#gosh i wish she could be a villager
treefish · 1 year
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Grams is my favorite
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mostmouse · 1 year
The Swordsmith with a Cute Name
Hotaru Haganezuka has gone missing in the swordsmith village, surely his wife must know where he is, right? The thing is, he sort of only visits at night.
(Hotaru Haganezuka x f!reader, explicit, 5,800 words, slight yandere themes) as always - cross posted to my AO3 :)
Tanjiro marveled at the entrance of the Swordsmith Village, the architecture striking him. Growing up in the mountains, he had never really been exposed to such buildings, and he didn’t want to count his time in the entertainment district. Waving to the people milling about on his way to the chief’s residence, he sniffed the air, trying to see if he could scent his own swordsmith. While he could catch a faint smell, he couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from.
Moving into the chief’s home, he listened to the older man speak of Mr. Haganezuka, balking as he openly threatened the man. Tecchin sighed, “We’re searching high and low for him, and I’m sure his wife has met with him in these last few months, but I can’t catch her with him!” He pouted, “I don’t have it in me to ask her to set a trap though, it’s already a miracle that Hotaru even managed to find a woman who would tolerate him.”
Tanjiro gasped before lighting up, “Mr. Haganezuka is married?! That’s wonderful!” Tecchin sighed delightedly, holding his cheek in his hands.
“Isn’t it just so? I raised him, so I know how difficult it can be. No matter what that woman has ever done, she’s a pure hearted angel in my books. I wish she’d join me in trying to detain Hotaru.”
Tanjiro laughed, slightly awkward. “I’m sure she’s making sure he’s safe and well cared for while he’s out.” The two continued to gossip before one of the other men in the room reminded their chief of his other commitments. “I’ll head out to acquaint myself with the village.” Bowing low, he smiled, “I’ll keep an eye out for Mr. Haganezuka. If I run into Mrs. Haganezuka, is it alright if I associate with her?”
Tecchin brightened up, sitting taller, “Yes! See if you can get her to open up about Hotaru’s whereabouts. Perhaps she’ll tell a young man as handsome as you. I’m sure Hotaru won’t mind, but he’s always been a bit possessive over her.”
Tanjiro’s smile was strained. “Ah, I hope so, too.” Gathering Nezuko’s box, Tanjiro got up to leave, bowing once more at the gentlemen before taking his leave. The hot springs were an overwhelming scent, but if he focused hard, he could almost track his swordsmith’s scent. Patting the box, he whispered to his sister, “Let’s see if we can find Mr. Haganezuka’s wife, I’m really curious what she’s like!”
Hearing Nezuko’s hum of affirmation, he trotted along the small village’s dirt streets. Eyes scanning everyone around him, he huffed slightly. “Everyone’s wearing those clown masks… How am I supposed to- ah!” Perking up, he caught a whiff of Mr. Haganezuka, jogging forward until he found someone in a pretty mask carrying leather goods.
“Ah! Excuse me, are you Mrs. Haganezuka?” Hearing your name, you turned to face him, shoulders straightening as you saw this boy had no mask. He must have been a visitor, how did he know your name? You weren’t a swordsmith, instead you crafted leather accessories for the swords your husband made.
“I am, and you are?” Tanjiro blushed as he forgot his manners, bowing deeply, he introduced himself. However, you interrupted him before he could mention his relationship with Mr. Haganezuka. “Oh! Tanjiro! You’re a client of Hotaru’s, aren’t you?”
The young man before you smiled brightly, and you felt your chest swell with sudden affection. He was too cute! “I am! I was wondering… Have you seen him? The chief mentioned that he’s been missing the last few months, so I can’t help but be worried.”
You stiffened, his earnest expression instead now twisting your heart. You stuttered over your words for a moment before plastering a wide smile on your face - not that he could see it. “Oh gosh, no! Sorry! I wish I could help, I really do! But, well, I don’t actually know where he is at the moment, I’m sorry!”
Waving your hand apologetically, you laughed airly. Tanjiro smiled softly, tilting his head. It didn’t take someone with a discerning nose like him to know you were lying. Well, you hadn’t actually lied, you probably really didn’t know where he was, but you certainly have seen him. Tanjiro breathed a sigh, smile not leaving his lips. “If you see him, could you let him know I’m here? I’d like to apologize for chipping my sword.”
Your hand dropped, reaching into the large bag at your hip. “Of course! I’ll let him know!” You chirped in realization, digging for whatever you were looking for with vigor, “If I see him! You know, because, yeah I-I don’t know where he is!” Laughing nervously, you held out a small item to him. “Silly me! Here’s take this, a gift for Hotaru for not being here!”
Tanjiro accepted the small leather sheath, gasping as he pulled out a knife. “Wow!” Eyes widening further, he shouted in surprise as the blade turned black. “It's a nichirin dagger!”
You brightened, clapping your hands. “I’ve been apprenticing under Hotaru for a few years, but unfortunately this is the only sturdy thing I can make right now. I’m actually a leather worker by trade! I craft hilts and sheaths!”
Tanjiro’s eyes lit up in stars, bowing once more. “That’s amazing! I’ll treasure this! I’ll only use it in emergencies!” You hummed happily, holding your cheeks. Tanjiro placed the dagger in his pocket, bowing for the last time. “Thank you so much, if you don’t mind me asking… Where’s the entrance to the hot springs?”
You laughed, reaching out and petting the top of his head fondly. “I don’t mind at all! Here, let me lead you.” You ignored his blush and how he tried to object, taking his hand and leading him away. “Please, it would be my honor! Maybe later you could introduce me to your little sister!” You eyed the box curiously, “I heard she’s downright adorable, I just have to meet her! And don’t worry, the canopy above the main hot springs is full coverage. Even though it's sunset, no light will get in, so she’ll be safe to soak, too!”
Tanjiro’s heart squeezed in his chest, you were much too kind. He couldn’t believe you were the wife of the man who sent him those threatening ink stained letters. Once the two of you approached the steps, the both of you looked up as the love hashira barreled down towards you, shouting.
You laughed delightedly, shouting your greetings as Tanjiro panicked, rushing up to close her kimono. Smiling as Tanjiro fussed over Mitsuri, you waved and walked away, giggling behind your mask. With a renewed pep in your step, you hummed as you made your way to your shared home on the outskirts of the village, nestled in the woods.
Closing the sliding door behind you, you slipped your shoes off, setting down your bag and stretching tall, groaning loudly. Stepping up onto the clean floors, you made your way to the kitchen. Paying no mind to your surroundings, you didn’t notice as your large husband crept up behind you.
Shouting, you felt strong arms wind around you, pulling you against a sturdy built chest. “H-Hotaru!” His mask clacked against yours as pressed himself to the back of your body, arms tightening.
“I saw you talking with Kamado, what did he have to say?” His voice was gruff, you could hear the agitation in it as you whimpered. His large hand came up to cup your mask, pulling it away from your face and setting it down. He was always so gentle with his works of art, but he didn’t bother the same treatment with you, especially when he saw you talking with other men.
“Hotaru, he’s just a boy, what are you so worked up ab- ah!” He hauled you up over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom. “Hotaru! Let me make us dinner, I haven’t seen you in a couple days!” You slapped his back before realization dawned on you, “W-Were you watching us? Have you been watching me on the days I don’t see you?”
He tossed you to the bed, quickly climbing over you and straddling your legs, hands holding your wrists on his thick thighs. “Hotaru! Stop!” You tried to wiggle, knowing it was futile, especially when he was focused on a specific topic or task.
“What did he say to you?” He leaned forward, bandana and mask keeping his expression from you. Squeezing you with his thighs, he huffed, “I won’t ask again.”
You growled, fed up with the cold welcome from the man you loved, “You’re being jealous! I don’t get a ‘hi’ or a kiss, or a ‘good evening honey, how are-’ ahh!” He tugged your wrists up, body quickly following as you were brought to his chest, his arms winding around you in a tight hug.
You pouted, not wanting to talk about it but knowing you wouldn’t get anything from him if you didn’t - the man was ridiculously stubborn and could hold out much longer than you. He always had his swords to go to when he wasn’t getting his way. “Nothing! He didn’t say anything, just that he was sorry for chipping his sword. Tecchin spoke with him earlier so he knew you were missing.”
You whined a bit, going slack in his arms, “I think he knew I was lying he asked me about you… But he didn’t press it. I gave him that dagger I’d been working on. It turned black just like his blade though, I’m sorry.”
Your husband’s grip relaxed a bit, though he didn’t move from where he was perched on your lap, still keeping you contained. His burly hands came back around and held your cheeks as he sighed heavily. “It’s not your fault. All the blades I’ve made have turned black as well.” Groaning loudly, he set his jaw on the top of your head.
Cautiously, you brought your arms up, slipping his mask off before tugging his bandana away from his head. His hair spilled from where it was tied up in the fabric, cascading over his shoulders in a flowing wave.
Sighing as you tended to him, you spoke up in a small comforting voice. “Hotaru… Do you wanna get up for me and we can make some dinner?” He scoffed, gritting his teeth, his jaw tense where it rested above the crown of your head. Sighing, you pet his thighs. “You'll be less grumpy once you eat, sweetness.”
Pushing your shoulders back, he fixed you with a hard glare. “You know how I feel when you speak with other people.” He gripped your cheeks with both hands, “You’re mine. You know that. Why do I have to keep reminding you?” His perfect lips turned to a sneer, and you recalled how he was only okay with you speaking to a handful of people in the village.
You pouted, your lips squished together and preventing you from speaking. Growling you tried to shake your head to escape his grip, however that had him holding onto you tighter. “You’re mine.”
His voice was as rough as his lips as he crashed his against yours. Whimpering at the force, feeling the impact on your teeth, you tried to wiggle away from him. His hands came up behind you, twisting in your hair and holding you in place. His tongue pushed past your lips, teeth clacking as he ravaged your mouth.
You whimpered, hands pulling his hair as you tried to break free. Even though you were sure it wasn’t because of you, he pulled away, moving only the smallest bit away from your mouth. His burly body blocked everything else from your line of vision, the only thing you could see being him. His eyes bore into yours, gaze intense, and you knew you wouldn’t get away from him unscathed.
You whimpered, his hands pressing you down onto your back as he slipped off you. “Don’t move.” You gave a sharp shout as he tore your kimono open and off of you, easily slipping off your undergarments with deft fingers.
Hotaru’s rough hands pawed over your freshly displayed body, nails scratching you slightly. You whimpered, body jolting with each touch as he moved downwards onto his knees. You tentatively pet his hair, gasping as he grabbed your palms and pressed them to the side of the bed, flat. “What did I just say?”
He didn’t move, staying still as his eyes stared up at you from between your legs. Your mouth was dry as you looked up towards the ceiling. “D-Don’t move.” His grip tightened as he bit your thigh, ignoring as you cried out.
“And what did you do?” Hands leaving yours, he pushed your thighs wide open, admiring your cunt. You whimpered above him, shouting as he bit your other thigh.
“Moved! I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, ‘Taru, please!” Huffing at your words, he abandoned your hands and instead kept to holding your thighs. At his silence, you shuddered as his breath puffed over your slit. Now that he seemed wholly uninterested in what you were doing or saying, you knew the night was only beginning, his impressive and irritating focus narrowing in on pleasuring you until he had his fill.
Gasping, your hips jerked as his tongue slid up your slit, slow and wet. “Hotaru…” You grabbed at his hair, knowing he was so focused he wouldn’t be paying you anymore attention outside of eating you out.
His hands gripped the fat of your thighs, tongue pushing past your slit and dipping inside your cunt. Your back arched at the feeling, basking in the pleasure for as long as you could. His mouth went to work as his hands groped you, moving up your body and squeezing anywhere he could reach.
Peering above your chest and tummy, you moaned lowly at the sight of him between your legs. His eyes were half lidded, a blush on his cheeks, and showing no indication of looking up at you, entirely enraptured in your sweet cunt. You tossed an arm over your eyes, the other resting in his hair as you wrapped your thighs around his head.
Sighing, you let him lick you, drooling over your already wet cunt. “Hotaru~” You felt him press his face closer against you, tongue shoved deep inside you. Arching your back, you pulled his hair, the man staying silent as he moved upwards to suck your clit.
“Ahh!” You shuddered at the feeling, moaning and crying out as his hands shifted to your hips. Gripping you tightly, you moaned at the rough treatment. He lifted you up higher, hands moving to cup your ass while his eyes slid shut. He pawed at your skin, squishing it in his palms as he sucked your clit tight into his hot wet mouth.
Writhing on the bed, you pulled his hair, letting your legs fall open, thighs resting on his broad shoulders. “Ahh~ So good~” You pet his hair as he slipped his tongue back into your cunt, licking you hotly. You rocked your hips in his grip, grateful he wasn’t holding you down this time.
Moving his head, you felt his tongue slip deeper inside, his own rough moans muffled by your plush skin. You whimpered loudly, head falling back as you felt him move one of his hands from your ass. You swallowed tightly, anticipation rattling your lungs as you felt him slowly curve it around your thighs to settle between your legs, just under his mouth.
You whined as one rough finger slipped inside you, the size of his digits easily outmatching your own. “Please, Hotaru~” He delicately pet inside of you, reacquainting himself with your body. You rolled your hips against his face, whining once more as he ignored you, steadying his hand and stroking you with one digit.
His tongue soon left you, moving up to your clit as he sucked once more, feeling your swollen bundle against his tongue, his finger soft inside you. You cried out, bucking your hips as you pulled his hair, his mouth not stopping as he sighed against you, eyes closed and tongue licking you rapidly.
“H-Hotaru! Ahh- fuck! Please!” You arched your back, dragging him so close to you that his nose was pressed against your mound. “‘M gonna cum! Haah~ Ah!” Your breath stuttered from your lungs, writhing against the soft comforter as your husband stayed on his knees, unbothered by your reactions.
