”
The way Bada smiled was almost cheshire-like, and she slowly pushed you down on the bed again, a newfound eagerness in her ministrations that let you breathe a sigh of relief. “Does my baby think she can handle it?” She spoke with a cloyingly sweet lilt to her voice, and you had to swallow the bratty remark on the tip of your tongue. 
Of course Bada could not conceive of herself not being able to handle it- she was still under the impression that you would be the main receiver here.
Before you could think of something to respond, Bada placed the remote and the vibrator in your hand, pressing her lips into the crook of your neck.
“Go ahead. Put it in.” She whispered, and all you could do was obey with an eagerness that left you mortified.
As her lips parted against the sensitive skin of your neck, the tip of her tongue drawing circles, your hand moved into her underwear; you rolled the bullet along the front of her heat, fingers reaching to feel the wetness of her folds. Bada hummed encouragingly, her own hands clinging onto your hips. 
You moved further down, coating the bullet with her wetness and letting it aid you when you slowly pushed it into her entrance with the tip of your finger. It earned you a soft moan from Bada, who let out a shuddered breath against your collarbones.
Before you retreated your hand, you made sure to cup her into the palm of your hand, fingers gliding along her folds. You loved how wet she got, and so fast at that. 
She sucked in a breath at your lingering touches, the sound turning into a mocking giggle. “Are you trying to tease me?”
You shuddered at the silent threat that hid behind her words, and shook your head bashfully. You promptly removed your hand, and Bada clicked her tongue in feigned indignance; but her eyes were still glazed with affection.
It was part of the game the both of you played, but you were still intent on reversing the roles at least a little bit.
Her hand came up to grab a tight hold on your face, fingertips digging into your cheeks as she forced you to meet her in a kiss. You made a desperate noise, immediately parting your lips for her as she kissed your breath away, tongue prodding against yours. 
But she ended the kiss much too soon for your liking, and you chased after her mouth. The taller girl chuckled, pushing you flat against the bed a second time by the grip she had on your face. “Patience” is all she said before moving off the bed and rummaging through the drawer for something familiar.
The strap is a similar bright pink as the bullet, and your shuddered in anticipation. You were always mesmerized from the way Bada stepped into the harness. Everything about her body language alluded to how often she wore it; she hoisted it up and expertly tightened the belts around her hips. Bada was lean, yet soft in all the right places, and the way the straps of the harness hugged around her figure complimented the subtle formation of her abs.
Nothing was ever lost on her, so Bada shot you a lopsided grin when she noticed your hungry stare. She stalked back over to you, much too patient for your liking, and climbed back to her rightful spot between your legs. You held your breath as Bada sat up on her knees, her hands curling under your thighs before she tugged you closer to her with an almost predatory look in her eyes.
She manhandled you in place, and you leaned back on your elbows in surrender. 
Her eyes raked along your figure underneath her and she leaned closer; the cold strap pressing against your navel. You subconsciously ground against it, but Bada was just beyond reach for there to be any satisfying friction.
She tilted her head playfully, a hand coming up to cradle the side of your face: “Do you want my fingers first, or can you take it?” 
You sucked in your lower lip, bringing your hands to the firmness of her stomach. “I can take it,” You responded confidently.
She hummed quietly: “Of course you can,” The look Bada gave you almost turned you into putty, and she pulled your leg around her waist, tilting her hips in such a way that the near end of the strap pressed to your folds. You wanted to rub yourself against it, but you knew better than to defy Bada in a moment like this.
Her other hand moved in between the two of you and she felt at your wetness, just as you had done to her prior. Bada, however, didn’t hesitate before drawing circles against you, your head lolling to the side with a sharp breath. She brought the strap lower on purpose, digging it between your folds before coating it with your arousal, slicking it up. 
You tried to stay still, but every slight roll of her hips had you jump at the sensitivity and you squeezed your eyes shut. That only made it worse however, as Bada took the opportunity to begin gliding the strap up and down against you, relishing in the shudders of your body. You weren’t looking, but you knew she was smiling.
She pressed a wet kiss to your collarbones and brought her hand to the base of her strap, angling her hips at your entrance. Teasingly, she prodded the tip of the strap against you and you were almost certain she was going to drag this out until she hoisted your hips onto her lap; pushing into you without a warning. 
You gasped, clutching onto her waist as you felt the strap stretch your walls. The glide was familiar enough but you couldn’t help but feel full already. You loved the way she stuffed you.
With murmurs of encouragement, Bada grabbed a hold of your hip to push in all the way to the hilt with a sharp jerk, and the movement punched a moan out of you. You clutched onto the sheets as you spread your legs further apart, and Bada greedily crowded over you.
She pulled out until just the head of the strap was still buried in you, and gave you barely a second to breathe before slamming back inside. You dug your nails into the skin of her waist with a drawn-out whine.
The pace she set was immediately ruthless; a slow retreat before punching into you, her hip bones knocking against the back of your thighs with a slapping sound. Soon you became slack jawed, almost feeling drunk on pleasure. Bada’s hands had found purchase atop your breasts, squeezing them as her hips fucked into you, your nipples peeking from between her slender fingers. 
“You take it so well,” Bada groaned, teeth gritting as she accelerated her thrusts. “It’s fucking amazing.” 
If you hadn’t initiated this with a clear plan in mind, you could feel yourself come incredibly fast this way: Bada dominating you, who was so open and willing. Your head lolled to the side as the sound of skin on skin got louder.
Through the daze of pleasure coursing through your body, your hand managed to find the remote belonging to the bullet buried inside Bada. The taller girl didn’t notice what you were reaching for, much more focused on fucking you faster and harder. 
Your fingers somehow managed to find the ‘on’-button, your body rocking back and forth as Bada fucked you, and you pressed on the first setting without warning.
Bada faltered with a curse on her lips as she felt the vibrator set off, hips momentarily freezing. She was still buried deep inside you, and you gasped. You could feel the light pulsing of the vibrating as well, and the thought made you lightheaded. 
Bada found her footing again fast enough, an incredulous laugh falling from her lips. She brusquely grabbed a hold of your face, forcing you to look at her as she stared down with fiery eyes. She slipped back into her previously unforgiven pace, almost as if she didn’t feel the vibrator at all: “You do want to— tease me.” She stated, cooing, but almost interrupting her own words with a moan as the vibrator pulsed inside of her.
You shook your head despite the grip she had on your face: “No,” You moaned breathlessly, fighting the urge to meet her thrusts because it would surely get you to your orgasm much too fast. “Jus’ wanna see you come…”
Bada groaned at your words, leaning down to meet your lips in a messy kiss that was more tongue than anything else. She angled her hips sideways, hitting into a spot that she knew could drive you crazy, this time being no different. You moaned into her mouth and she swallowed greedily, the pace of her thrusts turning faster as you felt the vibrations through her strap.
It felt so good it was dizzying, but Bada still clearly had the upper hand here, and that was not how you wanted this to go.
You moved the vibrator one setting higher. 
Bada almost keeled over at that, pressing the palms of her hands at either side of your head as her lips parted in a silent gasp. Once again her hips stuttered against you. The vibrations were stronger now: you felt it well enough through the strap buried deep inside of you. 
You watched her intently through half-lidded eyes, hands moving to her hips with the remote still in your hold, tenderly caressing along her sides. Her eyes fell shut and she wetted her lips, hips jerking in small motions as she zoned in on the pleasure. Soft gasps were slipping from you at the shallow thrusts, but you did not dare to make her go faster or deeper. The sight hanging above you was much too beautiful.
Bada snapped out of a daze, as if she could read your mind, wild eyes meeting yours. With a tight hold on your thighs, she tugged you impossibly closer to her; her body falling on top of yours, chest to chest, and then she forced her strap deeper into you with a sharp thrust of her hips. You let out a shocked gasp, ankles crossing over her lower back as she hit the spot that made your toes curl. You could feel the vibrations even stronger now, and it seemed Bada was well aware.
“Should I make you come like this? With me staying still?” There was bite to her tone, and you mentally cursed yourself for the lewd moan that fell from your lips as she gave another thrust. You had to actively fight the urge of grinding down on the strap. You knew that, if you did, you would lose this game.
Bada rested her forehead against yours as she remained frozen, watching your every expression, but you noticed her breathing growing heavier by the second.
It was the sign you needed to press the button again, activating the second-to-last highest setting of the bullet.
“FUCK!” She hissed, burying her face in the crook of your neck as her hips flinched immediately. 
You could hear her whine, a sound you rarely ever heard from her, and your mouth went dry. 
You brought a hand to the back of her head, keeping her in place as your legs remained tight around her waist, heels digging into her lower back. The vibrating was maddening for you too, already feeling a red hot tension building up in your lower stomach, and you knew well enough from alone time how strong the third setting on the remote was. 
You could tell she was still actively trying to take charge, but the soft pants against your neck betrayed her true state. Bada began thrusting in small motions, trying to get back to fucking you, but she was so clearly oversensitive from the bullet between her legs that every motion came with stutters.  
While rubbing soothing circles into her scalp, you felt her thighs clench together. Bada’s hands gripped onto the sheets, and the messiness of her thrusts became all the more apparent.
Still, you wanted to push her further.
With the hold your legs had on her, you maneuvered Bada onto her back in one swift motion. She gasped in surprise and you groaned when the strap hit deeper into you, the buzzing of the vibrator sending chills along your spine.
You sat up with an arched back and looked down at her. In turn, Bada was already staring up at you with wide, frantic eyes; her face entirely red and bangs sticking to her forehead. Her lips were parted, and even though she was entirely bewildered, the adoration was easy to read from her expression. She was looking at you as if you were the only person in the universe, almost all her bite from earlier gone.
In a last ditch effort, her hands came to grab a hold of your hips but before she could start thrusting up into you, you turned on the final and highest setting before dropping the remote next to you. 
You could see her eyes roll back, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. She was gritting her teeth, and from the way you pressed down on top of her you could feel the vibrations even clearer. With your palms pressed right above her breasts, you began to fuck yourself on her strap, your back arching even further as the pleasure ran through your body. 
Bada squeezed her eyes shut, uncharacteristically motionless under you and still hiding her moans under her palm. You promptly wrenched her hand away from her face, pinning it next to her head and you didn’t know her pupils managed to become impossibly bigger.
“Let me hear you,” You whispered on top of her, and with a particularly hard thrust you dropped your hips down on her, making Bada’s body shake.
With that encouragement, you opened her floodgates. Her thighs squeezed together below you, and the moans that began spilling from her lips were completely obscene. She was jerking her hips once again, but no longer in an attempt to fuck you into submission; instead, she was frantically chasing after the unbearable pleasure. 
Bada did not know what to do with her hands, one of them clutching onto your hip for dear life as the other balled into a fist next to her head. You angled your hips a bit differently to reach the spot that spurred you on, deftly bouncing on the strap and fucking yourself to completion.
