#he looks so pathetic my friend said that he looks like hes never eaten a vegetable in his life. he does not get his vitamin D
lungblossom · 6 months
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how embarrassing
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naomiarai · 4 months
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bsf tyun coming over to your place, finals just ended and god, you could use some relaxing time with him. a little talking somehow leads to the topic of “if youve ever received head” now sex talk with taehyun wasn't weird, it just wasnt often and that aspect made it a little awkward. but when you let out a quick “no” at the said question; you think youve never seen taehyun so wide eyed. youve seriously never been eaten out? he asks with pure amusement. all you could let out was another pathetic “no”, this was embarrassing in a way, what if he thinks you're really inexperienced with this kind of shit even though you guys have been friends to the point to even talk about it?
is that weird or something..? you ask, anticipating his answer, no, god no thats not weird, i just couldn't fathom that nobody ever made you feel good like that he says in a rush. wow,, for it to be surprising, oral sex must be the base of even putting a dick inside a pussy you think. but now it intrigues you, how does it feel to have someone's tongue right on your cunt? its definitely strange to imagine but its a thought that comes to mind if youve got someone surprised and only ever had dick inside you.
b..but im curious, i wonder how it feels.., you mumble to yourself, but seeing taehyun turn his head towards you, he heard it too. he pauses for a moment before saying,, i can make that happen, if you want to that is, he says ever so simply like he just didn't ask he if he could eat you out. your heart drops, did you hear that right? did he just blatantly ask if he could possibly eat you out? oh my god. you feel so warm all of a sudden, something along your mind giving you the feeling of saying “yes”.
but what if it ruins your friendship? what if, you gain feelings for him after he gives you head and its never normal again?. over here...wouldn't the bed be more convenient..? you say before you could regret it. taehyun looks at you again, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a genuine grin, so im guessing that's a yes? hm? he asks with a tone of triumph. you look at him with doe eyes,, whispering uh..h yes..
and thats how found yourself here, naked legs spread open, and taehyun in-between them, a tight grip on your thighs to keep you from moving. anticipation fills you as be simply urges you to relax and he'd take care of the rest >< (how is taehyun so calm here idk) you slightly flinch at the feeling of his tongue flat against your hole, the cold feeling sending vibrations down ur spine. his fingers move in circles around ur inner thigh, as he sucks at your clit as he uses his other hand to flick at it. god, its seriously just making you wetter, it felt so fucking good.
a-...ah, dont stop- god you say letting out soft moans, you could feel taehyun smiling at your cunt, really happy huh? your thighs start shaking right as he slips his tongue inside your gaping hole, smoothly rubbing against your walls, edging you so close to your orgasm. i can feel ur close, come for me yeah? he says and its got your pussy throbbing, almost immediately cumming at the end of his sentence.
he looks at you with delight as your chest heaves up and down, recovering from your orgasm. you feel heavenly, gosh was he good ;3 he goes back to lick up the mess u made,,, youll have to do this again, with an excuse that you'd only done it once...
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daisynik7 · 9 months
Could you possibly do: Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado for Jean Kirstein - Smut (stg he needs more love on this app)
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Pairing: Jean x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: frenemies-to-lovers trope, one bed (in this case, tent) trope, modern day au, explicit language, smut – mutual masturbation, fingering, hand job
Summary: During your annual camping trip with your friends, you find out a little too late that the tent you brought with you is broken. With everyone’s already occupied, you’re forced to share one with Jean, who you don’t exactly get along with. Maybe sharing a small space together for one night will change that. 
Author’s Note: Hi anon! Thank you for your request for the y2k karaoke party! This idea is somewhat inspired by my main man AugustInTheWinter’s “Trapped in Your Asshole Friend’s Tent” (reddit link, +18)  except mine is more of a teaser if anything, since there’s no actual sex, hehe. I hope you like this one! I don’t write for Jean often, but when I do, I always have so much fun! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading! MDNI banner by @/mikeykuns.
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Your tent is busted, and of course you only find out about it as you unpack it on the campsite, finding it torn up and unusable. You turn to Sasha, panicking. “It’s broken!”
She kneels down to inspect it, looking at all the parts. “There’s nothing you can do to fix it?”
“Everything is in pieces. It’s completely useless. Do you have room in your tent?”
She shakes her head. “I’m sleeping in Connie’s. And Mikasa, Armin, and Eren are squeezing into one. Which leaves only Jean – ”
“No,” you say with emphasis. “No way.”
Sasha rolls her eyes. “Come on. You’re only in there for a few hours each night, that’s it! Set your differences aside for once! Unless you want to sleep out in the cold.”
“I think I’d rather freeze to death and get eaten by a bear than share a tent with him,” you state, crossing your arms over your chest. 
She chuckles, taking a bite out of a baked potato she has stored in her pocket. “Fine. I’ll be sure to write that in your obituary.” She walks away from you, joining Connie by their tent, helping him set it up while you stand there, defiant, and all-too-stubborn. You look over to their right to see the EMA trio working together to assemble their big tent, but still not big enough to house a fourth person. Then, on the other side, furthest away from the others, is Jean. 
You seriously weigh your options, eventually deciding that death by the elements is worse by the tiniest margin than sleeping next to Jean. So you walk up to him, tapping on the thin fabric, pretending to knock. “Kirstein,” you call out when there’s no answer.
He unzips the entrance, glaring at you. “What do you want?”
You clear your throat, putting on the nicest voice you can possibly muster. “Do you have room for me in there?” You even bat your eyelashes, feeling more pathetic that you already do.
“What?!” he snaps, standing up to confront you. 
“My tent is broken and there’s no room in the other’s, so…”
“Fuck no,” he states, a little harsher than usual. 
“C’mon, Kirstein! It’s just for two nights!”
“Then sleep outside.”
“I promise I’ll be good!” you whine, putting your hands together in prayer, pleading. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Oh, I’ll definitely know you’re here,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, irritated. He yells out across the way. “Sash, Connie! There’s really no room in there for her?”
Connie answers, “Nope!”
“Mikasa, how about in your – ”
“No,” she responds immediately, the other two boys shaking their heads to confirm.
Jean groans, scratching his head anxiously, as if this is the worst thing he’s ever had to consider. Eventually, he mutters a contemptuous, “Fine. But we’re not sharing sleeping bags.”
“I never said anything about sleeping bags!” you protest. 
“I’m just saying!”
Not wanting to argue more, you ease up. “Okay, okay. Thank you. Seriously, Kirstein. I really do appreciate it.” You attempt to give him the most genuine smile you can manage. All he does is roll his eyes, zipping the entrance closed.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. After setting up camp, you all go for an easy hike on a nearby trail. Jean doesn’t interact with you, which is typical behavior from him. You can’t pinpoint the exact reason why he dislikes you so much; it didn’t start this way when you first met him several years ago through Sasha. But the more you hung out with them, the colder he’s gotten towards you. Because of this, you decided to act the same towards him, causing this hostile relationship between you two. Maybe sharing a tent tonight is a good opportunity to let bygones be bygones and finally get along.
Back at camp, you gather around the fire to roast hot dogs for dinner. Jean sits across from you, a serious expression on his face as he focuses on cooking his meal. You study him, watching the flames reflect in his eyes. He’s handsome, that’s for sure; sharp jawline, luscious brown locks on his head, an impressive stature. If he wasn’t such an asshole, you could see yourself being friendly with him, maybe even more. The thought makes you smile to yourself. He meets your gaze for a brief moment, startling you. You quickly turn your head to the side, pretending to be interested in the dirt on the ground, hoping he didn’t catch you staring. 
By midnight, with your bellies nourished with a hot dogs, potato chips, and s’mores for dessert, you all decide to call it a night. Armin and Eren put out the fire while the rest of you do a thorough job disposing any trash and putting away any of the remaining food. Everyone gets ready for bed in their designated spots around the wilderness. You especially take your time, wanting to stall as much as possible so you don’t have to interact with your tent-mate. 
Eventually, you’re the only one left outside and there’s nothing left for you to do but head in. As you walk into the tent, you quietly step inside, noticing Jean already curled in his sleeping bag to the farthest side he can reach, leaving plenty of space for you. He’s wrapped in an additional blanket, head resting on a fluffy pillow, expression the most relaxed you’ve ever seen. You grin, appreciating how cute he looks like this. 
You nestle into your sleeping bag, adjusting your pillow before you find a comfortable position to sleep in. Even with it zipped up and surrounding you, it’s still chilly enough that your teeth chatter. Holding yourself tightly, you rub your arms, hoping to create enough friction to warm yourself up.  
From the other side, you hear Jean’s familiar groan, then shuffling. Suddenly, you feel something thick envelop you. You crane your neck to see Jean near you now, his blanket covering you both. He faces you with that scowl on his face, eyes closed. “I’m only sharing so that you don’t keep me up all night,” he says.
You roll over to turn your body towards him, closer than you’ve ever been before. “Thank you,” you murmur, snuggling into your pillow. 
He doesn’t say anything else, probably drifting off to sleep by now. Although you’re warm enough, you still can’t fall into a slumber the way you want. Not with Jean so near you, pretty eyelashes fluttering, soft lips parted slightly; he is really handsome. Your chest swells, heat rushes into your cheeks. As quietly as you can, praying that he’s actually asleep, you whisper, “I’m sorry, Jean. For whatever I did to make you hate me so much.” You say it more for yourself if anything. Even if he can’t hear you, at least you’ve put it out there for the universe. 
“I don’t hate you.” It startles you when he says it in a low, gruff voice, eyes still closed. 
You swallow hard, not sure if you should continue this conversation, or let it end here. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, you decide to respond. “You don’t?”
This time, he opens his eyes slowly, blinking at you. “No. You’re annoying, irritating, always completely unprepared. But I don’t hate you.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mutter, wrapping your arms tighter around yourself. “Sorry for always being such a nuisance to you. I’ll be sure to leave you alone now.”
He sighs. “You’re not always a nuisance, okay? And besides, you’re the one who acts like you hate me.”
“I only do that because you did it to me first,” you argue. “I don’t even know what I did to annoy you in the first place. Tell me.”
“If I start now, we’ll be up all night,” he smirks, looking smug. 
“Seriously, what did I ever do to you? I need to know so I can apologize formally.” 
He stares at you, contemplating his answer. You wait with anticipation, nervous for what he’s about to say. Eventually, he admits, “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?”
More confused now, you ask, “Then why do you treat me like I did?”
He sighs again, this time even deeper. “I don’t know.”
You scoot closer to him instinctually, studying his face as if that will give you a clearer answer. “You don’t know?”
He’s caught off guard by the closing distance between you. “I don’t know,” he repeats, stammering. “I just…”
Closer now, your nose mere inches from his, the heat radiating from his body towards you. “Just what?”
He gulps loudly before leaning forward, pressing his lips to yours in a delicate kiss. You don’t immediately pull back, indulging in the intimate touch until his tongue slips into your mouth. It shocks you, not because you don’t like it, but because of how much you do. You break apart, catching your breath. “What are you…” you trail off, fixated on his lips, slightly shiny now from your spit.  
He unzips his sleeping bag, freeing his hands to reach for you, caressing your cheek. “If you don’t like it, tell me now and I’ll stop.” His thumb brushes against your skin, electrifying every nerve in your body. 
You wiggle out of your confines to touch him too, placing your hands on hands on his chest, clenching his t-shirt in your fists. Something comes over you. Curiosity, lust, temptation, you’re not quite sure. All you know is that you want to keep kissing him, keep touching him, and save the explaining for later. It doesn’t have to make sense right now; all you want is to feel good. 
“Don’t stop,” you whisper, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s sloppier this time, his tongue flicking against yours, eager for a taste of you. His hand travels down your body, sliding around your waist beneath your pajama top. It ignites your skin, forgetting any ounce of coldness that occupied your body just moments before. 
“On top,” he huffs, fingers digging into your flesh. “Get on top of me.”
You obey, spreading his sleeping bag open, seeing the prominent bulge protruding from his sweats. You straddle his lap, grinding yourself on him, rubbing your clothed pussy along his shaft. He grips your waist with both his hands, watching you rock against him, biting his lip with a crazed look in his eyes. “Fuck,” he breathes out, brows furrowed in concentration, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. If you had known it would be like this, maybe the two of you wouldn’t have wasted so much time berating each other. You could have spent the last few years doing this instead.
You lean down, kissing him passionately while you continue to ride him with your clothes on. He’s unbelievably hard beneath you now, his big cock straining against the fabric. Your arousal leaks into your panties, wet and ready for him. His hands glide to your bottom, squeezing your cheeks in his hands. Soon, his fingers are hooked on your waistband, tugging them down your thighs, coaxing you to strip. You hop off him, rolling to his side to properly remove your pants, him doing the same next to you. Both of you are naked from the waist down now, lying beside each other. You reach between your legs, rubbing your fingers on your clit. He watches, fist wrapped around his cock, stroking it feverishly. “I didn’t know you were like this,” he whispers, biting his lip to hold back his moans. “Fuck, if I had known I…I would have – ”
“What, Jean? What would you have done?” you ask, playing with yourself faster, watching him jerk himself off.
“I would have fucked you so much sooner. Make you my slut.”
“You want to slut me out? Is that what you want?”
“Yeah. But only for me. I only want you to be a slut for me.”
You reach for him with your wet fingers, replacing his hand with yours, stroking him slowly. He moans, eyes blown wide at the sight. “Come here,” he beckons, stretching his hand towards your pussy. “I want to make you feel good too.”
Kneeling beside him, you guide him to you, teasing your clit with his palm. “God, you’re so fucking wet. Can I fuck you with these fingers, baby?”
The pet name is unexpected from his mouth, but it spurs you on. You nod, lifting up slightly to sink down on his middle finger while his thumb nudges your clit. A moan escapes you, unable to keep quiet. He chuckles softly, shushing you. “You don’t want the others to know you’re getting finger-fucked by me, do you? You better be quiet.” 
You stay like this, Jean’s fingers pumping in and out of your cunt while he fucks your fist. Aching for a new position, you release him, pulling him out of you so that you can straddle his lap again, this time completely nude. 
He stammers, clearly nervous. “Oh fuck, should we…?”
There is no lube, nor are there any condoms around you. It would be a bad idea to have sex under these conditions, though temptation is testing you, especially with how far you’ve already gotten. As badly as you want to be fucked, you decide not to. “Not tonight. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel good, right?” You flick the tip of his cock on your clit, your core tight with pleasure from the intimate contact. 
He relaxes into his sleeping bag, watching you with a dazed expression on his face, moaning as you grind your pussy along his shaft, hand nestled underneath his cock, stroking him simultaneously. “Fuck, you really know what you’re doing, huh?”
“Is that bad?” you ask, slowing your pace.
He smiles, shaking his head. “Not at all. I just didn’t expect you to be so promiscuous.” He reaches towards you, massaging your clit with his thumb. 
You whine from his touch, rocking back and forth on his shaft, almost inclined to sink down on his cock anyways. “Maybe I’m only like this with you.”
He continues to grin at you, caressing your sensitive bud faster. “Yeah, maybe you are.”
You stay like this until his cock pulsates beneath you, shooting spurts of cum onto his stomach. Soon, you’re coming too with his thumb pressed tightly on your clit, rubbing deep into you, gushing all over him. When you’re done riding out your orgasm, you roll off of him, back into your own sleeping bag. Jean stays flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling of his tent, his breathing gradually returning to a steady pace. The two of you remain silent, equally confused and thrilled about what just occurred. 
You decide to be the one to speak first. “So…”
He turns to you, a kind expression on his face. Have you ever seen this on him before? It puts a flutter in your belly. “So,” he repeats. 
“Should we talk about it?”
“What’s there to talk about?” He scoots closer to you, holding your hand in his.
“This. Us,” you say, interlocking your fingers with his. Who would have though being this way with Jean Kirstein would feel so…natural?
“Right. Us.” He nuzzles his nose to yours. “The truth is, I’ve been a massive asshole to you because I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”
“So, instead, you act like you hate me?”
He points to himself, giving you a goofy grin. “See? Idiot.”
You sigh, squeezing him tighter. “So, you actually like me?”
Smiling, he kisses your cheek. “I do. I’ve liked you for a while. If you give me a chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. If you let me.”
You don’t respond right away, contemplating the situation. Could it really work out between you two after all the petty arguments, snide remarks, contemptuous glares? It is comfortable, being with him like this. It’s better than you ever imagined. 
You snuggle into his chest, surrounding yourself in his warmth and security. “I guess we could give it a shot.”
“Yeah?” He tips your chin up to meet your gaze, smiling big.
He brings you towards him to kiss you sweetly, cradling you in his arms. “Thank you.”
You pull away, smirking at him before you whisper, “And next time, you’re going to slut me out properly, right?”
He laughs quietly, biting his lip. “Absolutely.”
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all2angels · 6 months
BURIED MYSELF ALIVE | basement!gerard x reader
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warnings: this is kinda intense don't read if sensitive, NSFW!!, exaggerated writing, kinda cringe but it's meant to be like that, gerard is sooo gross and pathetic, i've never written a bj scene before please be kind 🙏 probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes because i could not bring myself to proofread im sorry
this was the last place you wanted to be in, like, this was genuinely a fucking hellhole.
when you walked in, the smell was almost rancid. his room was filled with trash, half-eaten chips, mountains of unwashed laundry, socks that had something in it that you didn't want to think about.
he offered for you to sit on his bed, you didn't want to, but it seemed like a better option than the floor, so you sat on the edge of bed.
you hated yourself for having the slightest bit of empathy, then maybe you wouldn't be in this place. gerard had asked you if you wanted to watch a horror movie at his place after you bonded over the topic one day, and you said yes, but have been putting it off for about three weeks.
all of your friends told you to cancel on it, they said that gerard wss a gross pervert freak and that you wouldn't want anything to do with him, but whenever he'd asked you if you still wanted to watch a movie with him he'd look so pathetic and desperate, you didn't have the heart to say no. but you wished you declined it.
gerard was walking all over the place, with a panicked look and rummaging through his stuff. you thought he was probably looking for the cd that had the movie. you wondered how he could find anything in this place. while he was looking, you looked over at his bedside table, seeing dirty magazines. you let out a scoff. couldn't he have at least hidden those before i came over?
"please don't be mad.." he says, his voice filled with guilt, "i know you've- we've waited for weeks, but i can't find my CDs." he takes a seat next to you, and you hold your breath. he stared at you, you didn't know what to do or say, he was just staring awkwardly.
"it's... fine? i guess..." you said, unsettled by the way he looked at you. you swear that he almost leaned in, and you were trying to prevent anything like that from happening. his eyes was filled with infatuation, and yours was filled with absolute disgust. the way he looked at you made you feel dirty. he was so fucking pathetic, but it was kinda hot how much he seemed to like you, how much he seemed like he wanted to please you.
you turned away from him out of pure embarrassment that you thought in the slightest bit that gerard 'pervert' way was attractive or hot, but you couldn't help it. you decided that the only way to stop these thoughts was to get the fuck away from here.
"hey, i should go..." you spoke up, standing up from the spot in his bed you were sitting in. you waited for him to say something, but he just looked at you and frowned. he looked like he was about to cry. jesus fucking christ you could throw up right now.
"gerard...? are you okay?" you sigh, sitting back down. you couldn't leave him like this. you hesitate, but you put your hand on his back, comforting him. you didn't want to ask, you wanted to get out, "what's wrong?" you say through gritted teeth.
"i'm really lonely, y/n, please don't go." he rests his head on your shoulder. he starts to ramble on about something, and you tune out his voice. the more he talked, the more you started to be impatient.
"you're so fucking pathetic..." you said. out loud. fuck. your eyes widened, realizing that he had heard it. he lifted his head, but the had his gross hand on your thigh. you were going to apologize, but the way that he looked shocked made you want to rage.
"are you serious?" you snap, he looks confused and hurt. "you couldn't possibly think you had a chance, c'mon dude. you're so- i mean, you're a freak."
"i jus', uhm, i-i like you—" before he could even finish his sentence you laughed at him. no fucking way. you turned to him again, and seeing his eyes, you knew he was genuine. his eyes were red from crying, and his cheeks flushed.
"you're so fucking pathetic, gerard. shouldn't come across as a surprise, i don't like you back." you say, standing up to leave, but before you can he reaches for your hand. his hand was calloused, it was rough.
"please-" he begs, "please, listen— i promise you..." he doesn't know what to say, but he wants you to stay so bad. "I'll do anything for you. I'll do anything."
"no! stop it, okay? i. don't. like. you. get that shit through your head. i don't even want to be your friend, okay, you-" he cuts you off this time with a kiss. he tastes horrible, but you don't stop it. fuck it, you think. you liked the kiss.
he breaks the kiss, and you could feel his hard dick on your thigh, his face is close to yours. "give me a chance, please..." he says.
you sighed and pushed him onto his messy bed, making him sit on the end of the bed and going on your knees in front of him. you start to unbuckle his belt, then you undo his zipper. you could hear him whimper. you take out his dick, a little part of you at least expected him to have a big dick, but he doesn't. the size was fine, not like it was too small. it wasn't trimmed, and the smell was somehow stronger than other dude's dicks. you try not to think about it too much and hold your breath.
you tease the tip, licking off the precum which tastes sweet and bitter. you swirled your tongue around his tip, and feel him twitch. "fuck..." he moans. you feel his hands on your hair, petting you softly, it felt awkward though, you just brushed past it.
you give his dick a few pumps, hearing him beg for you hurry up. you spit on your hand, messily spreading it on his shaft before you part your lips to take him into your mouth. you look up at him, see his eyes closed, and head back. you kept on moving up and down, he let out a loud groan.
you continued bobbing your head up and down, you teased his balls. he made such pretty noises when you did that.
you kept your pace steady until you started to feel his dick twitch in your mouth, you began to quicken your speed until he eventually released his load in your mouth, it spread to your face and chest, and whatever was left in your mouth you swallowed.
he dropped onto his bed, panting heavily. you cleaned yourself up with a cloth you hoped was clean on his bed. it was probably filled with cum anyway.
you sat next to him. his dick was still out.
"c-can we do that again?" he tiredly asked, looking over to you.you sighed heavily. "i guess so, whatever. just don't tell anyone." you warned, rolling your eyes. welp
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xoxoladyaz · 10 months
AU-gust, Day 5: Pet Sitting
“Nope, no way. Absolutely not.”
Six sets of puppy-dog eyes stared back at her. Lucas, the ham, even pretended to start whimpering.
“Stevie, please,” Dustin whined, “Eddie needs a safe place to stay.”
She stared at Dustin for a few seconds before glancing down at the shoebox in Dustin’s hands. Inside the shoebox surrounded by a few of Claudia’s oldest and fuzziest kitchen towels stood a bat, a small black bat with big black eyes that looked almost just as pathetic as the rest of the kids.
“I’ve done this song and dance with you before, Henderson, and I told you when you got rid of the alien lizard - ”
“D’artagnan was a cryptid, Stevie!”
“ – alien lizard that I wasn’t going to help you keep playing monster vet. I still haven’t recovered from seeing Mews’ corpse!”
“Mews was my cat and I’m fine! Besides, Eddie’s just a normal bat!”
“Dustin, he has a full head of hair!”
Stevie and Dustin stared at each other before looking back down at the bat (Eddie). Who was running his little claws through his hair and preening. (Stevie could have sworn that he winked at her, but she wasn’t crazy; it was definitely just a trick of the light.)
