#grim reaper caretaker
montammil · 1 year
Whumpee is brought back to life by Whumper, maybe Whumper is a mad scientist who brought them back for fun or research, or maybe Whumpee died and Whumper just couldn’t handle the idea of their precious Whumpee being dead (especially if they were the one who killed them in the first place).
Then they meet Death, or in other words, Caretaker. At first, Caretaker is ready to kill Whumpee for real, because they don’t believe anyone should have the right to escape death, but then they find not only is Whumpee incredibly abused, but also Whumper is the one who brought them back.
...so they take pity on them and grow rather protective of Whumpee, and decide to not only spare them, but become their friend and protector.
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 3 months
Asylum Challenge sims and their criminal past
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Kaoru Martínez, aka "Scissors". His crime was reselling "Running with Scissors" playsets illegally. The product was banned after many lethal accidents and its commercialization strictly regulated. Has strange nightmares about losing rock paper scissors to a ghostly figure, but otherwise doesn't remember anything.
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Julio Amieba, aka "Ameba". Sixam name unknown. Involved with illegal alien weapons trade. No one knows his motive, he barely speaks Simlish and has lost connection to his telephatic abilities.
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María Palacios, aka "Art Attack". Involved in illegal art trade. After breaking into the Deh'Javu Art Museum Archives and stealing the original "Sunny the Tragic Clown" painting, Sunny showed up at her house and she decided she would rather turn herself in than having to deal with him. Her memories of the event are gone, but the depression still follows her.
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Noemí Mendía, aka "The tinderbox". Arsonist, her targets are tacky mansions and other buildings she deems "ugly". Dealed illegal fireworks as a side hustle. Again, no memory of her past, but when the moldy carpets and faded wallpaper of the Asylum get too overwhelming, she goes outside and lights a cigarette.
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Nora Solano, aka "Mediocre Widow" or, for the true crime fans, "Fake Olive". She hated being called a copycat so much that she attempted to murder the Grim Reaper to prove she was unique. Of course, that didn't work, and her past crimes were eventually proven. Her massive inferiority complex never went away, even after the memory wipe.
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Alicia Rodríguez, aka "The Witch". Former politician, involved with various mobs and money laundering schemes, repeated road traffic infractions. Feared for that and for her alleged supernatural abilities. But here, no one, not even her, knows who she is.
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Sergio Alonso, aka "Bulldozer". Passionate and violent defender of his favorite football team. Was involved with Alicia's schemes, but she betrayed him and blamed him for many of her own crimes. He was a fugitive until he was found by the misterious organization that runs the asylum. Now, when he sees his favorite team on tv, he feels nothing.
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Antonio Feliciano, the caretaker. His only crime is being desperate enough to participate in this shady experiment, hoping there will be a reward in the end.
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alchemicaladarna · 4 months
So I was listening to the "Everything Everywhere At the End of Time" album for the first time today, and I was also reading the description the creator (The Caretaker) wrote, and I was reminded just how much q!Bad's lore hurts and why I adore it so much.
This music, this piece of art that explores dementia throughout its advancements and totality, kind of made me realize why q!bad, his story and character, the past few months is just a sucker-punch to the gut. If you take away all the fantastical elements about him being a demon and grim reaper and all that and just look at the story from the perspective of a father who is slowly losing his senses and memories of his loved ones, the last five months just became more heartbreaking.
Q!Bad's story, of course, isn't exactly a narrative that details the stages of dementia, but I think it's heavily inspired by it. And I guess I've just now realized that it's so fitting this arc lasted for so long because in this way, we saw just how much q!Bad's been affected by losing his memories and senses and growing weaker.
It's a tragedy because it's a slow burn to death. The last three days hit especially hard because it's all coming to an end right? The finality of it all. The happy... no, not happy- but best ending you can hope for after all this is isn't "oh, they found a cure now he's gonna get better" it's "oh...it's finally over, he can rest now and hopefully be at peace"
Anyways if you like q!Bad's lore I highly recommend you to check it out.
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owosa · 1 year
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The “Happy” Family: BBH, Dapper and the bonus Skeppy
QSMP: Taking care of Eggs is Magic (?)
Basically, I saw a tiktok and my mlp fan inside woke up from its slumber, which ended with me drawing ponies (lol). This’s the second set of a few that I already have sketched of the families of the server (mostly the ones I like, so it’s not going to be everyone). I'll be posting them soon.
If you are curious about more details, check below.
BadBoyHalo: “The grim reaper of the server”. While at first it was more of a cosmetic than a thematic decision, I quickly realized that BBH as a Changeling made a lot of sense, especially when compared to MLP's Thorax: 
“A gentle soul who is believed to be evil because of the sins of his kind  and who, thanks to being accepted by one individual, managed to change his nature and do good”. 
Considering BBH's past lore as a demon who did terrible things and now instead being the greatest guardian angel on the server, I think it suits him pretty well.
Fun fact: While I see bbh being with the original changeling version on the server, me being me, I had to make the reform changeling version too (as horrible as the color logic for them is, I think I managed to get it to work).
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Skeppy: "The one at the gas station". The fact that Bbh manage to make him  canon on the server despite everything still makes me laugh; clearly you can't separate these two. What to say about the race, the diamond boy as a crystal pony? perfection! Also, considering the close relationship that changelings have with the crystal kingdom, once again, a duo that created itself.
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Dapper: Without even delving into my own logic on how to design the eggs as dragons, Dapper has made it more than clear that he's a miniature version of his caretaker (with his own quirks of course). For the same reason, the color palette came directly from BBH, while it was impossible for me not to give him the eyes of the other supposed caretaker, even if he is completely absent (but hey, Bad made him canon hahaha).
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If you thought I was going to make them all ponies, it's obvious that you don't know me (?)
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Evil Love Blooming In The Dark Part 2 Victor ~ Story
Victor, her Majesty's aide. People around him call him the 'Grim Reaper.'
His hand that was offered to me in a gentlemanly manner, invites me to hell? heaven? or.....
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The air in the Royal Court is serene and naturally makes one stand up straight.
(Even though I have free access to the Royal Court as a guest of the Queen's aide, I'm still very nervous)
An organization composed of only 'cursed ones', under the direct control of Queen Victoria----The Crown.
It is a great secret known only to a few people, and those who learn of it will lose their lives.
When I discovered this secret, I was spared death on the condition that I become a fairy tale master for one month.
(I am the one who decided to become the fairy tale master as a bargaining condition, so I must fulfill my duty with the utmost sincerity)
As I was walking toward Victor's office, I suddenly felt someone was watching me.
Kate: ".........?"
When I looked back, there was no one in sight.
(Ever since I arrived here, I've been feeling this....)
(....Maybe it's all in my head. Must be from the nervousness of being in an unfamiliar environment)
I shook off the feeling of discomfort and knocked on the door of the office before opening it.
Victor welcomes me with a big smile and a cracker bursts out with a POP!
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Victor: "Welcome to my office! I've been waiting for you. Miss Kate"
Victor: "How are you? Are you doing okay? Is there any trouble? Me? I'm doing great!"
The fact that this high-spirited man is the right-hand man of her Majesty, the ruler of the United Kingdom...
It's still hard to swallow.
He helped me to a chair humming happily and started making a cup of tea with a graceful gesture.
Kate: "....Um, Victor. So what can I do for you?"
Victor: "Ah! I was so happy to see you that I almost skipped the important thing."
Victor: "Kate, as the fairy tale master, I need you to develop a better understanding of the Crown."
Victor: "For that purpose, I want you to have one of the Crown members as your lover. For one day! Yippee~"
Kate: ".......Yippee? Why as a lover?"
Victor: "Well...Hmmm. I thought it would be a fun idea."
Kate: "....O-Oh. I see?"
Victor: 'Come on say 'yes'! Yesss."
Victor raises his long arms outstretched.
