#had to post this to go with the new statue unveiling
get-back-homeward · 2 years
Brian Epstein’s first visit to the Cavern
[O]n Thursday, November 9, 1961, at the Cavern lunchtime session, the tracks that had been running in parallel for so long finally converged.
Brian Epstein’s “My Bonnie” inquiries had taken him so far but no further. He knew it was a foreign record, probably from Germany, and found it “very significant” that Nems had received three orders for it.23 He knew the Beatles were a Liverpool group and for the first time actively searched Mersey Beat for their name. The current issue (which, also for the first time, had a Nems front-page ad) included Wooler’s report of the Beatmakers’ spectacle, and the Beatles advertised for appearances at Litherland, New Brighton and the Cavern.
They were listed three times at the Cavern. Brian had been here when it was a jazz cellar run by its founder Alan Sytner—they’d grown up together, boys of the same age at the same synagogue.24 Now it was “a teenage venue,” the very thought of which intimidated him … though not enough to squash his interest. He phoned Bill Harry, who made inquiries and found out the Beatles were playing the Thursday lunchtime session; Harry informed Ray McFall that Brian Epstein of Nems would be coming down to speak to the Beatles; doorman Paddy Delaney was told to expect him—he was to be signed in without a membership card, special dispensation. Going to see live rock music wasn’t new to Brian—he’d been to Empire shows and, with his sharp eye for presentation, always found the staging dismal, noticing that few acts projected their personality across the footlights—but going to the Cavern was sure to be a different experience. Brian suggested his PA Alistair Taylor join him: they would go for lunch and drop into the Cavern on the way, to find out more about this “My Bonnie” record.
The club was just a two-hundred-step walk from Nems, but November 9 was one of those smoggy, cold early-winter days in Liverpool, so damp that smuts glued to skin, so dark that the sooty buildings lost detail and car headlights couldn’t put it back. Flights were canceled at the airport and foghorns groaned over the Mersey sound: the cawing seagulls and booming one o’clock cannon. The businessmen picked a path through narrow Mathew Street, between Fruit Exchange lorries and their debris, and at number 10 Paddy Delaney showed them along the dimly lit passage and down the greasy steps.
Bob Wooler was in the bandroom when Delaney ushered in their visitor. Wooler recognized him from Nems, though they’d never met. Brian waited for a pause in that cellarful of noise, then leaned across and asked, impeccably RADA, if that was the Beatles on stage, the group on the “My Bonnie” record. Wooler confirmed it was: “They are they, they’re the ones.”25 The visitor made his way to the back of the center tunnel and watched.
It was pretty much an eye-opener, to go down into this darkened, dank, smoky cellar, in the middle of the day, and to see crowds and crowds of kids watching these four young men on stage. They were rather scruffily dressed—in the nicest possible way, or I should say in the most attractive way: black leather jackets and jeans, long hair of course, and rather untidy stage presentation, not terribly aware and not caring very much what they looked like. I think they cared more, even then, what they sounded like.26
The Beatles had started the second of their two lunchtime spots. As Brian watched, Ray McFall made a point of introducing himself to the man whose elegance instantly impressed him, and Cavernites consuming cheese rolls and soup wondered about the natty feller. Margaret Douglas remembers he was “standing at the back, near the snack bar. He looked so out of place that people were saying ‘What’s ’e doin’ ’ere?’ Ray McFall and Bob Wooler always wore suits and ties but they were nothing like Brian Epstein—he always looked like his mum got him ready.”27
The Beatles were rocking, smoking, eating, joking, drinking, charming, cussing, laughing, taking requests and answering back; they spoke local, looked continental, and played black and white American music with English color; John and Paul vied and gibed for attention, George smiled quietly to the side and sang from time to time, Pete drummed and kept his head down. It was another lunchtime session—and not one of their best. They were jaded, losing interest. But Brian saw enough to see beyond:
Their presentation left a little to be desired as far as I was concerned, because I’d been interested in the theater and acting a long time—but, amongst all that, something tremendous came over, and I was immediately struck by their music, their beat, and their sense of humor on stage. They were very funny; their ad-libbing was excellent. I liked them enormously, I immediately liked the sound that I heard: I heard their sound before I met them. I think actually that that’s important, because it should always be remembered that people hear their sound and like their sound before they meet them. I thought their sound was something that an awful lot of people would like. They were fresh and they were honest and they had what I thought was a sort of presence, and—this is a terrible, vague term—“star quality.” Whatever that is, they had it—or I sensed that they had it.28
From Mark Lewisohn’s Tune In (Ch. 22)
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moriwood · 8 months
Pornographs — p.js
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park jongseong x male reader heavy angst 1.4k words
Two freelance pornstars have gotten awfully close with each other over the past year, masked to their audiences but almost unveiled to each other. Jay, who you suddenly realize to be less familiar than you originally thought, gives you a symbolic gift and a promise you wish he truly keeps.
includes: crying and cringy lines (again oops), people getting reallyyyyyyy personal warning: n/a i think :]]
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Your body may not be molded from Ancient Greek statues like your contemporaries in the industry but you know well enough how to manipulate your camera. You know how to position yourself, so that your masked face gently cradles the sunlight and your soft gaze glosses smooth as the silk blanket covering your body.
You assess each of the photos you took and smirk proudly. “Who won’t be salivating over pics like this?” you boast, already seeing the comments flood your mind. 
Another photoshoot session has been finished thanks to your friend Jay, who you have been collaborating with for the past year. Your account was only a few months old, with barely a hundred followers watching you strip anonymously. You don’t even know what went into your mind when you decided to meet up with a blank profile but it seems like you hit the jackpot when it turned out to be Jay. It’s not like you were even in the position to be picky about which men you met with back then.
“You good?” you ask Jay as he folds over the hotel’s bedspread that you accidentally stripped off while taking photos a while ago.
He nods, sighing as he lies on the king size bed you share. “Don’t your fans get mad I’m the only other guy in your posts for the past few months?” he curiously asks.
“I mean, they already think we’re dating,” you pause in indignation, “why have you been meeting me exclusively then? For sure, you’ve been receiving offers too left and right.”
“Sorry for them but I have already signed an exclusivity contract with this world-renowned photographer. With his impeccable tastes, I fear nobody can compare,” Jay teases.
You cackle. You would have long forgotten this life of being a social media pornstar had it not been for him. In between the men who only saw you as some toy being passed around, here is Jay who stays, sharing these chaste moments with you, no matter how short it lasts.
Jay grabs the camera from your lap and murmurs to himself, tracing his fingers along the scratches on its plastic body. He meets your eyes with an indiscernible emotion.  “You’ve had this camera for so long, don’t you want to replace it?” 
“I don’t think I’ve earned enough with this career yet,” you lament, “you don’t know how many meals I skipped to buy this.”
“Isn’t it a great investment though? Like you’re really great with the camera,” Jay explains, “and you can definitely do more than just artistic nudes, like legit filmmaking. Imagine the two of us, co-directing, that type of shit.”
“If I had the money, I wouldn’t be posting nudes of myself online, Jay,” you deadpan. “Why are you even asking? You're gonna sell me a secondhand camera?”
“Nah, just asking. We should be going to college but we’re here… filming porn.”
Jay carefully places your camera on the bedside table and reaches for his carelessly placed backpack on the floor. From it he pulls out a large red box, your gaze immediately drifting towards it.
“Okay, don’t be surprised. I may or may not have something to give you,” Jay smiles.
Your eyes widen as you realize that Jay has bought a new camera, the receipt taped to it rubbing its expensive price to your face. 
You howl. “What the fuck? Aren’t we earning the same… You're way richer than I am! You even booked this hotel-”
“Just take this,” he calmly says, placing the bright red box on top of your lap. He then sits beside you, caressing your thigh.
“Why are you even giving me this? What do you need from me? Do I owe you something?” you shyly ask, mesmerized by the details of the new camera Jay just bought. Newly released, might actually be the most expensive model in the market right now. You can’t think of a reason to own something of this kind when all that you’ve taken are these tasteless nude photos.
“Think of it as a birthday gift or something,” Jay hesitantly replies.
“It’s not even my birthday yet,” you whisper, attempting to stop yourself from bursting into tears. You just didn’t expect this generosity from the only person who you’ve let into this taboo life of yours. 
“This might be the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” you smile in between your teary eyes. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“I’m not asking for anything in return, just…”
Jay is at a loss for words. There’s something wrong, you notice, a lilt in his voice.
“It’s not a birthday gift, is it?” you worriedly ask, your hand over Jay’s.
Jay looks away. “I don’t think… This might be the last time we’re seeing each other.”
Now you’re at a loss for words. Whatever feeling was boiling within the depths of your heart, you never really knew who Jay was. Both of you were about to enter college, both with a fondness for film and photography… and it ends there. You mask yourselves for your audience and even in this inviting bed, there are a lot of things the both of you are unaware of. Seems like this chapter is closing for Jay.
“But we can still see each other-”
Jay closes his eyes, in fear of the pain he cannot avoid. “Just… don’t forget me. Use this camera while I’m gone. Then we’ll meet again, and I’ll be looking at everything. We’ll cross paths, I promise.”
You don’t understand why you’re so confused. You don’t understand why you want to curse the world for not giving you the chance to know Jay in a different context. Your other hand starts to grip on the bedspread, wrinkling it again. You want to know where Jay’s coming from, why he’s even doing this. Had you met him under another circumstance, you wouldn’t be facing this farewell now. You wouldn’t be mulling over where the line is drawn, until where can you walk with him, and until when can the both of you ignore the lines that are slowly being erased.
“But you don’t have to-”
Jay pulls you in as you sob, embracing you tightly. And if his lips meet yours for the first time you’ve been together, nobody says anything about it. Light and sweet, but you taste the bitterness in the salt in your tears. Jay is the first man you’ve kissed. Regret shames you that you only got the chance to reveal each other’s hearts in your final meeting.