Dustin’s face started to flush like he was going to argue with her but El (sweet, precious El) cut him off before he could really get going. “Stevie’s right. He is not normal,” El said, stepping forward to run her fingers against Eddie’s head. Eddie rubbed up against her fingers and chirped. 
“See, I knew it - ”
“But he is a friend,” El said and fuck, the full force of El-most-likely-a-changeling-Hopper’s big brown eyes was something Stevie would probably never learn to resist. “And he needs someone to care for him while he gets better.”
“Better? What do you mean, better?”
“Bad man,” El replied matter-of-factly and, well, shit. She didn’t need to say much more than that.
Stevie sighed and turned her attention back towards the “bat” in question. “How long?”
Just a few weeks, maybe a month or two, Dustin had said. “I would have kept him myself but Mom was worried that he’d eat Tews – ”
(“Oh, and you don’t care if I get eaten?” Stevie had replied. Dustin had just rolled his eyes and ignored her.) 
So yeah, two months tops, just until Eddie was “healed” or what not. (He didn’t have any visible injuries that Stevie could see but then again, she was just a cosmetologist, what the fuck did she know about bat anatomy?) Until then, Stevie was going to have a tiny flying roommate who apparently “only likes to listen to metal music, so I’ve brought a few tapes and oh! He loves fantasy so you’ll have to read him this as a bedtime story,” at which point Dustin handed her The Lord of the Rings, “and he gets lonely at night so don’t lock him out, he likes to cuddle, and he should be able to fit in your jacket pocket when you go to work during the day - ”
“No, nope, no way, none of that is happening,” Stevie argued and she really had been planning on sticking to that – no metal music, no bedtime stories, no cuddles, and definitely no work trips, no way, no how.
(She’d folded by hour two of Eddie’s stay at Casa de Harrington.)
“You get this is weird, right?”
“Hmm?” Stevie was cutting apart some strawberries to blend with whatever “protein drink” Dustin kept dropping off at her house. “What’s weird?” She turned to look at Robin, who was watching Eddie shimmy up and down the dining room table to “Rock Me Like a Hurricane.”
“Stevie. This is not normal bat behavior.”
“So? It’s normal Eddie behavior,” Stevie shrugged. She tossed the berries into the blender and, once it was a fine red concoction, put it in a little cup with a little straw and walked over the table. Eddie slid his way across the polished wood and wiggled when he saw her, chittering happily before going to town on his fruit smoothie.
“Yeah, well, this isn’t also normal Stevie behavior!” Robin threw her hands up in the air. “You’re letting a wild animal sleep with you in your bed!”
(She’d tried to encourage Eddie to stay in the guest room that first night all those weeks ago but she’d barely laid in bed for all of two minutes before a dark shape flew through the dark and landed on her chest. She’d screamed and leapt out of the bed but Eddie had somehow managed to grip his claws into her shirt and no amount of arguing with him was able to get him to let go. 
“Fine,” she’d finally growled, “but if I roll over and squish you, it’s not my fault.” 
When she’d finally woken up the next morning, she was still lying on her back and Eddie was still nestled onto her chest. They’d been going to sleep every night that way ever since.)
“Hey,” Stevie replied defensively, “he’s not a wild animal, he’s totally tame.”
“Uh huh,” Robin replied queasily, watching as Eddie happily slurped up his smoothie. “Just because you play dress-up with him doesn’t mean he’s tame, Stevie.”
The tiny vest was from El and Will, something about how Eddie looked “wrong” without it (whatever that meant. Stevie had to admit it did look really cute on him.)
“He looks adorable, Robin!”
“He’s totally taken over your life,” Robin shot back dramatically. “He goes shopping with you, you take him to work – Stevie, he sits with you when you take bubble baths, for Pete’s sake!”
(Hey, Eddie was a gentleman, he always waited until she was covered by bubbles until coming in and sitting on the little nest of towels she’d made for him on the set of drawers by the bathtub and okay, maybe Robin had a point here.)
“And that’s not to mention that I’ve been trying to get you to read a book for literal years now and this bat shows up and suddenly you’re reading Tolkien to him every night?”
“It’s actually a good book, Robin,” Stevie said defensively.
“I know that, Stevie, I just can’t believe that you’re not seeing this! Like, there are so many red flags! He’s literally drinking blood right now!”
Stevie huffed and leaned over the table, like she was physically covering Eddie from Robin’s criticism. “It’s rude to judge somebody else’s eating habits, Robin. Or did you forget our conversation last month when you tried to go vegetarian?”
“That’s different and you know it!” Robin exclaimed. 
Eddie, because he was a little drama king, took the last sip of his smoothie while making eye contact with Robin before letting out an exaggeratedly content sigh. 
Stevie rolled her eyes and set her hand down. Eddie scurried onto her palm, letting out a series of happy chirps. She lifted him up and set him on her shoulder where he waddled to her cheek and pressed his little face against it, like he was giving her a little kiss. “You’re being overdramatic, Robin.”
“Fine, whatever, just don’t come crying to me when he makes you his eternal vampire bride or whatever,” Robin huffed before getting up and stalking out of the kitchen.
“He’s just a bat!” Stevie called after her. Robin responded by slamming the front door after he on the way out. 
Sighing, Stevie turned to look at Eddie, who was currently making a home for himself in her curls. “You are just a bat, right?”
Eddie turned and shot her a wink before wrapping his little body in one of her ringlets.
“Yeah, that’s probably fine.”
One of the best parts of having Eddie around actually was nighttime. She hadn’t gotten so many nights of uninterrupted sleep in years. He was like some sort of nightmare repellent or something; in fact, the only dreams she’d had recently were of a shrouded figure with long dark hair and a sexy laugh and teasing cool hands and other things – 
And when she woke up a month and a half into Eddie’s residency in her home, she probably should have been more shocked at the fact that her bat had turned into a very pale, very sexy and very naked man with long dark hair and cool skin and – 
“God, Robin’s never going to let me live this down,” Stevie murmured as the man stirred above her. He opened his eyes and yep, yeah, those were her bat’s eyes. 
Eddie’s grin grew sharp as he pressed her further into her bed. “I’m sure I can find some way to make up for it,” he said as he drew close enough to kiss her. 
“How do you feel about a Halloween wedding?”
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klausysworld · 11 months
Okay, so I was thinking, what about Omega Klaus?
He takes suppressants to block his omega scent and his heats but he finds his mate, which is an alpha that is supposedly a friend of the Scooby-Doo Gang.
The Alpha reader knows instantly that Klaus is an Omega, Her Omega.
They know each other and everything, then they date and Klaus forgets to take his suppressants and he gose into heat and builds a nest and his Alpha finds out and Klaus freaks but then his alpha reassures him and fucks him in the nest that Klaus build.
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She knows
Being a male omega wolf was a rare occurrence, especially a thousand years ago. To alpha females it was blessing but to the pack as a whole it was usually a disadvantage.
Klaus was ashamed of his omega trait, and when Mikael learnt of it he had a whole other reason to hate Niklaus. Another reason for Klaus to loath himself.
So he made himself appear as dominant as possible. He viewed any sign of submission as weak and pathetic. He forced witches to create a suppression spell on him and was able to gain his alpha scent by replicating his siblings.
His siblings never mentioned their brothers original status, they understood that it was difficult to be known as the almighty hybrid and be an omega. The two didn’t mix in the superhero world.
They all sort of forgot he was an omega until the spell wore off.
Klaus didn’t know that the spell would break away if he met his match. His alpha.
And he wasn’t at all ready.
Klaus felt the atmosphere shift when he met her eyes, a very hesitant expression on his face when she put her hand out for him to shake.
Both Damon and Stefan were incredibly confused as they watched the two wolves have a stare down before he reluctantly shook her hand. Rebekah sat on her bar stool trying not to laugh as she watched her brother shiver in delight and step closer to the woman.
Stefan awkwardly cleared his throat and tried to get out of the situation while Damon pulled Y/n away and ushered her out of bar. They left Chicago and didn’t speak of the incident again.
Rebekah on the other hand was all over the idea. Klaus managed to shut her up infront of Stefan until he ended up knocked out in the back of a truck and the siblings were on their way to Mystic Falls anyway
“Oh my god you that she knows right!? You saw the way she looked at you? She looked like she could’ve eaten you on the spot-“ She exclaimed and Klaus sunk into his seat
“It’s impossible for her to know” he grumbled nervously
“She definitely knew”
“She can’t.”
Klaus felt like a child being watched by his mother when he spotted y/n observing him at the high school prank night.
She had a certain look on her face the whole time, she looked at him in a way that asked: why are you pretending so hard to be something you’re not?
So he avoided her stare as much as he could despite the urge to look over to her.
He found it a little odd that she didn’t stop him from turning Tyler, only watched with a calculated expression.
Though when he turned Stefan’s humanity off he noticed her stand and approach him. Her gaze hard and empty as she helped Elena run away from her boyfriend. And Klaus didn’t dare lay a hand on either of them when he found them halfway down the corridor.
She appeared again at the hospital with Damon, bringing Elena to the car.
And then he got a flow of calls from Rebekah reporting any information she could find on y/n while Klaus was away making hybrids.
He was worried. He could feel something happening to him and he didn’t know how to stop it.
And it only got harder when she came to his defence against his father. His wolf wanted to collapse to his knees before her.
She brought him back to his home, loving words whispered to him as she cleaned the blood from his chest where Damon had stabbed him and changed him out of his suit which she said made him look handsome which resulted in an embarrassingly dark blush.
And when her lips pressed to his forehead, his entire body went limp. Her hands stroked his stubble and she pulled the blankets to cover him “it’s okay omega, you’re safe now” she told him gently, her words not registering to him until the next day after he had fallen asleep with her arms holding him tight and nuzzled his face into her chest.
By the time he woke up she had gone and left him a note with a glass of blood beside his bed which he learned was hers just by smelling it before moaning as he guzzled it down.
He didn’t know that by drinking her blood the spell had nearly entirely disappeared.
He could feel that need to be taken care of resurfacing. He wanted her so incredibly badly that it consumed his every thought.
By the time all his siblings were awake he was fully stripped of his alpha identity. They could all tell instantly, but none of them commented. Especially not after Rebekah had blabbed on about y/n being Klaus’ alpha. If there were something worse than an alpha male, it were an alpha female.
So they kept any thoughts to themselves as they watched him get deliveries of pillows and blankets, comforters and toppers. A couple times they each peaked to see his nest progression. Esther was most shocked when she went to wake him for the day of the ball and found him curled up with a stuffed wolf that y/n had gifted him despite his embarrassment.
And when the ball came around he felt like a puppy waiting for its person to come find him.
He danced with his face in her neck, his tongue licking at the skin and his fangs urging to dig into her.
She held him like he weighed nothing and lead him through the dance with ease. When she pulled him off to the side she took one look at him before making an ‘ohh’ sound.
He looked at her in question, his eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips
“You’re okay omega” she soothed, stroking his face and neck “this just means your heat is coming up, you had one yet?” She asked softly and he whimpered with a shake of his head. “That’s alright puppy, I’m gonna take such good care of you and your needs. The second you feel it, you get in your nest and I’ll know and I’ll come to you okay? Do you have a nest yet ‘mega?” She explained and question him in a soft, caring manner.
“It’s in my room” he told her shyly, looking up the stairs before grabbing her hand and leading her up. His siblings smiled to themselves seeing the two go into his bedroom.
“Oh puppy it’s gorgeous in here” she praised while looking at the biggest nest she had ever seen. He gently pulled her down into it, bringing her under the blankets and pulling at her dress to get it off so he could feel her skin on his. “Klaus honey, there’s a lot of people downstairs and I don’t think you want them to hear how loud you’re gonna be when I play with you” she warned as he kicked his clothes off and ground against her.
He ended up drinking from her neck while humping against the pillow that was squished between them and pulling her strapless bra away from her body.
“Your gonna be so desperate when your heat hits” she whispered feeling how horny he was just from the pre-heat. “We’re gonna have to move you to my house so we don’t disturb your family” she muttered to herself while stroking his back as he rubbed up against the pillow with muffed moans.
When someone knocked on the door there was no way she could get him to stop with how far gone he was
“Can I help?” She called, lifting the fluffy quilts so she could see Elijah at the doorway who looked redder than a tomato, only able to see the movement of his brothers body and his teeth in her neck.
“I- um- my mothers having a toast downstairs but- it doesn’t matter, goodnight miss y/n” he stuttered before closing the door and hurrying back down the stairs.
And thankfully just in time before Niklaus came in the middle of his nest with a needy cry as he pulled his mouth off of her and watched himself squirt all over her abdomen.
When his heat came around a few days later he could barely comprehend anything.
He had stumbled down the stairs and out into the street searching for his alpha. Rebekah and Kol were urgently ringing Y/n after trying to chase him and bring him home.
By the time y/n found his sent he was making a nest in the middle of the woods making her eyes soften.
“Niklaus” she called softly making his head snap up “come home with me puppy, we’ll get you a really good nest” she coaxed, luring him to her house and giving him everything he needed to turn her cleared out livingroom into his new den.
The second he was done, he was out of his clothes and tearing hers off.
She pushed him down into the nest, getting on top of him and pinning his thrusting hips to the pillows beneath them “be good omega, lay still” she commanded making him freeze obediently.
His back was fully arched, his head thrown back and loud moans filling the hot air as she bounced up and down him with her hands around his throat and nail marks already raked down his chest.
Their sweaty bodies slid against in a night fiery passion. Her panting making his skin even hotter as he held his hands above his head and desperately tried not to scream.
He squirmed against the blankets as she stroked his thickening cock relentlessly, relishing in his cries and whined versions of her name.
She noticed his knot forming at the base of his cock as his hips thrust up to meet her hand in a frenzy and a string of incoherent pleas left his swollen lips.
She had him on his hands and knees then his stomach as she thrust her strap on against his prostate and encouraged him to jerk his dick.
Smoothing her hands up his back before grabbing his curls and pulling his head back to capture his lips again while he pants into her mouth and whimpers for her to go faster
Having his face hidden in his wolf stuffy while she sucks and licks his tip until his thighs are trembling and he can’t stop the tears from slipping down his cheeks nor the hoarse groans that clawed up his throat.
Poor thing can’t string together a sentence as his eyes roll back and he mindlessly begs her for more and more
Klaus was on cloud nine.
Had he known being an omega would give him this much pleasure then he wouldn’t have suppressed it.
Nothing would ever compare to the pure ecstasy he felt over the course of his week long heat.
And nothing would relax him the way his aloha cleaned him up and kissed him better.
No words would make him feel better than the ones she praised him with while he struggled to keep his eyes open and she scratched his scalp gently and promised she would never leave him.
And he knew she wouldn’t. He trusted her and he knew that he would never leave her either, ever.
(I know I basically ignored the specifics in the asks…I just wanted to do it this way instead. Sorry if you were expecting something different 😃)
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queenie-avenue · 4 months
i think a cupid just shot my heart as i read abt yan! barista!! I have a what if, where reader was pressured by their friends egging them to find someone that they made a slip of tongue and accidentally claimed and said they found someone, resulting in havoc in the group chat with their friends bombarding them with questions abt the newly found someone that reader actually doesnt have
and planning a meet-up asap the next day for readers friends to meet the someone
Soooo she runs off to Minoru asking a favor for him to be their *pretend* boyfriend for the meet-up or perhaps until he manages to woo reader into making him their real lover
Fake it till you make it.
—> helping you, but you didn't want it.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, implied stalking (but let's be fr, he did stalk), non-consensual kissing, fake-dating technically, mentions of arctic monkeys because I was playing it on spotify lol
notes: oh my god anon, i love you so much. i was actually so sad when there wasn't much interaction with the yandere barista and i'm so glad you liked it! i hope you like this! mwah! <333
💌 ⤻ archives.
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You only had one friend group, which you always took pride in. As you said, it wasn't the quantity of friends you had, but rather the quality of the people you surround yourself with. Despite their flaws, you did think that your friends were a swell group of people who simply wanted the best for you.
However, it was a problem right now because you only had one friend group, nobody else could masquerade as your boyfriend to your other friends.
You could barely sleep last night as they bombarded you with questions, asking you about your supposed lover and how the both of you met and an impromptu scheduling of your friends meeting you and your boyfriend.
You suggested neko no aishi for some reason as you thought of who would be able to be your ideal boyfriend, someone you and your friends would approve of.
Your cheeks flushed as you thought of the barista manning the counter everyday.
You shook your head as you decided that you would be a good person and fess up to your friends.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
“That's basically what happened.” You muttered as you grabbed your cup of coffee from Minoru's hands, looking up at him with the most pathetic expression you had ever shown him.
He chuckled softly. “You know,” he started as he always did, “being single is not a really big deal. You have your entire life to find the one you love.” He said as he looked you up and down. “It doesn't need to be now.” He said as he leaned across the counter, getting extremely close to you, an innocent smirk on his face.
“Yeah, I know. But I feel like I'll never find the one.” You muttered. “All my dates have ended in disaster, somehow. Just the other week, one of the guys vomited when we were walking around the street. He hadn't even eaten anything. I'm starting to think it's my perfume.” You said, attempting to make the sad situation at least somewhat funny.
“I think your perfume is just right.” Minoru said, barely above a whispered as his hands tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You flushed the deepest shade of red as his black eyes raked all over yours.
He wasn't wearing his contact lenses today, you noted, sipping your cup of coffee.
“Why not I pretend to be your boyfriend?”
The statement had caused you to sputter out your drink, staining your skin brown as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I mean, it would be quite easy.” He chuckled. “I've been a boyfriend before.” He humoured you.
“I couldn't possibly expect that of you. Plus, you have so many things to do around here. And well, I can't keep lying to my friends that you're my boyfriend, can I?” You said as you moved away from the counter, just in time so you did not hear his, ‘it doesn't need to be a lie’.
When your friends arrive, you puff out your chest and get ready to tell them the truth as they question you about the whereabouts of your rumoured boyfriend.
Just as you were about to speak, a tray was placed in front of your friends, all with adorably decorated lattes that had the signature cat of the café plastered on. “Sorry I'm late,” Minoru smiled sheepishly as he served your friends. “I was preparing some drinks for all of you.” He smiled as he took a seat next to you, wrapping his hands around your delicate waist, pulling you in as you gasped. You shot him a look, eyes widening at just what he was trying to do.
“Is he really your boyfriend?” One of your friends quipped, just as shocked as you were at this sudden development.
“Yep.” He smiled, bowing to them respectfully before turning to face you, his dark eyes boring into you. “[y/n] told me so much about all of you. I’m so happy to meet you guys.” He chuckled, acting like the perfect boyfriend that all of your friends would approve of.
“Oh is that an arctic monkeys keychain?” He asked as he began to initiate conversation with all your friends, surprisingly good at being able to pick up about what they all liked.
You couldn’t tell if he was just that good, or if he been doing research.
That was a stupid thought. How could he even do that?
“Well, I have to head back to work, but enjoy the coffee. It’s all on me.” He said as he leaned close to you. “See you later, dear.” He smiled before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, that left you even more dumbfounded. You savoured the taste of mint chapstick on Minoru’s lips, how his lips matched yours perfectly, how you felt his lips quirk up when he realised you weren’t doing anything to deny him of your lips. He pulled away, his thumb grazing his lips with a grin. Hus thumb was somehow warmer than his lips, or was that just you? Your cheeks heated up as he even wiped the stain of coffee from your lips.
Your friends squealed the moment he left, complimenting your ‘boyfriend’. You practically went with the flow as you felt dizzy, still confused about the kiss.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
“Why did you do that?” You questioned, practically gasping for air, still breathless after that kiss.
“I wanted to help you.” He said as he closed up the cafe casually as you remained red-faced and anxious.
“You didn’t need to, I already told you that I didn’t want to bother you.”
Minoru led you out as he locked the cafe for the day. “It wasn’t a bother. Trust me.” He smiled before leaning back down to give you another kiss, this time more sensual as he bit your lip before fully letting you go.
“Get home safe.” He smiled, leaving you there in the middle of the street and smouldering afternoon heat.
Soon, that fake boyfriend thing would not be so fake after all. He planned on it.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
This might be the second worst thing that’s ever happened to Gareth while wearing these stupid shorts, or in general he guesses. The first being when he was in gym class and the got caught on the fence he tried to hop in order to skip said class, successfully exposing his lemon yellow carebear boxers, the only pair he had left because everything else was in the wash. Luckily it was only the gym teacher, Mr Carrey, and Linda Stern, a girl that kept to herself so unlikely to share such scandal. Neither brought it up again but that doesn’t mean Gareth was free of the memory, or free of reliving it whenever he opened his drawer to pull out some underwear.
But it’s not just the shorts that tie Gareth’s ‘most embarrassing and traumatising events of my life so far’ memories together. No, the instigator of both of these events also keeps them joined in Gareth’s mind. Edward Munson. It was Eddie who insisted that skipping class while in said class would be the smartest move to make ‘think of it Gareth, imagine it, skipping right under Mr Carrey's nose? He'd never expect it! High class rogue moves for sure!’
So of course Gareth was convinced by Eddie’s manic eyes and excitement and successfully flashed his gym teacher while the mastermind was laughing and pulling him down off the fence. Mr Carrey must have felt sorry enough for Gareth to let him run and isn’t that a fun addition to an already horrific memory?
Anyway, back to Eddie Munson; worst person to enter Gareth’s life. Because now? Now Gareth is stood outside a stupidly big and stupidly fancy house, in the offensive (now repaired, thanks Granny) gym shorts, and a pair of plastic and bent out of shape fairy wings. Originally he was supposed to be in a white vest too but he drew the line there, adamant he’d be wearing his Iron Maiden shirt to save some sort of dignity. And to top it all off it’s a beautiful day so of course people are out mowing their lawns, families are walking their dogs, children are playing in the streets and just enjoying the surprisingly mild february weather. All of them staring, quite obviously, at what they see as a strange teenager in wings being shouted at by an equally strange kid hiding behind a, not nearly big enouhg, bush for ‘stealth reasons’ apparently. 
Gareth slowly turns to look over his shoulder to glare at Eddie who is peaking around the shrubbery. 
Of course that’s exactly when the door to the stupid house opens and the reason Gareth is here steps into the doorway. 
Gareth grits his teeth and begins to recite his lines ‘Steve, o steve. You are beauty that has to be seen to be believed. Wont you be mine until the end of time?’ He finishes and stands glaring over Steve fucking Harrington’s shoulder
‘DO THE FUCKING REST GARETH’ Eddie’s voice emanates from somewhere to the back of Gareth, probably still hiding behind the stupid bush. So Gareth ‘does the rest’ he does a very slow and deliberate 360 spin before crouching down to one knee and shooting a plastic bow and arrow at Steve’s chest. Of course the arrow just rattles to the floor, sad and pathetic, just like it’s shooter Gareth thinks to himself. 
‘Gareth? Why…umm, are you okay?’ Steve is obviously trying to hold back laughter and doing a terrible job of it. His face is convulsing like he’s just eaten a whole lemon, rind and all. And well, who knows, maybe he has, maybe it's a secret trick for keeping his hair so big, Gareth isn’t here to judge, he just wants to leave. 
