#god I miss it
honeypleasejustkillme · 5 months
i miss the rage (being hypersexual)
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mx-misty-eyed · 4 months
ok I loved sai and im sure the new era will be amazing too, but i feel like nothing will EVER beat trench era. Maybe its just the childhood nostalgia speaking, the fact that all those songs are tinged with good memories from middle school and going to my friends house to watch hours long lore videos idk. But trench means so much to me and its one of the best things they put out and i think the vibes of the era and the music will never be topped again
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dongyeonsimp · 4 months
Currently thinking about a fic I lost where Han Seo was in a time loop during the whole kidnapping scene with him and Cha Young and had to relive it repeatedly hundreds of times until he finally won and lived 😞
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celestialulu · 11 months
Love when mashima draws nalu looking softly and fondly at each other 10/10 more of it please
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taz19hagel38 · 1 year
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hedghost · 1 year
what do you think Less would be like with the first time spending the night with reader, like she’s all nervous asking if they’re okay and then when they cuddle all the nerves go away
this is VERY cute lemme think
okay so you and less have been friends for a while, maybe you started out as teammates but over time you’ve gotten closer. you made the move to ask her on a date after a few weeks of flirty back and forth between the two of you, and alessia was thrilled. since then you’ve been on a few (very successful) dates, shared a few kisses, and been practically attached at the hip.
it’s after your third date, when you’re both certain it’s going very well, when you ask her to come back to yours. you have no intentions, and you make it clear that you aren’t forcing her into anything, but neither do you want to leave the other just yet, and so you invite her to come back for a film and some drinks.
you’re still figuring each other out, in that beginning phase where everything is new, and everything is exciting. you let alessia into your flat, and beam a little at the nervous smile she gives you.
you head into the kitchen, and less doesn’t know if she should follow you, or sit, so just stands there. she takes the time to look at your home, to take in how very you it is. this is your little space, and you love how you’ve made it your own. you love even more how alessia marvels at it, taking in every little detail with a smile, running her hands over your furniture, gazing at each little item, soft fingers touching gently at each photo.
you sit on the sofa and pat it to signal less to join you, which she does in a heartbeat. you hope she’ll sit right up against you, but she perches a little awkwardly away from you.
you smile, because you can tell she’s nervous. you want to reach for her, but you don’t want to overwhelm her, so you pass her a glass of wine, put on a mindless film, and lean back.
the night continues much like that, lessi wanting desperately to make a move but suddenly feeling too awkward. she doesn’t know what’s gotten into her - she’s never ever felt awkward around you before.
the conversation flows easily, and slowly, very slowly, alessia migrates towards you on the sofa. you make the move to sling your arms around her shoulders, feeling the tension in them loosen a little as you do so. she not so surreptitiously shifts into you, little by little, until she’s lying against your side. with every little inch she moves closer, she looks up at you and asks if it’s okay. you nod each time, slowly gaining confidence to wrap your arm around her chest fully. she takes your hand, playing with each finger, and her eyes tell you that she’s still asking the same questions. you answer by playing with her hand in return, soft strokes against her palms, entangling and untangling your fingers with hers over and over.
it’s getting late, and you’ve had a bit to drink, so you suggest alessia stays over. she agrees readily once you make it clear you want her to stay, but as you get into bed she’s unsure if she should cuddle into you or not. you lie on the bed, still chatting animatedly, and in a burst of confidence she entangles her legs with yours. you swing her legs back and forth with your own with a smile, just enjoying the overly flirtatious nature of it all.
she itches to close the gap between your upper bodies, but there’s still some nerves about this sort of situationship. sensing her hesitations, you beckon her over, and she nestled into you, head in the crook of your shoulder, arm hanging around her waist. you trace patterns into her shoulder, scratch her back lightly, and she replaces fully, breathing you in and closing her eyes.
you’re talking about nothing and everything, still enjoying getting to know each other, still in those early stages where you just want to hear the other talk about anything, just for the sake of hearing their voice. alessia’s starting to drift off, but still chatting. she opens her eyes to watch you as you talk about something or other, gesturing with the hand that isn’t wrapped up in her hair as you talk. she leans up, cuts off your talking by pressing her mouth to yours. you both smile into the kiss, hearts fluttering as she does what you’ve both been eating to do all night, but both been unsure where the other stood. she pulls back with a lazy smile, and it’s the most relaxed you’ve seen her all evening.
‘enough now, i’m actually tired’ she grins, and you laugh and pull her back into you, as the two of you fall asleep in sync with one another, arms and legs not unraveling from each other.
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marswasnothere · 7 months
I always save a fuck tonne of photos and videos when I join a new fandom and task myself to make folders organising them all, and I had that going to joker out but stopped near the end of July because I thought “oh I’ll just do it later”, and that later ended up coming in November.
So here’s the joker out compendium, containing any and all photos, videos, and edits containing joker out members.
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one-winged-dreams · 1 month
I JUST talked shit about WoW only to go and reread some of my old WoW ship fics, what even is emotional consistency.
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
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“My Pride and Joy”
This was my reward for animating last weekend~. For a while now I’ve been eager to revisit the Dream Alliance AU just to see if I’ve really improved that much at drawing mecha, and I HAVE. OAO Holy cow…the original design for the Lor Starcutter is here, if you want to compare. ^^
Usually, rewarding myself with extra drawings doesn’t work, but there’s something about DreamAll that makes it fun to illustrate…I think it’s just the complete stylization; there’s both wacky, cartoonish designs and bright, vibrant colors. With most of my artstyles I only get to do one or the other...I do appreciate the more grounded stuff, but it’s really nice to let loose occasionally. :9
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jasperscringepit · 10 months
Going to London tomorrow with my family for the museums, and I just remembered there's no more newsies :((
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calamitoustide · 2 days
i've just begun reading Dear Reader and i wanted to tell you this is the most invested ive been in a fic!!! i'm usually not SO attached, but this story completely grabs me. i'm absolutely obsessed with your characters, with the whole thing. i'm going to be devouring the rest of it <3
oh :( dear reader is EVERYTHING to me it is my baby it is my heart and soul i miss it every single day im glad you’re enjoying it <333
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beansnpeets · 4 months
I had a dream I went back to the west coast to visit and I was so haply to be back there that I cried. It felt like I'd gone home.
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stavrakas · 6 months
local café owner is putting up posters about offering guitar lessons should i throw myself into her arms now or wait a few days
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l0ttsf0rl0tte · 5 months
i miss minecraft story mode
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wilfcrd · 1 year
My stepdad was watching a movie and someone said “rage against the dying of the light” my immediate thought was unus annus
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iamthemaestro · 8 months
concept: there should be halftime at marching band competitions where instead two football teams come out and play an entire game. then the second half of the competitions continues as normal
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