Bada was no longer closing her eyes, staring up at you half lidded as if she never wanted to forget the sight of you on top of her. You, similarly, found her completely irresistible. Bringing your hand to her chin, you pressed your thumb to her lower lip and Bada immediately took your digit inside her mouth. 
She was clearly in a daze, intoxicated from her ecstasy, because she was barely able to suck; instead dragging her tongue messily along your finger through short moans. You dug your thumb into the hollow of her cheek, and with that Bada involuntarily jerked her hips with a groan, punching up into you. It felt as if electricity ran down your spine, and you almost felt yourself orgasm right then and there.
Her hand came up to curl around your wrist, keeping your hand in place as her eyes threatened to fall shut at how overwhelmed she felt; the buzzing of the vibrator seemingly getting louder and louder as the both of you got closer to your release. The redness of her cheeks had cascaded down to her collarbones and her eyes were uncharacteristically wet.
You pulled your thumb away, Bada whining at that once again, but you instead grabbed a hold of her face; your wet thumb smearing her own saliva across her cheek, keeping your pace on the strap steady.
“You wanna come?” You asked softly, the delicateness in your voice betraying how much of a novice you were to this dynamic.
Bada, who still seemed to be coming to terms with the switch of your positions, could only nod, though her eyes said it all: she was completely desperate.
You began gyrating your hips at that, spurring yourself closer and closer to your orgasm with heavy pants. You were feeling the familiar coil in your lower stomach, and your body was begging for release.
“Come with me,” You pleaded, and Bada tightened her hold on your wrist as she took your index- and middle finger into her mouth, moaning deeply around your digits.
Something about that sight did you in. With a few more hard drops of your hips, the sound of your ass slamming down onto the top of her thighs filling the room, you came hard. 
You dropped your head with a loud moan, fireworks coursing through your body and thighs shaking from the exertion of keeping yourself steady on top of her. In tandem with your orgasm, you felt Bada jerk violently underneath you.
She threw her head back, a silent moan stuck on her lips as your fingers slipped out of her mouth, but her grip on your wrist only tightened. Her knees came off the bed, and soon enough she was panting from the overstimulation of the vibrator still pulsing inside of her, while you were still grinding out your orgasm on her strap. 
You had half a mind to grab the remote, your own motions coming to a halt when the sensitivity became too much, and turned off the bullet.
With a lot of effort, you managed to hoist yourself off the strap; hissing at the loss of fullness. Then, you dropped yourself next to Bada, who was trying to catch her breath, thighs absentmindedly rubbing together as she could still feel the phantom sensations of the violent vibrations from the bullet.
Bada turned her head to look at you, and before you could say anything she leaned over to kiss you deeply; head tilted and lips parted. Your hand came up to cradle the side of her face as her own arms circled around your waist, pulling you close to her.
“Thank you,” She muttered against your lips, her voice laced with something deeper as she scattered lazy kisses along your jaw, and you hummed in contentment. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked, your fingers blindly searching for the belts of her harness. 
“Tired…” She murmured, and you had to bite back a laugh. Now she knew how you felt after each time she had her way with you. 
Finally, you found the straps of her harness and began to unbuckle them, helping her slip out of it. Subsequently, you lowered your hand down her panties and Bada huffed a breath, still sensitive. 
You promptly removed the bullet and fixed her underwear back in place with a pat right on her crotch, purposefully forcing a reaction from her. She gasped once again, playfully glaring at you- or at least, attempting to do so. The taller girl was already on the brink of dozing off by the looks of it.
“Go to sleep,” You whispered, enveloping the both of you in a blanket with a final peck to her mouth; Bada pursing her lips a beat too late.
“You’ve got something else waiting for you in the morning…” Bada slurred with her eyes already shut.
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lowkeychenle · 5 months
See My Sea [ZCL] (M) Teaser
Description: You never expected your lab partner to be the captain of the basketball team...or a decent human being, but you get proved wrong twice. Despite a rocky past of your own, you find yourself falling for him faster than you thought. Maybe, with his help, you can finally find your way home and see your sea.
A/N: this is inspired by Marine Turtle sort of ??? it just gave me these vibes oops.
Genre: Fluff/Smut/Angst (there is no smut in the teaser) (College AU where Chenle is captain of the basketball team like he DESERVES)
Content Warnings: SLOW BURN! Drinking, alcohol, intoxication, some instances of friends being shitty, verbally abusive ex-boyfriend appearances, mentions/instances of anxiety and insecurity, a panic attack Smut warnings: This might be some of my mildest smut omg, usage of pet names 'baby' and 'sunshine,' oral (f receiving), slight dirty talk? there's not much rip
Expected Word Count: 15-20k
Release Date: 6pm EST 2023.12.31
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x fem!Reader (feat. Mark & Jisung, a male OC named Woojin, and three female OCs, Soobin, Jiyoon, & Heewon)
Juliet's Masterlist | Tell me what you think? :)
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When Chenle makes it out on the court, the wide smile on his face takes you off-guard. There’s no denying the truth—he’s attractive. That’s the extent of what you know about him at this point, but you see plenty of attractive men every day. It’s not like they’ve ever garnered your attention in a way that made you want to watch them.
Unlike earlier, his hair is part down the middle now, probably from running around in practice and preparing for the game. He runs his fingers through it as he walks up to Jisung. The taller man was already standing with their other friend, who you can only assume is Mark. Chenle’s jersey has his last name printed in big letters on the back, along with the number 30.
You try not to study him, but somehow he’s like a damn magnet. No wonder he said he was used to people staring at him.
Jisung glances once in your direction, and then he nudges Chenle and gives him a nearly non-existent nod. He turns, and the second he sees you, his brows jump up in some sort of surprise. Then he grins at you.
“You’re being weird,” Jiyoon mentions, breaking you out of your trance.
“Huh? How am I being weird? He looked at me.”
“Yeah…because he invited you. And you’re here.” She snorts, running her fingers through her hair. “Speaking of which, I think he’s coming over here.”
Your eyes widen, and your head shoots up just in time to see Chenle jogging over to you. You have to crane your neck upward to look at him when he’s right in front of you, and you’re sure the shock on your face is what causes laughter to drop past his lips.
He pulls a simple bracelet off his wrist—one made with blue and gold thread—and holds it out to you. “Wear this for me?”
You blink up at him. “Why?”
“If you wear it and we win, you’re our good luck charm,” he states simply.
Your cheeks burn (hopefully unnoticeably) as you gently take it out of his palm. Your fingertips brush against his skin despite how hard you tried to avoid touching him, and once it’s completely in your hand, he backs away from you as Jiyoon helps you tighten it around your wrist.
“Are we gonna—” Jiyoon starts.
“Say nothing,” you cut her off. “Not a single word about that.”
She giggles to herself. When the game is about to begin, Jiyoon leans forward, hyperfocused on Jisung and the way he carries himself. You want to make fun of her for it, but you know she’ll come back tenfold with jokes about Chenle.
“Also,” Jiyoon whispers, getting closer to you without removing her gaze from the court. “He was totally fucking with you. He just wanted you to wear it. They haven’t lost a game this entire season, so.”
“Why would he do that?” you ask.
This time, she does look at you. She clasps her hands together and stares expectantly.
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phxntomhives · 2 months
"The parade of battlers" analysis
Hopefully my wrong takes will trigger someone and you all will get a decent analysis
Eng lyrics because I don't know japanese are from the official music video! Also warning, English isn't my mother tongue.
Lost in an unacceptable tragedy
An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes
Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and
Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back
Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit
All I want to do is lead a beautiful life
But why can't you hear
Me telling you not to stumble
Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle
Say bye bye to mundane concepts
See how the compensated formless stand imposingly
Their presence is a sight to behold
Rip apart, drag and reveal
Throw away all inferiorities
Even the raw emotions of cursing someone
Take them in like an offering
Just skilled at pretending to be human
Searching for those other than monsters
Like the blue shimmer of
A star of the first magnitude
Far from having enough faith
This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat
Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots
Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now
Everything in this world, there isn't much
Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections
To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld
Though we have prayed and knelt down
Our prayers have been cremated
And ignored with a "So what?"
So kind
A colorless encounter, pupils of glass
Thought they may shatter to pieces,
You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"
You give the finger as you spew poison and let it all out
Scorched, boiling and trembling
A blazing fire from the past still smolders
That remorse still within me
I'll burn and retaliate in full
There is no such thing as eternity, so
There is no ending until all turns to ash
Then why not play
With fire in a refined manner?
No more need for empty rhetorics
Such hollow, scathing criticism
Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing
The parade of the lonely ones has just begun
There's no love, no love, there's no love there
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth
There's just one, just one
In this world, just one person, one person
Question fanatically and
Live the shit out of this world
Yana, dear, are you sure this is the intro for the Weston college arc??? And not the blue cult??? LIKE, REALLY REALLY SURE??? My comprehension of text can be lacking in more than one way and I just followed the vibe but... I don't think I am that wrong on some points? You are seeing it too, right?
I feel like the song has a mix of present, past and future along with different POVs and I hope I have been able to separate them well.
The colors are just to show the lyrics and i changed it because pretty.
What I can actually connect to Weston Arc
"Then why not play with fire in a refined manner? / No more need for empty rhetorics Such hollow, scathing criticism. / Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing" Which could very much be related to O!Ciel's pyromaniac episode lol. He didn't forget
"The parade of the lonely ones has just begun" : at this point the "parade of the lonely" could very much be the parade of the bizzare dolls considering the amount of reference there is to them. And it would be nice considering in this case the sentence is right after the stone-throwing Purple house, since the students were "transfered" in the there.
If the previous point is correct then also here, we are talking of the bizzare dolls: "This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat / Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots / Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now". I guess the "echo of the marching boots" could be the sound the dolls made before getting free during the midnight tea party? As for why they don't retreat well, we have seen they aren't exactly rational for now.
"Scorched, boiling and trembling / A blazing fire from the past still smolders / That remorse still within me /I'll burn and retaliate in full": this could be a description of what O!Ciel is feeling in general. His determination coming from everything that happened is still going strong.
Onestly, these are the only thing I can see strictly related to the present and this arc in particular lol. Everything else goes deeper.
Memories of the past
This part will likely make the least sense, because I am still sobbing over the whole past ok.
"Lost in an unacceptable tragedy Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back": We all know the past. The safest bet is that O!Ciel is mourning, but is he? He never had the time to mourn, he moved immediately to revenge and working for the queen. So either this is just to hit us in the feeling, or maybe it's my favourite victim of this analysis: Undertaker. Could it be him? Possibly, but this being O!Ciel breaks my heart more. I am excluing R!Ciel because at the moment of Weston arc his version should not be that complex. And Sebastian is Sebastian.
"Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit /All I want to do is lead a beautiful life / But why can't you hear / Me telling you not to stumble": I feel like this either O!Ciel talking to himself, admitting that he would like to just be happy but still forcing himself to be strong and act to revenge his family. Or, high on copium, the first part is O!Ciel's wishes and the second part is O!CIel using the R!Ciel allucination make himself stronger (I doubt it, but it adds to the sadness).
