#haikyuu headquarters
plutoccult · 9 months
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pairing: jean kirstein x female reader
description: a love confession from jean shakes up your restless night as the two of you are unable to fall asleep.
word count: 2.6k
read part two here
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: hi, this was originally written on my ao3 account (@plutotown, same as my main blog and also my wattpad that i notoriously don’t post stories on anymore) a few months ago, but i decided that i also wanted to share works on tumblr too as i would like to get back into writing again. i’ll probably post mostly anime stuff on here (especially attack on titan and haikyuu as of rn), but i’m open to more. hopefully this is something i stick to, but if not, then at least i decided to expand sharing my works! anyway, sorry to ramble, but i hope you enjoy <3
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it was common for you to be in this position; using what’s left of the candlelight to accompany your restless state. you always had trouble sleeping, especially with so many things going on at once, and the bags underneath your eyes were proof of it.
this time around, you were writing a letter to your father as it had been awhile since the two of you exchanged words. luckily for you, sasha, your roommate, was bothering connie and jean in their room, so you didn’t have the sounds of her snoring or munching on food to irritate you.
such peace didn’t last forever though as three knocks had startled you in the midst of your writing. you couldn’t possibly think of who could be at the door at this hour besides sasha, but then again, what if it was captain levi or hange? anything could happen in the middle of the night, but you supposed that if a major event was happening, the headquarters would be roaring with chaos already.
before answering the door, you quickly set down your paper and pen, hearing another knock to the door as you were getting ready to answer it. “coming!”
you opened the door, your eyes meeting with the last person you expected to see tonight. “j-jean?”
jean stood in front of you with his arms crossed, looking a little disgruntled, which made sense considering it was the middle of the night. you grew flustered as he wore a white tank top which revealed jean’s muscles that you had never noticed before. sure, you had become quite toned yourself since starting training as a lanky teen, but he was on whole other level. it was embarrassing to look at your friend and comrade in such a way, so you really had to keep yourself together here.
“nice nightgown.” jean snickered. you looked down and glanced at your baby pink nightgown that went down to your calves with its puffy sleeves and a little bow in the middle of your chest. usually after dinner, the two of you don’t see each other when going to bed, so seeing one another in pajamas like this was something new. if only this couldn’t get any more embarrassing. you didn’t really need jean having something else to tease you about.
“what are you doing here?” you stammered, trying to force your eyes to look up at jean’s face and not his physique no matter how hard it was to not stare. how dare he make this so hard for you?
“can’t sleep.” he sighed. “sasha and connie have been keeping me awake, and then i realized you have an empty bed because she’s in me and connie room, so.”
“so...?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“well, since you’re clearly awake, wanna stay up together?” at first, you thought of his proposal as suspicious, and yeah, it kind of was. he never comes to visit you at night like this. was there a hidden motive? who knew? you didn’t, and it’s not like you were innocent either, so you allowed him to come in and hope for the best.
“um, sure...” you replied hesitantly, no going back now. “you can even crash on sasha’s bed if you want.”
“sweet, thanks.” jean then stepped inside, his first instinct to check out the letter you were writing previously that sat out in the open for any curious eyes to see. “oh, what are you writing—“
“it’s a letter to my father!” you yelled out, quickly rushing towards him and grabbing the letter out of his hands before he could read it. “i was in the middle of writing it before you knocked.”
“oh, my bad.” he immediately apologized. “you can finish writing it, i don’t mind.”
“no, that’s fine.” you let out a sigh, putting away the paper and pen into an empty drawer. jean didn’t say anything else about it, and as you turned your head, you saw him begin to sit down on sasha’s bed with not enough time to warn him about the issue with her side of the room. “by the way—“
“jesus, are these crumbs?!” jean said in disgust. there it is.
“yeah. sasha likes to eat in bed. i was just about to warn you about that.” you forced a laugh, sitting across from him on your bed, which was notably free of any crumbs.
“disgusting.” he scoffed. the look on his face made you giggle, but you stopped once jean looked up with a bit of a scary look. “what’s so funny?”
“nothing, nothing.” you lied, then patted your hand down on the spot next to you for jean. “you can sit on my bed if you want though. i’m not falling asleep anytime soon.”
“oh.” jean stood up and wiped off any crumbs that happened to stick to his pants, moving on over to your side. he blushed as you two sat close, your hips so close that they could touch if they moved even the slightest bit closer. “uh, could you not sleep either?”
“yeah. plus, i still had yet to write my father back, so i took the opportunity to start writing it.” you shrugged. you really needed to write to your father more often, especially knowing how worried he had been since you decided to abandon your life’s plan by joining the survey corps instead of the military police. but hey, you had friends who had your back just as much as you had theirs.
jean wasn’t all that innocent either though. he missed out on writing his mother back more than you missed out on writing your father back. when it came to worried parents though, mrs. kirstein took the cake. he was surprised she hadn’t stormed the headquarters by now, but even she knew he was so busy fighting for humanity. “i need to write back to my mom too. i hope she’s not worried.”
“i’m sure she thinks about her jean-bo all the time.” you teased. jean-bo could never escape that nickname, especially with you around. although, he didn’t exactly mind when you called him that. dare he say it, but you were the only exception. jean couldn’t help but hate it with a burning passion when eren used it against him though.
“not the nickname...” jean couldn’t help but pout. his frown disappeared as you lightly nudged him, reminding him that jean-bo wasn’t the only thing he was known for.
“what? it’s cute. well, cuter than being called my stallion sidekick.” that wasn’t exactly the best nickname either, but it connected him to you, so he couldn’t complain about it as much. jean always thought there had to be something better than that though.
“we are quite a pair, huh?” he chuckled, looking over to you as you grinned and responded in agreement.
“the greatest, of course.” god, that smile. it was his weakness, but in this instance? that weakness hit him like a ton of bricks. with the combination of the growing tension, the moonlight slightly shining on your soft skin through the window, and the look of peace and innocence in your eyes (compared to your feisty look in the daytime), jean was smitten. your smile never failed him, and he hoped it wouldn’t fail him now.
“um, listen, y/n, i gotta tell you something.” jean couldn’t take it anymore. he couldn’t stand the way his heartbeat slowed, even skipped a beat when you smiled the way you always did. he hated it yet loved it at the same time, so this was now or never. he couldn’t let that smile ever leave him, not now, not ever.
“oh, okay. go ahead.” but you never had any clue about your effect on jean. sure, you were always on each others toes, attached to the hip as you both relentlessly teased one another. you always knew you and jean shared a deep connection, one that grew over the years, but you always assumed it was simply a friendship and nothing more. you couldn’t let a silly thing like feelings ruin what you had with him, but jean was willing to take a chance for once.
there was no better way to go about this than muttering your name and spilling out those three little words that would change everything. jean was always one to get flustered so easily, but the tiredness in him didn’t let him think too much, so it made all of this far more easier. without really thinking, jean lifted his hand and used it to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, hair that had seemingly grown out a little longer due to neglect thanks to the chaos around you. he watched as you grew confused, and that’s when jean said the words he had been wanting to say for months out loud.
“y/n, i love you.”
as jean retracted his hand away, your eyes shot wide open in shock. you had no idea what to say or do, you couldn’t even believe this was even happening. you felt like you could pass out at any second as the realization of jean’s confession hit you. he loved you. not just like, but love. it didn’t matter that you were merely teens in a cruel world where death was always around every corner. what started as a childish crush as cadets blossomed into an aching, burning, earth shattering love for the woman in front of him who was stronger than he thought he’d ever be.
the scenario of jean having feelings for you never crossed your mind. every time you pictured him knowing how you felt, it always ended the same with him brutally rejecting you and running after mikasa instead. god, were you dreaming? you almost wanted to yell out for somebody, anybody to pinch you all over until you started bleeding, but you were practically frozen.
“jean...” it was the only thing you could manage to utter out. even if you could speak in sentences, your mind simply wouldn’t be able to mush any words together, but you had to say something, anything. you knew how your heart beat for him but as the silence stretched out longer than it should have, jean sat in front of you, desperate for a reply. “y/n?”
“i, uh...” why couldn’t you say anything more? what was so hard about giving a proper response? to jean, it felt like a huge punch in the face, like he was being rejected, and he figured if you couldn’t manage to say anything, then he shouldn’t have said anything about his feelings in the first place.
“i knew i should have kept my mouth shut.” jean let out a sigh. you tried opening your mouth in hopes something more than “uh” would come out, but jean had given up hope on a reply, handling what seemed like rejection with grace. “just forget all of this. i’m sorry i forced my feelings upon you. i’ll just let you get back to writing your letter.”
as he stood up and began to walk out, you finally managed to say something else once you saw his hand hover over the doorknob, and it came out more as a yell rather than a normal volume. “no!”
jean turned around confused, moving his hand away from the doorknob but still standing in the same place just in case. you had his attention, but what now? “i mean...”
“goodnight, y/n.” he knew this was going nowhere, even if you seemed desperate to prevent his exit. jean grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, and as he began to step out, you stopped him once again, but with greater effort than before.
“no, don’t leave me!” you yelled out, standing up from your bed and rushing towards him. it all sounded so pathetic, you thought, but you couldn’t let him leave you, not yet. jean halted his exit once again, no matter how much it hurt him to stay a moment longer. he simply couldn’t say no to you, even at a time like this. “i mean... wait, please.”
and he did wait. that stupid, teenage hope in his heart made him wait. jean didn’t know what he was waiting for, but he was glad he did. you walked closer to him, his heart beating a mile a minute, and then you stood on the faintest hint of your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him unbearably close to you for a hug. he was so confused, not knowing what this could possibly mean in this instance, but returned your embrace and carefully wrapped his hands around your waist, not wanting them to rest too high or too low on your frame.
you didn’t utter a word and neither did he. this was different than the times you hugged each other for comfort in the aftermath of the many deaths you’ve seen. this wasn’t for consolation or just because you felt like it, this was longing. a desperate pining for one another that would crash and burn like the worst natural disaster there ever was, and there was no escaping it.
you trailed your fingers across his neck as jean gripped onto the fabric of your nightgown. you slowly parted from his embrace, cheeks grazing, noses brushing, and before you could do anything else, jean’s lips pressing against yours. there was no time for you to process it, no time to even close your eyes and take it all in, it just all went by so fast. your first kiss. you knew you should have seen it coming knowing he loved you, but seeing him express this more physically came to more of a shock than when he did verbally.
as jean parted away slowly, he thought to himself that this was probably a mistake. he had overstepped far more than he thought he should have, but when you took a step back away from him, he saw the redness of your cheeks and the look in your eyes. after getting a full glimpse of you, he thought that maybe it wasn’t that much of a mistake after all. jean then let go of you completely, using one hand to scratch the back of his neck and the other to tug the neckline of his tank as he grew flustered. he was wide awake now, so his mind was functioning at one hundred percent unlike before. jean was back to his usual self, the night no longer granting him confidence.
“i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have done that. forgive me. goodnight.” before you could do anything more, jean finally left, his feet moving faster than when he dragged them across the floor on his way here. he couldn’t believe he just did that, and he didn’t even give you a chance to say a word about your feelings. what would you have said after that kiss if he stayed, jean wondered. would you have said you loved him too, or would you have formally rejected him and told him you didn’t feel the same? jean would just have to wonder about it all night until you spoke to each other again, and it would probably eat him alive like a titan.
you gently grazed your hand over your bottom lip, thinking about everything that happened before jean left. not only could you not believe he loved you, you couldn’t believe he kissed you too. you wished it all went down differently, that the kiss could have occurred on better terms, but at least you had the words he left you and the thought of his lips against yours to think about. still, if only you could have said you felt the same just as he said he felt for you. if only you knew how to say those three little words.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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apt3 · 2 years
the lighthearted awkwardness of Kiyoomi calling Atsumu his best friend in his wedding vow when Atsumu can only call him the love of his life since he and Osamu pinky promised each other at 6 years old that they would always be one another’s best friend
[Haikyuu Headcanon Headquarters from Apt3]
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
anime rec list
to the anon who requested this, i hope you enjoy!!
