#hailey oto
rhys-ravenfeather · 3 months
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grandmarielaylanen · 2 years
Hanaka Laylanen
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Template made by Epel and edited a tad to add a few things by Me. This is a wip! Also, art is by @virunathestarbaby (this is also mentioned later in the post).
Basic Information
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Name: Hanaka Laylanen 
Gender: Female 
Sexuality: Asexual Heteroromantic
Date Of Birth: January 28th, 2019
Profession: Housewife
Age: 10 (current, 2029), 18 (age at marriage, 2037) 
Species: Human (2019-2031), Covenant (2031-20##), Specter (20## and onwards) 
Zodiac: Aquarius
Phobias: Astraphobia, Tokophobia
Love Interest: Aito Matsuda, Haruto Nakagawa
"Yeah! Daddy, Papa, you were mean to Naka. Sure she can be bad but she's not a bad person!"
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Hair Length:
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 4'9 ft
Weight: 82 lbs
Tattoos: None
Bandages: None 
"Naka! Swear!"
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"D-Did you kill Auntie Oto..?"
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Normal Clothing:
Formal Clothing:
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Cancer: None
Asthma: None 
Fears: Gunshots, being called "Flower" by Aito (after becoming a Specter), 
Personality aspects
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Normal Moods:
Patient/Impatient: Patient
Anger Management?: No
Three good things about personality:
Three bad things of personality:
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Mother: Nicole (Aubrey) Laylanen 
Father: Light Laylanen-Yagami, L Laylanen-Yagami
Sister: Yui Laylanen, Nakano Laylanen
Brother: Makoto Laylanen
Spouses: Aito Matsuda, Haruto Nakagawa
Daughters: None
Sons: Hoshi Laylanen
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Backstory: Hana was born to Nicole, Light, and L in 2019 and became best friends with Aito who is Matsuda and Otoha's child. Hana later married Aito Matsuda.
Home: 17th universe
Dislikes: People crying, loud noises, not being able to speak
Likes: Sweets, Soul, Tangled,
Voice Claim: Atsumi Tanezaki (Japanese, Younger), (Japanese, Older), (English, Younger), Hailey Hayes (English, Older)
Theme Playlist: Hana's Themes
Art Credits
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utau-bowl · 3 years
Looking at all the Voicebanks on the Arpasing website
This is a project that took a good amount of time to write and publish, so I’m glad I’m finally here! For context, there is an unofficial Arpasing website with reclists, plugins, and USTs to use. There’s also a list of avilable Arpasing voicebanks to try out, and here’s where I had the idea to download and talk about-all of them. These will generally be pretty short, but I hope they’re at least somewhat informative. Many of these voicebanks are in beta/unfinished to a degree, so keep that in mind. Since a lot of these are old beta voices, if you don’t want your VB on here, just send me a message and I’ll delete it.
All of these voices can be downloaded at the Voicebank Directory on the Arpasing site. 
A few of the links on the site didn’t work, so sorry Cherry, Daichi Hayashi, and Armani. I’m also not including the Arpasing prototype VB since it’s just recordings and has no oto. For people who don’t know much about arpasing: 0.1.0 is the original version of Arpasing with 219 samples, and 0.2.0 is an updated later version made by Kanru Hua that has 334 samples. I also bring up the alveolar tap a little bit. The alveolar tap is a consonant common in american English (it’s the “tt” sound in butter, better, and letter). Since Arpasing was optimized for American English, it’s surprising that most of the reclists for it don’t include the alveolar tap! So I might point that out when I see it added into a vb.
Aero-gen Shinsu by Wolfe Nebula
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 3 ※Has FRQs?: Some Aero is a mild adolescent sounding voice with lots of noise. He generally sounds pretty sweet and light, I love his voice a lot! There is a decent anount of background noise, which some may be picky about. Still, it doesn’t affect the quality much and he works with most resamplers. Putting high BRE on him makes him sound pretty good. I generally had no issues with his oto, but the CC transitions aren’t otoed very well and some are off time.