"Rip apart, drag and reveal / Throw away all inferiorities /Even the raw emotions of cursing someone /Take them in like an offering": I got the epiphany after several times of reading this and yes it's about revenge hatred yadda yadda yadda. But what if, in particular, it's related to the moment when O!Ciel summoned Sebastian? I think it's the only time I remember "offering" being mentioned/relevant in the manga. O!Ciel is throwing everything away for revenge, assuming a new identity. So this could be either O!Ciel talking to himself during that desperate time. Or, just to hurt myself more, him allucinating again a conversation with R!Ciel where R!Ciel is the one that is saying all this. I will go cry now, brb.
"Everything in this world, there isn't much /Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think / Though we have prayed and knelt down / Our prayers have been cremated /And ignored with a "So what?" " : God, this section is killing me. Memories of when the twins were captured, For them and all the other children, it was an atrocious experience, while the nobles were truly thinking they were in the right, that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. They believed to be noble enough to be above everything and ignored absolutely everything in regards to the children.
Undertarker is not being subtle. Like at all.
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections/To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld: here I am conflicted. Undertaker is sure making selections when he is creating the bizzare dolls "you get to be revived. you don't". But at the same time he is not uphelding anything. He is doing the opposite infact. Unless this is supposed to just describe the Shinigami's role to show how Undertaker is going in the opposite direction.
There's just one, just one/In this world, just one person, one person/Question fanatically and/Live the shit out of this world: we only really see two characters question stuff: O!Ciel with the murder of his family and Undertaker with the Cinematic record ways of working. Now, i don't really see O!Ciel "question fanatically" and "live the shit out of this world", while we can debate about how "fanatically" he is searching for the culprits, how are you telling me he is living his best life? He is surronded by trauma, has to go on a mission for the queen every other day, has to live as his dead twin and in this specific arc he has to act all cutesy and adorable when he hates it. He is far from any best life I am more surprised he didn't become histerical yet honestly. The one that IS living his best life is Undertaker (well... more or less). In the Weston Arc he did say he was enjoying being the headmaster. Plus he could make some more esperiments on Derek&co which, on top of that, were mostly successful! Do you know how much serotonin a succesful experiment gives you? A LOT. TRUST ME.
Bizzare Dolls (BD for short because I am lazy)
Well, ofc they are the protagonist of the animation, they are everywhere in the song too.
"An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes / Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and": Are the BD warm? Idk, but I don't think so? A body is warm when the blood is running because the heart is pumping it. Do BD have a working heart tho? I doubt the original version do, but what about the new and improved versions? Agares could have probably be our best bet but he always wore gloves (even when he was alive) so we don't really know.
Warmth aside, what I am quite confident IS a reference to the BD is the keloid scars. I did a reseach and a keloid scar is a "scar keeps growing and becomes bigger than the original wound. They are developed after a skin injury". The scars we have seen are O!Ciel's scar from when they marked him, or the BD's "surgery" scars?
Ofc it could be just metaphorical about the trauma just keep on growing in O!Ciel. Maybe it's more this one but again, I am take things directly
"Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle/Say bye bye to mundane concepts/See how the compensated formless stand imposingly/Their presence is a sight to behold": cambridge dictionary say that "turn something on its head means to cause something to be the opposite of what it was before". Apparently, there are many things that are the opposite of love, depending on your source: hatred, fear, indifference. I think in this case, since we are talking of the BD, we can use indifference. They aren't moved by real emotions at this moment (Weston arc) and even later, they are probably fake emotions based on fake memories (from the orphanage children but I will not elaborate, other theories have done it better). Fear could also work since well, most people are rightfully terrified of them. Being far away from mundane concepts? I would say they fill this box. And they sure are a sight to behold, nothing against it. What confuses me is the "compensated formless" I don't have any idea of what it could mean
"Just skilled at pretending to be human / Searching for those other than monsters + Like the blue shimmer of / A star of the first magnitude / Far from having enough faith": We are looking at the current arcs here in the first lines. The one skilled at pretending to be human and searching for things is Sebastian (it can't be O!Ciel because he isn't pretending to be human). What he is searching is the headmaster, that we know being Undertaker and it ends up bringing with him, again, the BD. In particular, it specifically mentions R!Ciel. You know what is the name of the biggest star of first magnitude that is currently known? Yeah, you are correct, it's Sirius. And we have known Ciel is Sirius for a while now. As to why the star does not have lot's of faith, do I have to remind you "Dear God, why are you smiling?".
"So kind /A colorless encounter, pupils of glass /Thought they may shatter to pieces,/ You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"": Listen, I have seen a couple of people mentioning "oh it's a reference to monochrome no kiss". But I don't think that's the case, not completely at least. I think this is a parallel of O!Ciel and Sebastian's meeting to R!Ciel and Undertaker. First because one of the people involved is laughing, and Sebastian smirks but has never really laughed out loud, the one that spends his time laughing is Undertaker. Second is the pupils of glass that can shatter to pieces. I wonder if it means that R!Ciel could be using glass balls for his eyes? When we have seen his not-completed form they look pretty empty and they are made of soft tissue, so maybe Undertaker changed the "real eyes" with glass? Idk. The shattering could also indicate the fragility of the BD that are still far from perfect.
There is no such thing as eternity, so /There is no ending until all turns to ash this made me scream Undertaker's BD because we know he needs a full budy for the creation of his dolls and bringing back to life his loved ones. And we know he can't bring back Vincent because his body was too ruined by the fire. So fire IS the only ending in which a person can just die with no possible interference from a Shinigami with resurrection intent.
Tragedy twins
I had no idea of these lines other than, it just fits the vibes. Until I remembered how much Yana likes to mirror the twins.
There's no love, no love, there's no love there: this one is R!Ciel singing. Undertaker may have started to work on the BD out of grief for his loved ones, but it feels like it turned into an obsession.
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth: let's add some angst because this one was not enough. O!Ciel never gets to discover the truth behind the murder of his family before he dies. Maybe we, as readers, can see it. Maybe from Sebastian's eyes. But yeah, we don't have a guarantee that O!Ciel will ever know anything, he could just die with Sebastian being unable to prevent it (either because it happened due to a Shinigami, or maybe an angel or god knows what).
But of course, we can also swap them! O!Ciel was so confident people wouldn't have liked him coming back alive and so started the whole identity swap, so he could still feel like the love he is receiving now is fake, since it's built on a lie. While R!Ciel's truth could now be either the murder or the family again, or the fact that he isn't "real" now. He is a BD, his action and thoughts are based on memories that are likely not his own. He has become a fake, a lie. "There is no truth" because that is a BD similar to him, and not necessary him.
I am exhausted I haven't thought about something this much since my thesis. Yes some of them are quite the stretch, hopefully I will trigger a smart person and finally we get a good analysis. Meanwhile you have to deal with me. Feel free to add your opinions pls, I love hearing theories.
PSA: I have formatted this half on computer and half of phone so idk how weird the formatting is I will check again tomorrow, now I'm tired of rereading it.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hi! Could I please request sick reader x Scarlett where R passes out from heat/exhaustion/whatever and Scarlett panics a little/ takes care of us until we come to? Maybe on set for a movie or sth? Just soft soft wife Scarlett please. Thank you so so much!
Way Too Warm
〚 Notes - Hey, hey, hopefully you’re having a great day. I’ve never really written for heat exhasution so this is new leaf for me, no promises of how medically accurate things are :P Anyways! Enjoy :D 〛
〚 Summary - Filming in the summer had its drawbacks. Especially when they came in the form of a rather unpleasant bout of heat exhaustion. But theres no way Scarlett is going to let you go through it alone. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1312 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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The harsh heat from the sun beat down against you. It beat against everything really. Whilst filming in the summer was great, it really did have its drawbacks, especially when you had to film outside. One being the intense temperatures which you’d have to work in and today was no different.
Temperatures had reached an all-time high and if you were being honest, it had started to affect you. It had begun when you’d failed yet again to a decent night sleep. You’d hardly slept, mainly because of the sheer stuffiness of your trailer, another negative effect of the intense heat. The feeling of fatigue had gradually washed over you and before long you’d felt a headache begin to settle behind your eyes.
By some miracle, you’d managed to somewhat cover up how you felt, shrugging off your costars concerns, and everything had gone pretty smoothly too so far but as fate had it, that didn’t last long.
By the time lunchtime rolled around you felt awful, you could hardly keep yourself awake not to mention the thick cloud of fog which had taken refuge in your head. It felt like everything around you was being filtered through a sheet of cotton.
Looking down at your schedule, you saw that it was time to film your scenes with Scarlett. This was always your favourite part of the day. Scarlett was on the team of producers along with being one of your co-stars which meant during her work-hours were hectic meaning you only really saw her if you were filming together. Of course, you’d still see her after the day had finished, you did share a trailer afterall but it was always great to see her during the day too. So, you took a deep breath, readied yourself and stumbled down to set.
“Hi, my love,” Scarlett smiled wide when you finally made it onto set. It turns out walking is alot harder when your view of the world feels like it’s spinning around at 90mp/h, “You okay?” She asked, noticing your spaced gaze.
“Im fine.” You fibbed, waving off her concerns. You could tell she didn’t quite believe you but at that moment your director called for everyone to get into positions, so she had no choice but to drop it.
What happened next, in your mind, was nothing short of embarrassing. Scarlett gave her line perfectly but when it came to you… nothing? Your mind went blank, completely and utterly blank so instead of speaking, you just stood there awkwardly, looking off at some distant point.
“Cut! Y/N, what was that? Is everything alright?” The loud voice of your director snapped you out of your haze.
“Im sorry! My mind just went blank.” You apologised before getting back into your position, airily mindful of Scarlett’s eyes as she looked over you with an expression you couldn’t quite recognise. Was it worry?
"Just give me a minute."
You took a deep breath weary of Scarlet's eyes follow you, and not just her eyes. Her whole body seems to pivot toward you but still, she only watched as the both of you got back into your original positions.
"Action!" Your director shouted again.
You tried. You really did try. But that pain gnawing at your temples began too much, the world spun. it became hard to process what was going on around you and you found yourself tongue tied yet again.
Scarlett tried to cover for your mistake, inventing another line for her character. However, your director appears to be tired of your antics and calls out the command once again, "Cut. Y/N, I don't know what's going on with you today but if you're going to waste my time you can head back to your trailer."
Scarlett shot him a look that you’d hate to be on the receiving end of. You took a step forward as you began to stammer another apology, but a wave of nausea came over you, causing you to stop and cup your arm around your stomach as you winced.
The next thing you knew, your peripheral vision went black as your knees buckled, giving out beneath you sending you dropping to the floor with a thud.
“Y/N!” Scarlett shouted as she rushed over towards you, kneeling beside you in an instant, “Fuck. Are you okay?”