‘Dude please just answer the question and put me out of my misery’ He’s still half on the ground and his knee hurts and it’s hot and he’s kneeling at Steve Harrington’s fucking door dressed as a fucking cupid because he couldn’t say no to his fucking stupid fucking best friend. Gareth pulls himself away from thoughts of despair when he sees Steve’s mouth open to speak. He’s got one hand on the door frame, the other on the back of his neck
‘Oh, uh, yeah? I mean, yes? This is for Eddie right?’ Gareth stopped listening after the initial ‘yeah’, instead standing and turning to the, very small, hedge Eddie was doing an awful job of concealing himself behind 
Suddenly there's a whoop and an air punching Eddie Munson who realises he’s exposed his ‘perfect’ (shitty) hiding spot and is in full view of Steve. The idiot even tries to play off the air punch by combing his hand through his hair which obviously gets stuck on his rings and then tries to play that off by just keeping his hand in his hair while waving with the other, not trapped hand. With a violent yank he manages to free the entangled fingers with only a small whine.
‘Uhh…Hi Steve’ Eddie says with a dopey smile and somehow, somehow he’s got an equally lovesick looking Steve smiling right back at him ‘Hi Eddie’. At this point, Gareth has quite frankly had enough, Eddie and Steve are slowly walking towards each other like some romcom end of the movie scene and he’ll be dammed if he’s watching those two tragically flirt at each other. So he grabs the van keys out of Eddie’s pocket as he passes, resigning himself to an hour of shooting Eddie’s empty cans in the back of the van while he waits. Gareth is almost off the lawn when Eddie must get brave
‘FUCK YOU!’ Gareth snaps the arrow in two trudges off, wings flapping behind him.
Three weeks ago
Gareth was at his desk, he was trying to practice some drum rhythms when Eddie flounced in and dramatically dropped onto his bed. For the past half hour Gareth had been regaled with yet more ‘reasons why Steve Harrington is my dream man’ from Eddie 
‘You don’t understand man. He was just driving and the Eagles came on. Don’t look at me like that, I know it’s the eagles, but it was life in the fast lane and he was singing along to it dude. The line! You know the one! I swear it was an instant hard on, thought I’d came by the end’
‘DUDE STOP. STOP. I’ll do whatever you want just please never talk to me about your Steve related dick events again’ Listen, Gareth loved Eddie, he did. But there's only so much a man can withstand and Eddie could monolgue for hours if given the chance.
‘Whatever I want?’ There was no obvious devious tone here but Gareth still should have known better than to agree. If he had clocked Eddie's face he would have seen an expression so devious that he'd be running out the door.
‘Yes! Fuck, just no more. My ears are never going to feel clean again’
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your-honor-im-zesty · 2 months
Stuck in the Boiler Room with You and Your Stupid Blue Eyes
Leo was straight, okay? He was straight. With a capital S. Just your Typical Straight Heterosexual Guy Who Is Very Much Attracted To Girls But Not Guys.
Yeah, that was him. To a T.
Which was why he was absolutely infuriated by Jason's eyes.
He hated them. They were blue- electric blue, piercing and clear. They crinkled and narrowed and fluttered and squinted all while remaining that frustrating shade of blue. Which he hated.
It was distracting, for one. He can hardly get any work done whenever Jason's around, because Jason was his best friend, and everyone talked to their best friends. And when Leo talked to people, he looked at them, right in the face- and inevitably, right into those frustratingly blue eyes.
Like right now, for instance.
"So," said Jason, leaning to peer at the Argo ll blueprints. He points to the room they're in right now- the boiler room. "Here's where we are." His fingers drags across the paper to pause at the hallway of rooms. "And that's where everyone else is."
"Congratulations, Grace- you can see!" Leo keeps his voice cheery and sarcastic, trying to focus his gaze on the blueprints and not those damn blue peepers.
Jason snorted. "You're very happy for someone who's locked in a boiler room for the next 3 hours."
That pretty much killed the mood.
Leo wasn't even sure how or why the boiler room was locked; he had double checked the mechanics back at Camp Half-Blood, and it had been adequate enough. So there was no reason for them to be stuck in here without any means of leaving- but hey, maybe the universe hated him. It certainly seemed to be holding a grudge against him lately. He wondered if he'd done something wrong in his past life and this was his penance.
"Relax, Superman- 3 hours you'll be blessed with my gracious presence!" he said brightly. "It's a great honor, really. If either of us should be bursting with happiness right now, it's you."
Jason huffed. "Piper'll have my ass for this in the morning," he muttered.
Ah yes. Piper. The girlfriend. Of his best friend. That also kind of killed the mood, though he wasn't sure how. Piper was also his best friend, and it wasn't like he hated her or anything. She was a pleasant person (when she wasn't raving about Drew Tanaka or making googly eyes at Jason)
Eyes. Jason. That was a no-no combination. He really had to stop thinking about it.
He clasped his hands together. "Never fear, Jason! Your very smart, very handsome, very heroic best friend can think himself out of every problem." He winked. "We'll be out of here before the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella."
"Cinderella?" Jason looked at him blankly.
"Dude. Don't tell me you don't know Cinderella."
Jason shrugged.
"Come on!" Leo was appalled. "What did you read growing up? What were your bedtime stories?"
"Lupa once told me the story of a boy who got eaten," Jason mused. "He talked too much, apparently. She told me the same thing would happen to me if I didn't shut my mouth."
O-kay. Leo made a mental note to schedule a therapy appointment for his best friend. That boy had some serious trauma.
"Alright, Plan A," he announced. "Unlocking the door."
"You already tried that. Multiple times."
Leo wrinkled his nose at him. "Man, at least be my cheerleader if you're not gonna help. Put those pretty boy looks to use."
It was a joke, obviously- even if Leo did think Jason was the living embodiment of pretty boy. But Jason looked more flustered than amused by the joke.
"Sure," he coughed, taking a sudden interest in the floor. "Go Leo. L-E-O. For Leo."
"You're pathetic," Leo told him. He walked away, making a bee-line for the boiler door. Jason trailed after him. "Seriously, Piper would be disappointed."
At the mention of Piper, Jason clammed up.
Leo knelt, taking a screwdriver from his pocket and began to work. Often, when Leo switched to what he liked to call his "Magic Mindset", his fingers suddenly had a mind of their own. He didn't even know the kinks of half the things he fixed, but in situations like this, the answers came naturally, like they'd been sitting in the back of his mind as excess knowledge. Thanks, Hephaestus.
But Magic Mindset seemed to be out of order today; a few minutes had passed and the door remained firmly locked.
Leo grunted, rising to his feet. "Damn door," he grumbled, pocketing his screwdriver.
Jason looked smug, all earlier bashfulness gone. "Told you so."
"Shut up, Grace. Onto Plan B."
"Which is...?"
Leo pointed at him. "Your job, not mine. It's not fair for me to do all the work, is it?"
Jason narrowed his eyes- shit, his eyes. "Fucker," he groused, which was surprising. You would think The Golden Boy Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter and New Rome's Grandest Hero, would know better than to curse.
Jason peered around; his eyes- Leo cursed at himself, what was it about those eyes?- caught on the ceiling. "There."
"What?" Leo followed his gaze. "That's a ceiling, dude."
"Look closer."
Leo did and- oh. Oh.
Hell no.
"That's ridiculous," he said. "I'm not climbing into an air vent. I have too much dignity for that."
Jason looked unfazed. "Have fun in the boiling room alone, then."
Jason had launched himself into the air, and was now hovering a few feet above. A rare, mischievous grin unfurled across his face- Leo didn't even know Jason had the ability to be mischievous. "Coming or not?"
"You're a menace to society," Leo told him. "And I'm speaking as the person who gets frequently shamed for putting pineapple on his pizza."
"I was raised by wolves- forgive me if my ettiquette isn't very decent," said Jason dryly. He reached a hand below, and Leo accepted it.
Shit. Was his hand greasy? He never really washed it after using his tools...and now he wished he had. Curse his lazy ass.
His hand was definitely warm. Double shit. Jason was probably grossed out. Was he grossed out? Leo craned his neck to check; Jason was staring back at him, brows furrowed. He didn't look disgusted, per se, but his expression was definitely odd.
"What? Admiring my good looks?" Leo teased.
Jason's cheeks blotched red. "Can't admire something nonexistent," he retorted, yanking Leo from the ground. His free hand grabbed Leo's elbow, adjusting him so that they were eye level in the air.
Damn blue eyes. They would be the death of him.
"Alright, Tinkerbell," Leo said. "Get me up there- I'll unscrew the vent for you, be your Peter Pan."
"What the hell is a Tinkerbell?" Jason muttered as he floated them both higher, until the air vent was within reach. Leo reached for his screwdriver once again, making a mental note to buy Jason a storybook once they returned from their quest. If they returned from their quest.
"Your lack of childhood upsets me," he said mildly as he unscrewed the vent open. Jason grunted and gently pushed him in; Leo crawled in.
"You coming?"
Jason grunted in reply, crawling inside. Leo couldn't see him, but his voice sounded distinctly disgruntled. "I hate small spaces."
"Genius idea, then, to use one to escape," Leo said sardonically.
"They're too small."
"Once again, proving your eyesight to be exceptional, Mr. Grace."
Jason let out a growl reminiscent to a wolf's. "Valdez, you better start crawling."
i had way too much fun writing this fic. (in my defense, i'm on a writing spree rn)
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Welcome to Hawkins
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Tw; swearing, mention of child abuse, mention of injuries.
To not steal my work, thank you!
Billy Hargrove/Male reader (he/him)
Summary; you find Billy on the side of the road, bloody and angry. The worse part? You are not alone in the dark.
Hawkins was a weird place. Even before the Byers boy went missing, the town faced strange things. Electrical anomalies, weird sightings in the forest and sometimes animals would meet a gruesome end. By now you were used to it.
Until the Hargrove came to town.
Hawkins was a small place where everybody knew everyone. There was no secret, not even inside your home. Even if you went in the middle of the wood, by morning the whole town would be aware of what you did. So it was no surprise they were met with mistrust.
Because it only took one look for everyone to agree; there was something wrong with them all. Especially with the father, you thought. With the way, he spoke to his son and how Billy would sometime flinch when his father moved his hands. It was obvious that something was going on.
And then they all met Billy Hargrove at school. Violent, racist, and always ready to fight. He tried so hard to be the king of the school, it was almost pathetic. But he was good to party with, you heard.
For your part, you disliked him. Billy and you would always fight; in the corridors, after school or even during sports class. Sometimes he would win, but most of the time? You would show no mercy and beat the shit out of him.
You weren't violent, some would even call you peaceful. But peaceful doesn't mean harmless and you refused to let Billy Hargrove do as he pleased.
You also pitied him.
No one was blind to the bruised he would try to play off as accidents or results of fights that never happened. Or how he would flinch, even so slightly when someone accidentally slammed a door or dropped something heavy. Or the fear his eyes would hold for a second when someone would throw a ball of paper and it would pass close to his head.
It broke your heart.
And there was nothing you could do.
That night as you drove, the forest on each side of the road, you kept thinking about the Hargrove boy. You wondered what kind of person he really was underneath all those masks he wore to protect himself.
Halfway through the forest, something caught your attention. At first, you thought it was a dead animal, maybe a deer. But then, it moved.
- “Shit!” you cursed, hitting the brake. “Hargrove? What the fuck are you doing here?” you asked, getting out of your car.
Because sitting on the side of the road was the one and only Billy Hargrove. Hair messy and bloody lips, Billy seemed to come out of a fight as the loser. But something was terribly wrong; his eyes were red and puffy and wet as if he has cried.
- “Fuck off man.” Billy snapped, looking away.
- “Seriously?” you sighed “C’mon city boy, I'm driving you home.” you added, eyes turning to the forest.
- “I said, fuck off! Or are you deaf?” replied Hargrove, making you grunt.
- “Oh, shut up. You think I'm leaving you here to be eaten by a bear?”
- “There aren't any bears in Hawkins.” objected Billy, scuffing.
- “Ah yes! I forgot it was my imaginary friend Steve who killed those animals!” you replied sarcastically. “Now you either get in the car by yourself like the good boy you are, or I'll get you in.”
- “Fuck. You.” slowly said Billy, smiling. “Anyway, why do you care so much? We are not friends or anything.”
- “Because there is no way I am leaving you here in the middle of the night!” you snapped, approaching him.
- “Wait, wait, wait! Don't tell me you are scared?” mocked Billy. “Seriously? Scared of the dark, Y/n?”
- “No, not the dark, but of what's hiding in it,” you said, seriously, stopping in front of Billy.
Billy was about to reply something when you heard the eeriest scream coming from the forest. You both froze, staring into the darkness. There was no sound, not even a cricket, or wind. It felt just wrong. Like a second before the disaster. And you felt watched like a prey being stalked.
- “Hargrove, get in the car.” you said, voice shaking as you saw a large shadow move between the tree. “NOW!”
You grabbed him by the collar and turned on your heels. Without another word, you two ran as another scream came from the forest, closer this time.
You barely closed the door before turning the engine on and driving away as fast as you could.
- “What the fuck was that?” asked Billy, looking behind. “That wasn't a bear!”
- “I don't know! I don't fucking know, man!” you replied, still freaking out. “It was too skinny to be a bear. Maybe a sick deer.”
- “Bitch, are you serious? Deer don't stand on their back legs!”
You didn't have the time to reply to anything, spotting the shadow on your left. In the dark, you could not really distinguish anything, but you could swear it was now running on four.
- “I don't want to sound dramatic, but I think it's following us.” you said.
- “How...”
Billy never finished his sentence. Instead, you both screamed when a tall shadow jumped in front of the car as you hit the brakes.
Standing on its back legs, the creature had smooth skin, almost like an eel” you thought. But darker. Like charcoal or shadows. And its head was like a flower.
You almost screamed again, feeling Billy gripping your arms and digging his nails into your skin.
- “What the fuck. Man, what the fuck is that?” he asked, his voice a mumbling mess.
- “Don't ask me! I don't know!” you whined, hands shaking on the wheel. “Man, I can't do a U-turn and there is no way I can drive in reverse in the dark.”
- “Then just run over it! Do something!”
And you did just that.
Pushing your car as fast as it could toward the creature. Maybe it knew what you were trying to do, or maybe it got scared, but seconds before the impact, the creature jumped out of your way. You sighed in relief but didn't slow down.
You heard Billy’s breath slow down before you felt his forehead on your shoulder. If he was crying, you saw nothing, because God be your witness, you were too. Not letting go of your arm, Billy actually tightened his grip.
- “Tell me it's gone. Please tell me it's gone.” he begged with a small voice.
- “Yeah, I don't see it anymore,” you replied.
- “I don't think I can go party anymore.”,” said Billy.
- “Yeah. Welcome to Hawkins.” you scoffed. “So, mind guiding me to your place?”
- “I'll rather not” he whispered.
- “Mind if I take you to mine then? I'll give you some of my shit and will take care of those bruised. I know where my parents hid their alcohol. God, I need a drink!”
- “As long as you share that drink, that sounds good to me. But I'm taking the bed!”
- “Fine princess!”
Billy said nothing and you relaxed. Heart still racing in your chest, you wondered of it was that thing who was responsible for the latest slaughter in the nearby farms. Or killed those missing outsiders. A part of you also knew you needed to call the sheriff, but the other knew it was useless. No one would believe you and you didn't want to put Billy in more danger.
So to your home, it was.
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novankenn · 5 months
The Fundraiser
Jaune was a little nervous. It had been four months since he had seen his twin sister Joan. He knew she had taken his running off... extremely badly, so he was worried about how she was going to react when she saw him. As the bullhead landed, Jaune swallowed nervously. His knees actually started to quiver as the hatch opened.
????: JAUNE!
Jaune was bowled over by a blond haired missile, and when his head stopped swimming he found himself looking into the blue eyes of his twin sister, who was firmly seated upon his chest.
Jaune: Hi Joan.
Joan: You stupid, ignorance, disloyal, jerk! How dare you!
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Joan: Sorry? You WILL be sorry! You left me alone... with them, how could you?
Jaune: I'm sorry... but Belle and Bella really like you! They couldn't have been...
Joan: I'm talking about mom and dad! Dad was convinced you had been eaten by grimm, and mom spent four weeks crying about how she lost her baby boy to some cradle robbing skank!
Jaune: Well... neither of those things happened, so...
Joan: And you NEVER did once write me! I had to reach out to Auntie to find you!
Jaune: You didn't... please say you didn't!
????: She did.
A ominous shadow fell over the two siblings. Who both looked up to see the grinning face of Glynda Goodwitch... their mom's twin sister.
Jaune: What have you done...
Glynda: So as you can see Joan, Jaune is fine, I've been keeping him safe.
Joan: Thank you Auntie.
Glynda: You are welcome. Now... you BOTH owe me a favor and tonight I am cashing it in.
Joan/ Jaune: And the favor is?
Glynda: You are going to help me with the Annual Beacon Charity Auction. I have your... uniforms in my apartment.
Joan: That doesn't sound so bad.
Jaune: Don't jinx it!
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Joan and Jaune were hot and exhausted. Neither was happy with the Holiday elf outfits they were having to wear, that included bell topped pointy hats, and curly shoes. Though the short skirt that Joan had to wear was a little better than the nearly pained on shorts Jaune had on.
Joan: I'm tired. Is this almost over?
Jaune: Yeah, I think so. That was the last lot we had to move.
Joan: Good. I want a shower and to cuddle you, like we used to.
Jaune: Soon, Joan. Soon.
Glynda: Thank you all for your support of the Vale Orphanage and Food Bank!
Crowd clapping politely.
Glynda: Now for our last special client only lot... lot double J.
Joan: I though you said... ?
Jaune: It was.
Joan: Then where is this Double J lot?
Jaune: I... HEY!
Joan: EEP!
The Pair felt themselves lifted into the air and pulled through the curtains, finding themselves in front of the several of their friends and strangers.
Glynda: Now before I start the bidding, here are some of the details. Lot Double J is of a set of Arc twins. Jaune and Joan. They are and I quote "Perfect House-Husband and House-Wife material".
Joan/ Jaune: Mom SOLD US OUT!
Glynda: While their combat ratings is at E rank, that is of little concern. They both have Baking Skills at Rank A. Rank B Housekeeping. Rank B Laundry. Rank S Cooking. Rank A+ Child rearing...
The room was filled with polite clapping.
Glynda: AND Rank SSS Stamina... you know what that means...
Once again the room filled with clapping... very loud and aggressive clapping.
Glynda: This lot is to be sold as a set, and yes the marriage documentation is ready for signature. So do I have an opening bid of...
???? 30,000!
Jaune: Weiss? What the hell?
Joan: Whose Weiss?
???? 45,000
Jaune: PYRRHA!
Joan: Was that you're partner?
Weiss: Back off Nikos! Those blond angels are mine! 55,000!
Jaune: So you want him now? Pathetic Schnee. 75,000!
Weiss: Pathetic? Who was too much of a coward to admit her feelings? 85,000!
Jaune: Feelings?
Joan: I think she likes you.
Jaune: Great, but right now she's trying to buy OUR hands in marriage!
Joan: Oh, yeah right.
Pyrrha: I was scared! I didn't want to drive him away... but I can't not take this chance! I LOVE YOU JAUNE and I'll LOVE JOAN just as equally! 100,000!
Joan: Awe, that's sweet.
Jaune: Joan their trying to BUY us!
Joan: You trying to tell me, you don't want someone who is interested in us, who can provide for us, and all we have to do... is the shit mom and dad had us do all the time?
Jaune: Well...
Joan: Plus... you do know what Husbands and Wives get to do... and do a lot right?
Jaune: Oh...
Weiss: The Arc and Schnee name must be joined! With those two at my side I will fix the SDC and with their loving support, I'll make reparations to all the people my father has hurt! 250,000!
Joan: Arc-Schnee?
Jaune: Schnee-Arc? Nah. Arc-Schnee, sounds better.
Joan: Right?
Pyrrha: No... I will NOT lose to some spoiled princess, using her daddy's money! 500,000, and I'll sign over the Royalty Rights for Pumpkin Pete's to Beacon for administration to local Vale charities! That's another 200,000 per year!
Glynda: Um...
Looks over to the lawyers, administrator and observers.
Glynda: Can we accept that?
The lawyers, administrator, and observers all shrug their shoulders.
Joan: Pyrrha seems nice.
Jaune: Oh she is. She saved my life at initation.
Joan: Really?
Glynda: Okay... 500,000 upfront, pl;us 200,000 per annum... going once!
Murmurs from the crowd.
Glynda: Going twice!
Weiss just crosses her arms over her chest, and shoots Glynda a wink.
Glynda: SOLD!
Joan: Wow... that's a lot of money to help the needy.
Jaune: It is. But are you okay with this? I mean we're going to end up jointly married to the same person...
Joan: It was bound to happen... considering mom and auntie.
Jaune: True. Ture.
Glynda: Lot Double J goes to Pyrrha Nikos for the sum of 500,000 lien and an annual contribution of a further 200,000. Congratulations! To everyone, thank you for attending, and your support.
Joan: Jaune... why am I feeling scared now?
Jaune: I don't know... but I'm feeling it too.
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capcavan · 7 months
I actually want to congratulate you on your work because what I don't think a lot of people in this fandom understand is that Riko is a character that is FUCKING HARD to get right. Not just to understand, but to WRITE. You can't make him too unhinged or he's just a cartoon villain and you can't make his actions too light (If you're writing within canon) or he looks like a pathetic clown instead of the actual threat he is on canon and if you aim for the middle he can end up just bland (AND I WILL SAY the greatest offenders in this are Riko haters and not his stans). And even in your most redemptionest AUs you manage to write him in a way that is consistent with the existing characterisation. I have yet to come across from a post by you that didn't make me think "yeah, if things went different, he could have turned out like this"
I feel pretty honoured I feel like I just won fandom and riko is shipped to me in the post . I would like to thank my parents for making me fucked up enough to get him.
There is few things that contribute to it all pretty much. And I will use this as excuse to talk about them all its 7 am and I slept 4 hours let's goooo
I actually see riko as very pathetic and non threat myself and I'm pretty sure Neil and most foxes do as well because even on my first reading of the books something stuck out to me pręty severly
Characters who actually killed people in those books
Andrew Aaron Renee Neil ? The foxes are pretty hands on with murder
Riko? Riki never actually got his hands dirty it does separate him already in cannon as all bark no bite whose only way to be intimidating is to use family name and people who follow him menawhile Riko himself is scary only to Kevin.
Riko's buildup in narrative as threat is very good but I really wouldn't confuse it as fear of him himself.
Riko's roast perfectly sums it up
Riko is pathetic used and delusional
I'm sorry if this is spitting onto what you said I am happy you like my things but I truly believe that riko is pathetic and I say this fully loving his character and issues his character puts light on.
He is scary only if you give him power as abuser (wchih is what this fandom does a lot in their need to have black and white villian ) but as a person he is pathetic.
But seeing riko as pathetic is seen by people as " he is poor and sad and I don't want to feel this way about him BC he is bad person "
He is not pathetic little kitty
He is pathetic eaten by anger and frustrations and unable to cry from all the pain he is in I can see how killing him could be seen as mercy actually.
Another thing I think people don't get right
Is that riko is not 100% delusional about his value
He has skills and he knows he is worth something he is fighting to have his father acknowledge it not because he does not feel worthy but because he knows he has a lot to offer and wants a chance to show it
He does not feel worthles he is just frustrated that others see him as such
Also growing pains are important thing to show
I think saddest and my favourite thing about riko is that the better person you let him be the more unhappy he will be.being good person won't erase things he did in the past and hurt he caused and the further you go the heavier it will be on his conscience and this is balance in act and I have way too many versions of the story where I let him snap
So yeah riko is pathetic clown and he is scary only when you don't understand this I'm sorry to blow his cover like that !
