#he xinglong & lu xia
No, but one of the greatest thing about this adaptation is the development of Kawamura and Ryoma's friendship, it's everything to me!!
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chinapuri · 3 years
Oh the same friend I mentioned earlier has gone on a FaceApp spree and I'm equal parts terrified (uncanny valley!!), cracking up and suddenly very interested in an AU... Under a cut for length, but here's Lu Xia, who's pretty much Lu Xia with longer hair tbh
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Baiyang is literally just... Baiyang wearing makeup. Which isn't something I expected to see in my lifetime.
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starberry-cupcake · 4 years
The Chinapuri finale and its montage aka censorship who?
I decided to do all of this in one post and read more, so that the 95% of my followers who are uninterested on this particular drama/source material can easily skip it. Here are 7 relationships showcased in the montage ranked and 2 bonus (a family relationship and an extra). 
Note: I’ll speak about the relationships as they were portrayed, whichever the form of relationship chosen to display in this version. Also, I’m glad that everyone was aged up in this version, kinda wild but very much appreciated that some of these actors are my age or somewhere around there lol 
#7 Lu Xia (Echizen Ryoma) and Qi Ying (Ryuuzaki Sakuno) 
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This drama was a bit more romantically-inclined in terms of these two than the anime/manga was, but some of that may be also influenced by them giving their version of Sakuno more room (which yay!) and having them be older. 
For this to stand alone as a drama, it was a needed step, I believe. I found Lu Xia to be more vulnerable than Ryoma, he doesn’t feel quite as ~cool~ and it doesn’t take away from the character that he has moments showing internal struggle (in tennis as well as at home). These two were sweet and adorable, which gave the drama probably more of an expected appeal for a wider audience, to make it stand on its own as a drama and not only an anime adaptation. 
#6 Yan ZhiMing (Inui Sadaharu) & Liu Lian (Yanagi Renji) 
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Kinda mad they didn’t do this for Fuji (Zhuo Zhi) and Saeki (Zuo Xiaohu) but they did good with these two. I didn’t know at first why they started to build up their relationship so early, but it ended up being a good emotional plot point during their match, which is, as we all know, a determining factor in Seigaku’s (Yu Qing) win against Rikkai (Hai Guang). 
I don’t remember being as invested in their match in the anime as I was here, maybe I was just too focused on the Fuji match at that time, but what they did to build that game as a decisive point in the season finale was so well developed, I was impressed. 
#5 He XingLong (Kawamura Takeshi) & Ya JiuXin (Akutsu Jin) 
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This is a relationship that can get complicated and even problematic if handled incorrectly. Akutsu’s journey through the anime is pretty long and takes a while for him to be on a healthier place, but the added element of aging the characters could have gone really wrong here if they had done him exactly as in the anime or manga. I think they did pretty well with the time they were given, showing his turmoil and learning curve. 
XingLong was allowed to have a more in-depth journey being older and about to graduate, it made more sense for him here to think about his career at this stage and added the gravity of this being THE moment to decide whether to keep pursuing the sport or take over his dad’s restaurant (they even adapted the type of food they cook to match the cultural impact of the family-owned business, which was great). 
I think the two complemented each other really well and worked interestingly together, in a way I didn’t think the drama was gonna give them time to do, so I’m really pleased. 
#4 Qiao Chen (Momoshiro Takeshi) & Zhang BaiYang (Kaidoh Kaoru) 
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My younger self is thriving with this one being included tbh. These two were so much fun in the anime, two rivals and opposites that represented the future of the team upon their elders leaving. 
I was surprised to see them so focused here, because it’s not a relationship most adaptations put emphasis on (their loss), but it paid off immensely by the time their game against Bunta and Jackal (Jin WenTai & Ke Jie) came around. 
Kaidoh is a tough one to adapt most times, and they did him so well in this one, I think this is my favorite live action Kaidoh in any adaptation, and I’ve watched a whole bunch of tenimyu in my day. They really captured the ambiguity of his character, how he balances a tough exterior with a sensitive core. Qiao Chen maintained his feelings for Xu Xingzi (Tachibana Ann) but that didn’t stop them from showing these two every time they could. 
#3 Mu Siyang (Tezuka Kunimitsu) & Ji Jingwu (Atobe Keigo) 
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Oh, these two. Hyotei (Xing Yao) wasn’t featured as much as one would probably expect (I’m a Fudomine fan and with Yu Feng I got more than I even was expecting, but I admit Hyotei is a riot and I always live my best life when they show up). Still, they did the Tezuka/Atobe match justice and then some. 
Mu Siyang was incredibly compelling as Tezuka, and had a vulnerability to him that made me worry for his health more than I probably did for his anime counterpart. Maybe also the fact that he was older than his anime version yet looked younger than him made it sink more that his injury was something to worry about. I wish we had time to include anime!Tezuka’s issues with yips with Siyang, because I know the drama would have pulled it off, but that was further down the line in the story. Maybe for a season 2. 
Anyway, the Atobe/Tezuka game is one of the best games in tenipuri history and the drama knew it. The game felt like it earned its gravity with the development of both Siyang’s injury and Ji Jingwu’s determination to play against him. Then they sprinkled the camp on top, as the anime does, with Ji Jingwu paying for his every expense and calling him to get updates, which is 100% canon compliant imo. 
I feel like Ji Jingwu didn’t have enough room to be as much of Atobe as he could be, but then again, that’s not easy for anyone to pull off. Not even Kato Kazuki can do Junichi Suwabe as well as Junichi Suwabe.  
#2 Bai ShiYan (Yukimura Seiichi) & Tian ZiLong (Sanada Genichirou) 
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So, it’s tough to feel for Rikkai (Hai Guang) at this point of the story. You learn about Yukimura’s health and it’s difficult, but you just met them and the first impressions haven’t been great. 