Kate: "Ummm, Yes, Victor....?"
Victor: "I, Victor, will be your lover for today."
Victor: "Fufu, I'm proud to say that no one knows the Crown better than I do."
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Victor: "I am the caretaker of the Crown. Basically, I'm their mother and father!"
Victor: "Kate. I'm her Majesty's aide, but I'm also a member of the very prominent Crown."
(With Victor by my side, I'm sure I will learn a lot)
Kate: "If it's not too much trouble, I'll be happy if you take me as your lover for one day."
Victor: "Of course! As your lover, I promise to make you smile more than anyone else."
Victor: "I won't lose!"
Kate: "Won't lose?"
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Victor: "I want to steal your heart before anyone else in the Crown. I may not look like it, but I'm very greedy."
He winked at me mischievously and Victor crossed my arm.
Kate: "Woah....!"
Victor: "Come, let's go! You just got here, but you need some things, right?"
Victor: "Let's go shopping at Harrods, the best department store in the United Kingdom!"
Kate: "Victor, this is not the hallway, it's a guest room!"
Victor: "I know, but there is a shortcut through here. It's good info to remember, right?"
Victor freely walks across the room where the bureaucrats have gathered for a meeting.
(.... The way they look at me, really hurts!)
Victor: "...Oh? The flowers on the table have wilted. That's not good."
Victor: "Let's blow some of Victor's magic! Fooooooo!"
Victor: "Here is a dead flower and now when I hold up my hand like this...."
At that moment, countless doves fly out of Victor's hand and fly around the room.
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Kate: "Doves?"
Victor: "Oops. I did it again. How mischievous of me."
A dove flying in all direction perches on the head of a man wearing a suit.
Man with glasses: "....Victor. The Privy council will not tolerate you doing as you please, no matter how much you may be an aide to the her Majesty, the Queen."
Kate: "....Privy council?"
Victor: "Oh yeah, I haven't taught you that. They are called the Privy council."
Victor: " 'Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council' is their title. To put it simply..."
Victor: "The high-ups of the Royal Court, who have the right to advise her Majesty, the Queen."
Kate: "I see. Thank you for your clear explanation, Victor."
Victor: "Gentlemen, she is my guest. I asked her to help me with my work."
Victor: "Her name is Kate. I want you to treat her with the same care you would give a flower."
Man with glasses: "I see. Ah, then how about inviting her to the Privy Council's tea party this afternoon?"
Victor: "What do you say, Kate? I'd like to respect your wishes."
(We may get involved in the future. If so, it would be better to build a relationship with them)
Kate: "I would be happy to participate. Thank you for the invitation."
We parted from the Privy Council members and boarded our carriage for the city.
Victor: "Kate, the Privy Council are few people who knows of the Crown's existence."
Kate: "....Are you saying they are not very happy with the Crown's existence?"
Victor: "Eh?"
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Kate: "I felt a little bit of a chill in the air and in the way those people were looking at me..."
Victor: "Miss Kate. I'm amazed at your power of observation, indeed. Yes, you're right."
Victor: "They are a very righteous group of followers of her Majesty."
Victor: "Therefore, they cannot tolerate the existence of those who deviate from justice and ethics or as they title them 'abominable things.' "
To them, it's an abominable existence. But because the Crown belongs to the Queen, they cannot interfere with it.
Kate: "....I don't know what constitutes normal."
Kate: "But it's a sad thing to impose one's own standards on others."
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Victor: "................"
Kate: "Ah, forgive me for my nonsense talk...."
Victor: "No, I agree with you."
Victor: "It is up to the individual to accept or reject it. However, no one has the right to take away someone's freedom."
Victor: "Oh! Looks like we're here. Come on, Kate."
On the way to Harrods, Victor bought me a three-tier gelato.
Victor: "This gelato is excellent. Harry, who has a sweet tooth, loves it and often eats one after his mission."
Victor: "Oh, and that bakery down the street, right? Ellis likes the baguettes there."
I keep storing the info Victor gives me about the Crown members in my mind.
(Fufu. Victor looks so happy. He must really love every one of the Crown members)
His love is contagious and spreads to everyone.
Baker's husband: "It's Sir Victor! What are you doing here with a pretty girl?"
Victor: "Oh. Hey, James. This is my girlfriend."
Victor: "Can I have your best croissant for her? The one with lots of powdered sugar!"
Bookstore clerk: "Sir Victor! The new book we were talking about the other day, just came in!"
Victor: "Mike! Really! I'd love to stop by."
(Victor has such a happy face, and he remembers everyone's names...)
The title of Queen's aide might put some people off, though...
Victor, on the contrary, is adored by so many people.
This is probably because Victor sees them just as 'people'.
(I think I know why Her Majesty has Victor next to her)
The people around Victor are always full of smiles, and they brighten up my heart as well.
A few hours after stepping into Harrods and talking with lots of people...
Victor: "..........We have a big problem, Kate."
By the time we circled the Harrods, Victor's both hands were holding mountains of gifts.
(I can't even see Victor's face!)
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Victor: "I was planning not to buy souvenirs for the Crown since I'm with you. But...."
Victor: "Ellis's shirt keeps getting ripped and Liam also needed a new jacket and..."
Victor: "Oh, this new tie pin I found, would look good on Alphonse. Look."
Victor: "Jude also want's new shoes..."
Kate: "Victor, be careful..."
I held the boxes just in time as they were about to fall off from the top.
Victor and Kate: "Phew..."
Victor: "....Kate, I'm sorry."
Kate: "Fufu...Ahahaha. I've never seen anyone buy this much in just a few hours."
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Victor: "............"
(....This man is very cute)
Next to Victor, the place is like a toy shop turned upside down and I can't help but laugh.
Kate: "Victor, being with you is really fun."
Victor: "....Ah, finally I got you to smile."
Kate: "Eh?"
Victor: "Ever since you arrived at the Crown Castle, you never once laughed to your heart's content, have you?"
Victor: "Of course, it was our fault because we also threatened to kill you."
The intense anxiety and fear of that night are still very much with me.
(I have to convince them somehow....!)
(If the reason why they want to kill me is because I know their secret then....!)
Kate: "I swear I will never tell anyone else what I just heard!"
Victor: "We are the ones who caused you to be afraid, I know it's selfish of me to think this way, but..."
Victor: "I used to think every time when I see you, Kate. How would you look like if you laughed."
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Victor: "You are a very beautiful lady whether you are smiling or not...."
Victor: "But it makes me happy to see you smile."
Victor: "Thank you for making me happy, Kate."
(.....I don't know why, but I think I'm going to cry)
Kate: ".....Same here. Thank you."
It was all I could manage to say, for I was afraid that if I relaxed tears would fall.
Victor: "Kate. Once again, sorry. Can you please help me get this on the carriage?"
Victor: "I'm the worst. I can't even escort you with style."
Kate: "Sure! Leave it to me."
(This is....)
After loading the carriage with gifts, Victor escorted me to this room to thank me for my help.
Even I knew that at Harrods this was a room reserved for rich people only.
Victor: "Pick anything you like. It's gift for you."
Kate: "Oh no! I've bought a lot of things before I came here....."
Victor: "That's something you need in life. But this is different. It's something I want to give to you."
He is soft-spoken, but Victor's smiling face says that 'I won't give up!'
(....This room is full of wonderful things, though)
Victor: "Kate. I believe that the act of knowing cannot be done unilaterally."
Victor: "I hope that ''wanting to know' means, the desire to have a relationship with each other."
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Victor: "Remember, we want to know you as much as you want to know the Crown."
Kate: "...Victor."
Victor: "I'm preachy and old-fashioned! Now go ahead, pick whatever you want."
Kate: "Y-Yes!"
(....He sees me just as a normal person. Just like the people om town)
The Crown and the Postman. The Queen's aide and the Fairy tale master.
People have all kinds of titles attached to them, but it was a great pleasure to see them removed.