You gasped for air as he continued, thighs quaking and sporadically squeezing his head before falling back open. He kept his hand firmly cupping your ass while the other slipped another finger inside your tightening cunt.
Sighing hotly, your hands loosened in his mane, petting flyaways from his sweaty forehead, laughing breathlessly as his eyes were still closed. “Hotaru… It’s not fair when I can’t l-look at your handsome face…” Your words trailed off, soft sharp moans falling past your lips as he built his speed back up.
Whimpering, you tried to push him away, knowing full well you couldn’t. “W-Wait, Hotaru, please!” He moaned gruffly against you, and you were sure his cock was aching and hard in his pants. “Please, Hotaru, I want you inside me! I know yo-ahh! K-Know you want it, too-” You covered your mouth with your hand, crying out as he curled his fingers inside you.
You had no idea to what end he would stop, it wasn’t uncommon for him to become so hyper fixated and focused on making love to you, whether that be with his mouth or cock. You knew he wouldn’t stop until he was done, and it didn’t matter if you were conscious when that time came. After much practice together, your beloved husband blossomed into quite the lover, but as with his sword making passion, he tended to allow himself to slip into a specific sort of headspace.
You writhed, legs kicking behind his head as you pulled your hands back up to yourself. Holding and fondling your chest, you cried out, his hand moving faster. “‘Taru! Fuck!” Panting hard, you felt him let go of your clit, catching his breath as his fingers tapped at your gspot. You arched again, body bending and back popping at the stretch.
He leaned back, admiring your reactions and how you squeezed and pulled at your breasts. Licking his lips, he watched your cunt flutter around his fingers, pulling back before thrusting them into you, the rough pace making your upper body curl. Your hands moved to fist the blanket instead, gasping and panting for air as your climax approached.
Growling, he dragged his hand from where it was squeezing your ass, pushing one of your thighs off his shoulder so he could nibble and suck marks into your plush skin. Crying out, he felt you tighten on his fingers, but it wasn’t enough to stop his fast pace. Moaning as he bit down, his hazy eyes watched as you arched high, hands blindly seeking and finding his long, wild hair.
“Ah-!” He winced as you pulled hard, eyes never leaving your face as you finished hard a second time. Leaving your bitten thigh, he pulled his hand back, spreading your legs so wide the brief thought of you splitting apart echoed in your blissfully empty head.
Moaning loudly and wantonly, you felt him replace his digits with his tongue, pushing past your plump cunt to lick inside you. His nails bit into your skin as you moved to twist his hair around your fists. “Hotaru!” You babbled incoherently, moaning as his wet fingers curled up to rub your clit fast and hard. “Ahh!” You curled forward screeching as he overstimulated you.
You could handle it when he cooled down a bit, giving you a slight break between orgasms, but you knew if he kept it up, you’d be passing out sooner rather than later. You were always a little sleepy after one climax, him getting you off repeatedly back to back was just mean.
Thighs quivering, he basked in your noises, surrounding himself with your perfect body, the taste of your cum making him strain in his now painfully too tight pants. Breaking away from your cunt, he panted heavily, fingers pinching your clit as he nibbled your plump slit. Crying out above him, he could barely make out how your upper body writhed for him.
Catching his breath, he dove back in, mouthing over your throbbing clit and three digits pounding your sweet spot. You screamed aloud, trying to scoot away from him, pushing him away and kicking your legs. “No! Stop! ‘Taru!” He had you on the brink, he could feel how tight you were wrapped around his fingers, knew you were at your limit.
It had been days since he’d last seen you, since he’d last touched you. He knew you were busy with your own jobs as well, coming home to an empty bed with no energy to touch yourself. He had to make up for lost times. It was a mantra in his head, to make sure you felt amazing before he even had a chance to feel good himself.
Moaning around your clit as it was snug inside his drooling mouth, his eyes flicked up to you. You laid there in bed, palms over your face as you gasped and shouted. As he laved his tongue over you, teeth pressing against your burning skin, he rubbed his calloused fingertips over your gspot, switching between pressing and rubbing hard to pounding them with quick movements of his wrist.
Finally, your head fell back, screaming as your voice cracked, finishing hard and bucking your hips against his jaw. He quickly abandoned your clit as he felt hot cum flood down his digits and into his palm. You cried out weakly as he voraciously ate you out, tongue pressing inside your cunt and fucking you.
Gasping and whimpering, your hips jolted as he licked up all your cum, dragging his tongue up your slit before flicking your swollen clit. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, his mouth moved away from you, letting your legs rest against the end of the western style bed. He sat back on his heels, licking his hand clean as he watched you closely.
Muscles rippling beneath his clothes, he hovered above you, kneeling between your legs as his intense gaze watched your face. Blinking slowly, your dazed bleary gaze found his face, muddled from your airy state of mind. Breathing heavily, you managed a small weak, “‘Taru?”
Sighing above you, he kissed your forehead. Letting your eyes close, you felt him slip off the bed and pull you up into his arms. Maneuvering with you in his grip, he turned down the sheets, sliding you inside them. You hummed, comfortable amongst the soft sheet and plush pillows. Feeling yourself drift off, you registered faintly of your husband crawling in with you.
You tried to call out to him, but your throat was tired and dry. Cracking your eyes open, you moved your lips, about to call out to him before he got comfortable, but instead cried out loudly as you felt his thick cock fill you in one thrust. “Hotaru!”
You heard him groan above you, the tight fit rattling his spine. You cried out as he lifted your legs, hips quickly pistoning inside of you. Sobbing incoherently, you clawed at his chest as he hovered above you. “I- Stop!” His cock split you open, the messy sounds echoing around you as your husky voice called out to him.
Blinking rapidly, you tried to focus on his face, whimpering as his eyes bore into you, sweat dripping from his tense visage down onto you. He was quiet the entire time, not speaking as he fucked you roughly. Groaning and panting, he was otherwise silent as he focused entirely on your expression.
Writhing beneath him, you gripped his wrists as he held your hips still, his own crashing into yours roughly. “I can’t! S’too much!” You tossed your head to the side, brows pinched as he filled you up just to pull nearly out, filling you once more.
Your husband grunted above you, shuddering at your words. With a sharp gasp, his thrusts faltered, moans stifled as he rubbed your overstimulated and sore clit. You slapped his chest, tears at the corners of your eyes, “It hurts! Stop it, stop!”
However, Hotaru paid you no mind, panting as his climax washed over him, hips bucking without rhythm as you felt him pump his cum inside you. Dragging your nails down his chest once more and shaking your head, tears slipping down into your hairline. “No more! Please, ‘Taru!”
His gaze was focused as he met your own, but you whimpered, body quaking as you didn’t see any recognition in his intense stare. Instead, his eyes drifted down your body, large palm pressing into your belly. You choked out a moan as he moved his hips subtly, cock stroking your gspot as he pressed down harder.
You could see the edges of your vision turn fuzzy as he began to pump his hips again, the pace just as face and brutal. Gasping, you coughed roughly, hands pulling at his weakly, whimpering and crying out. As he pounded you, feeling your breasts bounce, your sudden climax had you shrieking before your field of vision went cloudy and you passed out.
Hotaru watched you from his position above you, admiring your blissed out expression as he made love to you. Licking his lips, he moaned as you finished around him, cunt once again tightening like a vice, squeezing him tighter than you had all night. Moaning loud and sharp, he winced while his hips continued their pace.
Panting heavily, his drool dripped down to your chest, your eyes closed and face no longer pinched. Gritting his teeth, he bowed his head forward, hips jerking roughly. After his intense orgasm before, he couldn’t deny that the overstimulation was beginning to hurt him as well. Grabbing your legs, he pressed them to his chest. Anchoring his heels in the soft bed, he pressed you tighter up against yourself.
Now that you were unconscious, it was easier to fold your body how he wanted to. Gritting his teeth, he felt himself reach deeper inside of you. “Ahh! Fuck!” Eyes closing, his face tensed as his body slowly began to as well. Panting desperately for air, he felt himself shudder as he finished once more, filling you with more hot cum.
Hands fell from your legs to either side of your head, sweat and drool dripping from him down to you as you remained blissfully unaware of how his cock throbbed and pulsed inside your hot cunt. His body quaked with aftershocks and pumped a bit more cum deep inside you.
Fisting his hands into the pillow on either side of your face, he groaned. His energy was spent, having already been exhausted from his training out in the forest surrounding the village. He wanted to keep going, not quite satisfied with his work, but having to admit he was as spent as you were.
With his last coherent train of thought, he moved your legs and slid out from between them. Collapsing next to you, he pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. Using his legs, he dragged the blankets up closer, tossing off the top comforter, and draping the two of you in the soft thin sheet.
Catching his breath, he littered your shoulders with kisses and bites, not caring if they would be visible above your kimono in the morning. Everyone in the village knew you belonged to him and him alone, so it wouldn’t matter if you were marked up. Sighing tiredly, his hands drifted over your body, scratching you with his nails before cupping your breasts.
Feeling sleep overtake him, he squeezed you before allowing himself to pass out.
All too soon, however, his eyes were cracking open once more, groaning as the sun shone through the window. You were still sleeping soundly next to him, face buried in the pillows and back rising with each deep breath.
Stretching tall, Hotaru felt his joints pop and crack. He didn’t like to stay too long after sunrise, preferring to train when the morning was still cool. Sitting up, he winced at the dull ache in his hips. He rolled his shoulders, swinging his thick legs over the side of the bed, moving to get up before your smaller hand grabbed his wrist.
Humming in thought, he turned, looking for your eyes under your mess of hair as it was splayed out on the pillow. “‘Taru…” Your grip was weak considering you were barely awake, and it would have been child’s play to break away from you. However, your enormous husband smiled softly, turning and crawling back into bed to cuddle you into his strong arms.
You hummed happily, eyes closing once more as you settled in his grip. His voice was husky as he whispered in your ear, delighting in how you shuddered, “Good morning. How are you feeling?” You laughed softly, the sound barely passing your lips.
“Sore. Wonder why that is? Don’t think I’ll-” Yawning widely, you rolled your shoulders, “Don’t think I’ll be able to walk very well this morning.” You blinked blearily at him, a soft smile on your tired face.
He couldn’t help but lick his lips, grinning smugly. “You’re lucky I let you leave the house at all.” His hand drifted down, grabbing your ass roughly, smirking as you moaned and hid your face in his chest. “You’re mine. Nobody should ever get to see you again. The only forge you have any business being in is mine.”
You laughed softly, kissing his chest where you could reach him, “You’re not even in your own forge nowadays, Hotaru. I get lonely without having you.” He scoffed at your words, grumbling under his breath.
You squealed as he squeezed you tight. “Don’t care. Don’t let me see you getting too friendly with anyone else while I’m gone, understand me?” His gaze was on you now, pulling you back from his chest.
You sighed lovingly as you took in his face with the morning sunlight. “You’re so handsome, I love you.” He crinkled his nose, watching as his words went in one side and out the other. Sighing at your helpless nature, he pulled you into his lap before sitting up.
“We can make it to the hot springs and back before it's time to make a proper breakfast.” You whined in his grip as he stood up, placing you in a nearby chair as he found some clothes for the both of you. Tying you up in a loose kimono, he grabbed another larger one for himself, tying it closed and moving to lift you up once more.
You giggled happily in his arms, still veiled in a thin shroud of sleep. “You wore me out last night… I’m not sure I remember half of it.” Hotaru grunted, grabbing his mask before walking to the entryway and grabbing yours as well.
Slipping on his sandals, he hefted you up higher in his arms, “You passed out.” You were speechless for a moment, staring at him from under your sunny mask, before laughing quietly to yourself.
“You’re horrible! Tecchin was right, you’re a handful!” Hotaru snorted under his mask, holding you closer to his chest. You listened to his heartbeat as well as his deep voice as he spoke up once more.
“Please, you’re just as much of a handful. We’re a perfect match for each other, no one else could handle us.” You laughed again, waking up as the sun filtered through the trees as he carried you to the hot springs.
Leaning up, you tapped his cheek with your mask then his ear over his bandana in a makeshift kiss. “You’re right… I’d be a mess without you, you know.” Resting your cheek on his chest once more, the two of you basked in the morning sunlight together.
Wiggling your nose, you looked away as you got closer to the hot springs. “Gross.” You felt your husband’s shoulders shake slightly, silent laughter at your childish tone. “Oh well, at least I get to soak with you!”
You nuzzled his neck, rubbing his chest as he crested the steps to show a large pool of steaming water. You wiggled in his grasp, hearing his laugh softly as he put you down before scrambling to pick you back up as your legs gave out. You slapped his chest as his arms wound around your waist, pulling you snug and tight against him once more.
“You did this! This is your fault!” You slipped your mask up to rest atop your head, smiling fondly at your beloved. Once yours was secured, you moved to tug his off along with his bandana.
Hotaru pouted at you before smiling softly and kissing you gently. Sitting you on the edge of the spring, he easily stripped you of your kimono before stripping himself down as well. Wading into the spring, he bundled you back into his arms and sat the two of you against the inner wall.
Sighing contentedly, you apologetically pet the red scratches on his chest. “Sorry…” You smiled up at him softly before kissing them, noticing how some had dried blood on them. “I should trim my nails down a little, I think…”
He grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles before relaxing back, stretching his legs out. “Don’t worry about it, I was the one who pushed you last night.” You smiled, relaxing against him, mischievous eyes looking up at him.
“And yet you’re not apologizing.” Your husband scoffed, not bothering to look down at you, opting to squeeze you tightly instead before loosening his grip just as quick.
“Because I’m not sorry. You’re my wife, I’ll take you however I please whenever I want.” You balked at his steady words, his tone final.
“Hotaru Haganezuka! You’re bad!” You bit his chest before blowing a loud raspberry against him. He laughed loudly, moving so that he could kiss your forehead. You slapped him lightly, shaking your head but basking in his laughter. “What on earth am I going to do with you?”
He hummed, relaxing back against the spring’s wall again. “Stay with me. Forever.” His suddenly sincere tone had your chest welling up in affection and adoration. Sighing softly, you rested back against him, smiling.
