#goddddddd fuck
tomatoluvr69 · 8 months
Ok soooooo turns out visiting a city where a lot of old friends are is all fun and games until you are forced to crawl over hot coals every waking moment (you must text them* to make plans and you have plans ominously awaiting you at all times & you know you’ll be subjected to catch up chats at the start of every single one & you will be anxious to find out if you can still vibe casually with these people or if it’ll be stilted an awkward & & &
*most despicable despisèd activity ever I just want to read my books buy expensive coffees go dumpster diving and lie
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demigods-posts · 3 months
i lowkey forget that percy's full name is perseus. and like. that name goes so hard. because it just sounds like this mf could kick your ass. like imagine you're a junior in high school and your teacher introduces a new student by the name of 'perseus jackson'. and before you even raise your head to look at the guy. you just know this mf could clock you.
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louhearted · 10 months
so so so so so scared of my exam tmrw. so so so scared.
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onehunnit · 2 months
everyone say thank you yunho fansites!
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shima-draws · 8 months
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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silvermahogany · 2 months
This is where I belong.
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vaggieslefteye · 1 month
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out for blood ⇌ out for love
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curioscurio · 14 days
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the sensory slug is getting a workout today if one more thing happens today is2g
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aquapolis · 9 months
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can we talk the fact that when fujiko lost her memory her first observation about lupin was how he looked like a nice person and he reacted like that was the most painful, horrible thing he'd ever been told by a woman who's literally held him at gunpoint multiple times I'M DYING TO TALK ABOUT THE FACT TH
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ofmd-alsaurus · 8 months
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blazingblorbos · 2 months
Absolutely phenomenal
Web event releases and literally all it is, is Arlecchino killing 2 (3) men. Congrats. here's your rewards!
I saw a tweet earlier this morning that said
"genshin saw people mad at chiori for throwing a man out of her shop and their honest reaction was making arlecchino kill one in her teaser"
AND I CACKLED SO LOUD so seeing this now, I just had to share it with you all
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chanstopher · 11 months
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allmyandroids · 4 months
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Frank Hollander
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gampiyah · 6 months
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watched both seasons of the anime wit my friend the other day and im gonna sob i love them what the hell
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transmechanicus · 2 months
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chilchuk chilchuk chilchuk short king boyfriend husband cutie pie god damn god damn god DAMN
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yuwuta · 1 month
i loooooove homewrecker megumi so much you have no clue 😵 this is also a pipeline to toxic ex! Megumi >.<
He listens to 'boy is mine' by Ariana Grande n 'kill bill' by SZA and immediately starts thinking of you. Just all that listening/ lecturing from gojo n toji he must've gotten growing up completely wrapped his perception of relationships.
you two were dating in his mind long before he asked you out and date farrrr longer than what you think because he doesn't count (-all-) the times you've broken up
ok so here’s the thing i’m really bad at envision any kind of exes/ex-relationship with 90% of the jjk boys because there’s no… there’s no getting out of that LOL you’re locked in for life with them. most of them would, quite literally, rather die than break up 
the exception to this in my head, personally, is toji. he’s like, the fun ex to have around. you two can joke about how he’s been inside of you, and how you know he drinks tea with his pinky up but also be completely platonic. there’ll always be a funny kind of sexual and romantic history, but if you need a cheeky friend in your life, keeping toji around is the way to go. also if you ever just truly want a one-off hookup, he’s your guy
but megumi and infidelity… goes a bit too hand in hand i fear. especially megumi as your best friend… he couldn’t care if your current boyfriend lives or dies, so there is no moral weight on his shoulder knowing or acting on being in love with you. him being in love with you/dating in his head so true… you are not just single to him if you’re in a relationship with someone else, you are, inevitably, going to choose him and honestly, he’s getting tired of waiting for you to realize that he’s right for you; no matter how good of a match your boyfriend might be for you, the simple truth is megumi is a better match. you can realize that on your own, your boyfriend can realize that for himself, or megumi can step in and help you <3 
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