When I let my gaze wander to choose something.
A midnight-colored dress that was displayed on a torso mannequin caught my eye.
(.....That's a beautiful dress. I love it, I wish to wear something like that)
(But I feel sorry. It must be expensive...)
Among the many things, I pointed to a small but exquisite and beautiful hair ornament.
Kate: "That butterfly hairclip."
Victor: "Oh, it's lovely. It would look good on you. Let's pack that one up."
Kate: "Thank you Victor, I will treasure it forever."
Victor: "....Ah, your welcome."
Victor: "So now, we have to go to that tea party, right? To tell you the truth, I would rather be alone with my cute lover instead."
Returning to the Royal Court, we found the Privy Council in the beautiful garden.
The table is lined with expensive-looking tea utensils and sweets.
(I'm Victor's guest, so I have to be careful)
As I was bracing myself once again, Victor peeked into my face and....
Victor: "Kate. say Ahhh..."
Kate: "Ah, Mmph...."
He picked up a strawberry and shoved it into my mouth.
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Victor: "Haha, you look like a cute little squirrel. My girlfriend is so cute that my heart's melting."
Victor held my shoulder and put his lips to my ear.
Victor: ".....Relax, Kate. I'm here for you."
After whispering those reassuring words, Victor and I looked at each other and laughed...
Maid: "Sir Victor. Um.......the head chef wants to speak with you."
Victor: "..............."
Victor: "Does it have to be now?"
Maid: "Eh, y-yes....I heard it's urgent."
Kate: "....It's okay, Victor, I'll be fine."
Victor: ".....Yeah, okay. I'll be right back."
When Victor was out of sight, one of the Privy Council members spoke up.
Black-haired bureaucrat: "It's a pleasure to be here today."
Black-haired bureaucrat: "I asked Her Majesty to join us.......but was unfortunately declined."
Brown-haired bureaucrat: "It can't be helped. Her Majesty prefers silence."
Black-haired bureaucrat: "Yeah, but I was able to borrow her precious tea set from Her Majesty."
The voice spilled out and resounded like a cheer.
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Black-haired privy council: "And is not just any ordinary tea set either. It gift to Her Majesty, by many nations."
Brown-haired privy council: "It's a token of friendship between nations, which we would be loathe to touch."
(Why is such an important thing here?)
(.....Anyways, let's just keep our distance, just in case)
Just as I was about to take a step back, I felt a thump on my back.
Kate: "....!"
In my stumble, my hand hit a teapot on the edge of the desk and it tumbled and fell down......
Bitter END // Premium END
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Story Event: Wicked love blooming in the dark night (part two)
Chapter 1
There are translations of this event floating around already but since I finished it a while ago and just needed to edit it/add some pics I thought I would share it.
Never too much Victor in your life.
Not much in terms of warnings. Just a sexy dork doing shady things.
~~Part 1~~
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Queen's aide Victor. People around him call him the 'Grim Reaper'.
His gentlemanly outstretched hand invites me to hell, heaven, or...
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The atmosphere in the Royal Court was so calm, it naturally straightened one's back.
As a guest of the Queen's aide, I was free to enter and leave the place at leisure; there was no reason to be nervous.
The Crown, an imperial organization under Her Majesty's direct control, was composed solely of the 'Cursed'.
Its existence was a big secret only few people knew, and those unlucky ones who found out would soon lose their lives.
Having learned that secret, I managed to evade death on the condition I would become a fairy-tale writer for a month.
(I already agreed to it, now I have to do my best to fulfil the contract)
As I was walking towards Victor's office, I suddenly felt someone's eyes on my back.
Kate: "...?"
I looked around but there was no one to be seen.
(Ever since I came here, I've often felt this way...)
(…but that's just my imagination, right? I'm just anxious in an unfamiliar environment)
Shaking off the discomfort, I knocked on the door and opened it—
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Pop! Victor welcomed me with a smile and the sound of a party popper.
Victor: "Welcome to my office. I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival, Miss Kate."
~~Part 2~~
Victor: "How are you? Any new developments? Problems to solve? Me? I'm in great shape today!"
The fact that this high-strung individual was the right-hand man of Her Majesty the Queen, the ruler of this country,
was difficult for me to swallow.
The person in question hummed a song as he pushed me into a chair and gracefully brewed me a cup of tea.
Kate: "...so Victor. What did you need me for?"
Victor: "Oh! I was so happy to see you, I almost skipped over the important matters."
Victor: "Kate. From now on, your task as a fairy-tale writer is to further your understanding of the Crown."
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Victor: "For this reason, I will ask you to choose one of us and spend the whole day as lovers. Yay!"
Kate: "...erm. Why lovers?"
Victor: "That's, hmm, somehow! Wouldn't you say this sounds like a fun idea?"
Kate: "...If you say so?"
Victor: "That's why say yes! Yes! Ye-es!"
His long arm was stretched out towards me.
Kate: "Um, yes. Victor...?"
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Victor: "Yours truly is running for the position."
Victor: "Heh, as it happens no one knows more about the Crown than I do."
Victor: "I'm the caretaker of the Crown, also the mother and the father..."
Victor: "Kate, I'm the Queen's aide, but I'm also a member of this fine organization, you know?"
(I could learn a lot by being at his side)
Victor: "Then, if you don't mind, please treat me as your one-day lover."
~~Part 3~~
Victor: "Oh, of course! As your lover, I promise I'll make you smile more than anyone else would."
Victor: "Come on, I can't lose here."
Kate: "You can't lose?"
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Victor: "I want to steal your heart before anyone else in the Crown. It might come as a surprise but I'm exceptionally greedy."
He winked mischievously as he proceeded to link our arms.
Kate: "Whoa..!"
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Victor: "Alright, come with me! Since you just arrived, is there anything in particular that you need?"
Victor: "We're shopping at Harrods, the UK's number one department store! Let's go!"
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Kate: "Erm... Victor. This isn't a hallway, it's a parlour!?"
Victor: "It's a shortcut if you pass through here. Worth remembering, isn't it?"
He casually strolled through the room where government officials were gathering for a meeting.
(...their stares are incredibly painful!)
Victor: "Oh? The flowers on the table have withered. That's no good."
Victor: "At times like this, Victor's Magic Show to the rescue—! Yay, Fooooo!"
Victor: "Here's a dead flower. But when I put my hand up like this..."
~~Part 4~~
Victor: "At times like this, Victor's Magic Show to the rescue—! Yay, Fooooo!"
Victor: "Here's a dead flower. But when I put my hand up like this..."
At that moment countless pigeons flew out of his hand and scattered around the room.
Kate: "Huh, pigeons!?"
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Victor: "Oops, I failed. I'm such a troublemaker."
One of the pigeons landed on the head of a man in a suit.
Councilman in glasses: "...lord Victor. Even though you're the Queen's aide, the Privy Council can't overlook the fact that you do as you please."
Kate: "...Privy Council?"
Victor: "I haven't told you yet. They're called the Privy Council."
Victor: "The official name is 'Her Majesty's Highest Privy Council'. Hmm, that's right, to put simply..."
Victor: "Gathered here are court officials who have the right to advise Her Majesty the Queen!"
Kate: "I see. Thank you for the explanation, Victor."
Victor: "Gentlemen, this is my guest. I asked her to temporarily support me with my work."
Victor: "Her name is Kate. I want her to be treated with plenty of care, like a delicate flower."
Councilman in glasses: "I see. Then, would you like to come to a tea party held by the Council this afternoon?"
Victor: "What do you think, Kate? I want to respect your wishes."
(I may be involved with them in the future. In that case, it would be better to start building a relationship)
Kate: "Then please allow me to join you. Thank you for your kind offer."
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After parting ways with the Privy Council, we boarded a carriage to head into town.
Victor: "Kate, members of the Privy Council are amongst the few who know about the existence of the Crown."