(also the links ive provided are for pirating sites so you def shouldn't watch them on there and im def putting them there to show you where not to go... definitely)
( ⭐️ = personal favorites)
common but good animes (aka you've probably already seen them, and if you haven't, get with the program!!!):
haikyuu - a lighthearted but touching anime about a volleyball team
Inspired after watching a volleyball ace nicknamed "Little Giant" in action, small-statured Shouyou Hinata revives the volleyball club at his middle school. The newly-formed team even makes it to a tournament; however, their first match turns out to be their last when they are brutally squashed by the "King of the Court," Tobio Kageyama. Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama, and so after graduating from middle school, he joins Karasuno High School’s volleyball team—only to find that his sworn rival, Kageyama, is now his teammate.
Thanks to his short height, Hinata struggles to find his role on the team, even with his superior jumping power. Surprisingly, Kageyama has his own problems that only Hinata can help with, and learning to work together appears to be the only way for the team to be successful. Based on Haruichi Furudate’s popular shounen manga of the same name, Haikyuu!! is an exhilarating and emotional sports comedy following two determined athletes as they attempt to patch a heated rivalry in order to make their high school volleyball team the best in Japan.
cells at work - a cute scientific anime focused around red blood cell trying to do her job in a human's body
Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Fresh out of training, the cheerful and somewhat airheaded Red Blood Cell AE3803 is ready to take on the ever-so-important task of transporting oxygen. As usual, White Blood Cell U-1146 is hard at work patrolling and eliminating foreign bacteria seeking to make the body their new lair. Elsewhere, little platelets are lining up for a new construction project. Dealing with wounds and allergies, getting lost on the way to the lungs, and bickering with similar cell types, the daily lives of cells are always hectic as they work together to keep the body healthy!
black butler - a darker anime set in victorian england, focusing on a relationship with a boy and his demon servant (quite a few content warnings apply to this, so id encourage research be put into it // also the last half of the first season and the entirety of the second season suck but the third season and all of the movies slap so hard)
One of the noble families of England – Phantomhive, has a butler, Sebastian Michaels. He has unquestionably perfect knowledge, manners, talent with materials. martial arts and much more. But for some reason, he serves a 12 year old master…
less well-known but still great animes (aka i don't blame you for not having seen these but they're so good please watch them now):
monthly girls' nozaki-kun - a sweet highschool romance based on a girl and her crush, who is a famous manga author
High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetarou Nozaki, but when she confesses her love to him, he mistakes her for a fan and gives her an autograph. When she says that she always wants to be with him, he invites her to his house and has her help on some drawings. Chiyo discovers that Nozaki is actually a renowned shoujo manga artist named Sakiko Yumeno. She then agrees to be his assistant in order to get closer to him. As they work on his manga, they encounter other schoolmates who assist them or serve as inspirations for characters in the stories.
⭐️ balance unlimited - an action-packed anime about a detective and his new partner, an asshole millionaire know-it-all
Daisuke Kanbe, a detective with extraordinary assets, is assigned to the Modern Crime Prevention Headquarters, where only those who have caused problems for the Metropolitan Police Department are sent. There, Daisuke is partnered with Haru Katou. Haru is repulsed by Daisuke’s material ways, believing that money isn’t everything. Challenging mysteries unfold in front of the two detectives, and they must work together to solve them.
⭐️ violet evergarden - a beautiful and touching story about a young girl learning about love (second movie)
here are words Violet heard on the battlefield, which she cannot forget. These words were given to her by someone she holds dear, more than anyone else. She does not yet know their meaning.
A certain point in time, in the continent of Telesis. The great war which divided the continent into North and South has ended after four years, and the people are welcoming a new generation.
Violet Evergarden, a young girl formerly known as "the weapon," has left the battlefield to start a new life at CH Postal Service. There, she is deeply moved by the work of "Auto Memories Dolls," who carry people’s thoughts and convert them into words.
Violet begins her journey as an Auto Memories Doll, and comes face to face with various people’s emotions and differing shapes of love. All the while searching for the meaning of those words.
obscure gems (aka how did i find these but i don't regret it at all):
a place further than the universe - a super cool story about exploration and chock-full of female friendships & relationships
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho will center on high school girls visiting the South Pole.
⭐️ nil admirari no tenbin - a really cool anime focused on cured books and a girl who can see them (please watch this bc i have a work posted on ao3 for this anime and it's the only one in the fandom *sobs*) (also one with a lot of potential triggers)
In order to protect her waning family, a girl resolves to marry a man she doesn’t even know the name of. However, just before the marriage was to take place, the girl’s younger brother mysteriously tries to commit suicide by self-immolation and was found holding an old book in his hands. Appearing before the bewildered young girl was the "Imperial Library Intelligence Asset Management Bureau," more commonly referred to as "Fukurou." According to these men, there exists "Maremono," which are books that greatly affect their readers. On top of that, ever since the incident involving the girl’s younger brother, she unwittingly gains the ability to see "Auras" (the sentiments of the Maremono which manifest as bright lights and are usually invisible to humans). It was as though fate were trying to drag the young girl in its flames. And then, even though apprehensive, the girl chooses to venture outside her bird cage. Jealousy, hatred, scorn, compassion, and love. What awaited the girl was the darkness of betrayal that had already begun to bewitchingly inlay the imperial capital. Toyed by and swayed within that darkness, will the young girl finally reach the truth after her struggles, or…?
⭐️ kamigami no asobi - a touching anime about a girl who's sent to school with gods to teach them about humanity
Yui Kusanagi, normal human girl, was suddenly transported to another world for a very special mission: to show the young gods of the divine realm what it means to be human. Over the years, these handsome young gods have lost their ability to empathize with or interact with humans. Anyone would be happy to be surrounded by such dizzyingly good-looking people, but the problem is, she only has one year to complete her mission, and if she fails, all of them will be stuck in this realm forever.
With many of the gods showing great reluctance to even participate in the compassion project, Yui faces an uphill battle. Will she be able to convince them all to learn a lesson in humanity or will they all be stuck together for the rest of their lives?
⭐️ la corda d'oro: primo passo - a really beautiful anime about a girl who learns to love music and struggles to find her place among musicians
Seiso Academy is a prestigious high school that sorts students into two majors: General Studies, characterized by distinct grey uniforms, and Music Studies, characterized by pristine white uniforms. While rushing to class one morning, General Studies student Kahoko Hino has a chance encounter with Lili, a small fairy searching for someone with the ability to see her. Lili flies away, and Kahoko, puzzled by their meeting, continues on her way.
Later that day, the participants of a school-wide music competition are announced, and all of them are, unsurprisingly, Music Studies students—at least until Kahoko's name is read out. Immediately tracking down Lili, the small fairy gifts Kahoko a magical violin and convinces her to participate in the competition.
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo follows Kahoko's endeavors alongside Lili, as the young student must now face the challenges of competition and go head-to-head against her competitors while navigating a new world of classical music.
honorable mentions: yuri on ice, saiki k, ohshc, horimiya, love is war, the wallflower, maid sama, and sk8 the infinity
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nissakii · 10 months
[Please use headphones for best experience~] POV: You are hiding in the Shinsengumi headquarters and can't get out, so you are waiting for a good moment to slip out. Still it seems those guys are not planning on stepping down for a bit-
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴀᴍʙɪᴇɴᴄᴇ? 𝕎𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕌𝕡 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕠𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝:    • Demon Slayer | Waking Up in the Butte...    𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 ℕ𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕪𝕒:    • Haikyuu!! | Walking home with Nishino...   𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕍𝔸 ℝ𝕖𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟:    • Neon Genesis Evangelion | Exploring t...   𝕆𝕟 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪𝕓𝕦𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℕ𝕠𝕚𝕣:    • Miraculous Ladybug | On Patrol With L...   ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
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tahdashi · 2 years
yes hq stands for headquarters in some cases, haikyuu in more pathetic cases
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Until I found you
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JWA2m7t
by MrningDew
Sakusa held the shiny and thin needle tight in his hand that has a glove on and placed it on a spot right behind the blond man’s neck. One movement, one stab and everything is over. The blond man who looks like Osamu wouldn’t even feel a single thing, he would just wake up in the afterlife with no pain and no torture. Sakusa can make everything right for everyone. He can easily hide the body and no one would ever find it even if they search under every rock in Japan. The headquarters won’t know anything about this mysterious man and had to execute Osamu and Osamu won’t have to find out that he had a secret brother this whole time and have to feel all those unneeded feelings when they’re all in danger with a big war between two big mafias threatening right at the door.
With all of the above reasons that Sakusa used to justify himself, he took a deep breath and put the needle in to end it all.
Words: 8375, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Komori Motoya, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Additional Tags: Violent Delights: Haikyuu Mafia AU Fanzine, Thriller, Original Character(s), Guns, Murder, mafia because i said so, Eventual Romance, because omi who can kill is so hot, i fucking love them so much, Blood and Torture
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JWA2m7t
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hxneekyuu · 4 years
falling in love || a playlist
>> because falling and realizing he’s fallen are two very different things.
genres : haikyuu x f!reader, fluff, angst, slightly suggestive
a/n : i got this idea after seeing the n/sfw version called “songs they would fuck you to” or something??? i literally cant find the post anymore so pls someone tag me or send me an ask if you know what im talking about so i can give that writer credit for their post -- just wanted to do a kind of slice of life version of that idea!! idk why but this really took me 2 weeks to finish for absolutely no reason, so i hope you like it!!
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daichi -- you got something x rochelle
you got a something, making me weak // you got a something, i’m on my knees
“what are the odds daichi’s girlfriend is completely made up, and he just doesn’t want to tell us?” asahi laughs at suga’s comment, but daichi only picks up a handful of sand and chucks it at them, a scowl set deep on his features. he had told you a few days ago that he and the guys were going to be spending their saturday at the beach, the first nice day in a while -- he had been trying to tell you that he wanted you to finally meet his friends, and you had seemed really excited at the prospect. but you’re late, and while daichi knows his friends are just teasing, he can’t help but feel anxious.
“are you sure she’s coming?” asahi doesn’t mean it as a quip -- he genuinely is asking because he can tell this is important. but daichi isn’t listening. he’s staring down the stretch of beach at the person that’s stumbling in the sand, trying to cross the distance to him almost frantically. you look stressed, and he knows you’re probably freaking out about how late you are, but when you look up and finally make eye contact, the smile you give him is so bright and genuine that he feels like he’s the only one there.
