#hayden christensen is so pure
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I made my first gif sets with Clay. It's very tricky and takes a long time to do but I am definitely figuring it out. It's been a fun new thing to learn 😊❤️
Shoutout and special thanks to @lacebird for helping me and giving me some tips too.
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lordvaders · 2 years
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Favorite Hayden & Ewan interview moments (1/?) - BBC Radio 1 (2022)
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haydenshill · 5 months
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mmeskywalker · 4 months
|| coffee and stupid hearts
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summary: HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN was your boyfriend. he regularly took you out on dates, and today he planned a sweet one. today, he took you to get a coffee at a new place in town, only to be thoroughly disappointed.
a/n: i saw a tiktok like this and i thought it was so adorable, so of course i ran here to write about it.
warnings: literally none, this is pure fluff; unless you need a warning for sassy!hayden.
“baby,” you spoke, only for your words to fall to deaf ears, “baby, you’re going to break my cup!”
to that, hayden only scoffed. a small smile played on his lips but he quickly bit it down. he knew he was being ridiculous but this bothered him. the lady who made your coffee put a ‘single AF’ heart shaped sticker on your plastic cup for valentine’s day, knowing hayden was beside you.
it made him furious. however, he couldn’t stop laughing. “we are never coming here again.” he said, oddly enough through laughter. his short fingernails struggled to get the sticker off of your cup as you reached out to stop him.
“quit, i like it there,” you teased, pulling your cup away from his determined hands.
hayden huffed, running his palm down his face before bringing his - slightly shaking - finger to pick at the sticker again. “i don’t care if you like it,” he whispered, “it’s coming off.”
“come on, it’s cute.” hayden’s head immediately shot up, sternly staring at you, “say sike right now.”
you bursted out laughing, quietly of course, but it could faintly be heard throughout the café. “hayden, calm down.” you giggled, sticking your straw into your iced coffee and taking a sip.
when your lips came off of the straw, hayden took the cup from out of your hands and stood up. “let’s go,” he whispered, looking behind him for a moment to glare at the waitress who put the sticker on your cup, “come on.”
“are you serious?” you laughed, reaching out for your coffee, but he rolled his eyes, “dead.” he replied, “we’re leaving.”
you stood up. you weren’t able to control the laughter that tumbled from your lips as he pulled you into his side, his arm now wrapped protectively around your shoulders, “ridiculous.” he muttered before throwing away your coffee and opening the glass door of the café.
“have a good day!” the waitress waved us goodbye and hayden turned around, politely saying goodbye before he faced forward with a scoff, “can you believe that? have a good day, bullshit. she knows what she did.”
you stood taller, kissing his cheek, “baby,” you whispered and he hummed softly as if to ask ‘what?.’
“you owe me a coffee.” you said. he smiled, laughing slightly as he opened the passenger seat door for you. you hoped in and he leaned over to kiss your forehead, “yeah. we’ll go through dunkins drive-thru, sweetheart.”
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katiapostsss · 3 months
hayden christensen and face masks
the tip of your tongue rested concentratedly on your upper lip, thin strands of hair falling into your eyes and brushing against your temples. hayden's hands claimed their place on your hips, lightly pinning you to his lap atop your shared bed, and the smell of aloe vera and chemicals loitered between you.
"it's cold," your boyfriend commentated, watching you reach the spatula-like applicator into the can of black goo and scoop up some more, looking back up at him and reaching your other hand up to hold his hair back from his forehead. his eyes shifted with your every movement as you ran it across his face.
"shhh," you near-whispered, smoothing out the mask. "you can't talk until it's time to take it off."
hayden's full lips twisted into a slight frown, then pulled back into a line when you ran the goo over his chin. he shifted underneath you, causing a disturbance in your grip, and you were just about to rattle off a sharp scold when he spoke.
"this better make me look like you," were his words. amusement, along with a laugh, hit your chest, coming out as just an exhale of air as you straightened your shoulders and examined his bright face. "like me? what do you mean, like me?"
"like a pretty princess who's never been told no." a smile spread across his lips and you pursed your own, scolding him with your eyes. the look he gave you was one of pure delight, gathering your own mind with it. the proof of your building laughter almost showed itself on your cheeks, but you made yourself examine the deterring dried goo.
"well, i command you to stop smiling. you're cracking the face mask," you accused, expecting him to correct himself. he only grinned further. narrowing your eyes, you dropped your occupied hands onto your thighs and watched his expression contort.
"see? i can't say no. now i have to stop smiling, or i'll be sent to the guillotine, won't i?" hayden fluttered his lashes, tilting his head to the side. you held back a smile, raising your eyebrows and mimicking the small gesture.
"and you don't want that, huh?"
"you wouldn't do it anyways. you love me too much." finally, a smile prevailed, traveling over your lips. you backed your head inwards, trying to stop it, but you, frankly, had a horrible poker face. "aha, i told you!" hayden leaned forward, a triumphant look spread across his face. you dodged his lips, shaking your head.
"you're gonna get the mask all over me!" you squeaked, your full hands rising between you and hovering in the air. you didn't want to cause a mess with the can open and the dirtied applicator, but your boyfriend didn't seem to care. his mouth found yours, icy concoction smearing onto your own. you squealed, trying to lean away, but failed beneath his grip. "hayden—!"
when he leaned back, he was grinning widely and wildly. "can't behead me if you're in love with me," he singsonged, and you were still laughing slightly.
"all those compliments really got to your head, huh?" came your response, pushing the applicator into the can and reaching your fingers up to your face, scooping the mask off your chin. you examined your hand, but hayden's lips, again on yours, made your attention avert away once again.
"so when's my coronation?"
haven't written for hayden in a while—
requests are always open! ❤️❤️
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kanansdume · 8 months
What's crazy and really shows off how impeccably awful this show managed to be is how DIFFERENT Anakin feels between the Kenobi show and the Ahsoka show, despite the fact that he's being played by the same actor probably within a year of each other if that.
And it's so clearly not the fault of the performer, Hayden Christensen is doing the absolute MOST to give an authentic and familiar performance of Anakin in the Ahsoka show and on a STRICTLY acting standpoint, I think he succeeds. People have pointed out that the Anakin that Hayden is playing in the flashbacks, despite being in the TCW costumes, does not at all feel like TCW Anakin. There's nothing suave or charming about him. When he tries to joke and Ahsoka pushes back against it, he immediately gets defensive, which is perhaps one of the most in-characters thing about the entire performance. And obviously his performance as Sith Anakin is pure perfection.
But it's not just the performance that creates a character. It's the way other people discuss the character, it's the way that character impacts the world around them, it's what we as the audience are allowed to see of them.
In the Obi-Wan show, Anakin at his best is still a whiny little asshole. In the flashback scene, he's arrogant, he's overconfident, he's a little bit of a bully, he's stubborn, and he's a sore loser. It's left a little ambiguous as to whether this scene was a true flashback or something Else, but the dialogue of the scene and who is currently "winning" the match clearly are intended to parallel what's going on in the actual plot between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Which means you can just as easily interpret this as saying that the whiny little asshole you remember from the prequels is still the person behind that mask. Yes, he's got a vocoder changing his voice into something more menacing, his expressions hidden behind an emotionless mask, but that whiny teenager is still calling the shots here. That's precisely what motivates him. Even if it's intended as a more legitimate flashback, that's supposed to be Anakin at his BEST and he's... whiny. He's arrogant. You can say he can grow out of it at this point and that's clearly what Obi-Wan believes in the moment, but the best he's got is... still this.
And he never grew out of it, he never left that arrogance and entitlement behind. He decided to let it define him instead. He might've had promise if he'd chosen to outgrow his more negative traits, but he didn't. He just stayed forever in the mindset of that annoying little 19 year old asshole.
And at his worst, Anakin's a literal unhinged MONSTER. He's casually walking by and murdering innocents just to get Obi-Wan's attention, he's stabbing Reva just because he can, he's ripping open ships, he's burning Obi-Wan alive out of vengeance. His face when that mask comes off has a manic GLEE as he talks about having "killed" himself just to try to manipulate Obi-Wan and the way he screams Obi-Wan's name at the end is so intensely disturbing. So many people saw that moment as Anakin having this moment of mindfulness, but I didn't see or hear a single sane moment in the entire scene. The whole thing is off-kilter and it feels pretty intentionally off-kilter, both in the writing and the acting and directing. Anakin's made his choice. This is it.
