#happy valentines day from these two insufferable romantics <3
wombywoo · 3 months
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whiskey 🧡
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“I’ve never felt like this about anyone before!” Feat Okajima suddenly Discovering he likes Hayami because of her personality and not bcz of her appearance or whatever
While accepting she won’t like him back and... angst lmao? Or no angst you decide haha :eyes:
If anyone is confused, this came from both me and Nao thinking of a Valentine’s prompt for Hayami/Okajima 😂 aka the ship we love in a serious way and a crack way lmao. 
This turned out be more of an introspective character study lol, but I hope I did it justice, bestie <3
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Word Count: 1,694 words
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In all fairness, Okajima mused to himself, it’s not like any part of this year went like planned.
Getting sent to Class E was a punch in the gut, for sure. There was no denying that, not after the laughter from his former classmates or the yelling he had to hear from his mom once he broke the news to her.
He’d been expecting a year of slacking, if he was going to be truly honest. He’d already reached rock bottom, no use in wasting his time and energy trying to get back into the main campus. Not when he was an average student, at best.
Fooling around during lessons, being labelled the class clown, hanging out with his friends, admiring his female classmates, overall having a good time. That was what he believed would await him in the dingy old building of 3-E.
Instead, their teacher was replaced by a giant yellow octopus who moved at Mach 20 and was gonna destroy the world, and it was up to him and his 25 classmates to save it.
Yeah. Big change of plans.
Okajima found himself actually being motivated to work, more and more everyday. He felt...excited to go to school everyday and feel better about himself, and his academic capabilities. He loved contributing to assassinations and proving himself a valuable member of the class.
But there was one part of him that didn’t quite go away for a while.
He sighed. His inexplicable love of female anatomy. That was the...polite way to put it. His classmates would phrase it as “his insufferable pervertedness.” Which was totally fair.
It was really shameful how he’d acted for a long time. His defining trait had been born from a life of being raised by his father, as well as the tiny voice in himself screaming for attention. To get noticed in some way, even if it earned him ire and scorn.
For a while, Okajima wasn’t sure how to interact with others beyond showing his perverted nature. 
And looking back now, that was such a cowardly excuse he used. It had taken him way too long to realize that. 
Okajima hated how he used to be, and his eyes were awakened after the girls in his class explained to him what was wrong. How his actions made them feel insulted and uncomfortable.
He painfully recalled the sharp sensation in his chest that formed to a lump in his throat at hearing their words.
It was never his intention to hurt them.
Okajima vowed to change that part of himself, and it was much easier than he thought it’d be. Looking back, it seemed like most of his problems in general came from overthinking.
The year was almost to an end now, and it was early February. Okajima had made a lot of progress, and he was happy to know how much he’s changed. How he had better, more honest relationships with his classmates now.
Well...there was still a bit of an issue...
The issue was Hayami.
Of course, not in a literal sense. Okajima could never think of her as that...not with the way she pushed back her bangs while reading, when he’d catch her watching cat videos in class, or the occasional times she’d laugh at his jokes...
He groaned to himself. I really do have it bad, don’t I?
As shocking as it sounded, he’d never had a crush before. Not on a girl, at least. Since there was that one boy in sixth grade who he-
Back to the topic, lusting after girls didn’t count as crushes, he realized belatedly. All of the objects of his admiration were solely for their looks, really. 
But...somehow Hayami was different.
Like yeah, she had a banger body in his opinion, the perfect dancer build. But even before he’d had a change of character, that didn’t quite catch his attention as much as it usually would.
His favorite part of Hayami would always be the core of who she was. How she didn’t take bullshit from anyone. How she worked so hard, more diligent than anyone he’d ever known. How she kept a cool head all the time and was so reliable.
He just loved that she was tough and unapologetic for it. 
The first time she’d responded to one of his stupid comments with a sharp, fierce glare, Okajima felt a thrill run through him. Partly out of fear, of course, but mostly out of...curiosity.
She was so different, so mysterious. He wanted to know more about her. And since they were seatmates for the year, that gave him some opportunities.
He was the first to know of her love for cats. He’d caught her looking wistfully at pictures of them on her phone, and he wisely kept that observation to himself. And a few days later, he gifted her with a cute cat-themed stationary set, claiming that his mom mistakenly bought it. 
The way Hayami’s eyes lit up as her lips curved up in a small smile, a whisper of “thank you” falling off them was extraordinary and made Okajima’s heart leap.
Hayami’s other quirks soon added to his feelings towards her. He loved seeing her fidget with her pigtails absentmindedly. How she doodled pictures of cats on the side of her notebook. The way her feet created a small rhythm against the wooden floor, counting to a beat. How she looked like a complete badass during P.E class, loading her gun and shooting with it effortlessly.
Okajima sighed, his arms falling atop his face as he lay in bed. These new...romantic feelings were overwhelming, to say the least. He felt like voicing his thoughts, just so someone- anyone could give him advice. His dad and brother were absolutely out of the picture, though. So the most trusted people were...
He reached over and grabbed his phone, dialing a familiar number.
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“Alright, dude. You said you were going through a crisis.” Mimura leaned back into his beanbag seat, popping a piece of candy into his mouth. “What’s up?”
Okajima leaned down slightly, his forearms resting onto his knees. “Well...it’s not really a crisis. It’s just...something new that I’m not used to.”
Sugaya raised an eyebrow from his spot on his bed, glancing up from his pencil in his hand he’d been observing. “I swear, if this is puberty-related-”
“It’s not! It’s more like, my feelings towards something has changed and I’m not sure why.”
Okajima took a breath then released everything in one go. 
“I have a crush on Hayami and it’s not just for her appearance. I really like her personality. I think she’s a total badass who can step on me and I’d love it. But I also think she’s adorable and I wish I could get closer to her. But I know there’s no way in hell she’d ever like me back, so I’m just accepting that and...yeah.”
His friends’ eyes widened simultaneously, as Sugaya dropped his pencil and Mimura paused, holding his candy mid-air. The look they exchanged was almost comical, so Okajima let out a shaky laugh. “Uh...guys?”
Mimura snapped back to reality. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just...surprised.”
The artist hummed. “Yeah...I mean, don’t get me wrong. I knew you’d fall in love or whatever someday. But your crush is what surprises me...”
“Yeah, why Hayami?” Mimura chimed in.
Okajima frowned slightly. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean...she’s pretty scary,” Sugaya replied.
“And emotionally unavailable,” Mimura added.
“She’s super reserved.”
“Kind of...bitchy on her worst days-”
“Okay!” Okajima raised his voice, irritably. “Are you two done? Did you even hear what I said earlier?”
“No because you said it all really fast in one breath.”
He rolled his eyes. “Well, smartass, there’s so much more to her that I really adore. And I don’t think it’s right to...when you like someone, you accept every part of who they are. You shouldn’t pick and choose what you like about them.”
His friends glanced at each other again. “I guess you have a point,” Sugaya admitted.
Okajima sat back with a sigh. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone before,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Like...all I wanna do is see her smile and be happy. I wanna make her laugh. Seeing her every morning is enough to make my day. I know it sounds dramatic but...”
Mimura frowned at him. “Would you ever confess? Maybe there’s a chance that she-”
The photographer cut him off. “There isn’t.”
“Dude, you don’t-”
“Even if she did, I wouldn’t want us to be together,” Okajima replied. He gave his friends a thin smile. 
“She deserves so much better than someone like me.”
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Okajima stopped in front of the door, his hand hovering above the knob. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the thundering sound of his own heartbeat.
It was just another typical day. Or, as typical as a day could be given the circumstances of their class.
And yet, voicing his ambivalent feelings last night gave way to a heaviness that settled deep into his chest. It weighed him down and brought a crushing sensation to his throat as well, like it was hard to breath.
“It’s just in my head,” he muttered to himself, finally turning the doorknob.
Stepping into the classroom almost felt like a dream. He stood briefly as if in a daze, holding his bag. A second passed and he moved mechanically towards his seat.
All around him, his classmates were getting ready for the day. Setting up their desks, gathering around to chat, some were eating a quick breakfast. It didn’t matter: everything just blurred around him anyways.
He set his bag down and began pulling out his supplies. The words fell from his lips in an excited greeting, a grin automatically forming on his lips.
“Good morning, Hayami!”
She turned in his direction, her hand resting elegantly under her chin. Her lips quirked up into a small smile as she returned his greeting. Her tone was casual yet genuine and it sent electricity through him.
“Morning, Okajima.”
Yeah. She deserved only the best. 
And it wasn’t him.
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A weirdly out of season prompt (I don’t think it was prompted in February either), but hey. There aren’t any rules here! It’s a little less wacky than the prompt suggests, but I like it!
Circa Modern Era
Roger loves Brian with his entire being, but he’s not exactly thrilled that they started dating March. It means they’ve been together near a year, and haven’t had a single Valentine’s Day yet. The expectations are incredibly high for something Roger doesn’t exactly care about. He isn’t heartless the think-pieces about love and romantic movies do strike a chord with him, Roger just doesn’t get the point of having to buy his significant other a chocolate diamond every year.
Roger wipes the grease from his palms, “where’d you take Ronnie for your first Valentine’s?”
“Taking Bri out?”
“Something like that, it wasn’t too decked out with the hearts, right? Just a special on wine?”
John stands up and tosses a dirty rag at him, “romance is alive and well with you Rog.”
“Oh, come on, Bri doesn’t care to be romanced. He’d be just as happy freezing his ass off staring at stars.”
“With you,” John replies.
The bassist looks guilty but sighs, “Bri’s never had a proper Valentine’s.”
“Right, of course he wouldn’t say anything to you. It’s not like you two have been insufferably in love this entire year.”
Roger frowns, curiosity and nerves pricking at the back of his neck, “what’s wrong with Bri?”
“You haven’t noticed? How upset he gets around this time? Come on Roger, he never has a partner for holiday season.”
He doesn’t want to admit he’s noticed the partner thing. Mostly because that’s how they got together in the first place, a spike of jealousy and too much wine. Roger knows Brian has never said anything to him about it.
“Listen, I know you hate it and the tacky hearts, but try to make this one special for Bri? He’s special to you, right?”
Roger nods mostly distracted because checked his watch and noticed Brian is going to be home in five minutes. John looks at the clock and rolls his eyes.
“Be the Casanova you claim to be for one day,” John sets the tool kit aside, “if nothing else, the sex should be fun.”
He sticks his tongue out and closes the hood of the van. The leak can’t be fixed until they get proper sealant but everything is cleaned now.
“Roger? John?”
Roger grins and pushes past John to the back yard. Brian is leaning against the door frame to their flat. He’s bundled up still, and Roger sighs happily when he sees Brian has taken his scarf again today. John gags behind him.
“Hello, Bri.”
Brian kisses him on the cheek in greeting, “hello.” “How was your day?”
“Good. Fix the van?”
“Not yet.”
John moves through him and he shoots Roger a glance in reminder.
“Uh, Bri?”
Roger inhales, John said to be a Casanova, he can suck it up for a night. Especially if it makes Brian happy. God, he’s whipped and thrilled to be so.
“Did you want to make Valentine’s Day a Thing? I know it’s a full two weeks away, and a Wednesday.”
Brian lights up. He’s going to have to buy John coffee for the next month.
“You want to?”
“I want to spend it with you.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“It’s a surprise.”
It isn’t a lie, because it’ll surprise him too what he comes up with. Brian gives him an excited peck on the cheek.
“You know, I’ve never had a proper Valentine’s Day.”
Roger smiles and hopes it doesn’t show his worry, “low standards then. Excellent.”
Brian raises an eyebrow.
“Which means I get to wow you so hard that you’ll never want to have a Valentine’s date with anyone else.”
Nice save, Roger!
Brian has class until eleven on Valentine’s Day. Roger glances at the clock and sees that it’s a quarter past. He’s already dressed, and his hair styled. His present is hidden in the bag he’ll be talking with them. Everything is planned. John double-checked his reservations.
Roger’s hands won’t stop sweating and he debates yanking down the taking heart decorations Freddie helped him hang up. It’s too late to salvage the goo-stickers on the window. The door opens and Roger inhales sharply. He had told Brian to be ready to go when he got back.
“In here!”
Brian turns the corner and his face softens at the pink and red mess Roger made of their living room. Freddie had claimed that their streamer fight had made things feel organic. Roger smiles as Brian approaches, then blushes when the guitarist pulls off a strand of confetti.
“There is nothing more romantic than you doing chores.”
“Oh, the day is still young! You’ll be in love with me forever after today.”
“Bold words.”
“Good planning.”
Brian laughs and kisses him on the lips.
“Am I dressed okay?”
Roger looks Brian up and down. He’s wearing a short-sleeve button-up, dark blue with dots all over it and a pair of dark pants. The clogs aren’t exactly sexy, but Roger finds that he can let them go this one time. Besides, he’ll get to test the claim that clogs are the best walking shoe.
With that he leads Brian out of the house onto his Valentine Day extraordinaire. Roger hadn’t been able to pick out one thing, wanting Brian to experience everything, so they start with a picnic at their favorite spot at the park. As predicted, Brian stares at the ducks longingly.
“I’ve got actual birdseed,” Roger digs in the basket, “y’know to feed them because of your whole bread rant.”
Roger smiles at the kiss he earns in reward. Even if he regrets giving Brian the seed because now they’re going to be surrounded by ducks, geese, swans, and other nasty birds. Brian is happy and that’s the goal for today.
Once the seed bag is half empty and the rest of his badly made lunch (okay some of the sandwiches got soggy because he didn’t think about how long they’d have the condiments on them and the tea thermos spilled out) eaten, Roger takes Brian on a long romantic walk through a nearby flower garden. Brian takes several pictures, regular and with that stereo 3-D app thingy, Roger indulges him with smiles. Then Brian demands that they get a selfie in front of the rose bridge.
He’s pretty sure the smile hasn’t left Bri’s lips.
By the time the garden walk has ended, they exit perfectly in front of one of Brian’s favorite pastry shops. It’s packed with last-minute gift-buyers, but their table is in the back thanks to Freddie reminding him that this was going to happen. The clerk waves them in, and minutes later the pastries at tea are set in front of them.
The icing is ungodly bright red, and there are too many hearts. Brian doesn’t seem to mind, taking photos of them and then sneaking pictures when he thinks Roger doesn’t notice.
“Not done yet?”
“Are you irreversibly in love with me yet?”
Brian hums and bites down on a biscuit, “not quite.”
“Then there’s more to do.”
Another walk, this time along the river. Plotted so that Roger walks by the flower vendor he ordered from earlier. The true bouquet is on their nightstand at the flat, but it’s Brian’s final surprise of the night, but for now he hands Brian the solitary rose.
Someone in the distance mutters about him being cheap, but Brian holds it like he would a star.
Their river walk takes them by the shore, where Brian once more gets to feed the various urban birds. He gives the seeds to two little girls who have taken to Brian’s animal factoids as though he’s telling them he’s one of those cartoon princesses. Roger blinks.
Loves animals? Check. Pretty? Check. Amazing singing voice? Check. In love with a handsome prince? Check.
“Oh my god, you’re a Disney princess.”
Brian gives him a bemused smile, “uh, thanks?”
Roger smiles and grabs his hand, “more to do!”
They finish the walk by Roger’s restaurant of choice. Lowkey and not very “love” themed but they have a decent salad and couples eat half off today. Besides the folksy feeling of the building is far removed from London’s usual bustle. He knows he made the right choice when Brian reaches over and laces their hands together.
“Three more things.”
Brian laughs, “Rog, you didn’t need to do all of this. I’d been happy with anyone thing from your list.”
“You’re my songbird,” Roger looks down at their entwined hands, “I wanted to do all of this.”
He’s having fun, but it’s more because Brian looks so incredibly happy. His face must hurt from smiling so much.
Dinner is a quiet affair, both chatting aimlessly about everything. Every couple here seems to be wanting to wax poetic about their partner, and Roger doesn’t know what it says about him that when Brian tangles their legs together, he nearly melts. They leave the restaurant hand in hand, it’s cooled significantly now that the sun is fully away. Brian’s eyes are predictably drawn to the heavens.