Aino Erufu by Jasputing
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※Reclist: 0.2.0  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes, also has full llsm and pmk files Aino has a very unique voice acted timbre, and it’s almost difficult to find a song to match her. But when you do, she’s a sweetie. ^^ She has a sweet, louder voice and sounds best above A3, or even higher in the soprano range.  She is touchy with resamplers but works well with fresamp and world4utau.
Aki Toka/幸兔雪  by Yukito Yuki 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Aki is clear and strong and has a good tone. good tone, clear. has full frqs. got one of my favorite accents. Despite being monopitch, he has a very wide range and can go a little below his stated range of F3-C5. The mid/low range sounds best though imo. He comes with a guide for aliasing for those new to Arpasing, and a list of all the sounds which were affected by the VP’s accent. The Finnish accent does come through in the vowels and ending consonants, but the duplicates allow for more varied pronunciation so it’s not a big deal. Akihana ENG [radiance] D3_beta by Lunamageice ※Reclist: 0.1.0, uses phonetic filenames  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Akihana has a low, rich, full voice that’s good in bass and baritone range. I’ve used his VCCV before, but the Arpasing actually has more natural pronunciation. It has been in beta all this time, but it’s still worth it to use because of the rarity of this voicetype in UTAU. Angus by ReticentResolve
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes    I was blown away by how good Angus was! He’s a deep, soft masculine voice ranged F2-G4 with a nasal quality. He comes with a tripitch VCV JP bank for those who’d want that too. The mic he was recorded on picked up a lot of background noise and makes him sound muffled, but he’s still a decent vb.
AWG YukiList verKLAD by Adlez27 ※Reclist: YukiList with modifications ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No This is an example voicebank for the Yukilist arpasing recording style created by YukitoYuki. It has 800+ samples and a lot more coverage than basic Arpasing. It’s a tenor vb with a mild tone. The alveolar tap (dx) samples are in a separate folder for some reason and aren’t fully otoed, but they work fine. Some of the VC transitions aren’t configured correctly, but generally the oto is good.
Canary by SlightlyShredded
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (D3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Canary has a really pleasant voice! He’s a sweet, fruity baritone with power in his voice. He’s very suitable for pop/edm. His oto kept spitting out errors while I used him but he sounds mostly fine despite that. 
Eon_Arpasing by fmccaddy12 ※Reclist: Custom (made by fmccaddy12) ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Eon is a very realistic baritone voice. He sounds a little congested but is overall one of the best voicebanks on this list. He can be pushed a bit out of his range As far as I’m aware, his official site/character revamp is not done yet but his dl is still up on this website. Not even sure if I should share the link but it is still up publicly...
Hailey Denali by CatMoun
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※Reclist: Custom  ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm  Hailey has one of the cutest tones one of all these voicebanks. She’s very nasal and sounds almost voice acted. Her reclist is 500+ samples long and doesn’t lack anything. However, all the vowels and most of the consonants are 2-3 syllables. Hailey also comes with an automatic updater.
鳳鐘ユウリ(Houshou Yuuri) by さきた (Sakita) 
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Yuuri has a range of about A3-D5. She has a heavy Japanese accent but a decent range. She’s very emotional and pretty sounding, especially in the higher ranges. Though, if you want to use her, know that her oto requires a lot of fixing, as a lot of VC transitions are configured incorrectly.
Johatsun Kikuro Arpasing by Awes0meBr0/Biohazard-P
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm/bak/pmk   He has very quiet samples which causes lots of distortion in the program. Nevertheless, he still manages to sound realistic somehow-? He reminds me of older vocal synths like Microsoft Sam almost. I did mess around a bit with resamplers/flags for Kikuro and the best combination I’ve found so far was f2resamp and F0g1H20h0C10. Using Kikuro requires some effort but he’s sill pretty good.