Maybe my reading of character is different in the end we all base things we create on things we know and while I never did such horrible things I know how it feels to grow into being a better person than I used to be and I know how it feels to still not believe you did got better even when I have friends to prove. There is a lot of comfort in seeing someone so horrible get nice things not because I did those horrible things but because I know how it feels to not deserve anything nice and hate myself enough to self sabotage.
I could go on also to talk about difference between gloryfying physical abuse in fandom and ignoring psychological abuse but maybe that's a talk for another time.
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campgender · 3 months
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“Interlude 3” from The New Topping Book (2003) by Dossie Easton & Janet W. Hardy
A role-play scene, played by "Akasha, " a novice top friend.
I woke up with great difficulty and realized my mind was full of thoughts of domination, weird fantasies about devices that I did not own but wished I did. I thought of my friend Richard, and a wonderful night we had shared many months before.
I called him and found him still in bed. I said, "God, I am really having a problem today."
He shifted in his sheets, I could hear it, and said, "Hungry?"
I was doodling, cracking pencil leads and then throwing them away.
"Yes," I said, and I was sort of half shaking, just wanting to make him beg on the phone, make him get out of his warm bed and kneel down, make him whimper, do anything. But I wanted more, so I held back and asked him to see me.
He half moaned and sighed, yawned again, and told me he had class that night. I told him to meet me afterward. He paused, and I felt like I was going to die.
"Richard, please. I'm going crazy. Do this for me, OK?"
"You want to hurt me?" he said softly, making me face it. This was back when it was still hard for me to accept that I enjoyed making men suffer.
It's difficult to describe what a day like that feels like, waiting for the hours to go by, trying to concentrate on work, going one step at a time.
When I am in that mindframe I can smell everything in the air, I can feel mist against my face in the cold air. The moon is more illuminated, the sound of my feet in puddles as I walk somehow thrills me with a feeling of authority.
I arrived at the cafe a few minutes early and waited in the lobby. Richard arrived a few minutes late. When I stood up and hugged him he laughed softly into my ear, "How're you doing?" I just moaned and started fingering his hair, tugging at it a little. We parted and I looked at him again, blinking. I felt weak, numb. I wanted to take him by the hair and force him to his knees. Instead I said weakly, "You probably haven't eaten yet. Can I buy you dinner?"
When his food arrived I stole his silverware and he laughed. "I'm serious," I told him in a low voice. "I am feeding you this entire meal." His eyes searched around the room and he lowered his voice, "Come on, people will see. We can take care of you when we get home. Let me eat."
Any other night I wouldn't think twice about him eating dinner across from me. But in that mood, on that night, I wanted to be the one feeding him. I wanted to make him part his lips each time I lifted the spoon. I wanted to make him beg with his eyes for more, or look at me longingly. Or I wanted to force him to do it.
I leaned over the table and we argued a bit about it, finally compromising in that I would feed him the first few bites and then let him finish. Knowing that he hated doing it but would submit to it for a few minutes was enough for now.
When we got into my room he sat on the edge of my bed then finally lay down, spreading his arms out and sighing tiredly. I slid down and moved on top of him, moving my hands up to his wrists and holding them down there. His eyes flickered open and he stared at me expressionlessly, waiting.
I consider it true, deep headspace when I am capable, without hesitation, of exercising acts of cruelty or power as if they were second nature. These are things that I would never do in a normal state of mind. On that night I slipped into it relatively easily, maybe because I had been lingering around the edges of it for so long.
I set up a series of short scenes, because my appetite was varied and I wanted to satisfy it all. Sometimes I want total resistance, sometimes I want fear, sometimes I want pathetic, eager submission. That night I wanted them all.
I used every single restraint device on him that I had, in every position I could imagine. I kept a hand over his mouth most of the night and wrestled him to the ground three or four different times, ordering him to feign resistance until I hurt him into submitting.
I roleplayed kidnapping him, interrogating him, seducing him, and fucking him. I had an orgasm just from the way he felt against me as I took him against his will, one hand holding his head back by a fistful of hair and the other over his mouth to muffle his protests.
For the grand finale I put him in my chair and handcuffed his wrists behind his back, taking my wall mirror down and putting it behind him ,so I could see his wrists and enjoy the way they looked while still facing him. "I put water in his hair to simulate sweat and messed it up, tied his ankles together, and told him I was going to kill him.
He put his head down solemnly and I walked around a bit, touching his skin gently, telling him how pretty and helpless he looked. He shifted, and struggled uselessly, then lifted his head to me and looked at me with his teeth clenched, saying "You have to let me go. Don't do this to me."
I leaned down and held his face in my hands, putting my lips close to his, licking them gently. "Kiss me goodbye, my tortured slave." He shut his eyes and leaned forward to kiss me, hungry, passionate, as if to seduce me with his mouth and tongue. This kiss was long, desperate, and when I broke from it he was breathing hard.
His eyes were pleading, yet strong. "I'm not afraid to die," he said softly.
He always knew the things to say. He was begging, yet he was strong. He was submitting, but he was still powerful. He amazed me.
We had played these execution scenes before so I didn't need to give him any instruction. He was to pretend he had about three minutes left to live, locked in some airtight chamber or given some poisonous gas, and he was to struggle yet remain brave until the moment I came to save him from his fate.
And he really knew how to play it. Perfectly, yet differently every time. The way he pulled at the handcuffs, letting them cut into his wrists as if it didn't matter,. The way he threw his head back to breathe with such pained difficulty, the way he looked at me through wet bangs with desperation, his lashes damp with tears.
I felt so close to orgasm, but it was a different sort of satisfaction. I just watched, emotionless, as his struggles became weaker and his breathing more labored.
Then it hit me, at once, it was like a sensual overload, like an orgasm but of the mind. I shivered, I felt a cold sweat on my body and suddenly I wanted to cry, I thought, "God, what am I doing to him?" I unfastened him quickly and slid into his arms, shaking, telling him I was sorry. He laughed softly into my ear and told me it was okay, that he was acting, and that I needn't feel bad.
But feeling bad makes me feel better, so I spent some time crying, letting him reassure me. We lay down in the bed together and eventually fell asleep after I had sufficient reassurance.
Waking up the next morning I felt a different kind of exhaustion. It's impossible to explain how much dom headspace rips the energy right out of you. Sometimes it takes me days to recover.
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eddies-ashtray · 2 years
Okay so everyone is in love with the idea of a Eddie x Steve x reader (in this case we’ll say fem) 3some —rightfully so.
my bisexual self said Eddie x reader (fem) x another female… 😳😳
THIS!! (nsfw, 18+ ONLY)
maybe eddie proposes the idea in the heat of the moment. like he’s fucking you and you’re so whiny and pathetic and he’s musing about how he could keep your mouth busy with his fingers. or one of your dildos. and you moan out at his suggestions each time, but then he says, “or what about a pretty girl to sit on your face while i fuck you?” and you whine the loudest at that, so eddie keeps going. rambling on about how spacey you’d probably get with his dick inside your cunt and a girls pretty pussy to keep your mouth busy.
afterwards, you legitimately talk about it. he asks you if it’s something you’d really want to do and says that he’d love to do that with you if that’s what you wanted and you shyly nod. because you love eddie’s rough hands and his happy trail and his balls, but just thinking about another woman’s soft skin, and pretty tits, and small hands touching you makes you dizzy.
you talk about your boundaries and rules and all that and discuss the same things w whoever you choose. maybe you decide that the girl is pretty much just there for you.
so maybe you pick a friend from college. a pretty girl in one of your classes that you’ve gotten sort of close with. and you propose the idea and she’s totally into it.
when the night comes, it’s far more overwhelming (in the most delicious way) than you ever could have imagined.
you start out kissing eddie, and then he gently guides you to the girl, helping you straddle her lap and kiss her. he watches while you do and she takes off your shirt to play with your tits. she tells you how pretty they are like “oh, you’ve got such pretty tits, babe. eddie, she’s so gorgeous.” and eddie goes, “what do you say, baby?” and you bashfully tell her thank you as she moves her mouth to your nipple. you makeout with eddie again while she’s licking and pressing delicate kisses to your tits, and you’re whining all the while.
and then maybe eddie holds your hand while she eats you out, and it’s so different than how eddie does it, but it’s so good and now eddie’s getting on his knees on the bed so you can suck him off at the same time :((. eddie caresses your face as you whine around him, all drooly and teary eyed. he tells you how pretty you look right now, asks, “you like getting my cock fed to you while you get your pussy eaten by your friend? hm?” that’s how you cum for the first time that night; with eddie’s cock in your mouth and a pretty girls mouth on your cunt.
or maybe, instead, she holds your hand while eddie starts to fuck you and she kisses you all sloppy and you LOVE IT and she lets you lick and suck at her pretty tits as well :((
and then, finally, she straddles your face as eddie fucks you and you’ve never felt so overwhelmed in your entire life. eddie’s hot and hard inside of you, his calloused thumb coming down to rub harsh, delicious circles into your clit. at the same time, the girl’s pretty cunt is hovering right over your mouth and you can smell her and her wetness drips down your chin when you begin licking into her. and it’s all just so intoxicating. she can feel the vibrations against her clit when you moan because eddie hits that spot inside of you and presses his thumb into your clit at the same time.
you know you’re close and eddie knows it too when you start to clench down on him. so he says, “you’re not allowed to cum til you’ve made your friend cum, sweetheart. it’s impolite.” and you whine, because god everything just feels so good and she’s so wet and you’re just drooling all over her, but you stave off your orgasm and work doubly as hard to make her cum. when she begins to roll her hips slowly over your tongue, you know she’s almost there.
eddie’s encouraging you like “you’re making her feel so good, honey. she’s moaning just for you. all cause of you. gonna make your friend cum for you? and then you’re gonna cum for me. fuck, look at you.”
and she’s praising you at the same time, telling you how “you’re such a good girl. just like eddie said…god. fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, sweet girl.” and you do. just seconds later. and finally. finally!! eddie let’s you cum. and he sees your blissed out face now, your friend laying besides you, holding your hand, caressing your soft tummy and your pretty, bouncing tits. your cheeks and chin wet with her slick and your pupils blown so wide he can hardly see their usual colour.
afterwards, eddie pulls you into his lap, caresses your cheeks, wipes your tears away. he tells you how good you were. how well you took it all. and you feel satiated and warm and all melty and content as he places soft kisses to your shoulder. the girl gets you some water while eddie stays with you as you come down. you’re in that soft, floaty space still even as your friend kisses you on the cheek as she leaves. 
when you’re feeling less hazy shortly after you thank eddie, telling him how much you loved the experience and how wonderful he is for being open to it. he tells you how happy he is that you’re happy with the experience, how much he enjoyed it as well. but says that maybe he wants you to just be his for a little while. and you’re completely okay with that too. 
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naivemlnd · 6 months
Always in Your Shadow Part 2
Read part 1 here!
Yuki was withdrawn on Friday morning. Before I left for work, I showed her the cot I set up in the basement for her. I even bought her her own iPad to play around on while my parents were here so she wouldn’t get too bored.
Still, she was clinging onto my side like she never wanted to let go. Her tiny arms dug into the chub on my waist. 
When I started to leave for work, she burst into tears and I had to spend fifteen minutes calming her down before she let me get out the door. I felt so horrible and guilty that I picked up a dozen donuts on my way to the office and ate four in the car. I wasn’t even sure where that impulse had come from, just that I knew Yuki would’ve encouraged me to get the treats purely because I wanted them. I felt like I owed Yuki something for making her hide away in her own home and somehow that something was… eating donuts. Even though I’d already eaten breakfast.
Yep, that was solid logic.
After work, I had to drive through rush hour traffic to get to the airport, and the whole time I had Yuki on my mind. What was she doing? Was she okay? Was she crying? God, I hoped she wasn’t crying alone in that dark basement. It was too heartbreaking to consider.
When I saw my parents appear outside of ‘arrivals’ it broke me out of my melancholy mood. I was too pleased to see them to stay sad. I hopped out of the car and popped the trunk for their luggage.
“Peter! You look wonderful honey,” my mom fussed, hugging me tightly. My dad patted my shoulder once my mom released me.
“Colorado seems to agree with you,” he said with an amused glance at my belly. I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.
“Yeah, well. The new job keeps me too busy to exercise much,” I shrugged.
“You look great sweetie, don’t worry, your father is just grumpy from the flight,” my mom said, shooting daggers at my dad. 
“I’m just joking, Pete. You look fine,” my dad said as we all got into the car. 
“So, how’s everyone back home?” I asked to change the subject. That got my mom started, and on the ride home I got an in-depth update on all the hometown gossip I could possibly want. 
I couldn’t help but feel relaxed and happy listening to my mom prattle on about her church friends and their drama. It was so familiar. I’d missed my parents more than I realized. 
Once we pulled into my garage, my parents started an excited commentary about how nice my house was. They wanted a tour so I walked them around the place. Nerves hit when they went in my bedroom since I knew Yuki had a drawer and section of my closet filled with her things, but my parents thankfully didn’t go through anything. That would’ve been difficult to explain.
I got my parent’s bags all set up in the guest room and then we ordered in some Thai food. It was weird not having Yuki’s cooking for dinner. I’d gotten so used to being spoiled by her. I tried to keep the frown off of my face as we ate.
While we picked at our food, I talked about my job and how I was liking the new place. I ended up excusing myself at nine since that was when I usually started getting ready for bed. My parents weren’t used to the one hour time difference, so it only felt like eight to them and they decided to stay up for a bit longer.
I headed upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. Once again, I found myself missing Yuki’s presence. I wondered how she was doing. I felt like a parent who’d sent their kid to daycare for the first time. Which was ridiculous. She was a perfectly capable grown woman (demon). I shouldn’t have to worry. 
But I was. I was worrying.
When I slipped under the covers of my bed, I stared at the ceiling until my eyes got heavy. I was dozing a bit when Yuki literally appeared out of thin air at the foot of my bed.
“What the,” I said, startled. 
Yuki hushed me. 
“Sorry, I just. I missed Peter,” Yuki said through a pathetic sniffle.
God, I was like putty in her hands when she did that. 
“Yuki…” I glanced at the closed bedroom door. “Come here,” I said, opening my arms for her. She immediately scuttled onto the bed next to me and cuddled up to my side. She fussed, nuzzling me and hugging me all over. She chirped a few times, happy as a clam now that I was giving her attention.
“I know you said to stay downstairs but,” Yuki said apologetically, “I thought of something.” Yuki looked up at me. “You said no one could see me because I don’t look human.”
I nodded sadly.
“So what if I looked human, then I could be here with you and your parents wouldn’t know I’m a demon!” Yuki said excitedly. 
I frowned. “How exactly would you do that?” I asked.
Yuki sat up out of my arms and got on her knees on the bed. 
“Like this!” And then suddenly Yuki’s horns receded into nothing and her eyes turned dark brown and her tail literally vanished into nothing.
I was staring at a beautiful human woman. 
“What? How?!” I stammered in a whisper-yell. She looked so different. It was almost wrong to see her without her distinct demon features, which was ironic since when I first saw her those things freaked me out. Now she looked naked without the horns framing her face like a crown. Her eyes looked so mundane.
“I tried it when you were working to see if I could do it and I can! It’s transformation magic. It’s all thanks to you for making me so strong, Peter,” she said, and then she launched herself back into my arms for a hug.
I laughed into her fluffy black hair. 
“You’re brilliant, Yuki. Absolutely amazing,” I whispered.
Yuki shuddered and made a funny excited growl sort of noise.
“Thank you,” she whispered back.
In the morning, my mom made pancakes. She served me four, which I doused in syrup and inhaled in an embarrassingly short amount of time. I tried to pretend like I wasn’t still hungry, but my stomach rumbled audibly.
“Oh, someone’s hungry,” my mom commented, and put a single extra pancake on my plate. Like that was going to sate my hunger.
“Uh, yeah,” I said before stuffing the pancake in my mouth. My parents finished eating and I offered to clean up since it was my house, and also because my mom cooked. They reluctantly agreed and went upstairs to get dressed for the day. Instead of putting the leftover pancakes away, I shoved two in my mouth dry. Chewed. Swallowed. Shoved more in.
It was absolutely humiliating that I had to stuff my face in secret just as to not be embarrassed in front of my own parents. Yuki had been spoiling me too much, it seemed, if my belly couldn’t even go one morning without being jammed full of calories.
I ate all five leftover pancakes and then had a pop tart for good measure. Once I loaded everything in the dishwasher, I went up to get myself dressed.
Yuki and I had stayed up way too late last night planning, and so I had to stifle some yawns as I put on some stretchy athletic shorts and a t-shirt. The shirt clung to my stuffed belly a little too much for my liking, so I spent a minute pulling on the fabric with my fists from the inside of the shirt until it was stretched out enough to hang a little looser over my body.
My parents were already downstairs when I made my way down. 
“Do you mind if I invite my friend with us on the hike today?” I asked. 
My parents looked surprised for a second before my dad was smiling and my mom was gasping excitedly.
“Of course! Is this a friend from work?” she asked. 
I smiled. “No, she’s just someone I met when I was at the grocery store but she also just moved here so we connected through that,” I said, rehashing the story Yuki and I had agreed on last night. 
My mom unsubtly mouthed ‘she?’ at my dad. I rolled my eyes fondly. My mom couldn’t help herself. 
“I’d love to meet her!” my mom said.
“The more the merrier,” my dad agreed. 
Here came the more difficult part. I had to really sell this…
“But, uh I should warn you guys,” I said, furrowing my brow to make it more believable. It worked, as my parents both swiveled to give me their undivided attention. “She was raised in a cult apparently. I don’t know all the details, but you know… She doesn’t know a lot of things about like normal life. So be cool, okay. Don’t embarrass her. She might be shy and stuff too,” I said seriously. 
My parents both had matching sympathetic looks on their faces.
“A cult?” my dad repeated, “How horrible.”
“That poor thing,” my mom said sadly. My dad nodded along.
Well, they bought it. So far so good.
Truthfully, the part of this plan I was most nervous about was how Yuki was going to act. I’d had to give her tons of rules and instructions last night on how to act human. Hopefully it would be alright and if she acted odd I could just say that she was eccentric because of her traumatic upbringing.
I pretended to text my ‘friend’ and then announced a few minutes later that she’d agreed to come along.
When eleven A.M. rolled around, Yuki materialized in the backyard in her human disguise and I watched her walk around the house to knock on the front door. Luckily the houses in my neighborhood were a bit spread out and separated further by trees, making it unlikely that anyone could see Yuki appearing out of thin air. My parents were too busy packing bug spray and sunscreen to be looking out the windows too, thankfully.
Yuki knocked on the door. I grinned, excited to see her even though we’d talked through half the night.
“My friend’s here,” I called as I walked to the door.
“Oh how wonderful!” my mom murmured.
I swung open the door and there Yuki was. Only she looked so weird as a human. It was even more disorienting in the daylight. Her fluffy black hair was the same, but her skin no longer looked ashen and grayish, but rather a realistic pale, milky-white. She smiled at me with normal straight teeth.
She looked incredibly nervous.
“Um,” she cleared her throat. “H-Hi Peter!”
My chest fluttered. She was just so…
“What are you doing, Pete? Invite her in,” my dad said from behind me. I rolled my eyes.
“Come on in Yuki,” I said. “This is my dad Ken, and my mom Wendy.”
Yuki hovered near my side but dutifully put her hand out to shake just like we practiced.
“Hello,” she mumbled. “I’m Yuki. Nice to meet you.” 
Her voice wavered but my heart was bursting with pride anyway. She was amazing. My parents were easily charmed by her shyness as well.
“It’s great to meet you, honey. Look how sweet you are. Oh good lord, Peter, where did you find her?” my mother gushed. 
Yuki looked slightly overwhelmed, so I put a hand on my mom’s shoulder.
“Mom, stop freaking her out. I told you, we met at the store,” I scolded.
My mother tsk-ed with her tongue but let it go.
“Ready to head out?” my dad asked.
So we all loaded into my car, my parents insisting that Yuki take the passenger seat, and we drove off to a nearby nature park.
I tried to focus on the road but Yuki was staring out the window in awe which was very distracting. She’d never been in a car before. My parents didn’t seem to notice, thankfully, keeping up a steady conversation about the weather amongst themselves in the backseat.
Eventually, I parked by the entrance to the hiking trails and we all got out and put on sunscreen and bug spray. 
“Ticks are no joke!” as my dad pointed out.
We got started at a relatively slow pace. My parents were both in their 60s after all. I found myself feeling grateful for the easy pace because I hadn’t been doing much exercising lately. My job sort of demanded I be sedentary for at least eight hours a day and with Yuki doting on me all the time whenever I was home… Well it’s safe to say my fitness was pretty much neglected as of late.
Yuki on the other hand was absolutely thriving out here. 
“The sun feels so good,” she said quietly to me as we wandered through the trail. It was a beautiful day. I hadn’t realized that she’d enjoy the feeling of sun on her skin. I felt retroactively bad for depriving her all this time even though neither of us had known she could look human until yesterday. 
“Look Peter!” Yuki exclaimed loudly, grabbing onto my forearm. “You can see the mountains over there! And, oh my gosh, look at that bird! It’s so pretty!” she gushed. 
I couldn’t keep a smile off my face as I watched her excitement. It was contagious. 
“Very cool,” I agreed and Yuki looked so pleased that I’d validated her observations.
My parents also noticed and glanced at me with some very suggestive expressions on their faces, mainly my mother.
“Yuki,” my mom said, watching with interest as Yuki dropped her hand from my arm with uncharacteristic shyness. It was probably because Yuki was nervous about blowing her cover as a human.
“Y-Yes?” Yuki replied shyly.
“Where are you from? Peter mentioned that you just moved to Denver,” my mom said with a reassuring smile. It seemed to work since Yuki relaxed a bit.
“Um, Montana,” she said, just like I’d told her to. 
My dad hummed. “You liking it here?”
Yuki nodded, an easy smile lighting up her face.
“I like it here too, in case anyone was wondering,” I chimed in, and my parents laughed. 
“We didn’t forget about you, honey. But your new friend is just so sweet. What do you do for work, Yuki?” my mom asked.
I knew my mother would be like this. She was nosy by nature. But hopefully Yuki would be alright since we’d talked over her supposed backstory.
“I work for a cleaning agency,” Yuki said slowly. 
“Oh, that’s nice! Cleaning can be very therapeutic,” my mom said sagely. I huffed at her attempts at prying. 
Yuki didn’t seem to notice that my mom was hungrily digging for information, as she just said, “I love being useful!” with a cheery smile. 
My dad raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah,” I said with a tiny laugh. “Yuki is always helping anyone who needs it, aren’t you?”
Yuki started purring from my praise so I coughed loudly before anyone could catch on to what she was doing. 
“You alright, Pete?” my dad asked, thumping me on the back.
“Fine,” I said, clearing my throat. “Just swallowed my spit wrong.”
“Don’t you hate when that happens?” my mom said with a shake of her head. 
Crisis adverted. 
When we got to the lookout over a deep canyon, we stayed and admired the view for a few minutes. My mom took about 100 pictures with all of us in various combinations and poses. Yuki seemed to be having a blast, grinning from ear to ear in every one. 
By the time we hiked back to our car, everyone was starving. 
My dad suggested we go out to lunch, and my mom readily agreed. Yuki didn’t say anything and I couldn’t think of a reason to decline the request, so we all started googling restaurants nearby.
