#best hamstring exercises
buusa123 · 4 months
The groups of large muscles that run along the back of your body are the hamstring muscles and your hamstrings. Hamstring consists of three separate muscles – biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work in unison and help extend your hip and maintain the flexibility of knee movements, further facilitating all kinds of body movements. Standing erect, bending forward and backward, walking smoothly, running, and jumping are all possible because of the strength and flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Regularly performing the best hamstring exercises results in stronger muscles supporting all kinds of movements safely without causing injury. Athletes and sportsmen must care for their hamstring muscles to enhance their performance because of a stronger lower body.
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body-hiit-workout · 1 year
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Building this muscle will not only give you amazing legs, it will also improve you on other lifts and prevent injury.
In this article, we show you the best hamstring exercises that you can do in the gym, so that you can properly work and strengthen this muscle.
But, before I show you the exercises, let's learn a little about the hamstrings.
This muscle is mainly responsible for knee flexion and hip extension.
When you perform hip extension exercises, the long head of the hamstring is emphasized. On the other hand, when you do knee flexion exercises, you emphasize the short head[
The hamstring is also activated by exercises like jumping jacks, as it is one of the muscles that slows down on the eccentric, before doing the explosive movement.
We have made this list, focusing on all the movements necessary for you to have a complete development.
Let's go with the exercises!
1. Seated Leg Curl
First on our list is the seated leg curl. This is one of the exercises with the highest activation of the hamstrings, but as we said before, the short head does most of the work.
According to studies, the seated version provides greater activation than the prone (or lying) version, making it the ideal choice to perform this exercise.
It is generally used after the heaviest exercises. However, if you feel that your hamstrings are weak, you can do this exercise as a pre-fatigue exercise and then perform the hip extension exercises.
2. Romanian Deadlift
The Romanian Deadlift is the version of the deadlift that targets the hamstrings more than the back or quadriceps.
This exercise is done with the legs half bent at 15 degrees, and you can use a bar or dumbbells.
You can also increase the range of motion by doing it one step higher. And if you want to correct muscular imbalances, you can do it unilaterally.
3. Nordic
Returning to the flexion exercises, we have the Nordic. This is an excellent ally to gain muscle mass because it emphasizes the eccentric phase, which is the one that provides us with greater muscle damage.
This is a slightly more advanced exercise, so if you're just starting out, you'll look better doing the other exercises on the list.
But if you want to start doing the Nordic, you can start with your hips flexed, which means the angle between your torso and the front part of the muscle is a little less.
As you progress, you can do it with the hips extended, which means the thighs are in line with the torso.
Another thing you can control is the range of motion: if you're just starting out, just start with part of the descent and just let yourself fall the other part. As you progress, you will be able to go lower and lower.
4. Back Lunge
An exercise that does not exclusively work the hamstrings, but can also build a lot of muscle, is the back lunge.
In addition, it is an excellent alternative to include at the beginning of your routine if you want to correct muscle imbalances.
So how do you go about strengthening your hamstrings more than your quadriceps? It's simple: you simply make your stride wider, thus emphasizing hip flexion/extension and minimizing knee flexion/extension.
5. Hip Thrust
The hip thrust is an excellent glute and hamstring trainer. The advantage of this exercise is that it is extremely easy to progress and in a short time you will be able to load a lot of weight.
What you need to perform this exercise is a mat for the bar and a weight bench. The mattress is extremely important because the bar goes into the pelvis and without protection you will not be able to hold the bar.
Another point to consider is the position of the feet. You have to position your feet so that when you go up, your legs are at a 90 degree angle.
If all this seems too cumbersome, you can practice this exercise with one leg, which you can also do without weight.
6. Deep Dive
We conclude our list with a plyometric exercise. The advantage of plyometrics is that they will help you improve your other lifts due to the higher power levels.
As we said before, when we slow down a jump or run, we need hamstring action, so this exercise is extremely effective. It can also help you avoid injuries.
Simply stand on a high surface, such as a bench or step, and let yourself fall, trying to land on both feet.
After landing, you can do a jump, which will give you more work. You can also combine the landing with a box jump using 2 boxes or 2 benches.
And there you have it, the best hamstring exercises you can do in the gym. If you liked this article, you can share it on your social networks, with those people who want to form great legs.
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sumitk881100 · 7 months
Leg Exercises
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#Squats#Squats one of the best exercise for lower body. It’s a strength exercise and effective your hips. Squats exercise worked the any muscles su#abdominals#glutes and quadriceps. Squats exercise some benefits such as balanced your body#increase your strength#improved your leg size#increase your endurance. stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on your upper back (if doing barbell squats) or hold a dum#chest up#and shoulders back. lower your body by bending your hips and knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as you can comfor#Lunges#Lunges are very great and power full exercise. lungs are many muscles to worked such as calves#hamstrings#glutes#quads. Lunges exercise very effective for lower body. Stand with your feet together and hold dumbbells at your sides (optional). take a ste#Leg Press#Leg press increase strong leg and powerful muscles. Leg press some muscles benefits such as gluteal muscles#hamstring#and quadriceps. All gym people and body builders like the exercise because it’s a increase the lower body strength and biggest and powerful#but without locking your knees. Back down the machine with control.#Box jumps#Bos jumps exercise lower body exercise. its targets your glutes#calves#and quads. Box jumps increase the strength and power. Some benefits such as balance and stability. Front your face and stand the box. jump#landing with both feet on top. stand up on the box#then start to exercise step to step or jump back down.#Glute Exercises#Glute exercise best exercise for balance. some best exercises for such as walking lunge#step-up#lateral#lunge
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thewritingofamadwoman · 6 months
Stress Relief
The way Roy Kent (and Brett Goldstein) live in my head rent free 24/7.
Pairing: Roy Kent x Fem!Reader (established relationship)
Warnings: Fluff, some making out, and Roy Kent being a cocky little shit
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You wiped your hands clean on a towel and smiled at the young man on the table.
“Okay Sam, you’re all done. Continue to work on those stretches at home and you’ll be in tip top shape for the game next weekend.”
Sam Obisanya smiled back at you, slowly getting up off the table.
“Thank you again, so much. I will do all the exercises you’ve recommended, and I will also look into Pilates classes.”
You gave Sam a quizzical look.
“You don’t have to do that Sam, it’s just a sprained ankle…”
The young man laughed.
“Oh no I know, I just am interested in Pilates. I’ve heard it does wonders for your body, core, and state of mind.”
Sam looked at you so genuinely, that you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. He was absolutely precious. Sam smiled at you again and waved goodbye before exiting the treatment room. Between Sam’s ankle, Dani’s knee and Jamie’s hamstring, you had been working nonstop all week, doing your best to heal them as best you could.
You were jotting down notes in Sam’s folder when you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in!”
Roy Kent walked in, shut the door behind him and let out the deepest sigh/growl you’ve heard in a while. You looked up and put the folder down on your desk, taking a second to admire the grouchy coach. Roy stood there, arms at his sides and shoulders back in his usual stance. His biceps bulging from underneath the short sleeves of his coach jersey, the watch on his right wrist gleaming under the florescent lighting in the treatment room. Your eyes trailed to Roy’s face; his brows drawn together in their usual frown and his lips following suit.
“Well hello to you, too,” you greeted playfully.
Roy raised an eyebrow at you and rolled his eyes warm heartedly.
“Hi,” he exhaled, his deep voice reverberating through you. God you loved his voice.
You waited for him to continue, seeing the thoughts running through his mind. Roy took another breath and let it all out.
“These fucks have got me more stressed out than the “girls nine under nine” ever did. Fucking shits.” Roy points a finger to the door behind him. I swear, if I have to hear Zava go on about his fucking avocado farm one more time, I’m going fucking quit and go back to being a fucking pundit.”
And there it was. You nodded sympathetically and moved off from the desk you were leaning on and waved your hand to the table in front of you, signally Roy to have a seat. The coach followed suit, letting out a huff of air as he did. You stepped on a mechanical lever underneath the table, causing the table to lower so that Roy was at a comfortable height for you. You placed your hands on his shoulders gently before giving them a tight squeeze.
“You’re not going to quit, baby. You just need a second to relax. You haven’t been to Maureen’s house in a few weeks now that I think of it. When was your last yoga session with the ladies?” You pressed down on Roy’s shoulders again, feeling the immense amount of tension he was keeping at the base of his neck.
Roy grunted at the feeling of your hands, slowly leaning into your touch.
“Maureen’s been dealing with her son’s upcoming wedding, and Carol’s neice is going through a divorce so we’ve all been pushing back our next yoga date.”
You smiled at how invested Roy was with his little yoga group. He always managed to melt your heart with the simplest of things.
“Well then, the solution is simple. You need a little bit of stress relief. You’re so tense Roy, all this pent up pressure isn’t going to do you any good. I’m going to take care of it, okay?”
You spoke as gently while beginning to massage Roy’s shoulders. You’ve been told by the team that you give the best massages known to man. And while it was part of your job as the team’s physio, right now you weren’t a PT. You were Roy’s girlfriend, ready to help your man relax. A few moments pass in silence, the only sounds in the room were of Roy’s deep breathing, and occasional moan whenever you came across a particular tender spot.
“Fuuuuuuuck” Roy groaned, relishing in the feel of your hands digging into the knots in his neck and shoulders. “That feels incredible,” he sighed, getting lost in the feel of it all. You smiled to yourself, glad to be able to help him in any way. Thirty minutes go by until you could no longer find any strained muscles under his shirt. You gave Roy’s shoulders one final squeeze, leaning down to give him a small kiss on the back of his head.
“All done. Hope you’re feeling a little less stressed, my love.”
Roy turns his head to face you, his eyes glossy as if he were in a dreamy state of mind.
“That was fucking mind blowing and exactly what I needed. Fuck you’re amazing. Thank you,” he praised, slowly turning his body and swinging his legs over the other edge of the table so that he was facing you. You beamed at his compliment, moving forward as well so that you were standing in-between his legs, the table allowing you to finally be able to stare directly into Roy’s eyes. Those deep, chocolate colored eyes that you’ve been in love with for quite some time.
