#he just instinctively picks it up and tries to shelter it in his jacket or something and takes it home
floorpancakes · 1 year
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#they would be cringeworthy but excellent cat parents#pls clamp its what they need#as reward for all the shit they have been through they are rewarded with thematically compliant kitty#i have this mental image of the hc where like#obviously their entire meeting was a parallel to this so it hits extra hard#and like#idk doumeki comes back from work but he hears a mewing noise coming from the street corner#and theres this wet kitten barely able to mew very loud in like a soggy cardboard box#well we saw what happened to the first cat he saw muttering to itself in the rain in a precarious situation#and hes like#he just instinctively picks it up and tries to shelter it in his jacket or something and takes it home#and obviously watanuki would be like 'ur so stupid we dont know how to take care of a cat ive done no research that was so impulsive etc#but its kind of a fated moment given their entire....origin story and each of their combined experiences thematically speaking#when he sees the little thing he just kinda shuts up and IMMEDIATELY starts trying to figure this shit out#its probably touch and go for a few days as to whether the cat would make it but they pull through and all of a sudden#theyre cringe cat owners#the final state of being that they were building up to all along#they take the cat to the vet and the vet is like you don't have any other cats at home right???#and doumeki is like oh i have two cats and watanuki steps on his foot with his heel and hisses for him to shut up#he is kind of flattered though#listen hes gotta get used to his position as a mandatory cat person soon enough#i would argue he would be REALLY into it once he stops giving a fuck#but thats besides the point#cat......they would be good with a cat....#someone pinch me to write this#xxxholic#douwata#yeah
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hello my dearest! I’ve got a fluffy request for you! Maybe the reader always wanted either a puppy or a kitten their whole life but never had one, and Eddie surprises them with one on Christmas morning?
I love you! 💚 - @corroded-hellfire
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Did someone say cheesy Christmas fluff overload? Because that's what we got.
Warnings: none
WC: 1.1k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
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When you wake up on Christmas morning, you instinctively turn over to snuggle in closer to your boyfriend, frowning when you’re greeted with an empty side of the bed. Eddie rarely got up earlier than you did when he had a day off. The only explanation you could fathom was that he got hungry, so you head to the kitchen to sneak up behind him with some mistletoe. He’s not there, either, but there is a note:
Merry Christmas, gorgeous! Be home in 30 minutes with a surprise. Love, Eddie
You roll your eyes and smile. The note was thoughtful, but he hadn’t bothered to mention what time he left. He could’ve written the note five minutes ago or twenty-nine minutes ago. You decide to pour yourself a bowl of cereal and milk, munching on Cheerios while you wait.
When you and Eddie started dating nearly four years ago, he had no idea how to celebrate Christmas. His own parents barely acknowledged the holidays; Eddie confessed that one year, he only knew it was Christmas because all the kids came to school with their new toys from Santa. When he went to live with Wayne as a pre-teen, the man tried his best to spread holiday cheer, but money was always too tight. He’d get Eddie something he needed: new socks, school supplies; one year, when Wayne got a small raise and Eddie’s sneakers were practically falling apart, he got him a new pair from the Payless clearance section. During your first Christmas together, you’d gotten Eddie a new denim jacket he’d been eyeing at the mall. When he fished it out of the bag, he looked excited but confused. 
“Babe, this is really nice,” Eddie had said, “but I already have a jacket.”
“Yeah, but you were practically drooling over this one in the store,” you’d replied, frowning at his reaction. “Do…do you not like it?”
“I love it!” He’d reassured you with a kiss to your cheek. “Just don’t want you spending money on stuff I want if I don’t really need it.”
“Eddie,” your face fell as you reached for his hand. “It’s Christmas. That’s what Christmas is about–making your loved ones happy.” At your sweet words, Eddie had picked you up into a hug, spun you around, and kissed you deeply.
You glance under the tree now, noting the crisply-wrapped gift awaiting your boyfriend. His wristwatch had broken a few weeks ago; the thing was ancient and on its last legs for a while. The new one you’d purchased had a stopwatch and an alarm, and you knew he would freak out in the best way.
You place your empty bowl in the sink, heart leaping when you hear the click of the key in the lock. Your smile only widens when Eddie walks through the door, clutching a large box in his hands.
“Hi, baby.” His hair is messy and his cheeks are rosy from the winter wind. “I hope you’re ready for your present.”
“Already?” you laugh. “I thought we normally open our gifts after dinner.” That’s how you’d always done it: celebrating Christmas with your family, Wayne in tow, and then exchanging your presents to each other before going to bed.
Eddie looks down at his full hands. “I think you’re gonna want this one now,” he says with a sheepish grin. As you get closer to him, you notice that there are holes lining the sides of your gift, and you’re fairly certain you can see something moving inside. And was that a bark?
“You didn’t!” you exclaim excitedly, opening the top carefully. A puppy with scruffy brown fur pokes its head out, tail wagging a mile a minute. “You did!” You gently lift him from the box and hold him to your chest. His tiny sharp teeth nibble on your fingers, but you’re too happy to notice. “Eddie, he’s so little and cute and perfect!”
“The people at the shelter called him Gary,” he tells you, “but they said you can change it if you want.”
You lift the puppy higher, inspecting him. “Nah, he definitely looks like a Gary to me,” you conclude, kissing his fuzzy ears and giggling as he licks your nose.
“Damn, dude,” Eddie pouts, peering at Gary, “you’ve been here for two minutes and you’re already stealing all my girl’s attention!”
“Poor baby,” you tease. “Don’t worry, we have plenty of love for the world’s most handsome dog dad!” You bring Gary to Eddie’s cheek, and the two of you pepper it with endless kisses. Once you pull away, Eddie clears his throat and starts to speak.
“There’s, um, one more surprise,” he stammers. “Did you look at Gary’s collar?”
You peer down and audibly gasp. Hanging next to his tags is a sparkling diamond ring, dainty and delicate, just like you’ve always wanted. 
Eddie’s trembling fingers unhook the ring, and you watch through misty eyes as he bends on one knee. “Do you remember telling me that Christmas is about bringing happiness to the people you love?” He pauses, only resuming when you nod. “Sweetheart, you make me happy every damn day. I smile like an idiot just knowing we belong to each other, that we found each other, that we love each other. And I want that for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”
You’re so stunned that you forget to speak for a moment. It’s only when he takes your hand in his that your trance breaks. “Yes, Eddie! Of course I’ll marry you!” He slides the ring on your finger triumphantly, enveloping you and Gary in a bear hug.
“Did you hear that, Gary?” you ask as Eddie wipes the tears from your cheeks, “Mommy and Daddy are gonna get married!” Your eyes widen as you turn to your now-fiancé. “Babe, can he be the ring bearer?”
Eddie smiles and scratches under Gary’s chin. “D’you think you’re up for the challenge, little guy?” Gary’s response is to chomp down on Eddie’s finger, and you burst out laughing.
“He does not appreciate you questioning his ring-bearing abilities,” you chastise playfully, smushing your face against the dog’s. “Isn’t that right?”
Eddie rolls his eyes but can’t hide his joy at your love for your gifts. “I should’ve known you two would team up against me.” He pulls you closer and presses his lips to the top of your head. “You’re lucky you’re both so damn cute.”
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outtoshatter · 8 months
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Prompt 2: “Don't worry, I got you.”
Fanfiction | Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek
Warnings: none | Rating: Teen & up
Raining Cats and Dogs (also on ao3!)
Derek almost didn’t stop. The storm had picked up, the rain was coming down in buckets and thunder rumbled threateningly overhead. The flashes of lightning were bright and close. Even on the highest setting, his wipers could hardly keep the windshield clear enough for him to see.
It was a combination of good timing, Derek’s instinct to track movement, and pure dumb luck that he noticed it at all. He turned his head. Lightning struck, illuminating the rain drenched gray sky, and the soaked pile on the shoulder of the road twitched.
He jerked and then righted the wheel, cursing at himself. He pulled off more safely and flicked on his hazard lights.
The rain was icy, stinging against his skin and soaking him the second he got out. He ducked his head and ran along the road to where he saw it. He splashed through the deep puddles that formed as the rain flooded the ditch.
He sped up; when he reached the soaked lump, he bent over, squinting through the rain to see if it was even alive.
The kitten bunched up in a shivering, wet ball, opening its mouth in an almost soundless warning hiss.
Derek tried to guess how young it was—old enough that it would probably make it, by his estimation—before, resigned, he stripped his jacket off.
He didn’t try to get closer or pick it up right then. He tossed his jacket over it from afar.
The kitten yowled with panic, flailing under the leather.
Derek lunged before it could fight its way out, scooping it up inside the jacket. “Don’t worry,” he said grimly, “I got you.”
It struggled in his arms, no doubt shredding the lining of his jacket. He sloshed his way back to the car and got in with the jacket bundled to his chest. He cranked the heat and seat warmers, and dumped the spitting kitten in the passenger seat. It was still drenched to the point where Derek couldn’t tell what color its fur was, or whether it was a cat or a gremlin. It flexed its claws against the seat, backing up against the door with its greenish eyes locked on him. He faced forward. “That’s fine. We’ll just sit here and warm up a little. After this, we’ll go see…my friend.” He grimaced. Scott would tell Stiles about this, he knew it. But there was no avoiding it. Dr. Deaton was out of town and the kitten needed to see someone. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it hunker down against the seat as the warmth seeped up. The rain eased after a few minutes; it was still coming down steadily, but it lightened up enough to give the wipers a fighting chance. Thunder cracked. The kitten flinched. Derek watched from the corner of his eye, careful not to turn his head. He’d already figured out it was best to just pretend he didn’t know they were there. He pressed his hands to his eyes. Stiles was going to kick him out. This was the ninth stray he’d picked up this year. He didn’t mean to, he just kept finding them, and he couldn’t just leave them out there. He sighed and put the car in drive, aiming for the vet’s office. Maybe the shelter would have room this time. Stiles wanted him to stop bringing home strays, so they didn’t have to keep saying goodbye. Bu it was a good thing. The six cats and two dogs he’d found had gone to terrific homes. This little one would as well. Maybe Scott would keep his mouth shut. He’d nearly reached the office when a slight, damp weight touched his leg. Four delicate paws pressed into his thigh, and then the kitten curled up in his lap. “Well, you’re a brave one,” he said evenly. His hands flexed on the steering wheel. Otherwise, he didn’t acknowledge it until they pulled into the parking lot. He gingerly worked his phone out of his pocket and called Scott. “I’m outside,” he said when he answered. “I have a…very wet and cold kitten.” He was quiet for a beat. “I’ll bring a towel out. Was it injured?” “I don’t think so, just caught in that bad storm.” “Alright, I’m on my way.” Derek risked glancing down at the kitten; it was either asleep or doing a good impression of it. Scott wasted no time wrapping the kitten in the towel, tightly enough that all I could do was yowl unhappily from its new swaddle. Derek went inside with them, unsurprised when Scott’s first order of business was to get the kitten warmed up; they’d done this enough times to have a routine. He looked at Derek while deftly avoiding the kitten’s outraged biting. He sighed. “I didn’t go looking, I saw it on the side of the road.” Scott hummed doubtfully. “Alright, why don’t you go to my office and grab the spare scrubs I keep in there so you stop dripping all over the floor while I deal with this?” Derek went to do just that, but he hesitated at the door. “Would you…not tell Stiles?” Scott didn’t look up. “Hmm,” was all he said.
Derek glowered, but there wasn’t much else he could do besides ask. He left to change. He should have expected it. He heard Stiles’s voice in the exam room when he left Scott’s office. With a heavy sigh, he pushed the door open. He couldn’t help smiling when he saw the kitten bouncing around the table chasing a mouse toy. “She’s healthy,” Scott said into the silence. “She’s going to need flea treatment and lots of food—she’s a little skinny—but there’s no microchip, and she seems pretty dirty for a pet. Probably a stray that lives near people—she’s fine being pet and handled. Mostly.” Stiles took a deep breath. His hoodie was wet at the shoulders from the rain, his hair damp. “We agreed,” he said slowly. Despite his calm tone, Derek could feel his disappointment. “I found her on the side of the road, half-drowned. I couldn’t just leave her.” “I know, but-” He rubbed his face. “We can’t foster again. Derek,” he sighed when he opened his mouth. “We agreed, remember, after the last one, that we wouldn’t do anymore fosters.” “There’s really no room at the shelter.” “Thank you, Scott,” Stiles said between his teeth without looking away from Derek’s face. “It’ll be okay this time,” he said. “She’ll get adopted really quickly.” His voice cracked, but that was just from the rain. “Probably a week. Look at her.” “That’s not what I’m worried about. You get attached,” Stiles pointed out. “And then they’re gone! And I can’t-” “Oh my god,” Scott blurted suddenly. “Oh my god.” “I can’t help it,” Derek said. “And I can’t just leave them there—I won’t.” “Derek,” Stiles said, his voice quiet, “I’m not asking you to, I-” He cut off. “I hate seeing you so torn up when they get adopted.” “Better that than them on the streets though.” Scott rubbed his temples. “Good god. Get out.” He scooped up the kitten and her toy, shoving her into Stiles’s hands. Derek flinched, reaching out to take her, but Scott slapped a bottle of flea and tick treatment in his hands. “I’m tired and I want to go home. Both of you are idiots. Go talk about this at home.” He pointed at Stiles. “Just say it.” He pointed at Derek. “Listen.” Then he stomped out, waving his hands over his head. “I meant it,” he shouted. “Get out!” Stiles looked at the squirming kitten in his hands, baffled. She bapped his nose. “I can take her,” Derek said. “Maybe Boyd…or someone else can foster her.” Stiles’s fingers curled more securely around her as he looked at Derek, his expression going thoughtful. “No, let’s go home to talk. She’s coming with,” he added. “I think Scott’s right and we’re just not hearing each other.” He took Derek’s hand and pulled, giving him a careful kiss on the lips. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Derek prepared his case in his head while he followed the jeep home. He was already attached, so it didn’t change things if they fostered her or gave her up now. He would find her a home quickly, so they wouldn’t be inconvenienced for long. They already had some basics, and she would already be at their house, so this was much less hassle than finding someone else to foster her. Stiles sat them down at the kitchen table when they got home, looking uncharacteristically serious. The kitten chased her toy across the floor by their feet. “Okay. Look. The reason I don’t want us fostering strays is because of how torn up you get when they go to their new homes.” Derek winced. “I can-” Stiles cut him off with a sharp look. “You just quietly retreat into your head for days after they’re gone. You don’t need to go through that.” He set his jaw. “I’ll try to get better about it, but I can’t promise to leave them if I find them.” “I told you, I don’t want you to do that.” Stiles rested his chin on his upturned palm, smiling as he kicked around the toy for the kitten to chase. That was how it started—Stiles got just as attached as Derek did, when they took in a new stray. But once a potential home was found, his demeanor changed. He got anxious and tense, and distanced himself from the dog or cat. Derek realized why as he watched Stiles playing with the kitten. You just quietly retreat into your own head after they’re gone. “Oh,” he murmured, guilt grabbing him by the throat. “Oh. Stiles, I-” “Can’t we just keep her?” he blurted. He straightened. “That’s all I’ve been trying to say. We can keep her, and it’ll be easier to let go of the others, for you.” Derek blinked at him. He thought of all the other strays, all the other conversations like this that never had a satisfying ending. “You want to?” “Yes.” Derek laughed breathlessly. “So do I.” Stiles beamed. “Good. Now let’s go give her that flea bath.” They shared a kiss first, then turned on their unsuspecting new kitten. They decided to call the kitten Lightning after they all three barely survived the bath and all of her escape attempts. Derek disinfected Stiles’s cuts while Lightning rolled around on a towel and glared balefully at them. Stiles took the hair dryer out with a gleam in his eye. “Come here, Lightning-bug, we have to get you dry.” He took just a little too much pleasure when he flicked it on, Derek thought. They all collapsed together on the couch after she was dry, too tired to make it up to the bedroom. Derek slumped against Stiles’s shoulder, one hand cupped under Lightning to keep her in place. He woke a little later when Stiles moved sharply. “Don’t worry,” he murmured sleepily, catching Lightning before she could slip off Derek’s slackened hand. “I got you.”
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thirdeyeblue · 19 days
No One's Gonna Love You (1/3)
Pairing: David Tennant x Billie Piper
Rating: Eventually Explicit
Tags: First Time, Infidelity, Hurt/Comfort, RST, Smut
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Read on Ao3
For one whole weekend, David is left to his own devices in his big, empty house — but what's meant to be a gift leaves him at a loss for how to pass the time.
That is, until he gets a phone call from one of his favorite people on Earth... One who could really use a mate.
We're reeling through an endless fall We are the ever-living ghost of what once was But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do No one's gonna love you more than I do
Friday, November 11th, 2023
It’s a cool November night in Chiswick: the leafy village-within-a-city nestled just west of central London. Rain has just begun to fall, starting with a light pattering on the stone walkway out the door — but in a matter of moments, it picks up to a proper deluge. 
Standing alone in the kitchen, David watches the weather rolling in through the darkness, a mug of mulled wine held beneath his lips. When he breathes in, it smells of cloves and cinnamon; of feelings it seems odd to allow himself to experience in this sort of quiet.
Drinking alone isn’t an activity he’s ever been keen on, but with the bottle being a gift from the in-laws — one they’d brewed up and bottled themselves, having insisted he enjoy it on his next ‘night off’ — it’s a request he doesn’t mind being beholden to just this once.
Furthermore, Georgia had placed the bottle right there on the marble worktop before she’d left, positioning it directly beside that ridiculous mug with his Hamlet headshot. 
The message was well-received: It’s time to take the candle you’ve been burning at both ends and extinguish it once and for all.
Well, fine. Bit of a foreign concept for an admitted workaholic, but he’ll make do.
The window overlooking the garden wears fog like a lacy veil, a frame of condensation forming against the heat of his 19th-century Victorian home. It’s the first properly cold evening they’ve had all season, having been experiencing something of a heat wave over the past couple of months — and it’s happened fast, too. Just this morning, he didn't even need a jacket, and now…
‘Hate to be out in that,’ David thinks as he finally takes his first drink, savoring the rich, spicy flavor as it envelops his taste buds. 
At once, a warm and dangerously pleasant sensation settles in his chest, and he thinks he won’t fault himself for heavy-handing the pour just a bit. No part of him intends to make a habit out of this sort of thing, of course, though it’s easy to see how one could — particularly given the wintery set and setting; the comfort such an indulgence brings.
Sheltered in his home, he feels comfortable and protected; shielded from the elements. Sure, autumn is a lovely season — possibly his favorite of the four, really — but rain this time of year is a ghastly thing, especially once the warmth of the sun has slipped over the horizon. 
It’s soothing being on the other side of the glass, guarded within his cozy fortress, thoroughly enjoying one of the more tangible merits of years of hard work.
Well, it’s a bit weird, isn’t it? 
Aside from the mounting downpour, he can’t remember the last time it’s been this quiet inside the house. It’s one thing to enjoy the peace and quiet of a trailer or hotel room, but…
The part of his brain driven by instinct sort of half-expects Birdie to pipe up with an evening fright at any moment — she’s been susceptible to those lately, what with the shorter days — or perhaps for Ty to come wandering through the foyer with his face lit by the blue light of his mobile. 
Alas, no such risks exist tonight, and it’s — well. It’s odd, is all.
