bitter69uk · 4 months
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Sex kitten summit meeting! Jayne Mansfield and Éva Gábor photographed at the Cotillion Ball at the Shamrock Hilton in Houston Texas in November 1960. Imagine partying with this fun duo! Effervescent coquette Éva Gábor (11 February 1919 – 4 July 1995), youngest and most talented of the three much-married fabulously ridiculous Hungarian American socialite, elite courtesan and surgically-enhanced glamourpuss Gábor sisters, was born on this day 105 years ago. While she’s inevitably described as “famous for being famous”, Gábor was a gifted and sparkling comedic actress of stage, screen and TV (especially in 1960s sitcom Green Acres; seek out the film Paris Model (1953) for further evidence), possessed a distinctive campy voice (she memorably did voice-overs for the Disney films The Aristocats (1970) and The Rescuers (1977)) – and the boss lady behind her own successful wig range! Gábor may also have been bisexual: in his 2019 book Finding Zsa Zsa: The Gabors Behind the Legend, author Sam Staggs suggests that Eva enjoyed a long liaison with Marlene Dietrich. Apparently, Francesca Hilton (Zsa Zsa Gábor's daughter and Eva’s niece) alleged to Staggs that her aunt was secretly a lesbian. Considering Éva was married five times and had a long romance with Glenn Ford, her commitment to Sapphism seems unlikely. But who knows? To complicate things, Eva was widely rumoured to be Merv Griffin’s “beard” later in life. Let’s hope it’s true! Anyway, my favourite Éva Gábor memory: circa 1989 when her more volatile older sister Zsa Zsa was famously arrested for slapping a traffic cop’s face, the cable network Nick at Nite promoted their reruns of Green Acres with an ad proclaiming, “Remember – this is Éva, not Zsa Zsa! Eva will not harm you!”
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs by Julie Jackson and Jill Johnson, 2009
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evilhorse · 7 months
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Glamourpuss #21
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beyondthespheres · 1 year
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Z!NK *is* the shit, and even Dave Sim knew - as this beautiful page from Glamourpuss irredeemably shows. Ignore the words, though, he’s a confirmed buffoon.
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Verna Hillie and Toby Wing pose in front of college banners in a promotional photo for Search for Beauty (Paramount Pictures, 1934)
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mikexx2 · 1 year
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Tri-Fruhm queens, 2023 edition. <3
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pegglefan69 · 9 months
"...A faggot, in my father's eyes, meant more than a man who wanted to have sex with other men. It meant a man who showed vulnerability, softness, a man who cried, a man who moved with grace, a man who did not live in the stable, traditional structure of masculinity, but was fluid, unpredictable, dangerous. A man open to the hungers and thirsts of his heart, and to the possibility of love, connection, those wild intimacies which expose one to so much potential joy, so much potential hurt."
-Willow Aerin Fagen, My Fear, The Forces Beneath, from Why are Faggots Afraid of Faggots? Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform, edited by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore
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funstyle · 1 year
personally i wouldve cast patti harrison in the barbie movie but thats just my opinion as a glamourpuss with good taste.
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Fall Nail Art Design Ideas
Read more at: https://easyday.snydle.com/fall-nail-art-design-ideas.html | Easyday
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makotoscoffee · 2 years
i just know Arnaque would smell so fucking good
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lackadaisycats · 3 months
Which Lackadaisy female character do fable and Tracy likes to draw the most?
Tough to pick. Ivy's fun to draw because she's usually having fun. I enjoy drawing Mitzi's flowy shapes and over-dramatic eyes. It's also amusing to me to draw really goofy expressions on someone who otherwise comes across like a glamourpuss. I like drawing Lacy's put-togetherness, Elsa's wispiness, and Nina's short-and-stout-ness. I enjoy drawing Serafine's sharp sense of style and ability to chameleon between one look and another, depending on what mode she's in. I get a kick out of drawing gnomish Mrs. Bapka too. I guess it helps to be unrepentantly indulgent about designing your characters, because then drawing is always a good time. I can't answer for @fablepaint, but I'm tagging them so they can chime in if they want to.
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bitter69uk · 2 years
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“Monique was the kind of character that exists only in Fellini movies: hyper-sophisticated, hyper-dramatic, hyper-hysterical. Tall, buxom and blonde, she even looked like Anita Ekberg in La Dolce Vita. She claimed to have discovered Hiram Satyricon Keller and to have lost many of her admirers to her close friend and frequent house guest Rudolf Nureyev. She was always heartbroken but never missed a party. During the filming Monique took it into her head to fall in love with Paul (director Paul Morrissey). When Andy (Warhol) heard, he started calling her every night to ask her how her seduction of the notoriously inhibited Paul was going. Andy would reassure her that Paul “didn’t, uh, like boys or anything, he was, uh, just shy with women.” He told her to really go after him. This was all Monique had to hear. The next day she was batting her eyelashes, hiking up her skirt and leaning over to reveal her cleavage, all aimed at Paul. He paid her no mind, as this was pretty much the way she always behaved. That night Andy told Monique that Paul was typically Irish-Catholic, very strict and serious, not the type to have a quick fling with his leading lady. Monique took to wearing a big gold crucifix, saying the rosary between takes, and going on about her Catholic girlhood and convent education. And although Paul never succumbed to Monique’s nunnish charms, on several occasions since I have heard him say, “You know, Monique is not the decadent sophisticated European jet-set type she makes herself out to be. She’s actually quite serious and devout.” 
Bob Colacello’s account of the failed seduction attempt by Belgian-American actress, dancer, chanteuse and international sex kitten Monique van Vooren (1927 - 2020) of underground filmmaker Paul Morrissey during the production of Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein (1973) in his book Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up (1990).
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insanityisdivine · 5 months
Glamourpuss strikes again!
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evilhorse · 8 months
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Glamourpuss #22
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sachie-and-friends · 2 months
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I am Sachie, also known as glamourpuss, meow! 😸🐾💜 - Kitten Sachie
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“Dietrich was the human face of Garbo, making trousers fashionable, mystery accessible, grandmothers glamorous and time stand still.” [From the book Hollywood Colour Portraits by John Kobal (1981)]
“She has sex, but no particular gender. She has the bearing of a man; the characters she plays love power and wear trousers. Her masculinity appeals to women and her sexuality to men.” - Kenneth Tynan
“If we had to invent someone to be the ideal woman … we would have to invent Marlene Dietrich.” -Billy Wilder
Died on this day 32 years ago in Paris: inimitably sultry, throaty-voiced German actress, chanteuse, international glamourpuss and the personification of decadent world-weary languid sensuality – Miss Marlene Dietrich (27 December 1901 – 6 May 1992)! Pictured: portrait of the diva by Milton H Greene, 1952.
[Follies of God]
“I am, at heart, a gentleman.” ― Marlene Dietrich
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