The issue was that Yuki couldn’t eat. Or she could but she didn’t like to. For some reason, I’d failed to consider the possibility that my parents would want to take my new friend out to eat with us. I felt so dumb. I tried to come up with an excuse for why Yuki couldn’t eat but aside from disclosing some kind of anxiety or eating disorder, I had nothing.
“How about this one? It’s a local bistro, that sounds nice,” my dad suggested.
“Yuki? That sound good to you?” my mom asked.
Yuki looked at me and then back at my parents. “Whatever Peter wants, that’s what I want.”
I could feel my parents’ eyes on me but I just looked at Yuki. My cheeks were probably red but I could blame that on the sun.
“I’m good with that,” I said.
We piled into the car.
The bistro was very quaint. Yuki sat pressed against my side in the booth. While my parents had menus in their faces, she whispered, “My tail really itches but I can’t itch it because it’s gone,” with a sad little pout
I grimaced. “Just hold on a little longer, okay?”
Yuki nodded.
A middle aged lady walked up to our table to take our orders.
My parents got soup and salads, but I wasn’t a big fan of most soups and salads were probably my least favorite food type. 
“I’ll have the cheeseburger with no lettuce or tomato and can I make the fries steak fries?” I asked.
“Sure thing, hon,” the waitress said. “And you?” she asked Yuki.
I braced, waiting to see what she’d say. I’m not hungry, I have severe allergies so I don’t eat out, I’m in the middle of a cleanse and I can’t have anything but juice for two weeks…
Yuki said none of those things. 
“I’ll have the same as him,” Yuki told the waitress, looking at me.
Well, alright. We’d just have to make enough of her food disappear so that my parents didn’t notice that she didn’t eat. I brainstormed. Maybe we could hide it in napkins or something…
After the waitress disappeared with our menus, my parents got right back to their conversation. 
“So Yuki,” my mom started. “Do you have any plans for the holidays? Thanksgiving is only a few months away,” she said.
Yuki shifted her gaze to look at me. “Uh, I-I don’t think so.”
“No?” My mom’s expression turned sightly pitiful. “You should come to Wisconsin with Pete! We always have extra room at our house. We’d love to have you.”
My dad nodded along.
I rolled my eyes. Real subtle, Wendy. My parents were absolutely shameless in trying to get me a girlfriend. It was kind of endearing but ultimately annoying.
“Um, can I?” Yuki asked me, looking up pleadingly. Even though her eyes were an average shade of brown, the puppy dog effect still worked its usual magic on me.
“Of course. If you want to,” I said with a reassuring smile. 
“Okay!” Yuki’s face lit up into a breathtaking smile and I swear my heart grew three sizes like in The Grinch.
My mom threw me a knowing look that I ignored.
Luckily the waitress saved me by bringing our food out.
“That was fast!” my dad said.
“It looks great, thank you,” my mom told the waitress.
“Awesome, let me know if you need anything,” the waitress said and then walked off. 
My burger looked amazing. I was hungry enough that I dug in without really thinking about anything else, even though Yuki had the same huge portion in front of her that I knew she’d rather not eat. It wasn’t until I’d taken a few bites of juicy burger that I realized Yuki’s ingenious plan.
I watched her just to make sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me, but no. Yuki picked up her fork, stabbed her steak fries and brought them to her mouth. Only when they were about to breach her lips, they disappeared and she mimed chewing. In the same instant, my pile of fries grew on my plate. With each bite, she magicked her food onto my own plate. The same thing happened when she took a ‘bite’ of her burger. I stared at my own plate and saw the missing bites I’d already taken of my burger reappear whilst her own burger disappeared with each fake bite she took.
Yuki was an evil genius. Because now I had to eat two burgers and heaping portions of fries. 
I figured I needed to eat fast in order to keep up the charade before anyone noticed my food was refilling. It was easy enough at first since I was hungry, but by the time I’d eaten my entire portion and still had a half of a burger on my plate, I was getting full. Not to mention a large pile of steak fries. I shouldn’t have stuffed myself full of extra pancakes this morning.
My parents didn’t seem to notice anything amiss, thankfully. They continued on talking about how nice of an area my new house was in and how pretty the scenery was. Yuki and I nodded along, not contributing much.
I shifted, spreading my legs to give my belly more room because yes somehow my gut started filling up into my lap and hanging a tiny bit between my legs recently whereas before it would only barely brush against my lap. I was getting fatter everyday it seemed. And eating two entire entrees wasn’t going to help. Yuki’s plate was pretty much empty, and mine was still half full. Ugh.
I felt a tiny hand brush over my thigh and give it a supportive squeeze. Yuki. It gave me a little encouragement to keep going. 
While I probably had enough room to eat all of this, I knew I had to be able to get out of this booth and drive everyone home. 
Again, ugh.
I burped into my fist and then picked up the burger. Ate a few forkfuls of fries. More burger. I was getting pretty full, but it felt sort of good in a weird way. Like a nice stretch from the inside. It made me squirm in my seat a bit. I pressed on the side of my belly to relieve some pressure. More burger, more fries. Everyone else was finished eating and that made me feel strangely embarrassed to be the only person still stuffing their face. 
“The portion sizes are big here, huh?” My mom commented, watching me eat. My cheeks were surely on fire. “Just because Yuki ate it all doesn’t mean you have to dear,” she said. “Honestly, I don’t know where you put it, Yuki.”
Yuki smiled innocently. “Dunno either ma’am,” she replied.
“Oh sweetie, please call me Wendy!”
As they talked, I finally finished my final bite and leaned back into the booth with a groan. 
The waitress dropped off the bill and I had to fight my parents to let me pay for everyone. Once I got my receipt, I sighed and started shuffling out of the booth, wincing as my tender stuffed belly was jostled.
I really needed to quit this habit of overeating.
The whole ride home, I was stifling burps, belly bouncing at any bump in the road. I could feel Yuki’s gaze on me but I focused on the road instead. 
When we got back to my house, I offered to walk Yuki to her ‘car.’
My parents each gave her a hug goodbye, which again had my heart thumping way too hard in my chest. Yuki seemed to like the affection too, if her ear to ear grin was anything to go by. 
I walked Yuki to the end of the block where the woods got a little thicker. We hovered near the tree line and hopefully out of sight from our neighbors.
“Alright, you can, um, disappear back to the basement from here, right?” I asked.
Yuki hummed and nodded. “Can I go back to our room to sleep again tonight?” she asked.
My stomach filled with butterflies when she said ‘our room’ instead of ‘your room.’
“Of course,” I said and then Yuki stepped up to give me a hug, careful of my bloated tummy, and then promptly disappeared. 
My brain didn’t quite understand what I was seeing, Yuki there one second and gone the next, dissolving into thin air, but maybe that was a good thing. It’d probably break my mind if I attempted to comprehend it. 
When I walked back to my house, my parents were giving me this annoying look that basically said I’ve known you your whole life, you can’t pull one over on me!
“What?” I asked tiredly.
My mom seemed to visibly contemplate her answer before saying, “Your girlfriend is adorable.”
I eye-rolled hard enough to give myself a headache. My dad burst out laughing at me.
“Mom, Yuki is just a friend,” I said in the patient tone of voice that I often used at work.
“Mhmm,” she hummed, unconvinced. “Did you try telling her that? She looks like a lovestruck puppy every time you look at her.”
Yeah, that did sound like Yuki. I’d thought she’d toned it down today though… Did that mean her adoring looks were usually more intense than a lovestruck puppy? 
“Well—,” I started, but then I didn’t know what to say. “I’m going to shower off all this gross bug spray and sunscreen,” I announced and then practically ran upstairs, which was particularly impressive on such a full stomach.
“You’re not fooling anyone, Pete!” my mother called. 
“I’m going to put you in a nursing home if you don’t cut it out!” I called back.
That night, Yuki appeared in my bedroom after I’d gone to bed. I was so relieved to see her in her true form that I pretty much tackled her in a hug, which was usually the opposite of how it went with us.
“Oof,” Yuki huffed in surprise as I tugged her body into mine. She started purring immediately though.
“I missed seeing you like this,” I mumbled into her fluffy black hair. 
Yuki chirped. “Did I do good today?”
I hummed, rocking us both from side to side while we embraced. “You did perfect. Absolutely perfect.”
Yuki nuzzled me, careful of her horns. My heart felt so light I feared it would break through my chest and fly away. 
“My eyes got kind of dry and itchy after a while, and not having a tail made me feel a little off balance, but I will work on it! I’ll just get better every time!” she announced optimistically. 
“Of course you will. You’re incredible, Yuki.”
I pulled back just enough to look at her face. I wanted to see her eyes, her natural eyes.
She blinked owlishly at me, a watery smile on her face. I’d even missed seeing those shark teeth today.
“Your eyes are gorgeous, you know that?” I whispered. Looking at her now after seeing her in a human form all day, I finally noticed what it was about her eyes that enraptured me so. It wasn’t even the color, though that was the most noticeable thing. Nor was it the size, since her eyeball was fairly normal in size.
No, it was that the iris of her eye was far bigger than a normal person’s. The whites of her eyes were mere slivers on each side. That purple iris and huge black pupil were endearingly big, cartoonish even. It was just another thing that added to her beauty.
I yawned, still holding tight to Yuki’s waist.
“Bedtime?” Yuki whispered tiredly.
I loathed letting her go, but I knew we should both get some sleep. So I reluctantly opened my arms and watched her slither under my bed like she did every night. 
“Night, Peter,” said the quiet demon under my bed.
“Goodnight, Yuki.”
Even though Yuki was right below me, I felt lonely.
My parents flew out Sunday morning, leaving Yuki and I the entire rest of the day to recover from the stress of the weekend. Yuki was cuddly as usual, but a bit more clingy. Almost like she’d been when she first manifested here. I was clinging right back, to be honest. I didn’t want to examine why that was.
Either way, I decided that since Yuki’s human disguise had worked so well this weekend, that I could start integrating her into the human world a little bit. After all, I wanted Yuki to have some independence. 
So Yuki accompanied me to the grocery store that evening. She had on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and by all means should have looked fairly average. But Yuki was still very beautiful without her demon features, and I became slightly worried as the humans in the grocery store seemed to notice this as well. It probably didn’t help that she was clinging onto me with no shame nor concept of PDA.
“Do humans always stare like this?” Yuki whispered once we’d gotten a cart.
“Sometimes,” I said, “when the person they’re looking at is very pretty.”
Yuki blushed adorably. She was basically glued to my side, hugging my arm and occasionally putting her face into my shoulder to hide from wandering eyes.
“Lots of impure thoughts going on here,” she said with a scrunched nose, glancing at fellow shoppers. I laughed. 
“Humans are a bit rotten, aren’t we?”
Yuki’s arms migrated to my middle to give me a tight squeeze. “Not Peter! Peter is a nice person. Never felt anything vile coming from you, never,” she said with a smile.
Ah, well, I guessed I should take that as a compliment.
“You can sense what they’re thinking just by being near them?” I asked while I examined the meat section. Chicken thighs were on sale. 
“Mhm! I can only tell when it’s a deviant thought. Pure thoughts are safe from me,” she said, than added, “I don’t really know how it works.”
I put my arm around her shoulder. “That’s alright. Thanks for telling me.”
Once we had all of the fresh ingredients from our list, I led Yuki to the bakery isle. I loved having bread with my meals. 
“Get this one!” Yuki picked up the biggest baguette and held it up to me with a grin. 
“Okay, fine,” I relented. We went through isle after isle and Yuki convinced me to add more food to my cart than I normally would. It was too hard to say no when she was just so excited over the most mundane things.
When we passed a little display that had glittery snow globes, Yuki basically lost her mind. She shook the thing and watched little reflective pieces float around with an awestruck look on her face.
“It’s soooo cool, can we get it? Please?”
Of course we got that snow globe. And then she smelled some candles that we just had to get! 
I never said no to anything she held up to me. Purple oven mitts, a sparkly keychain, a birthday card that sang a stupid song when it was opened… All things that Yuki didn’t need, necessarily. But Yuki wanted them, so she was going to get them. It was possible that I was spoiling her a bit. I reasoned that Yuki spoiled me too, so it all evened out in the end. 
By the time we were in the check out line, Yuki pretty much declared that she loved the supermarket. 
After the success of that first trip, I was happy to have Yuki tag along with me on other errands. She seemed to love being outside. When I’d come home from work, Yuki would sometimes tell me about how she’d taken to sitting on the patio in the afternoons, basking in the sun. So long as she was in her human form, she was welcome to do that. 
And so we settled into a new routine where Yuki had more freedom. She could go with me on errands and potentially in the future once she understood human customs a little better, she would be able to go places on her own. 
Just the thought of it made me feel a lot less guilty. Yuki was actually able to exist in the world without being held prisoner in my house now. It was a weight off my chest.
Ironically, the extra weight on my body hadn’t gone anywhere. Instead, I was just getting even fatter. It was out of control, really. I’d only had Yuki back in my life for four months, but I’d gained about 35 lbs. Every dinner was elaborate and delicious, and I typically ate every last bit. And these recipes made enough food for four people!!
It didn’t help that Yuki had begun dabbling in baking too. Now there were pies or cakes or pastries made every few days, and I’d of course eat multiple helpings of those every night after I’d digested enough from my dinner feast. 
As a result of all of this overindulgence, I started to be hungrier. In the mornings, a few pieces of toast or frozen waffles used to be enough to fill me up. Now after eating that, I was hungry by mid morning and would snack on vending machine food to tide me over until lunch.
My lunch order was growing along with my waist. It wasn’t intentional, but when I was hungry I had a propensity to over-order. And then when there was food in front of me well… 
I couldn’t blame this on Yuki, per se. She wasn’t making me hungrier. But she was encouraging this side of me. Any time I mentioned that my clothes were getting tight or that I should cut back, she’d tell me that she wanted me to be happy. That she could sense that I wanted to eat more. It wasn’t necessarily untrue; I enjoyed letting myself go, eating whatever I wanted, but it was a headache to have to buy new work clothes for the second time in just a few months. It wasn’t like I couldn’t get my clothes on or anything, but I didn’t want to torture myself by having my my pants digging into me all day while I was working, nor did I want to risk looking unprofessional in button downs that were loose enough to fit around me, but were tight enough that my flesh puckered around each button.
My gains were pretty obvious with or without new clothes. My belly, which before looked like a ball belly, or a beer gut, was now drooping a little over my waistband and forming rolls on my sides. My chest had puffed up too, forming two mounds of fat where before had been just hints of softness. Even my fingers looked puffy lately. My face wasn’t showing much, maybe some softness around my chin but, my belly was definitely taking the brunt of the gain, for sure. 
I wasn’t particularly bothered by it, which was probably weird. Most people would freak out if they gained so much weight so fast. But for some reason, I only felt like I should be upset, rather than actually feeling that way. It was embarrassing, sure, but not in a bad way. I shrugged it off pretty easily. 
As time went on, I began to consider that Yuki had been right about me and my so-called desires.
Eating whatever I wanted was fun. I grew used to being constantly full, and I found that having a full stomach was soothing in a way. Whereas before I would push these feelings away, shame and guilt eating at me, I now tried to embrace them. Yuki wanted me happy. Seeing me happy made her happy. Ergo… I should eat as much as my heart desires. For me. For her. 
The mental gymnastics necessary for me to reach this conclusion were irrelevant. 
What was relevant was that in a matter of weeks, I was up another 10 lbs. It wasn’t super noticeable, at least to me. Yeah so what if my gut was sitting more in my lap everyday? Or if my upper arms were getting puffier, and that my face and neck were getting thicker? That was normal for a man entering his 30’s!
Anytime I mentioned these changes to Yuki she would coo at me, saying how handsome I looked with a little softness added on. And she said everything so earnestly! I was pretty sure she wasn’t even capable of lying, so I believed her. 
As one would suspect, I’d gotten a few lighthearted comments from other execs. My secretary at work, Denise, was too polite to make a comment, but she had been taking lingering looks at my belly, particularly if she’d just seen me eat a huge spread for lunch.
Overall, it wasn’t too bad. Most of the other men I worked with were overweight. The CEO was pretty portly himself, so most of the teasing was self-deprecating, and it never bothered me.
There was one issue, however, that needed to be resolved. 
I needed to get Yuki an identity. A real one. One that would let her get on a plane to Wisconsin come November because I’d promised Yuki that she could have Thanksgiving with my family. 
And yes, I was willing to commit a crime to make that happen. 
In order to get Yuki an enhanced ID good enough to go through airport security, I had to delve back into my old habits as a young teenager with way too much unsupervised internet access. 
I reintroduced myself to the dark web. 
It was a testament to how close I’d grown to Yuki that I was even willing to go to such lengths for her. 
Going on the dark web was my last resort. I had tried asking Yuki if she could make an ID for herself using demon magic, but she said that she had no power like that. She couldn’t conjure things from nothing, nor could she transform anything but herself, and even that only lasted a short period of time. Her ability to dissolve into shadows was also exclusive to only herself. Yuki explained that she couldn’t take anyone or anything with her when she did so.
So I got my VPN going and searched my way through darknets I hadn’t visited since I was in college. It took the better part of an afternoon before I found what I was looking for: someone who made and sold birth certificate and state ID forgeries. The person’s services supposedly included forging military ID’s and security badges good enough to get into the pentagon, so I hoped it was as legit as it seemed. It was insanely expensive (I only gave partial payment upfront, I’m not an idiot) and I had to send in several photos of Yuki’s human face so that the person could complete my order. It was supposedly going to arrive in my P.O. Box next month. 
Several thousands of dollars poorer, I would finally have a genuine identity for my strange, little lurking demon. I hoped she wouldn’t mind that I’d put my last name as hers as well. I just figured it would be easier that way. 
Soon, it was Halloween. We passed out candy all night, which Yuki found fascinating.
She probably made every kid’s night by sharing enthusiastic praise about every child’s costumes as they came up our walkway. I couldn’t help but grin at seeing her interact with humans. She was a bit childlike herself, especially when she got excited. She would gush over every cool mask or pretty dress. She squealed in delight at the one boy dressed as a superhero. 
And then at the end of the night, Yuki hand-fed me all of the leftover candies, looking all sweet and doting. 
No matter what she did, Yuki was always gentle, and kind, and caring, and beautiful, and…
Stop, I mentally slapped myself. 
Yuki’s (forged) ID came in in the mail with only a week to spare before our Thanksgiving trip to Milwaukee. I was a mess of nerves all week, worried about whether or not Yuki would be able to get through TSA with her forged license. I ate my stress a bit, munching on snacks all throughout my workday and eating my now-typical dinner feast.
The day of the flight, Yuki was a bundle of nerves, so I pushed my own worries down deep. I had to be strong for her. 
As we stood in line, I ran a hand over Yuki’s back. She was biting her lip and I knew that if she hadn’t been in her human form, her tail would have been nervously flicking from side to side. This had to work. We’d taken an Uber to the airport since it was cheaper than paying for parking, so if this forgery caused even the slightest of problems, we’d be stranded here with no real escape plan.
Think positively, I admonished myself.
Eventually, it was our turn to approach. I showed them our tickets on my phone, and then the man scanned my ID. The scanner light was all green. 
Yuki’s hand shook as she handed him her ID.
I tried not to look suspicious but I was sweating in places I didn’t even know I could sweat.
It turned green.
“Here you go, have a nice flight,” the man said in a monotone voice. I nodded and we hurried into the next line.
“See, it’s fine,” I told Yuki.
Yuki purred quietly.
“Peter’s amazing,” she said softly. 
The rest of the security check was uneventful, if you didn’t mind the casual verbal harassment from airport security as we loaded up our belongings to get x-rayed. That always seemed to happen whenever I traveled. I wondered why airport security was so grouchy. 
They did pat down Yuki’s back because apparently, her hair was too fluffy for the body scanner or something, but Yuki was her usual good sport about it as a woman ran her hand over Yuki’s shoulders and upper back. 
We made it through. I smiled to myself as we put our shoes back on. 
“AH! It’s so good to see you! How was the flight?!” My mom gushed. Yuki smiled sweetly, but she looked tired. Keeping her human form up for so many hours was draining, though I knew she wouldn’t complain.
“Not bad,” I said, hugging my mom and dad before putting mine and Yuki’s bags in the SUV.
“Didn’t like it,” Yuki said quietly. My mom cooed and pulled Yuki in for a motherly hug.
“Oh, was this your first time flying?”
Yuki nodded into my mom’s shoulder.
“I don’t like flying either,” my dad said. “Human’s aren’t supposed to be so high in the air.” He said it with a ‘tsk’ and a shake of his head.
Yuki met my eye and smiled like we had some kind of private joke. Because Yuki wasn’t human. And yet, she wasn’t meant to be up in the air either. She was meant to be very much below.
It was true that Yuki wasn’t a fan of flying. She hugged my arm and hid her face into it for the whole flight, shaking and whining whenever there was turbulence. I wished I could’ve given her something to relax but I honestly wasn’t sure if human medicine would even have an effect on her.
My parents, predictably, talked Yuki’s ear off for the whole drive. My childhood home wasn’t too far from the airport, so it only took about 20 minutes.
When we arrived, Yuki leaned very close to me. 
“I remember being here,” she said in a quiet voice. “Here is where I met Peter.”
I felt my cheeks heat. “Yeah,” I said, throat tight with… something.
But then my dad was getting bags from the trunk so I went over to help him. He had a bad back, so really he shouldn’t be lifting all that, but he never listens.
“I’ve set up Peter’s old room for you two,” my mom was telling Yuki.
“O-Oh,” Yuki said. She had to be exhausted. I needed to get her alone so she could transform back. She was pushing her limits.
“Wait, what?” I asked once my mom’s words registered.
My mother sent me an absolutely devious smile. “We made the guest room dad’s office so she’ll have to share with you. Don’t worry,” she said to Yuki, “the bed’s big enough for two.”
Yuki smiled and nodded. I looked at my dad pleadingly, but he just shrugged. He knew better than to interfere with Wendy when she was playing match-maker.
“Happy wife happy life,” he mumbled to me. 
My father probably deserved to be sainted for being married to my mom for all these years. 
Once we got the bags put away, Yuki and I had a second alone when my parents were downstairs ordering a pizza.
“Did I do… good?” Yuki asked, nuzzling my chest with her forehead. Her human form melted away, revealing the gray-tinted skin, horns, and tail, which was currently poking its way out of the waistband of her pants.
“You did amazing, Yuki,” I said, holding her close. She was pressed right against my belly, and she seemed to like how it felt, squeezing the rolls on my sides with her tiny hands. 
“Mmm, so tired,” she mumbled into my plush chest. 
“Go to sleep,” I whispered. “I’ll tell them you aren’t feeling well from the flight, okay?”
Yuki groaned lightly which I took as an affirmative. 
“Get some rest,” I said, leaning back to look at her face. I cupped her chin in my hand. She blinked her owlish purple eyes at me sleepily. “I’ll be back up later.”
Yuki grinned and her predatory teeth dazzled. “Peter’s the best,” she said as she slithered under the sheets. We hadn’t discussed her sleeping on the bed rather than under like she did at home, but Yuki was so exhausted that I didn’t correct it. “Peter always takes such good care of me,” she mumbled into the pillow. She dissolved into a fit of boneless, relaxed purring.
Oh no. 
Yuki’s words hit like bullets to the chest. 
Peter always takes such good care of me.
I’m not supposed to feel this way. I had promised myself.
Yuki was docile. Worshipful. That was just how Yuki was. It wasn’t a reflection of how she truly felt about me, was it? She’d say this to anyone in my position.