Your head felt unimaginably heavy as you struggled to fight against the urge to close your eyes. Barely registering Scarlett’s touch as her worried hands cupped your faces. But your efforts were in vain as only moments later, your vision swayed and dimmed as you inevitably blacked out.
You weren’t sure how long you were out. The next time you opened your eyes, your head was resting in Scarlett lap as she cradled you, quietly whispering words you couldn’t quite hear.
You made a noise of discomfort and confusion as you slowly came round, “Mm.”
“Jesus Christ Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack.” Scarlett breathed a heavy sigh of relief as she helped you move up into a sitting position. She kept her arm around your shoulder to support you, but it was as her arm touched your exposed skin that she noticed the intense heat coming radiating from you. Prompting her to place her palm over your forehead.
“You’re way way too warm sweetheart,” Scarlett voiced as she kept her cool hand pressed against your forehead, calling over for the on-set medic so he could take a look at you now that you’d come too.
Ignoring your protests, the medic came over and knelt down with the two of you, he handed Scarlett cool, damp cloth which she used to gently dap along your forehead whilst making sure to keep her hand clasped around your own as the medic started his observation, looking over you with an unreadable expression.
“Headache?” He inquired.
You nodded.
You nodded again.
“Have you been feeling nauseous at all?” He asked as he reached into his bag, rooting over before pulling out a thermometer.
“A little.” You admitted, not missing the small worried glance Scarlett gave you hearing your answer.
The medic hummed as he held his thermometer to your head. It was the fancy kind which required no actual contact for it work. Seconds later it beeped, the small digital screen gave off an orange light as it displayed the numbers ‘38.7’.
“You’re running a fever. A pretty high one at that, combined with your other symptoms I think it's safe to say that you’re experiencing heat exhaustion.” He announced before standing up, “you shouldn’t work for the next day or so, not until this heat dies down a little. Try your best to keep cool and your symptoms should slowly go away too.”
“Thanks.” You gave a weak smile as the medic left to go and sort out some paperwork and you slowly began to pull yourself up.
“Easy there,” Scarlett soothed as she helped you stand, “I guess we better get you back to the trailer, you should’ve said you weren’t feeling well. Heat exhaustion isn’t a joke y’know.”
“I know, Im sorry.” You sighed, taking Scarlett’s hand in your own, “I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“It's alright, let’s just get you cooled off, a cold shower should make you feel better too.” Scarlett smiled as she began to lead you away from the set, “you’ll be okay, is there anything else I can do to make you feel better sweetie?”
You shrugged, ignoring your discomfort as the hot sun shined down onto you, magnifying your nausea, “I just need to cool off,” You tried to sound assuring, giving a soft smile as the pair of you continued towards your trailer, “Thanks for taking care of me.”
“Of course, now, let's get you inside.” She smiled as you approached your trailer, “I promise you’ll start feeling better soon.”
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sunriseverse · 6 months
prompt request: pangzi pouring hot water on xiaoge's bare chest, revealing his tattoo, but in the GAYEST and most TENDER way you can manage it.
i am SO late filling this prompt but hopefully this is sufficiently gay and tender.
The thing about tombs is, the getting in is easy enough—oh, sure, there’s the requisite amounts of traps, awful things that would give those unaccustomed to this sort of life creeping, crawling nightmares—; it’s the getting out that’s the tricky bit. All those dukes and barons and what-have-you never much minded people coming in—rather, they have always been more concerned with making sure no one gets out with their funerary treasures in tow. There’s a reason why tombs are known to be full of corpses, and it’s not just the ones originally buried there. The Iron Triangle, though—they’re about as used to this as can be, all considered; when you spend the better part of your life in tombs—Pangzi and Xiaoge—or studying the notes of someone who did—Wu Xie—, you gain a sort of long-suffering acceptance for whatever bullshit they throw at you.
Which is why Pangzi is only complaining mildly as they make the last leg of the hike out of this place. “Don’t they know how to build a better tomb,” Pangzi says, trying to peel the muck and waterweeds drying uncomfortably on his skin off from an unfortunate run in with a pond, water beetles, and far too many bones on the bottom of it. “What, are all of the architects stuck in the fifteenth century? What sort of Yuan bullshit…”
“Yes,” Wu Xie deadpans. “It’s from the end of the Yuan period, didn’t you spend two days reading over my shoulder while I was researching?”
“Semantics,” Pangzi huffs. “Xiaoge, don’t you think there’s far more muck ponds in tombs than there should be?”
“Mn,” says Xiaoge, forging the path ahead. He, if it’s possible, is even dirtier than Wu Xie and Pangzi combined, probably because he got trapped beneath the two of them when they fell through the false floor, an event that had led to Pangzi, trying not to panic, as they fished around blindly to drag him to the surface. It’s not an experience he’s keen on repeating. His hair is slicked down against his skull, dull brown with mud, and his hoodie is probably beyond saving at this point. He’s taken off the strap that holds his sword, opting instead to hold the sheath in his hand. Out of them all, that sheath is probably the least affected—the black and gold is as lustrous as ever, unmarred by any crackling brown dried mud.
It’s unfortunate that they’re pretty far from the house, so they’ll have to make camp for the night once they get out, and continue along in the morning, but as luck will have it, it’s shading into summer, and when they breach the entrance—well, side entrance; the main entrance has locked itself up tight as a clam—, the air is almost balmy, a welcome change from the underground chill of the tomb. Wu Xie, who spent the past few days pouring over maps, confidently takes the lead and takes them to a small creek, where they set up camp, including a fire and a decent excuse for a meal made of dried, sealed food that had managed to escape the muck, some foraged greens, and a lucky rabbit. Once Wu Xie finishes his portion, he lets out a wispy sigh and says, “I’m going to sleep. Wake me up when we leave.”
“You’re going to sleep like that?” Pangzi says, gesturing at him—grey mud dried at the edges of his face where he hadn’t been able to wipe it off, his shirt crinkling and shedding grey matter as he moves, his hair, the faint wave of it lost as it clumps together.
Wu Xie raises a brow. “I’ll survive,” he says. “I can take a shower once we get back.” With that, he fishes out the—somewhat affected—bedroll from his pack and rolls it out far enough from the campfire so as to avoid the heat and brightness, and promptly turns on his side and goes to sleep. Pangzi meets Xiaoge’s gaze across the campfire where the other man is quietly finishing the last of his food, and can’t help the grin that tugs at the corners of his lips, mirrored in the way the corners of Xiaoge’s eyes gentle as they brush over the sleeping form of their third.
Xiaoge, though—Pangzi knows him well enough to recognise the slight stiffness in his motions, the lack of a wince where, in anyone else, there would be one. Xiaoge may not complain, but Pangzi knows he doesn’t enjoy being dirty like this. For a moment, he considers just dragging Xiaoge into the creek, washing off together, before he catches sight of the pot over the fire again and has a better idea.
He washes the pot and the bowls under Xiaoge’s patient gaze, and then himself. When he brings the pot back to the fire, full of water, Xiaoge tilts his head in silent question. “You can’t keep walking around like that,” Pangzi tells him, and gently tugs at the hoodie half glued to his frame. “The top, at least—I’m not going to make you walk around without any pants.”
“No,” Xiaoge says, and there’s mirth in his tone. “Not that far.”
“Aiyah, Xiaoge’r!” Pangzi scolds, hitting his shoulder gently. “Quit running your mouth and take off your clothes.”
In the end, though, rather than Xiaoge taking off his clothes, Pangzi winds up doing it for him—half because of the way the clothes stick to Xiaoge’s skin too much for him to easily get them off, half because—well, sue him, he likes having his hands on Xiaoge in gentle, mundane ways like this. The zipper goes, and Pangzi gently slides the hoodie off his shoulders, then his arms, then helps him get his undershirt off as well, the grey of it almost disguising how dirty it is. Once he gets to skin, it’s to find that not even the clothes have managed to save Xiaoge, and he lets out a quiet sigh. “Aiya,” he murmurs, and reaches to dip one of the bowls into the pot of water and gently pours it over Xiaoge’s shoulder, gently scrubbing at his skin with his fingertips to get rid of the filth. Xiaoge stays remarkably still, head bowed, and beneath his fingers, Xiaoge’s skin slowly heats.
It doesn’t take long for Xiaoge’s tattoo to begin to show up, and Pangzi can’t help the way his fingers hesitate to touch it. To his surprise, though, Xiaoge’s hand comes up to gently press his hand to the skin, and Pangzi can’t help but shiver slightly at the intimacy. The time it takes to fully clean the dried muck off of him isn’t long, but it feels like a small eternity—breath caught in his throat, heart pounding beneath the cage of his ribs, hard enough that he’s half convinced Xiaoge can hear it. When the water runs out, Xiaoge’s skin washed clean, he can’t help but gently draw his fingers across the lines of the qilin, feel the gentle beat of Xiaoge’s heart beneath his skin. Without thinking about it, he duck his head and presses a kiss in the wake of his touch.
For a moment, Xiaoge tenses beneath the touch, and he almost thinks he’d misread the atmosphere, before Xiaoge lets out an almost imperceptible sigh, body relaxing, and Pangzi can’t help but smile against his skin.
It doesn’t go far; they’re both tired, and the woods are no place for any sort of intense activities, but when he raises his head, Xiaoge meets his gaze with dark, luminous eyes full of a fond heat, and Pangzi can’t help but reach out to cradle his jaw, kiss his cheeks, his nose, his lips. Xiaoge’s fingers bury themselves in his hair for just long enough for them to exchange lazy, unhurried kisses—Xiaoge’s lips soft, his mouth warm, head tilted so they fit together, nose pressing against Pangzi’s cheek. When he draws back, they just stay like that for a few, long moments, before a yawn cracks Pangzi’s jaw. “Bed,” Xiaoge says, decisive, and Pangzi can’t help but smile as he allows himself to be herded across camp, the fire put out and the bedrolls unrolled next to Wu Xie’s, the last memory before sleep that of his lovers on either side of him.
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authorsadiethatcher · 1 month
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I love summer, but May is my favorite month. Why? Because it's my birthday month. And I chose the picture to go along with this month's State of the Thatcher Address because my favorite color is blue. If you've paid attention to my covers, you've probably noticed that. There's a lot of blue outfits.
April was filled with family obligations, travel, and some medical stuff. I still got lots of writing done, for both of my pen names, but it was not just a work month for me. May will definitely have more words get written as I have deadlines approaching.
I'll talk about May's writing a little further down, but this month should be a good one. And the current weather forecast has the rain giving way to warm temperatures and sun just in time for my birthday. I can't complain about that.
A quick reminder that you can find my books on Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Everand. You can also read everything I’ve published under my Sadie Thatcher name since last May on Ream, which is a subscription platform built specifically for authors. You can check out my Ream page below.
Ream: https://reamstories.com/sadiethatcher
And speaking of Ream, I have a Ream exclusive novel called The Muse (extreme dollification) that is now complete. I’ve made the first three chapters available for free. All you have to do is sign up as a follower at the link above to get a taste of my first real story that is too extreme for Amazon.
