#he brought a block of cheese as a gift
jombenz · 5 months
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couldnt quit thinking abt mk11 johnny since then decided i need to draw every character ever growing old and greying and having a nice long life instead of dying horrifically or the timeline resetting
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winkwonkwankwenk · 4 months
Gojo Head-Cannons!! (SFW & NSFW)
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Has modeled a few times just for fun, definitely a Paparazzi-Darling.
Has a major sweet tooth. Will accept any snack if it's high in sugar. He keeps snack cakes and candies in his pockets at all times. He sulks when you make him eat a meal before dessert when the two of you are out, almost like a petulant child. "I'm eating this Spinach because I want to, not because you told me to- and definitely not because it's so fucking good..." He cheers up again the moment you cave and let him run to the chocolate fountain.
Loves traveling. He can't stay in one place long before getting angsty. He'll hop on the nearest train or plane the moment he sees photos of an area, not bothering to pack a bag- he'll just buy whatever he needs while he's there. "Let's go to Morocco tomorrow. Or would you prefer Dubai?"
Black card holder. He's got a couple of them. He leaves most of them laying around the house and has left them in public on occasion. Worst case scenario, he just has to get a new card. Perks of being wealthy.
Shopping sprees! Gojo loves going shopping, so the moment you ask he grabs his keys and runs to the door. Even though shopping was your idea, you end up regretting it. He drags you to every store he sees, making you wait as he changes in the dressing room. He always ends up with hands full of bags, mostly things he brought for you when you weren't looking. He surprises you with gifts as thanks for tagging along.
He has a skincare routine. Toner? Got it. Moisturizer? Got it. You actually use his products because hello- they're clearly working. He also gets his nails and toes done regularly and the two of you often have spa days together. You'll sip and sit, eating fancy wines and cheeses while gossiping. "Did you see what he wore? I would never."
Always scoops you up when it's raining and hides you in his jacket so he can use infinity to block the rain. "Can't have you getting sick." His cheeks are tinted pink when he says this, and all you can do is smile.
Lightweight when it comes to alcohol. A shot gets him tipsy and he makes the worst decisions when he's drunk. You had to stop him from stripping once, and from then on he's never took a sip without you being near.
Loves cuddling. In bed? Yes. At work? Yes. On missions? Hell yeah! Every chance he gets to have you in his arms he eagerly takes.
He's a gym rat. He'll invite you to work out with him and pout if you decline. Sometimes he'll do push-ups with you under him, kissing you every time he goes down. "What? Kisses are my reward for all of this hard work." He'll tease, and then drop down for another. He's seen and heard those audios you have saved, so sometimes he'll taunt you by saying your name each push-up to make that whimpering sound you seem to adore.
Can't cook for shit. He's burned water before. It's funny, the amazing Gojo can't do something as simple as frying an egg or making toast.
Clingy boyfriend! He'll spam call, text, sometimes even show up outside your door with flowers and your favorite sweet. It can be pouring rain outside and he'll still rush over, even as lightning cackles in the sky. That's just how much he loves you.
He's attached to your stuffed animals. You've caught him trying to sneak some out of your place to take to his. You end up caving and letting him take home one squishmellow, he coats your face in kisses after.
Gets jealous easily. He wants all your attention and when he sees you giving it to another guy he'll act nonchalant but really he's holding back the urge to purple-hollow the dude.
Loves dancing. He'll pull you up off the couch or in his arms and loudly blast your song. Your song- the one the two of you listen to all the time. "We'll play this at our wedding for our first dance," he always jokes...sometimes you wonder if he's joking.
He wants children. Whenever the two of you are on a walk and see a family, the children run up to him and beg to play. Something about him radiates paternal energy. The parents of the kids will aways apologize but the two of you laugh it off. "That's going to be us soon, y'know." He'll whisper into your ear before your walk resumes.
It gets...intense when the two of you argue. He's stubborn in his stance, even when it's debating who's turn it is to do the dishes. Part of the problem is he finds you so damn hot when you're mad, the other problem is how he can't take anything seriously. He always plays things off as a joke until he sees how upset you are, and then the guilt will eat away at him. He always apologizes first, accompanied by make-up-gifts. "I shouldn't have said what I did, forgive me?"
He gets overstimulated sometimes because of 6th sense, and you're the first person he calls when it gets bad. Your voice is enough to calm him down, but a kiss on the cheek doesn't hurt.
He said "I love you" first, even with a shaky voice he knew he had to say it then or he never would.
NSFW (Kinky stuff ahead)
Loves making out with you but especially in public. He doesn't care how it makes other people feel, he'll pull you into a sloppily kiss and suck at your lips until they're kiss swollen. Drool, lots of drool, because he's obsessed with the taste of your tongue.
The first time you pulled his hair he made such an embarrassing noise he hasn't let you do it since. On occasion, you manage to sneakily bury your fingers in it and give it a firm tongue. A strangled moan will spill from his lips and then you have about five seconds to run. Good luck.
Pussy eater. Ass eater. He loves your taste. He'll bend you over the kitchen table and eat you out until your legs shake and your juices puddle on the floor. He'll lap your juices up and hold them in his mouth, then let them trickle into your mouth as he kisses you. "Mmm…now you know how good you taste."
He's a switch, perfectly fine with letting you lead on days you want to. His favorite positions are reverse-cowgirl, doggy, and sixty-nine. He loves when you sit on his face, nothing turns him on more than having your pussy on his skin. He likes to tell you how good you taste, even when his tongue is buried inside of you.
Three rounds isn't enough- he needs days. If you can still walk when he's done then back to the bedroom you go.
Pink tip. His cock is roughly eight inches, decently thick. He knows how to use it, and that's what really matters. Cum flavor is sweet, what did you expect from a man who's diet is 90% sugar?
He's a foreplay fan, thus why he loves making out with you. He also finds it so fun to finger you, play with your clit until you squirt. "This is where you're weak right?" He knows all of your favorite spots and especially the ones that push you over the edge until you're a soaking wet mess.
He'll try anything once, several times if he enjoys it of course. That's why he lets you peg him on occasion. He's let you cuff him down to the bed a few times. He's even worn a maid outfit for you.
He likes cumming on your skin, leaving his semen sprayed on you like a glaze. He also likes watching you swallow, it makes him shiver because you do it so eagerly. He'll still cum on your face after.
He's a loud lover. The neighbors better hear, or else he's not putting enough back into it. He knows he's doing good when you're screaming and squealing and there's knocking on the front door. "Good girl, let them hear how good I make you feel."
Bomb make-up sex. Whatever the two of you were fighting about doesn't matter now, not when he's ramming into you and holding your legs behind your head. How are you supposed to be mad when he's fucking you senseless?!
Steals your panties and finds it funny when you find them at his place. You've lectured him about it hundreds of times but his only response is a smug smirk. "Come on, I'm serious! I don't know how they got here." and "You must've left them last time you came over."
Only pulls out because he knows you trust him enough to let him hit raw. "Can I pleeease cum inside?" He always asks when he's close, and always respects whatever decision you make.
Aftercare is mostly cuddles, kisses, and takeout from your favorite places. He'll casually go to the door naked, jumpscaring the delivery person but since he tips them double what the food costs they never say much besides thank you. He'll feed you, then bathe with you when you can walk again. He likes to wash your hair, put on your lotion, help you put on fresh pajamas, and then he'll tuck you back into bed. "Rest up," he always says before you drift off.
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magiccath · 6 months
Worst Nightmare
tenth doctor x GN!reader
Summary: In which the Doctor is trapped in an alien-induced nightmare, and it's up to reader to save him
a gift for my friend @internet-stranger-says-hi
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The Doctor woke up in an unfamiliar bed, panting. He looked around the room, anxiety building within him at his surroundings. He was in a hospital room. He hated hospitals, they gave him the creeps. His eyes searched the room for you, darting around at a shocking speed. It quickly became apparent that you weren’t in the room with him. Where were you? He needed to find you, and quick.
He noticed a small IV strapped to his arm and ripped it out with haste, not bothering to check the damage in his haste. As quick as he could, he threw the bedsheets off, immediately rushing to the door. A sudden tension built within him, harboring a desperate need to find you. He needed you, he always did. 
He threw the door open and speed walked out into the hall. As he strode he ran his hands through his hair anxiously, wracking his brain for any memory that might clue him into his current situation. The issue was, he couldn’t remember a single thing. Where he was, why he was there, and most importantly, where you were. The questions piled up, fueling the anxious thoughts within the Time Lord. 
He really, truly hated hospitals. He told Rose as much when they visited New-New York. Even the fun little gift shops couldn’t ease the discomfort that they brought him. The irony wasn’t lost on him. His name itself implied hospitals (or at least some kind of medical context), but he just couldn’t do it.
The hallways seemed to go on forever, an endless maze of off-white walls. The pain in his head was accentuated by the bright fluorescent lights, creating a blinding blur around his vision. The putrid smell of disinfectant hung in the air, making his stomach churn. 
He tried to outrun the sinking feeling, searching desperately for an exit sign. He ran down hallway after hallway, increasingly desperate for a way out. It never seemed to end, an infinite labyrinth of his nightmares. He called out your name desperately, hoping you were somewhere in the hospital. He received no response, only the unsettling buzz of the lights above his head. It was excruciating. 
He began to wonder if he was nothing more than a mouse trapped in a complex maze set up to find the block of cheese. In the end, he didn’t really care if it was a trap, he needed to find you. 
He desperately called out your name again, more a plea than anything else. The more he ran through the hospital, the more he was convinced he was truly lost. Every shadow caught his eye, giving him false hope that you were there. 
He needed you. So much more than he would ever admit to himself, especially more than he would ever admit to you. Without you, he was scared and lost, and worst of all, he was cruel. He never wanted to be those things. He never wanted to be without you. 
He felt tears pickling his eyes, but he refused to cry. He had to shove his own feelings down and find his way out. He didn’t have time to dwell on the pain and fear boiling within him, no matter how much it hurt. 
He gathered himself and continued on, rushing through the endless halls. He made a mental map of where he was going, trying to ensure that he didn’t run about in circles. He noted the turns, the signs, and the labeled doors. It all seemed futile, resulting in him still running in what felt like circles.
After what felt like multiple gruesome hours, he ran into you. Your face felt like home, and he couldn’t help but throw his arms around you. He held you tightly against him. He dropped his head to your shoulder, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. From here, he could breathe in your calming scent. He never wanted to move, just wanted to stay here in your arms. 
Unfortunately, his reprieve was brief, as you quickly pulled away from him. The warmth of your embrace was quickly replaced by a harsh slap to the face. 
“You left me!” You cried - fury etched into your features. 
“I lost you!” He argued, using his hand to cover the spot you slapped him. He didn’t understand what was happening, and that upset him. He always knew what was going on.
“You did not,” you huffed, “you left me all alone!” 
“I didn’t, I would never do that,” the Doctor pleaded, obviously upset. He truly wouldn't. He needed you, he wanted you.
“I cannot believe you,” you sneered, anger boiling. “I follow you all this time, and the minute I stop being of help you dump me.” 
“You’re an absolute monster, y’know,” you spat. The Doctor didn’t know what to say, he wasn’t sure he could say anything. 
“The things you have done are completely unforgivable, and I’m tired of pretending they aren’t! You do way more harm than good.” 