It didn’t mean she… wanted me. 
I went downstairs. 
“Where’s Yuki?” My mom immediately asked.
“She wasn’t feeling great from the flight still,” I said. “Decided to turn in early.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. Well, we ordered extra pizza since we thought she’d be eating but…” my dad looked me up and down. “Maybe that was a blessing in disguise.”
“Ken!” My mom smacked him with a kitchen towel. 
“No, he’s right. I guess I’ve let myself go recently. Job stress,” I said with a shrug. 
“That’s perfectly normal,” my mom chimed in. “Eat as much as you want.”
I did. Probably a whole pizza and a few slices extra. I ate until I felt vaguely sick, which was turning into my default setting as of late. 
I crawled into bed next to Yuki with a sore stomach, bloated from all the carbonated pop and cheesy-meaty pizza. I burped into my fist a few times as I got settled. Yuki didn’t stir, but she shifted closer to me once I got settled.
“Hick, ugh,” I groaned quietly. My poor stomach was gurgling, struggling to digest.
Yuki turned, and her hand landed on the crest of my gut. I stared at her to see if she was awake. She looked asleep. Steady breathing, eyes closed. 
Her fingers slid under the hem of my t-shirt.
I felt myself slipping to sleep as well. The last thing I remember was feeling her hand softly rubbing my belly in soothing circles.
Thanksgiving was a parade of gluttony. It was one of my favorite holidays.
Even as a kid, I loved watching football with my dad, eating until I was groaning, and then getting multiple helpings of dessert after. 
Waking up in the middle of the night to have leftovers.
It was comforting in a way.
Yuki seemed to have recovered well overnight. She took her time getting ready before she left the bedroom, only donning her human form at the last second. 
“Sure you’ll be okay all day today?” I asked, slightly worried. Yes, she’d done well at the airport in her disguise, but today would be more hours. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.
“Mhm!” Yuki said cheerily. She latched onto me like a leech, wrapping me in her arms. I knew if her tail was out, it would’ve been wound around my leg. “Today will be different! Can feed off of Peter today, yes, your aura should be so very filling for me today,” she said. I yelped when her little teeth bit my upper arm where it was most flabby. 
“Yuki,” I scolded.
The little demon knew she had me wrapped around her finger, as she just giggled and kissed the sore spot. I was grateful she didn’t do that with her normal teeth.
Although, under a certain circumstance, those teeth could feel…
Danger. Stop. This train of thought is prohibited.
We made our way downstairs where my dad had already gotten the turkey in the oven and my mom was making eggs and bacon to tide us over until dinner.
We took seats at the kitchen barstools.
I watched my mom plate Yuki up some breakfast and licked my own lips in anticipation.
This time, I was excited at the prospect of secretly eating double. I don’t know what exactly changed since the last time she’d done this, but now I wanted it. I wanted to eat as much as I could. I knew it would feel good. I felt warmth spreading through me, pooling in my gut, just thinking about it.
So when Yuki took a big heaping bite of bacon, I stuffed some of my own bacon in my mouth. Sure enough, Yuki magicked her food into my mouth and I smiled as I chewed through a doubled mouthful.
I felt immense satisfaction as I scarfed down two giant platefuls. I also felt very full.
Yuki blinked at me with her typical adoring gaze. I put a hand on her leg under the bar, thinking she was feeling as satisfied as I felt.
“More please!” Yuki said innocently.
I bit the inside of my cheek. 
“You’re feeling very devious today, aren’t you?” I murmured quietly to Yuki as my mom eagerly refilled her dish.
Yuki giggled. “I can sense it.”
I frowned at her. “Sense what?”
“Can sense the impure thoughts you’re having about being a glutton. It’s making me feel oh so floaty!” she whispered with a slightly crazed smile. 
Impure thoughts. About being a what?
But I didn’t get to ask because my mom was walking up to the kitchen island and handing Yuki a plate. 
Now to awkwardly chew without being noticed since I was supposed to be done eating… I hid my mouth behind my napkin as Yuki scarfed down ‘her’ second helping.
I sat down on the couch to watch the game. Yuki had offered to help my mom, unsurprisingly. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Yuki dutifully sliced potatoes. 
I had hoped to digest more of my breakfast, but it seemed like no time at all had passed before it the turkey was done and I was setting the dining room table. 
I didn’t’ know what was wrong with me, but I was feeling that same perverted sort of excitement I’d felt earlier. Even though I wasn’t at all hungry, I just. Wanted food anyway.
“Let’s say grace,” my mom said once all of her side dishes had been plated around the big golden-brown bird in the center of the table.
“Bless us, oh Lord, for these thy gifts….” We recited.
Yuki went ridged before she started to squirm uncomfortably in her chair next to me. 
Yuki melted back into her seat.
“Who wants white meat, who wants dark?” My dad asked, getting up to start carving.
The next hour or so was a blur of flavors. Every bite I took, I was getting a surprise second bite from Yuki. Sometimes the combinations were better than others. Mashed potatoes and turkey? Great. 
Green bean casserole and cranberry sauce? Not so great.
But. I kept eating beyond all common sense, because that was what Thanksgiving was about as far as I was concerned. 
Everyone was groaning appreciatively at the flavors, paying compliments to my dad (for the turkey) and to my mom (for everything else). Long after everyone else claimed themselves to be stuffed, leaned back in their chairs and wishing they had worn stretchy pants, I kept eating. My stomach was aching by then, but I didn’t care. I’d unbuttoned my pants in preparation before we’d even started eating so I wasn’t phased. And it all tasted so good. Yuki seemed to know it too, as she kept eating as well, secretly feeding me every bit.
I lost count of how many rolls, how many helpings of turkey, potatoes, casseroles, corn I’d eaten. It was an excess, that was all I knew. And when I truly felt like I couldn’t eat even one more bite, absolutely stuffed, painful stretching and shooting pains from my absolute tank of a gut filling my lap, Yuki pushed one more bite of buttery bread down.
I couldn’t help but moan around it.
“We really did a number on that bird, didn’t we?” My mom was boxing up leftovers and yes, there was only about a quarter of the turkey left. The rest of the dishes were either gone or nearly. 
It was easily enough food for six people, but three had almost wiped the table clear.
I felt a sick sense of pride, even though my gut ached something fierce and all I wanted to do was lay down.
“Ate too much?” My dad asked. I was in a major food coma, watching Yuki’s fluffy black hair fall over one shoulder as she helped pick up plates.
“You could say that,” I wheezed.
After our trip to Wisconsin, something between Yuki and I changed. It was like some kind of wall had crumbled. Neither of us were acting differently per se, but there was an energy there that hadn’t been there before. Knowing glances replaced innocent ones. I replaced my favorite belt with a larger one.
Whatever was going on with us, this feeding thing, it was no longer ignorable. Before, I could write it off. Yuki was simply engrossed in her new hobby, cooking, and of course my waistband was suffering because of it. That made sense. And Yuki used to have to push me to overeat, back when I was still in denial about how much I liked it. 
Then, over time, it became more natural to let myself indulge. I didn’t need prompting to eat enough food for four people at meals anymore. But lately… It was more than indulgence. I was falling into a cycle of gluttony. And I knew that Yuki was pleased at herself for thoroughly corrupting my self-control. 
I wished I didn’t find it incredibly attractive.
I did.
Soon the first snowfall of the season was upon us. Denver didn’t get as cold as the midwest winters I was used to, but the storm that came in early December was substantial. We stayed inside, bundled up in blankets cuddling on the couch as we watched it fall. Yuki made me a hot chocolate.
“The snow looks so fluffy,” Yuki commented, and a contented chirp rumbled from her chest. 
“We can go out there if you want. But it’s cold,” I warned her.
Yuki’s cheeks flushed with her excitement. “Really?!”
Just that look on her face made me inhale shakily. This was so dangerous. I had been ignoring this feeling for months. 
I couldn’t ignore it right then. Not with Yuki’s purple eyes glittering, staring at me like I was her entire universe.
I was falling in love with my demon. 
We went outside. Yuki didn’t like being cold as a general rule. She much preferred the heat, as evidenced by her scalding hot baths. But still, she excitedly tromped all around our backyard, even sticking her tongue out to catch some snow flakes.
“Let’s make snow angels,” I said. 
“Okay!” Yuki nodded, happy to go along with any suggestion of mine. Then, “What are those?”
After a short explanation, I lowered myself onto the wet, snowy ground. This was a lot more fun when I was a kid, I realized. Yuki followed along until we were both settled in the white snow. 
“Now you just move your arms and legs like this,” I said, demonstrating. 
“Oh my!”
Yuki giggled happily as we made snow angels. 
“Now, here’s the most important part,” I said. “You have to try to get up without messing up your angel.”
Yuki’s brow furrowed. I couldn’t help but smile, thinking I’d never seen such a look of serious concentration on her face.
I tried getting up, noting that it was more difficult since I’d last done this. I didn’t generally get on the floor often, and I definitely hadn’t done it since about 30 lbs ago. 
I felt my belly awkwardly pushing into my leg as I got myself into a kneel. I had to take a second to catch my breath.
“Okay, let’s see how we did.” I pushed myself up and then jumped out of my angel. I didn’t do a great job; there was a big boot print in my angel’s wing.
Yuki did much better. Hers was pristine. 
“SO COOL!” she gushed. I quickly had an armful of a squirming Yuki. She nuzzled me, even licked my neck, which I thought was a rather strange thing to do, but well. That was Yuki for you.
Yuki purred against me. We risked her coming outside in her true form since her horns were covered by a hat and her tail was tucked somewhere in her snow pants. Her ashen cheeks were pink from the cold and her eyes reflected the white that was falling around us. I found myself looking at her lips. 
They were turning a bit blue.
I wondered if she was really purring that hard or if she was trembling from the cold.
“We should go inside and warm up,” I said.
“O-O-ka-ka-ka-y,” she said through a frozen tremble. Her smile didn’t dim at all even as we shuffled inside. 
We shed our wet outer garments and thawed on the couch covered in blankets. It was perfect. I couldn’t ever remember a day when I’d been more at peace. 
Especially when Yuki decided to warm up the house by baking cookies. I may have eaten 10 in one sitting. 
 I got up to go to the bathroom later that day and was shocked at how fat I looked in my reflection. Sure, I had decided to just embrace my climbing weight since it seemed to make Yuki and Iboth happy. But seeing myself was still jarring sometimes. 
I had a proper double chin these days. My arms, which used to be toned and muscled, now looked swollen with fat. Even my wrists and hands were pudgy. My legs weren’t really that big; I was decidedly top-heavy, but even so, my thighs had started to rub together. My gut was surely the biggest thing about me, but my love handles had swelled to the point where I had an exaggerated muffin top at all times now. I could see that my belly was drooping too. I could barely see my pants-button. And of course when I turned to the side to look at my profile, it was even more obvious how fat I was. My stomach stuck out far enough that it was a little hard to hold my belly button with both hands. I lifted my belly up and watched it jiggle as I let it go.
“Peter! Dinner!” Yuki called.
I sighed and patted my stomach. 
“Be right there!”
December was flying by. In what seemed like no time at all, I woke up one morning realizing it was nearly Christmas. I shuffled out of bed rubbing my tired eyes. I could hear Yuki’s heavy sighs and occasional purrs from under my bed and I couldn’t help but smile fondly. 
Yuki was not a morning person. She only got up when I was about tot leave to say goodbye to me before I went to work, and even then she always looked sleepy and soft. With swollen eyes and a wrinkles from her pillowcase on her cheeks.
God. Ever since I admitted to myself that I had feelings for Yuki it was like I couldn’t help but thinking of her all the time anymore. My love for her was spilling over into my every waking thought. I was turning into such a sap. 
I didn’t act on my feelings. For one, I wasn’t sure if Yuki could even feel romantic love. She wasn’t human. It was easy to forget because she was so kind, compassionate, caring, all attributes that I associated with humanity. But she was a demon and I wasn’t sure if she was capable of human love. I knew Yuki cared about me in her way, but caring about someone and loving them were different. I didn’t know if I could handle it if I confessed only to have her say she couldn’t reciprocate.
For two, I recalled all of the workplace harassment training I’d taken for my job. Hours of my life sitting through modules where relationships with power imbalances were discussed, along with the potential legal ramifications for engaging in such a relationship. Of course, these were geared toward workplace relationships. It’d be unethical for me to date someone in my company, particularly someone who I was a direct supervisor to. 
But after everything that happened when Yuki reappeared in my life, I was certain that Yuki and I were in a similar situation. After all, she was beholden to me. She was my demon. That was an uneven power dynamic if I’d ever heard one. And I’d repressed my own growing feelings for her because, on some level, I thought that I would be taking advantage of her if I ever acted on my feelings. And Yuki’s docile nature didn’t dispel that illusion for me. It felt wrong to force my affections on her, even though it was usually Yuki who initiated physical affection. Cuddling could be platonic, after all, so I still felt weird about aiming for more than that. 
But I wasn’t so sure anymore. Yuki had the ability to have her own life outside of me now. She’d met my parents, gone out in public with me several times, and we were working on her becoming even more independent. So maybe it could work. Maybe it wouldn’t be wrong to love her. 
Assuming Yuki returned my feelings, of course. 
I splashed cold water on my face to wake me up before I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I’d always started my day with a hearty breakfast, but lately I’d been waking up ravenous. My stomach would rumble like I hadn’t eaten in weeks like I hadn’t in fact eaten a meal for four only ten hours earlier. 
I threw four frozen waffles into the toaster and started the coffee machine. I picked at some cookies while I waited. It seemed like only a short while ago, two waffles would be more than enough to hold me over until lunch. But of course, I now needed at least five. I could probably eat eight if I really put my mind to it.
I loaded up my coffee with flavored creamer and sat down with my syrup and waffles. As I stuffed my face, I thought about the upcoming holiday. I had my last week of work and then my parents would be flying in for Christmas. 
I also had the annual Christmas party for work to attend. It wasn’t mandatory, but it would look bad if I didn’t show up, seeing as it was my first year working as an exec.
It was black tie, and so I’d had to order a new tux for the occasion. I was debating asking Yuki to accompany me. My secretary, Denise, said that most people bring a date. A spouse, a fiancé, a fling…
I had none of the above, but I did have a Yuki. 
Would that be weird? Would Yuki even want to go? Moreover, Yuki didn’t have any formal clothes. I’d have to take her shopping. It sounded like a chore, but then the more I thought about it, I realized seeing Yuki try on clothes might be sort of fun. She’d surely look stunning in anything she wore…
I put away my dishes and got dressed. Yuki slithered out from under my bed while I was tying my tie. 
“Leaving?” She asked. I nodded. “I’ll miss you!” Yuki clung to my middle and nuzzled my chest. I could feel myself blushing. 
“I’ll miss you too. Be good,” I said, petting her hair. She purred lethargically. 
“Always good,” she mumbled.
“I know you are.”
I didn’t bring up the Christmas party until I got home that night. Yuki was finishing off a big pan of shrimp Alfredo that smelled absolutely delicious. She put the fettuccine into a pot of boiling water, tail swaying from side to side as she did. She always cooked barefoot, tiny gray-ish feet padding around the kitchen tiles as she stirred and chopped. 
“Hey Yuki,” I said.
“How would you feel about going somewhere with me? For my work.”
Yuki tilted her head, considering. “Go somewhere?” she echoed. “I’ve never been to Peter’s work.”
I smiled. “I know. Ah, well, it’s a work party. So it isn’t actually the place I really work at. But most of the people there will bring someone. I thought, maybe, if you wanted to, I could bring…you,” I said lamely. I felt like a goddamn middle schooler, stuttering trying to ask out some girl. 
But Yuki just lit right up. Her face brightened into a pleased and slightly surprised smile, and she hopped a little in place, clapping her hands together.
“Peter wants me to go with him! Of course I’ll go! Any place with Peter there will be the best place for Yuki to be,” she said with a feverish smile. She even ran over to where I was sitting at the kitchen bar to hug my arm to her chest.
“I’m glad,” I said, putting my arm around her instead and pulling her into a proper hug. “We’ll have to get you a nice dress to wear. It’s kind of fancy,” I said. 
Yuki lifted her head super fast at that, and I dodged blindness by horn-point. 
“I get to wear a dress?!” she whisper-yelled.
“You sure do,” I said. 
It turned out that getting Yuki a dress wasn’t actually too hard. I recalled how Yuki used to be scared at when we went out in public at first, as she was naturally a bit flighty and nervous, but over time, she began to love being around other people. 
The sales attendant that helped Yuki pick out her dress (she ended up choosing a gorgeous midnight blue number, floor-length with silver accents) chatted Yuki up and I could tell, Yuki liked the attention. It helped that everything she tried on looked gorgeous on her. Even without her demon features, she was a knockout. 
Apparently Yuki was a winter undertone so cool colors will compliment best… I didn’t know what any of that meant, so I just nodded along and swiped my card to pay for it and carried the garment bag to the car. 
 The day of the party, I decided to step on the scale for the first time in a while. It wasn’t like I was avoiding it, but I had been sort of enjoying the mystery of not having my weight gain confirmed. It was nice to think I might still be somewhere around 280. 
When the scale said 303, I bit my lip. Well, I supposed I’d maybe been underestimating just how many extra calories I’d been eating every day. How could I have put on another 20 pounds without hardly noticing? Sure it was the holiday season so everyone was gaining a bit of winter fluff, but this was putting my gain at over 50 lbs in just 6 months. That seemed… substantial. 
I decided not to think too hard about it, and just started getting dressed instead. My new was loose actually, which was good. With the way I was going, it probably wouldn’t be loose on me for long.
Meanwhile, Yuki was nearly bouncing off the walls with excitement as she got ready. 
She looked stunning. She’d even curled her hair with the new curling iron we’d picked up, so her black hair fell in silky spirals on her back. 
The saleswoman at the dress shop must’ve been onto something because Yuki’s pale skin looked fantastic against the deep blue tones of her dress. And even though I missed her purple eyes, she was still a sight to behold in her human guise. 
“What do you think?” Yuki asked, giving me a little twirl. And was I imagining it, or were her cheeks looking a little pink?
“You look absolutely beautiful, Yuki,” I said. 
Yuki’s face lit up and she swayed on her feet a little from the compliment. It was so cute how flustered she got sometimes.
“I think Peter looks the most beautiful,” Yuki muttered. She was definitely blushing now, but so was I.
So I just held out my arm. “Let’s go.”
Everyone at the party thought Yuki was my girlfriend. Maybe I should’ve foreseen this and prepared for it, but for some reason it hadn’t even occurred to me. Stupid.
“Oh my, I didn’t realize Peter had a partner, it’s so nice to meet you.”
“And who might you be? Peter never mentioned having such a beautiful girlfriend.”
It just went on and on like that with every acquaintance I came across. I didn’t correct anyone, because me having Yuki as a girlfriend was much more believable than the truth.
Yuki, for her part, did extremely well. She didn’t talk much, but that was mostly because she was still pretty shy around big groups. She only replied to direct questions, or said “Nice to meet you as well,” and she didn’t let go of my hand the whole time. 
Meanwhile, everyone we passed couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off of her. I didn’t blame them, she was radiant. If only they knew how much more beautiful she was in her true form… Still, the attention was a bit much. Men’s eyes followed her around the room. I imagined them wondering to themselves how I was able to find someone as gorgeous as Yuki looking how I did. For some reason, their jealousy was turning me on. I felt sort of like an asshole for thinking it, but I was oddly pleased at the amount of attention Yuki was receiving. There was something so hot about having the most attractive person in a room, when they only have eyes for you.
If only Yuki really felt that way about me. 
“How are you feeling? So far so good?” I whispered to Yuki as we finally made our way to our table for dinner. 
“Mhm!” Yuki nodded her head enthusiastically. “Everybody is so nice. I feel so energized from all of the envy and greed here. Very lush,” she said with a tiny giggle. 
“Envy and greed huh… I suppose that is the world of business,” I acknowledged with a laugh. 
We found our table pretty easily; we were sitting with a few executives I liked and their spouses. I was relieved that Carl wasn’t sitting near me. That man was insufferable. 
We got our champagne and listened to our CEO give a brief speak before we cheers-ed. Yuki had never tried alcohol before, so I told her to just take a tiny sip or not drink it at all. 
I watched out of the corner of my eye as she sniffed the glass, made a face, and then pushed it into my hand.
One of my colleague’s wives noticed and said, “Don’t like it?” When Yuki shook her head, she said, “I never used to either. It’s an acquired taste.”
“I don’t think that is a taste I will be acquiring, ma’am,” Yuki said with a worried expression. The woman laughed.
“Oh my, you’re such a sweetie!” 
I was inclined to agree. 
After a few minutes, they started bringing food out, and I was relieved. Even though I’d hit the appetizer tables a little hard, that fancy finger food hadn’t done much to stave off my hunger. I was starving. 
As had become our routine, I ate my food while Yuki covertly magicked her own food on my plate. Over the course of the dinner, I ate two helpings of salad, soup, porterhouse steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, and finished off with two big slices of cake. I was feeling pretty stuffed and drowsy after so much rich food. Yuki seemed worn out as well, since I knew that keeping up her human appearance was tiring, and socializing with so many people was out of her comfort zone. We decided we would have a photo taken of us in front of the gorgeous holiday display and then leave early. The photographer had a short line, so we made our way over there to get that done before we planned to slip out of the party. 
Yuki slipped her small arm around my middle and squeezed at the flesh there. 
“Thank you for bringing me,” she purred, tucking herself into my side.
“Of course, Yuki. I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”
Her hands rubbed my swollen sides. 
“I love Peter. Peter’s the best. Always… always so nice to me,” Yuki murmured sleepily. I instantly froze. Yuki… Yuki said what? She… loved me?
“Next!” the photographer called, and oh my god that was us. Of course it would be. Of course I wouldn’t be able to talk to her about what she’d just said. 
Yuki pulled away and we positioned ourselves where we were directed. 
“Now smile on three. One, two, three!”
I started walking in a daze. It felt like time had stopped the minute I’d heard Yuki say she loved me. Did she actually say that? Was I projecting? Memory is fallible so it was hard to say… 
“And then, when the picture comes in, can we put it on the fireplace? In a nice frame. Because we have so many nice pictures on there already, but none of them have me in them, so I was thinking, maybe you would like it if there was one of us on there. Do you think we can do that? Please?” Yuki rambled as we walked towards the doors. 
I tried to focus back on what she was saying. “Sure, I’d like that,” I said quickly.
“Yay! I’m so excited to see it,” she chirped. 
We were almost to the exit of the venue when I heard someone call my name.
“Peter, leaving so soon?”
Carl Wellington, the man I’d successfully avoided all night (until now, that is) was walking towards us.
I was instantly irritated. Yuki stiffened next to me. I glanced over at her, and the look on her face… it was like nothing I’d ever seen before. Even without the horns or anything, she looked… menacing.
A low, rumbly growl started emanating from her chest as Carl walked closer. 
“What..?” I began to say, but then Carl started speaking.
“Oh my.” He genuinely looked surprised as he glanced between Yuki and myself. After a moment, a look of realization dawned on his face. “Ol’ Saint Pete has himself a demon? Now that is unexpected,” Carl said, and I could see something far more evil showing in his face than I ever had before. His eyes looked… void of any humanity altogether. His pupils were dilated and cruel. 
“A d-demon?” I echoed dumbly.
