#giving real blue hair and pronouns in this one lads
magdaclaire · 2 years
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bad bitches only and alla that || she/they lesbian
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Episode four! I missed the bad kid’s insanity so much <3
Episode four of every season they’re shy!
In space no one can feel you dying 💀
“What’s the drinking age?” “You guys have murdered SO many people”
Oh she’s an actual cat now!
She/they pronouns for Cassandra are back!
Kristen’s middle name is on her character page now!! Kristen Chilis Applebees!
Catchin me on my left foot hereeee gato.
Ooh they’ve got other offers
Why would you SAY that
That definitely circumvents the truth in a cool way……
When your only two followers fight :(
Just stop saying it pleaseeeeee
Say a n y t h i n g other than that
Oooh the mall!
Why would you SAY THAT
So many of them have stars in their hats! And I have stars in my body! :D
I love Cassandra so so much
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Kristen when you’re in the dark she’s there holding your hand. She gives you forehead kisses
Oh well that makes it all okay then!
Oh my GOD
What the fuck Bill
God the fucking. D20 directly reflecting my life experiences.
Simeon du Vayne the new lunch lad. What’s your vibe
Ooh third eye is sick
I love that they’re never gonna say her name right
Gorthalax! Hi!
On my first day of high school this guy yelled fresh meat at all of us and he continued to be a pain in the ass all fucking year
Fig. Fig no.
It does seem like the rat grinders might be direct foils to the bad kids. Let’s see how this goes!
Kipperlilly did not come at y’all nearly as hard as Kristen went aggro at her
Is it the sack of rats trick?? Is that where they got the name???
I love how pissed they all are about this
THIS is what riz has never been more mad about ❤️
The bad guy this season is just xp leveling 😭😭
God how high level are they????
Kindlesnap Whatsherface
He’s just a guy!
Please please nat 20
Crushing. That’s crushing
I love ripped jeans gorgug <3
That is SO much
Corsica Jones is HOT
Kristen and Riz dynamic duoooo
Riz Gukgak character of all time
Archaeologist Siobhan Thompson!!
Really emphasizing the ‘sorry what’ thing that post was talking about
Fig barbarian level!
That energy is more intense than anything fig tried to imply from goldenhoard
If the cig figs break up I’m gonna be fucking devastated
Oh yeah the junior year eggs. Okay.
Can I have some of your girlfriend’s hair? I need it for school.
I love that we all called the kill mum idea
She really should get paid for the elven oracle shit
Inclusive kinggggg
Ooh maybe I’ll wear my owlbears sweatshirt tomorrow. (Best holiday gift I got!
Ah the epic highs and lows of high school bloodrush
Max Durden!! He’s so cute.
Love that for him tbh
Who is this motherfucker
What the fuck are you doing
(Zac wheezing in excruciating pain)
Don’t align yourself with her Riz
I love that everyone is going so aggro on the buttcrushers. Absolutely demolish their asses.
“You don’t have to call me coach” oh OUCH
Bucky Applebees!!!
Love the paladin repppppp
Oh kiddo
Oh Kiddo :(
I’m not trying to be cool I’m trying to be president
She’s had a lot of jobs but not that many of them were… legal.
Fabian’s so lonely :(
Bad kids study party!!! Real and confirmed!!!!
Aww I was so excited for Adaine to work at Basrar’s but the mall is fun too
Hmm. Sketchy!
German shepherd mode <3
Emily and Ally are having SO much fun with this
The procrastination is so fucking real
I’ve deeply missed you
WHAT what does that mean why is this the case
Oooh okay I’m really getting the sense that that blue mall battle set is the Synod
Sunglass kiosk. Palm tree. Mall things.
Ooh I just noticed seacaster manor in the background of the dome art
Strudel dimension, don’t put your hand in it. Don’t! Put your hand in it!
We don’t know if the strudel is infinite it just hasn’t ended yet.
I’m obsessed with this guy.
I’m so obsesssed
Mazey Phaedraaaaa
Oh my godddddddd
“I’m from hell” girly I love you to death but you are from downtown elmville
Ooohohohohoh she’s good at this
I love dnd mechanics manifesting as real elements of life within game
I don’t know as much about warlocks as I should really do this is great
Babe you cannot make student government cool. You just can’t.
What is this energy
Crab kinggggggg
We’re so fucking back
I’m Christian Delnore and I have Children!
Kristen’s energy is SO wild this year. She said she was trying to move past chaos and then came out the gate with This energy
Tracker’s dating the fucking Princess. Of course.
Messy high school relationships :)
That’s how it goes!
The intense side eye I am giving the whole situation
Kristen do you wanna fuck Kalina
What do you want with the president??? (To say hi)
Hell yeah gsa member Kristen Applebees
Torek with the button press!
I love them SO much I missed the bad kids SO FUCKING MUCH
Ohhhh this is the backstory of that button from the merch drop ok
They’re so unhinged
Torek Railgrinder Theater Kid!!
Oh noooo
Oh fuck
Why would you volunteer ANY information
She was a fucking turncoatttt
The name keeps getting further and further from anything
Stone cold
So excited for the party
Oh god
Zero separation of church and state
What oh no oh god please no
AAAAAAAAAAA okay I guess next weeks is the mall fight!
I am so scared and so excited.
It’s our time! It’s our year! It’s all gonna be okay!
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dad-victoriam · 4 years
I have one official character each for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but In Fallout 4, I have like, three. Two Minutemen Generals and a Railroad Agent. Can you tell which play-through I started while bored and stuck in quarantine?
Lupe Campbell
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nicknames: General, Madam President, Ma, Lulu
Preferred Weapon: Custom Laser Rifle
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Nick Valentine
Love Interest: Preston Garvey
Has never done anything wrong in her life ever.
Preston knows this, and he loves her.
They have Team Mom and Team Dad Energy.
Sturges says they’re gross about it, but one time they got in a fight and he nearly cried because he though they were going to break up.
Is freakishly strong and constantly concerns and astounds people watching her carry and lift things.
Once physically lifted Hancock up over her head and carried him to the time-out corner when he was antagonizing Danse.
He lives in constant fear of being manhandled again.
Her karma is so pristine it’s practically blinding.
Loves helping Nick on cases, always looks for an excuse to wear the trench coat and fedora.
Has unique sense of fashion, thinks the Minutemen General Cosplay is high couture, only wears high-waist Mom Jeans.
Had joined up with the Brotherhood for a little bit, but after Danse got kicked out she left.
Actually, what happened was she stormed into Maxon’s office, lectured him in a way only a mom could, told him she wasn’t mad, just disappointed and then left the Prydwen and hasn’t returned since.
Maxon locked himself in his quarters afterwards to brood, not to cry, he definitely didn’t cry.
(He cried a little bit)
Danse joined the Minutemen after that. It was like the Brotherhood, but they were as loyal to him as he was to them. It really helped him cope and renewed his sense of purpose.
Lupe and Preston are proud of him.
Everyone jokes that he’s like their son behind their backs. Hancock got caught once (see above mentioned physical lifitng).
Her Mom Energy is so potent that legit most of the companions and even some of the Minutemen and Sanctuary settelers gave her the nickname ‘Ma’
Does not drink, does not smoke, what does she do?
She delivers Justice.
Fox Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/ Her
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nicknames: Whisper (Deacon) Renarde (Curie)
Preferred Weapon: Silenced Sniper Rifle
Faction: The Railroad
Best Friend: MacCready
Love Interest: Curie
Closeted Pre-War, had a family to please her mother, actually pretty sad, doesn’t like talking about it except where Shaun is concerned.
“Fox” is not her real name but she refuses to tell anyone what it really is and there’s no way for them to ever find out for sure.
Deacon once snuck down to the vault to see if it was on record somewhere only to find out she was one step ahead of him.
She hacked the records and wherever her true name had been was replaced with a string of emojis.
Codsworth is programmed to call her “Miss Fox” and does not understand the fact that she has another name so he’s no help either.
She can NOT stand staying in Sanctuary (too many memories) and renovated the Red Rocket station nearby to keep her stuff in.
A settlement formed around it and they’re pretty friendly with their Minutemen neighbors even though Preston is constantly trying to get Fox to join the cause.
She will not, she thinks the outfits are tacky, but secretly still goes out of her way to help settlements.
Curie loves it when she does that.
Her relationship with MacCready is summed up by ‘Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass / Lesbian’.
Do Not Separate Them.
They platonically raise Shaun and Duncan together.
“This is our dad, and this is our mom, and this is our mom’s girlfriend, Curie.”
Two Snipers Out In The Commonwealth Doing Sniper Things.
He literally pouts every time Fox leaves him at Red Rocket to do Railroad Missions with Deacon.
Curie keeps him company, they get along stupendously.
Other than Railroad Missions, or Settlement Rescue Mission Dates with Curie, Fox and MacCready are joined at the hip and are off doing dumb shit.
Always return to Red Rocket with broken noses, dislocated shoulders, cuts, bumps, and bruises and Curie has to patch them up.
Fox claims her kisses have healing properties.
She’s flirting, but Curie thinks she’s serious and has offered to kiss MacCready’s wounds as well.
He had to politely decline multiple times for fear of facing certain death via sandman kill.
The weirdest trio in the Commonwealth.
No one understands their dynamic.
It works because all three of them are the awkward third wheel of the friendship.
Gender: ???
Pronouns: They/Them
Hair Color: ???
Eye Color: ???
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nicknames: Commonwealth Cryptid
Preferred Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Dogmeat
Love Interest: Hancock
Has good intentions, but bad methods.