“You’re welcome, baby.” You reply, leaning forward to give Roy’s a quick yet sweet peck on his lips. You loved the feel of his soft lips, plush and pillowy against your own. How something so soft could voice so many “fucks” in a day, you’ll never understand. But you loved it nonetheless. When you pulled back, you noticed Roy’s brows had softened significantly and there was a look of adoration in his eyes. You were sure it mirrored the look you gave him 95% of the time.
“Once Maureen and Carol get settled, and your yoga routine goes back to normal, your stress levels won’t be as high anymore. But until then, I’m more than happy to help you relieve it. Whether here or at home, you just come to me and I’ve got you. Okay?”
You gave Roy another little peck before you felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. You pulled back to find him looking at you mischievously. The hands that were unconsciously placed on your hips while you kissed began to slowly slide up your sides and back down to your hips.
“Going to help me relieve some stress, hmm? And at work no less? How naughty.”
The look he gave you in that moment set your insides on fire, and Roy took that moment to pull you closer to him, arms locking behind you to keep you in place. You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you wrapped your own arms around his neck, scooting as close as you could, your chest pressed up against his.
“Me? Naughty? I’m an angel,” you teased, drawing a pretend halo above your head.
Roy growled and leaned in, claiming your lips with his. You sighed into his kiss, your nails gently carding through his hair at the back of his head. Roy broke the kiss first but didn’t relent, moving his lips to your neck and planting wet kisses up and down the column of your throat. You felt your knees weaken, like they always did whenever Roy found that deliciously sweet spot right below your ear. You gasped, and Roy smiled onto your skin, kissing his way down slowly once more. His hands began to roam your body as yours found purchase on his shoulders.
“Oh God, fuck,” you whispered and giggled as you shivered when you felt Roy lick and suck at the base of your throat. Roy’s deep chuckle vibrated against you.
“Aww baby, you can just call me Roy,” he mused and rolled your eyes.
“Little shit,” you said breathlessly, pulling back as far as Roy would allow you, his arms still trapping you to him.
“As much as I’d like to continue this, I do have both Bumbercatch and Zorreaux due for an assessment soon. Buuuuut I can absolutely help you with your little stress relief issue at home later, okay?”
Roy smiled at you and nodded, grunting in agreement.
“Just one thing though, darling. You and I both know it’s not a “little” stress relief issue. Shall I remind you of last time, when you struggled to get all of me insi-“ you immediately cut him off, your hand cupping over his mouth, a blush engulfing your cheeks.
“Shuuuush! Shush! You know what I meant for fucks sake. Anyone can hear you, these walls are paper thin, you heathen!” You berrated, a giggle bubbling in your throat. Roy laughed against your hand and kissed your palm while you shook your head at him.
“Glad you’re feeling MUCH better, Coach Kent. Now shoo, send in Bumbercatch if he’s out there and I’ll deal with you later.”
Roy continued to smile at you and when you removed your hand, you got the full effect of his perfect smile. You couldn’t help your own smile as Roy hopped off the table and retreated to the door. You crossed your arms across your chest again as he turned around one final time before winking at you before exiting. You heard him loud and clear as he made his way back to the locker room.
“Oi! Bumbercatch! You’re needed in physio. Move!”
You shook your head and laughed to yourself before you wiped down the table and set up the room. This was going to be a very long afternoon.
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laurfilijames · 1 year
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Pairing: Will "Ironhead" Miller x female reader
Rating: M but will be E as smut is definitely coming (I surprised myself and didn't write smut in the first chapter)
Words: 1,815
Warnings: PTSD. Anger issues. Almost passing out. Sexual tension. Mentions of previous assault (choking).
Summary: You've seen Will at the gym many times before, and he you, and today you finally share a moment, discovering your assumptions about him are right.
A/N: Here I was thinking my first character fic for Charlie Hunnam would no doubt be Jax Teller, and then this guy swooped in and floored me. (I also haven't finished SOA yet and feel like waiting to write for Jax until I do, and also my feelings about him are soooo conflicted) Will is an absolute MAN and I'm in love.
This will be a series and it will be smutty and indulgent.
It had almost been a year, but he would always be known as the man who nearly choked a stranger to death in the cereal aisle of the local grocery store.
Will - as you overheard him be called by the man he usually came to the gym with who looked just like him and assumed was his younger brother - often cleared anyone away from any machine out of fear; the other patrons sacrificing their workouts in favour of not wanting to provoke someone who may snap if he didn't get his way.
He was solo today, grunting and groaning to the left of you as he worked through his second set of bench presses; your eyes often drifting over to him in the mirror in the event he needed a spot.
You blinked as he slammed the heavy barbell back on its rack, shifting your gaze back to yourself performing deadlifts as he sat up and rubbed a towel over his face to catch the drips of sweat running down his tanned cheeks and into his blond beard.
Distracted, you lost count of your reps, cursing to yourself internally as you suffered through two more than was necessary, your hamstrings on fire and barely able to complete the last one with proper form before dropping the weights to the floor with a huff.
You glanced in Will's direction, catching him staring at you where he nodded before you quickly averted your gaze. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him lay back on the bench and continue another set, his noises of effort making your heart rate increase possibly more than your workout was.
Passing him to go to the squat rack, you couldn't help but notice the way his muscles flexed as he worked, the way his cheeks flinched as he clenched his teeth together tightly, similarly to the way he did even when he was 'relaxed' and not straining through an exercise.
Happy to be facing away from him, you started through your first set, thinking you were keeping track of your reps, only to find your mind wandering back to thoughts of him.
You sympathized for him, hearing his fiancee had left him after the event at the supermarket, knowing he had likely seen and done so many things people could never fathom experiencing in his many years in the Special Forces, and on top of all of it, not even being able to go to the gym without every person giving him a wide berth and downcast stares when they passed by.
"Damnit," you breathed, realizing you yet again lost track, only to be startled when a deep voice sounded behind you.
"You're at 8," Will spoke, making you glance over your shoulder to see him as much as you could as you squatted through another repetition.
"Thanks," you puffed, trying to sound as genuine as you could, thankful for his attentiveness while you did your best to look effortless in completing four more squats at the heaviest weight you had ever done so far.
"No problem," he smiled, assisting the bar back onto the rack when you were done. "I notice you lose count a lot."
He stated it so matter-of-factly, making you knit your eyebrows together quizzically as you turned to face him.
"Sorry!" he raised his hands in defense, "I'm a numbers guy, I tend to notice shit like that, I'm not trying to be an ass."
"No, it's fine," you returned with your own smile, "I guess I just never thought anyone would pay close enough attention to something like that, especially to someone they don't know."
Will tilted his head to the side and shrugged, like he wasn't quite sure what else to say to explain his behaviour.
"I appreciate it, though," you added, seeing a sort of discomfort crease in his features. "Saved me from doing an extra one. I thought I was only at 7."
Your laugh seemed to relax him, bringing out a light in his blue eyes and his smile that you instantly knew you could become addicted to seeing.
"Well, I'm happy to have helped, then. I'm Will, by the way."
He held his hand out, and taking note of the size of it as well as the length of his fingers, you swallowed and extended your own, meeting his eyes as he shook it with a firm grip.
"I know," you answered, seeing your response immediately wash a shameful look over his face.
He quickly withdrew his hand and moved it up to scratch his head, coming to terms that everyone knew who he was and the reputation he had.
"I've heard your brother," you accentuated as a question, "say your name a few times here."
"Oh, uh, yeah, that's Benny, my younger brother," he confirmed, placing his hands on his hips with a sigh of relief that your recognition of him wasn't only due to his infamous incident.
"Was he in the Service, too?"
"Yeah," he nodded, biting his lower lip.
"Your family must be proud of you both," you stated, positioning yourself under the bar to begin another set.
"Some days more than others," he said quietly, watching without shame as you lowered yourself into a squat and powered back up again with an enticing thrust.
Will cleared his throat, "You've got great form."
The tone in his voice made you steel yourself before continuing with another rep, feeling adrenaline rush through you that wasn't on account of the weight-lifting.
"That's it, breathe through it," he purred, that voice of his making you lose focus.
You closed your eyes and exhaled deeply, trying to match your breaths properly with your execution but failing, your mind going to a place you couldn't deny it hadn't been before in all the times you worked out at the same time as him.
It was good to work until failure, you reminded yourself, but as Will counted you to your twelfth and final rep, you struggled to reach the top of your squat let alone get the bar back on the rack.
Will effortlessly took the weight of it in one hand, lifting it easily for you to set it back in place.
"You okay?" he asked, assessing you with concern as you wiped moisture from your brow while his other hand rested along the small of your back.
"Yeah, thanks."
He stood close to you, enough for you to smell the intoxicating scent of his sweat mixed with lingering shower gel or cologne, and when you turned, his hand fell away from you just as yours felt the intense need to touch the dampened cotton shirt that clung to his warm body.
Suddenly feeling dizzy, you shifted on your feet and reached out to grip his forearm for support, shaking your head and apologizing.
"Sorry, that's the heaviest I've lifted and I guess I didn't eat enough for breakfast before I came," you stammered, looking up at him to see his face screwed up with worry.
"Hey, it's fine," he soothed, his hands holding your shoulders in a strong, reassuring grip. "Just breathe."
You did as he suggested, closing your eyes and inhaling deeply and slowly, your hand loosening on his forearm only slightly while he remained unmoving.
"Good, that's good," he whispered, his face leaning closer to yours, and you didn't dare open your eyes again in fear you really would pass out.
"Keep breathing," he repeated, prompting you to continue what he was quickly causing you to forget.
Another slow, calming breath filled your lungs, and when you blew it out gradually through your parted lips, Will spoke again, his fingers pressing into your shoulders.
"Good girl."
Your eyes flashed open, his words making you feel like you were in a haze, his crooked smile and glint in his alluring blue irises creating the opposite effect this whole exchange was meant to have.