I also post the occasional bit of flash fiction for followers on Ream. I have one up already and plan to post another one this week. As soon as I'm inspired, I'll add a new mini-story to Ream.
On the Libby Feron front, my fantasy writing is going decently well. I'm working on a series of novellas or short novels that was initially inspired by the pirate attack on Port Royal in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But on top of that, I'm also got an idea for a time travel fantasy novel percolating in my head. More on that another time. However, since I don’t talk about my fantasy writing often, checking out https://libbyferon.com/ and signing up for the email newsletter is the best way to stay informed. At some point, there will be a free novella offered.
Now it’s time to talk about what to expect this month. First, I've already released the first book in the His Dreams Series. This is the first time I've written specifically from the male perspective for an entire story. The entire series will be like this.
I also have one last book left in The Secret Series. I plan to finish writing it today and will be submitting it for publishing May 3.
And then there's the new content. I have two new series that will begin to appear in the middle and then the latter part of the month. First is an alien hucow story. A town will be taken over by aliens and the population turned into livestock for the aliens. I'm not sure of all the details yet, but I'm excited to write it.
Finally, there's a series idea I've had for a while that I'm looking forward to. It's been documented that if a male dominated workplace has a single woman, nothing will really change. Instead, the woman is far more likely to conform to the male points of view, playing along so that she can be one of the boys. While the reality of that is unfortunate, it makes for a good setup for a bimbo story, which I'm calling Tokenized, at least for now. All titles and ideas are subject to change with my whims and muse.
So that about does it. You can also hopefully expect a fantasy novella from me as Libby Feron at the end of the month called A Throne of Bones. What a month this will be.
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
To add in to the recent discussion of Goncharov and Unreality, I want to take a moment and focus on how these concepts interact with the hypnosis community.
I will make quick note that this post may contain themes of psychological abuse (both intended and unintended) and hopefully acts as a bit of a learning tool.
If you are playing with hypnosis or thinking about playing with hypnosis... do take into consideration the lingering impacts of what extended play will do to the mind. I have seen it said in some circles that hypnosis is edge play and though I do not believe that myself, I have experienced the very kind of impact that could cause one to believe it. I have had my morality, boundaries, sense of self and grip on reality tested, altered and broken in the past. In ways I, fool that I was, believed at the time to be consensual.
I wouldn't wish my history on anyone.
Which is why I want to make note of something. Hypnosis can change a person's perception and mess with their ability to differentiate between real and fantasy. Between self and imposed. I feel like the majority of people working within the space understand that, but it's important to note. If you make someone see fireflies when they feel someone's hand stroking along their forearm, you NEED to ground that suggestion with "you'll know that they are a product of this hypnotic suggestion" you can even add some conditioning in there, "and knowing will prove just how deeply you surrender to me, knowing that it is a product of hypnosis will only further cement how captivating those glowing fireflies are and how mesmerizing it can be to look at them."
But you've GOT to add that awareness of reality in to every suggestion. Package hallucinations in fantasy, twist a person's mind and bend reality until hypnotee surrenders it completely and hypnotist controls it entirely. Do so. Eagerly. Wantonly. With bliss and blessing. But ALWAYS make sure that before and after a session a person has a grip on their reality. Because even the small things will take a toll on a mind.
I only have the perspective of a mildly psychotic insane woman. I cannot speak to neurotypicals (though I believe this kink attracts neurodivergent folx by default). But I can say that I cannot tell if some memories of my past actually happened or were guided fantasies or dreams or things I just thought up. A decent majority of my life is based on journal entries, testimonies from other people and a foot kept in the door of reality that tells me that "no matter how much you can recognize the scent of the spirit hallow that you visited in a tabletop game or the light headed tingle of the honey sweet air of Arcadia, those things are just fantasies made from sitting at a table with close friends. They didn't happen.".
There is such an allure to being able to control a hypnosis partner to the point of which your words shape reality. I know full well a partner wanted to use those exact words on my "my words shape your reality" before realizing that my psychotic little brain would not react well to that suggestion, and paused for a check-in to negotiate the wording of that concept. I shall eternally be grateful for that.
No matter that allure, though, the responsibility to leave your partners and yourself tethered to reality is *vital*.
Here are some good ideas for how to do that:
1. Create a box, save file, protective boundary or however you prefer to imagine the concept, that preserves the hypnotee's state of reality, mindset and security before the scene begins and restore it afterwards. Same concept as an amnesia scene, but with emphasis on grounding.
2. Mention that the hypnotee will always be aware of the false status of the suggestion and that they are acting under guidance. Reinforce this with a hypnotist's presence. Ensure you both understanding the "Guided" portion of guided imagery.
3. Aftercare that focuses on grounding and building reality. You spend a decent part of the scene/prep destroying those walls. Build them back up together.
4. Check-in can include a simple "are there any things you're unsure about right now?" display curiosity and understanding. I, myself, feel deep shame about my sense of disconnection from reality. At an earlier phase of my life I dove into danger and drove away from Real without considering the risk or how it would impact my partner... which leads to:
5. Be upfront. As I said. I am deeply ashamed of my poor mental health. Elements of it I still cannot disclose to my Family. But I consider it a moral act to tell my partners, especially when we play. If you even worry that you may not be able to keep a firm grip on reality, make requests, ask for the kind of grounding you feel would play best for you.
My hope is that my situation is far removed from The Normal enough that this post is a waste of words. But on the off-chance that you, as a hypnotee or hypnotist, have never considered the damage of not grounding or trying to blur reality to the point of it being unrecognizable from fantasy? I hope this gives you pause to think about it.
Just be safe out there, folx. I love you all and this silly little kink we share.
Send Asks if you need more details on everything.
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mrmallard · 19 days
The current plan for my One Piece watch-through is to try and balance the show and the movies as evenly as I can. I don't want to listen to some convoluted watch guide that tells me when to stop watching the show and then watch a movie, I don't want to get caught up in arc titles and stuff. I just want to experience the franchise as fully as I possibly can, one way or another, one step at a time.
So I've decided to approach the movie-to-episode ratio in an extremely silly way, and just hope for the best.
Including three or so half-hour movie specials, One Piece seemingly has fifteen movies. To square up the numbers and give myself a nice, round figure to shoot for, I'm going to project that One Piece is going to end at around 1200 episodes of the anime - Oda is working on the last manga arc right now, with the manga being at over 1100 chapters, and I've read that he's aiming for an end date that's somewhere in 2025 at the latest. Even considering that the number of episodes isn't fully equivalent to the number of manga chapters, 1200 episodes of the show seems like a decent enough ballpark figure.
Taking that at face value - and giving myself room to bend the rules as I go along, like if the anime ends sooner or something - that works out to one movie for every eighty episodes of the anime.
What I'm going to do is watch eighty episodes of the show, then watch a movie - and hope that somehow, the rough canonicity between the show and the movies manages to sync up. This means that at any point, if there's a long enough hiatus between two movies releasing, the movies could begin to outpace the anime and spoil elements of the show I haven't seen yet.
I'm mostly doing it like that because I think the thought of experiencing One Piece in the worst way possible is really funny. Like I already spoiled everything through to the crew getting to the Grand Line by playing One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. Now I'm separating the anime episodes and the movies by an arbitrary episode-to-movie ratio, rather than by paying attention to release dates and trying to slot movies into the rough canonical period of time they would exist in? That's a horrible idea.
I'm at least approaching this knowing that I'm doing it the wrong way. You're not going to get rage-bait blog posts or videos about why One Piece is Garbage, And Here's Why - I'm going to assume that I'm the problem in this equation, and I'm not gonna take it out on the show. I know enough about the franchise, including significant spoilers, to know that it's a total slow-burner - and I'm going to assume that the status quo is going to change multiple times as the series goes on. I'm open to all that. I'm flexible.
Hopefully this trainwreck-in-progress holds up better than my wildest dreams could have predicted, but I won't know until I start. So starting tomorrow, I'm gonna start setting some time aside for One Piece episodes, and we'll see how completely and utterly fucked I've made the series for myself.
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silvertsundere · 4 months
Silver Talks AniManga (11/02/24)
very sad weeks back to back, losing two good manga in cipher and mma, while other worse series continue along but oh well
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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Undead Unluck Ep18
it's a shame these past few eps have been so heavy on recapping past stuff, to the point where most of the footage in the ep is reused. hope it isn't a sign there's underlying production issues. considering the nature of the next episode there's prob also gonna be a lot recaps but after we get into the autumn arc proper I hope it goes back to normal or it'll be worrying
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Pokemon Horizons Ep39
the last few have been p weak so this one was pretty good in comparison. I haven't played scarvi yet but I've always liked tinktaton's design and this made me like it even more. it's a cute little creature, looking forward to see it being part of the cast in the future
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Super Psychic Policeman Chojo Ch1
hey for a gag manga that was pretty decent, much better than ichigoki at least, not like that's hard. reminded me a lot of saiki but that's for obvious reasons. the author had a manga some years ago, samon the summoner, tho I never read it myself I knew it existed and saw it around sometimes. anyway like I said, this first chap was p decent, suffered a bit from pacing and repeating gags, but when it's the normal lenght it'll probably be fine. I'm not usually the biggest fan of gag manga like this, but this chap alone was a lot more tolerable than ichigoki so I'll be looking forward to maybe being surprised by it
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Martial Master Asumi Ch32 (Finale)
it's a real shame mma got axed like this. kawada is a jump veteran and it really shows, everything about the series was a lot more polished and well executed than the other newcomers but it got axed while something like nue, shockingly, continues to truck along. it's a shame jp readers seem to have such bad taste in recent years with good series getting canceled too early while others stick around for way too long. anyway, it's a good manga. art's really good and the fights are cool and easy to follow. the cast, including the rivals, is all likeable. the cameos from hinomaru sumo characters was also cool (the author's previous work). it also portrayed dementia really well and respectfully so that was a nice thing to see. I was originally gonna give it an 8, then decided to bump it down to 7 cause it got cut short and felt like it didn't do everything it could've, but after looking at my scores for some other canceled series I decided to bump it up to 8 after all. looking forward to kawada's next manga. hopefully shueisha puts him in another magazine, doing a seinen or something, where a more mature audience can appreciate him
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Two on Ice Ch19
only commenting on this cause the chapter's title was "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" which made me lose my mind cause there's no way it's a reference to that song right? and then I read the chap and it actually is, this shit hit me so outta nowhere it gave me whiplash. I know the author referenced a justin bieber song in an early chap but he's mainstream so while weird to see in a manga I didn't think much of it, unlike this which took me completely by surprise anyway this series should be getting axed for the next serialization series so I'll talk about it again then probably
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hausofmedici · 2 years
Rookie Season
(Part 3)
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You groaned as the back of your head hit the pillow. In that moment, sitting in the chair in your driver's room, you wanted nothing more than to be alone, in silence. But you weren't alone. Sophie, your PR rep, stood awkwardly in the corner near the door, fiddling with a team baseball cap. Your hands reached your forehead, brushing back the hair that clung to it before covering your eyes. The darkness behind them was calming.