“Jay,” you beg, “please.”
You caress his thigh, attempting to touch beneath his shorts. He pulls it back and holds it tightly.
“Let’s not do things we’ll regret,” he whispers, cradling your face with his hand, attempting to wipe away the tears running down your cheeks. “I’ll come back, I’ll make sure of that. And I’ll take you out on a date like you always said you wanted to do.”
This is no longer a simple film of them, a scandal for others to lust over, something to make profit of. No scripts and no acting at play. You know that there is a man who flirts better, kisses better, fucks better, but you don’t want to let him go. You know Jay in an unfamiliar manner, and your relationship grew with him in a way more unknown way. In a different world, you would have loved to love a man like Jay.
You can only whisper, “I hope you’re happy wherever you are, Jay.”
He weakly grins as he kisses you again. “Jongseong. My name’s Jongseong.”
The sun has set, hunger and thirst long forgotten. The both of you soon fall asleep in tears, and you weren’t surprised to find the spot next to you cold the morning after. His traces are nowhere to be found, the only remnants being the photos and videos of a masked man in your camera. His phone number cannot be reached, only his messages of pleasantries remaining. And on top of the bedside table is the new camera gifted by Jay… by Jongseong.
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author’s note: here's ur jay fic @ldrei 🤗 i actually got a reason ready for why jay did what he did, just gotta handle my own college shit rn before i flesh it out i apologize ✨
— moriwood.
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fable-and-folly · 10 months
fic recs
Novel length fics I love and wish were real books :)
The Curse of Anteros -- @danpuff-ao3 -- Snarry, 52k, E
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Kept in Cages -- @sweet-s0rr0w -- Drarry, 76k, E
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
A Lick and a Promise -- @tackytigerfic -- Drarry, 55k, E
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things -- @writcraft -- Drarry, 63k, E
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
Nocturne -- @necromanticnoir -- Snarry, E, 54k
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
A Guide to the Morphology of Magic -- orphaned -- Drarry, 64k, E
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-War selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway.
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm -- SquadofCats -- Drarry, 104k, E
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Star Quality -- who_la_hoop -- Drarry, 118k, E
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
By the Grace -- @letteredlettered -- Drarry, 139k, T
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
On the Deficiency of Translation Spells -- @liladiurne -- Snarry, 41k, E
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Wild -- orphaned -- Drarry, 92k, E
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
Tapestry -- @kbrick -- Drarry, 91k, E
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn't perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway.
The Secret of the Philosopher Stone -- @yletylyf -- Snoldemort, 115k, E
Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, but finds himself trapped at Hogwarts and in need of rescue. Loyal Death Eater Severus Snape is on the job, but even he is not quite prepared for Lord Voldemort to return as Tom Riddle with a patched-up soul and no interest in war. And as for Tom? Well, it's not so easy to stop being a domestic terrorist.
The Left Words -- authoresswithoutwords -- Tomarrymort, 234k, E
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
When the Rose and the Fire Are One -- @perverse-idyll -- Snarry, 81k, E
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
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followmetoyourdoom · 3 months
I've just finished watching the new Megamind movie and *sighs* thoughts below
I'll try to start with the positives - the Doom Syndicate without comparing them to the Doom Syndicate from either the game/s or the concept art were okay, decent even. Lady Doppler's outfit in motion makes a lot of sense and her powers are cool. Pierre Pressure is okay. Nighty-Knight is funny, I liked that he wanted the teddy bear and kept that throughout, plus he had cool powers. Behemoth was my favourite, seemed like he had layers to him, and not just bc he was made out of molton lava.
There was a very cute heartfelt scene between Keiko and Megamind about him being her inspiration to try to be a good kid, bc if he can go from a bad guy to a good guy, maybe a bad kid can be a good kid. It was very sweet and it's a good message to give kids.
Some scenes felt very in character - Megamind not knowing how to look after himself without Minion, Roxanne trying to help. There were also a lot of good one liners that made me snort or giggle.
The end picked up, I did like the absolutely pointless plan to put the city on the moon, that is exactly the sort of idiotic in-character plan that Megamind would make - the Doom Syndicate going along with it eeeeh less happy about, makes them seem just as idiotic, but then they sort of were in this.
Now, the not so good. The timeline is completely fucked, why change when it was set? Also setting it two days after the first movie was A Choice. It was even more of A Choice to have the city set post the statue unveiling which didn't seem like it would only be two days down the line at all.
The beginning felt too long and drawn out and not much actually happened? Roxanne was almost completely out of character - why the sudden existential crisis bc some kid has followers? Roxanne loves solving the stories and working out the truth, she didn't need a new job! And speaking of the kid, oh my god, her initial scene is incredibly annoying. I did grow to like her (due to the aforementioned heartfelt scene) but it was an uphill battle.
There were aspects of Lady Doppler's character that seemed... interesting shall we say, given they had decided to combine all of the women in the original Doom Syndicate into one person, it was very jarring and I'm not sure they pulled it off. I would have preferred to see OG Lady Doppler and either Rockatoo or Hot Flash (or a combo of those two perhaps). I just don't think that having a black woman be immediately catty towards the first woman she sees is a good choice. Give variety by having more than just one female villain and let them be their own characters.
Minion's name change, which I refuse to enforce, was stupid - they could at least have made it make more sense in canon. Maybe Minion wanted a name more fitting of his new position, something less evil sounding. But no, it was an in universe copyright thing. Stupid. And speaking of Minion, the relationship between him and Megamind oh my god where did that go? Megamind literally just learnt the lesson about valuing him as more than just a minion, as a friend. And they just threw that away immediately. Megamind and Roxanne's relationship seemed a little off as well, not as much as I've heard some reviewers saying, but enough to make me go :/ And then we have his past with the Doom Syndicate - founding member, yeah sure, but OG leader? Nah, not this twink. This twink couldn't lead his way out of a cardboard box.
I think I'm more disappointed than I expected to be, bc I went in with low expectations, I went in knowing the animation was bad (and looking past it bc low budget, they did the best they could), I went in knowing the voices were different, I went in knowing they had this stupid influencer storyline, but I thought the writing other than that would be at the same level as the first movie as it was the original writers. And some was at that level, but only in bits and pieces. It was incredibly inconsistent, both with OG lore and itself, and just seemed to throw away OG character development from the first movie in favour of re-doing it in this movie.
I wish they had more time to polish this, I wish they could have gotten a bigger budget, I wish they didn't have to include the influencer storyline to appeal to kids, I wish they didn't have to change Minion's name. I wish I wasn't as disappointed.
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philhoffman · 1 year
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In lieu of a Monday Philm post tonight, I wanted to tell y'all about the long weekend I had in Western New York. I took a very special trip up to Phil's hometown of Rochester, NY, for a special 35mm screening of Owning Mahowny—which ended up being one of the best nights of my life. TL;DR I met his family and got to tell them how much he is loved ❤️
As some of you might know, the Eastman Museum in Rochester is now the permanent home of PSH's statue, and to celebrate, the museum's Dryden Theatre is showing his films all year long. I've been dying to see Phil's hometown and especially the statue since it was unveiled last year and finally made it (many hours and several hundred miles in the rain) up to WNY for a couple days. Y'all I can't even tell you how excited I was just to be in Rochester, like geeking over everything. We visited Fairport, where Phil grew up, and went to a restaurant with a burger named after him (yum), and got his fave kind of donuts at the Wegmans where he worked as a cashier in high school (I told you, geeking HARD). It's such a nice, friendly city and so many little things about Phil clicked just being there.
We went to the Eastman Museum first thing Saturday morning to see his statue and it's so perfect. Yes I cried a little bit as soon as I walked up to it! I don't need to tell y'all how much Phil means to me and finally seeing this public tribute to him, which looks so good and is so approachable and huggable and real and lovely, was amazing. Passed it four times going in and out of the museum and made my mom take my photo with him every time :-)
That night was the 35mm screening of Owning Mahowny. Already one of my favorite PSH films, I recently finished the book it's based on—No Limit: The Incredible Obsession of Brian Molony by Gary Ross—which is just as engrossing and made me even more excited to rewatch the film on the big screen. We were the first people to the theater bc I was so anxious to be there lmao.
I recognized Phil's mother, Marilyn, and his older sister, Jill, who arrived about 20 minutes before the film and sat a few seats away. My anxiety was through the ROOF—I am very shy in person, but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say anything and since this was a PSH-related event I figured they probably wouldn't mind if I brought him up. Thanks to Phil I have a hundred times more confidence than I did just a few years ago, so I worked up my courage and went over to introduce myself, tell them my name and how far I came just to see the statue and the film, how much I admire Phil and his work.
Y'all I'm tearing up again just typing this because they were the nicest people I have ever met in my life, seriously. His mom and his sister were immediately so kind that my nerves melted away, it was like talking to friends. They were touched that I'd come so far, they thanked ME for coming over to say hello. I shook their hands and we had a whole conversation for several minutes—I got to tell them that Phil changed my life, how I've seen all of his films, the ways he's inspired me to make my own art. I can't even believe I am writing this because it was so surreal and incredible. They asked me so much about my trip and myself, which is cute because I've heard so many stories about how Phil always asked people about themselves, their lives, their families, their work. His mom asked if I'd seen the statue (of course!!!) and told me to make sure I took a selfie with him :''''') so obviously I took another one when we left <3
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Jill and I talked about Owning Mahowny and gambling while my mom talked to Phil's mom (like how is it even real that I'm saying that?), then Marilyn told a funny, sweet story about when Phil was filming Mahowny in Toronto in 2002. One day he called and asked to come home for a while, then drove down and spent the day with her watching hours of dailies of the same exact shot, scrutinizing each take and laboriously trying to decide on the best one—and his mom was like, "Phil, what are we searching for, these all look the same to me" LMAO 😭
The film itself was obviously amazing, no need for a full review here. Equally wonderful to share it with a big audience laughing, cringing, gasping, crying, smiling. The 35mm print looked beautiful. As we were leaving, Phil's sister made a point to catch my eye and thank me again for stopping to say hello! We said goodbye to her and Marilyn and they wished us a great rest of our trip to Niagara Falls the next day—it was so sweet they remembered I'd even mentioned it.