Kara Kokone by SunGuardian524
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some  Kara is most impressive for being one of the UTAU with the highest number of pitches on this list- each of them has a different tone, with one being a falsetto and another being a shout pitch. Her range is pretty wide, reaching almost into alto and being able to hit the high soprano notes too. However, this bank really does feel like a beta that hasn’t been touched in a while. It doesn’t have a fully configured prefix.map and the oto is pretty off and requires a lot of adjusting. I also wish she used a more comprehensive form of the reclist, since there is a lot missing. At least there’s a lot of duplicate entries.
Kayaka Konagi Arpasing(English) by こむぎこ (Komugiko)  ※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Konagi is very good, her pronunciation is clear and she has a nice tone. She is a bit finicky with resamplers and flags, probably meant to be used with default settings. She does have a Japanese accent but it’s a little less pronounced than Yuuri’s.
Kevin Futarine STUDIO (VP2 Arpasing) by FRAloids
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No  Kevin is another baritone voice with a youthful flavor. It has a good amount of flexibility, being sort of emotional and soft sounding but also capable of producing a bright, clear sound. He was recorded at E3 but has a flexible range and even sounds good higher. His pronunciation is pretty on point, but the t/d are a little mixed up. His dh sounds are also so short they’re hard to hear at times. The oto is generally good but might need some adjusting out of the box. He has a ton of extra samples of sighs, laughs, whispers, etc. I’ve been a Kevin fan for years and this voicebank definitely keeps the tone his Japanese vbs have.
Kii Nane by kii ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Some   Kii Nane is a sugary sweet voice that sounds best at C4 and above. Her samples have a lot of reverb, and there is some background noise which affects the output. Her pronunciation is very good, but a little slurred and off because of the engine noise. Resamplers are hit or miss, she does sound good with world4utau though.
Koyanagi Sayuki DEITY by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 4 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm  Sayuki is a very realistic voice ranged F#3-G5. Her low range is soft and her mid/high range is loud and clear. Lovely to tune and use in anything, I don’t have much negative to say about her.
Koyanagi Takehiko_TSUNAMI (BETA) by Mango-tama
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (G3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Takehiko is very cool sounding and bassy, and the voice acting makes him distinct from his sister. His best range is from D3 to G4 and he has sorta a soft tone that can be boosted via resamplers. He sounds great with f2resamp.
KYE by WinterdrivE
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 + a few Alveolar tap samples ※Number of pitches: 5 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, but has full llsm Kye needs no introduction-he’s the guy who got most of us interested in Arpasing in the first place! His abundance of pitches works in his favor. He’s probably the best of these voicebanks to just plug and play to learn how to use Arpasing-if you don’t mind waiting for all those 1000+ frqs to generate. He is by far the best in baritone/bass range. A lot of the D4 pitch actually has pitch/frequency issues that can’t be fixed without workarounds, so using him from B2-C4 is your best bet-or just using a different pitch for the higher ranges. He does have a sort-of lisp but overall, not many oto or pronunciation issues.
Marie Kagekine Arpasing (v1.0) by AdagioFantasque
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes +  some llsm, pmk, and uspec  Marie is an operatic voicebank who tries to recapture the charm of Prima in an UTAU format. She has a wide range of B3-F5 and a mature, yet high and bright, sound. She has some of the best understandability out of any of these voicebanks. I really like her <3
Mikone Samu by codyboyo
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes Samu/Sam is a port of Microsoft Sam done in a similar way to how Defoko was made. He’s a crisp sounding masculine low voice. Due to the samples being short, he can sound very stilted. But for a jinriki (?) like this, he is very high quality.