Another part of him wonders if he should feel guilty for taking solace in the stillness, but for a man whose familial cup usually more than runneth over, he tries (tries) to cut himself a bit of slack. He loves his family to the ends of the Earth, delighting in every opportunity he’s got to be present with his children — but it’s nice, he thinks: having one night to himself. Such a luxury is one he’s not been afforded in such a long time. 
With the Evening Standard Theatre Awards happening next weekend, then the first special of Doctor Who’s sixtieth anniversary airing the following Saturday (not to mention the utter mountain of press he’s about to be contending with over it), he really ought to take reprieve anywhere he can get it.
Normally, the only times he’s properly alone, he’s still on the clock. He’s in a hotel next door to a studio or bunking alongside a dozen other trailers, running lines to the end of the page and back again until he can’t fight the weight of his eyelids any longer.
That, or he’s rushing to get enough sleep in preparation to greet the press. With the way the years have begun to show in the lines of his face, ‘beauty sleep’ is something he’s had to learn to take just as seriously as his ‘skincare regimen’. David has never fancied himself vain, but in the words of his wife and daughters, ‘Nobody wants to go on the One Show looking like they’ve just been hoisted out from their grave, do they?’ 
But this weekend exists outside of those personal regulations. This is just for him: A gift. 
If anything, the guilt he derives should be from nothing but the fact that he hasn’t reached out to Georgia to thank her again yet. He tells himself that it’s because he’s waiting for her, not wanting to overwhelm her while she’s got her hands full. 
It’s got nothing to do with that little voice playing at the edge of his consciousness in these quiet moments; that corner of his brain that occasionally seeks and prods and yearns to be acknowledged. 
He’ll certainly not be acknowledging it now.
It’s the perfect evening for a fuzzy jumper, for which he's grown fond as of late. Tonight’s selection is white and soft, one he’s worn many times both on camera and off. The sleeves are so long that he’s got to hike them up his forearms a bit, but it’s so bloody cozy that he can’t be bothered to fuss about that. It’s like being enveloped in a hand-woven cloud; the perfect selection for a night to oneself.
There’s one problem with that, though — being the lone occupant in the normally bustling Tennant household… He’s had no idea how to fill the time. 
The morning was spent with Sunshine on Leith caressing his eardrums as he enjoyed a nice workout, and to cool down, he took Myrtle on a little jaunt around the block. Even met a lovely young fan when he was rounding the tree-lined apex of Silver Cres; a girl with long red hair and infinite freckles, and one who couldn’t have been more than twelve years old. 
Out of nowhere, she’d come bounding out from one of the endless narrow brick homes wielding a calendar — one he was actually surprised to see had his face on… All these years and he’s still nowhere near being used to that.
The girl — Hannah, she was called — had announced that she couldn’t believe her luck, as she’d heard that ‘her Doctor’ lived in the area but never quite knew where. Furthermore, she’d remarked (with no shortage of dread) about how she thought she might not find him in time to have him autograph her birthday. It’d already come and gone, of course — but she said it was still good enough for her as long as she’d found him by year’s end. 
(Apparently, she wasn’t expecting her 2024 edition until Christmas)
The calendar was already flipped open to the appropriate page when she handed it over, and there he was: right there with the previous month printed right to the left of his wonderfully thick, Entirely Still Youthful hair. Against a backdrop of wood paneling, he stood glancing off in a white Oxford button-down, five o’clock shadow rampant in his 2009 Ellis Parrinder shoot.
David had signed the square for the fifth of October (a Thursday, he’d noted) and graciously accepted a hug, allowing Hannah to pet the older of the two family dogs to her heart’s content before he headed back to the house.
In the hours since, he’s gotten sucked into an Ishiguro novel, checked the mail, booked a roundtrip flight for a wedding next August, gotten pulled back into the same novel, and passed out on the living room sofa for some unbeknown period — long enough for the afternoon to turn to night.
Letting the dog out had been his first priority upon waking, during which time he’d sucked down a full glass of water, scrolled through photos of the kids (and a very happy Bernard; the pup they’d brought along) out on a hayride with their grandfather, belatedly solved the day’s Wordle (‘worry’ to ‘weary’ in two out of six, thank you very much), and begun the process of heating the wine. 
A saucepan filled about halfway with the dark liquid sat over a low flame while he’d raced down the hall to his bedroom, changed into his jumper and lounge pants, and returned to let Myrtle inside.
It’s been about ten minutes since he re-entered the kitchen; about five since he poured the pan’s contents into a tall mug. This one is a deep shade of magenta, bearing no markings — especially of his face. 
The Hamlet mug is good for a laugh with company, but while standing alone in one’s own kitchen?... Bit egomaniacal, really.
As David sips his seasonal beverage, attempting to decide what to do with the remainder of his evening, his mobile begins to buzz where he left it on a little table.
With a nearly silent yawn, he makes his way into the darkness of the adjoining hall, eyes landing on the illuminated screen. He doesn’t have to get very close before he sees his wife’s contact photo smiling up at him, along with the time — 9:37 PM.
He takes another drink and picks up the phone, swallowing as he slides to answer. 
“Two guesses to ‘weary’, is it?” Georgia greets, voice thick with mock indignation. “Should I have nicked the knives and bootlaces before we left?”
After a lighthearted tiff about the merits of Wordle integrity, he enjoys a brief goodnight chat with the family — at least, as many of them as she can pull into the periphery of the speaker phone. 
He’s told of the hayride, then of far-too-early Christmas cookies they’d bribed Sandra into helping them bake. There’s a bit of petty bickering in the background between Olive and Doris — clearly, a row that’d begun during the baking process; old wounds now reopened — and David settles their little squabble as quickly as he can, happy he can still prove useful even from clear across London.
After wishing everyone well, he’s rocked with a deep yawn as he crosses into the foyer: a reminder of the limits of his age. It’s bloody difficult staying up late without the energy of others to feed off of, and he decides right then and there that he’ll just go ahead and call it an early evening — sod it with the wine. 
Not much to do aside from watching a bit of telly anyway. He reckons that sounds rather nice.
As soon as he hits the switch to cast the room into darkness, however, his phone buzzes again.
There’s a smirk on his lips as he reaches into his pocket, retrieving a device that’s still warm from his cheek and palm. Probably Ollie looking to regale him with another victory over her younger siblings, if he were to fancy a wager.
As soon as he glances at the screen, he freezes.
It’s so unexpected; such a shock that he forcibly blinks to make sure his eyes aren’t deceiving him. His gaze flicks back and forth over the letters a few times before he finally picks his brain off the ground for long enough to answer, bringing the mobile to his ear, a massive grin already lighting up his face.
“If it isn’t Ms. Billie Piper,” he says, his smile shining through his greeting. Propping his shoulder against the wall, he crosses one ankle over the other. “To what do I owe the pleasure on this dreariest of evenings?”
A few seconds pass in silence where he thinks they might’ve gotten disconnected, but right as he’s about to check, a small, shaking voice comes across.
“Dave,” she says, sniffling. “Erm… Hi, I-I...”
And then, as David's still wrapping his head around hearing her voice again, Billie breaks down. 
His heart crumbles as, with a swift kick, his sudden wondrous mood is knocked out from beneath him, toppling to the floor like a glass off a table. There’s nothing but sobbing on the other line, and the helplessness he feels — the powerlessness — is overwhelming.
“Oh, no no no — what’s happened? What’s wrong?” He licks his dried lips, glancing around as though he might find the solution hanging in mid-air; something to comfort his mate through her fits and starts. “Billie. Talk to me — are you hurt?”
“I-I… I’m sorry, I know this is…” She snivels heavily. “Bloody hell, this is so… s-so stupid, I shouldn’t’ve—”
“Shhh, shhh, c’mon, love — you’re alright.” Setting his mug on a table near the front door, he collapses on his father’s worn leather chair beside it, running his hand back through his hair. “Just — deep breaths, I’m right here….”
More sniveling, more sobbing, and David’s face falls further, to the point that he has to prop an elbow on his knee to press his forehead into his hand. “Oh, Bill.”
“I… was just,” Billie tries again after a moment, “I’ve been — at – at a wedding. M-My mate Candyce, sh-she got… married today.”
Each second of her grief makes his heart plummet a bit further. “Did something happen there?” he asks, a little jolt of panic shuddering through him. In today’s world, you never know what sort of loonies you might encounter at large events. “Is everyone alright?”
“No… I-I mean, yes, they’re — nothing’s… Everyone’s sort of, y’know, fine. Just… It’s John. It’s — h-he and I, we… We, erm…” 
She trails off, her breath shuddering against the mouthpiece.
Another tight clenching in his chest, and David squeezes his eyes shut, pinching the bridge between them. He’s not had a chance to meet this particular bloke of hers, but when he and Billie recorded a podcast in 2020, some words were exchanged off-mic and off-the-record — words regarding more than a bit of trouble in paradise. 
That was three years ago, though. He thought they must have worked it out. 
Not that he thinks about it too much, of course. 
Still, he recognizes that tone. He’d heard it one too many times, once upon another life.
“Where are you?” he asks, and without hesitation, she tells him.
That’s how he learns that Billie Piper is not only in West London — she’s at the Pilot: a bar right there in Chiswick. 
She’s a five-minute walk from his house.
“Stay there,” he says, determined; already on his feet as he turns for the coat hooks. “I’m coming to get you.”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
claimed || alpha!Andy Barber x reader
summary: an interrogation with an alpha is no place to have an unexpected heat.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut (dub con; the reader goes into heat and can’t think clearly enough to say no), a/b/o dynamics, loss of virginity, mentions of misogyny/discrimination against omegas, vague noncon and violence references, kinda housewife kink, possessiveness, breeding kink, praise, overstimulation, knotting, slight bondage (reader is handcuffed), slight pain kink, implied/subtle age gap, pregnancy mention at the end, kinda soft!dark andy but he's really not that dark
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"This would be a lot easier for both of us if you started telling the truth."
You chewed your lip, looking away from the man across from you; it was impossible to keep eye contact when his gaze bore into you like that, when he gave you that stern, dominating look.
Andy Barber was so obviously an alpha, he was one of those types that just reeked of it. Figuratively— with the way he towered over you, his masculine body and strong features— but also literally considering his scent was filling the room now: pine, cinnamon, sage, and something a little bit sweet that made your mouth water.
It made sense for an alpha like him to have a high-powered, high-pressure career like this; he probably got a real kick out of squeezing information out of scared betas who couldn’t stand up to him.
And that was the role you were going to play now, because he was wrong: it would not be easier if you told the truth. If he knew what you really were, you’d be doomed.
You’d been hiding successfully as a beta for a long time by now, and you weren’t about to give it up now, even if it would likely have the charges against you dismissed. Omegas lived sheltered, oppressed lives; sought constantly by alphas, they had their pick of the finest since omegas were so rare, but until mated they were extremely vulnerable— and afterwards they were usually made to be subservient housewives, constantly bearing children as a consequence of their extreme fertility.
Maybe some omegas were okay with that, plenty probably loved that lifestyle since it was sort of the instinctual habit of an omega by nature, but not you. Never you. You wanted a life, a real life, your own life as more than an alpha’s mate. Thankfully you’d found the right mix of suppressants and perfumes to hide your scent, the right work schedule so you could always be home for your rare heats, and voila: to the rest of the world, you were a beta.
Being a beta meant being unnoticed, unacknowledged, never pursued and never courted. And that was exactly how you wanted it.
If Andy Barber knew that the man you’d stabbed was an alpha trying to force himself on you, there was a chance he would understand that it was self-defense and let you go. Then again, a lot of alphas seemed to think that being forced to mate was just par for the course for an omega; surely Andy wouldn’t be one of those types, as a man of the law, right?
“I can’t,” you finally answered.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me,” he assured, some of his anger shifting to a soothing tone. It really did calm you down; he must have been using his ‘alpha voice’ on you, and the fact that it worked should’ve been a red flag but you didn’t notice. “Let’s start from the beginning. You said you were at home but no one has confirmed your alibi. You said you didn’t know the victim but you obviously reacted when I showed you his picture. And, you said you weren’t there at the time of the murder but we found your DNA on the body.”
A little smile pulled at the corner of your lips, exactly not the reaction Andy had been expecting. “You’re lying,” you whispered.
He tensed up as you called his bluff. The DNA found at the scene was in the process of being analysed, sure, but it would be weeks until the results came back. “How can you be so sure?” he pressed.
“Because I.  Wasn’t. There,” you hissed, glaring back at him; he shook his head solemnly..
“No, that’s not it. I can tell when you’re lying, too, you know,” he warned.  “Tell me how you know I don’t have your DNA at the scene?”
“Because… because…” you breathed, blinking a few times as the room started to get warmer. Your head was spinning, your thighs clenched together— and when Andy reached out to rest his hand on yours and ask if you were alright, his touch sent it all into overdrive.
No, no, it wasn't your time yet. It shouldn't have come for a few more days, and you’d arranged to be bailed out tomorrow so you’d go into your cycle safely at home and not in jail. But now it was beginning and you had no way to stop it. Had the smell of an alpha really been enough to start your heat early?
Andy watched you start to pant and sweat with a furrowed brow, unsure what he was witnessing because he’d never had the opportunity to see it before. His ex-wife had been a beta, he'd never even met an omega before— they were quite rare after all.
But what he lacked in experience, he made up for in instinct; his body told him everything he needed to know about what he was seeing. “Omega,” he growled lowly, watching your whole body erupt into shivers at the timbre of his voice.
As far as alphas go, Andy was relatively level-headed, not as preoccupied with instinctual desires to dominate, to claim, to impregnate. A lot of alphas viewed mating with a beta as settling, although it was the much more likely outcome, statistically speaking. Andy, though, never really saw it that way, even knowing how much harder it would be to have a child with a beta. Their fertility was significantly weaker, both the males and the females, and Jacob was the product of years of trying; in all their marriage him and Laurie had never used any contraceptives and she only got pregnant the once.
But an omega? Especially a young one like you? He could knock you up right now, if he wanted. That power was intoxicating. It was exactly what he never knew he needed so badly.
“I don’t need the results of your DNA to know what you are,” he explained firmly. “I can’t believe I didn’t know before— you must have tried really hard to keep it a secret, little one. You must be so afraid of who you are… and who I am, for that matter.  It must scare you to imagine what I could do to you.”
You whimpered, the noise tugging his heart in conflicting directions; to comfort you, or to make you do it again.
“I’m not going to hurt you, if that’s what you think,” he assured. “Not if I can help it…”
Honestly, he wasn’t so sure he would be able to help it; he felt his own sanity slipping as he watched you writhe and cry, instinct overtaking logic in the both of you.
"Alpha, please," you shuddered, the title making his cock harden instantly, uncomfortably filling the trousers of his suit.
"You smell so good," he purred, taking his jacket off as he stood up to cool off a bit. "I can smell your heat, Omega. I bet everyone in the building can—” he glanced to the locked door— “but I'm the only one here."
"Need you," you whined, tugging on the handcuffs that kept you bound to the table.
"Stand up, bend over," he commanded, and he'd barely finished speaking when you'd already done it, bent at the hips with your forearms resting on the table as you waited for him. "Good girl."
He rolled up his sleeves and took his place behind you, caging his body in with yours, nuzzling into your neck to get a deep breath of your scent.
"Fuck, so sweet," he groaned. "Waited so long for this. To feel an Omega on my cock. Never thought it would really happen. Has an Alpha ever taken you before?"
"No, I never… no."
"Not just unclaimed but a virgin. Christ, am I dreaming?"
But he was too far gone to take any more time to appreciate his luck— he needed you now, and he was taking you all for himself.
If he wasn't so overcome with need he wouldn't have thought to tear your clothes off, but now he didn't even think to question the idea, shedding you of your clothes like they were made of paper until you were completely exposed to him, your wet core vulnerable while another wave of your sweet scent filled the room.
"Look at all this," he grinned, kneeling down to lap at your folds and taste your slick. Your eyes rolled back in your head, your channel craving to be filled. "All for me, Omega?"
"Yours, it's all yours…"
"Doesn't it feel good to be claimed, little one? To be owned?"
"S-so good," you agreed. "Want your knot, Alpha. Want your mark."
A growl echoed in his chest when you said that, and he craved nothing more than to bite your neck and bond you to him for life.
But, it would be better if he saved that for a little later.
He stood up again and gave your ass a quick slap— nothing too rough, just enough to make you yelp all cute and whiny— before grabbing your hips to pull them back into his. You gasped and pushed back onto him, shamelessly rubbing yourself against the thick outline of his cock.
"Gonna make a mess on me with all that slick, Omega," he growled, but it was by no means discouragement.
"Want it in me, please," you sobbed. Unable to resist your begging anymore, he hastily opened his belt and fly, sighing with relief when he wrapped his hand around his cock and pulled it out. Your whole body visibly quaked when he swiped the swollen head through your folds, coating himself in your plentiful arousal.
Without any further warning, he pushed his cock in with a loud moan, a cry tearing from your throat as he tore into your body. "Shh," he soothed as his fingers rubbed your spine, "that's my girl, that's my pretty Omega."
But pain wasn't really your issue; it hurt, yes, but what made you cry was that you were already on the edge, about to come from hardly anything. When he thrusted once, you lost it and your legs quivered as a new wave of slick started to dribble down them.
"Are you coming?" he asked darkly.
You could only nod, biting your lip to try to keep from moaning too loudly.
"Oh my god…" he groaned, amazed at how sensitive you were. Clearly he wasn't the only one realizing how powerful and incredible it could be when an alpha and omega mated.
He started to really pound into you then, each brutal thrust knocking you forward.
"Feels good when you come for me, Omega. Do it again."
You couldn't help yourself; his voice had complete control over your body, his words a command you were helpless to resist. With a broken whimper you came again, walls squeezing his cock in a weak and stuttered rhythm.
"It's better than they say it is. Even better than I imagined. So fucking good," he sighed. It felt so right, that was the thing. It felt like your body was made to be claimed and owned by him.
"Want your knot," you whined, "please, Alpha—"
"If I give you my knot, you're mine. My Omega. You will never allow another Alpha to touch you. You will not speak to another Alpha, look at another Alpha, even Betas are off-limits. When I bite you, you'll be bonded to me and become my wife, you'll never disobey me or leave me. When I knot you, you'll give me a child. Is all of that perfectly clear?"
It was everything you'd wanted to avoid just an hour ago. Now it was your greatest dream come true. "Yes, Alpha. Yours, Alpha."
"Want to be bred, Omega? Bred by your Alpha?"
"Please!" you sobbed.
"Then keep coming and I'll let you have it soon," he promised. "I'll give you all my come like you need so badly."
You whimpered as your walls seemed to try to suck him in deeper, gripping him so tight that it made his head spin. Orgasm after orgasm washed over you, too many and too numb to count, each part of you slowly stripped away and replaced with pure, all-consuming pleasure.
The base of his cock began to swell and you mewled proudly— that is, until, it just kept growing and you couldn't imagine taking anymore.
"P-pull it out," you begged instead.
"I told you that you would take my knot, was I not clear?"
But you hadn't realized how big it would get, how far it would stretch you— and it was still going. "It hurts, Alpha, please!"
"You'll get used to it, gonna keep it in you all night and give it to you every day so you'll have plenty of practice. Take my fucking knot while I come inside you and breed your cunt."
When his knot finally grew to its full potential, streams of hot come began to fill you, deeper than you had ever imagined possible. It was overwhelming, apparently unending, and one final orgasm rocked your body as you milked his cock for all it was worth.