The Doctor felt tears building in his eyes again, and there was little he could do to stop them. Against his will, they started to fall. You were hitting him in his most vulnerable spots, and it was excruciating. You knew his insecurities better than anyone, and here you were exploiting them.
“You’re arrogant, rude, and a whole new level of selfish,” you continued. The Doctor shook his head like the action might stop your words. 
“You don’t deserve to be loved,” you laughed, the sound more cruel than musical like it normally was. The Doctor didn’t want to hear anymore, but that didn’t stop you. 
“I really, truly, wholeheartedly, despise you.” 
That was the final hit, he was done for. Everything else became so insignificant. His ears started ringing, a pressure that muted everything around him. He knew you were still talking, still yelling at him, but he couldn’t seem to hear it. Perhaps it was shock. Perhaps it was heartbreak. Perhaps he was so upset he was regenerating.
“Doctor!” your voice came through his head clearly. But that’s not what your mouth was saying. It was almost as if he had the subtitles on for the wrong show. 
“Doctor!” But there it was again, clear as day, your voice calling him, pulling him out of the dark.
His vision blurred, and the scene in front of him faded away into nothingness. He had been violently ripped awake, forcing him back into the present. He sprang upwards, nearly knocking you over in the process. His breaths came in short, painful pants. He felt like his lungs were on fire, and the room around him was blurry and unfocused. 
“Doctor!” you cheered a third time, throwing yourself into his arms. He stiffened at the touch, still wary and hurt from your words. What had previously been a comforting action felt more like a stab to the gut. 
You pulled away gently, confused by his demeanor. He usually softened at your touch.
“Doctor?” you asked softer, worry clouding your eyes. What had happened to him?
“Where am I?” He gasped, terrified. He felt a lightness in his head like he could pass out at any moment. His eyes darted around the room again, unsure if this was another horrible dream.
Footsteps thundered down the hall, signaling that the aliens who kidnapped the Doctor were near. You supposed it was up to you to get the two of you out of this. A sudden urgency fueled you, and you sprang into action. 
“Oh dear,” you rambled, “we need to get you back to the TARDIS, now,” you hauled the Doctor upwards as he drifted in and out of consciousness. 
The Doctor was a lot heavier than he looked. You supposed it was due to his impressive height. Nonetheless, he was heavy enough that you had a bit of trouble dragging him back to the ship in a timely manner. Fear and adrenaline coursed through your body, motivating you to move faster. 
You lugged the Doctor through the heavy wooden doors before slamming them shut. You fumbled with the lock on the door, your hands shaking. You finally got it closed and breathed a sigh of relief. You slumped back against the doors with another exhausted sigh. You were safe behind the TARDIS doors, but that didn’t stop you from worrying. What if the aliens figured out how to get into the ship? What were you going to do then? The Doctor was the one who got you out of sticky situations like this.
You moved over to where the Doctor lay on the floor and started tapping his cheek, hoping to prod him awake. You needed him to get you to safety. You had done as much as you could, unfortunately, it was up to him now. Frustrated and groggy, he complied, awakening with a groan. 
“Doctor,” you whispered, urgently. All you got was a grumble in response. “We need to get out of here,” you urged, eyes darting between him and the door. 
He noted the anxiety in your voice and demeanor, the events of the past few hours rushing back to him. He needed to get you out of here.
Begrudgingly, the Doctor pulled himself upright, dragging his hands over his face. Suddenly, a burst of energy flooded him, and he was on his feet. You watched flabbergasted as he ran about the ship, flicking switches, and pressing buttons. 
“Doctor?” You asked with a laugh. This wasn’t unusual for him, which was a good sign. He had boundless amounts of energy at all times.
“Are you ok?” 
“Never been better,” he said, but his inflection was off, “thank you.”
You presumed he was thanking you for rescuing him, something he never did. You were still sitting on the floor, legs spread out like a child. You frowned at the ground, wondering what you had done wrong. You racked your brain for something that might explain his upset but came up with nothing.
You pulled yourself up from the floor, confused. You watched the Doctor pilot the TARDIS, the whole time completely ignoring you. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, leaning against the console. He didn’t respond and moved away from you. The ship suddenly felt incredibly cold to you. You rubbed your arms subconsciously, trying to comfort yourself. 
The TARDIS landed with its usual thump, causing you to wobble slightly on your feet. You tried to catch the Doctor’s eye, but he evaded you. 
“Home,” he said matter of factly, gesturing to the doors. His eyes remained trained on the console, refusing to look at you. Was he dismissing you?
“I didn’t ask to go home.” 
“You don’t have to stay here.”
“Do you want me to leave?” You asked, hurt. Maybe he was finally done with you. 
“You don’t have to spend time with someone you hate.” 
“Do you seriously think that?” you asked, your voice pain-ridden. You had just risked your life to save him. You loved the Doctor, how could he not see that?
“You said it yourself,” he shook his head. 
“Earlier, when you found me in the hospital,” he still refused to look at you.
“What are you talking about?” 
“You made it very clear that I was an unforgivable monster and you truly hated me,” The Doctor finally looked at you, and his gaze felt like daggers.
You scrunched your eyes closed, the pieces finally falling together. Slowly, you opened your eyes, “You got kidnapped by aliens,” you explained simply, “they put you in a dream-induced state and showed you your worst nightmare.” 
“What?” The Doctor asked, eyes wide in confusion.
“None of it was real,” you said, completely earnestly. 
“I could never hate you. Ever,” you pleaded, “and you are far from a monster.” 
The Doctor shook his head, trying to make sense of it all. 
“Really,” you said, forcing him to look you in the eye. He needed to see you weren’t lying. He needed to see how much you meant to him. That you couldn’t look at him and feel anything but love. 
He moved his gaze away from you, staring at the TARDIS console, brow furrowed. You desperately wanted to push your finger between his eyebrows to smooth the worry wrinkle. 
“I spent so long not allowing myself love,” he whispered, so light you almost didn’t hear him. “It’s just safer that way,” you didn’t understand why he was telling you this, but you didn’t dare interrupt him. 
“And then I met you,” he lifted his head slowly to meet your eyes. It was easy to forget how old he was, how much he had seen. That was until you looked into his eyes. Behind them was so much time and pain that it was almost impossible to look away sometimes.
“As much as I tried to fight it,” he continued, “There was no stopping my feelings for you.” 
You honestly didn’t know what to say. You would never have expected him to say these things, to feel this way. A part of you felt the same and more, but you had always thought it wasn’t a possibility. 
“Doctor,” was all you could manage to get out. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” he blurted out, already turning away. You caught his face with your hand, gently turning him back to you. 
“I love you more than I have ever loved anything in my stupid human life,” you whispered, staring deep into his eyes. 
“What?” He gasped like the information shocked him. 
“I love your sticky-uppy hair,” you said, running your fingers through his locks lightly. “I love your freckles,” you ghosted your fingers around his nose and cheeks next, “I love the smile you get when you figure something out. I love your mind and the wild things it comes up with,” you allowed your hands to rest against his face again. “I love how kind you are, and how deeply you care. I love everything about you, every part of you.” 
Somehow you had managed to say exactly what the Doctor needed to hear. Your gentle words and touch melted him to the core. 
“Really?” He whispered, still terrified it wasn’t real. He couldn’t remember the last time that someone had said they loved him, let alone listed off a bunch of reasons why.
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. Stupid Time Lord. 
“Really,” you whispered back, leaning in closer to him. 
He smiled lightly and rested his forehead against your own, bringing you closer to him. You nuzzled your nose against his gently. Your eyes fluttered closed, feeling a new kind of comfort with the close proximity. After a minute the Doctor slowly closed the last little space between you, finally connecting his lips with yours. 
The Doctor was so much better at kissing than you had ever imagined. It put every single kiss to shame, even those on the telly. It was almost as if he was made for you. A perfect fit.
You smiled against his lips, feeling more at home than you ever had in your life. Yes, you could get quite used to this. 
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bookishcarmela · 6 months
Shadows of Affection
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warnings: death, violence
Coriolanus Snow x reader, slight Felix Ravinstill x reader
Chapter 4: Arachne
The news from Dr. Gaul had lifted your spirits as you arrived home early. To your surprise, you found your younger siblings at home. Your mother was engrossed in the television glass of wine in hand, and your siblings, as oblivious as always, were watching the tributes. They pleaded with you to take some food to Lucy Gray, Coriolanus's songbird. Normally, you would have refused, deeming it unnecessary, but the positive mood of the day prompted you to agree
With a sigh, you said, "Alright, we can go. Get whatever you want to take with you." The twins squealed in delight, rushing to gather snacks. You called for Christa to arrange transportation and accompany them to the zoo.
The ride was smooth and quick, and upon arrival, you found a bustling crowd. you spotted some of your classmates, including Festus, and Arachne. Not surprisingly, Coriolanus was there with his songbird, none of them notice you but Coriolanus giving you a surprised look until he saw your younger siblings clinging to your skirt.
Benjamin brought a boiled potato for Lucy Gray but was too afraid to approach the cage. Coriolanus, noticing the situation, winked and waved at Benji, giving him the courage to move forward. You nodded in approval, encouraging Benji to interact with Lucy Gray.
“Did you bring that potato for Lucy Gray?” Coriolanus asked. “Yes. I saved it from dinner. I wanted to eat it, but I wanted to feed her more,” Benji replied. “Go on, then,” Coriolanus encouraged him. “She doesn’t bite. Mind you, use your manners.” you reassured Benji, saying, "Go on, it's alright." Taking a shy step toward the cage, Lucy Gray graciously accepted the potato, treating it as a precious gift.“Well, hey there,” said Lucy Gray. “What’s your name?” “Benjamin,” he said. “I saved you my potato.” “Aren’t you sweet? Should I eat it now or save it?” she asked.
“Now,” he gingerly held it out to her. Lucy Gray took a bite, savoring it with closed eyes, and almost seemed to swoon. “My That’s about the nicest potato I’ve ever seen. Nicest tasting, too. Thank you, Benjamin,” she said. Benji blushed with pride, and you couldn't help but smile a little at the heartwarming interaction between your brother and the tribute.
Coriolanus gave you a thankful look, and you responded with a small smile. He then shifted his gaze with curiosity behind you. Turning your head to see what was happening, you were surprised to find that Arachne had set up a little picnic for her tribute. There was a fresh loaf of bread, a block of cheese, and even grapes. 
You observed as Arachne sliced the cheese with a mother-of-pearl-handled knife. Her tribute, the talkative girl from District 10, sat in front of her, leaning eagerly into the bars. Arachne prepared a thick sandwich but didn't hand it over immediately. It seemed she was delivering a lecture of some sort. At one point, the girl reached through the bars, grinned at the audience, shook her finger at her tribute, offered the sandwich, and then playfully pulled it away, much to the crowd's amusement. 
Lucy Gray commented, "She's playing with fire.”
Arachne waved to the crowd and took a bite of the sandwich herself. you could see the tribute's face darkening, the muscles tightening in her neck. Something else caught my attention; her fingers slid down the bar, darting out, circling the handle of the knife.You opened your mouth attempting to shout out a warning, but it was too late
In one swift movement, the tribute yanked Arachne forward and slit her throat. The crowd's laughter turned to shock, creating a chilling atmosphere. The unexpected turn of events left everyone in stunned silence.
Shrieks came from the audience members nearest to the attack. Arachne’s face drained of color as she dropped the sandwich and clawed at her neck. The blood poured down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her and gave her a small shove.