“i’m sure.”
suga -- freakin’ out on the interstate x briston maroney
you got a lot on your mind // and your heart, it looks just like mine
he’s not sure when he falls asleep, but when he comes to, he knows the ink from his homework has probably copy-pasted itself onto his right cheek. it’s been week after week of deadlines and assignments, the stress of third year finally catching up to him. an unplanned nap was bound to happen at some point with the way he was staying up later and later each night, barely getting 4 hours if he was lucky. he’s ready to lift his head and get back to work, but when he opens his eyes, all he sees is you. you’re sitting next to him, headphones in as you work on your own assignments, completely unaware that he’s awake. as he studies you closely, feeling calm for the first time in weeks, he decides that maybe another few minutes won’t kill him.
asahi -- apocalypse x cigarettes after sex
when you’re all alone, i will reach for you // when you’re feeling low, i will be there too
he’d had a hard practice -- he’d messed up so many serves and missed enough spikes to make him feel like going home and forgetting this whole day had happened. he can’t meet anyone’s eyes because he knows they know how he’s feeling, and that’s just embarrassing. he even waits until everyone’s left the club room for the night, having told daichi and suga to go ahead of him, that he’d walk home alone. sitting in the club room all alone, he can’t help but sigh in frustration.
finally pulling himself to his feet, he grabs his bag and heads for the door, locking it behind him once he’s outside. turning toward the door, he almost yells when he sees you standing there, staring down at your shoes as you wait. when you had become karasuno’s manager, you’d made a point to tell them that they could rely on you for anything, but he really hadn’t thought you’d meant this. looking up and meeting his eyes with a smile, you gesture toward the stairs and don’t say a word about practice. he won’t realize for a long time just how much he appreciates you in this moment.
“come on, slowpoke, i’ve been waiting to walk home with you.”
kageyama -- the less i know the better x tame impala
then i heard they slept together // oh, the less i know the better
“you need to tell her before i tell her for you.” it’s an empty threat, but he aims a punch at the side of hinata’s head for good measure. they’re standing at the door to his classroom, pretending to be busy talking about something so he can have an excuse to look at you. you’re standing in the hall not too far away, laughing about something with your friends, and it takes all of his self-restraint not to confess right then and there. you don’t even know who he is, and he’s just about ready to risk public humiliation for you. he doesn’t know what’s happened to him in the weeks since he’d first laid eyes on you, but he’s not sure how much longer he can deal with this torture. 
“dude, she is right there. seriously, you need to just tell her. so what if she says no and you’re embarrassed for a few days? at least you’ll be getting it over with. there’s nothing that could be worse than that -- oh.” almost as if the universe is playing some kind of cruel game, both kageyama and hinata watch as the door to the next classroom slides open, making way for a certain 6’2” blond middle blocker to step into the hall and call out to you. when you smile and wrap your arms around his waist, silently asking him to bend down so you can plant a small kiss on his cheek, kageyama grits his teeth and looks away, locking eyes with a flustered hinata.
“that. that’s worse.”
hinata -- i’m so tired… x lauv, troye sivan
hurts like heaven, lost in the sound // Buzzcut Season, like you’re still around // can’t unmiss you, but i need you now
he can feel you next to him, curled up into his chest, your breathing even. he can feel your loving gaze on the side of his face as he helps you cook dinner and even more so when you two are on the couch watching netflix -- you’d always had a habit of watching him more than the show. he can feel your skin on his in the shower as you drag your nails through his hair, scrubbing the shampoo through his locks and laughing when he starts to splutter under the rush of hot water. he can feel your lips on his, your embrace warm and safe after a bad day. he can feel it all like it’s still happening.
but when he opens his eyes, nothing is there to greet him but the empty spot in his bed to match the equally empty apartment. you’re still abroad, just as you have been for months now. and no matter how many good morning texts and late night facetime calls he has to look forward to, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still not here with him. you’re still gone. and he’s starting to realize he can’t feel much of anything anymore.
nishinoya -- ego x milky chance
and i guess that she’s the strongest // that i’ve ever seen yet, ever seen yet
“come quick, yuu! there’s a girl outside standing up to those bullies in the year above us!” nishinoya rushes to the window, taking his place among his classmates as they all watch you, standing your ground out in front of the school. you’re hovering over a boy who’s been pushed to the ground, his hand and knee already bleeding lightly. your arms are crossed, eyes squinted in determination as you stare down two boys that are older and much bigger than you. he finds his chest tightening with worry -- how can a ten-year-old girl take down two bullies? why isn’t anyone helping? shouldn’t someone get a teach--
“well come on, then, you jerks! i thought you guys were supposed to be scary, but you look like a couple of wimps to me, picking on someone smaller than you!” his classmates start snickering, the bullies noticing that they’ve got an audience, but nishinoya’s breath has caught in his throat, and all he can see is you and that look in your eye -- he needs to know you.
tanaka -- perfect places x lorde
all the nights spent off our faces // trying to find these perfect places // what the fuck are perfect places anyway?
he pushes the nameless girl up against the wall, lips finding hers in a rush of alcohol and adrenaline. he doesn’t care about her, and he knows damn well that she doesn’t care about him either. you don’t go to a frat party looking for love. that’s why, when he pulls away and opens his eyes to look at her, the guilt he feels isn’t for her or that fact that she’d likely be going home alone tonight. it’s for you, completely unaware of his feelings or his fantasies. because it’s not her face staring back at him. it’s yours.
ennoshita -- cigarette daydreams x cage the elephant
so sweet, with a mean streak // nearly brought me to my knees
“dude, seriously! we’ve come to this coffee shop every day for like the last two weeks -- the chocolate croissants cannot be that good!” he shushes tanaka angrily, shoving him through the door and to the far end of the room, forcing him into the booth by the window and dropping his bag on the other side. he tells himself, and anyone that asks to be honest, that he needs to focus because finals are coming up. he tells himself that the ambiance at this cafe is calming, that he can always get work done here without a problem. he tells himself this as if he doesn’t have a mountain of work that most definitely has not been getting done in the last two weeks, the deadlines piling up to the point where he’s sure he’s going to be suffering very soon. but none of that matters -- ‘none of it matters’, he tells himself as he approaches the counter, meeting your playful eyes with a nervous smile.
“ennoshita-san, you’re back! should i get you the usual?”
tsukishima -- know your worth x khalid, disclosure
find someone you know will put you first // find someone who loves you at your worst
he’s at your door not even ten minutes after you’d texted him. it had been easy enough to get past the security guard in front of your dorm -- he’s spent more nights here than at his own dorm, which he’s sure his party animal roommate is thankful for. but tonight, tsukishima’s not here to avoid a 2am rager, the “he left me for her” text settling like poison in his veins the longer he thinks about it. he’s angry -- beyond angry -- but he knows to store it away for later. later, he can find that piece of shit and release the worst of tsukishima kei’s sharp tongue. right now, he can hear you crying on the other side of the wall, and it’s all he can do not to bust the door down. 
as he’s bringing his hand up to knock, the tissue box and pack of oreos shifting in the bag around his wrist, the door swings open, revealing your roommate. she barely spares him a glance as she shuffles past him into the hall, patting his shoulder as she goes.
“she’s all yours, tsukki.”
yamaguchi -- are you bored yet x wallows (feat. clairo)
’cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset // but i can’t help from asking “are you bored yet?”
it’s just past 5pm, the soft glow of the afternoon really tempting his inner desire to take a nap, but there’s something eating away at him. when he looks down at you, head in his lap as you read a manga, the part of his heart that used to be filled with nothing but love feels now like it’s being drowned in doubt. is he still enough for you? are you getting tired of having him in your life? should he change to match your idea of the perfect boyfriend? 
“hey.” he’s snapped out of his thoughts, eyes focusing in on your face and realizing that you’re peeking over the top of your manga to look at him. he tilts his head to one side, the ghost of a smile forming on his face when you mimic his movement playfully. you pull down the manga just a little bit more, revealing the rest of your face, and reach for the hand he has tangled in your hair. bringing it down to your lips, and that ghost of a smile becomes a full, genuine one when you whisper a kiss into his knuckles.
“i love you.”
kuroo -- one dance x drake 
strength and guidance // all that i’m wishing for my friends
you’re throwing back another shot, setting the glass down on his coffee table when you’re done. he knows you’ve had a bad week at work, if the “i’m coming over, let’s drink” text had been anything to go by. this is the way you two had bonded in college, meeting up whenever one of you was having a bad time and drinking until your livers would cry. of course, you would follow it up with healthier coping mechanisms the next day, often spending all day together talking things through properly and eating greasy food for the hangovers.
it had been years since you’d started this little tradition, but as you turn up the volume on his speaker and sway to the music by yourself in the middle of his living room, he starts to imagine that maybe this could turn into something more.
kenma -- sunflower x post malone, swae lee
you’re the sunflower // i think your love would be too much
he’s not sure how he’d actually managed to convince you to pretend to be with him. it hadn’t even taken that long -- he’d barely let out that he was starting to feel overwhelmed with the amount of viewers that would hit on him during his streams when you were agreeing to his idea. as he sits in front of his computer, explaining in a low voice that the roommate he’d talked about before was actually his girlfriend, he wonders how the hell you could possibly be okay with this. but more than that, when you “interrupt” and walk into the room with a glass of water for him as an excuse to place your lips gingerly on his, the chat going absolutely crazy at the display, he wonders why it can’t be real.
lev -- death is in the air x sakima
is my heart breaking // or do i have one at all
he’s sitting across from you in a diner that’s otherwise empty, watching you stir the coffee in front of you. he knows you will never bring the cup to your lips in the span of this conversation -- it’s just a nervous habit, a need to keep your hands busy while you talk. he can hear your words, but they sound muffled, as if he’s underwater. this entire moment feels like it’s happening to someone else, but when he pinches the inside of his thigh, you’re still there, telling him what he never thought he’d hear. that things aren’t working out between you -- that you’re tired of him being a player and coming close enough to cheating that it almost hurts more than if he would just do it already. he hears all the ways he’s been the kind of person he’d always hated, but he doesn’t say a word. he hasn’t said a word since he sat down, not even five minutes prior. is five minutes really all you need to end things?
he doesn’t move, not even when he hears the bell above the door ring, your footsteps fading as the door closes behind you.
yaku -- sucker x jonas brothers
i’m a sucker for all the subliminal things // no one knows about you (about you), about you (about you)
it’s 3:37am on a tuesday night -- or is it wednesday? -- and he should be in bed or at least in the comfort of his own home. but he’s not. he’s not home, and he knows he’s really pushing his luck because his father wakes up for work every day at 4am, but he just can’t bring himself to be responsible. he knows he’s going to be so screwed when his 6:30 alarm goes off, but at this rate he thinks he might be watching the sun rise with you. you’re in the exact same situation, so who is he to cut the night short if you haven’t yet? even if you do look as exhausted as he feels, there’s a happiness on your face that he feels partially responsible for, and he’s not ready to give that up yet. 
so he lets himself be dragged around the empty streets of tokyo, feeling like nothing else matters but this moment with you, at 3:37am on a tuesday night.
oikawa -- pristine x mantaraybryn
and that all this time i was trying to be // james dean, pristine, suntanned, underwater // living an american dream
glass shatters against the far wall, and he’s not quite sure when he’d picked up the bowl from the coffee table. he’s alone in the main room of the apartment, almost vibrating with rage. there are tears falling from his eyes, but he’s not sure when that happened either. all he can think about is the humiliation he’d felt, the bitter pain that had filled him when his father had expressed his disappointment at the way his son’s life had turned out.
“... should have stayed in Japan… real job....” oikawa stares at the shelf above the TV, lined with every award he’d spent his entire life earning. before he can think properly about it, he’s across the room, swinging his arm toward the shelf, ready to destroy everything he’d ever worked for --
“tooru?” spinning around to face you, panic fills his teary eyes as he realizes he really wasn’t alone in the apartment this whole time. you’d been there, probably just doing work in your own room with your headphones in. the sound of the bowl breaking against the wall had probably caught your attention, and now he feels bad for ruining the space you two share. but you’re not looking at the mess. you’re only looking at him, concern lacing your eyes, and for the first time in a long time, he feels safe.
iwaizumi -- eastside x benny blanco (with halsey & khalid)
we can do anything if we put our minds to it // take your whole life, then you put a line through it
“what are you doing here?” he says it without looking back, having heard you scaling the side of his house as soon as you’d gotten there. when you settle down next to him, legs hanging off the roof, he reaches over and takes your hand in his, a sense of calm falling over him for the first time all day. he feels you scoot closer, leaning your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you and presses a kiss to your temple. you two sit on top of his house like this, staring out at the city together just as you’d been doing since you were kids and needed to escape, even if just for a few minutes.