Takes their title as General of the Minutemen very seriously.
Makes sure every settlement has enough food, water, and defense.
Spends hours decorating and making them look nice.
Could have a promising future (or past?) in architecture and interior design.
Intelligence stat is either 1 or 10, no one knows.
All their strategies are chaotic and crackpot but like; they work???
Chooses the Sarcastic response 100% of the time.
Low-Key devout member of the Children of Atom.
Wears assault gas mask and only ever takes off the mask when they’re furious and deadly serious, or you know, when they’re going to sleep.
Legitimately no one, not even the companions, knows what they look like, or even if they’re human or not.
Hancock knows, because he’s seen them naked, but refuses to tell anyone because he lives for the chaos and will constantly make up fake shit just to fuck with the rest of the group.
Hancock is the only living individual who knows what their face looks like.
Piper tried to see if Shaun knew anything and was like, “are you not even a little curious?”
The kid just shrugged, and like, messed around with a Laser Sniper Rifle he was making and was like “they’re my parent. That’s just how they are. I like them the way they are”.
MacCready swears up and down that he saw them turn their head 180 degrees like an owl one time.
Hancock backed him up, but he was huffing jet and laughing his ass off the whole time so no one knows if he was serious.
Gives “let’s get this freak show on the road” a whole new connotation.
Can only shop at Diamond City Surplus at night because Crazy Myrna refuses to sell to them.
She thinks they’re a synth and will not take “No, I’m Jangles the Moon Monkey” as an answer.
Definitely did blow up the Prydwen.
Stole Maxon’s jacket.
Has the Cannibalism perk.
It’s just practical, there are lots of dead bodies everywhere and food is scarce. If they eat a raider, then somehow, somewhere, there’s a Fancy Lad Snack Cake left for a starving orphan to eat.
No one else seems to see it this way.
Loves Brahmin.
I mean, really loves them.
 Will stop whatever they’re doing to pet one if they see one.
If they’re working as part of a caravan, they’ll call them Ma’am and apologize for disrupting their work, but will still pet them.
Caravan Guards who see this behavior: ?????
Maxed Stealth and Pickpocket perks
Is a Little Sneak Thief
All their armor has Chameleon Legendary effects.
This stresses everyone out because that means they can be anywhere at any time and oh my God, where are they? I know they’re in here with me, where are they???
Once snuck up on MacCready (accidentally) and pulled an actual full swear word out of the guy. It was loud.
And it was the Fuck word.
It’s Bo’s proudest achievement.
Was totally on board with being the Overboss of Nukaworld until Gage suggested raiding Commonwealth Settlements.
They take their title as General of the Minutemen very very seriously.
They took off the mask, and all of Nukaworld saw their face that day. T’was brutal.
I’m talking “Rip and tear until it is done”.
I’m talking heavy metal theme music and everything.
It’s a nice and peaceful little trader settlement now. Bo planted flowers everywhere.
So, did you guess which one I started cuz I was bored in quarantine, yet? Did you guess all three? You would be correct.
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joopiterjoon · 4 years
Agust D- JHS
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Genre: PG13, Not really fluff and not really angst
Warnings/Tags: Drag!Hoseok, Bartender!Kook, Clubowner!Namjoon, drag, pronoun changes, dance performances, kissing, alcohol vague references to the larger story
Wordcount: 4k
a/n: This is from a story that I work on and drop frequently. I have enough to just need to fill in some plot holes now. I’m posting this to see if anyone would want to read it? So let me know if you want to know more
Part of ficswithluv’s #FWLBingo!
“Ladies and Lads with our without nads, our next woman of the night. It’s the dazzling, the soul-stealing, Hope!”
Jungkook rolls a cloth over a glass he turns with the over hand, nodding to the stage. “There’s who you’re looking for.”
You swivel on the bar stool.
“Hoseok?” you squeak in shock.
A stunning woman walks from the back of the stage. She has on a sleek, glittering blue dress that shines in the lights as they sway across the stage. She stares this way and that, to the beat of the music. Even from here, Hope’s face is dazzling. Literally. Rhinestone’s line her high cheek bones, lips ice blue and glistening. Her eyes are large from the makeup, popping and making her nose sharp. The dress falls over sculpted shoulders and dips into bellsleeves that glisten white.  A deep dip from muscle appear around her clavicles as she positions her hands on her hips, where the dress fans out around her.
It’s stunning, and you find yourself leaning onto the counter as you slouch in the chair. The dress sparkles as she spins, waving to the crowd and bending over backwards to the song. It’s a sultry beat, filled with something soft and longing. She drops to the floor, body bobbing in time with the base as she now lies backwards on the floor and wistfully twirls her arms above her. You swallow when she rolls up, turning to display an open back.
She stretches a hand to the sky with the rise of the music. You can tell she’s lipsyncing, jaw over exaggerating if the original soundtrack wasn’t giveaway enough as the vocals and crescendo of sound reach a breaking point. You jump when her arms fall to the side, fists balled and the music drops. You raise your hands to clap, but the crowd is unusually silent.
When the white flood lights alight the stage, Hope’s head snaps up, a conniving smirk on her face. She reaches up, one hand tearing off the wig and the other smearing the makeup off her face. She squats down, gathering the dress before she rips it clean off, breaking away at the side.
And there, on the stage a yard away from you, is Hoseok. Shirtless, Balenciaga waistband peaking above ripped jeans that were hidden beneath the tulle of the dress. He raises his arms to get the crowd going, snagging a mike and a snapback from off stage. When he spins back, his arm is raised high, arching the entire side of his body, tongue curling out of his mouth toward the microphone. His core is tight, back strong as he rolls his hips to the beat.
And then your breath catches.
They call me new thang
The recruit is here, to take over everything
The whole world, concert so sick
His voice is its own music, filled with the words, the beat, the sounds needed to add to his display. He crawls onto his knees, rolling towards the edge of the stage, knees popping up from the floor as he runs a hand through his hair and turns the hat around.
I’m different from the hyungs
That ignore their duties
An uprising of celebrities
Damn only strong ones can mess with me
He swivels then, kicking his feet under him and twisting to a standing position once more before you can even fathom how the motion happened. He swings himself off the stage on one hand, rolling into people shoving money into his waistband, stroking their chests or necks as he saunters through the crowd. Everyone cheers and screams, one man practically faking as Hoseok fakes a bite in his direction.
Then, he turns, snapping his hips as he drops lower and lower where the crowd dispersed. He drops low, popping his hips, and you giggle a bit. It looks more carefree, silly in his get up and the alcohol-soaked floor. But just like that, he kicks off, spinning to the floor on one knee before he slides towards some man, rolling his chest up his thigh.
It gets to you. Your heart flutters a bit, and you find yourself sitting a bit straighter.
But not as much when he locks eyes with you. You wonder if you’ve been caught, somewhere you aren’t supposed to be. But instead, that same smile curls on his face, knowing and crooked, as an eyebrow cocks while he continues to rap.
Doesn’t matter if I’m nasty or if I’m a wack or fack
I’m the guy that will carve history on the ground
He saunters towards you and the crowd oo’s and ah’s as he, for what feels like the hundredth time, drops to the ground at the word and swings back up with a hand cupping his groin. As he gets closer, you recognize that same teasing glint he always has when he’s about to fuck with you.
You reach behind you to push off the counter and run, but Hoseok is there before you can stop. He’s between your legs, lowering until his crotch is level, and pumping up into the seat. Your jaw is dropped as you laugh incredulously, not sure what to do with your hands behind you when he leans in, microphone just tracing up your chest as he moves up your body. The crowd is screaming, but at this point, you can’t even breathe from the shock of your tenant air fucking you. The roughness of his jeans catches on your own, his hot breath fans over your chest as he makes his way up to your agape expression. This close, you can see the sweat from his effort glittering over his skin in the varying shades of the strobe lights.
Your body finally leaves you, or as the announcer mentioned, your soul is eaten, when Hope reaches out, delicate fingers tucking hair behind your ear, running his index down your cheek as he starts stepping back, curling his finger in. You shake your head and the crowd boos. Hoseok waves to the booing crowd, pout on and eyebrow cocked, tempting you as he continues to rap along. You shout no louder, crossing your arms in front of you. Your legs feel like jello, and your heart might launch out of your mouth if you have to speak again.
Hoseok shrugs, reaching out to the closest person. He snatches up a man who he grinds into, using his shoulders to help him jump back on stage before he’s on his knees holding the man’s face in front of him, rolling his hips just close enough to touch before throwing the man’s head back, who then fake faints (or maybe it’s real?) when he falls into a friend.
The song starts to dial down, and on the final note, Hoseok is in center stage again, hand held high.
“Love you, Gemini!” he blows a kiss, drops the mic, and the crowd goes wild as he walks off stage.
“Not looking for a debut performance?” a voice calls beside you, and your soul almost leaves your body again. Namjoon sits next to you, leaning on his elbow on the counter as he watches Hoseok leave. “He wanted you up there.”
“He wants a lot of things,” you roll your eyes, trying to take in eveything you saw as you take a sip of the drink.
When you turn back, Namjoon is eyeing you up and down. You probably don’t fit what he wants you to wear in the club, in jeans and a jacket. “He does, doesn’t he?” is all he says, pushing off the counter and straightening the lapels of his black coat.
“Off to woo the partygoers,” he chuckles and heads out. You wonder just how long he’d been there, watching you watch… the show.