Everything happened so fast, a chaotic blur unfolding before your eyes. Shrieks pierced the air from the audience members closest to the attack. Arachne's face drained of color as she dropped the sandwich, desperately clawing at her neck. Blood poured down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her, giving a small shove. 
Reacting quickly, you shoved Benjamin into Christa's arms, instructing her to get the kids out of there and home. Arachne, bleeding profusely, stepped back, reaching out with a dripping hand, imploring the audience for help. Stunned or scared, people hesitated to respond, drawing away as she fell to her knees, bleeding out.
Forcing your legs into motion, you were the first to reach Arachne, She clutched your sweater as life seeped out of her. "Medic!" you cried, easing her to the ground. "Is there a doctor? Please, someone help!" you tore off part of your skirt and pressed it to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Come on!" you screamed at the crowd desperately pleading for someone to help Arachne.
 Your voice was hoarse, your eyes stinging with tears threatening to spill. No, not now. This isn't the time, you thought. Arachne, with the little life left in her, said, "Please, Y/n, please. I don't want to die."
Your lips trembled. "You're not going to die, okay? Everything is going to be okay," you assured her. When her breathing stopped abruptly and her eyes became dull, panic set in. "Arachne, no, no, no. Please, come on, wake up. You have to stay awake," you kept muttering to yourself, cradling her in your arms. you knew she was dead, but you just couldn't let her go. 
Festus and Coriolanus were next to you now, exchanging helpless looks. How long had they been there? Why weren't they helping her? Why didn't they call for help? "Y/n," Coriolanus said softly, grabbing your shoulder. "Y/n, she's gone. You have to get up; you're hurt." His hands gently grabbed your face, moving it to look at him. He then moved his hand down to the base of your neck, and you felt a stinging sensation. You could now feel yourself bleeding. When did that happen? How could you not have felt that? It must have been when the Peacekeeper shot the tribute; the bullet must have grazed you without you even knowing.
You remained motionless until the medics finally appeared and lifted Arachne onto a stretcher. Coriolanus helped you up and insisted that the medics check you for further injuries. you swatted them away; you were fine. It was Arachne who wasn't.
Coriolanus pulled you close, checking you himself since you wouldn't let anyone else near you. You wrapped your arms around him, and he reciprocated, laying his head atop Yours and planting a gentle kiss on my temple. "It's okay, Dove. I've got you," he whispered.
"Dove," you thought to yourself. The only people who ever called you that were Dr. Gaul and your father. you hated it when people called you that since Your father passed. He came up with that nickname; it was your thing. You didn't mind Dr. Gaul calling you that; she was almost like a mother to you. But coming from Coriolanus, it just felt right. It calmed and soothed you in a way you hadn't expected.
The soldiers were swarming the place, clearing out the last remnants of the audience and lining up the tributes along the back of the cage with their hands on top of their heads. The peacekeepers gave you two a respectful but firm push toward the exit. You stopped at a water fountain and worked a bit on removing the blood. Neither of you knew what to say.
Arachne hadn't been your favorite person, but she'd always been in your life. The wash of blood, the whiz of bullets, and the screams in the crowd all caused flashbacks to the worst moments of your childhood. Rebel boots pounding through the streets, Arachne and you once pinned down by gunfire, surrounded by dying bodies.You had to play dead among the rest of the bodies until they left, praying they didn't find you. Arachne and you never talked about that day, but it created a shared bond between the two of you. As part of the wealthy old guard of the Capitol, she was family. The bond was a given.
“I couldn’t save her,” you said. “I couldn’t stop the blood.”
“I don’t think anyone could have. At least you tried. That’s what matters,” Coriolanus consoled you. Once you exited the zoo, you kept walking. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Coriolanus asked. "No," you said quickly. Coriolanus gave you a taken-aback look. "No, I mean, I'm not going home. I just can't deal with home right now. I'll find somewhere to go. But you don't have to stay with me. You must be exhausted." Coriolanus thought for a second, taking a deep breath. "You could, uh, you could come home with me if you want," he suggested. you gave him a sad smile and thanked him. As you walked to his apartment, your hands kept touching each other until they finally interlocked. As you approached his apartment, he stopped and looked at you. 
"Corio," you said. "Look, I'm not... we're not, uh..."
"I know," you interrupted him. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone," you assured him. He gave you a look you couldn't read, and continued up the stairs to his apartment. you'd known for a while that the Snows hadn't had money for a while now. Quincy owns almost half the real estate in the city, including the Snows' apartment. Sometimes when he's not looking, You'll hide the paper informing him that the Snows are late on rent. To give them some extra time. 
As you entered his apartment, Coriolanus's grandmother and Tigris were fast asleep. you walk quietly to his bedroom. You settled on his bed as he shut the door and went to freshen up. His room seemed frozen in time, almost identical to how it was during your last visit—about eleven or twelve years ago. It was a time before the war, when your families were close. You used to have countless playdates until the war separated you. After his mother's death, you rarely visited. The funeral marked the last time you saw him before both your fathers perished in the war, and things just changed. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts as Coriolanus handed you some clothes to change into and pointed you to the restroom. His hair was slightly damp, and his shirt clung to him. You tried your best to keep your gaze steady as you took the clothes and made your way to freshen up.
You shed Your bloodstained uniform and stepped into the near-scalding water of the shower, scrubbing away the remnants of Arachne’s blood from your body. For a moment, a painful sob wracked your chest, a mixture of sorrow for her death and frustration over your own life. It passed, leaving you unsure of its origin—perhaps a blend of both.
Once you stepped out, you dressed in the clothes Coriolanus had given you: a white undershirt and blue sleeping pants, two sizes too big. you did your best to dry off with the towel before hanging it back up.
 In Coriolanus's room, you found him deep in thought. When he looked up, his eyes scanned you from head to toe as you came to sit beside him on the bed.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked. "The proposal," he replied. "Surely she wouldn't expect us to have it done by tomorrow after everything that's happened." You sighed wearily. "She would. Dr. Gaul is the type to penalize for missing any deadlines, regardless of the circumstances." He shot you a tired and annoyed look.
"I can help you if you want," I offered. "It's technically cheating because I'm supposed to sort through and approve the proposals tomorrow, but this can be our little secret." Coriolanus perked up at the idea, and you spent hours crafting the perfect proposal together.
Exhausted, you laid down in bed. To your surprise, Coriolanus wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. "Corio," you said with a yawn.
"Hmm," he replied sleepily. "Thank you," you said.He simply held you closer. "Good night, Y/n." "Good night, Corio," you whispered before closing your eyes and letting sleep take you.
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self-written-god · 7 months
T | 726 | m/? human/woodland monster | dark(?) fantasy | cw: animal death, injuries from hunters | dead critters as gifts my beloved
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It started like every romance, with a glance. They say to never stare right at a wild animal's eyes. That was his first mistake.
The second was accepting a gift. It was a dead rabbit left on his porch, which he brought in because hey, free bone collection addition. He left the meat he cooked off the bones outside, an offering that was his next mistake.
He'd walk the forest path and know he's being followed. He was never alone when visiting the cabin, but he couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing. His bones collection was growing, though.
One day, he finds it on his porch, bleeding and whimpering. The hunting season has recently started, and he was lowkey expecting something like that. He opens the door wider and lets it limp inside, a trail of blood left behind. He watches it, for the first time up close, visible more than just the eyes shining in the darkness. 
Despite the injury, it doesn't want to be touched. It hisses when he gets close, palms up and empty.
"You came to me," he reminded, reaching out a hand for sniffing. It eyes his palm, gives it a thorough sniffing, and then a tentative lick. He deems it safe to get closer and reaches out his hand further to pet it.
He knows it's not an animal but the need to scratch its fur is stronger than that.
They settle together on the living room floor, uncaring of the blood stains. It hisses and growls when he reaches for the injured side, but he prevails, trying to assess the damage. 
"I think you're just grazed," he says, hoping the creature understands him enough. "Please don't move, I'll clean it up for you." He stands up, pats it between its antlers and leaves to get the first aid kit. When he gets back, he finds it licking at the wound. 
The creature startles, eyes flaring red and teeth bared, until they realize it's just him.
"Sorry, that's probably what you're used to, but you can irritate it that way," he says, kneeling with the sizable red bag. "Is it okay if I cut the hair a bit? It gets in the way," he looks up, hoping the creature understands and to his relief, he gets a nod. Without much hesitation, he cuts around the wound, getting rid of the blood-stained fur carefully, so it wouldn't get in. When he cleans it, he can feel sharp nails digging into his shoulder, but he focuses on his work. He's never dressed a wound like that before, never had to use this much gauze, but he thinks he did a good enough job. He pats the creature's side gently.
"All done. You can stay here and rest."
He stands up to put the medical supplies away and isn't sure if he'll find the creature there when he comes back.
But it's still there, looking at the white bandages around its black fur. He comes closer, and it doesn't protest, letting him rub his hand around its antlers.
"You can come with me to the kitchen if you want some food," he says and when he turns he can hear it getting up and following him to the fridge. Once standing, it easily towers over him.
He opens the fridge.
"I don't have much, but you could get a grilled sandwich."
It reaches over him to grab a block of cheese while he grabs the ham and toast bread. For a second he just watches it tear the plastic wrapping and bite into the cheese. He's silently glad it's not another bloody animal.
He fills up a glass of water, and holds it up.
"Drink," he orders.
It takes the glass, sniffs it, then instead of drinking from it like a human would, sticks up its long tongue and laps it up like a cat. He chuckles at the comparison.
The glass gets emptied and given back to him. He puts it away and the creature leans against his back to watch him work, sniffing at the smells of food coming together, the air moving his hair gently.
He wonders if he just made another mistake by letting it in, by taking care of it and cooking for it. Or if it wasn't a mistake at all. 
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moonah-rose · 1 month
Little hurt/comfort ficlet for @idiotwithanipad x
Robin & OC
Most of the time she managed to block out her 'gift', having had nearly twenty years to train herself to ignore the dead people who existed everywhere she went, the majority of them easy enough to spot with their outfits, the way they weaved between livings without getting a passing glance, or outright walking through walls and furniture.
As a child, she'd had the excuse of being an imaginative kid who acquired many "imaginary friends" to talk to. As a teenager that didn't go down quite so well. Not that she usually cared if people looked at her as a weirdo. It was more the 'getting sectioned' possibility that concerned her.
Her parents had gone on and on about how old this hotel was, how it apparently had enough history to warrant a quick tour offered by the resort. So Amy expected more than a few ghosts to pop up here and there. Thus far she'd done her best not to make eye contact with the giddy Georgian woman or the Bridgerton Ken who had been in the reception.
It was a little more of a trial to ignore the caveman scurrying around her room, sniffing at the leftovers of her dinner she'd ordered through room service, nostrils flaring above the lone slice of pepperoni pizza.
"Ooo, smell so good. Wonder how you taste. Cheese taste like cow bum? It all come from same." The feral man was muttering to himself.
Once he got bored of inhaling the food, he was judging her parents choice of books that they'd brought, having dumped them on their bedside tables.
Amy covered her head beneath a large pillow as he continued his one-sided conversation.
"Fanny read this one. Butler no do it, it maid disguise as butler. And she also vampire. Big twist but saw it coming. Oooh, Christine Lampard autobiography! Me want read! Might put on Christmas list-."