“your mom called me -- said she hadn’t seen you in hours. i told her i’d take care of it.” he smiles to himself. he should have known you’d find him. you always do.
matsukawa -- you get me so high x the neighbourhood
we should stick together // you’re my best friend, i’ll love you forever
he can see you across the party, looking annoyed and a little impatient as a guy steps into your path, trying to chat you up. whatever’s on your mind has you peering around the frat boy, and you wave him off without a second glance as you search for something -- or someone. he’s persistent, though, and matsukawa has half a mind to save you, knowing that having a best friend with a frame as large as his has gotten you out of trouble with guys before. but before he can pass his drink off to makki, your eyes are locking onto his own, and it feels like the world has stopped. you’ve never smiled at him like that before.
hanamaki -- on melancholy hill x gorillaz
’cause you are my medicine // when you’re close to me
“you know, hanamaki, you visit my office hours every week, but it never really feels like you need help.” he pulls his eyes away from the whiteboard littered with your handwriting, meeting your eyes just long enough to feel exposed. you’re giving him a sweet smile, but the look in your eye is anything but innocent. you see right through him, he knows that much, but he’s never going to admit that he knowingly ditches party plans with his roommates every friday just so he can see you for an hour. he’d never tell you that -- just like he’d never tell you that he knows you’re pretending to be worried about his progress just like he is, that he knows you can see how good his are grades, too. instead of mentioning any of that, he shoots you a quick smirk, cocking his head to the side in mock-confusion.
“i’m not sure i know what you’re getting at, y/n.”
kyoutani -- chill x rayana jay
baby, can i be real? can i be real with you? // it means the world to me, i just wanna chill with you
rounding the corner of the aisle, he doesn’t even realize he’s bumped into someone until there are groceries rolling around at his feet and you’re apologizing softly. the glare that settles on his face is one of pure habit, an expression that had become his only one over the course of his life. he’s guarded by nature, and he knows it pushes people away, but that’s how he prefers things. so when you glance up from where you’re crouched, putting your items back into your basket, he’s shocked that you aren’t matching his glare or even that you don’t seem the slightest bit intimidated. you’re just asking him to hand you something by his feet.
realizing that you’ve dropped quite a bit of stuff because of him, he bends down, grabbing items before they roll away and handing them to you without a word. he then realizes that he’s made you spill your drink on your shirt, something you only notice when you catch him staring at the stain. when he sees the smirk on your face, his guarded glare makes a comeback, but you still don’t seem to notice it.
“are you going to tell me your name, or are you just going to keep staring at my chest?” well this is certainly new.
kunimi -- sweater weather x the neighbourhood
just us, you find out // nothing that i wouldn’t want to tell you about
“so you met this girl on twitter? what if she’s like some 40 year old dude?” he rolls his eyes at kindaichi’s comment, pulling up your account and showing him the selfies you’d posted not too long ago. his best friend nods appreciatively before shrugging. “i don’t know, man, those could be fake.” understanding kindaichi’s concern but unable to stop the annoyance that flares up in him, he shoves his phone back into his pocket and starts to walk away.
“whatever, dude, what’s the harm in making a friend?” there’s a scoff from behind him at the word ‘friend’, but he ignores it, just like he ignores the blush rising on his cheeks.
“i’m just saying, you’ve never exactly been one to put yourself out there and make friends, so why her?” he shrugs, deciding that even starting this conversation with kindaichi had been a huge mistake and that he just wants it to be over. he’s well aware that it’s not the best idea to get close to someone he hasn’t physically met and that kindaichi’s just looking out for him, but he feels oddly protective of you and doesn’t like where the conversation is headed.
besides, his attention is no longer on what’s happening around him. he can feel his phone buzzing in his pocket, and he just knows it’s you.
kindaichi -- that’s just how it goes x role model
you’ll sleep with friends of mine // i’ll sleep with people i don’t like
he waves at you when you enter the gym, remembering that you’d promised to come watch him practice. they haven’t quite started yet, so he jogs over to you to ask how your day was. he knows why you’re really here. he can see the way you try to glance around him without being obvious about it, but he knows exactly who you’re here for. it’s so obvious it almost feels like a joke. because when kunimi wanders over to say hi, he can see the way you look at him, your ears tinted red as you smile nervously. he can see it, and he hates it, so he looks away. he always looks away. that’s why he never sees the moment when you turn your loving gaze to him or the way kunimi smiles knowingly, shaking his head at the fact that kindaichi can be so oblivious sometimes.
bokuto -- magic in the hamptons x social house, lil yachty
you know where i go when we’re dancing // handshakes in the hamptons and getting drunk in the mansions with you
“akaashi... who is that?” he’s standing in one of the aisles of the library, eyes locked on the table where akaashi can usually be found studying. he’d come to this spot specifically to find his best friend, ready to drag the younger boy off to lunch, but he’d found you instead. he’s not exactly sure how long he’s been standing there, probably in everyone’s way, but eventually akaashi does pass the aisle on his way to check out a book, stopping short at the sight of a familiar large frame. 
at akaashi’s noise of confusion from his question, bokuto does nothing more than repeat himself, swallowing hard as he watches you study. glancing past bokuto to see what he’s looking at, akaashi finally spots you, lifting his gaze and smiling almost evilly when he sees the telltale expression of awe on bokuto’s face.
“that’s y/n, bokuto-san. she’s a good friend of mine -- should i introduce you?”
akaashi -- fuck, i’m lonely x lauv, anne-marie
and all my friends are way too drunk to save me from my phone // so sorry if I say some things I mean
when akaashi steps out of the convenience store, well past midnight, the last person he’s expecting to see is you, sitting at one of the little tables outside. there’s a bottle of sake and a small disposable cup in front of you, but you’ve got your head on the table, looking out at nothing in particular. he checks his phone quickly and realizes that he does, in fact, have two texts from bokuto, the first letting him know that the two of you had gotten into a disagreement of sorts and you’d stormed out of the house to clear your head. the second is a request, friend to friend, that akaashi find her because, as annoyed he is with her, bokuto knows that his baby sister trusts akaashi more than anyone else in the world and he wants her to come home safely.
he sets his bag on the table and sits down across from you, letting you know that someone’s there. when you lift your head and see that it’s him, you give him a smile so warm that his breath catches in his throat and he has to find something to distract himself. picking the bottle of sake up from the table, he judges that you’re probably pretty tipsy, as it’s almost empty. he knows you’re pretty tipsy when you hum quietly and grab for his hand, whispering to him words that he figures you wouldn’t say if you were sober.
“I missed you, ‘kaashi.”
ushijima -- loving someone x the 1975
and i think i should be… // … loving someone
“i do not know how to tell her that she is overbearing. she even becomes angry when i try to explain that my career will not allow me the amount of time she demands of me.” he can hear you humming sleepily on the other side of the phone, and he wonders momentarily if he should have checked to see if you were sleeping before calling, but you’d told him long ago that you’d always pick up. he supposes 1am is never a good time to call, but he’s always had trouble talking to anyone who isn’t you. no one else has ever put in the effort to understand what he’s saying and especially what he isn’t saying. no one else has ever tried. not even his own girlfriend.
tendou -- blueberry faygo x lil mosey
one bad bitch, and she do what i say so
when his phone dings quietly from where he’s left it in the passenger’s seat of his car, tendou knows you’re almost ready. he rounds the corner onto your street and kills the headlights, rolling up to the front of your house as carefully as possible. he can see your parents sitting in the main room, the sofa positioned so that their backs are to the window, the TV glaring brightly in front of them. it’s a lucky setup for a certain redhead, as it’s granted him several opportunities over the years, both to sneak in and for you to sneak out. the latter is what he’s currently witnessing.
he watches as you slip out of your window and almost roll right off the roof,  but you catch yourself and maneuver very carefully to the edge of the roof. he can’t help but grab his phone to film you as your legs hang precariously off the edge, your body wiggling cutely as you try not to make noise. at some point you’re dangling in the air right in front of the window, but you drop to the ground before either of your parents can notice, and then you’re bolting down the driveway to tendou’s car in uncontained excitement. 
he watches the whole ordeal with nothing but love in his eyes, knowing there’s no one else in the world that would risk the true wrath of their parents for a 2am mcdonald’s run with him.
semi -- dangerous x big data (feat. joywave)
you understand, i got a plan for us // i bet you didn’t know that i was dangerous
he thinks he recognizes you, but he can’t quite place your familiarity. it’s a standard interview, one that the band has had scheduled for weeks now. when they get there, you’re already seated in the interviewer’s chair, a camera set up just behind you. you greet them kindly, smiling and bowing to each of the members. when you get to him, however, he has to ask.
“sorry if this comes off as a little weird, but… do we know each other?” your kind smile morphs into a smirk, so he knows he’s right. the response you give has the rest of the band howling with laughter, but he’s too busy noticing how stunning you look in that moment, your eyes dancing with mirth as you tilt your head to the side to look at him.
“you mean you don’t remember rejecting me in high school?”
goshiki -- adore you x harry styles
i’d walk through fire for you // just let me adore you
“...so what i’m trying to say, tsutomu… is that i like you. a lot…” he can hear the words leaving your mouth, but all he can see is you -- the way you refuse to meet his eyes, the deep red that’s filling your cheeks the longer you go on. he barely registers that this is a confession because all his mind can focus on is the fact that it’s taken this long for him to realize his own feelings. almost 2 years of inviting you to his games, begging your teachers to make you two seatmates at the beginning of each term, asking you to wait for him to finish practice so he could walk you home -- it had all been some selfish attempt to make you his, and he didn’t even realize it until you were trying to make him yours, too. he doesn’t let you finish your rambling confession, unable to stop himself from speaking.
“what are you doing this weekend?”
shirabu -- toothbrush x dnce
baby, you don’t have to rush // you can leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
when the two of you had started dating, you’d both agreed that keeping things private for a little while would be best -- the shiratorizawa VBC is a lot of things, but subtle is not one of them. he’d been well aware that if anyone were to find out, he would suffer endless teasing and constant questions, and since you’re friends with all the boys, you would not be spared the torture. but “a little while” had become months, and he’s starting to feel like he’s made a mistake trying to keep you a secret. when you visit the team’s practice, he feels trapped, like he’s not even free to look at you or give you the soft smile he knows you love. he just has to sit there, blending in with the rest of the boys as they greet you, as a few of them even flirt with you. they have no idea that you’re his, and he’s really starting to hate it.
terushima -- blinding lights x the weekend
i’m drowning in the night // when i’m like this, you’re the one i trust
“yuuji, you shouldn’t be calling me…” he’s drunk -- more than drunk, really. if he’d been any less intoxicated than he currently is in this exact moment, he never would have looked for your name in his contacts. he knows you’re trying to have a clean break, that after years of back and forth and mistakes that were masked as late nights and one too many drinks, you had finally had enough. he’s trying to respect your decision because he wants nothing more than to give you everything you want. but there must be some piece of him that’s hoping you’re willing to make just one more mistake. one more mistake with you is all he needs, and then he’ll let you go.
atsumu -- love$ick x mura masa (feat. a$ap rocky)
i need you // i’m a lovesick fuck // i want you // i’m a lovesick fuck
“rin, you left this at my place last night -- my mom filled it with leftovers in case you didn’t have lunch for today.” watching as you place suna’s lunch sack beside him and nod at his quiet mumble of gratitude, atsumu considers it both a blessing and a curse that the universe made you suna’s best friend. but today he feels especially cursed, since he’s now finding himself choking half to death on his lunch when suna lets out a quick --
“by the way, this piss head’s been crushing on you for weeks -- can you please go on a date with him so i can get some peace and quiet during lunch?” snatching osamu’s water bottle right as his brother’s raising it to his own lips, atsumu quiets his lungs and glances up at you, beet red, just as you’re turning to walk away, a smirk forming on your lips.