In the Kenobi show, Anakin might've once had promise. But he also had immense potential for monstrous evil, that was ALSO there as well. And whatever promise used to be there is now squandered in favor of the arrogance and cruelty and entitlement, which means that it's not worth Obi-Wan's time and effort and energy continuing to wonder what if about it. Because, quite honestly, it doesn't MATTER. Obi-Wan isn't fighting for Anakin anymore by the end. He's not fighting to destroy Anakin, but he's not fighting to save him, either. And the whole point of his relationships with Luke and Leia is that he has to learn to care about them for who THEY are rather than because he cared about their biological parents. He has to see them for who they've become and allow them to grow without worrying about how much like Anakin or Padme they might end up being. They're not Anakin and Padme, they're Luke and Leia, and his relationship with them is ultimately better for letting go of seeing them as anything other than who they actually are.
The people who were in charge of the Kenobi show clearly understood that in order for Obi-Wan to stand on his own as a main character of his own story, they needed to clearly differentiate him from Anakin and FREE him from Anakin. Yes, Obi-Wan is built to be Anakin's narrative foil and has been since day 1. Yes, Obi-Wan's story is very tied up in Anakin's. But this was OBI-WAN'S story and just for this one moment, they could let Obi-Wan be more than just someone who revolves around Anakin. He's his own person who makes his own connections and relationships that have nothing to do with Anakin and he only truly starts to feel like himself again when he walks away from Anakin and leaves him behind and accepts that Anakin has chosen to be someone that Obi-Wan cannot change. No one writing the Kenobi show wanted Obi-Wan to be more IMPORTANT to the narrative than Anakin, but they were able to allow Anakin to take a back seat so that Obi-Wan could actually grow and develop into his own character.
The same cannot be said for the Ahsoka show.
In the Ahsoka show, Anakin is portrayed IMMENSELY positively. At his best, Anakin is a wise powerful sage watching over someone he cares about and pushing her to be better. At his worst, he's... pushing her a little? They MENTION he's intense, and we see visions of him as a Sith, sure, but if that was Anakin at all, then it leaves you with the impression that he only pushed Ahsoka because he cared about her and she needed it and he was ultimately right to do so anyway. Was it tough? I guess, but nothing that would ultimately truly hurt her at all. Anakin's worst sins aren't touched on at all. Anakin is constantly remembered as someone who was GOOD without really acknowledging that while he might've been good at times, he wasn't always. Even when Ahsoka remembers him as a good master, he was still someone who believed in fascism and had massacred an entire village down to the last child. That person Ahsoka remembers was still a bad person and this show desperately wants you to forget that any of that is true about him.
And via proxies like Sabine and Ahsoka herself, this show DEFENDS Anakin's choices across the board. It's not even just that he was a good master, but that he ultimately did the RIGHT THING by choosing Padme over the galaxy because he did it out of "love," turning the genocide of the Jedi into something that was caused by their OWN failures instead of Anakin's failures.
There's zero recognition that Anakin was, ultimately, a failure. He was a failure as a Jedi, a failure as a master, a failure as a husband and a father, and a failure just as a generally good person. Anakin was a bad person who did bad things. Maybe he wasn't always, maybe he had his moments, fine, but overall? What's the legacy he leaves? What are people going to truly remember him for most? Despite his choice to save Luke in his last moments, his impact upon the galaxy is still a net negative.
And Ahsoka can have good memories of him and still recognize that Anakin's impact upon the galaxy was a bad one. She can choose to focus on the good memories she has without pretending like he was in actuality a good master who did nothing wrong. It's not like those two things can't co-exist and that is, in essence, exactly what Obi-Wan has to do. It's why he can say honestly and genuinely tell Leia at the end of the show that her father was "passionate, fearless, and forthright" even though just a day or so ago he'd accepted that Anakin himself had chosen to be an evil person now. He can remember Anakin as the friend he'd cared for AND recognize that the person Anakin is now is not that person anymore. Anakin NOW is evil, Anakin NOW doesn't deserve Obi-Wan's time or focus or grief, Anakin NOW needs to just be let go of. They aren't two separate people, obviously, but people do grow and change, and Obi-Wan once loved Anakin, but the boy Obi-Wan loved is gone because Anakin has chosen not to be that kind of person anymore. He's not kind, he's not compassionate, he's not merciful, or thoughtful or any of the good qualities he used to have. The Kenobi show forces both Obi-Wan and the audience to recognize that no matter how good someone might once have been, it's important to recognize when they're not acting like that person anymore and it's better to let them go and walk away.
And the reason Ahsoka can't do that is because the writers can't. The people in charge of writing Anakin in this show see him so differently than the people who wrote Kenobi. The the writers of the Ahsoka show, Anakin is "the greatest of all of the Jedi," not even just for raw power reasons, but because he understood what love was all about and felt it so deeply. So instead of that love twisting him and being in so many ways his greatest flaw, it turned into his greatest strength, something the Jedi just didn't understand. They're coming at Anakin from a WILDLY opposite direction here and so the way he gets depicted and spoken about comes across so unnervingly different.
You CAN see it as Ahsoka just... viewing Anakin differently. Obi-Wan knew Anakin as a child and was a Jedi Master before the betrayal, so he is more capable of viewing Anakin as the whole of what he was and letting him go. Whereas Ahsoka was a lot younger, she barely got any training before the betrayal, so her perspective on him is intensely skewed by this. She can't truly conceive of Anakin as both the good master she remembers AND the nightmare monster she knows he became, so she just... picks one. She chooses to see him as a good master and that's it. Nothing else he ever did matters. She never has to think about the genocide, the murders, the enslavement, the betrayals. He was a good master, and that's the end of the story. This is the best way she can learn to cope with this particular trauma is to just... ignore it and decide it didn't happen and so her version of Anakin is the ONLY version of Anakin.
But the narrative itself sort-of presents this as the honest truth of Anakin rather than just Ahsoka's perspective on the matter. It's not that Ahsoka just can't cope any other way, it's that this is, legitimately, who Anakin was. Anakin WAS a good master and the fact that he abandoned Ahsoka to die and tried to kill her and genocided her people and desecrated her home apparently doesn't change that at all. Because he did all of it for love. And the fact that Anakin was the "greatest of all the Jedi" because of this means that Ahsoka gets exalted even more so because of that.
But Obi-Wan doesn't need that. He doesn't need to be exalted as better than everyone else, he doesn't need to be made important by manipulating the narrative. He already IS important and the people writing his story know that. He's not important because he's better than Anakin, he's important just because he is. He's baked into this story and can't be removed from it without completely undoing it and telling a totally new story. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are, in some ways, total opposites. Obi-Wan is a massively important character to the narrative who's never been the main character of his own story before the Kenobi show, while Ahsoka spent a long time as the main character of her story but has never and will never be that important to the narrative. She can be added to it and give some extra dimension to it, but she can be pretty easily removed from it, too.
And their relationships to Anakin in their respective shows seem to reflect the way the writers feel about those facts and their understanding of the characters themselves.