Kate: "...is it possible they don't like the Crown?"
Victor: "Huh?"
Kate: "Something about the atmosphere in there, and the cold stares directed at me."
Victor: "Miss Kate. I am in awe of your powers of observation. Indeed, that's right."
Victor: "They are a group of people with a strong sense of justice who follow Her Majesty the Queen."
Victor: "That's why they don't approve the existence of people who deviate from justice and morals; those whom the world would call 'less ordinary'."
Although it was a fragile coexistence, it meant that the Council couldn't expose the Crown that reported directly to Her Majesty the Queen.
Kate: "I don't know what you'd usually consider 'ordinary'..."
Kate: "...but imposing your standards on others is sad, isn't it?"
Victor: "....."
~~Part 5~~
Kate: "Oh, sorry. This sounds conceited..."
Victor: "No, I agree."
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Victor: "One is at liberty to have their opinion. However, no one has the right to deprive people of their freedom."
Victor: "Ah, it looks like we've arrived. Come, let's go Kate."
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On the way to Harrods, Victor bought me a three-tiered gelato.
Victor: "This gelato is excellent. Harry, who has a sweet tooth, also likes it and often comes here after a mission."
Victor: "Oh, there's a bakery down the street, isn't there? Ellis likes their baguettes."
I was taking in all the information about the Crown members that Victor shared with me.
(Hehe, he looks like he's having a lot of fun. He really loves everyone in the Crown)
His affection was so contagious I found myself warming up to him and the others.
Baker: "Isn't that lord Victor?! Bring the cute lady here, sir."
Victor: "Hi James. As it happens, this lady is my lover."
Victor: "Can I have your special croissant for her? The one with plenty of powdered sugar!"
Bookstore clerk: "Lord Victor! The book I mentioned the other day has arrived!"
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Victor: "Mike! Really? I have to stop by for a chat."
(He's so popular! How can he remember everyone's names?)
One might think the title of Queen's aide would turn people off,
but on the contrary, he was adored by so many.
It was likely because he approached them as people first, regardless of their class or titles.
(I could understand why Her Majesty wanted to have him at her side)
Spending time in Victor's company, surrounded by joy and laughter, I could feel my heart lift.
A few hours later, after shopping and talking to countless people in Harrods,
Victor: "This might prove challenging."
Chapter 2
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silkekruse · 5 months
@battlevann @cicada-candy @fleaearred (Sorry for the tags but i'm screaming i'm going feral i'm screeching)
Me and a irl friend where playing this game called Smite, which features gods and deities from around the globe, i was playing as Thanatos cause i wanted to see how he worked in-game (and ofcourse my grim reaper/psychopomp obsession kicking in lmao) after a few rounds both my friends and i got a chest including any random item...
I FRICKING GOT THANATOS'S GRIM REAPER SKIN!!?!?! Coincidence?! (I think not tbh 👀💀😳) I AM SCREAMING WTF AAA- Like i literally screamed loud enough that my caretaker came to check up on me lmaoo 🤣😭😳💀 LOOK AT THE EDGY BOYO OMGG!! ( if i didn't know any better i'd say this would be Thanatos dropping a big old hint lol- ) i mean there was this one time i got bullied at a town fair and this HUGE grim reaper animatronic at the haunted house had a "error" and swung it's scythe right between me and the bullies, if they where any closer one might've being seriously hurt, even tho it was a fake scythe...cause that thing had a force holy shit- fun fact about this, that animatronic got checked, since it was supposed to stop it's swing with the scythe above the height of a adult, and they found nothing, so sadly they rewired the thing and took the scythe away :") Anyways enough rambling- look at the spooky lol XD
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(Also if anyone here has Smite and feels like adding me, feel free, altho i am still a bit of a newbie lol)
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sporktato · 1 year
Continuing to be in Hell (or, more Ghost Ideas)
I have Ideas about a few Ghost-centered GhostSoap fics that I do not have the time or energy to currently write, so please accept these meager offerings in their place
1. Obligatory sickfic. I feel like I haven’t seen enough/any of these, and the potential is delicious. Please it’s obligatory this is also a request for someone else to write this too. The fever-induced flashbacks, etc, caretaker Soap, the flavours are melting in my mouth
2. Obligatory coffeeshop/flowershop AU BUT I’m making it more traumatic.
I’m thinking Price runs 141 Coffee (@bluishfishfood has an absolutely wonderful coffeeshop AU comic that I’ve sold my soul to and it is my inspo for this)
There’s a flowershop down the way that’s been closed as long as Soap and Gaz have been working at 141, until one day Gaz is like “Hey did y’all see that tall grim reaper-looking dude going into the closed flowershop? Wonder what’s up with that?” And Price books it over, because he knew the owners of Beth’s Flowers before, and he knows there’s only one Riley left, a tall grim reaper-looking dude, and maybe he’s excited maybe he’s scared, what the hell could Simon be doing in his dead brother and sister-in-law’s old shop?
Still deciding how Price and Ghost know each other, cause still debating how angsty with Ghost’s backstory I want to go. Could be very in line with comic canon with Roba and everything, and Ghost just got discharged after because he’s unfit for duty (which Price would know him through SAS). Could be just tragic car crash or something and maybe Price was one of the cops that dealt with it or something. Or could be somewhere in between, where the Riley family was just wrong place wrong time and got targeted by some fucked up people for no reason at all, and Simon had managed to be in the right place at the wrong time and missed the break in, the fight, the gunshots reported by the neighbors, the bloody beatings, and the torched house to destroy the evidence. There are murderers in this world, and entire families die. Maybe Price was a cop on that case too, and took Simon in for a bit after, till one morning Simon was just gone. And Price looks for him, but the kid was always a bit of a ghost, and Price can’t blame him for finding some corner to blow his brains out in, but he can blame himself - so he retires, opens a coffeeshop once he goes stir crazy, and suddenly Gaz is telling him Simon Riley is back.
Anyways Price shows up expecting nothing and anything, and sure as shit Simon Riley is standing in the middle of Tommy and Beth’s flowershop. He’s decided to try to reopen it, maybe sell plants as well as cut flowers (things you can root and grow and keep alive - there’s uh some symbolism there)
It still takes ages for Soap, Gaz, and the others to actually meet Ghost - Price can still see the cracks in Ghost and keeps his idiots on a tight leash, only letting himself be the one to run across the way every day to drop off a tea (on the house, of course).
Eventually, they meet, obviously. Maybe Soap’s closing up the late shift, and turns around and suddenly there’s a fucking demon in front of him - of course it’s only Ghost, in all black with a skeletal medical mask and skeleton gloves and hood up and somehow didn’t ring the bell over the door on entrance - but Soap had already shit himself.
Basically this one is just about healing, Ghost remembering his family without getting pulled down by them, and hey if there’s a mouthy barista just down the way that writes stupid as shit jokes on your cup it’s a plus as well.
3. Undercover Mission. Basically I’m gay uhhhhhhhhh They have to infiltrate some high end gala or something but it’s a group/person the 141 has dealt with before and “Everyone there is gonna recognize our faces, Price”, “Well there’s one face they’ve never seen”. Cue a pissed off but holy shit fucking sexy Ghost stepping into the room in formal wear and no mask and basically I just want Soap to have the biggest gayest crisis of his life and then have to be on overwatch for Ghost and be forced to continue to stare at Ghost’s ass and his face and his hair and his forearms holy shit watch him through a scope as Ghost makes the mission his bitch (and if Soap gets possessive watching assholes talk to/flirt with his unmasked and unarmed Ghost, well no one has to know (Soap’s dick definitely knows))
4. Supernatural AU. Same military setting as normal, but supernatural beings exist.
Price is a therianthrope (i.e. human that can turn into different animals). His go-to is a bear, but will also change to hawk pretty often for scouting. There’s a handful of other more normal animals he’s pretty good at, but bear is the most comfortable for him.
