#goku smut
akaridream · 9 months
all the right buttons: part 2 GOKU (college AU goku x reader)
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alright goku fuckers, come get y'all juice
and don't worry geta lovers, you'll get yours soon too
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You stared at the coin in your hand, anxiously rubbing your thumb over it. The only way to discover your true feelings was to flip it. Heads for Goku, tails for Vegeta.
The coin sailed through the air. You captured it between your palms and flipped it onto the back of one hand. Eyes opening, you lifted your hand. Heads.
YOU: ummm i guess i felt like i had a slightly better connection with goku?
You climbed into bed and laid in the darkness, wiggling your toes impatiently between your bed sheets. Your stomach floated nervously within you, waiting for her response. What if your guess was wrong? Would you be disappointed if it was Vegeta? No, certainly not disappointed. But there would be at least a tinge of FOMO in your heart at the thought of missing out on Goku. He seemed so sweet and easy to get along with. But perhaps he was just a nice guy with everyone and you were nothing special to him. Whatever the case, you jolted when your phone finally buzzed with Bulma’s reply.
BULMA: as soon as you left, goku said you were cool and that you should come over again soon :) and he said you were really pretty An automatic smile spread across your face and you kicked your feet up with a delighted squeal.
YOU: omg i’ll come over right now if he wants haha
BULMA: easy tiger :) i gave him your number and told him to hit you up, so hopefully you’ll be hearing from him v soon
YOU: did you tell him anything I said about him? Did you put in a good word for me?
BULMA: I told him you’re super sweet and lots of fun to be around, but he was already kinda smitten and didnt need much encouragement. it was actually really cute
Your cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling. Then your phone buzzed again.
Unknown Number: hey, it’s goku! i got your number from bulma, i hope thats alright
You stomped your feet on the bed, pleasantly surprised that he was texting you already. This guy doesn’t play games!
YOU: omg hey! ofc thats okay! I know I can trust bulma not to give my number to creeps. I had a great time playing with you today!
GOKU: yeah me too! I’ll have to dig out some other games we can play together sometime
YOU: I’m absolutely down for another game sesh! Wish I still had all my old games, I’d bring some
GOKU: just bring yourself and I’m sure we can find something to play! theres actually an old tenkaichi tournament movie, we could try and find it somewhere and watch it
YOU: ive heard its actually a horrible movie! but that isn’t gonna stop me, i love making fun of bad movies
GOKU: haha cool! Vegeta and I always go to the gym friday afternoons, but I’m free after 5 or so. We could order some food and just hang out here
Wow, he really doesn’t beat around the bush! Straight to asking me to hang out already?
YOU: that sounds great! And will your roommates be joining us?
GOKU: they’ll probably be around. But i was kind of hoping it might just be you and me
YOU: i think i’d like that :) so it’s a date then?
GOKU: yeah, if that’s okay with you
YOU: definitely okay with me! I can bring some drinks if you want
GOKU: yeah sure! You like chinese takeout? Theres an awesome place just off campus I order from all the time, they give you sooo much food
YOU: yeah, that sounds great to me. I’m sure you need big portions, you’re a growing boy after all!
For the rest of the week, you texted Goku without the conversation coming to a natural end. As midday turned into Friday afternoon, an anxious, fluttery feeling flooded your stomach. What should you wear? What should you do with your hair? What about makeup? In the end, you opted for a pair of high-waisted jean shorts, a cute camisole with lace trim and an oversized cozy cardigan that kept falling off your shoulder. The peek of skin would be enticing, if he was interested in hooking up of course. And you certainly weren’t against that idea. Since the day you met him, you had been thinking about climbing all over him, especially right into his lap…
You put your hair up into a clip and dotted your cheeks and lips with a soft glow. After a touch of mascara, you admired yourself in your full length mirror. Scrubbed, shaved and smelling lightly of perfume, you felt confident in your natural beauty. Your heart danced in your chest when your phone buzzed with a text from Goku, saying to come over whenever you were ready. You grabbed the case of chilled vodka soda from your dorm fridge and headed across campus.
By the time you arrived at Bulma and Goku’s front door, your cheeks were aching from smiling so much. Your heart still twirling like a ballerina, you knocked and awaited your date’s appearance.
The door swung open, revealing Goku in a tight black tee and another pair of short shorts in bright orange. He grinned and adjusted his glasses on his nose.
“Hey! Good to see ya!” he said, giving you a brief but warm hug as you stepped over the threshold. Your arms snaked around his thin waist, pleasantly aware of having his hard body flush against yours.
“Good to see you again too, Goku! How was your workout?” you asked as he led you into the kitchen.
“Great! Vegeta hit a PR on bench today, so that was cool!”
You tilted your head as he took the case of vodka soda from you and put it in the fridge. “What’s a PR?”
He blinked. “Oh! Personal record. Sorry, I forgot you aren’t a gym rat like me,” he said, shyly scratching the back of his neck. “Oh, Bulma left this for us by the way.” Goku tapped a knuckle on a bottle of white wine with a fancy label.
“Oh my gosh, that looks expensive!” you said as you examined it. “But what a sweetheart she is! I’ll have to tell her thank you!”
Goku led you to the living room where the game console and old TV had been shoved to the corner and Bulma’s fancy flat screen once again dominated the space. A new coffee table sat in front of the couch as well.
“She’s been busting my balls all week about you,” he said with a shy chuckle as he plopped onto the couch.
“Oh yeah?” you asked in a teasing voice. “What about me?” A warm blush started to overtake Goku’s cheeks. He smiled and shrugged. “Just that she’s happy to see me take interest in someone, I guess. Apparently she thinks its about time!”
You sat on the couch and propped your arm over the back, turned to face Goku. “Has it been a while since you dated someone then?”
He nodded. “Yeah, since high school. I had a long term thing with this one girl but it didn’t end so great. She was a bit of a hot-head. But since her… I haven’t even been on a date. Just been trying to sort my own stuff out, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it. I’m not the most experienced with relationships either. Shit’s complicated,” you laughed.
Goku smiled. “Yeah, you’re telling me!” His phone buzzed. “Alright, dinner’s here! Be right back!” His eyes grew wide with excitement and he raced out the door before you could even reply. He came back just as quick and unloaded a surprising amount of food onto the coffee table.
“Are you sure you ordered enough?” you asked sarcastically.
Goku furrowed his brows and looked over the selection of takeout containers. “Well, I thought five entrees might be enough, but I’ll be happy to order more if you want!”
You laughed and opened a pair of chopsticks. “I was kidding! This looks like enough to feed my entire family back home!”
His frown quickly inverted and he grinned. “Oh, okay, good! Should we break out what you brought to drink or try Bulma’s fancy wine?”
“Let’s have the wine with the movie, I think,” you suggested, padding over to the fridge and grabbed a drink for each of you.
Per usual with Goku, conversation was steady and comfy. You chatted and laughed as you sat on the floor across the coffee table from each other, both of your cell phones sitting untouched. “Is this table new?” you asked.
Goku nodded as he scarfed down some lo mein. “Yeah, Bulma bought a new one because Vegeta and I kind of broke the last one.” You sputtered a laugh. “How on earth did you manage to break a coffee table?”
“Well, we were just kind of goofing around and Vegeta slipped and… Fell right through it! It was all glass, he complained about it being invisible all the time anyway. Bulma is convinced he did it on purpose because he hated it!”
You covered your mouth full of food and laughed heartily. “That is hilarious! But what the hell do you mean you were just goofing around?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, just… Goofin’ off like guys do?”
“Sounds just like my brothers,” you said, shaking your head.
You finished your meal, with Goku eating the lion’s share of the food. You didn’t mind, he clearly required more calories than you did. As he was clearing away all the takeout containers, you watched him in the kitchen from behind. His wide shoulders and slutty waist made your head feel light. Or was it the vodka soda?
“You ready to bust out this bottle of wine?” he called over his shoulder.
Your eyes grazed over his silhouette, admiring his stellar ass in those tiny shorts. “Sure, let’s do it!”
Goku rummaged around in the kitchen drawers. “Crap, I have no idea where to find a corkscrew.”
You rose from your place on the living room floor to help him look. “Well I sure hope you at least know how to use one, because I sure don’t! I only ever buy the cheap wine with the screw top.”
Goku bumped into you, then placed a hand on your hip to navigate around you in the kitchen. You blushed at the contact.
“Bulma’s not here, is she?” you asked. “We could ask her if she knows where it is.”
“No, she said she was heading back to West City to see her parents this weekend. And Vegeta said he’d be out late tonight.”
Way at the back of a stuck drawer, you felt a spiral shape. You turned and twisted it until the drawer could move again, finally able to extract the object. You held it up with a bright smile.
“Ta-da!” you said.
“Hey, nice!” Goku said, giving you a high-five. He took the corkscrew and carefully opened the fancy bottle to pour you both a glass.
You returned to the living room with two stemless crystal glasses as Goku made a quick trip to his bedroom.
“The library had the Tenkaichi movie on DVD!” he called down the hall as he returned. You sat on the edge in the middle of the couch, watching him lean over to load the DVD into the player. Those damn shorts are giving me heart palpitations, you thought. His body is godly.
Cheeks growing warmer by the second, you slid your cardigan off one shoulder for some much-needed cool air. You caught Goku’s eyes taking you in as he turned around, peeking at him over the rim of your wine glass.
“How’s it taste?” Goku asked, his voice quiet and soft.
You raised the crystal and gave it a swirl before taking a sip. You closed your eyes and breathed through your nose as you swallowed the aromatic liquid, a trail of pleasant warmth growing in your chest.
“Expensive,” you said. You both laughed.
Goku grabbed the remote and sat on your right, his left arm automatically fanning over the back of the couch cushion. Once he started the movie, he exchanged the remote for his glass of wine, taking a sizable swig.
“Hm, it’s sweeter than I expected. The last time I tried wine, I felt like it sucked all the moisture out of my mouth,” Goku said.
You took another sip. “Yeah, this one is nice and mild. I could drink the whole bottle of this,” you said, your head starting to feel pleasantly heavy.
Eager to move closer to your date, you sat back into the couch and tucked your feet up, leaning onto your hip. There was still space between the two of you, but it was Goku’s turn to come to you next.
The movie began with a vibrant action scene, filling the dark room with bright flashes of light. After draining half of his glass, Goku leaned forward and placed it on the coffee table. When he leaned back, he closed the small gap between you, nestling your shoulder under his wing on the back of the couch. A rush filled you immediately, and you happily leaned your weight into his firm torso. At that, Goku moved his arm from the couch cushion to rest across your shoulders. Another pleasing rush of adrenaline raced through you. You licked your lips and sipped on the wine.
“This okay?” he said, barely above a whisper.
You gave a smile and warm mm-hmm before placing your glass on the table and snuggling up to him even more. His thighs spread slightly, making his leg press into yours. Like chess opponents trading moves, you thought about what your next move should be. Your mind flashed back to the last time you saw Goku. That blue tank top had shown off his pecs just right…
Biting your lip, you leaned your head over to rest your burning cheek against his chest. With your ear pressed to him, you could hear his heart beating wildly. The excitement of snuggling up with such a handsome guy was not lost on you, as your heart was purring like an engine. His pecs really did make for a great pillow.
Goku began brushing his fingers softly over your exposed shoulder. You sighed happily and relaxed into his touch.
“You’re comfy,” you said as you worked your arms around his waist. He leaned back, pulling you into him even more.
“Thanks,” he chuckled. “You’re cute.”
“Thanks,” you breathed, heart leaping at the compliment.
As the movie progressed, you paid less attention to it and more to every fiber of Goku’s body. After polishing off your glasses of wine and feeling delightfully buzzed, you curled up even further into him, feet tucked up and thighs falling over onto his. Your head also migrated from resting atop his muscular chest to nuzzling into his neck. All it would take would be a subtle movement to start kissing his neck…
It took a while to muster the courage to make such a bold move. It was only your first date after all. Perhaps this was moving too fast. But he really did seem into you. And you were undoubtedly into him. While gently petting your hand over his chest, you parted your lips, and allowed a steamy breath to escape and tickle his neck. His heart began to drum hard enough for you to feel. You let your lips touch his skin with a feather-light press. Goku’s dark eyes slid closed with your next kiss, the fullness of your gorgeous mouth lighting up each nerve along his neck. You gave a gentle suck to it, causing a sweet sigh to fall from his lips. You trailed your hand up to hold the opposite side of his neck as your tongue began to tease him with tiny kitten licks, then bold circles.
Goku’s hand went from your shoulder to the back of your head, guiding you. You felt his pulse pound as you kissed him. His other hand found your wrist and squeezed.
“Hah,” he breathed. “Need to kiss you.”
You pulled back enough to look at his handsome face. His cheeks were pleasantly pink and his eyes were dazed and dreamy behind his frames. He took your chin with one hand and brought your mouth up to his, finally letting your hot breaths intermingle before he sweetly caressed your lips with his own. Goku’s tongue softly brushed over your lip, silently pleading for yours. You obliged and his tongue invaded to massage yours. Every movement was slow and sensual, tender yet incredibly erotic.
While shifting yourself to face Goku more fully, your leg brushed past something hard, and you were certain it wasn’t just his meaty thighs. Your core heated and revved like a racecar. Unable to keep them suppressed, sighs and heavy breaths from Goku encouraged you to continue kissing.
“W-wait,” Goku said, pulling away slightly. “You aren’t too drunk for this, are you?”
You pulled back further and looked at him, his black eyes full of concern. Your heart clenched. What a sweetheart!
“No,” you giggled, pulling his glasses off and placing them next to your empty wine glasses. “I may be a bit buzzed, but I’m fully aware of what I’m doing. And I don’t intend to stop.”
With that, you climbed over Goku to straddle his lap. Without the black frames, his eyes shone with gentleness, and lust. Using his shoulders for support, you adjusted yourself atop his lap until you found exactly what you were looking for. His lips fell open with a sharp, breathy groan.
“This okay?” you asked as you returned your mouth to his.
Goku kissed you between heated breaths as he gripped your thighs. “Hahh, yeah. Definitely.”
You shrugged off your cardigan and tossed it aside as you made out. One of your hands worked into Goku’s wild hair as his hands wandered up to your hips. He pulled you towards him, chest to chest, and your tight jean shorts gave you both a taste of delicious friction. That made him shove his tongue messily down your throat, like he was slowly fucking your mouth. You whined, grinding your hips down. He responded with a tight squeeze to your ass.
“I’ve… I’ve never really done this whole hooking up thing before,” he admitted.
You scratched his scalp lightly, making his eyes flutter in pleasure. “We don’t have to go any further.”
“But that’s the problem,” he said, kissing your throat. “I don’t wanna stop. You’re really hot and I don’t know if I can control myself.”
You giggled as his lips trailed down to your collarbone, sweet sensations filling you from head to core. “Then by all means, continue.”
“You gotta tell me if you wanna stop, or if I go too far.” He slid the strap of your cami and kissed your shoulder.
“Okay. And you do, too,” you breathed as his fingers softly traced your arm.
Just the touch of his hands was enough to make your eyes fall closed in bliss, and you wanted his big hands all over you. Under your shirt, on your waist, in your shorts…
“Can’t believe you aren’t bringing girls back every night. You’re so fucking hot,” you said as he sucked on your pulse point.
He smirked and took your cheek in in his palm. “I’m not a fuck boy. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” He gave you the most saccharine kiss yet, making you melt completely in his lap. “Which reminds me…” He pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes. “This… Isn’t just gonna be a one time thing, is it? Because I really do like you, and I want to get to know you.”
You smiled and put your hands on his gorgeous chest. “I like you too, Goku. And I’d love to get to know you better, and make out with you more, too.”
He gave a glowing smile and endearing chuckle. If he were any cuter, you feared your heart may burst. “Yeah, I really like kissing you. Like, a lot.”
And so you did just that. Desperate yet tender, Goku’s tongue reconnected with yours as your hips began to roll against his. Those shorts of his were blessedly thin, and your tight denim put pressure right on your sweet spot.
“Mm, touch me more,” you pleaded.
“Where?” he whispered.
“Anywhere. Everywhere.”
You took Goku’s lower lip between your teeth as his big hands roamed freely. His thumbs brushed the undersides of your breasts, then boldly over the fullness of them just as your hips hitched against his stiff cock print. A moan ripped from your throat.
You gripped the back of the couch on either side of Goku’s head and started working your hips into a rhythm. It was agonizingly slow for him, just enough stimulation to tease and make him want more. Foreheads sealed together, mouths exchanging breaths, you humped his lap as he tenderly squeezed your tits.
“Can you go faster?” he asked, a desperate tremble to his voice. You grinned and did as he asked while bringing your chest close to his face. He pressed your breasts together and kissed the tops of them, slightly pulling down the top of your camisole. You slid the straps off your shoulders and pulled the shirt down to expose your tits to him. Goku’s eyes shone brightly as they drank you in. “Fuck. You’re perfect,” he praised, circling his thumbs over your nipples.
“Use your mouth.”
He obeyed immediately, placing delicate kisses over one while softly pinching the other. You sighed and rewarded him by continuing to hump him. But he teased you, only lightly lapping your nipple with his sweet tongue.
“Mm, harder,” you whined.
Goku proved to be pleasantly obedient, taking your directions well. He sucked and pulled back to let your tit bounce, then sought your eyes for approval. You groaned in pleasure and mussed his hair, forcing his head back to your chest. One of his large hands supported your upper back, the other smearing saliva over your pert nipple. The telltale tingle between your thighs was beginning to grow steadily. Based on the way he was whining and bucking underneath you, Goku was feeling good, too.
“Damnit, please don’t make me ruin these shorts by cumming in them,” he begged.
You slowed your pace and lifted Goku’s chin. “Where do you want to cum then?”
His pupils wide in awe, he failed to form any coherent words. “I… Well, wha…”
“Aw, did I make you dumb already, big boy?” you patronized.
“I was never that smart to begin with.” His expression was dreamy and he stared up at you like you were a goddess.
You giggled and stood up. “Why don’t you let me finish you off?”
You got on your knees between his, your breasts still exposed and holding his attention. Your soft hands rubbed up his sculpted thighs, sneaking under the hem of his shorts. His eyes met yours as you palmed his aching cock. His perfectly kissable lips hung open as you teased him, and his throaty little moans each sent a pulse straight to your pussy.
As you pulled at the waistband of his shorts, you saw two wet spots of precum had soaked through, a sign of a job well done by you. Goku lifted his hips and pulled down the obstruction to reveal his gloriously sized dick. You almost growled at the sight, feral with desire.