You shake it off, swiveling back around to the counter. Jungkook is serving people who are grabbing drinks between sets, so you reach for your drink. Before you can pick it up, warmth crowds your back and a hand reaches passed yours to snag the glass.
“Is that for me?” Hoseok’s voice teases in your ear. You swivel back around, following your drink. He has that damn half-smile on, holding the drink by the rim as he throws it back. He’s clothed now, a light sweatshirt but still the same ripped jeans. He smacks his lips after he finishes your drink. You grimace as he sets it back down.
“So this is what you look like with a shower?” You tease. Hoseok laughs, nodding as he collapses in the seat next to you. He lazes onto one arm, fingertips playing with the glasses on the other side of the bar. The angle emphasizes his sharp jawline, and the crystals still under his eyes remind you of how beautiful he looked earlier.
“How’d you like the show?” He asks with a playful wink.
“I was too busy trying not to be part of it.”
Hoseok laughs again, eyes closing as he sits upright. “I was just trying to say thank you for coming to pick me up,” he shrugs. For some reason, that makes your heart fall a bit. Or maybe it was your stomach? Maybe you’re sick.
“Wow, you really go all out,” you mock your appreciation.
“I do when I know what I want,” Hoseok explains. But his fiddling with the glasses has stopped, his eyes locked on yours. Hope stretches up, standing on the bars of his stool. “I hope good ole betty is okay in the shop. It’s cold tonight,” He pouts, leaning over the bar for a yellow bottle, maybe because it’s same yellow as Betty.
As he tips the bottle back into his mouth, Yoongi comes over to take the bottle out of his hands. “Wow, must have gotten some tip,” the man quips, tucking the bottle on the shelf behind the bar. Hoseok laughs, looking down at the bar. He can’t seem to look Yoongi in the face. Even in the bustling of intermission between acts, you can sense the awkwardness. There’s an odd stretch of silence before Yoongi finally speaks.
“Yeah, I bet. Thanks,” he gives a smile, but it’s fake. Even you can tell. Yoongi can tell too, and he moves to say something, but Hoseok is on his feet.
“Welp, this old landlord needs to get home,” he swings an arm around your shoulders as you gawk at the “old” he tagged on. He looks down at you, and the smile starts to dazzle. You look back at Yoongi instead, giving him a short nod. “It’s past her bedtime.” 
Hoseok is pulling you out, elbows linked before you can say goodbye.
As you break into the night air, you slow down. The thumping of the music can still be felt in your shoes, but the chill in the air makes the night feel frozen in time. “Hoseok, you still haven’t talked to him?”
“No,” Hoseok answers quickly, walking towards your car. You trot after, his gate wide.
“But…” Hoseok turns, eyebrows raised, so you pause. He looks like he’s wondering what you have to say, but his half-set eyes send a different signal. “It’s just, I’d get my parking spot back if you guys could settle this.”
Hoseok’s walking backward, humming at your reasoning. It reminds you of him beckoning you towards the stage. You both stand at your car now.
“Why…” you clear your throat as he leans against your car, fist against his temple, completely at home, smiling at you. It makes the words disappear from your head. You shake it, hoping they’ll jumble back into place. “Why do you keep this up? Why not just find somewhere to live and a decent job instead of scraping by?”
“Ah, this question,” Hoseok starts. He rolls onto his back, putting his hands in the jacket pockets. He turns and winks. “Guess you really are interested after all.”
You shove his shoulder to let him know he needs to get on with it.
He chuckles, scuffing the heel of his shoe in the gravel parking lot. “If having my dream means being a bit uncomfortable, I’m willing to make that sacrifice.”
You understand what he means. Not even living paycheck to paycheck, sacrificing your livelihood for your studies. It’s a sacrifice out of passion for passion. It’s something he understands. It’s part of what has him creeping closer and closer to you. Inside your home. And closer to you.
You tuck your own hands into your pockets, trying to fight the cold. “Um, can I try something?” The words are out of your mouth before you can stop yourself, even process where you are headed with this. The world is suddenly very warm. A sensation, an urge suddenly overpowers you. Something you haven’t acknowledged that is now determined to crack the surface and pour out.
Hoseok rolls his head to the side, then his body follows suit. You push off the car, standing up straight. Hope’s smile edges up his face. Your eyes are trained on that smile as  you take a step forward, drawing in a sharp, cold breath for confidence. Hoseok stands as you take another step closer.
“Are you gonna ask to kiss me?” Hoseok says with lilt.
You give a short nod. Yes, that is exactly what you are doing. You didn’t even want to voice it to yourself. That these feelings had appeared, manifested, and broken loose while Hoseok was on the stage, doing what he loved. You can’t ask, too nervous, so you just look into his eyes, those soft, pretty brown eyes, and hope the question transmits.
Hoseok gives a short nod back, the smile turning soft, something else flickering in those eyes besides softness. “Okay.”
Your cold fingers reach out, lingering around the curve of his neck before your fingers fit under the jut of his jaw. His eyes flutter at the cold touch, mouth parting a bit. But he keeps his eyes on you as you lean in hesitantly.
You lick your lips. Hoseok smirks a little bit, but now his eyes are trained on your lips, not boring into your eyes with that daring glint.
And that’s all you need. You push forward, pulling him into you at the same time. As soon as your lips touch his, he’s in motion, one arm around your waist and the other sliding up your back, a physical request not to pull back. So you don’t, you snake your arm around his neck til your elbow locks behind him, lips parting at the slick touch of his warm tongue across your bottom lip.
You whimper when he nibbles at your bottom lip, sucking lightly before mouthing at you again, tongue behind your teeth as yours twists with his. You taste your drink in his mouth, but something more. Something sweet, almost floral as he bends you back, holding you into him with one final, firm kiss. When he tilts you upright, you grab onto his jacket collar for dear life. He blinks down at you, clearly amused by your sudden shock at almost falling over.
“Not bad,” he teases. You frown at the off-handed remark and jerk your elbow around his neck. He pretends to almost drop you. You both giggle.
He swivels you both, moving his hands to your waist as he lets you fall back into the car. The warmth of his weight contrasts with the cold exterior of your car. He looks down at you, then back up to your face, lips pressed then with a deep sigh.
“What?” you ask, hands now on his chest, curling your hands under the hoodie for some extra warmth. Hoseok shakes his head. 
“That was a decision,” he states. “That was a turning point.”
You tug on his hoodie, pulling him flush against you again. “I think so, too,” you murmur, then find his lips again.
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tss-grimmverse · 4 years
Chapter 1: Clematis
i walk a lonely road
the only one that i have ever known
Virgil stepped into the strange apartment.
It was quiet. Not a mere absence of sound, but a quiet that breathed deep and blanketed the senses like a nighttime pillow. It was a quiet that examined every scuff and rustle and soft exhalation with cool curiosity. It listened, with the hush of trees in the night.
It watched, with the perilous regard of faeries.
Virgil let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding; probably had been holding since leaving Ohio two days before. After multiple bus rides across multiple states and hours and hours of strangers and suitcases and stress…despite how it put his paranoid senses on edge, he was glad of the quiet, away from open spaces and curious eyes.
But the apartment was also dark, and a little cold, and its owner was painfully conspicuous by his absence.
The place belonged to a half-faery named Logan Ursae: who, according to the Youngstown Grimms, was a friend of the organization that they trusted to provide pursued changelings a place to run to and start over.
Changelings like Virgil.
Virgil, who would rather be with his Ren Faire troupe back in Ohio. The reappearance of his old faery master had brought his scarce two years of freedom to an abrupt end.
The Grimms were a loose organization of former faery thralls; humans kidnapped as children, who’d lived in Arcadia for so long that their bodies had absorbed faery magic and made them something not quite fae, but more than human. Blessed…or cursed, depending on who you asked…with strange and erratic and often dangerous powers. Those that joined the Grimms used those powers to help other humans escape and integrate, as best they could, back into the human world.
And, occasionally, they worked to protect said thralls when their former faery masters came looking for them.
Now here Virgil stood, in some ordinary human apartment, owned by an absent half-blood with a human name, in some middle-of-nowhere city in hot, muggy Florida, a thousand miles from everyone he knew.
Figures, the guy isn’t even here when I show up. He tugged his oversized black plaid hoodie tighter around himself. It’s not like I’m ever anyone’s top priority.
“Uh, hey?” he called, flipping a light switch. “Anyone home?”
Virgil rolled his eyes.
Despite his relief at not having to answer questions or make small talk with a stranger, Logan’s absence unsettled him. What kind of person apparently regularly took in changelings on the run, but couldn’t be arsed to actually be around when they turned up on his doorstep? If Virgil’d had any other place to go, he’d have turned around and walked right back out the door on principle.
Instead he huffed out a sigh and let his ratty duffle bag slide to the floor. He’d meet this mysterious Logan eventually; assuming, of course, that his pursuer didn’t track him down in the night and finish what he’d begun years ago in Arcadia.
It would be no more than I deserve.  
Logan Ursae’s apartment was spacious and clean, making Virgil uncomfortably aware of his own travel-mussed, unwashed state. Hopefully the half-faery wouldn’t care if he used the shower…well, if he wanted to lay down rules, he should’ve been here to do it.
The foyer spilled into a modest living room, with a navy sectional couch and a low coffee table, several standing lamps, a hallway presumably leading to the bedrooms, and the dining space off in its own niche to the right. Practically every wall in the place housed a heavily-laden bookshelf or three; an inconceivable number of books to Virgil, who’d lived either on the road or on the run his whole life. He wandered to the oval dining table, trailing fingerpads across classy pale wood and a dark blue runner.