Roger wonders what it’d be like to love something you can never touch. Brian flicks his eyes down and softens, and Roger decides he doesn’t want to love something he can’t hold. He swings their hands as they take a short walk to the spot.
It’s absolutely ridiculous what Roger is doing.
The building is the studio Tim and Brian had rented out for Smile auditions all those years ago. Where this truly started. Roger tilts his head towards the door.
“It’s closed.”
“I made a call. Tim still knows the guy who owns it.”
“Wow, you broke your vow of silence to Tim for me?”
“Getting there.”
Roger tugs him and they enter the building. The owner, an older gentleman who was part of the Free Love movement in America, nods at them. Brian follows him up the steps to the room. It’s set up like it was that day. Drums in the corner and the Red Special opposite. Brian tenses when he sees her.
“I know. Freddie stayed with her until just a few minutes ago,” Roger says, “see?”
Brian reads the texts and relaxes. As if Roger would willingly risk that guitar. He likes having his balls, thank you, and more importantly he likes having Brian.
Like a well-rehearsed dance Brian picks up the Old Lady and Roger sits behind the drums. They tune their instruments in silence, the old kit can’t hold the sound he wants, but it’s close enough. Brian nods at him and Roger counts in before starting a rolling rhythm. They play with each other, urging the other to compensate for a change in the music. It’s a constant give and take.
Playing with Freddie and John makes their music better, but Roger can’t deny that thrill that runs through him when it’s just him and Brian. The Start.
Eventually they have to take a break, Roger sweaty and Brian getting that familiar tick that means his hand is about to cramp. Roger bends down to slip the box into his pocket before wandering over to his love. Brian offers his hand and Roger automatically begins to massage out the strain.
He takes a deep breath. The mood is right. Brian’s got that smile on him that means he’s completely content. Roger has done everything perfectly.
“This is when you propose, right?”
Roger wishes the noise he made was a little suaver. He’d done everything perfectly, until now.
“I swear to God if you say you were going to as well.”
“Are you going to ask?”
“I have a speech dammit.”
“Are you sure drumming is for you? I think you have a career as a poet or maybe a marriage counselor.”
“Brian,” Roger whines, “let me propose!”
“Sheesh, all you had to do was ask.”
The guitarist smiles indulgently, but the little exchange has eased out any tension he has in his body.
“If I had known walking in here that day would lead me on the most fantastic adventure, I don’t think I would have bitched once about the auditions being so far our and at such an inconvenient time.”
Roger inhales, “because I walked in here and was greeted by a musical poodle with a complex.”
Brian snorts.
“And somehow, I fell in love with you, Brian May. The way you love your stars, with all that endless passion and curiosity and simple want? That’s how I love you.”
“So, considering I know this is it for me,” Roger slides down onto his knee, cheering when he doesn’t drop the box, “I was wondering if I was it for you? Brian May, will you marry me?”
“Do I need to give you a speech?”
“My ego could use it.”
“If I had known that the first person we auditioned that day would be the only, I can’t say as though I would’ve come. But had I known it would be you, the man I am irrevocably in love with? I’d come at 4 in the morning.”
“A steep sacrifice.”
“I let you finish!”
Roger smiles.
“There aren’t enough words to describe how I feel for you. It’s like we’re in a binary star system, tangled permanently together by forces we can’t explain and frankly I’m okay with this mystery. So yes, I will marry you.”
He pulls off the lid of the box. A ring had been far too traditional for him, not to mention the fear of it getting lost while they’re on tour. Instead he holds out a singular silver chain. Blue and white crystals are spread sporadically all leading down into a quarter note with a diamond as the note head.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s yours.”
Roger stands and Brian turns so that Roger can clasp the necklace. It disappears under Brian’s shirt, the barest glimmer peeking out. They kiss. Slow and methodical (not at all what Roger used to crave in kissing). When the break apart Brian keeps their foreheads pressed together.
“What’s the third surprise?”
“Ah, yeah,” Roger laughs, “either a very long and overdue session of lovemaking or you can stare at the bouquet I bought you all night.”
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hobiheavenly · 5 years
Karma’s Cravings
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✧ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
✧ Multichapter, Coffee Shop AU, E2L
✧ Word Count: 3.9k 
✧Summary: Your life is going idyllically with your business with the exception of having to work with Min Yoongi who disapproves of your comercial tactics. but when one day a medium tells you he is to be the love of your life you are quick to shut her down but running away from fate can come with cause consequences.  
✧ A.N: Ok so I know I promised a Hobi fic to be my first but I had this idea and I just had to develop it. I edited this from a fic I did years ago but I knew Yoongi would fill this au with ease! hope you enjoy it <3
Part 1
Life was blissful. It was the morning peace that filled your heart with happiness as you prepared a fresh batch of new cookies. You felt proud of yourself for the idyllic peace you had manage to create. not just because you were doing what you loved but also because you were doing it on your own. even when it wasn’t easy to get to where you were you had finally reached that part of life you wanted to be.
At a young age and with the help of your best friend Seokjin, you started your dream of owning your very own coffee shop. Seokjin was the one who cooked and you were the one who made the designs and the names as well. To many, especially your parents, this was just a ridiculous idea. That you would go broke in a matter of weeks. Turns out, that same  business they doubted from the start was rising and booming with clients. And even the name of the shop appealed to them, "Constant Cravings".
When you searched for the best spot, you found a great space located near your home and was located in the best location for people who needed sweets and caffeine in their daily lives. One bad part, your new boss. Well he wasn't your boss, but he was the manager of the space where you had your coffee shop. His name was so bittersweet and the only mention of it made have the chills, Min Yoongi.
But today was not the day to think about the sourman that is your boss. Today you had a big gig to complete. You were offered the chance to make cookies for a big party that the owners of the space had every year for Valentines Day. You were especially excited since you would earn a lot of money that day. Bad news was, Seokjin reported sick that day so there was no one to replace him and you were left with all the work. Luckily enough you knew the recipe by heart and all you needed to do was bake all the batches for the party.
Once you got to the party, you put all the cookies in display and all of the most important people were there. The owner of the space was there, along with his son. There were many new people you hadn't seen before, great NEW customers! There was a woman in a big red tent, outside was a sign that read, "The Grand Madame Karma, she sees it all and knows it all".
"Yeah sure, all I need to know right now is if this thing is going to work or not, I really need the money"  you thought.
The day went on and the party seemed tranquil, and by that I meant boring. "Don't these people know how to party? All they talk about is business and money. Its Valentines Day! A time of love and caring, well if I had a boyfriend it would. Well, who needs a man when you have a successful shop?" you thought. Normally you’d speak your mind and not let any opinion inside you, but seeing that you would risk potential new customers so you kept your mouth shut.
It was almost over everyone was moving on from the event and really nothing interesting really happened. The red tent was still standing tall in front. Maybe it was curiosity or maybe it’s the excitement of the unknown but you were still curious about Madame Karma. To make an excuse to go inside you went to give her one of her famous cookies and a cup of steaming coffee. You might not get a reading but at least a cookie never hurt anybody. Inside there was a woman, black long hair, around her 50s with long red nails to match her the red cape and on the table with the crystal ball right at the center. Typical. You gave a pleasant smile to the woman, offering her the cookie and beverage. Madame Karma smiled tenderly and felt relieved.
“Thanks a million my dear! Today is a cold day and a cookie is just what I need to get my romantic flow going. All I see in these people, or what they ask, is how their business will be. It’s Valentines Day and no one has asked me about romance!”
“Maybe because they are too stuck up to even think beyond their stupid computers. I call them "Informal Clones" they are too serious and superficial” you giggled.
“Now there is a great opinion I've been waiting to hear all day!” said Madame Karma, she looked at you and up and down “you know I used to have legs like yours, when I was your age.”
“Well you are going to love this cookie, it's called “Legs For Days", plus it's the shape of a cute high heel” You felt proud for your cookie naming abilities it was cute and sassy just like your brand was.
“Oh, god this is the most delicious cookie I have eaten, and trust me I have eaten too many cookies in my life” the medium laughed “What’s your name dear?”
“It’s ___, and I’m assuming you’re Madame Karma?”
“The one, the only, knows all, sees all!” she praised herself raising her arms up dramatically and laughed loudly at her over the top performance. “so tell me ___ how much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house! I was going to bring it to you earlier, but as you can see my business is full.”
“I always give something in return. Tell you what, how about I read you your fortune as payment for such a wonderful cookie”
“Sounds good” you shrugged. As you sat in front of Madame Karma you started to feel rather giddy. You had always been curious to find out about her future, but never had the time to go to an actual medium.
“You have a bright aura, my dear. It has a tight connection” Madame Karma took out a stack of cards and put them on the table “I will employ the card with you, pick out 6 cards with your left hand” You did as told and gave her the cards. After that Madame Karma put them in groups of three and began to read the first group “This represents your past. I see three people, two men and a woman, I'm guessing they are your mother and father and brother, am I right?” You nodded, lucky guess. “Well I see disapproval in them, especially your father. He didn't want you to open your shop.”
You nodded once more. “He felt that I should go to college and I said I wanted to do a project with a friend. That really didn’t sit well with him being that I was supposed to become a lawyer or even an administrator of a huge company. I never cared for math, I even sucked at it in school so it wasn't great. I went on to this business because it was something I enjoyed.”
“Well just as you mention  I saw that decision in here! Now let’s go to your present. I see a great success in your business, although I see a presence of someone that pulls you down, like a big spine on your back.”
Immediately you thought of the pompous arrogant Min Yoongi that always criticized your business place calling it a waste of time and that the names of your creations were too scandalous. What did that jerk know about creativity?
“what will happen to that spine? Will he go away?”
“Patience, my dear” said Madame “wait till I get to the future. Right now we are in your present. Even though your professional life is boosting with great things, I see your personal life is a bit contrary to it. I see loneliness. No masculine company, but…..”
Oh she knew how to peak your interest… “But what?”
“I see someone on the horizon…”
“Please tell me it someone nice”you begged. It has been a while since you had been on a date, and the last one was a total lame waste of time!
“I see, someone who is hooked into your professional life. Now lets see the last row, that represents your instant future” after reading the last row Madame Karma looked at you with a half smile “do you remember when we talked about that spine up your ass? I can see he is a man, close to you although not in a personal way. Maybe a work partner” she looked at you with a gleam in her eye “do you know who Im talking about?”
“I can think of one man that I consider a spine up my ass” you rolled your eyes “He is the one who takes care of the building.”
“Yes I see he is a man of power.”
“Yeah, a powerful idiot!”
“What's his name?”
“Min Yoongi” you answered “Can you tell me if he will leave soon? Tell me he is going to be transferred to Siberia? Antarctica? Africa?”
“No. On the contrary. His connection with you will change completely. He will change from "pain in my ass" to "I can’t live without him".”
You dropped your jaw and began to laugh your guts off “ Oh that’s a good one! You must be talking about another spine up my ass, because I know it’s not him.
“Sweetheart, I assure you that he is. These are the cards, and Karma doesn't lie. Plus, you can’t escape Karma. If you try to escape from it, you will be forever cursed. And trust me, you don't want that to happen” Madame Karma grabbed your hands and looked at you in the eyes “Min Yoongi, even when you think he is the most insufferable man in the world, is the love of your life.”
Min Yoongi  was looking at you from across the garden and as he saw you, he felt his body feeling tense. There was just something about you that didn't feel right, at least not for him. He didn't understand what it was, but you were strange and you always got to his head making him irritated. Surely it was because of your notorious shop with all those extravagant and sensual names plus the way that you decorated the place was not exactly decent. I mean, who ever called a cookie "Chocolate Orgasm" or a coffee called "Hot, wet, and wild"?
The first day the store opened he went inside for a cappuccino so he could go to work, when suddenly you came to the counter with a great smile and asked him if he wanted the specialty of the day, "A Slow Trip To Pleasure". That happened less than a year a go and he still remember the way he had jumped when he saw such an innocent looking girl pronounce those words. But it was more the amazement of the tone in your voice and the spark in your eye that seemed to invite him as he had stood in shock. He had never been so nervous with a woman in all his life than he had been that day in the coffee shop.
If it weren't for the fact that "Constant Cravings" was the shop that produced more profits in the entire space, he would have canceled your contract a long time ago. Having you around caused too much problems. Especially since you were a complete opposite of him. You were outgoing and outspoken, while he was a calm person who minded his business and just prefered the silence. He preferred the calm of having a boss than doing all by yourself. Every time he would tell you that the way you sold things were too extravagant, but you would just laugh and tell him that it was exactly that extravagance, or more likely the sex appeal, is what sold your items the most.
True it as it may be, it was just too much and there were rules in the contract that established that you must control her decorations, but since no one ever complained things stayed as they were. But soon would come the day that you would regret this, since every time you changed your front window decoration you exploited more and more the theme of sexuality.
He looked around and saw you standing outside of the tent of the medium he had assigned for entertainment for the party. He saw your eyes, looking like two big crystals that shine like the sky in a hot spring day after a great storm. He tried to look away but instead he looked at you up and down looking at every centimeter of your body. You were far from looking sexy compared to the other business women in the party. In fact you were in your uniform, a white blouse and black pants. So then why did he feel so strange? It was ridiculous to feel attracted to a woman who he didn't even know on a personal field. But every time he saw you he imagine your lips moving slowly on him offering him a "Slow Trip To Pleasure".
“Are you going to visit the Medium?”
Yoongi shook his head, as if coming out of a trance and looked beside him. There standing was Hoseok, his best friend, with a cookie in his hand and a great smile, since he was always optimistic.
“Excuse me?” asked Yoongi.
“I said, are you going to go see the medium?”
“Naa! I don't believe in that gibberish!”
“Why don't you calm yourself down and have a good time? It’s your party!” Hoseok cheered him. It was true, he had organized everything to impress the owner of the space who wasn't especially fond of having a party, but seeing the opportunity to get new customers and keep happy his investors. He left Yoongi with the job and he put it in himself to make the best party ever.
Hoseok gave a small punch in his ribs and gave a sneaky smile to Yoongi “Seems like ____ is getting her cards read.”
“You know her?” Yoongi asked surprised.
“How can I not know the owner of the coffee shop that is close to my office? She is a very sweet gal.”
“Sweet wouldn't be the right term to describe her” said Yoongi smirking.
“You're right, the correct term would be "Intensely Hot"” Hoseok said with a seductive smile. A certain sense of jealousy began to grow in Yoongi's stomach but he didn't listen to it and looked at you.
“Hot? You think so?”
“Are you kidding? You're the manager of the space and you haven't noticed her?”
“ I've noticed her” Yoongi said deffensively
“And haven't you noticed that ____ is a hotty with a body? I mean she is so hot she could make a pool go on fire!”
“Well that may be true but her products and her technique for selling them left much to be desired.”
“Well its those product of hers that keep me alive! Yesterday I tried this new cookie called "Sugar kiss" and I'm telling you, that woman can make a grown man cry with them! They are extremely delicious! I wished she could make this cookie called "Wild Sex In The Back Seat Of A Car", I would sure try that…..with her.”
Yoongi looked at his best friend with a death glare and  Hoseok smiled innocently “Sorry dude, I forgot I was walking on your turf.”
“What in blazes are you talking about?”
“Dude, you gave me the death glare! That means you are interested in her. Plus you haven't stopped looking at her since she went into the tent. For one thing I'm happy that you finally are into a girl that isn't a total stuck up. Bad thing for me is now don't have a chance. Maybe she has a sister.”
“Ok I am NOT interested in _____! First of all, if I'm looking at her it’s because I'm trying to see what she is going to do next because she always wants to irritate me by doing something out of the ordinary. Second of all, I am not always interested in stuck up girls. And third of all, if you want her you can have her.”
“If you continue to say that I'm going to end up believing that, and just so you know you do date uptight, stuck up women, all the time! Every girl is a copy of the other! Boring to hell too. But ___ is not boring in any way! Good thing you don't like her cause I've been hitting on her all week and she has been sweet but just that, sweet. Could be she has a boyfriend.”