Yuki growled louder, even going so far as to put her arm in front of me and taking a step forward. The shadows in the room suddenly seemed darker. I swear I saw Yuki’s human guise flickering in and out, but any time I noticed purple eyes or horns or shark teeth, they were gone in the next moment. 
“Stay away from him,” Yuki snarled, and her voice sounded horrible. Her growl had turned into more of a hiss. The sound made me feel a chill down my spine. I felt goosebumps rising on my arms. I glanced around, all the sudden nervous about someone witnessing this altercation, but luckily the hall was empty aside from us. 
“I didn’t realized another of us had already claimed you, Peter.” 
Wait, had he said another one of us?
Carl’s eyes lingered on Yuki. “She is lovely. And very attached, I see.” His gaze bounced between Yuki and I with an intelligent glint that I absolutely hated. “Well, that does explain your good fortune. But my, how interesting. I’m oh so glad I was able to run into you both. This has been very informative. Have a pleasant night you two,” Carl said with thick condescension, and then he turned on his heel and walked away. 
I watched, shocked and bewildered by the entire conversation, as Carl disappeared back into the main banquet room.
Beside me, Yuki was no longer growling. In fact, she was shaking. I watched as her eyes welled with tears.
“Yuki, it’s okay. Come on, he’s gone. We need to get out of here, let’s go,” I said. 
Yuki slumped like a deflated ballon and let herself be led outside and to the parking lot. 
My mind was reeling as I buckled her into the front seat of my car. I’d never seen Yuki so hostile before. And what in the world was my colleague? Was he a demon too? 
Yuki made a pitiful, whining sort of sound, like a wounded dog, as I put the car into gear and started driving.
I reached over and put my free hand on her thigh, rubbing soothing circles into her skin with my thumb.
“It’s alright, you’re okay,” I said gently. I had to keep it together, since clearly whatever Carl was, Yuki was afraid of it. 
“S-Sorry,” Yuki mumbled after a few minutes of silence. I looked at her before quickly shifting my gaze back to the road.
“For what?”
“Was s’posed to protect Peter, but I got scared,” she sniffled. “Bad Yuki.”
“Huh?!” My face twisted in confusion. “Yuki, you did protect me. You were marvelous. A bit scary, honestly, but amazing nonetheless. I was the one who was helpless back there.”
Yuki pursed her lips like she didn’t agree. 
“What was that anyway? Is Carl… a demon too?” I asked hesitantly. I mean, it wouldn’t be so hard to believe. Carl certainly acted devilish at times. 
Yuki shook her head before leaning over the console to put her forehead against my bicep.
“Not a demon. But he’s being possessed by one,” she mumbled.
My eyebrows shot up. That sounded worse for some reason.
“He’s… possessed?” 
“Mhm,” Yuki mumbled. “Not by a very strong demon, though. Just a demon of greed. It’s clinging to the man’s soul, using his body,” Yuki said quietly.
I tried to pretend that this wasn’t the most horrifying thing I’d ever heard. 
Jesus. How many people in the world had demons attached to them right now? How many do I see everyday without ever knowing? How many were as good as Yuki? Probably not many. 
That wasn’t terrifying or anything. 
“If he’s possessed,” I considered for a second, “is there something we can do to get the real Carl back?” I asked. 
Yuki hummed, thinking. “Demons like that can’t possess just anyone. The person has to let them in,” Yuki said. “It’s not like in the movies. It was probably able to take over because Carl wanted whatever it is that the demon was offering.”
“A deal,” I said, remembering a very young Yuki in my basement, desperate for one hair off of my head in exchange for her protection. I wondered what Carl had wanted badly enough to make a deal like that, but then I didn’t really want to think about Carl’s possession anymore.
When Yuki changed the subject, I was grateful. 
“Those kinds of us aren’t usually very strong. I guess I froze up back there because…” Yuki sighed heavily. “I was still scared like how I used to be b-before. Before I met Peter. I forgot that I’m stronger now.”
I pondered that for a second before speaking. “You thought it’d be like it was when you were with your siblings?” I guessed.
Yuki whined in confirmation. 
“It won’t ever be like that again, do you hear me?” I told her. “Because I have the best demon, don’t I?” Warmth bled into my tone as I spoke. “I have the smartest, sweetest, most incredible demon in the world. And no one is better than you, Yuki. No one.”
Yuki sniffled before smiling a little. “You mean it?” she asked.
“Of course I do.”
Yuki didn’t say anything for a while, so I risked a glance over at her and oh god, she was giving me that look. The one that melted my heart like candle wax. The devoted, worshiping, loving, look. Damnit. 
The car felt too stuffy all off the sudden, but we were nearly home already, so I only had to bear it for a few more minutes before we were pulling into the garage. 
Except that tight feeling in my chest didn’t ease once we got inside the house. No, it was getting strong and stronger every second.
It was like my body could’t contain all of the emotions I felt for Yuki. They were spilling out, bubbling over like a pot left unattended. 
I made myself act normal despite the storm brewing in my head. 
Yuki and I were both tired from the party, and worn out from the confrontation with another demon (I had yet to fully process that to be honest) and our conversation in the car. 
We headed up to our bedroom to get ready for bed. I started to untie my tie, but I kept messing it up with my shaky hands.
“Here, let me,” Yuki said quietly. Her hands gently pushed mine aside and she started to slowly undo the knot. Then she started unbuttoning my shirt. She was looking at me demurely, shyly, peeking up at me from beneath her lashes, slowly undoing each button one at a time. 
We were standing very close to each other. I looked down at her since she was shorter. 
Then, and all at once I blurted out what I’d been wanting to ask all night, “Let me see your real face.” 
Yuki looked up at me in surprise. But whatever expression she saw in my face seemed to reassure her, and after a second, her human disguise melted away. 
I was looking down at my beautiful demon, my scary gorgeous, sweet demon. Her purple eyes glittered in the soft light from the bedside lamp. Her razor-sharp teeth shone as she smiled up at me. Her glossy black horns framed her face, and her tail poked its way out of her dress to caress my ankle. 
I loved her so much it ached. 
I was about to do something I might later regret. But, in that moment, there was nothing I could do about it. It felt like if I let that moment pass, I was sure that I would miss my chance forever. 
So I leaned down. 
Yuki caught on to what I was doing and met me halfway. Our lips met in the middle, and it was everything I had wanted for so long. I was instantly groaning and grabbing at her shoulders to mesh our lips together more deeply. 
Yuki purred, and I could feel it in my own chest, since she was pressed against me. Her hands wound around my waist, fondling and squeezing at the rolls on my sides. It felt so good, so incredibly good. 
I opened my mouth for more, and Yuki did the same, our tongues swirling together. I felt the edge of one of her teeth brush lightly against my tongue, and I swear something about the threat of getting nicked by one of those sharp things was just making me burn even hotter.
Eventually, I moved to kissing Yuki’s neck. She was moaning softly and chanting my name as I kissed every part of her I could reach.
“Peter Peter Peter Peter…”
Yuki’s tail was moving up my right leg, squeezing and un-squeezing around my calf. It should have been weird, but it was just another sensation adding to my arousal. 
I pulled back, loving how wrecked Yuki looked. Eyes glassy, cheeks flushed even through her natural ashen skin. 
“Yuki, about earlier,” I started to say, but then I felt nervous. She was still clinging to me, looking up at me like I was her world. “You said something. Back when we were about to have our photo taken….Uhm, you said you loved me,” I said, voice a little uneven. “What-what did you mean by that?”
Yuki blinked slowly. Her purr came back in full force and she leaned her head into my chubby chest to nuzzle at me.
“I said I love Peter! And I do, I love you Peter. Peter finally kissed Yuki!” she muttered excitedly, the words still clear though slightly muffled by my chest. “I’m so happy,” she sighed.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. 
“You really do?” I asked, slightly amazed. 
“Mmmm, yes!” She sprang her head back up with a slightly feral grin on her face. “Does this mean Peter wants to be with me?”
I swear my heart nearly burst with how much I loved her just then. She was so freaking cute I could just squeeze her to death. 
But my logical head chimed in to dim my high before I got too carried away. 
“Only if you wantthat Yuki. Remember, you get to choose now. You always have a choice with me. If you don’t want to be with me like that, that’s fine. I’ll still be your Peter. You don’t have to be mine in that way if you don’t want to.” 
I tried to make myself sound objective, like Yuki wouldn’t be crushing my hopes and dreams by saying no. If that was what she wanted, that would be what she’d get. I would just have to bear it. She needed to choose me. 
No matter my own feelings, I didn’t want her that way if it wasn’t by her own choice.
Yuki pouted adorably. “But that’s all I want! Yuki wants to be Peter’s in every way,” she said, sounding petulant.
God, she really was precious, wasn’t she?
“You do? You want to be my partner? Romantically?” I needed clarification like I needed oxygen. Yuki looked a little fed up, rolling her eyes like I was just being stupid on purpose.
“Yes! Yuki already belongs to Peter. I want Peter to belong to me too!” she said, and her voice shaky with excitement. Her eyes were a little teary, but her smile could light up the darkest of rooms.
Overcome with emotion, I kissed her again, softly this time.
“I’m yours,” I whispered against her mouth. 
Yuki and I slept together (literally—we just slept, nothing else! Get your head out of the gutter) that night and I woke up to her sleeping half on top of me. Her tail had wrapped its way around my ankle and her hair was in my mouth and her chest was rumbling with a contented purr that made my own heart pitter patter. 
Typically, I didn’t linger in bed. I liked to get up, take a nice long morning shower, and then eat breakfast, since I usually woke up ravenous these days. But today, I let myself laze around in bed, enjoying the feeling of holding Yuki close. 
When Yuki woke up, she lifted her head and blinked dazedly for a few seconds before hugging me in a crushing grip. 
“Ah,” I gasped, “good… morning,” I huffed, getting the words out as best I could with a demon clinging onto my midsection. Her little arms dug into the ample flesh around my waist, and after a second, she relented her grip in order to kneed my softness. It felt so nice. 
“Mmmm, waking up next to Peter… It is a good morning,” Yuki said cheekily. 
I blushed, flustered at Yuki’s flirty tone.
Before I could reply, my stomach growled audibly.
Yuki popped up immediately at that, and I admired her morning face, puffy from sleep with lines from her pillowcase on her cheek.
“Peter’s hungry!” she exclaimed, wide-eyed. “I’ll go make something!” Yuki hopped off the bed, tail wagging behind her as she hurried out of the room and down the stairs. I blinked at the empty space in the bed.
Well, I supposed I should get into the shower. Yuki would probably have something cooked up by the time I got out. I shuffled to the bathroom with more of a kick in my step than usual. 
When I got in and soaped up my body, I found myself whistling to myself. 
I wasn’t put off by how jiggly I felt as I washed my belly, still riding high from my confession last night and Yuki’s eager reciprocation. 
After I got dressed, I followed the tantalizing smell of vanilla and cinnamon and went downstairs. Yuki was frying up some French toast and god did it smell amazing. 
“Here!” She shoved a plate stacked high with about for pieces of thick, brioche bread, which I then smothered in syrup and powdered sugar. 
I groaned at the taste. It was perfect, not overly sweet, gooey but not soggy. I inhaled my first plate and Yuki quickly served me up another. I sipped coffee with lots of creamer in between bites. Per usual, I overate. After possibly 12 slices, I felt full. My stomach was bloated up, and I rested a hand on the top where it jutted out from under my chest. But I kept going past common sense. It was getting easier and easier to eat past my limits every day, and Yuki was only making it easier by cooking up so much tempting food. 
I sighed heavily past my fullness and tucked into another helping. It was getting harder to swallow, each bite weighing heavily, like a cement block in my stomach.
Yuki took her usual place on my lap and started rubbing on my swollen, aching stomach. Only today, she started kissing and licking on my neck as I ate. If it was meant as a distraction, it surely worked, since I absentmindedly shoved more food into my mouth, focusing only on the hot lips and tongue loving on my neck. 
By the time I cleared that plate I felt sweaty and vaguely sick. Even Yuki’s hands weren’t soothing the stretched out skin on my belly. Even my loose cotton t-shirt felt too constricting, so I pulled it up over my belly, letting the cool air hit my poor skin. 
“Poor Peter, you ate too much,” Yuki cooed, and I watched, breathing harder than an athlete, and she slid down to her knees in front of me. I spread my legs and she glanced up at me from beneath her lashes. Her purple eyes were shining with a different sort of look than I was used to. It was a devious look, surely, but also tender. 
She watched me and kissed my poor abused belly before reaching underneath it to fiddle with the waistband of my sweatpants.
“Yuki,” I tried to say, not wanting her to feel obligated to go any further than kissing, but she didn’t listen. 
She kissed my belly again, open mouthed. “Need you,” she breathed.
I swear, my eyes probably rolled back at that comment, with how needy and sweet and sexy she was being. So I let her shimmy my waistband down and tuck me into her mouth. 
Oh god. 
Yuki… Her mouth was so hot, and her hands kept rubbing on the sides of my belly, and her tail was rubbing up against my shin, up and down.
I reached down over my swollen gut, carefully as to not jostle it too much, and ran my hands through her hair. It was so soft. 
Jesus. Somehow my hands found themselves using her horns like handlebars, and holy god was that doing something to me. 
Yuki hummed her encouragement as I started tugging her mouth to and fro. 
I came with a grunt, and Yuki just swallowed me down. I swear I saw white. I’d never come that hard in my life.
“Yuki…” I muttered once my breathing returned to normal. 
“Love Peter,” she said, nuzzling her face into my belly. She was purring again, loudly. 
“I love Yuki,” I said, giving her head another loving pat. 
As it turns out, dating your own personal demon was very different than just living with your demon. It was so much better.
Yuki didn’t sleep under my bed anymore. I got to cuddle her all night. Or actually, Yuki usually cuddled me. She would wrap herself around me from behind, clinging from head to tail, all night long. It was a little strange at first to shift in the night and feel a tail groping you, but as most things about Yuki were strange, I loved it anyway. 
I’d had girlfriends before, but I’d never had a serious relationship. Most of my experience with dating were superficial college flings. Being with Yuki was drastically different. It made me feel like a novice to relationships. Yuki brought out feelings in me I didn’t even know I could have. Yuki was it for me. 
There was a part of me that wondered if this was wrong. Yuki wasn’t human, so was this some kind of cross-species relationship? 
But Yuki reassured me that humans and demons have had relationships for as long as humans have been around, and it wasn’t and odd as it maybe seemed.
The timing of this new relationship development was… unfortunate. 
We had only a few days of bliss exploring this new romantic side to our relationship, until it was Christmas Eve’s Eve.
 My parents decided to come to me for Christmas this year, so they came in early that morning and I picked them up from the airport. 
But the upside was that I could finally tell my parents that me and Yuki were together. Officially. 
“Oh thank GOD!” my mom said with a dramatic sigh when I broke the news. “What took so long?”
Yuki giggled and put her arms around me. 
“Peter didn’t wanna take advantage of me,” Yuki said, giving me a soft look. I felt myself blush.
“Oh, I really did raise such a sweet boy, didn’t I?” My mom pinched my cheeks like I was five.
“Get off,” I demanded half-heartedly, "and dad don’t laugh, you’re egging her on!” I said, affronted.
Everyone laughed. 
It was safe to say my parents were supportive. They loved Yuki. Who wouldn’t? She was perfect. 
My mom had even surprised Yuki with her very own stocking. It was family tradition that everyone has handmade stocking with their name on it. We’d even made them for our pets growing up. My mom had written Yuki’s name out with a silver glitter pen on a red stocking. My mom even went all out and drew some cute little snowflakes on it.
Yuki started tearing up when she saw it hanging on the mantle along side everyone else’s. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked, even though I knew they were happy tears.
“I f-feel so happy!” she said tentatively.
I hugged her close. “I’m happy too,” I said, and I kissed the top of her head. 
Opening presents on Christmas morning didn’t take long since my parents and I had a rule of only one gift per person. This meant that gifts were typically more sentimental or based on experiences rather than purely materialistic. 
I liked this better anyway, since I really didn’t need more junk around my house. 
But a part of me felt bad since it was Yuki’s first human Christmas. I knew she would be happy opening a few small gifts, but it was difficult not to go all out and spoil her rotten. I justified it by promising myself that. I would just spoil her the rest of the year to make up for it. 
My parents got Yuki and I tickets to go on an Alaskan cruise next summer, which was very generous of them. Yuki looked curious, but when I explained what a cruise was, she got excited. 
I got my dad a voucher for golfing lessons and I enrolled my mom in an advanced French cooking class.
I was surprised when Yuki handed me a poorly wrapped lump. For some reason I hadn’t been expecting her to get me anything. I’d signed both of our names of my gifts for my parents, knowing that she wouldn’t know what to buy someone as a present. But the fact that she’d somehow gotten me something without my even knowing was so… sweet. 
I loved her so much, it was ridiculous.
I opened the wrapping paper and instantly let out a pleased laugh.
It was the picture of us from my work party, placed in an elegant wooden picture frame. How had she even gotten this printed so fast? I wondered briefly if she’d used her magic on it, but then decided it didn’t even matter. The photo had turned out beautifully. It was us standing in front of a gorgeous staircase, decorated with garland and lights. Yuki looked so stunning, with a big beaming smile on her face. I stood slightly behind her with one arm around her waist. You could tell how happy I looked in the picture. I didn’t even look particularly handsome, not when standing next to someone like Yuki anyway, but there was something radiant about my expression that made the photo so special. 
“Okay, this is going on the fireplace right now,” I said, throat thick with emotion, and Yuki squealed with excitement. When I had it set where I wanted it, the picture looked like it belonged there.
“Last one,” my mom said, reaching for one last tiny box from under the tree. 
She handed it to Yuki.
“To Yuki from Peter,” Yuki said aloud. She looked up at me and smiled. 
I hoped she liked it.
“Oh my!” she said when she opened the box. The amethyst necklace was very pretty, a big sparkly gem on a silver chain. It was almost the exact color of her eyes, her real ones. 
“Do you like it?” I asked.
Yuki’s eyes teared up, and I wished they were her eyes right now, but they were just mundane brown ones. “I love it!” And she tackled me in a huge hug. 
With the holiday came a lot more eating. Well, more eating than normal, I should say. I had gotten used to Yuki over feeding me, but of course, she went above and beyond for Christmas. She and my mom cooked up a storm in my kitchen (which was for all intents and purposes, Yuki’s kitchen). I had to eat double meals of course, and Yuki didn’t go easy on me. She loaded up her plate with massive amounts of food and got seconds.
“Where does she put it?” my dad asked as he watched Yuki refill her dinner plate. She knew what I liked, so her dish mostly consisted of potatoes and meat, as I didn’t really like veggies or casserole as much. 
I looked at my own swollen stomach, which was brushing up against the table even though I was leaning back and stifled a groan. I knew exactly where she was putting it. 
I was relieved my parents decided not to mention my eating habits or climbing weight. I overheard my mom mention to Yuki that she must have been ‘treating me well.’ If only she knew the half of it. 
My parents had to fly home a few days after the holiday, so I had the rest of my break from work to relax alone with Yuki.
I swear during the days between Christmas and New Year’s, I don’t think there was a moment where I didn’t have some kind of food in front of me that Yuki expected me to eat. Except maybe when I was asleep. I felt hugely swollen and lazy, barely getting up from the couch the whole time. I could tell I had put on weight just by the way my back started to hurt when I stood up, and by how many new stretch marks appeared on my belly. 
And with this time off, Yuki and I took advantage of our empty house. 
I hadn’t exactly known what to expect when it came to our sexual relationship. I mean, my girlfriend had a tail for god’s sake. 
But it was mostly sweet and romantic, if a little weird. That was just Yuki’s personality though. She’d kiss me and tell me she loved me and chant my name, but also she’d bite me with her shark teeth and tie my hands together with her tail.
I don’t know if all demons were insatiable when it comes to sex, or if that was just Yuki, but she seemed to be able to go on and on with no refractory period whatsoever. I’d have to tap out from pure exhaustion and she would still be rearing to go. 
And Yuki’s general submissive personality manifested in a very interesting way in the bedroom. I got used to Yuki on her knees begging for me, catering to my every whim, sometimes before I could even think to ask. She’d always be offering whatever I wanted. At first I was hesitant, thinking maybe she just wanted to please me for some demon/master-related reason or something. But as it turned out, Yuki just loved giving pleasure. 
Part of the pleasure was food. Yuki kept me even more well fed after we got together than she had been before. I quickly got used to eating a big meal, getting absolutely stuffed full until my belly ached, only for Yuki to slide down onto the floor to suck me off while I digested. I loved it so much. 
I would sometimes grab her horns in my hands and she’d just open her mouth for me and I could just buck right into her mouth— And when she started purring when I was inside… oh good god.
Ahem. Anyway. 
I was so so spoiled. Yuki ruined me for anyone else. 
I had to go back to work eventually, but even then our relationship continued to strengthen. I avoided Carl at work, which seemed to suit him fine. I’d noticed that he looked rather sickly lately, which hit me with a strange pang of pity. But there wasn’t anything I could do about it anyhow. 
I’d been spending more time with our CEO Seth, which made it easier to avoid Carl anyhow. Seth seemed to have taken a liking to me, which was flattering. I hoped that meant good things for my future in the company. 
Time passed. Winter turned to spring and Yuki and I fell deeper and deeper in love.
In May, Yuki was getting bored around the house, and I suggested she should try out a hobby since she’d gotten very good at blending in with humans. After a few days of researching (Googling), we ended up signing her up for adult-only beginners dance class.
The first day, Yuki was visibly nervous. She was holding the little dance bag which contained her leather dance shoes close to her chest the whole drive over, bouncing her knees, all jitters. I found a place to park and decided she probably needed a pep talk. This would be her first time around other people without me.
“Yuki,” I said, pivoting in my seat to look at her. My gut was pushing up into the steering wheel from that angle, but I ignored it. 
Yuki looked at me with puppy eyes. 
“This is for fun, remember? If you decide you don’t like it, you can always pick something else,” I said. Yuki nodded. She’d been deciding between dance and pottery, but she thought dancing would be more fun since she wanted to get better at balance when she was in her human form. (The missing tail did tend to make her little wobbly).  
“Okay,” Yuki said, giving a brave smile though her anxiety was still showing in her face.
“And you know,” I said, reaching over to grab Yuki’s hand in mine, “they’re going to absolutely love you. And if they don’t then they must be idiots.” I relished in how Yuki’s pale face blushed furiously at my praise. “Knock ‘em dead, baby.”
I walked her inside, where Yuki was greeted with several women of varying ages. They all seemed pleasant and welcoming, so I left feeling pretty good about the whole thing. 
I had an hour to kill before her class finished up, so I decided to take a walk. I probably could use some exercise, I thought to myself. I still wasn’t really used to my recent weight gain, and I was sure that the amount I weighed now was surely higher than it had been even just a few months ago. I started down the block, but I only got about 12 feet away when I saw what was next to the dance studio. 
A casual restaurant that sold street tacos. Well, I had to check that out, obviously. 
After Yuki’s first day at dance class, I was was always full of tacos by the time Yuki got out. As it turned out, Yuki really liked to dance, and she loved the friends she made from the class. She’d barrel out of the studio every week with a big grin on her face, looking sweaty and flustered from all of the dancing. But even on those nights, Yuki still insisted on making dinner for me when we got home. So apparently I was eating two dinners these days, if you counted the six or so tacos I ate while Yuki twirled around… 
This trend also continued at work. I’d stay late working on some project or another and realize that lunch was a pretty long time ago and really, I’d be much more productive if my stomach wasn’t growling, and I’d end up ordering more takeout to eat. Only then to come home to Yuki’s homemade spread. It was like my body had gotten accustomed to eating between 4:30 and 5:00 PM from all of the dance-class-taco-eating, so when I didn’t have something to snack on, my stomach would start rumbling like mad.