“i’ll think about it.”
osamu -- paradise x bazzi
don’t know if it’s the drink i poured // but i swear i’ve never loved you more
“stop touchin’ my rice! it’s for the fuckin’ onigiri!” if any of his customers could see the way he’s acting right now, he’d definitely be out of business. he’s known for providing quality service with charm to match, but right now he’s acting like nothing short of… well, his brother. you’d stopped by just as the shop was closing, part of your friday night routine that consisted of nothing but your favorite miya twin and a heinous amount of food for two people. atsumu always complains that you’d shown osamu favoritism since high school, something that osamu was always secretly happy about. even now, as you stand in the kitchen of his restaurant asking him to show you how to make onigiri and then proceeding to wreak absolute havoc on his poor ingredients, he’s pleased that you’d always chosen him over anyone else. he does need you to stop touching his inventory, though.
“but what’s the difference between this rice and this ri-- okay, okay, i’m sorry!” you run around the island in the middle of the room, narrowly avoiding him as he swipes at you and yells for you to get out of his shop. he can tell you’re about to do something else to rile him up, so he tries to reach for you again but ends up tripping over his own foot and falling to the ground, taking you down with him. he only realizes just how close you are when you’re whispering his name, your breath fanning over his lips.
‘oh... shit’ 
suna -- notice me x role model (feat. benee)
let’s dance when we’re not supposed to be // can’t stand when you’re not close to me // damn, can’t believe you notice me, notice me
caging you against his bedroom wall with his arms, he presses his lips to your neck, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down to your collarbone. he can feel your pulse jumping in your throat, and he feels a kind of guilty pride that he’s the one that makes you feel this way. when you grasp at his shirt almost desperately and pull him flush against you, he wants to forget about the fact that this means nothing to you. he wants to forget about the way you sneak out of his room when you think he’s asleep, as if he could ever sleep peacefully knowing you’re so close. he wants to forget about how stupid he’d been, losing his courage and asking you to just be fuck buddies instead of what he really wants.
sakusa -- 505 x arctic monkeys
but i crumble completely when you cry // it seems like once again you’ve had to greet me with “goodbye”
as you storm toward the front door, his hand wraps firmly around your wrist, pulling you back to him. when you whip around to look at him, your eyes, burning with anger and wet with tears, have his heart breaking clean in half, but he doesn’t let go.
“i’m not letting you leave. you’re the one who said leaving wouldn’t fix anything. we have to fix this.” the look you give him is resigned, almost as if you think there’s no point in fixing what had slowly been breaking between you. if you had been anyone else -- if he could live without you -- he would have let you go a long time ago. but you’re not someone else, you’re you. and he’s not ready to live without you, so he doesn’t let go. he can’t let go.
aone -- firebird x milky chance
you’re like a firebird in the sky // shining for a challenger in the night
there’s a hand wrapping around his bicep as he stands in front of the chinese food takeout place on his street, waiting for futakuchi to finish ordering for them. when he looks down, you’re looking right back up at him, a complete stranger.
“babe, i thought you said you’d meet me at the corner!” he blinks inquisitively, tilting his head to the side, but he can see that there’s thinly veiled panic in your eyes. glancing quickly over your shoulder, he catches sight of two guys not too far away, watching closely. acting on the only conclusion that makes sense to him in that moment, he removes his arm from your grasp, but just as that panic in your eyes starts to grow, he’s wrapping it around you, pulling you into his chest comfortably. 
“i’m sorry, i must have forgotten.” he wants to cringe at his own stiff language, hoping he doesn’t blow your cover and make things worse, but you’re relaxing into him as the guys finally decide you aren’t worth the trouble. once they’re gone, he drops his arm but keeps you close just in case. he wants to offer to walk you home, but he doesn’t like the idea that those guys are still wandering the streets and could find out where you live if they spot you again any time soon. you start to apologize for catching him so off guard, but his voice, firm yet polite, stops you.
“do you like chinese food?”
futakuchi -- 7 rings x ariana grande
happiness is the same price as red-bottoms
he doesn’t see you at first, the lighting in the room so dark that he can barely see his drink in his own hand. the club is beyond crowded, and the sweat that starting to roll down his spine is making him really uncomfortable. he pulls out his phone to text you, but then he remembers that he’d upset you earlier -- a remark that had come out automatically, his quick, unfiltered comments a product of his sharp tongue -- and you had cancelled your plans with him and told him you would text him in a few days. he has no right to be upset, he knows he shouldn’t have been rude to you. but then he spots a dress not too far away -- a dress he very clearly remembers paying for. 
you’re hanging off of some other guy, and it looks like you two know each other because you aren’t tense around him like you were when you’d first met him all those years ago. you’re not his, he has to remind himself. this arrangement had been built on nothing but sex and money, as all things tend to be. you keep him company, and he gives you anything you could ever want -- the perfect sugar daddy.
then why is he so goddamn irritated?
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feifood · 3 years
Hi there! So, i'm asking maybe for a hc with kyoutani, semi, kuroo and/or ushijima where reader is in the female volleyball team and that day they were training mixed up and they get kimda badly hurt by accident? (Like a sprain or sum) Idk if its too much, kinda just popped in my head. Thank you hun! 🤍🌻
Fem S/o gets Hurt at Vball Training
Kyoutani, Semi, Kuroo, Ushijima
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Hey cutie, THIS ONE IS A LONG ONE DAMN -- I’m very satisfied with how these headcanons came out though, so I hope you like them too !! It’s not too much don’t worry babes,, take care of yourself <33
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He’s a lil angy not gonna lie
A bit angry at you for hurting yourself but then again he can’t be mad at you so then he’s a little mad at himself because he wasn’t there when you go injured :((
The floor was just really slippery that day and you slipped and sprained your ankle during practice
The worst thing is that Kyoutani had to hear from someone ELSE because you had already gone to the nurse’s office by then
Rushes to the nurse’s office and when he walks in he just glares at you like >:((
His mind is like ‘how could you hurt my favourite person’ but then again YOU’RE his favourite person so he doesn’t really know what to think here
DEFINITELY gives you a little lecture on how you need to not be so careless
Accidentally starts acting like your butler for the next few days -- you tell him that you can still do daily tasks with the sprained ankle but he refuses to listen and tries to do everything for you
Semi is big big sad he gets big big BIG sad
He was literally THERE when it happened -- he was watching your practice match (this cutie shows up to every one of your practice matches to cheer you on) and he literally saw with his own two eyes the moment that ball hit your pinky at a bad ankle and dislocated it
Suddenly he’s the fastest runner in the world running to the court to see your injury 
And let me tell you that injury HURT,, you were trying to not cry but Semi could still see the pain :((
He brings you to the nurse’s office (he wouldn’t let anyone else do it) and literally doesn’t blink as the nurse patches you up
Listens VERY closely to the nurse’s instructions on how to take care of your finger and he makes sure you treat that injury with the upmost care
Holds everything for you for the next 2 weeks regardless of how light the object is
Panic mode Kuroo
He’s seen injuries before, but not one like yours and he just kind of freezes because he has NO idea what to do
Let me set the scene: Boys vball club and girls vball club having a practice game and as you run to receive the ball you bump into a teammate at a bad angle and end up dislocating your shoulder :((
Everyone’s running to you checking if you’re okay but Kuroo is still standing there trying to comprehend everything that’s happened 
As it hits him he’s freaking out and running to you
Pushes everyone out of his way to get to you
He sees you holding your shoulder and he just falls into a deeper panic because he’s realized that you’re badly injured 
Probably has to bring you to the nurse’s office with someone because he’s so caught up in his thoughts that he forgot where the nurse’s office even was
Turns out you need to go to the hospital to get a cast and Kuroo is literally following you around everywhere at this point at every single check up, every single appointment because he just wants nothing more but for you to get better as soon as possible
Suddenly this man becomes a doctor ajsdhfkjhdsf LET ME EXPLAIN
You’re training on your own after practice and after your solo session you go to lean up everything in the storage room but the pole for the net FALLS RIGHT ON YOUR HEAD 
Ushijima’s walking into the gym at this point to pick you up and walk you home but then he hears the pole hit the ground and he KNOWS there’s something wrong
He sees you on the ground holding your head and this dude’s heart is literally split into two :((
The calmest of out of everyone here though, because he’s trying his best to put emotions aside and tend to your needs
Asks you a bunch of questions like ‘what’s you’re name, what’s my name, where are you right now’ to check if you have a concussion or not
Urges you to go see the doctors the next day and comes along with you
But before the appointment this dude is educating you on symptoms of a concussion, how to treat it, all those facts that make you question how he even knows all this
Turns out you don’t have a concussion !! All is good in the world but your head do be a bit bruised,, nothing a little painkillers can’t fix
After this incident Ushijima starts to educate you on sports injuries A LOT more often incase something like this happens again next time and he’s not around to help you
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ukaibitches · 3 years
First Date With Haikyuu Boys
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Daichi, Sugawara, Ukai, Kuroo, Bokuto x reader
content: gn!reader, fluff
a/n: hi guys!! it’s our fist hc, we hope you like ‘em. pls send us requests and share our blog! thank you for reading :)
Daichi (coffee date)
Daichi asks you casually during lunch break
he’s waiting for you outside your class at the end of your school day
while you two are walking towards the coffee shop, he asks about your day and seems to be excited to tell you about his
you go to a local café, nothing too fancy
he picks an isolated table so you can have a calm conversation with no worries
he asks for a cappuccino and you ask for your favorite drink. You two ordered a strawberry shortcake to share.
the cafe’s atmosphere is really chill and relaxing. there are many fake plants to compose a natural environment.
the conversation died for a second and Daichi started talking with a big smile forming on his face:
“(y/n), I’ve been wanting to invite you on a date for so long! I’m so glad you accepted. I hope you’re having a good time.”
all the time you spent together that afternoon was lovely. You felt really especial.
he drops you home as soon as the sunset started
and you’re already planning your next date together
Sugawara (picnic date)
he asks you during the weekend, going to your house, since you two are neighbors
you go to a park close your houses on a sunny Sunday afternoon
Suga prepares all the snacks you’ll be having at the picnic: sandwiches, fruits, your favorite juice and some homemade candies
he is dressed casually, yet very stylishly and you’re in comfortable light clothes
you look amazing and he reminds you of it plenty of times
Since you also likes to play volleyball, even as a hobby, you bring a volley ball and the two of you play for some time while you talk about school, life and future
When you are both sitting and eating the food he made, you compliment his cooking and he confesses:
“I have to say I always had a little crush on you, since we were kids... Your smile is my favorite, (y/n)”
you feel your cheeks becoming warmer and he notices because he knows you for so long
after a long afternoon full of conversations and laughing, you two go back home together and spend the rest of the day texting each other and planning to hang out more times
Ukai (rainy night)
you’re the literature teacher in Karasuno high-school
the volleyball coach has been catching your eyes for while. You have been flirting for weeks but nothing too serious has happened yet
Ukai asks if you want to have dinner with him at his store on Friday and you obviously accepted
When the volleyball training ended, you walk to his store together with a group of Karasuno’s students: Hinata, Nishinoya, Tanaka and Kageyama
The boys suspect that something is going on between you and their coach. It is quite obvious tbh...