Yoongi got relieved that you didn't pay attention to Hoseok’s advances but suddenly felt frustrated that there was a possibility you could have a formal boyfriend. Wait, why the hell was he worrying? He didn't care for you personal life!
“Come on, lets get your future read! Maybe we can find out if there is a woman that can shake your chubber! I bet it’s ___!”
“Why don't you go and see about yourself” Yoongi said “You need a woman more than me.”
“I already got a date with a girl I met in the supermarket, her name is Momo and she was talking about Broccoli when I met her.”
“But you hate Broccoli.”
“Well for that babe, it was well worth it. You should’ve seen her body to know what I'm talking about. Besides you need a spin around the town, meet a girl that you can have a good time. When is the last time you had sex?”
“I am not telling you” the last thing Yoongi needed was his best friend laughing at his dried up sex life. He would die of laughter if he knew.
“Yoongi, either you tell me, or I'm going directly to _____ and telling her that you want her.”
“God you're like the nosy brother I never wanted! Two months! There! Happy?”
Hoseok’s jaw dropped “ DUDE! Your dick is going to fall off if you don't do something about it!”
“Oh brother! Do you always think about this or is the Valentines Day spirit swelling you mind and apparently your dick too?” Yoongi rolled his eyes “I am going to see if I can get a girl if it will get you off my case!”
“Ok, but let's have fun tonight, go see the medium, she can tell you about your love life! Maybe ____ can get it to be more fun.”
“Ok but at least she can give us a clue to whom” Hoseok patted him on his shoulder and got him close to the tent and they saw you coming out. You looked at Yoongi and then quickly turned to Hoseok, almost avoiding his gaze.
“Hobi, I'm glad to see you” you smiled tenderly “Are you missing my double coffee with no foam?”
“That and your cookies” he smiled back and winked “they are the best things I have ever had in my life!”
You smiled back and Yoongi could have sworn that seemed to be the most seductive thing. Damn! He loved contagious smiles and particularly this woman had the sexiest contagious smile ever! Curse his bad luck!
“Min Yoongi” You said in a serious voice.
“_____” he greeted.
Seeing Hoseok and Yoongi was an odd match considering the fact that they looked like polar opposites, “Are you acquainted?”
“Yes we are very good friends since high school”  the manager said all serious.
“Now that's something you don't see every day” You laughed.
“It seems you are surprised to see that I have friends.”
“Well at least one who is very charming.”
“I can be charming. I am just not that patient with people who live to irritate me daily with their over the top decorations to a shop that leaves very little to the imagination. The mannequins I saw in the morning on the front window of your shop were completely naked!”
“I'm sorry but my mannequins are completely dressed” you began to protest.
“In an evident way like a slap.”
“Is that an invitation?” your eyes sparked with a flame of anger.
“I didn't know you had violent tendencies.”
“Only with people who irritate me and put me nervous”
“Speaking of nervous” he pointed with her index finger “your front window is….”
“Provocative? Interesting?”
“ Excessive!”
“Thanks for the compliment!” You smiled.
“Coming from you, the fact that you actually noticed the front window is a compliment in itself. Tell me did you really just look at it or were you so wrapped in yourself that when you were looking at your reflection you accidentally saw it?”
“Evidently our last conversation about the decoration was but alas forgotten” he rolled his eyes, his signature move, “Seeing as how you have such a short attention spam”
“Don't you dare insult my intellect! I know what you said! I know what I said! Don't come up to me with those airs of superiority and insult me.”
“Well if you can remember then you must have not heard”.
“I know how to hear and to remember, but I also know this exquisite word called "ignore" if you want I can get a dictionary for you so you can look it up! Oh and FYI you wouldn't know creativity even if it bit you up the ass!”
“You obviously don't know me”
“Oh I know you very well, Mr. Informal Clone!” you looked at him up and down with certain air of despise.
“I have that feeling too, Miss. I dont ever listen to my boss!” he said ironically, “how lucky for both of us.”
“I wouldn't employ that term in this case. But I see we finally agree in something!”
“I think it is the first time” he smirked.
“Maybe you should come by my shop, I just made a new cookie in the shape of a pair of lips” you smiled before adding “It's called, "BITE ME!"
Hoseok tried his hardest not to laugh but obviously it was in vain. Yoongi turned around and glared at his friend. Damn, he had forgotten about his friend and of Madame Karma as well, who was standing behind you. He scoweled at you and went to Madame Karma
“No thanks, I'm not in the mood for coffee. But maybe you can give hobi, seeing how he LOOOVES your coffee and cookies” then he turned to Madame Karma and shook her hand “Madame Karma I am….”
“Min Yoongi” she whispered amazed.
“Yes, well I came to see if you can tell me my future” he said without showing surprise as to how she could know his name.
“Your aura is bright…. exceptionally bright” Madame Karma said as she saw Yoongi's hand then she turned to you and made a movement with her head “____, dear, please leave. Mr. Min and I have a lot to talk about.”
Yoongi couldn't think of anything he had to ask Madame Karma in particulat. He was guessing that she would read some plain old cards say some mumbo jumbo and he would just nod. Then he would thank her and leave. How bad could it be?
Life was blissful. It was the morning peace that filled your heart with happiness as you prepared a fresh batch of new cookies. You felt proud of yourself for the idyllic peace you had manage to create. not just because you were doing what you loved but also because you were doing it on your own. even when it wasn’t easy to get to where you were you had finally reached that part of life you wanted to be.
At a young age and with the help of your best friend Seokjin, you started your dream of owning your very own coffee shop. Seokjin was the one who cooked and you were the one who made the designs and the names as well. To many, especially your parents, this was just a ridiculous idea. That you would go broke in a matter of weeks. Turns out, that same  business they doubted from the start was rising and booming with clients. And even the name of the shop appealed to them, "Constant Cravings".
When you searched for the best spot, you found a great space located near your home and was located in the best location for people who needed sweets and caffeine in their daily lives. One bad part, your new boss. Well he wasn't your boss, but he was the manager of the space where you had your coffee shop. His name was so bittersweet and the only mention of it made have the chills, Min Yoongi.
But today was not the day to think about the sourman that is your boss. Today you had a big gig to complete. You were offered the chance to make cookies for a big party that the owners of the space had every year for Valentines Day. You were especially excited since you would earn a lot of money that day. Bad news was, Seokjin reported sick that day so there was no one to replace him and you were left with all the work. Luckily enough you knew the recipe by heart and all you needed to do was bake all the batches for the party.
Once you got to the party, you put all the cookies in display and all of the most important people were there. The owner of the space was there, along with his son. There were many new people you hadn't seen before, great NEW customers! There was a woman in a big red tent, outside was a sign that read, "The Grand Madame Karma, she sees it all and knows it all".
"Yeah sure, all I need to know right now is if this thing is going to work or not, I really need the money"  you thought.
The day went on and the party seemed tranquil, and by that I meant boring. "Don't these people know how to party? All they talk about is business and money. Its Valentines Day! A time of love and caring, well if I had a boyfriend it would. Well, who needs a man when you have a successful shop?" you thought. Normally you’d speak your mind and not let any opinion inside you, but seeing that you would risk potential new customers so you kept your mouth shut.
It was almost over everyone was moving on from the event and really nothing interesting really happened. The red tent was still standing tall in front. Maybe it was curiosity or maybe it’s the excitement of the unknown but you were still curious about Madame Karma. To make an excuse to go inside you went to give her one of her famous cookies and a cup of steaming coffee. You might not get a reading but at least a cookie never hurt anybody. Inside there was a woman, black long hair, around her 50s with long red nails to match her the red cape and on the table with the crystal ball right at the center. Typical. You gave a pleasant smile to the woman, offering her the cookie and beverage. Madame Karma smiled tenderly and felt relieved.
“Thanks a million my dear! Today is a cold day and a cookie is just what I need to get my romantic flow going. All I see in these people, or what they ask, is how their business will be. It’s Valentines Day and no one has asked me about romance!”
“Maybe because they are too stuck up to even think beyond their stupid computers. I call them "Informal Clones" they are too serious and superficial” you giggled.
“Now there is a great opinion I've been waiting to hear all day!” said Madame Karma, she looked at you and up and down “you know I used to have legs like yours, when I was your age.”
“Well you are going to love this cookie, it's called “Legs For Days", plus it's the shape of a cute high heel” You felt proud for your cookie naming abilities it was cute and sassy just like your brand was.
“Oh, god this is the most delicious cookie I have eaten, and trust me I have eaten too many cookies in my life” the medium laughed “What’s your name dear?”
“It’s ___, and I’m assuming you’re Madame Karma?”
“The one, the only, knows all, sees all!” she praised herself raising her arms up dramatically and laughed loudly at her over the top performance. “so tell me ___ how much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house! I was going to bring it to you earlier, but as you can see my business is full.”
“I always give something in return. Tell you what, how about I read you your fortune as payment for such a wonderful cookie”
“Sounds good” you shrugged. As you sat in front of Madame Karma you started to feel rather giddy. You had always been curious to find out about her future, but never had the time to go to an actual medium.
“You have a bright aura, my dear. It has a tight connection” Madame Karma took out a stack of cards and put them on the table “I will employ the card with you, pick out 6 cards with your left hand” You did as told and gave her the cards. After that Madame Karma put them in groups of three and began to read the first group “This represents your past. I see three people, two men and a woman, I'm guessing they are your mother and father and brother, am I right?” You nodded, lucky guess. “Well I see disapproval in them, especially your father. He didn't want you to open your shop.”
You nodded once more. “He felt that I should go to college and I said I wanted to do a project with a friend. That really didn’t sit well with him being that I was supposed to become a lawyer or even an administrator of a huge company. I never cared for math, I even sucked at it in school so it wasn't great. I went on to this business because it was something I enjoyed.”
“Well just as you mention  I saw that decision in here! Now let’s go to your present. I see a great success in your business, although I see a presence of someone that pulls you down, like a big spine on your back.”
Immediately you thought of the pompous arrogant Min Yoongi that always criticized your business place calling it a waste of time and that the names of your creations were too scandalous. What did that jerk know about creativity?
“what will happen to that spine? Will he go away?”
“Patience, my dear” said Madame “wait till I get to the future. Right now we are in your present. Even though your professional life is boosting with great things, I see your personal life is a bit contrary to it. I see loneliness. No masculine company, but…..”
Oh she knew how to peak your interest… “But what?”
“I see someone on the horizon…”
“Please tell me it someone nice”you begged. It has been a while since you had been on a date, and the last one was a total lame waste of time!
“I see, someone who is hooked into your professional life. Now lets see the last row, that represents your instant future” after reading the last row Madame Karma looked at you with a half smile “do you remember when we talked about that spine up your ass? I can see he is a man, close to you although not in a personal way. Maybe a work partner” she looked at you with a gleam in her eye “do you know who Im talking about?”
“I can think of one man that I consider a spine up my ass” you rolled your eyes “He is the one who takes care of the building.”
“Yes I see he is a man of power.”
“Yeah, a powerful idiot!”
“What's his name?”
“Min Yoongi” you answered “Can you tell me if he will leave soon? Tell me he is going to be transferred to Siberia? Antarctica? Africa?”
“No. On the contrary. His connection with you will change completely. He will change from "pain in my ass" to "I can’t live without him".”
You dropped your jaw and began to laugh your guts off “ Oh that’s a good one! You must be talking about another spine up my ass, because I know it’s not him.
“Sweetheart, I assure you that he is. These are the cards, and Karma doesn't lie. Plus, you can’t escape Karma. If you try to escape from it, you will be forever cursed. And trust me, you don't want that to happen” Madame Karma grabbed your hands and looked at you in the eyes “Min Yoongi, even when you think he is the most insufferable man in the world, is the love of your life.”
Min Yoongi  was looking at you from across the garden and as he saw you, he felt his body feeling tense. There was just something about you that didn't feel right, at least not for him. He didn't understand what it was, but you were strange and you always got to his head making him irritated. Surely it was because of your notorious shop with all those extravagant and sensual names plus the way that you decorated the place was not exactly decent. I mean, who ever called a cookie "Chocolate Orgasm" or a coffee called "Hot, wet, and wild"?
The first day the store opened he went inside for a cappuccino so he could go to work, when suddenly you came to the counter with a great smile and asked him if he wanted the specialty of the day, "A Slow Trip To Pleasure". That happened less than a year a go and he still remember the way he had jumped when he saw such an innocent looking girl pronounce those words. But it was more the amazement of the tone in your voice and the spark in your eye that seemed to invite him as he had stood in shock. He had never been so nervous with a woman in all his life than he had been that day in the coffee shop.
If it weren't for the fact that "Constant Cravings" was the shop that produced more profits in the entire space, he would have canceled your contract a long time ago. Having you around caused too much problems. Especially since you were a complete opposite of him. You were outgoing and outspoken, while he was a calm person who minded his business and just prefered the silence. He preferred the calm of having a boss than doing all by yourself. Every time he would tell you that the way you sold things were too extravagant, but you would just laugh and tell him that it was exactly that extravagance, or more likely the sex appeal, is what sold your items the most.
True it as it may be, it was just too much and there were rules in the contract that established that you must control her decorations, but since no one ever complained things stayed as they were. But soon would come the day that you would regret this, since every time you changed your front window decoration you exploited more and more the theme of sexuality.
He looked around and saw you standing outside of the tent of the medium he had assigned for entertainment for the party. He saw your eyes, looking like two big crystals that shine like the sky in a hot spring day after a great storm. He tried to look away but instead he looked at you up and down looking at every centimeter of your body. You were far from looking sexy compared to the other business women in the party. In fact you were in your uniform, a white blouse and black pants. So then why did he feel so strange? It was ridiculous to feel attracted to a woman who he didn't even know on a personal field. But every time he saw you he imagine your lips moving slowly on him offering him a "Slow Trip To Pleasure".
“Are you going to visit the Medium?”
Yoongi shook his head, as if coming out of a trance and looked beside him. There standing was Hoseok, his best friend, with a cookie in his hand and a great smile, since he was always optimistic.
“Excuse me?” asked Yoongi.
“I said, are you going to go see the medium?”
“Naa! I don't believe in that gibberish!”
“Why don't you calm yourself down and have a good time? It’s your party!” Hoseok cheered him. It was true, he had organized everything to impress the owner of the space who wasn't especially fond of having a party, but seeing the opportunity to get new customers and keep happy his investors. He left Yoongi with the job and he put it in himself to make the best party ever.
Hoseok gave a small punch in his ribs and gave a sneaky smile to Yoongi “Seems like ____ is getting her cards read.”
“You know her?” Yoongi asked surprised.
“How can I not know the owner of the coffee shop that is close to my office? She is a very sweet gal.”
“Sweet wouldn't be the right term to describe her” said Yoongi smirking.
“You're right, the correct term would be "Intensely Hot"” Hoseok said with a seductive smile. A certain sense of jealousy began to grow in Yoongi's stomach but he didn't listen to it and looked at you.
“Hot? You think so?”
“Are you kidding? You're the manager of the space and you haven't noticed her?”
“ I've noticed her” Yoongi said deffensively
“And haven't you noticed that ____ is a hotty with a body? I mean she is so hot she could make a pool go on fire!”
“Well that may be true but her products and her technique for selling them left much to be desired.”
“Well its those product of hers that keep me alive! Yesterday I tried this new cookie called "Sugar kiss" and I'm telling you, that woman can make a grown man cry with them! They are extremely delicious! I wished she could make this cookie called "Wild Sex In The Back Seat Of A Car", I would sure try that…..with her.”
Yoongi looked at his best friend with a death glare and  Hoseok smiled innocently “Sorry dude, I forgot I was walking on your turf.”
“What in blazes are you talking about?”
“Dude, you gave me the death glare! That means you are interested in her. Plus you haven't stopped looking at her since she went into the tent. For one thing I'm happy that you finally are into a girl that isn't a total stuck up. Bad thing for me is now don't have a chance. Maybe she has a sister.”
“Ok I am NOT interested in _____! First of all, if I'm looking at her it’s because I'm trying to see what she is going to do next because she always wants to irritate me by doing something out of the ordinary. Second of all, I am not always interested in stuck up girls. And third of all, if you want her you can have her.”