And yes this was probably gluttonous or greedy of me, but I sort of enjoyed the excess of it all. I wasn’t eating because I was hungry at that point. Oftentimes, I’d eat myself into a stomach ache. 
But it was addicting to eat so much. For the past year and a half I’d been overeating past fullness, but having four large meals a day felt like a different level. And my body was showing it. 
By the time summer rolled around, I was up a few more clothes sizes, and my gains weren’t slowing at all. I had gotten used to the two dinners now, and it was becoming easier to eat more all the time. I supposed the stomach was a muscle, wasn’t it? By that logic, I must have been some kind of athlete, stretching it out so I could eat even more.
One day, I decided to figure out how much ‘relationship weight’ I’d put on since the new year. I got out of the shower, feeling fatter than usual. I’d spent a good while scrubbing my body, feeling it jiggle in places it never used to, since there seemed to be more and more flesh to clean these days. 
I glanced at the bathroom scale when I stepped out and started toweling off. 
Didn’t people say to weigh yourself in the morning, before you eat, to get a more accurate result? It was only 7 am, and I hadn’t yet had breakfast. I shrugged and stepped on the scale. 
Except, I couldn’t actually see the number over my belly. I leaned forward.
Still nothing. 
“Yuki!” I called from the bathroom. She was probably still in bed, but I knew she was awake.
“Hmm?” Yuki shuffled into the bathroom, eyes still puffy from sleep. Her hair was all tangled up around her horns and her tail was making her pajama shorts slide down awkwardly on her hip. 
She looked perfect.
“Can you see what the number says?” I asked, looking down. “I’m too fat,” I said with a self-deprecating laugh.
Yuki’s purple eyes lit up. 
“Oh my!” She ran over and glanced down at the scale. “It says…” she bit her lips, holding in a grin, “377!”
My mouth dropped open. “What?”
Yuki giggled gleefully and then pulled my flabby body into a crushing hug.
“Peter’s so handsome! So big and soft! Perfect,” she purred, tail caressing my legs.
I sighed and petted her head a little. 
“You like this, you little perv? You like me being all big and fat?” I accused her mockingly. But Yuki just nodded her head emphatically.
“Peter’s giving into his desires, it makes me so pleased,” she said with a crazed smile, and then she started nibbling at my double chin with her teeth. 
“Ow, Yuki…” But I couldn’t really scold her when she looked so sweet, could I?
“God, I’m almost 400 pounds,” I realized aloud.
“Almost,” Yuki said, but the way she said it, it sounded like she was looking forward to that number… 
We went on our cruise in June. Yuki had never seen the ocean before, so I was pretty excited to see her reaction once we got on the ship. Yuki was like a kid at Disney Land when she saw the darn thing. Once we boarded, we made our way to one of the high decks to see the view. 
“It’s… amazing!” Yuki squealed. When she turned her head to look at me, her eyes were wet with happy tears.
I put my arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head. 
The best part about cruises is that drinks and food are included. And well. Yuki and I took advantage of that.
For five days, I pretty much ate at a never ending buffet of junk. I was tipsy pretty much all day, only alternating beers and cocktails with soda or water when I was feeling a little too close to drunk. Yuki fed me insane amounts of food with her magic, and I did pretty well stuffing my face on my own too. I felt huge at the end of every day, waddling back to our room, groaning and stumbling from excess.
“Peter’s looks so pretty,” Yuki would mumble at night as she helped me get undressed. I was usually too full to help much by that point.
“Pretty, huh?” That wasn’t an adjective that I’d say really fit how I looked just then. ‘Swollen like a tick’ seemed more apt.
But Yuki insisted that I looked good stuffed to the gills, and who was I to disagree? 
Nighttime was my favorite part of the cruise because in the privacy of our room, Yuki could drop her human guise. I got to look at the real Yuki as she rode me or cuddled me or kissed me.
I really was one lucky bastard. 
I gained 10 pounds on the cruise. 
It seemed impossible to put on two pounds a day. Part of it had to be water weight, right? But the pounds stuck. When I looked back at the amount of food I’d been consuming, it seemed very possible that I really had stuffed my face enough to accomplish that.
But it wasn’t until September that I actually hit 400. It was a small accumulation of events, eating breakfast at home followed by ‘mid-morning snacks’ at the office, huge spreads of takeout for lunch, quick dinner before I went home for the day, followed by what I was now referring to as ‘big dinner’ when I got home, followed by Yuki’s baked goods and ice cream for dessert. I was eating like a fiend.
And I really enjoyed it.
Being so hugely fat was kind of hot, if I was honest. I liked feeling so big, always having a big ol’ gut in my lap, always feeling comforted by all the weight. And Yuki clearly enjoyed it. She was constantly pushing me to eat even more, and always gave my body such loving attention and affection. 
There were downsides as well. It was getting really hard to fit into my office chair at work. My sides sort of swallowed up the arms of the chair, and my stomach pushed into the desk, which wasn’t really very comfortable. I knew other people in the office were close to my size, but these days, I was one of the biggest, if not the biggest. It felt embarrassing to ask my secretary to put in an order for a new chair, but I figured this one might actually break under my weight one of these days, which would be infinitely more embarrassing. Plus, it was really hard to un-stick myself from the chair after a long day’s work.
I was putting off mentioning it, hoping magically that the chair would expand or something. The CEO, Seth, was always a bit of a portly man himself, so I didn’t feel overly ashamed when he suggested we all get newer chairs after one awkward incident when he’d stopped by my office and it had taken me several seconds of vigorous wiggling and shimmying to stand up from the stupid chair. And I was out of breath from all that moving, too. 
Seth phrased the newer chairs as being ‘decorative, a new modern design to fit the culture of the office’, but when I saw the design (retractable armrests and extra-wide seats) I knew I was probably the cause for the change. 
But boy did I love how the new chair didn’t groan when I sat, that I could push the armrests out of the way so my love handles could spread out in peace, and that my butt wasn’t squished so much. It didn’t change the fact that my gut pushed up against my desk when I typed at my computer but maybe I’d had my expectations too high on that front.
Yuki and I flew to Wisconsin again for Thanksgiving with my folks, and I realized with dismay that the seats on the plane were becoming a tight fit as well… I’d had to ask for a seatbelt extender. Luckily the flight attendant had been very nice about the whole thing, so I wasn’t too embarrassed. I wondered if I’d have to buy two tickets next year. Right as I thought that, Yuki started smiling and nuzzling up at my fat neck.
I knew she couldn’t actually read my mind, but at times like these, I wondered if her ability to feel my ‘desires’ almost worked just as good. 
My parents didn’t bring up my weight anymore, though I was sure they noticed it. Maybe because I was with Yuki they stopped caring about how fat I was getting. I’d already found a nice girl and settled down, so who cared if I was obese, right? As long as I was happy. 
And I was. Obese, that is.
Yeah, sometimes it sucked getting out of breath just walking to and from the bathroom. And going up and down the stairs at home was getting to be a pain, but I only did that twice a day. But it was worth it to be able to eat as much as I wanted. To be able to live with no abandon, without restriction. 
While Yuki and I were in my hometown for the holiday, I decided to meet up with some of my old high school friends at a local bar. Yuki was a little nervous, but she perked up once the waitress dropped off the food menu. 
Honestly, I was probably more nervous than her. My friends hadn’t seen me since I’d been around 150 pounds slimmer.
“Oh my god, is that you Pete?”
I lifted my head to see my old buddy Taylor absolutely gaping at me. I scooted my chair back and then hefted myself up to give him a hug. Taylor hugged me back, pressing his flat stomach against my beach ball sized one. 
“Yeah, I know I’ve put on a few,” I said, blushing a little.
Taylor scoffed. “A few?”
“Ahem.” That would be Yuki, who had gotten up and was standing beside me. 
Taylor glanced at her and then back at me.
“Taylor, this is my girlfriend, Yuki.”
Yuki pushed herself into my side and I wrapped my big arm over her shoulders. She put one hand on my gut, almost daring Taylor to say something about it.
“Ah, oh. Hello. Nice to meet you,” Taylor muttered. 
I relished in his surprise. I almost wanted to say See? Fat guys deserve love too. And from beautiful women, no less. But seeing as Taylor just went through a nasty divorce, that might be in poor taste.
It wasn’t long before our other friend Allen showed up. The three of us caught up on current events in our lives, while Yuki kept ordering appetizers. Boneless wings, onion rings, jalapeño poppers… 
Yuki and I ate most of them, which is to say, I ate most of them. 
“I’m glad you’re doing so well in Colorado, man,” Allen said as I licked buffalo sauce off my fingers.
“Yeah, we were sad that you were moving, but I’m happy it all worked out for you,” Taylor added, sparing Yuki a lingering glance. 
“Me too,” I said. “How’s it going with your partner, Allen?” I asked.
“Oh, he’s terrible,” Allen said with a conspiring smile. “Never marry your yoga instructor!”
After a while, I had to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself, leaving Yuki at the table with Taylor and Allen.
Bar bathrooms were never the cleanest, but I did my business as quickly as I could and then started to wash my hands. I looked up as someone entered the bathroom behind me. I could see them in the mirror. A person I hadn’t seen in at least 12 years.
He locked eyes with my reflection but didn’t seem to recognize me at all. He walked passed the sinks like I was a stranger. 
I looked at myself in the dirty mirror. Sure I had a big double chin, and maybe I was getting some wrinkles around my eyes. But I looked mostly the same, didn’t I? I glanced down and saw my huge stomach, which was not very well disguised in my almost-toot-tight black t-shirt and flannel. 
I didn’t look chubby or big. I looked fat, but not even just normal fat. I looked fat fat. 400+ lbs fat. 
Damn. I dried my hands and then stood to the side in the mirror, taking in just how far my belly jutted out. I reached to touch the front of my belly where it hung the lowest and found myself struggling to even reach it all. I knew logically that this wasn’t new. I wasn’t even particularly shocked or upset by the discovery of how shockingly fat I’d gotten, how I’d totally let myself go. But for some reason becoming fat enough that my old friend from middle school didn’t even recognize me? That was … surprising. 
I must’ve lingered there staring at myself for a while because Mike was leaving when I turned to go. He did a double take then, staring at my eyes for a second too long before I saw him put two and two together.
“Hi Mike,” I sighed. This wouldn’t have been as embarrassing if he would’ve just recognized me from the get go. But now we both had to acknowledge awkwardly why he didn’t.
“Oh, wow Pete! It’s been… so long,” Mike said delicately, glancing at my belly. Mike looked a little out of shape himself, but it was a modest beer gut. I was in another league of fatness. 
I didn’t really want to deal with awkward small talk where we avoided how much we’d changed after graduation, so I said “Yeah, I’m here with Taylor and Allen, come say hi.” I quickly ushered us both out of the men’s room and towards the table.
Mike followed me and I wondered if he was staring at my gait as I walked. I had to take wide steps since my thighs rubbed together. 
“Look who I found in the bathroom!” I said as we approached the table. Yuki looked pleased to see me back, and I felt a little guilty to have left her sitting with people she hardly knew for longer than I’d intended. 
“Mike! What’s up buddy, how’ve you been?” Taylor said, pulling him into a side hug. I sat back in my seat with a thud. Yuki quickly clung to me, hugging my arm like a teddy bear. I glanced up to see Mike eyeing Yuki sharply. 
There was no way he’d… would he?
“You met Pete’s girlfriend yet?” Allen asked, noticing Mike staring.
“N-No,” Mike stuttered.
I swallowed a lump. “Ah, this is Yuki, Yuki this is Mike,” I said calmly. Mike wouldn’t recognize Yuki from that night. That was so long ago. And she looked so different now! Plus she was in her human form, anyhow.
But then why was I so nervous?
“Hello,” Yuki said shyly, hiding into my side a little bit. 
Mike’s eyes widened a fraction. “Hi,” he said stiffly. He shook his head and then backed up. “I’d better,” he gestured to where his friends were gathered by the pool table. 
“Nice seeing you,” Taylor said. Mike nodded, looked at Yuki once more, and then wandered back.
We didn’t stay long after that. 
In the car, I asked Yuki what she thought of the encounter. 
“I couldn’t tell much about him since he wasn’t having impure thoughts,” she mused, tapping her chin with one finger. “I remembered him though,” she said with a little grin. “His energy wasn’t as good or strong as Peter’s, even now!” And then she leaned over to place a big juicy kiss on my cheek. 
I stopped worrying. Maybe Mike’s reaction could be chalked up to some deja vu from seeing her? If so, that was relatively harmless. And even if he did make the leap that she was the demon from the basement, who would believe him?
No one. 
I put the whole thing out of my mind. I should probably be thankful for Mike, actually, because if I hadn’t been trying to impress him all those years ago, I would’ve never met my Yuki. 
And Yuki was my everything. 
Now it’s been about 5 years since Yuki reappeared in my life and I couldn’t be happier. 
Eventually, as I gained more and more weight, I had to make some adjustments to my life. I moved our bedroom downstairs where the office used to be. It just wasn’t safe for me to be climbing those things anymore. I’m almost 500 lbs nowadays. 
Yuki likes how big I am, and how much space I take up. She even likes it when I lay on her and squish her under my blubber.  She says it feels better than soaking in a hot bathtub even! It isn’t even dangerous since Yuki doesn’t need to breathe.
Sometimes I think we should slow down on my gaining, but I’m pretty much addicted to food. If I go a few hours without a meal I get serious hunger pains. It probably sounds very spoiled, but it’s true! 
I ended up asking if I could work from home sometime last year, which was approved. As I said, I think my CEO Seth has a soft spot for me. He even ended up promoting me again, as the his right hand man. He says I can work from home whenever I want so long as I still get work done. 
So for the past year, my lifestyle has started to become more and more sedentary. I’m either sitting on the couch (which is feeling a little small these days. Or maybe that’s because I’m wearing a crater-sized dent in the middle of it…) or I’m working at my desk, doing meetings and reports. Yuki makes sure I have everything I need. 
At night, she still purrs in happy rumbles, holding any part of me she can latch on to.
“Peter is happy,” Yuki sighed into my chest. She was leaning over my belly, fitting into whatever amount of lap I still had. I scooped another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. I was still pretty full from dinner, but I had room. And it tasted good.
“I am. Very happy,” I sighed, taking another bite. Yuki’s tail caressed my sides, slipping between rolls.
“Hey Yuki,” I said.
“Your power… you’ve made me fortunate, right?” I asked.
Yuki licked my double chin sensuously. “Mhmm.”  
I sucked on my cold spoon. “But me being so, erm, wanting excess…” I mumbled through another scoop of rocky road. I didn’t really want to say a gluttonous, fat greedy pig out loud. “That wasn’t you, was it?”
Yuki sat up, her purple eyes gleaming in the low light from the TV. I loved how her black horns reflected light, like obsidian. 
“Nope,” she popped the P. “That’s all Peter. Yuki only wanted Peter to get what he wants,” Yuki said, running a hand through my swollen chest (I loathed admitting I had moobs). 
“Does it matter either way?” Yuki asked after a second.
I thought about it. Took another bite.
“No, I guess it doesn’t.” 
I used to wonder if I would’ve ended up this way without someone like Yuki to encourage me to live authentically, but I supposed that wasn’t important. I had my perfect demon Yuki to love and care for, so it only made sense for Yuki to want to love and care for me too.
I scraped the bottom of the carton.
“More?” I asked. Yuki sprang up to fetch another ice cream. I smiled to myself as she raced back over to the couch. 
“Here! I got you your favorite, cookie dough!” Yuki smiled at me, her big eyes warm and loving and doting. The kind of look that made my heart melt like candle wax. The look that I loved more than anything else in the world.
“You’re the best, baby,” I said, and Yuki settled back on my lap and started purring. Her tail swished back and forth in a lazy rhythm. I really did have the best demon, didn’t I?
Mike gathered all of his supplies. Oil, wine, water, a candle… Mike couldn’t remember the exact ritual he’d done with Pete. That was like 20 years ago, after all. But he found one online that seemed legit enough. He recited the latin words as best he could. 
Mike knew that whatever had happened way back when was real. He’d had nightmares for weeks following that horrible sleep over. It ended up driving a wedge between them, since Mike unconsciously associated Pete with that terrible night.
But somehow the thing they’d done… it’d worked. The summoning or whatever. Mike saw her, that girl, the girl from the basement, she was at the bar with Pete just a few years ago. She was real. And they were… together.
Mike wanted that. He’d never felt such envy. After all, Mike had been there that night too. Should’t he get an equal cut of whatever benefits Pete got from the demon? 
Wy was Mike working as a science teacher struggling to pay bills while Pete was living the corporate American dream? It just wasn’t fair. 
So he’d started researching. It took a while for him to build up the nerve, and even longer to recall the exact things they’d done way back when. But now he’d finally done it. He would finally get his own demon. Maybe his would be a hot girl too, and he could date her like Pete was doing with his. That’d be nice. But Mike supposed he could settle for something a little less attractive. 
For a few minutes after Mike finished the ritual, nothing happened. The silence went on and on. How annoying. He hadn’t really thought it’d work, but it still sucked that his hard work was wasted. Mike sighed, getting up from the floor and beginning to clean up. 
Then, there was a rustle behind him
“Did you call for me?”
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kinomiya · 2 months
Trade with @tribius-art that resulted in me winning the WR for speedrunning every RyuGin episode in MFB tbh.
sac·ra·ment | /ˈsakrəm(ə)nt/
(in the Christian Church) a religious ceremony or ritual regarded as imparting divine grace, such as baptism, the Eucharist and (in the Roman Catholic and many Orthodox Churches) penance and the anointing of the sick.
(in Roman Catholic use) the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, especially the bread or Host.
a thing of mysterious and sacred significance; a religious symbol.
It was a ghost of a touch across his hand.
One that came and went so quickly Ginga could have assumed he had merely imagined it. Were it not for the fact that it always began this way. With him tucked away in a booth in a secluded corner of a quiet, dimly lit bar alone. Until someone would pass him by, making the most brief and yet intentional contact with his hand resting on the edge of the table. So he’d wait patiently, his eyes closed and drink forgotten as he silently mused. 
Eventually an all too familiar man would slide into the booth, carefully avoiding physical contact. The scowl on his lips would deepen as Ginga visibly suppressed a smile.
“You came, Ryūga,” Ginga stated, not hiding his amusement as he opened his eyes to glance at the other man.  “I thought for sure you weren’t going to come this time,” he continued reaching for his drink and bringing it to his lips, taking a sip.
“What can I say? I seem to enjoy wasting my time,” Ryūga retorted, clenching his teeth together as he stared at Ginga with an intensity that would make most people uncomfortable.
“Is that so?” Ginga inquired, his elbow pressing against the old wood as he rested his chin on his hand. No longer able to hide his grin.
Ryūga sneered, electing to ignore his companion instead of humoring him. He knew the answer anyway.
Ginga took the awkward silence that descended between them as an opportunity to prattle on endlessly about how his week had been, everything from what he’d eaten to what harebrained scheme he and his friends had come up with. Useless information Ryūga purged from his mind in the same instant it was given.
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to at least pretend to be interested,” Ginga said suddenly, his smile slipping from his face as a sadness seemed to envelop him.
“And why would I do that?” Ryūga drawled, his disinterest palpable.
“Because that’s what friends do!” Ginga exclaimed with evident frustration as he sat up straight, his hand dropping onto the table with a silent thunk. Ryūga’s eyes narrowed.
“Were. Not. Friends.” he replied slowly through clenched teeth, making sure to put great emphasis on each word.
“If we weren’t friends you wouldn’t meet up with me all the time,” Ginga challenged, his open hand clenching into a fist on the table.
“Have you ever considered that I meet up with you so I can be entertained by your pathetic life?” He rebutted. Immediate regret festered in his stomach when Ginga flinched slightly from the words, but he was in too deep to take it back.
“…You must really hate me,” Ginga said. So quietly it was almost inaudible over the ambient noise of the bar.
There were alarm bells ringing loudly in Ryūga’s head as he watched Ginga chew on his lower lip and avert his eyes to the other side of the booth away from him. But ignoring all reason he let out a bitter laugh before going in for the kill:
“Like you? I can barely tolerate you.” 
Ginga sprung up from his seat, uttering a frantic apology. Rambling something about the time, and pushing his way out from the interior of the booth before vacating the premise with a haste Ryūga had never seen before. 
He rifled through his coat pocket for his wallet and pulled out a handful of bills, quickly counting out the amount to settle their tab before rushing out the door into the cool late autumn air. He looked up and down the street scanning the mostly empty sidewalks. Finally catching a glimpse of red stalking away from the bar. He followed Ginga, briskly walking in his direction. Annoyance festered under his skin as he seemed to notice the pursuit and increase his pace. As if he could ever outrun him.
The cat and mouse game was brief as Ryūga caught up with Ginga. Forcefully grabbing his forearm before he could bolt again, and slowly twisting him back to face him. Despite the precarious situation Ginga still refused to meet his gaze, instead allowing his head to loll to the side as he stared at the dirty sidewalk. Ryūga huffed in annoyance, moving his free hand to grab the other man's chin roughly, and moving his head until he forced Ginga to look at him.
“… Was that too far?” Ryūga questioned, breaking the oppressive silence that had descended. His thumb idly tracing patterns across Ginga’s chin, and briefly brushing his lower lip. He already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from the others' lips.
“Yeah…” Ginga replied with barely a whisper, the nervous breath he exhaled brushing across Ryūga’s fingers.
“Sorry,” Ryūga said with a breathy sigh, his hand falling limply from Ginga’s face to his side. He’d gotten carried away. Taking their interaction as a challenge, as another way to defeat him.
But they were nearly a decade past petty childhood rivalries.
“I’ll admit…” Ginga started with an awkward chuckle, “I just didn’t expect you to deviate that far from what actually happened.”
Ryūga inhaled deeply, before inaudibly muttering something that sounded vaguely like: ‘well then what did you expect?’ and finally releasing Ginga’s arm from his bruising grip.
Year after year, every November 19th they’d arrive alone at the same dingy old bar. Meeting up as if they were perfect strangers and reenacting the night Ginga had declared was their first date. And every year there was guaranteed to be some hiccup that altered the evening. But despite the imperfect replications it had never gone so off the rails that it changed the course from the night's preordained ending. Until tonight of course.
Ryūga knew he had spoken those vitriolic words with complete conviction, hoping to rustle Ginga’s feathers. To get a rise, to start a fight. What he hadn’t considered was what to do if those words ended up hurting his feelings. He didn’t like to think about how they’d been doing this for years now and he still didn’t know what to do if he went too far. And he probably would go too far someday. 
“Well there’s always next year,” Ginga said, his cheery demeanor returning and interrupting Ryūga’s introspection. He seemed appeased by the apology… this time. When Ryūga raised an eyebrow inquiringly Ginga added playfully: “And the year after that… and after that… oh dear I think you’re stuck with me actually.”
The brilliant smile returned to Ginga’s face as he stepped into Ryūga’s personal space, gingerly taking his hands in his own and pulling him closer until he could feel his breath against his own lips.
“Just don’t fuck it up again, ok?”
And it was a promise he couldn’t keep but he’d make it all the same, sealing it with a kiss he hoped wasn’t the last.
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