“Of course. Always.” Hotaru pet your hair, relaxing in the early morning rays in the deserted hot spring with you in his arms. Thoughts of work began creeping into his head, but he pushed them off, wanting to spend just a little more time with you in sweet intimacy.
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onskepa · 9 days
Saw your post about a mother's day event. Could I request a piece where the reader is Jake's sister. She's an avatar like him, & traveled with him & his family to seek Uturu from the Metkayina. During their stay, she remembers that mother's day is coming up, & makes Neytiri some gifts along with the kids. This catches the attention of some of the Metkayina, & they ask her about it. Soon enough, word of the tradition spreads, & a good chunk of the clan has adapted it into their practice. If this is too much to write, I understand. Best wishes!
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Helloooooooo honey!!! Gosh dang this is a cute idea!!! Hopefully you and everyone else will enjoy it!
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Sun was out, people doing their tasks, little ones causing either mischief or chaos. It was a good day at the Metkayina village. In the new sully family pod, at the edge was tuk splashing around with her feet, beside her was her super, amazing aunt! 
Muwintxu as everyone calls her, or in the words of jake. His “super cute, dorky baby sister junnie” which is a name she hates. 
“Hhmmmm……” muwintxu hums out in thought as she too splashes the water on her feet. 
“I want night to come already” she says with a groan, tuk looks up at her aunt. 
“Why?” she asks 
“To measure the stars, time is different here so I gotta use the old fashion way, by calculating the stars” her aunt replies. Tuk tilts her head in confusion. But muwintxu pats her head, “it will be better if I explain it when its night time” 
“Ok!” tuk cheers
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“Ok it's 45 degrees more than last week….” as promised, muwintxu was teaching tuk how to measure the stars in the sky. Both of their blue tails curled in fascination. 
“When we left it was february in human time….so aha! In a week it will be mothers day!” the sully sister cheers. Tuk gasps happily and goes to tell her siblings. Upon hearing the great news, they all go back to their aunt. 
“Your mother hasn't adjusted well these months, so how about we give her the best mother’s day she ever had?” muwintxu suggest, all of her nieces and nephews cheer in joy. Already thinking of what to make for their mother. 
“And this time please keep your mouths shut, we don't want a repeat of last year” she says while side eyeing tuk playfully. 
“It was an accident!”
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Neteyam, lo’ak, kiri and tuk all explored every nook and cranny of the island. Either being together or doing separate things. The fellow metkayina members took notice of the behavior, while it is nothing alarming, they were accustomed to the sully family being together and away from the population. So what is behind the sudden change? 
“Excuse me, can you help me?” tuk asked a weaver one afternoon, showing him her materials. “I'm trying to make a quadruple braid but I can't do it” she explains. The weaver assists her happily, but as he does, he notices it was a band, one a bit too big for her arms. 
“Is this for someone little one?” the weaver asks, tuk nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Its for my mama, mother’s day is coming up and I wanna give her a pretty gift!” she says. This caught his attention, “mothers day? What is that?” he asks, tuk began to chat away what it was, by the words of her aunt. 
Little did tuk know that she would cause a chain reaction. 
The weaver told his brother, who told his children, and who the children told their friend, and so on and so forth. Word began to spread massively of this “mothers day” thing. The name seemed so intriguing, and the word reached to muwintxu who was fishing the next day. 
“Muwintxu?” a fellow fisher called out to her. She looks up at him, “yes?” she replies. The fisher had a few friends behind him, all looking a bit nervous. “We heard that something is coming soon, a ‘mothers day’ it was. Can you explain what that is?” he asks. 
Sully girl blinked in surprise, guessing one of the kids chatted away of what it was. But, seeing it as an opportunity to connect more with the people, she was happy to explain what it was.
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Ronal enters her marui, tired but pleased with her day.  The first thing she sees is her two children shuffling about, covering whatever it was from her eyes. It raises suspicions. “What are you two doing?” she asks. Her children look at each other then back at her. 
“We can't tell you, not yet at least” tsireya answered with a nervous smile. 
“Oh? And why is that?” ronal presses further. 
“Because it is a surprise, you will have to wait until mothers day” ao’nung answers happily. Ronal felt confused, she never heard of that before. 
“Ay, toruk makto’s sister explained to us and the village of a day about mothers is upon us. A human tradition, "Tonowari says as he walks up behind her with a smile. 
Tsireya nodes and happily relayed what she learned. “Yes, and lo’ak said they celebrated that tradition with their old clan. Apparently, mother’s day is a tradition where everyone celebrates their mothers, giving them gifts, letting them rest, and being given the greatest treatment”. 
The more Ronal hears of mothers day, the more tempting it sounds. A day with no duties to worry about? 
“And we, along with others, want to give it a try. Everyone is doing something for their mothers, so we want to do something for you” ao’nung says. 
Ronal smiles and closes her eyes, “I do not see the harm in it” 
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Neytiri slowly awakens from her slumber, getting up and stretching out her limbs. Rubbing her, ridding of her sleepiness, she looks around and sees Jake, Muwintxu and her children around the cook pit, a delicious smell emits from it. 
“She’s awake!” lo’ak announces. 
Everyone was quick to surround her, all with happy smiles on their faces. 
“HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!” they are shouted together. 
Neytiri gasps in happiness and surprise. 
“I thought we left that tradition behind with everyone” she says, jake and muwintxu scoff together. 
“Never, mother’s day will always happen no matter where we are tsmuke” the sully sister says. Jake nods in agreement. 
Everyone gave her individual hugs and kisses, jake of course hogging up neytiri’s attention. 
“Daaaaaaaaad!! No fair!” tuk whines, but Jake picks up neytiri bridal style and runs around their home, their children giving chase. 
“Ma’jake!” neytiri squeaks but in delight. 
“MUAHAHA! All mine!” Jake taunts. 
“Not for long!” lo’ak said confidently. Laughter filled their home, neytiri feeling her mood lighten by the display of her family.
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After breakfast, everyone was way too excited to give neytiri their gifts. 
“Me first! Me first!” tuk insisted, but was pushed away by lo’ak. 
“Too bad baby sister, I'll go first” he says. But he too was pushed away by neteyam. “Sorry baby bro, but eldest goes first”. 
It didn't really matter who went first, neytiri was just too happy to enjoy this day. 
Neteyam gave her a head piece made of sea glass, with small beads that dangle on the side, while beautiful, it also helped keep her hair from getting into her face while swimming underwater. 
Kiri made her a new shawl made of yellow sea weed with pieces of shells here and there, making a studding pattern. 
Lo’ak created a new bracelet made of small sea glass and shells, making a omatikaya patter with metkayina materials. 
Tuk, though with help, gifted neytiri an arm band that has familiar colors but with metkayina weaving. 
Munwintxu made a new top and loin cloth that matches with her, almost in twin clothing. 
And Jake said the gift is saved for later. 
“You all worked hard to make these wonderful gifts, but really the best gift I can have is to live another day and see you all is enough happiness for me” neytiri says in appreciation. 
After breakfast, which was done by Jake and muwintxu, all walked together through the village. Where they noticed something. 
Women were being given gifts by others, children and mates all treating the mothers like queens that they are. 
“Huh, wonder whats going on? '' Jake wonders. 
Munwintxu chuckles, “I um ... .might have taught everyone what mothers day was and they sort of….picked it up…?” 
“Again? You did it with the people back at the forest, now you are doing it here "Jake looks at his sister. Remember her doing the same thing with the Omatikaya people. 
“What's next, Junnie? Fathers day? Halloween?” he asks. 
“Ok first, stop calling me that, second, why the hell not? They are fun traditions!” the sister snaps back. 
“Indeed, a fun tradition it is” 
Everyone turns to see Tonowari, who had Ronal sitting on his shoulder. His arm on her legs to support her. They and along with tsireya and ao’nung all smile at the sully family. 
“Everyone is participating on mothers day with their families! Giving gifts, showing so much appreciation, love, it is so exciting!” tsrieya says in glee.  
Her family nods in agreement. 
“A very exciting tradition, one that we wish to continue in future years” tonowari says. 
“That is if you do not mind,” ronal adds as she looks between neytiri and muwintxu. 
“Oh, not at all. We are very happy you love this tradition. My sister introduced this very same tradition with my clan years ago, and it is still very much practiced, "Neytiri says as she happily gestures to muwintxu who blushes. 
“However, if there is more human traditions your have, please share with us” ao’nung encourages. This makes Jake grin. “Oh you will love one that is called may the force” 
“Jake don't you dare!” 
Overall, it was a successful first mothers day in the metkayina village. And many more to come. 
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This was short but sweet! And very fun to write, hope you all like it! Until next time! See ya!
Munwintxu = introduce present (person, idea, report etc.)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"Oh my gosh do you sound like a sim to them??"
Me trying to place myself in their shoes:
"Why the fuck do I sound like a villager in Animal Crossing-- ARE THEY HEARING ANIMALESE WHEN I SPEAK?!"
(A.k.a I saw the previous ask and thought wait a minute. Two different worlds. Languages so similar but so different....... We're basically speaking animalese in another game/world lmfao)
(Bonus: Creator!Reader knows this and takes full advantage as their payback. Traveller magically understands and speaks back causing further pyschic confusion. Pretty sure soke brains have been melted among linguistic students in Sumeru)
-Vine Boom
It has been a minute and yet, you remain my love!! Thank you for your patience, have a little scenario as my thanks for that and submitting the cool idea <3
Me @ you: ♥ ( ॢᵕ n ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) mwah! /p
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this gif is just really cute thats why its here.
also i have very little to add so its short but only bc im ✨uncreative✨ atm and ur ask alone is funny enough lmao, so once again, a scenario bc vine booms just a genius all on their own ✨️
😭so you mean 😭 as revenge 😭 for this awful deed 😭 done to your speech 😭 you just start EMBRACING IT 😭😭😭PLEAASEEE-
PLEASE the traveler understands it!! 💀
Also if anyone reads this im so sorry ive flooded the sagau tag with language shenanigans LMAO
Ever since you realized that the entirety of Teyvat sounds like Sims to you, (and the subsequent awful reckoning that you sound the same to them 😭) 
You have finally mentally recovered enough courage, and desperately shoved any embarrassment deep into your soul, to try and think of what to do about it
You quickly found that people had 3 types of reactions to your speech,
1. They try to understand the nonsense like you trying to understand their Simlish, it really doesnt work, you wish you could tell them to give up and just gesture at you instead:
(ALHAITHAM he keeps trying then giving up then trying again lol, Diluc, ZHONGLI, Sara, Albedo, Candace, Dehya she thinks she’s gonna get it THIS time she swears-, Eula, Gorou, GANYU she feels bad lmao, Jean, AYAKA, keqing, kuki, Nahida, ningguang, AETHER, Thoma, xinyan, XIAO)
2. They act like you when you hear animal crossing characters speak 💀 you can see the “omg so cute” sparkle in their eyes:
(KAZUHA, kokomi, barbara, KAEYA, ZHONGLI again lol he tries to hide it but you can see the tiny smile everytime you walk over and start ranting at him bc ur bored, Faruzan, GOROU, AYATO, YAE MIKO, keqing, LISA, mika, mona, KLEE literally loves you and you can tell shes always trying to get you to say something lol, Ei (archon), Rosaria she always SMIRKS and ur just- 😳, CHILDE the little shit giggles at ur misery, LUMINE AND AETHER U CANT TRUST EITHER OF THEM- , THOMA, SCARAMOUCHE BUT HE’D NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE ALWAYS IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO HIDE A TINY SMILE AND GOES A LITTLE PINK-!! SAME FOR XIAO LMAO)
3. You know that tiktok audio thats like Isabella from Animal Crossing singing, and then someone’s like “uh-huh! YEAH! OKAY!!” yeah like that, but to you LMAO
(ITTO, Bennett, KAVEH, heizou, VENTI, Nilou she like nods after everything you say and makes sure you’re treated well in every conversation aw, qiqi, KLEE, Raiden (puppet) + Ei (archon), SHENHE no explanation needed, CYNO too, LUMINE, YELAN, yoimiya, yunjin)
Alright i got tired sorry not everybody’s there lol^
So no matter the reaction, they all are a little bummed nobody can get you, 
…but then of. Fucking. Course. 
(there’s not a single person throughout all the nations, the archons, the allogenes, doesnt matter, who hasn’t felt a LITTLE pang of envy for this- bc as cute as you sound, goddamit they USED to understand you when you weren’t physically here, before you overcame the Universal Barrier AKA the computer screen lol)
The Sumeru linguistics department is grinding their teeth, Alhaitham straight up glares every time they translate for you lmao, Zhongli’s eye twitches at least once everytime they do so, Kazuha is literally trying to bribe them with cool places he’s seen that the traveler hasn’t so they’ll share the secret of how to understand you, Ningguang gets 10x chillier when they’re helping convos w/ you, Ei looks like she’s fucking pouting-
Aether is just like 🤨?? For what?? I’m helping???
So confused he never gets what’s going on lol
Lumine, on the other hand, is FULLY aware and smirks every time she’s so smug about it LMAO 
^ the embodiment of the cat surrounded by knives meme ^
Ahhhh my exhibition is April 6th u guys!
May I finally rest in peace when that day comes 🪦
Cant wait to graduate and just have a regular job and not academia + deadlines 😭😫
Hope you guys have had a nice week or two!
Look out for more posts after the 6th :>
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Short one but hope its fun my beloved!! :)
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inusmasha · 7 months
Just an idea I’m throwing for the future Inuyasha reboot.. I would loooove to have more scenes (reminiscent of a Miyazaki film type of vibe) of them living out in the road …instead of …you know…the moment they’re entering some new village. (Even though I loved seeing all the different villages too don’t get me wrong)
I wish we could of seen Inuyasha hunt, Sango setting up the fire pit, Kagome cooking and Miroku fishing or soemthing. Like give me the foraging for food bits! I wish we could of watched them eat more lol!!