Gaz is a werewolf (this may or may not be mainly for the cat and dog jokes Soap can and will make).
Soap is an empath, and a very powerful one. This isn’t in any of his files because a lot of people are against empaths doing the hard and dirty work groups like the 141 does - they’re worried empaths might be more susceptible to flipping sides, and to torture, or may crumble from all the death around them. They’re usually in overwatch positions like Laswell’s, able to help with their abilities without actually being a “liability”. At beginning of fic, no one in 141 knows he’s an empath, though he doesn’t exactly hide it anymore, he just also doesn’t broadcast it. He can also manipulate others’ emotions, and force them to do stuff even if they don’t really want to. Still working on what to call it, but only powerful empaths can do it, and it’s usually a very slippery slope. Soap’s very careful with his Commands, partly because he’s very aware how terrible it can be to be Commanded, partly because it’s a surefire sign of a powerful empath and he is still trying to fly low, partly because his older sisters would kick his ass if any hint of a Command slipped out when they were all younger, but mostly because that’s just not who he is.
And Ghost? Oh boy. Ghost was born human, but is now a hybrid, which is a mess of issues. Hybrids cannot be born, and to create hybrids is illegal basically everywhere in the world, so basically just by looking at Ghost you can tell something happened. He’s now part big cat (yes I’m making catboy Ghost stfu), and has the ears, tail, sharp canines, and senses of a feline, and makes sure to hide all of it. His eyes also look just the slightest bit off, but with the mask you don’t notice. (I’m also thinking about giving him little Wolverine-ish claws that retract in and out of his fingerpads but are very painful and bloody to do so). In case it isn’t obvious, his forced transformation was a result of Roba. In case it isn’t obvious, the amount of trauma this bad boy can fit into him is Massive. He’s a monster now, but not even a normal one, no, he’s the only monster that’s still literally illegal. His issues with seeing himself in the mirror. Hiding the ears, the eyes, the tail, etc in his Ghost getup. The trauma potential... Going into fic, only Price knows he’s a hybrid
Everyone finds out about Ghost being a hybrid and Soap being an empath in a span of minutes at the end of a mission one time. Soap had rigged a bomb to give them cover to get the hell out of dodge, but something went wrong with the fuse and it goes off way too early. Not early enough to ruin the mission, or frankly even to seriously injure any of them, but Ghost, for some reason, goes down hard. Luckily, Price is with him, and drags his ass to exfil and into the copter, but he’s acting like he took a piece of rebar to the lungs and Soap can’t figure it out but fucking hell if Soap himself isn’t feeling the nauseating pain Ghost is putting off. Soap doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he knows he’s never felt Ghost hurt in this way before, and he knows it’s his fault.
Quickly enough, Price rips the bandaid off for all of them, pulling Ghost’s mask off in one short action, and the first thing Soap sees is cat ears, and the second is blood. It takes longer than it probably should for Soap to put together the pieces, and even longer to remember that cats have some of the most sensitive hearing among mammals, and that Soap’s faulty bomb ruptured Ghost’s sensitive eardrums and then some.
And boy if that copter isn’t a mess for a while after, cause Ghost is in a lot of pain and his face is bare and his team knows how much of a freak he is etc etc etc, while Soap is the one actually crying because Ghost is in a lot of pain which means Soap is too (and maybe those higher ups were right about empaths being useless in the field) and Ghost is in that pain because of Soap and also Ghost is a hybrid which means something bad happened etc etc etc
In between crying Soap is just like “Is now a bad time to tell y’all I’m an empath???” And Price, who is trying to assess Ghost without Ghost literally killing him for it, just pauses, and very tiredly goes, “Yes, Soap, it is actually”. And Soap goes, “Oh, okay, forget that then”, and goes back to crying on Gaz.
It all turns out fine in the end, Soap makes a bunch of cat and dog jokes, Gaz is bummed that they have an all supernatural TF and can’t brag about it, Price goes full Dad on them all, and maybe Ghost learns he’s still capable of being loved, who knows
If you’re still here thank you holy shit I didn’t mean to write that much... If anyone wants to yell about these please feel free
One day I’ll write at least one of these...
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nkn0va · 3 months
(Long ask incoming. I'm so damn sorry,man) You did a hell of a job with my Aigis and Noel ask,man. The way you not only gave a solid synopsis to how they bond,but also implementing a bit of story action into it was just a nice touch on something really well done overall. Now,if you may I would like to get your take on a potential what-if scenario within the realm of Blazblue with that being the concept of Nu being redeemed after the fallout of Calamity Trigger. Similar to the scene in BBCF,Ragna,instead of trying to go in for the kill on Nu,actually tries to resolve things between himself and her peacefully by wanting to genuinely save her from this destructive situation at large. Sadly,Nine the Phantom ruined that potential by just literally disturbing it in CF,but what if in the 1 and God knows how many restarts this one scenario could play out? More so to the point: What if Nu was redeemed basically after Calamity Trigger?
(Again,I'm so sorry for how long this ask is. You can kill me AFTER this request...or not take it at all. Your call,man.)
Ouch, this the longest I've procrastinated on an ask 'til now. I think I'm gonna try to enforce a limit on myself of trying to get to asks within a week.
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-When Noel saved Ragna from falling into the cauldron, he couldn't help but look down at the girl on the other end of the sword mutually stabbing them both. She looked so in pain, yet so happy to be with him, despite all the shit she's done.
-Ragna wasn't exactly thinking straight for various, obvious reasons, so his first instinct was to grab the sword to pull Nu up with him, only exhausting the poor Lieutenant saving him even more. Once they were both up to safety he crawled away from her a bit so that the sword would leave both their bodies.
Nu, Noel, and Rachel are all shocked and appalled, showing it in different ways. A teary eyed Noel calls him an idiot over and over again, beating on his chest with her fists, Rachel showing some real, genuine curiosity under her normal haughty, sarcastic demeanor, and Nu only stares at him in sheer confusion.
-Once everyone has had some time to rest and recover, Nu confronts the Grim Reaper on why he did what he did. Frankly he still doesn't quite know why himself, but he just felt like he couldn't leave her.
-Whatever happened, he wanted to protect her. This was completely against the mission he'd be given by Jubei, but if what Rachel had been telling everyone was right, then maybe this was the first step to breaking that loop.
-From then on, Ragna sorta has to be Nu's caretaker, so to say. He has to keep her out of trouble, especially towards girls even for no real reason, and starts to teach her about the real world.
-All goes at least as well as it can until Hazama decides to do a moderate amount of trolling. Ragna decides to make the choice to face him alone as usual and forces Nu to stay behind. This turns out to be a very bad idea as he's not nearly powerful enough to defeat the shady NOL Captain.
-Nu eventually decides she's had enough of waiting and heads up to the Cathedral herself, worried for Ragna. Upon witnessing Hazama grinding his heel against Ragna's face, she sees red.
-Completely unexpected by Hazama, he has to dodge a barrage of swords at the last possible moment. The interference is unexpected but it's more than enough time for Kokonoe to get preparations ready for the Idea Engine.
-She uses her teleportation device to affix it to the Azure Grimoire, allowing Ragna to defeat Hazama and overwhelm him with Nu's cooperation and stop Noel/Mu from destroying the world.
-The jealous tendencies of Nu reach a head in the events of CP for one reason: Celica.
The more and more time goes on and she learns about her history together with Ragna, namely during the Dark War, the more and more jealous she gets. She would've gladly killed her if Ragna, Kagura, Kokonoe weren't there to stop her, albeit for their own different reasons.
-During the climax of the game her job is to help with stalling Relius Litchi, and Carl while the others got the Lynchpin up and running/destroying Take Mikazuchi for good. Her overwhelming power is more than enough to get the job done in conjuction with everyone else, thankfully.