Resonance Harmony (Arpasing English) by Hazu/パワ 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 6 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes I have a lot to say about Harmony, and no good way of wording it. Okay. Resonance is very nasally and high, she has 3 base pitches plus growl, power, and whisper appends, and some vocal fry. Conceptually, she seems like a pretty good bank but I’ve always had trouble using her...it feels like a hit or miss on whether she’ll sound good or not. She sounds decent with f2resamp and w4utau but not many flags make her sound better. If anyone else wants to download her and play around, I’d love to hear it.
Rose Mae Arpasing BETA by Monochrome Rose ※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Rose has a bright, tomboyish, androgynous voice. The readme file notifies us of the non-native accent in the vb. It does have a drawl and some of the consonants aren’t recorded/otoed right, but overall the vb sounds very smooth. Honestly, I care more about recording conditions/oto/general feel than accent most of the time, and Rose does well in those ways.
Ryuunosuke Aoyama by Mattsuran 
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes + llsm Ryuunosuke is a childish, boyish voice with a strong Chilean accent. I think this vb may have actually been recorded by a kid, so that’s a point for uniqueness at least. He sounds best with fresamp and f2resamp. He has a gentle tone that can work in a lot of different ranges.
Tarek by Tadashi
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※Reclist: 0.1.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 (B2) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No, has llsm Tarek has a clear, loud tone with a noticeable lisp. UTAU recommends using him as a baritone, but I found putting him into higher ranges generally worked too. His samples sound less like singing and more like talking. He was recorded on a midquality mic which causes some distortion in the output. Still, I think his voice is really cute and I’m a sucker for baritones.
Thoma by Nythoma
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 + vocal fry/alveolar tap ※Number of pitches: 1 (F#3) ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Thoma is an androgynous alto/mezo soprano. They have a soft, plasticy sort of feeling to their voice. They sound best from C3-F5. I feel a little..weird linking to/talking about Thoma since they were redesigned and are supposed to be a private voicebank, but the download is still linked on this site. Also please check out Nythoma when you get a chance, they make the best Arpasing USTs which helped me a lot while making this post. I feel like I haven’t checked in on anyone here in a while. How are you doing? I’ve written most of this post within the span of a few days and I think my brain is not capable of producing any thoughts other than “monopitch.”
Tsubasa Arugo Arpasing (BETA) by WinterStar
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 1 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: Yes   Tsubasa has a soft, androgynous voice that sounds best from E3-A4. The samples are full of static, which causes some distortion. The ending vowel sounds also cut off too much at the beginning, making them too breathy. Still, it’s always nice to see another soft vb.
Xiao Meihua by 実偽Migi
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※Reclist: 0.2.0 ※Number of pitches: 2 ※Has fully generated FRQs?: No Meihua has a realistic mature voice that’s also sweet and friendly sounding. She has a sort of low voice, and sounds the best from G3-C5. The download comes with a natural vb and a Sweet append, both monopitch. I listed them as being different pitches because they aren’t recorded at the same note. The Sweet voicebank is nasal and stronger too-it sounds more solid than sweet. She’s one of the vbs on this list that sounds the best with little to no edits. Her oto is smooth as butter :0
And that’s all of them done! Thank you SO much for reading if you got this far, seriously. You are what makes writing this blog worth it <3
Also I wanted to list my favorites of the bunch! This isn’t meant to pit any vb against each other or anything, just the ones I’m likely to go back to. -Canary -Eon -Xiao Meihua -Marie Kagekine -Kii Nane -Aki Toka -Thoma -Kevin Futarine Studio
Who are your favorites?
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haileybaldwinpoland · 5 years
Rodzina Baldwin
Witajcie moi drodzy w poście po mojej długiej przerwie. Dziś będziecie mogli przeczytać nowości i różne ciekawostki z życia rodziny Baldwin. Zaczynamy!
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Rodzina Baldwin jest na prawdę bardzo duża i prawie tak liczna jak rodzina Kardashian/Jenner. Oto przed wami drzewo genealogiczne:
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Jak widać jest ona na prawdę bardzo liczna jednak ja zajmę się naszą czwórką, która jest z nami najbliżej.