He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close and soothing you as you shivered and cried, his kisses trailing up your shoulder to your neck where, finally, he sunk his teeth into your skin and left his mark on you.
Your walls quivered around him at the feeling of being claimed, mated for life. In that moment you didn't notice or care that it was to a man you barely knew; he was your Alpha now, that was all that mattered.
He kissed and licked over the sensitive bitemark, whispering praises your ringing ears couldn't quite process yet.
At least you were getting bailed out a day early.
Andy kept his promise about exactly how owned you would be. For the first few months you didn't even leave the house, he was too busy filling you with his cock every day. Although he was happy to claim you anywhere he happened to find you— the shower where he hopped in randomly, the kitchen where he bent you over the counter, the living room where he pinned you onto the couch— his favorite place was the bed. It was rougher and more animalistic in the other places, but in bed he was possessive in an entirely different way.
"My wife, my sweet little wife," he whispered in your ear as he slowly thrust all the way into you, making your back arch until your chest pushed against his. "My Omega. All mine."
"Yours," you agreed.
The protectiveness increased tenfold when your scent changed during pregnancy, even more when you started showing; he was obsessed with the way you looked full of his baby.
As for you, omega life was better than you'd expected. At times you felt smothered by him, but simultaneously you felt worshipped and loved like you never thought you could deserve. He certainly spoiled you, though he expected your unwavering loyalty in return.
That part was easy, though. Love, not fear, kept you in check when other alphas had a wandering eye. They knew you were mated, the bitemark scar (which Andy never, ever let you cover) and ring (which Andy never, ever let you take off) were sign enough along with the change in your scent to them. Occasionally one would shoot his shot and get unilaterally rejected by you before getting his ass kicked by your husband. If only they knew what you'd done to the last alpha that tried to creep on you; how you met Andy in the first place.
In the end, maybe it wasn't so bad to fall into your instincts, your natural role in society. Andy sure made it pretty enjoyable with the way he brought you to the height of pleasure over and over every night. "Mine," he promised you in deep whispers, "from the moment I saw you."
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c-r-ash-crash · 3 years
Grian awoke to bright sunlight and warm summer air. He stretched languidly, noticing there was soft grass beneath him. Distantly, he wondered if he had fallen asleep in front of his main base. Oh well, wouldn’t be the first time. He rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. Then, with a start, he realized he couldn’t hear the sounds of parrots or goats, or any other sounds that usually filled boatem.
He opened his eyes, blearily, sitting up to look around. He was in a small field, a copse of trees off to the right and a bedrock platform embedded into the ground a few feet in front of him. An enchanter sat in the very center, but otherwise, the area was empty. Where was he? “No idea,” a familiar voice said. He glanced up to see Ren standing on the opposite side of the bedrock platform.
He whirled around and noticed that he was part of a circle of players surrounding the bedrock platform. He could see Scar, Impulse, Martyn, Jimmy, Scott, Cleo, Bdubs, Etho, Tango, Joel, BigB, and Skizz. And of course, there was him and Ren.
Scott swore under his breath. “Grian, I thought you said you shut down the server!” Grian’s brow furrowed. “What are you talking about?” Then he realized what Scott meant. Everyone here had also been on...instinctively, Grian glanced down at his wrist to check how many lives he had. “Don’t be red. Don’t be red,” he begged. Instead the skin on the inside of his wrist was blank. “We don’t have lives,” Grian said, almost stupidly. There was a scramble as everyone checked their own wrists. Theirs too were blank. No one knew whether to be relieved or scared.
“Slightly more important thing right now,” Bdubs said. “Scott’s right, Grian. You said you shut this server down. How are we back?” “I don’t know,” Grian said, frantically wracking his brain for anyway things could have gone wrong. He came up blank. “I don’t know,” he repeated. “I shut it down. Guys, I swear, I shut the server down. We shouldn’t be here.” “Except this isn’t the same server,” Etho said, startling everybody. “Look. We’re at spawn. And last I remember, there wasn’t bedrock at spawn. Or an enchanter for that matter. And all the biomes are completely different.” “He’s right,” Jimmy said. “This isn’t the same place.”
“Where are we then?” Tango asked. No one had an answer, but in his heart, Grian knew. The first time around, the universe had wanted a game. And now, it wanted a second round. He could tell by the looks in everyone’s eyes that they were thinking the same.
“What do we do?” Ren asked, ears pressed flat against his head. “We...we could stay together,” Impulse suggested timidly. “Rich coming from you,” Martyn muttered under his breath. Everyone chose to ignore him. “I mean, we don’t have lives anymore,” BigB said. “It might not be the worst idea.” “Don’t jinx it,” Cleo grumbled. “Knowing how the universe works, this round’ll be a lot more twisted than the last time. I wouldn’t bet on not having lives. This stupid server is probably just keeping us in suspense. More fun that way. For all we know, we’ll have even fewer lives to start with.” “Cleo’s got a point,” Tango said. “It might make more sense to split up for now.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Okay, can someone please explain what the heck is going on?” a new voice broke in. Grian whirled around to see Lizzie, Pearl, and Mumbo standing at the edge of the group. “Oh no,” he muttered under his breath. “Not you. Please not you.” “Lizzie,” Joel whispered. “No, no, no, no, no. Please. Not her.” Grian turned to face the heavens and recited every swear word he knew, cursing the universe for making him live this nightmare again, cursing it for taking his friends as sacrifices.
“Griba, what’s going on?” Pearl said firmly. For a moment, no one said anything. Then, Scar said quietly, “Pearl, Mumbo, remember that server I told you about? The one where everyone only had three lives?” Pearl and Mumbo nodded slowly, then their eyes widened in horror as they realized what Scar meant. “Surely...” Mumbo swallowed. “You can’t mean that’s what this place is, can you?” The grim looks on everyone’s faces said enough. “Oh, no,” Lizzie murmured. “I’m going to get us out of here,” Grian said, voice shaking more than he cared to admit. “I promise. For now, we need to get far, far away from each other.”
The veteran members murmured their assent. Then, as if one, they turned heel, and began walking in the opposite direction. After a moment, Lizzie, Pearl, and Mumbo followed suit.
Grian had been exploring the server, looking for a place to set up camp when a small chime reverberated through his skull. He stopped dead in his tracks. Words floated in front of his eyes. “You have...” They hovered there for a moment, but then with another chime, they changed to read: “2 lives.” Grian pulled back the sleeve of his sweater to see two yellow hearts tattooed onto his wrist. “...Crap.”
Scar had just finished climbing a tree, when he heard the chime. “You have...” the text read. “6 lives.” Scar’s brow furrowed. He should have only had three lives. How had he ended up with double that amount. Not that he was complaining, but even with the game having gone so wrong the first time, the server shouldn’t be this glitched. He glanced down to see six dark green hearts inked onto his wrist anyways.
Martyn was harvesting wood when the chime sounded. His heart sank as the text appeared. “You have...” Silence echoed through the forest. “4 lives.” “What?” he muttered, as four dark green hearts etched themselves onto his wrist. “How? I’m only supposed to have three.” Before he could ponder it further, his stomach growled, and he set off to find food.
Scott had been hunting a cow when the chime startled him out of his hiding place. “You have...” the text appeared. “2 lives.” “Oh no,” he whispered. He needed gear. Now.
Jimmy had been exploring the server, looking for a high vantage point when the chim rang out. “You have...2 lives.” “Not again.” Distantly, he wondered where Scott was.
Impulse was gathering up splintered pieces of wood when the chime startled him. The wood went crashing to the ground. “You have...3 lives.” So Cleo had been right. Impulse went back to gathering his wood.
Etho and Bdubs were gathering resources when they heard the chime. “You have...4 lives,” the text read for Bdubs. Quietly, he pulled his sleeve further over his wrist and the four dark green hearts that appeared there. “You have...4 lives” the text read for Etho. He pulled a strip of cloth from his jacket and wound it around his wrist. No point letting anyone else know he had an advantage.
Cleo stopped in her tracks when she saw the text. “You have...two lives.” “Oh, this is so bad,” she muttered under her breath, picking up her pace as she looked for shelter.
Tango had been harvesting wood when he heard the chime. “You have...6 lives.” He was too elated by the prospect of the extra breathing room that he didn’t bother to ponder how it was possible to have more than three lives.
BigB had been standing by the riverside when the text appeared. “You have...3 lives.” “Guess Cleo was right,” he murmured. “I suppose I oughta get geared up.”
Skizz waited patiently as the text decided his fate. “You have...3 lives.” Well, at least he knew what to expect this time.
Joel sat down on the edge of the mountain, and waited for the text to tell him what horrors the universe had in store for this round. “You have...5 lives.” “Oh, five,” he said, wondering whether everyone else had the same amount of lives. Slowly, five dark green hearts appeared on his wrist.
Lizzie’s hand traced along the world border, but she stopped as a loud chime rang through her skull. “You have...” floating green text read in front of her eyes. “4 lives.” What did that mean?
Pearl pushed the branch out of her way, but startled by the chime, she let it hit her in the face. “You have...6 lives.” That was good, right? Lots of lives meant a chance to live longer. Six dark green hearts etched themselves into the skin of her wrist. Six lives was good, right?
Mumbo gathered leaves together, using tree bark to tie them into a makeshift sack. He stopped when the chime sounded however. “You have...4 lives.” “Alright!” he exclaimed. After all, four lives was good. Maybe everyone had just been overreacting when they had joined the server. Mumbo certainly hoped they’d been overreacting.
Now, the game had begun anew, and the universe watched with glee as the players began to move into place.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Hello again! I know that you aren't taking requests at the moment, and might be awhile until then but I want to ask you this. Can you one where MC turns into a child, but can only remember things from that age. For example, turning 5 you only have your 5 year old memories. And the things they remember are bad since they had a abusive past? So they would be scared of the brothers and flinch to small things because if this. Thanks!
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w/ scared child!MC
TW: Mentions of Past Abuse
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- As if his blood pressure wasn’t high enough already
- He gets a call from MC’s teacher in their Curses 101 class and is informed that MC made a mistake and is with Diavolo in his office
- He storms to Diavolo’s office with the intent to rip MC a new one, but is surprised when he yells their name as he slams the door open and is met with a crying toddler cowering in the corner
- He picks up the child recognizing it as MC and tries to soothe them, and succeeds much to everyone’s surprise
- The paternal instincts he had with Satan come back and he is ready to keep MC safe until the curse has run it’s course
- He brings them back to the House of Lamentation, wrapping them under his coat against his chest to hide them from his brothers who were sure to cause some sort of mischief
- He texts his brothers to inform them that MC has agreed to stay in the castle tonight to hang out with Diavolo to prevent them from looking for them
- He gives MC some blank paper and sets them on the ground away from his desk with some crayons
- He focuses on paper work as MC starts to get more comfortable with him and starts babbling to themselves about random things and coloring 
- When he sees one of his paperwork stacks fall he gets annoyed and stands up to scold MC, but when he sees they’re crying and cowering away from him he leans down and starts picking up the papers quietly
- He reaches a hand out and MC flinches and starts to cry more as they apologize, but are shocked when he just gives them a pat on the head
- Eventually when MC gets sleepy he lets them sit on his lap while he does paperwork
- He goes into his demon form once they are fast asleep and wraps his wings protectively around them as he stares down at their baby cheeks as little snores come from them
- He wonders about their past and why they would act the way they do and he rests his chin on his head with both his wings and his arms around them as he falls asleep as well
- He falls asleep imagining having a kid with MC and how he would protect both of them from everything that comes their way
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- He was the reason it happened
- He was bored and trying to get MC’s attention during potions class, and MC got annoyed when he refused to stop poking their cheek, so they swing at his hand that then knocked into the unfinished potion which tipped over, resulting in a tiny MC appearing before him
- All the demons around them looked hungry at the sight of an innocent human child, so Mammon immediately wrapped them up in his jacket (since they didn’t exactly fit in their own clothes anymore..) and sprints back home
- The second he steps in the door, MC swings their foot at his no no square and sprints away screaming and crying
- He sprints after them, capturing the squirming toddler with ease as he brings them to the kitchen and sets them on the counter
- He starts to dig through the fridge- usually if human children are fussy they want food right ?!
- He tries to feed MC, who sits there petrified by the food they present
- So he goes to Leviathan, the only person who would have human world food
- Levi yells at Mammon the second he comes into his room holding MC’s tiny hand
- When Leviathan stands up looking ready to fight, Mammon feels tiny hands clinging to his jeans, trembling with fear
- He remembers MC once mentioned their childhood not being too great as they had showed him a small scar from their past
- He goes into protection mode and transforms, wrapping MC up with his wings to shelter them from the raging snake boy
- “Don’t ya worry, kiddo! You’ve got the GREAT Mammon here, and my wings will shield us from the raging nerd!” he entertains them
- After getting some candy from Levi, he brings MC, who seems to be warming up to him, to his room, where they find fascination in his prized possessions
- He panics when he sees them run to his car and climb in the driver’s seat
- He follows them and sits in the passenger’s seat, buckling up as they pretend to drive super fast and furious
- He plays along with them and for the rest of the night he does stuff like making them “fly” and playing pretend
- At one point he takes them for a real fly, which ends with Lucifer hanging him from the ceiling for endangering the exchange student and not informing him of the mishap
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- He had been doing online classes when he heard noises from the kitchen
- He left class early, opting to investigate to see if some normie had broken into the dorms
- When he arrived and saw a small child in the kitchen rummaging through drawers and making a mess, he screeches
- MC falls over, crying and wailing begging him not to hurt them
- He was still unaware that it was MC- so he ran to MC’s room, knowing they had stayed home sick that day and dedicated their sick day to practicing curses
- No MC is found and he panics even more
- That’s when he realizes why the fear in the kid’s eyes looked so familiar, he had recognized those fearful eyes from the TSL quiz when he lost his temper
- He sprints back and sees MC had fled the kitchen, lucky for him they left a trail of the food they’d spilled on themselves
- He finds MC hiding under the sofa in the common room, covering their eyes and shaking
- He gently reaches out and flinches back as they scream at the feeling of his touch
- He gently lays next to the couch and looks at them, leaving them alone until hey calm down, not wanting to scare them more
- When they do calm down he asks if they know him, to which they respond no and that they had honestly thought he was their dad
- His heart breaks as he realizes what MC must’ve been through if they heard yelling and could barely look long enough to realize he wasn’t their dad before they felt they had to run and hide
- He makes a mental note to cast a curse on MC’s dad later
- Does NOT want them in his room because of his precious Ruri-chan figurines
- So he tells them to stay put and runs to grab some of his older action figures he didn’t really care for anymore
- Will also dress up with them using older cosplays that he also does not care much for
- Humiliated when his brothers see him and the child dressed up as anime girls, so he picks them up and runs 
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- When he is tutoring MC he hears them misspeak and before he knows it a small child stands before him, blinking up at him before screaming “stranger danger!” and sprinting away
- He chases them around his room, doing his best to guide them to avoid his cursed books, and eventually corners them
- When he catches them by the wrist they scream and look at him with terror in their eyes
- This is where he remembers a late night talk MC had with him about their childhood and he suddenly feels very guilty
- He sits on the ground and picks up the most child friendly book he can find and starts reading out loud
- MC slowly inches towards him until he extends out his arm, beckoning them to come sit with him
- MC runs to his lap and sits, hiding their face in his chest and clutching his shirt as if they’re afraid he’ll get mad
- He gently plays with their hair and reads to them for an hour or so until he hears soft snoring
- He tucks MC into his bed before getting up and trying to find a way to lift the curse
- While reading through a curse removal book he hears screaming from the other side of the room, so he runs out from behind his multiple book cases and sees Lucifer holding a screaming and crying MC with a look of anger and confusion
- Lucifer turns to question Satan but before words can leave his mouth Satan has flung him against the book case while removing MC from his hold and sheltering them from Lucifer
- He tells Lucifer to get out as he cradles the crying child holding onto him for dear life and is a little shocked- but very relieved -when Lucifer leaves and only says “fix this and then find me so we can talk.”
- Satan is very very protective over MC and is constantly holding their hand and stuff
- When he finds out the curse will lift itself after about 24 hours of it having been cast he is relieved
- He will play with MC and teach them stuff all night and locks his bedroom door so they won’t see anyone else and get scared again because he just wants them to feel safe
- After MC falls asleep and he tucks them in he watches their sleeping face with a soft smile and can’t help but wonder if he and MC would have kids as cute as MC in the future
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- Asmodeus is NOT a fan of kids don’t @ me
- The avatar of lust was shocked when he walked into MC’s room and found a toddler on the floor that looked eerily similar
- At first he would think of MC as snotty and messy and gross kid that he didn’t want anywhere near him so he’d be scolding them and telling them to go away
- When he looks down at the tiny human after telling them to just leave him alone very harshly he is shocked to see the terror on their face as they step back slowly as if bracing for impact
- Confused he goes to pick them up so that he can talk to them easier
- They kick and scream at him looking horrified of whatever he was about to do next
- He panics and tries to soothe them by holding them close and petting their head slowly and gently
- Once they calm down he is able to think clearly and realizes it must’ve had something to do with their childhood as he knew they had once said it wasn’t a good one
- He decides to put his own joy aside for the day by allowing them to hangout with him no matter how snotty and gross children may be
- He plays dress up with them and will do karaoke with them
- Whenever one of his brothers does anything that frightens MC he will be picking MC up to bring them back to his room before he goes back out there to have a bit of a “talk” with his rowdy brothers.
- He eventually falls asleep with them on his chest sighing happily and overwhelmed by the happiness he felt at getting to see MC as a child
- The experience made him start to want kids, which he had never wanted before
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- When MC turns into a small human child he has to leave the room for a minute so he won’t eat them since they’re so small and vulnerable
- When he comes back and finds the contents of the fridge have been thrown about the room by the child he is like WTFFFF
- He goes Demon form seeing all the food ruined and MC screams and cries running away toward the door
- When the door opens to reveal Levi (who screams at the sight of a tiny MC) MC gets even more scared at the fact they’re surrounded by strangers
- MC hides in a cabinet covering their ears and squeezing their eyes shut waiting for someone to come pull them out 
- When Beel reaches in to pull them out gently MC flinches and lets out a loud sob
- “I’m sorry for making a mess I promise I’ll be good please don’t hurt me!” MC cries scooting further against the back wall of the cabinet
- He tries to coax MC out of the cabinet
- When he does he picks them up and hugs them softly 
- Beel decides to play with MC and wear them out so they will eventually fall asleep
- He takes them outside and they play in the back yard for hours 
- Eventually chasing after the toddler wears out Beel and he falls asleep on the couch in the living room
- MC sits on top of him and watches TV before screaming because Devildom TV is very scary to a human child
- He is very good at comforting them 
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- He was asleep when it happened
- He woke up to tiny hands pulling at his hair as he yelped out in pain
- He pushed whatever had attacked him off the bed and shoots up - making eye contact with the small human
- He had to be dreaming, theres no way the human actually managed to mess up a spell this badly
- Is reminded that he is in fact NOT dreaming when MC moves to pull at his hair again
- He curses and pushes them off again which makes them cry
- Annoyed with MC, he picks them up and puts them next to him in the bed, urging MC not to pull his hair again
- They do though because they are a child and don’t really understand the situation they’re in
- When he yells MC flinches and runs away crying for their mom to help them
- He suddenly remembers everything MC had told him about their childhood and he feels very very guilty
- feels even worse when they return being carried by a very pissed off Lucifer who is humiliated to have the child referring to him as “mommy”
- Belphie can’t help but laugh as Lucifer looks ready to strangle the child, so he takes MC and uses his powers to make them fall asleep quickly- hoping that they’ll sleep over whatever they had cursed themselves with
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
hit us with that unhinged garashir nonsense
Garak's modus operandi as a parent is to take what Tain did and then try to do the opposite of that, which occasionally has some very... interesting results. He's the "do you need me to get you out of this?" parent. He only knows how to express love through acts of service. Or rather, he thinks he only knows how to express love through acts of service. He doesn't see the other things that he does for the children as things that children need and that his children want from him. All he knows is that there's some driving instinct telling him to give them what Tain withheld from him but the only way his broken brain can conceive of security and safety is by providing muscle and the means of extraction. He gives them panic buttons and puts GPS trackers under their skin. There is no where so far from his reach that he won't be able to save them.
