#hamstring exercises at home
buusa123 · 4 months
The groups of large muscles that run along the back of your body are the hamstring muscles and your hamstrings. Hamstring consists of three separate muscles – biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work in unison and help extend your hip and maintain the flexibility of knee movements, further facilitating all kinds of body movements. Standing erect, bending forward and backward, walking smoothly, running, and jumping are all possible because of the strength and flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Regularly performing the best hamstring exercises results in stronger muscles supporting all kinds of movements safely without causing injury. Athletes and sportsmen must care for their hamstring muscles to enhance their performance because of a stronger lower body.
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body-hiit-workout · 1 year
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Building this muscle will not only give you amazing legs, it will also improve you on other lifts and prevent injury.
In this article, we show you the best hamstring exercises that you can do in the gym, so that you can properly work and strengthen this muscle.
But, before I show you the exercises, let's learn a little about the hamstrings.
This muscle is mainly responsible for knee flexion and hip extension.
When you perform hip extension exercises, the long head of the hamstring is emphasized. On the other hand, when you do knee flexion exercises, you emphasize the short head[
The hamstring is also activated by exercises like jumping jacks, as it is one of the muscles that slows down on the eccentric, before doing the explosive movement.
We have made this list, focusing on all the movements necessary for you to have a complete development.
Let's go with the exercises!
1. Seated Leg Curl
First on our list is the seated leg curl. This is one of the exercises with the highest activation of the hamstrings, but as we said before, the short head does most of the work.
According to studies, the seated version provides greater activation than the prone (or lying) version, making it the ideal choice to perform this exercise.
It is generally used after the heaviest exercises. However, if you feel that your hamstrings are weak, you can do this exercise as a pre-fatigue exercise and then perform the hip extension exercises.
2. Romanian Deadlift
The Romanian Deadlift is the version of the deadlift that targets the hamstrings more than the back or quadriceps.
This exercise is done with the legs half bent at 15 degrees, and you can use a bar or dumbbells.
You can also increase the range of motion by doing it one step higher. And if you want to correct muscular imbalances, you can do it unilaterally.
3. Nordic
Returning to the flexion exercises, we have the Nordic. This is an excellent ally to gain muscle mass because it emphasizes the eccentric phase, which is the one that provides us with greater muscle damage.
This is a slightly more advanced exercise, so if you're just starting out, you'll look better doing the other exercises on the list.
But if you want to start doing the Nordic, you can start with your hips flexed, which means the angle between your torso and the front part of the muscle is a little less.
As you progress, you can do it with the hips extended, which means the thighs are in line with the torso.
Another thing you can control is the range of motion: if you're just starting out, just start with part of the descent and just let yourself fall the other part. As you progress, you will be able to go lower and lower.
4. Back Lunge
An exercise that does not exclusively work the hamstrings, but can also build a lot of muscle, is the back lunge.
In addition, it is an excellent alternative to include at the beginning of your routine if you want to correct muscle imbalances.
So how do you go about strengthening your hamstrings more than your quadriceps? It's simple: you simply make your stride wider, thus emphasizing hip flexion/extension and minimizing knee flexion/extension.
5. Hip Thrust
The hip thrust is an excellent glute and hamstring trainer. The advantage of this exercise is that it is extremely easy to progress and in a short time you will be able to load a lot of weight.
What you need to perform this exercise is a mat for the bar and a weight bench. The mattress is extremely important because the bar goes into the pelvis and without protection you will not be able to hold the bar.
Another point to consider is the position of the feet. You have to position your feet so that when you go up, your legs are at a 90 degree angle.
If all this seems too cumbersome, you can practice this exercise with one leg, which you can also do without weight.
6. Deep Dive
We conclude our list with a plyometric exercise. The advantage of plyometrics is that they will help you improve your other lifts due to the higher power levels.
As we said before, when we slow down a jump or run, we need hamstring action, so this exercise is extremely effective. It can also help you avoid injuries.
Simply stand on a high surface, such as a bench or step, and let yourself fall, trying to land on both feet.
After landing, you can do a jump, which will give you more work. You can also combine the landing with a box jump using 2 boxes or 2 benches.
And there you have it, the best hamstring exercises you can do in the gym. If you liked this article, you can share it on your social networks, with those people who want to form great legs.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
People need to train their dogs and I’m not asking nicely anymore
#it’s kind of a sad situation actually and i don’t blame the owners so much in this situation#but there’s this lab in my neighbourhood. he’s always been kind of a bit much but in a friendly way#and when the woman who owns him used to walk him she had him super under control. he would walk close to her even if he was off leash#and he was kind of barky but i never knew him to be aggressive#well now the woman is in a home receiving care for alzheimers which is horrible; not least because she’s only about 50#so her husband is now the only person who walks this dog. also he is a cop so he works long hours and doesn’t exactly have a ton of time#to devote to giving this dog the level of exercise he needs. i really only see them walking at lunchtime and in the evening and it is short#walks; which is nowhere near enough for a young (i think he’s 4-5) labrador#hell; mabel (a 15.5 year old patterdale terrier) walks a little more often than he does and probably about as far#so it’s obviously unacceptable. like. we had a flatcoated retriever some years back and he probably got 3 hours of exercise a day#this lab probably gets half an hour if he’s lucky#so it’s a big problem. he’s pulling his owner’s arm off; he’s jumping up at people; he’s barking… he’s full on#and i still don’t think he’s aggressive but he’s certainly underexercised and badly socialised (was puppy/young dog during lockdown)#i always keep mabel away from him because she has a tendency to psych out dogs by staring into their souls & he is kind of unpredictable#my stepdad doesn’t know this though. and my stepdad was walking mabel today because i am still plagued by a hamstring injury#long story short the lab mouthed mabel. i don’t think he bit her but he certainly lunged and got his mouth on her neck#i managed to examine her after bribing her with an ice cube and her skin wasn’t red anywhere and there was no blood#but her shoulder was damp with saliva and she keeps wincing away and trying to snap at your hand if you touch her neck or shoulder#on that side; which to me indicates tenderness and probably a bruise forming (probably more from being butted with his huge snout#rather than the actual mouthing itself)#either that or me touching her reminds her of the incident and she now has a trauma and is upset#which is heartbreaking tbh because my girl loooooves dogs. that’s why she stares at them and pulls you towards them#she just doesn’t seem to understand that not all doggies or people are nice. i tried to explain to my stepdad like.. i don’t believe#this dog is dangerous but you need to give him space because he does not like mabel and he probably nipped her because she freaked him out#my stepdad doesn’t understand dogs. i’m not sure if he’s from planet earth honestly#anyway the moral of the story is TRAIN YOUR FUCKING DOGS#i feel sorry for the owner of the lab for a variety of reasons but the fact of the matter is that he would’ve been 100% responsible#if his idiot dog had injured mabel. and also i would’ve come to his house and beaten him with a baseball bat if that was the case#like i’m not afraid to get sent down for assaulting an officer. i think that is a great crime to commit#like. hire a dog walker. go to obedience training. do SOMETHING
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solostrength1 · 1 year
Your hamstrings play a crucial role in your body and life. It provides ease and strength to your lower body. However, when these strong muscles become tortured by problems, your everyday movements can turn into painful challenges. Hamstring injuries, strains, or tightness can restrict our mobility.