“Holy shit,” you said, eyes devouring the perfect specimen before you. The tip was fat and shiny, begging for your lips to wrap around it. “This still okay?”
He blew a puff of air through his nose. “Of course.”
You wrapped your index finger and thumb around his thick cock, teasing up and down his shaft slowly. He tried to strangle his moan in his throat. You met his eyes as he reclined and you lightly pressed a kiss to his tip, then trailed more kisses down one side of his length. You never would have guessed he could made such sinful sounds from his candy-sweet personality, but each noise weakened you. Eye contact still unbroken, your lips finally enveloped his cockhead, then pulled off with an obscene slurp. One hand on his shaft and the other squeezing his thigh, you circled your tongue around Goku’s beautiful cock. Worshipping it with your mouth and hearing his vocal approval made you clench your leg muscles, stimulating yourself.
“Decided where you wanna cum yet?” you asked as you licked up the underside, making him shudder.
“Ahh… I’m really not picky,” he chuckled.
With that, you started sucked him off with purpose and vigor, eager to hear his whines of pleasure. Your saliva dripped down, making a mess of him as your hand twisted and pulled. You kept constant pressure and pleasure on him, making his moans pitch up. They came in short, desperate bursts and you finally dove deep, taking his entire length down your throat in one swift motion. As you lifted to dive down again, Goku gripped the arm of the couch with one hand and guided your head with the other. While his touch was light on you, you feared his intense strength might rip the upholstery of the poor couch.
“Ahh, almost there!” Goku cried, hips beginning to twitch.
End in sight, you watched his face as you sucked him. A few final strokes and one beastly growl had him shooting hot strings down your throat. His brows knit together tightly, mouth hanging open, head tossing. He writhed in pleasure as you slowed, swallowing every drop he offered you. And it was a lot. You swallowed at least three times, taking more cum each time. Even when your mouth left him, tiny beads formed at the slit of his cock. You smeared them with you thumb, then licked him clean.
“Hope you didn’t mind that I decided for you,” you panted, proud of your hard work.
Goku slumped on the couch wearing a dazed expression. “I can barely move. Damn,” he said with a soft chuckle. “But what can I do for you now?”
Just as a grin started to form, the sound of someone unlocking the front door jolted you both out of your haze. Your eyes grew wide.
“Vegeta’s back already?” Goku whispered, frantically stuffing himself back inside his shorts as you fixed your shirt. You stood quickly enough to make your head spin and grabbed your empty wine glasses to busy yourself. Just as you made it to the kitchen to wash the glasses (and your hand covered in spit and cum), Vegeta shoved his way through the front door. You gave him a soapy-handed wave.
“Hey Vegeta,” you said, hoping he wouldn’t take a long enough look at you to notice your flushed face, neck, and chest. Thankfully, he just gave you a grunt in reply.
“You’re back early,” Goku said, a lilt in his voice.
“Not really,” Vegeta grumbled, barely giving Goku a glance as he passed. His bedroom door shut with a stern thud.
“Sounds like he had a bad day,” you mused.
Goku stood from the couch and replaced his eyeglasses. “Well, yeah. He’s jealous that you picked me over him.”
Your heart screeched to a halt. “Wait. What are you talking about?”
He tilted his head and padded over to you at the sink. “Bulma said that you said you had a better connection with me.”
Your cheeks began to burn. “She told you I said that? But she said one of you asked about me! She told me to guess which one! I couldn’t decide which of you I liked better, so she… That Bulma!” You dried your hands and tossed the dish towel onto the counter, pouting that Bulma had tricked you into making a decision. “Wait, so neither one of you actually asked her about me?”
Goku smiled warmly. “Actually, we both did. As soon as Vegeta got back from his lab, we had an argument about which one of us was gonna get to ask you out. Bulma overheard us and told us she’d figure out who you liked better!”
“But I just flipped a coin! Literally, I couldn’t decide!” you laughed.
“You did? So you didn’t really pick me at all, did you?” Goku asked, looking like a kicked puppy.
You stood on your toes and reached your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a sensual kiss.
“Fate picked you for me. And for the record, I’m really, really glad it was you, Goku.” His hands held your waist as he returned your kiss. When you pulled back, his sugary smile had renewed completely and his eyes sparkled with affection.
“Me too.”
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tags: @artof-aristocracy @ghostlylovesstuff
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
Kinktober Day 30: Praise(I will always love you...)
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warnings/kinks: smut, AU/canon divergent, Reader takes Chi-Chi's place, oral sex(fem receiving), praise kink word count: 0.5k pairings: Son Goku x Fem!Reader teaser: “I wanna…”Goku says before swallowing hard. “Can you teach me how to make you cum? With my mouth??” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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You’ve known Goku since you were kids. He was always so heroic and strong, if not a little dense. But something changed when you saw him at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. You hadn’t seen him in years at that point, and both of you had hit puberty pretty well. He couldn’t believe it was actually you when he saw you. Something felt different inside of him too.
After he won the tournament, you and Goku decided to make things official. And at first, it was a little awkward because you two were discovering new things within your relationship, but it was so soft, warm and loving.
One thing you noticed was that during the time just before the full moon, Goku would get antsy. Something about this time really made him needy, and while he didn’t have his tail to continue turning into that crazy beast, he was still turning into something.
Goku was becoming horny for you every single full moon…
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It all happened one night. You two were relaxing in bed after taking a nice warm shower. Neither of you had pushed your intimacy too far, but you noticed that Goku had become quite interested in learning some things. His touches and kisses had become quite experimental.
He kisses you softly, but it soon turns hungrier and needier. It’s not long before the Saiyan pushes you onto your back. You look into his eyes and see how they are so full of lust. You smirk up at him, knowing that maybe this would be a good time to push things a little further.
“I wanna…”Goku says before swallowing hard. “Can you teach me how to make you cum? With my mouth??”
Even just the way he’s asking you makes you so horny. You’re so quick to pull down your pajama pants and to spread your thighs for him. You show him a bit more of your anatomy down there, explaining to him how to do what he wants.
With his eyes so full of lust and his heart racing, Goku spreads your thighs and he shudders when he gets a whiff of your scent. You’ve never seen him quite so hungry before.
“Such a good smell,” he compliments you, making you blush.
Once his tongue presses against your cunt, Goku becomes an animal that can’t be stopped. He’s never tasted anything so good in his life. He swears he’s going to go crazy just from being able to taste you. He grunts and growls as you shake at the pleasure.
“Such a fucking good little pussy,”
You gasp at his words, his praise going straight to your heart. He doesn’t stop praising you either, sending you straight over the edge. You cry out, begging him not to stop.
“Please Goku, oh please! Such a good lover! Don’t stop!”
It takes almost nothing to have you cumming so hard. You whine and whimper as the pleasure doesn’t subside. It’s almost too much, but Goku can’t stop himself. 
“Need more of your perfect little pussy…”
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Can I Get 53/59 Goku x Reader ? 😁
Jealous. Goku x Reader
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I tried my best not to make him OOC 😭 Edit: Conveniently I finished this literally two days before you sent this ↑, another kill two birds with one stone situation!
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☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🍚Envy🍚 (DBZ or Dragon Ball Z)
Warning(s): Lemon/Smut content, jealous Goku, light exhibition
Goku doesn't appreciate this random guy flirting with you like he isn't there and you seem to have forgotten who your man was, so he'll gladly remind you.
Goku wasn’t one to get jealous.
I mean, he’s had the feeling before, but usually it was over something simple and the feeling was as loose as a flickering flame.
Like when someone got the last bite of food before he could reach it.
Or when someone had more power than him.
But that fire always died out, because there would always be more food, and someone being stronger than him meant he had a goal to keep fighting towards.
But this time was different.
The male alien looked you up and down, “Well, who is this fine specimen?”
You offered a smile, “I’m [Name].”
“Hm, I like that, rolls off the tongue well.”
You see, Goku didn’t really care much at first.
Because you were highly attractive, he knew that, that was one of the reasons he liked you.
So, he knew other people noticed and stared.
As much as he made people believe he was an idiot, he was far from. He just didn’t care for the pressure that came with intelligence, so he used his naivety and density to hide he had much of it.
So, when Vegeta gave your body a twice-over every once in a while, he noticed, he just didn’t bother to say anything considering Vegeta wasn’t bold enough to ever make a move, even more so once he actually considered Bulma to be more than a human he bred with that had a child he didn’t want.
But anyway, back to the point.
He didn’t care that the guy was flirting at first.
But then when you actually started to laugh at a few of his lines, that’s when his food seemed a lot less interesting.
“You should laugh more, the sound is pleasant,” the alien leaned on a fist.
“Now you’re just saying things, my laugh is anything but pleasant…”
You were right, you didn’t have a perfect laugh, it wasn’t the most pleasant. But Goku liked it because it was yours, just because it was strange, yet so, so you is why he liked listening to it.
Just not when another was making you laugh.
His fingers tapped away at the table as he watched, his hard gaze focused on the both of you.
Did you forget you came with Goku not whoever the hell that was? Who was that anyway?
“Ah, I see. Are you royalty here, [Name]?”
You chuckled, “No, no. I just run a big company, not royalty or anything.”
“A shame, you have a face fit for royalty.”
You shyly picked at a sleeve, “Thank you.”
“You don’t seem to take compliments well.”
“Ah, well, I don’t really get them often is all.”
The tapping stopped.
Goku thought he complimented you plenty.
He always told you the food was good.
And when he asks to train with you, it was because he enjoyed fighting you.
…But he must admit, those kind of get recycled after a while.
He…didn’t compliment you much at all, huh?
“Really? I’d expect you to be showered in compliments, you’re quite the gem.”
He didn’t like that, he didn’t like the way that guy was looking at you.
Like you were just something for him to devour and take.
You were much more than that, and taken.
Then the worst thing happened.
He dared to touch you and that little flame turned into a roaring bonfire.
Goku’s jaw clenched, his hard gaze narrowing.
Krillin was about to ask him if he was going to finish his food but decided against it. In the rarity that Goku looked like he wanted to kill, you run.
Goku silently stood from his seat walking over, making sure to smooth over his expression into the usual dopey one he possessed.
“Hey, [Name]. Can we talk for a sec? It won’t take long.”
He controlled his voice well, though you could still tell something was different.
But you smiled anyway, “Sure Goku, excuse me Malitax.”
Goku had to hold back a scoff.
You walked ahead, and Goku bent down, growling a single sentence into his ear before he followed you.
“I’m not gonna be nice anymore, if you’re still here by the time we get back, I’m fighting you.”
He met you in the cut, hidden away from the party you were attending.
You turned from facing the wall to conversate, “What’s up, Goku--?”
It was like his face transformed before your eyes. That kind gaze became calculated, that smile melted into a frown.
He stopped a few feet in front of you, “What was that?”
You swallowed, “W-what was what?”
He scoffed in disbelief, “'What was'--? That out there. You letting that guy talk to you like that.”
You furrowed your brows, “He was just being nice…”
He moved again, you nervously moving back once for each step he took.
“Nice. There’s a difference between being nice and being nice because someone wants to get in your pants, don’t play with me, [Name].”
Your breath hitched when the arch of your back hit the cold, stone wall.
“Goku? What’s going on? You’ve never—”
“Don’t change the topic.”
“I was just being polite.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to be polite with guys like him,” he growled out before pausing to control himself, “Look. He was flirting with you like he had a chance and you were talking to him like he had a chance. Why? Did you want to entertain him or something?”
“We were just having a little fun, it wasn’t—”
A hand slammed next to your head, as he leaned in, a scowl taking over his face, “Fun?”
“I don’t know…I guess it was just nice to hear someone compliment me…”
He leaned into your ear, “You want compliments? I can do that. Like how cute you look under me right now.”
Where in the world did this Goku come from? Was this a Saiyan thing?
“And how…” his hot breath hit your ear, teeth nipping at your lobe until lips trail down your neck, “Inviting your neck looks…”
You bite your lip, “G-goku, we can’t just…”
“Hm? What was that?”
You toss your head back as his fingers drag up and down your sides, lips trailing down.
“We shouldn’t—not here—ah!”
You hadn’t expected him to spare special attention to that spot and leave a mark.
“Right about now, this is the most self-control I have. If not here, it was either gonna be in front of him or however far in the sky we managed to get,” he muttered.
He left another mark, then another.
You honestly didn’t want to protest, not at all, you just didn’t want to toss your morals into the fire like you were getting tempted to right now.
You didn’t want to toss away your dignity just yet.
“I don’t want Malitax to come looking—”
The growl that came out of his throat didn’t sound like his, it sounded…animalistic.
“I don’t want to hear his name, right now.”
He left another spot to become a colorful mark later, “Aren’t you getting the hint? Shut up or I’ll shut you up properly.”
Now you get it…he was jealous.
You mustered up a brave face, “Do it then, I dare you.”
Yeeeah. That was the wrong thing to say to Son Goku.
Minutes later your back was rubbing against the wall as he thrusted into you.
Your head tossed back as your mouth gaped.
“Next time, don’t dare me. I don’t like losing, you should know that by now.”
You moved to nuzzle into the space between his neck and shoulder, muffling some sounds that managed to escape.
“Mm—I know…”
“You’re so beautiful like this, [Name]. All for me…No one else can make you feel like this...”
You heard a voice, someone was looking for you, then you recognized it and panicked, pulling away to look into Goku's eyes.
“G-Goku—mm—He’s close—Malitax—Ahm!”
A large hand engulfed your mouth, his tone snappy, “I don’t want to hear that name anymore. You’re not his, you’re mine. Got it?”
Besides, he’d deal with him later since he obviously didn’t take his threat seriously enough.
All you could manage was a whine.
He moved his hand, using it to hold you up, the other hand cupping your chin, thumb dragging your bottom lip, “Say it.”
“Yours. I’m not his, I’m yours.”
“Mine. I love you--all mine.”
He repeated it, almost like he couldn’t stop, the faster it flew from his lips the faster his thrusts became.
And when you came undone, whimpering his name like it was only him.
Only then did that fire die down.
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Feel Alright (Goku x Reader)
(it’s going to be more fun that it sounds; manic pixie dream BOY, s3x; crushes, grief, hiding the past; friendships; jealousy; slow burn; “friends”; healing; growing; will-they-won’t-they; tension baby!!!!; canon blender)
taglist: @ilove-evanpeters @moonyscardigans @twinshii @raspberryhaterade @iwenttoshiratorizawa @uselessdoodlesdude @ferneskin @burneraccountant @bellaisasleep @arougeme @aurorarevenclaw1927 @applecandy14 @fingersnapples @langdoncult @loona-thebadchild @anlin2058
TW: Mature content in this chapter! (I’m leaving y’all well fed for thanksgiving) Also a little bit of angst!
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When Bellatrix moves to the city after a personal tragedy under the wing of her friend Bulma, her life is completely turned around after she leaves everyone—including herself-stunned with the discovery of her own powers. Suddenly she finds herself swept up in a world of aliens, new bizarre planets and training, along with prospects of romance. One problem, though; she can’t leave the past to answer the new life that’s knocking at her door.
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 (((𝖔(*゚▽゚*)𝖔)))♡: part one : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 / part two: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Inspired by @sevenstarsinning ‘s fic “Sweat”! Go check it out!
part five | home again
I nodded again, hugging my blanket tighter around me.
“Blood. Like, a period, maybe.”
“But you—“
“Yeah, I know, I know, I’ve never had one,” I said with a slight frown, “I’m freaked the fuck out.”
“You’re not bleeding anymore, are you?”
I shook my head even though I was on the phone.
“Are you?”
“Oh—uh, no. But…that’s not it. I think Goku smelled it.”
“Oh, gross—I don’t actually want to know about how you and Goku fuck.”
“Bulma, we haven’t fucked! He was nowhere near my crotch. He just said he could smell something good, and then his behavior did a total one-eighty. I had to fend him off until whatever happened to him went away!”
She was quiet for a moment. “He didn’t hurt you at all, did he?”
I was taken aback by the question. “Bulma, come on. It’s Goku.”
“Did he?”
I shook my head despite the fact I was on the phone.
“Oh—uh—no. Of course not. Goku was still very gentle with me, even then. He’s always gentle with me. He’s…always very kind and sweet.”
Bulma’s giggle let me know the tense moment had passed. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
“Kind and sweet, huh?”
“Bulma,” I warned.
“What? Look, I’m not pushing anything, but Goku’s great. And you like each other! You can’t become some kind of spinster just because your ex was awful—I mean, some new action would probably be good for you!”
“I don’t think Goku’s not great, but…”
I sighed heavily, leaning against the headboard.
“It’s just…being back here, all the memories, all this new stuff…there’s so much changing so fast. I don’t know if I can handle Goku, too.”
“Why not let Goku be new stuff too? Your heart can’t heal if you hold on the past.”
“Bulma, I’m just not ready to go through that again. Things were great with Delilah in the beginning too, and look where that led.”
“Goku’s not—“
I inhaled sharply.
“Look, I know he’s an old friend and you feel you know him inside and out—but love changes people. When you’re heart’s genuinely touched, your fear, your resentment, your old pain, they all come back. We think we know ourselves, and what we would and wouldn’t do, but love changes us down to our very atom; who we are with and without love are two different people. It’s like meeting a whole new person, and I don’t want to meet the other person that’s inside him…or remember the other person inside myself.”
There was silence on her end of the line. I sighed, rubbing my forehead.
“I just…it’s only been what, four, five months now? I’m not ready. Okay?”
“Okay Bels, I hear you. I understand.”
I nodded, slumping. “Thank you. Okay, let’s forget all that—you obviously have a Saiyan situation going on.”
I grinned at the sound of Bulma sighing.
“Yeah, yeah, there kinda is,” she admitted.
“I can hear you smiling, you know—quit trying to act cool, it’s me.”
“Ugh, fine…it’s fucking amazing.”
I laughed as she made a little squeal and shifted around.
“Okay, okay, so basically, he was being an idiot per usual and overdid it in the gravity chamber.”
“Oh, so he’s still an idiot, huh?”
“Since when isn’t Vegeta an idiot?”
With a chuckle, I shook my head, leaving my bedroom and going to the kitchen.
“Okay, so he injured himself, and what happened next?”
“Well, I started finding myself keeping watch over him, and worrying a little about him…he had these nightmares often, so I’d stay while he slept…just, ‘cause…you know…”
I couldn’t help the smile plastered on my face.
“Don’t make it weird,” she insisted, “It’s not—“
“Bulma, please, I’ve never heard you talk about a guy like that before! Not even that Yamcha guy you wrote about, and he fucking died.”
“Well the son of a bitch cheated on me,” she said, “Funnily enough, Vegeta—oh.”
