#gonna go honk shooo
skywerse · 9 months
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missing parts
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bluesgras · 1 year
soo. I watched across the spiderverse yesterday
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They protect a seaside town while taking on way too many extracurriculars :]
@dykeraphael spspsp I heard you wanted spidersonas
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psychiclounge · 7 months
i love seeing several drama posts in a tag where you can watch in real time as someone digs themself further and further into a corner by refusing to back down even slightly when they get (reasonable, in this case) pushback. going from "well i don't wanna kick the hornet's nest BUT-" over an unpopular opinion to Unshakeable Conviction about the most extreme conclusion of their original viewpoint over the course of like, four or five posts
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4filen0tfound4 · 1 year
KNOCKED OUT BUT JOLTED AWAKE BC LMK FACT. Did you know that. MK's mandarin name (Qí Xiăotiān) came from Monkey King's Title Qítiān Dàshèng but Qítiān roughly translates to Heaven's Equal whichhh which means MK's name from the beginning was not only a silly reference but can be seen as foreshadowing as he defeated the. The azure emperor BUT but you have to remember Qí Xiăotiān translates to "Together Little Heaven," WHICH INSTEAD would've foreshadowed him instead working together with Azure. Because. Ohhhh my God hold on this was his Havoc In Heaven arc. Okay. That's should've been obvious but I just realized that. OH WAIT NO no hold on. Thinking. If his name alone was implying that he parallel Monkey King, but like. Rearranged. Does that mean the next step of his pilgrimage is going 2 b the opposite too? NOoo onooo fucjing hell
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snailplush · 2 years
goodnight friends! sleep well n sweet dreams!! 🧸
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
hi hello it's so fucking late where i am but go enjoy my gay ass tsubaoi fic :thumbs-up:
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payaso-affairs · 1 year
you have any, yaknow, cuddling/sleeping with brock headcanons?? Idk im just laying in bed rn feeling comfy and i just need to imagine this guy laying here w me
ABSOLUTELY ugh i wanna cuddle him to bed so bad
Pro tip: if he falls asleep before you and you still need to get to bed, knock on the door or something to wake him up a bit. He's almost always on OSI kill mode when he's asleep and it's pretty indiscriminate
Other than that sleeping with him's oddly relaxing
You'll be warm and safe in his arms
But make sure you're completely good to go before going to bed with him, he's ah, not letting go so easily once he's got ya
(He'll let go if you say its for the bathroom tho--)
(Like right away.)
When muscle is relaxed, it turns soft! And this man is a m a t t r e s s (and I like to imagine he has a extra little amount of softness bc it's very good. )
He's also a big spoon. No real thoughts there, it's like second nature to him
He needs to keep you safe and thats how he shows it
Now he's not against being the little spoon. if yer smaller than him. He'll chuckle and let ya anyways. He thinks its cute
God someone bigger than him big spooning him tho... he'd try so hard not to lose it but he's losing it. Red faced and a little stiff
Brock probably has a fixed schedule he goes to sleep at. Loose, though, he's not gonna make a fit abt going to bed late
He usually gets up suuuper early. Like maybe at 5AM. He'll try his best to not wake you up tho. And if you do, you're just gonna get a gentle quiet shush to go to sleep. Lil smooch on the forehead too
I keep imagining like. Him coming up from behind and wrapping his arms around ya'. Putting his chin on your shoulder and just staying there. Soaking in your presence and melting against you
Also also I feel like he'd snore. Not super loud but theres definitely a honk shooo going on there
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Event Story Translation “Moon Traveler” - Chapter 3
The script gets finished faster than expected, while the troupe discusses possible changes to be made
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Honk shooo…..
(I’d rather leave him alone, but… Sigh… No choice.)
Wake up, snoozer.
Yeah of course you’re dreaming about that. Get up already——.
Honestly, if you’re going to catch sleep outside make sure to have the season in mind.
Welcome back.
I’m home.