When like, yes the children will always know he has their back, it doesn't matter what they did or how much trouble they're in, they know Papa has done worse and will get them out of it. They can always come home. There is nothing they can do that is so bad that they can't be forgiven--something that he learned from Julian, and tried to make apart of himself as he learned how to love in a way that was not to his own detriment or self-injury.
The children know that.
But I'm also imagining the children going off-world for university or work and realizing that clothes off the rack are garbage. The pockets are trash. Zippers? Also trash. Buttons? Terrible quality. What do you mean this fabric isn't 100% organic? And it's not stain resistant? Absolutely grumbling and making Garak teach them how to sew and tailor their own clothes and coming back when they need to Look Right and be Put Together because he just makes their clothes for them their entire childhoods. They've never not looked well-kept and loved and clean and warm. Their hair has always been brushed and braided, their faces and fingernails always scrubbed clean before bed. Garak doesn't necessarily think about all the things Mila did for him, but those are the things he passes down to his children and they're the things they remember the most fondly. The things they miss about him when they're separated.
They miss that he'll never react when they need to have an outburst, or he'll rant and rave with them when they need to rant and rave. They miss their Papa who will always take in a jacket or hem their dress or nip in the waist of their trousers or darn a hole or re-seam a sleeve without asking. Who cooks without asking if they're hungry, who makes them do their homework. Who tells stories and rewrites ugly parts of their personal histories and glances over embarrassing moments. Who lets them play spy games and hides clues around the house and teaches them how to break cyphers and pick his own pockets.
Garak and Julian are constantly trying to regulate between their control issues and enmeshment issues and codependent tendencies because the kind of closeness they were raised with was not safe and was not healthy but no one has ever showed them another way. Babies get worn and toddlers get held and children crawl into bed after nightmares.
Julian has a tendency to shut Garak out and become obsessive when one of the children gets sick -- he's a doctor, he has to be able to fix this and if he can't make them better then why is he even their father? Garak will always struggle with what's actually age appropriate to expect of your children, what's healthy to communicate with them at their ages, what do they need to know to grow up to be functioning adults. Sometimes it's a pendulum swing between sheltering them and exposing them to too much, too soon.
They both have cycles where they're aware they're working too much but can't do anything to really stop it, burning out, and letting the guilt eat at them for awhile about being away from the children for too long and not being present enough or not being present in the correct manner. They both have a tendency to smother. They both have a tendency to retreat a little too much. They both struggle to find the middle ground at times.
Their children end up a little neurotic, for sure, but definitely less fucked up than them. Which is sometimes the best that you can hope for.
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Jumping in head first
Shangqi x Reader
A/N: This was actually written before the others but not sure why I put it at the back. Been writing a bit more platonic imagines but I always welcome a different interpretation when you read it! To give a bit of context, reader is also an Avenger but she joined later and Shangqi is like the older protective brother? Because I just think that trope is neat. Anyways, hope this idea of mine is engaging as it was in my mind and as always, like and comment if you wish! Appreciate the support! 
Genre: PG 13
Warning: Profanity, blood, the usual when I attempt to write an action sequence? 
A gunshot rang throughout the department store. Shit. You were still in there. Shangqi races inside, battling against the throngs of shoppers who were desperately trying to get out.
You lifted the little boy up, sprinting away from the sound with all your might. Think (y/n), you tell yourself. Frantically gazing around the deserted store, you decided to hide the boy in a changing room that was neatly tucked in a corner. You removed your jacket, wrapping it around the boy. How nice, you and Shangqi had decided to go to the nearby mall to grab burgers from the new burger joint that had opened before heading to the Avengers compound to train and this had to happen. 
‘Hey… hey, don’t be afraid ok? I’ll make sure to come back for this.’ You tried to assure the poor boy. It seemed to do the trick as he managed to calm down. Shutting the door, you peeked out into the open to make sure the coast was clear. You had to direct attention away from this floor. As you turned left to the now stationary escalator, you saw a mannequin at the children’s section. Perfect.
You pushed the mannequin down the escalator, resulting in a large crash the level below. That was going to leave some lasting damage. ‘Someone’s downstairs!’ You could hear the pairs of heavy boots going down to the second level. Good. Now you just needed to see how many assholes were there to carry out your attack. Making sure to keep a safe distance, you went into a crouching position behind a wall, whipping out your phone camera.
Two… Four… Five of them. You were pretty tall yourself but these guys had boulders for bodies. You were starting to think if this plan of yours was just straight up reckless. Before you could decide on your next move, a hand clamps on your shoulder, bringing you down. ‘What the-oomph! Shangqi!’ You gasp. ‘The hell you doing here?’
‘Saving your ass clearly! What were you thinking?’ Shangqi glances up to see the assailants before turning to look at you. ‘The boy’s safe. I managed to get him out. We can engage freely. But minimum damage please.’
You rolled my eyes at him, ‘Says the guy who caused a bus to be chopped in half.’
‘You know that wasn’t me!’ He hisses back. Ignoring the noise of indignation he made, you scanned the area again. It was as if higher beings were looking out for the two of you, only two of the assailants remained while the rest spread themselves out within the level. The both of you were thinking the same thing - you and him and to take down each assailant within record time to prevent any unwanted attention.
Signing to Shangqi, the both of you treaded carefully down the escalator, each taking a side of the walkway surrounding a store selling prams. You signaled to him using your fingers. On three, strike immediately. Three…two…one!
You launched at the unsuspecting man in front of you, knocking him off balance. Before he could react, I wrapped myself around his left leg, forearms surrounding his ankle in a tight grip. ‘Don’t move unless you want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life boy.’ The masked assailant whimpers, quickly taking of his mask. He was no more than 16. ‘Alright, I surrender! Please don’t hurt me!’
I stare hard at him. He reminds me to much of the kids that I volunteer with at the shelter. What is his story? ‘Fine, tell me who’s your boss and why is he making you do this?’
‘I swear, for real - I don’t know. All I know is that some guy in a suit and sunglasses came to me and my friends and offered us a heck load of cash if we help to pull of some heist.’
I turn to Shangqi as if hoping the had some answers which he did. Being an Avenger didn’t just consist of battling a genocidal titan. It also meant that they were spread out across the country, lending a hand to the local police. ‘It’s probably the local gangs crawling around Chinatown. They gets kids like them to do heist like these and use the money to fund illegal activities.’ 
‘What kind?’
‘You don’t want to know,’
‘What kind,’ I emphasized again, not taking no for an answer. If kids like the boy were in danger, there needed to be something done. Shangqi sighs, ‘Drug smuggling, prostitution, organ harvesting. This is just the tip of the iceberg.’
My blood ran cold. Grabbing a rope from the mannequin donned in sports climbing gear, I tied the boy to the metal grills. ‘Don’t try anything funny.’
The two us proceeded to follow the remaining assailants. My brain was in overdrive, full of rage. ‘Can’t believe such lowlifes are allowed to run around San Francisco freely,’ I muttered under my breath, ‘don’t try to stop me.’ 
Shangqi ascends the steps of the escalator together with me, ‘Who said anything about stopping? Just try not to kill them okay? We still need them for interrogation.’ 
‘Can’t promise you that.’ 
Exactly an hour later, the two of us are standing together with a rookie officer who was taking Shangqi’s statement. I keep my eyes on the entrance where first responders were wheeling out stretchers of the injured. I happen to see the little boy who gave me a small wave in thanks. At least my injured shoulder was worth it. 
‘Fucking bitch!’ The last stretcher rolled out from the shopping mall with one of the assailants who was pointing furiously at me. ‘That bitch broke my ankle!’ 
I should have been shocked by the outburst and perhaps slightly embarrassed that tons of onlookers were staring at me. To my credit, it was the opposite - a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance at his behavior. My natural instincts were now controlling me. Striding towards his stretcher, I held a hand out to the medic to give me a minute before grabbing him by his bloodied shirt. 
‘Listen here you piece of shit,’ I kept my voice low to prevent any onlookers from picking up on the situation but loud enough for Shangqi to hear. ‘I’m willing to break more than just your ankle for what you did to those kids. You better spill everything to the police before I break more than just your ankle.’ To send my point across, my eyes playfully roamed down his body. He definitely left on the ambulance traumatized. 
‘Woah don’t burn me,’ Shangqi raises his hands playfully as he approaches me. ‘I don’t have to worry about you anymore huh?’ 
You rolled your eyes at him, ‘What can I say? I’m looking to outshine you one day!’
On cue, the same rookie officer bounds up to us, out of breath. ‘Mister uh-Shangqi, Miss Y/N, I just got another alert from my officer, there’s another attack in one of the financial buildings - we have reason to believe it’s the same group.’
We gave each other knowing looks. It was going to be a longer day than usual. ‘Well, the trip to the compound just got cancelled,’ Shangqi stretches his arms, as if gearing up for a boxing match.
‘Works for me, I have a lot to say to these assholes.’
‘Always jumping in head first huh?’
‘You know me too well!’
A/N: Wow! Legit came up with this during work hours so I’m not sure if my ending was ok? Hope you didn’t get bored reading up till here but if you did, thank you! It’s mid week and then I just have three more weeks left till this god damn placement ends. Until then, stay tuned! 
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myfearless-love · 3 years
89 for deckerstar please
I am so ASHAMED for taking this long with this one. Also, warning: this is a long one. I hope you like it! :)
89. "Mmm...you're warm."
Freezing, fingers turning blue cold.
That's the first thing she becomes aware of after gaining consciousness. Her head is throbbing, and she feels dizzy and on the side of her temple, there's something warm trickling down...up?
What the hell is going on?
She tries lifting her hand to wipe at her face, but sharp pain shots through her shoulder at the movement, and she lets out a small whimper. The seat belt is digging into her sides and she still can't open her eyes in fear of emptying the contents of her stomach.
She tries desperately to recollect her memories, but her mind is all kinds of fuzzy and the only thing she can remember is that she's probably somewhere near Lake Arrowhead and is supposed to drop by the local sheriff's station for a joint case.
After a minute or so, she's also able to recall the heavy snowing hitting her halfway through her journey and the radio warning her to seek shelter.
And that damned deer jumping in front of her car.
And after that, darkness.
She needs to get out of this wreck. Fast. Or she's going to die of hypothermia in the next hour.
The only problem with this particular plan is that she can't really get her body to cooperate, and her legs are already starting to feel numb from the cold. Oh, and she's also upside down, and she must have bruised her shoulder pretty bad, making it almost impossible to free herself from her seatbelt.
She tries not to panic, tries not to think of what happens if she can't find a way out and somewhere warm. She can't think about how they are going to find her cold and injured dead body, about how Dan or Trixie would feel, about how…
About Lucifer.
The thought of him sends a wave of guilt down her spine. The last time they had any interaction was more than four months ago when she flat out declared she doesn't want to work with him anymore.
Through a text.
Not in so many words, but her "I need time and space. Away from you" was probably just as clear as a bottle of vodka.
After that, she ignored his many calls and voicemails, even going as far as hiding in the evidence closet room when he attempted to catch her at the precinct. Because really, how do you deal with finding out your partner is actually the Devil, Lord of Hell? They don't make textbooks for this.
A part of her is still in shock at the revelation, but if she's honest with herself, another, bigger part of her that had some time to process all the biblical nonsense that is apparently true, had already come to terms with this knowledge. She just needed a little time away from him and to rant her mouth dry, preferably to someone with a psychology degree.
It was both uplifting and infuriating to learn that Linda is also part of the In The Know club. Chloe was angry at first because clearly, Lucifer trusted the doctor more than his partner slash almost girlfriend. But Linda helped her a lot in realizing why he actually held this particular information from her.
Why he only voiced the truth but deliberately showed her no evidence.
She basically proved all his fears right.
She has long since regretted her behavior following the weeks after the showdown with Pierce.
But before she could fall deeper into the great abyss that is her guilt, her survival instincts take over at her body temperature dropping rapidly and having little to no strength to drag herself free from the car. Her shoulder is still throbbing like crazy, her head is spinning and she sees double when she attempts to open her eyes. True panic is rising high in her throat and when her adrenaline level finally reaches its threshold, she finally manages to free herself from the seatbelt and tries to soften her fall with her good arm.
She still lands with a thud on the roof of her car and tries to hold back a cry with little to no success. She waits for the pain to pass, or at least until it becomes bearable, before reaching for the door handle. She pushes at it, but it doesn't even budge. She tries it again and again, and with a frustrated sigh, she realizes it's stuck.
Change of tactics.
She tries to bring her leg up to the window, gives it a forceful kick at the glass with her boots, and soon understands that either she's too weak to cause even a slight crack or she's literally buried under the snow and it's not just a thin veil of white powder coating the glass.
Which would explain why the temperature is dropping so rapidly and why she can barely feel her fingers anymore.
She looks around for something sharp, anything to at least make a tiny crack on the glass, and then maybe she can shatter all the way and crawl out and away.
To survive.
She looks and searches but there's nothing within her reach, her gun flew off somewhere in the vehicle and her badge is at the other side of the car, but she's unable to move more than a few inches in her cramped state.
And that's when she lets the tears fall and the realization hits her.
She's going to die.
She feels the incredible tiredness taking over her, first her limbs, then her eyes and mind. And then she starts to pray.
She prays to Dan to not be angry at her for going alone for this case, to take care of Trixie, and not let her grief consume her.
She prays to Trixie to be well and have a happy, long life without her.
She prays to her mother to be strong, to keep it together for herself and her granddaughter.
And finally, she prays to Lucifer. To forgive her for shutting him out, for not accepting him. To carry on with his life and not grieve her passing.
And before her brain shuts off completely, she could swear she hears a rustling noise and metal squeaking, but she's also almost certain it's just her withering mind playing tricks on her. Or it's the first step towards Heaven or Hell. Probably Hell.
And then the darkness finally takes her.
˘. . . ° . . . ˘
When she opens her eyes, all she can see is white, white, white, and she's almost convinced she just touched down in Heaven. She doesn't know how much time has passed, or if there is a time at all. But one thing she knows is that she's not supposed to feel any pain in her eternal rest and her shoulder is still killing her, the slight slash at her temple is still throbbing with every heartbeat.
You are supposed to feel happy and whole in Heaven, right? Isn't that the whole point?
Which means she's probably in Hell.
That would explain why she is jostling around like she's in some kind of weird rollercoaster, why she still feels awful and achy, and about to empty her stomach. And then cold, bitter wind and snowflakes hit her face, making her shiver and tremble during her hellish rollercoaster ride.
"Oh God," she lets out as another wave of nausea shots through her battered body and something tightens around her back and legs.
"Not yet, Detective. Not for a long time if I have anything to do with it," says an accented voice above her that is dreadfully similar to Lucifer's. She chances a glance up, just enough that she doesn't have to lift her head since she's already in a weird position, and catches sight of a familiar stubbled jaw and cheek. Those oh-so-captivating dark brown eyes lock with hers for a millisecond before he quickly averts his gaze.
She doesn't know what he means, but there's a slight grimace contorting his graceful features. She would very much like to chase it away and give him his usual teasing smile back. But just him being near her is something she never thought she would have again and maybe, if he stays, being dead isn't so bad after all.
And then a realization hits her. Lucifer is here. He is the Devil. And he is carrying...flying her? She almost lets out a loud gasp as she notices that the whooshing sounds are his giant white wings, and the roller coaster feeling is from being carried in the air.
She really is going to Hell. And Lucifer is taking her there. Most probably, because she has no other explanation for what she's experiencing.
But why is it so goddamn cold?
"Am I in…? Are you…?" she has to ask, though she cannot seem to utter those words.
She doesn't really need to, his immediate sharp intake of breath indicates he understood her train of thought just fine.
"No," he bites out sharply, like the whole idea is preposterous, a blasphemy in itself, and the frown on his forehead deepens even more and, again, the urge to smoothen those lines with her fingers and soft words of apologies hits her with double force.
It seems she just can't stop hurting him. Directly or indirectly, her actions are causing him pain when the truth is, she didn't mean her question to be a jab, she really doesn't know what's going on. She could either be in Hell or be alive, the latter seems very unlikely given her previous very dire situation and injuries.
"You are not in Hell, Detective," he confirms it almost as though reading her mind and something like hope and happiness spreads through her body, nearly forgetting the stinging of her cuts and bruises. "You will never know that wretched place, not if I can help it."
He says this with such conviction that she can feel her eyes fill up to the brim with tears, almost spilling over. Even after months of ignoring him, hurting him, he still wants to protect her.
He still saved her miserable life.
She lets out a soft "thank you" because she doesn't really know what to say, it seems so little in light of what he just did for her. He really saved her life from certain death (and God knows what after that). He doesn't respond, though, only gives her a low-spirited smile and faint nod before turning his attention back to flying her to...somewhere.
But before she could think about their possible destination in the middle of nowhere, the cold wind suddenly picks up and Lucifer falters slightly in the air. He tightens his grip on her, and she can feel the warmth of his fingers through her not at all winter-friendly jeans and stuffed jacket as he clutches her closer to his chest while trying to maneuver his way through the sudden turbulence.
The wind doesn't ease up as they continue on, and the snow starts falling even heavier. Chloe has to close her eyes at the incoming snowflakes. Lucifer tries to keep them steady, but the blizzard hits cruelly in this area of California, and even his divine abilities are appearing to be failing him. She finds herself holding onto him just as firmly and buries her face in the crook of his neck, her nostrils fill with the mix of musk and violet of his cologne.
Christian Dior, he once told her. Her favorite on him.
But she doesn't have time to get lost in the familiarity because his strangled "hold on, Detective" is all the warning she has before they are descending.
She does take on his advice and holds onto him for dear life, her fingers are turning white from clutching his neck and shoulders, no doubt leaving bruises on him in the process. She closes her eyes from their impending collision with Mama Earth because she doesn't really know what his aim is. Not only that, but she still can't see anything but white in the storm, and she doubts there is anything in a 50-mile radius that could shelter them for a couple of hours... or days.
But he clearly sees or senses something nearby, so she is choosing to just trust him.
She feels him zigzagging in the air, not sure if it's the wind throwing them around, or it's deliberate movement on his part. But then she hears cracking sounds around them, just like when she and Trixie take a hike and there are twigs snapping under their feet. She chances a look around just as Lucifer lets out a loud hiss, and she realizes that her guesses were right, they are somehow at the height of trees and their unforgiving sharp branches.
Soon they land in a heap of confusion and limbs tightly gripping one another. Lucifer is half-kneeling in the freshly fallen snow, but he's still holding her in his arms. Her eyelids slowly crack open when she's sure they are on firm ground and looks around.