"It always helps me," he admitted, his eyes not shifting from yours. "Whenever I'm stressed or angry…to breathe through it."
"Does that happen often?" you asked, your curiosity getting the better of you.
"Hmm, sometimes," he began, not seeming offended at your question. "Less than it used to."
"You must have been through a lot," you spoke, letting your thoughts come out freely, your hand giving a reassuring squeeze over one of the tattoos covering his forearm.
Will licked his lips, leaning slightly closer to you, holding in a breath despite knowing he shouldn't in a moment like this.
"Hey, are you done with this?" a man asked, pointing to the squat rack that was left abandoned beside you, his unexpected voice startling you both.
"Yeah, man, go ahead," Will answered, nodding at the man once and giving him a curt smile.
You watched Will size him up as the man switched out the plates on the bar, like he was waiting to see if anything impolite would come from his mouth next or turn into a threat somehow. The veins in his neck bulged as he increased his breaths, his cheeks flexing again due to his teeth clamping down on each other forcefully. When the other man continued about his business, Will seemed to blink back to reality, his chest still heaving sharply as he struggled to find calm.
Not thinking twice, you reached up and placed your open palm on his chest, directly over his furiously beating heart, bringing his attention over to you along with a sense of surprise.
He blinked quickly and sighed, his eyes searching yours for something to help him until you spoke.
"Breathe, Will," you coaxed, reminding him of what he needed to do, seeing him close his eyes and begin to slow it down until his breaths eventually matched yours.
"Thank you," he muttered, reaching his hand up to cover yours that remained on his warm chest, giving it a gentle squeeze as he flashed you a weak smile.
"Hey, I was gonna grab a protein shake from that smoothie bar down the road after, why don't you join me?"
"I'd love to," you beamed, feeling more than okay with ditching what was left of your workout to go with him, the look on his face making it even more worth it as he grinned brightly and took your hand to lead you toward the change rooms.
"Grab your things and I'll meet you outside," he ordered gently, revealing his effortless ability to delegate, and your willingness to want to comply.
Will leaned against the side of his truck as he waited, sighing to himself while he attempted to sort out everything he was feeling; the mix of wanting to lean in and trust you overpowering his usual go-to of staying distant and playing it safe, all of which was confirmed when you walked out the doors and instantly brought an easy smile to his face.
Part 2
Taglist: none!! Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in this series or any other Charlie Hunnam roles I may write for 💗
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aurumacadicus · 2 months
One thing I notice all those "exercise will make you feel better" posts missing is that CORE EXERCISES WILL HELP WITH YOUR BACK PAIN. (Specifically lower back pain but for me personally lower back just starts radiating up you feel me.) In fact, a lot of physical problems can stem from not working your core!
Of course, I'm not saying start doing burpees every day. First of all, no one fucking likes those, and second of all, if you don't do any core work why would you immediately jump into such a physically strenuous exercise. (Like, burpees are annoyingly good for your entire body but they're called that to be polite. I call them pukies. Yuck.)
However! I am going to suggest a few beginner core exercises. Start as small as you'd like! (One of each per day and working your way up, doing ten of one each day, etc; whatever works best for you.)
1) Crunches. There are so many types of crunches, you can try them out until you find the one that works best for you! My favorite is reverse crunches. However, I'm going to suggest starting with the basic abdominal crunch.
2) Glute bridges. It works both your legs and your core! It works from the lower back all the way down to quads and hamstrings. Ultimately, exercises that work multiple muscle groups will help when you work up to more exercise. Until then, it's easy, it's fun(?), and it's free!
3) Modified planks. You don't have to start in the most difficult position! Pushup position is fucking hard! You can start on your knees instead of your toes and it'll still work your core just as well. Remember: Modify to work for you!
4) Russian twists. You can use no weight and work your way up, and it doesn't have to be a weighted ball or hand weight or anything. You can just use progressively larger books if you have them. You can even use your cat or dog, if they're amenable.
5) Dead bugs or the Superman. Dead bugs are done on your back, the Superman is done on your stomach. Both work your core while stretching/stabilizing your spine. It's all about slow and contained movements.
Of course, you can also look up other core exercises that might lend better to your interests, but I sincerely suggest you work some core exercises into your daily routine. Between chapters in a story, or during commercials? Right before your daily shower, maybe! Definitely not right after food. You'll die.
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renphousa · 27 days
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Here are the top 5 muscle groups to target with a Renpho Massage Gun: https://go.renpho.com/collection-massage-gun-24
1. Quadriceps (Quads):
Your quads are powerhouse muscles that play a vital role in activities like running, jumping, and squatting. However, intense workouts can leave them feeling tight and fatigued. Using a Renpho Massage Gun to target the quadriceps can help alleviate tension, reduce soreness, and enhance flexibility, ensuring you're ready to tackle your next leg day
2. Hamstrings:
The hamstrings, located at the back of your thighs, are prone to tightness and injury, particularly if you engage in activities like cycling or weightlifting. By incorporating the Renpho Massage Gun into your post-workout routine, you can loosen tight hamstrings, improve range of motion, and promote faster recovery, enabling you to perform at your best without fear of setbacks.
3. Gluteal Muscles (Glutes):
Strong glutes are essential for stability, power, and overall lower body function. Whether you're a runner looking to prevent injuries or a weightlifter aiming to enhance your performance, targeting the gluteal muscles with a Renpho Massage Gun can help relieve tightness, reduce muscle fatigue, and promote better activation during exercises, leading to improved strength and athleticism.
4. Back Muscles:
The muscles of the back, including the erector spinae and latissimus dorsi, are often neglected but are crucial for maintaining proper posture and spinal health. Using a Renpho Massage Gun to release tension in these muscles can alleviate discomfort, improve mobility, and prevent the development of chronic issues, allowing you to stand tall and move freely with confidence.
5. Shoulders and Traps:
Whether you're lifting weights, swimming laps, or simply carrying groceries, your shoulders and traps bear the brunt of daily activities. Targeting these muscles with a Renpho Massage Gun can help relieve tightness, reduce the risk of overuse injuries, and enhance shoulder mobility, enabling you to move more efficiently and perform at your peak, both in and out of the gym.
Incorporating targeted massage therapy into your fitness regimen with a Renpho Massage Gun can be a game-changer, allowing you to recover faster, train harder, and unlock your full potential. With regular use, you'll experience less pain, improved flexibility, and greater overall performance, helping you crush your fitness goals and conquer new heights.
So why wait? Invest in your muscle health and unleash your strength with the power of the Renpho Massage Gun. Your body will thank you for it.
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
helllooo 🥰 hope you’re having the best day! could I please request a drabble w/max or pierre where u do pilates or yoga w/them? i feel like it would b so funny bc pilates is soo difficult but for some reason guys always want to shit on it 😂 ty in advance!! <33
max would 100% tease you whenever you told him you were going to do Pilates
you understood where he was coming from, it looked easy from the outside and because of his job he was training 24/7
one day you decided to ask max if he wanted to join you for your workout, to which his eyes lit up because he’d never forgo an opportunity to see you bent over in tight leggings
his mind changed about 10 minutes in when the cramp in his abs was unrelenting and you looked calm as a cucumber
the frustration was flooding through his body as he tried to copy your exact movements but was only met by tight hamstrings and inflexible hips
not even the gorgeous sight of you in front of him could distract him from the straining feeling
‘are you not in pain’ he groaned, collapsing onto the floor as you laughed from your position
‘I did tell you it wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be’
a pout quickly formed on Max’s lips as he realised he’d been making fun of you for something he couldn’t even do
as much as he loved to poke fun, he always made sure it came from a place of love, but he truly had thought Pilates was the easiest form of exercise going
‘I’m sorry for making fun of you’
you caught the sorry look on his face and stood up to peck his lips
‘I don’t mind bubs, I’m just happy you tried it out in the end’
‘yeah well I’m not doing it again…let me make you dinner to make up for it?’
‘I’ll never say no to that’
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transgymbro · 1 month
im sure youve probably answered this before, but do you have a specific gym routine you follow? or one you could recommend?
my issue with the gym isnt even an issue of social anxiety or body insecurity, it's the fact that i genuinely have zero clue what im doing lmao 😅 any advice at all is appreciated, thanks man
I actually haven't answered this one before! This is under a "read more" because it got stupid long. Also sorry this has taken so long I've been grinding on my finals
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, I'm literally just some guy on the internet who likes going to the gym. Please consult an expert such as a doctor or fitness coach if possible before trying anything I say. If you happen to be an expert/experienced in this, please correct me if I got anything wrong. Also, YMMV.
So generally, when you go to the gym your routine is going to depend on your goals and how many days you're going to be able to go.
If your main goal is to cut (lose body fat): You want to concentrate on cardio, and if you do strength training at all you should focus on lighter weight with a higher number of reps each set
If your main goal is to bulk (gain muscle mass and strength): You'll want to aim for less cardio, heavier weights, and less repetitions.
WARNING: Be careful when you are going up in weight, you can seriously injure yourself if you try to lift something that's too heavy. What I mean by be careful is:
Make sure you can move your current weight easily before trying the next one up. That is, don't go up until you're able to do 15 reps on that weight.
When you move up in weight, don't go up by more than 5-10 lbs. This will make sure that if it turns out you can't lift as much as you thought, you won't hurt yourself.
Have a spotter with you, if possible. If you have someone who can/wants to go to the gym with, you, take them, especially if they have more experience. Having someone there to catch the weight can make the difference on whether or not you get injured.
Listen to your body. If you are hurting/experiencing sharp/unusual pain, STOP and either go down in weight or stop altogether for the day.
Make sure your form is correct. Lifting with bad form is already likely to injure you, and the risk goes up the heavier you're lifting. You can have someone else check you or check online for tutorials.