You couldn't help but think of what a waste of an opportunity you just made. You'd made it all the way through to Q3 and lined up on the grid for lights out feeling hugely in tune with the car. Yet within a millisecond that confidence you felt after sticking it in P7 during qualifying slipped through your fingers. As did the points. The precious, valuable points that the team worked so hard for. The reason the mechanics spent every waking moment fine tuning the car. All wasted due to your mistake. One moment's oversteer meant that you had kissed the wall, consequently damaging your front suspension. Even worse, the tail end of your car had taken Pierre out behind you before a red flag could be established. Oh, the guilt.
And so sitting here, on lap 23 rather than post race was the last thing you wanted. And to make matters worse, you'd have to suck it up, go out there and face the press - not forgetting the countless apologies you were already writing in your head for your team this evening. Rightly so of course.
You stood, plastering a small smile onto your lips and holding out your hand.
"Okay let's get this over with."
Sophie handed over the cap, flashing you a sympathetic smile. Her hand reached for the door handle and you followed after her, fixing the papaya cap on to the top of your head.
Your early retirement from the race meant that the walk to the press pen wasn't too difficult. You didn't have to play polite whilst mechanics were still engaged with their work and guests were still entertained by the remaining 55 laps. You might still have had to face several sympathetic faces from various publications but at least you didn't have to wait for any of your fellow drivers to finish their own interviews first.
You let out a final huff before approaching the pen, flashing a soft smile at your first interviewer.
"Y/N, I think I speak for most of us when I say we're all surprised and gutted to see you in the pen this early after what was shaping up to be a great weekend for you. What went wrong?"
You nod along, fiddling with the collar of your racing suit.
"Yeah, I...I don't really have anything to blame other than myself. Just a stupid mistake on my part. But that's unfortunately the kind of thing that can ruin your race around this circuit. Um...and I'm obviously incredibly sorry to Pierre and the guys at Alpha Tauri. I know he's still running but obviously it's not the race they would have been hoping for either, so I apologise that he got caught up in my mistake."
You glance up at the screen, noting Pierre is now running towards the back of the grid.
"You were on track for a really decent weekend overall, after your performance in qualifying so, I hate to ask this, but what do you think would have been possible out there today?"
You chuckle slightly through the pain,
"I was trying not to think about that." You joke before answering seriously.
"I mean, I think we honestly had a chance to stick it out and finish in P7 which would have been some really valuable points for the team but...yeah. Not meant to be. Which sucks." You admit, defeated.
Rachel smiles at you sympathetically,
"Thanks for your time Y/N, hopefully we'll see you back up there next weekend."
You thank her before moving along the pen, guided by Sophie towards the next broadcaster, ready to answer what would likely be similar questions with a variation of what you've already said.
You swivelled side to side as you stared at the paused screen in front of you absentmindedly. It was a few hours post race and you found yourself in the debrief room, waiting for several team members to arrive, including your teammate. Your early exit from the race meant that you were waiting around, even after you'd showered and copped yourself some dinner. The warm mug of tea you held in your palms was the only thing bringing you joy right now.
The door swung open and a few more papaya clad team members piled in, heading towards their seats in a routine fashion. Headset already on, zoned out, you didn't bother to look up.
A gentle hand pulled at the top of your headset, moving it further down the back of your head. You turned round to spot, as you suspected, a grinning Daniel Ricciardo. With a slight glare, you flipped him the middle finger as he walked around to his chair opposite you.
"Nice to see you too."
He quickly quipped back.
"It was really calm and peaceful in here before you turned up."
He shrugs with a grin.
"What can I say? I'm the life and soul of the party, I-"
Andreas stood up, chuckling to himself.
"Okay children, settle down. Let's get this started. I don't want to keep any of you here longer than I have to. Especially if it means listening to more of this.."
He teases.
"You got off lightly Ricciardo."
You murmur with a smile as he sits down.
The briefing then began, a lot of the early focus on your race. Awaiting to see what you already knew would happen play out was painful. Especially because, up until then, your race was going well. No mistakes, major nor minor. And then watching as your front right tyre hit the wall, seeing the snap of your front suspension, was even more excruciating than it playing out in real time. To say you were glad when it was over was a bit of an understatement.
It was then Daniel's turn. He'd qualified behind you in P9 and throughout the race had been on the tails of the Alpine in front of him.
"Ready for the masterclass, Y/N?"
Daniel grinned as he glanced at you, over the top the monitors.
You couldn't but help roll your eyes at the boy and his ever present confidence.
"How humble of you."
You smiled before focusing back on the screen. You took these debriefs pretty seriously - after all it was a chance to learn, to take note on what worked best for this car. Mentally, you were scribing away as Daniel moved his way up to P8, and then P7. You knew this is what it would take to cement your place in the series. You needed to pull it out the bag this season but the feeling of disappointment you'd been left with this weekend had left you more determined than ever.
Before you knew it, Andreas was wrapping the session up, encouraging his team as he so often did.
"Okay, good work this weekend team. We've still got a way to go but it's a week back at the factory and then Baku. Let's see what we can do.."
Author's note: Sorry this one took a little longer than expected, the creative block was real last week :)
cc: @lovingroscoee @mysticalnightenthusiast
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nikkeisimmer · 2 months
Sunset Valley - End of Days
Chapter One - "Laissez-Faire" (Part V)
River’s Journal - June 25 -July 1st, 1989
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Things were incredibly busy over the next few weeks since we were too busy and I got busy with my painting which I was finally able to get a decent easel in the bunker. I used that time to do some therapeutic painting. It certainly progressed to the point where I was painting masterpieces worth thousands. Sometimes, I’d just get to the point where I’d get out of bed and head for the easel and my sweet would have to coax me to get something to eat.
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Phil and the rest of the bunch did what they had to do. Phil cooked and tried to find a way to ease his stresses. He wasn’t enjoying the situation and was nearly going stir-crazy.
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Haruo was able to work on his martial arts and get his black belt...and complete it in the amount of time, but it would still be a road of life-long learning. He broke boards but of course, as Bruce Lee said in Enter the Dragon “Board no hit back”.
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Hence the reason he took opportunities to spar with Masaharu who had managed to get his martial arts skill level up to brown belt. And they went at it with no-holds barred because if we ran up against nasty survivors that were bent on removing us from existence, we would have to fight and hopefully we wouldn’t suffer losses.
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Haruo was committed to training all of us and it meant that we would have to learn the hard way. He was not going to go easy on any of us. Eventually, Haruo and Felix, who had been given the Limitless Learning trait chip, got their skills up to the point where they could break space rocks and the kwoon (studio) was littered with gemstones. Mainly because Felix had such a slow battery drain that he would be able to break space rocks for hours then he would go and cut them and keep my mom busy with finding buyers.
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It was rarely that we ever saw Felix in the charger. But sometimes he did come close to burning out and had to make a hasty run to the charger that was conveniently set up along the wall.
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However right now, Claire spent her time studying books and gleaning whatever knowledge she could gain from them. She was a voracious reader and that would help us with her encyclopedic knowledge “when the balloon went up” according the military slang that my boyfriend liked to use. Before this whole thing, my boyfriend had been a voracious reader of Tom Clancy novels and other military related novels. Phil always managed to keep us fed well...and occasionally my boyfriend would also cook – surprisingly. Bebe was voraciously downing an oatmeal raisin cookie my boyfriend had made. While Claire and my boyfriend were each partaking a piece of the pear cobbler, another one of the things that my boyfriend had made. Surprisingly he was a good baker. At least I hadn’t heard the fire-alarm go off at any rate while he was baking.
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One of the changes in our relationship was mine and Haruo’s going from girlfriend-boyfriend to fiancée-fiancé relationship. Of all the places that he would choose to propose. But considering the way that things were going. Our private washroom was the place after a shower was the place where he decided to pop the question. My sweetheart, the ultimate romantic, ~rolling on floor laughing~ At least that might be a suggestion for any children that we have when they get to the age where they’re planning on proposing to any significant other.
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
Get to know me - Sims style
Thanks for the tag, @nocturnalazure. I love doing things like this, especially when I don’t have a lot of other updates. 😄 Keeps things active. Long read, so under the cut!
What’s your favourite Sims death?
This is such a weird question to me. I mean, I know there's whole crowds of people who play this game for the sole purpose of killing their Sims off, but I'm so attached to my Sims, their deaths can truly upset me somewhat. So, no, I don't have a "favourite death".
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
It truly depends on what I need. I guess I use more MaxisMatch CC though.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Absolutely. I have them gain or lose weight when it fits their character at that point in their life of their story.
Do you use move objects?
I can't play without it.
Favourite Mod?
Anything NRAAS. I probably would have given up on this game if it weren't for those mods.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
For TS3 it was World Adventures
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
Are you seriously asking me to choose between my babies? I have so many faves and they change from time to time too. But I guess James is a good contender. He has a very interesting character profile which grew and developed over time. Part of his story is yet to be revealed but is very much alive in my mind. 😄 However, technically I didn't 'make' James. I created his parents and James, along with his sisters, was an EA generated child.
Have you made a simself?
Yes, she's my avatar on here. I recently updated her, because she was still a YA and, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm past that life stage now. 😄 I also updated her hairstyle and clothing to fit the current me a bit more. She's not as good a match to my actual self as some of the other sim selves I've seen people create over the years, but she comes close.
I don't play my selfsim. That feels weird to me. No offence to others who do, though. It's just not my style.
Which is your favourite EA hair colour?
There's a light brown colour I'm partial to at the moment, but without opening my game I have no idea if it's an EA colour or one I've added. Recently I've become annoyed by the reddish shade of EA's darker brown, but a lot of my Sims have that hair colour, so I'm subtly changing it on some of them.
Favourite EA hair?
I have so much CC hair (need to do a purge), that I don't actually remember what hair is EA. 🤣
Favourite life stage?
I mostly enjoy playing my older teens and young adults. I know most players don't distinguish between younger and older teens, but the way I approach the game means there's definitely a difference between younger and older teens. And the older teens and young adults are usually the most interesting because I get to create the most drama during those years.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I used to be both equally. Building up my town and then playing it. But my gameplay changed so now I'm not sure. I play to tell the story and I build to set the scene for the story, mostly.
My extensive town is still the starting point for everything though. Honeycomb Valley means a lot to me and I'm in the process of building up a 2.0 version of my town. Hopefully, I'm able to create a (slightly) lighter version of the town and therefore a smaller-sized save file. I'm by no means an expert builder, but I can create decent (simple) lots.
Are you a CC creator?