I would go into CF events but I haven't finished the game yet and I'm already exhausted from writing this as is. I tried limiting everything I'm writing about to only the most important events that Nu would realistically have a hand in so sorry if it seems rushed.
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
poor Grim Reaper Stone i want to care him. but if he needs to be of use i'd probably have him do the most simplest of tasks and praise him exessively for it. like he helps me fold laundy and im peppering his face with kisses. he brings me a cup of tea and im calling him a good boy and petting his head gently. he helps me cook and im feeding him by hand, cooing at how sweethe is and carressing his face.
im just *clenches fist* i want to show him how nice soft affection can be
(also him being cute and pathetic about gentle affection tickles the sadistic side of my brain)
(all Stone variants being cute and pathetic about affection tickles the sadistic side of me i just want them to depend on me. i want to be their caretaker. i want them to accept no one but me, to want my touch and to trust me to be gentle with them)
Grim Reaper!Stone deserves to be pampered, doesn't he? He thinks he's just a weapon to be used, but you'd help him see he's more than that.
He's so used to being praised for killing people, so he'd just melt at you praising him for anything & everything. Like what do you mean he doesn't have to be constantly of use to be good?? He can just be himself and you'd love him??
Make that man become more of a man by praising him.
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exp-system · 3 months
。*⁠✧⁠Intro Post✧⁠*⁠。
Hi:)) I'm Lemon, host of the Expanse system.
You can refer to any of us/the system as a whole with they/them or ey/em pronouns:))
The body is 18, nonbinary genderfluid, neptunic, neurodivergent, and disabled
Main blog: @lemon-emon
Here are some short intros of the people most likely to be on here and posting often:
(Our simply plural acc is ExpanseSystem if anyone wants to friend us :33)
(Blurry (-❔): they/them)
Lemon (-🍋): they/ey, 15-18, nonbinary genderfluid, neptunic, human(oid), host
Boxspring (-📎): they/it/he, 17-18, nonbinary, human, co-host
Bee (-🐝): she?, Early 20s but like has loved longer than that??, unsure on gender, unsure on sexuality, robot girl, caretaker/comfort
Salem (-💀): they/them, 17-19, nonbinary, human, physical protector
Eave (-😈): she/her/it, 18, cis but in a 'gender means nothing' way, bi, demon/demigod/hellhound, protector/persecutor
Skye (-🌩️): he/they, 19, transmasc, bi, human/ catboy, protector
Chloe (-💿): they/she/mo/it, 18, genderfluid?, sapphic, human, ANP/comfort
Sadye (-🌿): any pronouns, 17, nonbinary genderfluid, human, chronic illness holder
Dusk (-🍒): they/it/she/he, 20ish maybe, unsure what gender, lesbian, demon/succubus, sexual protector
Remus (-🐀): he/they/it, 18-21, genderqueer trans thing, "a figment of imagination posing as a humanoid", comfort/protector
Jinx (-🎭): she/they, 16-18, not totally cis I don't think?, mostly human, still unsure of role
Blitzø (-🦓): he/him, idk 20s-30s??, cis male, bi probably, imp, emotion holder (anger)/persecutor
Chii (-🍰): she/it/chii, adult (no specific age), robot girl, lesbian?, persocom, caretaker?/unsure
Ari (-🥩): any pronouns, 20 somethin, nonbinary/ genderfluid? idc, aro/ace, bannik, anxiety manager
Bean (-👑): she/her(maybe they?), 19-20, cis, bi? human, unsure of role
Kira (-🍑): she/they/it/doll, 16-18, demigirl/dollgirl, human/doll, trauma holder
Draven (-🥀): they/them/he?, 18-27, not cis, bi?, human, persecutor/emotion holder?
Sips (-🐒): he/him, adult, cis, aro/ace, cursed monkey, anger/emotion holder?
Moth/Bunny (-🐇): they/she/it/bun/moth, 12-16, demigirl, human, ANP
Lala (-🍩): they/it/she/ghost/mist/grim, 16ish, nonbinary?, grim reaper, depression/trauma holder
Nimona (-🦈): they/it/he/fang/rex/bite/ no pronouns/she, 14ish but also immortal?, Genderfluid/genderthing, shape shifter, unsure about role
(this post will be updated periodically as things change)
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serickswrites · 4 months
Whump One Shots VI
Island in the Sun--TW: captivity, restraints, torture
Lather, Rinse, Repeat--TW: captivity, torture, manipulation, restraints, brainwashing, wounds, infection, failed rescue
Elf on the Shelf--TW: kidnapping, restraints, gag, threat of torture, blood, wounds, stabbing, unconsciousness, used as bait, rescue, hospital
This Life--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, touch-starved
Corner--TW: pursuit, threat of violence, kidnapping
Voices--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hallucinations
Things We Lost--TW: referenced captivity, referenced head injury, fire, nightmares, chronic pain, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort
Before I Sleep--TW: kidnapping, implied torture
Little Thing--TW: captivity, chemical restraints, drugging, implied noncon, creepy/intimate whumper
Shake It Off--TW: captivity, restraints, choking, seizures, forced to watch, torture, poison
Take a Bullet--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, rescue, gun, gun fire, gunshot, blood, bloody nose, mcd, hurt/no comfort, survivor's guilt
Sorry I've Been Gone--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, video recording, forced to watch, begging, crying, knife, stabbing, stab wound, blood, wounds, bleeding out, collapse, unconsciousness, hospital, bedside vigil
Help Me--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, head injury, blood, bleeding from the mouth, unconsciousness, rescue, unclear character status
From a Whisper--TW: hostage situation, torture, captivity, emotional manipulation, self sacrifice, bruises, broken bones, blood, wounds, strangulation, choking, unconsciousness
Make It Stop--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, cruel whumper
Caretaker is whumper request--TW: injury, head injury, unconsciousness, implied captivity
Grim Reaper--TW: nightmares, referenced trauma, implied captivity, implied drugging, unclear character status
You're Awake--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, unconsciousness, blood, blood loss, rescue, caretaker and whumpee
I'm Fine--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, bloody nose, bruises, rescue
Heaven Don't Cry--TW: guns, gunfire, blood, gunshot, wound, unconsciousness, unclear character status, caretaker and whumpee
Believe in Me--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, bruises, blood, rescue, unconsciousness, caretaker and whumpee, hurt/aftermath
Not Listening--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, gag, video recording, knife, blood, threat of death
Helplessly--TW: blood, bleeding, wounds, unconsciousness, temporary character death, cpr, stabbing, stab wound, caretaker and whumpee
Bite Down--TW: field med, blood, wounds, crossbow, crossbow bolt, gore, unconsciousness
Obey--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, asphyxiation
Rope--TW: referenced captivity, referenced torture (unspecified), catatonia, blood, scrapes, hurt/aftermath
Vampire whumper request--TW: hypnosis, hypnotism, biting, blood, vampire
Why Won't It Stop--TW: explosion, head injury, blood, bloody nose, unconsciousness
Stop Talking--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, forced to watch, blood, stabbing, bleeding out, mcd, hurt/no comfort
Whumper lies to Caretaker request--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, physical violence, bruises, broken bones, deception, unconsciousness, rescue
Semi--TW: explosion, fire, head injury, blood
Between the Sheets--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, mcd, hurt/no comfort
Tattered and Torn--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, wound, infection, infected wound, caretaking performed by whumper
Baby Come Back--TW: death, temporary character death, captivity, torture, drowning, revival, rescue
These Arms of Mine--TW: referenced captivity, referenced torture, hospital, nightmares, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Truth--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, physical violence, bruises, truth serum, drugging, noncon drug use, video recording, hostage sitaution
Meant to Be--TW: gun, gunshot, gunfire, gunshot wound, blood, bleeding out, mcd, hurt/no comfort