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thewritingofamadwoman · 6 months
Stress Relief
The way Roy Kent (and Brett Goldstein) live in my head rent free 24/7.
Pairing: Roy Kent x Fem!Reader (established relationship)
Warnings: Fluff, some making out, and Roy Kent being a cocky little shit
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You wiped your hands clean on a towel and smiled at the young man on the table.
“Okay Sam, you’re all done. Continue to work on those stretches at home and you’ll be in tip top shape for the game next weekend.”
Sam Obisanya smiled back at you, slowly getting up off the table.
“Thank you again, so much. I will do all the exercises you’ve recommended, and I will also look into Pilates classes.”
You gave Sam a quizzical look.
“You don’t have to do that Sam, it’s just a sprained ankle…”
The young man laughed.
“Oh no I know, I just am interested in Pilates. I’ve heard it does wonders for your body, core, and state of mind.”
Sam looked at you so genuinely, that you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. He was absolutely precious. Sam smiled at you again and waved goodbye before exiting the treatment room. Between Sam’s ankle, Dani’s knee and Jamie’s hamstring, you had been working nonstop all week, doing your best to heal them as best you could.
You were jotting down notes in Sam’s folder when you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in!”
Roy Kent walked in, shut the door behind him and let out the deepest sigh/growl you’ve heard in a while. You looked up and put the folder down on your desk, taking a second to admire the grouchy coach. Roy stood there, arms at his sides and shoulders back in his usual stance. His biceps bulging from underneath the short sleeves of his coach jersey, the watch on his right wrist gleaming under the florescent lighting in the treatment room. Your eyes trailed to Roy’s face; his brows drawn together in their usual frown and his lips following suit.
“Well hello to you, too,” you greeted playfully.
Roy raised an eyebrow at you and rolled his eyes warm heartedly.
“Hi,” he exhaled, his deep voice reverberating through you. God you loved his voice.
You waited for him to continue, seeing the thoughts running through his mind. Roy took another breath and let it all out.
“These fucks have got me more stressed out than the “girls nine under nine” ever did. Fucking shits.” Roy points a finger to the door behind him. I swear, if I have to hear Zava go on about his fucking avocado farm one more time, I’m going fucking quit and go back to being a fucking pundit.”
And there it was. You nodded sympathetically and moved off from the desk you were leaning on and waved your hand to the table in front of you, signally Roy to have a seat. The coach followed suit, letting out a huff of air as he did. You stepped on a mechanical lever underneath the table, causing the table to lower so that Roy was at a comfortable height for you. You placed your hands on his shoulders gently before giving them a tight squeeze.
“You’re not going to quit, baby. You just need a second to relax. You haven’t been to Maureen’s house in a few weeks now that I think of it. When was your last yoga session with the ladies?” You pressed down on Roy’s shoulders again, feeling the immense amount of tension he was keeping at the base of his neck.
Roy grunted at the feeling of your hands, slowly leaning into your touch.
“Maureen’s been dealing with her son’s upcoming wedding, and Carol’s neice is going through a divorce so we’ve all been pushing back our next yoga date.”
You smiled at how invested Roy was with his little yoga group. He always managed to melt your heart with the simplest of things.
“Well then, the solution is simple. You need a little bit of stress relief. You’re so tense Roy, all this pent up pressure isn’t going to do you any good. I’m going to take care of it, okay?”
You spoke as gently while beginning to massage Roy’s shoulders. You’ve been told by the team that you give the best massages known to man. And while it was part of your job as the team’s physio, right now you weren’t a PT. You were Roy’s girlfriend, ready to help your man relax. A few moments pass in silence, the only sounds in the room were of Roy’s deep breathing, and occasional moan whenever you came across a particular tender spot.
“Fuuuuuuuck” Roy groaned, relishing in the feel of your hands digging into the knots in his neck and shoulders. “That feels incredible,” he sighed, getting lost in the feel of it all. You smiled to yourself, glad to be able to help him in any way. Thirty minutes go by until you could no longer find any strained muscles under his shirt. You gave Roy’s shoulders one final squeeze, leaning down to give him a small kiss on the back of his head.
“All done. Hope you’re feeling a little less stressed, my love.”
Roy turns his head to face you, his eyes glossy as if he were in a dreamy state of mind.