“If you continue to say that I'm going to end up believing that, and just so you know you do date uptight, stuck up women, all the time! Every girl is a copy of the other! Boring to hell too. But ___ is not boring in any way! Good thing you don't like her cause I've been hitting on her all week and she has been sweet but just that, sweet. Could be she has a boyfriend.”
Yoongi got relieved that you didn't pay attention to Hoseok’s advances but suddenly felt frustrated that there was a possibility you could have a formal boyfriend. Wait, why the hell was he worrying? He didn't care for you personal life!
“Come on, lets get your future read! Maybe we can find out if there is a woman that can shake your chubber! I bet it’s ___!”
“Why don't you go and see about yourself” Yoongi said “You need a woman more than me.”
“I already got a date with a girl I met in the supermarket, her name is Momo and she was talking about Broccoli when I met her.”
“But you hate Broccoli.”
“Well for that babe, it was well worth it. You should’ve seen her body to know what I'm talking about. Besides you need a spin around the town, meet a girl that you can have a good time. When is the last time you had sex?”
“I am not telling you” the last thing Yoongi needed was his best friend laughing at his dried up sex life. He would die of laughter if he knew.
“Yoongi, either you tell me, or I'm going directly to _____ and telling her that you want her.”
“God you're like the nosy brother I never wanted! Two months! There! Happy?”
Hoseok’s jaw dropped “ DUDE! Your dick is going to fall off if you don't do something about it!”
“Oh brother! Do you always think about this or is the Valentines Day spirit swelling you mind and apparently your dick too?” Yoongi rolled his eyes “I am going to see if I can get a girl if it will get you off my case!”
“Ok, but let's have fun tonight, go see the medium, she can tell you about your love life! Maybe ____ can get it to be more fun.”
“Ok but at least she can give us a clue to whom” Hoseok patted him on his shoulder and got him close to the tent and they saw you coming out. You looked at Yoongi and then quickly turned to Hoseok, almost avoiding his gaze.
“Hobi, I'm glad to see you” you smiled tenderl “Are you missing my double coffee with no foam?”
“That and your cookies” he smiled back and winked “they are the best things I have ever had in my life!”
You smiled back and Yoongi could have sworn that seemed to be the most seductive thing. Damn! He loved contagious smiles and particularly this woman had the sexiest contagious smile ever! Curse his bad luck!
“Min Yoongi” You said in a serious voice.
“_____” he greeted.
Seeing Hoseok and Yoongi was an odd match considering the fact that they looked like polar opposites, “Are you acquainted?”
“Yes we are very good friends since high school”  the manager said all serious.
“Now that's something you don't see every day” You laughed.
“It seems you are surprised to see that I have friends.”
“Well at least one who is very charming.”
“I can be charming. I am just not that patient with people who live to irritate me daily with their over the top decorations to a shop that leaves very little to the imagination. The mannequins I saw in the morning on the front window of your shop were completely naked!”
“I'm sorry but my mannequins are completely dressed” you began to protest.
“In an evident way like a slap.”
“Is that an invitation?” your eyes sparked with a flame of anger.
“I didn't know you had violent tendencies.”
“Only with people who irritate me and put me nervous”
“Speaking of nervous” he pointed with her index finger “your front window is….”
“Provocative? Interesting?”
“ Excessive!”
“Thanks for the compliment!” You smiled.
“Coming from you, the fact that you actually noticed the front window is a compliment in itself. Tell me did you really just look at it or were you so wrapped in yourself that when you were looking at your reflection you accidentally saw it?”
“Evidently our last conversation about the decoration was but alas forgotten” he rolled his eyes, his signature move, “Seeing as how you have such a short attention spam”
“Don't you dare insult my intellect! I know what you said! I know what I said! Don't come up to me with those airs of superiority and insult me.”
“Well if you can remember then you must have not heard”.
“I know how to hear and to remember, but I also know this exquisite word called "ignore" if you want I can get a dictionary for you so you can look it up! Oh and FYI you wouldn't know creativity even if it bit you up the ass!”
“You obviously don't know me”
“Oh I know you very well, Mr. Informal Clone!” you looked at him up and down with certain air of despise.
“I have that feeling too, Miss. I dont ever listen to my boss!” he said ironically, “how lucky for both of us.”
“I wouldn't employ that term in this case. But I see we finally agree in something!”
“I think it is the first time” he smirked.
“Maybe you should come by my shop, I just made a new cookie in the shape of a pair of lips” you smiled before adding “It's called, "BITE ME!"
Hoseok tried his hardest not to laugh but obviously it was in vain. Yoongi turned around and glared at his friend. Damn, he had forgotten about his friend and of Madame Karma as well, who was standing behind you. He scoweled at you and went to Madame Karma
“No thanks, I'm not in the mood for coffee. But maybe you can give hobi, seeing how he LOOOVES your coffee and cookies” then he turned to Madame Karma and shook her hand “Madame Karma I am….”
“Min Yoongi” she whispered amazed.
“Yes, well I came to see if you can tell me my future” he said without showing surprise as to how she could know his name.
“Your aura is bright…. exceptionally bright” Madame Karma said as she saw Yoongi's hand then she turned to you and made a movement with her head “____, dear, please leave. Mr. Min and I have a lot to talk about.”
Yoongi couldn't think of anything he had to ask Madame Karma in particular. He was guessing that she would read some plain old cards say some mumbo jumbo and he would just nod. Then he would thank her and leave. How bad could it be?
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urdbell18 · 5 years
A Seed Hidden in the Heart Chapter 13: The One With the Bad Cupid
AN:I know I know it's been a while but here it is! Was it worth the wait? I don't know I'll let you guys decide. Enjoy! Also, hooray me 400th post!
By the first of February all of Baxter high became one big pink, red, white, and heart filled eyesore. Zelda had to grit her teeth and ignore it as best she could unless she goes insane. Hilda and Sabrina didn’t help, they both squealed and whispered in hushed tones like they were telling each other deep dark secrets. The pair of them were acting like teenagers, and while this behavior was perfectly acceptable for Sabrina it wasn’t for Hilda. Zelda looked at her sister like she lost her mind but deep down she recognized that Hilda was happy, the happiest that Zelda has ever seen her. It’s why she didn’t make a big fuss about it but she reserved the right to be annoyed. There was one beacon of hope and that was Mary.
Mary wasn’t very found of Valentines either. Someone, they didn’t know who and they hope they never find out, tapped a large pink heart on Mary’s office door. Mary proceed to rip it off her door then shred the paper heart before throwing it away. Zelda, who bore witness to the display because she needed some more staples and Mary said she had a box she could spare, was, yes taken back, but also amused and a bit relieved. While Zelda could never picture it she didn’t know if Valentine days would turn Mary into a glorified teenager like it did her sister or a sappy romantic like it did to the male gender. Zelda still had nightmares from when Dr. Cerberus showed up at her house with a large bouquet of roses and serenading Hilda with “(Everything I Do) I Do it For You” ruining it for Zelda forever. She never cared for it so it wasn’t a big lost. About a week until Valentine’s it became clear the Hilda was staking a claim to the house. She kept buying things that she attached notes on to not touch and buzzing around the house like a twister, collecting things here and there and stashing them in the conservatory. Zelda just looked on with no interest and immediately texted Mary to make plans. They were under no circumstances celebrating but they came up with a good plan, something nice and casual.
The plan was as followed. On Friday after Zelda picked up her daughter from school would take them to Mary’s house, far away from everyone and everything. The whole thing was going to be laid-back, Zelda wrote a reminder to herself to fill a small suitcase with things like board games, movies, and some books to keep Vida happy. Mary was convinced that they would order in, most likely pizza or chinese which ever struck their fancy. Zelda didn’t know how Mary could think that but after having a heated debate over it during lunch one day Zelda realized Mary was messing with her. While Mary’s answers were perfectly reasonable she wore this grin that was a cross between a smirk and a soft smile. It caused Zelda to stop mid sentence and she shook her head, calling Mary ‘impossibly insufferable’ but she was smiling all the same.
That WAS the plan, until this happened...
On Wednesday Hawthorne called an emergency staff meeting the split second after the dismissal bell finished ringing. Teachers started slowly trickling in, murmuring what was going on and what the meeting could be about. Teachers that were in charge of after school clubs were the last to join, they had to inform their club that they would be late or dismiss the club for that day. Among them was Mary and she looked pissed having been dragged away from her W.I.C.C.A. meeting, she took the seat that Zelda was saving for her with a low rumbling growl. Zelda, knowing how much Mary looked forward to her meetings, placed her hand on Mary’s knee and gave it a light squeeze, it instantly relaxed Mary though her scowl remained. Hawthorne came in when the last staff member squeezed himself between two math teachers.
“Thank you all for coming. You are probably wondering why I called you in such last minute.” Several murmurs could be heard and Mary gave a low growl that vibrated from the back of her throat. “I have gotten an email from the head of the PTA stating concern that they do not have enough volunteers to work the dance this Saturday.” Oh god the dance, Zelda groaned and cringed just thinking about it. The dance was another of Hawthorne’s ‘genius ideas to keep an eye on the rowdy teenagers’ but unlike Halloween this one appeared to be working. Several students bought tickets for the dance, Sabrina and her friends being among them. “Which is why I called you all here today to see if any of you would like to volunteer to work the dance.” There was silence. No one said anything or moved. Hawthorne’s face got redder and redder the longer the silence carried on. After five minutes Hawthrone who was starting to turn purple, huffed. “Very well I’ll volunteer you than.” Hawthorne started calling names, the teachers he called either groaned or sputtered with annoyance. Zelda tensed and squeezed Mary’s knees just a little harder. She hoped against hope the Hawthorne wouldn’t call on her, she worked Halloween so it would only be fair to not call on her. And he didn’t but just as they thought he was over he called one last person. “And Ms. Wardwell. I think that would cover the dance nicely. Meeting adjourned.” Hawthorne quickly left the meeting, most likely to save his own skin as the teaching staff went into an uproar. Mary sat there in a fuming rage. Zelda didn’t blame her nor did she chace after Mary when she abruptly got up and stormed out of the meeting. Zelda knew Mary and knew that Mary needed space to process her anger. Zelda left with the rest of the staff as they started to trickle out.
When Zelda finished her blackboards and her remaining grading for the day she still had five minutes before she normally left so she sat in her office to see if Mary would show. As she waited she sat at her desk deep in thought. Now that their not-Valentine’s plans were blown to bits Zelda had to think of something else to distract Vida and herself from the holiday. Maybe she’ll take her to the movies again, Vida seemed to like it enough to want to do it again. Or maybe a restaurant, that would be a nice treat for the both of them. But the problem with both of those ideas was not only the amount of people but they involved being out on a holiday, one that Zelda particularly hated. She gave up thinking of something five minutes before 4:40, when it was clear that Mary wasn’t going to show. Zelda didn’t mind and she packed up her stuff to leave for the day.
The second that she and Vida got home Zelda got an ear full of how unfair Hawthorne was being from Sabrina. Zelda let her niece carry on as she made dinner, when Sabrina was in ranting mode there was no stopping her and Zelda was too tired to try. It didn’t surprise Zelda that Sabrina knew, when Mary was angry she ranted and when she ranted nothing was held back and Sabrina was one of the few people that Mary could rant with. When they were done with dinner Sabrina and Ambrose were washing the dishes while Zelda helped Vida with her math homework.
“You know Auntie if Mary is going to be miserable at this dance thing why don’t you go and be miserable with her.”
“Ambrose that’s a great idea! Aunt Zelda you should go to the dance with Ms. Wardwell.”
“Before the two fo you lose your heads going to the dance isn’t a possibility.”
“Why not?” Zelda pointed her hand to her daughter who was currently trying as hard as she could to make her 3 as neat as she could.
“Oh.” Sabrina and Ambrose turned back to the dishes and they returned to the comfortable silence as before. By the time Sabrina and Ambrose finished the dishes Vida had completed her math homework and was working on her bear puzzle. That was Mary’s Christmas present to Vida, her very own puzzle that she worked on whenever she could. Zelda watched her from the armchair with a small glass of whisky, smiling softly at her little girl’s face sharp with focus.
“Auntie?” Zelda hummed as Ambrose, being careful of Vida and her puzzle, joined her, taking the armchair next to hers. “What if I watched Vida?”
“I don’t know Ambrose.”
“I know you don’t trust me but I promise I’ll keep a close eye on her.” Zelda took a slow draw of her whisky. She wished she could tell him he was wrong but he wasn’t. Zelda didn’t trust Ambrose with Vida because of something that he had done when he was a child. And he has proven since then that he has learned and grown pass his mistake. She’s trusted Sabrina on less so why can’t she trust him?
“Okay. But Ambrose-”
“I swear Auntie I’ll be on my best behavior and not a hair on head would be harmed.” Zelda glared at him and he, realizing what he said, ran a hand over the back of his head. “Right to far.” Zelda gave a dry chuckle and took another drink. As she continued to watch Vida as she tried to wrap her head around what she was about to. She still couldn’t believe it even as she wrote then sent an email to the person in charge of the dance. She was really doing this and when she pushed ‘send’ there was no turning back.
Today was such a good day! Vida couldn’t think it could get any better. To start, her Auntie Hilda made pancakes. Pancakes on a weekday! It has never happened before and she ate two happily with her face covered in strawberry jam. Vida noted that the pancakes that Aunt Hilda made were heart shaped, she didn’t know why until she arrived at school. Ooooooh, right Valentine’s day! Vida didn’t understand the importance of it completely but she knew that today was the day she could give out the cards she made. She spent a whole week working on them, making them neat and unique taking her time and great care with them. And then something happened about an hour after she arrived at school that blew away Aunt Hilda’s special heart shaped breakfast out the window. Her teacher told her that they would have an early lunch at the high school. She was going to Mommy’s and Sabrina’s school! There was only one thing that could make it better but she decided not to dwell on it.
Along with the rest of her class and teachers Vida walked to the highschool. Her fellow classmates ohhed when they arrived, it occured to Vida that none of her classmates have seen a building so big. Their excitement quickly turned to hesitation with a little touch of fear when they entered the lunchroom. Firstly, the lunchroom, or cafeteria as Sabrina called it, was huge! Their lunchroom was only half this size. And second the high schoolers, there was a lot of them and some of them they had to crane their necks up to see their faces, they were that tall! They kind of reminded Vida of the jolly green giant. Vida was the first to break away from her class, she saw Sabrina and her friends and her teacher said it was okay to join them when she pointed them out.
“Sabrina!” Her cousin paused mid laugh as she turned around to see her running to join her lunch box in hand.
“Hey squirt what are you doing here?” Harvey found a spare chair and he placed it between himself and Sabrina. After setting her lunch box on the table Vida climbed into the plastic seat. She had to sit with her legs under her so she could see over the table. Being short had so many disadvantages.
“My teacher said my class was allowed to have lunch with you guys so she brought us over.”
“That’s so cute.” Said Roz. Vida liked Roz, she was nice and smart and had really cool glasses that she let Vida try on one time. Vida opened her lunch box, she placed her cards inside it to keep them nice. Then she handed them to Sabrina and each of her friends, she had to stretch as far so she could to give her card to Susie. Susie had to meet her a little bit to take the card from her. Everyone said thank you when she gave them her cards and she talked about how she tried to make them unique. For Roz she found as much glasses decorations and drew as many as she could. For Susie she found an outline of a farm and tried her best to make it look like the one that Susie lived on though she doubts that Susie and her dad keep bears. Dr. C helped with Harvey’s, he cut up some old not valuable comic books and he glued the pieces where she wanted them. Her teacher called it a ‘collage’ but she doesn’t know what that means. For Sabrina she shaped her card into a cat, Sabrina liked cats and she ‘awed’ at the red and purple cat with a pink ribbon and uneven misshapen yellow eyes. After fawning over their cards Sabrina and her friends returned to their lunch, something that Vida would do herself but…
“Vida where’s your lunch?” Vida sunk in her chair and clunch her lunch box close to her, she took it back when she finished handing out her cards. She didn’t want to tell her cousin that she could count on one hand how many times she has actually had lunch at school. “Aunt Hilda packs you lunch right?” Vida just nods. She knows that Aunt Hilda makes her lunch. Aunt Hilda makes lunch for everyone and sometimes Vida would help her. “Vida is something wrong?” Sabrina used that soft voice that makes Vida tell her everything, she doesn’t know why or how to stop herself.