I hardly slept that night I was so excited lol. It's been two days and it still feels surreal. I'm repeating myself but I can't get over how warm and kind they both were, how we were all kind of moved almost to the point of tears talking about their beautiful son and brother, my hero, the artist and man who saved my life and brought us all together. I'm so so so grateful for the opportunity to tell them what Phil means to me. Since then I've had a million thoughts like "oh I wish I'd said this or that," but really it would be impossible to sum up in words, even if we had all the time in the world, everything I want to say. I said it before but it's easy to understand how Phil turned out to be such an amazing person, coming from a family like that.
One of the simplest yet most meaningful couple of days in my whole life. It was better than I could've hoped for. Mostly joy—and while there was some grieving and missing him, too, I know it all came from love. I feel closer to Phil than ever. Thank you for making me feel so welcome in your home, Phil. Words are never enough but I love you so much, we're all so proud of you.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 7/25/2023
Fifth Place: The Babylon Bee
Today, the right-wing satire website ran the article "Scientists Unveil Periodic Table Of Genders." Even ignoring the fact that this is the millionth or so time they've run a joke similar to this--you do realize what this implies, right? That the side in favor of transgender rights and who affirms non-binary identities have science on their side while you guys don't. In fact, this is even quite similar to a pro-transgender rights meme I saw posted a few years back.
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Fourth Place: Matt Gaetz
The Hill reports today "Gaetz introduces legislation to end ‘unqualified’ birthright citizenship." Of course, given birthright citizenship has been upheld by the Supreme Court, repealing it would require a Constitutional Amendment, not just an act of Congress--something Matt would know if he took even the basic class on how our government works.
It should also be noted that Matt is trying to use this bill “to reflect the original intent of the 14th Amendment’s ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ clause,” which refers to a part which quite literally reads that citizenship applies to everyone “born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”  If the original intent of that language was not that everybody born in the United States is automatically a citizen, which was the understanding held by the Senate when the Amendment was passed (as seen by a Senate Judiciary Report regarding the Amendment) and by then-President Andrew Johnson, then somebody should really have told those who wrote it to use different words.
This is a small aside, but one thing you'll notice if you listen to the rhetoric the right pushes on the Constitution is that they always seem to think the people who wrote it put some Asterix next to each part that implies something they wish it didn't which the rest of us are just too blind to see but totally shows the amendment is counter to everything they don't like. Although I am not going to sit here and pretend like the left can be guilty of the same thing--especially regarding the Second Amendment--it is not only worth pointing out that the right does it far more, but also that the right does it exclusively to take away the rights and freedoms of American citizens--or, in the case of Matt right here, to take away the status of citizen from millions of people.
Third Place: Hillary Clinton
Regarding the recent heat wave sweeping the country, the former Secretary of State wrote on Twitter:
Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office.
First off, why the MAGA Republicans specifically? Don't Reagan and Bush Republicans also have a great deal of responsibility? How about Gingrich Republicans--you know, the ones who literally did everything possible to stop the environmental progress your husband's second in command tried to make!
Let's not forget that this is the same woman who dropped references to Climate Change from her speeches during her 2016 Presidential Campaign after Bernie Sanders endorsed her, who refused to endorse a carbon tax, and who encouraged other countries to embrace fracking as Secretary of State.
Second Place: Greg Gutfeld
It's not everyday the Auschwitz Museum feels the need to condemn something said on cable news, but Gutfeld's provided just such an occasion. Specifically, the organization criticized the Fox News host's use of Viktor Frankl's book Man's Search For Meaning while defending Florida's educational standards which say that slaves learned useful skills during their enslavement, in response to the Jewish Jessica Tarlov bringing up a hypothetical similar situation related to the holocaust. His statement was the following:
Did you ever read Man’s Search for Meaning? Vik Frankel talks about how you had to survive in a concentration camp by having skills. You had to be useful. Utility, utility kept you alive!
Can we just talk about the implication that the Jews who died in the Holocaust did so because of lack of skill? What the fuck, Greg?
Winner: Ron DeSantis
I am honestly starting to believe that the DeSantis campaign is run by people who really don't want DeSantis to be President. Remember that ad late last month which called Donald Trump to much of an LGBT ally that was put out by a pro-DeSantis Twitter account? It turns out the DeSantis campaign made that ad internally and then gave it to this account in hopes of passing it off as something done by a crazed supporter. Said ad was mocked all across the internet both for the idiotic claim that Trump was some stern fighter for the rights of LGBT people and also because DeSantis was trying to run to the right on an issue that many Americans no longer agree with the right on.
At this point, all one really has to do if they one to debunk the idea of a DeSantis nomination is point out how badly Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Ted Cruz all did when they ran on platforms rather similar to DeSantis back in 2008, 2012, and 2016 respectively. The fact is that every Republican Presidential Primary for the past decade or so has featured one candidate who is the preferred President of the nutjobs and, although they do a good job being second place, they never progress past that. The average American--fuck, the average Republican--does not want what these people sell, and the reason is because they understand that hating other people isn't going to improve their lives, while hate is the only thing these people offer.
Ron DeSantis, you've done the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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Adminspace Admins
Chip and Bandwidth (belongs to @duckapus )
Status(es): Active
The Admins of SMG5&6! Duckapus's post talking about them can be found here.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
He hands out punishments for other Higher-Ups, be it stripping them of their powers or something harsher. He also recommends punishments, which can be carried out by Crash or Antivirus. Often can be seen in his office smoking his cigar because he's 110% with the other Admins most of the time.
Status: Active
(Best) Introduced here!
He handles demotions, reviewing other Admin's performances, and keeping check of their progress. He means well, but sometimes he can be a procrastinator.
Status: Active
(Best) Introduced here!
Most likely the strongest of the Admins/Higher-Ups. It shares demoting with Crash and punishing with CPU, but it also handles subduing larger threats and defeating them. If it can't, it then takes them to Computer Hell, where the threat is then stored for the rest of time.
Lag (belongs to duckapus)
Status: Active
He currently manages the Guardian System, and despite tending to procrastinate, he's damn good at his job when he does work. You can find his intro in the same post as Chip&Bandwidth, with a post further explaining him here!
Manifest (belongs to duckapus)
Status: Active
She's the new main desk clerk in the Adminspace. The post introducing her can be found here!
Status: Active
Introduced here!
He creates, blocks, and deletes commands. He's typically very irritable because of how much effort and power it takes, but he's well-meaning. Him and Umbra have a weird thing going on,, just don't question it for your safety.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
He handles the more political affairs of the job, making announcements all he sort. He also gives Admins their jobs when they're created, and also recently took over ascending Guardians to Admins, though he's yet to actually do this.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
She handles doing clean up and damage control after any rogue viruses or threats happen. Despite the fact she really wants a break, considering something happens nearly every other week in the SMG4 universe, she's been doing their job a lot more lately.
Following Unveiled Secrets, it was revealed she was Abyss Born and had the same origins of Database and Duck.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
She handles communication aspects and sorting codes into their respective places. She's very particular about her job despite being very loose and not as upkept as the other Higher-Ups.
Status: Inactive
Introduced here!
No longer an Admin after the events of Proceed to Overwrite. It abused its power as an Admin and imprisoned afterward. After it was found out that Admins could be demoted after Byte's (first) defeat, it was immediately demoted soon after. Its crimes weren't bad enough to be dragged down to Computer Hell, but trust me, all the Admins were very tempted to let Antivirus try.
Forum and Domain
Status(es): Active
Introduced here! (Please be aware that they were introduced before the lore of Admins started! That's why some things seem different.)
The Admins of SMG4 and SMG3, respectively! They are (at this time) the only known Admins to be ascended after the death of their original universe. After the events of Let The Monsters In, they remembered their pasts as Guardians and were able to reunite with their (former) Avatar, Juliano. They have been through a lot, but they're partners until the end. (Also they are. So gay for each other.)
Status: Deactived
Introduced here!
He was the creator of the Guardian System and the SMG Program. But don't let that fool you. He was a horrible Admin who only created it so he could have an excuse to mess and destroy other universes. However, his plan was foiled when his creations SMG-1 (Domain) and SMG-2 (Forum) had their universe destroyed, and they were ascended to Admins.
He was also partly responsible for the SMG0 universe tragedy. He purposely didn't tell Lag when the other was making SMG0, that there were meant to be two SMGs.
He was killed permanently after the events of the IRL Arc, where Gohma took over his body and consumed his soul.
Status: Inactive
Introduced here!
She's an Admin who is still utterly obsessed with Byte. Following the events of Fractured Memories, she was captured and properly stripped of her Admin title and abilities. She's been locked away in Computer Hell, as no one really believes the Containment Zone would be decent enough to house someone as crazy as her.
Status: Active
She is one of the oldest Admins around and is very old-fashioned. She doesn't like how things are changing and how the Adminspace is evolving. In canon, however, she doesn't really do or say much about it, knowing full well she could get dog piled for it.
In non-canon, however.. she's taken a different approach.
Status: Active
Part of the Archives deparment. Post introducing him can be found here!
Status: Active
Introduced here!
She's the head of the Medical Divison, one of the oldest medics/doctors around. Well known not to argue with her when she decides what you need to do to recover. Currently a semi-personal medic to Juliano, as she has a lot of worries about his code.
RNG (belongs to duckapus)
Status: Active
Introduced here!