As for your exercises across the week, it depends on how much time you have to spend in the gym. Some people have time every single day to go, and others can only go maybe two days a week. Regardless of how much time you have though, it is important to give your muscles a chance to rest. Now, this doesn't mean you CAN'T go every single day, you absolutely can if you know what you're doing. But generally for people who are new to the gym I wouldn't recommend it. For one, if you're not used to the strain you're going to take longer to recover and get over the soreness, and if you're super sore it'll be difficult to really push yourself. Also, beginners aren't typically in tune with their body yet, that is, they don't know when to stop pushing to avoid injury. So, it's best to split the muscles you work out across your gym days.
A very common one routine is called the push-pull split. This divides the muscles you will work out into two groups, depending on their motion. The muscles that go in each category are
Push: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Quads, Calves
Pull: Back, Biceps, Glutes, Hamstrings.
Typically, one would go to the gym 4 days per week and do: push, pull, push, pull, or vice versa. However, this split is also good for people who can only work out twice a week. My brother actually goes to the gym three times per week (last I checked with him) and modifies this split into push, pull, and legs, so this is another option if you want to really make sure you're getting a pump on your legs.
My personal split is a three day split of muscle groups. Shoulders/biceps/triceps, chest/back, and abs/legs. This is how my aunt (former amateur bodybuilder) trained me when she was getting me into weightlifting and I've generally kept the same routine, but you're free to switch any of those days or muscle groups around, so you could do something like biceps/trips/back, abs/chest, shoulders/legs. Generally I would try to keep biceps and triceps together since both are your arm muscles, but that's really only a personal preference.
For the most part, what you choose to do here is up to you as long as you make sure you're giving your muscles a chance to rest.
Now we're getting into specifics: How many reps? How many sets? Generally, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps on a weight that is manageable but challenging (i.e. you can lift it, but you're getting tired at about the last 2-3 reps). However, there are some (not exhaustive) special cases that I'm listing below
Cutting - Do you remember what I said about low weight high reps earlier? This is where it comes in. If you're on a cut you may want to go for a lighter weight than your normally would (for example, if you usually lift about 20 lbs use the 10 lb weights) and go for 15-20 reps, or if you're advanced, until failure.
Strength gain - High weight, low reps. You'll want something a bit on the heavier side, but you'll only be doing this for about 5-8 reps per set. I do recommend, however, grabbing a lighter weight as well and doing what we call a drop set (we'll get into what this is in a second). Once again: be careful when lifting very heavy weights. You don't want to injure yourself.
The Big Three (Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press) - These ones are the ones people tend to try and go as heavy as they can go on. They are the most rewarding, but also the most dangerous lifts you can do. If you are a beginner, do not attempt going heavy on these without a spotter. Generally for these, you'll want to do less reps the heavier you go. If you have a spotter you can go for a one rep max, where you lift the most weight you know you can lift for exactly one rep. Alternatively, these can go hand in hand with strength gaining, and because of how heavy these can get, you may end up only getting 3 reps in (I can only bench 145 lbs for 2 reps right now).
Drop Set - A drop set is a set where you start with a weight slightly heavier than what you can complete a full set with, do a low amount of reps, and then drop down to a lower weight and repeat, up to the lowest weight available to you. These are very good for building your strength, because they allow you to keep going and working your muscles without injuring yourself. Example: I want to drop set my bicep curls. I can bicep curl about 25 lbs for 10-12 reps. I would start with 30 lbs, do 5 reps, then drop to 25 lbs and do 5 reps there. I could stop there, especially if I'm using dumbbells because I don't want to have that many dumbbells with me, but I could go to 20 lbs, do 5 reps, then to 15 lbs, and then repeat until I'm using 5 lbs. These usually work best with machines rather than free weights because again: there is definitely such a thing as too many dumbbells.
Also: Make sure your first set is a warmup set. That is, do slightly lighter weight and slightly more reps to get your muscles warmed up and ready to lift the heavier stuff. Warming up your muscles will give you a chance to practice your form and prepare your body to handle the heavy shit.
I will also say that your diet will have a massive impact on how fast/whether you reach your goals, but since you asked about the gym specifically, I'm sticking to that scope.
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just-somedude · 9 months
any lower back exercises you can recommend? i am lowkey dying over here, need to fix that shit
Lower back pain can be caused by A LOT of different things, tight/weak hamstrings and/or hip flexors, weak core (both common with people that sit most of the day), the best exercises to help are probably going to be back extensions (hyperextensions), seated leg raises (sit on the ground with a water bottle about leg length in front of you, while keeping your leg straight, raise it over the bottle back and forth 10 times, then repeat with the other leg, 3 times each), and an exercise called the bird dog (google will explain better than I can)
Farmers walks if you have access to some weights are also VERY good
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ordinorultor-if · 2 months
Do it 👀 Assign major arcana to the cast
Oh god I'm going to spend far too long thinking about this... I'm starting this exercise at 9:06 PM, we'll see how long it takes.
It goes without saying that MC is, in addition to whatever arcanum or arcana you wish to assign to them, 0 - The Fool. Fool is not only a stand-in for 'protagonist', but it also represents things like new beginnings, unlimited potential, and rashness and thoughtlessness (Upright), but also apathy and bad/faulty decisions (Reversed) - which uh... they can definitely make some of those.
C is VIII - Strength. Strength is a card of courage and, well, strength in the Upright position, and weakness, lack of faith, and lack of power in the Reversed position. C's one of the most battle hardened members of the cast, having to deal with constant border raids, and while they are able to repel them with MC's help, the constant warfare is beginning to take its toll on them. Additionally, their title got demoted during their father's era. Bonus points for it being a more feminine card since I usually think of Charlotte, because that's just how I am.
F is XIV - Temperance. Temperance is a card of opposites and synthesis, as well as serenity, moderation, and patience. F is MC's self-declared rival, and their primary motivation is to ensure the stability and peace of their realm. However, in the Reversed position, it represents impatience, frustration, disunion, and competing interests - F's primary inner conflict is about the values they were raised with versus their own personal values.
H is VII - The Chariot. The Chariot is a rough n' tumble card, which has associations with things mostly relating to willpower, perseverance, and self-confidence to a lesser degree. H is very much a boisterous and confident person, and so their outward personality very much is in line with the Upright meanings. However, inwardly, they're a little more in line with the Reversed meanings...
D is, unsurprisingly, I - The Magician. The Magician is a card of creativity, skill, and the spiritual world meeting the physical in the Upright position, but also of restraining one's own creativity in the Reversed position. D's one of the best mages in all of Marave, but the way they approach magic can often lead to disastrous consequences (see: the previous post where I mention they nearly destroyed their lower right arm.), and in a way their almost reckless approach hamstrings them. The Magician is a traditionally male card, so it gets a little funny if you have Dagrun lol.
Alright it is 10:30, I will do the Council + The Liege's cards tomorrow.
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lynenspray · 1 year
let's get physical
(seulrene gp!seulgi fitness trainer au)
kang seulgi is red velvet’s fitness coach who travels to every country with them for their world tour. their bodily needs are her top priority, 24/7. one night, after a four-hour long concert, irene calls for her help in her hotel room.
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seulgi stood outside the hotel room, hand poised to knock on the door. she took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. she knew that irene was inside, waiting for her.
they had just finished the concert, and irene had requested a private stretching session in her hotel room after the four-hour long performance. seulgi was more than happy to oblige. as irene's fitness trainer, it was her job to keep irene in top form.
besides, that was the whole point of her flying out with them while they were on their world tour.
seulgi knocked on the door, and irene answered almost immediately. "come in!" a familiar voice called out from the other side.
the exercise coach pushed open the door and stepped into the room, scanning the space. irene was already seated on the edge of the bed, dressed in a tank top and leggings. seulgi couldn't help but admire the way irene's body looked in her workout clothes.
still, seulgi tried not to let her gaze linger. she knew that it was unprofessional, but it was hard not to appreciate the sight of irene's toned muscles and smooth skin.
"hey," irene said, smiling at seulgi. "ready for our session?"
seulgi nodded and stepped further into the hotel room, trying not to let her attraction get the best of her. she had never been alone with irene before.
their training sessions were usually held at the company gym, otherwise known as seulgi’s office. and those sessions were spent with the entirety of their four-member girl band, with the trainer’s attention divided evenly amongst them.
she surreptitiously shook her head, trying to focus on the task at hand – helping irene stretch out her muscles after the concert.
irene beckoned seulgi to the center of the room, where a yoga mat was laid out on the floor.
"let's start with some leg stretches," seulgi said, indicating for irene to lie down on her back. "we need to loosen up those muscles after the concert."
irene nodded and complied, laying back slowly. seulgi knelt down beside her, one hand resting lightly on irene's ankle as she guided her through a series of stretches.
seulgi adjusted irene's leg, gently pushing it toward her chest. irene grimaced, feeling the stretch in her sore hamstring muscles.
"okay, hold it there for a few seconds," seulgi said, watching irene's face for any more signs of discomfort. "and release."
irene breathed a sigh of relief as seulgi helped her gently lower her leg to the floor.
"great job," seulgi said, smiling at her.
her gaze wandered over irene's body. she was petite, with delicate features and porcelain skin. seulgi had always found her captivating, even before they started working together.
as they stretched her legs, seulgi found her eyes magnetized to toned thighs. irene had always been in great shape, but now she was in the best shape of her life, thanks to seulgi's training. seulgi had pushed her hard, but irene had always been up for the challenge, never complaining, always eager to improve.
"that was fantastic. are you sure that it was you at the concert? it’s like you don’t get tired,” seulgi teased, making small talk as she let the idol rest, an amused but pleased smile on the older woman’s face.
"flattery will get you nowhere. i'm not the one giving you your paycheck," the idol joked.
