#goran beviin
syn0vial · 4 months
boba's friendship with beviin in the expanded universe is so funny. he's like, "yes, this is my best friend beviin. he has colossal dad energy, adopts practically every orphan he comes across, and constantly refers to me with a term of endearment that only my father ever used. he's the platonic ideal of a mandalorian in my eyes and his is the only opinion i care about. his armor's color scheme is literally the inverse of my father's. if you attempt to psychoanalyze me about any of this, i will kill you with explosives"
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dozysloth · 25 days
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i am having WAY too much fun with random incorrect quote generators.
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legendscon · 9 months
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Panel Announcement: Q(EU)eers In Space
When Juhani entered the Galaxy twenty years ago in KOTOR, a new era of Star Wars was born. Join podcast host Charles Rogers, of Gold Squadron Gays, and Legends Con Executive Director, Katherine, as they discuss the canonically queer characters of the Expanded Universe!
Buy tickets now, and join us for a celebration of all things Expanded Universe in Burbank, CA on September 9th & 10th: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/legends-consortium-2023-tickets-541786186067
Full Schedule: https://legends-con.com/guests-programming/
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queer-starwars-bracket · 11 months
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): Legends Match 1
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Ferrus Olin| Identity: gay | Media: Jedi Quest/Last of the Jedi
Ferrus Olin was created by Jude Watson for the Jedi Quest series of junior novels. He was the apprentice of Siri Tachi, and a rival of Anakin Skywalker. The two padawans often had to work together due to their masters often collaborating on missions. He left the Jedi Order right before the Clone Wars. As the protagonist of the 2005-2008 junior novel series Last of the Jedi, he started a business with Roan Lands, which eventually led to them founding the rebel organization The Eleven. This organization was destroyed by the Empire, leading to Ferrus and Roan teaming up  with Obi-Wan Kenobi to set the early foundations for the Rebel Alliance. Vader eventually destroyed his rebel cell, killing Roan. Ferrus spent the rest of his life secretly watching over Leia on Alderaan, until he was killed by Vader in 0ABY.
Due to the times, his relationship with Roan could only be heavily implied, but Jude Watson has stated that she wrote them as a married couple. This makes him and Roan one of the earliest queer characters in Star Wars.
(Apologies for any errors in the summary, this is one of the few characters in this poll I have no personal experience with.)
Goran Beviin | Identity: mlm | Media: Boba Fett: A Practical Man/Legacy of the Force
The infamous Karen Travis wrote one of the first gay male characters in Star Wars? Surprisingly, yes.
Goran Beviin was a Mandalorian Protector who was originally hired by the Yuuzhan Vong to assist in their invasion of the galaxy, but the Protectors eventually turned against the Yuuzhan Vong and fought against them in the ensuing war. He and his husband Medri Vasur adopted the 14 year old war orphan and Mandalorian Supercommando Dinue Jeban. He was one of Boba Fett’s most trusted lieutenants and even served as interim Mand’alor for a time. After the war, he settled down on a farm on Mandalore with his husband and daughter.
Vasur was described as Beviin’s partner in the 2008 novel Legacy of the Force: Revelations. Karen Traviss clarified that they were supposed to be married, which was included in the December 2008 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. 
(Apologies for any errors in the summary, this is one of the few characters in this poll I have no personal experience with.)
Art by @kix
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ice-6caydesqueen · 11 months
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Medrit x bevin
Vong war legacy of the force
One of the first gay couples in Star Wars in the early 200s written by one of the best authors for Star Wars the women who made the mandalorian culture and pushed forth their language thanks to the song in republic commando the game
( we have like two pieces of fanart for these two all by the same artist so I wanted to throw my art into the ring )
Ps this is how you write rep just people being people 💗
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forcesung · 2 years
“And since when have Mandalorians needed to be told what makes sense?”
“Since they got in the habit of ba’slan shev’la when situations didn’t look winnable.”
Fett remembered that phrase. Beviin had used it a lot in the Yuuzhan Vong war. It translated as “strategic disappearance”—scattering and going to ground in uncertain times. It was hard to wipe out a people that fragmented like mercury droplets and waited for the right time to coalesce again. It wasn’t retreat. It was lying in wait.
—Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, Karen Traviss
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mayxthexforce · 2 years
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"I'm Goran Beviin, and you are..."
"I thought bounty hunters were discreet."
"Discreet, yes. Stupid, no." Protecting client confidentiality was one thing; not knowing who you were dealing with was another entirely. "Once you've taken the risk of telling me what you want, it's either full payment upfront or enough information to check that you can pay."
— Boba Fett, A Practical Man by Karen Traviss.