Sure enough, her eyes land on a small wooden cabin not twenty feet in front of them, its steps leading to the front door and railings on the small patio are covered with snow. It doesn't look like anyone is occupying at the moment, it looks slightly neglected.
"Not my most graceful landing, but it could have been worse," his tone is light but Chloe notices the slight edge of worry and frustration too. She's absolutely certain he would have dusted off the snow and leaves from his jacket if it weren't for holding her, a movement he does every time he is annoyed or nervous.
He looks her over with searching and tense eyes, no doubt making sure she didn't acquire new injuries during their journey.
She wants to do the same because she remembers his sharp intake of breath when they reached tree level, but his wings are not attached to his back anymore. She doesn't have time to dwell on the physics of Angel Anatomy because he starts walking with purposeful steps towards the house.
Still in his arms, he takes the steps of the cabin two at a time and she hears a click when they reach the front door, then it opens with a creaking sound. When it closes behind them, she can finally let out a sigh of relief at not seeing white and feeling the bitter cold air on her cheeks.
It's not exactly warmer inside, but the temperature is finally higher by a few degrees.
Lucifer gently deposits her on the worn, dark green couch and she finally has a chance to properly look around their temporary shelter.
The house isn't exactly big, only a one-bedroom shed. They stepped into a large living room with a large fireplace as its centerpiece. There's also an open kitchen area and a door leading to - what Chloe thinks - a moderate bathroom.
The walls are decorated with animal trophies (she hopes they're not real) and other decorations, a few pictures of nature. The thin and short curtains on the few windows seem quite unwashed, the once white materials obtained a grayish shade.
If she had to guess, it must belong to a hunter, the cabin is clearly not designed for people to live in it for a longer period of time. Its owner must use it only during hunting season. It would certainly explain the thin cover of dust on every surface and musty scent filling the place.
She hears the front door open and close and watches as Lucifer carries a few logs of wood, shaking the snow from his head as he puts them in the fireplace. She doesn't know how (probably her mind is still going blank from time to time) but the next moment there's an intense fire dancing in front of her, the burning wood is slowly emanating some heat, and she wants, she desperately wants to get close, to finally give her body the warmth it was deprived for a long time, but her limbs just refuse to cooperate.
He must sense her struggle (because of course, he does) and walks over to her to pull her to her feet and gently guide her and help her sit on the shabby rug in front of the fireplace. She lets out the biggest sigh of relief of her life and is able to lift her popsicle-like fingers towards the fire, feeling the heat and life finally returning to them slowly.
She thanks every deity that is possibly real as well that her clothes somehow remained dry and she doesn't have to take them off (she doesn't even remember which of her underwear she chose to wear today, but she's pretty sure she opted for comfort rather than seductiveness). She's mortified enough as it is, being a damsel in distress and having the person help her who she actively and openly pushed away for the last four months.
Yeah, she doesn't need one more thing added to the list.
She faintly hears him walk away and open a door, and she's so focused on getting her body temperature to rise to a reasonable level that she doesn't notice when he appears at her side again, crouching down next to her, holding a box in his hands. She slightly jumps as her brain catches up with her, and she immediately regrets it because his face quickly takes on a crestfallen and hurt expression.
She rushes to reassure him of his absolutely wrong assumption, but he beats her to it.
"I...I apologize, Detective. I didn't mean to startle you," he hastily deposits the box on the floor that she recognizes as a first-aid kit and takes a few steps back, holding up his hands.
She wants to kick herself.
"No, no, Lucifer...I...Would you help me with this?" she asks hopefully.
He is blinking at her furiously now, opening his lips to say something, but for a few moments, nothing comes out. Then he seems to have gathered his thoughts. "Are you sure?"
She nods with a smile.
"Very well," he sighs, but the corner of his lip twitches as he gets closer to her again, picking up and opening the first-aid kit.
He grabs a few cotton balls and dabs one into the disinfectant before lifting it to her temple. She nods at his silent question when their eyes lock and he touches the cotton lightly against her wound. Even though she expected it, the quick and sharp sting of the alcohol makes her hiss and squeezes her eyes shut until the pain passes. When she opens them again, they fall on Lucifer's apologetic smile and concerned eyes before continuing to clean her wound.
"There...All better," he informs her when he finishes off by placing a band-aid on her temple. "The cut is superficial, nothing but a bad memory will remain in its place."
"Thank you," her voice comes out hoarse and she has to clear her throat from the ball lodged in there because damn it, he is so gentle with her and she doesn't deserve his kindness.
"May I see your shoulder, Detective? I noticed you favoring your left one," he asks, voice uncertain, like he's half prepared for her to say no to his offer.
She nods vehemently, because it's still throbbing and yeah, she just wants him to touch her, so sue her.
He helps her get rid of her jacket and t-shirt, the process tortuously slow, as she can't seem to lift her right shoulder without pain shooting through her arm. When she sits before him in her black bra, he does a show of looking anywhere but her chest, his jaw set. He motions for her to turn around, and when she obeys his request, she bites into her lip, her cheeks getting pink.
She feels the tips of his fingers brush over the skin of her shoulder, barely touching her, but before she could ask what he is doing exactly, an involuntary shiver runs down her body. He gets the wrong idea (again) and quickly snatches back his hand.
She hears him clear his throat. "Nothing is broken or fractured, only a slight bruise is visible. But since you seem to have a decrease in range of motion and pain, I'm guessing it's sprained," his voice is emotionless, clinical. "I'm quite familiar with the human body," he adds, attempting at a joke when her head turns to the side, eyebrows raised in question.
She wants to ask if there's anything that can be done to cure it or whatever, but he's already on his feet again, answering her unspoken inquiry.
"Right," he clasps his hands together. "Icing it would be the best route of action until you can get proper medical care. But let's leave that to when your body is thoroughly warmed up, shall we?" he smiles down at her when she turns back towards the fireplace.
He disappears again from he line of sight again and then she suddenly feels something weigh on her shoulders (not metaphorically this time) and glances up to see Lucifer place a thick, patchwork blanket over her. She tucks it around herself gratefully.
"The square pattern has been out of fashion since the eighties, but I believe we can overlook such transgression this time," he gives her a smile and she can finally put a name to his unusual his manner now that her physical and mental state is approaching normal again.
She hates seeing him like this, so unsure of what to do around her, she can literally see in his eyes the emotional wall he erected - the fear that she would bolt in any second (no matter how absurd and unlikely that scenario would be given her current state and the weather outside).
(But even without those circumstances, she wouldn't do that)
This is her fault. She made him put his guard back on, she made him think that his presence is not welcome, that it's frightful to her.
So she makes up her mind.
She pats the floor next to her in an inviting gesture and at first, all he does is tilt his head just to the side and barely visibly narrow his eyes, looks her up and down, as he always does when she says something he just can't comprehend at the moment.
She lets her lips pull into a soft smile and taps the empty place next to her again, and this time he starts moving, shedding his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves before descending to the floor, sitting cross-legged next to her.
Well...next to her is a bit of a stretch, because there's at least three feet distance between them and he looks straight into the flames, his posture rigid. He reminds her of a freaking statue.
She watches him for a few seconds, he doesn't move, he doesn't even blink and she's sure he stopped breathing altogether too. If she wants to guess, he tries to appear as nonthreatening to her as possible. Which is totally ridiculous because one, she's not afraid of him (she never was if she's honest with herself) and two, he just carried her in his arms a few minutes before, with wings and all, and also played nurse with her.
She hates this. She hates how cautious he is with her, how his usually nonexistent verbal filter is somehow...existent now. She never thought she would say this, but she hates how he didn't say even one sexual pun or innuendo, not even during him playing doctor.
She hates the distance between them, both physical and metaphorical.
She even misses his complete inability to stay out of her personal space.
So to rectify that, in a sudden determination, she scoots closer to him and nestles herself at his side. His cologne immediately fills her nostrils, but before she could get lost in the familiarity of it, he lets out a surprised yelp and lifts his arms, leaning away from her but stays seated.
"Det...Detective?" he asks, eyes wide, and she doesn't know if she should feel hurt by his reaction or just sad.
She should've expected such a reaction from him. She ghosted him for months, after all, complete radio silence, and now she's all but rubbing up against his body.
She must be giving him whiplash with her ambivalent behavior.
"Lucifer, I…" she starts, but she doesn't know what she's supposed to say. How can she explain that she just wants things to go back to normal (or forward) without him believing it's just her half-delirious state speaking?
"Detective, I think you should get some rest now. The storm won't let out for another few hours, and sadly there's nothing any of us can do about that. As soon as it's safe to travel again, you have my word that I'll get you home safely." he smiles at her reassuringly, but it still doesn't reach his eyes.
He makes a motion to stand up, and she acts instinctively, grabbing his arm and tugs him back down. This time he doesn't recoil from her proximity and doesn't try to free his arm either. There's a question in his eyes, though, but he doesn't say anything.
The ball's in her court now.
"I'm sorry," she manages, but she has no idea how she should continue. She had a whole plan and speech, but now that they are here, face to face, all thoughts are flying out of her brain.
"Whatever for?" he asks, his expression completely baffled.
"For...shutting you out, for not answering? I realize it was selfish of me to just...disappear-"
"No, no, Detective. It's completely understandable, I-"
"It isn't. It wasn't fair how I handled this whole...thing," she sees him opening his mouth to disagree with her again, probably, but she holds up a finger and he lets her continue. "I should've come to you, I should've asked...about all of this. Yes, I needed time to deal with everything, but I didn't have to completely push you away in the process."
He hums, contemplating her words and for a few moments, silence stretches over them.
"And...have you dealt...with everything?" he speaks up after what feels like an eternity, his voice uncertain and he's not looking at her.
She wants to hug him.
Instead, she says; "Yes, I think I have," she catches him raising an eyebrow at her, his expression showing skepticism. "I mean, this is still crazy and there are so many things I still don't understand, but maybe you can...explain? Sometime?"
For the first time in months, a genuine smile graces his lips. "I shall be happy to answer any and all of your questions, Detective."
"Good. Because I have a lot," she fails to stifle a yawn, but she doesn't let her tiredness derail her. She still has one thing she needs to clear. "But not now. On Monday? In the precinct? I have an unsolved case that I could use my partner's wonderful insights anyway."
She smiles up at him, raising her eyebrow in question, and hopes he gets her and says yes.
He opens his mouth and closes it, once, twice, seemingly doesn't know how to respond. Then he gathers his thoughts and suddenly his expression is joyous, his eyes glisten. She has never seen anything more beautiful.
"I...I would very much like that, Detective."
She feels his arms go around her shoulder, tentative, and she snuggles closer to him, nuzzling her face into the crook of her neck. After a moment he rests his head on top of hers, she feels him inhale and hum in content.
"Rest, darling. As soon as this blasted storm ceases, we can leave this sorry excuse of a house," she feels him shudder slightly under her cheek and she holds back a chuckle.
She missed his snobbishness.
"Mmm...you are warm," she murmurs into his collarbone after a while of comfortable silence.
"One of the few perks of living in a fiery pit for most of my existence, I believe," he breathes into her hair.
"Hm, yes, Hell…" she sighs, closing her eyes, letting the tiredness slowly took over her.
She's amazed at how easily she can joke about it now. Maybe it's her still mushy and half-hibernated brain, but she no longer feels the urge to run away or shut out the Heaven-and-Hell topic like she actively did a few months ago.
They still have a lot to talk about and stuff to figure out, but the most important thing is that their partnership is back again.
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st0nesnglitter · 3 years
okay so i see ur requests are open 👀... and i am absolutely obsessed w ur writing like ur so talented dude... maybe a lil smoking w sirius blurb? it could be w the ashtray idea or like just having a ciggie w him... totally up to u + if u don't wanna do it or don't have time or whatever like pls don't worry like it's all chill <3 - 🦕
OKAY OKAY this is gonna be a lil based on mine and @quindolyn ’s discussions about Remus and Sirius where Rem is not okay with you smoking so you have to beg Si
Platonic!reader, orrrrr is it 😳
With the help of the map you and Sirius had escaped to the courtyard as the sun started to set. In his hand he held a small, blue package and he had put a cigarette between his lips.
”C’mere love” he mumbled around it as he looked for a lighter.
You shuffled closer for heat as the wind started to pick up and he lifted his lighter to his cig. A delicious sigh left him as he felt the smoke go down his throat and fill his lungs. He let his head fall back as he exhaled and a puff of white smoke left his pink lips. Your eyes wandered over his impossibly beautiful side profile as he took another drag. Straight nose, sharp jaw and sparkling eyes looking over at you with a mischevious smile.
”Remmy is going to kill me for this y’know” he chuckled softly and you took a small drag from his cigarette, not as used to the smoke you didn’t inhale it down to your lungs and just let it stay in your mouth for a while.
”He won’t know” you smiled back as you exhaled and you shivered sligthly, ”it’s just too bad we gotta sneak out in the cold”.
Sirius smiled softly as he trapped the cig in between his lips before wrapping a long arm around you. You leaned into the touch and moved his jacket to get more shelter. You propped your head up against his chest to look at him as he kept letting out smoke from his mouth.
”You’re gorgeous” you muttered as he looked over to withering flowers and the corner tugged up ever so slighlty before his arrogant persona took over and he kept a straight face.
”I know” he answered quietly and kept his focus on the nicotine flowing to his brain and out to his fingertips. But his arm around you tightened and he went to discard the cig.
”Want one last drag?”
You nodded and parted your lips slighlty to take it in, but instead he brought it to his own again. Your eyes knitted together and you were about to ask him what he was doing as he bent his head down. Sirius was a few centimeter from you, lips as close as possible without touching as he exhaled. As the puff left him you inhaled and the toxic smoke tasted better than ever. Instinctively you closed your eyes as you felt it burn in your throat before you exhaled a weak cloud.
When you opened your eyes again Sirius had returned to his full height and had snapped to make the butt of the cigarette disappear.
”Gotta get back now, there’s school tomorrow” he said with a tone you usually use with a child.
Back in the dorm you tried to be as quiet as possible when you crawled back into bed. Sleeping in the Marauders dorm meant that you didn’t have to be with your, quite frankly, annoying roomates and you got to share beds with very attractive men. You slid in next to Si and he got closer than usual, a hand coming up to pat down your hair. He mumbled an excuse about the wind messing it up before his actions slowef down but his hand stayed put.
”You guys stink!”
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hopeamarsu · 2 years
Whumpmas: Seven Swans A-Swimming
Falling Through Ice | Left in the Cold | The First Snow
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels
Word count 644
Warnings: Freezing, coldness, numbness, threat of frostbite, loneliness
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The snow around him creates an almost tunnel, the wind having picked up in the last hour Jack has been dredging through the snow. It reminds him of those old space opera movies and he’d laugh if he wasn’t so cold. His teeth chatter and he tries to pull the jean jacket around his body for more warmth but it doesn’t help. The ice has penetrated deep into his bones.
Jack blows on his numb fingers before tucking them under his armpits in an attempt to stop the possible frostbite forming. He tries to glance ahead but the wind and the icy cold snow make him drop his gaze quickly. He is just working on instincts now, trying to remember his way around this forest. 
He casts a fleeting thought to the Statesman blue snowsuit, missing its insulation and built-in tiny heaters but ever since getting cast out of the agency, he has also lost access to its supplies. Supplies he could desperately use by now. 
But the thugs weren’t too clever and Jack managed to hold on to some key pieces of his property after they dumped him by the side of the road and took his guns, his car, and his hat. He’s quite mad about the hat really, but it’s the least of his problems now. 
He’s most grateful to have held on to his lighter, his lasso, and the wound gel he snuck out of the lab before Ginger had him escorted out. It’s not perfect, but if he can find his way into the caves he thinks are nearby, Jack knows he has a chance. 
Finding a cave is his priority now. It should provide him with protection from the wind and if he is really lucky, the cave will have leaves or twigs or something to start a fire. But he’s not above burning some of the documents he’s carrying either. Warmth is warmth and there is no way he’s above destroying some evidence to ensure survival. And being disgraced, getting anyone to see his evidence is a long shot. So really he’d be doing the world a favor by burning them. 
Jack could cry with relief when he spots the dark opening, his aching muscles and soggy boots carrying him closer and closer. The wind is fighting back, as is the coldness settling in deep and he knows by the shivers that wrack his body, Jack doesn’t have any time to waste. He pulls on his final strength and keeps walking, the idea of fire and shelter clearing his hazy mind. 
The very first moment the wind is behind the entrance to the cave and he can breathe a bit easier, Jack activates his lasso to check his perimeter. It’s hard with fingers that tingle blindingly hot after being exposed for so long, but diligently Jack walks the small cave to see that he’s all alone. 
He sees a couple of rocks and some twigs lying around and picks them up. They are soon gathered into a pile and Jack picks up his lighter from his pocket with shaking hands. It takes him a few tries, the shaking worse and numbness setting in but he does succeed in the end. The twigs are dry enough and when the fire roars to life and Jack can scoot as close as he dares, the tears finally come. 
Jack doesn’t try to bother wiping them off, letting fat drops fall down his face as he looks around the cave, shadows and light dancing into a merry tune. He sees a few more twigs and makes a mental note to pick them up closer soon. But first he will enjoy the small fire and defrost himself. The tears continue to fall but the relief deep in his chest blooms high with hope. 
He’ll survive to see another day after all. 
I hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
Everything taglist @clydesducktape​​ @themuseic​​ @miraclesabound​​ @a-true-janian-reply​​ @10blurredsmoke10  @caillea @mariesackler @princessxkenobi @gallowsjoker​
PPCU taglist @littlemisspascal​​
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Midnight Snack
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: Hey, how about “Of course, the graveyard at midnight is super sexy and not creepy, let’s go there.” with Spike?
Requested by: anon
Warning: Biting. Some heated kissing.
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It was Halloween, so you were fulfilling your yearly tradition of watching a refined selection of horror movies by candlelight. It made you feel cosy as you bundled yourself in a blanket.
You settled in, watching the next there was a particularly tense part that had you on the edge of your seat, your hand still in the popcorn bowl, not able to pick one out as you were transfixed by the screen. The young girl was running straight into the path of the killer and-
Knock knock knock.
Despite loving horror films you still managed to you scream and jump at the noise, your eyes dragging from the screen to the direction of your locked front door. Where the noise had come from.
You walk slowly, a stake now in your hand, concealed behind your back and a tub of candy in the other hand (just in case). You took a big breath, bracing yourself. You were hoping it would be some trick or treaters but you couldn’t hear the usual excitable chatter. You unlock the door, setting the tub down, swinging the door open to reveal…
No one?
You frowned, stepping out of the door slightly to look around. There was nobody there. You shrugged starting to close the door when you caught a glimpse of something.
He had suddenly stepped from the shadows with a smug smile as you jumped and clutched your heart slightly, trying to style it out. As if you hadn’t been scared of Spike looming from the shadows. But his smile didn’t drop, he could still hear your heart pounding against your ribcage as you tried to remind yourself to breathe. In your defence, you had been watching horror films for most of the day so you were a little on edge even if you didn’t want to admit it.
You and Spike hadn’t been that close before today. You got on and you had obviously found him attractive (and caught him looking at you every so often) but usually he would just make some comment so he could pretend he didn’t care. But he had now decided that he had to tell you the truth. Or at least show you.
“What are you doing here, Spike? It’s Halloween. You don’t leave the crypt on Halloween” You frowned as he walked towards you as close as he could get and shoved his hands in the pockets of his duster. He rocked on the balls of his feet slightly as he willed himself to say what he had come here to say. He smelled strongly of tobacco smoke and you guessed he may have had a few before he managed to knock.