“That was fucking mind blowing and exactly what I needed. Fuck you’re amazing. Thank you,” he praised, slowly turning his body and swinging his legs over the other edge of the table so that he was facing you. You beamed at his compliment, moving forward as well so that you were standing in-between his legs, the table allowing you to finally be able to stare directly into Roy’s eyes. Those deep, chocolate colored eyes that you’ve been in love with for quite some time.
“You’re welcome, baby.” You reply, leaning forward to give Roy’s a quick yet sweet peck on his lips. You loved the feel of his soft lips, plush and pillowy against your own. How something so soft could voice so many “fucks” in a day, you’ll never understand. But you loved it nonetheless. When you pulled back, you noticed Roy’s brows had softened significantly and there was a look of adoration in his eyes. You were sure it mirrored the look you gave him 95% of the time.
“Once Maureen and Carol get settled, and your yoga routine goes back to normal, your stress levels won’t be as high anymore. But until then, I’m more than happy to help you relieve it. Whether here or at home, you just come to me and I’ve got you. Okay?”
You gave Roy another little peck before you felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. You pulled back to find him looking at you mischievously. The hands that were unconsciously placed on your hips while you kissed began to slowly slide up your sides and back down to your hips.
“Going to help me relieve some stress, hmm? And at work no less? How naughty.”
The look he gave you in that moment set your insides on fire, and Roy took that moment to pull you closer to him, arms locking behind you to keep you in place. You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you wrapped your own arms around his neck, scooting as close as you could, your chest pressed up against his.
“Me? Naughty? I’m an angel,” you teased, drawing a pretend halo above your head.
Roy growled and leaned in, claiming your lips with his. You sighed into his kiss, your nails gently carding through his hair at the back of his head. Roy broke the kiss first but didn’t relent, moving his lips to your neck and planting wet kisses up and down the column of your throat. You felt your knees weaken, like they always did whenever Roy found that deliciously sweet spot right below your ear. You gasped, and Roy smiled onto your skin, kissing his way down slowly once more. His hands began to roam your body as yours found purchase on his shoulders.
“Oh God, fuck,” you whispered and giggled as you shivered when you felt Roy lick and suck at the base of your throat. Roy’s deep chuckle vibrated against you.
“Aww baby, you can just call me Roy,” he mused and rolled your eyes.
“Little shit,” you said breathlessly, pulling back as far as Roy would allow you, his arms still trapping you to him.
“As much as I’d like to continue this, I do have both Bumbercatch and Zorreaux due for an assessment soon. Buuuuut I can absolutely help you with your little stress relief issue at home later, okay?”
Roy smiled at you and nodded, grunting in agreement.
“Just one thing though, darling. You and I both know it’s not a “little” stress relief issue. Shall I remind you of last time, when you struggled to get all of me insi-“ you immediately cut him off, your hand cupping over his mouth, a blush engulfing your cheeks.
“Shuuuush! Shush! You know what I meant for fucks sake. Anyone can hear you, these walls are paper thin, you heathen!” You berrated, a giggle bubbling in your throat. Roy laughed against your hand and kissed your palm while you shook your head at him.
“Glad you’re feeling MUCH better, Coach Kent. Now shoo, send in Bumbercatch if he’s out there and I’ll deal with you later.”
Roy continued to smile at you and when you removed your hand, you got the full effect of his perfect smile. You couldn’t help your own smile as Roy hopped off the table and retreated to the door. You crossed your arms across your chest again as he turned around one final time before winking at you before exiting. You heard him loud and clear as he made his way back to the locker room.
“Oi! Bumbercatch! You’re needed in physio. Move!”
You shook your head and laughed to yourself before you wiped down the table and set up the room. This was going to be a very long afternoon.
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mandu-17 · 1 year
Under your spell | Kim Yoohyeon x fem! reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Ah okay! I was thinking maybe Yoohyeon needs reader after a long day of work so reader finds a way to relieve her then the rest is up to you! Also take your time on the Siyeon fic and on my request also, no rush ❤️
Warnings: G!P Yoohyeon, unprotected sex, scratching, choking, cursing
Genre: Smut
Wordcount: ~ 1,713
A/N: kinda obssesed with this tbh
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Twenty three, twenty four, twenty five. And over.
Yoohyeon let out a big breath, another series of back extensions done. She used her quick break in between series to walk around the small gym. Her legs were grateful for that. The burning feeling was spreading through her back muscles, as well as her hamstrings. Yoohyeon’s whole body was covered with sweat, but the thought of having only two more series to do put her in a better mood. Working out always was one of her favorite hobbies, the endorphins it delivered made everything look brighter. Especially, with Yoohyeon’s high level of stamina - it was a great way to spend her energy.
Although, that one cloudy afternoon when the weather outside certainly was not encouraging to do anything, Yoohyeon was distracted. Trapped in the company building, her body wanted to exercise, but her mind was occupied by something far more enjoyable. Another marvelous way to use her energy.
All she could think of was you.
Starting with your addictive lips - she could spend long hours kissing them. Your expressive eyes - telling her exactly what you need or how good she is making you feel. The way they’d darken with lust had Yoohyeon feeling hot every time. Your slim legs spreading open just for her or how beautifully your back arched during your climax. Everything about you was captivating her whole attention. Even the simple thought of your soft skin on hers resulted in her breathing faster. For some reason, since the moment she woke up that day, she just felt so... horny.
Hands resting on her hips, Yoohyeon licked her lips, before pressing them together. She could feel an amused smile forming on them already.
What were you doing to her? She thought, shaking her head.
Determined, she decided to focus on these last two series. The sooner she’ll finish, the sooner she’d actually see you in person. This had her motivated. After affirmatively nodding to herself, Yoohyeon was ready to continue her work out.
When stretching was also done, she headed for a shower. On her way, your girlfriend was wondering what you were doing in that moment. Her lockscreen, displaying a picture of Pie and you sleeping together which she took few weeks ago, told her it was half past six, meaning you were off work. Probably at home already, unless you stopped for grocery shopping.