I paused from pouring my orange juice, raising a brow.
“So…I haven’t told you much about Vegeta, have I?”
“Oh, no.”
“No, no, it’s not that—okay, it’s pretty bad.”
“Look, all I’m saying is, if I were you, I’d have some qualms about getting involved with a definite war criminal.”
“He’s not—he isn’t a war criminal!”
“Have you made sure?”
“Bels, you don’t get it—Saiyans are a warrior race, they’re all about power and battles and violence. Goku’s an anomaly.”
“No,no, I’ve grasped that; I’m just saying I wouldn’t fuck a crazy person.”
“Oh, he’s not—“
I gave her an incredulous look, and she sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I guess that’s fair.”
I shook my head and looked out the window, frowning at the scenery below. The last time I saw, there was ice, then ocean, but now we were flying over lush green hills I didn’t recognize. By my memory, we should’ve reached the city by now.
“Where on earth are we, by the way?”
“Uh—just visiting a friend. There’s someone I’d like you to meet. I think he could help you with your power.”
I tensed. “I told you I didn’t want—“
“Look, if you can’t at least control yourself we’re all gonna fucking die, so just do this for me, okay?!”
My eyes widened as she blurted out her argument, and I was humbled into silence.
“Hey, you’ll see! Piccolo’s not as crazy as all of the other guys. You guys might actually get along pretty easy.”
“I’m skeptical.”
She chuckled, turning and landing. I sighed, crossing my arms, hesitantly looking at our destination. It was an interesting looking house; small and white with a round purple window. I could only describe its shape as something akin to a combination of a sea creature and an insect. Bulma parked and hopped out, beckoning me to follow. I hesitantly jumped out and onto the ground, rubbing my neck. I was really tired of meeting all of these new friends. Some tension formed in my shoulder at the sound of a deep voice. Whoever this was, they already seemed disgruntled by our presence.
“Why are you here?”
“Hey, Piccolo! I brought that friend of mine I took you to see that was out for a bit, remember? You said you’d help her focus her ki.”
“Oh you know, the one with all that power? She blew up the testing chamber.”
“You brought her here?! You realize this is where I live, right?”
“Well you didn’t answer your phone—none of you muscle-heads do!”
“Oh, right, that thing. It broke.”
“It what?!”
I winced at the volume of Bulma’s horrified screech as I came up behind her.
“Oh, relax,” I dismissed, “you can replace one lousy phone. You could buy every phone factory on earth if you wanted to.”
I looked at this new friend, and a spark of recognition brought me some ease.
“Oh, right. Piccolo.”
He probably wasn’t as huge as Broly was, but this guy was undeniably a giant. He must’ve been, what, seven feet tall? I sighed.
“Man, I’m tired of feeling short.”
Piccolo measured me up with skepticism, black eyes calculating and sharp.
“So, you’re the Bellatrix I saw in the med bay?”
I wasn’t phased. “Yup.”
I popped my lips, holding his intense stare. His brow furrowed slightly, and I lifted a brow. Bulma glanced between us uneasily.
“What’s this I hear about you being able to help me with my ki?”
He gave a slight smirk. “Oh, you’re up for it? You don’t look the type to be inclined to fight.”
“And you don’t seem the type inclined to offer training,” I shot back, putting my hands in my pockets, “But you’re right. I don’t care about combat, I just want to control my power.”
“Mm. It is volatile, I’d understand wanting to control it. But power like yours demands to be used.”
I frowned at him. “Well, too bad. Should’ve picked a different meat suit. I’m a scientist, not a warrior. Can you help me or not?”
He was quiet for a while, maintaining our staring contest, but then he chuckled turning away.
“Fine. Let’s start now. I’ll get my weighted clothes.”
He went upstairs, and Bulma scoffed.
“He could at least say goodbye.”
She quickly turned to me with a bright smile. “See! Told you you’d get along! I’ll get you later, alright? We’ll go out!”
My eyes widened with slight alarm. “Wait, you’re leaving me alone with this guy?”
“I’ll be back,” she urged, rushing back to the ship.
“What the hell are you running for?!”
“What—Bulma! What the hell do I even talk to this guy about?!”
I watched her fly away with disbelief, feeling a bit of sweat forming on my forehead. I jumped and whirled around to meet Piccolo’s eyes looking down at me.
“Good, you can sense energy. At least you’re not a complete amateur.”
I gave him a blank look as he brushed past me. “Oh great, another charmer.”
“We don’t need to get along. I’m just teaching you.”
I scoffed, following him. “How do you expect to teach people things if you don’t get along with him?”
“Oh, great, another talker,” he muttered, “Just pay attention.”
We walked silently for what felt like an eternity, until we came across a quiet brook that seemed attached to a lake in the distance. It was surprisingly nice. Under the gentle climate of the day with the pleasant sound of water, I already felt a sense of ease.
“Have a seat,” Piccolo instructed, sitting down by the water.
I did hesitantly, crossing my legs like he did. He didn’t look at me.
“I hear your power skyrockets when your emotions get out of control.”
“Yeah. Like a defense mechanism.”
“I see,” he muttered again, turning his piercing eyes onto me, seeming to observe something in the air around me, “It makes sense; your ki’s terrible. So scattered and volatile.”
I was a little offended even though he was right. He grunted, closing his eyes and looking away.
“I think the best thing to do is focus on grounding your energy, and separating its use from your emotions. I know you don’t consider yourself a fighter, but at least for now, if you don’t train your ki, it’ll become more restless, explosive, and erratic. You need to do something about that anger inside you, too. Combat will help with releasing that frustrated energy inside you.”
I frowned at the water. I really didn’t want to do that. I had no business trying to measure up to these crazy people around me—I could sense their overwhelming power; they could all probably break me in half like a banana. This was all ridiculous, I could figure out my own way—
“And that ruminating needs to end, too.”
I froze up, looking at him in surprise. He was giving me a harsh stare that actually gave me a bit of a scare. Could he hear my thoughts?
“You know, you remind me of another kid I trained. He was meek like you, although he had the excuse of being a child. But he stepped up when the time came, and he tapped into his potential. You have the same potential in you. The only thing that will make this difficult is your desire to make it so.”
I stared at him, mouth slightly agape, brow knitted with arguments wanting to bubble up in defense. He rose a non-existent eyebrow at my dumb expression.
“I…I’m not a fighter,” I said plainly.
To my surprise, he smiled. “Neither is he. Not for a lack of trying, mind you. He’s just not like me or his father.”
My gut sparked at the mentioning of his father. “Father?”
“If it’s returning to a normal life you’re worried about, you can do that too. That kid’s in high school now, and he’d still as much of a nerd as he was when I first met him. I’m not trying to force you to change your life, but your potential shouldn’t be wasted.”
I stared down at the grass that tickled my shins, listening to the water. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was scared. I know nothing of this life. I didn’t want to jump into this sea of stuff completely blind. I’d spent so much time feeling helpless and confused, it didn’t seem to me that putting myself into more of that was going to help my issues.
“I’m not ready for that,” I admitted.
“You won’t always be ready,” he dismissed with some harshness, “Sometimes life comes at us before we’re ready, and we don’t get the choice to decide when to let it in. All you can do is ride the waves until it becomes easy.”
His words struck me, and I looked at him in surprise.
“Despite what you may think, you have the strength to ride those waves. I can sense it. The only thing making you weak is yourself.”
I picked up a few blades of grass, staring at them in my palm.
“I guess I’ll tell you. If you promise not to tell Bulma.”
“That’s not hard to do.”
“Okay, my brother’s dead.”
He was quiet, but didn’t seem put off by the information, so I continued.
“He died a few months ago in an accident, fighting off some private investigator my ex-girlfriend hired to follow me, and I’m living in the observatory she built me. And now, after getting a sense of emotional solid ground, I look up, and I’m an alien species with superpowers that destroy everything they touch, and everything I’ve believed since I was a kid has been a lie.”
I sighed, wiping off my hand.
“It’s not that I’m weak. I’m just tired. And confused, and scared, and frustrated, and nine-hundred other things. I just want things to be normal again.”
I looked to him again, a little surprised to meet his eyes. “But I don’t want to put the people I love in danger. So if training with you can help me do that, then fine.”
He regarded me quietly with a new glimmer in his eyes, then nodded.
“I can help you do that. I…apologize for misjudging you.”
I smiled a little, nodding in return. “Okay. When do we start?”
He looked at the water, taking a deep breath.
“Close your eyes, and we can start now.”
I did as instructed, frowning a little.
“What’s next?”
“Sit up straight and focus.”
I muttered, a little annoyed by his authoritative tone.
“Okay, bossy…”
After straightening up, I let out an exhale. I didn’t know what he meant by focus; but I didn’t want another demand given to me, so I just focused on the sound of the water. With time and silence, the quiet trickle had filled my ears, along with the gentle rustling of distant leaves and passing breezes. My breath had deepened.
“You’re a natural,” he remarked, voice softened remarkably, “I’m surprised.”
“I did this all the time as a kid. I grew up in a place not dissimilar to this.”
“I see. Well, since you’re focused, let’s try tapping into your ki. You’ve done it before, right?”
The mentioning of it would’ve usually given me an anxious knot in my stomach, but I’d gotten so zen that I just gave an affirmative hum. I thought of the night I blasted Goku through the clouds, remembering separating our hands and the sensation of that aura. I exhaled as warmth grazed my neck, then shoulders, until my entire body had been embraced by the mysterious sensation. It felt calmer this time; I could appreciate the sensation of it buzzing against my skin. I felt like a plant soaking up the sun.
“Good start,” he affirmed, “Now I want you to focus it between your hands.”
I thought of Goku’s kamehameha with a bit of concern. Piccolo seemed to glean what I was thinking, though.
“Nothing crazy, not an attack. Just create a ball of energy in your hands.”
That sounded a little crazy, but I digressed.
I straightened up, clearing my throat, falling back into the creek again. The warmth grew around me and expanded into a little bubble. As I inhaled, it shrunk around me, and with every exhale, it expanded. I got a little fright when I exhaled, and suddenly I could see Piccolo’s sitting figure behind my eyelids observing me.
“That’s good, now focus it.”
The thought of attempting to shrink this giant aura I’d created around us seemed impossible, but I just took a deep breath.
“Okay,” I whispered.
Contract, I told myself as I inhaled, then exhaled, then inhaled again. I managed to shrink to just around me—Piccolo disappeared, although I could acutely sense his energy next to me. I shivered as the warmth left my shoulders and neck, and soon the giant sphere had become the size of a volleyball. There was a light shining against my eyelids that distracted me though.
Trying to ignore it, I contracted the sphere further, feeling the heat mounting beneath my palms as it got smaller and smaller. The light got brighter, too, and my the time I’d managed it into a ball, I was squeezing my eyes shut to block out the light.
“Take a look,” Piccolo said.
I curiously opened my eyes, and stared in marvel at the bright red ball of energy between my hands.
“That’s your ki. I’m honestly impressed it’s so malleable.”
I widened my hands, willing the ball to grow, then shrink again. It looked like fire—if it didn’t blind you, of course—but it felt nothing like it. It was like night and day from the ki I’d felt when Bulma ran her test: this felt like life force; creation.
“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.
“Mm. I want you to keep working on that,” he said, suddenly rising to his feet.
I moved to do the same, but he gave me a look that kept me seated.
“Keep meditating and manipulating your ki. I’ll come back later.”
I did as instructed, shutting my eyes and expanding the ball of ki to surround me again. On second thought, Bulma might’ve been right for once; Piccolo wasn’t bad at all compared to the characters I’ve met the past few weeks. One hour with him and I’d become the calmest I’ve been in weeks. As the warmth kissed my skin, I smiled a little. I could sit by this creek forever, listening to it babble. I sighed peacefully.
“Hey, there ya are!”
The alarm of hearing Goku’s voice sent me flying into the air, and the warm ki immediately blasted out of control. Goku let out a yelp as the force of it knocked him out of the air, and we both crashed onto the ground. I let out a groan as a painful ache bloomed throughout my shoulder.
“Agh, shit…”
“Bellatrix! You okay?”
Goku rushed over to me, helping me up to my feet. I sighed, rubbing my shoulder in annoyance.
“I’m fine, it just hurts a little.”
“Heh, sorry about disturbing you. Your energy felt really good there for a moment.”
He rubbed my shoulder, smiling apologetically.
“Goku? What are you doing here?”
I removed Goku’s hand quickly in embarrassment as Piccolo lowered to the ground, approaching us. He gave Goku a reprimanding look.
“I sensed her energy scattering out of nowhere, I thought there was some kind of attack.”
Goku chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry! I just heard from Bulma that Bellatrix was training with you and I wanted to see!”
"She doesn't need the distraction," Piccolo said, eyeing me curiously.
I avoided his gaze with a blush; I could feel my ki blazing wildly inside me as Goku stood next to me.
"What? Bellatrix doesn't mind! Do ya, 'Trix?"
He looked down at me with a smile, and my energy knotted up even more. I looked away.
"Goku, go bother Vegeta," Piccolo commanded a bit more firmly, "You're making her energy go haywire."
Goddamn it. I gave Piccolo a dirty look as Goku looked between us in surprise. He looked at me questioningly. I gave an awkward smile.
"Just swing by Bulma's place later."
He nodded, smiled, and flew off. I watched him go for a moment until I realized Piccolo was still there, then I whirled around, fixing my eyes on the ground.
"Go back to meditating," he instructed, turning away.
I let out a sigh of relief. "Sir, yes sir."
He took off as I sat back down on the ground, crossing my legs. I took a deep breath, starting to listen to the water again. My phone buzzed in my pocket.
I sighed sharply, rolling my eyes and taking it out.
My eyes widened.
"You sure you want us to come?"
"She said she wanted to meet my new friends," I muttered, fiddling with the pens on her desk.
"Bulma, I don't like this thing," Goku complained, walking into the lab.
I glanced over briefly, then did a double take in confusion, seeing his new outfit. He wore boots, jeans with a brown belt, a white t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. I stared quietly, unable to tear my eyes away.
"Wh--why are you dressed like that? You can wear your gi, you know."
"What? But Bulma said--"
"Bulma said nothing," she suddenly interjected, pushing him out of the room.
She shut the door behind her, giving me a smile. I gave her a confused look.
"His gi was filthy," she said quickly.
My eyes narrowed, but I didn't have the mental resources to be suspicious.
I looked at her in confusion. "What?"
"That 'hm', what is that? I'm not doing anything!"
I laughed a little. "You know, you have got to work on being less conspicuous."
"I just want to make him a bit more presentable--"
"Mm, to meet my parents."
"It's not like that," she insisted, putting on some earrings, "Your family is very intelligent and a bit more...sophisticated than Goku."
I snorted, then laughed. "What? My family? C'mon, really?"
She gave me a look in the mirror. "Well, Adam is at least."
"Heh, yea--"
I fell silent, my stomach falling. "Oh."
Bulma paused, turning around to look at me.
"What is it—"
"Bulma, how long do I have to wear this thing? My arms feel like sausages..."
I glanced in a panic between the two as Bulma rolled her eyes, pushing Goku out of the room again.
"Wait. Outside."
She closed the door with an exasperated sigh, going back to the mirror and checking her makeup.
"I'm excited to see everyone," she said brightly, "I haven't heard from them in months, I was worried."
My voice was caught in my throat as I shakily got up. She rummaged through her purse to make sure everything was inside, then slung it over her shoulder, heading for the door. I rushed over before she reached it, grabbing her wrist.
My intense stare stopped her in her tracks, and she fell silent, frowning.
I squeezed her wrist, breath trembling. "I...it's...I need to tell you something."
"Well, we're gonna be late--"
"It's Adam."
Her jaw snapped shut and her eyes locked on me. I sighed.
"I'm...really sorry I haven't told you sooner."
"Did something happen? Is he okay?"
"He...he's dead."
Her jaw went slack in disbelief, and I watched the confusion in her eyes as my words processed through her mind.
"There was an accident; Delilah sent this P.I. after me and there was a fight, and--"
"Adam's dead?!"
I winced at her raised tone. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, I’m…I’m not mad, I…”
She stumbled over to her desk and collapsed into the chair. She stared at her hands.
“It explains a lot, though.”
I watched her sit in silence, then crouched down with a sigh.
“Wait, Delilah sent a P.I. after you? I—what—what happened?”
“You know Delilah, can’t leave me unattended for more than an hour. I sensed I was being watched, and I told Adam. He and the guy got into a tussle, then this motorcycle…and…”
I clapped my hands together, making an explosion sound.
“The ambulance came, but he had no chance.”
“Bels…did you see him die?”
I stared down at my hands.
“I never left his side.”
The ride over to my family home was silent. Bulma gripped the steering controls with a white-knuckle grip, and I sat beside her in silence, hesitant to look at her—if she was crying, I would cry, if she was upset, I would be ashamed. If she had no expression, I would give her one in my mind. Goku was surprisingly quiet; he didn’t ask what had happened, but he could sense the change in everyone’s mood and acted accordingly.
We landed near the farmhouse, and the sight of my parents’ home in the distance, warm and cozy and beckoning, made my stomach twist with anxiety. I didn’t know what to expect or what to do; how to act…I hadn’t visited since Adam had died, I hadn’t talked to any of my siblings or family. With a swallow, I took Goku’s hand as he smiled up at me gently, helping me out and to the ground.
“You’re shaking,” he said with some concern.
“I’ll be fine.”
He nodded, and moved to let go of my hand, but I didn’t let him. We exchanged a look, and he smiled again, squeezing my hand gently.
“You ready, Bels?”
I turned immediately at the sound of Bulma’s voice, and nodded.
“I can’t stay out here all night, anyways.”
She spied our interlocked hands and tilted her head, but didn’t give any outward reaction, turning around and walking ahead. We followed. Goku spoke to me in a hushed voice.
“Is she mad or somethin’?”
“I told her about Adam.
I lagged behind for a moment, leaning over to him.
“Keep this between us, but…she was a little in love with him.”
His eyes widened in surprise.
“I thought it was always just Yamcha…”
“I mean, they never got together, of course, Adam wasn’t…you know.”
“What, he had a wife?”
“A boyfriend. Occasionally.”
I smiled a little. “Yeah. But they were still close…although Adam was close with everyone.”
I watched her solitary figure brush past the dogs that ran up excitedly to greet her.
“She’s family, you know?”
I watched her go up to the porch and knock on the door. It opened, and my mother’s arms immediately shot out to embrace her tightly. They swung a little, then Bulma turned around. I hurriedly let go of Goku’s hand once I met my mother’s bespectacled eyes. Her gaze softened, and she smiled. I gave a strained one in return, waving a little. She waved back, gave Bulma a nod, and the two went inside. Goku and I had stopped walking.