“Come out with me, pet? I’ll take you somewhere you can get your kicks better than some dumb horror flick”
“How long have you been out there?” You mutter, and he shrugged, before you continued, “You know, I actually like staying in and watching these movies. It’s a tradition”
“Well, me and you could make a new tradition, love… Don’t tell me you don’t also like the very handsome and slightly evil vampire that’s just come knockin’ on your door” He smirked as you seemed to be weighing up his words. You eventually rolled your eyes and offered, “You could watch with me. I wouldn’t mind company”
“Can’t” He said, perhaps a little sheepishly, “I got a plan, pet. It’s a… date”
“A date? On Halloween?”
“Well, I know how much you like the spooky stuff and I thought I could take you somewhere”
“You mean it?” You squinted, he hadn’t exactly been your best friend before today. He would usually tease you or feign indifference. He nodded, still not quite casting his eyes towards your face. You weren’t really sure where this was coming from, but you decided to trust him (against your better judgement).
“…Okay. I’ll get my jacket” You said, setting down the stake and passing him the bowl of candy for him to hold. You shoved it into his chest and he wrapped his arms around it, shrugging and taking a handful, shoving them into his pockets and filling every pocket he had on today.
He walked in-step with you, directing you where he had this ‘date’ set up. You were looking around and pointing out all the cool costumes as you walked and he muttered a few choice words about some of the people dressing up as vampires. As you walked, he awkwardly grabbed your hand kind of forcefully and wrapped his fingers around yours tight. You looked over at him with a bemused smile which made him relax. Your seemingly content manner gave him a little more confidence and so he relaxed his hold and you slid your fingers to weave with his. He let out an unneeded breath and smiled slightly as you turned into the cemetery.
“Of course, the graveyard at midnight is super sexy and not creepy, let’s go there” You muttered.
“Don’t be like that, love. It’s romantic when you think of it – sitting under the moonlight, great views and the chance to speak to a bunch of dead blokes that you can’t see” He winked, walking ahead of you slightly and leading you between the graves to get to the spot he had picked out.
There was a nasty looking blanket with holes in it set on the floor that you recognised he used to shelter himself from the sun when he ‘accidentally’ found himself walking past your house in the daylight. It stunk of smoke, but you still lowered yourself to kneel on it.
He had picked up a bunch of flowers that had been waiting on the blankets that could only be described as dead. They had clearly been left on a grave for at least a month. He thrust them into your hands and you nodded your thanks, not risking smelling them as you set them on the blanket beside you. He watched you for a moment, as if he was making sure you were comfortable and you smiled back at him still a little confused where all of this was coming from. Although you really wanted this to be true, you were still expecting some punch line from Spike.
He turned and grabbed something and started to set it up. You hadn’t caught on what he had meant by ‘speaking to dead blokes’ when you had arrived. But you got it now. He unfolded a Ouija board and set the penchant on the top.
“A séance? On Halloween? Are you trying to get us killed?” You ask, having heard bad things about using those things. Especially on top of a Hellmouth.
“Already dead, and yours can be arranged… you just had to ask” He cast his eye hungrily at your neck and smirked a little at your reaction.
“You’re not supposed to eat your date, Spike”
“Actually, love, that depends on how well things go…” He raised an eyebrow and you rolled your eyes but you couldn’t stop smiling at his stupid smirk. He continued to smirk gleefully until he realised you were now sat in silence and he wanted to make sure you were actually enjoying yourself.
“Let’s, give it a go then” He gestured for your to put your finger on the penchant. You both set your fingers and started to ask questions. Nothing happened for a long time and you and Spike had just been gazing into the other’s eyes. That was until the object beneath your fingers actually started moving. You were directed to the first letter, your eyes widened in shock.
 “S…” He said out loud, his eyes following the planchette towards the letters carefully.
“Spike, stop it!” You warned, feeling chills as he shook his head.
“It ain’t me! I’m just sat here” he insisted, his finger still pressed against the pointer that was now moving towards another letter.
“h…” you both said together.
“a…..g” you continued. Realising that it definitely wasn’t a ghost, “Stop it! It has to be you, nobody else has even used that word for decades!”
“Just – give the spirit a chance, it sounds awful important. He’s come back from the grave to tell you this, pet” You decide to humour him, knowing this was no ghost.
“Shag him. Fucking shag him?!” You mutter before chastising him, “There are real dead people here, it’s… disrespectful!”
“There’s a real dead bloke right here. I find it pretty romantic” he assured you, smiling slightly as you moved your hand from the object, huffing slightly.
He couldn’t help the ghost of a smile on his lips (the only true ghost in the area) as he saw you sulking slightly. He looked around and moved in a little closer to you, yawning and sliding his hand around your shoulder.
“Are you gonna bite me?”
“Only if you ask real nice” He purred. You actually smiled at this. This had gone better than he could have ever imagined it. The tension you had created since you had known him had all lead up to this moment. You could talk later. You crawled over the blanket towards him, stopping very close to him.
He raised an eyebrow as you pulled him by his jacket towards your lips. He kissed you with fervour, a firm hand bringing you further into him as you kissed back enthusiastically.
He had been imagining this since the day he had met you. Longing to touch you. Aching to get a taste of you. He was consumed by you. The thoughts he had about you almost made him blush and he had seen it (and thought it) all.
He continued to kiss you, his hands roaming your body. He wanted to explore every inch of you. Worship you. He kissed along your jaw as you whispered in his ear, telling him exactly what he had been thinking. That you had wanted this since you had met. That you had thought of him in rooms full of people, alone late at night. You wanted him in every possible way.
This spurred him on, he never could have dreamed that you would have wanted him this way too. He was so overcome by lust, this primal instinct meant his game face had changed whilst he pressed you back against the old blanket, his lips still latched to your neck fiercely.
He nicked your neck with his sharp teeth but this only added to the strange euphoria you felt in his presence. He didn’t pull back he couldn’t even consider it and you willed him to continue. The cut bled more than it usually would have, starting to trickle down your neck.
He licked along the small cut, making you shiver and clutch the small hairs on the nape of his neck. You pulled him further into you as he left a trail of bloody kisses along the side of our neck. You moaned loud, unable to stop yourself. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before.
His hand had slipped under your top so that he could touch the soft skin there. He gripped the side of your torso firmly, setting you in place. His grip so tight, you knew you would leave bruising later, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. All you wanted was him, his kiss. His touch. His lips were addictive and as you met his lips again, even tasting your own blood on his lips didn’t quell the passion you shared. 
He moved back down to trail back to your pulse point, a spot he had claimed as his own. You were his. He moved back, continuing to drag his teeth along your pulse point. You weaved your fingers between the strands of his bleach blonde hair, tugging slightly as you became wrapped in him so intimately. The ecstasy was beyond anything you had experienced before.
And he felt it. Your need. As if intaking your blood let him know you so closely.
“This is a very… Happy… Halloween” You sigh into him, which made him smirk. He never wanted to be apart from you from this night on. 
It was a revelation. For both of you. You were bound together, you could feel it. This was definitely the best Halloween night either of you had ever spent.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hangang River Bride (OT7 x Hybrid!Reader): Story summary (chapters 1-5)
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Pairing: OT7 x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hybrid!AU, Future smut
Warnings: Mentions of myth & Folklore, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Drama & Romance, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, so much Angst, Past Abuse, mentions of domestic violence, rough handling and not in the kinky way, I'm adding more as the story progresses, Cat hybrid Jimin, Dog Hybrid Taehyung, Human Jin & Namjoon, Cat hybrid Yoongi, Dog hybrid Hoseok, Fox hybrid reader, Wolf hybrid Jungkook
(Originally posted by R0ADKiLL on AO3, taken over by me with her consent in July 2020.)
Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon- a married couple and well known Hybrid owners. While Seokjin helps Hybrids as a very respected lawyer, Kim Namjoon focuses on studying them to help the world understand better. Their Hybrids Jimin and Yoongi, two rescued cat hybrids from a shelter, were their first- now the house is full of booming life with Taehyung and Hoseok, the two dogs they had adopted soon after, and Jungkook, the newest addition. Saved by a rescue organisation and taken in by Namjoon partially for his studies and partially just to give him a loving home, they seem to be finally complete. Until they meet the girl at the Hangang bridge.
Or: Y/N tries to sneakily steal Jungkooks lamb skewers, and almost gets herself eaten.
Careful: A lot of writing under the cut. Mobile users with older phones should switch to a browser page since the app could crash. I'm speaking out of experience lol.
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Kim Seokjin enjoyed the simple things in life. Such as the situation he was in right now; in the arms of his husband, sleeping in because they both finally got a day off for once. "Are you worried?" He asks his Partner, who seems oddly serious despite the comfortable silence surrounding them. He knows that Namjoon knows what he's talking about; for the first time in months, Jungkook, their most recent hybrid addition to their family, has gone out by himself with Taehyung, the almost hyperactive australian shepherd hybrid. Jungkook can't be left alone by himself outside their four walls due to safety laws; all because he is a predator hybrid. As a Wolf, together with his alpha-gene, he has to be accompanied by at least one other Person; hybrid or human. Namjoon found it odd at first, but getting to know more about predator hybrids made him understand the thought behind it. Even though Jungkook was one of the most well behaved and down to earth hybrids he'd ever met, there was still a small chance of him acting on impulse. And it wouldn't even be his fault. Maybe he shouldn't leave the house then, but Jin and he decided that he should have a bit of freedom as well; after all, he was partially a person as well. He deserved to make decisions and have some alone time- as alone as he could be. "They're gonna be fine. Taehyung will keep an eye on him." Jin spoke softly, placing a small kiss to the bare shoulder of his partner, who just nodded, before falling asleep again.
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"I'm hungry Jungkookie, let's get something to eat. We can eat it over there!" Taehyung pointed excitedly to the park, while Jungkook just nodded. He didn't like to decide things; he never learned after all. This was all still pretty new to him, even though they had been living together for almost a full year. Growing up in a cage treated like a full blown animal does that to you, they said to him at the rescue center. He's slowly coming out of his shell though; thanks to Jin and Namjoon, and all the other hybrids he now considers his pack, he finally lets loose once in a while.
Grabbing some food, the both walk around the park for a bit, finding a perfect spot to eat. Jungkook always thought what it would be like to have Lunch with friends at this park, never thinking it could all eventually happen. "There you go. Do you need anything else?" Taehyung asked, but Jungkook smiled and denied. He had more than he could've ever asked for if he was being honest.
All while this happened, the two male hybrids chatting away actively, the small fox hybrid saw her chance to strike. Modern pet hybrids didn't hear her usually, and both of them seemed to be of the sorts- even though she could smell something weird on the black haired one. Her own snarling stomach however made her stop thinking, slowly inching forwards until her small hand was able to reach the white plastic bag with the rest of the food still packed for the other ones home- until the dark haired one whipped his head around.
It all happened so fast, the girl snatching the bag and running for her life- quite literally, because Jungkook completely ignored Taehyung shouting at him to stop and come back, his mind running on autopilot. She was stealing, from him, from his pack, and he had to get her. Deep in his brain he knew she probably didn't meant any harm, but his instincts did the thinking for now, his long legs easily catching up to her much smaller form. Grabbing the straps of her honestly pretty torn dress, he yanked her backwards, making her fall on the ground with a loud noise. He threw himself over her, his body hovering, hands holding her struggling ones in a strong grip while his legs tried to keep her from kicking. Only when he heard Taehyung whimpering for him to not do anything, he looked up, noticing the terrified look on his friend's face. He looked down again much calmer now, taking in her appearance for the first real time. Her clothes were a mix of things; two differently colored overknee socks, shoes that looked not to be her size at all, but laces bound around her ankles to keep them from slipping. Her dress was white; probably, because the dirt stuck to it colored it all shades of colors. The fabric was torn at the seams, the entire thing not fitting her at all. But neither her clothing, nor the skinny appearance or the bruises and fading cuts caught his attention. It were her hybrid features.
Her ears, turned backwards so hard they seemed to be wanting to dissappear into her skull were a dirty white, rimmed with pitchblack. Her tail swishing back and forth underneath her was puffed with panic, probably white underneath all the dirt with a greyish black stripe on it. The fur was tangled, parts matted- he knew what this meant. She was probably either feral, or came from a place he knew all too well. "I'm gonna let go. Try to run and I will catch you again." Jungkook spoke lowly, and suddenly the small female went completely still, apart from her shivering, which was probably due to her inner panic and fear. Taehyung watched, wanting to get closer, but choosing to stay a respecting few steps away, too scared he might make her want to flee again. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked after he had sit up on his heels, arms crossed in front of him. Her scent gave her away to him; he already noticed she was a predator hybrid as well. When she didn't answer, he sighed. "Do you even have one?" He asked, his entire posture turning more sympathetic towards her once she finally shook her head in denial. It all made sense to him, even to Taehyung who'd never known such situations himself luckily.
Said hybrid jumped a little when his phone rang, Namjoons ID making him answer. "Hyung?" He answered, before Jungkook held out his hand for the device, Taehyung understanding. "Hyung, Jungkookie wants to talk to you." He said, nodding at something he said over the phone before giving it to his younger brother, wary not to move to fast so you wouldn't flinch too much.
"I'm gonna bring someone home." He simply said, looking at the girl in front of him. In no way in hell he would let her just walk off like that, knowing where she probably came from. He knew this could very well be overstepping a line for him in his new home, but Namjoon simply saying that it was okay and asking if he should set out another plate for food. Jungkook chose not to say anything about her condition yet, knowing it would be rude for him to talk about her like that now. He simply said his goodbyes, giving Taehyung his phone back, before slowly standing up, picking up his plastic bag along the way. "Come on." He said, taking off his zip hoodie to give to her, helping her hide her pretty beat up form in his big clothing. She seemed wary at first, not trusting the entire situation yet, but choosing the jacket after a moment of thinking it over. Taehyung smiled at her comfortingly, but keeping his distance, not knowing how to react. He'd been like that with jungkook at first too, unsure and shy almost. Jungkook however seemed calm, giving him reassurance that at least one of them knew how to handle the situation.
Things however took a turn once he noticed the girl next to him paling even more than she already had; breath turning uneven and eyes suddenly closing, she fell to her knees first before Jungkook could react. "What do we do?" Taehyung asked with a bit of panic in his tone, Jungkook now looking like he was out of answers as well, before picking her up and carrying her back home.
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Luckily for them, the park they were at wasn't that far away, making it easy and fast to reach the large house rather quick. Opening the door, Jin started to turn around to greet them, before he noticed the unconscious figure in the arms of the wolf hybrid, automatically shooing both inside and turning off the stove before telling them to put her on the couch.
"What happened?" He asked, but Taehyung was talking so fast his brain couldn't process all of the information at once, making him simply nod. "Who is she?" But at this question, both fell silent. None of them knew for sure, Namjoon walking downstairs after hearing all the commotion, the rest of the hybrids slowly following, concerned faces everywhere.
"I don't know. She said she doesn't have a name. I've seen her before though." Jungkook simply stated, making everyone frown at the realization what he meant. She probably came from the same company as him, shipped illegally and living with a highly possible abusive owner. Just like him.
Namjoon kneeled down in front of the couch, softly inspecting her hybrid features, careful not to wake her. "From what I see I would say fox hybrid." He stated, standing up and crossing his arms.
"But her ears aren't red!" Jimin, the cat hybrid asked timidly from his spot near the couch at her feet, feeling concerned at her lack of movement. Namjoon smiled a bit, placing a hand reassuringly on top of his head.
"They don't always have to be. Foxes have different breeds and colors as well." He said, and Jimin seemed as entranced as ever. The young cat hybrid always liked to almost soak up every bit of knowledge Namjoon gave him like a sponge, though he was known to be pretty forgetful due to an accident he had as a small kitten.
"I'd say lets bring her in our guest room, let her sleep, and after she wakes up, we'll see what we do." Jin stated, making everyone nod. To wait was the best answer for now.
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Waking up honestly never felt so pleasant as now. Something that should've set you at ease, but it did the exact opposite; not knowing where you were plus the lack of consciousness after just waking up made your fur stand up, and your body shooting out of the bed into the nearest corner. Accidentally pushing down a small table lamp in the process made all hybrids and humans react; a soft knock was heard on the closed door, asking for entrance. But you couldn't answer, even if you wanted to.
The door opened hesitantly, a cat hybrid with black ears and Sandy brown hair making it's way inside gently, before sitting down with his back pressed against the closed door lazily. He seemed calm, collected, but you couldn't read his intentions. He didnt talk; he maybe knew you wouldn't answer anyways.
A long staring contest followed, or maybe he was just waiting for your heavy breathing to calm down, because as soon as he felt you were calm enough he spoke. "If you're hungry, we're having dinner." Noticing your surprised face he had to swallow the chuckle bubbling in his throat. "Its almost noon. Just so you know." He said, and noticed how your cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. He slowly stood up, opening the door to walk outside, but leaving it open. Leaving the choice to you.
After a moment or two, you slowly stood up, legs still a bit wobbly. You didnt know your way around the entire house, but your ears caught noise from downstairs- a lot of voices mixing together. It felt odd to you- where were the guards? Slowly trying to find your way downstairs (you've never really walked stairs before, neither up or down for that matter) your movement stopped as soon as you noticed eyes on you. Holding onto the banisters, you felt insecure, not daring to move another inch. You heard a chair scrape on the tiled floor, and someone stepping up to you. Closing your eyes you got ready to be scolded- this had been a test hadn't it? But as you opened one eye to peak, a hand was held in front of you. "Come on." The gentle voice sounded a bit familiar, and the face was very much so. The boy with the dark curly hair from the park stood one step below you, a gentle spark in his eyes. Slowly taking his much larger hand, you both made your way down the stairs carefully, him always stopping and taking it slow and steady so you wouldnt fall.
"Ah, sit down! I'm Jimin!" Said hybrid cat told you excitedly while pointing to his side, an empty chair waiting for you. His multi colored feline features gave his entire feelings away, and you internally found it a bit cute if you were honest. You looked at the chair for a second, and looked around after a bit as if to ask for permission first. A tall man with broad shoulders and a very handsome face nodded with a smile, and you sat down as quietly as you could. Jimin immediately started to fill your plate with food, your eyes sparkling at the view in front of you; never having received such amounts of nice smelling and looking foods before. Looking up, you felt awkward, yet once everyone around you started to eat too, you took the nod from the handsome stranger again as a form of permission. But there was a problem.
You'd never used cutlery before.
Sensing your trouble, the dog hybrid on your other side (the same one from the park) started to cut up your food into bite size pieces, before he gave you a fork, holding his as well to give you an example on how to hold it. You had to try a few times but eventually made it; the smile of everyone sensing a funny feeling through your body. You had to restrain yourself from reacting too boldly, but if you could you wouldve jumped in your spot at how delicious it was. However, the speed you were eating in gave away how nice it was. The dog hybrid with the marbled floppy ears chuckled a bit while cutting up more food for you and loading your plate until you gave him a sign to stop.