When the students leave, you comment on them knowing about what is happening between the two of you
“I really don’t care about what they think about us. It is our personal lives”, he responds looking at you
the dinner for tonight is two delicious katsudon prepared by him
you never knew he liked cooking
When you finished eating, there was the BIGGEST storm outside and Ukai invited you to stay the night at his place which is the store’s upper floor
you accept, thinking it may be a little awkward but it’s okay ‘cause he’s hot af
his house is small but it has everything he needs
you came up with the greatest idea to prevent an awkward silence:
“Keishin, have you ever watched ‘10 Things I Hate About You??’”
your movie night made everything easier. Now you were under a blanket, side by side, the closest you have ever been
suddenly, you feel a weight falling on your shoulder. Ukai has fallen asleep next to you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him that relaxed and calm
you lay your head on top of his and have a tranquil night, beside your crush. And he has a tranquil night beside his
Kuroo (study date)
you ask him for help in chemistry (cliché)
you two go to your house together right after class
you go direct to your room and you make sure he is comfortable. He sits on your bed and you follow him
opening your books, you two start studying and you ask all your questions, receiving clear answers since he is a genius
after a while, you start getting tired of seeing elements and equations and start talking about random subjects
Kuroo, as usual, tells a lot of bad puns and you laugh a lot somehow. This is one of his favorite things about you: your bad good sense of humor
you notice how he’s looking at you and get flustered. he’s looking at the most beautiful person he knows
“what are you looking at?” you ask curious
“I’m looking at my future girlfriend” he replies in a flirty tone
you blush really badly but surely don’t deny it...
Bokuto (festival date)
you are Fukurodani’s manager
the team was in a match against Nekoma and Bokuto had entered his ‘emo mode’
you tell him that, if he won the game, you can go to a festival together on the weekend
he automatically becomes the most focused he could ever be
at the end of the match, Fukurodani wins with Bokuto’s perfect match point followed by a wink that confirms your date on Saturday night
as the day arrived, you become nervous. you’re happy that you finally had the opportunity and the courage to invite him but you’re still afraid something will go wrong
he picks you up at 8 pm, dressed casually and looking handsome as always
as soon as he sees you, Bokuto compliments your looks and your nervousness disappears right away
the night is starry and the climate is perfect for a festival
you eat a lot and play various games. at the end of the night, you’re sure it was the best date you’ve ever had
and then the fireworks started
Bokuto is SO excited
you can’t stop looking at him. He is way more entertaining than the fireworks
he catches you starring and gives you the largest smile. you smile back
you keep wondering when will be the next time you’ll see that lovely smile and hope it wont be the last
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hope you enjoyed!
pls don’t repost our work :)
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kshira · 4 years
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+ atsumu miya
ღ ◟ t/w| fluffy, lil kissing & cursing
◟synopsis| waking up to atsumu on your birthday
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you slowly drag your eyelids open to a blurry vision of the window pane with glimmers of the morning sun peeking through. you shuttered feeling the cool air settled into the apartment bedroom and you start tugging at the blankets to cover your shoulders that were gathering goosebumps from the chill.
rolling over from your back you face the indented side of the bed that your lover had made, but your lips snagged into a frown when you noticed he wasn’t there. sitting up in the bed and rubbing your eyes fully open you start to hear noises, the sounds of sizzling and cursing followed with soft beats of music. ah, so that’s where he was.
you’ve motioned your feet from under the covers on the bed to the wooden floors and started shuffling towards the kitchen, your tiny arms wrapping yourself within your robe for some extra warmth. as you reached the kitchen you could see him.
his hand was gliding through his hair as he whipped the spatula around the pan with the other hand. you smiled at his form, atsumu wasn’t a great cook nor was he good at cleaning up his disasters that he did create but he’d always try. and he never stopped trying to impress you with his cooking skill even if you choked back the tears from his dry ass chicken or his fish filets had so much salt your lips had practically shriveled. but today meant a lot more that he was up at the crack of dawn cooking for you, because it was your birthday.
“yer up too early babe! i was suppose to surprise you with breakfast in bed!” atsumu says sticking his bottom lip out in a pout as you motion yourself behind him examining the food he’s brewing up. “you do realize pancakes aren’t suppose to be black right?” you say pointing at the food. atsumu cocks his head sideways and flips the pancake to it’s other side “now you ain’t gotta worry bout that” he smiles before clicking the oven off and flipping the pancake to a plate and pulling you into a hug.
your face pushes into him feeling his chiseled chest under his plain white tee and you automatically sling your arms around him, breathing in his scent of body wash with a lingering smell of cologne. atsumu chuckles at your small figure clinging to him and he gently puts his index finger to your chin tilting your head up for him to meet your face. his creamy brown eyes soften at you “happy birthday pretty girl” he whispers before crashing his lips on yours.
the kiss lingers longer as atsumu explores your mouth with his tongue, dragging it along the sides before pulling away and standing back a bit to take in his kissing effect on you. smiling up at him you caress his check softly before starting to pinch it “what the hell? don’t just do that and then quit!” atsumu smiles before busting out a laugh, “babe, i got some stuff planned for ya today we need to get a move on the rest can wait.”
leaning against the bathroom door atsumu watches you carefully, his eyes darting back and fourth as your hands sweeps the finishing touches of your makeup with a brush. “all ready!” you say clapping your hands together and shooting him a shit eating grin. he’s standing there in admiration at how beautiful you really are, the careless soul you have to the delicate professes of love you harness just for him. he pivots to the door with a smile still plastered to his face “let’s get a rollin’ then baby.”
the night was anything short of perfect, atsumu had planned your birthday months ahead. constantly changing the ideas in his head while he’d be in the middle of tossing sets at practice to also taking the pro and cons of every place, restaurant and even what he was going to wear that day while he was in professional games. he wanted it to be special and for someone like him that was spur of the moment and a goof he did take this seriously.
those moments of that night were tacked away in his memories forever, he wanted to picture your face as he took you to where you’d have meet for the first time for when he missed you. he wanted to feel the warmth of your hands in his when you reached across the table at dinner to squeeze it for when he needed your touch. and at the end of the night when you turned up to him and smile softly, the stars of a chilly night glowing in your eyes as you told him you loved him for when your fights turned painful.
stepping into your shared apartment you kicked your heels off at the door before dropping your jacket on the floor and jumping onto the couch and cozying up into the plush leather. atsumu chuckling at your lightening movements while he had just stepped through the door, he walked towards the darkened bedroom. craning your head towards the door you silently watched his black figure grab a bag from behind the dresser and emerging back into the light of the living room a smile tugging from his lips. “last thing for ya.” he said placing the pink frilly bag in front of you his eyes meeting yours. a blush had crept on your cheeks as you quietly whispered thank you before reaching into the bag deciding to grab a small envelope first.
your name was scribbled on the front, your fingers tore open the envelope slowly before scrunching your brows together as you began to read it.
“my condolences” was written on the front of the card, confused but still continuing to open it “to yer pussy cause i’m gonna wreck that thing tonight. happy birthday babe! love ya!”
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hqbbg · 4 years
pairing: akaashi x reader
summary: akaashi’s lost his memories and you remember the events leading up to it.
genre: angst
word count: 2.4K
warnings: slight mention of blood, incident of car accident
author’s note: hi y’all! this is my contribution to the Haikyuu Headquarters server collab ✨ the prompt for this one is amnesia and I chose to write for Akaashi, but check out the other writers’ works here! I hope y’all enjoy!
part two.
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The smell of the hospital is all too familiar to your senses now. There’s a low buzz of white noise around you as people come and go, walking around and minding their own business. What are they here for? Who are they here for?
You wait patiently for the elevator doors to slide open, your fingers wrung in front of you. You twiddle your thumbs three times before the light comes on above the silver doors accompanied by a ‘ding!’ and you step inside. Your finger immediately presses the button for the fourth floor, and you hold the door open for two more people as they enter the metal box. You ask which floor they need and press the corresponding buttons, watching as the doors close shut, and your steady ascent begins.
It’s quiet, save for the beeping of the elevator every time it reaches a new floor. When you arrive on the fourth floor, you wait a moment before the doors slide open before stepping out. You turn right and see the white sign above the familiar double doors that read ‘Intensive Care Unit’ and press the button for them to open automatically.
A few nurses give you small smiles upon seeing you and you do your best to reciprocate the gesture, though it never quite reaches your eyes. Nowadays, it never does.
Your hands are shaking as you reach for the door handle. The metal feels cold against your fingers and you inhale an unsteady breath before turning the bar. As the door opens, a gust of cold air hits you and the sound of multiple machines beeping fills your ears. You walk in and close the door behind you, setting your bag down on the countertop next to the entrance. Sighing to yourself, you pull the same chair you’ve been using for the past several days up to the edge of the bed and seat yourself in it. You sit in silence for a moment, unable to tear your eyes away from the main source of your joy—although, he was the current source of your heartache—Akaashi Keiji.
Had it not been for the various tubes connected to him and the reason behind this situation, he almost looked peaceful. You lift a hand and brush some hair away from his closed eyes, allowing your fingers to linger a little longer as you float them along the frame of his face. You bite your lip and hold back the tears beginning to line your eyes as your hand retracts back towards yourself.
You hum along to the song playing on the radio and keep your eyes fixed on the moving buildings and cars around you. You feel Akaashi’s thumb rubbing soothing circles around your own, squeezing your intertwined fingers every so often. As the current song comes to an end, you reach over with your empty hand and grab his phone from its spot in the console and unlock it to queue up the next couple of songs. As you do so, his phone buzzes and an unfamiliar name appears accompanied by a message.
What are you doing right now? :)
You frown slightly but choose to disregard it and continue to queue up three more songs. You look over at him and see that he continues to keep his eyes fixed on the road, completely unaware of what’s going on. You put the phone back down and debate on whether or not you should address it or not.
“Hey, you got a message,” you finally say after a few moments.
Akaashi’s eyes flicker over to you for a brief moment.
“I’ll just read it later.”
You hum in acknowledgement and decide to ignore the bubbling curiosity settling within your stomach.
Your eyes flit over to the heart monitor beeping behind the bed and you trace the cadence of each steady beat. You lower your gaze back down and sigh again. You lift your hand and grasp Akaashi’s, giving it a soft squeeze.
The breeze feels good against your skin and you inhale the fresh air with a smile on your face. The two of you finally arrived at your favorite lookout point and the city below still bustles with activity. You turn around and feel the corner of your lips falter when you see Akaashi on his phone, his thumbs tapping quickly along the screen. You turn back around and remind yourself that it’s nothing, probably just someone from work or something.
“Hey, I have to make a call really quick,” he says. You turn your head and nod.
“Okay, I’ll set everything up.”
He smiles apologetically as he takes a few steps away from the car. You choose not to dwell on it and make your way to the car to set up the little picnic the two of you had planned together.
Just as you finish setting everything up, Akaashi makes his way over and presses a kiss against your forehead.
“Sorry, I’m here now. Thanks for setting up.”
You tell him it’s no problem, simply happy with the fact that he’s here now as the two of you sit down. You hear his phone buzz and try to ignore him as he pulls the device out, typing again.
Tears continue to line your eyes as your fingers trace over his knuckles, feeling how prominent they’ve become under his skin. You lift his hand to your lips and press a small kiss against it, gently setting it back down at his side.
He’s so still. Had you not known any better, he reminded you of a living photograph.
For a split second, you could’ve sworn you saw his finger move ever so slightly but figure you’d just imagined it. You miss hearing his voice, feeling his arms around you, just him in general.
“I’m so full,” you sigh in content as you begin to clean up around yourself.