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elisemscott1122 · 9 months
List of Different Types of Mandalorian Helmets&Armor and Facts:
* All Mandalorian Armor was made of Beskar, steel that cannot be harmed by blaster bolts or cut by lightsabers
* Some Mandalorians wore capes with their armor (Boba Fett and Pre Viszla)
* Some helmets had rangefinders attached (Boba Fett and Sabine Wren).
* Some Mandalorians had jetpacks, including Din Djarin and Boba Fett
* Weapons can also include Vanbraces (Such as Fenn Rau gives to Sabine Wren in Rebels)
* A specific weapon to note is Whistling Birds, given to Mando by the Armorer
* Another weapon to note is the Beskar Spear from the Mandalorian.
* The Darksaber goes without stating as THE weapon of Mandalorian culture.
* Mandalorian Hunter
* Classic Mandalorian Helmet Style (T-Visor)
- Boba Fett
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- Jango Fett
* Death Watch Mandalorian (Clone Wars Era)
* Mandalorian Stalker
* Mandalorian Crusaders
* Neo Crusaders
- organic, jagged form armor
* Mandalorian Executioner
* Mandalorian Elite
* Power tech Mandalorian
* Protectors of Concord Dawn
- Fenn Rau
* Children of the Watch (Death Watch)
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- The Armorer
- Paz Vizsla
- Ragnar
- Din Grogu
* Imperial Supercommandos
- not made of Beskar due to the weapon known as the “Duchess” created by Sabine Wren, which targets the Beskar armor
- White armor
* Nite Owl Style helmet:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Sabine Wren (hand me down)
* Nite Owls:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Ursa Wren
* Pilot Mandalorian
* Assassin Mandalorian
* Modern Mandalorian
* Heavy Infantry Mandalorian:
- Paz Vizsla
* Mandalorian Shock Trooper
* New Mandalorian Guard
- Clone Wars era, under Satine Kryze
* Mandalorian Royal Guard
- Clone Wars Era, serve Satine Kryze
* Custom helmet designs:
- Pre Viszla
- The Armorer
- Fenn Rau
- Moff Gideon
* Imperial allegiances:
- Saxon Clan including Gar and Tiber Saxon
- Moff Gideon wore Mandalorian armor but wasn’t Mandalorian
Attributes of Mandalorian Armor used in other types of armor include:
- Clone Armor
- Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
- First Order Trooper Armor
- The Emperors Royal Guard Armor
- ARC Trooper Armor
- Praetorian Guard Armor
Mandalorians that wore Kama’s:
- Goran Beviin
- Fi Skirata
- Isabet Reau
Clone Troopers also wore Kama’s sometimes, including Captain Rex.
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nieithryn · 4 months
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@mayxthexforce asked: “You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring greatness in others.”
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"And what kind am I, then, Beviin?"
The hunter's head was low, hands resting on the table before him as he leaned forward. Under the helmet, dark, earthen eyes flickered over displays, unseeing, before finally falling shut. He'd never signed up for this...he'd never expected this. And yet...here he was. And today...
Today, he just missed the simplicity of life on his own. Where his decisions didn't affect the fate of whole planets.
The way Goran said it, it should have been obvious, he knew. Inspiration, of course. Boba certainly didn't carry a sword, and he didn't lead through fear, either. He tried not to, anyway. He didn't think his father would have ever condoned it, it smacked too much of Death Watch.
"What kind of leader would you say I am, Goran?"
Boba's voice was hushed, quiet and tired. It had been a long job. He wasn't a kid anymore. All of his decisions seemed to affect so many lives, whether he wanted it to or not, and it all felt a little too much like a cage. And yet...it felt like where he belonged.
He bared his teeth in a silent snarl, beneath the comforting mask of his bucket. It didn't matter, in the end. He'd given his word. So, here he would be. Assuming his people - his father's people - still wanted him there. And if they ever didn't...well. Surely by this point he had done enough to uphold his deal with Shysa by now?
If only he could comfort himself with that idea.
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syn0vial · 1 month
LOVE the fact that fett just looks forlornly at beviin when he doesn't know what to do in a social/emotional interaction, and that apparently this is a regular occurrence.
like POV: you are a citizen of mandalore watching your supreme commander and his second-in-command handle a complex social situation like
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c11ke · 1 year
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What if your soulmate in the force was your enemy?
Rey has been adopted by Goran Beviin of Mandalore, her parents killed in war. Their most valuable resource, an indestructible metal called Beskar is being bartered from a new fascist insurgent, The First Order. To gain their aid in a new war with the same alien race that killed her parents, Rey agrees to an arranged marriage with the Supreme Leader’s Lieutenant, Kylo Ren.