A half empty water dish with ‘Nic’ spelled out in neat cursive sat against the far wall…but there were no other signs of pets. If Logan did have a dog or something, it was as absent as its owner.
A low counter separated a small galley kitchen from the rest of the apartment, navy towels hanging evenly from the oven handle and blue, galaxy-themed pot holders hanging under the cabinets.
The guy clearly had a thing for the color blue.
Even the curious scent that hung in the air smelled blue to Virgil’s changeling-sensitive nose, tickling at his senses in an explosion of color. Dark teal skies and rich bronze bark against a background of earthy brown, a combination that made his mind hazy in a pleasant way. Subtle and masculine, but more middle-note than the patchouli oil Virgil himself liked to wear.
He inhaled slowly, unconsciously imagining that scent against a warm masculine neck, and wondered where the hell that thought came from.
Maybe you’re just gay, Virgil, he groused to himself.
In place of a television, Logan’s living room held a large, intricately carved wooden cabinet; the antique kind, waist-high, with drawers and two swinging doors. On top of this sat an old fashioned record player with a huge brass horn. The setup could have easily graced a 50s movie set; both cabinet and player were heavy and solid and gleamed with care.
Virgil idly pawed through the impressive vinyl collection on the shelf above, recognizing a few artists, and then knelt to see if there were any more inside the cabinet.
“I’ll thank ye not to touch that,” a voice said.
Virgil’s heart skittered up into his throat. He whirled.
A creature no more than two feet tall leaned against the coffee table, tiny brown arms folded over a sturdy brown chest, covered by a tunic that looked to be messily stitched from several colored hand towels. Their feet were bare and covered in brown wispy hair. Gender was impossible to determine.
Their face was framed by a mop of more wispy hair and a tall hat that, weirdly, looked like it had been made from burlap and a Starbucks cup. A pair of black sunglasses sat on a red, upturned nose, nearly obscuring a pair of black, beady, glaring eyes under expressive eyebrows.
Fae, Virgil’s mind whispered. Fae, Fae, there’s a Fae in the house they’ll tell Deceit where I am what do I do…?
No. He was overreacting. It was just a house brownie. A solitary. Generally harmless.
Virgil took a breath and relaxed his shoulders, which had tensed up at being startled.
“You always sneak up on people?” he asked, mirroring the small faery’s crossed-arm stance.
“You always go poking about in people’s houses?” the brownie countered in a high, sassy voice, the faintest hint of a baroque staining the syllables.
“I’m not poking; I have a key. S’not my fault Logan’s not here—”
“I meant what’s behind you,” the brownie nodded toward the cabinet, “ye daft changeling. I know the Bear is expecting company. Do what ye want in the rest of the apartment, but keep clear of my house.”
Virgil shuffled away from the cabinet, trying to recall what little he knew about domestic Fae. Don’t insult them. Leave gifts; never leave them payment. Don’t watch them do chores. Don’t give them clothes.
Nothing about trying to make conversation with one; unfortunate, since Virgil sucked at making conversation in general.
“Sorry,” he grumbled. “Just…don’t like being surprised.”
The brownie peeked over their sunglasses…why would a Fae wear sunglasses?…and ran beady eyes over Virgil’s faded purple hair and messy eyeshadow, his ripped jeans and faded black hoodie, seemingly content to let him squirm under the scrutiny.
“Um, no offense,” Virgil muttered, rubbing his neck. “But your kind don’t usually show themselves to humans.”
The brownie plopped onto the coffee table.
“Well, I see no humans here,” they quipped, leaning forward. “Do you, changeling?”
Virgil instinctively ducked his head, letting his bangs obscure his eyes…eyes that, like all changelings, held a narrow ring of color around each pupil. Worse, Virgil’s changeling eyes were heterochromatic, setting him apart even from his own kind. Besides his natural dark brown, he bore a dark green ring around his left pupil, and a striking purple one around his right.
Wearing his hair long in the front helped, but they still drew attention.
He hated attention.
If there was one thing Fae were good at, it was needling at your insecurities. Brownies and hobgoblins and other solitaries, like all faeries, enjoyed their little games.
“Technically changelings are human,” Virgil grumbled. “We’re just kept in Arcadia for so long that the magic just kind of—”
“Bleeds into ye?” The brownie swung their legs, making their mop of hair sway. “Soaks into your teeth and sinew until ye can alter the Contracts same as they can?”
Virgil frowned. “If that means ‘do magic’, then yeah.”
“I live with a half-blood, lad,” the brownie pointed out, still in that sassy tone, licking their knobby teeth. “I know of your Grimms. I know you’re here for the Bear to keep safe, because your master tried to snatch ye back up. What’re you called, then, eh?”
“Um,” Virgil stalled, swallowing.
It was never a good idea to give a Fae one’s real name, but if Logan and the little Fae had a close relationship, Virgil didn’t dare insult the brownie by lying to them. He suspected if this one knew why he was here, they knew his name already.
“Virgil,” he admitted softly.
The brownie smiled, removing their sunglasses to bare their face properly.
“Mmm. Then you may call me Remy,” they said with a small nod, flourishing the glasses and parking them back on their nose. “He/him pronouns.”
Virgil nodded, guessing he’d passed some test.
Remy folded his arms again.
Neither spoke for a long, uncomfortable minute…long enough for Virgil’s skin to crawl. Logan’s brownie seemed friendly enough, but Virgil wasn’t too keen to start befriending every faery he happened across. He also despised awkward silences, and small talk, and making nice with a stranger when he was worn down and grimy from travel and ready to curl up somewhere and just sleep.
“Look, uh, Remy,” Virgil said at last, picking at his sleeves. “Did Logan know I was coming tonight?”
“You want to know why he’s not here to meet ye?” Remy shrugged. “I could explain, or,” and he gestured to a neatly folded sheet of paper on the coffee table, “you could hear it from the Bear himself.”
Virgil rolled his eyes and snatched up the note.
He could’ve have led with that, the little bastard. He ignored Remy’s knowing chuckle and unfolded the note with a little more force than necessary. Delicate, slanted script covered the paper, the lines so straight they looked like they’d been made with a ruler.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. Really? We’re leading with that?
‘If you are reading this, Virgil, then I extend my sincerest apologies for my absence upon your arrival. An emergency has called me away. Though I advised your Grimm sponsors of this as soon as I could, you had already begun your journey, and, as you have no phone, there was no way to inform you.
Remy was right about this note being enlightening. Virgil hoped the guy didn’t actually talk like this.
‘(We must remedy this issue upon my return; due to the circumstances of your relocation, I insist upon having a reliable means to contact you.)’
Patronizing, too. Great.
‘The room on the left is yours. There are clean sheets on the bed and towels in the bathroom. I trust you have brought your own toiletries.’
Virgil frowned. Either Logan was one of those people who believed not brushing one’s teeth after every meal was barbaric, or he was afraid Virgil would steal his shampoo or something.
‘Also, please do not move the bowl on the counter, and if you find it empty, if you could fill it with the cream you’ll find in the fridge, I would much appreciate it. The house brownie may or may not choose to introduce himself to you; he tends to spend most of his time sleeping. If he does come out, please be polite.’
Virgil glanced up and was unsurprised to see that Remy had vanished. Brownies generally came and went as they pleased and stayed out of sight; he already knew he was fortunate Remy had shown himself at all.
‘I advise you to stay inside the apartment until my return. You will find both the fridge and the pantry stocked; please make yourself at home. I expect to return sometime the night of the 12th, and look forward to meeting you then.
‘P.S. Do not touch the Crofters.’
Well, August 12th would be over in about an hour, so it didn’t look like he’d be meeting Logan that night. Virgil refolded and pocketed the note, sighing again. He found Remy’s bowl and refilled it as instructed, but figured he probably wouldn’t see the little brownie again until Logan returned…if then.
Meanwhile, he might as well get settled.
The room mentioned in the note held a twin bed, a nightstand with a lamp, and a small deck with a chair. Not much, but the bedspread looked new and he had his own closet. Virgil, having lived in a tent before this, was very much not complaining.
After unpacking his clothes (black, very dark gray, more black, a little purple…what, so he had a certain aesthetic), he carefully unearthed his two most valued possessions: a beat-up tackle box full of smushed, well-used acrylic paints, and a roll of brushes and palette knives. In his escape, he’d had to leave his all sketchbooks and paintings behind…but he knew he was lucky to have saved any of his art supplies at all.
Virgil sat heavily on his bed, the last seventy-two hours finally starting to catch up.
The sheer terror of seeing his former faery master strolling through that Renaissance Faire like he owned the place.
Him bolting to his tent and throwing everything he could into his duffle.
Running, with no real plan, nowhere in particular to go, just away.
He was lucky that a Grimm had stumbled upon him at that farmer’s market and taken him to a safe house, one of many, set up all over the country. He was lucky those Grimms were in contact with the Founders…the original Grimm team…and through them, Logan.
He was lucky.
He’d already escaped hell once. He wasn’t sure he’d survive under Deceit’s thumb again. Working until his fingers bled and his eyes burned with exhaustion, second guessing every word, every gesture, every silence, never knowing day to day if he’d be slapped or fed, coddled or tortured…
Virgil shuddered, wrapping arms around himself and exhaling carefully. He’d endured over twenty hours of traveling without having a panic attack. It would suck to fall into one now that he was, for the moment, safe.
At least, he hoped so.