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rafesslxt · 9 days
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this will be where u can see how far I am with writings and what‘s up next on my plan for Hayden Christensen Characters. I also have a Harry Potter and Rafe Cameron one
some of my story‘s that are a more of a unique idea of mine, i won‘t share so it can‘t be stolen before I post it ☁️🧸
a status like 'not started' or 'barely started' don't mean it will take long. Most of the times I write a story in one or two sessions
current nr. of drafts: 42 ⎥smut: 🌶 fluff: ☁️ funny: ☀️
updated: 02 / June / 2024
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Keep Dreaming' ⎥Sam Monroe⎥☁️🌶⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ your brothers best friend watches over you after a party, even tho you two hate each other with pure passion ✦ 」
All night long ⎥Sam Monroe⎥☁️🌶⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ your enemy shows you how much he cares hates you✦ 」
Little Siren⎥Sam Monroe⎥☁️🌶⎥status: barely started 「 ✦ your brothers best friend seems a bit shy around you so you try to give him a little push✦ 」
Roommate⎥Anakin Skywalker⎥☁️⎥status: half finished 「 ✦ you share your college apartment with your enemy. It gets complicated when you bring home a guy you like✦ 」
Friends help each other⎥Anakin Skywalker⎥🌶⎥finished to let's say 90% 「 ✦ after another bad date you seek comfort from your best friend Ani✦ 」
Jealousy Jealousy⎥Anakin Skywalker⎥🌧☁️⎥barely started 「 ✦After years of having a crush on you, it doesn't sit right with him when you have a new boyfriend who's also the biggest prick in school ✦ 」
And Action⎥Hayden Christensen⎥☁️🌶⎥barely started 「 ✦ you and Hayden get a bit closer while filming a special scene hehe✦ 」
Behind the scenes⎥Hayden Christensen⎥☁️⎥not started 「 ✦ You and Hayden start getting closer while filming Star Wars and you playing Padme✦ 」
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david-talks-sw · 11 months
An allergy to the Prequels
While I'm putting together a post about the evolution Lucasfilm's transmedia strategies, this part kinda turned into its own thing!
So I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but, uh... there hasn't been that much Prequel content since the Disney sale, right?
'Couple novels and comics, some episodes... but nothing meaningful.
The more I look into it, the more it feels like a deliberate avoidance to touch on anything Prequel-related - beyond the required quota, that is - to a point where they'd rather tell stories set during periods that are Prequel-adjacent (Dark Times, High Republic) than something set around Episodes I, II and III.
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On-screen policy: "pretend they never happened"
I mean, this one's no secret. When The Force Awakens had been announced, with J.J. Abrams at the helm, everyone sighed in relief. "Finally, George Lucas won't keep ruining the franchise."
When Abrams had been announced as the director of Episode VII, I remember this cringey animated video started circulating online, titled "4 Rules To Make Star Wars Great Again" or "Dear JJ Abrams":
“Star Wars isn’t shiny and clean... Star Wars is a western.”
If you ask me, those two things are not mutually exclusive.
'Cause Star Wars has always been both, for many Prequel kids. Both clean and dusty, Coruscant and Tatooine. There was never a disconnect between the Original Trilogy (OT) and the Prequel Trilogy.
Even the documentary The People vs George Lucas shows Prequel-hating fans begrudgingly admit their kids felt all six episodes tied seamlessly.
Abrams, on the other hand, said: "I think [the "Dear JJ" video] was right on." Later on, he also said:
he considered "putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert" on Jakku, somewhere, and
he intentionally made the lightsaber fights "rougher", "primitive" and "more powerful" unlike the fast-paced ones in the Prequels.
Later, we found out he wanted to blow up Coruscant.
It's clear he wasn't a big fan of the Prequels.
But y'know what? Not many fans over 20 were, at the time. And when The Force Awakens came out, most them celebrated it as a wonderful love letter to the OT.
Star Wars is cool again. Mission accomplished 🙌 !
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However movies keep coming out, and references to the Prequels - if there are any - are literally just that... references.
Sometimes in the shape of a cameo ("hey look, Genevieve O'Reilly from the Ep. III deleted scenes is playing Mon Mothma again!")
Sometimes in a name (Luke name-dropped "Darth Sidious"!)
But nothing set during the Prequel era, and nothing treating the events that happened in that period as relevant or impactful, beyond subtextual nods.
In fact, the trend of avoiding anything Prequel-related continues as the final film in the Skywalker Saga comes out:
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The Rise of Skywalker has a secret Sith society that chants the name "Palpatine" instead of his Sith name "Darth Sidious",
the film pretends the Kaminoans never existed,
and neither TROS nor Trevorrow's Duel of the Fates script even try to bring Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker back on screen. Let that sink in, we're talking about the Chosen One, Skywalker Senior, whose sins caused this whole mess... and his name isn't even uttered once in the final chapter of what Disney dubbed the *Skywalker* Saga (or the entire Sequel trilogy, for that matter).
But hey, The Clone Wars got renewed for one last Season! That's cool right? So many stories had gone unfinished and somehow the animation looks even better than befo--
-- oh. It's not 22 episodes? Only 12?
Four of which had already been shown to us, but hey! We need to set-up the Bad Batch series, so let's shoehorn those episodes in there, and forget Son of Dathomir, Dark Disciple or Crystal Crisis.
*sigh* Better than nothing, I guess.
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In other mediums: "just not a priority"
Now this is something that I'll explore more in the transmedia post (and purely my interpretation), but the noticeable change between Lucasfilm's transmedia strategy *post-ROTS* and the one post-Disney sale is that:
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Before, the games, comics and novels were the main content. After all, Revenge of the Sith had been released, so that was it, for the movies. Thus, a variety of other content was being cranked out to keep the Star Wars franchise relevant. There were comics set 100 years after Episode 6, comics set 25,000 years prior, games set in the Old Republic era, other stories in the New Republic era, novels galore, a couple of parody films and an animated show, The Clone Wars, which sometimes received its own tie-in comics, novels and games.
After the sale and ever since, most of the transmedia products have had only one goal: promoting the films & streaming shows.
So while in 2015 you won't see an abundance of Prequel content... you'll see an avalanche of OT books and comics come out.
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Why? Because the heroes of that era will be in the Sequel Trilogy movies. It provided context to the kids who hadn't seen the OT yet, and reintroduced those films to a new generation of fans, while priming them for the Sequels.
A multimedia marketing strategy that ultimately proved successful.
However, it continued even after The Force Awakens came out.
Don't believe me? Compare how many comics there have been set during the Prequel era vs the OT era.
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If they make comics about the Prequels, they're limited runs.
Case in point: before the current Yoda series, the best any Disney Prequel-set comic series ever got was 6 issues.
Note: it's worth pointing out that the frequency of mini-series aren't just a Star Wars-specific thing, it's a comic book industry thing. The readership for comics is dwindling, many people are reading scans online, and so no publisher wants to commit to a story that lasts more than 4-6 issues. My problem is: there absolutely would be readership for a Prequel comic series to warrant an extended run instead of a mini-series.
Let's talk books. There have been give or 64 canon novels published since the Disney sale.
Only 11 of them are set during the Prequel era. And even those stories only came out when the planets were aligned.
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Almost half of them were released while being a part of some bigger multimedia push.
Before the Obi-Wan Kenobi series was being released on Disney Plus, we'd had one novel and like two comic stories about him during the Prequels... released between 2012 and end 2021. That's about three pieces of content in almost ten years.
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Clearly a low frequency.
Then, when the series is around the corner, two books and a comic story comes out in the space of months, plus an anthology book with an alt cover with his face on it and a comic with a story of him and Anakin in the first issue, all in 2022.
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My takeaway: short of there being a film or series that needs to be promoted, you'll rarely get any Prequel comics or books.
And this is OBI-WAN we're talking about. The character who even the Prequel haters love. Imagine how little attention the other ones get.
Gaming-wise, Battlefront had no Prequel content at all (again, 2015 was the year where OT content was shoved down the consumer's throats to prep them for Episode VII), and Battlefront 2 only released Prequel content a full year later.
All that being said, we did seen some Prequel elements here and there. After all, some actors got to reprise their roles, books and comics came out featuring Prequel characters... but there's a catch.
The stories they appear in are set in-between Episodes III and IV, a time-period known as "the Dark Times" or the "Imperial era".
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"Dark Times" being used instead of the Prequel era
It's easy to see the appeal of this era. You keep the same threat from the Original Trilogy - the Empire - but redress it with Prequel elements... while also cherry-picking the best characters of both the OT and the Prequels and giving them a chance to shine again.
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The situation is more clear cut, as opposed to the complex one in the Prequels. Bad guys are stormtroopers, good guys are anyone else. And the stories no longer take place in the shiny capital, you're back on the frontier.
But at this point... it feels like a cop-out.
When you consider how much content has been set during the Dark Times, it's nothing to sneeze at. Since the sale, we've had:
2 movies (Solo, Rogue One)
4 series set in that time-period (namely The Bad Batch, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, and Star Wars: Rebels).
2 video-games (Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor).