You sure were a perfect wife material, Yoohyeon realized after you began to leave in the fridge plastic containers of food prepared for her to eat at work or while travelling. You always made sure to leave a sticky note on top of them, your messages were short, but sweet and often playful. You shared a similar sense of humor.
Few minutes later, after an extremely quick shower, Yoohyeon was drying her hair with a blow dryer. Her fingers impatiently traced through the strands of her hair. As she was observing them, she couldn’t help but to picture them in a completely different location. Around your neck maybe or buried deep inside- Honestly, she wished she was able to teleport to your apartment already. The thought of crossing half of the city during rush hour made her blood boil. That day, Yoohyeon noticed, she was truly practising her patience.
“See you tomorrow, Yoohyeon!” One of the company’s gym trainers exclaimed when she was about to leave the building.
“Ah, yes. Bye!” Hurriedly, she turned around in order to wave back at him. Her smile was only partly forced. Yoohyeon liked that guy, she really did.
She decided to blame her unusually unkind behaviour on you.
Yes, it was all your fault.
Hundreds of red lights, curse words and dirty thoughts later, Yoohyeon finally made it. With a lopsided grin, she recognized the smell of one of her favorite dishes coming directly from the kitchen. Oh, how she loved coming home to you.
Tired of waiting, she entered the room to find you above the stove, seasoning some vegetables on a pan. You still were unaware of her arrival, because of the radio you were listening to so loudly. Even now, when dressed in more loose, comfortable clothes around the house, you were driving her crazy. And she hadn’t even touched you yet.
Yoohyeon turned the radio down a little, before taking big steps towards you and trapping you in her arms.
“Woah, hey there, tiger.” You giggled, not even getting the chance to properly turn your head to see who turned the radio down. Yooh was very fast. And very  straightforward.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Her lips were already longingly kissing the column of your neck, as she began to sway your bodies side to side. Yoohyeon let her eyes close, happiness embracing her just like she embraced you.
“Did someone miss me?” You asked, amused with her antics. Remaining focused on cooking wasn’t so effortless anymore.
“I was thinking about you all day.” Yoohyeon admitted with a small pout against your neck. There was nothing that could refrain her from getting excited at the close touch of your body.
“Oh, poor Yootony. You’re gonna be the death of me.” You joked, but truth be told - you were positively surprised. You had no problem with Yoohyeon getting back and acting like this everyday.
Turning around in her arms, you got the chance to see how dark her eyes had become. You felt so small in front of Yoohyeon like this. She was undressing you piece by piece with her intense gaze.
“And what am I supposed to say?” Your girlfriend complained playfully, her strong hands pressed you against the kitchen island.
You gasped at the sudden move, although the sound of it was swallowed by Yoohyeon’s eager lips. Not wasting time, she let her tongue inside your mouth, at the same instant, she made you sit on top of the counter. You wrapped both your arms and legs around her form, you knew how much Yoohyeon liked it when you initiated physical contact.
Your girlfriend’s mouth travelled down your body, she quickly took your oversized shirt off, so she had more area to explore freely. She smirked, realizing you weren’t wearing a bra. You hummed when Yoohyeon kissed the valley between your breasts.
The dinner you were preparing - long forgotten.
A sudden moan escaped you the moment Yooh bit your nipple. You shuddered, your hips rocked into hers and that’s when you felt it. Firstly, you took off her shirt. The sight of her firm muscles was something that always got you going. Then, your hand flew to her pants, palming the bulge that formed there. She was extremely hard.
Yoohyeon groaned in relief once you pushed her pants down to her ankles and freed her member. Very impressive she was - huge and veiny, probably the biggest cock you’ve had.
Weakly, you moaned her name as a sign that you were more than ready. Yoohyeon got rid of your shorts, her mouth watered at the sight of your glistening folds. She aligned herself at your entrance, met your eyes and pushed in causing both of you to moan loudly. Nothing could compare to the bliss you felt with her inside you. You were at her mercy, as Yoohyeon’s thrusts were fast and deep. She waited long enough to finally take you however she wanted - she was going to treasure your body as much as possible.
You loved every second of it. The way she was so confident in her desires and how she was able to meet all of your needs at the same time. It was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Shit, baby. You’re so tight.” Yoohyeon praised you, feeling your walls clench around her desperately.
You admired her abs working intently, her face twisted in pure pleasure, especially that little crinkle between her eyebrows and how her lips were forming a perfect ‘o’ shape. Just looking at her was enough to make you cum, you were certain.
“Yoohyeon, fuck.” You cried out when she slapped your thighs suddenly and brought you even closer.
She silenced you with a harsh kiss, not wanting anyone else to hear your moans. You were only hers.
Your nails were digging into the skin of her nape, your other hand created a path of red scratches down her back. Your chests rubbed together with every thrust of Yoohyeon’s hips. You held onto her almost like a koala, your legs were tightly wrapped around her waist with your toes curling at the pleasure. Yoohyeon cursed, it became harder to move her body because of your suffocating hold. She couldn’t stop nonetheless.
She found a phenomenal solution though. Yoohyeon closed her fingers around your neck and laid you down, further on the kitchen counter, while gently squeezing your throat. Your girlfriend was always very careful with you, even after you affirmed her for the hundredth time that you liked it when she choked you a little. It only added to the intense sensation Yoohyeon was giving you.
“I can feel you clenching around my dick.” She panted, addicted to the view of your naked form spread out in front of her. Shivers ran down your spine at Yoohyeon’s lustful voice, your thighs began to tremble. “You’re dripping all over me, baby girl. Just let it go.”
And so you did. You let yourself fall apart under your lover. The way your whole body shook and your back arched felt incredibly uncomfortable because of the hard surface you were laying on, however it couldn’t stop you from moaning uncontrollably and getting lost in the pleasure. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you harshly gripped Yoohyeon’s wrist with both hands.