The current Admin of the Pokémon Universe, it was formerly a part of the Research and Development department. It's morally gray and doesn't seem intent on having the other Admins trust it anytime soon.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
The Admin of the merged universes Sally's Outstanding Adventure! and Diamind 6: Stars Go Out. The universes, however, weren't meant to merge, and this led to Download getting shocked by the control panel. Unfortunately, the surge has resulted in the damage of her audio outputs, rendering her now unable to speak.
Status: Active
Introduced here!
One of two Admins of the Containment Zone, a prison for Programs and Viruses alike. He's dedicated to his job and quite no-nonsense, but he has a heart of gold underneath the layers of his cold personality. He only shows it around his fellow Admin or whenever one of his Moderators get hurt.
Status: Active!
Introduced here!
One of two Admins of the Containment Zone, a prison for Programs and Viruses alike. She puts up a ditzy and innocent facade to trick anyone she has to bring in, and prisoners of the Containment Zone know just how scary she can be. However, she does have a genuine caring personality under it all.
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bridenore · 1 year
HD fic recs : Muggle Life (part 3)
Here are a few recs in which either Harry or Draco is living a muggle life. This is part three of three and focuses on longer fics (more than 75k). Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
the call of sweet things by @softlystarstruck [88k]
Draco’s happy with his quiet, lonely life in Woolbury, spending his days working at Pen Pals and keeping his already tidy flat spotless. But when Harry Potter shows up with pink hair and secrets about his magic, Draco’s carefully upheld balance falls apart. He doesn’t quite know how he ends up decorating Harry’s cottage, drinking unreasonable amounts of cocoa, and laughing more than he’s laughed in years, but it’s Christmas, after all– and he finally has a chance to set things right.
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by @waspabi [93k]
'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
In Free Fall by @kbrick [81k]
Draco Malfoy is a serious university student whose idea of a good time is translating Ancient Greek texts and having game night with his small circle of friends.
Harry Potter is a hard-partying adrenaline junkie who’s happiest when he’s leaping from an airplane or hurtling over a waterfall in a kayak.
They have nothing in common.
But when they reconnect in the Muggle world, curiosity prompts them to strike up a deal. Draco will show Harry what it’s like to be a swotty overachiever and Harry will show Draco what it’s like to live life dangerously. It’ll be fun, and really, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like Draco’s going to fall in love with the guy or anything.
Left My Heart by @emmagrant01 [85k]
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to San Francisco to find him. (Post-Hogwarts, set in February, 2004. Written before Half-Blood Prince was released.)
Surrender the Grey by @emmagrant01 [151k]
Draco Malfoy returns to London after five years of self-imposed exile to start a new life with Harry. But will the secrets of the past destroy everything they’ve worked for?  Sequel to “Left My Heart”.
Make Yourself by @anyaelizabethfic​ [103k]
Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can’t help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof.
Star Quality by who_la_hoop [118k]
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they?
But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena [128k]
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Harry. Hiding out with Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be.
This Year’s Love by trishjames [84k]
This year’s love had better last, heaven knows it’s high time when you try to make lovers from friends. But Harry Potter realises time and time again that it’s simply not possible for him. And then along comes Draco Malfoy— the ultimate foe on the mend. Whatever will become of them? A story about love.
That Which Divides Us by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [126k]
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort’s minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for ‘the Chosen One’ and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki [104k]
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Delicate Sound of Thunder by geoviki [61k]
Draco Malfoy has always known that happily ever after is only true for fairy tales.  When someone threatens to expose his wartime past, he risks his life to protect his secrets, but learns he’s not the only one with something to hide. The sequel to A Thousand Beautiful Things.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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doggybeeb · 2 years
Living With Karen - Blog #1: Jaifei Scammed Me
The Backstory
Tick tock.
Oh, you, incessant little gear. Quiet down! Her hand whipped the ceramic red ladybug alarm clock onto the floor, resulting in a large CRASH! She thought she was in the midst of a much-needed moment of silence until she heard her child Bræydon, wail and scream just as he did whenever she would order him her favorite "Heath Mint Pistachio" ice cream. Karen knew that peppermint oil was going to add shine and definition to her son's growing teeth. She thought he needed to indulge in it so that no one in his class could even attempt to consider that he could be associated with Heather Smith; a pink elastic rubber band and braces-wearing redhead who always stood out to Karen whenever she would drop her son off at school. Karen did not like Heather for a few reasons: 1) Heather's hairstyle was not on par with the Christian Bible, especially with the violet-dyed strands in her hair. 2) Heather loved to chew gum and talk back to the teacher. There was no way that Karen would ever let Bræydon be friends with such an unsophisticated excuse of a schoolgirl.
The sound of her child's wail growing ever so loudly brought her back from her thoughts. Her eyes shot straight to dented alarm clock as its hands read her the time: 4:05 PM. She opened her phone and realized she had spent all morning on TikTok. Speaking of TikTok, she then remembered that she was expecting a delivery of exciting gadgets that would make her life easier to manage. She first encountered these gadgets, merely a week ago, after she viewed a TikTok of a woman attempting multiple times to grab her boyfriend's umbrella so that she could be shielded by the wisp bullets of rain. The woman decides that she has had enough of her boyfriend's antics so she pushes him into the grass and pulls out a purple umbrella hat. Karen had never seen anything like that before in her life. Being mesmerized by the woman's umbrella hat, Karen started to have vivid dreams about meeting the inventor of such a stylish and tactile product. That's when she noticed and clicked on one of the only tagged hashtags in the video's caption: #jiafeiproducts.
After viewing a few dozen videos, Karen found an eCommerce website link to Wish.com, which had these inventive gadgets for sale. She saw that all these gadgets were posted under the same username, @JaifeiProducts. By clicking on the username, Karen then saw the profile and inventor of the gadgets that she was enamored with, that being Jiafei, Owner of JiafeiProducts LLC. Right then and there, Karen knew that this was the perfect opportunity to start her new niche mom blog, Living with Karen, in which she talks about her perilous adventures in parenting a 7-year-old boy in an ever-growing society. Karen felt good about the impact that this could have on her blog. Maybe this will be my big shot? Maybe I'll become famous?! Her blushed cheeks widened with glee at the mere thought of reaching mega-stardom.
Ding dong!
That must be my delivery! Here is my chance at fame! Karen shook her head to regain focus on this very pivotal moment in her life. With a fluttering sigh and optimistic grimace, Karen reached for her cheetah print spectacles, which sat neatly on her mahogany desk workstation, and fixed them onto her face. She parted her pin-straight fried hair to her left, emphasizing her iconic and signature look, Karen's swoop. She was ready to seize the day and possibly change her life for the better. Never mind the shrieks and wallows of her incessant silver statue, this was it! This was her chance, right here and right now, finally at last!
She ran towards the front door, swung it open, grabbed the white USPS parcel package, and struck the door shut. Tearing the package apart, she lifted and unveiled the contents within the box: a 350ml clear glass bottle filled to the brim with an invigorating and clarifying essential oil blend of lavender, sage, and peppermint oil; a yellow-colored rubber gripper with a round suction tip that attaches to the handle of a door; a gag-like facial accessory that claims to cancel noise; a cheetah-print umbrella hat; a small grinder for making carrot purée; and lastly, a personalized rubber chew toy with her son's name engraved on it.
She called her son's name to her room to show him what she had bought for him. Bræydon's face looked rugged and pudgy as his eyelids and cheeks stood red and inflamed. He had a puzzled look on his face as if he was trying to decipher and recognize the things his mother had just bought him. "Mama, what is this?" his voice soft and sprightly as the scattered ray of the sun glistened over onto his skin. "Oh sweetie, these are my gifts for you! You see this?" she said in a song-sweet chatter whilst pointing to the essential oil bottle, "This is for you and me! You put this oil on your skin and then you smell it, and your problems go poof!".
About a year ago, Bræydon was having some behavioral issues at school; he had trouble focusing, could never stop moving or fidgeting, was falling behind compared to the other children in his class, was very picky about the clothes he wore, had frequent meltdowns, and was very sensitive to changes in his environment. Karen insisted that he needed more discipline and taught better manners, but the school suggested sending him to see a psychiatrist, or what Karen liked to call, a person that wastes their time and money on an idiotic bullshit degree. To prove that there could be nothing wrong with her son, she complied with the school's suggestion and had Bræydon visit a child psychiatrist. To Karen's dismay, the doctors officially diagnosed Bræydon with autism and ADHD, suggesting that they put him on stimulant medication or those placebo sugar pills. Karen knew that ADHD was overdiagnosed in young children and that autism was most likely a side effect from federal-funded vaccinations or just letting the spirit of the devil into the deep caverns of your mind. Karen knew the doctors wanted her money but she believed wholeheartedly that Bræydon was just fine and normal. Besides, her son's behavioral issues could be easily solved with the smell of essential oils, for instance, the relaxing warm smell of lavender can dull the fussiest of babies to flutter its eye shut without a lullaby necessary. The spiritual properties of sage would help sanctify her son's brain and body by ridding him of any problematic behavior or illness while also deterring the devil from tricking him into a life of deviance. The sharp and cooling aroma of peppermint would cure Bræydon's hyperactivity and frequent public outbursts which Karen found ridiculous and embarrassing, as she felt that her kid was telling everybody how bad of a mother she was. Karen was nowhere near a bad mother, after all, she's the one who gives her son food on the table, a roof over his head, and not to mention all that money she has spent on his private school education, which could easily go to her spray tans or pedicures. She reminded herself of how extremely thoughtful she was and thought about how lucky her son must be to have such a kind and generous mother. She already made it up in her mind that she was not the problem whatsoever; it was more so that Bræydon was an ungrateful, spoiled, and mischievous brat! Karen hoped that the essential oils and the new noise-canceling gag could foster some silence in her household as her son loved to cry about nothing good, especially now that he was in 1st grade.