17 novels (such as Ahsoka, Lords of the Sith, the new Thrawn books, etc)
And just a whole bunch of comic book series & mini-series (like Kanan, Princess Leia, various Vader-centric comics including Darth Vader: Lord of the Sith, many tie-in mini-series promoting Rogue One, Jedi: Fallen Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc).
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There's been so much content made for this time-period that it feels like an unwillingness to do the work and create something set something during the Prequel era, let alone something that follows its Jedi.
After all, why make a story set in the Prequels (disliked by vocal fans) when you can just take the characters in that story and put them in an OT setting (which will appease the Prequel-haters)?
Maybe these stories get relegated to the Dark Times because:
there seems to be a perception that anything set in the Prequel era won't sell?
or maybe the current SW writers weren't fond of Episodes I, II and III, and don't find those Jedi characters likable, thinking they're too righteous and dogmatic which makes it hard to craft a story around them.
Or maybe it's because they're under the impression that the Prequel Jedi are bad. Like, canonically, in the narrative. Not just in a "I don't like them" sense, but also in a "the story is all about them becoming corrupted" sense.
Let's expand on that last point.
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Retconning the Prequels as the "Fall of the Jedi" era
Somehow the rare stories set during the Prequels that we do get seem to automatically be about how "the Jedi lost their way/failed".
The series Tales of the Jedi is explicit about it...
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... and I already explained why it contradicts what George Lucas established here and here.
You also see it in Rebels and the new season of The Clone Wars...
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... in comics...
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... in games...
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It gets to a point where the Prequels era has now been redubbed the "Fall of the Jedi" era by Lucasfilm.
You wanna know what that period was referred to before the Disney sale? The "Rise of the Empire" Era.
Because - and I'll never get tired of saying this cuz it's factual - the Prequels aren't about the fall of the Jedi, they're about the fall of the Republic and Anakin, and rise of the Empire and Vader.
So in addition to being overdone, the "Jedi lost their way" is not even the intended narrative of the Prequels (if one puts any stock in Lucas' words). It's a minor subplot at best, hardly the focus of the films, let alone a whole time period.
But dubbing it "Fall of the Jedi" implies that there's another era in which the Jedi were in their heyday.
Because Star Wars authors are in luck! Yet another alternative has presented itself in the shape of a new transmedia initiative, and it's even better than the "let's set it during the Dark Times" solution:
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A new transmedia initiative: The High Republic
You wanna deal with the Jedi before the Empire, but for some reason you wanna avoid dealing with the ones seen in the Prequels?
Look no further. Meet the Jedi of the High Republic.
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Noble, adventurous, inspired by the Knights of the Round Table, they're everything the OT kids dreamed about when they heard ol' Ben Kenobi talk about the Knights of the Old Republic.
That's more like it!
Note: the High Republic was created for other reasons and has many more upsides than the ones mentioned above. Namely, a fresh new spot in the timeline that allows for creative freedom and a beautifully-coordinated transmedia storytelling effort where retcons are non-existent. However it does seem evident that not having to deal with the 'unlikable' Prequel Jedi and their "fall" is one of those upsides.
Another perk that the High Republic era offers is more freedom in terms of storytelling compared to the Prequels.
In 2016, Pablo Hidalgo tweeted he still quotes to authors the following excerpt of West End Games' guide for aspiring Star Wars writers, from 1994.
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You can't write "this was the best day in Luke Skywalker's life", for example, because another author may want to write a better day than the one you just wrote.
My guess is that a similar approach applies to how all characters from the movies are treated. They're massively iconic. So you can't write a book that drastically changes how Mace or Yoda or Obi-Wan are perceived overall.
The stories need to be self-contained, disregardable if necessary, because you'll have dozens of writers coming up with new stories for those same characters, and you need to leave them some room.
Notice how in the book Dooku: Jedi Lost we never see how Dooku turns to the Dark Side and joins the Sith.
Same goes for crossover comic book arcs of the Star Wars issues, like Vader Down or Crimson Reign... the characters don't really change by much in those comics. You could stick to just watching the movies and you wouldn't really miss anything.
But with The High Republic, you indeed can develop these characters as much as you want.
All stories featuring Avar Kriss leave an impact on her, you can nail down who she is perfectly in one book or one comic arc, both being just as meaningful to her character.
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The fact that she's not as iconic/famous a character as Mace Windu means that authors can go to town on crafting an interesting and nuanced character arc for her that'll have a beginning, middle and end... something Mace will never really get.
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Back in 2015... let's not kid ourselves. The Prequels were unpopular and Disney is a multi-billion dollar corporation. Opting to make as much money as possible is what they do.
It's the same reason they decided not to go with George Lucas' original plans for the Sequels, in 2012.
I mean, imagine you're Disney. You just dropped 4 billion dollars, with a B, on this franchise. Your next Star Wars movie needs to be worth the price tag. Now, you can pick between two options:
Option #1 is uncharted territory and it explores the midi-chlorians (the cursed word…!) and the guy who presented you with this option also openly admits that a big chunk of customers won’t like it, but he wants this to be done because it’s his vision.
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Option #2 is very simple: a soft reboot, that plays on nostalgia that the same chunk of customers (aka the 'boomer and Gen-X fans who grew up with the Original Trilogy and now have kids, grandkids and MONEY) will like.
It's a no-brainer. They gave the customers what they wanted.
But time has passed, the fans who were children when the Prequels first came out have grown up, and grew up with characters like Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto and other Jedi as their heroes, aside from main characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
Can we maybe expand on them, flesh them out more?
No, let's either ignoring the storytelling potential of these characters or reducing it to them being "righteous, arrogant and dogmatic".
God forbid we get a story showing the Prequel Jedi in a *gasp* more positive light? One where their POV is more understandable, instead of the same old "we brought this on ourselves" storyline.
There's a whole decade between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones... you're telling me there's no space to show us Anakin's training and how he formed bonds with the Jedi we later see in The Clone Wars? I tried my hand at it here:
Interesting or fun Prequel-set ideas from other pro-Jedi fans on Tumblr can be found here, here and here.
And y'know, part of the Star Wars intent is for fans to take the ideas in the movies and come up with their own stories. You're supposed to create headcanons.
What I'm saying is fans of the Prequels are being given less "imagination food" than the rest, and many of us who like the Jedi in particular are forced to rely on headcanons only. "Better than nothing" is no longer an acceptable standard.
There's a range of recognizable Jedi characters that have already been established in films and TCW, can we maybe expand on them, flesh them out more, instead of whole new ones?
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wifeofasith · 4 months
Something little that stirred feelings inside me regarding the recent video where Hayden meets a gorgeous Padmé cosplayer. There is something about the way he twirls the lightsaber outside of the acting environment. Generally speaking, it’s only natural for a male who’s been specifically trained to handle it to do it smoothly, with a sense of energy and power, it comes effortlessly, which is already attractive on its own. However, as someone who has been using a lightsaber for a while and has developed a decent skill (not comparing myself to Hayden Christensen himself), I find it especially, ugh, mouth-watering. It’s not a heavy tool to use, and the majority of tricks can be done smoothly because of the momentum gained, which I personally exploit most of the time. But in the video, Hayden visibly doesn’t depend purely on it, that I find very enticing because it displays a very clear strength difference between me and him. Generally speaking, I’m taller than the average woman. I’ve been physically active for the majority of my life, including playing sports, weight-training, running, pilates, etc., but I am not strong. I don’t have visible muscle mass; my hands and grip aren’t mighty but rather stereotypically feminine, so when I perform the simplest lightsaber motion, like just twirling it, even if it’s engraved in my muscle memory, it looks very different than how Hayden does it. Of course, it does nothing to show how strong he actually is, but just a little glimpse of that strength difference is making me feel some type of way, and I’m sure it can be funny for some people to hear me babble about a few second action Hayden did, but it’s the only legitimate comparison I can make between him and myself. I'm only able to envy other actors and actresses who actually get to train the fight scenes with him; I can surely assume I would feel entirely overpowered, and the best thing about it is that I’d be extremely attracted to it instead of feeling uncomfortable. I mean, of course, it’s Hayden Christensen.