“What?” Vida looks two tables over and Sabrina does the same. A boy, roughly the same age as Vida sat with some kids. He was a little on the pudgy side and was dressed in khaki pants and a crisp red polo. His black hair was slicked back and shiny with some sort of gel or mousse. He turned his head, most likely to talk to the person on his left but it was enough to spook Vida and she quickly turned back around trying to make herself even smaller in her chair. “Vida has he been bothering you?”
“He takes my lunch every day.” Vida didn’t say it any louder than a whisper, fearful that Judas might hear. She remembered the last time that she made Judas mad and she was careful to make sure she didn’t attract his attention. Sabrina looks shocked and a little mad and something settles inside Vida stomach, a bad feeling. Nothing good comes from Sabrina being mad. Sabrina starts to get up from her chair, Vida didn’t know what she was going to do but in a panic Vida yells. “No! Sabrina please don’t make it worse.” Sabrina pauses for a moment but then smiles, her sneaky smile and Vida doesn’t know if that’s better or worse.
“Just trust me.” She winks and hands Vida the last half of her turkey sandwich before walking over to where their teacher was talking. They talked for a minute and the dread that Vida feels, she doesn’t like it. Sabrina returns with a huge smile on her face.
“Wanna see your mom?” And just like that Judas is the last thing on her mind.
“Mommy!” Vida takes Sabrina’s hand and they say goodbye to Sabrina’s friends as they leave the cafeteria. It was a good walk from the cafeteria to Mommy’s office, Vida has never been there before but Sabrina knew where to take her, where to turn and what hallways to walk down and what door to knock on when they reach it. There was a pause before Sabrina opened the door.
“Aunt Zelda I have a surprise for you.”
“What is it Sabrina?” Sabrina moved more into the room so that she could enter.
“Mommy!” Vida ran into her mother’s office. Her mom was sitting behind her desk and her face showed a combination of shock and joy at seeing her in her office. Vida ran straight to her and Zelda scooped her up, hugging her close and kissing her cheek.
“Vida. What are you doing here?”
“Her class is having lunch at the cafeteria. I asked her teacher if it was okay to bring her to you and she said it was okay so long as I bring her back at the end of lunch.” Vida pouted into her mother’s shoulder. She didn’t have much time with her mom and she had to go back to school after. So unfair!
“Well then, you better make your time count baby bear.” Vida lifted her head from the soft warmth of her mother’s shoulder to see Mary sitting in a seat across from her mother with her feet on the edge of the desk. She winks at Vida when she noticed her looking at her.
“I made cards!” Vida pulled out two of her four remaining cards. One was for Ambrose and the other for Aunt Hilda and Dr. C, she made them one big card that she left at school because it was too big to fit in her lunch box. She held out Mary’s card and Mary had to get up from her seat when it became clear that Vida wasn’t going to leave Zelda’s lap until she was forced to. Mary took the card with a smirk and a raspberry to her cheek. Mary’s card was shaped like a kite, she made it out of green construction paper and the blue yarn that she made the tail from had letters tied to it that spelled ‘WICCA’. Zelda’s card was in the shape of a house, it looked like a combination of their own house and Vida trying to replicate the Addams Family house. Inside was in stick figure forms Vida, Zelda, and Mary in Vida’s best attempts at drawing them as the Addams Family characters they were at halloween.
“Thank you Vida I love it.” Vida beamed as Zelda kissed her cheek and gave her another tight hug. From there Vida told her mother about making her cards and the pancakes that Aunt Hilda made. All too soon Sabrina said she had to take her back, Vida pouted but hugged her mother and Mary goodbye. Sabrina returned her to her teacher and the rest of her classmates just as the bell rang, Sabrina waved goodbye before leaving. As they walked back to her own school Vida couldn’t help the big smile on her face. Definitely the best day ever!
Zelda spent the first half of Saturday making sure that the preparations she made for that night were set and the second half getting ready for the dance. She ignored Hilda who seemed to be going for some recond on how many things she could make heart shaped. When she left at 5 Hilda and Dr. C were holed away in the conservatory and Ambrose and Vida were in the parlor watching a movie. Vida’s Mary Poppins obsession was still going strong and Zelda kissed her goodbye during ‘Jolly Holiday with Mary’.
By the time that Zelda got to the school the dance was in full swing. The space that wasn’t being used for the refreshments and tables for people to rest at that lined the wall was taken up by dancing teenagers. The whole gym was packed to the brim with large pink and red heart shaped decorations, streamers, and balloons, one popped under her heel attracting the people closest to her. Lights and the music made it hard to take in anything not in three feet which was why she didn’t see Sabrina and her friends come up to her until they were right in front of her.
“Aunt Zelda you made it!” Sabrina’s friends murmured a greeting to her, she still intimidated them but that was okay by her. “Last I saw Ms. Wardwell she was sulking by the punch bowl.” Sabrina indicated over her shoulder to the corner across the gym, it was a quite dark corner with not that much foot traffic, it was perfect for Mary.
“Thank you Sabrina. Enjoy yourself but be smart, understood?” Zelda gave her niece a sharp look and Sabrina bristled a little.
“Understood Auntie.” And just like that Sabrina and her friends left to be lost in a sea of dancing bodies. Zelda didn’t waste any time making her way over to Mary. Mary was sulking in a corner with a glare that clearly spoke not to bother her but Zelda dared. She didn’t hesitate to join Mary and the second that she was in visible eyesight Mary’s scowl changed to a look of shock.
“What are you doing here?”
“Being miserable with you.”
“You know out of context someone could take that the wrong way.”
“And do you know that I don’t technically have to be here and could leave at any moment?”
“You wouldn’t dare. You’re not that cruel.”
“Oh?” Zelda rose and eyebrow and smirked. She took two teasing steps backward to make it seem like she was serious about leaving. Before she could take another step Mary growled and pounced wrapping her arms around her waist to bring her back and close against Mary. In the very back of her mind Zelda realized that this was inappropriate that they, two teachers, shouldn’t be pressed against each other the way they were when surrounded by their students. But they weren’t working, not officially, and there was nothing wrong with them, two consenting adults, being together. It was a romance holiday for crying out loud, it meant that she was allowed this, to be with Mary. Doubt would imply that she cared about strangers opinion and that was the furthest thing from the truth. Zelda only cared about her own opinion and Vida’s. That’s why she didn’t care who saw as she started to slowly kiss Mary and Mary slowly kissing her back. There were a few wolf whistles but the second they glared at the small crowd watching them they scrambled away. They weren’t bothered again for the rest of the night and when the dance was over Zelda went home with Mary.
When Zelda came into work the following Monday she and Mary were the number one topic of discussion by the students. Zelda was constantly picking up whispered conversations when she walked the halls. She ignored it at first, gossip was beneath her and uninteresting, but when her class starts whispering every time she turns her back she had enough.
“Is there something you all would like to say?” Her second period Russian class paled and a few students even sank into their seats. “Very well then you all are prepared for the test-”
“It’s about you and Ms. Wardell!” A girl, one of her few juniors spoke out in a rush that took Zelda back. Katie was always so soft spoken.
“What about me and Ms. Wardwell?”
“There are rumors that… the two of you… are… well… dating.”
“We just wanted to know if it was true.”
“What Ms. Wardwell and I do in our spare time is our own business and what we do is no concern to you.”
“But nothing. Do I pry into your life? No, I’m here to teach, you’re here to learn. If you want to engage in gossip I suggest you go elsewhere. Now if that’s all I would like to continue.” Her class fell silent and they continued class without further interruption.
“It appears that we are ‘out of the closet’.”
“I beg your pardon?” Zelda looked at Mary confused, she wasn’t familiar with that expression or how it applied to her and Mary. When Mary joined her for lunch like normal she didn’t say anything, just took her usual seat with a kiss to Zelda’s head and started to eat her lunch. Mary lifted her lunch tray and handed Zelda a single piece of paper. It was a print out of the school blog with a headline big and bold that said ‘Ms. Spellman and Ms. Wardwell: just friends or more?’ along with a picture of them at the dance. Someone had taken a picture of the when they were at the punch bowl, they were holding hands. Zelda placed the paper down and looked at Mary, she shrugged her shoulders as to say ‘so’.
“You’re not bothered.” It was said as a statement not a question and Zelda looked Mary dead in the eye to say.
“No. Are you?”
“Not at all.”
“Good.” Mary smirked and when lunch was over she kissed Zelda’s cheek goodbye. So that was that, they were ‘out’ as Mary called it. Zelda oddly didn’t care, her relationship with Mary didn’t change and she would be damned if she let anyone change it.
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tetsookie · 6 years
Hey, hey, hey, Eiri-chan @schion ! Surprise, it is I, your HQ Valentine’s Day Person for @hqvalentineexchange ! XD I hope you have a lovely birthday, you absolute darling~!! <3
Title: Dinosaurs, Strawberries, and Everything Kei Rating: Teen and Up (for swearing) Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji Summary:  In which high school romantic Kuroo struggles with the first Valentine's with a certain hot blonde nerd. Even though Kuroo has no gardening experience whatsoever, gifting his boyfriend some homegrown strawberries shouldn't be too much of a struggle, right? ...Right? (Also on Ao3!)
"Bo, what does Akaashi want for Valentine's?"
Bokuto looked up from his phone at Kuroo, brows furrowing. "What?"
"I asked what Akaashi wants for Valentine's."
Bokuto stared at his roommate, sitting up straight and putting his phone aside. The two were lounging about in their dorm room on the first Saturday of January. "Why do you want to know what my boyfriend wants for Valentine's? Kuroo, are you going to hit on Keiji?"
"No, no, no," Kuroo chuckled, waving away the mere suggestion with his hand. "I think Akaashi would probably shank me with whatever present I'd even think about getting for him. Fortunately--or, maybe unfortunately for him, I'd like to preserve whatever life college hasn't sucked out of me."
"Then, how come you're asking about a gift for him?"
"Not for him, no," Kuroo mumbled, running a free hand through his hair. "I want to get something nice for Kei, but I'm not sure what to get him. I'm looking for ideas."
Bokuto blinked. "Why don't you ask Tsukki what he wants?"
Kuroo grimaced, looking back down at the unfinished drawing for his medical illustration class. "I did."
"He doesn't want anything in particular. That's why I was asking you. I mean, aren't you and Akaashi still together despite your occasional blunders? You've gotta be doing something right."
"Hey--" Bokuto protested angrily, chucking a pillow in Kuroo's direction, the latter deflecting it easily with a smirk. "Maybe I shouldn't help you at all, jerk."
"Sorry, sorry," Kuroo bit back a bark of laughter, clearing his throat and swiveling around in his chair to meet eyes with Bokuto. "As the more experienced man in love, please give me your wisdom, oh, wise, Bokuto Koutarou."
Bokuto seemed to swell at the compliment and he hummed, eyes trailing to the ceiling and his hand resting on his chin in thought.
"Well, last Valentine's, I sent Keiji little gifts after each of his classes. Boxes of chocolates, cards, little owl plushies..." he ticked off each item from his fingers, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "But, then Keiji said he didn't want to show me his class schedules anymore because it was too much to clean up afterwards." Bokuto shrugged, deflating a little. "I think we're planning to do something smaller this year."
Kuroo remembered that. It was their second year of university and surprisingly, the three of them had all been accepted to the same school of choice--granted, Bokuto barely ended up getting in through waitlist and sports connections, but Kuroo never brought that up more than two times a week.
Bokuto and Akaashi had been dating for a while by then--the two were slightly insufferable in Kuroo's opinion, but he was definitely happy for his best friend landing the guy he was pursuing for over two years. With three years of anniversaries under their belt, the looks, the presents, and the physical displays of affection only seemed to grow in strength and number as the months passed.
Last year was probably the worst. Bokuto had decided he would go all out on the Valentine's gifts and consequently made friends with at least one person in each of Akaashi's classes who could deliver Bokuto's undying confessions of love. Needless to say, Akaashi was unhappy. Or maybe, Kuroo mused, he was a bit too happy about all the attention. He could still remember the faint pink that tinted the back of Akaashi's neck as the younger man confronted Bokuto, with a firm, "Bokuto-san, for both your sake and mine, please never do that ever again."
"I'm surprised you need my help with this at all." Bokuto continued, cutting Kuroo off from his thoughts. "Weren't you quite the ladies' man back in high school? You gave girls chocolates and stuff for Valentine's, right?"
"I did, but, I want this to be extra special," Kuroo groaned, resting his chin on the back of his chair. "I don't want to just do something I've done before... Kei is special."
Bokuto whistled and it was Kuroo's turn to grab the pillow from the floor and chuck it across the room at his face. "I'm being serious here... this is new to us. Sure, I can get him the usual chocolates and flowers and whatnot, but I'm sure he's expecting that. I want to do something to completely knock him off his feet."
An image of Tsukishima short-circuiting as bright red spread across his cheeks made Kuroo's heart fill up with warmth, and he smiled at the thought. Bokuto seemed to observe him for a while before speaking.
"How about dinosaurs?"
"Nah," Kuroo sighed. "I did a huge dinosaur thing for him on our one-month anniversary. Took him to a museum and got him enough dinosaur related things to fill up his entire closet. It's too soon to repeat that."
"It's only been two months since you started dating."
"I don't think Tsukki would be that picky though... is he?"
"Bokuto, I’m that picky for him," Kuroo huffed, blowing upwards to clear some hair out of his face.
"Just make him something then!" Bokuto gestured to the papers on Kuroo's desk. "You can draw him something. That's personal, right?"
Kuroo turned back to stare at the drawings on his desk. As he was pursuing a career in medical illustration, he was taking required courses in both art and in the sciences. Regardless, other than know how to sketch a perfect surgical diagram, Kuroo wasn't entirely sure how to draw anything else. He was more than positive a drawing of a live, beating organ was the furthest thing from romantic.
He picked up his draft of the veins in a human skull and showed it to Bokuto with a mild air of defeat. "Think Kei would like this at all?"
Bokuto squinted at the drawing as if to make out the bits and ends of it before snapping his fingers. "Maybe if it was a dinosaur skull, what about that?!"
Kuroo decided asking Bokuto for Valentine's advice was a bad idea altogether.
  Despite Kuroo's failure to gain any solid advice from his roommate, the following day he admit that a personalized gift wasn't too disastrous. If Kei’s complaints about his cheesiness was any indication, Kuroo had already done plenty of personal things for the blonde. That wasn’t new.
Yet, Kuroo couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t the usual explosion of red and pink hearts, teddy bears, and various assortments of chocolates.
Kuroo sighed, slugging his bag over his shoulder and waving goodbye to his classmates before heading back to his dorm room. It wasn’t as if he was on a time crunch or anything—in fact, he was probably overthinking this too early. Bokuto had even asked him what kind of whipped fool started planning for Valentine’s a month in advance?
Kuroo ran a hand through his hair. Right. This whipped fool. But, it wasn’t as if Bokuto could say anything about it—his and Akaashi’s first anniversary was planned weeks in advance.
As Kuroo stepped outside the building, a cold gust of air blew through the area, sending chills down his spine. It was a mistake wearing his metal studs that morning because now his ears were just as cold as the rest of him. He bundled up a little warmer in his coat and scarf before heading towards the university entrance, thinking about how he would give anything now to cuddle up on the couch with Kei. The younger man was definitely weak to the cold, and being the warmer of the two, Kuroo enjoyed wrapping himself up with his boyfriend to fend off the winter chills.
Unfortunately for Kuroo, Kei was off at the campus greenhouse with other biology majors, fighting the biting winds for the plants there. Kuroo had grumbled that Kei couldn’t fend off winter’s sting himself so him trying to fight it off for others was illogical. Kei rolled his eyes and assured Kuroo that the greenhouse was properly heated so Kuroo didn’t have to worry.
