#gotta get those notes
seal-berry · 4 months
everyone on twitter is redesigning the hazbin characters and i have only seen one design that is even close to capturing original alastors bastardity. you fools trying to make him follow design principles when his original design sends the message that he eats principles for breakfast.
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i wanted to put Wally in my Barbie movie fit <3 he's gonna go watch it with his bestie
it backfired <3 poor thing's in a crisis
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vigilskeep · 3 months
ranking da love interests on a scale of how unhinged theyd be if their beloved was made tranquil (they would all be maximum unhinged its just a matter of deciding what flavour)
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aethersea · 3 months
devastating to go into the tag for an obscure vampire movie I've been quietly obsessed with for years to find mostly gifsets of minor characters (played by big-name actors) and review blogs saying they didn't like it :(
@ everyone who made a post saying "I liked it :)" I am blowing you a kiss. everyone who made a lovely gifset or photoset of the cinematography I am tipping my hat. that one poster that said "bro did y'all just miss the Entire Message about class and race or???" I am shaking your hand with enthusiasm there was SUCH a message about class and race
anyway everybody should watch Night Teeth and revel in glitzy flashy modern vampires in LA with me
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
thinking about when guts sent a bunch of his men directly into zodd's meat grinder without even knowing demons like him existed. and that moment after the fight where casca runs to griffith unconscious on the floor and tells guts it's all his fault. and the time gambino tells him he's bad luck and should have died instead. and about how he tells griffith he cares about his men, and how casca doesn't seem to see it. and the time guts is thinking about casca telling him it's all his fault (after he got griffith hurt) and then griffith comes to him and says (like it's nothing) do i need to give a reason every time i come to save you? or whatever. like he's worth it. like he's worth dying for, and like it can be a choice people make because they value you. like he's a good luck charm, like griffith needs him to reach his goals, his full potential. like griffith is not enough to make it without him. like griffith finds out when guts leaves. fuckin.g gnawing someone else's legs off because i still need mine to run into traffic
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yaoicoreren · 6 months
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rogueddie · 7 months
Eddie worked so hard to make Hellfire a safe place and had such a nice moment in the book where he makes it a point to let Gareth know that he's always welcome there and I can't imagine the betrayal the corroded coffin guys must have felt at Lucas turning on them
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mcdannowave · 10 months
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fiepige · 5 months
So, I recently rewatched atsv (again) and it got me thinking:
What do you guys think Miguel calls Hobie?
Cause he only ever addresses him as "you" when talking to him once in the movie.
Somehow I feel like Miguel wouldn't call him Hobie, cause their relationship to each other seems kinda strained, and I don't really see Miguel wanting to cater to Hobie by calling him by his nickname (if we assume that Hobie is a nickname and his full name is Hobart like in the comics)
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funnywormz · 7 months
i go absolutely wild for genderbends in the right context. certain kinds of genderbends make me extremely happy. but the issue is that i'm also very picky so i will look at like 99% of genderbends and get mad at them bc they suck and are bad. but that last 1% which are actually good........ unbeatable. y’know. so i continue dredging through the crap because occasionally i find a diamond in there................
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hey smooches!
All the Arlecchino crumbs recently brought to mind an old idea of mine!
Just imagine papanella telling you that his coworkers are off limits, for your own safety of course.
But...who can help it when The 4th Harbinger, The Knave, comes along and practically sweeps you off your feet? Some sneaking around that cannot last long, because of papanella's info network, so you have to settle for fleeting moments that Arlecchino steals by sneaking into your room in papanella's estate.
Arlecchino cannot help but lure you into a wing of the palace on her rare stints back in Snezhnaya and crowding you against the wall to look down at you with her dark eyes...
She just can't help how her lips lower to yours in a moment of passion while a few fatui agents pass by, but they would never dare look twice...let alone say anything to a soul.
Papanella would eventually find out and...oh his fury and worry would cause quite the stir amongst the other Harbingers. So much so that, during one of their banquets, Childe brings up how he saw you writing a letter and how you seemed rather dazed while sliding it away into a drawer.
Childe doesn't exactly like Arlecchino, so he worries for your safety with one of the most unstable Harbingers.
That starts an argument with Capitano observing, he had been the one you confided in after all...
I am rambling but this idea is genuinely stuck in my brain!
Oh. OH. OH OH OH- I'M DISINTEGRATING. Papanella knows very well how... eccentric his co-workers can be and some of the malicious activities they're a part of, so he always resolves to keep you far away from them! He can't risk you getting caught in between one of them, who knows what these kinds of characters will have you doing? Too bad his words are falling on deaf ears the moment you caught eyes with Arlecchino :) The two of you sneaking off for some alone time 🤭 You two may only have a few moments before someone realizes both of you are gone but that only makes it feel all the more better. It's not that long but the way Arlecchino kisses you with such passion and possessiveness makes you feel like she's been here the whole time. You definitely make excuses to Papanella as to why you need to go to the orphanage every week...