I stared at the door quietly, hearing music coming from the windows being carried by the breeze. My legs felt like jelly. Goku eyed me curiously.
“You goin’ in?”
I blinked, looking up at him, then rubbed my chest as my heart pounded against it.
“I don’t…”
I bent over, feeling dizzy, bracing myself on my knees. I felt a bit nauseous. I felt Goku’s hand on my back, then both of then take my shoulders and pull me upright.
“Hey, they’re your family,” he said, pulling me in with his eyes, “They’re not gonna bite. I’m sure they missed you a lot.”
I held onto his hand, trying to take a deep breath.
“But I…if…”
“If I go in there, without Adam,” I muttered, “It makes it all real.”
He was quiet. I wanted to lean against him, to feel some solidity; my body was all smoke right now. Goku hummed quietly, then looked into my eyes with a smile.
“Why don’t you show me the farmhouse first?”
I let out a labored breath. “What?”
His smiled faded. “Are you okay?”
“I can’t…”
I placed my hand over my chest, crouching down. Goku moved down to the ground with me, looking with concern.
“You’re not having a heart attack, are you?”
“Just feels like it,” I assured, breath trembling, “I think I’m having a little panic attack, that’s all.”
“Panic attack?”
“I’m just…feeling very scared.”
I looked at him, then averted my eyes in discomfort.
“Just give it a minute…”
Before I could pull away, he took me up in his arms, holding me against his chest. My eyes widened. I froze, but quickly fell slack at the sound of his steady heartbeat.
“You don’t have anything to be scared about. I won’t let you get hurt.”
I crumbled in his embrace, my pants leg soaking up the dew from the grass, inhaling his scent, hands trembling as I timidly grabbed onto his arm. I shut my eyes, feeling myself sinking into him, feeling his calmness, his steady energy, and I felt my own begin to calm down in response.
“That’s it,” he encouraged quietly.
My heart jumped. What was happening?
“Goku,” I whispered.
“It’s alright.”
I took a deep breath, feeling how my body rested in his strong arms. I felt his warmth; I could feel that little sun he shone onto everything around him, and it bathed me in its gentle light. I opened my eyes, staring down at the grass.
“I’m sorry, I keep having meltdowns around you.”
He laughed. “I don’t mind.”
I felt his laugh vibrate in his chest. The claw that gripped mine loosened its hold. I took a full breath.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
He touched my face gently, and to my surprise, the tension in my chest eased a bit more at the feeling.
“I like you,” he said plainly, “Why wouldn’t I be nice?”
I looked up at him, realizing how close we were—with Goku, proximity always seemed to become a very important concept.
“You’re too nice,” I whispered, glancing down at his smile and meeting his eyes again.
He only smiled more, shaking his head.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
He leaned closer, chuckling. I didn’t retreat—I turned my body to him, wanting to take in the smile that glowed in his eyes. He pressed his forehead against mine.
I laughed a little, and his smile got bigger.
“Your laugh is pretty,” he said, letting me go as I pulled away.
“You’re too nice,” I reprimanded, “Too nice and too sweet.”
We stood up, and he beamed at me.
“You’re not scared now, right?”
I shook my head, laughing again. He frowned.
“No, I’m not.”
“What’s so funny?”
I couldn’t contain my smile. “Nothing. You hungry?”
“Something’s funny,” he pressed.
We walked to the house, and I looked at him then glanced away.
“What is it?”
I didn’t know what to say. I reached up and pinched his cheek gently. He smiled and did the same in response, making me smile. The sound of barking took my attention away from him as the family dogs bounded up to us, tongues flailing and tails wagging eagerly. I knelt down, embracing them as they knocked me over on the ground, licking my face and sniffing me. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“He—Hello you two—oh gosh!”
My cheeks ached as I scratched their heads, struggling to sit up. Goku watched me with a smile, but was quickly overtaken by our giant hounds’ curiosity. He stumbled and chuckled, patting their heads as they circled, sniffed, and nudged him around.
“Woah, hey, hi!”
“Don’t let them bully you,” I warned.
“Oh, I’m sure—woah—“
I grinned as they knocked him on the ground, licking his face too. Goku laughed heartily, trying to shield his face.
“At least they like you.”
“Heh, yeah—hey—“
I whistled, snapping to bring them over to me. “Okay, that’s enough.”
They looked over and trotted over, sitting. I got up and helped Goku to his feet.
“They’re cute,” he said brightly, “And weirdly strong…”
“You should probably wash your face when we get inside.”
I wiped off his shoulder, then clicked my tongue as an amused smile grew on my face again.
“Awe, your jacket’s all covered in fur now. Not very presentable.”
“It’s not?”
“No, not at all. You should probably take it off.”
I nudged him with a playful look as we reached the porch. He grinned back, taking it off and slinging it off of his shoulder. I knocked on the door, looking at Goku again—he’d gotten some fur in his hair. I chuckled, pressing up on my toes and holding onto his shoulder to keep me steady as I plucked them out of his hair. He looked down in pleased confusion.
The door swung open and I was hit with a familiar ‘ooo’. I froze, my cheeks heating up as I turned to look at my older sister. Gita grinned, hazel eyes shining mischievously behind her glasses. She crossed her arms and leaned on the doorframe, glancing between us curiously.
“Well, well, is this why you haven’t come around, Trixie? Got a new boyfriend?”
I rolled my arms, looking away. “He’s not my boyfriend, Gita.”
Her eyes crinkled as she laughed. “Oh, sure, not yet! What’s your name, handsome fella?”
“I’m Goku.”
“Goku. Nice to meetya. I’m Gita, Trixie’s big sister.”
She shook his hand firmly, making her bangles clink against each other.
“Oh, firm grip,” she remarked, taking her hand back and placing both on her hips, “You’re as strong as you look.”
She nodded, patting his shoulder with a smile. “Come on in, food’s almost ready.”
Gita opened the door for us, welcoming Goku in and giving me a wink. I shook my head profusely, but she only chuckled, pinching my cheek.
“Still so shy, huh, lil sis?”
The sound of Bulma’s laugh danced along the walls as music and the aroma of food reached my senses. Gita rubbed my shoulder, and we lingered by the door for a moment as she gave me a meaningful look.
“How are you doing?”
I looked at her, smiling a little. “It’s…not easy.”
She nodded. “I know. It hasn’t been easy for any of us.”
I hummed, looking at the ground. She wrapped her arm around me, then pulled me into a tight embrace.
“I’m glad you’re finally here. We’ve all been waiting for ya, kid. No one blames you.”
I slowly hugged her back, inhaling the scent of gardenias that clung to her dark, silky hair, feeling my heart release a little.
“I missed you guys a lot,” I said quietly, “I just, I couldn’t—“
She rubbed my back soothingly, making me fall silent.
“I know. We missed you, too.”
She pulled back, smiling. “You have nothing to explain. Okay?”
I nodded. She cupped my cheek, giving me a hard look.
“I want to hear you agree, Trix.”
I smiled. “Okay.”
She nodded. “Okay. Let’s go. You still have Kuno and Cai left to give you a hard time about your piece of man candy.”
I grumbled as she laughed again, ushering me inside.
“He’s not—“
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you’ve already talked Bulma’s ear off with your friend spiel.”
I blushed. “I don’t—“
“Well, look at you, all grown up.”
I turned to see Kuno eyeing me up, blonde eyebrows raised. A smile played on his lips as he came over to me, uncrossing his arms as I gasped.
“What the fuck did you get so ripped for,” I accused in disbelief.
He laughed, trapping me in a bear hug and picking me up. I fought to breathe but patted him on the back. He’d completely changed from the skinny guy I remembered.
“Hey, I’ve been hitting the gym,” he said, with a shrug, “Not to mention all the heavy lifting at work.”
“What do you do now?”
“Moving company,” he said, picking up a wine glass off of the dining table and passing it to me, earning a dirty look from Gita, “Furniture, boxes, the like.”
“Although, your guy over there’s giving me a run for my money,” he said, nudging me with his elbow.
“He’s not my guy,” I insisted, taking a sip of wine, “If everyone keeps saying that, I’m gonna need this more than Gita.”
He chuckled, patting my shoulder. Cai and Bulma’s laughs rounded the corner into the dining room before they did, cheeks flushed and holding glasses of liquor. I shook my head with a smile.
“God, what is it with this family and alcohol,” I remarked, sipping from the glass as well.
“Nothing wrong with having a good time,” Kuno said, patting my head, “You’ve been gone too long.”
I smiled at him, pushing him lightly and leaving the room. Bulma seemed better, which eased some of the pressure in my chest. A bit of it returned at the sight of my parents and Goku hitting it off in the kitchen, though. My mom caught sight of me first as they all laughed together, and came over to me, eyes twinkling.
“Oh, baby, I’m so glad you’re here.”
She kissed my forehead, hugging me tenderly. I hugged her back.
“Hey, Mom.”
“How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good.”
“Mm, you need anything? Bulma taking care of you?”
“I actually moved back to the observatory. Had to call Delilah but she agreed. It’s mine now.”
She smiled and nodded, but her eyes showed concern.
“I don’t like the idea of you being out there in the ice all alone…”
I chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry, I don’t see myself being left alone for a while.”
My father’s laughter caught my attention, and I glanced between him and Goku. Mom pinched my cheek, giving me a smile.
“He’s sweet,” she said, leaning over towards me, “Nice catch.”
With a sigh, I smiled back, shoulders slumping a little. Might as well take the compliment at this point. Goku turned and smiled, and I smiled back shyly—he had to have heard that. My father finally saw me around him, and his eyes lit up.
“Oh, Bellatrix! I swear, I didn’t even recognize you, you look so beautiful—oh, come here!”
I gasped for air as my father laughed, squeezing me in an even tighter bear hug than Kuno’s.
“Oh, I’ve missed my little starlight so much!”
I blushed as I met Goku’s eyes, seeing his amused smile.
“God, you’re all skin and bones; let’s get you fed—honey, are we all ready to eat?”
“Dad, I’m dying here,” I gasped out.
Mom laughed. “Yes, I think—oh no!”
Her eyes widened in sudden recollection. “I forgot desert!”
“I think I’m blacking out—“
“Oh no! That’s no good at all! We’ve got dinner all ready to go, though…”
“We can get it,” Goku offered.
Dad turned to him, swinging me along with him.
“Oh, you’d do that for us son? Thanks so much.”
“I’ll go write up a list—keep the food warm, honey!”
Mom rushed off, and Goku gently pried me out of my father’s arms, earning a grateful look from me. He chuckled, leaning down to say something in my ear.
“Little starlight?”
I slapped his shoulder, sputtering in embarrassment as he straightened up and laughed.
“Shut up.”
Mom shoved a list and keys in my hand, along with a wad of cash and ushered us out of the door in a panic.
“And don’t dilly dally, you two!”
I laughed softly as the dogs ran up to us again, sniffing and barking and circling us as we got in the car. I was about to turn the ignition, but gave Goku a look.
“Oh! Sorry.”
He buckled up, and we were off.
Dinner was loud, happy, and plentiful. I sat between Gita and Bulma, laughing, drinking, and laughing some more. There was so much joy in one little room that I felt that it could burst open at any second. Goku, Kuno and my father all bounced off of each other seamlessly, and when Goku was, well, Goku, they only seemed to appreciate it more.
“You’re quite the simple man, Goku,” my father remarked, patting him on the shoulder with a beaming smile, “God, you’re just made of muscle aren’t you? He’s gonna give you a run for your money, Kuno!”
Kuno laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, that is one race I’ll gladly avoid.”
Goku glanced between them with some confusion, but kept smiling nonetheless.
“Heh, thanks!”
I nudged Bulma. “See, they like him, even without the jacket.”
She gave me a look, and I laughed, sipping more wine. My eyes gravitated to the empty seat between Cai and Mom. A steaming plate of food sat there, accompanied by his favorite childhood cup half filled with brandy. I smiled at it bittersweetly. For the first time, his absence didn’t feel so brutal.
“—Eh, Trix?”
I blinked in confusion, realizing everyone was looking at me. Mom looked at me soulfully, a gentle smile formed on her lips. Kuno cleared his throat, and Cai rubbed his shoulder soothingly. I looked around with some shame.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean—“
“There’s nothing to feel sorry for honey,” Dad assured, “We all feel it too.”
I looked to Bulma, seeing her staring at the empty chair with misty eyes. I pulled her close and embraced her firmly, placing a kiss on her forehead. She leaned her head against mine, wrapping an arm around my waist. I closed my eyes.
For the first time, it wasn’t just me who felt the pain of his absence, and the world kept spinning despite it.
Cai stood, raising his beer bottle.
“To Adam,” he said, “The only grown man I knew who drank brown liquor out of a superhero cup.”
With a laugh, I raised my glass.
“To the best man I ever knew,” I added.
Kuno rose his. “To the man who never gave up on me.”
Some emotion rose up my throat at his words, and I felt my eyes threaten to water. I smiled.
“Here, here.”
Kuno nodded at me soberly, still managing a smile on his face.
Everyone raised their glasses and cups in silence for a moment, until my father spoke.
“To have lost a man like him is something no one could ever recover from,” he said, looking down at his plate wistfully, “But he’s with us all. Each of us carry a piece of his love in our hearts, and for that we should all keep smiling.”
Mom hummed in affirmation. “Mm, yes. He’d want us to be smiling.”
Bulma sniffed, and I felt some droplets fall onto my chest. I stroked her hair, and Dad came over to take her hand.
The superhero cup of brandy knocked over.
I froze, looking in shock. Everyone’s attention snapped to the spilling brandy, the rolling cup that gradually stilled, and the wind billowing through curtains that covered a window that definitely hadn’t been open before.
I smiled, feeling my eyes growing misty.
“I think he wants us to stop being so down in the dumps,” I said quietly, “Typical.”
I could feel him. I could remember him. The smiling big brother I’d known and loved. Somehow the blood had become a forgotten dream.
“Okay, okay, let me just—“
I giggled as I fumbled for the light switch and Goku clung to me, half holding me steady and half gluing himself to my body.
“What,” he whined.
“Someone’s gonna see,” I insisted, still laughing at the feeling of him nuzzling my shoulder, “Hey, that tickles!”
“Everyone’s outside, no one’s g’na see,” he muttered, “They all know, anyways…”
“Know what?”
He laughed, holding me tighter. I finally flicked on the light switch and we stumbled inside my old bedroom, Goku shutting the door behind him as I opened the window. I sighed, turning around to see him creeping around my childhood telescope and squeaked, moving him away.
“Be careful!”
“I’m not gonna break it,” he said, smiling.
I giggled as I guided him to the bed, and we both collapsed with a groan.
“God, my family can drink…”
“I see where you get it from,” he said.
I laughed. “Oh please, I tapped out after three glasses of wine.”
Goku stared at me as my laughter slowly faded, and I held his gaze. I frowned in confusion.
He moved closer, swallowing.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, “So beautiful and so smart and funny…”
I giggled nervously. “Thanks, I guess.”
“I mean it,” he said.
“No…it’s not okay.”
His eyebrows creased, and he touched my face.
“It’s not okay…”
My drunkenness wore off slightly as Goku’s thumb stroked my cheek repeatedly while I stared into his eyes. The room was still spinning around us, but I was stilled by his gaze. I took his hand in mine, moving closer to him. The space remaining between us felt so vast—how were we going to bridge it? I shut my eyes, placing his hand on my chest. Goku inhaled sharply.
“Feel that,” I asked.
“Feel—feel what?”
“How steady my heart is. My heartbeat.”
“That’s what you do to me.”
He fell silent. I pressed his hand closer.
“No one else makes me feel this except you.”
I opened my eyes, holding his gaze. “…No one else is like you, Goku.”
With some uncertainty I reached out and touched his face, feeling my hand tremble slightly as my palm cupped his cheek. I smiled at the feeling of him, of the warmth, of his presence. Maybe it was the alcohol, but in this moment, I didn’t want him to leave my side ever again.
“You’re too sweet,” I said, tracing his jaw with my fingertip, “Too sweet.”
His voice asked a soft question. “Bellatrix?”
I almost wanted to touch his mouth, to feel his voice passing through his lips. I sighed.
“Shit Goku, what did you do to me?”
“What? I didn’t do anything. At least…I don’t think…”
I laughed softly, shaking my head. “Oh, you did something, alright. You’re doing it right now.”
“I am?”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re not very convincing when you act coy, Goku.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer—the vastness that seemed so daunting was shattered in mere seconds.
“I like you,” he said, brushing his nose against mine, “I like you a lot.”
I grinned. “Yeah, I know.”
“No, I really like you.”
“I know.”
“Like…like Chichi…”
I laughed again. “Goku, I think we’re a bit drunk.”
“N-no, did you hear me? I like you.”
“I heard you,” I assured softly.
He smiled, gently taking my chin. “Do ya like me?”
I hesitated despite myself. I let out a sigh as Goku waited for me to answer with increasing unease. The words I’d been holding back spilled out.
“I’m scared.”
“I like you, Goku, but I’m scared.”
I took the hand that held my chin, timidly brushing my lips against it, shutting my eyes.
“If I lost you too…”
My breath trembled as I pressed my lips against his knuckles.
“My heart would break all over again, and I don’t know if I’d survive it.”
“I’m not like her,” he whispered.
I smiled, placing his hand on my waist and pulling him closer, pressing my face into the crook of his neck, pressing my lips against his pulse, losing myself in him.
“You always smell so nice,” I said.
“‘Trix,” he insisted, “I’m not like her.”
“You’re not like anybody, Goku.”
I pulled away from his neck and looked at him again.
“People like you, like my brother…you can’t be replaced. You know that, right? It always leaves a hole when you’re gone, and it won’t get filled again because there’s no one like you that can heal it.”
I looked down at his lips. I finally touched them, caressing them with the pad of my thumb.
“If I fell in love with you…and I lost you…”
His hold around me tightened.
“I won’t ever leave you.”
“I didn’t say leave,” I corrected with a chuckle, “I said lost.”
His brow furrowed, and I rubbed the wrinkles until it relaxed. He let out a sigh, shutting his eyes.
“Of course you wouldn’t leave. People like you don’t leave. People like you are taken away.”
“I won’t get taken.”
“Yes, you will.”
“No, I won’t.”
I pulled back slightly, looking him square in the eye.
“You died before, right? While you were with Chichi? Your son? How do you think it felt for them when you were taken away?”
“I…I know it wasn’t easy—“
“Easy? Look at how I’ve been without Adam.”