He raised his head in time to see the pillow she's thrown hurtle towards him and he ducked to the side to dodge it. He blinked at her in wonder.
"You see me?!"
"Yes! I can fucking see you, all right?!" She confessed through gritted teeth, knowing she'd probably made her situation worse now.
The caveman gave an excited whoop and jumped like a hyperactive five year old.
"This so cool! We have new friend who see! Almost never happen. Me gotta tell others-."
"No, please, please don't!"
Perhaps it was the crack in her voice, brought on by a surge of pain throughout her muscles as she tried to reach forward, that made the ghost stop in his tracks and turn back to her.
His excitement quickly morphed into concern as his eyes met Amy's, her own shining with tears.
"You no look so good..." The man frowned, one of his hands reaching up to stroke at his shift.
"Gee thanks, haven't heard that before. You're not exactly Chris Hemsworth, mate." She bristled; "I'm fucking ill and don't need to have a party of dead people storming in giving me a headache on top of everything else. It's bad enough my earphones have crapped out on me."
"What you got? Plague?" He asked, inching a little closer to her bed.
She huffed a laugh; "Not quite...but my body gets these sores. Don't think it's the same as that bubonic thing but fucking feels like it sometimes." Amy held her arm to show the spirit the angry looking lumps and scars near her armpits.
"Ouchie. They no look fun." He said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
She lowered her arm, slowly, wincing a little.
"Those aren't even the worst ones. The others are in...awkward places."
"That why you not downstairs with mum and dad at dinner and the show?" Her mum had been going on and on about this famous illusionist being the big star tonight, some Derren Brown-wannabe.
She nodded, miserably; "Wasn't expecting to flare up like this, or else I'd just stayed at home. At least then I'd have all the stuff in my room. Netflix don't even work on the TV here."
"Yeah, WiFi on blink since...some ghost, me not know who, play around with router when bored." He said, bashful, scratching at his ear. "So...they leave you here alone?"
"S'not like they abandoned me, I just didn't wanna make a fuss 'cause I know how much Mum's been looking forward to this." She sighed and waved her phone up; "Signal is crap here too so can't even WhatsApp."
"What's what?" He asked, turning his head to the side.
"No, WhatsApp."
"What is app?"
"No! I..." She couldn't help but laugh, realising how ridiculous this was, "Just something I use to text my mates. They're probably sick of listening to me moan too..."
"...You can moan to me if want?" He said, shuffling closer; "Me good listener."
Amy smiled at him a little; "Don't wanna be pitied, thanks. Anyway, I'm sure you got more exciting things to be watching."
"Eh. Me seen how that guy on stage do his tricks. Take all fun out. Lot to do with mirrors. Clever but boring. Rare me get to speak to living girl."
"Rare? So...I'm not the first?" Amy had never met anyone else with her gift.
"Lady who own hotel before golfy people come, she see us after my friend almost kill her. No, it cool! We good now!" The caveman assured after Amy's face went pale with terror; "She like family and come visit."
"She could see you guys because she almost died once?" Amy asked; "So she's not...chronically ill, like me?"
The caveman shook his head; "No think so. Just got bumpy on head. She say she now crazy forever but no ouchy scars and lumps and pain."
"Lucky cow." Amy clicked her tongue. She'd always thought her gift had something to do with having to deal with the constant agony, as well as other health issues she'd had as a baby.
Speak of the devil, another surge of agony hit her from her lower back as she shifted against the mattress.
"Shit!" She swore.
"Woah, woah, you 'kay?" The caveman fretted.
"Yeah, just a reminder to take my painkillers." She went to get off the bed, having left them on the sideboard, only for one of her feet to become tangled in the bedsheets.
Amy nearly fell before two hands caught her by the shoulders, fingers grazing against some of her abscesses. Painless.
"Fuck, that would've been embarrasing. Thanks, mate." She smiled, turning to see an almost cartoonish level of shock on the dead man's fuzzy face; "Uhh, you okay?"
"I....I touch you....?"
"Uhm, yeah, I've always been able to touch ghosts...Can that friend of yours not do that?" She asked, reaching for her pills and grabbing some water.
He shook his raggedy mane; "Only see and hear, but touchy hurt us, same as all other living people. You..." He poked her arm cautiously, mouth agape with awe at the contact, before poking again; "Ha ha!"
"All right, stop that now." Amy batted his hand away.
He retreated, looking regretful; "Oh, sorry. It hurt, yes?"
"No, it was just annoying." She laughed, sitting back down on the mattress; "It's weird. Ghosts are the only ones who can touch me where it's sore without hurting me. Don't invite too many of those though. Used to have a dead friend when I was a kid but...she moved on, I think." Amy looked down at her ebony nail polish, morose.
"Ah. Go up to stars. Me have many friends do same. I name each star for them." He explained, warmly.
"Her name was Lana, if you wanna find one for her." Amy said, quietly; "Speaking of names, do you have one?"
"Many. Most of them insults. But friends call me Robin." He said, holding his hand out to her.
It was a bit cliché but she supposed he rarely got a chance to meet anyone like this, so she shook it. "I'm Amy."
The fur of his sleeve brushed against her wrist. She couldn't resist the urge to feel it properly, softer than any comfort blanket.
"Wow...Is that...real wolf?" She asked, partly freaked out but also a little amazed - couldn't really compare hunting for clothes in this guy's time to the fashion industry today.
He nodded, then gently took her hand and pressed her fingers to different parts of his outfit.
"That bit cougar, that some wild dogs, that leather obviously from cow, and rest mostly mammoth." He explained.
"Real mammoth? Woah." Now that was pretty awesome. She'd never be able to meet one but she could say she'd felt one.
It definitely beat the hotel duvet.
She didn't want to move her hand away. It felt so soothing to be able to touch something, someone, so warm and soft without her skin being irritated. But this must look super weird from Robin's point of view.
"You look sad again. More pain?" He asked, reaching to touch her hand on his fluffy chest.
She shook her head; "No, s'just....My mum tried to give me a cuddle earlier when she could see I wasn't doing good and I had to tell her not to, even though I sure as shit need one right now. Pathetic, right?"
"No it not. I had little cousin, her skin like tissue paper, very delicate, tear easily. Big hugs make her cry too. But she brave and strong to survive. Like you." He told her, squeezing her hand; "We wrap her up in special leaves with Moonah blessed water to try to help. Not sure it did much good but we not have Doctor Google in them times. We just do best we can to ease pain."
"Well...you're doing a good job now." She praised, feeling the burning sensation ease a little with him being so close.
"You...want me to stay?"
"...Could you?" She couldn't understand why he would want to but didn't want to question it.
He nodded, a little bashful, as if he was just as new to the concept of being asked to stay for company.
"Want me to stay quiet still?"
Amy smiled; "Not too quiet, just not rambling out loud like you were doing. You look like you've been here for thousands of years, you must have some stories to tell. Could you just...tell me some of those till I get sleepy?"
"Ooh, yes. Hehe. Get comfy. Me know great one you like about man killed in library." He said, rubbing his hands together.
Getting comfortable was easier said than done in her condition, especially as she pulled away from his touch.
"I...Uhm...God, this is so cringe." She muttered to herself.
"Would you be okay to just...hold me?" She asked, cheeks turning pink.
He smiled and nodded, shuffling to lay down and slide his arms around her, as she shifted into them, snuggling against the warm body of fur and skin and wild hair.
"This okay? Amy no ouch?" Robin whispered, fingers moving up to stroke through her hair.
She hummed, content at last; "Amy no ouch. Thanks, Robin."
A soft chuckle came from the long dead man as be continued to hold her close, his etheral presence doing nothing to aggravate her sores. On the contrary, a strange heat seemed to vibrate from his fingers as they brushed over her abscesses, melting the pain away.
It was a shame that ghost therapy wasn't prescribed on the NHS.
Amy relaxed in the man's arms and listened as he began the thrilling tale of the pirate captain who'd been slain in the library.
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brenbrennn · 2 years
𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝑰’𝒎 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆! - 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒔 𝑯𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒕
♡ ︎♡ ︎♡ ︎𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵: “Travis Hackett x fem reader smut fluff. Travis has a hard day and the reader makes him dinner …. Which is her and you know the rest.” Authors note: Of course of course! MWAHAH my first smut/fluff on here , I’m ready to try this out. Also , thank you to the people who helped me with finding out the food portion of this lol ❥ You learned a lot of things about Travis Hackett in your relationship with him over the span of a good couple years together. He was one hell of a partner , and a people pleaser at heart truly. Any sort of dilemma or problem , he would or was made to fix. When the accident happened with Silas, he was made into a savior role of some sort once again.
He had to find a way to make it right like always. You could remember him coming back home after the mess at Harem Scarem. He wasn’t himself for a while , almost decomposing a way in your shared bed. You tried to talk to him , let him use you as a shoulder to cry on.
But he didn’t wanna burden you with everything , he needed to be alone. Only reason he got back out was from you pushing him and knowing work had to be done. It always made you snarl lightly whenever with his mother , I mean the nerve!
You tried to give her the benefit of the doubt once or twice , but day by day it genuinely made your heart sink more and more seeing him grow so tired. He was always so drained so frequently , working himself to the bone. The pressure he was under made your heart hurt tremendously. How she always barked him around like a dog.
You wanted to help , you really did want to. But that was a big fat no from him. You were the anchor to keep him grounded from his thoughts and the spiraling guilt. He couldn’t lose it , he couldn’t lose that just yet.
One day as Travis was out and you were free home alone , you cooked yourself some lunch. At the stove , the sound of the grease sizzling sparked a few ideas. You wanted to find other ways to release that pesky weight off his shoulders. Then and there it hit you , food was the answer! Tip to persuading your lover was very much (also getting to his heart) through his stomach. Especially when it came to any homemade food or anything that brought comfort to him. Had that sort of nostalgia kick he could ride on.
Your mind fell back on one conversation the two of you had. Where he mentioned a meal that always brightened his mood. It was a mash up of steak , mashed potatoes, and some good ole homemade four-cheese Mac and cheese. He always talked about how on bad days it would cheer him right up. It made you all start to think of a sort of plan to put in action. The oncoming day , by the time the sun was about to set. It was brushing early night , you were antsy waiting for Travis to arrive back home. Your mind numbed listening into the sizzling of the steak , mashed potatoes finished and off to the side. Oh were you a ball mixed of excitement and nervousness. You didn’t want to fuck up the gift to him at all. This had to be perfect.