I wanna see what they would gather and oohhhhh my gosh… could you imagine? Like seeing the actual plants? The edible mushrooms (idk I always picture Rin with mushrooms?? Does she eat those at some point?)
The 90s anime had some very pretty scenery tho. I loved the little moments where they would focus on some little sparrows on pussywillows, or a snake swimming in the water, ect. They were so cool and I don’t really see that enough in our narratives! Plot is important and all but give me all those little details about the world around!
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kyojurosprettygirl · 9 months
If you're willing to write for demons, can you do a short Akaza x fem slayer story?? One where the reader keeps chasing him because he refuses to fight her on account of her being a woman? It could be a cute enemies to rivals to lovers, maybe even be a little angsty. I would imagine the y/n's bewilderment that the gosh darn uppermoon 3 wouldn't kill her, or that she's insulted that he refuses to fight.
a/n: OH EM GEE. NONNIE THIS IS PURE GOLD. i feel you've read my mind , and it's a little scary . i've had smth similar in my head for MONTHS and you don't know how excited i am to write this now that i have a baseline!!! XD this has given me much more inspiration for it and surprisingly more leeway . it's kind of hard to keep my stories short... ;;; I HOPE YOU ENJOY REGARDLESS X)))) I WONT LIE, this was super hard to write.
the sun will always rise.
Akaza x Demon Slayer! Fem! reader
for each and every kill a slayer makes, it counts as a single but notable step toward the designated finish line. the finish line where humans will be safe from harm; where a corps dedicated to killing demons wouldn't have the need to exist. it should be a simple thing, you realize. in hindsight, people think you just train, kill, and repeat, until finally your flame dies out and your just another warrior who's sacrificed their life without a name left behind, depending on how much you killed that is.
In reality, though, the corps is much more complex. There are ranks, hidden villages, hidden faces, and most notably demons who were once human too. who were once filled with their own ideologies, their own minds and voices, they were once a full glass rather than an empty shell of what once was. Some, too far gone, others, just unfortunate people who fell into the deep end. It is when you fight with a demon when the complexity really set's in, you hear them, feel them even, and although some are easy to ignore, other's are much harder. and for you, it was always harder, your empathetic nature toying with your mind and heart. it was something you connect well with the young slayer you've come to know as Tanjiro, but you differ in one thing, you find killing the demons much easier than he does. choosing to ignore their pasts to reduce the risk of dying, using the most painful form you know on them. It's how you got into this mess to begin with.
your feet ache, burn even, trying their hardest to keep up with your mind who seems to not have any limits. your fingers are numb, your cheeks burn, and your neck itches from the cloth constantly rubbing on it because of the frantic movement. for the second time tonight, another strong demon made it's way into your line of vision. though its more unfortunate for them than it is for you, you're still human and your body begs to succumb to the comfortable earth below you. the fight was drawn out, too much for your liking, making your patience to run extremely thin. dodging it's attacks left and right, you spoke out to the demon, surprisingly finally hitting a nerve. when the demon had stopped to tell you it's sorrows, how it feels, you called a form and decapitated it without second thought, it having given you an opening. you dropped your blade and keeled to where it's head laid and you gently picked it up, facing it toward you.
"I wish you a comfortable trip to hell." you rasp out. gently placing it's head on the ground as the sun rises, it's body ashing out into nothing. you sigh and look at the unlit part of the forest, noticing piercing eyes in the shadows. in curiosity, you appear infront of the demon in a split second, him barley dodging your blade. his eyes go wide in surprise and he groans in frustration, disappearing into what's left of the dark. he was gone just as fast as you appeared and you decided to ignore it, convincing yourself it was simply your lack of sleep.
but it happened again. and again. and you began to grow frustrated. you began to seek the demon out, and every time you got close, he'd dodge and refuse to fight you. At first, it was one-sided, where you seeked him out, he tried to avoid you, just wanting to complete muzans orders, but the closer you got to tracking him down, you began to interfere greatly with his orders. orders of which when failed to complete, he'd have his blood wrung dry, but still keeping his morale of not intentionally hurting you. you were a woman, it would be wrong. and, it was your job. could he really blame you?
"what the hell." he thinks, as he dodges another one of your hits, you're much faster than what he's used to, so you must be a high ranked slayer. He splays his arm out in an attempt to grab your blade from you when he heals the blade into his skin , but it's futile when you catch onto it and twist, creating another wound where you have enough time it grab it back. as the sun began to creep up, he knew he had to get out of the fight quickly, but he knew you well enough to the point where you wouldn't drop it that easy. you huffed, a slight smile gracing your features, and for a moment he's enamored, your strength is admirable and your beauty shines through the roughness of your hits, but he doesn't stare too long. Instead, he runs from under you when you jump, and runs deep into the dark forest. He hears your scream of frustration as you begin to chase after him, except going the opposite direction. he exhales, you were going to be a problem, he could already feel it. so he opted from then on to hide away from you, knowing you were constantly chasing to kill him.
sooner or later though, for every slayer he was ordered to kill, you'd come in and save double. For every place he managed to hide himself in, you'd cover them head to toe in wisteria poison residue. For every item he'd need to retrieve, you'd try to combat with him, leaving him no choice but to leave and go back empty handed. you can only imagine how angered he was becoming. where he'd usually draw fights out, get to know the powerful slayers, and even give them more chances to kill him, he found himself just wanting to kill them immediately as a means to save himself from your wrath. you were everywhere, wherever he was, you somewhere were always there. he figured it was your crow. It was getting to the point where he was thinking of letting go of his morals, maybe you would be the only exception to his rule. he hated your existence, and was hoping another demon would do the job for him. he realized you were specifically targeting him, and it's what angered him even more. he decided he'd start to put his hand's on you, and use a few words, maybe then you'll get off his ass.
you panted as you finally managed to get him on the ground. he had no way out of this, unless he hurt you, and oh was he tempted. you make a move to cut his head off, a gleam of relief running in your eyes, one he caught onto. he then grabbed your hips and rolled into a position where you laid under him, getting off as fast as he could and attempting to take his leave. you grunt, chasing him and he grabs your wrist before your blade could make contact with him. 'why won't he just fight back.' you think, your eyes widening at how gentle his grasp was. you furrow your brow, jerking your hand off and kicking him, creating a wave of dirt dusting over your vision. "why do you run from me! just get up and fight me!" frustration was evident in your voice, and he laughed at it. god, you sounded like inosuke, you realize. "you just don't give up." he grunts, he looks you in the eyes and you realize he's an uppermoon. "because you are a woman." and at that your face is one of bewilderment. 'this entire time!' you think. you make a move to throw him deeper into the forest but he dodges and runs into the forest. again. you groan and notice the sun was beginning to peak from the horizon. "it's now or never, demon!" you scream, and chase after him. it was a fruitless chase.
he thought it would have led to you giving up, but it instead became a game of cat and mouse. whenever you did encoutner him, you'd push for answers, for him to just hit you back, deem you worhty of his time, but he just rushed out of the match. leaving you at the same time the moon did.
his comment made you assume you thought he was weak, and knowing he was uppermoon three fed into those assumptions. he only ever fought the highest rank slayers, you noted, and he was almost always victorious in them, except for those who made it til sunrise, two to be exact, and they would talk about how he just never gave up, how he seemed eager to elongate their fight. although, that was years ago, and you weren't even sure if he was considered the third uppermoon then. this continued on for months, and fueled your ambition even more. yet as the days passed, you began to falter more and more, your spark dimming by the seconds. you felt weak, and knowing you weren't was different than feeling you weren't, you felt unworthy, and a demon's word's shouldn't hit as deep as Akazas did. he fought Rengoku, a hashira you grew to know well, and from what he had told you, you just grew insecure. you felt guilty, he survived by a single thread, and instead of wanting to avenge him, you just wanted to be recognized by the demon. you selfishly wanted him to ask you to be a demon, to ask for your name and say that you were gifted. you had soon given up on the chase, guilt eating at you faster than the fire you had in you did. but the fire of wanting to kill him remained in you regardless, laying dormant and behind your old wounds.
as you walk mindlessly, you only notice the moon when you walk into a small running river, the coldness easing the ache in your feet. it was a long day, and you'd just completed a mission the master had given you. you sit on a rock and let the water dance around your ankles, giggling when small pebbles tickled you. you sigh and close your eyes and enjoy the night, trying to find the person you once were before encountering the demon. he hadn't left your mind since, and knowing his name had simply made it harder. your brows furrow in subconscious annoyance. you were sick, sick of him unintentionally controlling your life. "fuck off , Akaza" you groan, opening your eyes. and as the saying goes, speak of the devil and he shall appear. you jump and squeal when he suddenly appears next to you, the height difference increasing as he isn't sitting down. "what the Fuck." you say, trying to get your blade, but stopping when he just laughs. it's soft, and you decide to just give up. he notices your lack of reaction, and sits next to you on the ground. at this point you were both at eye level, and you felt embarrassed that you needed a rock to reach his eyes while sitting. he doesn't know what to say, and neither do you, your interactions were only your attempts to kill him, and him trying to avoid your strikes. you break the silence. "why are you here." and he hears your voice differently for the first time. rasps he's gotten used to aren't there, and it lacks loudness. it's silky, and it pricks at his skin. he can admire you now, he thinks, and he savors every second. he decides to respond truthfully. "i want to know your name." you gasp, its almost ghostly sounding, but he catches on. you feel regret fill your mouth the same way saliva does before you vomit, but instead it's for being happy about a demon asking for your name, and the acidity soon to come is you giving it to him. you contemplate it, and you face him, his breath hitches at finally seeing your relaxed face. your crazy wild eyes are now sharp and gleam the same way gold would, your mouth isn't in a tight frown but instead a slight smile, he assumes it's how it naturally falls. you open your mouth to speak, before your brows furrow, an expression he's gotten used to. "you don't need it." you state. your tone is firm and a familiar coldness returns to it. he hums, "but i wan't it" you tilt your neck back, and sigh, 'oh what the hell'. "y/n." your gaze turns to him and he feels his blood rush, he hates how you easily put him in a trance. "i wan't to kill you." you say boldly, and he lets out a laugh before he realizes your serious. "do you even hear yourself?" and he laughs again. you grab your blade and stab it into his heart, a hit that would have killed anybody normal. "loud and clear, uppermoon three." and he gets goosebumps from your voice. Akaza decides to humor you, and grabs your blade to throw it at you, knowing you would easily avoid it. he sees excitement in your face and smiles at it, it wouldn't hurt to humor you, he just needed to be very careful. Although your skeptical you decide if you die fighting him, people would see it as an honorable death, and it would ease you in your final moments.
Akaza felt guilty. he was there for one reason only. to kill you. it was an order from muzan, and as much as he wanted to remain loyal to the man, he couldn't. "you aren't serving me as efficiently as before, I believe it's the Kinoe." he was right. and it was then when he stated he was to kill her, or he'd kill them both himself. He wasn't going to kill you himself, he was going to have a smaller demon do the work for him, but he wanted to know you, wanted to do what he couldn't do before. He was gravitating toward you, and he wasn't given any room to pull way. He thought it'd be okay to let you spend our last moments doing what you wanted. To fight him.
But the fight turned a different way than he thought.
each sentence you spoke, each sassy remark, you'd made him more intrigued. he found himself wanting to know everything about you, and as the night went on, after you cleanly sliced the lower demons dead and continued to speak as if nothing happened, he felt he was ready to give up his loyalties. he was afraid, you spoke for the entire night and he had to decide to kill you and execute his duties as muzans right hand, or, if he'd die with you. as the sun rose, reminding him the same way an hourglass would, he decides to run. again. but this time, with a promise to see you again. you land one more hit and he trips you, catching your arm before you hurt yourself on a jagged rock. he positions you as you catch your balance, and he holds your blade in his hand, his palm bleeding as he digs it deeper. "you could use more work on your form." he chuckles, and you simply snicker. "i haven't done this fighting style for hundreds of years y'know." he hums, and walks into the forest, he needed an excuse, and a way to hide the night he went through from muzan.
deep shit, you think.
this continues again, and again, until eventually, you know more of Akaza than you do your own family. night after night, saying goodbye when the sun rose. he was able to make it seem like you'd been killed, ofcourse not with his own hands, muzan wouldn't believe it, and you never got in the way of his missions.
it felt wrong, but the way he ignited you pushed you to continue the growing relationship. but you knew deep down, eventually it would slip, and muzan would find out, if not him, then your comrades. but to both you, you stopped minding it.
you were killed, in a torturous way infront of akaza, muzan had found out, and it was one of the moments that made it easier for him to not grow his head back when decapitated. he figured if it was you who he was meeting again, then maybe death was the answer.
funfact! he refused to let you walk with him to hell. he made sure you both wen't separate ways, but once he made it far enough, you ran back to him and you both fell to the depths together.
'you don't belong here.'
'i do. if i was a saint, i would have never met you.'
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
Had to come to your inbox to show you this because in my head this seems very cathie coded, mostly the chorus 😭🤧
Like oblivious, maybe in denial Cater singing this to her??👀👀 Also a bit cringe I know but hey Austin and Ally was a very dear show to me when I was younger sksjskskk
Hello Mah! ☆
I've never seen Austin and Ally before, so I didn't know about this song!
All I can think about is Cater writing this song for Ruthie back when he was in denial of his feelings, and he presents it to the Pop Music Club so they can perform it at their next show. He would be staring at Ruthie (who's at the front of the crowd) as he sings it ♡
So, here's a Cathie fic about it! Enjoy! ♡
(It ended up WAY longer than I thought it would be lol)
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⋆ 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓮: 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓐 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 ⋆
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⋆ The Pop Music Club was sitting in their club room, eating snacks as they talked. They had a show coming up in a few weeks, and were debating on what to perform. There were certain songs they would always play, but this time they wanted to do something different, to really make the show stand out. Lilia suggested they try a new genre, while Kalim suggested they incorporate a new instrument. Cater didn't really have any suggestions, scrolling through Magicam for inspiration. While scrolling he comes across a new post from Ruthie, a picture of her pet hamster Raisin with his cheeks stuffed, a sunflower seed in his hands. In the post Ruthie coos about how cute he is, a smile coming to Cater's face as he likes it.