"i'm just being honest," seulgi grinned before moving closer. “now, let's move on to focus on massaging some tension out of specific muscle groups," she said, pressing gently on irene's hip as she motioned for the woman to lay on her stomach next.
as the idol turned, seulgi gulped at the sight of her backside, top damp from their warm up, shoulder muscles flexing and shining from sweat, her leggings perfectly revealing the shape of her thin, lithe legs.
seulgi cleared her throat. “have you been feeling any stiffness anywhere?”
irene's response was just a shake of her head. hmm. the coach let her eyes roam over the idol's limbs. she'd noticed that irene’s left calf in particular had the tendency to cause the idol trouble, stiffening up after rounds of dancing and performing.
knowing this, seulgi let her hands roam up from the older woman’s ankle, pressing persistently, loosening up the tight muscles there. near irene's achilles, seulgi felt a knot that could prove to be uncomfortable for days if they didn’t address it now.
with a quick glance at the idol, seulgi pressed and kneaded the muscle, encouraging blood flow around the swelling. irene hissed in pain, and seulgi eased up on the pressure.
"sorry," seulgi said, continuing nonetheless. "i didn't mean to hurt you."
"it's okay," irene said, her eyes closed in concentration, muscles contracting at the sting. "i need it. it's better to feel the pain now than during the next concert."
seulgi hummed in agreement, and they continued with the massage portion of her stretches. she eventually moved on to irene's hamstrings, pressing down gently on each leg to help stretch out the muscles. irene moaned softly, and seulgi felt a rush of desire wash over her. she tried to push the feeling aside, focusing on her job.
"okay, now we're going to move on to some upper body muscles," seulgi said, moving to sit behind irene. she reached out to gently push irene's shoulders down, causing her to let out a small groan of relief.
seulgi let her hands linger a little longer than necessary, as long as she could without being impolite or inappropriate. irene didn't seem to mind, her breathing becoming more ragged with each passing minute. seulgi's own breathing became more shallow as she felt her own desire grow stronger.
as seulgi worked, her fingers kneading into irene's muscles, she felt her thoughts wander.
she thought about all the things she wanted to do to irene, all the ways she wanted to touch her. the woman was right there, literally at the tip of her fingers.
if she let herself, her fingers could do amazing things to this beautiful body. she'd sneak them under cloth, pinch at sensitive nipples, graze along a warm center…
irene suddenly lifted herself up on her elbows, breaking seulgi out of her reverie. "is everything alright?" she asked, concern etched on her face.
seulgi nodded her head. "yeah, i'm fine. just got lost in thought for a minute there."
irene grinned, her eyes sparkling. "anything juicy?"
seulgi felt a laugh slip out of her at the term. actually, yes, something juicy.
"no, nothing like that," she replied, holding back a smirk.
irene laughed, a curiously delightful sound. "okay, let's get back to stretching."
they worked through the other stretches in relative silence, the only sounds the soft strains of music coming from irene's phone and some small talk of the concert.
seulgi felt her thoughts begin to wander once more, but she resisted. instead she tried to focus on her breathing, on the movement of irene's muscles under her hands, anything to distract her from the way her body was reacting to irene's proximity.
she could feel the heat emanating from irene's body, and it made her heart race with excitement. seulgi had been irene's fitness coach for over a year now, and during that time, she had developed a desire for the petite singer.
no one in their right mind could deny the older woman's beauty. as a coach, seulgi could also definitely appreciate irene's athleticism – especially her flexibility. the way that back could bend, those hips could twist, those legs could spread.
irene was oblivious to seulgi's feelings, thinking of her only as her trainer. but seulgi couldn't help herself. every time she saw irene, her body responded with an overwhelming urge to touch her, to kiss her, to fuck her.
it was wrong. unprofessional. perhaps even unethical – but inevitable. seulgi was just a regular woman, after all. endowed with an extra gift, sure, but a woman with needs and hormones just the same.
"seulgi, are you okay?" irene asked, noticing seulgi's distracted expression.
the coach blinked, realizing she had been caught staring. "yes, sorry," she said, trying to sound casual. “it won’t happen again. anyway, let’s continue.”
a few minutes of silence passed, with seulgi completely focusing on the way irene’s flesh dipped from the press of her fingers, observing the tautness of the muscles underneath. she hadn’t noticed, but those were the few minutes irene started to steal glances at her.
irene had always thought highly of seulgi's dedication to fitness and her physique as the fruit of that. she let her eyes explore seulgi's toned muscles, her sculpted abs, and her long, lean legs. seulgi's chiseled jawline and the sharpness of her features.
her eyes were constantly drawn to seulgi's physique. she admired the way seulgi's muscles would move fluidly beneath her skin, and how every line of her body spoke of power and strength.
every little motion, every little flex of muscle, irene found herself more and more drawn to the other woman, as if pulled by gravity. it wasn’t just the physical aspect, but the way seulgi seemed so focused and determined, as if she knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it.
the intense focus that took over seulgi’s features reminded irene of passion.
irene felt her body responding to seulgi's touch, the way her skin tingled where seulgi's fingers brushed against it.
seulgi promised to help her feel her best by attending to her physical needs, and irene wanted – needed – her to take it a step further. she wanted to feel seulgi's body against hers, to explore every inch of her and see what she was capable of.
irene's breathing became heavier as seulgi's hands worked their way down her spine, right by the dimples on her back. the idol's eyes fluttered shut as seulgi's fingers grazed the sensitive skin near her hips.
“seulgi.” irene’s call for her came out huskier than she expected, and the hands against her skin jerked but remained on her. the idol bit her lip, looking up at the coach from her spot on the floor. “you know… we’d never had a dedicated fitness trainer before. i’m sorry if i overstepped by asking for you to do me solo.”
“no no, it’s nothing. it’s my pleasure to help you out, irene.” seulgi smiled, eyes sparkling. “after all, i…”
irene turned, raising her upper body up so she could face seulgi at an angle. “after all, what?” she pressed on, curiously observing her.
“i did promise to attend to you – and your group’s – bodily needs.”
the idol gazed at the other woman, trying to read her expression that gave nothing away besides innocent sincerity at the statement. “whatever those bodily needs may be?” she tested.
irene is sure she didn’t imagine seulgi’s eyes quickly flit to her backside then her face again.
“yes. whatever those bodily needs may be.”
irene bit her lip, contemplating. nothing would happen if she didn't ask, right? and she wanted something to happen.
"then can you help me?" she prodded, arching her back, presenting her ass to seulgi, her body movement revealing her intention. "i have… an itch to scratch. i need your expertise."
irene held a breath as seulgi’s eyes turned searching, looking deeply into hers. a few seconds passed until she felt that the younger found what she was looking for, because then seulgi started to move.
the younger woman's hand trailed slowly up along irene's thigh, seulgi watching her reaction closely. irene's breath hitched as she felt the touch and she looked up at the younger woman with pleading eyes, silently begging for more.
“what do you need from me?” seulgi leaned in, pressing irene’s torso back to the floor before her lips came close to her ear, whispering. “and what can i do to help?”
irene’s eyelids fluttered at the hot breath against her sensitive ear, tilting her head subconsciously. irene felt like she was in a dream, unable to believe that this was happening.
her body trembled with desire. she wanted more, needed more. seulgi seemed to understand, as she pulled away from looming over her and reached down to caress the hem of irene's tank top, inching it upwards.
“may i?”
irene pressed her face into her arms, feeling her neck burn up with a blush at the younger woman’s touch, long, thin fingers slowly exploring her.
she felt self-conscious despite knowing her body perfectly fit beauty standards. laying oneself bare felt revealing no matter who did it, even if it was the nation’s dubbed original visual herself.
seulgi proved to know more about irene’s body more than even she did, by the way her gentle touches intermixed with insistent pressing served to pool a wetness between her legs, an ache that irene desperately needed her to fulfill.
as seulgi continued to caress her body, irene found herself becoming more and more shameless, letting out little gasps and moans when seulgi's fingers ghosted over sensitive areas, wrapping around her ribs and cupping the underside of her breasts. the stretching session had long been forgotten, replaced with an intensely intimate encounter that left irene squirming on the floor.
seulgi’s hands went further, enveloping irene's breasts in her palms, rubbing her fingertips around irene's stiff nipples.
god, those fingers were magical. irene pressed forward, squirmed back, momentarily delirious at the other woman's touch.
without breaking their rhythm, seulgi leaned in and whispered into irene’s ear, “do you want more?”
irene’s response was to let out a needy moan as she nodded her head. seulgi took this as a cue to take things to the next level.
irene's heart raced as seulgi positioned herself on top of her thighs, beneath her butt. she felt the weight of seulgi on her hips, a sensation that she had never experienced before.
it was a mixture of pleasure and pressure, and she found herself enjoying it immensely. the weight of seulgi's body pressed down on her, her hands cupping and massaging her breasts.
"is this helping, irene?" seulgi asked, her voice deep and soothing.
she felt seulgi adjusting her position on top of her, her bulge brushing at the tight space between her thighs. whether it was on purpose or not, its effect was the same.
she moaned, long and drawn-out, unable to hold back the want that was building inside of her as seulgi started to pinch her nipples.
the woman's touch was like nothing she had ever felt before, and irene found herself losing control.
without thinking, irene lifted her hips, her hips grinding closer to seulgi's. at the same time, she pressed her torso down, into those insistent hands pulling and tugging at her boobs.
she felt the younger woman's body tense above her at the sudden change, but she didn't move away. instead, irene felt seulgi shift her position slightly, allowing her to press more fully against irene's rear, humping into her at the same pace.
the sensation was incredible. irene could feel every inch of seulgi's member on her ass, and the heat between them only grew more intense.
seulgi's hands eventually left her front to move across her back, but now they were more insistent, more demanding, nails pressing against pliant flesh. it was as if seulgi was urging irene to give in to the desire that was building between them, daring her to do more.
eventually her hands landed on and took a hold of irene’s hips, pulling her against the exercise coach’s crotch fully, humping into her center.
irene gasped, wanting to give in. she wanted to feel seulgi's body all over her, to explore every inch of her. but at the same time, she was scared. scared of what it would mean, scared if others found out, of the marks she might leave. for a moment, she hesitated.
seulgi must have sensed her hesitation because she leaned down, her lips close to irene's ear. "it's okay," she whispered. "just let go and feel. i'll take care of you. i always do, don't i?"
irene moaned when seulgi licked and nipped at her ear, her resolve crumbling.