Another thing that annoyed Karen was that Bræydon had a habit of walking around the house with his eyes glued to his iPad. As much as Karen knew that taking the iPad would solve this issue instantly, she also knew that taking her son's iPad would cause him to freak out and have a temper tantrum. The last time she took his iPad away, Karen and Bræydon were eating pancakes and applesauce. The next thing she knew, her frilly pretty-penny white dress was covered in syrup and goopy sauce. She tried to wash it in the dryer but to no avail, the stains had already set in and her favorite dress was ruined. To counteract any possible outbursts, Karen decided to give Jiafei's products a try. She installed the bright yellow door stopper on the handle of her front door as Bræydon loved to pace around that area. She hoped that this product would prevent Bræydon from receiving any head injuries. She could not fathom the thought of her child becoming mentally deformed.
She knew her son extremely well and was more than willing to cater to his needs, for instance, his favorite food was carrots, especially in a soft purée. Karen used to happily enjoy the long process of making carrot purée for her son: cutting up long carrot roots, steaming them, waiting for the carrots to cool off, putting them in a zip lock bag, and mushing them with a rolling pin. However, as the summer turned into fall, Karen became extremely busy with work and scrolling on TikTok that this long process became a burden by the second week of school. Although when she is in a good mood, Karen will happily make carrot purée for her son on the weekends but mostly every weekday, Bræydon would cry, throwing a temper tantrum about not liking the texture of his carrots. In the desire for continuous moments of silence, Karen would resort to raising her voice at him and ordering him to go into his room to fix his childish and impolite behavior. As time goes on, she finds herself replenishing a cheap bottle of sweet tobacco and oak-flavored Merlot every one or two nights a week. She always woke up before the crack of crescent dawn grouchy, bones aching, breath faint and shallow but she didn't seem to mind as she could get all the sleep she needed when her time came to an end.
Another issue that her son had was the tendency to bite his nails. Karen would feel her stomach churn and thoughts race when she saw the mere glimpse of her son's fingernails. His fingernails usually were brittle and dull, pointy and jagged, and misshaped and unkempt. Karen did not why her son could be so careless about his appearance. Bræydon did not know either. He could not fully understand the reason why he bit his nails excessively, particularly due to his juvenility. He knew for certain that he could not help himself and that nail-biting made him feel less worrisome about the world. He was very happy to see that his mother bought him a toy that he could nibble on freely. He found it cool that it had his name on it, even though the "æ" was separated. Although he did not mind this flaw, he knew he had bigger things to worry about, like making friends with the other school children. Bræydon instinctively bit his nails in front of his mother, even though he was holding his brand-new chew toy in his other hand. He dropped everything on the floor to poke his fingers in his ears after hearing a sharp and harrowing howl from his mother. He could tell he had made a terrible mistake as he saw the horrid look on her face. As a result, she made him walk a typical 10-minute car ride to school alone. By the time he made it to the school, he was late to class by an hour and a half and had to endure mean-spirited comments about his sweaty appearance from his peers. He was going to forget all that happened that day when he would get home as he had planned to pretend to be the faintest of shadows at the start of unbearable gleaming July afternoon, under the covers of his grey comforter. This was until his best friend Heather said that he had smelled like dookie, and not to get close to her that day because he had a bad case of cooties.
At the end of the school day with a head hung low, Bræydon opened the right backseat door to his mother's brand-new crimson 2022 Nissan Altima. He was convinced that he had lost his only friend because he was calming himself down by taking a nibble on his fingernails. "Oh my god! What is that smell?!" Karen shrieked. Bræydon covered his eyes with his hands as he felt all the emotions throughout the day resurface into a wail.
"Why are you crying?! I didn't even say anything!" Karen exclaimed. He felt as if he was going to tell her everything right then and there, but he could not get his mouth to move.
"Do not ignore me! If you do not tell me why you're crying, you'll go to bed without eating!". The sharpness in her tone startled Bræydon. He didn't eat lunch that day, so he knew it was in his best interest to tell his mom the truth.
The Blog
Hi, I'm Karen, and welcome to my first entry on my new mom blog, Living with Karen! I am so thankful to have this platform in which I can share my stories and give advice on parenting. I am a mom to a rambunctious 7-year-old boy named Bræydon. I am currently struggling with my son's recent behavior as he thinks he can talk back to me. He never stops fidgeting, never stops talking, and is highly overdramatic. I just do not understand why he cannot settle down and take some breaths like how mommy does. I am a very hard-working woman and I honestly do not get paid enough for my position at my job, yet you don't hear me complaining, know do you? If I'm being candid, my workplace would not be as successful if it wasn't for me.
Anyways, last year, the doctors told me that my precious son, Bræydon, has ADHD and autism. Frankly, I give psychiatrists very little piece of mind. They think that just because they spent time and money pursuing a stupid career, they can say they know my child and throw whatever label they want onto him. I think they just want my money. My son is perfectly normal and the reason why he is acting up is because of school, especially this girl named Heather. Don't even get me started on Heather, I would be so embarrassed to walk into school with buck teeth, ginger hair, and braces with pink rubber bands, talk about flashy much, especially for a 7-year-old girl. She's going to grow up to be a sluttish whore, just throwing all of herself at any man she can find. How disgusting! Her parents ought to be ashamed of themselves, for letting that concubine walk around and try to seduce my precious son, Bræydon. How dare they!
Anyways, I am getting sidetracked, teehee! I was scrolling onto a TikTok rabbit hole about two weeks ago when I saw this amazing video of an umbrella hat. Yes, you heard right! I honestly was astonished and led to the brink of tears due to this wonderful invention. It boggles my mind how stylish and tactile it is at the same time, how crazy, who would have thought? I noticed there was only one hashtag on the video (#jaifeiproducts). Could this be where this wonderful umbrella hat came from? I thought to myself. I clicked on the hashtag and saw numerous videos about a variety of products. Eventually, through enough digging, I found a link to the official Jaifei Products website. I was so happy that I could give my precious son, Bræydon, these wonderful products! I bought a plentiful number of gizmos and gadgets. An essential oil blend of peppermint, sage, and lavender to cure my son's behavioral issues. A door stopper so my precious son, Bræydon, can wander around the house with his iPad without his head getting bashed into. A noise-canceling gag for my son so that I can sniff my essential oils in peace and quiet. God knows us mothers need some silence here and then. A cheetah print umbrella hat because my son takes up the entire umbrella, which reminds me, I need to put him on a diet. A grinder for making carrot purée, my son's favorite. I swear he is so unbearable if I don't spend an hour or two cutting, steaming, and mashing carrots into a purée. Maybe I won't need to chop the whole carrot into little pieces anymore? Finally, I got my son a personalized rubber chew toy with his name engraved on it because I am such a great and thoughtful mother. Maybe this time he won't bite his nails, it's such a disgusting look and habit!
Not to stir any fire into the pot, but what I am about to say next is taking me a lot of courage and bravery. My blood is boiling as I inform you that Jiafei Products is a total scam! First, my son's behavioral issues did not improve; in fact, he has been more antsy and talkative than ever. He cried at school which is so embarrassing! Jiafei probably did not use organic non-GMO oil because she wants to cut down on costs. It is totally understandable why a small business would do something like this, but when it affects my child, it is inhumane. Secondly, the door stopper did work as intended. My son has not had his head bashed into, thank the Lord! However, I have come home with a wide-open door, infested with flies and mosquitoes. Jiafei should have warned me that these things are a safety risk for front doors! This is proof of her lying when she says that all her products are made for universal use. DO NOT USE THESE ON YOUR FRONT DOORS! Thirdly, the noise-canceling gag was a total sham. Yes, I could not hear my son as well, but the fact is, that I could still hear him talk. Why can I still hear my son if this product is labeled as noise-canceling? It's yet another lie by Jiafei. The carrot grinder was way too small. You still have to cut the entire carrot into tiny pieces. What's the point in having a carrot grinder if it doesn't grind carrots for you? Hard pass for me. Fourth, the cheetah print umbrella hat did not flatter my skin tone whatsoever, and don't even get me started on how flat my hair got! It was tragic.
Finally, Jiafei misspelled my precious son, Bræydon's name. I had his name engraved into the chew toy so that the kids at his school wouldn't get confused and (god forbid) steal my precious son, Bræydon's, product. Turns out, he "accidentally lost" the chew toy I got him! He admitted that he showed it to his whore of a friend Heather, and I bet you every bone in my body that she stole it from my precious son, Bræydon! When I tell you I was appalled, I was appalled! It's all Jaifei's fault because stupid Heather couldn't read Bræydon's name. I am going to write a scathing Yelp review and issue a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. Jiafei is a liar and harms children in this fragile cultural climate. I hope that I live to see the day that Jiafei Products gets a cease-and-desist letter! Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I hope Jaifei can hold herself accountable, delete herself from the Internet, and give me my full refund. Please reblog!
The Emails
"You got Mail!"
The robotic voice echoed throughout the desk workstation. She glanced her eyes onto her HP laptop and noticed a red flashing icon on her screen. It appears that Karen has received an email. Karen scurried the pointer mouse onto Microsoft Outlook and opened the email. She felt her pulse lie flat like a venomous cobra, lying in wait for its prey. The sender was Jiafei Products and it read:
"Dear Karen,
I am extremely disheartened to hear that you were unsatisfied with my products. The reason why your son's name was misspelled on the personalized chew toy was that I could not figure out to program my engraver to ink 'æ', therefore I had to substitute it with 'ae'. I know this may not be much, but I feel inclined to make this settlement right. I will be giving you 50% off on your next order and free shipping. As a small team, Jaifei Products works long and odd-hour shifts to ensure that our customers are happy and satisfied with their products.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you to make this situation right.
My sincerest apologies,
CEO and Founder of Jaifei Products LLC".
Karen was outright flabbergasted that Jaifei did not think about giving her a full refund. She took a whiff of her essential oils before responding, feeling the anguish seep over her like a boiling kettle. She composed an email ripping Jaifei a new one whilst demanding she receives full compensation back in a timely manner. After she huffed and puffed for 5 minutes, she got another email from Jiafei.