I poked his temple with a chuckle. “I want you to hear me. Get these words into that Saiyan brain of yours.”
He looked at my mouth intently, making me grin.
“When you die, the people you love die with you. When you go off doing amazing things, the people you love are left behind, aching for you. Us normal people aren’t as strong as you are, we can’t hang on and keep up with your story. We don’t want a story. We want a simple life. We want to be happy, do good work, and have peace and love—and we want to love you.”
There was pregnant silence until he smiled.
He took my face in his hands, eyes twinkling. “You want to love me?”
I sighed sharply. “Did you hear a single word I said?”
“Yeah, I did. But…you want to love me?”
He grazed my lips and my jaw with his knuckles, and, feeling the slight callous formed, I pressed my lips against it.
“I don’t think I have a choice at this point. It’s going to happen…I can feel it. I’m going to fall in love with you. And I’m scared. You’re—you’re so beautiful and…I can’t—”
I sighed, trying to gather my thoughts. “I can’t lose you, too.”
“You won’t,” he assured firmly.
I smiled. “Goku…you can’t promise that.”
“Yes, I can. I won’t.”
There was a fire in his eyes that shook me. I bit my lip, then let out a sigh.
“I can’t lose you, either.”
I looked up at him in surprise.
“You’re all I can think about sometimes. You always make me feel so great and so happy. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that way about someone else besides Chichi.”
He pressed his forehead against mine, lips ghosting over mine as he let out a shaky breath.
“I really messed up with her…I can’t mess up with you, too.”
For some reason, the thought of kissing him actually dawned on me for the first time. I pressed my hand against his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to do this again.”
The possibility of his lips was so close. It made me feel hasty. Thirsty. Anxious. Goku felt it too, I could tell. He swallowed nervously.
“That’s okay. I never feel ready to do anything.”
I laughed. “You’re too sweet, Goku.”
I could feel the feverish urge building between us.
“You’re…perfect,” he breathed.
I shook my head. “No one’s perfect. It’s a good thing.”
“I need to kiss you.”
“I know.”
“Right now.”
“I know.”
We were silent. I stared at his mouth. He waited for me eagerly—always so gentle, so careful with me. I needed him, I knew it. I blinked, trying to keep whatever wits I had left about me.
“We can’t go back to how we are now, if…if we do that.”
“I don’t want to.”
Oh, god.
He licked his lips, clearly struggling to contain himself.
“I need you, ‘Trix…I can’t fight it anymore. I need you.”
His words echoed in my mind. I need you.
My eyebrows creased. I swallowed.
He inched closer, hand inching down my waist to my hip. I leaned towards him.
“I need you too.”
His hand took hold of my hip firmly, pulling my body against his. My leg passed over his hips, and the bed creaked as my knees sunk into the mattress. My face was flushed—here I was, straddling the man I swore up and down I wasn’t going to give in to. I stared down at his face, his shining eyes, his slight smile, his tousled hair from the fun of the night; it as all so beautiful.
His hands clung to my hips, teasing the possibility of embarking to the bare skin under my shirt. I leaned down, cupping his cheek, pressing a soft kiss onto the corner of his mouth. His hands twitched and held onto me tighter. With a smile I leaned up and he followed, seeking to return the kiss. I placed another on his cheek, coaxing him to sit up fully and resting on his lap. Goku laughed breathlessly. I stared at his curved, laughing mouth and slung my arms over his shoulders, pressing my weight onto him and tilted my head.
“Are you sure,” I whispered.
“Please,” he muttered, brushing his lips against mine, “Come here already.”
I laughed softly at the cracks in his restraint.
“I don’t want to make a mistake for us,” I said, “We need to decide.”
He took my face in his hands, smiling. “I want you, Bellatrix.”
I smiled back, nodding. “Okay. I want you, too.”
His eyes crinkled as his smile grew. “Good.”
Goku’s focus quickly shifted to the matter of most importance though, and his hands roamed my body with newfound confidence.
“Now come here.”
Our breaths trembled as our lips finally met. He pressed his tongue into my mouth sharply and I softened his advance by making mine supple against his, taking a gentle hold of his face. He had so much friction in his energy now that he had been given the okay it made me wonder how long he’d been holding himself back—was it the first time we met?
It didn’t take much time for him to follow my lead and be more gentle with me. We moved further onto the bed soon after, unable to part our lips for even a moment. The bed creaked under our aimless movement as I eased onto my back and pulled him on top of me by his shirt, managing a smile and to pull myself away for a second.
“Bulma was…was diabolical to put you in these,” I said with a chuckle.
He quickly took my lips with his again, then smiled against my mouth.
“You like it?”
I tucked my fingers around his belt and tugged his hips further down between my legs and grinned.
“I fuckin’ love it.”
I shot up and kissed him a bit more passionately, my eyebrows furrowing. Goku moaned slightly, and I bit his lower lip, making him yelp a little in surprise and break his lips from mine.
“What was that for?”
I frowned, my mind starting to get clouded with lust. “Huh?”
“You bit me…did I do something wrong?”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Oh, shit, no, no, sorry, I should’ve asked if you liked that or not—“
“I do, I just didn’t know if—“
“Fuck, I’m sorry to cut you off, I just—“
I sighed desperately as I stole another kiss, gripping his jeans tighter as Goku sensed I’d changed somehow and kissed me harder, pressing himself against me. I felt how hard he was and my head spun—I was dangerously close to forgetting we were technically in my family home on the loudest mattress on earth.
“We should—we should be smart,” I muttered thoughtlessly between kisses, “Someone’ll hear the bed if we fucked right now.”
“But I want to fuck you now,” he complained a little, kisses starting to stray from my mouth, “I can smell you, how am I supposed to control myself when I can smell how ready your pussy is for me?���
I blushed as his sudden crassness, but it made me want him more. I laughed breathlessly, aching at the feeling of his hard cock against pressed against my clit through my jeans. He pressed a little harder and I grazed my nails over his arm, feeling a wave of heat pass through my whole body. He chuckled, capturing my parted lips and biting my lower lip in return.
I was already unbuttoning my pants. He grinned, unzipping them, tracing the waistband of my underwear with his fingertips.
“Fuck, Goku, you’re gonna get me in trouble.”
“It’s okay,” he assured, voice growing husky, “I won’t fuck you if you don’t want it. I just…”
My brain didn’t even process what he’d done until Goku had tossed my pants to the floor and lowered my hips against the mattress again. Not one squeak, and he’d gotten my pants off already. I gasped as I felt his thumb swipe over my clit, then rub it gently. I bit my lip, grabbing onto his shoulder.
“Goku,” I whimpered quietly.
“I just need to taste you, that’s all.”
His voice had completely changed. His entire demeanor had changed; he sounded deathly serious. I could imagine this is how he was in a fight—composed, focused, precise, and absolutely ruining his opponent.
He pulled my underwear apart without much effort, and his breath audibly stilted at the sight of my soaked cunt. I could only hope one of us could keep from going over the edge.
He leaned down over me again, kissing me hungrily, prompting me to respond eagerly in kind.
“Can I feel you,” he asked breathlessly.
I had absolutely no idea what he meant by that, and no intention of turning him down.
“God, please, yes.”
The bed gave the slightest creak as he carefully pushed my legs farther apart and kissed down my body, pushing my shirt up to plant kisses all over my chest and abdomen, then sink his teeth into one of my hips, making me moan softly and grip his hair. His fingers gripped my thighs as his mouth found my pussy, and with a quiet grunt, slid his tongue inside of me, then ran it over my clit as one of his hands released me.
I had a brutal grip on his hair as his tongue continued to work its magic on my clit—it was taking everything in me to keep myself still, to keep my hips in place, to not cry out his name as he sucked on my clit, making my head fall against the pillow. My chest was heaving.
“Goku,” I gasped, “This—is not careful—!”
He slid his fingers inside of me and I was completely his.
“Fuck, don’t stop…”
He didn’t smile, he just kept devouring and fucking my pussy with his diabolical tongue and big, strong fingers. I grabbed onto the headboard with my other hand, trying desperately to keep my hips still as he planted kisses on my inner thigh as I started to clench around him. I could hear the way I was gushing around his fingers as he thrusted them in and out.
“That’s it,” he whispered against my skin, “C’mon, ‘Trix…”
I couldn’t speak a word, only crush the headboard under my grip as his mouth went back to my cunt, sending me over the edge, when—
I froze as Goku slid his fingers out, breathing almost as heavily as me. He pulled back and sat up, the moonlight shining down on his dark eyes as he put the two glistening fingers in his mouth, holding my gaze until he groaned, shutting his eyes. I was completely disoriented at this point as my body burned for release. His eyes opened again as he slid his fingers out of his mouth, grinning down at me.
“It’s just as good as I thought it would be.”
As I slowly started to realize he wasn’t going to give me the release I needed so badly, I put a hand on my forehead and laughed softly.
“Oh, you evil son-of-a-bitch,” I said, letting my legs fall to the side. “Thank fucking god.”
He chuckled as I sat up, looking him up and down and giving him a little glare.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“Well, you definitely weren’t going to stop anytime soon.”
I rolled my eyes, but smiled. “And whose fault was that?”
He only gave me a big smile. I planted a kiss on his cheek, getting off of the bed and feeling around for my pants on the ground. When I found them, I tossed aside my torn underwear and put them back on.
“Where did my glasses go,” I whispered, “Are they on the bed somewhere?”
Goku handed me them as he stood, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. I put on my glasses as I laughed softly.
“This is probably the only time I’m gonna ask for this, but can you instant transmission me to the observatory?”
“Can I stay the night?”
“Maybe if you’d let me come just now, but I don’t feel so generous anymore.”
“Awe, why not?”
I smiled up at him as he put his fingers to his forehead, and we disappeared from the dark, quiet bedroom.
“Rise and shine, boss.”
I inhaled sharply as the blinds automatically opened, and my bedroom filled with the cool, muted sunlight of an arctic morning. The lights turned on after and I groaned, turning to shield my eyes in Goku’s chest.
I paused, tensing up. Goku’s chest?
My eyes went from the white t-shirt to Goku’s peaceful face, and my brain spun. What…what was he doing in my observatory, in my bed? I tried to sit up, but he groaned in protest, holding me tighter—holy fuck, I’d been asleep in his arms. I racked my memory of the night before desperately—what could’ve happened to warrant waking up like this? We were clothed, but I didn’t have underwear on, which was concerning since I recalled going to a family dinner.
He nuzzled my neck, and it all came flooding back like an avalanche—the drinking, the smiles, the way his fingers felt inside me, the way I pulled his arms tighter around me was we fell asleep on the bed. I looked back at his face, his lips, and sighed quietly. Life happens, whether you’re ready or not.
I placed a gentle kiss on his lips to wake him up, smiling as he frowned, groaning again.
“Get up, you big goof,” I teased, “Or do you not want breakfast?”
His eyes slowly opened and he squinted down at me.
My stomach flipped at the confusion in his eyes.
I sure as fuck am not ready.
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geto-kee · 1 year
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Your S/O makes you squirt for the first time
Time-Skip Takemichi/Howl Pendragon/Sebastian Michaelis/Son Goku
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Female reader / Reader with a vagina
Minors do not interact cause I know you gone read the shit anyway 🙎🏾‍♀️
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the space between his brows wrinkled as he panted. His beige skin was heated to the touch as his sweat began to dampen his feverish skin. The man’s heart thundered and reverberated within his eardrums as his blue eyes focused on where the two of you were connected.
You were on top of him.
Your upper body was leaned back, your hands on either side of his spread legs. Your breast bounced with vigor, your skin just as sweaty as his. Your legs were parted, exposing your most intimate parts to your lover as you bounced on his cock.
Takemichi’s wide eyes drunk at the sight of his cock spearing into you each time you dropped down on his cock. He could hear the lewd squelching of your pussy welcoming his cock each time, and the slapping of your ass against his pelvis and upper thighs. Your meaty thighs and ass rippled as you bounced on him, and your head was thrown back in ecstasy. The male’s hands gripped your hips for something to hold onto, occasionally gripping your soft flesh, or pulling you harder down on his cock while he lost himself in the feeling of your velvet walls hugging him, and sucking him further inside of you. The crown of his cock jabbed at the soft spongy part of you, provoking you to chase your orgasm as the sensation fluttered through you, the turmoil building in your lower belly began to grow.
Takemichi couldn’t understand what came over him.
But his dominant hand let go of your hip so he could harshly flick his fingers back and forth against your swollen clit.
“Fuck—yes!” you sputtered as you felt as if you were coming. It was an intense feeling that rushed over you as a sudden spurt of wetness sprayed Takemichi’s lower half. At the same time, he bucked his hips upward, cumming deep inside of you.
The man tensed, eyes wide as he halted, looking down at what had happened as you flopped back, your back over the lower half of his legs.
He seemed to marvel, slightly gasping as his hand grasped the top of your thigh to lightly shake your leg. “_,” his brows raised, “babe!”
You were out like a light.
He sweatdropped, still in awe at what happened. He hadn’t anticipated you to cum as hard as you had done.
He could hear you softly snoring.
For now, he would pull out, clean you up, and then tuck you in.
His mind was still racing about what happened. He felt his lean chest swell with pride that he had managed to make you squirt like that. Usually, he’d see that in porn flicks or on those ridiculous porn ads that pop up on other websites. He had never seen it happen in person with someone else until now.
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he had your legs raised as his hands grasped tightly to the back of your knees, bending them back slightly. You swore he thought you were some sort of contortionist the way he would bend you in odd angles.
You’d think complaining about being so sore and not so flexible to the man he’d ease up a little.
Your toes curled as one of your arms extended above your head on the bed, gripping the soft blanket and sheets of your shared bed. Your unoccupied hand furiously rubbed harsh circles against your clit as Howl unrelentlessly jutted his hips against your ass. Your skin rippled as his balls slapped against your ass from how harshly he was stuffing his cock into you. He kept your legs spread to watch you rub your clit eagerly, his blue eyes wide with excitement.
The two of you were doing your best to remain quiet amid the night so as to not wake anyone else in the cozy castle.
Your hand loosened on the sheets and you clamped a hand over your mouth to muffle the sudden cry that wanted to flee from the depths of your throat.
“Right there,” your shaky voice spoke through your fingers after spreading them.
With your legs in his hold, he was gripping onto you tightly as he raised them a little higher, the lower half of your body going up as his cockhead began massaging against that soft spongy spot within you. Repeatedly pressing against it with the roll of his hips. You stopped your hand momentarily as your legs began to shake and a rush went through your body. Your lower belly tensed, and your walls clenched around him, holding him snugly in place, making it difficult for him to pull out to push back in as he started cumming.
Howl’s blue eyes sparkled in awe at the rush of wetness that spattered against his lower belly, dripping from his skin now. Your mouth parted in a silent scream as you arched your back and turned your head slightly, your whole body trembling in account.
You were panting, your chest heaving. Your eyes were cloudy and somewhat teary, and your hands were limp at your sides.
Howl couldn’t help but chuckle, he brushed gentle kisses against the inside of your calf. “Beautiful,” he praised you, continuing kissing your feverish skin.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. You were so good for me,” he murmured, striving to keep quiet still. Glancing at a window, he noted that the sun was gradually ascending through a beautiful haze of orange and pink clouds.
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you and Sebastian were pretty smug, especially when it applied to showing one another up. Whether it be in front of the Phantomhive staff, in front of the young earl—and especially in bed.
Sebastian tangled a hand in your locs, tugging a few of them in his grasp. His other hand raked his black fingernails against your naked back, leaving red thin lines in their wake. The disrupted skin welted with small beads of blood but they would eventually heal by the time morning rose.
Sebastian’s sharp teeth harshly bit into your shoulder, staking his claim on you as your sharp nails scratched his broad chest. His dark hair was a mess, strands sticking upward, and in odd directions, if anyone saw him with such imperfections in his hair they’d think it was uncharacteristic of him.
You, however, were much more used to the sight of his ruined state.
He was on top of you, lapping at the blood that surfaced from your bitten skin. He brushed his red lips against the wounds as small apologies, his hips recklessly rutted against yours, his cock plowing inside you provoking your walls to spasm as you raised a leg.
In his ear, he could hear the sharp gasp that pierced from your throat. He could feel the way your body pulled tautly and your breast pressing against his naked chest as you arched your back from the black abyss that was your nest. Dark feathers gradually showered the area, some landing on your lover’s head or brushing against his back. A few landed on your chest when Sebastian would lift his upper body, or landed in the wake of your locs that pooled around your head.
You could scream, you could be as rough as you wanted with him, and the same applied to him for you, without interruption from concerned staff members.
Your head leaned back, your chin raised, exposing more of your neck as you choked out a cry. Your plush lips were parted, sharp teeth gleaming from an unknown light, and your triangular tongue slightly lolling from your mouth. Sebastian watched with sadistic glee, his eyes squinting slightly as a smirk smeared his bloodied lips.
With one last thrust upward, jabbing into a spot he knew all too well, he watched in fascination as his balls tightened and began cumming—filling you to the brim with his seed—as your hips stuttered and your essence sprayed the lower half of his stomach.
He was far too used to the lewd sight of you squirting.
He felt a sense of pride watching you writhe beneath him as your body would jolt. In reaction to so much pleasure, that it was almost painful, your hands would push at his chest, one eyelid hooded, and lower than the other, as you hissed.
He gave a deep chuckle, tilting his head to kiss your cheek.
“Asshole,” you murmured when your body settled. A purr rumbled from your throat, basking in his warmth as his chuckling proceeded.
“Now, now, let’s not be harsh. What sort of mate would I be if I couldn’t satisfy you so immensely.”
He laid on top of you on purpose, his face hovering over yours as that smug expression haunted you for the remainder of you being underneath him.
“Don’t you dare-”
“I’m simply one hell of a lover.”
He beamed as you groaned at that stupid catchphrase.
you knew that for a fact with the way Goku acted behind closed doors within the privacy of your cozy home.
Normally his eyes were wide with glee, puppy-like happiness that would swirl within his dark eyes. His smile could light up an entire planet, presenting those pearly whites.
Your back arched as your fingers gripped onto the sheets of your shared bedding. The bed squeaked under the pressure of Goku’s relentless thrusting. His vast hands were practically bruising your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh, hooking into you to pull you back onto his cock. His narrowed eyes would often ascend your arched spine, watching sweat glide down your skin. His dark eyes descended your spine anew, a dark purr grumbled at the base of his chest, watching his length slick into you. There was a white ring of your juices coated around the base of him, his heavy balls slapped against your slit, and the sonance of your whimpers was like music to his ears.
