#harry and alexa
stolenviolet · 19 days
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"...Try for some remorse."
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cupidgnome · 3 months
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date at the park + dinner at a sushi restaurant + mia & milo are now bigger dogs!!
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dionvsian · 10 months
theodore nott meeting the hogwarts cool girl !!
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theodore nott x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: reader smokes cigarettes (srry if it makes you uncofortable!).
little note: back to writing! i used to have a blog here and i made the dumbest decision to delete it (i'll forever miss you timothée chalamet's fake instagram posts)
reblogs are appreciated 😁
“are you always this late?” he looked down, studying your face. You could see him taking in every single detail. as he did so, he lifted an eyebrow and waited for your reply. a small smirk played with the corner of his mouth. the kind of smirk you see someone do when they feel they are superior towards you. he did not know your name, at least not yet.
your silence caused him to continue: “I am theo. and you are?"
"I'm y/n"
"pleased to meet you y/n. my father always said that a name should mean something. it should reflect the person being named"
"i'm not really sure what my name means, but i hope is something nice!"
"are you a pure blooded witch?"
"yep" you say nodding
he seems satisfied with your answer. as if you somehow passed a test without even knowing it. he holds his hand out and introduces himself with a slight bow.
"i would say you look like an angel from heaven, but you look more like some punk girl who has trouble getting to class on time"
"i wasn't planning on going to class rn"
“oh! uhm, that can get you into trouble. you know.” he says. then he adds: “are you always so bold? it’s kind of cute.”
"i'm not bold, i'm just me"
he lets out a chuckle. "it’s the same thing. I’m guessing you are just very confident in yourself, hm?” he tilts his head a little and looks down at you. “it’s not a bad quality, and I suppose it makes for a good quality of a friend, don’t you think?”
"yeah maybe"
“you are not the quiet type, I bet. you are the one who likes to get things done.” he smiles, and leans in close to you. "you would do anything to achieve your goal. you must be one of the most popular girls at school. i bet many boys try to ask you out.” and he waits for you to respond. there is a glint in his eye as he stares at you, studying you.
a soft blush spreads on your cheeks "maybe... do you want to join them?" you say flirtatious
he smiles and leans closer, he is just a few inches away from you. you can feel the heat of his breath coming from his lips as he smiles.
“maybe I do.”
he waits for you to respond, just looking at your face, smiling. he is amused at the way you're blushing. but you cannot tell what the reason for that is. does he find you attractive? or does he find you a fool? he seems to be enjoying this a little too much, as you cannot tell what the outcome of this conversation will be.
you look up at him, since he is a bitt taller but you only gives a satisfied smirk
he is enjoying this attention he thinks. he leans in even closer to you and whispers in your ear.
"what are you thinking about right now?”
you let out some of the air that was inside your lungs "to be honest, I was thinking of smoking some cigarettes and painting my nails"
"you’re a naughty girl then. do you smoke cigarettes often?" he asks this in a way that implies he actually cares about the answer to the question. as if smoking cigarettes is a bad thing. or it's not?
"yeah, but don't tell anyone, ok? it will be our secret"
he seems amused by your response. he smiles and whispers again. this time his voice is even quieter
“a secret.” he whispers the last word and he has this smile on his face that says it is not a normal secret. the look on his face gives her the impression he thinks of something not entirely appropriate. “how many cigarettes are you planning to smoke today alone?”
"3? i'm not really sure"
again, he gives you this amused smile, and it seems he is actually a bit impressed. he is not used to seeing someone not care about the rules like she does.
“well, they say you gotta try everything once. you must get into trouble a lot. aren’t you afraid of detention?”
"no, plus I never get caught anyways". you say and smile for him "do you smoke?"
he seems surprised at the question. he shakes his head and says. “no, I have never smoked. my father makes sure i take care of my health. but he doesn’t say anything about my friends. I suppose you would have to hide it from him?” “how does it feel to smoke? will it feel good to try it for first time?”