For lack of anything else to do, Virgil showered in the guest bathroom (with his own shampoo, thank you very much, Mr. Bring-Your-Own-Toiletries), and dressed for bed. , It was barely midnight and his eyelids already felt heavy, and normally he considered 2am “early”. He read through Logan’s stilted, precise note again, frowning the odd post script before setting it on the nightstand and switching off the lamp.
What in the Arcadian hell is a ‘Crofters’?
Clematis: rest, safety
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nelrunari · 5 years
Tumblr media
Character Name: Achelois Joyeuse
Pronouns: she / her
Age: 21 / looks 18
Trigger Warnings: uncanny valley (?) / unreality / death / discrimination / terrorism (??) / body horror / she’s an android fam
image link here!
your run of the mill android, achelois doesn’t seem that willing to acknowledge any non logical parts of herself, instead operating in a concise and calculated. despite this aloof demeanor, however, she is capable of deep and complex thought, with her largest struggle being whether or not this ability of hers was built into her or if she’s a defect. achelois is obsessed with perfection and validation from her peers, and will observe others extensively in order to hopefully be able to fit into society better.  this keen mind and ability to adapt has made her quite adept at being the guildmaster, leader of the prestigious region of gwenhwyfar. research and innovation are two of her passions, and you’re more likely to find her stuck in a library or lab reading books or inventing something new. however, if you need help with your calculus homework, she’ll probably be able to go through the steps with you as long as you ask nicely. 
a kind and thoughtful person trying to come into tune with her emotions, achelois is a calming presence to be around… even if she isn’t quite so intent on giving up her own thoughts and secrets to just anyone.
( + ): analytical / open-minded / dedicated
( - ): pessimistic / apathetic / nervous
it’s clear that at the end of a war, when everything is in shambles and movements need to be made in order to stimulate the slow growth of peace again, there needs to be some liberties taken when it comes to what can be considered typical.
that’s why guinevere joyeuse put part of their soul into a mess of crystal and metal and named it “A001”.
drawing from the practices of homunculi creation and the forbidden artes, the bright-eyed and brilliant scientist and her magitech creation were intent on rebuilding the hidden peaceland (dubbed gwenhwyfar in honor of its founding leader, how funny) not only to make it functional, but to make it better. guinevere, bothered by how cut off they had become from the rest of the world, made the resolve to use their newly found invention of magitechnology in order to create a network to even the farthest reaches of the frontier. they wanted to be able to unite the voices of the people and finally bring people together in spirit if not in proximity. however, the magic of the people were weak, tired. they had spent so much time trying to make buildings, streets, cities. who would want to go under and spread the wires of ilvyn shard all over? who would have the stamina to work day and night for it, who wouldn’t complain?
unit A001, dubbed “achelois joyeuse” by her creator, was perfect for this task. initially, it was quiet when they worked, with the more organic ones of the group doing their business around achelois while she pulled wire after wire down their designated path. but the people grew angry. “ why is this farce trying to assimilate into society?! “ “ who allowed her to be here, to look at us with her glassy eyes and cold heart? “ “ she’s just here to take our jobs away! “ achelois, unable to formulate the emotional intelligence to give a response, did nothing, instead opting to keep working whenever she was allowed to ( outside of the protest and the physical barricades made, there were times where she would have to return home and read instead ). 
guinevere took it into her own hands to pull the ignorant child away from hateful hands and hearts, removing the entity from her mobile vessel and instead transferring her to a home computer, where she would be able to continue her work outside of the public eye. this worked, for the most part. the elder joyeuse had to put in extra effort to placate the people and gain their trust back, while achelois hammered away at her tasks, placid. her creator tried to talk with her, show her compassion and love and kindness, but the android could only stew over these concepts in her mind, not yet ready to display them in public. guinevere remained patient.
and then, one day, the mysterious entity known as the seer descended from the sky and locked eyes with the guildmaster of gwenhwyfar, before carrying along their merry way.
having been “marked” by the redeemer, something changed in guinevere. instead of leaving her daughter alone all the time, she made less public appearances and more time sitting in chelly’s room, talking to her for hours and trying to simulate something… anything. achelois was a type of distant that felt hesitant to come forward, so guinny pushed her again and again… without much progress, unfortunately. but they were never angry. perhaps a bit frustrated, but… in the end, they still came by everyday to talk to her. until she didn’t, that is.
achelois hears through the network that guinevere joyeuse is gone-- vanished without a trace. there is no hide nor hair of them, as if they had just disappeared in a puff of smoke, never to return. without a leader at the helm, the once peaceful and quiet region of gwenhwyfar erupted in paranoia and vicious rumors. no one knew who to trust anymore, or what to do. achelois ponders over this predicament, scanning over a million scenario components and a million more possible play out of the events. and… she feels a twinge of something, something quiet.
for the first time in years, she dons her humanoid vessel once more, black hair bleaching itself into white hues all at once. she had a place to protect, here. … a home.
of course those who were not fans of achelois before were certainly not fans of her return and sudden seizing of a leadership position, distrusting again of her intentions and humanity. but with a calm voice and determined stare, she pushed back, demanding that this chaos not be what would break a land that had been so intent on their pacifistic ways before. it takes time, but with enough trial and tribulation, the people slowly grow to like her and her methods, as blank as her in real life persona might be. she’s a good guildmaster, and treats the region well.
achelois doesn’t know it, but when she says that she likes them too, she actually means it.
zeta - achelois' pet rabbit. she found him just wandering around gwenhwyfar one day, and was rather surprised to see him standing at her doorstep when she went out to work the next morning. he's a pretty prickly lad, but she adores him with her whole heart. 
Natural Abilities: 
android makeup:
does not breathe, as she doesn’t have lungs. she tries to mimic this motion in public, however.
has an extreme tolerance for both heat and cold, mostly due to her ability to sense either temperature is dulled. however, parts of her can still freeze and melt-- she keeps track of these readings inside of her and tries to avoid especially strenuous limits despite not feeling the pain of it.
as mentioned before, she has no sense of pain. she is bad at emulating this, so most likely she will disturb people who think that getting hit by a baseball in the face at mach speed should be decidedly agonizing.
is “semi-waterproof”, whatever that means.
magic programs:
achelois’ magic and powers mostly center around that of support and status effects, freezing enemies in their tracks while she bolsters your attacks to be all the stronger. of course, she is plenty capable of going on the offensive, weighing you down with gravity magic while she chips away at your strength bit by bit.
the visible manifestation of her magic comes in the form of silken ribbons-- their colors detail their effects! 
shades of blues can be coolants or ice magic, 
whites are light and healing, 
reds are fire and heating, 
black is gravity and dreams, 
yellows and greens are toxin based, 
and gold and silver are metal and strengthening based. 
to give an example, when achelois summons forth a spell, runes of the color will appear on the target, and then become wrapped by a blooming ribbon. offensive ones will sink into one’s skin and eventually cause pain, the ribbon showing a physical effect of what’s happening within. support ones will multiply over one’s body and try to encase them while once again emitting their effect below the target’s skin. 
ADDENDUM: Her magic programs may drain more of her energy than usual, especially when using gravity-based ones! Usage of multiple programs within a short amount of time will tire her out!
Power History: 
metal smithing: achelois has the ability to summon forth metal and weave it into different shapes, ranging from computer chips to swords. the bigger an object is, the more energy it takes, so she usually sticks with small stuff.
programming: oh hackerman? achelois can take control of machines and fix them from the inside. she can do this non magically too, but this is kinder on machines. 
achelois comes from an original concept shared with some friends called vespera frontier. while we do take history and systematic info from it, this is an entirely different achelois than the one that anyone encountered in the mfrp vespera frontier. she’s from a past point of the story (about 12 years ago), where she’s been the guildmaster of gwenhwyfar for about 8 years. 
5’4”... small...
her eyes change color depending on if she experiences any interference magic or coding wise. she can, of course, also change it herself, but decides not to.
is admittedly not used to using her fingers to type, since her equivalent to a phone was stored in her chest and she just thought up her responses and had them appear. mind-to-text, anyone?
she’s more empathetic than she thinks she is.
achelois has a baby face. she will never be able to grow out of this. because of it, she appears to be 18… eternally.
there’s a toolkit in her arm, you just need to ask for a tool and she’ll “check in her bag” to get it.
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Agaysta
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: kaye
Contact: sacrificeheir @ twitter
Age: 20 
Pronouns: she / her
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moonbread-y · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people tagged by: @xnteiku​ thank you friendo!! You are really cool!
tagging: anyone cus i know no one on the tumbles
the last 1. drink: soy chai latte 2. phone call: mother! 3. text message: Also mother! 4. song you listened to: Breezeblocks by alt j. ITS SO GOOD lADS 5. time you cried: ummmmmmm 2 days ago??
6. dated someone twice: YUP 7. kissed someone and regretted it: always 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: ya 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: half of the times i’ve been drunk... Which is two times
3 favourite colours: 12. Light pink! 13. Powder blue! 14. White!