You were drooling, completely drunk off the bliss of his cock stuffing you full. Your head was perched on a pillow you pulled closer to your person.
Your hips bounced as his cock continued its assault, and with each bounce, your breast followed. Goku was hypnotized with the way your ass rippled from each buck of his narrow hips. Your thighs were parted, and your knees would shift, in an attempt to crawl away as the tempo of his hips fucked you quickly.
He roughly pulled you back, forcing his knees on the bed, on either side of his.
“Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!Fu—ck!” you babbled, chanting the curse word as quick as his hips were moving.
Your lips parted as thunder rumbled in the sky outside, lightning brightening the dark clouds as you cried out. Messily, his cock slipped out of you, cum spurting on your lower back and one of the cheeks of your ass. In unison, your hips twitched, cumming harshly as you squirted with a force, dampening the sheets of your bedding, pooling between your knees.
Goku jerked his hips slightly between the cheeks of your ass to get out of his rut, cum leaking from the crown of his cock.
He huffed, still holding a tight grip on you.
His chest was still rumbling as he watched his cum gradually descend your outer thigh and roll past the cheek of her ass. He felt as if he were marking his claim on you further, his purring growing louder as he licked his lips.
He barely acknowledged the dampness under you both, his hand smearing his cum on you further in satisfaction.
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Wattpad / Aratah-Kee
Archive of Our Own / eezygngkee
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dreadsuitsamus · 11 months
Goku x Reader Blurb 1
nsfw, fem!reader
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being chest to chest with goku during sex sounds amazing. his tiddies pressed with yours as he pounds into you into the mattress and his eyes are screwed shut as his mouth hangs open with every grunt and whimper he makes as he feels your wet, silky walls wrap around his cock and his sensitive nipples rub against your breasts
"unf... mm, gonna cum." he pants out his promise desperately and you link your fingers behind his neck and hold on just before goku tenses up and slaps his hips to yours even harder to chase the high
you'd be screaming if you could, but you lost your voice well over an hour ago as your saiyan's relentless libido has worn you down to little more than a pretty set of holes to fuck. your little whimpers are all that remain and goku swallows them as his determined tongue plunges into your mouth for a sloppy kiss
he's so big over you, his broad shoulders and thick arms alone enough to dwarf you as his blazing palms pin your hips in place. pushing more heat from his reddened cock into your wet, molten core of a pussy, goku's cockhead presses up against the spongy spot only he has ever been able to reach
the sounds of sex bounce off the walls and goku's thrusts go deeper and slower as his knees spread with each roll of his hips. he's so far in, so close to cumming and this is surely the last nut of the night. he could absolutely go farther, but your poor human stamina ran out some time ago. he just can't help wanting to be inside of you: your allure is akin to any potent aphrodisiac
"baby..." tears prick the corners of your eyes and goku shushes you with another kiss, though sweeter than the previous lusty clash of tongues
"i'm gonna take care of you. don't worry."
one of his trained hands slips from the bruising hold on your hip to swirl the pad of his thumb on your sorely neglected clit. each little nerve ending is personally thrilled with the action as the hot response of over a few thousand pleasured fibers warm your belly and thighs. anticipation shakes you and all you can manage is to sink into the pillows and allow goku to keep his promise
his teeth sink into your neck and he growls lowly, the stark contrast of his powerful transformation screams buzzing goosebumps over the thin, warmed skin of your lightly sweaty neck. nails digging into his back spurs his hips forward to harsher snaps and stronger tension in his jaw
the slap of his balls against your ass is as consistent as a clock's tick, you muse as goku begins to fill you with his thick ropes of cum, his body tense and the thumbing of your clit frantic while his muffled shouts are hidden in the curve of your neck
his teeth finally unlatch from your skin as his body stills and he slumps to his knees, only barely keeping the entire weight of his massively muscled body off of you. his heart beats rapidly in his chest and you can feel the thumping, so sure he's able to feel your own heartbeat. full of cum and entirely spent, you tug him just a little closer and thread your fingers into his lightly sweaty hair
"fuck me again."
and there's that aphrodisiac again— vegeta is going to be pissed when goku shows up late for their training session in the morning
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ushisroa · 11 months
warnings ; 18+ , nsfw content , pantysniffing , ur fav is a pervert bc i said so
nasty mfs who can’t get enough of you…
he’s fantasizing about the next time he’ll have you beneath him , thinking of your voice , how much you whine for him , how well you take him & everything he wants to do to you. but it still isn’t enough for him, he needs something to feel and smell off of you right now but you’re out on an errand. what’s the next best thing?… your underwear. he feels awful but he can’t help it, he picks them straight out of the laundry and puts them right to his face. your leftover slick glistening on your underwear , teasing him almost. pressing his tongue against it , he whines instantaneously tasting traces of you leftover and desperately palms a hand over his hardening cock in his underwear. huffing a breath , he pulls his cock out slowly, beads of pre cum sitting on the head.. fuck he’s leaking. pressing your underwear right against his face , his breath hot and heavy as he takes in the smell of you and begins fisting his cock .. hand slowly skimming over his tip as he rolls it back and forth under his hand almost humping it. his skin hot and blistering to the touch, sweat rolling down his back and suddenly everything feels too sticky and all too much as he releases. legs clenching together and his hand fucking himself through his orgasm, tongue lolling out and eyes hitting the back of his skull. you left him alone…. what else was he supposed to do ?
- SIMON “GHOST” RILEY , KONIG , reiner braun , EREN YAEGER (horny bastard isn’t even ashamed) , jean kirstein (wouldn’t be suprised) , armin arlert (he’s a closet pervert ik it) JOSEPH JOESTAR , MISTA GUIDO , jean pierre polnareff, bokuto koutaro, kuroo testuro, hinata shoyou, ATSUMU MIYA (he’s a slut) , GOHAN , son goku, KAKASHI HATAKE , naruto uzumaki , shikamaru nara & any of your other favs
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baegetas · 8 months
》 blackout.
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son goku x afab reader
summary: sitting at the bar after a hard day, you're joined by none other than your friend gohan's father, and he knows how he can cheer you up.
warnings: minors do not interact, explicit content: age gap, multiple orgasms, (slight, if you squint) implied cheating, overstimulation, drunk sex, alcohol consumption
word count: 1.7k
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you were alone at a bar. you'd completely flunked an exam that you'd studied hard for, and you were downing shots like they were nothing. even the bartender was asking if you were okay, to which you'd reply with a simple, "i will be."
while you were mindlessly scrolling through social media, a giggle cut through your brooding silence. it was familiar. you looked over your shoulder, finding that you were face-to-face with a "friend" of yours: goku. well, correction: he was gohan's father, and you were a friend of gohan's. you were a little scared of goku at first, but warmed up to him once you knew he wasn't some scary muscle-head. he grinned at you and promptly mused, "hey!"
"hello, goku."
he sat next to you, looking at you like a dejected puppy. "aw, what's wrong? you looked bored from over there, but man, you seem pretty sad."
you sighed, failing to hide the smile from him. "i guess. but i didn't expect to see you here, out of all people."
"whaaat?" goku giggled and spun the barstool around. "are you kidding? this place is so fun!"
"no, i mean, like, i didn't see you as much of a drinker."
"eh... if it's sweet, i don't care what it is. i'll drink it. heeeey!" he flagged down the bartender, grinning happily. "you have jello shots? yeah? you should give us a few!"
you gave him a slightly agitated look, to which he giggled and said, "don't worry, i'll pay! i don't know what's got you so down, but it's time to cheer up!"
that giggle would be the end of you, and you knew it. as the shots slid onto the counter in front of you, you sighed. it wouldn't be horrible to have a little fun, right?
next thing you knew, goku had convinced you to join him on the dance floor. there had always been something so charming about his idiocy. something charming about how oblivious he was. however, now that he had you in your own little corner of the place in the dark, you could see something else behind those sweet eyes. you could see intention, like he was aware of exactly what he was doing. he was aware that it was the two of you. he was aware that you were both tipsy. he was aware that he was double your size. he was very aware.
with the lights spinning again, flashing a multitude of colors, you found yourself lost in music. lost in liquor. you and goku had been gradually getting closer to one another. you found yourself dancing right against him, and his rough, calloused hands were sliding up and down the sides of your torso, with a focus on your hips. swaying back and forth in rhythm, you could feel his muscles against your back. you could feel his breath against your neck. you shuddered, and looked up at him for some sort of clue as to what he was thinking. and looking back at you were two serious, calculating eyes. like a predator. "heh. you look surprised."
your lip shook ever so slightly. "you... are you?"
he smirked. "am i what? gotta finish the sentence."
you hiccuped, trying to clear your throat. "flirting?"
"i dunno," he hummed, feigning innocence. "problem?"
your eyes flickered down to his hands on your hips. they were gripping you. "...no."
his voice dropped an octave, getting raspy. "nice. you mind if i do something?"
"to... to me?" he nodded, and you were having trouble suffocating the butterflies in your stomach. you swallowed roughly, leaning your head back against his shoulder as you stared up at him. he was holding you against him. for a moment, you thought, what would gohan think? i mean, this was your friend's dad. this man was twice your age. but nonetheless, you replied, "you... can do anything you want. to me."
within a split second, he flipped you around and pressed your back against the club's concrete wall. you had no time to breathe. goku was kissing you with a passion. your hands gripped his clothes, pulling him as close as you could. his thigh pressed in between your legs, and at that point, you were putty in his hands. all you could do was whine. this was a completely different goku, and you were loving it.
he sank his teeth into the side of your neck, and you moaned out loud. when you noticed someone staring at the two of you, your eyes widened. "ah- goku! hey."
he pulled back from your skin by just inches. "something wrong?"
"we... we can't do this. not... in public."
his voice was gravelly. "why not? i'm sure people would love to watch. make 'em jealous."
you blushed and stammered out, "it... it's indecent... and a little illegal... to do things like this in public. my apartment would be a better place."
"your apartment?" he stood straight up and pressed two fingers to his forehead. he gripped your shoulder tightly. "gotcha."
and suddenly, you were both standing in the front hallway of your apartment. you blinked a few times, unsure of what the fuck just happened, but all of that was thrown to the wayside when goku's lips found yours again, pressing you against the wall of your living room.
your belongings fell to the ground, and your hands started to pull his shirt up so you could feel his torso. every muscle, every divot - he was so fucking ripped. and his hands weren't wasting time with you, either. traveling up your thighs, he tore your panties off with one finger. his hand grabbed your entire ass, and he took in a deep inhale, smelling your scent on the skin of your neck. "god, you smell so good."
"you... ah!" you lost your train of thought when he started grinding his crotch against yours. with flushed cheeks from a drunken stupor, you mumbled, "you... want me, don't you?"
shedding his t-shirt, he growled, "what do you think?"
he was biting at your skin as his hands discarded the rest of your clothes, albeit in a more refined fashion. once you were completely nude, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. he picked you up like a doll. like you weighed absolutely nothing to him. he was quick to find your bedroom, and he quite literally threw you down onto the bed. then, he followed. and his tongue found your slit, rough hands pushing your thighs apart so he could taste you as much as he possibly could.
your hand tangled in his thick hair. he was so sloppy, but it was quick to send every nerve in your body into a frenzy. he would grunt and groan, and his nose would bump against your clit, sending a jolt through your body. when his tongue actually plunged into you, you lost all of your bearings. you came all over his face, and he replied to it with a pleased groan, unwilling to pull away until your body relaxed. with one eye open, you looked down at his messy face. his dark, widened pupils. his flushed cheeks. then, he grinned. "i thought you'd taste good, but that was better than i thought."
panting, you whined back, "goku... i..."
"already on it." he was quick to remove his pants and boxers, and he was quick to climb back over you, trapping you in another kiss. with the full weight of his body against his, you realized just how small you were. his length slid along your folds, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
your hands found his back when he got the opportunity to press himself into you, and he did so with a guttural groan. at that point, you couldn't think. the slow stretch was just too good, and your foreheads rested against one another until he was fully sheathed in you. he panted, "so... tight... i gotta..."
you panted back, "just... just fuck me."
and when his hips started snapping back and forth, you couldn't help but whine. your nails dug into his back, and his face was buried in your neck. he was relentless, keeping a fast, steady pace. as your moans got louder, you heard his voice in your ear. "shh... be a good girl. i know you can handle it."
hitting that sweet spot over and over, it didn't take any time for you to come undone a second time. and a third time. goku hadn't even broken much of a sweat, and he had you completely folded over underneath him. your eyes were locked on his as he cooed, "yeah, that's it. good."
in that moment, you understood that he was going to finish inside you. and you didn't care one bit about it. as if on cue, his huge frame leaned down to trap you in a tongue-filled kiss, hands gripping your ass. you weren't going anywhere. he had you completely pinned.
you'd lost count of how many times you came before his thrusts started to get sloppy. he was grunting more often, shaft head poking at your cervix every now and then. it hurt, but you were far too blissed out to care. "good girl. just... a little bit more, okay?"
by now, you were a babbling mess, but you managed to nod in response. the bed was slamming against the wall, and you knew that your neighbors on all sides would be complaining about the noise, if they hadn't already. his grunts were going right into your ear, and he grunted especially loudly as he said, "you ready?"
you nodded and mewled, "yes, please."
goku growled, then moaned beautifully has he came right into you. his hips didn't even stop, riding out his own orgasm with a blissful look on his face. when his hips eventually stopped, he collapsed onto you, breathing heavily. you were doing the same. your head was spinning. after only a minute, he propped himself up on his elbow. "whew... that was... amazing."
"i... know." you said this so quietly that you could barely hear it yourself. "it was."
then, goku gave you that trademark giggle. that trademark grin. you looked at him through half lidded eyes as he said, "i think we're gonna have to do that again. way more often than just once. i'm gonna need it."
you smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso. you couldn't respond vocally, but pulling him closer was the answer he needed. he giggled again and relaxed atop you, with no intention of moving any time soon.
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
Mixed DBS character NSFW Imagines
Warnings: smut, degradation, mirror sex, oral fixation (for gamma 2), voice kink, dirty talk !!MINORS DNI!!
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Boyfriend! Gamma 2, who has a oral fixation for you and you only, his mouth attached to your pussy each chance he gets, his tongue flicking at your clit making jolts of pleasure course through your body. Keeps edging you until he's chooses to make you cum. After that he'll make sure to clean you up with his grey smooth tongue.
"B-but Two~i want..moreee," you whined longingly. The androids' eyes shoot back up at you in thee process of putting his shirt on, a cocky smirk taking form on his face, you bite your lower lip, regretting a slight bit of what you just said but he was already pouncing on top of you again throwing your legs on his broad shoulders. "Oh yeah? Is that right baby~then i'll just have to fuck all the precious energy out of your pretty little body cause baby, I can go all day if i have to." Keeps edging you until you reach your nth high, slurping up up your sweet juices when you're overstimulating all over his face, his yellow chrome eyes taking in the view of your flushed frame trembling for only him alone.
Boyfriend Goku Black LOVES mirror sex, he adores the mage of your pathetic mortal body being the perfect godly threshold for his cock, forcing you to look at how he takes you so well, making your face burn like fire. "Look at you, such a dumb little slut for your master, if you dare take your eyes off this beautiful imagery of me for a second I won't hesitate to slow down once more." Big orgasm denial boi as well, constantly wanting to assault your guts. Bonus points if you turn into a incoherent mess for him Kami have mercy 😫 Boyfriend Goku being a little too noisy in the bed, thrusting into you in a medium pace and hitting that small bundle of nerves that drives you crazy, causing you to moan his name over and over again. "ah~you sound so good baby~keep squeezing me like that..'m gonna come so hard." He moaned. HIs pace starts to escalate quickly making you gasp out,"G-Goku~you sound -so good~". He chuckles darkly, "Really now?-hah~my moans turn you on huh?" the saiyan leans over to your ear and begins to moan lewdly. You have never been so blessed to hear him that close because after that first one, your vision clouded white by your climax as a choked,"Fuck!~" rushed out of you. Boyfriend Dyspo, the cocky bastard could not go a day without fucking the mess out of you, has pushed against the mattress slamming his dick between your gummy walls while he pulls your hair to face him from behind. "ah~all dumbed out senseless from me and can't even speak, huh?...That's what i thought." he smirks. Your tits bouncing from his malicious thrusts making a delightful sight to behold for the ego-filled rabbit. You could feel his labored, hot breath against your ear only fueling your arousal more, pussy clenching onto him. YOu couldn't even make a comeback at all it just felt so good and that's all you could think about was getting fucking railed ever since he got home from a mission. "Always so fuckin' tight for me aren't ya babe?". Literally will drag the tip of his dick across your soaked folds just to watch you squirm in pleasure. But it's all worth it in the end, he just likes making it last.
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Reader Harem/poly fic, Valentines day special!
Title: A Beacon of affection (porn with plot) The (female) reader gets some lovin'! Vegeta/Reader, Goku/Reader, Gohan/Reader, Future Trunks/Reader, Broly/Reader, Gogeta/Reader, Goku/Reader/Vegeta, Goku Black/Reader.
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Summary: A dystopian AU taking place many years after Super. Goku Black is roaming the Earth through different timelines, wreaking havoc wherever he goes. He is on a mission to hunt down the last of the Earth's inhabitants, determined to leave no survivors.
Given their genetic resilience and elongated life spans, a handful of Saiyans are left to fight for their survival. They’ve retreated to a shielded area located under a mountain range, carefully hidden from Goku Black’s sinister gaze.
You are one of the last remaining humans, trying to survive the hostile terrain. One day, a radio message leads you to the Saiyan’s shelter, where you meet Gohan, Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks (and later Broly). You are the first non-related female they've seen in years, and your peculiar pheromones quickly start to drive them to the edge of madness.
To your own surprise, something drives you to reciprocate, resulting in a complex yet passionate poly cohabitation.
That is, until Goku Black picks up your delicious scent… Will the Saiyans be able to rescue you in time and finally defeat this fearsome enemy, or is it too late?
Chapter 1
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akaridream · 10 months
dragon ball z fanfic masterlist
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please my prince (vegeta x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
glancing blows (raditz x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
all the right buttons: pt 1 (vegeta & goku x reader; college AU)- inspired by the infamous Fuzzfeet Studios figure
all the right buttons: pt 2 (vegeta x reader; college AU)- coming soon
all the right buttons: pt 2 (goku x reader; college AU) NSFW
fighting time (future Trunks x gn! reader)
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 18: Corruption(I Wanna Be Your Dog)
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warnings/kink: corruption, unprotected sex, virginity loss, slight teasing, teaching someone how to have sex pairings: Son Goku x Fem!Reader word count: 1.3k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem, @the-eternal-sunflower
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Things have always been pretty serious between you and Goku. Since he saved you when you were both children, you've always stuck by him through thick and thin. He’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember. And since that’s been the case for so long, it was only natural that the two of you became close in other ways. You were the first person he had actual attraction for. Before that, he didn’t really have those feelings for anyone else. When he first felt them for you, it was like something snapped inside of him.