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I absolutely love this scene of Anakin in Ahsoka. It's so beautiful as it has such a calm and peaceful vibe. He is finally at peace with himself and he is happy seeing Ahsoka reunite with everyone again and all grown up. 💕
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I don't like how deluded Olivia is about playing a villain and has all these weird interpretations of alicent as this misunderstood victim. it's like she sees alicent as a reflection of herself and doesn't like to be seen as an antagonist, thinking playing one reflects on her. she gets on my nerves
I honestly think this is a symptom of how social media and recent sentiments blur the lines between actor and character. People have always had a bit of an issue of confusing fiction and reality and it extends to the people involved in a project. We've seen the extremes of this in ctitics' harassment of Hayden Christensen and Jake Lloyd because of their portrayals of Anakin. But there's other aspects to it.
People will always associate an actor with their character, no matter what. However, some people (both viewers and actors) base perception purely on that character. I think Olivia Cooke is falling into this, she's very concerned with how Alicent as a character would reflect on her. She doesn't want people so see how hypocritical, sexist (to her own gender no less), and just plain awful her character is and take the dislike out on her.
This is a bit understandable, but that doesn't excuse how she's purposely trying to go against how Alicent actually is to make her look better. I don't think Olivia Cooke is like a bad person or a bad actress, I do find it annoying that she's doing this, much like you anon.
I wonder if there is some projection going on, much like with Alicent's stans. Maybe that's why she's so interested in painting her in a similar light as the stans, but I don't know enough about her to say.
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padme-amidala · 5 months
thank you for tagging me char @bixcaleen! <3
pick your 5 favorite gif sets of 2023 that got less than 1k notes and then pick 10 gifsets of someone else's that got less than 1k notes.
this anakin skywalker set is probably one of my favorite gifsets i've made in general. i absolutely love this quote from the rots novelization (matthew stover i'm in your walls) and the parallels are so satisfying to me
i had so much fun making this obi-wan kenobi set! i love when people make sets like this and wanted to give it a go myself, pretty happy with how it turned out!
this shadow and bone set took literal years out of my life. wouldn't do it again but it was fun lmao
i'm really happy with the coloring on this alicent hightower set. my best girl <3
this katherine pierce set which is pretty simple compared to the other sets on this list but i love my evil girlie and loved giffing her!
this yennefer set by @bixcaleen is SO spectacular i'm never getting over it. everything from the lilac coloring and the absolutely mindblowing triple blends to the typography are flawless and i'm so in love!
this daenerys set by @zoya-nazyalenskys lives in my head rent free!! ana always uses the most beautiful shades of blue in her sets and that combined with the red accents and incredible blending are the most stunning thing i've ever seen.
i literally gasp every single time i see this yellowjackets set by @cardvngreenbriar!! this set is what really sold the casting for me, the scenes chosen and the way the gifs are blended are pure magic. i will never ever stop gushing about this one, it's a masterpiece.
i'm never not thinking about this alicent set by @azoraahai. the most beautiful muted green coloring combined with black & white and flawless blending AND the lyrics that hit so incredibly hard?? yeah it's perfect. and i'm enamored.
this anakin skywalker set by @hayden-christensen is literally everything to me. the absolutely perfect song and scene combinations and the flow of colors make my brain buzz. truly a masterpiece!!
this jake peralta set by @jakeyp is pure genius (as is literally everything ives makes, i'm constantly blown away by her creativity) and i'm in love! it's beyond gorgeous. it's so funny. it's everything to me. i need to physically consume it.
i'm not sure i have the words to describe how this anidala set by @lady-arryn makes me feel. the gutwrenching quote with the b&w coloring that compliments it perfectly has me on the floor. not to mention the insane triple blends that i could stare at forever. i will cherish this set forever.
i'm so obsessed with this alicent hightower set by @saws2004!! literal perfection from the coloring and the blending to the layout. i love outfit sets and this one is so creative. all the details. the quote in the last gif?? the most perfect addition.
this kaz set by @cal-kestis is one of the prettiest things ever and a masterful display of typography, blending and coloring. nik's ability to pair fonts so flawlessly always blows my mind. the rich colors blend together so beautifully i'm in awe!!
forever sobbing about this rogue one set by @starfighters!! in addition to the most heartbreaking lyrics (NIALL MY LOVE) this set also has one of the prettiest color combinations ever. the scenes, the blending... i'm in heaven.
no pressure tagging all the people above!
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mrschristensen · 13 days
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Why hello there! I haven't wrote in a while... and I really wanted to do my first series, so here we are! I haven't planned out when the other parts will post or how many parts there will be, but I was hoping to get at least one or two out today! I woke up to this picture today... and I fell. In my kitchen. I'm okay (no I'm not), but I BARKED. It inspired me to do this series (because there may or may not be a part where he's wearing this, I'm still contemplating), so yeah. I hope you enjoy it <3
WARNINGS: age gap (oc is 20, Hayden is 49), oc use (I'm using my oc but you can imagine it as you; oc has brown hair/brown eyes), fem oc, slow burn/porn with plot (eventual smut), Rachel basically doesn't exist (sorry to everyone who loves dad Hayden), lmk if I missed any! <3
part two (not out) , part three? (not out), part four? (not out)
WC: 2,422 words
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Fan Expo Philadelphia, one of the busiest cons in New England. The very place where a lot of lives change, but today, it’d be two specific people coming together and experiencing something they never have before.
“C’mon!” Tori, her best friend, says excitedly, dragging her along with her. This was Elaina’s second time going to con, now six years later. She quickly recognized where she was being taken.
“Why are we going to the Community Area?” she asked as she was still being dragged.
“Don’t you wanna go meet Hayden again?!” she says with a huge smile on her face. She knew she was going to get her ass kicked because she hated when she spent money on her (especially things as expensive as this), but she, on the other hand, loved to spoil her.
“You’re joking,” she breathed out, in pure shock. Going to Philly was a surprise in itself, but meeting her celebrity crush for the second time, at the same place she did before?
“Nope! Now c’mon, I wanted to get here early for a reason,” she replies quickly, all giddy now that she revealed her surprise, still gripping her wrist as she heads over to the photo op line.
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After at least an hour of waiting in line, they’re taken behind the curtains and one of the few groups in that area.
And there he is, in all his glory: Hayden fucking Christensen. He looks almost exactly the same as he did all those years ago; same height, same build, same everything. The man doesn’t age.
She finally was having her turn, and Tori moved to the side so she could just have one-on-one time with him, unlike the first time she met him. Even though she’s done this before, the feelings were all the same. She felt like she was going to die at any given moment.
When he saw her, he had the biggest smile on his face, unable to take his eyes off of her, just like before. “Hey, I know you. How are you?” he asks gently, his voice still that deep honey. He wrapped his arms around her in an embrace, and she happily returned it.
“I-I’m still in shock this is happening again,” she says with a nervous laugh, and he chuckled a bit as well.
“It’s good to see you again. Elaina, right?” he tries to confirm, taking his sweet time with her. He wanted to for their first photo op, but there had been a delay, so he couldn’t. What astounded her was that he not only remembered her, both face and name, but she also said her name right!
“Oh, yeah, that’s me,” she responds with a smile, shocked he remembered her after all these years.
“You were just a teenager when we first met, hm?” he says with a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “You were so polite, such a sweetheart. It was refreshing.”
It was one thing if an average person told you that; it was obviously flattering, but it was a hundred times more when it came from the sweetest man in the world.
She smiled a bit more, more blush coating her cheeks. “I forgot to say a few things, I was really anxious.”
“I can tell you’re the same right now,” he says, basically reading her like an open book. “Anyways, I have an idea for a pose, and I’ve just had a feeling the perfect person would come along to do it with, and I guess I was right.”
He moves behind her, putting his arms around her waist. He could tell she was aroused by this, hence the amount of blush once again increasing on her face, and it only made him love this even more.
“Can we do two, please?” he asks the camera person, who goes to speak in protest, probably going to say there was only one paid for, but he didn’t care. “Let’s do two.” he says again with a firmer tone, showing there’s no open room for discussion.
Usually Hayden was extremely professional, trying not to start anything with anyone, especially because he’s aware of how many people are in love with him; he’s gotten bras and panties thrown at him to prove it. However, this woman was just something else. He couldn’t help himself, there was this pull, this want to be with her. He’s never felt this way before for anyone. He just couldn’t resist it.