⋆ As he continues scrolling he comes across fan edits, dancing videos, comedy skits, memes. He was about to switch apps when he comes across a post, a girl gushing about how her partner wrote a song for her, as a surprise for her birthday. The post includes a short clip of them singing to her, the girl standing there in shock for a moment before looking like she could cry. In the comments everyone talked about how romantic it was, some saying how they wished they had a partner like that.
⋆ A sudden thought occurs to him, looking up from his phone and turning towards the others as he suggests, "Why don't we try writing our own songs?" Kalim and Lilia look to each other for a moment before agreeing, the two of them excited at the idea of writing their own song. After eating a few more snacks and talking for a little bit longer, they go their separate ways, each of them needing to have a song written for their next club meeting.
⋆ Cater stretched in his desk chair, sighing. He had been staring at his computer for a few hours now, a blank word document in front of him. He kept thinking and trying yet a song just wouldn't come to him, getting up from his chair. He grabs his phone and earbuds before moving to lay on his bed, needing a break. He scrolls through Magicam as he listens to music, liking and sharing certain posts. He sees a post from the bakery in the village near Night Raven, announcing new items they would be adding to their menu soon. One of the items is a dessert that seems to be trending right now, everyone talking about how good it is.
⋆ He smiles as his mind immediately goes to Ruthie, knowing how much she loves sweets. Without thinking he shares the post with her, sending another message right after that asking if she'd like to go with him when the bakery debuts their new desserts. It takes a few minutes before she responds, but her reaction was what he expected, telling him she would love to go with him and how excited she was to try the desserts. Her message had a mix of heart emojis throughout it, something she always did. Their was one particular heart emoji she seemed to use more than the others, Cater putting it next to her name in his phone. He did it because the heart emoji reminded him of her, that's all. There was no other reason. (At least, that's what he keeps telling himself)
⋆ It's a few days later when the bakery debuts their new desserts, Cater waking up early knowing how busy they will be. Ruthie was waiting for him outside campus, standing at the entrance gates. She was dressed more casually than usual, wearing a black long sleeved shirt tucked into a pink knee length skirt. She paired the outfit with the stockings and black Mary Janes she usually wore, her favorite headband on her head to match. Cater couldn't help but stare, thinking how good she looked. When she noticed him she ran over to him, thanking him again for inviting her. Cater wasn't paying attention as she continued to talk, eyes focused on her mouth. There was just something about that pink lip gloss she always wore that he was drawn to, tempting him. It makes him want to...
⋆ He shakes his head, stopping himself from continuing that thought. They make their way to the bakery, talking and laughing along the way. As they pass by a house Cater catches a glimpse of their reflection in the window, the sight almost making him stop. He never thought about how Ruthie holds onto his arm whenever they go somewhere, enjoying having her close. But seeing their reflection, how she holds onto his arm, looking up at him as they talk, he couldn't help but think...
We look like a couple
⋆ It doesn't help that others would mistake them as such, strangers calling Ruthie his girlfriend or his dorm mates telling him to enjoy his "date". Trey had even complimented his appearance that morning, asking him what he was dressed up for. They're wrong, Cater thinks. We're just friends. Yet, the idea of them being "just friends" hurt, Cater choosing not to linger on it.
⋆ There was already a line when they got to the bakery, having to wait around fifteen minutes before they could enter. Cater's attention was drawn to the dessert that was trending, ordering it to take a picture for his Magicam. Ruthie went to order one as well before Cater stopped her, reminding her that she could just eat his. She laughed, saying she forgot and thanking him. Once they got their dessert they went to sit outside, not wanting to stay in with how packed it was.
⋆ It was a nice day out, the table they chose giving them a nice view. Cater took the dessert out of it's container, setting it up so that it looked good. He used the natural lighting to help take his photo, immediately uploading it to Magicam. When he looked up from his phone he noticed Ruthie sitting across from him, eyeing the dessert eagerly. His heart raced as he told her he just needed to take one more photo before she could dig in, focusing on her rather than the dessert as he took it. As soon as he said she could eat it, she started digging in, making happy noises due to how good it was.
⋆ They stayed there for a while, Cater scrolling through his phone as Ruthie ate, talking and laughing in between. Whenever Cater saw a video or a meme he knew she would like, he would hold his phone out to her, watching as she tried not to choke on the dessert while laughing. Before they went their separate ways Cater gave her a hug, thanking her for coming with him. She hugged him back, telling him that she should be the one thanking him, considering he paid for the dessert. She promises him she'll treat him next time as they wave goodbye, Cater watching her go before heading back to Night Raven.
⋆ As soon as he got back to Heartslabyul Ace was there, a teasing grin on his face as he asked how his "date" went. Cater gave him a look, used to his behavior as he tells him it wasn't a date. After a moment he goes on, letting him know he had a good time, and that the dessert seems to be worth the hype. He heads to his room, running into Deuce along the way. He too asks how his "date" went, though his question seemed more genuine, Cater not having the heart to correct him. He breathes a sigh of relief once he's inside, immediately laying in his bed.
⋆ He did his best to relax, mind racing as he pulled up the picture he took of Ruthie earlier. It had turned out better than he thought, her eyes lit up as she looked at the dessert on the table. She looked almost like she was glowing with how the sun hit her face, her hands clapped together in excitement. She looked so happy, so cute. He had to resist the urge to make it his phone background, shaking his head. He sat his phone on his chest, holding his arm over his eyes. He just needed to calm down, everything would be alright. He and Ruthie were friends, they were only hanging out. They weren't dating, she wasn't his girlfriend, he wasn't...
He wasn't...
"I'm not in love with her" he mutters to himself, though his racing heart wants to prove him wrong.
⋆ It's in this moment that he realizes what he wants his song to be about, slowly getting up and moving to his desk. He writes what he's thinking, what he's feeling, using it as inspiration. After having to edit and rewrite it a few times he was finally happy with it, realizing how late it was when he checked his phone.
⋆ At their next club meeting Cater bursts into the club room, presenting the song he had written. Lilia gave him a knowing look as he read the lyrics, Kalim complimenting him on how good it was. After talking some more and discussing the songs Lilia and Kalim had written, they decided to perform the song Cater wrote, with him singing the lead vocals. As it got closer to their show date they began advertising it, posting on their socials and putting up flyers around campus. Ruthie even made a post on her Magicam about it, encouraging anyone would could to attend. She texted Cater the night before the show, telling him how excited she was, wishing them good luck. He tried not to think about how it made his heart skip a beat.
⋆ The night of their show the Pop Music Club was buzzing with excitement, a fairly large crowd coming to see them. As they went on stage Cater's eyes were drawn towards the front, right where Ruthie stood in the crowd. She waved at him, mouthing good luck as he gave her a small wave back. They did their usual introduction, playing some of the songs they were known for before playing the one Cater wrote near the end. He did his best to focus on different parts of the crowd as he sang, but he couldn't help how he would always go back to Ruthie, locking eyes with her more than once.
You're always on my mind I think about you all the time Um, no Let's not talk about it Drama, we can live without it Catch a wave if we're bored There's a clock we'll ignore Find a way around it Hey girl, I can tell there's something Even when you say it's nothing When you're playing with your hair Like you just don't care It's a tell you're bluffing Now please don't take this the wrong way I love the things you do It's how you do the things you love Well it's not a love song, not a love song I love the way you get me But correct me If I'm wrong This is not a love song, not a love song I love the things you do It's how you do the things you love The way you sing it, Put me through it I guess I always knew it (I always knew) I love the way you get me But correct me If I'm wrong This is not a love song (not a love song) Not a love song (I know it's not a love song)
Bonus scene:
⋆ After their show the boys headed backstage, ecstatic by how well their performance had gone. Lilia turns to Cater, a knowing smile on his face as he informs him, "You do realize that was a love song you wrote, don't you Cater?"
Cater stumbles for a moment, laughing awkwardly as he shakes his head. "It totally wasn't! I don't know where you got that idea from, Lilia!"
Lilia eyes shine with amusement at his response, asking, "Oh, really? Can I ask what the inspiration was for the song, then? Perhaps, you had someone in mind...?"
Cater was quiet after that, knowing his response wouldn't help his case. He couldn't say that he wrote the song thinking of Ruthie, after all. ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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peach-the-owl · 3 months
First post of NPC month! Woooooo!!! Let’s hope I can keep the ball rolling 😅
Avantica & Child!Reader
For anyone familiar with the Little Nightmares games, reader is somewhat similar to Six from the first game
Ability gained: +1 to Strength
Fire spread fast across the village, you paid little mind to the distant screams while you stare down the parasite that thought it a good idea to cross you… well more like former parasite, as the man’s corpse still stares at you with terror in its dulled eyes while you wiped the blood off your mouth. You weren’t the cause of the fire, as much as you would’ve liked to, no, someone else decided to cause havoc to the village and you were sure you’d take advantage of the opportunity. A shadow looms behind you, slowly you turn to face its owner, not a shred of fear present on your face.
“My my, well aren’t you just the savage little monster.” The woman smirks at you.
“I’m not a monster,” you state blankly, “I’m a kid.”
“No child I’ve ever seen can rip a mans throat out with their teeth so easily.” She points out before adding. “Nor has anyone ever been so calm in my presents. Do I not scare you?” You raise an eyebrow at this.
“Should I be?” You answer her question with your own. Her smirk only grows at this.
“I think you and I are going to get along real nicely…”
You did what you do best below deck, pest control, chasing down any pests and reaching into the smaller nooks and crannies to get at them. It was easy work for you by now, having been stuck with Avantica for about a year and half now, going along with her delusions of power. You didn’t care much for the patron she worshiped, this Uk’otoa creature not really striking your interest despite her obsessive ramblings over it, sure you’ve been play along, but that doesn’t mean you had to like it. The cellar door opens and several sets of footsteps are heard making their way down, you hear Avantica’s voice amongst them and you knew what this meant, she wanted to make an example to whoever these, possibly newcomers were. You’re theory that they were newcomers was proven correct, you’ve never seen a group so colourful and odd before, but curious of them as you were you sat back and waited for your cue, perfect timing too as that familiar gnawing in your gut makes itself known.
“If I may be so kind to ask, why bring us down here?” The half-orc questions
“Some have come to me with… ill intent. I wish to show that I myself, as well as my crew are not people to be trifled with.” Avantica explains, giving you the small signal to make yourself known. You step forward, close enough so this group could see you but keep enough distance away from them to stay out of their reach. You stare them all down, taking in the shocked expressions, sizing each of them up. The blue one steps towards you, her first mistake.
“Oh my gosh, hi! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She asks, looking at you concerned, she misjudges and underestimates you, her second mistake.
“I’m hungry…” You say blankly, noticing the goblin stepping closer as well.
“Here! It’s a bit crumbly, but I have this pastry you can eat.” She says cheerily reaching towards you, her third and biggest mistake.
“That won’t be good enough.” You say, tone never shifting away from being emotionless. “You’ll do just fine.” She barely processes what you said before you bite into her shoulder, she screams in shock and pain the others with her prying you off of her, but not before you rip off a decent piece of her flesh. The tiefling stumbles back, clutching at where you bit her, a look of horror on her face as you stare back at her while swallowing the fresh meat, wiping some blood away with your wrist. There’s a surge of energy that courses through you then out of you, you look yourself over for a second before looking beside you at the darkened and slightly unstable silhouette of yourself, guess with a lack of a deity this new ability couldn’t reach its fullest potential, not that you cared so long as it still does it’s job.
“What did I tell you,” Avantica laughs, “not to be trifled with.”
Ability gained: Invoke Duplicity
Evening approached which meant you were free to roam the ship without the crew getting in the way, though with the gnawing coming back, this being the fastest it’s ever re-emerged, you wished at least one forgetful soul stuck around. But then again you had some new treats, and a new skill, to play with…
The ship creaked as it swayed with the waves, the eerie silence otherwise didn’t sit well with Beau as she sits up from her sleeping area and surveys the room. Something about the atmosphere felt off as she gets up, the floor boards creaking under her as she shifts and moves around. She carefully steps as quietly as possible to the door, poking her head out into the hall, where upon sensing no immediate danger she fully steps out of the room. The boat sways subtly against the waves almost like it’s trying to lull her back to sleep, the harsh creak of the floorboards pulling out of such a mindset. To her left the hall was dark and empty, to her right what little moonlight shone down the hall was partially blocked by a figure standing as still as a statue.
“Damn kid…” Beau mutters under her breath, wanting nothing to do with whatever they were doing. She stares at the silhouette feeling them stare back at her. “What do you want, you little freak.” She hisses through clenched teeth, that’s when you let your little illusion drop, the duplicate’s silhouette shattering into pieces as you approach.
“I’m not a freak,” you say, as monotonous as ever, “I’m worse.” You manage to step back and avoid the strike Beau throws, using the moment to grab her arm and bite into it. She shouts in pain, reeling her arm away from you and quickly clutching tightly to the wound, but you already got what you needed, feeling a surge of energy rush through you, jabbing it out at her sending her to her knees. You disappear into the darkness down the hall as the others from her group stir to investigate.
Ability gained: Stunning Strike
“How lucky you are.” Avantica chuckles ominously. “You finally get to relieve your sea legs for a bit.” She was, of course, referring to your mission on Urukayxl. You knew the only reason she even wanted you there was to gain power for her advantage, at least that’s how she worded it. She was never one to tiptoe around her true intentions with you, your purpose, the reason she decided to keep you alive was solely to benefit herself, and you fully knew about it. On the other hand, you yourself had secret intentions you kept quiet about, just waiting patiently for the perfect moment, and if you were being honest, since the arrival of this Mighty Nein group you’ve felt that perfect moment drawing closer and closer.