"I don't want to be a bad influence for you" you chuckle "so I won't answer"
he seems to actually be thankful. as if you just saved him from doing something bad.
"thank you. If I start smoking today. I’s your fault though!” he laughs. then he asks. “what else do you do that is bad? or am I the only person that deserves to know about this side of you?”
he seems curious and even though the smile on his face remains as teasing as ever. you can see the look on his face is genuine. as if he actually wants to know about you more.
"talking about bad habits isn't exactly a good way to get to known someone new"
he laughs again. you notice how good his laugh is. he seems to do it a lot lately. he leans in again. you can smell his cologne when you get this close. “so, you are afraid I might judge you or something?”
he gives you a playful look and then adds: “i already said you were cute. so being a little naughty, does not make you any less cute." he says this playfully, and you can see that smile on his face again. he seems to enjoy teasing you.
you back on a wall of the corridor "it will affect your impression of me" but your heart skips a beat when he calls you cute
he seems to be enjoying the way you are backing up against the wall. as he can still clearly see just how pretty you are. he smiles at you, this time you can feel he is being genuine about the compliment. he gets closer to you though. he really thinks he is in charge here doesn't he?
“well, it only makes me want to know more about you. a girl who smokes cigarettes and isn't afraid of trouble... is a very rare breed these days.” he looks you up and down again. but this time with pure admiration.
"why don't you tell me what are y thinking abt?"
"you really are interested in me aren’t you?” he laughs after saying this. h thinks for a few seconds. he seems to be contemplating whether or not to disclose his thoughts to you.
"fine, I’ll tell you my thoughts. but you better not tell anyone else. I don’t want to lose my reputation.” he takes a deep breath. you can see he is nervous, and he is blushing a little.
he leans in closer and whispers in your ear "i’m wondering if you have ever kissed anyone before.”
he waits for you to respond, the same look on his lips. you sense a bit of smugness in his voice, as if he is convinced you have never kissed anyone before.
"of couse i did".
he seems surprised, and gives you a look. it’s the look a person gives you, when they know they are not in charge. you just gained a lot of power and superiority over him just now.
"what about you? have you ever kissed someone?"
he smiles, his cheeks are red now, and his whole face is blushing.
"y-yea I have.” he says it as if it’s difficult for him to admit it. your response seemed to have knocked him off his feet. his eyes are fixed to the floor, as if he is trying to decide what to do next.
you decide to shoot your shot being flirtatious"do you wanna kiss me?"
he looks up and seems shocked. he blushes even more as you say this, his cheeks are as red as a beet now. your confidence has made him completely speechless. he whispers so only you can hear his voice, while also pulling you closer into him. "may I?”
he leans in and gently kisses you on the lips. It’s sweet and gentle but very passionate. you notice just how soft his lips are.he is blushing as you kiss, and so do you. his lips are soft and smooth, you feel them against yours and you find the experience very calming and pleasant.
you place your hand on his cheek and they get even redder, as he continues to hold his lips against yours. he enjoys the kiss very much.
he breaks the kiss after a bit and looks at you. "that was nice.” a broad smile was on his lips. he looks so happy and full of life. you can see all the tension fall away as his shoulders slowly relax.
"well, i have to go to class now"youi say and unlean from the wall" see you" and you start walking away
"wait.” he calls out when you are already half way on your way to the potions class. "you are not telling anyone are you?”he still has that smile on his face and you can see that he wants to continue this conversation. he seems hooked to knowing more about you. He is obsessed. he wants to know what that "cool girl" energy of yours looks like, and how far you are willing to take things with him.
"of course not. i dont wanna be seen with the spoiled playboy theodore nott" you say and get into your classroom, not giving him the chance to say anything else.
he watches you leave. he is completely flabbergasted and speechless. he is not used to girls treating him like this. he has not noticed this side of you. theo is completely in love now. you are beautiful and mysterious in his eyes. he feels like he got a peek behind the curtains. a private performance.
he watches you leave and then continues to the potions classroom. he is lost in his thoughts, trying to piece together why you acted in the way you just did. you are not like any other girl he knows in Hogwarts. and he wants to know more.