Your girlfriend cried out when your walls tightened around her, massaging her member perfectly. These were the moments when Yoohyeon was the happiest about you being on pills because there truly was nothing more magical than cumming in your wet, warm pussy. She filled you with her creamy seed, her cock pulsed deep inside you before it slowly returned to its’ more relaxed state.
“Yoohyeon…” You mumbled weakly when aftershocks stopped, your breathing still uneven. There was even a path of your mixed juices dripping down your thigh. “The pan.”
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optimal-living-lab · 8 months
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 How to make body fit without gym
There are many ways to get fit without going to the gym. Here are some useful tips :
Walking is a simple and effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, bone strength, and body fat reduction. You can walk for 30 minutes a day, or try interval walking for more intensity.
Taking stairs instead of elevators can help you burn more calories and strengthen your legs. You can start with a few floors and gradually increase the number of stairs you climb.
Bodyweight exercises such as planks, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges can build your muscle tone, flexibility, and balance. You can do them at home with no equipment, or use household items like water bottles or furniture as weights or props.
Shadow boxing is a fun way to improve your upper body strength, coordination, and balance. You can punch at the air in front of you, or follow a video online for guidance. Don’t forget to move your feet and add some defensive moves as well.
Yoga can increase your flexibility, muscle tone, and mental well-being. You can practice yoga at home with a mat or a soft floor. There are many poses for beginners, such as tree pose or triangle pose. You can also follow a video online for instruction and inspiration.
Barre exercises are inspired by ballet and can tone your legs, core, and arms. You can use a wall, a bar, or a piece of furniture to hold on to. Some of the exercises you can try are knee lifts, ballet squats, and deep lunges.
If you want to focus on some specific areas of your body, you can try some of these exercises:
Glute bridge can help you tone your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor and squeeze your glutes at the top. Hold for a few seconds and then lower your hips. Repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Tricep dips can help you strengthen your triceps, shoulders, and chest. To do this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or a bench with your hands on the edge and your legs extended in front of you. Slide your hips off the edge and bend your elbows to lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Push yourself back up and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Side plank can help you work on your obliques, core, and hips. To do this exercise, lie on your side with your elbow under your shoulder and your legs stacked. Lift your hips off the floor and keep your body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Lateral raises can help you sculpt your shoulders, arms, and upper back. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of water bottles or books in each hand. Raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Lower them slowly and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
These are just some of the ways you can get fit without a gym. You can also try cycling, swimming, skipping rope, or any other activity that you enjoy and that makes you sweat. The most important thing is to be consistent and have fun! 😊
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yuusishi · 1 year
Hello! Could I request headcanons of Deuce, Jack and Leona with a super flexible s/o?
pairings : Deuce Spade , Jack Howl , Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : descriptions of limbs bending in unnatural ways (obligatory please do not try these at home), barely anything for Leona
a/n : I’m flexible myself but I’m not really sure if I did it justice LMAO, also sorry this is a bit low effort I couldn't think of much for this post 😭😭😭
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Deuce Spade !!
The most panicked out of the three. Poor boy thought you broke your bones.
If you also do things like yoga and he sees you doing those intense positions, I think he’d have to try his hardest not to pass out.
“[NAME], ARE YOU OKAY!? ARE YOU INJURED!?” “No, I’m just doing some stretches, don’t worry”
After the initial shock, he’d think your flexibility is honestly really cool! You being able to do all kinds of poses with little to no struggle unlike people with regular flexibility levels.
He might even ask to help him out with stretching exercises to help relax his muscles, or to just destress in general.
I don’t think he won’t stop acting like he got jumpscared every time he sees you doing something unnatural with your body though, such as bending your arms so far behind you to the point anyone would think there’s an invisible device pulling them back.
I think hamstring stretches are the bane of Deuce’s existence when doing cooldown exercises, so during PE class if he sees you doing it with such ease, he’d be more motivated (and slightly competitive) to be able to do it himself.
I think he’d also ask if you did or used to do ballet since some of the poses he’s seen you do looked like things ballerinas he saw on Magicam did.
Out of all body parts, the part that makes him feel like fainting when you bend them weirdly are your fingers. Seeing them bent in ways they’re not supposed to makes his legs feel weak.
All in all, thinks you’re super cool for it but at the same time it terrifies him.
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Jack Howl !!
I think he was just confused on what happened at first, but didn't really care much.
"[Name], did you just...wrap your leg around your waist...?" "Yeah, what about it?"
He's an NRC student, he's probably seen things much weirder than your limbs bending in ways they shouldn't.
But that didn't really stop him from having that thought in the back of his brain going 'are they hurt?", your arm isn't supposed to bend that way, are you alright?
Congrats, if you do yoga or any other exercises that require a lot of stretching, you got yourself a new person to do them with!
I also hc that Jack might have the slightest trouble with flexibility exercises, so he really appreciates you helping him out with it.
But sometimes when he sees you do something that your body should not be able to do, even if he remembers you're incredibly flexible, he just can't wrap his head around how that's even possible.
Although Jack doesn't show it much, he actually thinks your little ability is really cool, no matter if you got that flexible due to training or you were just born with it.
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Leona Kingscholar !!
I think he'd be a little impressed by it actually, bordering between impressed and weirded out.
Especially if you didn't tell him that you could bend your body that much and he walked into you literally folded in half limbs all over the place but a completely neutral look on your face.
"Herbivore, what in the Great Seven are you doing" "Oh just stretching a bit, I just woke up"
"😬❓❓" would probably be his reaction to that.
After that he won't really care, occasionally he finds the ways you can bend and stretch your limbs a little funny.
Just please don't do anything weird when he's just woken up, sometimes he'd think there's a deformed demon at the foot of his bed but it's just you doing some strange stretches.
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good-cop-bad-cop · 1 month
what's your workout routine? Got a fav exercise?