She was completely shook, her breath taken away. How was this happening?!
He put his head on her right shoulder, signaling he was ready for the picture, so she just smiled and hoped it wasn’t obvious how much she was fangirling right now. She felt like was going to faint.
The camera snapped for the first photo, his breath hot on her ear. He leaned in a bit more ever so slightly, whispering, “How about you kiss me on the cheek for this one?”
Her eyes widened a little, surprised at his words. She wanted to before, and was planning to do so this time, but she never thought he’d be this okay with it; it was like he read her mind.
Is Tori paying him to do this? she thought to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was make him uncomfortable, and would feel terrible if she did. However, he suggested it himself, and that made it even better.
“I mean… Y-Yeah, sure,” she stammers, and he smiles victoriously. She leaned her head back a bit, now fully against him. She could feel his very evident erection, blushing even more so and swallowing hard, but she didn’t comment; she knew it was natural for men to randomly get erections, but she had a gut feeling that it was no accident.
She then leaned towards his face, tenderly kissing him on the cheek as the camera shuttered and took the picture.
“Thank you,” she managed to get out, and his smile widened, reluctantly having to wrap up his time with her.
“No, thank you for being so open to trying that with me,” he contorts.
Everyone who witnessed the scene was absolutely in shock. Some girls who were waiting in line could only imagine that they were her. To be given such an honor by the Hayden Christensen… a girl could only dream.
He shook her hand firmly, then took his other and put it on the other side of hers, basically sandwiching her hand between his. He held her gaze with that charming smile and  those dreamy blue eyes, his gazing into her brown.
He had to let go now, but he didn’t want to. He bids her farewell one last time before turning to encounter the next waiting fan.
Her and Tori were let out, Elaina’s face tomato red and her body shaking. “I TOLD YOU HE LIKES YOU!” Tori shouts, almost jumping up and down because she was so happy.
She then notices the paper in her hands. “What’s that? Did he give that to you?!”
Elaina shushes her quickly, surprised she didn’t do it before, trying not to cause a scene for both their sakes. “Let’s just go get the pictures,” she suggests, “then we’ll look at it in a more secluded spot.”
They nod in agreement, walking off to go get the photos.
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About two hours or so later, the photos framed and secured in her bag, they’re both panting and sitting in a quiet corner of the convention, though nowhere in the building was necessarily “quiet.” They were finally able to look at what he had given her; not looking at it before was difficult for both of them, but they just wanted to look around the convention for a bit, and then look at it when there were hopefully less people. But now, they were even more anxious.
It was a small piece of paper, almost hurriedly folded. She gently unfolded it, revealing a square paper with some random numbers and some writing, and a note on the bigger piece that enveloped it.
Elaina, I’ve wanted to give this to you for a while, and I had a feeling I’d see you again, so I’ve kept it with me for each con I go to. Show this to a staff member and they’ll know what to do. See you soon, princess. XO, H.C. 
Their eyes widen upon reading the note, and Elaina has to stop Desirae from screaming again, all the while trying to keep herself from actually passing out.
“C’mon, c’mon! Let’s go get your man!” Tori said eagerly, anxious to see the two interact again as she once again drags her to a nearby staff member.
They show it to them, and they nod, escorting them to Hayden’s autograph area. Tori notices quickly, and squeals quietly, clinging onto Elaina’s arm for dear life.
They’re taken behind the curtains and are now almost at the front of the line. There he is again, sitting at the table and signing away, making some small talk with the people who’d care to be there instead of people who were obviously resellers.
They’re at the opposite end, but they’re both over the roof. He was right there. Again!
“What picture do you want?” an employee asks, gesturing to a few laid out on the table.
She goes for an A.J. one, since they usually only have Anakin or Vader for sale. It was surprising to see other roles of his on display, but they only had one of each picture in stock; weird.
They then put the remaining pictures under the table, and she goes to grab her money, but they stop her. “It’s free, per Mr. Christensen’s request.”
Her brows furrow, and suddenly the “rare” pictures make sense: they don’t sell them at all, they were pictures chosen specifically for her liking, chosen to give her more options than the average fan. She wants to contort, to say something against it, but she doesn’t question it.
They then scooch to the side, picking out a color for him to sign with. She decides to go for blue since she got silver last time; it’ll pop on the picture, and it’s also the color of his eyes.
She finally makes it to him, Tori once again stepping back to watch, and he looks up at her. When he sees her again, he automatically looks happier.
“Guess you  got my message,” he says with that big smile on his face, standing to his full height and coming around to give her yet another hug, something she thought wasn’t even allowed in the first place. “Missed you,” he mumbles into her ear, making her get more hot and bothered all over again, even with just being in his presence.
He lets go of her and goes back around the table, sitting back down and grabbing the blue marker. “How are you?” he asks as he writes on the photo.
“I-I’m good, better now…” she stammers after a second, still on cloud nine. “Yourself?”
“I���m doing good, thank you.” he replies as he continues to write.
Damn, what is he writing? she thought to herself, thinking his signature is something that could probably be done in just a few seconds based on how he was doing a minute ago.
He finishes signing, leaning in. “Got any bracelets or letters for me this time?” he asks with a smile, clearly referring to the last encounter they had.
“I do, actually,” she says, glad she brought some with her just in case, taking off four bracelets and laying them on the table: A.J., Clay, Sam, and Kurt ones.
His smile widens. “Just one more than the last time.” He then takes them, putting them on. “I’m still wearing the other ones, y’know.”
She looks at him, surprise etched all over her face. “Really?”
He chuckles, showing her his wrists, “I keep them right up front so I’m always reminded of you.”
And there they were: right in front of the ones she just gave him, the Leo and Skyguy ones on his right, and the matching one on his left. “You never told me what it meant. Such a nervous little thing,” he says in a slightly teasing tone, looking at the all white bracelet that matched hers.
She lets out a small, anxious chuckle. “I forgot to and hated myself for it afterwards. It’s actually an Anakin quote. Yours stands for ‘Not A Day Has Gone By When I Haven’t Thought of You,’” she starts, and he smiles, not taking his eyes off her for a moment, “and mine…”
She then puts her right hand on the table, showing him her matching all black one, “Mine says, ‘And Now That I’m With You Again, I’m In Agony.’”
He leans in even more, their faces now inches from each other. “I find mine to be true in every way.”
She blushes and swallows hard, “I guess we both didn’t take ours off.”
He smiles and nods,” I suppose so.”
“Also,” he says, readjusting in his seat, “I’m going on break in about half an hour. Care to join me?”
She was speechless. Spending time with him of all people, the Hayden Christensen?! She was definitely dreaming.
“Uhh… Sure, I mean it’s not like I’m gonna say no…” she says with a small smile, one in which he returns.
“Perfect,” he says, settling it. “Oh, and I thought you might enjoy having this…”
He takes off his hat, gently putting it on her head. She’s completely flustered now, aroused in every way of the word.
He leans back a bit, admiring her beauty and his hat on her head. “I like it on you,” he comments, taking her hand and shaking it once more before turning it and bringing it to his lips, kissing it.
Her face is completely tomato red, only making him enjoy this more. “Meet me behind the photo op area,” he tells her quietly before reluctantly letting her go, the line now moving again.
Once again, everyone was shocked at Hayden’s actions towards this lucky girl. They could certainly expect a relationship.
“Did that just happen?” she asked Tori shakily, her entire body on fire as they walked out.
“Oh, fuck yeah it did! I got it on film too!” she says, now actually jumping around like a maniac. “Shut up!” Elaina whisper-yells, smacking her on the arm. It was going to be a long day.
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katiapostsss · 4 months
skiing with hayden christensen.
you weren't too good of a skier, but compared to hayden, you might as well have signed up for the olympics.
in the hour he agreed to ski with you, he had fallen twice on the bunny slopes, and 5 times more on the hills you practically begged him to accompany you on.
the whole time, he was sending you glares that could've killed if it was possible, his lips twisted into a frown. it might've been the cutest thing you ever witnessed, and although you couldn't quite slant your lips on his without your goggles getting in the way, you always tried.
but if you thought hayden falling in the stupidest and most surprising ways on the slopes was funny, then this would kill you with laughter.