"yes. you do, you do. please take care of me," irene whined.
she lifted her head and turned back, seeking out seulgi's lips with her own. the kiss was hesitant at first, but it quickly grew more urgent as their passion flared. irene could feel seulgi's body respond to her touch, and the realization sent a wave of pleasure through her.
with a gasp, irene pulled her lips away from seulgi’s to let out a long groan, grinding back into the hard member pressed against the crack between her ass cheeks. if only seulgi would pull her leggings down already…
“s–seulgi,” irene’s voice came out like a whine. “do it, please…”
finally, seulgi's fingers moved to the waistband of irene's leggings, and with a quick motion, she pulled them down. irene gasped as she felt the cool air on her bare skin, but it was quickly replaced by the warmth of seulgi's touch.
“anything you want.”
seulgi's fingers moved between her cheeks, pulling them open, and irene felt her own arousal grow with every touch, if that was at all possible. a finger dragged down her crack, lower and lower until it slipped against irene’s dripping sex.
seulgi became acutely aware of every inch of irene's body under her. the way her muscles quivered beneath her weight, the softness of her skin, the scent of her hair. seulgi felt her heart racing and her breathing becoming shallow as her own desire for irene began to build.
“what do you want?” seulgi asked, finger lazily teasing against wetness. “my fingers? or…” she let the sentence hang unfinished, hips moving closer to grind her constrained cock against the pussy laid before her, hot quim staining the front of her track pants.
irene sobbed into her arms, rotating her pelvis to reveal as much of herself as she could, skin flushed and glistening with quim. “y–you… want you.”
“if it helps,” seulgi teased, enjoying the sight. she couldn't believe how submissive irene was being, and the realization that her desires might not be one-sided after all was thrilling. she didn’t need any more encouragement.
she hooked fingers at the waistband of irene’s leggings once more, pulling them until they pooled around the woman's knees. seulgi sat back to completely remove her own bottoms before resettling at the apex of irene’s legs, her knees on either side of the older woman’s thighs.
seulgi's mind was racing with the intensity of the moment. she could feel irene's breath quicken, body trembling with anticipation. seulgi moved her hands along irene's shoulders, tracing patterns lightly over shoulders and flushed neck. she felt irene shiver and couldn't help but smile.
without a word, seulgi leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on irene's nape, feeling her shudder in response. she moved her lips slowly along irene's shoulder line, taking her time to savor the taste of irene's sweaty skin beneath her lips.
seulgi shifted her weight slightly, still straddling irene's hips, and leaned in. "are you ready for our session?" she asked, her voice low and husky.
“seulgi.” irene hissed back, pouting before burying her face further into the crook of her elbows. cute.
without another thought, seulgi aimed the tip of her dick between irene’s thighs, lubricating herself as irene let out tiny little drawn-out moans and rolled her hips back. seulgi responded eagerly, spreading irene's wetness along her shaft. this time seulgi couldn't hold back her smirk. something juicy, indeed.
as she slowly slipped into irene's hot, wet center, her own arousal spiked, causing her cock to strain harder.
"yes, oh my god, yeeesssss," irene whimpered, starting to pant.
seulgi began to rock into the older woman at a languid pace, irene’s tightness exacerbated by their position, with the idol’s legs pressing together.
despite that, irene could gyrate her pelvis and squeeze her walls against the dick inside of her just fine, and she absolutely did. seulgi hissed as irene rocked back, twisting her hips deliciously and groaning all the while.
“s–seul, oh my god –” irene’s face had lifted off her arms, head turned to see seulgi bucking into her out of the corner of her eye.
"fuck," seulgi hissed out, abs clenching at the suffocating fit of irene's pussy around her cock. "you're so tight, baby."
"hah, ah, ah," was irene's only response, whimpers muffled and breath heavy.
the two women moved together in perfect rhythm, their bodies entwined and moving as one, the room filled with shameless moans.
as seulgi's movements became more frenzied, she could feel the tension spiking in her veins. every heavenly whimper from irene sent jolts down seulgi’s spine, small gasps and moans pulled out of her in response.
her body was on fire, from shaking of her legs to the flush on her face and to her swollen cock. she felt the pleasure building up inside her, settling at the base of her stomach in waiting as her balls started to twitch.
"god, irene, you're gonna make me come," she gasped out, hips pistoning in and out of the deliciously tight wetness irene presented.
"inside," irene gasped out. "inside me, give me your cum, please please i need it."
seulgi strained as she neared climax, every muscle contracting and releasing, anticipation rippling throughout her body. she moaned low as the tension mounted, fingers digging into supple flesh, thrusts desperate.
irene's whines and whimpers of lust only egged her on. "yes, yes, seulgi, oh my god, right there!"
the sensation built and built until she was on the brink of explosion, every nerve ending in her body alight.
and then, with a sharp gasp, seulgi reached her peak and cried out, slamming into the other woman as hard as she could. irene followed suit, her body shaking with the force of their combined orgasms. she felt a rush of wetness between her legs, a sensation so intense that it took her breath away.
her entire body convulsed, hips bucking uncontrollably. seulgi's moans grew louder and more urgent as she lost herself in ecstasy, her body writhing above irene's own convulsing form.
her muscles tensed and her breathing became rapid and shallow as she rode out the waves of euphoria, and she arched her back, pressing her body closer to irene's.
for a moment, she felt like she was floating, completely consumed by the hot white seed pouring out of her and into the older woman.
her breaths came in short gasps as she steadied herself, trying to catch it. she turned her head and planted a soft kiss to irene's shoulder, feeling contentment wash over her.
irene moaned softly as seulgi turned her over and laid her on her back. her body tensed up in anticipation as the younger woman repositioned her, irene's body seeming weightless in the face of the other woman's strength.
seulgi gently lifted irene’s legs so they pressed against the idol's chest, her bottom completely exposed as her knees were held together by her leggings.
"one more, sweetheart. you can take it," seulgi assured her, the sentiment reminiscent of their regular training sessions where irene was pushed past her limits.
"yes, yes. please," irene babbled, her body wet and open for seulgi's taking.
without fanfare, the younger woman positioned herself perfectly at irene’s twitching center, as if she had done this a million times before, as if irene’s body was just an extension of her own. slowly, she pumped her swollen cock inside, pulling back until just her tip remained inside before thrusting in again, working herself into a regular rhythm.
irene keened at the titillation surging through her, the sensation on the cusp of overwhelming, and her whines grew more desperate with each passing moment.
seulgi's movements were persistent, deliberate, her body moving in tandem with irene's. the way she could feel every inch of their bodies touching was driving her wild.
irene writhed at the mercy of seulgi's thrusts, finding it more and more difficult to suppress that familiar tightening knot in her stomach. was seulgi capable of making her come another time within just a few minutes?
the thought ignited a new flame within irene, her whimpers turning into sobs. "seulgi, yes, yes, k-keep going, hnnff!"
seulgi's only response was to rut harder and faster, pushing irene's body into an uncontrollable shiver.
every nerve in her body seemed to tremble as she gasped for air. her mind went blank as a second wave of ecstasy crashed over her.
with a cry, irene came again.
“oh mffhh– seulgi!” irene's body tensed and she screamed out seulgi's name, her orgasm exploding within her.
her eyes rolled back in her head as seulgi continued to move inside her, quickly approaching her own climax. irene watched seulgi's face contort and her body tense as she reached the height of her own pleasure.
it was like nothing she had ever experienced before, a rush that left her trembling and weak.
irene's body went limp. for a few moments, she was lost in the intensity of her climax, unable to move or speak.
she let out a contented sigh as they basked in the afterglow of their passionate encounter. it was a feeling she never wanted to end.
“that was…” irene sighed out, still panting.
seulgi, however, gave no immediate response. instead she slid out of irene's center and held onto irene’s legs, pulling off her panties and leggings in one fell swoop.
“seul…? i– ah!”
irene could feel seulgi's hot breath on her skin as the woman bent down to clean her up. she shivered as seulgi's tongue trailed down her chest, leaving a trail of wetness in its wake.
as seulgi moved lower, irene's anticipation grew. she felt a jolt of pleasure as seulgi's tongue circled her nipple, the stimulation almost overwhelming right after an orgasm. when the younger woman continued down her stomach, irene's breathing quickened, her body trembling with the desire for more and the fear of what that entailed for her body nearing overstimulation.
once seulgi finally reached her center, irene let out a soft moan as the sensation consumed her. the woman’s tongue was skilled and gentle, teasing her and coaxing her body to new heights of ecstasy. without hesitation, she began to lap at irene's dripping center, the woman bucking wildly.
“wait! it’s too much – seul – please!”
yet seulgi only continued to lick and suck at irene's wet pussy. she continued to clean her up, every touch sent a spark through irene’s veins. she could barely control her moans as seulgi brought her to the brink of climax once again.
it was only when irene found the strength to hold onto the fitness trainer’s head and push her back did seulgi finally speak, voice husky and low.
“relax, irene. let me clean you up. i’ll be gentle, i promise.”
irene flushed with embarrassment as seulgi kissed her pussy lips again, gasping as a tongue flicked over her sensitive spot. she groaned, tangling her fingers in seulgi's hair as she helplessly bucked for more.
heat was rising in her body as seulgi's tongue worked its magic, and she couldn't help but arch her back in response. irene was reacting as if she hadn't just come twice within the span of a few minutes. her breathing grew shallow and ragged as seulgi pushed her to her tipping point.
"o-oh my – yes, harder, harder! i'm coming!" she cried out as seulgi gave her clit one good suck, pushing irene off the edge with just her mouth, her body shaking with the intensity of her third orgasm.
as the crash of pleasure subsided, irene lay panting on the floor, spent and sated. she opened her eyes to see seulgi looking down at her with a smile.
“feeling better?”
irene huffed out a small laugh. “much,” she replied, shyly covering her eyes with an arm. “though i… might need some help on non-concert days too.” she bit her lip, face mostly shielded as she awaited a reply.