I Care--TW: captivity, physical violence, restraints, drugging, creepy/intimate whumper, yandere, suicide, faked suicide, fake blood, presumed dead
Allowed--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, forced to watch, drowning, infection, rescue, mcd, hurt/no comfort
The Unforgiven--TW: betrayal, head injury, stranded
The Point--TW: kidnapping, restraints, threat of torture
Field--TW: blood, wounds, shrapnel, explosion, injury, field medicine, unconsciousness
Down By the River--TW: kidnapping, threats of violence, threats of death, gun, gunshot
Sail to Distant Shores--TW: captivity, restraints torture, rescue
Accident--TW: captivity, restraints, strangulation, broken bones, mcd, creepy/intimate whumper
Bored Whumpee request--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, sensory deprivation, white torture, defiant whumpee
Forgettable--TW: kidnapping, implied captivity, implied torture, rescue attempt
Out of It--TW: poison, blood from the mouth, unconsciousness
Get Back In There--TW: captivity, restraints, gag, muzzle, cage, cruel whumper
Cuffed--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, forced to watch, unclear character status
Penny For Your Thoughts--TW: captivity, restraints, torture, defiant whumpee
Tumble--TW: head injury, hurt/comfort
Hot Hot Heat--TW: captivity, restraints, torture
Gonna Have to Face It--TW: captivity, drugging, creepy/intimate whumper
Caught--TW: threat of torture, restraint, captivity
White Hot--TW: captivity, torture, knives, blood, fire, burns, restraints
Edge--TW: captivity, restraints, drugging, implied noncon
You're Nothing--TW: degradation, humiliation, verbal abuse
Garrote--TW: kidnapping, strangulation, implied torture
Pretty Little Thing--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, creepy/intimate whumper
Why Do You Love Them?--TW: stalking, kidnapping, yandere whumper
Intimate Whumpee and Caretaker request--TW: referenced captivity, referenced restraints, referenced/implied noncon, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee, flashbacks, ptsd
Lake Lachrymose--TW: captivity, bruises, restraints, torture, rescue, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, caretaker and whumpee, implied death
Say AAAAAA--TW: captivity, restraints, whipping, blood, unconsciousness, cruel whumper
Whumpee pushes themself too far request--TW: referenced captivity, referenced torture, referenced hospital, wounds, hurt/comfort, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath, unconsciousness
Stone-Cold--TW: captivity, torture, restraints, forced to watch, hurt/comfort
I Just Want You--TW: captivity, torture, blood, wounds, escape
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lemon-emon · 6 months
。*⁠✧⁠ Intro Post ✧⁠*⁠。
Hi:)) I'm Lemon, host of the Expanse system.
You can refer to any of us/the system as a whole with they/them or ey/em pronouns:))
The body is 18, nonbinary genderfluid, neptunic, neurodivergent, and disabled
Side blogs:
- @exp-system (system related posts)
- @exp-userbox-hoard (userbox dump)
- @brain-radio-parasite (shit that gets stuck in our head)
Here are some short intros of the people most likely to be on here and posting often:
(Our simply plural acc is ExpanseSystem if anyone wants to friend us :33)
(Blurry (-❔): they/them)
Lemon (-🍋): they/ey, 15-18, nonbinary genderfluid, neptunic, human(oid), host
Boxspring (-📎): they/it/he, 17-18, nonbinary, human, co-host
Bee (-🐝): she?, Early 20s but like has loved longer than that??, unsure on gender, unsure on sexuality, robot girl, caretaker/comfort
Salem (-💀): they/them, 17-19, nonbinary, human, physical protector
Eave (-😈): she/her/it, 18, cis but in a 'gender means nothing' way, bi, demon/demigod/hellhound, protector/persecutor
Skye (-🌩️): he/they, 19, transmasc, bi, human/catboy, protector
Chloe (-💿): they/she/mo/it, 18, genderfluid?, sapphic, human, ANP/comfort
Sadye (-🌿): any pronouns, 17, nonbinary genderfluid, human, chronic illness holder
Dusk (-🍒): they/it/she/he, 20ish maybe, unsure what gender, lesbian, demon/succubus, sexual protector
Remus (-🐀): he/they/it, 18-21, genderqueer trans thing, "a figment of imagination posing as a humanoid", comfort/protector
Jinx (-🎭): she/they, 16-18, not totally cis I don't think?, mostly human, still unsure of role
Blitzø (-🦓): he/him, idk 20s-30s??, cis male, bi probably, imp, emotion holder (anger)/persecutor
Ari (-🥩): any pronouns, 20 somethin, nonbinary/genderfluid? idc, aro/ace, bannik, anxiety manager
Bean (-👑): she/her(maybe they?), 19-20, cis, bi? human, unsure of role
Kira (-🍑): she/they/it/doll, 16-18, demigirl/dollgirl, human/doll, trauma holder
Draven/Vixen (-🥀): they/them/he?, 18-27, not cis, bi?, human, persecutor/emotion holder?
Sips (-🐒): he/him, adult, cis, aro/ace, cursed monkey, anger/emotion holder?
Moth/Bunny (-🐇): they/she/it/bun/moth, 12-16, demigirl, human, ANP
Lala (-🍩): they/it/she/ghost/mist/grim, 16ish, nonbinary?, grim reaper, depression/trauma holder
Nimona (-🦈): they/it/he/fang/rex/bite/no pronouns/she, 14ish but also immortal?, Genderfluid/genderthing, shape shifter, unsure about role
(this post will be updated periodically as things change)
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reader115 · 2 years
Galladrabbles - Tradition
THANK YOU @grumble-fish for providing a @galladrabbles prompt that let me add on exactly what I wanted to write this week for part 6 of The Grim Reapers Gallavich:
“Wait, its tradition. Refill on Wednesdays.” Their mark pointed an arthritic hand to the pill organizer that fell when he fell.
Ian scowled at the plastic box. It was Mickey who carefully lifted it and placed it on the counter.  
“He can fill it himself, but I like takin care of him.” Sad eyes turned to the reapers. “Can you leave him a note?”
Mickey’s palms pressed into his eyes. Ian refocused and scribbled a note. He had a sweet spot for caretakers after all.
“That okay?”
The old man laughed his way into his afterlife.
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Read The Grim Reapers Gallavich from the beginning
Or jump to part 7
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Caretaker is a Grim Reaper or Ferryman type character who has to ease Whumpee into accepting that they're dead.
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Hey <3
Could I request a kind a lengthy one? Most of this is legit just fluff context and shit. lol. You can call "Angel of Death and Grief"
So, basically, background info first, Asura never turned evil, and he, Lord Death, and Dtk were super close as a family. Also, full fledged Grim Reapers has super big black wings, like from that Wings au fic Mortally requested. Because of the this, Reapers are alternatively called Angels of Death. Another bit, a Fragment has to have a certain size of their soul by the time the current Grim Reaper dies, so they could safely take in the power that transfers. One last thing: Grim Reapers are extremely social creatures inside their species, so if they're separated/abandoned/orphaned too early, it's really detrimental to their mental health. (Oh and fully Fledged grim reapers' bodies may change with their emotion/mentality if it's strong enough.)
Now, onot the main bit: Three years before the main fic, Lord Death and Asura just straight up disappeared when Kid was 10, like as in, wiped from existence somehow. (Nobody knows why, but there were rumours of Witch involvement.) It's pretty much guaranteed they're dead. How do they know? Well, all of the power of Lord Death and Asura just kinda dumped onto Kid at once. Because of not only the sudden power dump from his father, but his brother as well, and the fact that his soul was way unprepared for it, not to mention since this was before he got any demon weapons (Liz and Patty), it uh, kinda went to shit. Kid's soul swelled way past the limit he was able to handle, so because of that his powers are extremely powerful, but at the same time he has ZERO control over them. Wings suddenly came in, like four-five times his size and he can't move nor use them what-so-ever unless he has a serious bout of emotion. It caused his soul to become disfigured, so whilst his Sanzu lines on the right side of his head are fine, the other side is visible fractured and messy remnants of lines.