"Dear Karen,
I am afraid that we are unable to process a full refund of $19.67 currently, as we must allocate our funds efficiently. Again, I am extremely disheartened and distraught that you were deeply unsatisfied with my products.  I hope this does not cast too much of an inconvenience on your end. Thank you so much for your time and patience, valued customer.
Please have a nice day,
CEO and Founder of Jiafei Products LLC".
---- "You got Mail!" 
The robotic voice echoed throughout the desk workstation. She glanced her eyes onto her HP laptop and noticed a red flashing icon on her screen. It appears that Karen has received an email. Karen scurried the pointer mouse onto Microsoft Outlook and opened the email. She felt her pulse lie flat like a venomous cobra, lying in wait for its prey. The sender was Jiafei Products and it read:
--- "Dear Karen,
I am extremely disheartened to hear that you were unsatisfied with my products. The reason why your son's name was misspelled on the personalized chew toy was that I could not figure out to program my engraver to ink 'æ', therefore I had to substitute it with 'ae'. I know this may not be much, but I feel inclined to make this settlement right. I will be giving you 50% off on your next order and free shipping. As a small team, Jaifei Products works long and odd-hour shifts to ensure that our customers are happy and satisfied with their products. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you to make this situation right.
My sincerest apologies,
CEO and Founder of Jaifei Products LLC".
Karen was outright flabbergasted that Jaifei did not think about giving her a full refund. She took a whiff of her essential oils before responding, feeling the anguish seep over her like a boiling kettle. She composed an email ripping Jaifei a new one whilst demanding she receives full compensation back in a timely manner. After she huffed and puffed for 5 minutes, she got another email from Jiafei.
"Dear Karen,
I am afraid that we are unable to process a full refund of $19.67 currently, as we must allocate our funds efficiently. Again, I am extremely disheartened and distraught that you were deeply unsatisfied with my products.  I hope this does not cast too much of an inconvenience on your end. Thank you so much for your time and patience, valued customer.
Please have a nice day,
CEO and Founder of Jiafei Products LLC".
Tick tock.
She could feel the tears swell up and trickle down beneath her eyes. She knew she had been defeated. She knew that she was never going to see that money back. She knew that she had wasted her time. She tried to make sense of this calamity, but it was in fact a part of her. She had known this sunken feeling all too well. That part of her she most dreaded. That part of her she hated with passion like the devil. Her vices were getting to her.
How was she supposed to love, when she couldn't love herself entirely?
Right then and there, she downed another glass of her favorite Merlot, before collapsing her head into her forearms, which had been secured by her desk workstation. She, now wistful, was pulled out of her thoughts for one last time to the incessant sound of her broken-down ladybug clock. Without a thought in her pretty little mind, Karen whipped the clock in full force with her hands. She broke down into a pathetic sob as the clock had hit the floor, torn into two, and her son wallowed and wailed on cue.
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ilovevape · 5 months
Unveiling the Hulk Hogan Vape: Exploring the Iconic Wrestler's Entry into the Vaping Industry
Step into the ring, vape enthusiasts! We have some electrifying news that will knock you out of your seat. The vaping industry is about to get a heavyweight addition as none other than the iconic Hulk Hogan steps into the spotlight with his very own vape brand. That's right, folks - Hulkamania is going digital with the introduction of the Hulk Hogan Vape ! In this blog post, we'll delve into the rise of the vaping industry, uncover the inspiration behind Hulk Hogan's foray into this booming market, and explore how he plans to revolutionize it like only he can. Get ready to puff clouds of excitement and join us on this thrilling journey through all things "Hulk Hogan Vape"!
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The Rise of the Vaping Industry
The vaping industry has exploded onto the scene in recent years, capturing the attention of smokers and non-smokers alike. With its promise of a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes, vaping quickly gained popularity as a trendy and socially acceptable way to satisfy nicotine cravings. One of the driving factors behind this rapid growth is the allure of customization. Vapers can choose from an endless variety of flavors, ranging from classic tobacco to mouth-watering fruity concoctions. This level of personalization allows individuals to tailor their vaping experience to suit their preferences, making it an appealing option for those looking for more control over their smoking habits. Additionally, advancements in technology have played a significant role in shaping the vaping landscape. Gone are the days of clunky e-cigarettes; sleek and compact vape pens now dominate the market. These devices offer portability and discretion while still delivering a satisfying hit. Furthermore, social media platforms have facilitated widespread awareness and engagement within the vaping community. Influencers share their experiences with different brands and flavors, creating a sense of camaraderie among vapers worldwide.
The Inspiration Behind Hulk Hogan's Vape Brand When it comes to iconic figures, few can match the larger-than-life persona of Hulk Hogan. Known for his incredible strength and flamboyant personality in the wrestling ring, it may come as a surprise that he has ventured into the vaping industry. But what inspired this legendary wrestler to enter this booming market? Hulk Hogan's passion for vaping stems from his own personal journey towards improved health and well-being. After facing various health issues caused by years of intense physicality in the wrestling world, Hogan turned to vaping as an alternative to traditional smoking. By embracing vaping, Hogan experienced firsthand the positive impact it had on his overall wellness and quality of life. Determined to share these benefits with others, he decided to launch his own vape brand – a brand that embodies both his fierce resilience and commitment to promoting healthier alternatives. Drawing inspiration from his wrestling career, Hulk Hogan's vape brand reflects his larger-than-life personality through its bold flavors and unique product designs. Each vape flavor is carefully crafted to deliver a powerful punch reminiscent of Hogan's signature moves in the ring. Moreover, Hulk Hogan’s strong dedication to giving back is evident in every aspect of his vape brand. A portion of proceeds from each sale goes towards supporting charitable organizations focused on improving health outcomes for individuals worldwide. So next time you take a puff from your favorite Hulk Hogan vape flavor, remember that behind each cloud lies an inspiring story fueled by resilience and determination—an unmistakable reminder that even giants like The Hulkster are committed advocates for change.
How Hulk Hogan is Revolutionizing the Vaping Industry
In a world where vaping has gained immense popularity, Hulk Hogan's entry into the industry is nothing short of revolutionary. With his iconic status as a wrestling legend, he brings a new level of excitement and energy to the vaping scene. Hulk Hogan's vape brand not only captures his larger-than-life personality but also embodies his commitment to quality and innovation. By creating unique flavors that cater to different tastes and preferences, he ensures that vapers have an unforgettable experience with each puff. But it doesn't stop there. Hulk Hogan is not just another celebrity endorsing a product; he is actively involved in every aspect of his vape brand. From product development to marketing strategies, he puts his heart and soul into making sure that vapers get the best possible experience. By leveraging his massive fanbase and influence, Hulk Hogan opens up new avenues for promoting vaping as a healthier alternative to smoking. His presence in the industry helps break down barriers and reduce stigmas associated with vaping. Moreover, by championing transparency in manufacturing processes and using high-quality ingredients, Hulk Hogan sets a standard for other vape brands to follow. He emphasizes safety measures, ensuring that customers can trust the products they are consuming. Through collaborations with reputable experts in the field of e-cigarettes, Hulk Hogan constantly strives for innovation within the vaping industry. Whether it's introducing cutting-edge technology or exploring new ways to enhance flavor profiles, he pushes boundaries like only The Hulkster can. With every cloud produced from a Hulk Hogan Vape device comes a sense of empowerment - empowering vapers around the world to embrace their individuality while enjoying their favorite flavors without compromising on quality or safety.
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get-back-homeward · 10 months
My queue was in the middle of 1968 India trip posts during the anniversary of Brian Epstein’s death and the statue unveiling, so it got me thinking about the connection of these two events.
It’s easy to forget the link between the two because they’re technically 6 months apart. But it feels underappreciated how much Brian’s specter looms large over the entire India trip. And not just because they delay the grief process several months in the name of Paul’s favorite coping mechanism. But because Brian dies the week they first meet the Maharishi:
Tuesday, August 22: The band’s first recording session since June; they record takes 1-8 of Your Mother Should Know
Wednesday, August 23: Recording take 9 of Your Mother Should Know and Brian stops by
Thursday, August 24: The Beatles first meet the Maharishi at a lecture in London. At the end of the day, they hold a press conference, get a 90-min private meeting with the Maharishi, and plan to go to Bangor, Wales for a 10-day training in Transcendental Meditation (TM) the next day.
Friday, August 25: They travel to Wales, the first time in years they’re traveling without Brian or Mal or Neil, and it’s chaotic; after they arrive, they get a message from Brian saying he will join them on Monday.
Saturday, August 26: Following a day of training, they renounce drugs in a press conference (well, LSD at least). Brian spur of the moment drives back to London from Kingsley Hill after the guests he invited for the weekend don’t make it.
Sunday, August 27: Brian dies from an overdose of sleeping pills the previous night; he’s found around noon, the Beatles are inducted into TM before the news about Brian reaches them. They had a private meeting with Maharishi about their grief (he talks about reincarnation and the need for positive thoughts about Brian to help this process). Then Paul goes back to London while John and George are forced to make a statement for reporters staked outside.
Monday, August 28: Paul presents the idea for the MMT film and convinces them to keep working rather than go to India now.
That’s one week.
Whether you want to look at it as fate, consequence, or coincidence, TM and Brian’s death are linked forever because of this timing. The simple act of losing Brian factors into the disparate grief reactions and subsequent burnout symptoms seen visibly in each band member after India and across the next year. But this timing would haunt anyone. And not just because those around Brian report him feeling jealous about their diverted attention toward the guru this week. Just dumb what ifs that grief can haunt your brain with: what if they hadn’t heard about the lecture, what if they hadn’t gone on the Bangor trip or had invited Brian to join them on the train, what if they hadn’t appeared on camera announcing they were giving up drugs because of the Maharishi’s influence, etc etc etc.