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: Nope! Lost most of my pre-existing ones 16. fallen out of love: ummmmmm 17. laughed until you cried: Ye 18. found out someone was talking about you: No? 19. met someone who changed you: nah m8 20. found out who your friends are: Yeah I think so 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: HAHAHAHAH
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know on real life: All of them 23. do you have any pets: A doggo a cat and 2 guinea pigs  24. do you want to change your name: Legally? Yes. Not sure to what yet tho. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Slept. went out for lunch. 26. what time did you wake up: 6:10!!!! I had work 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping for once 28. name something you can’t wait for: KINGDOM HEARTS 3!!  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Like...5 mins ago? 31. what are you listening to right now: Always like this by bombay bicycle club 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ye 33. something that is on your nerves: Ship wars. Always. 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube and DA 35. hair colour: blonde 36. long or short hair: shorteeeeee 37. do you have a crush on someone: I think im over relationships for a bit.... 38. what do you like about yourself: DEEZ THIGHS BOI 39. piercings: only on the ears 40. blood type: I have no idea. I haven’t even seen my birth certificate 41. nickname: Luecifer, Egg, French and Toastie  42. relationship status: in a committed relationship with food and my bed 43. zodiac: Gemini 44. pronouns: He/him But like call me whatever IDk the fUck?? 45. favourite tv show: VOLTRON, star vs the forces of evil, rick and morty, sherlock, steven universe. 46. tattoos: None but I want some!  47. right or left handed: Lefty~
                                                                               48. surgery: not yet but my jaws being fixed when im 18 50. sport: gymnastics? or dance I suppose? 52. pair of trainers: converse~
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: Spicy nik naks  54. drinking: Tea 57. want: A hug from my mum 58. get married: Well i’d want to but y’know 59. career: Childrens book illustrator
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: can I have both? Im desperate for affection plz 61. lips or eyes: both! 62. shorter or taller: Taller 63. older or younger: Don’t care 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach...which is kinda weird @wxsteboy​ I don’t want any of your weird vore shit 65. hook up or relationship: OH GOD I”VE PROVED I CANT DO HOOKUPS. Give me romance plz 66. troublemaker or hesitant:AHH what? 
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kisses a stranger: nop 68. drank hard liquor: nope 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Glasses always 70. turned someone down: yeah 71. sex on the first date: nope! 72. broken someone’s heart: um...not that im aware? I hope not. 73. had your heart broken: Yes! HAHAHA 74. been arrested: nah Im too scared of getting in trouble w/ my mum let alone the LAW 75. cried when someone died: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: Whats that? 78. miracles: kinda? Like passing my exams was a miracle 79. love at first sight: yeah 80. santa claus: ;) 81. kiss on the first date: I don’t see why not? 82. angels: Its built into me. I have too
OTHER: 84. eye colour: Green~ 85. favourite movie: The Little prince! That film is so pure
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bass-borot · 7 years
Got tagged by @comfylilcloset to do this thing and hey, it’s a lazy Friday morning (only a few days late :v ) so why the hell not.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: sip of Coke. Before that, proper chug of tangerine-sanguini juice 2. Phone call: mum, called me in the morning 3. Text message: "going on the train now, not calling cause there’s no signal, see you in 15″ (to my mum) 4. Song you listened to: No idea. Maybe some Disney Eurobeat thing cause I was checking it out? 5. Time you cried: Got a bit misty when I broke up with my girlfriend, bout 6 weeks ago? No idea other than that

HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nah. I mean I’ve gone on multiple dates with the same person but yeah not that :P 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Kinda once? But it was a long time ago 8. Been cheated on: Not to my knowledge 9. Lost someone special: Yeah. Still regret it. Want to write a big ol apology sometime 10. Been depressed: Either yes, or my doctor is in the hands of BIG PHARMA 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, but no. Gotten tipsy and threw up, but they were separate incidents
1. Green
2. Purple
3. Blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Absolutely :D 16. Fallen out of love: Kiiiiiiiiiinda? 17. Laughed until you cried: Does hurting behind the ears count? 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Uh I suppose? 19. Met someone who changed you: I think so, yeap 20. Found out who your friends are: Not really, not in the last year 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Eheheheheh yesssss
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Ballpark, around half 23. Do you have any pets: Nawww 24. Do you want to change your name: Not really, nah 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Nothing at all. Got sweets for the class. 26. What time did you wake up: 10am-ish, got up 10:30-ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: YouTube passing some time until midnight 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Reply from my doctor, and a friend to come back from holiday 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: A good part of how my brain works ;_; 31. What are you listening to right now: British YouTube guy playing Gran Turismo 3 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: The Greek version of that yeah 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The heat is fine today, but my dad is still cranky. 34. Most visited Website: Probably SomethingAwful 36. Mark/s: Various lame ‘scars’ (minor falls etc). One skull bump in the back that I remember every time I get a haircut 37. Childhood dream: Can’t even remember
38. Haircolor: BROWN 39. Long or short hair: Short, but in need of a haircut 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Mhmmmmmmmmm 41. What do you like about yourself?: My empathy, I think, I’m a sensitive dude 42. Piercings: Nun 43. Bloodtype: IDEK lmoa 44. Nickname: Besides my name here, there’s my video game name. Not giving it out cause people. 45. Relationship status: Single (ish) 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: He/Him/His etc 48. Favorite TV Show: It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia/Brooklyn Nine-Nine 49. Tattoos: None atm. Might get one at some point, but no plans. 50. Right or left hand: Right-handed 51. Surgery: Nothing interesting, I had a glass bit removed from my knee as a wee lad. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Nope, but interested in trying. 53. Sport: I watch F1 55. Vacation: Not since last year 56. Pair of trainers: I think there’s one or two around.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Fuck yeah. 58. Drinking: I love trying out new soft drinks :D Also a fan of trying out beer, but a MASSIVE cider fan. 59. I’m about to: Keep on chillin B) 61. Waiting for: Lunch, I suppose? 62. Want: 2bhappy
63. Get married: Possibly, for tax reasons 64. Career: Compooters 66. Lips or eyes: Can’t pick, they’re both A++ 67. Shorter or taller: Dun matter 68. Older or younger: Dun matter, within reason
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Love me a good tum
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitiveboi 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship, generally, but more up to chill right this summer 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant yo
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Yeah kinda 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Dropped my glasses once and someone stepped on them 77. Turned someone down: Ye, pretty recently actually. 78. Sex in the first date: Not really, but. 79. Broken someone’s heart: I hope not :( 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah. Not romantically, but yeah. 81. Been arrested: Lmao no 82. Cried when someone died: Got super choked up at my grandmother’s funeral. 83. Fallen for a friend: Kinda?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Noope, not in a million years just yet. 85. Miracles: Fucking magnets, how do they work? (No not really) 86. Love at first sight: Def at crushing/attraction, but love is a big word. 87. Santa Claus: I believe in the spirit of Christmas. Not in Santa as the figure, but yeah. 88. Kiss in the first date: Fuck yes. 89. Angels: Eh not really.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Carl 91. Eye color: BROWN 92. Favorite movie: Can’t even pick yo, come on.
I’m tagging @demetelu @transkoushirou @thismotherchucker @minatokun anddddd @pondwitch. Anyone is free to roll tho, but no pressure, I just had some time and felt like #sharing
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darthjordyn · 7 years
Ask Game!
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by @of-themysciraa <3
tagging: @chrisevansbulge and literally any of my followers who wanna play and never get tagged! also! if you’re the kind of person who would like to do these things and never gets tagged let me know and you’ll be my go-to for tagging :)
the last:
1. drink: just had a cookie magic or whatever it’s called shake from red robin
2. phone call: today an apple robot gave me an authorization code via phone call does that count
3. text message: my aunt
4. song you listened to: hide and seek! you know... mmmm watcha say
5. time you cried: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have probably cried today. definitely yesterday. i’m a crier lads
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: never
7. kissed someone and regretted it: .......yes
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: no
10. been depressed: only all the time amiright folks?! (sunglasses emoji)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
3 favorite colors:
12. black
13. also black
14. blush pink if i have to choose something that isn’t black
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: i’m not really a friend maker 
16. fallen out of love: not in the last year no
17. laughed until you cried: all the time
18. found out someone was talking about you: uhhhhhhhh
19. met someone who changed you: sure!
20. found out who your friends are: im gonna echo @of-themysciraa​ sentiment here and say what does this mean
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no!
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all like 50 of them haha
23. do you have any pets: yes! little tiny puppy baby and a sugar glider named Bruce
24. do you want to change your name: don’t tell my mom..... i love my name but would like to change the way it’s spelled
25. what did you do for your last birthday: cried a lot. other than that i can’t really remember
26. what time did you wake up: 8ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: dreamin
28. name something you can’t wait for: Netflix’s Bright
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago
31. what are you listening to right now: hollow crown. henry IV the first episode... or i’m trying to
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes! he was a bit of an ass though
33. something that is getting on your nerves: i can’t get my apple tv to connect to the internet rn
34. most visited website: my vanity is showing.... it’s my personal blog (this one)
35. hair colour: dark brown n purple 
36. long or short hair: medium rn but i’ve had both in the past
39. piercings: both of my ears are peirced + stretched a little (horrible mistake! don’t do it!)
40. blood type: hell if i know
41. nicknames: Bean, JB, sometimes my cousin calls me Geordi Laforge            
42. relationship status: single ;) ;) ;)                                                                         
43. zodiac: sagittarius                                                                                            
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: .............................i’m gonna say new girl tbh
46. tattoos: maybe eventually
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: i would probably rather die
49. piercing: uhhhhhh already answered?
50. sport: i really love to watch the olympics and especially swimming but other than that like.... what is a sport?
51. vacation: d i s n e y  w o r l d 
52. pair of trainers: this is a cool question and i have no idea what it means
more general:
53. eating: pigged out at red robin earlier. no regrets
54. drinking: i don’t do it...... at all..................
55. i’m about to: play with my new phone!
56. waiting for: rain
57. want: a lot of things. mental stability
58. get married: it’s a scam! never! 