No. I do create pictures and custom signs for my own game though.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yes, I'm pretty sure I do. Back in the forum days, I was rather closely connected to quite a few other Simmers. There are a few people I'm also connected to on regular social media platforms, so we follow each other's personal lives alongside our Sim ones. In July 2014 I met up with my SimSisters Sandy (@aroundthesims) and Sara (@simsaralove) in Paris for a day, which was absolutely brilliant. Especially when you realise we all live in different countries. A few weeks later, Sara visited me in my hometown for a (beach)day. ❤️
Besides these lovelies, there are a couple of people on here whom I follow religiously because I either greatly admire what they do/write/play or because they're just lovely. Or both. 🥰 I guess I consider those connections a virtual friendship in a way too. At least from my perspective.
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
No, I just have Tumblr and my WordPress blog.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Oh, loads! When I played The Sims 1 and 2 I played rounds of 2 days per family. When The Sims 3 came around I started playing SimYears. At first, my style of playing was just visiting families and going with the flow. Pretty much as I had always done before that. I didn't even take screenshots. It wasn't until I became an active member of the Sims community that I found out there was actually an interest in my Sims and that’s when I started actively taking (pretty bad) pictures of the things I played out and writing stories. Back then, Sandy called her stories "non-stories", which very much applied to me as well, so I adopted that term. Not so much stories, but rather a picture collection of things that occurred with a line of text. Reading my earlier (non-)stories now, I'm often tempted to go back and change them, but I won't.
Gradually, things changed. I started to plan events and happenings, and then playing those out. Characters developed and got more depth. I spent more time telling their individual backstories. It was actually you, @nocturnalazure, who gave me one of the loveliest compliments I've ever received a few years ago on a story and I never forgot that. You said you had always liked my stories, but the more recent ones made you feel more connected to my characters. That meant a lot to me. ❤️
Now, story planning has become my main starting point. I hardly ever have time to play randomly (which I do regret, I loved doing that), but planning and writing first and then playing out the stories absolutely works for me. I even threw my "no poses policy" away. 😄
My different approach to gameplay and storytelling sometimes also makes me a bit anxious though. KimmiesSimmies used to be light, airy, cute and innocent. Even the name is. Lately, what with writing first, the tide is turning. While I can still write "cute", my stories are generally more serious, sometimes quite a bit less innocent than they used to be. Take James for instance. As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot more to be told when it comes to his story. And the things which are about to come up (not soon, but they will) are definitely not light and airy, cute and innocent, but quite deep and even a bit dark. I want to tell these stories, but at the same time, I'm apprehensive about it. Is this still KimmiesSimmies material?
What’s your origin id?
I have no idea.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Definitely Sandy, @aroundthesims, when it comes to objects. She always seems to create just what I need. ❤️
How long have you had simblr?
Tumblr told me it was my 10 year anniversary about a week after I returned from my hiatus last March. So, 10 years apparently! I was away for 5 though, so it doesn't really count.
How do you edit your pictures?
Two/three clicks in PicMonkey. And then it'll just have to do.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favourite?
Either Seasons or University
I'm not tagging anyone in particular this time, but if you read this and think, 'hey, that seems fun, I want to do this', please consider yourself tagged. 😉
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themeaningofitall · 1 year
The past few weeks have been rough. I really thought I was getting better. In some ways I certainly have, though not in those which matter most. There’s only really so much one can change before admitting that the problem comes from within; though figuring out what it exactly is is a bit more complicated. For years now I’ve held that nothing can make my life worse unless it also makes me worse. Unfortunately, I still believe that. Desire and inability make for one cruel cocktail of desperation. Perhaps that explains some of my recent choices. 
I feel strange writing this. I feel I have no real right to complain. My family’s just purchased a new home, I’ve just completed another successful semester at school, I recently received a promotion at work, and everyone I care about is well. I truly am thankful. Yet there remains a nagging feeling difficult to explain. The best I can do is to say that I am in few ways better, in many worse, and this makes me think that my life is being wasted. I can’t help but think that if my life were to end now there would be nothing worth showing for it. There is nothing one could point to and say ‘Ah yes, he did that!’ or ‘He was that.’ What could possibly be said at my funeral? ‘He had a decent GPA’? ‘He was good at his job’? O God, nearly a quarter of a century and absolutely nothing to show for it. Well, no more.
A few months ago I thought of an idea to save all my money for a year and then go on a one year travel spree throughout the country. That idea has been scrapped, at least for the time being, in favor of a much more appealing one. While I love the idea of traveling on my own, my discontent was too great to wait an entire year, possibly even longer. My impatience and desperation were too great to endure for so long, and so I began looking for other options. I’m happy to say, it didn’t take very long to find one. I found a program named WWOOF. This program connects volunteers  with organic farmers who provide food and board along with opportunities to live in new places, learn new skills, and enjoy new experiences. Within just a few days of signing on, I found a great host who welcomed me on her farm. In just over a month, I’ll be traveling nearly 2,000 miles to hopefully begin a new chapter in my life. And though I made this decision on a whim and am leaving quite a lot behind, I am confident that I chose rightly. 
For the remaining month, I’ll be busy downloading books and music, setting a few things in order, and finally packing my essentials. I hope to be away for about a year, and I currently see no obstacle to that. To say I am excited would be an understatement; I genuinely cannot wait for this trip to begin. I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll try to post regularly (for reals this time). Thank you for reading.
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On BTS's Success Being Inorganic (Repost)
Anonymous: Hi BPP, Apologies in advance for a controversial topic but hopefully we can buckle in and have a civilized discussion.
What are your thoughts on 'organic' success? As a Dope Old Person, I am finding myself a bit nostalgic for a time when high charting singles appeared to represent current popular music. I say 'appeared' because we know payola has always been there. In the real world, though, you actually heard the song a lot, probably knew people who liked or owned it, etc. A Billboard Top 10 hit was part of the US zeitgeist and essentially 'organic'. With the advent of technology over the past 20 years, people now have the opportunity to flood the streaming and purchasing channels with numbers to support their favorites. If you can amass a decent online following, you can essentially guarantee a hit, regardless of how many people actually like the music. (Aside: What is the point of a chart? To gauge popularity and trends as of old? Or to see how fanatic a fan base is? Just count $?). BTS have made incredible music and ARMY's desire to get them noticed is warranted. It speaks volumes that they have managed #1 hits in both English and Korean (only the 23rd most spoken language). And while the music is great and the messages behind it inspiring, we should consider that some portion of that success is actually excess. People streaming 24/7 and buying multiple physical copies drive up numbers and takes away from the 'organic' growth. (Aside again: ugh the environmental wastefulness of physical sales and the shipping of the multiple copies.) As the excess has finally started to pay off over the last few years with #1s, real media coverage, and rapidly expanding fandom, I think we should start to think about easing up to let the organic growth return. I love the exposure of the #1 or another record getting smashed but if it doesn't have staying power because it is due to this excess, it doesn't feel as good. I'm not saying this retreat needs to happen immediately given the likelihood of a mainly Korean album will once again need some targeted support. But someday, I'd like to know they've grown enough to enable us to get back to casual enjoyment and watch the locals everywhere bop along to their new favorite BTS tune that they discovered organically.
Hi Anon,
I found your ask very interesting, because you start by acknowledging “…...'appeared' because we know payola has always been there…” but then you end your ask like this, “I think we should start to think about easing up to let the organic growth return”. You start your ask by questioning the ‘organic’ distinction even back then, but then you end your ask longing for an 'organic’ success you weren’t sure even existed to begin with.
I’ve actually written about this tangentially before in a reblog on the recent change to BB’s rules, linked here - it’s a bit longwinded but I also link in some articles that offer more insight with facts and figures if that’s something you’re interested in. But I’ll summarize my views here again and directly refer to a few statements you make in your ask.
I’m generally uneasy when people try to apply the 'organic’ or 'inorganic’ labels to minority artists. Generally speaking. Because we all know the barriers to entry are just not the same for them compared to their White/Western counterparts, in a system that has never been organic.
The way I see it, the charts and the system that creates those charts has never been ‘organic’, at least not in the last two decades (which you admit to), but what was different is that the people who determined what was popular were the ‘middle men’ i.e. record labels, radio DJs, streaming platform playlisters, etc, through their own version of ‘excess’ i.e. payola, ‘auxiliary promotions’ on radio, and opaque playlisting criteria for playlists that artists have said they sometimes need to pay money to be added on (at least in the case of Spotify). You mention how “In the real world, though, you actually heard the song a lot,” but the reason you heard the song a lot is because it was always played on radio, an industry notoriously plagued by payola, which would then boost the song or artist’s reach, and lead to people you know liking it and buying that music.
What has changed in the last two decades is that it is no longer the Middle Men who have total control over what is determined to be popular. It is now fans, the people who actually listen to the music, who have found ways to make their streams and purchases (or demand) show, to become too big to ignore, to give artists they view as having ‘organic’ demand, a real chance to actually show up on charts that are supposed to measure sales equivalent units.
Because that’s what those charts are actually supposed to measure: sales as a proxy for popularity, and as I’ve said before, outside of concert ticket sales, direct music sales are the most transparent way to actually support an artist and to determine demand or popularity of an artist. Streaming and radio are too opaque as mechanisms to weigh the most in that equation, but they’ve been given more weight by the industry because otherwise those mechanisms will be less profitable to the Middle Men. Al that's changed recently is that the demand from fans now partly determines what shows up in charts. And doesn’t it follow that it is whoever has more fans for a piece of music, not whoever has a bigger/stronger music label, that should show up on a chart that’s supposed to measure sales?
Let’s look at two different artists and I’ll speak very generally about them here: Bad Bunny and Olivia Rodrigo. One artist is American, the other is Puerto Rican and has mostly a Latam fanbase. Both artists have ‘amassed a decent online following’, and both artists have had their songs dominate on the charts. Do you know what happened when Olivia was first announced to have a concert (with several other ‘big’ artists) for iheartsradio last year? After several weeks of near constant promoting (I was seeing ads at least twice a day), there was so little demand that iheartsradio started offering free tickets to people who wanted to bring a plus one. Think about that. They were essentially paying for people to come see an artist whose songs were consistently in the Top 5 songs on the Hot 100 for roughly a year. Bad Bunny on the other hand, doesn’t struggle to sell out concerts (though of venues smaller than for BTS). He has a somewhat grassroots fanbase and in the last year I’ve become good friends with some people in his fb, to know they’re totally grassroots, but organized (and able to get away with some illegal methods that ARMYs are under too much scrutiny to try, and most ARMYs aren’t interested in those methods anyway tbh). Perhaps contrary to Olivia’s case, for Bad Bunny it’s not a record label that’s inflating his demand, it’s actual fans who will show up to see him live, to hear that music, that are maybe multiplying their purchasing power by 2 or 4 times to beat the ‘excess’ from the other artist’s record label. Because excess is something you’ll see on the charts in any case.
Why is it more tolerable for middle-men (record labels) to control the way music is consumed and ultimately valued, rather than consumers (fans and supporters)? As I’ve said before, fans buying music is really not the end of the world though BB and other industry gate-keepers act like it is. Every artist hopes an ever increasing number of people buy their music, and BTS happens to have an ever expanding fanbase.