▪️ It's pretty simple honestly. I do the majority of my working out at home. Always do warm-ups and stretches first to prevent injury, and then I'll pick one exercise from each category for the day:
Quads – squats, lunges, one-legged squats, box jumps Butt and Hamstrings – deadlifts, hip raises, straight leg deadlifts, good mornings, step-ups Push (chest, shoulders, and triceps) – overhead press, bench press, incline dumbbell press, push-ups, dips Pull (back, biceps, and forearms) – chin-ups, pull-ups, bodyweight rows, bent-over rows
I switch up which ones I do from day to day just to keep it from getting too repetitive, and I have some weights I use for a few of these since I've been doing this long enough our own body weight is no longer sufficient. I do these 3 days a week. My favorite though is jogging. I get up early in the morning to go run in the park while it's still empty. It's a nice way to wake up, hearing the birds sing and watching the sun rise over the city.
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eightyonekilograms · 1 year
One thing this knee injury has hammered home is that part of getting older means having to do more elaborate rituals before exercise to avoid messing myself up. I think maximum ability hasn’t gotten much worse, but it takes a lot more pampering to get there.
The injury happened in the first place because I didn’t really stretch before bouldering, and eventually that popped a hamstring, leading to months of recovery (and degrading to some of the worst physical shape of my life), so I’ve gotta remember to do a set of stretches now.
I used to be able to walk up to a squat rack cold, and just load it with 260 pounds and do three sets; if I try that now I get like two reps in before my hamstrings go, “nope, this ain’t happening chief”. I can still do it, but only after another elaborate set of kinesthetic incantations.
And as my knee has been getting better in the last couple weeks, I thought, “great! I can resume lower and upper body training”, which I can… but only if I do core first. Alas, I did not, leading to back pain.
And then tonight I decided to boulder despite the back pain, did a twisting move to turn myself around on the wall while anchored to a hold above my head and… really messed up something in my upper back. Ow ow ow.
I feel like an old car that can still tear it up but only if you know all the little handles you have to jiggle and places you have to whack the dash first.
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Check in (5.15.24)
I woke up and went over to D’s. I really didn’t want to work out at all because I started my period this morning and I was hurting but I did a 15 minute ab workout on my back, along with some plants and hamstring exercises.
I ate a slice of quiche and took a hot bath to help with my back and my period cramps.
D and I went to the dealership to pick up his car and return the loaner. We decided to grab lunch in the gayborhood downtown. I invited our friend C since he lives around and we all had tacos. After that, C left and D and I went to a consignment shop (haha I know I went yesterday but I just love finding looking for quirky things in them. I did t find anything and it was sooo hot so D said he wanted to go get a haircut but could drop me off on a street with lot of little different types of shops on it.
I found an antique store and I decided I wanted to try to find something to buy to surprise him.
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So it’s hard to explain but there’s this story from his childhood he told me involving a playboy magazine (it’s a very innocent story despite the softcore magazine, not really inappropriate) and it started an inside joke between him and I and all our friends.
I found an issue that would’ve been from right around that time.
Oh he thought it was so sweet. He really really liked it.
We went back to his house, we cuddled and he made me a decaf espresso cappuccino and we drank coffee on his patio and talked. He helped me apply for some scholarships for school.
We went back inside and Uber eats Mediterranean food and watched Succession, then I went home.
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autisticlee · 1 month
I somehow ended up on hEDS youtube and this video makes me go HMMMM. for a few years now i've had people ask me if I have hEDS or say they really think I do and should get reevaluated by a different doctor. I always have to say I don't have it because I failed the evaluation from the orthopedic specialist I saw for joint issues and chronic pain. she did the beighton test and gave me a 4/9 but you need at least 5.
after watching this, i've concluded she didn't even test me correctly? they say if you get a 4 but answer yes to things like could you put hands on the floor as a kid then it counts as a point. my hamstrings and back are so stiff and painful to bend forward, but I could do it as a kid. another is if you contorted yourself in weird ways to amuse your friends. I would always put both my legs behind my head at the same time to freak people out lmao. but according to my doctor, doing it as a kid doesn't count....and she didn't really evaluate anything else. she asked if I have the heart problems all the people in this video don't have, and if I had dislocations that specifically required professional medical attention....my parents forced my dislocated bits back into place as a kid. they refused to take me anywhere that cost them money lmao unless it was serious. like I wasn't allowed to go to the doctors when sick until I had bronchitis/pneumonia and could barely breathe. now I just get subluxation mostly which my doctor said I seem to get a lot of very often. that was it.
she didn't test for sketchy skin which I definitely have or those weird heel bumps I always thought were super gross and didn't even know had anything to do with this until now, or anything else from this video. also when she tested my knees, she grabbed one leg by the ankle while I was sitting and said my knee doesn't bend back, but they're all doing it while standing. i think my one knee at least looks like some of theirs from what I can tell, while standing?? but it doesn't do it while sitting because tight ass hamstrings. (don't remember if it's this video or a different one but having unstable hips and/or knees can cause extremely tight hamstrings and muscles apparently due to overcompensating for the instability which makes sense. my hips are so bad and knees pretty unstable too)
anyway. i had a lot of these things they covered on this diagnostic thing that my doctor did not go over and just told me I have "general hypermobility" and said it's not an issue and that my pain and and unstable joints are ~because I need to exercise more and exercising will cure it~ is what she basically said. not even concerned about the fact that I was there mainly because exercising fucked up my shoulder really badly and I told her how I fucked up my knee so bad once and couldn't even walk on it normally for months. also hips and wrists and etc. also my job is physical labor so.... exercise?? so instead of giving me things to help with my joints she just sent me to physical therapy to do shoulder workouts for one shoulder that I could only seem to do while the physical therapist was watching me and correcting me. once I did it at home, I hurt myself very quickly and could never finish the daily workouts 😅
I feel like there's a way better chance i'd have a higher score if it was done properly or I was evaluated with everything in this video, and not just denied right after scoring a 4 on the beighton test. but also impostor syndrome like what if i'm wrong....from what i've seen online in my googling, you have to have a 5+ in order to be allowed to say you have hEDS and self diagnosis isn't as accepted as it is for other things (like autism for example) because it's more specific and a "serious condition" so not sure if I can just say I have it despite it being very relatable. until I can figure out doctor stuff one day and see if I can pass a proper exam, I have to just keep saying I have "hypermobility issues with joint and muscle pain and other stuff and dont know why it's happening" whenever I talk about these problems....which is a mouthful (fingerful? if i'm typing it?)