What pulled you out of your thoughts once again was the creaking open of your front door. No one should be home . . . oh shit! “Honey I’m home!” Travis lightly announced as he hung up his coat. You could hear the movement of his boots turning into the direction of the kitchen. You skittered , making sure to use your back as a shield to cover the surprise waiting. Making sure to turn off the stove of course. “Hi darling! , how was work?” You welcomed him with a smile. “Normal as always . . . better to be back with you.” He huffed , resting his hands gently around your waste. You’d let out a small  *wheezy* chuckle , resting your hands this time around his collar bone. “Why thank you , such a charmer.” He’d let out his own chuckle , before trying to peek his head back behind you. “Oh whats that-” you though were able to block off the fresh stake from his view so he wouldnt get the full picture .. at least. “H- oh nothing nothing! You’ll just have to find that all out in a second.” you quickly suggested. He gave you a curious look , before it faded away into one of warmness. It was nice having fun quality time with his once in a while. “Right right… I’ll go wash up the reek of the outside world while you set up?” You snickered and gave him a nod in response. His smile grew even a tad bit more before kissing your cheek and making his way off to your two’s shared bedroom. You could even catch a faint “thank you.” under his breath as he made his exit. It didnt take so long for you to set up the food , and him to change into more comfortable attire. Everything was perfect , it all was as if you could have imagined. Just the two of you. Nothing interfering with the food , nothing involving his family's problem or the wolf plaguing Hackett's. Just the two of you , together , able to enjoy each others company. It was peace to your ears. You spent a majority of the night . . . just talking. About anything really , your day or his day. By the time you both had finish the food with a booming Travis , you two couldn't stop hearing about what the other had on their mind. It was rearing almost midnight at that point. Travis was going on , making light jabs at some of his family giving more and more for him to carry. His talk was stopped at you getting his attention with your chair skootching back. “Travis…honey.” , his response was his eyes darting from the table up towards you. Slowly your finger trailed the table as you made your way over towards him. “Why dont we change the subject a little.” your eyes softened as you now stood behind him. Your arms similar to earlier rested around his collar bone , lightly leaned on him. His eyes , oh so curious looked up. He matched your gaze , amused at what you wanted to ask. You trailed a finger , lining his jaw. “Your always so stressed , so pent up. Why dont I give you one . last . surprise.” Your use of words made him perk up a little , seeming even just more amused as the way your words curled. Your head lowered down , whispering in his ear. “Let me give you a dessert for tonight , you deserve it.” Those words just made him perk up even more. His eyes genuinely looked as if he was holding words back , words of sweetness. He was such putty in your hands. “I-” , “Use your big boy words~” , “ I- god ive missed you.” He finished off , his eyes even seemingly getting watery. Your smile curled up , reaching even more down to pepper his face with kisses. “Me too , me too. You deserve all of this.” that tone you even used making his cheeks go enriched with the warm feeling he was so fond with. Quickly he got up from his seat , not caring about the empty plates. Your lips collided with his , the two of you welcoming this prolonged make out sesh. It all became heavier and heavier , it sucked having to pull away for air. Yours and his steps made their way up towards your room , if not but a little stumbled. Your hands couldn't rest at slipping off any of his clothes , neither could he. Rearing up towards the door , you stopped in your tracks to affirm one more thing. You held his face , making one last remark. “Remember I’m taking care of you tonight , alrighty?” He made a joking huff , “Gladly - but could I get at least a little bit carried away….?” He made sure to make those puppy eyes , not serious at all. You snickered and so did he. “Meh , we can find that out later.” As you two proceeded inside. What a lovely dessert it was ♡  
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
TLK Christmas - Christmas with Steappa
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"Ah, there you are." You say, as your husband ducks into your cozy, warm house. Steapa grunts and comes over to kiss your cheek. "How was mass?" You ask him. "Dull, shame you could not be there." He replies. "I've got the kids, thank you very much." You point out.
Steapa embraces you from behind. "Dinner smells good. Beats the feast Alfred is throwing." He grunts. You know he is not lying. Alfred's Christmas 'feasts' always mean the King trying to teach his guests about not indulging in the better things in life. Gruel and bread hard as cobble stones would be served to the nobility tonight. Luckily your husband is home with you tonight.
You prefer him home during the Christmas days, so you may at least celebrate somewhat. You have a lot of mouthes to feed and bodies to clothe, so the celebration can never be too extensive, but as long as you are all together and the children get a small gift they will be happy with, you are not at all complaining. And luckily Steapa gets paid some extra during the Christmas days.
"Help your mother, set the table." Stea\ppa tells your oldest. "Yes father." The boy says, rushing to the cupboard to grab plates and cutlery. "Good lad." Steapa rufffled his hair. Your son preens under his father's attention and it is absolutely adorable.
You serve a dinner that is very luxurious for your standards. The bird you roasted Steapa brought down himself. It is a beautiful fat partridge. Alongside it you have fresh bread, potatoes and a stew of vegetables and herbs. Steapa's also brought a nice block of cheese and a big bowl of berries. An absolute feast.
The children sit down in their places at the table. You sit down and Steappa leads the prayer. "Amen." You whisper when he is done. "Amen." The children chorus. "Now give me your plates." You say. You give your children first and then your husband. But there is still plenty for you.
"Happy Christmas." Steapa takes you by the hand and kisses your knuckles. "Happy Christmas." You agree softly.
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catarimint · 1 year
Addispex time!
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More lore under the cut!
Height: 9'11" Pronouns: He/Him/She/Her Occupation: Car Salesman
Personality: This is a guy with all of his emotions dialed to 11 ALL the time. From wild advertising highs to Snowgrave depressions, he is about as subtle as a billboard. Overall, he's a very upbeat guy despite his past. His overly expressive nature has the added benefit of hiding just how intelligent he really is, having 153 years of life lessons to look back on after all.
Abilities: Can stretch coil arms up to double their length, can open spam/advertisement windows to use as weapons, can hover 1ft above the ground for short periods of time, has an uncanny knack for guessing your search history but can't actually see it, 50% as strong as his Sneo form, extreme levels of physical durability, very slight ice powers.
Route: Addispex comes from an unsuccessful Snowgrave attempt. Before Kris came to the dark world, he was still successful, still Addispam. When Kris came, he knew he had to do something or lose everything. Rather than wait for Kris to wipe out everyone, he brought out a barely functional Sneo to curbstomp him before he'd get too strong. Of course, due to the size of his Sneo (Around 40ft), there was collateral Noelle damage which destroyed the Sneo body and left him in need of a new body, EX.
How They Became EX: After the fight and loss of Sneo body, Addispam and two souls (Kris and Noelle) were left over. Addispam was gifted the new body by an Addison team effort. Unfortunately after downloading into the shiny new body, the souls of Kris and Noelle also hopped in, making him incredibly unstable with both his extreme emotions and his actions. Now with two souls in him that are stuck in extreme emotional states (Homicidal Kris and Traumatized Noelle), they both amplify his personality as a whole, but can also completely overpower him and take control of the EX body.
Relationships: He actually has a decent amount of people still in his life, since he hadn't yet fallen from grace before Snowgrave.
Fell/FellEX - One of many Spams I have, they have a sort of rivals/partners in crime dynamic, easily the closest pair. Brackets/BrackEX - Another Spam I have, they act like chaos cousins, overall pretty chill. DOS Strikethrough/StrikEX - Another Spam I have, complete hatred Queen - Relatively neutral, annoyed when she uses him as an armrest. Swatch - Too awkward to talk to them, but admires from afar. The Addisons - Mostly positive, but strained, Pink especially.
Extras: He is still getting used to his new height (Used to be 4'11"), weak immune system so very vulnerable to viruses, afraid of phones despite owning over 15, his glasses actually block ads from his sight (His own included), his memory save is faulty so he forgets things often, he has a cheese obsession, he has a small glitched tasque kitten named Nimda
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deada55 · 8 months
The Game (WIP)
for kloktober day 8: mermaids or monsters AND for kloktober day 10: came back different
So... This one's a mess. I've had this idea for a hot minute, but writer's block is making it hard to envision and revise well.
But, here it is: some post-traumatic father/autistic son bonding! Also, I think Oscar is a Dallas Cowboys fan.
“How are we doing today?”
Rose turned on the range hood and started to toast the kraft mac n’ cheese noodles in butter. “Well, we got dressed, actually! We went outside for five minutes, then we watched TV. The afternoon was hard… Big crash. We’re still tired. I really think he only got two hours the other night… I think he was lying awake before the fire alarm chirped.”
“Still sick?”
“A little bit, but it sounds like a tension headache or a sinus headache.”
“That breathing thing didn’t work?”
“He couldn’t do the things he wanted to do, Oscar. I didn’t try to get him to listen to me count— I let him lay down  and hoped he’d end up asleep.” She dumped in the water to boil the noodles. The butter, when suspended on the water, was always a little less oil overall than one thought, especially in a new nonstick pan. (Best Christmas gift ever! She’d never felt so dowdy and proud!)
“So it’s really that bad…” He hung his keys on the tree by the phone. 
“Oh, no, he’ll be good tonight, He’s ready for a 8:00 kind of night. Give him a popsicle and a water after dinner.” 
“Think he’ll be off macaroni soon?” Nathan was going through phases of the same food over, and over, and over again before the school year started, but since Then, they were five times as intense. The pediatrician said whatever he’d eat or drink voluntarily is fine when trying to manage his other “symptoms,” so they leaned in. After all, they knew he was frightened deeply, and scared by how worried he was. It was wonderful having a kid who was so direct, so unembarrassed, and so serious, but it meant he was vulnerable. He got along fine with other kids (a miracle for a nonverbal only child!), but something so overwhelming, close, and incomprehensible as a truck coming through a classroom and mowing down your classmates had definitely touched a vulnerable place. Death, chaos, and fear… right where you’d least expect it.
“He asked me for juice today.”
“Nice. Apple?”
Oscar crossed his arms and chuckled. “Where’d he pick that up?”
“Probably the TV. Want to go see if he’s still awake?” She picked up the pot with two trivets and slowly started pouring the spent pasta-water into the sink. 
Their living room had been converted into a hole lit by the television and a scented candle. Their curtains, lined with white canvas, blocked out every crack and crevice of sun through a very specific pleating and placement of fabric. Their carpet was vacuumed weekly, three times over, while Nathan was with the psychologist. The whole house was flipped in those two hours, from neat but not bleached to fumey and sparkling. Why? 
Nathan laid on the floor on his stomach, face propped up against his arms. True to Rose’s report, he was wearing normal clothes, and hadn’t chosen to do that since Then.
Oscar sat down criss-cross on the floor a yard and some change away from him, near his eyegaze. “Hi, Nate! How was your day?”
He covered his face and huffed in frustration… no big deal, he didn’t want to use up energy to talk. 
“Mom’s almost done with your dinner. It’ll be five minutes, ok?”
Nothing but a grunt.
“Nathan~! We’re running ahead of schedule today. Get hungry!”
He groaned, but he rolled and sat up kneeling.
When the macaroni was done, Oscar brought it out while Rose packed up the other half for the fridge. Nathan saw the bowl, but didn’t want anything until Rose turned the corner into the living room, then he could eat.
After he’d been put to bed, their bed, Rose grabbed her tiny makeup kit off the top of her dresser and jammed it into her purse. Her claw clip, blouse, slacks, and mules were as haute as she could get. Her friends offered to take her out, and she followed a whim to try and break a month-long streak of checking on Nathan every ten minutes or less. Tonight felt like a toss-up, but Oscar had her phone number, and the doctor had just prescribed valium if Nathan hurt himself.
Oscar sat down on the couch, and she patted his shoulder as she made her way out the door and into her friend’s car.
The game was on, so having a couple drinks and a couple peanuts made sense… then he remembered the bills. While he was still clearheaded, he should get ahead of the game. He worked at the kitchen table, where he could sip a beer and pick at cocktail mix between checks and calculations. 
Nathan came out from the shadows in the hall and haunted the doorway. All the key-tapping on the calculator and pen scratching stopped. Oscar started trying to balance something else. Nathan looked fine, straight face, looking back at him, pajamas still clean…
“Hey, buddy,” In order to reach the phone for Rose, he’d have to cross in front of Nathan, and it might send him running. 