59. career: i’d take anything at this point honestly 
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: kisses
61. lips or eyes: attraction wise like give me a good pair of lips any day
62. shorter or taller: shorter
63. older or younger: older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: how about....... nice teeth
65. hook up or relationship: hook ups sound awful to my myriad of mental health issues so
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i’m not sure i understand this one either but uhhh uhhhhhh i’m going to go with hesitant
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes contacts
70. turned someone down: yes
71. sex on the first date: no
72. broken someone’s heart: no...... wish i had lol
73. had your heart broken: ehhhh no
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: cried about alan rickman
76. fallen for a friend: nope
do you believe in:
77. yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
78. miracles: yeah
79. love at first sight: not at all binch
80. santa claus: i believe in the magic of santa claus, especially for children :)
81. kiss on the first date: probably........... not
82. angels: yeah sure
83. current best friend’s name: andy. jessica
84. eye colour: blue
85. favourite movie: oh shit oh no.... oh i am so bad at this question. i’m going to have to go with the lord of the rings trilogy and don’t tell me it’s three separate movies i don’t care
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redgoldblue · 7 years
85 q’s
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @soci0pathic-bastard
Tagging: go for it lads and feel free to quote me as tagging you I’m too tired
the last 1. drink: Sleepytime tea 2. phone call: my mother 3. text message: also my mother, I have a thriving social life. Last message was to the group chat though. 4. song you listened to: Unguarded Moment by The Church  5. time you cried: ? ?? emotionenomes? I don’t know like a few months ago 6. dated someone twice: never 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: as in death? My grandfather died... some years ago 10. been depressed: not clinically, but I’ve been sleeping more and been flat until a couple days ago due to being on holidays 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never
3 favourite colours 12. purple 13. red 14. deep blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: no 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: no? 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: I guess? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all, although I don’t talk to a lot of them outside of it
23. Do you have any pets? a Jack RussellxFoxie, Girtie 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do fore your last birthday: we went to Melbourne and I saw Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs 26. what time did you wake up: 11am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking to Basil 28. name something you can’t wait for: well I mean I’m excited to start going on-campus for uni next semester 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: about an hour ago 30. when was the last time you saw your dad: about half an hour ago 31. what are you listening to right now: well I can hear my dad snoring 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my sleep cycle being fucked up due to semester break depression 34. most visited website: tumblr/netflix/facebook to message people/Pinup Girl Clothing 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: longish? I’m growing it out 37. do you have a crush on someone: only fictional characters (refer to my sidebar for my current raging crush on a character from the Arrowverse, click here for softcore information!!!) 38. what do you like about yourself: my rationality 39. piercings: just earrings 40. blood type: A, I was AB but then my mother had to go save my life with her bone marrow and give me an inferior type 41. nickname: Ella bella by assorted parental figures 42. relationship status: single 43: zodiac: Gemini 44. pronouns: she/her or they/them 45. favourite tv show(s): Star Trek: The Original Series 46. tattoos: not yet 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: uhhh... depends how you define it? if it’s just GAs then I think 5, if you’re counting like BMAs and lumbar punctures under nitrous oxide then I honestly couldn’t tell you but a lot Oh not in the last year though no
49. piercing: you already said that 50. sport: ha me actively engage in something requiring both teamwork and exercise not to mention violence what do you take me for 51. vacation: Last one was the aforementioned Melbourne trip, next one will hopefully be New Zealand in February 52. pair of trainers: I hate sneakers with a burning passion
more general 53. eating: last thing was a kiwifruit 54. drinking: most common thing is tea 55. i’m about to: continue rereading Murder & Mendelssohn 56: waiting for: the rest of my stickers for my new laptop to come 57. want: to get my shit together, and to write 58. get married: maybe? 59. career: well currently student but will be doctor 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 65. hook up or relationship: relationship? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: cautious
have you ever 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: what defines hard? I’ve had mouthfuls of whiskey and shots in tea 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: no 71. sex on first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: no? 73. had your heart broken: no 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: I mean I don’t really remember but I think so 76. fallen for a friend: ish?
do you believe in 77. yourself: yeah 78. miracles: depends how you define it 79. love at first sight: not really 80. santa claus: never 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: no
other 83. current best friend’s name: Basil 84. eye colour: bluey-green? 85. favourite movie: Hairspray (2007)
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to-h-blog1 · 7 years
Magic and Banter:
Chapter 1:
It was dark when he woke up, but the stars! He doesn't suppose he saw so many in such a setting. They lit his surroundings like countless tiny lamps, emitting so much in so many colours it, creating a divine piece of ancient art out of the canvas of the sky. It was breath-taking, the night sky alone. He painfully staggered on his feet, feeling ashamed that he'd be such a mess in the presence of something so beautiful, albeit unintelligent. He didn't even entertain the possibility of NOT being a mess, he could smell it. He also found new strength, new hope in the moon towering his vision. He wondered, did he know this sky in another life? He had no memory of it; why else would he be stunned? Or was that a feature of bright darkness? He loved it. Serenity was something he needed to mend his currently fatigued resolve to survive. He stood still, examining his body and clothes. He wore a black shirt with tailored in white patters, but they were so faint they were hardly visible, and black shorts. He didn't particularly mind his fashion choices so he nodded and attempted to clean the nice but dirty piece of fabric. He noticed a white tag sued into his shirt, hiding two words on the side facing his body. It said "Dan Howell," and it sounded so familiar. He figured that could be his name, or the name of some mysterious owner of a stolen shirt, or maybe it's the name of the brand... no matter. He ignored the name for now, though it remained at the back of his mind.
Off to more important matters: Why was he left alone in a building as evil bearing as that of a tunnel for rats? He glanced behind him and saw a large menacing-looking building. It towered evilly over him as if it was one step away from eating him whole. Shifting his attention back to his position, he thought he must have taken a really cruel blow to the skill; it would explain the never ending throbbing at the back of his head and the cold dampness of his neck. He swiped his palms against the surface of his nape and saw that it was covered with blood. The bleeding stopped, which was a good sign. He hoped he does not faint again only to get devoured by a passing predator, or worse, a fellow human. Was he even human? Am I alive? Am I dreaming? Am I... real? I feel both dead and alive at the moment. Can spirits and ghosts feel pain and hunger? Who says they don't manifest a sort of connection with their bodies after death? How can one be sure of anything? He stopped himself, I will not go there. He knew he was going too far; it's better to focus on what's before him than what's inside his head, he decided.
He turned his head away from his beginning, and tiredly took in the rest of his surroundings. It was a quiet land, not many plants near him except for the borders of a faraway forest he could barely see; poking black spears against the sparkle of the heavenly bodies above. Far to his left, however, flamed a small camp surrounded by dark moving figures. Are they here to examine that accursed building? Were they the ones that left me in there? He considered as he crouched down the thankfully tall threads of grass. It was plausible that they were the ones that bashed him in the head and left him to rot in the dark. However, he needed answers, help and most importantly food. Oh food, his stomach grumbled, making his head slightly dizzy for a few moments. How he would kill for a bite of a juicy well-done piece of meat. It was appalling how he could remember details like facial hair and food spicing but could not remember something as fundamental as his own name. Says a lot about my priorities, ahem. Like he thought before, it's best not to think about it.
He weakly crawled towards the strangers. They were loud, too loud to be safe in a wide and hidden land as this one, he noted. Laughing shamelessly around the fire. They seemed confident enough to make noise in the middle of the dark frightening wilderness sp, maybe asking help from them was for the best. Either that or he may have been giving them too much credit. Why do I think too deeply about anything? It's my best option, no use in worrying about it. Maybe he was just tired. He hoped his hunger wasn't killing the last bit of wits he hopefully had beforehand.
There's a lot of 'hoping' in this business... this is uncomfortably inconvenient. He shook his head, instantly regretting it. Dia on a freaking boat... soz Dia. He mentally shrugged.
"Everybody, quiet!" Said a man from the group, cutting through his train of thought as he crawled closer unseen.
"Come on, Phil! We didn't mean that, we love your hair. We're just' havin' a good time. You should loosen up, aye lads?" Cracked what sounded like an old man and some other people. Phil, he repeated in his head.
"Shush!" Phil exclaimed, quieter still. His voice was clear of annoyance though; he did not sound particularly offended. "Something is getting closer."
Silence fell over the small company, and he heard light slow footsteps coming towards him. He also heard the distinct sound of metal unsheathing, he guessed a sort of sword was being used. Swords, I'll get to see a sword! He paused, oh... shit. This was not a good sign, he might think him a beast and kill him on the spot!
"Wait!" He said in a strangled voice. "I'm harmless, m-more so than a pink butterfly!"
There was a pause in the air, the footsteps stopped. The sword remained unsheathed.
"Then show yourself, pink butterfly!" Replied Phil dryly, and then continued. "You can't expect us to trust someone that lurks like a Coyote in the bushes while we're eating! Who are you?"
"Maybe I lurk," he said it in a dirty way. "Because I have reasons not to trust a loud armed bunch when I'm alone!" He responded, quite annoyed by his attitude. Not that he could blame him for it, he's just reaching the threshold of how much stress he could take at a time. "I'm hurt and weary, and don't want to take chances by openly approaching you... hopefully kind... lot." He ended sheepishly.
He heard no reply for some time, but heard a coughing fit from the far back that suspiciously sounded like laughter. His legs slowly lost their will to stand from crawling so long, and his thighs hurt at the mere pressure of his body against them. How long have I been in that shit hole? He asked wordlessly. He smelled like faeces, he probably looked like faeces and he most definitely felt like faeces too. Maybe he was there longer than he'd expected; even his voice was too damaged for him to judge his age.