unfortunately, I have no clue how to get a different doctor?? or if there's even anymore in my hospitals network, especially ones that know more about hEDS? I currently am not even sure what's going on with my primary. I was told he was moving offices and cutting down on how many patients he sees but would have his staff schedule me when he gets to the new place....that was over 2 years ago and im still waiting. I used to do checkups twice a year. idk what to do about it. I can't do phone calls. writing emails and stuff makes me anxious. when I contact them through the mychart app like refilling prescriptions, it comes up as a different doctor now. so not sure what's going on at all and don't know how to or feel comfortable asking???? trying to figure out medical stuff and communicate with medical staff is so overwhelming for me I rather lie down and cry instead of dealing with it lmao i need an adult! like a real one!!
if anyone wants to share info, related experiences, talk about your hEDS or hypermobility symptoms and problems, or anything else like that, feel free to share with a reblog or reply or go to my ask box!
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globalhoocart · 5 months
Discover Your Inner Yogi: 31 Essential Poses for Beginners to Practice at Home
Embarking on the path of yoga is a fantastic decision for numerous reasons.
Beyond the physical benefits of increased strength, flexibility, and balance, yoga serves as a powerful tool for stress reduction through specialized breathing techniques known as pranayama.
Yoga is diverse, offering various poses to cater to different needs.
Now, let's delve into the joy of yoga with a focus on 31 essential poses for beginners to practice at home. These foundational poses not only serve as a physical workout but also contribute to mental well-being.
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1. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): A classic yoga pose that can be tricky for beginners, emphasizing weight distribution and heel stretching.
2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Equally important as Downward Facing Dog, it focuses on alignment, grounding, and spine lengthening.
3. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): A standing pose emphasizing forward-facing hips, crucial for building strength.
4. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Similar to Warrior I but with hips facing the side, promoting openness and strength.
5. Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parvakonasana): Involving a modification for beginners, it offers a gentle stretch with forearm support.
6. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana): Another essential pose, engaging leg strength and enhancing flexibility in multiple areas.
7. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana): An easy pose for beginners, promoting spine flexibility and relaxation.
8. Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana): Combining a stance similar to Warrior I with a gentle side bend or backbend.
9. Garland Pose (Malasana): A squatting pose that stretches muscles around the pelvis, beneficial for hip flexibility.
10. Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana): Also known as Flat-Back Forward Bend, it contributes to improving overall body awareness.
11. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana): A standing forward bend made more accessible for beginners with the use of yoga blocks.
12. Raised Hands Pose (Urdhva Hastasana): Starting from Mountain pose, it offers a full-body stretch, ideal for beginning your practice.
13. Low Lunge: A standing pose emphasizing proper alignment for a beneficial stretch, with modification options for support.
14. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): An excellent introduction to balancing postures, encouraging stability and mindfulness.
15. Downward Facing Dog Split: A basic yoga pose for beginners focusing on core strength and balance.
16. Plank Pose: Not just a balancing pose but a fundamental exercise for building core strength and stability.
17. Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana): A gentle backbend sequence enhancing body awareness, especially beneficial for beginners or those with back pain.
18. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): A gentle backbend for beginners, enhancing spine extension and countering the effects of prolonged sitting.
19. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): A fundamental backbend that strengthens back muscles and promotes flexibility.
20. Knees, Chest, and Chin (Ashtanga Namaskara): An essential part of the sun salutation series, serving as an alternative to Chaturanga Dandasana.
21. Staff Pose (Dandasana): A seated version of Mountain pose, offering alignment guidance for various seated poses.
22. Cobbler's Pose (Baddha Konasana): A comfortable stretch for inner thighs, often using props for support.
23. Easy Pose (Sukhasana): A cross-legged sit made more comfortable with props, promoting flexibility and undoing the effects of prolonged chair sitting.
24. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana): A seated twist benefiting spinal mobility and aiding digestion.
25. Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana): Easier than traditional forward bends, offering a gentle stretch one leg at a time.
26. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): A fantastic hamstring stretch targeting the entire back of the body.
27. Seated Wide Angle Straddle (Upavistha Konasana): A wide-legged forward bend providing a unique stretch and focusing on proper form.
28. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana): Balancing effort and ease, this delightful pose offers a gentle stretch for the back, hips, thighs, and ankles.
29. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana): A passive twist promoting flexibility, relaxation, and a sense of completion to your practice.
30. Child's Pose (Balasana): A resting pose that allows you to take a break whenever needed, promoting a gentle stretch and relaxation.
31. Corpse Pose (Savasana): A serene conclusion to your session, allowing a smooth transition from the yoga mat to the rest of your day.
In conclusion, these 31 basic yoga poses for beginners at home offer a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the joy of yoga. Remember, yoga is for everyone, and the journey is as important as the destination. Enjoy the practice, embrace self-awareness, and savor the harmonious blend of effort and relaxation that yoga brings to your life.
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solostrength1 · 1 year
Beyond their functional benefits, wall gyms offer convenience for those with limited space. Perfect for home gyms, apartments, or small studios, they maximize available area by utilizing vertical surfaces that often go underutilized. With their space-saving design and versatility, wall gyms have quickly gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts, providing an accessible and efficient solution for achieving fitness goals.