Nathan and Rose had a different kind of relationship of course, but there were a lot new of miserable, depressed aversions and nervous tics that Oscar seemed to set off more than he soothed. This wasn’t a situation where he was explaining how people die on the job before remembering his son said his first word a split-second before a hideous degloving incident on a “bring your kid to work day”, well-meaning and misdirected. He was trying, he read the damn books, he loved letting him try two or three times to put his thoughts into words, he loved that Nathan talked about other kids in his class (by their names, twice!) before some motherfucker drove their truck into an elementary school. Nathan might have been swept away like a barrier island in a hurricane. He used to be so willing to go places and be around people without much hesitation, but now he was stuck between being terrified to sleep and enraged when he wanted to but couldn’t. The only person who could get him to function since was his mother.
He came forward. Oscar turned out from the table to face him head-on.
Nathan’s Mickey pajamas were getting some miles. The bottom hem had been pulled down so many times that there were marks for the last couple of inches where the knit of the fabric had been stretched beyond return in horizontal stripes and lighter than the fabric around it, like little scars. Nathan picked at the seams at the sides and looked only at Oscar’s chest… There wasn’t a point in asking eye contact from Natan after dinnertime, and usually when he gave it, hed forget anything you said while he was looking at you. He shifted his weight between his bare feet.
“What can I do for you?”
The ceiling fan rocked overhead.
“Do you want me to call-”
Nathan stepped closer until he were resting on Oscar’s chest and wrapped in his arms.
The television played an intro. Osca didn’t realize how tightly he was holding Nathan until the weight in his hands changed.
“Ooh, stand up, buddy.” When Nathan was self-supporting again and rubbing his face, Oscar pushed him away to get a better look at him.
“Feel OK?”
He got a nod back, and Nathan stepped forward.
“Hold on. Do you want to go back to bed?” Nathan shook his head and looked up at his dad.
“No? Well…” Oscar smiled and tilted his head towards the living room. “Do you want to come sit with me?”
It wasn’t even the end of the first quarter when they settled on the couch. Nathan immediately pushed a throw pillow against the arm of the sofa and laid down, but he sat up when he heard the rustling of a chip bag.
“Lay back down, I didn’t forget you.” Oscar opened one side of a square paper napkin to make a cone and put a generous handful of chips in it before putting it on the coffee table in front of Nathan. 
Nathan’s feet made their way onto Oscar’s leg. “Got enough room?”
He unfolded, picked the throw pillow back up and put it against the back of the sofa and Oscar’s side, then he curled up under his arm. He was almost too big for it.
Oscar cracked open a Lite and watched the game. About half the can later, there was a penalty, and he started to explain it to Nathan until he felt deep, easy breathing under his arm.
Rose came home with five minutes left of the game and pumped her fist in a silent cheer. Even if the guys were only asleep another twenty minutes, that left her a guaranteed ten with the bed all to herself!
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ezribex · 9 months
FFXIV Write Day 15
“Here you are.” A steaming plate of pasta adorned by a fragrant tomato sauce was placed in front of me. “Would you like some cheese? I know it’s not much, but I’ve had to make do with nonperishable ingredients ever since…” 
I inhaled, fighting the urge to pick up my fork and dig in until after my host had prepared his own plate. “It’s perfect,” I said, and we locked eyes. I tried to give him my best cheer up smile, and was pleased to see a faint relaxation of the tension in his face. 
Pandaemonium. In the hours since Hesperos’ death, the strange familiar had departed to whence she came, and Erichthonios and I had gotten to work surveying the damage to Asphodelos. We had placed what creations remained back in their quarters, refreshing the warding bonds. We searched for the other warders on the level, and had concluded, finding no bodies other than Hesperos', that everyone else had escaped to the now very blocked-off Abyssos. Hopefully this was an indication that those warders still lived? Only a full investigation would be able to tell us one way or another. 
As I enjoyed my first few bites of the delicious, well-seasoned pasta, I considered my mission. The initial rush of danger and urgency was fading and I found my own emotions roiling. An unpleasant sensation, to say the least. I wondered what had caused Hesperos, and, for a time, Erichthonios, to lose themselves. It’s something about this place, I hypothesized. Because I felt it too. Anger, at Lahabrea, a man I’d always admired, for this obvious negligence in the case of his son. Pride, at the way in which Erichthonios and I could combine our magicks to bind dangerous beasts. Envy, of the fearless familiar who could subdue creations and keywards alike. 
I thought about the familiar and how much she reminded me of Azem. I imagined a bloody conflict between the two of us on the Convocation floor. “Even Emet-Selch could do no better!” I screamed, as I struck her down with my light and then my darkness and then my light again, till she was unconscious, forced to yield. 
I took a deep breath and the aroma of my meal brought me back. “This is wonderful, Erichthonios” I said, taking a few more bites, and smiling at him across the table. He set his fork down and ran his fingers through his hair, avoiding eye contact. 
He stood up abruptly. “Would you like some wine?” he asked. And then, without giving me a chance to answer, he said, “I’ll go get it,” and walked over to the kitchen. I set down my fork as well and took a drink of water, letting the cool liquid slide down my throat and subdue my passions as best it could. 
I felt overwhelmed, out of my depth. Why did Azem send me, when she could’ve come herself? She had said something about a portentous vision, a falling star. And then there was the familiar, which seemed so much like her… My working hypothesis was based on the idea that the simplest explanations are often correct. Azem sent me on this investigation because my specific skills as the Emissary will be needed. She didn’t want me to have to work alone, though, so she sent along a familiar as well. I supposed that if this facility had the ability to warp people’s minds and bodies in service to their emotions, my discipline as an Emissary and an Observer would potentially be useful. 
“Here we are.” Erichthonios placed two wine glasses upon the table, uncorked the bottle, and skillfully poured. “It’s probably not as good as what you all have in Amaurot, but this was a birthday gift from Agdistis, the keyward of Abyssos. I’d been saving it for a special occasion.” 
“I’m honored,” I replied, lifting my glass to lightly clink with his. “Here’s to our investigation.” 
“Cheers,” he said, a bit glumly. I took a sip. The wine was dark, tannic, leathery. It didn’t go particularly well with this bright, lovely pasta. Who is this Agdistis person? I knew she was a former member of the Words of Lahabrea, but she’d left Amaurot for the Pandaemonium long before I’d become involved with the Convocation. What was her place in all this? For that matter, what role would Lahabrea himself play? I was increasingly convinced that I could not complete this mission satisfactorily without his help. But his treatment of Erichthonios, his own flesh and blood, could not be ignored. Another reason Azem sent me, I realized. She must’ve known that Lahabrea’s son and I are about the same age. 
I ate my dinner with genuine pleasure, and the wine grew better as I drank more of it. After we finished eating, I insisted upon washing the dishes. Erichthonios seemed surprised, which saddened me. His mother was dead, his father neglectful, and his mentor had just called him stupid and useless to his face. I wanted to show him that this wasn’t the case, and that he didn’t deserve any of what had happened to him. He deserves love, I thought, looking over at him from my place at the kitchen sink, allowing myself to feel a desire that had flashed across my mind upon realizing that his warder’s quarters in Asphodelos had only the one bed. Bad idea, Themis, I told myself. It’s the Pandaemonium’s influence, the stress of the situation. So, after I finished the dishes and exchanged a few more pleasantries with my host, I requested sleeping quarters in one of the neighboring warder’s apartments. 
Lying in bed, I started a meditation, controlling my breathing, slowing my heartrate. A test of my wits, my will, my stamina. You will not best me, Pandaemonium. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.
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omnomwithrob · 2 years
I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.
As a birthday gift for Rob in 2020, I booked us a little staycation at Longman and Eagle, which is both a restaurant and a cutie boutique hotel in Logan Square. Though we’d eaten there several times (a few written about here), we hadn’t stayed at the hotel, and I thought it would be a perfect neighborhood getaway during COVID. But then, we got COVID over Rob’s birthday and had to move our booking to mid-December. 
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When our long-awaited trip across the neighborhood finally arrived, we stayed in beautiful Room #76. It was small for the three of us, but so nice! Rose tested out the bed for jumping while Rob and I ogled the well-stocked minibar.
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We didn’t really need the minibar though - we brought our own! Even though I was pregnant and couldn’t partake, we picked up some cocktails for Rob from our beloved Lost Lake. Though they have since permanently closed, we will always have such a fondness for the memories we made there, especially during their Jingle Bell Square pop-ups during the holidays. That World’s Best Coffee you see on the righthand side was one of my favorite drinks of all time. 
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Alongside the tried and true Lost Lake beverages, we had anticipated that we would order food from the Longman and Eagle restaurant downstairs - but they were still closed because of COVID. So we tried something new - sandwiches from Big Kids, just a few blocks from Longman. Big Kids had only just come on the scene not long before, having originally been a CBD drinks bar called Young American that switched to outrageous and gluttonous sandwich-making during COVID. 
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Because a lot of the sandwiches on their small menu involved lunchmeat (an unfortunate no-no for preggers), I felt like I needed to err on the side of vegetarian and ordered the collard green melt. It was one of the sauciest, messiest sandwiches I had ever attempted to eat, but it was so good! The combination of collards, swiss cheese, and thousand island dressing was so addictive, I couldn’t stop eating it even past the point of being too full. My only complaint was the large, burned slab of seitan in the middle that I ended up removing because it was honestly too hard to bite through and certainly didn’t bring the texture you’re looking for in something called a “melt.” Otherwise, delicious!
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Rob ordered the fried bologna sandwich, which I actually ordered for myself several months later after the baby was born, and oh my gosh. It is one of the best sandwiches money can buy. The bread is perfectly toasted, has a thick layer of crispy, fried bologna (the meat is from Paulina Meat Market!) and comes with mustard, Duke’s mayo, “shreddy letty,” and American cheese. It doesn’t look or sound like much, but trust me on this one, it is incredible - the variety of crispy textures between the bread, bologna, and lettuce, the creamy mayo, and the punchy mustard made it become my go-to order at Big Kids until recently actually, when it came off of their menu for some ungodly reason. 
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Speaking of things that have come off the menu, behold: the “sketti eggroll.” This little heart attack is exactly what it sounds like, an egg roll stuffed with spaghetti and served with a side of ranch dressing. It tasted like a bowling alley, and I loved every bite. It’s such a shame that none of these items are on the menu any longer, but I want to have faith that the creative minds that invented them are probably serving other great menu items as well. 
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Even after an incredibly indulgent dinner, we couldn’t help but think about breakfast. We had a very sleepless night (because toddler) and were ready for our morning coffee - to her credit, the toddler thing actually came in handy when the only utensil we had available to stir it was one of her spoons. 
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Rob decided he wanted Lula, one of the most iconic restaurants in the area - they were doing farm-to-table before farm-to-table was cool. We had been there once before not long after we moved to Chicago, and Rob was excited for the opportunity to try their classic breakfast burrito, full of soft scrambled eggs, avocado, tomatoes, potatoes, cheddar cheese, and green chile sofrito. He loved it!
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I was really craving a bagel with all of the usual salmon lox-related trimmings - you know, tomatoes, capers, red onions, cucumbers, etc...