He had spent years not noticing your female figure. Goku saw you as his best buddy, someone he could spar with and rough house with. But one day, something changed within him. He was on top of you, dominating you in the sparring session. And when he felt your tits pushing up against his chest, it made him grunt. Something was happening in his pants. There was a pressure there that hadn’t been around for a little while. Goku had to pull back and he had to question everything he understood about women.
Since that day, he has been troubled with his emotions and feelings for you. Goku often spends his time either training or touching himself to thoughts of you. Today, it was going to be different. He was going to confess his feelings to you but he would also figure out to properly satisfy these urges.
He finds you at home, curled up on your sofa with a mug of tea. But when you see the look in his eyes, you completely understand immediately how he is feeling. You’ve known for some time that he has been horny for you, so you were just waiting for the day he would come to you. It would seem today is that day.
“Hey,” he says. His voice is fairly gruff with need.
You smirk, “Hi, Goku. I’ve been thinking about you.”
Goku can’t believe his luck. It’s almost like you know exactly what he’s going to say. He feels a little relieved that you seem to be already in the right mindset for this. He can feel your ki and he knows how it feels according to any emotions you feel. It’s how he is so in tune with you. Goku sits on the couch with you, and he comes a little closer.
“I have to tell you how I feel,” he starts.
You smile and nod your head to coax him, “of course. Tell me everything that’s on your mind,”
You press your hand on his thigh, only furthering the situation for the both of you. Goku leans in closer and he begins to inhale deeply. You smell so good to him, but he doesn’t know how to react to any of this. A low growl rumbles from his chest.
“I feel a special way when I’m with you,” he leans in even closer. “I want to do things with you, but I don’t know what they are.”
You kiss his lips softly, “I know what you need,”
Your breath feels warm on his face as you lean in to kiss him once more. He lets himself melt into your sweet touches. He’s not quite sure what’s happening, but it all feels so good. There’s this tightening sensation in his pants again, and it makes him want to touch you so badly. His hands fumble a bit before he lets them settle on your shoulders. You moan against his lips as he begins massaging you. Goku knows this makes you feel good, though it might not be the sexiest move.
“Why don’t you touch me somewhere else?” You coax him, and he furrows his brows.
“Guide me, please.”
Your panties get even wetter with his pitiful words. You’ve seen this man fight like no other, and he is still begging you to help him with sex. You grab his large hands and guide them to cup your breasts. Immediately, Goku is squeezing and squishing them together. It doesn’t take long for him to realize he could feel them better without your shirt on. He pulls off your shirt with your consent, and you help him unclasp your bra.
“So soft,” Goku mumbles as he massages your breasts. You moan for him, letting him know just how good it feels.
He looks into your eyes, “Can I use my mouth?”
You smirk softly, “Of course, baby.”
Your heart is pounding in your chest, and you watch carefully as Goku wraps his lips around one of your nipples. The moan that comes from you makes his cock twitch in his pants. He knows he is doing something good, and he also knows that if he continues to listen to you, he’ll do just fine.
After a few minutes of him sucking on your nipples, he wants more. With your consent once again, he pulls down your pants and panties. Once you’re fully nude in front of him, he knows he can’t stand it anymore. His cock is so hard. He wants to do more than just touch you. He wants you to pleasure him too, but he’s not sure what he’s even asking for.
“Come here, baby.” You beckon him to crawl on top of you. Once on top of you, he kisses you sloppily. What he lacks in technique, he makes up for in eagerness.
Your little hands feel amazing on his body. You caress and rub every rippling muscle you can get under your fingers. Then you begin undressing him until he is completely naked as well. His thick cock slips between your folds and Goku lets out a whine.
“Does that feel good?” You ask him, brushing back some stray hairs from his face.
He sobs softly, “Feels really good,” His cheeks are all red.
You kiss him passionately, and you adjust your hips so the head of his cock is catching on your clit. Then you begin moving against him, making yourself dribble all over his shaft. The sounds that fall from his lips are downright erotic. You can’t help but feel so aroused from all of this. You want him so badly, but you want to make sure you’re adequately wet and ready for him.
“Tell me how you feel, baby.” You coax him.
“Too good. ‘Want more.”
You chuckle softly at how fucked out he is, but you haven’t even let him deep inside of you yet. You know he may not last long once he’s inside of you. You reach between both of you and you help his cock to your slick hole. Another whine falls from his lips as he pushes into you.
Goku is panting as soon as he bottoms out. He’s never quite felt anything like this, and his mind is already so foggy with lust. He just wants to pound into you over and over and over again. Goku pulls out until it’s just the tip of his cock nestled in your entrance, then he slams into you. He begins pounding away, making you cry out his name.
“Fuck! Goku, slow down!”
But he doesn’t really hear you. He can only chase his high at this point. He wants to feel so good, and the tightening sensation in his gut is a sign that he is close to satisfying his every need and want. He leans in to kiss you, but he really enjoys those little squeals and moans you let out for him.
“Gonna cum!”
His eyes roll back and he snaps his hips in time with every shot of cum that spills into you. You whine and cling to him as he roughly rides out his high. When he pulls out, he’s instantly hard from the sight of his own cum dripping from you.
“Need more.”
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thevelria · 1 year
Hate to love you, love to leave you (Toxic,Yandere Vegeta x Reader)
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Author's note: It's a one part long stroy. Smut alert! Enjoy~
It’s been 2 years since I was “together” with Vegeta. Never ever was this thing mentioned between us as a relationship. As eager I was at the beginning, whining about wanting to be his girlfriend as much I didn’t give a fuck anymore. 
Oh the amount of time I wanted to leave him so far…kinda like every single day at least once. Then why did I still stay? Good question! A question I couldn’t have answered myself. 
-Could you please stop it? -I pinched the bridge of my nose. Vegeta kept clicking his tongue, while checking his phone and it drove me crazy.
-Stop what? - he raised an eyebrow with a total deadpan expression on his face.
-Clicking your freaking tongue -I took a deep breath to be able to keep myself cool.
-Tch… -he pulled a face and rolled his eyes. Oh and kept clicking his tongue.
This is how a simple, normal weekday’s evening looked in the lovely life of ours. After 10 minutes of listening to his tongue I stood up and started to leave the living room.
-Where are you going? -he hissed. He was obsessed that we both needed to be in the same room, when we both were at home. From the beginning he acted like this, but at first I found it sweet that he always wanted to be near me. Well, now…now I would have rather laughed at his childish attitude, if I found it funny. Shame, it wasn’t funny at all. 
-Out -I answered with a cold tone, not bothering to look at him at all. Vegeta rushed after me and grabbed my wrist, turning me around. 
-Are you about to call one of your dicks, who fuck you when I’m not around? -he hissed in my face.
-Not this shit again. You are insane -I rolled my eyes- How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not cheating on you. Never have and never will. I’m not a cheater for fuck’s sake! -I yelled in anger.
-Every cheater would say that - he pulled a face.
-Fuck you! -I sighed, because it really did hurt that he didn’t believe me. He never believed me…- You know what? -I was blinded by anger and pain- We’re done! -I shrugged his hand off of my wrist and headed to the bedroom. Packing my clothes in the bag I heard him clicking his tongue.
-Are we doing this again? -he rolled his eyes. I lost count on how many times I packed my stuff to leave him. 
-For the last time -I sounded cold, which surprised him. Usually I was yelling, screaming, throwing things at him and calling him numerous unholy names. But not this time. I remained calm and it frightened him a lot.
-C’mon baby -he walked next to me, gently grabbing my waist, turning me to face him- Don’t do this. You know you can’t live without me -he smirked arrogantly.
-Well then I’m going to die, because we are over, Vegeta. So please take your hands off of me… - giving him a dead expression, which freaked him out even more.
-My love, please don’t do this -he blinked fast, trying to figure out if I was bluffing or not. I wasn’t though, I was really determined to end this there and then.
-Stop acting like you care -I rolled my eyes, still packing. 
Vegeta started to panic, trying to collect his thoughts to figure out something. 
-I love you -he spat out the words, which made me freeze in my action. Never ever heard these words from his mouth, not even once -Please don’t leave me, baby -he kept begging.
Lost of words, I’ve been standing still above my bag, almost fully packed. Slowly turning around, seeing the fear in his eyes. Oh how much I was tricked one more time, naive me. I felt terrible, tears were filling up my eyes as I held out my hands to let him hug me tight. 
-Please, never leave me, Y/N! I…-he panted-I just can’t live without you!
-Sometimes you are such a freaking asshole -I giggled, hugging him even tighter. The ugly truth was that I was so deeply in love with this man that I didn’t see the toxicity slowly choking me to death. 
Vegeta’s hand started to travel down on my back, grabbing my ass hard. As he pressed his lips aggressively against mine, our tongue fighting for dominance. Always I was the one who gave in and let him lead the actions, his pride wouldn’t let it be any other way anyway. 
-I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re going to beg for mercy -he grinned in the kiss.
-I hope you will -I smirked. Not being a liar here, I loved the rough sex we usually had. Sometimes I was wondering about asking him to be gentle, but it wouldn’t be him. Vegeta threw me on the bed next to my bag above the clothes I layed out a bit before. Eager hands ripped my jeans and underwear down, spreading my legs wide open.
-Oh fuck… -I moaned out loud, grabbing Vegeta’s hair as his tongue pleased me in a way only he was able. Sucking on my  clit, and fingering my entrance at the same time made my whole body shiver- I’m so close..so close -I cried out after a few minutes.
I gasped, when he suddenly stopped.
-Why did you stop? -I panted heavily.
-You will need to beg me to continue -he smirked at me deviously. 
-Are you fucking kidding me? -I clenched my jaw.
-So… -he softly caressed my inner thigh, just even touched my lips between my legs- How bad do you want it?
-Vegeta, please, please -I started to beg. And there he was with his finger and tongue back in my wet pussy. He kept me still while I was riding my orgasm out on his face, pulling me in a deep kiss just after I finished. 
A few seconds later I was on my knees on the floor, while Vegeta was standing in front of me, fucking my mouth without mercy. I gagged on his huge, thick cock and he enjoyed it so well. Grabbing my head and thrusted even deeper, when my eyes were tearing up. I loved his dick to be honest, he definitely knew how to use it to pleasure me.
-Get on your stomach! -he commanded me, pulling his hard shaft out of my mouth. As I walked on the bed, one of his hands grabbed my waist, the other hand grabbed the back of my neck, pushing me down hard on the bed, my ass up in the air.
-You are so fucking tight! -he moaned as he slid himself in me- Tell me how much you love my dick!
-I love it a lot, Vegeta! -I breathed heavily, trying to cope with the pleasure he caused me.
He kept pounding me harder and harder, speeding up, his balls slapping against my pussy, sloppy sounds filling the room.
-Who’s your daddy? -he hissed at me, still fucking me hard from behind.
-You are! -I moaned in delusion.
-Good girl! -he smirked arrogantly- I will never let anyone else fuck this tight pussy. It’s mine! -he growled, getting really close to his release.
One more hard thrust and I felt his cock twitching inside me, pulsing, filling me up good. He thrusted twice more, before pulling out, throwing himself next to me, breathing heavily. 
-Y/N, I was serious before -he turned to face me, tucking my hair behind my ear- I’m not going to let anyone else to fuck you anymore. You are mine, only mine -he pressed his lips against mine roughly.
-Don’t worry, I’m only yours -I smiled at him, feeling the stupid love spreading in my body. 
-Vegeta, please hurry! We will be late! -I sighed angrily, waiting for him to finally get ready.
-Like I give a fuck -he rolled his eyes, stepping out of the room. Kinda tight jeans, and shirt he was wearing, which showed his perfectly toned body just well enough. Even looking at him made me drool in an instant. 
-Easy, girl. Stop eating me up with those eyes -he teased me.
-I can’t help it, you look fucking hot -I gulped, even thinking about staying home and begging him to fuck me hard. But I took a deep breath, collected myself, so we headed to Bulma’s house as we were invited for a house party. 
A lot of people were already inside the house, wasted, having fun, dancing, chatting. I spotted Bulma, so I rushed towards her, Vegeta closely behind me.
-Bulma! -I hugged her tight.
-Y/N! I’m so happy you two could make it. Please drink and eat as you wish. The bar is over there -she pointed in the direction behind me- Have fun, honey! -she kissed my cheek. 
From the corner of my eyes I saw Vegeta’s grin, but I acted like I didn’t notice anything. As we were wandering deeper in the crowd, Goku appeared in front of me.
-Y/N! -he picked me up quickly, spinning me around- Girl, I miss you so much! Why can’t we hang out anymore? -he put me down, looking at me sadly.
-We will find some time for that -I smiled at him in guilt. 
-No she won’t -Vegeta pulled a face at Goku- She’s not going to hang out with you anymore and if you touch her once again, I’m going to rip those filthy hands of yours off and shove them up in your ass.
-Vegeta, stop! -I widened my eyes-Stop being a dick. Goku is my best friend.
-I don’t care -he shrugged.
-I’m sorry Goku, I’m going to call you, I promise -I smiled at him, sighing deeply. 
Vegeta pushed everyone away from me, not letting me have any friends, especially not boys. Goku was my childhood friend, he was my best friend and I missed him terribly, feeling guilty to let Vegeta stand between us, but I loved Vegeta more than anything. 
During the night Vegeta disappeared for a while, but I didn’t really mind it. Reaching the bar, noticing Goku and an unknown man chatting and laughing.
-Am I interrupting something? -I asked, smiling at the two men.
-Y/N -Goku grabbed me by my waist, pulling me into his lap- Want to drink anything?
-Please… -I begged, laughing, standing up from his lap.
-By the way I’m C17 -the unknown man stood up from the barstool, stepping close to me.
-Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N -I blushed from head to toe. The ocean blue eyes of this man crawled under my skin within a second. 
-It’s my pleasure -he kissed the back of my hand.
-Uhh, be cautious , C17 -Goku laughed out loud- If her boyfriend sees this, he would kill you in an instant. A tiny bit of a maniac he is.
-Goku! -I snapped at him, even though he was totally right.
-Sorry, sorry -he scratched the back of his neck, still laughing. 
A few more cocktails later I’ve been still chatting and laughing with the boys and didn’t even realize that Vegeta was nowhere to be found. 
-May I have this dance? -C17 held his hand out to me as a pretty slow song popped.
-I don’t think it’s a good idea -I bit my lower lip.
-C’mon, it’s just a dance -he smiled. Oh his smile…how much it mesmerized me immediately. 
As I found out he was a great dancer, leading me softly, keeping a bit of a distance as he respected I was taken. It blew my mind to experience such a gentle act against me. Vegeta would have never done this. He wouldn’t have danced with me…like never in this life, nor would have he touched me with such a softness as C17 did. 
I almost cried out in agony, when the song ended and we headed back to the bar.
-He would be a better boyfriend than Vegeta could ever be -Goku leaned in and whispered it in my ear.
-Stop it -I pushed him away, shaking my head laughing. But deep down I was considering he might have said the truth. 
-There you are! -Vegeta snapped at me, grabbing my arm hard, pulling me away from Goku and C17- What the fuck are you doing with these two? Whoring around? 
-Vegeta, please -I gritted my teeth, not wanting to make a scene. But it was already late for that.
-Do you want to fuck my woman, huh? -he clenched his jaw in anger, looking back and forth between the two men.
-Just cool yourself down, man -C17 sighed, rolling his eyes- And I ask you to let her arm go, you grabbed it way too hard.
-Oh, you think so? -he smirked, grabbing my arm even harder, making me cry out in pain.
-Fuck is wrong with you? -I yelled at him, trying to free my arm- It hurts!
-Shut your mouth, woman! -he commanded.
Goku clenched his jaw and fisted his hand and at that moment I knew it was going to be messy. Goku punched Vegeta in the face hard enough to send him flipping over, landing on his back on the floor. 
-Stop! -I stepped in front of Goku, taking his hands in mine- I beg you, please -my eyes were tearing up.
-He’s a fucking asshole, Y/N. Why don’t you see it? You deserve better than this piece of shit -he spat on the floor.
Heated from the alcohol and his hurted pride the second we arrived home, he attacked me and pushed me in the bedroom. Vegeta was always a dominator, but this time it was even more. 
Ripping my dress off and pushing me on the bed, my back facing him. I could have felt he was already rock hard and he didn’t care how I was prepared or not. Vegeta took me in the second he got his clothes down.
-Fucking hell! -I screamed out loud, I wasn’t even wet for God’s sake. Going really rough on me caused me to gritted my teeth.
-Could you be a bit softer, please? You hurt me- I looked back at him above my shoulder, but he was in a totally different universe. Probably didn’t even hear me talking to him, focusing on pounding me as hard as he could. 
-VEGETA! -I yelled from the bottom of my lungs, which sobered him a tiny bit.
-What? -he hissed in frustration, still fucking me hard from behind.
-Be more gentle, it hurts -I sighed in discomfort.
Furrowing his brows he nodded slightly, taking back from the speed and the intensity of his thrusts.
He leaned in, grabbing my breast, while keeping to pound my already sore pussy.
-You feel so good, baby…I love your tight pussy around my hard cock -he growled in my ear.
-Keep going Vegeta, I’m almost there -I lied, I wanted it to be over as soon as possible.
My words pushed him on the edge, feeling him close to his climax as well.
-Oh, fuck yes, Bulma! -he screamed, while releasing inside of me.
-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY? -I pushed him back, causing him to pull out immediately.
-What? No, I did…I did not say anything… -he kept bubbling.
-Did you fucking call me Bulma? You piece of shit! -I turned to face him and slapped him as hard as I was able. The mark of palm drew its line on his cheek.
-I can explain! -he looked panicked.
-Oh really? REALLY? -I was raging- And how do you want to explain that you moan the name of my friend? HUH? -I clenched my jaw, as I was putting the pieces of the puzzle together- Wait a damn minute…Where have you been at the party, when you disappeared?
-What? -he was surprised by my question.
-Where were you?! -I shouted in his face- Let me guess, you’ve been fucking Bulma, right? RIGHT?!
-I’m sorry… -he sighed deeply.
-You are disgusting! -I clenched my jaw- Move! -I pushed him away, heading to the bathroom. I wanted to wash his filthy touches off of my body. Being cleaned I walked out, grabbing some clothes to put on, seeing Vegeta sitting on the edge of our bed.