“Can’t wait to get started.” You say as blandly as ever.
“Good. Now why don’t you go inform our new recruits we’ll be arriving soon.” You nod and turn to make your leave. “One more thing,” she quickly adds, “while you’re at it, if you could tell their ‘captain’ I’d like word with him.” Again, you nod in acknowledgement and leave her quarters to find said group…
“How exactly do we plan on dealing with that psycho child around?” Beau paces the room, unconsciously touching the scar you’d left her.
“With Avantica watching us like a hawk, can’t say there’s much we can do.” Fjord sighs, glancing over at Jester who, while was doing better, still shivered at the thought of their first encounter with you. “We’ll just need to tread carefully.”
“Who’s treading carefully?” You ask suddenly appearing behind him, causing the half-orc to jump away from you with a yelp of surprise. You look at him unfazed. “You’re not planning against the captain, are you?” You give a slight tilt to your head in minor curiosity.
“W-what? No! We were just saying how it’s best to tread carefully… around the crew. You know, s-so we don’t get in anyone’s way. Right guys?” They mumble rather unconvincing responses but you could honestly care less what they were doing.
“Captain says we’ll be arriving soon, and for captain Tusktooth to see her.” You deliver the message and leave before any of them have a chance to respond. You make your way down the hall when you hear someone approach from behind making you pause to turn towards them. “Can I h help you?” You stare down the goblin woman.
“I got my eye on you, kid. So you best watch your back if you try hurting anymore of my friends.” She threatens, you simply give her a hollow stare.
“Okay.” You start, a familiar gnawing beginning to form, it has been a few day since your last… episode. She turns to leave, her mistake. “Maybe you should be more concerned watching your own back.” She whips around at this but you’ve already disappeared from your original position, watching as the goblin panics while looking every which way. You felt the gnawing grow ever so slightly but held off on the urge, you’d have your chance soon. Urukayxl was going to be quite the interesting trip…
Haha! Cliffhanger! I’m so evil 😈 In all seriousness I will, eventually, get to making a part 2. Anyways, hope you still enjoyed, let me know what you think 😁
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reyxlight · 4 months
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝗧𝗟𝗢𝗦 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖
A Xanthous x Lampton fanfic
TW ;; death, mentions of war
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𝐗𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 the courtyard. It had been a while since he felt this sense of panic. Fear consuming him over the status of his lover. He had to be alive…Xanthous probably wouldn’t be able to handle loss.
Wouldn’t be able to handle it? What was he even thinking? He's lived for centuries, experienced countless deaths…why would this one be any different? He frowned at this realisation. What made this different? Why was Xanthous…scared?
“Sir Xanthous?"
The yellow fairy turned, and it didn't take long for the joy and relief to be seen on his face. “Lampton.” he responded, feeling much more at ease.
The two embraced and for a moment, all that fear that Xanthous felt earlier washed away. He was left feeling the serenity of his lover’s warm hold.
But that serenity didn’t last long. Xanthous pulled away from the hug and looked into the hazel eyes that were in front of him. “Is everything alright in the Charming Kingdom? How are your troupes?”
“Fine as of right now. However I fear the worst is yet to come. Everyone has their guard up. What about the Council? I imagine you are all equally piled up with work.”
Xanthous nodded with a sigh. “Unfortunately so.”
The two sat on a bench in the courtyard, staring up at the night sky. The silence was nice, it felt like someone had put a pause on the problems in the world to let the two men have a moment of peace next to each other. Xanthous glanced over at Lampton as a thought crossed his mind. “Gosh, you’re so handsome.”
Xanthous saw his red eyes in the reflection of Lampton’s hazel ones as the realisation hit. “I think I just said that out loud, didn't I?”
He responded with a wide grin. “Yeah.”
Xanthous leaned down and nestled his head on Lampton’s shoulder. He paid extra care in making sure he was keeping his flames in control so as to not hurt the head of the royal guard. The duo continued to sit in silence before hearing someone call for Lampton.
They got up and brushed off. “I suppose I’ll be seeing you next in battle?”
Lampton nodded. “We will come out of this victorious.”
“I hope so. I do not wish for everyone’s efforts to be in vain.”
“Indeed..” after a pause, Lampton walked off, turning behind before he was out of sight. “See you on the other side.”
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The middle of a war is never exciting. Most are used to the constant pattern of fighting day in and day out and nothing seems interesting anymore. So it was safe to assume everyone was very eager for the final battle to commence. That would determine a winner. That would end this whole mess.
So when the literary army announced the final battle to occur that night, everyone felt the anticipation. The eagerness to be free of the tyranny that was the villains’ rule.
After hours of hard work and determination, the literary army saw its demise. Crowds of people cheered as the war came to an end. Joy could be felt all across the kingdom as every village and town celebrated this victory.
The fairy council walked around the Charming Kingdom, checking up on the residents and inspecting the casualties. As they arrived at the Palace, Xanthous heard a familiar voice call his name. Upon the sight of Sir Lampton, Emerelda looked over to the council and said, “We should head into the Palace and check on the royal family. Xanthous, why don’t you check in on the guards?”
She gave him a knowing smile as she led the rest of the council into the throne room. Xanthous prayed that his face wasn't as flushed as he felt it was. He turned to Lampton and smiled.
“We won.” The soldier had a joyous grin.
The two embraced in a hug before pulling away slightly and sharing a kiss. A tender moment for the couple. However as Xanthous looked at Lampton, he watched as the hazel eyes widened in shock. He felt himself get pushed to the side.
His sight was blurry, voices muffled. All he heard was the sound of Lampton telling him to watch out. Xanthous watched as the guard’s body was seen dropping to the ground. Rage consumed Xanthous and before he knew what had truly happened, he watched a member of the Playing Card Army fall to the ground as well. Fairy Council members, the royal guard and the royal family rushed outside to figure out why there was so much commotion.
Xanthous was by Lampton’s side. The soldier had an arrow impaled in him. He was still smiling. Xanthous cradled Lampton in his arms. At that moment, he did not care about his relationship being secretive. None of that mattered.
“Stay with me.” He hugged Lampton tightly. “Please.”
“I'm fine Sir Xanthous, really.”
“Stop saying I’m fine when you’re not.” Xanthous held his clothes close to the wound to stop any further bleeding. “It’s fine to say I’m not fine.”
Lampton felt his own breath slow down. “Perhaps..I’m not fine..”
Xanthous hated those words more. But he didn’t say it. Instead he turned to the Council members. He was met with various faces, none of which were hopeful for Lampton’s survival. “Why would you do that? You had so many years ahead of you. I’ve lived long enough.”
Lampton had a pained smile on his face. “I made a promise when I became a member of the royal guard….” He gasped for breath. “I would put my life on the line for anyone. And I intend to keep that promise. Besides, I would never regret saving your life dear.”
Xanthous took Lampton’s hand and pressed it on his forehead. “Still…”
“I appreciate all of you. Xanthous, thank you for showing me a new perspective on the world. But now I must join the others on a different side. Don’t let our story go unheard Xanthous. So many people lost their lives…they deserve to be remembered. Now, I get to protect them again.”
Those were the last words from Sir Lampton. Selfless, as expected from a top ranking member of the Charming Army. Xanthous watched as he felt Lampton go limp in his arms. He felt the tears and did not attempt to stop them.
He knew what he had to do. He learnt why this love was different from the rest. Sure, he was scared. And yes, he had seen countless deaths over the years. But he learnt through his relationship with Lampton that his purpose was to keep their legacy alive. Xanthous knew that no one would ever forget Lampton, or any of the fighters of the war for that matter, and their service. He would make sure of it. That was part of his role. And he intended to keep his promise till he took his last breath. Just like Lampton did to save him.
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Well that was fun :D
This was a fic i wrote for @timecma for his birthday last year (yes…i wrote character death…for a birthday present- listen i gotta stay true to my writing style alright/j). this fic took me…5? months to write mainly because it was during my writing block months right after some of my exams. have i gotten out of writing block? hahaha no. it’s unfortunately…still haunting me….some day…some day.
Anyways another land of stores related post. it’s something i’ve been able to work on slightly more recently thanks to my friends who are tlos fans cause i can get the motivation and ideas easily. and i have stuff to make for the fandom thanks to this motivation ^^
now it might actually be a while till i post next due to mock exam prep but till we meet again <3
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navibluebees · 1 year
Someone to be Proud of (Recom Quaritch x Human Female Reader) - Part 9
Please read before interacting.
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You clung to Ka’ani’s arm. He had gotten a long, flexible leaf for a temporary sling and tied it firmly to hold your arm in place. Your body sagged weary and worn from the emotional and physical pain of the day. When you made it back to high camp, he helped you down and held you arm to steady you as you walked to the portable lab.
“Something is wrong. What is it?”
You shook your head and continued to the labs, shaking him off. Once you got inside, you took off the mask, taking a deep breath of air. A ringing sound cut through the silence. A call was coming through on the tablets. Norm and Max hadn’t come back yet, so you walked over and slid your finger across on the call. A young Na’vi face popped up, smiling and immediately frowned. 
“You’re not Max or Norm.”
It startled a laugh out of you and you said, “No, I’m Y/N. Who are you?”
“Oh, Kiri! Spider talked about you. Is everything okay?”
“Ye- uh, you know Spider? He’s here. You can talk to him.”
“Oh uh no that’s ok-“
“SPIDER! Come join the call with me.”
She crouched down, Spider appearing over her shoulder. His face startled when he saw you.
“Hey, kid. You okay? I have something for you. The newer tech is a solar rechargeable battery for the masks. I don’t know when, but I can see if there’s a way to get it to you.”
He smiled, thinking of more possibilities with a mask that doesn’t have to be plugged up to charge. “Yeah, Y/N, that would be so cool!”
Kiri cut in and looked at you kindly, “Could you show me my mother?”
“Who- oh! Grace. Yeah, absolutely. Hold on.” You picked up the tablet and walked to the tank holding up the tablet to face it. You showed Kiri Grace’s face and she smiled gently. “She’s really beautiful, Kiri. You look so much like her.”
Kiri’s face lit up and she smiled brightly. “I love looking at her. I know her spirit is with Eywa, but she’s still my mom.”
Your heart clenched tightly, feeling the separation from your own family sharply. You sat in a chair and held the tablet beside the tank so Kiri could talk to Grace. You pulled soundproof headphones over your head to give her as much privacy as possible. Suddenly, she was waving across the screen, trying to get your attention. “What’s up?”
“Dad said it would be really helpful to have that pack for Spider. Would you be able to come soon?”
A few days later, Ka’ani took you and a few others to the Metkayina clan. Mo’at was unable to come due to being Tsahìk, but sent a small package for Neytiri. Ka’ani had packed it and the extra batteries for Spider into his pack on his ikran. He was quiet after the other day when you had walked away. 
“I am sorry for being rude the other day. I had a lot on my mind.”
He sighed deeply and slipped into his accented English that he had learned from working with Jake so closely. “I sensed that your spirit was not at rest. Do you wish to speak of it?”
“Not really. No.”
“I understand. We do not have to.”
You continued to fly in silence until you approached a beautiful lagoon with shallow pools throughout it. You were flying over a reef, a beautiful village appearing ahead. The ikran slowed down, swooping to land on a stretch of sand. Ka’ani helped you down, holding your waist for support. You gave him a kind smile. You stumbled, a body knocking into his and then yours. A hand appeared on your arm to steady you and you looked over at Spider.
Your jaw dropped and you threw your unhurt arm around him, squeezing tightly. “Oh my gosh hello! Are you okay? Of course you’re not, are you hurt anywhere? Let me see.���
He grumbled, shooing your hands away from him. “I’m fine, I’m fine, stoooppp,” he whined. 
You two had built a bit of confidence between you due to ganging up on Miles when you had been at Bridgehead. There had been a prank or two he was not entirely pleased with.. 
You smiled and squeezed his arm gently with your free hand, the other one still in a sling. You looked over and saw that it had been Jake who had rushed up to Ka’ani to give him a hug. Ka’ani was laughing and clasped him on the arm. “Brother. I have missed you,” he said. “I am sorry to meet you after such sadness, but it is good to see your face.”
Soon, the other kids were running up to the other hunters who had accompanied you. Inquisitive Metkayina children came closer to the ikran, curiously inspecting them. Ka’ani pulled the pack down, greeting Neytiri and giving her the package from her mother, a collection of Neteyam’s things from when he was a small child. You pulled the extra batteries out and connected it for Spider, packing the chargeable one with you due to having outlets in the portable lab. Spider was thrilled with the new tech and ran to show the others.
You stood awkwardly beside Ka’ani’s ikran, avoiding stares from the other Na’vi. Spider was one thing, having grown up beside Jake’s children. You were other, dressed in human clothing and evidently uncomfortable in the new situation. 
You waved Spider back over and said, “Can I talk with you?”
He fidgeted a bit but nodded and followed you a bit further away from everyone. You turned toward the ocean and whispered in a low voice. “I’m not sure how you’ll feel about this. But your dad is alive.”
He froze and clenched his mouth shut before sighing. “I’m glad you know,” he whispered back.
“Wait, what? How do you know? I thought Jake said he was dead.”
“I… I rescued him.” You turned to Spider and put an arm around his shoulders as he talked. He leaned into you and tried to hide his tears. “Yeah, he did terrible things.. even to my friends and I feel like he’s partially to blame for Netetyam’s death but so am I because if they hadn’t come to get me then he would still be alive and I saw him lying there under the water and I knew if he stayed there, he’d die but he’s a person and he’s the closest thing I’ve got to meeting a biological parent and I just couldn’t give that up.”
His chest heaved after his confession, so you pulled him down gently to sit with you in the sand. He was shaking and you held him even tighter, being the only person in the world that understood how he was feeling. You told him about how he had come to find you the other day and how you really injured your arm. He listened quietly, not moving until he starting crying again. 