This link between TM and Brian’s death is especially worth considering for John, who I believe is the only one who ever directly expresses guilt over his death. This isn’t unique as he expressed guilt for all deaths around him in an opaque way believing he’s a curse on people he loves. But it also is understandable because he had some warning. Pete Shotton talks about a worrying tape message John receives from Brian a few days before. Brian’s father died only 6 weeks prior, and Brian’s secretary finds a suicide note dated just before that. There seems to be some uniformity among those closest to him at this time that while he may have been actively considering suicide earlier in the summer, he wouldn’t have after his father passed out of concern for his mother. Still, even with the idea it was all just a terrible accident, those dumb what ifs would creep up in a case like this.
When you add in that Bangor is a spur of the moment trip, that it’s the first one they’ve taken in years without Brian’s planning and guidance, and that telling Brian or inviting him to join them seems like an afterthought? Well, it’s not hard to see how that close link and the guilt that it inspires would have factored into John’s desperation for finding that answer in India. And his anger when it doesn’t deliver. It looks like a desperation to make a consequential choice matter. Searching for the answer to life guided by a holy man makes TM and the Bangor trip meaningful. It makes it important. But to a guilt-filled brain, the idea the man is a fraud means Brian died for nothing. It’s a 60 foot drop into the earth, nothing but a deep dark hole of emptiness.
Now add that John shares with Brian more than just a tendency for depression.
#you can see why janov had a field day with john#from 2022#lol this wasn’t supposed to post oops#queue malfunctioned#my text#august#1967#i started this to get the dates straight and ​this took on a life of its own#they were too desperate to make eppys death matter#john especially#i guess was my point#brian epstein#john pov#eppy and john#understanding john#1968#what happened in india#fic bunny#i wrote this august 2022 if anyone is curious about what statue i mean#it’s been sitting in my queue for a year as i roll it over in my mind and try to poke holes in it#i wrote it to get into 68 john pov for fic writing#im still not sure about it spec wise but the dates are solid#guilt john expresses is mostly due to introducing brian to pills and may have included spiking drinks unbeknownst in 62 in woolers tbb#but given how far back his im a curse to everyone thing goes its not hard to extrapolate and think his guilt went further#this sets up conflict between paul as john defaults to eppys gone it’s all over and ascribes all their success to him#and ​paul is intent on proving him wrong while running from his own grief again#george pov is a bit harder to nail down at this time he kinda acts as the polar opposite of paul#his focus on death predates the maharishi and he’s been dissatisfied with the beatles and looking for a way out for some time#he and pattie are the reason they go hear the maharishi as they were interested in meditation already and had done drug renouncing already
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familyouting-text-pdf · 8 months
PROCEEDS WERE INTENDED to go towards a new mini golf course, an idea proposed by citizens following a terrible and rare sinkhole that took their old community center. Upon her tragic passing, proceeds went towards the construction of a memorial for the late First Lady. It is due to be unveiled on March 18, and is allegedly a copper plated six-foot statue of the First Lady and her own pet gator, Alice.
We asked the mayor himself about his wife's tragic passing, this is what he had to say:
"She was a great wife-- a wild one. You could never pin her down. No one could. That is, I guess, until now. Wish it could've been me. Alas... forever in our hearts and all of that crap. Nothing can bring her back. At least with this beautiful memorial, I'll get to see her anytime I want. One of my only good post-mortem privileges."
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/02/nissan-warns-costs-must-fall-to-make-new-electric-cars-in-uk
Nissan warns costs must fall to make new electric cars in UK
Getty Images
By Simon Jack, Annabelle Liang and Peter Hoskins
BBC News
A senior boss at Nissan has warned the “economics have to work” for the company to make new electric models of its Juke and Qashqai cars in the UK.
Ashwani Gupta, chief operating officer at the firm, told the BBC the UK faced a challenge to remain competitive with other car-making countries.
He said manufacturing costs in the UK were higher than others due to higher energy bills and overall inflation.
Nissan employs more than 6,000 people at its Sunderland manufacturing plant.
Mr Gupta warned having lower production costs was key to keeping the UK competitive. He added other tools to keep the UK attractive to car-makers were ongoing government support in the transition to electric vehicles, as well as robust supply chains.
Nissan has already committed to producing the successor to its Leaf electric car at its factory in Sunderland, but Mr Gupta said that when it came to allocating production of new Juke and Qashqai models between its 44 global plants, the company “needed to have the economics to justify it”.
The decision of where to build the new Juke and Qashqai does not have to made for a couple of years yet as the next models of those big Sunderland-made sellers are not due until 2027-28, and decisions are usually made two or three years in advance.
Car makers often press governments to provide more support. Nissan recently secured about £100m in public money towards a £1bn investment in expanding a Chinese-owned battery plant located right next to its Sunderland plant.
But the map of global car manufacturing is being reshaped and the US is offering tens of billions in subsidies to car makers who move production and supply chains there. The EU is also expected to respond with carrots of its own.
The comments from Mr Gupta come as Nissan and Renault unveiled the details of a major shake-up of their often strained 24-year-old alliance, after months of negotiations between the motor industry giants.
In a joint statement, the two firms said they had “rebalanced” their relationship by agreeing that Renault would cut its stake in Nissan.
Under the deal, Nissan will take a stake in Renault’s flagship electric car unit Ampere.
The companies also said that they will work together on electronics and battery technology, as well as making savings from joint projects in Europe, India and Latin America.
The agreement will see Renault cutting its stake in Japan’s Nissan from more than 43% to 15%, the same size as Nissan’s stake in its French counterpart.
The companies also said that Nissan will take a stake of up to 15% in Renault’s new electric vehicle venture, Ampere.
Christopher Richter from investment group CLSA said the changes were necessary to keep the two-decade partnership alive.
“It’s a last ditch attempt to save an alliance where the two partners don’t get along very well,” he told the BBC.
“Hopefully, by equalising their status in the alliance, they can put some of the rancour behind them, and find a limited number of activities where they can cooperate and add value to each other,” Mr Richter added.
The move comes at a time of huge change for the motor industry as it transitions to electric vehicles and adopts new technology.
“We all know that auto firms will be amalgamated into five or six globally, especially due to the big changes occurring in AI technology,” Seijiro Takeshita from the University of Shizuoka in Japan told the BBC.
“In that context, Nissan and Renault need to find a good partner, and that’s what they are, at least nominally. They cannot and do not have the luxury of going alone in this battle,” he added.
Soviet-era car brand revived at ex-Renault plant
Ex-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn says he wants a trial
The alliance was formed in 1999 when Renault rescued Nissan from the brink of bankruptcy.
In 2016, they were joined by Mitsubishi, after Nissan took a major stake in the struggling Japanese firm.
The alliance was rocked in November 2018 when Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn was arrested over allegations that he had understated his annual salary and misused company funds. Mr Ghosn denied the charges.
At the time, Mr Ghosn was the chairman of the Japanese carmaker. He was also chairman of France’s Renault and the boss of a three-way alliance between both carmakers and Mitsubishi.
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jojogonzo28 · 1 year
Photo 1: In mid-January, the city of Boston revealed a 10 million state dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr. The 20-foot bronze statue was a recreation of a photo of MLK and his wife Coretta Scott King hugging after he won his Noble Peace Prize in 1964. The statue was named “The Embrace”. The statue was revealed and received instant black lash from people on social media outlets. It was deemed inappropriate looking and weird by thousands of people. Many news outlets and social media accounts posted the unveiling and it spread like wildfire to people all over. What makes this image iconic for our time is that it signifies how fast news spreads and how the angles of items can determine how people view items. If the news stations had a different angle or posted different pictures maybe the thoughts about the statue wouldn’t have been negative. Also, this picture is an example of a gray area. Even though the news station or account did not mean to mock the statue the way they displayed it created a stir. But it is not the station's job to make it look good or display it a certain way. They are there to show what is going on and report it. The statue reveal was one thing but it lead to other stories and ideas news stations can create
Photo 2: The still photo I selected was from the December 9th, 2022 prisoner swap between Russia and The United States. The two prisoners are American Britney Griner and Russian Viktor Bout. Griner is a former WNBA superstar and was a prisoner in Russia for carrying a weed pen. Bout was a Russian arms dealer known as the “Merchant of Death “. This video still is iconic because trade was a hot topic for Americans and was deemed as the correct thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Griner is the one in the red and Bout is carrying the yellow folder. The video captures an important exchange between two of the most powerful countries. It shows what people wondered would happen and if it did how it would look. It shows two humans being treated as pawns and gives us a reality check. The video still is from a video from a Russian State Media outlet according to nytimes.com. Also, the photo may seem simple was a complicated and deeply thought procedure.
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stepphase · 1 year
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Tips and hidden functions to control the use of Facebook
Although you use Facebook every day, you probably do not know all the functions that the social network comes with. Discover our ten tips and hidden functions to better use Facebook on a daily basis.
Since the time you are registered on Facebook, you probably think you know all the secrets. And you are definitely making a mistake. Over the years, the social network has evolved so much that it has turned into a real gas factory. Especially on the Web version where the menus and functions have been multiplied. So much so that we wonder if the intention of Facebook is not to drown you in these many parameters. So that you do not take too much interest in them.
We have selected a dozen tips and hidden functions for you. From using keyboard shortcuts in the navigation to deleting your search history or interactions. To check what information is publicly available on your profile. Here's everything you need to know to use Facebook better on a daily basis.
Activate the compact view
Did you know that Facebook has a "Compact" mode? The option, which allows you to decrease the font size to display more elements on the screen was visibly unveiled at the same time as the appearance of Facebook's dark mode. Yet its existence seems to be totally ignored by users of the platform.
To take advantage of it, log into your Facebook account from a web browser. At the top right of the interface. Click the down arrow to display the options menu and enter the View and accessibility menu.