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But because preggers aren’t actually supposed to eat smoked salmon (it isn’t technically cooked, as far as doctors are concerned, ugh), I had to leave it off!!! This was hard to do, but at least I knew that ol’ Rosebud would be getting plenty of omega-3s that morning. And the rest of the bagel (though it was a tough bagel to chew through), did a reasonably good job fooling my tastebuds into thinking salmon must be in there among these usual suspects somewhere. 
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All we really really did in this hotel room from check-in to check-out was eat. Thanks to Rose, we didn’t even sleep! But even that was a welcome change of pace from staring at the walls of our condo for the previous 9 months. Though I would have gotten the larger room if we could do it again, we still loved good ol’ Room #76 and the whole staycation experience. I’d recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a cute neighborhood hotel in Chicago.
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We left the hotel with very full tummies, and perhaps the biggest gift that kept on giving was our new awareness of the delicious sandwiches at Big Kids. As I alluded to earlier, it has become a restaurant we order from with some regularity, and we love that they have recently opened a new location near us at the Time Out Market here in Chicago. Though some of the first flavor bombs that piqued our interest two years ago are no longer available, we can’t wait to get in there and try some new things. I would highly recommend their absolutely obscene sandwiches, their Instagram for a silly follow, and Rob for a reason to eat a lot of birthday celebration food. 
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dejwrites · 2 years
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currently thinking about dad!benkei !! like when he found out that you were expecting...he instantly went into daddy mode. pretty sure the baby room was done way before the baby shower. the baby shower gifts literally were backup stuff because benkei already went out and brought all the stuff. he never missed an appointment and if he did, he would send one of the other black dragon members with you. you thought he was extremely lovable while you two were dating...gosh it doubles when you were pregnant. he never let you carry stuff. endless footrubs when your feet is swollen like hell. you whine about craving something, he will literally leave the house to get it. like it could be seven-thirty at night and you can say you're craving one of those fancy grilled cheese sandwiches from the cafe three blocks down from your apartment complex. benkei is going to get your grilled cheese sandwich. this big giant dude literally was a nervous wreck when his little premature baby was placed on his toned chest for kangaroo care. he was holding back so many tears at both the fact that he was now a father and how small and light his own daughter felt. the nerve-wracking thoughts swimming in his mind as he sat in the nicu making sure the nurses took very good care of his little girl. cause god forbid something happens and he's causing havoc in the hospital behind his. the first day home dad!benkei is so helpful for both your new bundle of joy and yourself. he's the one waking up in the middle of the night to feed your daughter. he's the one to change the diapers at two in the morning when she's fussing and the list goes on. it's a beautiful sight waking up and seeing benkei already waltzing into the room with the little sunshine the two of you created. you can't help but let a smile decorate your face as he's leaning down to place your daughter in your arms. he also placed a kiss on top of your head, "is it cool if the others stop by and see her? i kinda want to brag about her to shin and them."
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I came back here again
Anyways. White Lily with a dragon S/O (like my man pitaya)
And how will the other ancients react to white lily's S/O
(sorry for my bad english since english isn't my first language)
-That one white lily simp
hey anon !! your language was perfect, don’t worry. but in the future, you shouldn’t refer to pitaya as a man (or woman) as they are non-binary !! also gonna write this as a oneshot, hope you don’t mind :))
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white lily with a dragon s/o oneshot <33
“white lily…” you said somewhat quietly. “i’m not so sure about this. what if they don’t like me ? hollyberry is a dragon killer, for witches’ sake !!”
“i know, dear… but it will be alright. i’ll make sure no harm comes you, be it verbally or physically.” your girlfriend replied.
today was the day that you were to meet white lily’s friends. even though you were a dragon, you were quite nervous. at least two of her friends were known to have brought harm to your kind before, and you didn’t want to be a new addition to their lists. fresh feelings of fear & reluctance swelled inside you, messing with your head and diminishing your normal confidence.
you were sat with white lily in the kitchen of her cabin. you were eating a sandwich, and she was too. she had made them so you both wouldn’t get hungry on the walk to the vanilla kingdom. although it wasn’t far, if you hadn’t eaten, you would’ve definitely got hunger pains (especially you, since you’re a dragon). you looked over to white lily. she seemed to be lost in great thought, so you kept eating your carefully made sandwich.
“huh ?! a dragon ?? your partner is a dragon !?” golden cheese exclaimed, a look of shock on her face.
“yes…” white lily said, a bit upset at the negative reaction from her friend.
“hmph… are you sure they aren’t using you for your knowledge on cookies, white lily ?” hollyberry asked. she had experience with dragons, and most definitely did not like them.
white lily gasped. “no, not at all ! i’ve known them for many months now… i know they wouldn’t do that.” she seemed even more upset now.
“months ? and you didn’t tell us ?” pure vanilla said abruptly, hurt etched on his face.
“i was scared of your reactions… i’ll be talking my leave now.” white lily said softly. before she could walk away however, pure vanilla grabbed onto her arm.
“please, stay with us, white lily. perhaps we can all process this news together, hm ?” pure vanilla added, turning his head to golden cheese & hollyberry as he did so. a grunt was all that came from hollyberry, as golden cheese struggled to hold back from rolling her eyes.
“right…” you said, finishing your sandwich. “shall we get moving ?”
“yes, we shall !” white lily giggled, standing up.
“oh, you aren’t done your sandwich. do you want to stay here for longer ? i’d be happy to wait with you.” you suggested.
“no, it’s ok, dear… i can eat it on the way.” your girlfriend replied. you nodded your head & took the bag which was packed with a few bottles of water, more sandwiches & a bottle of berry juice, a block of cheese (wrapped in tinfoil) & a big bar of bitter chocolate. a bouquet of vanilla orchids was sat beside the bag, the eyes watching you & white lily.
these were your own personal gifts to the heroes. you had bought them yourself, not wanting them to have a negative first impression of you.
you picked up the bag & slung it over your shoulder, making eye contact with the flowers before picking them up too. white lily felt a surge of love for you as she watched you do this, overjoyed that you wanted to make sure her friends liked you. she walked up beside you, taking your hand with a smile before opening the door, the bright light of the morning sun shining on the pair of you.
as you walked through the forest together, white lily saw a group flowers she particularly liked. honeysuckle, to be exact. she guided you over to the small patch, still holding your hand. she picked a few, and placed them on top of your ear.
“do you know what they mean ?” white lily asked. you shook your head.
“devoted and everlasting love, darling.”
“hmm, then shouldn’t i be giving you them instead ? i am a dragon after-all.” you said smugly, a smirk upon your face.
“we’re both immortal, if that’s what you’re implying.” white lily said back, chuckling.
“white lily, how about we meet your partner first, before making any assumptions ?” pure vanilla suggested.
“yes… i think that would be good.” replied white lily.
“hmph… yes, i suppose it would be beneficial.” golden cheese said reluctantly.
“personally, i don’t want to. i don’t negotiate with dragons. but, i shall make exceptions this once, white lily.” sighed hollyberry, a frown on her lips.
“i hold the same opinion as hollyberry,” said dark cacao, “normally i am not willing to interact with dragons, but i shall talk with your partner, white lily.”
finally, you & white lily had arrived at the vanilla kingdom. well, not exactly. you were beneath the actual kingdom, since it was in the sky. it seemed there was no clear way to get up there.
“you thinking what i’m thinking ?” you smirked. you gave your bag over to white lily before you transformed into your dragon form. you put your long tail directly on the ground, indicating to white lily that she should climb up it. after finally getting onto your back (which would’ve been a challenge for others, but white lily is strong, she’s an ancient hero !!) she gave you a strong tap, silently saying you could start flying up now.
you flapped your wings & rose off the ground. it didn’t take long to get to the vanilla kingdom, only a few seconds. you landed, and once your girlfriend was safe on the ground, you transformed back into your cookie form. you gave white lily a hug & a kiss, then took your bag & the bouquet of flowers from her. you began walking up the castle together, and if you looked hard enough, you see two large blobs of pink & yellow beside each other.
“oh, they’re here !” hollyberry said.
“did you see that dragon ? what a beast…” golden cheese added.
“hey now, golden cheese ! we should be treating them with respect.”
“huh ?? but you weren’t respectful at all when we were first told about white lily’s partner !!”
hollyberry sighed. “my opinions have changed. slightly.”
“haha !! that’s the hollyberry i know ! never fully accepting of any dragon, hm ?” golden cheese laughed.
“hah… let’s see how good this dragon treats white lily, and we can decide from there…”
•time skip to when you arrive at the castle•
“ah ! what a lovely palace !” you exclaimed. “and it’s in sky !! it can’t get better than this.”
“thank you for your kind words, y/n dragon.” pure vanilla said suddenly. you didn’t even know he was there ! we’re your senses starting to fail you ??
“what a honour to meet the king of the vanilla kingdom ! please, have these flowers.” you extended the flowers out to pure vanilla, a small smile on your face.
“thank you, my friend ! i shall cherish these dearly.” pure vanilla replied, taking the flowers from you.
to be honest, pure vanilla was a bit scared of you. you were far taller than him, and spikes adorned your armour. he smiled as he talked to you, but it was definitely a nervous one.
“come, and follow me.” pure vanilla said to you & white lily, as he began to walk up a flight of stairs.
“where’s he taking us ?…” you asked your girlfriend.
“ah, probably the throne room… or the solarium of unity…” she replied.
after a short walk, you arrived in a beautiful room. there was 5 tall stained glass windows, each depicting the heroes. and there they were, in the very room you were standing in. the heroes… the very cookies who protected earthbread like they’re life depended on it…
even though you were quite nervous on the inside, you put on a smile & greeted them.
“good afternoon, your majesties. i hope you have been well,” you started off. “i have brought some gifts for you. pure vanilla has already got his, but please don’t get excited, as they aren’t very big or exciting…” you added.
“gifts ?…” golden cheese whispered, intrigued.
“for you, golden cheese, i brought a block of the finest cheese i have ever seen.” you handed the cheese to her, a smirk appearing on her face.
“ha ! thank you ! this is one of my favourites.” the queen replied.
“hollyberry, for you i have brought a bottle of my personal favourite berry juice. i do hope you like it.”
“huh… thank you, y/n dragon.” hollyberry said. she wasn’t expecting you to be so generous. were you different from the other dragons she has encountered ?
“and dark cacao ! i have got you a bar of the bitterest chocolate i could ever taste.”
“hmph… i normally don’t indulge in such foods… but i shall try this one.” said dark cacao, smirking slightly.
time passed, and white lily’s friends started to warm up to you. especially golden cheese.
“yes, but do you have such gold ?? nothing like it is seen outside the golden cheese kingdom !!” golden cheese boasted, showing off her wealth to you.
“hmm, i suppose i don’t. you’ve got me there, golden cheese.” you said reluctantly, not wanting to admit that you didn’t have the same riches that she did.
“y/n dragon !! you wouldn’t come arm wrestle with me, huh ?” hollyberry asked you, waving you over to her.
you sat down opposite her, and started the arm wrestle. it was difficult, but you finally beat hollyberry.
“oh my ! i’ve never had someone beat me in a arm wrestle before ! good job, y/n dragon !!” said hollyberry.
i hope you enjoyed this, anon !! this actually took quite a while to write, so i’m happy to get it out finally.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Birthday bash blues part 3
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The following morning you had gotten dressed in a white crop top and some fitted mom jeans and your all white air forces paired with a gold chain Jack had gifted you for your birthday.