…I wasn’t asleep. I was waiting for you.
That’s all fruitless if you’ve already fallen asleep.
You’re gonna play the lead role next, right? Congrats.
What kinda play with it be?
I don’t know since the script isn’t ready yet. All I know is there’s gonna be an astronaut or space motif.
It seems like Tsuzuru heard about my childhood dream of being an astronaut. He made some suggestions.
So your childhood dream was to be an astronaut… guess you had those days too.
… It was a long, long time ago. I can’t even remember what was going on inside my head back then.
That’s why I told him such a subject might not match Spring’s image.
What is it?
…Nothing. August and I will go see your show so good luck.
Yeah, I’ll be cheering you on. It’s a good bargain.
I’d rather you not.
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Looks like the script’s done.
How quick!
The movie Chikage-san recommended me was pretty interesting, I was surprised it fit Spring pretty well, so I managed to get into it.
This time around I made it sort of like a homage.
(Seems like Roberto, an astronomer who dreams of going to the moon, will be the main character.)
(Roberto is caught up in his situation, and as his friends around him watch over him he is sent back to Earth…)
It’s kinda sad, but it’s still a feel-good and heartwarming story.
It’s a fantasy play that’s so Spring-like.
I think it’s lovely and creative!
I like the part with aliens!
Still, there’s some things about it that don’t feel quite right…
We decided on the last part of that one Spring play while rehearsing, so let’s just adjust it bit by bit this time.
There is still plenty of time!
Thanks, guys.
Ahh, there’s just something my mind goes blank on.
I thought of lots of names for the aliens the characters will meet on the moon, but I haven’t thought of one that sticks just yet.
Then how about having Chikage-san name them?
Roberto and the aliens form a friendship based on mutual sympathy, so there might be more of an attachmanet if he came up with the name himself.
The aliens are creatures without much to them, I think giving them a name will make it easier to imagine them while acting.
I get it, let’s go with that!
… Alright, I’ll come up with something then.
Though, I’m not really experienced when it comes to naming things, so don’t get your hopes up.
If you also have any requests for the script, just let me know.
Thanks. I don’t have any complaints so far, I’ll let you know if something comes up.
Prev. Ch.
Next Ch.
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stromer · 1 year
ok congrats to jeiches and mr. whitecloud. love u guys. that’s all. i’m gonna go honk shooo honk shoooo and heal 💤🩻❤️‍🩹
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mistfallenjoyer · 2 years
hi i'm doing both ask games in one because i'm wild (i'm assuming you want questions for the emoji one if you don't ignore that)
for to otp questions: who's the safer driver, or just the driver i don't know, who is more relaxed/carefree, and who falls asleep first.
and for the emoji asks: ❇️, 🌏, and 🌺
thank you
AAAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH EV!!!!!!!!!!! 💖❤️‍🔥💗💗💗💓💞
this is gonna be pretty long SO I am gonna put this behind a read more!!!
who's the safer driver?
Linda!!! She's probably what I would consider an "anxious" driver, which is why they don't drive anywhere often. She'll backseat drive when Lucy's behind the wheel... And Lucy doesn't appreciate that but she understands.
who is more relaxed/carefree?
I think they both are!! They just want to live their own lives. Lucy is definitely a more "go with the flow" kind of person, but both her and Linda try their best to make sure that Druid and Soul Rider stuff isn't ruling their life.
ESPECIALLY later in their life when they begin living together!!
who falls asleep first?
Lucy is a sleepy lil bitch. So of course she honk shoooo honk shooo snooork mimimimi
(she's always the first awake, too!!! And when her and Linda live together, she'll take care of both their horses! I need to talk about how well Lucy and Meteor get along sometime-)
Now with the emojis I'm just gonna talk about Lucy !