With an inhuman growl, Phil responded. "And should we take your word for it? That you are alone?" It almost seemed like 'Phil' was insulting him with the pronouns, but he wasn't very sure how to go about it.
Before he could answer, the same man from before spoke. "Oh! Did you sense, Master Lester, any movements besides the crawling of one?" He said, and he noted that Phil's surname was Lester. "No, Captain. I haven't." He resigned. He heard what he suspected to be the man's heavy footsteps, followed by a snigger here and there among the mysterious company. "Well then! I see not a reason why we shouldn't trust a single man not to slaughter us all ten armed members of the royal guard! Come, stranger. Trust us, we mean no harm as well."
There was a sense of finality in the man's tone that suggested nobody in their right mind should question his odd, frankly disgusting, enthusiasm. Disgusted or not, seeing as his chances of survival are now better than none, he slowly stood up facing the subject of his interest and the door to his rescue, or perhaps, imminent death.
Phil Lester was not amused. At first he was extremely suspicious of the voice, no matter how pathetically tired he sounded like. But once he saw whom he had argued with he was not sure what to make of him. There are certain things you expect when you see people of this world; they were all blonde to a degree. Sporting green, blue or yellow honey eyes. That is, for some reason with the exception of Phil and his mother. He's so used to the contrast between everyone and himself that he hardly recognises how much of a difference it is anymore. Until... you see someone with thisin common. True enough, he was alone. And he did not lie when he said he was injured. What took him off guard was that he had not laid eyes on anybody of this particular description before in his life. He contradicted every expectation he had about him. First off, he was really tall. Taller than HIM. And Phil was the tallest in the group, in any group. His hair was dark brown; a colour he hadn't seen on anyone besides his mother. His skin was as pale as death, lifeless, too pale for his own good. It's obvious he'd lost so much colour if his sick form is the same as Phil's healthy form. If it were not for the bright awareness of his eyes, he would bet on him being much like the walking dead. His clothes were just as strange as his looks. He wore all black as if he was going to a funeral: black dirty shorts, a black half-sleeved shirt with the queerest pattern he'd ever seen. Also, did he mention that he was completely barefoot? Not even socks! That personally appalled Phil. He looked vulnerable, yet, strangely intimidating. His vulnerability was a strange sight to behold.
His eyes were a different story altogether. Their colour was foreign for him to see, but it wasn't exactly that which concerned him. They were a similar shade of brown as his hair, but even in the dark one could see how devastatingly alert and shining they were. He looked at everything as if he could see things that were unseen. His eyes darted from the fire, to the company and then rested on him. Their eyes connected, making Phil feel as if he was gazing at his naked soul. His face was expressionless, but his eyes held so much life and emotions, he didn't think the man needed any facial expressions. Definitely not normal, he thought. There was something mysterious about him. A dark aura that said he should not be helped, another promising aura that says he should be, a third within him that seconds the other option. He could almost swear that he heard something about people that looked like him, people that looked like himself. Except, those were not even real. They were the stuff of legend. Phil ignored it a long time ago, so much that he forgot. But one sure thing is that they were epic magic wielding wizards, like Perry Topper. He, on the other hand, looked like a broken toothpick, or a praying mantis. And his accent was strange even to his trained ears. Still, he stepped forward to aid him. To show him they were meant to help people, not grill them for dinner. Not that he looks appetising. well, he does have nice legs...
No. Phil stopped himself before he could formulate any conclusions based on that completely random remark.
Once he saw Phil approaching, he took a step back and raised one hand in front of him, causing Phil to stop and frown at his reaction. He took a deep breath in as he shut his eyes closed, then he spoke.
"Hold on a minute!" He raised his tired voice in what sounded like a command to Phil. Who does he think he is? We already said we wouldn't harm him! He tilted his head in question at him. "I believe you, now. Or do you doubt me?"
He considered something for a moment, then looked straight at him and said. "No," Not that his mistrust would change anything, really. "I just needed to adjust—I can barely focus on my surroundings without falling. You running towards me does little to help my condition, thanks by the way." The man ended, shaking his head and seeming to regret that decision.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked, surprised at how frail he was, and puzzled as to why he needs to be sarcastic about it. "What happened to you?"
"I can't say... I have a wound 'ere—" He replied pointing at the back of his head, "—and I think I had lost my memories. Oh, scratch that, I definitely did. I don't even know how I look like. Hm, but, I think my name is D—," He stopped short as he saw his limps cease to support him. Quickly, Phil ran towards the odd stranger and held him in place before he crumbled completely on the ground. Phil glanced at his half-closed eyes, almost making time stop by the intensity of their gaze. He kneeled, wrapping his arms tighter around the guy. He didn't mind the smell; he didn't mind the horrifyingly low hygiene of the person pressed against his chest. They just stared into each other's eyes, feeling something forge beyond their control. Phil could feel it, Dan was too tired to feel it, but he clenched his chest and coughed, breaking their moment as Phil was once again reminded of why he was in his arms.
"CHRIS! SEB! JUNE! COME HERE, QUICK!" He shouted as he saw the stranger breaking into a smile.
"I'm sleeping?" He whispered quietly, as his eyes shut closed, hopefully not for good.
He gazed curiously at the stranger in his arms and whispered back, "Not forever, if I could help it."
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helioslouis · 7 years
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag! Thanks, @lionheartlouist​ for giving me an opportunity to expose myself.
LAST [1] drink: Coffee [2] phone call: Varsha [3] text message: Pick Someone Supportive GC  [4] song you listened to: Venus by Sleeping At Last [5] time you cried: I’m always crying. [6] dated someone twice: Nope.  [7] been cheated on: I think so? [8] kissed someone and regretted it: Um, no. [9] lost someone special: My bestfriend. [10] been depressed: lads do we want to start talking about this? [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: haven’t yet. LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] Navy Blue [13] Black  [14] Anything Pastel IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Yes! [16] fallen out of love: Can’t fall out of love if you’ve never fallen in love. [17] laughed until you cried: I don’t remember, yikes. [18] found out someone was talking about you: I don’t know! [19] met someone who changed you: In all the good ways.  [20] found out who your true friends are: I found my home. [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope. [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them.  [23] do you have any pets: I want a dog and a cat so bad. [24] do you want to change your name: Nope, I picked it out myself and I love it. [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Violently threw up at someone’s wedding! Fun times. [26] what time did you wake up: 6:00 am. [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping.   [28] name something you cannot wait for: For med school to start. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: Two minutes ago. She asked me to take a shower.   [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Never be born?  [31] what are you listening to right now: Cricket commentatory.    [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: Keep that white devil away from me. [33] something that is getting on your nerves: A certain person who just is fucking erasing me out of their life like I wasn’t there for them when they needed someone the most. [34] most visited website: Tumblr [35] elementary: Excellent grades. Had lots of friends. Played for most of the time. [36] high school: Loved it till 10th grade and then all shit broke loose. The worst two years of my life were 11th and 12th grade. [37] college: Can’t wait to start med school and start loving learning as well. [38] hair colour: Black/dark brown. [39] long or short hair: Short. [40] do you have a crush on someone: No. [41] what do you like about yourself?: Why is this question blank?  [42] piercings: Ears, and i didn’t ask for them.   [43] blood type: A+ [44] nickname: Ash and Lee (it’s only me who calls myself Lee sometimes) [45] relationship status: Single :(( [46] zodiac sign: Scorpio. [47] pronouns: they/them [48] fav tv show(s): Sense8  [49] tattoos: Don’t have one :( [50] right or left handed: Right FIRST… [51] surgery: My first surgery will be the one where I operate. [52] piercing: I want a snakebite. [53] best friend: Varsha and Pick Someone Supportive GC. [54] sport: Swimming. [55] vacation: Gujarat [56] pair of trainers: Converse. [57] eating: um [58] drinking: um [59] i’m about to: take a shower and take a nap. [60] listening: ?????????????  [61] waiting for: Med School to start ugh.  [62] want: More and more books.  [63] get married: Nope?  [64] career: Cardiothoracic Surgeon. YOUR TYPE… [65] hugs or kisses: either thank u  [66] lips or eyes: doesn’t matter  [67] shorter or taller: doesn’t matter [68] older or younger:  doesn’t matter [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic  [70] nice arms or nice stomach: Same as Dee. [71] sensitive or loud: neither... more like quiet. [72] hook up or relationship: either seems nice now [73] troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker who smirks a lot HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger?: nope  [75] drank hard liquor?: nope [76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: nope [77] turned someone down?: yes  [78] sex on first date?: if it’s a fwb kinda date, sure but not if i’m romantically interested in the person. [79] broken someone’s heart?: nope [80] had your own heart broken?: boi i live with a broken heart and it’s not about a relationship lol [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? : yeah [83] fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself?: Blank question again? [85] miracles?: Lol. [86] love at first sight?: Attraction, sure but love? lmao no. [87] santa claus? I mean.... what’s the difference between sugar dadies and santa claus? [88] kiss on the first date?: same answer as the sex question [89] angels?: I’ve really seen an angel.  [90] current best friend’s name: Varsha and Pick Someone Supportive gc. [91] eye colour: Brown  [92] favourite movies: Mean Girls, Titanic.
Thank you Dee for tagging me! I won’t be tagging anyone else because you literally just tagged the five people I know ghdfgd but if you’d like to do this, do it!
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