Personally, I use concert showings as a good rule of thumb to determine how ‘organic’ an artist’s demand or popularity is, and it’s a fact that no artist on the planet right now is doing as well as BTS in that area. Literally the only person in recent history who has done better than BTS’s recent concerts has been Bruce Springsteen, and even then he’s only above BTS because he had a longer tour period than BTS’s four-night shows. And you can recall how back then, you’d hear Springsteen‘s music all over. Heck he’s now hailed as belonging to the canon of classic American pop/rock. BTS should technically have as much if not more recognition today, and in a sense they do (I sometimes hear BTS's songs in the gym, cafe, random spots all over my small Western city), but BTS sing primarily in Korean, not English and not Spanish (that American radio tolerates more), but in Korean, and the charts ding them significantly for it.
As I said, I use concert showings as a sort of rule of thumb or litmus test, so the day I see BTS concerts lose demand, is the day I’ll start to think maybe ARMYs should ‘retreat’ a little, as you say. Because I suspect the reason you’re sending me this ask in the first place is because you’re concerned people buying/streaming the way you think they do, is unsustainable, and that people will burn out in some way. And if this is true, it would necessitate a “retreat”, as you’ve put it. You’re not wrong. If people were indeed putting in labour to levels you seem to imply, it would be extremely unsustainable and tiresome. My issue with this point is that people have been saying this about BTS and ARMY since 2017… and the fandom has only grown, the boys’ reach only further expanded… the complete opposite of any signs of burn out or unsustainable consumption of music and art. And maybe it’s only coincidence that BTS’s concert showings have only increased as well, more than tripled in fact, all the things that would happen if their popularity, demand, and success was actually… wait for it…
Even with all this said, many of the the things you mentioned as indicative of 'organic’ success (“you actually heard the song a lot, probably knew people who liked or owned it, etc. A Billboard Top 10 hit was part of the US zeitgeist and essentially “organic.””), actually apply more to BTS than to many Western artists and certainly more than to any k-pop group, period. Whatever we think about the Pandemic English Trilogy, what it certainly accomplished for BTS was that it did exactly that - I heard Butter in my gym yesterday almost a year after its release, My Universe still gets ridiculous airplay in Germany, France, and Japan according to the radio charts, and I’ve seen more than one reactor mention how they’ve heard Dynamite before without knowing it was a k-pop song. BTS is now at least as mainstream (or part of the US zeitgeist) as Bad Bunny is, if not more. BTS is now more of a household name in more countries in the world than any k-pop group ever, and in some cases are even more known (and loved) than some Western artists even in the US. BTS is now the reason most people have even heard of something called k-pop.
Payola in all its forms, is excess. But the only excess being obsessively hunted down and punished by the industry, is the excess generated by fans or the people actually consuming the music. And the reality is that though ARMYs aren’t doing anything other fandoms aren’t, there’s disproportionate scrutiny on ARMYs because a lot of people (k-pop fans, Western music fans, k-pop record labels and agencies, Western music producers and labels, etc) are sick and tired of seeing BTS on the charts even though concerts and sales show there is at least as much demand for BTS as there is for Bruce Springsteen and Drake. And these other parties think it is in their best interest for BTS and ARMYs to be rendered obsolete. That’s not meant to sound alarmist, it’s just what it is. So even if ARMYs continue playing by the rules, people will continue to characterize ARMYs and BTS’s efforts and success using the most uncharitable language, selectively applying the rules, and basically the industry will give ARMYs a hard time this particular comeback, and probably many more comebacks in the future. It doesn’t matter that the ‘mass’ applied to ARMYs is more a consequence of huge absolute numbers of fans sharing, listening to, and buying music, than relative effort per fan in streaming/buying a shit tonne of music, as it is for most k-pop fans. And it’s not like BigHit is paying a huge amount for payola either when compared to agencies that boost MV views with paid ads/playlisting and mediaplay, which continues to place BTS at a disadvantage compared to labels that have been under investigation for payola in an industry notorious for its practice.
The core of the fanbase will probably always support BTS, regardless of the medium. They have adapted to changing rules over the last six years and will try to keep adapting, despite a changing music landscape for BTS and a new influx of fans who might not really understand why ARMYs support BTS nor see the need to. I don’t know how successful the fandom will continue to be in this regard, but I think for most fans, the placement on the charts hasn’t ever been the primary goal. The main goal for ARMYs has always been to make the artists they love feel seen and supported by the people they make music for.
Originally posted: May 8th, 2022 7:33am
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alchemiclee · 1 year
ayaka, plastic figure fix/repaint!
I decided I wanted to get into 3d figure painting because I have a huge urge to paint figures. I bought a resin printer and all the stuff that goes with 3d printing. I even joined a patreon/discord to get files for figures.
in the discord, someone posted their blog story of their process for repainting some cheap plastic figures. they advised it's a good way to practice when you first start out painting because these figures are cheaper than resin printing. I liked the ayaka figure they got, so I went to aliexpress to find one for myself.
if you're interested in their blog post, you can find it here. they go into more details than I do in some parts, if you're interested in that! (and more pictures since tumblr has a limit)
read my adventure below⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
she came in the mail with a few broken pieces, but nothing a little super glue probably won't fix. (at the time of writing this, i'm realizing I forgot to purchase glue...) generally she's pretty decent for a cheap plastic bootleg of this impossible-to-get garage kit figure:
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the painting inconsistencies are where I come in to get my practice. the broken pieces can be fixed later.
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her bangs in the front are top long and cover her eyes so i'll have to figure out how to cut those. the hole for the umbrella is way too small, so I need to figure out how to fix that. but I will focus on painting first.
her eyes are the best painted part. I won't have to mess with those luckily haha. she is clearly supposed to have socks/tights on from the way the model is made and based on the original figure design. I need to paint the leggies! there's a few very small details on her clothes that need some extra added paint. there's some details missing like the little flowers which I will try to add. lastly, the umbrella is a plain blue blob. I plan to add some color and paint flowers onto it before I glue the broke rod back on.
first things she needs to be dismembered! plastic figures aren't the hardest to take apart, but is still a struggle, at least for me it was. in the blog post I shared above, the person used a welding heat tool to get her apart. I don't have anything like that, so I used hot water for the smaller parts (hair, ribbons, vision) and a hair dryer for the legs. you need to soften the plastic/melt the glue to pop things free! I held hair dryer on her butt against the connection point of the legs for 30-60 seconds on highest heat and lowest power, then wiggled the leggies until it cooled down. repeat a few more times until I could twist them and pop them free. unfortunately, the shoe wouldn't come off with either method, so I ended up having to cut it off with a knife. as long as I line it up and glue it on straight, it should be fine. hopefully 😅 the leggies were really stubborn, but with careful heating (while trying not to bend any of the super thin pieces, like the skirt. which also got heated up in the process) I managed to gently twist them off eventually.
the leggies!! they're free!!!!!
now she's ready for painting!
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i did the first coat of paint on the legs and a few of the details on a twitch stream to try to test out a painting setup for future painting of figures, as well as test if my VOD tracking I tried to set up worked.....both kind of went wrong 😅 I also broke a few things along the way.
I tried to set up using a tripod with my DSLR camera for high quality video stream. I downloaded a thing enabling me to use it as a webcam. my large tripod was too big to fit in my tiny desk area, so I switched to a smaller tabletop one. somehow, the screw to that tripod broke off in my camera as I was screwing it on.....I have no clue how to remove it. I can no longer use a tripod 😭 I had to set my camera on my desk and have a side angle that made it hard to see anything I was doing on stream. I also had to keep my hands in one place when I like to move them around as I work. it was quite uncomfortable, haha.
the lighting I had set up was too bright, but it was my only option. it's a photography light box with its own built in lighting—very white and very bright. I folded the box so all the flaps were folded in except the one with the lights on it. I had that one sticking straight up at the back and placed a plastic cover over the folded part to paint on. it helped stream see and i could adjust the setting on my camera to keep it from being overexposed, but since my eyes don't have camera settings, I couldn't even tell where I was putting white paint because it was washing it out too much. when I inspected it in another light away from the overpowering white one, I realized I had more paint on it than I thought.
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it wasn't the best setup, but it wasn't the worst. I added some silly little things on screen to make it more fun 😆
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I managed to finish the first leg coat, do the little hair wrap things (not sure what their called. the white and gold things) and a couple small details on her clothing (fixed some of the gold lines for example because they weren't fully finished)
unfortunately, my VOD tracking didn't work so my video got dmca flagged and twitch decided it shouldn't be published so I decided to just delete it. my stream died after the first 20 minutes survived because my stream died and none of the music in that got flagged, but I didn't actually paint anything within that time because I was trying to make sure my setup was working decently. the painting lasted around 2 hours I believe. then my camera died!
I have decided not to stream the rest of her painting and do it in my spare time. I will work on fixing the VOD tracking. the camera setup is too much of a hassle and I can't charge it while it's in use. I didn't know what else to try until I found (and ordered) a cool overhead mini lamp that also holds your phone so I can basically have a movable desk light and/or use my phone as a webcam for streaming or record video for a time-lapse at the same time! so look forward to that!
between that first painting attempt and the next session, I got another figure in the mail. this one is a mini resin figure and I will have a separate post for her! (link soon)
back to painting ayaka.
my cool desk lamp came in the mail! you can find it here (not sponsored/affiliated! just like the cool lamp. i got the MINI version because small work area) i played with my streaming stuff and turns out they added an easier way to vod track the way i want, either before or after my failed attempt, i'm not sure. i found a way to stream my phone camera to my streamlabs! things are easy to set up for figure painting streams!
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I added some details to her clothes and cleaned up some small spots. I added flowers and other small details to kind of match her original outfit. for some reason I decided to add some makeup to her. her mouth looked a little funny so I added some lip gloss and try to make her smile a little more. not sure if that came out well or not 😅 to finish, I did a thin layer of some blue in her hair to give the solid blobs of plastic some subtle variation and also slapped on some sparkly metallic paint to brighten it up a little.
the umbrella was way top plain, so I painted the under side pink and tried my best to paint cherry blossoms on top. i've never been top great at draeimg or painting flowers, so they're a little odd, but it's good enough.
I don't really care for the flowers that came with it, so I planned to add some mini fake flowers. in the end I decided to just use them as well instead of throwing them away, since I needed something to keep the fake flowers more stable. they are a decent filler. the fake paper flowers add a bit more to it, making it feel more full. I have more flowers coming in the mail, so I may add a but more.
I gave up on the plastic base she sits on that goes on the top of the glass. I couldn't get it to stay in place or stick to glue, so she's just sitting inside the glass now, directly on top the flowers, which actually makes her more stable!
I didn't go too adventurous for my first practice paint, but she's better than she was, and I learned a bit from this that I can now apply to 3d prints!
and she's now complete and ready to go live on my shelf!
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