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calisthenicsgrow · 3 months
7 No-Equipment Calisthenics Moves for Home Workouts
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In a world where fitness trends come and go, calisthenics remains a timeless and effective form of exercise. What sets calisthenics apart is its simplicity and accessibility – all you need is your body and a bit of space to get started. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, calisthenics offers a wide range of exercises that can be tailored to your fitness level and goals.
In this article, we'll explore seven equipment-free calisthenics moves that you can incorporate into your home workouts. These exercises target various muscle groups, promote functional strength, and improve overall fitness without the need for expensive gym equipment. So, let's dive in and discover the power of bodyweight training.
Push-ups are a classic calisthenics exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps while engaging the core and stabilizer muscles. To perform a push-up:
Start in a high plank position with hands shoulder-width apart and arms fully extended.
Lower your body by bending your elbows until your chest nearly touches the ground.
Keep your core engaged and maintain a straight line from head to heels.
Push back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
Push-ups can be modified to suit different fitness levels by adjusting hand placement, tempo, or performing them on your knees.
Bodyweight Squats
Bodyweight squats are an excellent lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. To perform a bodyweight squat:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
Lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, as if sitting back into a chair.
Keep your chest up, back straight, and weight in your heels.
Lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then push through your heels to return to the starting position.
Bodyweight squats can be intensified by adding pulses, jumping squats, or holding a squat position for an extended period.
Pull-Ups (or Inverted Rows)
Pull-ups are a challenging upper body exercise that targets the back, biceps, and shoulders. If you don't have access to a pull-up bar, you can perform inverted rows using a sturdy horizontal bar or suspension trainer. To perform a pull-up:
Grip an overhead bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you.
Hang with arms fully extended, engaging your core and keeping your body in a straight line.
Pull your body up until your chin clears the bar, then lower back down with control.
Inverted rows mimic the movement of pull-ups and offer a scalable alternative for beginners.
Planks are a fundamental core exercise that strengthens the abdominals, lower back, and stabilizer muscles. To perform a plank:
Start in a forearm plank position with elbows directly beneath your shoulders and feet hip-width apart.
Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core and glutes to maintain stability.
Hold this position for as long as possible while maintaining proper form and breathing rhythm.
Planks can be made more challenging by lifting one leg or arm, performing side planks, or adding dynamic movements like plank jacks.
Lunges are a versatile lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. To perform a lunge:
Start standing with feet together.
Take a step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
Keep your front knee aligned with your ankle and your back knee hovering just above the ground.
Push through your front heel to return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side.
Lunges can be performed in various directions (forward, reverse, lateral) and with added weight for increased resistance.
Dips are an effective upper body exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. To perform dips:
Find two sturdy surfaces of equal height, such as parallel bars or the edge of a chair or bench.
Grip the bars or edges with hands shoulder-width apart and arms fully extended.
Lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
Push through your palms to extend your arms and return to the starting position.
Dips can be modified by bending your knees or elevating your feet to increase or decrease the level of difficulty.
Burpees are a full-body, high-intensity exercise that combines strength, cardio, and coordination. To perform a burpee:
Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart.
Lower into a squat position and place your hands on the ground in front of you.
Jump or step your feet back into a plank position.
Perform a push-up, then jump or step your feet back to the squat position.
Explosively jump up, reaching your arms overhead.
Land softly and immediately lower back into the squat position to begin the next repetition.
Burpees can be modified by eliminating the push-up or jump to suit different fitness levels.
Calisthenics offers a convenient and effective way to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness without the need for fancy equipment or gym memberships. These seven equipment-free calisthenics moves provide a solid foundation for a full-body workout that can be done anytime, anywhere. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or a seasoned athlete seeking a new challenge, give these exercises a try and experience the transformative power of bodyweight training. So, clear some space in your living room, lace up your sneakers, and get ready to sweat with these equipment-free calisthenics moves!
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hoghtastic · 5 months
In response to the MK questions:
There was actually more than him having a crush on her and her turning him down. They dated and were supposedly really into each other. They even went on some trip/vacation together, but I honestly can't remember where they went and if it was just for a weekend or what. I don't know if she still has them on her page or not (haven't looked in a while), but she had pictures of herself lying in a bed that he took of her. VERY nice pictures, too, of course! Years later, he even mentioned her in a Danish interview, and said she had been his girlfriend for a while, but his mom had told him that she didn't care who the girl was, just bring her back home with him if he had to, but don't stay in Ireland, just come back home. I took that to mean (obviously, could be wrong here) that they broke up because she realized he basically couldn't really commit and would soon be going back home. She is the one who broke it off with him, though.
There are 2 pictures that I have seen of the 2 of them together (where it actually showed them both and not just one of them with the other filming or in the picture but not showing their face). One was in her old gym where I guess they met and where he boxed for a little while, too. It was a group of people, though. The other picture was of them in some club together. It was actually a video, I guess, an old story. An old fan page (that was just deactivated sometime at the end of 2022) posted it in the last year or so, and I was surprised because I'd never seen it. They were sitting at a table, and Alex was to her right, and she was leaning to the right kind of on her arm. She stretched her left leg, and it said something about hamstring exercises or something like that. I can't remember the actual caption. I actually messaged that fan page and asked them where they'd found the story because I've been around just a little while in the Fandom and had never seen it, but they, unfortunately, never answered me. There was also an old story of Alex's where he was punching a punching bag, practicing his boxing skills, and he actually tagged her and her trainer in the story. An active fan page recently reposted that old story, but they blocked out the tags that originally had her name in it.
To me, it seems that she's "the one that got away." And how different things would be, now, had she not! 🥺
Anon to anon, in response to this ask. 😊 Thank you for sharing!
Also, I got sent a clip from one of the videos you described (thank you so much to the anon who sent it too! 💖) :
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