You guys were all set out to explore Kentucky together and see all the places Jack and Urban would visit the first stop was of course the famous deli Jack and Urban would go to after school.
“It smells so good in here I love the smell of fresh bread” Neelam moaned as she smelled the air you giggled agreeing with her.
“Is that a picture of Jack on the wall ?” You asked as you made your way towards the wall and sure enough it was a picture of Jack holding a silver and gold record of what’s poppin you smiled taking out your phone and taking a which picture of it.
“Yup that’s me as soon as I landed back in Kentucky that week everyone was proud of me mom’s was even crying for a good two days about it she printed out pictures and handed them out to everyone.” Jack laughed thinking of that moment again it truly was a proud day.
“It’s cute I’m happy for you Jack you deserve so much and more.” You told him and Jack smiled wrapping his arm around your neck you smiled grabbing his arm and leaning your head against his arm as he brought you back against his chest. You missed this you thought you missed his touch so much.
“Y/N are you going to get something to eat ? You seriously need to get a foot long sand which on white bread with Swiss cheese and ham and jalapeños” Urban spoke and you giggled watching as crumbs fell from his mouth.
“I’ll get something before we leave Urban don’t worry about me just enjoy your sandwich” you told him as he nodded. Jack rolled his eyes and continued to show you around the deli.
After everyone ate you guys go back onto the van Jack posted on his Instagram story that he would be at his old High School soon and wanted to meet some of his fans before the high school game. Once you guys pulled up there was fans waiting outside already.
“Damn how the hell did they get here before us ?” Nemo said as everyone laughed.
“Louisville Kentucky is a small place after all Nemo” Clay spoke and Nemo pushed him causing Clay to almost fall.
“Nobody has time for a smart as today Clay” Nemo told him and you rolled your eyes all of you went inside besides Jack he went to talk to some of his fans that were outside waiting.
Once inside you all explored the High School when you suddenly had to use the bathroom the big gulp you drank earlier was about to come out any minute now. Once you finished using the bathroom you went to wash your hands you would’ve thought you seen a ghost at the way you jumped up standing behind you was some girl but she wasn’t saying anything.
“Uh do you need help or something? Are you okay ?” You told her and she scoffed you looked at her brows frowned because you truly don’t understand what you did to her.
“Yeah I need help with something I’m trying to figure out why you’re still around Jack ? Hasn’t he made it clear he doesn’t want you he wants me.” She spoke as she glared at you and it finally clicked this was the trick Jack was messing with. You smirked turning off the water and faxing her.
“You sure about that one ? Because as far as I know he deleted your number and blocked you for me I’m not sure why you felt the need to come all the way down here and attempt to tell me some bullshit but you wasted your time and energy” you told her you went to open the door and walk away but she quickly slammed the door.
Neelam was just down the hall when she heard the door slam she looked around confused because she thought nobody was allowed past the cafeteria.
“Look I’m not about to argue with you right now just move out of the way and nothing has to happen” You told her you truly didn’t want to argue or fight with this girl anymore it was draining and a waste of your time and energy.
“Y/N is everything okay ?” Neelam spoke as she got into the bathroom she rushed to your side and looked at the other girl confused.
“Who is she ?” Neelam told you and you rolled your eyes.
“The girl Jack was talking to she’s fucking crazy let’s just go Neelam.” You told Neelam but once again she blocked you from moving.
“You aren’t going anywhere until Jack comes in here and tells you to your face he doesn’t wanna be with you at all” She spoke grinning with her arms crossed around her chest. You looked back at Neelam who was already looking at you.
“Text Jack and tell him meet us in the girls bathroom Neelam right now.” You said through gritted teeth as the girl smirked.
Jack was still outside when he heard his phone ding he took it out his pockets his baby blue eyes widened immediately.
- Jack come to the girls bathroom right now that girl you cheated on Y/N with won’t let us out of the bathroom.
He mentally cursed at himself what the fuck was she doing here.
“I’ll be right back guys I gotta use the bathroom” Jack lied to his fans and they nodded watching as he ran into the school. Once inside he quickly made his way into the girls bathroom and sure enough You and Neelam were standing by the sinks and the girl he cheated on you with was by the door.
“J bear tell Y/N you don’t wanna be with her and that you wanna be with me.” She told Jack you gagged at the cringy ass nickname she gave Jack.
“Look Mariah you were a distraction while I was away on tour I didn’t mean anything I said to you I’m sorry but that’s just the way it is you don’t mean anything to me I should’ve never cheated on Y/N with you I realized she has always and will always be there for me no matter what.” Jack spoke and you smiled you knew right then and there everything between you and Jack were good again.
“You’re fucking with me right ? You weren’t saying that just a few months again when I was sucking your fucking dick now was you Jack ? You aren’t shit” Mariah yelled and she went to go for Jack but you were quicker than her.
You grabbed her by the back of her head and smacked her against the wall she groaned trying to reach for you but you grabbed her by the head and smacked her head against the wall again till she fell to the floor.
You sighed standing up straight and cleaning off your outfit. Neelam and Jack looked at you in surprised you just acted like you didn’t just cause this girl to pass out on the floor.
“What ? She was getting on my nerves now let’s go yeah ?” You smiled as you grabbed Jack’s hand and Neelam smirked following behind.
Later on that night you were once again back in Jack’s room you laid on the bed as he laid down next to you your head happily rested on his chest.
“I’m glad we’re okay again and I still can’t believe you beat her ass like that” Jack laughed as he stroked your hair you laughed truly no believing it either.
“Well it’s what she deserved she wasn’t about to come and attack my man trust me.” You said as Jack laughed kissing the top of your head.
“Trust me mamas I’m never doing anything like that again I can’t afford to lose you baby girl and I’m sorry for putting you through pain.” Jack confessed you sat up and sat on top of him as he rested his hands on your ass.
“It’s okay Jack but the next time I’m fucking you up now shut up and kiss me” you told him he laughed pulling you down onto him.
“You don’t gotta tell me twice come here baby girl I wanna treat you right all night.”
Let’s just say the makeup sex that night was amazing.
( hope you guys liked this little series 😭 )
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mnoaeiu · 3 years
“friends don't kiss each other like that”
pairing: childe x gn!reader
tags: modern au, college au, roommate childe, weapon mentions (taser) but no one gets hurt lol, fluff, friends to lovers, not proofread
the sound of metal clanking and plastics ruffling woke you up from your slumber. you rubbed your eyes before glancing at your clock, showing 3:43 a.m. after hearing that sound again, fear washes through you. you reached for the drawer on your bedside table, searching for the taser that your roommate,p childe, gave you as a gift last christmas. at first, you find it ridiculous that he gave you a taser as a christmas gift, but he reasoned out that he wants you to protect yourself— and also it makes you think of him if you ever use it. you remind yourself to thank childe yet again as your hand grasped the said thing.
childe would have been facing the intruder head-on if not for the fact that he went home to his family to spend the week-long break. now that you're home alone with only a taser to protect you, you pray to anyone listening to not let this be your last day.
you made your way towards the source of the noise after weapping yourself in your robe. slowly and quietly, your feet dragged you towards the kitchen. you raised your hand and turned on the taser, hearing it make little electric noises.
you spotted the man rummaging through your kitchen cabinet below the counter, crouching down with head hung low, blocking his face. you walked behind him quietly, and as you were about to push the taser on his body, he stood up holding a pan, his ginger hair now in full view.
“childe?!” you gasped. he quickly turned around and once he spotted you, his lips turned into a grin as he wrapped his arms around you.
“y/n!” he exclaimed rather enthusiastucally, as if he didn't scared the hell out of you.
“what are you doing at this time?! you scared me!”
you turned off the taser before placing it on the counter, wriggling away from childe.
“aw, come on! i just came home and this is how you greet me?” he faked a pout and clutched his chest using his free hand, acting very hurt. “still, i'm glad you brought your taser with you. wouldn't want anyone to hurt you, now, would ya?”
“oh, shut up. i thought you'll not be home until tomorrow?” you crossed your arm in front of your chest, raising your eyebrow.
he gave you a sheepish smile, “well, yeah, but i realized that since tomorrow is the last day of the break, why not spend it with you? besides, we haven't really spent time together after the exams.”
your heart fluttered at his words. as you felt your cheeks heat up, you quickly averted your gaze.
“really?” you hated how your voice sound, a hopeful tone lacing it.
“of course! you're my friend!”
friend, right.
you cleared your throat, masking the hurt behind your eyes.
“whatever. what were you trying to cook, anyway?”
“oh, right! we don't have any more cereals left so i thought i'd cook something from the fridge. i didn't really get to eat dinner.” he showed you his signature smile but you can't help but notice the bags under his eyes and how his face shows sign of exhaustion. he must be tired from driving, his homeplace is far from where your university is after all.
“go sit there. i'll cook something for us.” you sighed before grabbing the pan in his hands, placing it on the stove.
you opened the fridge to grab some ingredients to use. you frowned as you saw the half-empty fridge in front of you. seems like you do need to do some grocery shopping later.
“will grilled cheese be okay? we do not have a lot left...”
“it's fine, as long as you made it!” you rolled your eyes at his flirty remark. of course, he's childe, what do you expect.
you turned on the stove before placing a slice of butter, letting it melt for a second. you reached for the bread on the kitchen counter, but before you could place it on the pan, you felt childe's arms wrap around your waist.
“c-childe?” you called out softly, frozen from his sudden show of affection. sure, he hugged you before and has always been touchy with you, but you never felt his touch this... intimate.
“i missed you,” he whispered, burrying his face on your hair. you felt your cheeks blushed once again from his actions, your heartbeat quickened and warmth spread all over your body. you can't fight off the smile that creeps up your face as you realize just how domestic and intimate your situation was.
“i... i missed you too,” you mumbled. now that you mentioned it, it does feel a little lonely without childe annoying you every single time he finds the chance. “now get off me because i'm trying to do something,” you commanded, though you can't lie that you'll miss his warmth if he ever complies.
“that can wait.” he turned off the stove before spinning you around to face him.
“w-what are y-”
“can i kiss you?”
stunned at his bluntness, your mouth fell agape as you stared at him in shock.
“what?!” now you're certain that you are blushing twice as hard as before.
“can i kiss you?” he leaned in a little, his eyes locked with yours to read your expression. “please?”
unable to control yourself anymore, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed him towards you. you closed your eyes once you felt his lips on yours, humming in contentment. he smirked in the kiss before he grabbed your thighs to lift you up and place you on the kitchen counter. he placed himself in between your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist to press his bidy closer to yours. your lips moved in sync, feeling little butterflies fluttering in your chest. you always wondered what it's like to kiss childe, and now that it is happening, you don't ever want to stop.
your hand moved to cup his cheeks, the other finding its way to play with his hair. eventually, you both have to part for air. you whined, already missing the way his lips move with yours.
“if i had known this is what it feels like to kiss you, i would have done it before,” he chuckled, his eyes staring at yours with full of love and adoration. he noticed how your expression mirrored his and he can't help how his chest seemingly erupt in pure joy.
“i believe friends don't kiss each other like that,” you giggled, looking at childe softly. your thumb ran across his cheeks, caressing it lovingly. you sighed happily as he leaned in to your touch.
“no, they don't,” he said, a toothy grin appearing on his face. his gaze fell down to your lips before leaning in to connect your lips with his once more, sharing another sweet kiss.
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