But, Kuroo couldn’t help but worry anyway as the image of a shivering, rosy-cheeked Kei came to mind. He’d have to warm his boyfriend up once they met up in a few days. Kuroo would make sure of it.
Initially, the two had planned to secure an apartment together, but Bokuto had begged Kuroo to stick with him until the end of the academic school year.
People often asked why Bokuto roomed with Kuroo if the former had a boyfriend to go to at the end of the day. Bokuto always flushed bright red, stammering about needing to wait for marriage. Akaashi deadpanned, saying Bokuto was too distracting for his studies. Kuroo wanted to ask in what way was Bokuto distracting, but an icy glare from Akaashi kept his mouth shut.
Of course, Kuroo was happy to do his best friend a favor, but that meant Kei had to endure one semester without his boyfriend’s warmth. Kei had said he was fine and he seemed excited to set up his single room the first week of school.
A single, because after all, Kei wasn’t a people person. The very idea of rooming with anyone other than Kuroo wasn’t feasible for him. So, Kei selected a small apartment down the way, one with a tidy little balcony where he could keep some plants for company. Plants were better than people, after all.
To be honest, Kuroo was certain the blonde would pursue geology with his interest in fossils and archaeology. Either that or something in music. The two seemed a closer fit than biology was, but Kei was always full of surprises. One thing was for certain though—if there was anything Tsukishima Kei enjoyed indiscriminately, it definitely fell into the region of songs or dinosaurs.
Kuroo wondered if he could write Kei a song.
‘A song about dinosaurs?’ a voice in the back of his head meekly asked, and he grimaced, shoving that idea to the side. Maybe some other time. After all, Kuroo wasn’t the best with rhythm or tempo, as much as he enjoyed listening to music, he sure as heck couldn’t keep a beat even if he had a metronome placed right in front of him.
Kuroo grumbled, shoving his hands into the front of his coat pockets and trudging down the street towards his apartment complex. His place wasn’t terribly far from campus, but the extra time to think about a gift idea that would never come was vexing.
Dinosaurs, no. Music, no. Well, maybe, but it was far too late to start something now given he would have to write a song, then practice, then make sure it didn’t sound like it was composed and orchestrated by the elementary school kids down the block.
What else did Kei like? He loved sweets, especially those small strawberry cakes from the bakery on the street corner. Those were his absolute favorites and Kuroo was definitely going to get him that, but he needed something else… something more…
He scratched his head in frustration. Kei was more than dinosaurs or music. He was more than strawberry sweets, and sugar sweet kisses in the early rays of sunlit mornings. He was more than a blonde nerd with glasses—granted, a hot blonde nerd with glasses, but Kuroo digresses. He was more than his interests, his likes, and his passions—his eyes were an ocean Kuroo could get lost in, his laugh was a gift to the heavens, he was more than the small things that put him together—Tsukishima Kei was everything.
Yet, Kuroo couldn’t think of a proper gift for the life of him and felt terribly inadequate. He wanted to give Kei something he worked hard on and thought seriously about—not some cookie cutter formula Valentine’s day gift.
Suddenly, Kuroo stopped, finding his feet rooted to the spot as he heard the jingle of a bell from a nearby shop ring with the opening and closing of the door. He stared at the items on display and it was as if the bud of the most brilliant idea took hold in his mind. Without another thought, Kuroo shuffled over, wrenched the entrance open and walked inside.
  “What’s that?” Bokuto perked up from the magazine he was reading, white and black hair sticking out at odds and ends on his head.
Kuroo beamed, taking off his coat and backpack before heading into their shared living space with his arms wrapped around a bundle of thin plastic. “It’s Kei’s Valentine’s gift!”
Bokuto bounced up from his seat on the floor. “Let me see!”
Kuroo grinned, setting the mess in his hands onto his desk. Slowly and carefully, he undid the wrapping around it revealing—
“Is that a plant?” Bokuto slumped, the excitement draining out of his face. “Man, Tsukki has like a million plants already, you got him another one?”
“It’s not just any plant,” Kuroo retorted, smoothing out some of the baby leaves on the potted beauty. The to-be gift took up nearly half of his desk space. “It’s a strawberry plant, for your information.”
“Where are the strawberries?” Bokuto asked, disbelieving.
“I’m going to grow them.”
Bokuto stared in awe at the plant as if a group of strawberries would suddenly pop up out of the blue on its green stems.
“Wow,” he breathed, staring at the pot with a newfound sense of wonder. “That’s a great idea, Kuroo.”
“I hope so,” Kuroo smiled, looking down at the pot. “I’m not as good with plants as Kei is, but the lady in the store said that this type of plant in particular makes a lot of strawberries so I thought it’d be perfect. We could probably use them the next time we try baking together.”
“Hey,” Bokuto turned to Kuroo, mouth open wide. “Do you think I can do this too?”
“Gift Keiji a plant!”
Kuroo frowned. “No, dude, get your own, I’m not giving you any of Kei’s strawberries.”
“No, I don’t want any, I meant a rapeseed plant!” Bokuto exclaimed, a sparkle in his eyes. “They’re a part of Keiji’s favorite food!”
“Thank you for the boyfriend trivia I didn’t particularly need to know,” Kuroo responded, shoving Bokuto out of his face. “That’s fine—I think I saw some in the store I went to, you know, the flower shop next to the ramen place.”
“We can grow them together!”
“Sure, as long you don’t take credit for my brilliant idea,” Kuroo hummed, moving the potted plant closer to the window of their room. “Much better than a drawing of the inside of a dinosaur skull, right?”
“Well, actually, I think my idea was fin—”
Kuroo chucked a pillow at Bokuto’s face. “Go get your gift, you idiot.”
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m on my way!”
With that, Bokuto slipped into his winter gear and headed out the door. Kuroo’s eyes trailed after him before settling back down on the plant in front of him. At this point, the pot was abnormally large in comparison to the small buds poking out of the dirt here and there.
It wasn’t the most extravagant gift in his opinion, but with love and care, he knew Kei would cherish the gift. At least, he hoped.
  Kuroo needed a different gift for Kei and he needed it fast.
He didn’t have a green thumb, he knew this, but he didn’t think he’d be worse than Bokuto Koutarou.
Glancing over at the towering plant on Bokuto’s desk, Kuroo groaned, laying his head in his hands. Through his fingers, he peeked at his strawberry plant, half of which was withered and brown, and half with a bunch of scrawny strawberries under some subpar leaves.
This was a disaster.
Three weeks before Valentine’s, Kuroo wondered if he was doing something wrong.
Two weeks before Valentine’s, Kuroo started investing in fertilizer and searching up home remedies for plants on his laptop.
A week before Valentine’s, Kuroo began looking for other gift options.
It wasn’t like him to quit halfway, but dammit, Mother Nature wasn’t working with him and there was nothing he could do about the forces of the universe cursing his beloved strawberry plant with infertility.
Now that Valentine’s was tomorrow he had no other option than to do something else for his boyfriend.
Bokuto seemed as happy-go-lucky as ever—if anything, even more so than usual. Kuroo wasn’t sure if the change in mood was because of Bokuto’s innate plant caring skills or whatever, but his roommate’s success was making his failure look even more terrible.
Kuroo glared at the plant as if the sharp looks would spur the strawberries to ripen within the span of 24 hours. As if. If whatever he had done before hadn’t worked, it wasn’t going to start working now.
He had poured his entire soul into his gift. Kuroo spent hours trimming away the dying leaves, watering it at set hours of the day, and making sure the plant got enough sunlight even when he would spend the weekend away at Kei’s. It wasn’t as if he didn’t get anything for his efforts. Heck, there were a few small strawberries on the stems, but it was as if he had been granted the Midas touch of turning everything to gold because, damn, the plant was looking mighty yellow.
Granted, Kuroo could probably pop down to a local florist and purchase a strawberry plant that actually had strawberries on them, but then there’d be no heart in the gift. The past month would have been a complete waste of time.
Bokuto wasn’t doing much to help his mood.
“What’d you do?” he probed, looking back and forth from his plant to Kuroo’s.
Kuroo nearly snarled back, letting his face fall onto his keyboard. Bokuto had hardly done anything special for his gift and yet, his plant had grown beautifully vibrant. It had been accidentally dropped, tousled, and Bokuto had even forgotten to water it for days and yet, there it stood, mocking Kuroo from across the room. Kuroo swallowed the lump of bitterness in his throat and mumbled, “Leave me alone.”
Bokuto gave him a sympathetic look that Kuroo pretended not to feel. He scooted his chair closer to observe Kuroo’s plant. “Hey, it’s not all bad! You have some strawberries here!”
Kuroo grunted, gesturing to his laptop screen. Bokuto looked up, reading the information on display.
“Strawberries are in season for the majority of the year, so if any new farmers are looking to plant them, you’re in luck. From late April through Augu—oh.”
“I’m an idiot,” Kuroo sighed.
Bokuto furrowed his brows, typing in something else on the keys after gently shoving Kuroo to the side. “Rapeseed,” he began, once he finished searching. “This crop is often grown as a winter cover crop… no wonder mine was fine! Kuroo, it’s not your fault!”
“Yes, it is, Bo. I was blinded by love and didn’t even check to see when it grows best.”
Laying a hand on Kuroo’s slumped shoulder, Bokuto nodded understandingly. Kuroo would have probably laughed at him and brushed him off if he didn’t feel so miserable. “I get you, man. Love does that.”
“But, what do I do? I have nothing to give him now!”
Bokuto hummed, placing his hands on his hips. “You could go on a double date with us! Keiji and I found this awesome cake place downtown that has some great reviews. I think it’s even better than the one that bakery you always go together with him. We’re planning to go this weekend after Valentine’s so maybe you can make Tsukki a little something to hold him over til then? After all, didn’t Tsukki say he didn’t want anything in particular?”
“Yeah,” Kuroo sighed, a sad smile fitting onto his lips. “I don’t know what I did to deserve him.”
“You’re such a sap,” Bokuto laughed, grinning wide. “I’m sure he’ll love whatever you do for him! And don’t worry about Friday—there’s no way Tsukki won’t like these cakes—they’re fancy wedding cake samples!”
Kuroo choked, looking Bokuto in the eyes for the first time that evening. “Bro, are you—”
Bokuto averted his eyes, red flooding his cheeks. “I… I wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Bro, what the hell, when did you propose?” Kuroo leapt up from his seat, wrapping an arm around his roommate’s shoulders. “Congrats, man! How come this is the first I’m hearing of this?”
Bokuto shrugged, shrinking a little under the praise. Even though he was elated to receive compliments for himself, he always tended to be shy when it came to Akaashi. “You were stressed over your strawberries.”
“Still,” Kuroo nudged Bokuto hard in the ribs. He couldn’t believe he was so stressed about his gift he hadn’t even realized his best friend was getting married. “That kind of news is always welcome. Man, it’s about time!”
Bokuto beamed, pushing Kuroo off him and puffing his chest out proudly. “Anyways! They allow an additional guest and their date to join in cake tasting so you and Tsukki can come!”
Kuroo grinned, his chest feeling lighter already. “I’m sure he’d love that. Does he know?”
“I dunno, Keiji might have told him.”
“I hope not, I want to see the look on his face when he learns we’re going cake tasting,” Kuroo placed his laptop to the side and grabbed a fresh sheet of paper from the pile near his desk. “It sucks that I couldn’t gift him these strawberries, but I think I’m okay with you and Akaashi stealing the spotlight this Valentine’s.”
Bokuto blinked, watching Kuroo select a graphic pencil from his pencil case before turning to type something into his keyboard. “Wait, what are you—”
Smirking, Kuroo turned in his chair to display his screen—a real life drawing of a T-Rex in the images tab. “Think Kei would like some dinosaur skull veins?”
“Kuroo,” Bokuto laughed. “That’s so unromantic.”
  Kuroo fit his checkered dress shirt on and adjusted the collars in the mirror. He spun once to make sure there were no holes in his black jeans before looking back at his reflection with a smile. Nice.
The two were going on a date together after classes. It was hard to find a spare moment on Valentine’s, but they had made it work. Kuroo assured Kei that he would keep it on the down-low and the latter had agreed to a small dinner date at a restaurant the two frequented from time to time.
Kuroo heard the doorbell ring and called out a ‘coming!’ before grabbing the shoulder bag on his and Bokuto’s shared table space before swinging the door open wide.
Kei stood at the entrance, a blue denim jacket wrapped snugly around a casual t-shirt with a black backpack, dark blue jeans on the bottom. The setting sun in the background made Kei’s pale skin almost glow, and Kuroo couldn’t help staring before his boyfriend cleared his throat, hints of pink dusting the tips of his ears. “Kuroo-san.”
“Kei!” Kuroo beamed, moving forward to cup the blonde’s face in his hands and place a light kiss on his lips. “Happy Valentine’s, moonshine.”
“Happy Valentine’s…” Kei looked down, hands hovering over Kuroo’s. Kuroo took the chance to grab them in his own and the two naturally intertwined their fingers together.
“Ready to go?”
Kei blinked, looking not-so-subtlety down at Kuroo’s shoulder bag before glancing back at the apartment. If Kuroo hadn’t known the taller man for years back in high school, he wouldn’t have caught the glint of longing in the golden eyes.
“Something wrong?”
“Ah, nothing,” Kei murmured, adjusting his backpack. “I just thought…”
Kuroo’s silence prompted Kei to continue. The younger man narrowly caught himself about to fiddle with his fingers, but held them a little more stiffly in Kuroo’s hand.
“I just thought the plant thing was your idea.”
Kuroo sputtered, staring incredulously at Kei. “What?”
“I saw Akaashi-san today in the library and he had this plant with him. He said he got it from Bokuto-san, but Bokuto-san, isn’t very good with that stuff so I figured it was something you convinced him to do. When Bokuto-san showed up a bit later, he said something about how you both were growing plants for us.”
Resisting the urge to bury his head into the floor, Kuroo laughed awkwardly, his free hand reaching up to cover his eyes. “Ah, shit. Damn, Bo.”
Kei watched Kuroo with a mixture of confusion and amusement. “Kuroo-san?”
“I was planning to take that plant to my grave,” Kuroo sighed, biting his lip nervously. “It… wasn’t… isn’t… didn’t turn out as great as Bokuto’s.”
Now Kei’s eyes were filled with curiosity. He peered back into the dark room, craning his neck to look towards Kuroo’s side of the dorm. “Can I see?”
Kuroo needed to say no. I mean, how could he even show that plant to anyone, let alone the love of his life? It was hideous, and tiny, the disgrace of all farmers and planters out there alike. The abomination should stay clear of the light of day, far away from prying eyes and inquisitive glances.
But, of course, Kuroo couldn’t say no to Tsukishima Kei.
Damn, was he whipped.
“Just a second,” Kuroo grumbled, kicking off his shoes and heading back inside as Kei’s eyes followed him.
Without a closer look at the gift, Kuroo grabbed the potted plant, made his way back out and placed it into his boyfriend’s arms.
Kei took one look at the bundle of shriveled strawberries underneath and paused, expression unreadable. Kuroo winced, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. He couldn’t bring himself to look his boyfriend in the eye. “Ah, well, I really did try, Kei. I really should’ve checked the season—I forgot that planters do that because, well, that only makes sense after a—”
Kuroo was interrupted by a guffaw of laughter. When he looked up, he saw Kei doubled over himself, hand over his mouth in an attempt to contain the mirth, but to no avail. The blonde shook with giggles, trying to keep it together. Kuroo would’ve thought it was adorable if he weren’t so embarrassed.
“Kei, c’mon, don’t make fun of me, you know I tried berry hard,” Kuroo offered weakly, a smile growing on his own face.
“Oh, my, god, Tetsurou, stop,” Kei choked, holding onto his sides for dear life. Kuroo snickered, sidling over and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist.
“Stop or what? You’ll leaf me?”
“Tetsurou,” Kei tried keeping his voice straight this time, but it was easy to detect the cracks. Kuroo smirked.
“C’mon, Kei, you know I’ll always be a pot of your life,” Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows.