“I can’t tell them. They’ll never forgive me..”
“If he tries to come find you…they will find out, Spider.”
“I know, but- Do you even know where he was going after he left you?”
“I have no clue, Spider. He can survive anywhere. He’s adaptable. I think he will take time to heal. Then, I think he will come for you.”
Miles fought away every emotion he had, locking them down to be the perfect soldier, whatever that meant. He flew far, resting as little as possible. It was easy to find food to eat on the way. He had no idea of where he was really going, but needed to find someplace far away. He would lie in wait for now. He would heal his wounds and then he would find a way to destroy the people who took everything from him. He flew down, allowing Cupcake a chance to land.
He dismounted and squatted down, putting his head in his hands. He groaned and then threw his head back, screaming to the sky, to whatever god could hear him. A stinging pain raced down his leg. He looked down and saw a small dart sticking out of his thigh. His vision started to blur and he swayed, falling over. He looked up, trying to focus his eyes. He saw a dark shape walk toward him and lean over, analyzing him. 
“Tie him up.”
His head was swimming as he woke. He tried to glance around, scrutinizing his surroundings. He reached to rub his eyes and found his hands and feet bound. He paused, grounding himself to avoid panicking and opened his eyes, focusing his vision. He was in a cave and could see light at the opening, a reddish glow taking up the sky. 
“Ah, you’re awake.”
A Na’vi came in. They had darker skin, almost grey tinged, and what looked like a gold ring pierced through their septum. They crouched in front of him, leaning in and running a hand over his face, lifting his lip to look at his fangs. He snapped weakly at them and they smirked and lifted his queue, looking intently at it. 
“What are you doing? Where am I?”
“You are not Na’vi. You have much to learn. I believe your people call us the Ash clan. I am taking you to Varang.”
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @mechformers @nuttyrebelflower
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
*gently returns Kori back to you*
Link tried not to be too frantic as he searched. He hadn't seen Kori in nearly an hour, and though that wasn't a huge deal, they'd agreed to meet back at home for lunch. Kori never missed meals; the kid's appetite was ravenous.
Half tempted to go into wolf form, Link decided he would talk to Rusl and Uli quickly before heading for the edge of the village. He passed Colin, who was babysitting their sister, and gave a quick smile and wave before entering the house nestled in the heart of the village.
"Ma, have you--" Link stopped dead in his tracks, his racing heart relaxing as he breathed a sigh of relief.
Uli was walking back in forth in the kitchen, humming softly as she held Kori in her arms. His son was fast asleep in her embrace, comfortable and safe. Uli smiled warmly at Link.
"Hey, sweetheart," she greeted quietly. "Kori was playing with Rusl and got a little sleepy."
Link huffed out a small laugh. "Guess he really tuckered himself out."
Link jumped when he felt an arm on his shoulder, turning to see his guardian appear out of nowhere.
"We decided you needed a bit of a break," Rusl chimed in with a smile, tugging Link towards the couch.
"I'm okay," Link tried to argue. "But thanks for looking after him."
Uli's smile faded a little, eyebrow rising. Link felt himself shrivel a little under the look. "Um... I mean... I'll..."
He glanced at Rusl pleadingly, but his elder clearly had conspired with her. "Why don't you take a nap, son?"
"Pa. I'm fine."
"You won't sit with your old man?"
Link sighed heavily, giving in. "Fine."
Sitting on the couch, he let Rusl wrap a blanket and arm around him. At first he was a little stiff in the hold, slightly annoyed at being babied, but he settled into it quickly. He was a sucker for hugs, after all. Turning a little and tucking his head under Rusl's chin, Link closed his eyes as he felt his father play gently with the tip of his ear while he chatted quietly with Uli.
Im gonna cry oh my goodness this is so soft I’m just screaming and crying rn /pos
And the physical touch aaaaah I’m snsnbbsjsbBDJDBSKSBSJSBJSSBJS. And Uli DOES have the magic touch Kori could easily fall asleep in her arms I love that sm I just
I wish I had the words to express my feelings for this I’m just happy this is amazing thank you so much for this 😭😭😭😭😭
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pinkpersonsblog · 10 months
Title: Magic Touch
Characters: Ram, Bheem
Summary: Ram helps Bheem prepare for a date with Jenny, by making him look his best. The two bond as they realize how close they’ve become.
Word count: 1,264
Bheem sat in the chair in front of the mirror in Ram’s bedroom. Ram stood behind him, with a comb and a jar of coconut oil in his hands. Today, Bheem would be going on a tea date with Jenny at the palace. Bheem had been a bundle of nerves when he’d told Ram about it. He had no idea what to wear or how he should style his hair…not to mention what to say to her. Though it had eventually been decided he’d wear the same suit he’d worn during their Naatu dance. Ram felt it might trigger positive memories during their date.
Bheem had even shyly admitted to Ram that he was self conscious about how he’d smell, as Brits had made cruel comments about how Indians smelled of curry. Ram had scoffed at this, mostly because he knew Jenny wasn’t the cruel type. Anyway, he was going to make Bheem irresistibly attractive to her. Especially compared to uptight bores like Jake.
Bheem scowled as he patted his hair and studied his reflection. “This hair is the bane of my existence,” he muttered. “I wish it was more sleek and easy to style like yours is.”
Ram tutted as he took hold of Bheem’s hand, lowering it from his head. He placed his own hands on his friends hair and began playing with it, smiling unknowingly at how soft and curly it was.
“You’re crazy, Bheem. Do you know how many men would kill for your curls? They make you stand out.”
Ram put some coconut oil in his hand, rubbed it into his hands and then began rubbing it into Bheem’s hair from roots to ends. He frowned in concentration as he took the comb and ran it through Bheem’s thick hair, doing his best not to straighten it too much. He wanted to accentuate the curls as much as he could.
“I guess I always wanted what I couldn’t have,” Bheem said with a sigh. He then shuddered involuntarily. “Gosh, I’m so nervous. She’s so upper class and I’m just a villager. What if we have nothing to talk about? What if we have nothing in common?”
Ram thought for a moment. He wanted this relationship to work out for Bheem. He’d never forget how badly Jenny had wanted him to win at Naatu and how happy Bheem had been when she’d congratulated him. From that moment onward he’d known they were a perfect match. His eyes brightened as the simple answer came to him.
“Tell her what you like about her, how kind she’s been to you,” he suggested as he took hold of a bottle of cologne that sat on a nearby dresser. He asked Bheem to tilt his head away from him, then sprayed a bit of it on the side of his neck. He used a spare cloth to dab at it so the smell wouldn’t be overpowering. “Tell her she looks pretty, that you love what she’s wearing. Oh! Tell her she’s a great dancer, that you’d like to dance with her again.”
Bheem groaned. “There’s no way I’ll remember all that. You’ll have to tell me which one of those would be best for me to say.” He paused to sniff at the air. “Wow…that smells great. Like cinnamon.”
“You’re going to sweep her off her feet, you stud,” Ram said, grinning as he turned Bheem towards the mirror again, so he could see his finished work.
Bheem’s eyes widened as he gingerly touched his neatly styled curls. Ram smiled proudly as he could tell Bheem appreciated his appearance.
“And it’s not too oily either,” Bheem marveled, making Ram chuckle behind a hand. “You’ve really got the magic touch, don’t you?”
“Only when it comes to my most dashing friends,” Ram teased, pinching Bheem’s cheek playfully. His friend slapped his hand away with a laugh. “And don’t be so nice to me. You should save that for a certain lovely British woman.”
“Well, I suppose if I were to leave her for someone, it’d have to be my best friend.”
There was an uncomfortable silence that stretched a beat too long.
Ram had frozen in place, overly aware of his breathing pattern in those moments. “Best friend?” He asked cautiously, unsure if he’d heard correctly.
Bheem looked sheepish, as though he’d been caught with his pants down. “That may have been presumptuous of me. I might just be emotional right now. I’m sorry.”
Ram panicked, eager to put a stop to his friends backtracking. It was definitely not what he wanted to hear.
“No…no, Bheem. I like it. Really. I think you’re my best friend, too.”
He placed a hand on Bheem’s shoulder, squeezing it affectionately. His friend’s reflection beamed at him. Ram felt butterflies in his stomach and a grin subconsciously spread on his face as the words best friend were plastered in his mind like a massive banner. Yes…he liked the ring of it. After all, it’d been something he’d always wanted, but had never been lucky enough to experience until now. And now, it was official.
They were best friends.
Bheem stood up from the chair and turned to face Ram. He spread his arms and posed for him, making Ram laugh a little at his friend’s exuberance. “Well? Do I clean up well?” Bheem asked nervously. Ram studied his friend in his suit that reminded him of the most fun he’d ever had. His breath caught in his throat as his emotions were assaulted by the exhilarating memory of their dance.
“You look handsome,” Ram said kindly, after getting a hold of himself. His friend’s eyes crinkled at the corners in gratitude.
“Now I just have to find a way to make you ugly,” Bheem joked.
Ram shook his head as he laughed, shoulders shaking. His friend wasn’t ugly in the least, so he had no idea where this was coming from. Although he was mostly laughing at it being implied that Ram was that good looking. In that moment, he felt like he had to convince his friend that he was wrong about his self-perception.
“You’re not ugly, you idiot. You’re good-looking. And you—” Suddenly he hesitated, not sure if he wanted to disclose something that felt a bit too personal.
But Bheem’s curiosity had been piqued as he looked at him with crossed arms and an arched eyebrow. “What?”
Damn. Now he had to say it.
“You…you have nice eyes,” Ram stammered, realizing how much it sounded like he was actually flirting with him after his hesitation.
Bheem stared at him like he was seeing him for the first time. Ram’s compliment was practically begging for him to be teased, but Bheem didn’t take the bait like most would. Instead he shook his head as a grin spread across his face; he was practically glowing.
Ram discreetly breathed a sigh of relief, then chuckled, enjoying the effect his compliment had on him. “Yes,” he said firmly.
“No way…no one’s ever said that to me before.”
Bheem patted his suit and arched his neck to peek at his reflection. He even walked up to it, and though he tried to be subtle, Ram was certain he was studying his eyes from different angles.
After that, he noticed a spring in Bheem’s step that hadn’t been there before. He also seemed more confident and at ease with himself, to Ram’s relief. He felt happy that he’d helped to alleviate his friend’s concerns and made him believe in himself.
After all, he loved him.
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kate-m-art · 1 year
was gonna wait til i had more sketches but Im having a lot of feelings and want an excuse to ramble somewhere so ajdkfk Lir and her dad TvT
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Guess first just wanna say how much I love the relationship between Lir and her dad TvT She looks just like him, they have the same hair, same eyes, same face (she got her mama's height tho.) Her dad was the one in her family most fluent in sign next to her, and Little just loved him sm and trusted him w everything. When Eileen got upset she'd gravitate more towards her Mom, but Lir tended to go to Dad. It's not like he always knew how to help or what to say (especially with the magic struggles that came from his wife's blood) but he always did his best to make sure she knew she was loved regardless of what she could or couldn't do. And like, she was his littlest in age, smallest in size,, she had the most trouble with controlling her magic and refused to even try for a long time (it scared her a lot.) Just,, Protective Dad Instinct ™️ was there w all his kids but kinda even stronger with her and they were so close, she took after him sm, sass and all carried on his legacy and all that and crying TvT
Even longer rambles incoming because I need to get it out apologies in advance you guys don't have to read all this XD
Look legit can't remember how much I've said here but I have a lot of feelings over the concept of a dad!Link, especially with one as seasoned as the Hero of Legend TvT
His first adventure when he was a kid had him witnessing his uncle die, being hunted by knights, navigating a dark world on his own, changing forms, navigating 12 separate dungeons, being too late to save the princess at first, facing a sorcerer and then the embodiment of ancient evil itself. Just that alone is so much, affected him a lot with him being so young. And like he didn't even have to, no one forced his hand. Gets to me that he's one of the Links just motivated by *how much* he wants to help others (not a sibling or village being attacked, he and the Hero of Hyrule were just asked if they'd help and they both saw it through to the end even without a companion pushing them along.)
And then guy doesn't just stop there, he keeps traveling and helps other kingdoms who need it. Has an amazing head on his shoulders to be able to navigate oracle games dungeons. So much gets thrown his way and then on top of it all he has to defeat the evil he already thought he had destroyed; he has to live the rest of his life with the knowledge it's possible for Ganon to be resurrected, he's already seen it happen. And I guess I think that really shakes him up even more, because in Links awakening, facing Ganon again is his worst nightmare...
Gosh idk Arin touches on it a lot in Autumn's story but ye legacy hero of legend didn't have an easy time laying Hero duties and fears aside to live his own life after everything. He still has a fear deep down that he'll be called away from his wife and kids to face a threat only he can take care of. He and his wife argue about it, guys torn between being asked to keep his kingdom (and by extension his family) safe and being there for his wife and kids. Eventually he told Zelda he'd laid down his sword and wouldn't fight himself anymore but still gets called to the castle occasionally to help advise and strategize with the queen,, and always a bit of uneasiness in the back of his mind that things will take a turn for the worse and he won't have a choice anymore.
And like his fears leave an impact on his family too,, even though he stepped back from the role and title to be a dad he's still afraid that once he's gone and won't be able to protect them, others will hurt his family because of who he was. Guy has *everything* from his adventures hidden away, the only other person in the world who knew where it all was Maggie. When he passed, the crown took care of the body as per his wishes. Guy wasn't buried with anything that would identify him or trace him back to his family,, not even his wedding band. None of his family, even Mags, knew where he was laid to rest, and for generations (even through to Autumn's time) they kept quiet that they were descendants of the Hero.