The sun has already begun setting and it’s starting to get dark. As the two of you continue to collect your things, you hear his phone buzz again with yet another text notification. At this point, you’ve lost count of how many times he’d stopped to respond. You want to ask, but you can’t help but feel as if you’re just being paranoid for no reason. However, he’s been on his phone more than he’s even looked you in the eyes tonight.
When you’re both done, you head back to the car and get inside, sitting patiently for him to start up the engine. He sits in the driver’s seat, eyes still fixed on his phone with the slightest trace of a smile on his lips. You can’t help but feel a little irked and albeit a bit jealous, so you finally decide to ask, deciding that you’ve waited enough.
“Who is it?”
“Hm?” Akaashi finally looks up from his phone and blinks innocently at you.
“You’ve been on your phone all night long,” you can’t resist the small pout on your lips.
“Sorry, love,” he says as he puts his phone down. “One of my coworkers just had a question about an upcoming project.”
“Do they know that tonight was supposed to be our date night?” You ask, trying your best to maintain an indifferent demeanor, though the question comes out more aggressively than you’d intended.
Akaashi doesn’t seem to mind, offering another apologetic smile. You do your best to stand your ground, though his smile alone makes you feel like you’re crumbling.
“It was just time sensitive,” he says. “I’ll be sure we aren’t interrupted for our next date night, okay?”
He reaches for your hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. He starts the engine and you feel at ease, mentally scolding yourself for getting worked up over nothing.
You grasp onto Akaashi’s hand again, missing its warmth. Right now, all you want is for him to squeeze back reassuringly, remind you that everything’s going to be okay.
The doctors had explained to you that he would be able to recover quickly so long as he followed the proper procedures once he was conscious. Even in this state, he was already improving greatly. He just needs to wake up. You need him to wake up.
The drive home is dark. You watch the road ahead of you as Akaashi rests his right hand on your thigh. You continue to reprimand yourself internally for overthinking things, even having the audacity to suspect your otherwise perfect boyfriend.
He treats you so well, taking care of you, and putting up with the different mood swings you’d have from time to time.
“You’re being quiet,” Akaashi breaks the silence first.
“Hm?” You look over at him.
“You seem to be deep in thought,” he says, giving your thigh a slight squeeze before removing his hand altogether. You shake your head—whether it’s to shake yourself back into focus or to rid yourself of other thoughts, you’re not sure.
“I’m just thinking about you,” you reply. It’s not a lie.
Akaashi’s ears and cheeks tint a soft pink at your forwardness.
“Care to elaborate?”
You shake your head again, though this time it’s more playful.
“My thoughts will stay within my head,” you say, grinning to yourself.
As the two of you continue to converse, you both fail to notice a car nearing the intersection at full speed.
You could’ve sworn you just felt Akaashi’s fingers move in your hands. The first time might’ve been a hallucination, but this time, you definitely felt it. You let go of his hand and quickly make your way towards the door, reaching for the handle and pulling the door open. You quickly get the attention of the closest nurse nearby and explain what had happened. He nods and follows you back to the room.
You stop dead in your tracks, feeling your heart flutter with emotion as gunmetal blue eyes stare back at you. Just as you’re about to run over and throw your arms around him, Akaashi opens his mouth to speak.
“Who are you?”
His voice is hoarse, not having been used in days, but you heard him loud and clear.
“I’m one of the nurses here—”
Akaashi shakes his head, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“Who are you?”
In three simple words, it feels like your world is falling apart faster than you can pick up the pieces. He doesn’t have the same soft smile you’re used to, the same warmth and love in his eyes. Instead, he’s guarded, and confusion is written all over his face.
“I need to go get a doctor. I’ll be right back,” the nurse says, quickly rushing out of the room. You’re left alone once again.
“Do you not know who I am?” You frown, approaching him slowly.
“Should I?” Akaashi shakes his head with furrowed eyebrows. This can’t be happening.
“We’ve been dating for over a year,” you respond, feeling tears prickling your eyes once again. “Come on, Keiji, it’s me.”
Your voice comes out weaker than you’d anticipated and the look of indifference you’re receiving in return hurts.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are,” he says politely. You open your mouth to say something else, but the door swings open and a doctor accompanied by a couple nurses walks in.
You’re unsure of what happened. One moment, you’re having a good time with your boyfriend, but the next, you feel your body jerking in multiple directions as the car spins out of control. The sound of glass shattering accompanied by a soft sting of pieces cutting across your skin is sharp in the night.
There isn’t much noise—though, you’re unsure if it’s because the ringing in your ears is too loud to notice—and your eyes feel out of focus. You look over and see Akaashi slumped over, a thick and dark red liquid seeping from the side of his head and beginning to stain his shirt.
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you call out for Akaashi, but he doesn’t respond. You continue to scream and cry for him to wake up, preparing for the worst until your throat feels raw. You ignore the pain and stiffness in your neck, gripping onto his bleeding arm and shake him. You’re unsure of how much time passes, but soon you hear sirens and suddenly, your world is black.
“He’s showing signs of amnesia,” the doctor sighs heavily as she looks through the chart on her clipboard. “He’s retained his basic motor skills, but he doesn’t seem to remember much of anything in the past couple of years. This is probably a result from a really intense concussion. When we scanned him for brain damage, we didn’t see anything intense, so it could be possible that this is short-term memory loss.”
“How can he get his memories back?” You bite your lip nervously, trying to hold back the tears so that you can hear out the doctor’s orders appropriately.
“Unfortunately, there’s no promise that he’ll get his memories back at all,” the doctor sighs. “You can try to jog his memory, but there’s a potential risk in doing so; you’d be writing new memories in and forcing him to believe that as reality. It’s quite easy to take advantage of.”
You nod, though you’re still trying to wrap your head around everything.
“The best thing you can do is give him time,” she says. “I understand this is hard for you, but I will also suggest consider making new memories with him.”
You nod again, this time more understandingly.
“When can he be discharged?”
“I’d like to keep an eye on him for a few more days, but after that, he’s home free. Also, I don’t know if this will help you feel better, but some patients can end up getting their memories with a single trigger and everything is fine.”
“Thank you,” you say to the doctor, sighing softly to yourself.
“We have to run some more tests on the patient, but please keep an open mind,” she says. “He’ll be back home before you know it.”
You ride the train back to your shared apartment, feeling numb all over. You’re happy he’s finally awake, but he doesn’t remember you. He doesn’t remember the memories you’ve made together and the idea that he never will twists your stomach into a knot, bringing tears to your eyes.
You want him to remember and you’ll do whatever it takes for him to do so.
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apt3 · 2 years
I am very soft thinking of Atsumu telling Osamu and Suna how he wants to swoop up Kiyoomi bridal-style after their wedding, practicing it with other MSBY teammates, getting so excited — and then on their wedding night, Kiyoomi surprises Atsumu and picks him up first.
Atsumu's so flustered, especially with the way Kiyoomi looks at him with so much love, like he’s got all the stars in his eyes, and he feels so adored — but he still makes them walk back out of the room so Atsumu can pick him up and carry him in too <3
[Haikyuu Headcanon Headquarters at Apt3]
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lgbtsumu · 3 years
haikyuu boys random texts ;
cw // atsumu x reader, tsukishima x reader, osamu x reader, oikawa x reader, kageyama x reader & iwaizumi x reader
— swearing, mention of menstruation but gn!reader in general :)
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this is my firt post pls be kind <3 and do not steal my content !!
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bakugou-jpg · 4 years
Amnesia|| Bokuto x reader [Haikyuu hq server collab]
Hello ! This is my part for the Haikyuu headquarters server collab. The prompt for the stories is Amnesia and Bokuto’s the character i will be writing for. The rest of the wonderful writers that participated in this collab can be found here
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Summary: Bokuto has to deal with a s/o that suffers from amnesia after a car accident
Warnings: Amnesia
Theme: Angst
Words: 3080
It hurt.
It hurt so much.
From waking up before you, waiting for you to wake up while he was staring at your extremely adorable and gorgeous sleeping face even if there was a little bit of drool on the side of your lips. How your eyes would slightly squint open and your hands immediately reaching out for him only for him to engulf you into a hug while attacking you with kisses on your neck,cheeks, shoulders, nose and lastly a soft sensual kiss pressed against your lips.
It was his drug, you were his drug. The way your kiss could drag his mind away from soberness to get drunk on the soft feeling of your lips moving against his. The way your arms felt around his waist whenever you gave him his 'goodluck-charm' hug before an important game.
Bokuto was oh so sure you were forever gonna be his and how he'd spend the rest of his life together with the thing he had gotten oh so addicted to. How you'd be standing in the bleachers cheering him in until his very last game, how he'd always be able to sulk into your shoulder whenever he felt down, how you'd always giggle at his sometimes purposely stupid dumb antics because he wanted to hear you laugh.
He wanted to take you all over the world, show you the beauty of all the different cultures and go on a fun taste-testing city trip to try out all the unfamiliar new foods.
It was all his fault. All of it.
His memory was still fuzzy, after all the hit his head had gotten wasn't nothing. He remembered seeing the headlights of the car that was approaching his at a speed that was way over the limit, the feeling of his heart dropping still present in a way.
The seconds after this, of you screaming and him trying to keep you safe in a failed attempt by holding his arm in front of you went by quickly. Bokuto couldn't even remember what happened after this, in all honesty he couldn't even remember when his head crashes into the side of the door or when he passed our. Just the headlights that were now forever burned into his eyes.
The throbbing in his head was unbearable, but in that moment all he could care about was the sight of you passed out with your head hanging forward as blood dripped out of your nose onto the airbag and your white cardigan one he had given to you.
Bokuto couldn't remember when the ambulance arrived and got both you and h out of the car. He couldn't remember the trip to the hospital nor being moved to the room he had woken up in several hours later.
A heavy concussion, 24 stitches and a broken leg is all he had. Nothing too dangerous, nor life changing. After all, the airbag had caught most of the crash's impact luckily. To him, it was nothing he couldn't get over.
It should've been him, really. After all he was the one that came up with a surprise trip at 11 pm to McDonald's because he wanted a mcflurry. That 4 dollar piece of shitty vanilla ice cream mixed together with whatever sweet bullshit wasn't worth it in any way.
All he wanted to hear when he entered your hospital room was you calling out for his name, relieved that he was okay and then the two of you would cry together because you were scared and he cries whenever you cry because his baby owl shouldn't ever cry because then he'll cry and fuck.
He didn't want to be greeted by dull looking eyes, ones that didn't seem to realize they were currently looking at someone they had been looking at oh so lovingly for the last 5 years. You weren't aware of the fact you had spend your most cherished memories with the build man currently standing in front of you. That he was the one you had spend nights with of just cuddling together and enjoying each other's presence.
When the doctor had hit him with the news, he felt all the life he had in him deflate. Bokuto felt sick, the bitter taste in his mouth making him want to throw up all the contents in his stomach. It felt like a nightmare who's plot just got dropped at his shoes that he couldn't wake up from.
The hit you had gotten on your head wasn't one like Bokuto had gotten. You didn't get to shrug it off with a heavy concussion like he did. It was so strange and unfair, the two of you had been in the same accident and you of all people had been the one who's world fell apart and you weren't even aware of it.
Amnesia is a form of memory loss. Some people with amnesia have difficulty forming new memories. Others can't recall facts or past experiences. People with amnesia usually retain knowledge of their own identity, as well as motor skills.
You knew your name, your age. You knew who your parents were and where you lived. You could very vaguely remember what you did for a living, atleast somewhere in that direction.
Lost in thought, Bokuto's eyes quickly snapped up from the dining table to lock with yours. It didn't take long before his eyes lit up and a bright smile beamed on his face, feeling so much to what you felt whenever your blankets would hug you at night whenever you were cold it was something that always confused you for you couldn't remember anything about him or him and you in general.