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Vanity Fair - 'It's Raining Teens: Next Wave 2003'
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ryllen · 1 year
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i have to get this out of my system
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hxuse-xf-black · 7 months
Regulus, to Barty: If you're going to start having feelings, I'm leaving.
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priscillablog · 10 months
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Kate Moss studying.
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lokiusly · 7 months
Sylvie takes Mobius to see his old life and he sees his children playing in the yard.
It is also the moment he is taken to the TVA. He can go back to his old life and it’ll be like he never left.
Mobius has been a TVA worker for eons. But as he stood in the driveway, his children tug at his heartstrings.
“Do you want to remember?” Sylvie pats his shoulder. He nods, unable to remove his eyes from the suburban home.
Tears form into his eyes and his knees tremble. “My babies” he whispers.
Loki watches from afar. He has lost Mobius. And there’s nothing he can do because Sylvie was right. This was what she said would happen.
Mobius runs to his kids and drops to his knees. He holds them and they’re confused but hug him anyways. He kisses their foreheads and ruffles their hair.
Sylvie watches them too. The tears in her eyes try to escape but she won’t let them. She can vaguely remember the hugs she and Thor gave their mother and father.
Suddenly she turns. Loki freezes. They stare at each other. She walks to him. He turns away from her.
“You can go over there—“ she starts.
Loki scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Look at me Sylvie. I don’t fit in here. How could I go? How?” He shakes his head at the tears that spill down his face.
Mobius turns to find Sylvie. He sees them both. As Mobius spoke to his kids, Loki winced and quickly used his magic to whiten his reddened eyes, dry his wet face, and clear the snot from his nose.
Mobius walked to both of the Lokis. “You’re here! Please, come meet my boys.” Loki can feel his heart tighten.
He shakes his head slightly. “I think it’s best if I don’t. The TVA—”
“Will be just fine. I’ll go and check in with everyone. You stay here for awhile.” Sylvie left before Loki could protest.
He stepped away “Mobius I—“
Mobius smiled and stepped closer.
“I have some ice runts I want you to meet.”
Loki hesitated. “I can’t—“
“I told them you’re a magician. They’re expecting to get their socks blown off. We don’t want to disappoint the twins now do we?”
He looked into Mobius’ eyes and smiled. Sylvie was right. The TVA would be fine. Loki could stay awhile.
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godblesslanarey · 4 months
godblesslanarey masterlist
- maddy perez
- nate jacobs
- lexi howard
- cassie howard
- samantha
- jacob elordi
- alexa demie
- sydney sweeney
- james franco
- felix catton
- franco!harry osborn
- daniel desario
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ann-reese · 2 months
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this is a joke, mostly drew this cause my friend said "why not both?"..well it's kind of a joke
I do have mixed feelings for DanCass, mostly dynamic wise. But either way, a little au wouldn't hurt
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19623456 · 2 days
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 9 months
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Leverage Redemption S01E06 The Card Game Job.
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sirius: there is NOTHING more important than the fit
remus: except the bit.
sirius, nodding sagely: except the bit.
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whinlatter · 1 year
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hope (harry/ginny) | a microfic
for @hinnymicrofic day 14 | prompt: hope (slightly nsfw!)
They lug their trunks across the Burrow’s yard in sweaty, stony silence. ‘Beautiful evening,’ her mother remarks, as her children clamber back over the threshold of the rickety old house. ‘I do hope we get more of this lovely sunshine.’ 
Stupid thing to say, she thinks, stupid thing to hope for. There's a wishbone out drying on the kitchen window sill. Wonders if her mother plans to waste it wishing for more good weather in the middle of a war.