Oh, also, he's like mentally fucked. The shock of grief, power, and responsibility having been forced onto him makes him hyper-focus on his grief, so his body changed to match that. His eyes are an inky black, with his cheeks stained the same colour in the shape of falling tears. His body has a hole in his chest, to reflect the overbearing pain of grief. He refuses to speak anything other than the language Grim Reapers use, Spirit usually hangs around to translate for people, and Kid has a sort of attachment to SPirit as well, as he was his father's weapon. He is mentally unable to accept the fact his Father and brother are most likely dead, speaking as if they'll just be back one day. He refers to himself often as "broken", "ugly abomination" stuff like that, he also sometimes talks in nearly incomprehensible riddles that is always answered with some variation of the word "Burn". (In reference to burning a witch.). Death City refers to him not as Lord Death, or an ANgel of Death, but as "The Angel of Bereavement", which is the period of grief and mourning after a death. Kid in now 13.
Now, the actual fic part, oml, sorry for the essay HAHA--
Write about Soul and Maka (not a ship) meeting Kid for the first time after they mistake Blair for a Witch. Have Spirit act as a translater, and have them have a lengthy conversation over tea.
Wowza! This one was intense, but I love all of the thought you put into it!
Angel of Death and Grief AU:
Maka and Soul had heard plenty about the grim reaper in charge of the DWMA. There were always plenty of rumors, and since her dad was acting as a caretaker since he was the only death scythe around, she’d been able to hear about the accuracy of some of these rumors and was able to hear about the tragedies he’d been through. Her father didn’t like to go into details though, and she had never met this reaper before. 
Her dad had been put in charge of contacting students about their progress in hunting kishins and witches so even though she hated it, Maka had to put up with meeting with her father on the regular. This was fine with Spirit, since he adored his daughter, but he was under a lot of stress with the amount of responsibility he had to take on these past three years. 
For the most part, he would be the one to help track students' progress in becoming death scythes and he would try to get Kid to grow into the responsibility. Kid would help here and there, but always under the guise of “pleasing father and brother when they return”. Spirit couldn’t even bring himself to try and convince Kid that his family wasn’t coming home. That had proven itself pointless. Still, the overwhelming spike in power and that deep connection that was felt between Kid and the loss of his family stunted his growth in a way where he couldn’t do much at all. The only time he would allow himself to be seen was if a weapon had finally grown to become a death scythe.
When Maka had called her dad after a fight that she and Soul thought would be their last, it was just going to be to tell him the mission failed and see what the two of them could do in order to get back on track now that they had to restart all of their progress. What she hadn’t expected was her father to tell her that this reaper wanted to meet with them. No one but her father had seen him in the past three years. Still, the two of them couldn’t turn down the offer, so they agreed that when they arrived back at the academy, they would join the two of them for tea.
“The Angel of Bereavement” is what everyone had begun to call this reaper. The rumors of a wave of power so strong that it had altered his appearance were found to be true. Maka and Soul were terrified when they entered the Death Room. He sat at an elegant dining table, and appeared to be horrifically injured.
Maka and Soul had met Asura and Lord Death before their disappearance. They had seen the two of them flying with large raven-like wings and had seen just how different they were from humans. This however, was far from what the other two reapers looked like. His wings were so large that they sunk onto the ground and even with them folded, they were still twice the size of the table they were seated at. Parts of his wings looked broken and the two of them couldn’t figure out if they were just like that, or if they had gotten hurt because he couldn’t hold them up.
His eyes were pitch black, even the scleras, and the deep emptiness in them was jarring to see. He had inky blackness running down his cheeks that made it seem like he was crying. His chest seemed to have a large void in the center of it, as if someone had physically ripped through his heart, and left nothing. 
Maka and Soul sat quietly, taking in the sight of this tragic grim reaper before them. The reaper gives them a polite smile and then Maka turns to Spirit.
“Dad, if you have other stuff to work on, I think that Soul and I will be fine,” she says.
Spirit sighs, shaking his head.
“I guarantee you’ll need me here,” he tells them.
“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Soul asks.
The reaper speaks then, his voice is quiet and eerie but as the two of them listen, they realize nothing he said actually sounded like words.
“He said that it’s fine if I stay,” Spirit translates.
“Oh… so this is what the language of grim reapers sounds like? Does he not speak any other language?”
“Why would I need to? When father and brother make it home, I’ll never need to have a translator. It will be a beautiful day when they return,” the reaper speaks and Spirit translates for Maka and Soul.
“Wait, but I thought that Asura and Lord Death were de-” Soul gets cut off by a sharp look from Spirit. 
“Sorry about that. What Soul was trying to say was that Asura and Lord Death speak other languages too, right?” Maka intervenes. 
“Yes, they are quite amazing in that regard. I can speak your language too, but I feel that it is entirely unnecessary. I only ever want to speak to my father and brother. I find little value in speaking with humans. Though it seems most humans would never wish to speak to the abomination that is me,” he says.
Maka and Soul nod politely, sipping the tea that had been set out in front of them.
“Then why do you wanna talk to us?” Soul asks. “Doesn’t that contradict what you just said?” 
“Yes, it does. I am a horribly broken creature and I can’t seem to keep consistent. However- I need a favor and the two of you intrigue me.”
“You need a favor from us? How can we help?” Maka asks, trying to stay as polite as she can and not stare at every way this reaper has visibly been desecrated.
“My father and brother have been gone… for so very long. I miss them deeply and I believe that witches may be behind their disappearance. The two of you came so very close to creating a death scythe. I could feel the power starting to grow within you. I want you to find them. Find my father and brother and bring them back. Any witch that stands in your way is free to be burned to death. If you do this and successfully bring back my family, I will grant you power beyond what you can imagine.”
The two of them pause, staring at this reaper, before slowly meeting each other's gaze. It was clear that the two of them were concerned. Maka looks to her father. He seems a bit shocked himself at this request, but doesn’t say anything. Maka turns back to the reaper.
“What if we aren’t able to bring your family back?” she asks.
“Then you will have to start your journey from the beginning again. I will not punish you if you can’t bring them back, though I only accept death as failure. If you choose to abandon this request or refuse to take it, then you will continue to mean nothing to me. However, father always told me that there is beauty in humanity and I see something in the two of you that shines brighter than any human I have seen before. I truly believe that if there is any human to help my family, it would be you.”
Maka turns to Soul again.
“This sounds like we might be walking to our grave,” Soul says. “Still, I can’t think of a reason outside of that for why we should say no.”
“I agree,” Maka replies. “If anything, it’s a chance to try and help.”
They turn back and face him once more, determination in their eyes.
“Alright. We’ll do it!” Maka tells him.
The reaper gives them a smile, one so unsettling that they can’t be sure it isn’t laced in malice. Still, how could they refuse to help a grieving kid who just misses his family.
“Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, you have my gratitude. Perhaps, when my family returns, we might be able to get along as proper friends. We are about the same age. I think father would be very happy to see me getting along with others,” he says as he extends a hand.
Maka reaches out hesitantly, giving a final glance at Spirit, who still says nothing about his own thoughts. She grabs the reaper’s hand and gives it a firm shake. It was terrifying, actually feeling the power that emanated from him. When she returned to drinking her tea, she realized she was trembling. Still, she wanted to find a way to help. Even if she could find a way to confirm their deaths, maybe it would help this reaper begin to heal. She wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t refuse to try.
“Right. Then we should start right away, don’t you think, Soul?” she asks, trying to hide the fear she held.
“Yeah, it’s not like we have anything else planned now. Well then, do you have any leads for us? Or do we have to start from scratch?”
The reaper grins again and it sends another chill up the duo’s spines. He reaches down next to him, picking up a large bag and pulling out a folder with a small spider stamped onto it.
“I’m glad you asked.”
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