"What's troubling you, pretty lady~?"
His voice was like sinking into a warm bath, slowly engulfing you into a warm trance that made you feel like you were floating on nothing but warm air. Whenever he started slowly picking up his old nicknames for you again, it made heat creep to the tips of your ears.
When you woke up the first thing you had noticed was the throbbing in your head. It didn't take long until you had opened your eyes,immediately being blinded by the brightness of the bright white walls. Honestly, making the walls of the hospital white was for sure the most uncomfortable thing that had ever been done it wasn't exactly comforting.
Everything was..weird. Your mind was like a blank canvas, only very small smudged out lines of a sketch that had recently been erased with an eraser present for those lines were too thick to erase. That canvas had stayed blank for as long as you could remember.
When the doctors came inside to talk to you and started asking you questions, to which you could only answer a few of. Apparently you had amnesia, something which you didn't even know what it was at first until they explained.
Before the incident you had always thought during your common shower thoughts that were you to ever have amnesia that you'd panic immediately, wondering about what your life was like who you were where you were etc..but right now you were calm. Still that blank canvas only now there were very thin lines of a sketch visible but there was still so much missing.
The build man that had entered your room shortly after was something you'd never forget. He was strolled in in a wheelchair, perhaps he too had an accident? Did he know you, after all why else would he visit you? You didn't question it too much, simply too tired to stress over such things.
He introduced himself as Bokuto, a name that held a weird sort of nostalgic feeling for you yet you couldn't point out why exactly.
The first thing you noticed about him was the fact there were tears in his eyes the whole entire time he was there, desperately trying to hold them in and sometimes he'd quickly wipe them away with his sleeve hoping you wouldn't notice.
Bokuto had been incredibly kind, funny too. He'd come by everyday to talk to you and you didn't even question it too much for it felt so normal to spend your time with him.
You knew the two of you shared some kind of bond before all of this, there was no doubt in it he had probably been in the same accident that took your memory from you.
So when the news of the two of you having been in a relationship had been broken to you, you weren't surprised. The tears that had welled up in his eyes when he told you broke your heart for the man's whole body sulked and his eyes held nothing but sorrow.
He tried putting up a smile all the time for you, trying to brush the guilt and sorrow off hos shoulders like it wasn't as bad as he thought it was. It felt only natural to move your hand towards his and give it a squeeze, after all he had been kind to you and you didn't want him to go through this by himself.
There had to be a reason why you had fallen for him, so it couldn't be too bad to comfort him at this moment.
Bokuto broke. The moment your hands engulfed his and you started talking to him in that soft voice you always used whenever he went into his emo mode or felt insecure about anything he couldn't take it anymore.
He wanted you back, it wasn't fair. This wasn't fair this wasn't what was supposed to happen, he didn't want this. He wanted you to smile at him like you did when you woke up next to him every morning before kissing him with those lips he loved so much.He wanted you to hold him close while running your fingers through his hair while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He wanted to feel you, to touch you and love you with all he had but he couldn't.
At this point he wasn't even sure if he would ever be able to again, he didn't like it at all he hated it truly hated it. He wanted more than just a hand squeeze, he wanted to dive into your arms while sobbing into your chest while you shushed him. To look back at this as an obstacle the two of you had gone past, being able to live the life full of surprises he wanted with you. Bokuto wanted to kiss your lips, to feel them move against his while you would gently hold his face and wipe away his tears with your thumb before engulfing him into your arms again and run your fingers through his hair.
He couldn't
To you, he was nothing but a stranger anymore. All those days he spent with you in his arms, safe and secure with your face smushed into his broad chest while dozing off on the couch while he was watching you fight against your sleep with a small smile on his face. All those days where you were chasing him around the house with a nerf gun while laughing whenever he'd trip over the carpet in the hallway hitting his head against the wall. Days where you and him would talk about insecurities, doubts and fears you had for you felt safe with each other. Night where you were his and he was yours, needing nothing but each other.
It was a dream, a bad one it had to be. This couldn't happen to you two, right? Those things only happened in movies. Well atleast in movies they'd atleast eventually remember everything again,but you.. It was a nightmare he was trapped in, he had to get out, wanted to wake up. He had to wake up, to open his eyes dammit why couldn't he wake up.
You were robbed of basically everything, all the things that had formed you into the person you had become.
"Why are you doing this?"
The question took Bokuto off guard. His eyes widened slightly before squinting together on confusion. "Doing..what?" He muttered. In all honesty, he knew exactly what you meant. It had been a question he had been avoiding answering for the longest time, never wanting to be confronted and be put on the spot like he currently was.
Your arms moved around a little, signaling to a non-existing object,space, person who knew. "I-..This. Why are you still here, if to me you are nothing more than a stranger who apparently was my boyfriend in a life I don't even remember nor do i know if i ever will?"
The words felt like daggers being stabbed several times into his chest before being twisted around, making the pain even worse than it already was. He could fee his throat close up slightly, a lump building itself up in the bottom of it. All the things you were saying had been things he already knew but hearing you say them out loud hurt even more.
Bokuto laughed it off, slapping the table lightly before clearing his throat in a failed attempt to get rid of that horrible lump. "Woah, didn't expect that to go so deep! Give me a break~" He said with a sigh, a forced grin present on his face to once again hide his fragile side.
Your face had fallen upon hearing his words and seeing his reaction. It was obvious that he was hurting himself constantly, trying to patch something together that had a possibility of being beyond broken. Bokuto was trying to give himself, constantly telling himself that everything would turn back to normal while running away from the truth.
That wasn't right. It wasn't right. You were supposed to say Kou, a nickname you've been using ever since the two of you became close friends. He longed to hear you whisper his name into his ear whenever you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, for you to use pet names whenever you'd cuddle him in your arms and squish his cheeks.
He had been to preoccupied with his thoughts to notice your hands reaching out for his, only snapping back to his thoughts when you gave them a gentle squeeze. His eyes locked onto yours and saw how yours had softened upon the eye contact yet there was a layer of sadness they held. It hurt to see, knowing that if he hadn't pushed certain buttons maybe this wouldn't be the case.
As your thumb gently traced his knuckles, something you did before everything that happened. You didn't have to remember it, Bokuto knew it was because of your caring nature that you'd always figure out rather quickly how to comfort different people. You knew how to comfort him, yet all he really wanted was to be wrapped up in your arms and the memory of it made his chest hurt again.
Bokuto deflated again, his shoulders slumping and his eyes falling down onto the table.
"What happened, wasn't your fault. There will never be a day that i will put the blame on you and i'm sorry for what happened. I truly wish i could remember all the memories we've shared together over the years, that i could remember what it felt like to fall in love with you."
Now it was you who was getting teary eyed, something Bokuto hadn't seen ever since you had woken up. All this time you were lost in your own mind, surely you had questions about your life..not a lot though. You must've been trying to avoid thinking about it too much, making feeling Bokuto even more guilty for it seemed you had to force yourself to talk about something you wanted to avoid for the sake of comforting him. He felt like a horrible excuse of a boyfriend, hell he wasn't even sure if he was still allowed to call himself that.
"I wish, i could give it back to you. I really do and i am in every possible way open to the idea of making new memories with you but i really need you to understand that the person i was, before all this happened, the person you loved..isn't gonna be the person you're currently looking at."
The way your voice was breaking, the way you tried oh so hard to keep the tears from flowing and the way your hands were trembling above his own. Bokuto turned his hands upwards and cupped yours in his own. The feeling felt like nostalgia, like a deja vu you wanted to bask in forever.
Having to let go of the image he had of you felt impossible. Every morning Bokuto woke up, he had this underlying spark of hope that you'd be standing in the kitchen waiting for him while calling out his name with tears in your eyes before he ran towards you and taking you in his arms while spinning you around. How the two of you would talk about your most chesired memories you shared together. It still felt like a nightmare, waking up to an empty bed with nothing but him-well couch since he gave you the bed.
The feeling of your hands leaving his felt faint yet he was very aware of the very last touch he had of your skin on his.
"I..think i should go" the words hurt but he knew it was for the best. For he knew that if he kept living in his own fantasy world that you would keep on hurting and so would he.
It was for the best, he thought as he kept looking down at where you once stood.
It was for the best, he thought as he heard the front door shut not even having heard you leave.
It was for the best, he thought as he felt himself starting to break down while crawling into a little ball on the couch clutching onto the pillow that faintly smelled like your perfume.
Images of your smile, your voice and the feeling of your skin were replaying in his head. Your hand in his, your lips leaving small patterns on his shoulders making him giggle and your hands running through his hair while cuddling in bed. How you'd tell him you loved him and told him about how you'd picture your future together.
It was for the best, he thought.
It was for the best
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hynjae22 · 4 years
Haikyuu characters cuddling with their (S/O)
Warnings: I think I cursed 2-3 times.
Note: This is my first time doing this please enjoy! ❤️
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Akaashi Keiji:
Ok so.... Where should I start?
Like if u want to cuddle now he'd be down for it .
He doesn't care if he's the big spoon or small spoon
But most of the times he's the big spoon
When you guys cuddle. He gives u a lot of kisses in the cheek or neck .
He also sometimes whispers lovely things in your ear. For example " Your beautiful" "I love you" things like that.
Let's face it.
Akaashi keiji is the best🥺
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Oikawa Tooru:
This mf right here is fvcking clingy .
If you want cuddles everyday.
The he's gonna cuddle you everyday then.
He also plays relaxing music.
When you guys cuddle he either talks about his alien theories 👽
Or whisper sweet things in your ear.
Or it's silent and you could only hear the chill music playing in the bg.
Soo when you guys cuddle mostly ur cuddle sessions turn into makeout sessions.
Ok thanks for reading this is my first time doing this I hope you like it! Baiii❤️
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kenmasonder · 3 years
Haikyuu Requests Open!!
hello everyone!! I’m happy to introduce myself:
you can call me L and I’m excited to share my passion (which is writing) with all of you! I want my blog to be the safest space for all of you so you can feel free to read what I write without feeling uncomfortable, so this is why I would love if you could read my rules and follow them to create a safe space for all of you.
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- all writing will be done with a female reader in mind, unless asked, I will write gender neutral so please specify.
- I write for every single Haikyuu character.
- maximum of 3 characters per request.
- every character I write will be 18+ because I find it uncomfortable to write certain things if it’s assumed that they’re minors.
- I do write nsfw.
- I don’t write character x character. (I’m sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable shipping certain characters and I can’t really get creative writing for them)
I’ll be writing three (3) types of matchups:
this matchup will be based on what you look like, meaning that I will write what they love the most about you physically and why, I’ll also go for who you would look the cutest/hottest/best with.  
- describe your physical appearance, of course. (the longer, the better)
- if you feel comfortable doing so, sending me a picture of yourself will make it easier for me to ship you with someone.
- please specify if you want to be matched up with a female, male or any character!!!!!!
this matchup will be based on your personality, hobbies, dreams, etc. I will ship you with whoever I think you would connect emotionally with better and I’ll explain why. 
- describe what you like to do, your dreams, etc...
- if you know your personality type (ex: INFJ, ENFP, etc), I will highly appreciate if you include it.
- feel free to tell me your sun, rising and moon signs.
- you can also describe what you look for in a partner or best friend.
- please specify if you want to be matched up with a female, male or any character!!!!!!
this matchup will be a mix of your looks and your personality and I will match you up with your ideal partner based on everything about yourself and about them as well.
- the rules for this matchup are to literally just send me a description of your looks and personality, the more you describe yourself, the better.
- please specify if you want to be matched up with a female, male or any character!!!!!
- note: these matchups will take longer and might not be open that often.
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