"i forgot how to get off the ski lifts," he confessed halfway up, your skis occasionally knocking into his. slanting your eyes to his own, you found genuine terror there as he peered down at the white flurries below.
"and you're telling me this now?" children's laughter rang clear. it truly was pretty, so high up, yet hayden barely seemed to notice it. you giggled, grabbing his hand. despite sending you a withering look of anger, your boyfriend squeezed your palm so hard your hand ached below its glove.
"i'm gonna fall..."
"i'd pay to see that."
he bat your arm, huffing and looking the other way. laughter marinated in your chest, even as you leaned over and pecked his cheek. "i'm kidding," you drawled.
"aren't loving girlfriends not supposed to wish death upon their boyfriends?" your kiss was enough to make him turn your way. the whole reason you did it in the first place. something about this side of him, innocent and pure... proving his own perfect demeanor wrong, made you fall for him even further. knowing you were one the few people who got to see it...
"you won't die.." a smile. "unless you do."
hayden smacked your goggles, sending your head rearing back as you cackled. you were moving closer to the end of the lift, and he did not seem one bit pleased by the revelation. "hold my hand, kay?" still chuckling, you mumbled an agreement, grabbing his palm and squeezing.
"ok, lean forward." he inspected the way you strained your back, mimicked the stance. "yea, like that. put your rods in your freehand." you nodded to the two poles, which he moved to his other glove. "good. now... just—"
his whole body tensed, and you were already too close to the edge to rattle off anymore rules. inhaling a sharp breath, his and your skis slid across the wood. "ok— up now," you instructed, and he followed after you, coming to a stand. when he didn't fall flat on his face or flat on his back, he retracted his hand from yours and pumped his fist in victory. spoke too soon.
hayden forgot skiing meant keeping your feet on the ground most of the time, and he lifted his foot and stepped directly on the tip of his ski as you both slid down a bit, taking a not-so-graceful tumble.
5 minutes later, and you were still laughing your ass off. he gave up after that.
going skiing tomorrow so i got this idea. im also on a writing grind rn, soooo
i'd also like to briefly vent. are the women on the hayden christensen side of tumblr always ovulating??? because why is it all just smut. like— i want fluff too 😭
anywayysssss, reblogging is much appreciated! hope you liked ❤️
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inkykeiji · 2 years
i love you - i know
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anonymous said: ik you’re a pretty big star wars (and vader) fan so i’m kinda curious—would touya-nii binge watch the movies with her, and if reader is obsessed with vader like you, how would he react to her thirsting over anakin? i can just picture him getting jealous over a fictional villain and getting all mad and overprotective
character: todoroki touya | dabi
genre: fluff with a sprinkle of angst
notes: set in my touya-nii au, this is an extremely self-indulgent piece and was written as more of a comfort for myself than anything else but i wanted to share it here since anon prompted it!!! with that being said, this is generally how touya-nii would react to anyone’s favourite character in the most basic sense, so if you’re interested in that, read on!
warnings: no smut but still +18 minors do not interact, stepcest, toxic relationship (possessiveness, jealousy), star wars spoilers (lmao???)
words: 2.1k
“You, uh, you like me better than him though, right? I’m, like, your ultimate favourite, am I not?”
And he hates how small, shy, unsure his voice sounds, coughing harshly to clear the tremble sticking in his throat.
They’re stupid questions; he knows they’re stupid questions, knows the answer is yes, absolutely, of course you do, yet he can’t help but vocalize them, pathetically vying for that concrete reassurance pouring from your lips and cascading over his skin, encasing him in an indestructible coating of your comforting, unconditional love.  
“You are my most favourite person in the whole universe,” you tell him lightly, giving him a quick glance through the corner of your eye. “On this planet or any others, niichan, I promise.”  
It’s a special type of torture, watching these films with you, subjected to all your little mewls and moans that you attempt to subdue, to tone down, purely for his sake; all your little whispered wisps of Daddy that manage to slip from your throat every time Vader’s onscreen, so delicate, so precious the endearment merely caresses your lips on its way out.
It’s the most rewarding type of torture, watching these films with you, privy to all of those sweet bubbles of laughter—vaporized happiness that he devours; down his throat and into his lungs and straight to his very soul—that warm him from the inside out, that make it all so fucking worth it.
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On the days where nothing seems to be enough, on the days where his kisses can’t quell the glittery tears staining your cheeks and his cuddles can’t calm the shuddery sobs rattling your ribs and his words can’t lull the misery incessantly ricocheting off the walls of your skull, he’s forced to bring out the big guns.
“Where are you going?” you nearly whimper, body involuntarily leaning forward to follow his heat, his comfort, as he leaves the couch and pads towards your impressive blu-ray collection, proudly displayed across the dark wood shelves lining the far wall of your living room.
Touya doesn’t answer, merely casting a glance over his shoulder in your direction, the grimace chiseled into his face melting into something softer, something sweeter when he spots you curled in a cute little ball, chin resting on your folded knees as gleaming eyes watch him in curiosity, your favourite fluffy blanket wrapped tightly around your form.
Revenge of the Sith, that’s the one that holds the most nostalgia. It isn’t your favourite—no, that’s the one with that weird yeti creature at the beginning, the one where Luke gets shoved into that deformed horse or whatever the fuck that thing is before he dies of hypothermia; The Empire Strikes Back, that’s the one—but it holds a special place within your heart, and it’s a foolproof way to crack the trepidation coating your features with a precious little smile, even if only for an hour or two, one filled with childhood memories and the deep seated soothing nostalgia seems to bring with it.
Slender fingers drum against the plastic held in his palms, Hayden Christensen staring up at Touya from the blu-ray case, beautiful and brooding, and Touya swallows a sigh.
He hates this film.
It isn’t the atrocious writing, or the dreadful CGI, or the cardboard acting—though they all do their part, respectively—it’s him.
It’s the way you react to him, with those girlish squeals and gushing whispers, with hearts in your eyes and pure adoration in your voice, instantly engrossed in Anakin Skywalker’s aura any time he’s on the screen.
Touya supposes he can’t blame you, though. Anakin is your favourite character, after all.
Doesn’t mean Touya has to like it.
“Oh, niichan,” you breathe, a wave of watery appreciation rushing to cloud your vision the moment you realize his intentions.
“You’re having a really rough day,” Touya offers as a halfhearted explanation, a shoulder shrugging awkwardly as he looks away from your penetrative gaze, pure love pouring past your lashes, so potent, so powerful he swears he can feel it stretching his lungs with each inhale, surging down his throat and through his veins, his blood and tissue sparked aflame.
“Thank you,” you whisper as he settles back beside you, taking his rough hands between yours and squeezing, teardrops chasing each other down your smooth cheeks.
“No need to thank me,” he says gruffly, even though he appreciates the gesture more than he can verbally express. “And no more crying, yeah?” Calloused thumbs swipe through the steady streams flowing on your face, killing them instantly. “I’m sure Anakin wouldn’t want you crying either, princess.”
And try as he may, he can’t help the way his features pucker as he all but spits the sentence from his mouth, the name putrid on his tongue.
You don’t seem to mind, though, a giggle-infused sniffle catching tenderly in your throat at his reaction, snuggling into his side as a reluctant finger finally presses play.
And then the film begins, the first few notes of that iconic theme song blaring proudly through the speakers, and Touya feels a distinct shift in your spirit—looser, lovelier, muscles relaxing as rosy nostalgia infused with warm comfort weaves thickly through your blood.
Touya stays quiet for the first little while, watching with fleeting, soured disinterest, refraining from commenting his caustic thoughts until Anakin is reunited with his secret wife, Padmé, the camera pushing in on his face, bright blue eyes and perfect smile shimmering against his flawless skin as he gazes at his lover.
“Pretty boy,” Touya grumbles through a scowl, eyes shaded by his tightly knit brows as he glares at the screen.
“You’re a pretty boy, too, niichan,” you nudge his shoulder with your own, a playful little smirk painted across your swollen face.
“Oh, shut up,” he rolls his eyes, unable to suppress the grin fluttering on his lips, bashfulness tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“M’serious!” you sit up a little straighter, sincerity shining in your stare, residual tears still glazing your eyes, old teardrops stubbornly clinging to your lashes. “You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, niichan, I swear,”
A dainty pinky is held upright between your chests, wiggling a little in enticement.