Oh but i can't imagine the scolding you'd get from Papanella 😓 Childe ily but don't snitch on reader like that, Arlecchino treats you very well 😤 Arlecchino herself probably just straight up ignores his accusations and doesn't care though. Capitano, while a bit wary of her, just wants you to be happy. It'll take a while but Papanella come around and accept the Knave as your partner (eventually)
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almost punched my laptop Full Force bc i thought the cursor was a mosquito
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martyrbat · 10 months
when people who have ‘i block liberally’ in their bios learn they actually have to block people & cultivate their own dash:
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solradguy · 11 months
w/ how much you post bridget I just consider her like sol's adopted child ahfjdjdnf ~pumpkin anon
She might as well be lol I'll defend Bridget to the death. She's kind of in the upper-middle of my list of favorite GG characters but dude there's good trans rep in my favorite series??? I'm ride or die for that. Bridget forever 👍
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crimeronan · 11 months
probably the most Pathetic part of the sleep consult was when he was like "okay so we're mostly talking about hypersomnia here, but you mentioned some insomnia too??" and so i explained that sometimes i'm too dead tired to do anything but go to sleep, except that then i lay in bed trying to sleep for anywhere from 2 to 6 hours with nothing happening, and i don't get any more awake or refreshed during the process, and if i get up then i just want to go back to bed, and he was like, "okay. but you're also sleeping for 12 to 16 hours a day. so what's Most Likely here is that you're struggling to sleep because your body has maxed out its ability to sleep, not because of an insomniac condition keeping you awake"
and i was just.
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helianskies · 1 month
ugly maths.
i hate maths, right. i don't usually like numbers, and if i do like numbers it's gotta be an 8 or a 48 and nothing else.
thing is, i've recently caught myself doing maths again. ugly maths. the kind of maths that, really, i've been trying to avoid as much as possible because, well, it's ugly!
you... wanna see?
okay, fine... but don't say i didn't warn you!
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ugly, see? look at all those numbers! not a 48 in sight!
huh? what's that? you don't see what i'm on about? oh... oh! hang on, lemme just—
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better? yes? no? no? okay, what if i—
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mmh, yes. ugly numbers. see it now? can you see why they're ugly?
here, i can make it worse.
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these numbers are ugly. the maths they make me do is ugly.
now i'll level with you: the worst ones by far are the yellow numbers. the maths they make me do it the ugliest.
why ugly?
because it makes me ugly.
those numbers turn me into not only a suddenly number-obsessed fool, but a fool who also cannot understand these numbers and what they mean and why i feel like they reflect on me and my ability.
87, 75.
the thoughts are as follows:
• the orange numbers are big, so why are you being ugly about the yellow ones? you should be happy with what you have. so many nice big numbers! not everyone receives that.
• is it that there are two different audiences for these two different fics? perhaps. they are quite different works, with different appeals, and different themes. maybe you are reading too much into it.
• why are you obsessing over numbers anyway? you don't like maths! you left maths behind when you were 16, put it down!
okay, okay, fine! i'll put the maths down. right here, in fact!:
that 87 was an 83 at the start of the year. the 6161 it is attached to was a 5453.
4, 708.
ugly maths.
the 75 is a nice number. in fact, compared to 87, it is beautiful, radiant, enchanting. at the start of the year, 75 was 48. wow. now that is one sexy number!
6161, 1061.
87, 75.
you know, my most favourite comment left recently on a fic of mine was 2 characters long: :(
it made me :)
well, actually, it made me >:) because it was left in response, presumably, to one of the key scenes in a new chapter which left the exact impression on someone that i hoped it would.
they must be the only one who reacted like that, though.
have i mentioned that that 87 and 75 include author responses?
i won't try to do more maths, there. it might not end well for me. the maths is making me tired enough as it is, and i have an early start tomorrow.
oh! but, that being said, i have another set of ugly numbers to show you, so keep 87 and 75 in mind.
838, 245.
(want a hint? the green numbers!)
838, 87. 245, 75.
9.6, 3.3.
ugly maths. it's ugly again, see? i don't like it. i'm seeing numbers within numbers within numbers, and i can't seem to stop!
the numbers make me ask new questions:
• why is it not good enough?
• people seem to engage more with one fic over the other, so shouldn't you prioritise?
• is all this maths this really good for you?
no, it isn't.
i want to avoid ugly maths. ugly maths makes me want to tear my hair out. it makes me want to start from scratch. it makes me want to grab someone and scream. it makes me want to cry and press a button that has tempted me many times before when the numbers become too ugly to bear.
ugly maths turn me into an ugly person.
ugly maths make me obsessive, paranoid, anxious, regretful, vindictive, spiteful, alone.
i hate maths. i hate numbers, just like, it feels, the numbers hate me.
#helia rants#cw vent#i'm okay but i'm not#this has been playing on my mind over the last couple of weeks#it's aimed at the sky rather than anyone here#i know i'm not the best myself as commenting. i justify it to myself by affirming i don't read much. which i don't.#since the start of the year i have tried to comment on everything i have read#bearing in mind i may also dm someone rather than comment because i want to scream and ramble about their fic more personally#that being said. i know i'm not the only one who finds themselves doing ugly maths#and in turn starting to feel uglier too#i don't like looking at the numbers#i was doing well at the start of the year#but as i open my drafts and look to a new chapter and at the notes i wrote#i can't stop myself from opening the fic. from seeing where it's at. from seeing if it's changed. from checking my inbox to see if...#if only...#what it's meant is that i've come to a point where a fic i loved has become exactly that: a fic i loved. past tense#the other fic is still a fic i love. but i know deep down that that is tied to the numbers too#i hate that this is what i've become#because i have tiny fics. fics with 50 hits and maybe 1 comment. and i love them. i still love them#but when it comes to the big ones. the multi-chapters. the hefty fics. after a point all i see are numbers#and those numbers have come to determine both my happiness and fulfilment as a writer#and so i am ugly. i am sad. i am pathetic.#and i don't know how to stop.#helia's stuff#this was meant to save back into my drafts. i was editing tags. tumblr decided it should post. so... so be it.#also this is not an attention thing if anyone dares go 'oh but you're a good writer uwu' i might do something we'll all regret#this is also not a 'ffs comment on my fics will you 😒' hell no#it's just about me. and my issue. and my unhealthy relationship with these fucking numbers.#gotta get this shit out of my head somehow :)
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