Slowly, one of the two humans stood up collecting the dishes; another odd thing. Why didnt they tell their hybrids to do that? You stood up and attempted to help, when a hand was placed on your shoulder- warm and gentle. "Ah, we'll handle it. Do you maybe want to take a bath?" The handsome human told you, and your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, obviously asking if he was serious. He smiled at you and nodded. "Do you want someone to help you?" Yiu nodded, not really knowing your way around, your eyes spotting the dark curly hair from the couch, he however wasnt looking at you. The human caught your stare however, turning around. "Jungkook, can you help our friend here run a bath? Oh, and maybe jimin has some clothing that'll fit her-" he said, but Jungkook had already stood up, walking over to you.
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The bathroom was large, and as you sat on the closed toilet just how Jungkook had instructed you to do so while he turned on the water, you took the opportunity to look around. How long does it take to clean the entire thing? Would you be in charge of that? But the others didnt have to do the dishes either, so maybe this was one of those homes one of the domestic puppy's had talked about at the mansion. As if he could sense your thoughts, Jungkook started to talk while he poured a nice smelling purple liquid into the water, making it foam. "We dont have to actually work here y'know." He started, and you listened to him with a bit of confusion. He didnt push it though. "I'll leave you to it now... if you need help just uh.. call me or Someone or whatever." He said and walked out after turning the water off. You sat there for a bit, not knowing if you could do anything, but deciding to just go for it. Stripping your clothes you gently got into the tub, warmth surrounding you as well as a nice flowery scent. You happily started to wash yourself, not caring for a moment as you rubbed your ears and tail clean of all the grime that had piled up, grinning once the fur started to turn white and black again, the dirt finally coming off. Washing your hair you finished off, stepping out and wrapping a towel around you.
Opening the door you peaked around the corner, until you softly called out for the wolf. You thought he maybe didnt hear you, but suddenly you heard feet stepping upstairs and soon he stood in front of you, holding some clothes out. "Here." He said, and at your look of confusion he simple looked to the side, almost as if he was embarrassed. "They're uh.. mine. I- so you can- I mean baggy clothes are comfortable so, yeah.." he said, and you smiled at that, his eyes suddenly widening at the view he got. This was the first smile he'd ever seen you display, and he couldn't help but feel his heart rate increase.
You changed into his clothing before finally coming downstairs, a bit slow but finally without any help, looking a bit awkward. Someone cooing at you made you look in the direction of the sound, spotting the living room it seemed, all hybrids and humans sitting down. The puppy hybrid with the marbled ears had turned around on the couch, looking at you, while the other tall human came to you, towel and brush in hand. "Come on, before you catch a cold." He said, patting his lap for you to sit on. You hesitated for a moment, until you finally sat down, your back facing him. "I'm Namjoon by the way." He said, until he pointed to the broad shouldered man sitting on the other couch. "This is Seokjin. He's the eldest, kind of the head of the family." He stated, gently drying your hair with a towel before he started to dry your ears as well. "Taehyung and Jungkook were the ones you met at the park." Pointing towards the marble eared puppy hybrid and the wolf sitting next to him. "You already met Jimin. Next to him is Yoongi, the one who called you for dinner." He stated, before he pointed to the one who seemed to hold back his excitement the most as if not to scare you. "And that's Hoseok. Hes kinda quiet because he tends to get a bit loud. We dont want to scare you." The towel felt soft against your features, until he took a brush to run it through your hair. "What kind are you?" He gently asked, to which you answered on a quiet voice.
"A marble fox." You stated, everyone listening closely because of how quiet you spoke.
Namjoon nodded, visibly interested, but keeping it in for now. "Do you need anything specific concerning your diet?" He asked, and you shook your head. Not that you'd know. Until now, hybrid pellets were your best bet concerning food. "I see. I know you probably dont want to talk about it, but it's important." He started, turning your around so you sat sideways on his lap. "Do you want to go back to your owner?" He simply asked, and by the way your ears instantly turned backwards, everyone knew the answer. Jimin instantly moved forwards, reaching out to pat your head gently, making your eyes widen at the gesture.
"We wont make you go back. She can stay, cant she Joon?" Jimin asked, looking hopeful at his owner. The calico hybrid had always been extremely social and clingy towards people he liked, and it showed; he took a liking to you, letting you go would prove difficult now. That was one of the many reasons he'd ended up in a shelter; his high maintenance nature and need for attention made him not an easy pet. He felt for you.
"Its not that simple Jiminie, but well try our best." He said, sharing a glance with his husband on the other couch. They'd have to find out if you were in any database first, and after that Jin could start collecting necessary documents for your adoption.
"Wait, wait!" Taehyubg suddenly said, making everyone look up to him, until he sat down in front of you. "You dont have a name right?" You said, making everyone gasp a bit, apart from Jungkook who knew already. "Then we'll give you one!" He said, looking around, and everyone started thinking. Giving a name to a hybrid was a huge thing; after all, you'd be carrying this forever. You started to get a bit nervous, everyone trying out names until Jungkook spoke up, gaze straight on you.
And for one once, everyone instantly agreed.
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The next morning started slow. You found out that both humans, Seokjin and namjoon didnt work on weekends, and took the time off to spend time with everyone. It felt a bit foreign not knowing what your exact purpose was.
"Master Seokjin?" You asked as you sat on one of the kitchen chairs to watch him cook. He turned around a bit before answering.
"Jin is fine, really. That title is.. really not necessary. We're all equal." He spoke in a gentle tone, and you noted not to call him that anymore.
"What is my purpose in this household?" You questioned with great curiosity, and Jin was close to answering until a hand was placed on your head.
"Being cute." Yoongi answered before sitting on the kitchen board, making seokjin shake his head a bit, because he wasnt supposed to, but did it anyways. "We all dont really have a job or anything. We help around the house here and there, Jimin takes care of the garden for example, Taehyung has his pet bunnies outside, and so on. It's more like a hobby though." He explained while continuously stealing pieces of bacon from jin.
"But.."you started, frowning a bit. "Why have hybrids then?"
"Because, we wanted to. Companionship. Simple as that." Jin answered, before ushering Yoongi out the kitchen, who just smirked as he walked out lazily. How he could get away with his behavior was a mystery to you. Just as you wanted to ask something however, a yawn interrupted you. You woke up early again today, a habit you would find hard to get over.
The wolf with the long hair came in, picking you up without asking at all. "Yah, Jungkookie, you cant just carry her around like a ragdoll!" Jin said, the Saif wolf however just shrugged and walked out, putting you down the couch before laying down himself, arms around you.
"Jungkook.?" You gently asked, but he made a sound to silence you.
"Naptime." He simply said, putting his leg over yours for good measure, as if he wanted to make sure you wouldnt escape. During those two days the wolf had been constantly around you, always keeping an eye out for you, making sure you didnt get uncomfortable. It felt as if he'd unofficially claimed you as his, a fact that felt a bit weird to you. There was nothing to claim. You were a used product, still unsure and constantly confused. But before your thoughts could fall any deeper, the gently sound of his heartbeat against your back made you fall asleep.
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Shopping was something that was foreign, again. You knew how it worked of course, but you'd never been out before to buy things- and for you for that matter. You slowly got used to your name however, your brain inking the sound into your memories, so that you'd never forget it again. People seemed so carefree, your companions happy and joking around, Jungkook never daring to let go of your hand, as if he was scared to loose you, and to be fair, a lot of people were out this time.
"You okay?" He asked once he noticed you staring around, and you nodded, looking up to him, since you were a good bit shorter.
"Yeah. It's just.. a lot to take in." You said, while he looked at clothing. "Do you think I.." you started, and he looked at you, urging you to continue. "Stay? Like, could I stay with you.. and your family?"
He smiled at that, squeezing the hand he was holding a bit. "I'll do everything I can to make that happen." His words made your tail sway a bit, the first real time it happened, and Jungkook cooed internally at the sight. And although he didnt voice it out, he made a promise to get more reactions like that out of you.
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Together everyone made their way home after everything was bought, you sitting next to Jungkook and Tae on both sides. Things like these were still exhausting for you, causing you to eventually fall asleep, your ears tickling Taehyungs neck a bit. He looked down on you, trying to burn the image into his mind. You looked so peaceful, angelic even, he couldn't explain it.
Deciding not to wake you he unbuckled your seatbelt, slowly moving you out the car and carrying you inside the house. As soon as he laid you on the couch and tried to walk away however, your hand grabbed his pants, gently tugging to get him back. He smiled and complied, hugging you on the couch happily; you seemed to open up to everyone one by one, making him exhale with fondness.
"Come on, let's get you to bed then." He gently said, as everyone around you said their good nights and walked upstairs into their rooms.
"Can I.." you started, but slowly stood up without finishing, making Taehyung grab your hand this time, tables having turned with him keeping you from walking away now. "I.. uh, you can say no, but maybe I could like... sleep in your room.?" You asked, not looking at him out of embarrassment. His reaction however, was a smile so bright and boxy you swore you could've melted right there on the spot.
"Of course cuddlebug. come on!"
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"This is bad." Namjoon mumbled, carrying an opened letter in his hand while carding his unoccupied hand through his hair. Seokjin looked at him with worry, walking towards him to catch a glimpse of whatever he'd been reading.
Earlier that day, they've gone out for breakfast, jimin suggesting you should ge used to being outside more. Since Jungkook was someone who slept long, Taehyung and Jimin had taken you out instead, happy to get the surprisingly clingy wolf off of you for a few hours. Needless to say, the canine hybrid however wasnt too happy to find you missing when he woke up, a little jealousy mixed with worry making him fussy until you finally came back.
The news in this letter however weren't too good. Apparently, your old owner has taken notice that you've been sheltered at his place without his consent, asking for a date to quote unquote "return his property" as he stated, making both humans scrunch up their faces with disgust at the wording. Jin has had his suspicions about you being treated poorly in the past, and it seems like he was right about it.
"Should we tell her?" Namjoon asked, not sure if it was something you genuinely should know yet. Maybe there was a way to get you out of this without making everyone feel uneasy or restless. They both didnt want you to go back to that place, having already locked you into their hearts. They also thought you deserved to know, making both worry. However, a deep voice startlet both.
"Tell her what?" Jungkook asked, eyes glazed over with something they couldn't quite place. "Huh?" He said again, getting impatient. He was easy to rile up in general, but with you he seemed to be especially touchy. Jin simply gave him the letter that was in question, and the wolf immediately widened his eyes, looking back at them. "He cant be serious. We wont let her go back there." He said, scoffing, but looking darkly at his friends when there was no answer. "Right?" He asked, but there still was no reaction other than uncomfortable silence.
"Jungkook it's not that easy-" but he was soon interrupted by the young wolf.
"Are you mental?! Dont tell me you're actually giving her away like what?!" He raged out, heart racing with the fear that he could be separated from you. "She trusts you hyung! You cant be serious.!" He said, getting quieter the more their silence stretched.
The main reason was that they legally had no ownership. They couldn't afford going against authorities with the other hybrids in their possession, they had to think about what was best after all. And jungkook deep down knew as well- but he considered you a part of his pack already. Loosing you would hurt alone. But losing you to an abusive situation would drive him insane.
The door opened, happy voices cutting threw the heavy atmosphere in the house, but before they could reach the three, jungkook dashed into his room, needing to cool down. Both jimin and Taehyung looked at their owners confused, but the only thing they could do was sigh. This was a difficult situation. And the outcome could be horrible.
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You knew something was up.
The atmosphere had changed, both humans were starting to grow distant from you, keeping a safe bubble around them you couldn't seem to join. Slowly but surely, even though you had a small glimmer of hope this wouldnt happen, you realized what was going on.
They wanted you gone. But they just didnt know how to tell you.
So what was the best thing to do in a situation like that? Exactly. Take away the burden of decision making, and do it for them. Softly folding your clothes, you made sure to leave your room as tidy and clean as possible, as a form of thank you for their hostility. You didnt hold a grudge against them; they had to take care of a lot of wonderful hybrids already. You were a burden that needed to be lifted. Slipping on a red beanie that you may or may not have stolen from jungkook, along with some warmer clothes since it was winter, you opened the window. Walking outside the door was absolutely impossible, since it creaked a bit every time it opened, but the window wasnt a problem to climb out of.
As soon as your shoes (timberlands, a thing that jungkook always cooed over because they looked tiny compared to his own pair) touched the soft crunchy leaves that weren't covered in snow, you breathed in. You made it this far. You could go even farther as well. You believed in that.
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Meanwhile, jin stirred in his sleep a little, cold icy air hitting his exposed feet. Did he forget to turn the heater on? No, it smelled like fresh air, even though his bedroom windows were closed. It took him a sleepy moment to make a very scary thought creep until his mind. Instantly getting up and walking until the hallway, opening your bedroom window, his fear became a reality he hoped to turn out as a mere dream. But the soft wind accompanied by small snowflakes making it's way into the empty room was easy too real. And he swore he could hear his heart crack like glass as soon as he heard the broken growl behind him, not needing to turn around to know whose it was. Namjoon tried to calm the wolf down, but it only caused him to be even louder, luring a tired Taehyung, and even Yoongi out of their sleep.
"Whe-where is she.?" Taehyung slowly asked, fearing the answer he'd get. He knew he cared deeply for you, but jimin would simply be heartbroken by the fact that you left. But before Namjoon could explain, since Jin was still simply staring, frozen, Jungkooks dark voice cut through.
"Gone. Just like they wanted." He said, suddenly speedwalking down the stairs, slipping on his shoes and throwing over a jacked, dashing out, blinded by rage and fear for you. He didn't even hear his friends yelling for him to come back; his mind running on autopilot, his only mission:
Getting you back.
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Warapped up in one of Taehyungs oversized coats, walking along the streets littered with cafes, you wondered if leaving was really the best idea. How could you really have gotten attached so fast though? It wasnt really like you, considering your past experiences with humans, and other hybrids as well.
Pulling the red beanie a little down to make sure it covered you well, you decided to make a trip back to the very park you first met the large family. It felt odd to be back, knowing what had happened- and how far you've come. You had actual clothing now, some snacks in your pockets to keep you going for a while, and some newfound energy you didn't even think you could have. Deep down you had known all along that a future wasn't in it for you; this family was a well established pack already- it felt rather rude to intrude for you. But maybe now you could actually maybe approach people a bit better after coming out of your shell a bit- but the more you thought about it, the less it felt appealing to you.
Because no matter how kind a person would be, jimin would've been so much kinder. No matter how happy someone would make you, Hoseok could've made you smile so much brighter. No matter how smart someone would be, Namjoon could've shown you so much more in this world. No matter how tight someone would hug you, Taehyungs hugs would've felt so much better. No matter how calm a silence would be, Yoongi's would've felt so much more comforting to you. No matter how well someone would take care of you, Jin would've mothered you even worse.
And no matter how much someone would try to make you feel safe, Jungkook would've made you feel so much more protected. As if nothing could ever hurt you in this world.
You sniffled a bit, noticing your eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill from your dark thoughts alone. But thats what you felt like; for the first time in a long while, you truly felt alone. And it wasn't a nice feeling. If back in the day loneliness comforted you because it was better than being with 'him', it now felt suffocating. You felt small, tiny, and truly vulnerable. And you hated it.
You shook your head, scouting out a place to spend the night without getting noticed by authorities. It was back to your old habits again, your knowledge about the surrounding area and how to survive out here helping you to fit back into your situation again.
However; together with your old situation came an old perso as well, his greeting sending cold shivers down your spine- and that had nothing to do with the flaky-breeze the winter brought.
"There you are."
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Somewhere in Seoul, a distressed wolf was almost running down the streets during the early morning hours, his skin running hot even considering the freezing temperatures. But this only added to his worries.
Were you scared? Cold? Hungry? Or worse?
What if you got hurt?
Where would you sleep?
His mind automatically pictured the worst; you, hiding somewhere, cold, distressed, and all alone, vulnerable to every predator around. He knew deep down that you were strong, that you probably wore clothes to keep you warm, you were smart enough to think before you acted, but his instincts wouldn't let him rest at all. He almost jumped at a heaving Yoongi; the cat wasn't really used to running after the way more active Wolf hybrid, but he had to- if someone saw him running wild without anyone with him, they would have even more problems at hand than just you. "Jungkook-" He began, but before he could even get another word out, the younger Hybrid grabbed his shoulders, his eyes sparkling with fear, showing their bare, reddish-brown color, a sign that he was slipping into a very dangerous headspace for a predator hybrid.
"Hyung, she's out there- she- what if someone gets her? What if her old owner finds her, you know how bad it was where she came from, what if she gets hurt, and I'm not there to help her, I'm supposed to protect her, I-" He was breathing heavily, his eyes opening wide with the fear that his own words began to fire up in his chest.
"Jungkook, we'll find her-" But namjoon may not have been the best person to speak up in that current moment, and Yoongi thanked whoever god was in charge that day, because thankfully the streets were empty this early in the morning.
Because as soon as Jungkook heard his owners voice, his entire body changed in posture- he was ready to jump him. Thankfully Jin had arrived as well, rushing to hold the alpha back while he wasn't thinking straight and yelling at the person he should be able to trust with his entire being. But in this moment, Namjoon seemed to be his worst enemy. "Its your fault! You wanted this didn't you?! Admit it, you're glad she took the decision off your way too high shoulders and decided to make it easy for you!" He yelled, his body language basically screaming hostility. "Its because you're always right- but you never make decisions do you! You only follow rules if others follow with you, and you only run with whatever shit someone seems to spit, you're a coward!" He said, slowly calming down since his body was getting tired. He hadn't been this riled up in a long time- the stress finally taking a toll on him now.
Jin and Yoongi managed to get him back inside the car, leaving Namjoon and Jimin alone. The cat hybrid had followed along as soon as he heard that you left them so suddenly- he was distressed about it as well, but he worried about his entire family situation too. He nodded towards Yoongi, who made a gesture to tell him they'd bring Jungkook back home where Taehyung and Hoseok were waiting as well- having the alpha hybrid running wild while not being in the best state of mind wasn't the best idea. It could also prove getting you back difficult as well, seeing as you were still pretty skittish whenever he was getting only a bit louder when playing video games with Taehyung.
"Lets go back to the park. Maybe she's gonna stay in an area she considers familiar? I know I would.." Jimin said softly, gently tugging at the sleeve of Namjoons jacket, to get him to move. But he had troubles concentrating, Jungkooks voice echoing inside his mind almost hauntingly. He knew that deep down it was just his distressed wolf speaking, but maybe this was what he really thought of him. And the worst part was that he wasn't even wrong about it. Maybe he was a coward. He was insecure, and he shouldn't be. Not as a person, not as a lover, not as an owner, and not in his field of work. But he shook his head, nodding at Jimin who slowly started walking into the direction of the park.
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Namjoon couldn't hold it in on their way as they walked towards the place they had initially met you- or in this case, where Taehyung and Jungkook met you. "Do you think he's right?" He asked softly, not looking at jimin, and trying to look at every corner in front of him to maybe spot you.
"You know how he gets Joonie." Jimin began softly, his red bucket hat hiding his ears, but he could see them move slighty under it. "He wasn't in the best state of mind. I think he was just.. out of it I guess." He said, his senses trying to notice something he could identify as you.
But namjoon only sighed. "But he had a point, no?" He began, his brows furrowing while thinking about it. "He may have blown his thoughts out of proportion, but the root of them was there. I know he's right. But I don't know why it bothers me so much." He said, his steps getting harder as they began to walk on grassy grounds, finally reaching the park.