You can then switch Compact Mode to On.
Use keyboard shortcuts
In a similar vein, Facebook supports a number of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to navigate the platform. To enable them, expand the options menu at the top right, enter View and Accessibility, and click Keyboard. Then change the setting to On.
To display the list of available keyboard shortcuts, then use the key combination Shift +?
Disable automatic video playback
Autoplaying videos may be handy. But it usually ends up absorbing your attention when you had no plans to watch videos at all. Much like when you go to Ikea, just to watch, and then you walk out. arms full of things you don't need.
Fortunately, it is possible to deactivate the automatic playback of videos. Not only will you no longer be tempted to watch it, but you will also save data. Which can come in very handy if you are using, for example, a mobile data connection.
To turn off automatic video playback on Facebook. Click on the options menu and go to the Settings and privacy menu.
Then enter Settings.
Scroll through all the options displayed in the left column, and click Videos. In the right pane, line Autoplay videos, click the drop-down menu Default and select No.
Hide some contacts from your news feed without deleting them
Facebook is the very stereotype of the social network on which we keep certain contacts in our friend's list because they are nice and we have nothing against them. But that also means undergoing in certain cases, the photos of all the vicissitudes of their children. Which admit it, is not part of your centers of interest. There is a solution to stop being subject to this affront without crossing them off your friend's list.
To do this, go to the profile of the person concerned, click on the Friends button, then click on Unsubscribe.
You will no longer see their posts appear on your news feed.
Hide your online presence
Logging in to Facebook also means taking the risk of seeing this contact land in Messenger who only gives you news when he needs you. To stroll incognito on your account without your contacts seeing that you are connected, it is possible to deactivate your online status.
To do this, click on the options button represented by three small dots, displayed at the top of the contacts page on the right of the Facebook interface. Then choose to Disable Online Status.
A pop-up should then open in the center of the screen. You can choose to Disable Online status for all contacts. Disable online status for all contacts except (indicating which contacts are allowed to see you online). or Disable Online status for only a few contacts.
Delete your search history
All searches that you perform in the Facebook search engine are logged in history. And be honest, there may be some requests in your history that you'd rather see go away.
Several options are then available to you. If you want to delete a recent search, click in the searches field, then click on the cross displayed in front of each of your recent searches to delete them.
To go further, click Edit. You will then access the complete history of your searches. You can delete it completely by clicking on Clear searches, at the top right.
Delete your interactions
In the same way that it is possible to delete your search history, you can delete the interactions you have had on all the posts displayed in your news feed.
To access the history of your likes and comments, open the options menu from the home page and click on Settings and privacy.
Then go to the Personal History menu.
In the left column of your Personal History, click on Interactions. You can then select your interactions one by one or all at once, then click on the Delete button to make them disappear for good.
Check your profile information visible to the public
Ever wondered how people you're not friends with view your profile? It's entirely possible.
To do this, go to your profile, click on the options button (three small dots), and choose to View as.
Your profile page then reloads, with a banner mentioning This content on your profile is Public, allowing you to control all the information and publications publicly accessible on your Facebook profile.
Once your inspection is complete, click Exit View As to return to the classic view of your profile.
Hide stories
It is now difficult to escape the stories displayed at the top of the page on the various social networks. All platforms offer them. If it is not possible to turn them off completely on Facebook, at least you can hide the nastier ones.
If on the mobile version of Facebook you only need to keep your finger pressed on a story to access the Mute X's story option, the web version of Facebook requires a little more gymnastics.
To hide a contact's stories, click the arrow displayed to the right of the stories to see all stories.
In the page dedicated to all the stories, click on the Settings menu at the top left.
In the window that appears, go to the story's Privacy tab, then at the bottom, click Hide story for.
Then select the contacts for which you want to hide the stories. Then validate your modifications by clicking on the Save button.
Disconnect your account remotely from all machines
Do you remember logging into your Facebook account from a machine that does not belong to you, but you no longer know if you have logged out of your account?
To prevent a third party from accessing the precious data contained on your Facebook account. the social network has provided an option allowing you to remotely disconnect your account from all the devices on which it is connected.
To do this, from the Facebook home page, click on the arrow displayed at the top right to deploy the options menu and enter Settings and privacy.
Then enter Settings .
In the window that appears, click Security & Login in the left column. You should see a Your connections section in the main panel. Then click on See more to display the complete list of devices connected to your Facebook account.
You can then choose to individually disconnect each device listed by clicking on the three small dots and then selecting Disconnect.
You can also choose the hard way and suddenly disconnect your account from all the machines listed in the list.
To do this, scroll to the bottom of the list and click on the Disconnect from all sessions menu. All active sessions on all list machines will disconnect. You will then have to reconnect on all the devices that you usually use.
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Of course, you can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our stepphase.com page. I hope you like it and by the way, thank you for your visit.
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tastydregs · 1 year
There's a Problem With That AI Portrait App: It Can Undress People Without Their Consent
If you've been on the internet pretty much at all over the last few days, it's very likely that you've seen a rush of people posting fantastical, anime-inspired digital portraits of themselves.
These "Magic Avatars" — as their creator, a photo-editing app called Lensa AI, has dubbed them — have taken the internet by storm, their virality hand-in-hand with that of ChatGPT, OpenAI's next-gen AI chatbot.
Indeed, it seems a fitting way to end what's been a banner year for artificial intelligence. Text-to-image generators, most notably OpenAI's DALL-E and Midjourney's Stable Diffusion, have disrupted creative industries; a record label unveiled — and quickly did away with — an AI rapper; machine learning has been used to generate full-length fake "conversations" between living celebrities and dead ones; and who could forget LaMDA, the Google chatbot that a rogue engineer said had gained sentience?
While experts have been tinkering with the foundational tech for years, a few substantial breakthroughs — combined with a lot of investment dollars — are now resulting in an industry rush to market. As a result, a lot of new tech is getting bottled into consumer-facing products.
There's just one problem: neither the products — nor the public — are ready.
Take those "Magic Avatars," which on face value seem relatively harmless. After all, there's nothing wrong with imagining yourself as a painted nymph or elf or prince or whatever else the app will turn you into. And unlike text-to-image generators, you can only work within the boundaries of pictures that you already have on hand.
But as soon as the "avatars" began to go viral, artists started sounding the alarm, noting that Lensa offered little protection for the creators whose art may have been used to train the machine. Elsewhere, in a darker turn, despite Lensa's "no nudes" use policy, users found it alarmingly simple to generate nude images — not only of themselves, but of anyone they had photos of.
"The ease with which you can create images of anyone you can imagine (or, at least, anyone you have a handful of photos of), is terrifying," wrote Haje Jan Kamps for Techcrunch. Kamps tested the app's ability to generate pornography by feeding it poorly photoshopped images of celebrities' faces onto nude figures. Much to his horror, the photoshopped images handily disabled any of the app's alleged guardrails.
"Adding NSFW content into the mix, and we are careening into some pretty murky territory very quickly: your friends or some random person you met in a bar and exchanged Facebook friend status with may not have given consent to someone generating soft-core porn of them," he added.
Terrible stuff, but that's not even as bad as it gets. As writer Olivia Snow discovered when uploading her childhood photos of herself to the "Magic Avatars" program, Lensa's alleged guardrails failed to even protect against the production of child pornography — a horrifying prospect on such a widely-available and easy-to-use app.
"I managed to piece together the minimum 10 photos required to run the app and waited to see how it transformed me from awkward six-year-old to fairy princess," she wrote for Wired. "The results were horrifying."
"What resulted were fully-nude photos of an adolescent and sometimes childlike face but a distinctly adult body," she continued. "This set produced a kind of coyness: a bare back, tousled hair, an avatar with my childlike face holding a leaf between her naked adult's breasts."
Kamps' and Snow's accounts both underscore an inconvenient reality of all this AI tech: it's chronically doing things its makers never intended, and sometimes even evading safety constraints they attempted to impose. It gives a sense that the AI industry is pushing faster and farther than what society — or even their own tech — is ready for. And with results like these, that's deeply alarming.
In a statement to Techcrunch, Lensa placed the blame on the user, arguing that any pornographic images are "the result of intentional misconduct on the app." That line echoes a wider industry sentiment that there are always going to be bad actors out there, and bad actors will do what bad actors will do. Besides, as another common excuse goes, anything that these programs might produce could just as well be created by a skilled photoshop user.
Both of these arguments have some weight, at least to an extent. But neither changes the fact that, like other AI programs, Lensa's program makes it a lot easier for bad actors to do what bad actors might do. Generating believable fake nudes or high-quality depictions of child sexual abuse imagery just went from being something that few could do convincingly to being something that anyone armed with the right algorithm can easily create.
There's also an unmistakable sense of Pandora's box opening. Even if the Lensas of the world lock down their tech, it's inevitable that others will create knockoff algorithms that bypass those safety features.
As Lensa's failures have so clearly demonstrated, the potential for real people to experience real and profound harm as a result of the premature introduction of AI tools — image generators and beyond — is growing rapidly. The industry, meanwhile, appears to be taking a "sell now, ask questions later" approach, seemingly keener on beating competitors to VC funding than to ensuring that these tools are reasonably safe.
It's worth noting that nonconsensual porn is just one of the many risk factors, here. The potential for the quick and easy production of political misinformation is another major concern. And as far as text generators go? Educators are shaking in their boots.
As it stands, a tool as seemingly innocuous as "Magic Avatars" is yet another reminder that, while it's already changing the world, AI is still an experiment — and collateral damage isn't a prospective threat. It's a given.
READ MORE: 'Magic Avatar' App Lensa Generated Nudes from My Childhood Photos [Wired]
More on AI: Professors Alarmed by New AI That Writes Essays about as Well as Dumb Undergrads
The post There's a Problem With That AI Portrait App: It Can Undress People Without Their Consent appeared first on Futurism.
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