Stephen Baldwin
- amerykański aktor, producent, reżyser i scenarzysta filmowy i telewizyjny. Jest najmłodszym dzieckiem państwa Baldwin. W 1987 roku, gdy pracował w pizzeri zauważył go jeden z agentów amerykańskiej stacji telewizyjnej PBS. Rok później debiutował w filmie Michaela Seresina "Homeboy".
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Jaki jest na prawdę ten uśmiechnięty Pan?
Stephen ma trudny charakter ale też jest wiecznym dzieckiem, który nie chce nigdy dorosnąć. Stephen nie może przestać rozmyślać o osobowości swojego zięcia i ogólnych poglądach na życie. Jest osobą, która często zmienia zdanie. Stephen jest potwornym manipulatorem. Nie podobało mu się kiedy jego córka Alaia postanowiła żyć daleko od kamer. Alaia nie jest tak popularna jak Hailey, którą można łatwo manipulować. Cieszy się szczęściem Alaii jednak nie jest dumny  tego, że postanowiła żyć inaczej niż została wychowana dlatego też córeczką tatusia nie jest Alaia, a Hailey. Ma obecnie problemy pieniężne dlatego Justin wspiera go finansowo. Taki zięć mu pasuje.
Kennya Baldwin
O samej Kenn nie jest za dużo. Jej ojciec jest uznanym brazylijskim pianistą, kompozytorem, producentem nagrań i aranżerem, który zdobył nagrodę Grammy w 1974 roku za „Best Pop Instrumental Performance” i jest znany jako legenda Bossa Nova.  ( Eumir Deodato), a matka nie była sławna i ciężko znaleźć w internecie jej zdjęcia ( Mary Ellen Deodato ) Sama Kenn jest grafikiem , a stała się rozpoznawalna tylko i wyłącznie przez nazwisko swojego męża oraz dlatego, iż zaczęła pokazywać się na ściankach,dywanach.
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Kennya jest bardzo miłą i dobrą kobietą. Swoje córki wychowywała tak aby kochały i akceptowały same siebie. Kenn mimo hollywoodzkiej sławy swoich teściów, prowadziła życie zdystansowane od mediów i stale wspierała męża w jego wysiłkach. Odegrała także znaczącą rolę w przywróceniu go do wiary, co znacznie zmieniło ich życie, gdy aktywnie zaangażowali się w służbę jako narodzeni na nowo chrześcijanie. Zawsze tłumaczyła Alaii i Hailey, iż pieniądze nie są wszystkim. Ważna jest miłość. Mimo wszystko Stephen zabierał ca,łą rodzinę na dywany i różne przyjęcia.
Alaia Baldwin- Aronow
- dziewczyna jest uznawana za modelkę, jednak obecnie również wybrała spokojne życie bez kamer. Jest najstarszą córką Stephena i Kenn. Obecnie reprezentowana przez VNY Models w USA i The Squad w Wielkiej Brytanii. Pracowała także dla D'Management w Mediolanie i State Management w Nowym Jorku. Podobnie jak jej wujek, William Baldwin, przed nią, również wzorowała się na marce Calvin Klein. Alaia nie jest wegetarianką, ale stosuje dietę bezglutenową.
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Alaia podążyła swoją drogą, a nie taką jaką zaprojektował jej ojciec. Ma o wiele lepsze stosunki z matką niż ojcem. Dziewczyna jest na prawdę ciepłą osobą i bardzo rodzinną. W 2017 roku wyszła za mąż i ten dzień sprawił iż jest “inną kobietą”. Wspiera różne akcje. Był moment kiedy Alaia zazdrościła Hailey sławy oraz znajomości ale nie był to długi okres. Siostry zawsze miały świetne stosunki.