-Baby, can we talk about it? -he looked at me with softened eyes. I spun on my heels and rushed out of the room without a single word.
-Y/N -Goku opened the door, rubbing his eyelids- Are you okay? 
-Can I come in? -tears were running down my face uncontrollably.
-That fucking asshole -Goku clenched his jaw after I told him what has just happened.
-I was so stupid…so so stupid -I hit my forehead with my palm several times- But this time it is over! Please promise me that if I ever want to get back with that prick, you will not let it happen. 
-I promise, honey -Goku hugged me tight.
6 months later:
Not even a single day passed without Vegeta trying to contact me somehow. I even blocked his number several times, but he immediately got a new one. Calls and texts without an ending. In some of them he is begging me to forgive him, confessing his undying love towards me and in some threatening me to be killed if I keep ignoring him. 
It was a simple Tuesday evening, I just got home from work and started to cook dinner, when I heard a knock on my door.
-Who can it be? -I shrugged, heading to the door. My eyes widened seeing Vegeta standing in front of me with a beautiful bouquet in his hands.
-I got this for you -smiling softly at me, handing the flowers.
-What are you doing here? -I rolled my eyes.
-Let’s talk this through, baby. I can’t live without you, please come home. Come home with me -he breathed heavily.
-Vegeta, just leave me alone -I wanted to close the door, but he blocked it with his feet. 
-Please, baby! I love you! -he kept bubbling. His eyes popped wide, when he noticed a palm on the door. As I let the door loose, it opened wide.
-She asked you nicely to leave -C17 said with a cold tone- Me on the other hand won’t be so gentle. You have like a second to turn around, before I mop the floor with your filthy face -he clenched his jaw.
-You fucking whore! -Vegeta hissed at me in an instant- We only broke up a few months ago and you are already fucking this faggot.
-Please, go inside the kitchen -C17 smiled at me softly.
The second I disappeared from his sight, he attacked Vegeta, punched and hit him as hard as he could, beating him half unconscious. Vegeta beat him up pretty much as well, but not as near as C17 did to him. 
-If you don’t go home right now -C17 gritted between his teeth- you won’t be able to go home anymore. Vegeta could barely stand up, leaning against the wall. 
-She’s mine! Never forget that! She will crawl back to me no matter what -he spat some blood on the floor.
-You had your chance, but you fucked up. Let me tell you a secret prick -C17 smirked- if you would have treated her the way she deserved, she would have never left you. Now it’s my chance and oh I can make you sure I’m not going to be an idiot like you! -he laughed, slamming the door on Vegeta. 
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kaceyswrld · 9 months
Goku Black - Distraction 🔞
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Hi ! I'm Kacey and I write. I'm focusing on writing dbz/dbs smut here on Tumblr so I hope you enjoy it if u happen to stumble upon it. I'm heavy on Goku Black so you'll probably see a lot of that. You can request a character or scenario <3
Credit to the dividers go to @/cafekitsune
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Your fingers dig into the ground, the sand underneath your nails, as loud moans escape your lips. Your body jolts with each thrust as Goku Black pounds into you from behind at a rough pace.
You were supposed to distract him; fight him or keep him talking while Goku and Vegeta made their way to this timeline. Trunks put his faith in you and you assured him that you wouldn't get yourself killed. But now you're getting pounded into the dirt, Black's hands gripping your waist. His fingers squeeze your soft flesh and there'll certainly be bruises if you live to see them.
It all happened so fast. You got too distracted by his physique, his muscles, the way the potara earring moved each time he spoke.
And that smirk of his made you feral. You could see his evil intentions written all over his face and yet you allowed his lips to be pressed against yours, your legs reduced to jelly instantly as he held you close.
"You're taking me so good. I'm a bit surprised..."
He lets out a few grunts as your walls tighten around him. It's risky to do it so out in the open, especially knowing that the Saiyans could show up any second and you'd be caught in the act.
Your brain turns to mush when he grabs your hair, pulling your head back while his other holds your arm behind you. You only have your right arm to hold you up as he fucks into you. "I wonder what your Saiyan friends would say if they saw you like this."
You can feel the smugness oozing off him and his lips graze against your skin, trailing kisses along the side of your neck. Your moans keep getting louder and louder and you feel that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach, signalling your orgasm.
"Fuck. Slow down."
You can barely keep your body up and he chuckles darkly, his voice a gruff tone. It's so similar to Goku's and yet so different. You tighten around him once more and he groans. "That's it. Come for me."
Your eyes are shut as your body trembles slightly. You bite down on your bottom lip to quiet yourself as your orgasm rips through you, pleasure coursing throughout your whole body. He slows his pace. His cock slides in and out slowly but his grip on your hips are still tight. "Good girl."
He leans down toward you, his mouth right next to your ear with a menacing look on his face.
"One more time. I'm sure your friends won't show up right now." Before you can protest, he's at it again. A sharp exhale escapes your mouth as he thrusts into you fast, rendering you speechless.
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pitchouna · 16 days
helloo, I will leave a request over here ♡ What about a Jealous Goku? Ty.
Jealous Goku x Reader!!
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Goku is irritated. And when I say irritated, I mean very irritated. Earlier, while training, he decided he'll surprise you with an unexpected visit he actually wanted to cuddle with you so bad, but when he was home, he did not see you. And he looked everywhere. Checking if you were cooking, were having a bath, or just napping. He even checked in the toilets!! Not finding you made him grumpy. As he ran onto his son, Goten. "Oh! Dad! Aren't you training?" Goten asked him with his usually high-pitched voice. Goku just shook his head as he immediately wanted to ask him where you were. "Hey Goten, where's your mom? I don't see her anywhere!!" Goku spoke in an annoyed tone. "Oh mom? She went shopping with Bulma and C-18!" Goten answered earning a pat from his dad. "Thank you Goten. I owe you one! See ya!" Goku waved as he teleported living a confused Goten. "Why did he wanted to see mom?... Have I done something wrong?" Poor Goten started worrying hoping he won't get yelled at later. Even if he didn't do anything, we never know with you.
"KYAAAAAA!! WHAT THE FUCK !!??" You've screamed earning the attention of Bulma and C-18. They ran towards you and opened the curtain hiding you changing. And they see you, and Goku in a weird and tight position making both of the women yell. "What the fuck?? Care To explain Goku?!" Bulma yelled. Making Goku chuckle. "Yo ! Wanted to see Y/n for a moment!!"Goku explained. Not noticing you being choked in his chest due to the lack of space. "We don't care just release her look she's not breathing" C-18 said. "O-oops. Sorry Y/n hehe..." Goku chuckled getting out of the changing room which made other people seeing you half naked. You immediately closed the curtains, grateful only Women where in this shop. "Can't you warn when you'll join!!?" You've yelled behind the curtains, embatssed that Goku spawned while you were changing. And that some girls you don't know saw your body. "Hehe... Sorry Y/n... But I wanted to see you right now!! I just could not wait anymore!!" Goku explained to you making you sigh in irritation as you open the curtains now fullyclothed. "Well as you can see right now I'm not free to spend time with you. It has been a long time since I saw Bulma and C-18 because of me taking care of your ass." You spoke bluntly making some of the women laugh since they can hear your conversation. "Anyways you should go, this is a shop only allowed to Women. If you don't go away I'll call the security!" You've said wanting him to go as soon as possible. "This isn't kind Y/n!! It makes me feel you don't love me anymore.." He pouted, making his cute sad puppy eyes, that he used when he desperately wanted something. It always works.
"O-ouch that hurts Y/n!!" Goku whine as you drag his ear to the exit of the shop, and throw him outside. "See you this evening." You've said as you walk away, not giving him a chance to say anything. Goku just sighed, disappointed he didn't get to spend time with you right now. "her problem.. I won't allow her leaving the bed tonight.." Goku pouted irritated flying back home. "Hey Y/n... Wasn't that a little too harsh?" C-18 asked you, making both you and Bulma shocked. "What the hell? You're even worse than me and Y/n reunited when it come to Krillin!!" Bulma explained, making C-18 annoyed. "Me and Krillin is another story. Plus I didn't asked you." C-18 said making Bulma irritated as she was about to explode before you interrupted them. "Oh my god shut the fuck up girls!! Look how cute this top is!!" You've said as sparkles appear in your eyes, as you show them this crismon red Henley top, making them gasp. "Oh my god Y/n !!! Are there other colors??! I need it in purple!!" C-18 said in awe "I want it in blue too!!" Bulma exclaimed. "Yup, there are some right there!" You've pointed towards a cute special stand where there was a lot of cute tops and jeans, and Bulma and C-18 both saw the one they've searched for. "Wahhhh!! I'm in love with them! You have such a good eye when it comes to fashion Y/n!!" Bulma said making you Huff in pride. "Hehe now let's go try them on girls!!" C-18 said like a little child, making you both happy and giggling like teenage girls.
At the same time, a bored Saiyan was rolling over your shared King sized bed, whining non-stop about how he's bored. "How could Y/n do this to meee??.... For once I want to spend time with her and she doesn't want to!! Then I'll bet she'll complain when I'll just focus on training again!" Goku's making a fuss to himself like a big ass baby. "What do I do now?... Y/n will probably finish in some hours... But training do not excite me anymore right now..." Goku whines as he get off of the bed, going downstairs, making his way towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he sighs as he sees it's dead empty, and there's just one tomato left in there. "Pff...there's nothing else to eat too... I think I'll just nap right now..." Goku gave up searching something to do. Until an idea popped on his head. "Wooh! I bet Y/n won't be able to refuse my deal!! But I need to get money to do this... And Bulma will probably say no..." Goku started to think for the first time in his whole life. And he thought too much his head started burning, making smoke. "Oh!! Right! I still have some left over Zenis I've gained when I worked as a farmer!!" Goku exclaimed proud of his amazing idea, getting ready.
As Goku prepared to put his plan into action, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside of him. For once, he would be the one in control in their relationship. He quickly got dressed and slipped on his casual clothes for once because he knows it makes you weak, feeling more confident than ever. As he stepped outside, he couldn't help but imagine the look of surprise and excitement that would undoubtedly appear on your face when you saw him. Now, it was his turn to make you feel happy. With a determined smile on his face, he teleported towards you, eager to start making his plan come to life. "Yo!" Goku said behind you which startled you. "Wahhhh!! Goku I've told you to warn me before appearing!! You scare me every damn time.." You've scolded him once again as he chuckled playfully. But something was off. You looked at him up and down and after 5 minutes of thinking you've realized he was in casual clothes. Which was very rare of him to drop his iconic orange gi.
"Oh? Is today a special day Goku? Why are you dressed like this??" You've asked curious which made Goku smile mischievously. "Since you didn't want to spend time with me earlier, I'm kidnapping you with me on a date!!" Goku said this with pride, which was very cute to see. "So... You're the one paying?" You've asked him smirking. And he nodded. "Alright !! I'll get ready!!" You've exclaimed excited to show him the new dress you bought with your girls earlier. "When do we go? And where do we join?" You've asked Goku which made him frown. "Huh? Why would you want to know that? We're going together right?" Goku said as confusion ran into his non-existant brain. "I want you to see me at the very last moment!! I'll be so gorgeous you'll fall in love with me once more." You've said confidently. "But I'm calling in love with you more everyday already?" Goku said so innocently that almost made you giggle and kicking your feet. But you were not a teenager any more, so you've controlled yourself and only blushed. "W-well it won't stop you to fall in love again." You've said not looking in his onyx eyes. Worried to show your teenager girl side that desperately wants to manifest itself. "Hehe. Fine! But you better be breath-taking!!" Goku smirked challenging you. "Oh yeah?! Challenge accepted!!" And with that, Goku gave you the hour and the place you both will meet up.
When the sun disappeared and the moon appeared, you were surprised to see what Goku has planned was a cute little picnic near a clear lake filled with petals of roses. There he was standing in what seemed a suit, he really wanted to impress you on this one. And it did. The sight was so breath-taking. The way his hair flowed through the wind, the sweet aroma of the roses mixed with the fresh scent of nature, and just the way the candles perfectly lit up the place was perfect. Goku sensed your presence and turned towards you "You're finally here Y/n! I was waiting for-" Goku just stopped talking. You looked ethereal. The way your hair was tied up in a side bun, with a rose to perfectly match your crismon red semi-long dress that flowed through the wind. The last time you saw Goku looking at you this way was the day of your wedding. "Woah.. Y/n.. You look so.. Gorgeous.." Goku struggled to find the perfect words to describe you as he walked towards you, helping you sit down the picnic mat. "So... Did I succeed making you fall in love with me once-more?" You've asked your husband who just responded you by cupping your cheek with a sweet and loving kiss, then saying "Is it possible to marry someone once more time?" he asked innocently making you laugh. "I wish it was. But it's not." You've answered making him pout. "Let's just start eating I'm hungry anyways.." He said. "What did you bring?" You've asked him, curious "I've brought sweets!! But we can always go somewhere else if you want to go-" You've just shushed him with your fingers, enjoying the moment you're both sharing.
On the way home, you've decided to walk around the city a little before just flying back home so the moment will last a little longer. But you both did not expected that this would ruin this perfect date. "Excuse me miss!! May I have a picture with you? You're just so beautiful!!" A child made it's way towards you and politely asked making you melt as you accepted. Goku feeling the warmth of your hand gone, as you had to stop holding his hand to take the picture, made him pout... But that was just the beginning. Immediately when you came back, you were interrupted again. "Hello!! May I ask where you bought your dress? It's beautiful!!" A woman younger than you asked so nicely that you forgot to take Goku's hand. "Of course!! Here I've bought it at "_____" The woman thanked you and made her way towards the shop as you waved her. You've turned towards Goku and spoke. "So what were we talking about-" This time, it was a little girl who interrupted you. She just poked your side shyly and it made you melt once more. "H-here.. Take this rose... It's as beautiful as you..." The little girl shyly said making you blush... "Thank you little one!! That's very cute of you!!" You've thanked her taking the rose in your hands enjoying the nice scent of it. Her mother took her and apologized for her interruption and you've just brushed it off saying it was alright. But it wasn't, for the Saiyan that is starting to get irritated. Pouting and tapping his feet as he's waiting for you to get finished. Just as you were about to come back, other people gave you flowers, coupons for free food at restaurants, (which Goku did not really mind tbh) some asked you how are you so beautiful, and some asked you to join a model agency!
Goku watched as you received flowers, coupons, and compliments left and right. He couldn't help but pout and tap his feet impatiently as he waited for you to finish talking to the people around you. But as soon as he heard you say, "I accept," his heart sank. He knew you had always wanted to be a model, but the thought of you being approached by other men with ulterior motives bothered him. Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy and possessiveness wash over him. He wanted to keep you all to himself and protect you from any potential threats. "Okay now that's enough.." Goku growled but you didn't hear it. You've finally walked back towards Goku, carrying the flowers and coupons in hand. But before you could say anything, Goku spoke up, his voice filled with irritation. "I can't believe you just accepted to become a model! Did you even think about me? I don't want those men to just ogle at your beautiful body all day!" Goku exclaimed. You tried to reassure him that it was just a one-time opportunity, but Goku just couldn't help but get even more jealous. "I don't care if it's just for one day!" Goku snapped back at you. "I don't want to risk it. I don't want those men looking at your body." Goku started grumbling, crossing his arms. You've sighed, trying to calm him down. "Goku, please understand. This is a one-time opportunity. It's not like I'm going to be a model permanently. And besides, I'd be paid well and we could use the extra money!" You've tried to reason with him, but to no avail. Goku just couldn't shake off his feelings of jealousy. Goku continued grumbling, clearly not happy with the situation. "But what if those men try to make a move on you? What if they try to take advantage of you? I don't want anyone else touching you but me." Goku couldn't help but voice out his insecurities and fears.
You've finally had enough of his possessiveness and jealous behavior. "Goku, enough!! I can take care of myself! Do you really have so little faith in me? Don't you trust me to handle myself in this situation?" You've confronted him, your patience running thin. Goku was taken aback by your reaction. He did trust you, but his jealousy was getting the better of him. "I do trust you, Y/n. But I can't help but feel protective of you. I don't want anyone else touching your body but me." Goku admitted, his possessiveness creeping in again. You've let out a frustrated sigh, feeling overwhelmed by his possessive behavior. "Goku, this is really getting too much. I'm a grown woman and I can handle myself. You need to stop being so possessive and jealous. It's not healthy for our relationship." You've tried to reason with him, hoping he would understand and control his emotions. Despite your attempts to reason with Goku, he refused to listen to reason. His possessive behavior and jealousy continued to take over, making it impossible for him to see things from your perspective. You felt more frustrated and hopeless with every attempt to make him understand, and it seemed like there was no way out of this cycle of jealousy and possessiveness. "Ugh!! I'm done!" You've said walking away making Goku worried "Hey! Where are you going?" Goku asked curiously. "I'll sleep at Bulma's this night. You've pissed me." You've said until you took a Taxi, leaving an irritated Saiyan all alone. He just decided to leave you be, thinking that you're the stubborn one here. He just kept mumbling on his way home that this night was near perfect until strangers ruined it.
The same night, he just couldn't sleep at all. The bed felt empty without your presence. Usually it doesn't mind him when it happens, when he goes training for a long time or just when you go to sleepovers with your friends, but this time? It was... Not the same. It felt cold empty and he hated it. He hated how bitter this night became. So without a second thought, he sensed your Ki, and teleported at Bulma's, in the room she gave you to sleep in. He looked at you, sleeping calmly, as if nothing happened. And as of you do not miss Goku's presence while he did missed yours. "Gosh... How can she acts as if nothing ha happened?.." Goku complained joining you into the bed and taking you in his arms and nuzzled in your neck. With you in his arms, he fell asleeo with ease and looked like a big fat ass baby. He also kept mumbling in his sleep things like" You're mine" "There's no way I'm meeting you go there." "No photoshoots we'll stay together today." He's the cutest. But won't hesitate to take advantage of his strength to lock you in his arms so you won't leave him.
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Bitch sorry for randomly disappearing I just forgot this account existed tbh but anyways I'm back!! I have a lot of requests too but I'm super busy sorry y'all will have to wait.. Anyways I love u guys Take care!! <33
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loser-writings · 10 months
DRAGONBALL | Masterlist
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Last Updated: August 2020 | Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content | [ Back to Nav ]
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Son Goku
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[HC] ✿ SFW Alphabet Headcanons
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Future Trunks
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Android 17
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Feel Free to Request a character you don't see here! I'm currently re-watching DBZ so new characters may be added at random
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