“God, please, stop,” Kei huffed, wiping tears out of his eyes and pushing his boyfriend back in a way Kuroo knew was playful. “You’re the worst.”
“But, I’m yours?”
Kei exhaled, finally collecting himself enough to roll his eyes with conviction. Kuroo chuckled, burrowing his face into his boyfriend’s shoulder.
God, he was embarrassed. But, it was definitely worth it to hear Kei’s angelic laughter.
“This,” Kei spoke up, clearing his throat and gesturing to the flower pot held between them. “Is probably the worst thing I’ve seen in my entire life.”
“Damn,” Kuroo said, snapping his fingers. “Bokuto said I should’ve gifted you a dinosaur skull for Valentine’s. Should’ve listened to him—that was probably a better idea than a half-dead plant.”
Tsukishima paused, giving Kuroo a wary look. “A what?”
“No, not a real dinosaur skull stolen from a museum or someplace—a drawing of the inside of one like I do for my illustration classes,” Kuroo snickered, holding up the product in his hand and handing it to Kei. “It’s not that great, to be completely honest, as no one really knows what the veins inside a dinosaur skull looks like, anyways.”
Kei looked down at the drawing in his hands, his mouth agape as if looking for words to say. Kuroo paused, staring at his boyfriend in confusion. “Wait, don’t tell me you actually really like it that much?”
As if on cue, Kei’s cheeks burst into color and he shook his head, huffing angrily and refusing to meet Kuroo’s eyes directly. “No, that’s ridiculous. Please don’t talk nonsense Kuroo-san.”
“Aw, Kei,” Kuroo leaned in closer, a knowing smile on his lips. “You can be honest with me. What happened to ‘Tetsurou?’”
Kei seemed to burst into flames at the statement, but instead of responding, he placed the flower on the floor and dug into his backpack, pulling out a wrapped, medium-sized box that he shoved at Kuroo’s chest.
Kuroo blinked, taking the gift tentatively. After trying to make eye contact with Kei for half a minute, he slowly peeled back the tape, undid the binding, and lifted the lid.
The smell hit him first. A smell of roses or wisteria or jasmine—to be completely honest, Kuroo couldn’t tell too well. The bottom of the box was lined with an assortment of dried flowers, half of which Kuroo couldn’t place. There was what looked to be a tie wrapped in light red tissue paper to the right and a greeting card on the left.
Wordlessly, Kei grabbed the box so that Kuroo could dig through its contents without worrying about dropping anything. Kuroo’s eyes flicked up to meet with Kei’s for half a moment before they dropped back down to the present. He was so happy. So damn happy.
Kuroo took the tie first, unwrapping it to reveal what would be a plain black tie except for the fact that it was covered with images from periodic table of elements. He laughed, taking the cloth to his neck and lifting an eyebrow in Kei’s direction. “Aw, moonshine, you shouldn’t have. Now, I’ll definitely get into grad school. When I go for my interview, I’m sure they’ll instantly accept me with this!”
Kei smirked, “Or they’ll instantly erase all contact with you after finding out you’re a giant nerd, who knows.”
“Mean,” Kuroo smiled, knowing it was all in good fun. He gently placed the tie back into the box. “I’ll cherish it.”
Kei didn’t respond, merely looking back down at the contents of the gift once more. Kuroo took that as an invitation to continue.
He took the card into his hands, but nearly fell over his own feet catching an item that slipped out of it. After he had firmly grasped it, Kuroo looked closer to find a pair of earrings.
“That…” Kei spoke quietly. “Was Yamaguchi’s idea. You know how he is about jewelry so he wouldn’t let it go after I told him about the idea. If you don’t like it, I can always take it back. I’m sure Yamaguchi can sell it in his store somehow.”
“What are you saying, Kei,” Kuroo breathed, running a finger over the sleek metal exteriors. “These are perfect.”
And, indeed they were. One side was designed like a black cat, with a tuft of hair off to the side of its face. It reminded him terribly of himself and likewise, the other side, a golden moon that shone brilliantly in the last rays of the setting sun reminded him of the most important person in his life.
Kuroo looked up, and Kei found himself stammering. “D-don’t cry!”
“I’m not!” Kuroo responded, rubbing his eyes with his free hand and clutching the earrings with the other. “This is… this is wow. Kei, you designed these?”
“Not entirely,” Kei mumbled. “I had help. To be honest, my first Valentine’s gift wasn’t that great either.”
As if to prove a point, Kei grabbed the card out of the box and handed it to Kuroo. After placing the earrings back into the box, Kuroo took the card and opened it.
What he saw inside made him burst into laughter. Kei’s ears went bright red and he distracted himself by shutting the box with the gifts inside.
On the inside of the card, there was a short letter wishing Kuroo well for grad school but, right next to it was a large drawing of a fish. Or at least, Kuroo thought it was a realistic-looking picture of a fish’s veins with black and gold lettering around it that said: “I’m your biggest fin!”
“Oh my god, Kei, how long did it take you to draw this?”
Kei flushed. “It’s lame, I know! Don’t laugh.”
“But, moonshine, you just gave me a pun, how am I not supposed to laugh?”
Kei pouted, glaring down at the floor.
“Don’t be mad, Kei, this is the best card I’ve ever gotten.”
Kuroo fought back the last of his laughter as he shut the card and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. “I’m so happy you thought of me and drew something that I enjoy doing.”
“Don’t lie,” Kei huffed, but let himself relax into Kuroo’s touch. “I’m a biology major, not an art major. It was a bad idea.”
“Really, I mean it! I’m glad you’re my biggest fin.”” Kuroo said, pulling back and flashing Kei a smile. “Beats the dinosaur drawing I made you.”
“At least yours looks like a dinosaur.”
“At least my inedible strawberries made you laugh.”
Kei snickered, looking back at the pot next to their feet. “Hey, some of those look edible. It was… thoughtful of you. We’re both not the best at baking so it’s fine to have experimental strawberries for the next time we do.”
“When’s that, Kei?” Kuroo crooned, leaning forward.
“Whenever, I guess,” Kei responded through the red that spread across his cheeks.
Kuroo grinned, threading their fingers together once more. “Well, now that our disastrous gift giving is over, shall we go get dinner? Afterwards, we can get some dessert at that bakery you love. Consider that an apology for the strawberry tragedy I created.”
Kei hummed as if considering the options. “Alright, I’ll forgive you if the strawberry shortcake is good.”
“You said it’s always good the last time we went there, didn’t you?”
Kei shrugged. “You never know, Kuroo-san.”
Kei glanced over at Kuroo, honey meeting golden. The younger man’s expression seemed to soften. “Tetsurou.”
“God, Kei, you’re going to kill me,” Kuroo groaned, turning away. “I’m going to put our stuff away.”
He picked up the plant from the floor along with the box and returned it inside, but before he stepped back out, he paused at the kitchen counter. “Hey, Kei?”
Kei popped his head into the doorway.
“Come here for a sec.”
“What is it? I thought we were going to go eat?”
Kuroo smirked, gesturing for Kei to sit at the stool. His boyfriend removed his shoes and went to do so without further complaint.
“Now, close your eyes.”
“Tetsurou, pleas—”
“Close them!”
Kei sighed, closing his eyes. Kuroo leaned forward and cupped his hands around Kei’s ears. Before Kei could question what he was doing, Kuroo pulled back, marveling at his handiwork. “Alright, you can open them now.”
Kei opened his eyes to find Kuroo beaming at him. “Kuroo-san, what—”
There was a glint near his boyfriend’s face and Kei saw Kuroo’s left ear had the golden moon placed perfectly in his earlobe. When he looked at the right ear though, there was nothing to be seen.
It only took a minute for it to click before Kei reached for his right ear and found the black cat. “Kuroo-san, wait, these are—”
“I’m more than positive Yamaguchi would have wanted us to share these,” Kuroo winked, adjusting his shoulder bag and making his way out the door. “Unless you don’t want me as your right hand man, or rather, right ear man?”
Kei flushed, getting up from his seat and reluctantly reaching out a hand to take Kuroo’s. “You’re such a sap.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Kei hummed, looking down at their feet as Kuroo went to lock the door behind them. “Speaking of things you’ve heard, did you hear Akaashi-san is getting married?”
“Yeah, Bokuto told me the other day! I hope your weekend is free for some wedding cakes!”
“I’ll have to see,” Kei teased, rubbing his chin as if in deep thought before turning to Kuroo. “But, I’ll probably be able to make it.”
“You better be,” Kuroo laughed, gripping their hands tighter together as they left the building. “Cause one day we’ll be the ones buying them.”
Kuroo smiled, giving Kei a small peck on the side of his lips. “In time, I mean.”
“That…” Kei’s cheeks shone a brilliant red, and he looked away as the cold winter air swirled around them. “That would be nice.”
Kuroo felt his heart could burst at any moment. He giggled, unable to contain the pure joy that threatened to drown him from within. He peppered the side of Kei’s face with kisses as the blonde yelped and swat him away.
The two made their way towards the restaurant together hand in hand, talking about strawberry pastry recipes they would try out the next free day they had. The moon glistened in the sky, making their earrings shine brightly.
Sure, their first Valentine’s hadn’t gone too smoothly, but that was alright. They had many more to come. Despite Kuroo’s obvious horticultural mishap, Kei didn’t think any less of him. In fact, Kei had tried to do something similar for him, and Kuroo couldn’t be happier. Dinosaurs, strawberries, music, or whatnot, Kei was his and his alone. As the stars speckled the world above them, and their hands came together as one, Kuroo knew he wouldn’t trade away their first for the world.
He hoped Kei felt the same.
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
All 50 questions for Drake/MC? 😆 Sorry if it's too much for you! By the way, your stories are awesome! 👍 You were one of the first Choices writers I found (before I had an account) and I loved your stories! Keep on writing! 😊
Oh not a problem sweetie! I’m actually so happy you asked because those two are very dear to my heart. Aww thank you so much, gosh like my heart is so full right now 💕 I adore you and your poems! Likewise friend, keep writing!💕 Without further ado:1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl? Drake’s up first in the morning because he enjoys morning runs; since its one of the rare moments to see the prince before the rest of Cordonia awakens from their slumber to pry him away. MC despises waking early because she’s the night owl in their relationship. She spends an unhealthy amount of time reading with her night light on or staring at Drake’s innocent expressions while he sleeps.2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?Drake loves being the big spoon because of how perfectly MC fits inside his arms. He rests his chin by the space in between her shoulder and likes to inhale her scent (because he secretly likes the sweet smell of strawberry body wash she uses).3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?Drake hogs the covers at night, especially since he’s usually asleep first. MC doesn’t mind until it’s time to sleep and then it turns into a wrestling match with him still half asleep. They both like to cuddle even though Drake pretends it annoys him when MC moves closer. Usually, he gives a long insufferable sigh before acquiescing to her cuddling demands.4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? Since Drake’s usually up first, he is surprisingly affectionate in the morning. He likes to trail kisses across her jaw down to her neck. Sometimes MC is so far deeply invested in sleep, she doesn’t respond. Other times, she wakes up with a laugh before pouncing on him. 5. Who usually has nightmares? MC knows Drake is troubled by nightmares because of the occasional frown she feels pressing into her shoulder while he’s asleep. Sometimes he even mutters in his sleep, and she hears Savannah slip from his lips every once in awhile. She can’t do much while he’s lost in his nightmares, so she worries and frets over him until his nightmare is over.6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? They both have them during the middle of the night, when they get a chance to sneak away and watch the stars together. Sometimes they are too lost in thought and sit beside with each other in companionable silence. During the day it’s MC because Drake avoids having those kind of thoughts like the plague and MC doesn’t.7. Who sweats the small stuff? MC over analyzes a lot things. Especially when they’re alone together. She’s constantly wondering what he’s thinking when he doesn’t make any effort to talk and sometimes gauges his reactions quickly even when they’re non-verbal responses.8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? Drake sleeps nude on most nights because he finds it more comfortable than boxers. MC thinks it’s sexy but also finds it ridiculous because their bedroom is cold at night. (This probably explains why he likes to hog the blanket). MC sleeps in underwear.9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? Drake finds tea soothing and is very particular about how he makes it. MC never gets it right and sometimes it ends in arguments because of how much sugar she puts in it. MC prefers coffee except when Drake makes her tea.10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? MC likes a lot of bitter tasting things and Drake teases that it’s because she’s already too sweet to stomach anything more. He secretly has a sweet tooth but tells her otherwise until she catches him snooping for sweet treats.11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies? Drake likes to criticize horror in general and is never satisfied with them. He enjoys it but he likes to point out things in the middle of it which takes away from how scary they are some of the time. He also enjoys it because MC’s cuddles up to him when she’s scared and buries her face into his shoulder whenever there’s a particularly scary scene on display. MC adores romance movies and can often quote a lot of what they say (because she’s perceptive and can usually predict where they’ll lead). Drake barely stomachs romance most of the time. He watches them to humor her, but mostly ends up criticizing every move the main characters makes and points out plot inconsistencies. Then it turns to a giant pillow fight when MC gets too frustrated at him calling the main character stupid or brainless.12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?MC is definitely smol and Drake is definitely tol. I had to google this because I had no idea what they meant LOL.13. Who is considered the scaredy cat? Drake is a giant scaredy cat. He calls himself practical and prefers not to go outside his comfort zone. MC usually pushes him to because she’s fearless and a little too brave in his eyes, whenever she commits to one of their sporadic adventures.14. Who kills the spiders? Drake kills them after  rushing in only to find MC screaming and pointing in fear at them, clutching a pillow like it’s a certified weapon on the other side of the room. He usually rolls his eyes at that point and begrudgingly kills it (on rare occasions he chases her with it).15. Who is scared of the dark? MC is afraid of the dark, it reminds her too much of horror movies and before long she starts imagining a serial killer will come up behind her at any given moment to end her life. This thought occurs a lot when Drake isn’t there distracting her with his voice, or his rough kisses or his inquisitive hands. The only time she doesn’t mind is in the presence of other people because she assumes if a serial killer does attack, she won’t be the first one to go in a group. 16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? MC is but pretends she isn’t by masking her fear and coupling it with the dark. Unless it’s thunderstorms during the day, then she cuddles up to Drake and waits for it to end. 17. Who works/ Who stays at home? MC stays at home and works on her novel. It’s supposed to sum up her whole experience during the first year of living in Cordonia (all the ups and downs of competing over the prince). It’s a work in progress but she uses the time she spends alone while Drake’s at work to write fervently about it.18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person? Drake’s a cat person because they show exactly the right amount of affection he does - which is not a lot. He likes dogs too because of their loyalty to him, even when he yells at them for being silly but cats tend to gravitate to him. MC is a dog person and is usually the person their dogs go to for a belly rub. 19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? MC loves to call Drake very cutesy names, which he pointedly ignores most of the time until she calls him something proper. Like Darling, or baby. He doesn’t react to snugglepuss, or cherrytop very nicely.20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive? Drake’s the dominant when they get into a heated argument otherwise - it depends on the circumstances.21. Who has an obsession (over anything)? Drake obsesses over anything that doesn’t go his way. He constantly tries to think of ways it could have gone better, or comes up with different scenarios that could have happened.22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day brings out the romantic in Drake. It’s one of those rare moments when Drake goes all out for how much he cares about MC. He strictly does it so long as she doesn’t make a huge deal about it (which she does anyway) but he likes seeing her happy and only complains about it jokingly.23. Who asks who out on the first date? MC doesn’t care about traditional roles. She sees what she wants and takes it. It took awhile for them to admit their feelings for each other considering their extenuating circumstances. But MC is first to admit her feelings for him and the first to ask him out because she doesn’t have a lot of patience for could-bes if she hasn’t tried it yet.24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? Drake prefers to listen since he doesn’t like to voice his own opinions unless MC coerces it out of him. It’s just his way of dealing with things to kind of bottle them up until they unfortunately spill over. MC is one of the only people he opens up to. She knows when to push and if he’s in a particular mood, she fills the silence with nonsensical things to distract him. Sometimes she pushes hard though, and they get into another one of those heated arguments.25. Who wears the other ones clothes? MC steal Drake’s tank tops as apart of her morning routine. They’re roomy on her and too tight on him (she decides this because his muscles distract her). 