Trochę o ślubie: 
Wszystkie druhny, nosiła czarne sukienki w jaskrawym kontraście z białą suknią panny młodej. Impreza weselna została dobrze udokumentowana w mediach społecznościowych za pomocą zdjęć i filmów opublikowanych przez Hailey w Irlandii i przyjaciółkę Alaii Sailor Brinkley-Cook. W pierwszą rocznicę opublikowała zdjęcie z ich ślubu na swoim Instagramie z napisem „1 rok w dół ... 1000000 więcej do zrobienia ...” podążając za siostrą zaręczyny z Justinem Bieberem, opublikowała zdjęcie jej i Hailey z jej własnego ślubu, aby jej pogratulować, podpisując: „Od jednej panny młodej do następnej ..... gratulacje dla mojej małej siostry w tym ekscytującym następnym rozdziale!”
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Hailey Baldwin Bieber
- Amerykańska modelka i celebrytka. Najmłodsza córka Stephana i Kenn. Do swojego CV może wpisać sesje do magazynów takich jak VOGUE, Wonderland, a także kampanie Topshop. Była baletnicą i to właśnie miała robić jednak przez kontuzję była zmuszona zrezygnować. Jej pasją jest aktorstwo co nie powinno nas dziwić skoro pochodzi z aktorskiej rodziny. Przez 7 lat uczęszczała na zajęcia do teatru muzycznego co również tłumaczy jej wielką miłość do musicali.
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Hailey od najmłodszych lat była łatwa i nieodporna do manipulacji. Dlatego szybko stała się “ofiarą” swojego ojca. Hails była zwykłą dziewczyną kochająca balet, śpiew. Zachowywała się jak każdy z nas. Prowadziła fanowskie konto o Justinie i od najmłodszych lat była jego fanką. Ojciec zrobił jej niespodziankę ale również chciał wkręcić ją w show biznes.
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Jednak samo nazwisko nie wystarczało chociaż i tak dużo dało. Hailey spodobało się poznawanie sław dlatego też były później organizowane inne spotkania. Teraz jest przyjaciółką Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Justine Skay, Pia Mia, Shawn Mendes, Bella Hadid (...) oraz żoną kanadyjskiego artysty Justina Biebera.
 Od samego początku Hailey złapała dobry kontakt z Jennerkami a one zaczęły ją poznawać z resztą.
Hailey kiedyś a teraz to dwie różne osoby. Teraz Hailey jest trochę zagubioną osobą ale więcej o tym w następnym poście!
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thesungoesdown-blog · 5 years
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来週末9月28日、29日の二日間は天王洲アイルで開催されるTENNOZ COLLECTION Vol.5 に出店致します。
素敵なvintage shopが集結するイベントになります。
—Vintage&New fashion—
運河沿いの天王洲キャナルイーストB&C HALL、TMMTの2会場を使い国内最大級のヴィンテージファッションイベント『TENNOZ COLLECTION VOL.5』を開催!!
今回のテーマは「COLLECTION #2」Vol.5では秋冬に提案したい各店一押しのコレクションを披露していただきます。
日時:2019年9月28日(土) ・29日(日)
住所: 〒140-0002東京都品川区東品川2-1天王洲キャナルサイド第三水辺広場周辺
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rhys-ravenfeather · 5 months
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Not too long ago I rewatched Hilda, including Hilda and the Mountain King, and I just knew I HAD to redraw some scenes of troll! Hilda with Hailey.
(Original screenshots under the cut, in case anyone was curious).
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rhys-ravenfeather · 7 months
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rhys-ravenfeather · 21 days
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Is this meme still relevant? Eh, I don't really care :P
That moment when you accidentally pick up a new little sister on your to try and find your missing first sister, and your brotherly instincts get INTENSIFIED.