"That's because its you. You hate it when other people are right." Jimin chuckled, making his statement appear less sharp than it was. "But that's you, and that's why you're so good at anything involving your brain. You and Jungkook are pretty similar; you both hate loosing." He said, his smile spreading as he spotted a familiar coat near a streetlight. However, his pupils became slits in distress, his mind slipping just like Jungkooks as soon as he noticed your body language- you stood in front of a person, a stranger, and your entire being screamed fear at him, making him taste the bitter flavour even though he wasn't in your place. "joonie-" He said, but the man in question was already walking foward.
"Hey, what're you doing?" He said rather loudly, his voice sharp edged, not leaving any room for a smile. The man simply turned towards him, holding his hand out.
"Ah, you're the person that took it in right? I assume because you look quite like the Kim Namjoon I saw on your profile picture while we where in contact via E-Mail." He said, his voice full of a weird sense of pride, making Jimin step back a little. He desperately wanted to get to you, but his fear was getting the better of him, instinctively hiding behind his owner.
"That's right." Namjoon simply said, but refraining from shaking the man's hand. He wanted nothing to do with this person, knowing what kinds of businesses he was involved into, you quite possibly having been a part of this too. Because this had been why he had been so hesitant in answering Jungkook. It was difficult to go against someone of that size, and they needed to think about their actions before actually doing anything. But again Jungkooks words rang inside his ears. He wouldn't stay a coward in this situation. He had the law in his favor. "I also advice you to step away from her because, as you should know, hybrids get anxious when someone other than their owners are too close to them." He said, making the man scoff.
Jimin wanted to lash out as he harshly grabbed the end of your tail making you squeak in pain and him laugh, Namjoons face contorting slowly with growing anger. "Ah yes, but we both know how the situation is. That's my property, and therefore mine to take back. I do thank you for keeping her in your apartment and feeding her, but I have business to attend to."
The cat hybrid was silently crying now, his sympathetic character making him feel just as much distress as you felt, the man still keeping a tight hold of your tail- something you hated as you had told Jimin many times before. He felt helpless- but Namjoon would surprise everyone, just like every time.
He simply took out his phone, tapping a bit here and there before opening a document, holding it towards the stranger. "Legally she is mine currently since you're under official surveilance involving several issues we won't get in too deep. Now, would you mind letting go of my hybrid sir?" He simply said, voice calm.
The man simply scoffed, pushing you forward onto the gravel, making you hiss as you felt your nice jeans scratch open, revealing your knees which scraped open as well on the ground, along with your hands that tried to soften the blow. Jimin dashed foward now, not caring if the man was close to him or not, immediately shielding your body from anyone around him, softly purring in order to calm you, and himself down. The man simply left, Namjoon softly walking over to both his hybrids, patting Jimin's back to get him to reveal you towards him.
He made you sit down, the cold seeping into you but you didnt care- your hands and feet stung, making you tear up. But the reason you were crying was because you were both upset and relieved- maybe there was a chance of staying with them, even if it was just for a while longer. "Can I look at it?" He asked softly, and you just sniffeled, nodding. Namjoon knew it was a bad moment, but he couldn't help but admire you in that moment. Even with a runny nose, all red from crying and the cold, eyes shiny with tears, you had that adorable pouty face making him melt. He observed your scraped up knees and hands, softly brushing over them to at least get most of the dirt out before helping you get up. "Lets go home, yeah? You scared everyone to death." He said, laughing a bit to lift the mood. Jimin, still a bit teary as well, held your arm, since your hands still hurt from the incident. Jungkoo would run wild seeing you hurt, but he would eventually calm down, hopefully. Both Jimin and Namjoon hoped first however, that he left the apartment standing.
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"It's never gonna be the same Taehyung." Jungkook said still angry, sitting on the living room couch with his head in his hands. The Dog hybrid had managed to at least calm him down a little, but overall there was still a rather dark mood surrounding everyone. Tae himself was sad as well, however he pushed his own feelings back in order to at least not fuel the fire even more. The front door jingled a bit with the sound of someone inserting a key, and at first, no one really did anything- until Jungkook got hit with your scent, his head snapping up at the sound of you-
Where you crying? One look towards you confirmed that you were, his mind running on autopilot as soon as he saw those glassy orbs looking at him. He jumped over the back of the couch, almost tripping over the carpet and his own shoes he simply had taken off mindlessly, immediately observing you to look for injuries. "What happened?!" He said in a rush, his large hands taking your small ones in his, hissing at the scratches on the inside of your palms.
"Come on Jungkook, I need to treat y/n first, then we can talk." Namjoon said, Jimin helping you take off your jacket and leading you to the bathroom downstairs. Jungkook followed silently, his pack instincts simply refusing to get him to leave you out of his sight for even a moment. He sat down in front of the open bathroom door with his legs crossed, watching as Jimin made you sit on the closed toilet seat, Namjoon getting a small towel and filling the sink with warm water, beginning to slowly clean up your cuts and scrapes from any dirt and gravel. Every time you hissed, Jimins ears twitched and Jungkook sat up straighter to get a look at you- not because he didn't trust namjoon, but because he just had to make sure you were okay.
Namjoon took out some larger bandaids and placed them onto your knees since they were actually bleeding, but simply brushed over the backs of your hands when he was done. "Try not to do much with them okay? Its better if we leave them like that. It'll heal faster." He said, and you nodded, still a bit pouty and awfully quiet, but everyone could see your interest in the scent that slowly began to creep through the apartment; jin's cooking. "Alright buttercup, go get changed and then let's eat, alright?" He said, silently telling you that you both would talk in private soon. You knew he had made a decision, and you hoped it was for you, not against.
Jungkook stood up, stepping aside so you all could walk outside, Taehyung running towards you and hugging you tightly. "Don't do that again." He mumbled, and you nodded, your own cheeks growing a bit red at the close proximity. "Lets go! Jin made your favorite!" He said, and you followed behind him.
"Hyung-" Jungkook started, thinking about how to apologize, since it was needed, but the older one beat him to it.
"It's fine Jungkook. It maybe wasn't the best moment, but you were right. I guess I can't leave the protecting-part solely to you, huh?" He said, making the young alphawolf scoff and playfully push his shoulder.
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After you all ate, you slowly went outside the kitchen after helping jin a bit, even though he scolded you for using your hands. Suddenly, someone came up in front of you, wrapping his own hands around your tiny form compared to him, and burying his nose into your head between your ears, the soft fur of them brushing against his cheeks, making him sigh happily. "You're part of my pack you brat." He mumbled into your hair, squeezing you a bit tighter while careful not to hurt you. "I don't like people taking away whats mine." He said again, and suddenly, he heard the rest of his family coo at him and you, making him raise an eyebrow. He had hugged you before, so what? But then he noticed it too.
The happy wagging of your tail.
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This have been 5 Chapters, combined in one post. Because R0ADKiLL's chapters are fairly short I've decided to make one out of them, simply to get you all on the same page of the stories progress up until now. The writing officially belongs to R0ADKiLL, not me. Only future chapters are mine. =) Thanks again to R0ADKiLL for giving me her baby practically, I promise I'll take care of it!
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
13 with willex? you can choose who’s the lee and the ler :)
anon i love this pairing, i love this prompt, and i love you for requesting it /p
word count: 1,170
prompt list can be found here!
prompt 13: "don't laugh while i'm trying to talk to you!"
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don't read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
Alex tapped a drumstick lightly on the cymbal of his drumstick, bored out of his mind. Luke was following Julie to school to “ask her something important,” and Reggie wanted to eavesdrop. Alex, on the other hand, wanted to respect their privacy. That, and he honestly didn’t have much interest. So, instead, he told himself he’d just stay in the garage and practice… but he didn’t want to. Practicing without the whole band there just felt… off.
He had tried to play a few songs, but they felt incomplete without Reggie’s chill bass notes, Luke’s killer guitar riffs, and Julie’s angelic vocals. Alex fiddled with the drumsticks in his hands, unsure what to do. A four wheeled car couldn’t run when only one wheel was attached to it.
However, when your car needs another wheel, you can attach a spare tire if you had one. It wasn’t the exact same as the other tires on the vehicle, but it would still work in place. Little did he know, there was a spare tire lying around.
Alex jumped in place when he felt two cold hands on his shoulders, a gasp coming out of his mouth as he felt his heart beat faster. He turned around in his seat, a half-groan coming out of his mouth. “Hello, Willie.”
Willie, who was smiling like a puppy that just got adopted from the shelter, giggled softly and rested his arms on Alex’s shoulders. “Hi, babe.” He said, planting a soft kiss on the other’s cheek before looking around. “The rest of the band is busy today, huh?”
“Yup, and I was bored out of my mind a few moments ago.” Alex stood up, holding Willie’s hand. “And now, you’re here, so I don’t have to worry about that.” He smiled softly, focusing his energy to poof them up to the loft balcony below. Once they teleported, Alex noticed a leather jacket on the floor, picking it up.
“Looks like Reggie forgot his jacket… again.” He sighed, picking it up and hanging it up on the coat hanger behind him.
“Is that common?” Willie asked, crossing his arms and sitting down in one of the bean bags on the loft.
“Yes, very common.” The drummer groaned. “Reggie always leaves his stuff around on the floor. Even before we died, he’d always do it back in the day. I always tell him to pick it up, and he passes it off, saying he’ll do it later, and he never does. Luke’s even worse, he leaves all of his stuff everywhere, and-“ Alex paused, taking a look at the smile on Willie’s face. “What? Why are you smiling?”
“No reason.” The skateboarder smirked, crossing his arms.
“No reason? There’s definitely a reason.”
“I’m telling you, there’s no reason! No reason at all.”
“Right. Yeah. Totally. Of course, there’s no rea- AH!” Alex yelled when he felt a pair or arms wrap around him and lift him off the ground slightly. He turned around when set down, only to be greeted with the laughing perpetrator. “Reggie!”
The bassist, who had seemingly teleported behind him while Alex was ranting, laughed and clutched his stomach. “Hehey, Alehex! I got you good, didn’t I!” He giggled as the other rolled his eyes. “Thanks for not ratting be out, Willie.”
“No problem.” Willie chuckled, happy to take part in a bit of mischief.
“Did you seriously come back just to scare me?” Alex asked, crossing his arms.
“Yep! And it was totally worth it.” Reggie giggled.
“Oh, wait.” As much as Alex wanted to stay mad at Reggie, he still cared for his friends. He headed to the coat hanger, picking up the jacket he had just put on there. “You forgot your-“
It was too late. Reggie had already poofed out and teleported elsewhere.
“…Jacket.” Alex finished, sighing and putting the jacket back on the coat hanger. He looked over to see Willie giggling softly, and couldn’t help but smile. He walked over and sat down on the beanbag next to his.
“You thought that was funny, huh?” He lightheartedly groaned at his boyfriend.
“Ihi’m sorry!” Willie said with a grin. “You know I’m always one for some mischief! And seeing the look on your face was definitely worth it.”
Alex could feel heat rising up in his cheeks, and he didn’t know if it was because he was embarrassed, or if it was because Willie was just so fucking cute. Willie was certain to notice, leaning his head back and laughing loudly.
“Oh cohome on, it was fuhunny!”
“Willie, don’t laugh while I’m trying to talk to you!”
“Ihi’m sorry, Ihi’m sorry!” He giggled. “It’s just… you’re so cute when you get annoyed with me.”
If Alex thought he wasn’t blushing before, he was definitely blushing now. He looked away for a second, unsure why he felt this flustered and embarrassed. “W-Well, you’re cute too.” He stammered out, immediately covering his face with his hand.
“Awww, thanks hotdog.” Willie grinned.
Suddenly, Alex had an idea. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, moving his beanbag closer to Willie. “Actually, you’re cuter than me. And I’ll prove it to you.”
“And how to you plan to do that?” An entertained Willie leaned towards his boyfriend.
“Well… since you seem to like to laugh so much…” Alex smirked, quickly pulling Willie towards him and wiggling fingers into his ribs. The other’s giggles immediately escalated, not even trying to hide themselves.
“WaHAhait- Ahahalehex!” Willie giggled, squirming around, but not necessarily trying to squirm out of his boyfriend’s grasp.
“What’s up, Willie? Why are you laughing so much? Can you tell me?” Alex teased, moving his fingers up to scribble around in the other’s underarms.
“Yohohou knohow whyhy!”
“Well, actually, no, I don’t because you’re not telling me.”
“Meheheahan!” Willie laughed softly.
“Mean? You think I’m being mean? I can’t believe you!” Alex faked a gasp and pulled Willie closer to him, moving his hands back down to dance around his ribs. He didn’t want to go extremely tough, but he did crank up the intensity a small bit, smiling as he heard Willie’s laughter rise a bit in volume. At the same time, he started to plant tickley kisses all over Willie’s neck and cheeks.
“AhaHAlehex!” He scrunched up his shoulders on instinct, laughing softly. The drummer eventually slowed down, letting Willie catch his breath.
“Yohohou’re suhuch a dohork.” Willie giggled softly.
“And you’re adorable.” Alex smiled, leaning down and giving his boyfriend a kiss on the forehead.
“So are you.”
“Well, I’m not the one who giggles like a child whenever he gets kissed.” Alex chuckled.
“Is that a challenge?” Willie raised an eyebrow, quickly pushing himself off of Alex’s lap.
“I-” Alex blushed once more, leaning back into the beanbag he was sitting in. “No, it’s noHOT-”
He was cut off by being pulled into Willie’s lap, wrapped into a hug, and small kisses being planted on his face.
His earlier statement was proven wrong instantly.
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
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Love’s Endless Light: A Good Omens serial romance
Note: this chapter reveals Aziraphale's secret. If you haven't read the previous chapters, you might want to do that first.
Chapter 10: Your Truth Confessing
1967, Soho, London, England
“Needed a word with you,” Aziraphale said. He had appeared in the passenger seat of the Bentley, with a smile on his face that didn’t make him look happy. It was odd how much more balanced Crowley’s beloved car looked with Aziraphale there, a pale passenger in a darkened space, like a star in the night sky.
Crowley had made sure Aziraphale would hear about his scheme to steal holy water from a church. Crowley was far too afraid to bring up the subject of holy water again with Aziraphale, but he wanted the angel to know that the plan for their defense was moving along. He just wasn’t sure what Aziraphale was going to do about it now that he did know.
“I’m not a fighter, like you,” Crowley said. “I can’t conjure up a flaming sword. This is just me being careful. Of course, Heaven is a likely danger too, so we should talk about you having access to hellfire somehow. I was thinking maybe if we could find a witch— I just met this guy who might know of a few.” Crowley trailed off, watching Aziraphale stare out the window at the street beyond, the crowds of people, the passing cars.
“Crowley, you know that holy water won't just kill your body. It will destroy you completely.”
“I do know that.”
“I thought it was going to. In Eden.” When Aziraphale turned to look at Crowley, he was as ashen as his white coat. “We— we met on the wall, if you remember—”
“Of course I remember.”
Aziraphale looked wistful for a moment. “We shouldn’t have, really. You should have been afraid that I would hurt you, strike you down for what you did with Eve and the apple. You didn’t know I wasn’t armed at the time, that I’d just given my sword away.”
“I’ve never been scared of you, Aziraphale.”
This revelation, which was not really a revelation but something immensely obvious, seemed to shake Aziraphale, making him tremble and breathe unsteadily. “The rain,” he said. “I thought it might be holy water falling from the sky. God’s punishment for what you did.”
Crowley shivered. “I didn’t know if it was or not. Scared me either way.”
Aziraphale’s eyes were now full of tears that sparkled with all the colors of the neon lights out on the street. “I put out my wing to shelter you, but you were already coming close. Why? Please tell me why.”
Crowley tried to speak gently. “I know you killed demons in the War in Heaven. I understand. That was your job. And I’m glad you did. They would have hurt you! Demons aren’t— they were your enemies. That doesn’t mean you’re a cold-blooded killer who’d strike down a demon for talking to you. You don’t come across that way, you don’t seem threatening. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you be threatening unless you have to be, and even then, you— Look, the reason I’m not scared of you is because you’re a good angel. Not good by Heaven’s standards, maybe. Just— good.”
“There’s not supposed to be a difference,” Aziraphale said, wiping his eyes. “There cannot be more than one kind of good angel.”
Crowley huffed out a dark laugh. “Well, maybe you’re just ineffable, then. An angel who won’t kill demons outside of a war. It’s not just me, I’ve seen you chase off plenty without hurting them. Even that one who attacked you in 1143, the Florentine Republic. Remember him, with the tail? You injured him in the War but then when you met him again, you let him go. Of course, you did stomp on the scar of the tail wound you’d given him all those millenia ago. He didn’t appreciate that.” Crowley laughed again, and it was just as unnatural-sounding as the first time.
Aziraphale had rested one hand on the door handle to the car, but otherwise, he made no move to leave. He just looked at Crowley with a misery that made Crowley feel sick. “His tail,” Aziraphale said, in a quiet voice. “It didn’t fit under my wings. The rain— there was holy rain in the War in Heaven, and a drop— splashed him. I couldn’t quite heal it, there wasn’t time. Or room, really, with all the— with all the rest there.”
“Holy fucking Hell,” Crowley whispered. “You didn’t kill demons in the War. You protected them.”
Aziraphale smiled sorrowfully. “From holy water. Twelve of them.” Now that he had gotten started talking, the words began to flow rapidly. “That was all I could fit under my wings. Some were very small, you know. It started because I saw this little one— he looked like a sort of cat-thing, but rather more teeth than anyone would ever need. He tried to bite me, that was all he could do. But he missed and so he started to back away. And then it started to rain. I could feel the drops of it on my body, cold in that way that holy water is, pure and sharp and heavy. I put out my wing to cover him. I just— I just did. I’m a guard, Crowley, it’s instinct, I cannot just—”
Crowley reached across the seat and pulled Aziraphale into his arms. Aziraphale buried his face against Crowley’s shoulder and sobbed.
Aziraphale hadn’t been in Crowley’s arms since the kiss in 1941, and it felt to Crowley like he’d never left, and also like he couldn’t stay. Like they were two pieces of a whole who were desperately holding themselves together across a crack that ran all the way through.
“They all trusted me,” Aziraphale said, muffled into Crowley’s jacket. “They came from everywhere, trying to shield themselves from the rain until they made it to my wings. I picked up two of the little ones, and the rest of us squeezed together until the rain stopped. It felt wonderful, Crowley, it felt right.”
Aziraphale pushed back, out of Crowley’s arms, wiping his eyes. He held out a hand and materialized an object from the air: a flask, decorated in a pale tartan design. “The humans don’t know what the holy water will do to you,” he said, his voice still shaky. “Your plan to rob a church is stupid, and your plan to use holy water in self-defense is probably right, but at the same time very stupid. And dangerous. But I cannot let you go unguarded. Not— not from your ridiculous caper, and not from Hell. So— so here. Don’t go unscrewing the cap.”
“Angel,” Crowley breathed. “What this must mean to you—”
“What you mean to me,” Aziraphale said, with a bit of a leftover sob.
“Do you know what you mean to me?”
Aziraphale smiled, just a little. “This isn’t over, Crowley. It’s not fixed. It’s not safe. You and I— we have to be careful not to go too fast.”
NEXT: Y'all ready to find out the rest of Aziraphale's secret?
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Want to create fic, art, or other works based on this series? Please do! Just dm or tag me.
My previous Good Omens serial: Mr. Fell’s Bookshop
Coming August 20: "Tollense," my next serial romance. A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire.
My Carrd
Image text: Love’s Endless Light by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits) Chapter 10
As Aziraphale and Crowley slowly fall in love over the millennia, Crowley discovers that Aziraphale is keeping a very dangerous secret.
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