26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? They both adore junk food and often eats cronuts and hamburgers on date night. She’s showing him more about American culture through the junkiest of foods Cordonia can offer, and on the rare occasions they visit New York - she spoils him with it. They only grab a bite of something healthy when they are both feeling guilty.27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?Drake loves long showers because he has a tendency to have lot of shower thoughts. It’s not intentional, but usually he spends a lot of time thinking and uses all the hot water. MC sings in the shower to whatever song is stuck in her head at time (because usually there’s a song stuck inside her head).28. Who is the book worm? MC loves to read and spends a lot of time in the libraries when she’s alone at home. She also likes to read them at night when Drake has fallen asleep first.29. Who is the better cook? Drake makes a lot of tasty meals and saves their tastebuds considering MC can’t cook worth anything. It’s one of the reasons why she always opts for junk food because she somehow messes up following a recipe most of the time. It’s no competition.30. Who likes long walks on the beach? MC likes taking long on the beach walks while only accepts for swimming competitions. He’s usually the winner and brags about it for the rest of the night, but never mentions it on off chances when MC wins.31. Who is more affectionate? MC loves being affectionate. Whether it’s holding hands, catching him off-guard with a kiss or cuddling, she’s usually the one to initiate (unless they’ve got liquor in their system). Then Drake’s the affectionate one, his inhibitions makes him bolder and a lot more confident in making a move. He’s also more affectionate when they’ve got into a fight and tensions are high. 32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? Since Drake prefers to listen, MC chats about a lot of different things to which he mostly responds to sarcastically or to poke fun at something. Drake likes having really long (deep) conversations when they talk about family.33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt? Drake would wear the ‘not guilty’ shirt because MC has an adventurous spirit. Sometimes too adventurous, and lands them into trouble with Cordonian guards. She’ll wear that ‘sin’ shirt proud though and keep her chin up because she doesn’t regret a single minute of it.34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt? That “if lost return to…” shirt is totally MC’s; especially when they have one of their whiskey nights. Drake is almost as affected by liquor as she is but does a better job of holding it together. If they ever buy shirts like that hers would probably say “if lost return to her possessive boyfriend Drake” while Drake’s shirt would say “I am the responsible one. Not boring. Responsible.” Or something like that.35. Who goes overboard on the holidays? MC loves the holidays! (Even Cordonian holidays), she makes him apple pie every year and every year she does it wrong and he heaves it back out because he tries to be supportive of her disastrous cooking. Drake prefers not to celebrate over the holidays but MC chides him and tries to insist on being in the holiday spirit.36. Who is the social media addict? MC’s phone is somewhere near by. She likes to check her account frequently and always posts about their pets. Not to mention sneak pictures of Drake when actually smiles and when he’s not looking surly at something (these are rare moments that demands to be documented).37. Height difference or age difference? Height difference. MC’s a measly five feet five while Drake towers over her at 6 feet. They are close to the same age.38. Who likes to star gaze?They both do, it’s one of those rare moments where they get to disappear from the rest of the world even though it’s for a little while.39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside? MC does and Drake always teases her that she’s childish for it - in which she promptly sticks out her tongue and denies it. The irony is not lost on Drake.40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?MC is the fun parent, often taking their kids across trips to visit her side of the family in New York and doesn’t hesitate when they ask her if they can sleep over by a friend’s. Drake is more protective of their children. He’s the strict one that says no most of the time. Sometimes, leaving their daughter in tears.41. Who cries during sad movies? MC cries during sad movies and sometimes uses Drake’s shirt for tissue if there is none available. He more or less rolls his eyes but feels more deeply about sad movies than he lets on. Especially when they’re about family struggles. He just has a far better poker face than MC.42. Who is the neat freak? Drake’s a neat freak that gains anxiety as soon as he sees anything out of place. MC is unorganized by nature so sometimes he loses his patience with her when he finds their room in disarray or anywhere else in the house for that matter. She just says she’s doing a little of redecorating until she’s forgotten where she’s placed something.43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one? Drake does because he knows MC loves tiny stuffed animals to bits. Although she can manage to win on her own, she lets him because he enjoys winning something for her.44. Who is active/ Who is lazy? They’re both active and spend a lot of time through various outdoorsy activities.45. Who is more likely to get drunk? Sometimes they have drinking contests but MC usually loses because she can’t tell after the twelveth shot if Drake’s affected by it as much as she is. (He is, he just has a better poker face). She’s just better at showing how drunk she is.46. Who has the longer food order? MC likes to add little things to her order which Drake likes to point out she won’t actually finish eating but more or less leave un-touched in her rush to try everything.47. Who has the more complex coffee order? Drake has a very complicated coffee order in the rare occasions that he drinks it. If it’s not done right it puts him into a foul mood until he finds a good spot for tea instead. MC drinks the same type of coffee.48. Who loses stuff?MC loses stuff all time because she forgets where she puts them if she doesn’t get back to it fast enough. It drives Drake crazy because it usually ends up in someplace bizarre; finding her keys in their kitchen sink or her toothbrush by the garage.49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger? Drake likes driving because he’s a hands on kind of guy. MC likes driving as well but not as much and can use this opportunity to make Drake laugh and take pictures of him in secret for herself and sometimes her social media account.50. Who is the hopeless romantic?  They both are. Drake is just very good at hiding that about himself, unless it’s Valentine’s Day. MC is seamless with showing her romantic side in a lot of time they spend together. Whether its flirting or being honest about her feelings, or touching him with small gestures every so often - she’s open with her affection once they’ve committed to being each other’s romantic partners.
Man this was so much fun. I’m sorry if it’s a little long. This just helped me in all kinds of potential fic ideas in the future for these two. Thanks so much for the asks @catsrthebossヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ  Hope you enjoyed my answers!Send me an OTP ask here 
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asundizzay · 7 years
I wanted to take the non-traditional route in approaching this belated Valentine’s Day post by ignoring the standard conglomeration of hearts & love, and photographing nouns that relate to some of my favorite rom-coms/rom-drams/rom-com-drams, because i’m a low-key sucker for sappy things (cheesy). I was out all day hoping to photo some movie thangs and nerds fighting the storm with their umbrellas, but nope, just got wind-slapped all around (stray branches included )–the rain didn’t start pouring until I got home because of course. 
**UPDATE (02/22): LOL it’s Wednesday. But this is finally complete. #WhyNotWednesday **
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500 Days of Summer ( 2009 )
Rachel Hansen: Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.
Tom and Summer were two separately flawed characters whose bittersweet union was doomed from the start. For the longest time, I saw Summer as the b-word who carelessly wrecked Tom’s heart, when in reality, Tom’s insufferable sense of entitlement and manipulative nice guy complex subtly revealed that he’s actually kind of a jerk. Except for that whole dance number to Hall & Oates You Make My Dreams and showing Summer his favorite spot and drawing painstakingly detailed buildings on her arm. That was cute. Another thing that saved this film for me was presenting the nonlinear “boy meets girl” narrative in the dude’s perspective, forewarning the audience that this is not a love story, and allowing these two imperfect humans to individually see a happy ending: Summer marries someone she truly wants, with whom she shares a genuine connection,  and Tom is refreshingly presented another “season” to start anew, with someone potentially better suited for him. Additionally, a mind-blowing color theory visually demonstrates how these two were simply not made for each other, which can be found here.
cute score: 6 ( eh cute, JGL A 10 tho )
photo: Water Court at California Plaza on the upper level of  Tom’s favorite spot in Angels Knoll, Los Angeles, 2009. 
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13 Going On 30 ( 2004 )
Matt: You can’t just turn back time.
Jenna: Why not?
In this essentially female version of Big, Jenna Rink’s 13 year-old self wishes to be thirty, flirty and thriving after some dudes and mean girls (which premiered the same year!) ruined her birthday party. On cue, magic dust spins her into an It’s A Wonderful Life-type alternate reality where she is living the dream as a rich, successful editor for her favorite fashion magazine. She reconnects with her childhood BFF, Matt, and they ultimately catch feelings faster than a winter cold. But aw dip, chocolate chip, Matt is hella engaged and about to be married, and now conflicted because Jenna has finally reciprocated his feels, but you know, commitment and whatever. A string of miscommunication and conflict occurs, then Jenna shows up to Matt’s wedding where he’s like, LOL, look  I’ve always loved you but the past can’t come back yo. Upon hearing this, she cries with intense regret, wishing she could just be 13 again for a do-over. The same magic dust gradually falls (for effect), and the scene reverts to her birthday party where she enthusiastically chooses Matt ( who grows up looking like Mark Ruffalo ) over the 80s cool kids, and their story ends all sweetly with the pair eating their favorite childhood candy on the lawn of a pink house, interestingly designed like her dream house, figuratively implying that her deepest wish has come true (or not). 
cute score: 8 ( hecka cute  the Thriller moment is still awkward for me tho and omg look Mark Ruffalo didn’t even want to do it lol click here )
photo: New York Public Library, setting for magazine’s ‘Class of 2004′ photoshoot, NYC, 2012
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10 Things I Hate About You ( 1999 )
Patrick: Yeah, and is she worth all this trouble?
Cameron: Well, I thought she was, but you know, I…
Patrick: Well, she is or she isn’t. See first of all, Joey is not half the man you are. Secondly, don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. Go for it.
A modern take on Shakespeare’s  The Taming of the Shrew ( the numerous Shakespeare references / allusions make sense now )  introduces us to the Stratford sisters, their strict father with the winning punchlines, awkward Cameron with the sidekick BFF,  the “obligatory cool kid slash model” Joey, and resident bad ( bad bad bad ) boy, Patrick Verona doing bad boy things with a bunsen burner. So here’s the thing: Bianca really wants to date Joey but she can’t date anyone until her shrewd AF sister dates, which prompts her to set up the whole “this bet gets outta hand” premise that heavily spawned in 1999. Obvious villain Joey pays Patrick to win Kat’s heart and sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You”  on the bleachers to win my heart, then he inevitably falls for her. In a callback to She’s All That, Kat eventually finds out about everything leading to the tearful read  of the eponymous (these are clearly over 10 things ) poem in class, as Patrick looks on like man I done fcuked up yo. But wait, he gets Kat the guitar she’s been wanting, insists that his feels for her are hella real and all is forgiven. Also, Cameron finally gets Bianca, and she punches Joey (whose nose spray ad is now ruined) thrice for herself, her sister and Yung Cameron. Oh yeah, and Cameron’s BFF ends up finding a Shakespeare lover just like him, lol, nerds. 
cute score: 9 ( super cute, everyone gets who they want and the real bad boy gets what he deserves! They had a band on the freakin’ roof dude )
photo: Fremont Troll, where Cameron and Bianca talk and stuff, Seattle, 2009
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A Case of You / Comet ( 2013 / 2014 )
Birdie: Success is a myth. Love’s the only true currency. After all this is done, all that really matters is how and who you loved.
Dell: Why does it feel so impossible to let you go?
Dell: It’s an addiction, you know. That’s all it is.
Dell: It’s a biochemical addiction. It’s so stupid.
Dell: If you think about it relationships are all totally narcissistic.
Dell: Basically, you’re just looking for someone who’ll love you as much as you love yourself. That’s all it is.
Two Justin Long movies for the price of fun. 
I’ve probably checked off so much of this dude’s filmography that I can easily tell you that one of his many underrated roles would be a cameo as George Harrison in the equally underappreciated Walk Hard: A Dewey Cox Story. I know… comedy is understandably the toughest genre to press onto humans, so to each his own. These two films fall in that hit or miss category–on one end, you have Sam, an author who meets a barista and quickly becomes infatuated with her, even more so after creeping reading her Facebook profile and mimicking those interests in order to attract her attention, eventually using her as a muse for his story ( A Case Of You ),  and on the other, you have Dell and Kim caught in a classic case of star-crossed lovers whose rocky relationship is dreamily depicted through a non-linear narrative of parallel universes, reminiscent of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind  ( Comet ). Despite his ridiculous Facebook faux pas, Birdie admits that she was adding  random items to her profile to see if Sam would change, and to no one’s surprise, she still liked him anyway because if a connection is real then it’s real, and it’s extremely important, to like, just be yourself because there’s more to a person than what they choose to display on the Interwebz. And Dell and Kim continue to sail through different universes, with Dell wishing to live in a permanent world where they end up together 💔. 
cute score: 3  ( So much fighting–whether with oneself, another person, or the world, das not dat cute. ). 
photo: Light trails, space, and time to represent chaotic nature of the parallel universes in Comet, NYC, 2015 
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Begin Again  ( 2013 )
Dan: You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.
Greta: I know you can. That’s what’s worrying me.
I’ll throw in Before We Go, Friends With Benefits, or even Lost In Translation into this mix of getting to know a person as you explore a new city together–whether platonically or romantically, it’s still awesome. This particular love story focuses on the protagonists’ mutual love for music rather than feelings towards each other–though their respectable relationships with his estranged wife and her ex-boyfriend still romanticize the plot. Dan Mulligan, a formerly successful record executive drunkenly discovers Gretta James, a newly independent songwriter reluctantly singing in a low-key bar thanks to pre-late late show James Corden. He sees great potential, she doesn’t believe in herself, I mean how could she, her ex-boyfriend slash songwriting partner is none other than recent singing sensation, AdamN Levine Dave Kohl. After Dan’s business partner Yasiin Bae/Yasiin Bey/Mos Def   Saul initially rejects Gretta from their record label, the pair take matters into their own hands and decide to produce their own album together, using local talented musicians backed by the sights and sounds of New York City and the result is pure magic like fireworks in your ears, the visual “wow that’s so glorious” part not the actual “boom boom” noise part, because you would totally go deaf. This is a story about how music can bring people together (production, collaboration, Dan reconciling with his wife ) or tear them apart ( Dave cheating on Greta ), seek forgiveness ( Dave singing Lost Stars, Don Henley singing The Heart of The Matter [not in this movie, that song just popped up in my head as I wrote that lol] ), or drive passion ( Violet dreams of becoming a guitarist/ Gretta’s career kicking off ). Music is love, music is life, and Gretta’s album sells hella copies from its online release, and things are looking up for Dan and his life. Dan in real life. After encountering a series of failures/contemplating suicide, discovering Gretta, producing this album, and making amends with Saul, his wife and daughter, I guess you can say that Dan (as well as Gretta? ) was given another chance to fairly begin…again. 
cute score: 7 (  Dan drunkenly composing a song in his head, The headphone splitter scene tho, das kinda cute )
photo: Times Square, the scene stealer of the headphone splitter scene tho, NYC, 2012
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ( 2004 )
Clementine: Meet me in Montauk. 
It’s 3:41 AM and my body hates me. Especially my eyes.  Okay, so two contrasting personalities, Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and Clementine had erased her memories of Joel after some petty argument, and Joel’s like ‘wtf bro’ and decides to erase his memories of her. The familiar surrealistic non-linear narrative that I heart so hard navigates through Joel’s head space, intercut between scenes of sadness and anger,  to happier times until the final memory where everything crumbles to the ground like dust in the wind, as he tries to hold onto his last moment with Clementine, after realizing that he still loves her. Other story lines, connect, Kirsten Dunst finds out she had her memory of the doctor erased and she gets mad upset, like ‘i’m gonna show everyone (who has undergone this procedure) their memory erasure records’ upset.  Elijah Wood is just super devious. COTDAMN MARK RUFFALO IS ALSO IN THIS MOVIE LOL WTF YO. The scene restarts and Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and they’re like “oh whaa” and think that maybe starting over would be a good idea or it might be the same but they go for it anyway and who knows what those two are up to now probably making sure that they don’t forget about each other amirite lol omg it’s already 4. 
cute score: 2 ( Comet before comet was comet, not dat cute, but like Comet, beautiful cinematography is a 10)
photo: Imagine this human’s hair is orange, you know, like Clementine, ArtWalk, San Diego, 2014
honorable mentions: Garden State. Ryan Gosling & Ryan Reynolds’ things. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. High Fidelity. Say Anything. John Hughes’ things. 
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