If you 'like' my art, I kindly ask that you also reblog it.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 11 months
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Decided to combine and redraw a couple drawings of Hailey I did for an art class I was in last year.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
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Annnnnnnnnnd...finally we come to the last (for now) of the main OTO characters; Bree, the younger of the adopted Lian sisters. Based off Bow Kid from my AHIT AU (though I might have accidentally ended up putting a bit of an IRL friend in her too, heh. Well why not--I based Hailey's body type off my own from when I was a kid :P) As you can see, she's the group techie, deaf, and despite being one of the few main characters to be fully human, has a fascination with cryptids and other supernatural beings, giving her a sort of rapport with Hailey once she learns of her curse, and what she really is. She is very much the middle child of the group and can be a bit too desperate to try and prove herself sometimes, but yeah, as you can see from the text, more often than not, she's more level-headed than her sister, and even mother :P Well, that's everyone for now--I *do* plan to add another member to this found family, but he doesn't come in until later down the line :P Meaning that I can give myself a bit of a break and finally start focusing on a certain OTHER project I've been wanting to get to for a while... Text for those who can't read it: 'Well, at least ONE of the Lians is normal... Bree is the younger of Samantha's adopted daughters, Maple's sister, and unlike the other two, she actually seems to have her head on straight. She's also a total tech genius, and really into supernatural beings! ...which I guess includes me now.' 
Version without text:
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rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
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Alright folks, I think the time has finally come to officially introduce the main characters of Oasis to Oakwood, starting with Hailey here :P Heads up: pretty much all the main characters are going to be retooled versions of my AU characters, with Hailey herself here being based off my AU version of Hat Kid. Though as you can tell, there are definitely differences, heh. I think her story is more or less self-explanatory :P Also, I'm going to be doing these character intros in the form of entries in her journal, hence the reason I did these drawings the way I did. Strap yourselves in folks, Oasis to Oakwood has just begun!
Text for those who can’t read it:
‘So I’m a cryptid now?! I have no idea what happened--one night I’m just Hailey King, average kid, then suddenly BOOM! Moth Girl! You can imagine how thrilled my family was...
Lucky for me, I was able to make some friends (?), so hopefully I can figure out what happened to me, and go back to normal. Maybe that ‘Oakwood’ place will have my answers...if it’s even REAL.’
Bonus versions without text:
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rhys-ravenfeather · 6 months
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Here's a sneak peek at a new OC, Hailey's father Walter Geist!
He started out as a random OC I doodled some time back, but I decided to put him in OTO. I don't want to say too much about him just yet, but I will say that, like many of the other OTO characters, he's now a retooled version of a character from one of my AUs.
And given that Hailey herself is based off of/is a retooled version of my AU version of Hat Kid, you can probably guess who Walter is based off, at least partly...
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rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
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Back to the OTO character intros with a character I've been excited to work on for a while--Benny's little sister Izzy! She's based off the ghost kid possessing Foxy from my FNAF AU, and, out of all the characters from ANY of my AUs, and what the story would end up becoming, her character is one I knew I wanted to retool for my original story for a long, LONG time...albeit with a few changes. I love her sm 🥺 And yeah, as you can see, she went through the same 'cryptid-ization' as Hailey :P
Text for those who can’t read it:
‘Izzy is Benny’s little half-sister, and they have a...complicated relationship, from the sound of it. Benny’s trying to find her, but he doesn’t like talking about her a lot, if he can help it. I know a few things, though. Like that she was half-human. And that she liked ‘creepy’ animals. And I weirdly get the feeling that Benny wasn’t such a great brother before...”
Versions without text:
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rhys-ravenfeather · 3 months
*Clapping hands*
So! I have been doing some thinking about Oasis to Oakwood, Myth City, and how I'm going to tie them together!
Okay so first of all, for any new followers I might have, and/or people who don't know what Myth City is, it's a webcomic that I started a couple years back, partly as art practice, only to end it after it started to feel too much like a chore for me to work on it. I still have the blog I did the comic on up though, if you're curious to check it out, as well as learn about the characters: @myth-city-comic
Anyway! Even though I ended up scrapping that comic, the characters still hold a special place in my heart. So I decided that, along with OTO being in the same universe as MC, I'm going to tie the main trio to my three favorite characters in Myth City--Hailey is distantly related to Shay, and Benny and Izzy to Maverick and Helena.