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queer-starwars-bracket · 11 months
Queer Star Wars Character (Round 1): Legends Match 2
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Roan Lands| Identity: mlm | Media: Jedi Quest/Last of the Jedi
Roan Lands, inventor of the landspeeder
Roan Lands lived on Bellassa, where he met the former Jedi Ferrus Olin shortly before the start of the Clone Wars. He sold all of his possessions to start a business with him- Olin and Lands, which would help people hurt by corrupt businesses start new lives. With the rise of the Empire, this became the rebel cell The Eleven. The Empire quickly destroyed the Eleven, with Roan getting captured. He was rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who he gave clues to finding Ferrus. He eventually reunited with his Ferrus and his new rebel cell. This cell was destroyed by Darth Vader, who killed Roan to provoke Ferrus.
Roan is from Jude Watson’s 2005-2008 junior novel series Last of the Jedi. Watson has clarified that her intention was to write Roan and Ferrus as a married couple, making them one of the earliest queer characters in Star Wars.
(Apologies for any errors in the summary, this is one of the few characters in this poll I have no personal experience with.)
Madrid Vasur| Identity: mlm | Media: Legacy of the Force
Madrid Vasur was a Mandalorian blacksmith and husband of Mandalorian Protector and mercenary Goran Beviin during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. When his husband did Mandalorian things off planet, like fight both with and against the Yuuzhan Vong, he remained on planet. Together they adopted the war orphan and Mandalorian supercommando Dinue Jeban.
Madrid Vasur was created by the infamous Karen Traviss. He was described as Goran Beviin’s partner in the 2008 novel Legacy of the Force: Revelations. She clarified that she intended them to be married, and they were described as such in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (December 2008). Yes, Karen Traviss of all people is responsible for one of the first gay star wars characters. 
Art by @kix
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pez-and-quiet · 8 months
"The queer community has no representation in Star Wars, there are no open queer relationships, no trans or genderqueer characters"
Dr. Aphra, Goran Beviin, Vernestra Rwoh, Juhani, Vi Moradi, Kaeden Larte, Merrin, Sister, Nash Durango's mothers. Go look at Wookieepedia's LGBTQ+ category page and you'll find dozens more.
Hi anon!! Thank you for the resource!! Deff have checked it out, in most of the Star Wars media i watched growing up there wasn’t any present on screen queer characters and when re watching I haven’t seen very many. I understand that there are canonically queer characters in the universe, my point was they are harder to find unless you try and look for them. But again thank you for the resource will be super useful for writing
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forcesung · 2 years
Fett grasped briefly at an excuse in his Mandalorian roots. Beviin had always told him it was the armor that mattered to Mandalorians, not the decayed shell abandoned by the spirit. I did that, didn’t I? I recovered my Dad’s armor and left his body. I did that much, at least. Nomadic mercenaries couldn’t have cemeteries, and they couldn’t carry corpses with them. It was probably based on pragmatism, but Mandalorians—with few exceptions, like the Mandalores—still didn’t have elaborate shrines and graves even here.
—Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, Karen Traviss
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mayxthexforce · 2 months
HELLO, GORAN. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CAD BANE?? (for no reason in particular)
"He's got quite the reputation. Personally, I've never dealt with him directly. He sort of trained Boba, sort of was a friend of Jango– it's a long list of 'sort of's with that man. But Boba says he's SORT OF trustworthy so, I trust Boba to know what he's getting into when he deals with Bane, and I trust myself to crush that Duros' windpipe if he ever makes Boba regret trusting him."
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abarvelikethat · 2 years
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Boba Fett’s ship is not named Slave I on this blog. Because yeah that’s not a great name, and also honestly that name stopped making sense canonically as soon as AOTC retconned the ship’s original owner to be Jango instead, and we got his backstory of being shipped into slavery after Galidraan. Why would Jango want a constant reminder of one of the worst times of his life clawing at him like vibroblades every time he boards his ship or docks at a spaceport?
All right, I hear you ask (because apparently I’m pretending that I’m speaking to an audience of mando’ade curious to learn more about their weird new Mandalore; I’m Goran Beviin now I guess), so then what will we name this ship that has the same cold, unattached sense of disposability as Slave I through Slave IV did? Well, Firespray I is an option I suppose, and does have the merit of sounding cool, and being straightforward and obvious...
That’s good, but I think we can do better. Because there’s still a little too much individuality there. Choosing the name of a specific type of ship only works if you’re planning on sticking to only flying the same sort of ship in the future, and I don’t think Fett had any such intention. I think he’s too pragmatic, too much of a practical man. We need a name that will work for the next ship, too; after all, that’s why it ends with a numeral. Because this ship is disposable, and Fett expects that there will be a II someday. We need to be a little more generic.
So, then: disposable, generic, detached. What name to choose?
Ship I.
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