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Dinner is shepherd’s pie - her old favourite, a Molly classic, and yet it tastes like dust, like ash, like nothing. ‘I know you’ve had a tricky time, dear,’ her mother says gently. She stiffens, glares at Ron, traitor, but then - ‘what with your exams being cancelled - and right when you’d done all that work -’ so she's safe, then, goes back to moving mash potato around her plate. ‘Made of real shepherds,’ her dad says, weak smile, trying his best. She gulps down her mouthful and excuses herself, slams the bedroom door shut, finds she's shaking.
Lying on her back on her bed, staring at the sunset’s stains on the ceiling, the only sound the late summer birdsong out of the open window. Quiet, too quiet, for a house this full. Downstairs, the kitchen’s all whispers. Every now and then she hears an unfamiliar footstep creak on the landing, strangers on the staircase. Headquarters, now. The war’s come home, and it’s using their loo.
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She’d got her hopes up, that's the thing. First mistake, stupid. He’d been telling the story of Ron’s camp-bed collapsing in on him that time, lying back on his elbows under their tree with his hair ragged, handsome. She’d laughed, see, and said well, maybe this summer we’ll spare you the indignity of the campbed and being dense, he’d said well Fred and George’s room was nice if you don’t mind the smell of soot. She’d rolled her eyes, said Potter can you really not notice when a girl’s trying to get you into her bed. He’d gone red, then, stammered a bit, but it was all over his face: the wonder, the want. Your mum will go ballistic, he’d muttered, but he’d said will not would, and his hand had toyed with her hip, fingertips trailed her thigh. He’d wanted it too. He’d thought they’d have it, thought they'd get the summer, at least. 
We could’ve had ages, he’d said. Months, years, maybe. Stupid, stupidest thing, hope. No use for it.
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It’d have been cramped. He’d have had to sneak down from Ron’s room, under the cloak. She’d have shown him her Harpies poster, now this is what a proper team looks like, Potter, worn her nice pyjamas, the ones with the shorts, asked him to take them off. Cleared a space for his glasses on the bedside table. He'd have slept on the right, nearest the door, ever on guard, and stroked her cheek with his knuckles, looked at her that way, like she’s precious. It would have been like that time they’d fallen asleep under their tree, heads together - the time she’d slipped up, let herself imagine it: two bodies in a bed in a house with a garden, laughter, little people running around who’d look a bit like them both. 
Stupid, stupid thing. Grips the bedspread in both fists, banishes it: all of it, all the hope. File away that future, bury it. Kill your darlings, push them out to sea.
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Knock at the door. Ron, with two cups of tea and a half-empty box of Caramel Kappas. ‘Thought you might want some company,’ he mutters, sheepish, sitting on the bed. She sighs, no fight in her, and so brother and sister sit, sipping, in birdsonged silence. 
‘How are you doing?’ he asks. She means to snap - how do you think I’m doing - but takes one look at him and finds she’s fresh out of spite. ‘You’re going away with him, aren’t you?’ she says, instead. Ron nods, and it’s awful, all ache, terrible, gaping grief, all this filling in the blanks of everything that she’s losing. 
‘I just hoped,’ she says, eventually, eyes on her knees, ‘we’d have more time. I know - I know it was stupid.’
That’s all of it, really, isn’t it: her great failing, uttered aloud. Crumples, then, beside her big brother, and cries, heaping earth on all the hope as they lower it into the grave. Stupid thing, useless thing.
She thinks about the wishbone downstairs on the window sill. Thinks how stupid, how stupid it is, for something to die, and someone to make wishes out of its bones.
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A/N: did not intend to write this, blame @brightlybound for this one - turns out gentle demands for a ginny's pov companion piece to yesterday’s fic will absolutely work on me, also Twenty-Two Days remains the h/g dual pov love story of all time for me so wanted to do a tribute. enjoy/sorry! back to regular writing now i swear!
now up on AO3 here | ask me anything
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bleulone · 1 year
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