Gosh idk just really gets to me how torn he was and how roles of Hero and Dad never quite meshed together. Also gets to me how much he just wanted to be a dad and be there for his kiddos, how he threw his whole heart into it, and how much he gave up to try to do that. Loves his little ones with his entire being and would've done anything for them. And like guy didn't always get it right but he tried so hard and TvT
Just Some Guy, but a guy who had the biggest heart in spite of a sharp and gruff exterior and *holds gently.* He didn't want to leave a trace of his life as a hero behind, the kingdom could make what it wanted from the stories, but his family kept the legacy of who he really was as a person and as their dad alive and idk,,, I Just Have A Lot Of Feelings TvT
(Also if you made it this far I am so sorry, giving you cookies and so many hugs 🫂)
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
So, we saw that Revna is now married with a lucky silver haired man named Máni. Please, gell me more about this man and how did he met our Wise Raven.
Oh, imagine if when Revna discovers about the prophecy on her twin brother’s children, she also discovers that she’s pregnant? Gosh, imagine if that child will turn out to be a boy she decides to name him Baldur?!
The delicate hands of the Lore Keeper of the Village reached up and gathered the cluster of books before her on the book seller's counter as she bid the man a farewell with a smile - which he returned with a bow of his head - before she walked out of the building and into the streets, where the people stopped what they were doing to gaze upon their Patron Goddess and Lore Keeper; thanks for Revna, the village was well known for its' vast amount of knowledge and people would come and go to either stay or bask in the knowledge Renva had accumulated.
Revna - the Raven of Asgard - as many knew to call her, walked through the streets of her village before an obstacle stopped her in her tracks and sent the books flying from her hands and clattering upon the sandy ground below her feet. Her golden eyes looked in disbelief at the books on the basis before noticing the shadow that consumed them - she bumped into another person. She looked up and her eyes widened at sight before her.
Before her was a man - he was taller than her by a few inches with hair as white as the full moon and eyes as silver as the light the moon gave off at night. His skin was tan and he was dressed in strange clothing - he wasn't from her village - and he was in possession of a bow at his back, arrows, and a sword at his hip. He looked horrified at the sight before him and began picking up the books he caused Revna to drop; Revna did the same once she broke from the man's beauty.
"Please, forgive me, I wasn't looking where I was going." The White-Haired Male said as he gathered the books and stood up while Revna only had time to get one book in her hands before she rose to her feet.
"It's alright. We all make mistakes sometimes." Revna looked the male up and down before she opened her mouth again to speak. "I do not recognize you, I do believe that you do not live in this village. What name do you go by?" The male handed Revna the books back before he opened his mouth to speak as he bowed his head to her.
"I go by the name Máni and you are correct, I am not from this village; I have traveled a great distance to speak to the Lore Keeper of this village." The male - Máni - explained in a single breath; this caused Revna to raise her eyebrow.
"You come all this way to speak to me? It must be important." Revna smiled but Mani looked horrified and he bowed his head deeper.
"Forgive me for being so rude, Lore Keeper! I didn't know it was you!" Máni thundered, causing people to look at him.
"Do not apologize to me, Máni, it's alright that you didn't know I was the Lore Keeper here. Please, raise your head." Once he did what she asked, she opened her mouth to speak again as she set the books on a bench behind them. "So, tell me, Mani, why have you come here? What do you wish to talk to me about?" Mani looked at the ground and exhaled before he began his tale.
"My Brother - Űlfr - was killed by a man that goes by the name of Loki. I want information about this Loki to confront him about my brother's death." Máni said - trying to keep his voice together and the tears from his eyes as he reached up and took the pendant of the necklace around his neck in his hand. Revna exhaled as she placed a hand on Mani's shoulder, making him look at her; she could see the hurt in his eyes at the mention of his late older brother.
"The one you seek to destroy is rather powerful and not someone you need to take lightly - doing so would spell for you your end, Máni." Revna said.
"You speak with wisdom dripping form your words and there is something more to it - how do you know of this Loki, Lady Revna?" Mani asked with a raised eyebrow, Revna rolled her eyes and exhaled at the thought of the Jotunn.
"He is my twin brother but the situation is rather…complicated," Revna said as she removed her hand from Máni's shoulder and dropped it back to her side.
"So, Loki has a sibling but you don't sound too happy to be related to him." Máni noticed.
"Of course, I'm not happy to be related to him - he is a horrible person and can't take no for an answer. Loki and his father have caused other people and me nothing but trouble." Revna's eyes narrowed as she spoke.
"What has he done?" Máni asked as he tilted his head in a curious manner.
"It's a rather long and complicated story." Renva said but Máni sat on the bench and gestured for her to do the same.
"I have all the time in the Nine Realms, My Lady, please, tell me what he has done to upset you so," Mani asked with kindness in his silver eyes as the light breeze blew his white hair around; Revna blushed at the sight before she sat down beside him, the books acting as a barrier between them.
Revna began her tale: She explained that she was born from the separation of herself and the Great Bear God - Bjorn; she explained that she was once Bjorn after a wild witch turned him into a female only to later separate male from the female when she was demanded to change the raven back into a bear. She explained that before all of this happened, she lived as Bjorn - the Son of a Former God and a Jotunn and was twin brother to Atreus, also known as Loki by the Aesir and Jotunn. Something horrible happened to Bjorn in the past and he disowned the family he was bound to by blood for a family that understood him and wanted him to be all he could be. During his time with the Aesir, Bjorn and the Daughter of Thor - Thrud - went on a mission for the All-Father - Odin - and there was when the witch cursed the bear to become a raven. Revna would exist for weeks before Thor demanded the bear back, only to be separated from the bear and become her own person.
"Lady Revna, that's quite the tale you spin and you are alright with everything that has happened to you and your brother?" Máni asked with concern on his face but Revna's smile erased the concern he was feeling.
"I am. I have a life of my own and a village of my own; I couldn't be happier. If only Loki and his father, along with the All-Father's Ex would leave me alone, then my brother and I would be most happy in our life." Revna exhaled.
"I shall not let Loki or his people bother you anymore, Lady Revna." Máni swore. Revna looked at him with confusion in her eyes before she turned to face him - truth shined in his silver eyes and determination swam with his words.
"Why do you care, Máni?" Revna asked as she raised an eyebrow to him, and it raised as a blush appeared across the bridge of his nose as he looked away.
"I'm not entirely sure myself, Lady Revna, but something inside me doesn't want anything to happen to you and I want to protect you, so that's just what I shall do. I hope you're okay with that, My Lady." Máni said as he looked into Revna's eyes, who smiled at him and nodded her head.
"Very well, Máni. Please, keep me safe." Revna smiled and chuckled, causing Mani to do the same. They sat there and talked for a while before they both left for Revna's Home.
Revna sat in her room alone - head low as her hand rested on her flat stomach - she couldn't believe this was happening to her; what did she ever do to deserve this? Just a few nights ago, The Norns revealed a prophecy about her Niece and Nephews - The Children of her Twins Brother - Bjorn: Magni, Modi, and Faye - and they were fighting against a dangerous foe, someone that had given pain to the Aesir: The Jotunn - Loki. Revna didn't know how to break this news to her brother and family but there was something else she was worried about - The Norns shared some knowledge about herself that she was completely unaware of - She was with a child, with Máni's Child.
She and Máni had been married for a while now and she loved the white-haired man but didn't know that she was pregnant and didn't know how to tell Mani about this Gift of Life, but… would he want to be a father? Would he want the child? What would Revna do if he left her after finding out she was pregnant?
Just then the door opened and Revna looked in that direction to see Mani walking into the room with concern and food in his hands. He walked over to the edge of the bed where his wife sat and sat beside her before placing the food on the nightstand beside the bed and putting his hand on Revna's hand, making her flinch at the sudden touch.
"Revna. I am worried about you. Please, tell me what is going on." Mani begged his wife but she refused to look into his eyes.
"I…I don't know how to tell you this…I don't know how you are going to react and it scares me, My Love; I do not wish for you to leave me once I tell you this news." Revna said as she slowly looked into Máni's eyes with tears in her own.
"Tell me what? What makes you think that I will leave you, Revna? I love you and nothing will make me leave you. Please, tell me what is wrong." Mani begged once again.
"Máni… I am with child, your child. I am pregnant." Revna said as she took Mani's hand to her stomach and placed his palm on the surface of it. Mani looked wide-eyed and looked at his hand upon his wife before looking at Revna's face with tears of his own in his eyes.
"You're serious? You're with child? Our Child?" Máni asked once again but Renva just nodded her hand, scared to say anything else; that's when Mani rose to his feet and stood in front of Revna before wrapping his arms around her with tears in his eyes.
"Thank you. Thank you so much for this." Mani sobbed as he held Renva tightly but gently. Revna cried even harder as she hugged him back and the two of them cried together. Máni didn't run away. He wanted this child. He wanted to stay with Revna. And she couldn't be happier.
"What do you want to name them?" Máni asked as he looked up at his wife.
"If it's a boy, I would love to name him Baldur, after my late brother." Revvna smiled.
"Baldur, I love it." Máni smiled as he closed his eyes and held his wife.
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shadowed-dancer · 6 months
I managed to pull Furina in the last 10 minutes of her banner oh my gosh
I am f2p and have been scraping primogems together for the past few days, and literally played for 6 hours straight today to find every single chest to get enough primogems. I had no more quests I could do, so I was entirely reliant on chests and achievements. My last hour was spent scrambling to get enough primos for ONE SINGLE WISH.
What ultimately gave me enough was a hidden quest called "The bad guy in Vimara village" which gave me 20 primos plus 5 extra for an achievement. I had a guarantee (thanks, Qiqi) but I was at 74 pity. If Furina didn't come home with this ONE wish, I physically wouldn't be able to get enough because there was no more time.
She came home at 75 with less than 10 minutes left on the banner (see the pulling times below? The banner ended around 17:58 with the new ones coming at 18:00). When I pulled her, the banner said "8 minutes left".
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Anyways, welcome home Furina! (My favourite thing about this screenshot is the feather gadget equipped from when I was tearing through Tsurumi island)
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"When the newcomer arrived literally out of nowhere, Chara squeaked, pulling her dress down and covering her naked leg. Alright, Napstaton could be a wardrobe, but he was a MALE wardrobe, he couldn't see her in that state.
-M… Milord - the human babbled, her cheeks heating while he approached them.
The wardrobe released an impatient exclamation.
-Enough with the "milord", beautiful - he dismissingly waved one hand in her direction - If you are gonna call the king by his name, you might as well use mine. Also, you don't need to stress so much about covering yourself - he sounded amused - I happen to like the same thing you do, you know? Only member of the "V" team here is Undyne.
-N-N-Napstaton!! - Undyne exclaimed, mortified - Oh my God, you c-can't speak like this in front of Chara!! 
-What, she's not a child!
-No, b-but she's still too young, l-look what you did to her!
Even before hearing Undyne's words, Chara knew she was absolutely red, because her face was on fire. Oh lord, how could the wardrobe speak so openly about that kind of stuff? No one did, at least not in front of young single women like her. She couldn't even speak after hearing his words.
Undyne was pressing one hand over her forehead, still scolding the newcomer.
-Also, you can't storm in when I have a p-patient, you know that!
The noble bitty released a dramatic sigh.
-Right, right, forgive me, both of you - he said, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture once again - I'm just here because I've heard about a ruined dress. Oh my. What a poor dress indeed.
Napstaton touched the torn fabric of Chara's dress, contemplative. After a moment, he pressed both of his hands together and proceeded to sing. As soon as the beautiful clear notes started, the girl's dress proceeded to fix itself, magic running through the seams and making the threads shine until the piece was whole again. The process didn't take one minute. 
-Wow! - Chara exclaimed, absolutely marveled. That was the first time she witnessed the wardrobe's magic - Wow, that was amazing!! Thank you so much, mil… Napstaton.
The noble put one hand on his "chest", visibly proud.
-No problem, beautiful. That's what my magic is for. I can also create new clothes or modify the ones you have, in case you ever get sick of them.
-I will keep that in mind - the human smiled at him, truly grateful.
-Now, will you be a darling and give me a ride to the second floor?
After putting her boot back on and thanking Undyne once again, Chara placed the tiny wadrobe on her shoulder and walked off the office. The human was silent, suddenly wondering about things she was not sure she shouldn't be thinking about.
-Speak. I know you want to speak - the bitty gave her encouraging taps on her shoulder after spying on Chara's awkward face - Ohh, is it something you shouldn't say? Go on, I love this. I won't tell anyone.
The girl briefly glanced at Napstaton, biting her lips. She could swear the wardrobe was smiling at her, even without a mouth.
-I… - Chara started, unsure about how to formulate her thoughts. Her face was already heating - You said… Back there you said you like the same thing I do - she inhaled before blurting out the weirdest question she had ever made - How do you know what I like? I could have a girl waiting for me in my village. Or even a wife?
Oh man, she really shouldn't have asked. That was totally inappropriate, young women like her should never discuss these matters. But gosh, she was SO curious.
The bitty's reply was immediate.
-Yeaaah, no - he emphatically shook his whole body before making a wide gesture towards her head - Darling, you have "straight virgin girl" written all over your face. You're not gay, much less married. Even if you hadn't just panicked over your scandalous naked ankle in Undyne's office, it's just there. You obviously like men - he quickly tap his "forehead" twice - Some people call it a radar.
-Oh - Chara blinked, impressed - I wish I had one.
-A man or a radar?
-A radar!!
Yeah, that had been the most awkward conversation Chara had ever had. 
And, speaking of awkward… Wouldn't it have been less awkward - not to say way easier - if Papyrus had taken Undyne to the crater to heal her instead of carrying Chara inside?...”
Chara, you are a READER. You should be familiar with the concept of romantic cliches by now. 
"ML, Beauty and the Beast is supposed to have happened centuries ago, so it's not historically accurate for people to be open and accepting towards non-straight people or even trans people in this story!!"
DUDE… I'm writing a story about monsters and sorcerers and a magical curse, do you really think I care if it's historically accurate? O_o
We won't have robots, internet or cars in TAOAT, but we WILL have diversity and people being ok with it! Why? Because I'm the goddess of this AU and I do what I want, that's why.
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