“well,” seulgi started, leaning over to gently pry irene’s arm away so they were eye to eye. “it’s physical training, after all.” irene’s lids fluttered closed as seulgi leaned in, pressing their soft lips together, licking into her mouth and playfully letting her sample her own taste before pulling back.
“we shouldn’t only have this session after every concert. how does twice a week sound?”
irene had to smile at seulgi’s sparkling eyes. post-coital glow or not, seulgi was beautiful. she could get used to seeing that flushed face more often. “think i’ll need more than that. i want to maintain peak form, you know.”
irene nodded. “yeah. i’ll need more kisses too.” she quipped, reaching behind seulgi’s neck to pull her in, closing the gap between them and pressing her lips to seulgi's smiling ones.
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monacodaydreaming · 2 years
Don’t Fall In Love With Me | Part Five
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He came charging into his drivers room and picked you up in an instant spinning you round and round. You couldn’t help the excited squeals that fell out of your mouth. He’d had an amazing qualifying session, resulting in him being P4 on the grid tomorrow.
“Are you joking Danny that was amazing!!” You practically shouted at him when he put you back down on the ground. 
“You do realise what this means right?” One of your eyebrows raised slightly at his words.
“That you’re starting P4 on the grid tomorrow?”
Daniel held back a laugh at your words, you hit him lightly on the arm. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He cleared his throat. “No, this means you have to come with me to every race from now on.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’re my good luck charm love.” You felt a blush overtake your cheeks. Danny smirked before leaning down and kissing you deeply. Your hands slid up into his hair on instinct whilst his arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing you as closely into his body as he could.
A throat being cleared over by the door brought you both back to reality. You both turned to see Michael stood there awkwardly. “I’m sorry to interrupt mate.” The poor guy looked really embarrassed. “But we have post race stretches to do Danny.”
“Yeah of course mate, come in.” Michael nodded and shut the door behind him heading over to the pair of you. Danny gave you a little kiss on the forehead before getting out his exercise mat and rolling it out on the ground. You hopped onto the bed that was in the room and took our your phone as Danny and Michael got to work.
You saw that you had a couple of messages from Lucy.
Lucy: Give Danny my best! Watched qualifying! Great result for him! 
Are you free for a call to discuss the movie with Aaron? They need an answer asap really.
“Hey do you guys mind if I take a really quick call in here?” You looked up from your phone to Danny and Michael.
“No go right ahead.” Danny smiled at you as he was stretching out his hamstrings.
You quickly dialled Lucy’s number. It rang a couple of times before she answered.
“Ellie, darling, hello.”
“Hey Luce.”
“Okay so, final thoughts on the movie with Aaron.”
“Yeah I want to do it, I just want to know what it means in term of schedule. When does filming start.”
“If we get the contract signed on Wednesday when you’re back in London then filming will start 10 days after you’ve finished Endgame.”
“Whew, 10 days isn’t the biggest of breaks Lucy.” You glanced over at Daniel who was watching you intently. “I just wonder if I need a bit of time because of the thing, ya know.” You lowered your voice and Daniel narrowed his eyes slightly at your words.
“Ah I see you concerns, let me speak to them and see if we can get the start date pushed. I’ll tell them you’re really keen and the fact that you and Aaron have chemistry will work in your favour.”
“Great, thanks Luce. I appreciate and love you.” You smiled into the phone.
“Right back at you darling.” You ended the call and put your phone back into your handbag. 
“Everything okay?” Danny was looking up at you from the floor.
“Yeah, just trying to get a new movie sorted. I just wanted a bit of a break in between Endgame and starting a new project. Just to chill, maybe do some travelling ya know.”
“Yeah.” You bit your lip before continuing quietly. “You see there’s this guy, and he travels for work right.” Daniel laughed at your words a little. “And I was kind of hoping to follow him around a while.” Daniel was blushing at your words.
“Okay, think you’re all good Danny. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Michael abruptly stood from the floor and started to march out the room. When he reached the door he turned back to you both. “Make sure you at least get some rest yeah?” Michael dropped you both a wink before sinking out the room.
“So this guy.” Danny started causing you to look back at him, he was now stood facing you. “You like him then?” He started to walk towards you very slowly making your breath hitch a little, and your heart pick up speed ever so slightly.
“I do.” You whispered you were playing with the hem of your dress, still sat on the edge of the bed. “There’s something about him.” You continued, he had made his way to you by this point. He’d placed his hands on the bed next to your legs and was leaning down so his face was just in front of yours. “I’ve not known him long.”
“No?” He answered, his face was inches from yours now. He bumped his nose against yours before brushing his lips over yours.
“No, but he’s incredible.” You continued speaking against his lips. You could feel his hot breath against your skin. “He makes me feel safe.”
“Mmm?” Daniel continued, he’d moved to place little kisses to your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut as his actions.
“He’s really funny.” He’d moved down to kiss your neck.”He’s always making me smile.”
“That’s a good quality to have.”
“Oh and his body.” You teased, this caused Danny to stop and look at you. You let out a little whistle. “Banging.”
Danny let out a loud laugh before pushing you down onto you back and climbing on top of you, nestling his body in between your legs which were wrapped around his waist and kissing you deeply.
You woke up before Danny the morning of race day.  You knew what time he needed to be up so decided to let him sleep a little more. You slipped out of the bed and pulled on his t-shirt from yesterday over your body before heading to the kitchen of your hotel room. You grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and made yourself a coffee. 
You then went out to the balcony and took a seat watching the sunrise across the city. You decided to check your emails quickly on your phone noticing you had one from your doctor. It was scheduling in your first radio therapy session. You noticed that attached to the email there was a document about what to expect and a whole bunch of info about Radiotherapy. You were sat reading through it quietly when you felt a presence behind you. 
“Ellie?” You spun in your chair to see a very tired looking Daniel stood in the doorway. You smiled at the sight of him. “What are you doing out here on your own?”
“Taking in the view.” He started to approach you and you rose from your seat placing your coffee mug down on the table. When he reached you, you placed your arms over his shoulder snaking them round his neck. You went on your tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. He reacted instantly, responding to your kiss, moving your mouths together. His hands were on your waist, his fingers digging into your sides. When you pulled away you rested your head against his chest and his arms wrapped you in a hug.  “Do you want some coffee?” He hummed at your words.
“Please.” You pulled away from his hug and grabbed ahold of his hand pulling him back inside with you. “Are you wearing my tshirt?”
As you pulled a mug out of the cupboard you glanced down at your body. “I am indeed.” You looked up at him leaning against the fridge staring at you. “Is that okay?” You hesitantly asked him.
His eyes were still on your body before you asked him if it was okay when they shot up to your face. “Mm, more than okay.”
Daniel had had a good race, and ended up coming in P4, where he had started. The guys at McLaren were ecstatic and so was he. You had celebrated the success with the team, watching as Danny and Lando took a photo with the rest of the crew including Zak. 
You had to excuse yourself from the liveliness as you were starting to feel lightheaded and tired. You retreated to Daniels driver room where you could be alone for a little while. You had some water and sat on the bed crossed legged holding your head in your hands. The stress of starting treatment soon was starting to weigh on your mind and you wanted to talk to someone about it. However no-one here was aware of your health condition.  What if it didn’t work? You know the doctor had said your odds would be good, but there were no guarantees. 
The sound of the door being rather abruptly opened pulled you from your own thoughts. You removed your head from your hands to see a rather frantic Danny staring at you with a worried look on your face. “Ells?” He cautiously asked coming over to you. “Are you feeling okay?”
You weren’t, but you couldn’t tell him that. “Yeah I’m sorry, I just suddenly felt really tired.”  He still looked worried, so you leant forward and gave him a kiss.  “I’m okay I promise. I think I just need an early night. Any chance we can head to the hotel soon?”
“We can go right now.” Danny stood from the bed only to sit back down again on the edge. “Here, hop on my back.” 
“What?” You laughed out.
“I’m giving you a piggy back to the car obviously.” You pulled your eyebrows together. “Come on, I’m growing old here.”
You laughed again before climbing onto his back. As you walked through the drivers garage everyone said bye to the pair of you.
“So what’s the big plan for tomorrow.” You questioned Danny as you were lying in bed watching a movie together. “Why couldn’t I book my own flight home?”
“Ah well.” Danny started before rolling onto his side to look at you. “You couldn’t book your own flight home because you’re going to fly with me and we’re going to stop somewhere on the way back to London.”
You looked at him sceptically.  “Stop where?”
He booped you on the nose before rolling back onto his back “Well if I told you that, the surprise would be ruined wouldn’t it.”
“Danny” you whined from beside him.
“Do you know what I realised the other day.” He was looking ahead. “I haven’t taken you on a proper date yet.”
“You don’t need to take me on a date Danny.”
“I want to.” He looked at you again. “So that’s what I plan to do.”
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qrfit · 2 months
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Day 1 of 5 day workout week:
Definitely not your typical Monday! I made sure to get my workout in before the solar eclipse AND I found our solar eclipse glasses just in time! 😎 We didn’t get the best pics, but we had a fun, educational day! And, we found a legitimate excuse to rock some Bonnie Tyler. 😉
-I got in 25 minutes of weight training with moderate hand weights for compound and static exercises. I focused on bis, tris, shoulders and glutes, quads and hamstrings.
-Then, I followed up with 40 minutes of cardio kickboxing with 12 ounce weighted gloves.
Total calorie burn = 474 kcals 🔥
Great way to start off the week! I feel grateful for this day and my mobility in it. And the solar eclipse was the cherry on top! 🌘🫶🏽
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fitnessmentor · 6 months
300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days Transform Your Body?
Squats: Try this fun challenge.
Please scroll down to the video to find out how it goes.
What are the benefits of strong legs?
Solid legs provide several benefits for your overall health and fitness with squats. Here are some of the key advantages:
Improved balance and stability: Strong legs help you maintain balance and strength, preventing falls and reducing the risk of injury.
Increased mobility and flexibility: Strong legs allow you to move more freely and flexibly, improving your overall range of motion and reducing stiffness.