❇️what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
NOW okay so I talk about the Meteor plushie all the time BUT NOW I'M GONNA!!! TALK ABOUT THE EASTER LILY. Once again it was a Linda gift, I'll also talk about Alex's friendship bracelet in a minute, too-
Linda gave Lucy an Easter Lily one year for Valentines Day,,, and it's been pressed in one of her nature journals since that day! It's got a lot of little facts about Easter Lilies written beside it! The flower itself has a little card on it that has the date Linda gave it to her with "the day I realized I loved her."
AND!!! AlSOOO! Alex gave Lucy her VERY first friendship bracelet!!! (And eventually taught Lucy how to make her own bracelets!) She no longer wears that bracelet because it's very worn and dirty because she wore it FOR YEARS and NEVER took it off, and eventually it got ripped and she couldn't wear it anymore- so now it's hung above her bed below her pride flags!
🌏will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
Oh without a second thought. Which.. Would also mean that decision would be ridiculously easy for her, but she would! She would give up EVERYTHING for literally ANY one of her friends.
🌺do they have any allergies?
I actually have none? I haven't thought about given her any allergies but I think dog dander would be something she could develop an allergy to? Maybe even wheat?
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strangeasexuallegume · 2 months
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Wrote a poem, not very good, gonna go to sleep now
Honk shoo
Honk shooo
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jinjofitzo · 2 years
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i jsut made the WIDEST SMILE ever in the whole world universe . <33 TY TY SAME
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bugmistake · 3 years
i love the word slumber for sleep.. it’s like a big brown bear. yeah i just fished a bunch of salmon out of the water with my bare (lol) hands and now i’m full and i’m gonna go lolloping over the mountain and curl up and take a nice little nap for myself honk shooo honk shoooo snork mimimimi etc etc et al
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varg-squiktor · 2 years
Draven romantic relationship headcanon? 👉👈
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*Aaaa I've been wanting to do this for a while!! I'm gonna be writing for more champs in the same post too so here goes 😈😈
LoL Champ Relationship Headcanons!! (Draven, Sett, Yone)
Gives you a ton of forehead kisses
When he hugs you, his arms are always tightly wrapped around your shoulders
When you're eating a snack of some sort, he'll always ask to have some. Always. Except if it's vegetables or something
Loves showcasing anything you bought him to his friends, he keeps those things around on his nightstand and dresser
Can't take him out to fancy restaurants cause he pronounces entrée as entry
Snuggling in bed with him is way more comfortable for him than it is for you. This man *loves!!* squeezing the ever loving shit out of you and won't let go
Snores like *hoooonk mimimimimi*
Always makes you put on his jewelry for him just as an excuse to have your hands feeling around his neck and the sides of his face
Loves when you touch his muscles, he'll start flexing and posing just for you
Loves it when you go to the gym with him
Absolutely loves cooking for you!! He's still learning, but as of now he's making you all your favorite foods!
Hand and cheek kisser
Loves taking you out on dates to IKEA. It's an odd choice, but he likes playing hide and seek
Snores like *honk shooo honk shooo*
He sleeps all sprawled out on the bed, leaving you with a tiny sliver of space
Body slams you onto the bed and cuddles with you
Every once in a while you'll have movie nights, you're all snuggled up together while eating cookies the both of you baked a bit earlier.
Likes it when you play with his hair, and will gladly wear the braids you put
Loves scenery. His ideal dates with you will most likely involve packing food and going on a picnic at a very beautiful place.
Secretly likes to go shopping with you. When you want to go out to a mall or huge shopping spree, he'll love to go with you.
Always praises you and notices how much you do for him and everyone
He likes to cook you foods he ate when he was younger, hoping to share his experiences and memories of the dishes with you
He enjoys reading, so expect him to occasionally come up to you with a book in hand with the intent of reading aloud a part that he wanted to share with you, mostly because he wants to hear your thoughts on it, or maybe because it's something he found interesting.
Loves crosswords and word puzzles, but more often than not, he'll be asking you for your help on them.
In bed, he likes talking to you while snuggled up together. Either about something that had happened earlier that day, or about how much he loves you.
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