Because why not? :P
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haileybaldwinpoland · 6 years
Romans Hailey z Bellą Hadid
Zapraszamy was na post o romansie Hailey i Belli Hadid. Nie przedłużając dłużej zaczynamy! 
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Zacznijmy może od tego że cały ten romans to kłamstwo. Ludzie a zwłaszcza hejterzy uwielbiają robić coś z niczego.  Miedzy dziewczynami nie było i nie ma żadnego romansu one się TYLKO przyjaźnią. Ludzie którzy wymyślają takie bzdury to chyba własnego życia nie mają i zajmują się czyimś życiem. Wymyślają bzdury w które ludzie wierzą. Z taką wyobraźnią mogą książki pisać.
1. Chodzenie za rękę
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To że Hails i Bella trzymały się za ręce i tak chodziły to naprawdę nic nie znaczy. Wiele przyjaciółek tak robi i nie uważam ze to coś dziwnego. To że dziewczyny trzymają się za ręce nie oznacza tego że mają romans. To wręcz śmieszne,one trzymają się tylko za ręce to ma być dowód na to że coś jest miedzy nimi?
Nie żeby coś ale Hailey ma więcej przyjaciółek niż tylko Bella
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O nie…czyli Hailey ma kilka dziewczyn? ŻAŁOSNE
Osoby które piszą takie rzeczy widząc i zakładając po zdjęciach…taa to powodzenia na przyszłość jak nawet nie potraficie odróżnić przyjaźni od bycia z kimś w związku. Jedziemy dalej.
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Kolejna sprawa to zdjęcia które przyjaciółki sobie robią. Niby na zdjęciach widać, że coś miedzy nimi jest bo się przytulają, obejmują czy też całują w policzek. To normalne ja sama mam takie zdjęcia z moją przyjaciółką i nie uważam że to coś dziwnego. Ale hejterzy przyczepiają się do wszystkiego, bo nie maja niczego innego do roboty. Jak wiecie w show-biznesie jest dużo przyjaźni np Kendall Jenner i Gigi Hadid one normalnie robią sobie zdjęcia, też trzymają się za ręce, a ludzie nie piszą, że mają romans. Za mało przykładów? A co powiecie o Kylie i Jordyn? Albo Selenie i Taylor? Można tak wymieniać bez końca!
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Także podsumowując wszystko to Hailey i Bella nie miały żadnego romasnu, ludzie po prostu lubią wymyślać takie bzdury. Nie zapominajmy, że przez pewien dłuższy czas Bella była w związku, a Hails i Justin byli w tak zwanym “friendzon” Poza tym HAILEY BALDWIN JEST HETERO, a nawet jeśli miałaby jakąś przygodę z dziewczyną, co jest kłamstwem  powinniśmy być wyrozumiali! Czy tylko u nas w Polsce jest taki brak tolerancji?
Chyba nie muszę pisać kto zwłaszcza pisze takie głupoty, wszyscy wiemy
Kolejna sprawa…
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Dlaczego wy hejterzy robicie z Hailey dz#iwk#ę? Co ona wam takiego okropnego zrobiła? NIC. Macie ból waszego tyłeczka, że Justin nie wybrał Seleny, no nie powiem BARDZO DOJRZAŁY POWÓD.
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Mam nadzieje ze po przeczytaniu tego postu ludzie którzy uważali ze dziewczyny miały romans zmienia zdanie. Bo naprawdę nie uważam ze one robiły coś co mogłoby świadczyć o tym ze maja romans.
Mam nadzieje ze wytrwaliście do końca to już mój drugi post i będzie ich więcej. Ola
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