And despite the melancholia still saturating your features—a twitching nose, a hitching chest, a quivering lip—your love for him is still so bright, so genuine, so real that it almost hurts, your sheer devotion raw and uncut and so fucking strong, and he has to look away, burning emotion swelling in his chest and crawling up his throat, mouth watering a little as it sits densely on the back of his tongue.
“Alright, princess, alright,” he’s clearing his throat as a large pinky twines itself around yours and squeezes, sealing the promise. “I believe you.”
Miraculously, he manages to get through the majority of Revenge of the Sith without complaining, save for the occasional unintelligible growl, mumbled out under his breath, his strong arms continuing to tighten around your waist with each soft gasp or muted squeal you emit, pressing you closer and closer to his heart, a silent reminder that he is there, that he is yours, as delicate little fingers curl in the faded material of his hoodie, pulling further and further, a silent reminder that you are his, too.
It isn’t until Padmé confronts Anakin on his decision to join the dark side that Touya truly speaks up, the question, heavy with emotion, scathing his tongue.
“Would you follow me to the dark side?”
“Of course I would,” you answer without hesitance, automatic and instinctual.
“I mean,” Touya begins, rolling the words around on his tongue. “He’s doing it all for her, isn’t he?”
“He is,” you confirm with a nod. “Anakin’s intense, uncontrollable emotions—his love, his hate, his anger, his jealousy—are ultimately his downfall.”
Fidgeting beside you, Touya clears his throat roughly, pricks of heat crawling up the back of his neck.
If you notice his discomfort, or the similarities between him and your favourite character, you don’t say anything, silently allowing him to haul you into his lap and cradle you against his chest; a shield of sorts, against the raw vulnerabilities he and Anakin seem to share.  
And yet, it’s…comforting, in a weird, almost inexplicable way, knowing that your favourite character has so many commonalities to Touya himself, knowing that you love him just the same regardless of his deeply flawed nature and unforgivable mistakes.
Watching as Anakin burns is nearly unbearable, the crackling of flames and melting of skin conjuring painful memories to the forefront of Touya’s mind—the sight of bright oranges and the smell of burnt flesh and the taste of ashy air overwhelming his senses—and he has to look away, jaw flexing with a thick swallow.
Burnt to a crisp and left to die by someone they loved, yet another similarity between him and your favourite.
At last, the torture of Hayden Christensen ends, the large man decked out head to toe in Vader’s extravagant suit as he steps off the steel operating table, rickety and tottering like Frankenstein’s monster as he hollers that ridiculously long, overly dramatic and extremely cliche Nooo! at news of Padmé’s death.
The crushing in his chest alleviates with the removal of the disk, Touya drawing in a few slow, steady breaths as he swaps one Star Wars film for another. It isn’t fully eradicated, a sort of bruising weight of clawed green envy still gnawing on his ribs and swiping at his heart, but he feels he can breathe a little easier now; the hardest and heaviest part is over, and he no longer has to look at Hayden’s Abercrombie & Fitch model face anymore.
It isn’t until halfway through Rogue One that Touya speaks again, low voice swiftly following your excited cheers of seeing Vader on the screen for the first time in the film.
“You, uh, you like me better than him though, right? I’m, like, your ultimate favourite, am I not?”
And he hates how small, shy, unsure his voice sounds, coughing harshly to clear the tremble sticking in his throat.
They’re stupid questions; he knows they’re stupid questions, knows the answer is yes, absolutely, of course you do, yet he can’t help but vocalize them, pathetically vying for that concrete reassurance pouring from your lips and cascading over his skin, encasing him in an indestructible coating of your comforting, unconditional love.  
“You are my most favourite person in the whole universe,” you tell him lightly, giving him a quick glance through the corner of your eye. “On this planet or any others, niichan, I promise.”  
Despite the nonchalance embedded in your tone, he can see the concern clear as day in your eyes, and he’s grateful that you don’t push, allowing him that space to find his reassurance without making a big deal out of it, without humiliating him or patronizing him further.
He nods in response, burying his face in your hair and inhaling deeply, head nodding again as he nuzzles into you.  
It’s a special type of torture, watching these films with you, subjected to all your little mewls and moans that you attempt to subdue, to tone down, purely for his sake; all your little whispered wisps of Daddy that manage to slip from your throat every time Vader’s onscreen, so delicate, so precious the endearment merely caresses your lips on its way out.
It’s the most rewarding type of torture, watching these films with you, privy to all of those sweet bubbles of laughter—vaporized happiness that he devours; down his throat and into his lungs and straight to his very soul—that warm him from the inside out, that make it all so fucking worth it.
It’s incredible how even after all these years, your reaction still hasn’t dulled in the slightest, bright smiles and breezy giggles conjured up the minute your favourite character appears.
It’s incredible to hear notes of elation and amusement seeping from his baby’s lips after a day full of sobs and sniffles, to see those sparks of mirth in your eyes—flares that have dried up, dried out, all of the sadness and tears—even if you both know it’s fleeting escapism at best, a few hours of bliss conjured up by a sugared sentimentality.
Because even if it’s only for a few transient moments, it’s all so worth it, suffering through all of your fawning and fussing over this character, continually shoving down those jealous and possessive notions desperate to make it past his lips, remarks that grate this throat with every thrust back, sharp and covered in thorns. It’s all so fucking worth it if it makes you feel better—if Touya can make you feel better, wielding nostalgia as his weapon—irregardless of how long the effects last.  
Eventually, though, it all becomes a bit too much for him.
Shuffling your body on his thighs roughly a quarter through the fourth Star Wars film you’ve put on, Touya turns you away from the television, physically forcing your attention to him as he rearranges you to straddle his hips.
“I think you’ve been staring at him for long enough, don’t you?” he mutters, head dropping to scatter a few well-placed kisses along your neck, front teeth nipping a little at the sensitive skin. “Niichan is feeling a little left out,”  
His voice is heavy with an exaggerated pout, words filtered through a jutted bottom lip. And although his tone is playful and teasing, you can see it, that little glimmer of truth, of insecurity, of jealousy shining bright in his sapphire eyes.
“You’re cute, niichan,” you murmur softly, a thumb gently caressing his protruding lip. His tongue catches it easily, sucking the appendage into the heat of his mouth.
“Cute, huh?” he speaks around the finger held between his teeth, an eyebrow raising in challenge.
A warm, wet tongue curls around your thumb, swallowing it further into his mouth before he lets go of it with a pop, teeth scraping against your flesh as the digit is pulled from his lips. A smirk carves itself into his face at your eager nodding, cute little uh-huhs spilling from your throat, Touya huffing out an airy little chuckle in response.
Sapphire glitters in the waning rays, weak beams of sunlight bathing the room in pale gold, eyes seeming to darken with the rapidly setting sun.
“Oh, I’m gonna show you cute, princess.”
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st4rfckerz · 5 months
WAIT, TWO GUYS SHOWED UP TO HIS HOUSE!?!? I JUST SEARCHED IT. He gave them breakfast, oml😭😭😭. That’s so sad though, like he was defo emotionally manipulated into opening the door by their note.
No but I don’t get it? Like why would he open the door for them? Bc he felt bad that they were fans and didn’t want to turn them away? Apparently he read the note on their phone through the window so maybe his anxiety went up bc the person must’ve been staring at him on the other side reading the note, imagine😭. I just can’t get past how the other anon said that they could’ve harmed him. Bc there’s no way he’s letting them in, giving them breakfast, letting two men, strangers, “fans”, sit in his living room for an hour talking about Star Wars and signing lots of stuff for them. Also the guy said in his caption that he and his friend spontaneously thought to go see Hayden Christensen one random morning?? If they had gear chucked in the back, and drove for an hour to find his house, it defo was planned?? Weirdos.
Why do you think he answered the door though? Like, yeah, what if his kid was inside? He’s so pure but WHY HAYDEN STAY SAFE PLS
yeah he really needs to like.....never do that again LMAO
i also wanna know what the note said, because what would make him be like "hm yeah i'm gonna let these randos in my house."
i also really wanna know what he made them for breakfast 😭
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