Enhanced athletic performance: Strong legs are essential for many sports and physical activities, such as running, jumping, and cycling. Having strong legs can help you perform better and achieve your fitness goals.
Reduced risk of injury: Strong legs can help support your body and reduce the risk of injury to your knees, hips, and ankles. This is particularly important as you age and become more susceptible to injuries.
Improved metabolism: The muscles in your legs are some of the largest in your body, and building strength in these muscles can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories.
Increased bone density: Strength training for your legs can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially for women.
Having strong legs is an essential aspect of physical health and fitness and can positively impact many areas of your life.
Video: 300 Squats Every Day for 30 Days
What are the muscles of the legs?
The muscles of the legs are some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. They are responsible for many essential functions, such as walking, running, jumping, and standing upright. Here are the major muscle groups in the legs:
Quadriceps: The quadriceps are a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the knee and straightening the leg.
Hamstrings: The hamstrings are a group of three muscles in the back of the thigh. They are responsible for flexing the knee and bending the leg.
Glutes: The glutes, or buttocks muscles, are a group of three muscles located in the back of the hip. They are responsible for extending the hip and rotating the thigh.
Adductors: The adductors are a group of muscles on the inner thigh. They are responsible for bringing the legs together and stabilizing the pelvis.
Abductors: The abductors are a group of muscles on the outer hip. They are responsible for moving the legs away from the body and stabilizing the pelvis.
Calves: The calves are a group of two muscles located on the back of the lower leg. They are responsible for flexing the ankle and pointing the foot downward.
These muscles work together to provide strength, stability, and mobility to the legs and are essential for many everyday activities and athletic performance.
What are the best sets and reps for building muscle?
The best sets and reps for building muscle will depend on several factors, including your fitness level, training experience, and specific goals. However, some general guidelines can help you design an effective muscle-building workout:
Aim for 3–4 sets per exercise. Performing 3–4 sets of an exercise allows you to target the muscle group with enough volume to stimulate growth without overtaxing your body.
Perform 8–12 reps per set. This rep range is ideal for building muscle because it provides enough tension and stress on the muscle fibers to promote hypertrophy or muscle growth.
Rest for 60–90 seconds between sets. Taking short rest periods helps your muscles recover and maintain intensity throughout your workout.
Increase weight or reps gradually over time: As you get stronger, gradually increasing the weight or reps can help challenge your muscles and promote further growth.
Focus on compound exercises: Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work multiple muscle groups at once, making them highly effective for building overall muscle mass.
Incorporate various exercises: Using multiple exercises that target different muscle groups can help prevent plateaus and keep your workouts challenging and effective.
It’s important to note that muscle building is a gradual process that requires consistency, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest and recovery. Consult a certified personal trainer or exercise professional to design a workout plan tailored to your needs and goals.
Why is Consistency Important for Going to the Gym?
Consistency is one of the most important factors when going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals. Here are a few reasons why consistency is so important:
Builds habits: Consistently going to the gym helps to build habits that become ingrained in your daily routine. The more you go to the gym, the easier it becomes to make it a part of your lifestyle.
Increases progress: Consistency in your workouts helps you progress steadily toward your goals. When you consistently challenge your muscles, they adapt and strengthen, leading to better results.
Helps maintain motivation: Consistency helps to maintain your motivation and keep you on track with your fitness goals. When you see the progress you’re making, it becomes easier to stay motivated and committed to your workout routine.
Improves mental health: Consistent exercise has been shown to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Going to the gym regularly can be a great way to improve your overall well-being.
Promotes discipline: Consistently going to the gym requires discipline and commitment, which can help you develop these qualities in other areas of your life.
Consistency is crucial for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By making exercise a regular part of your routine, you can build habits, make steady progress, stay motivated, and enjoy the many benefits of regular physical activity.
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Premise: Harsh words from a patient has Cassie questioning her abilities as a doctor.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,255
A/N: I’m reading Book 1 again and got inspired by the scene with Remy in chapter 7. Submission for @choicesjuly2022challenge Day 11 “empowered”
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The night sky was bright from the city lights haloing above high-rise and low-rise structures—a mix of old and new and everything in between—casting long shadows on the dark waters of the Charles River.
Rather than her usual route around the Commons, Cassie Valentine ran the four-mile track along the riverfront. The soles of her running shoes hardly made a sound as they slapped against the ground, music blasting in her ears, legs pumping and lungs burning from the punishing speed she set.
Boston wasn’t New York, but there were pockets of the city where late night hustle and bustle could be found if one knew where to look for it. And that’s what she wanted tonight. To escape; find an open yet busy space where she could lose herself for a while and forget the last few hours.
“How can I get out there and just surf with this hanging over me? How can I do anything normally? You’ve ruined my life!”
No matter how fast she ran she couldn’t shake off Remy’s harsh words. Or forget the angry look on his face as he blasted her for running a genetic test that he hadn’t wanted in the first place. She could have let him live in blissful ignorance. Enjoy the time he had left in peace. Instead, she’d shattered the illusion of normalcy.
What made her think that she knew what was best for a stranger, she thought to herself. Her M.D. was barely six months old, and she hadn’t been a doctor quite as long. Just because her medical hero thought she was developing the kind of observational skills he valued didn’t mean anything in the real world with real patients.
“The art of observation…of reading people…it’s critical to our work as diagnosticians. You’ve already begun to understand that.”
Well, Dr. Ramsey had been wrong. She understood nothing. She was an imposter who was playing doctor. Remy had seen right through her and soon everyone would as well.
The rational part of her knew she had the potential to be a good doctor, but the emotional fallout from today was blinding her to what was and what could be.
No matter how hard she pushed herself, the run wasn’t having the desired effect as her thoughts continued to spiral out of control. Running was her salvation, where she could find clarity. But not today.
Knowing it was pointless—and dangerous—to keep pushing her body like this, Cassie checked behind her for other runners and slowed down when she realized she’d left them all miles back.
She stepped off the path and quickly bent over, taking shallow breaths to bring her heartrate down to a more reasonable pace. When that didn’t help, she sipped water and took three deep breaths, forcing herself to dampen the adrenaline of her mad dash.
Placing one foot on a bench, she stretched aching muscles and massaged her quads and hamstrings, first one leg and then the other. She used the simple exercises to center her mind but knew it for a delaying tactic.
There was only one person who could make her see clearly when she was this conflicted and thinking so she unlocked her phone.
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Cassie stared at the words on the screen, memories flooding back of serious-faced doctors—so many specialists—X-rays and MRIs, the diagnosis that had changed her life. She remembered that lost feeling, the uncertainty of a future she couldn’t see, and then eventually the hopefulness that came with time and clarity of purpose.
Max was right. She did know how it felt to be a patient. To have doctors that didn’t listen or who dismissed feelings unless they were about the pain scale. Wasn’t that what had driven her in med school to be the kind of doctor that stood for her patients? Make them feel heard? Important and worthy of the best care?
She might have failed Remy today, but maybe it wasn’t too late. If he would let her, she could find a way to help him come to terms with a disease that was decades in the making.
Feeling settled than she had all evening, Cassie closed her eyes, took a deep breath and counted to three. An important lesson she’d learnt only recently, but already one she knew would be valuable for the rest of her residency if not beyond.
She started the long run back home but this time she found the calm she’d been denied earlier.
The next morning, she got off the T and walked towards Edenbrook with an empowering sense of self-worth that hadn’t been there when she’d left the previous evening. Taking a detour, she ducked into Derry’s, the coffee shop Dr. Ramsey had introduced her to and got in line to order.
“Are you going to make me regret letting you tag along, Rookie?”
She glanced over her shoulder at the familiar voice, catching a smirk on Ethan Ramsey’s full lips. As it had all other times before, she felt her heart skip at the sight of him; those laser blue eyes and artfully styled dark hair with a single, rebellious lock of hair that flopped sideways across his forehead.
“Maybe,” she teased with a quick grin. “Are you going to share more erroneous opinions if I do?”
He scoffed at the reminder of her rejection of his observations of her, but his quick smile showed he wasn’t offended.
The line moved and she shuffled forward. “One Espresso Romano and…” She stopped to observe him, considering, and then turned back to the barista. “A Cortado, please. Both to go.”
He tapped his index finger against his lips and then nodded at the barista, who had glanced over at her regular customer for confirmation.
“What’s a Cortado?” he asked, nonchalance, as they moved down the bar to wait for their drinks.
Cassie didn’t let her smile show but knew she’d stumped him. He might know coffee, but she had been to some of the best coffee houses in Europe.
“You might know it as Garoto in Portugal or noisette in France,” she explained. “It’s basically an espresso cut with a small amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity, topped with micro foam.”
He regarded her warily. “And what made you think I would enjoy it?”
“My superior observational skills,” she quipped.
To her surprise he rolled his eyes before he caught himself and frowned instead, clearing his throat awkwardly.
The barista called their order and Cassie handed him his drink. She watched him take a sip and waited for a reaction.
“Well?” she asked expectantly when he capped the paper cup and started to walk away.
“I’ll see you at work, Dr. Valentine.” And then he was gone.
Cassie rushed to the glass windows of the café, feeling immense satisfaction when she watched the pleasure spread across his face as he took a long pull of the drink in his cup, and then another, while he waited for the cross light to change.
Turning away before he caught her spying, she sat down on the nearest chair and absently drank her own coffee. For some reason, she felt more confident and assured now than she had while getting ready for work and psyching herself for the check-in with Remy.
Dr. Ramsey had liked her coffee recommendation. Even if he’d been too stubborn to say so. 
Well, she was tenacious too and before the end of intern year she would make sure he knew exactly who he was dealing with.
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @bex-la-get @mysticalgalaxysstuff @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @jerzwriter @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @vi-writes-stuff @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @dorisz @zahrachoices @lucy-268 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @ofmischiefandmedicine @headoverheelsforramsey @takemyopenheart @gryffindordaughterofathena @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog @natureblooms24
Ethan & Cassie only: @custaroonie @lady-calypso​
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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