However, the relationship between Sanada and Yukimura has always been something pivotal for the way the team is constructed (they were named that way for a reason, two parts of a same hero and all that) and they sustain the team in a way other teams don’t have to. They are the mom and dad of the team, the coaches, the leaders and the pillars. They have a balance of severity and permissiveness, of strictness and instinct. They are like a couple who has been married for 25 years. 
How on Earth, I asked myself, will they achieve that with censorship on the way? I don’t know, but they did it, the mad bastards. 
It really does come through 100% the importance of their relationship and the way in which the captain’s health affects the team and, more than anything, their vice captain. It reaches a crescendo during the final match, before ShiYan’s operation, and they manage to pull it off with the time they have. 
Also, their scenes are like shot for a contemporary romance drama and I appreciate that vibe. 
#1 Tang JiaLe (Kikumaru Eiji) & Chi DaYong (Oishi Shuichiro) 
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Oh boy. Look. I still own Golden Pair merchandise from my Days, ok? These two hold a special place in my heart. I saw actors who portrayed them grow up, succeed and pass away, sadly. I still sing Depend On Me sometimes. There is a cheerful vibe with these two, a sense of overcoming obstacles and finding balance, I don’t know. Fuji is my favorite character but these two are special in their way. 
This freakin’ drama just went full on Golden Pair. The level of content was off the charts. The moment they came on the screen, the second they talked about their doubles, it was already setting the tone of how deep their relationship was going to go. I am a bit amazed that they avoided to get closed down for this ngl. And I appreciate the risk because it paid off.
They have a body language communication that is captured in every shot. Even when they’re not the focus of the scene, they’re close, touching or holding each other, arms around each other, hands on each other’s shoulders, grabbing each other’s clothes. When they fight, that language changes drastically, and the distance they take feels intense and cold. You go through it with them and the team shows it as well. There’s an entire episode I had screencaps of and never posted when the team falls apart because they do. 
My favorite part, though, ironically, isn’t what they did with them together but what they did with them apart. They took time to develop them as individual characters with their own issues, their fears, their worries and weaknesses. They were allowed to be flawed and wrong and have to mend their ways. 
What really got me and impacted me deeply was the fact that they chose DaYong to talk about mental health. They gave room to speaking about the physical implications of anxiety disorders and about how self esteem issues can give more magnitude to ongoing issues with your mental health. Again, the age of the characters being changed helped add a depth to some issues that get developed with more intensity in a drama of this kind, and the way in which it takes TIME to get resolved, it isn’t a one episode thing, it’s an underlying issue that spans the season...*chef’s kiss* 
Even though there’s a specific tenimyu incarnation of these two that I hold dear and will always remember fondly, I think that Xu Ke and Zhu ZhiLing are the most successful and best portrayed live action Golden Pair I’ve ever seen. 
Bonus that was in the montage but it’s specifically about a family relationship: The Zhuo Bros
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I have said Fuji has always been my favorite and his relationship with Yuta as an older brother (albeit he’s not the eldest sibling like me) is one I always felt close to. 
In the anime, the two have a rocky relationship that gets developed throughout, but the drama is very good at establishing not only Zhuo Yu’s (Fuji Yuta) self esteem issues, the subsequent use of that Guan Yue (Mizuki Hajime) does and Zhuo Zhi’s (Fuji Syusuke) attempts to breach the gap between the siblings, they also use it to develop Zhuo Zhi’s character and his reticence to show weakness. 
It’s tough to get Fuji towards a place of vulnerability without breaking character, but they used family and the care he provides to his brother as a point to further his story, and I appreciate that a lot. They managed to build Zhuo Zhi up with this sibling bond as one of his core elements, and that gave a lot of dimension to his games and his character. 
Bonus that wasn’t in the montage but I’m including in some capacity: Mu Siyang (Tezuka Kunimitsu) & Zhuo Zhi (Fuji Syusuke) 
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I thought these two deserved a place in the list, even if they weren’t grouped much in the montage, because the drama did make them share moments together that I feel gave more depth to their characters. 
There was a very interesting moment in which they showed Mu Siyang and Zhuo Zhi establishing their differences when approaching tennis, and how serious Mu Siyang is about taking the team to victory. I think that strengthened the character as a captain to me, in a way that shows it rather than tells it, and allowed for his guidance to still be present when he wasn’t physically there. His determination ultimately influenced Zhuo Zhi to take things more seriously, and that was a pretty interesting development to see. 
All in all, I should, at some point, go and do a serious review for MyDramaList but I wanted to leave in my blog how much I appreciated this adaptation. I wasn’t expecting much and I was delivered everything.
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drama--universe · 4 years
Fixed Pt. 2
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I had to rewatch this because i didn’t remember anything... But damn, Siyang in a suit 😍
Pairing: Siyang x reader
Requested by @smolandhungry​
Part 1
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“Boys?” You questioned as you walked on the tennis field before noticing them. Some of them were on the ground, others sitting on the benches. 
“Why do you all look so upset and tired..?” You questioned and they looked up before one of them pointed at a white board further down. You frowned at the board before realizing.
“He left...” You mumbled before sitting down next to Qiao Chen and you looked at the rest again.
“So, even more reason for you you guys to win.” You spoke and they nodded, agreeing with your statement.
The next few months were rather hard for you. Although, you could text him or video call, it just wasn’t the same at all. You felt lonely and the time difference also didn’t help at all. You knew that the boys had it somewhat difficult with his leave, even when they pretended that they didn’t so you took the roll of Siyang in a matter of speaking.
“Is he going to win..?” You heard someone question as you watched Lu Xia play against Tian ZiLong. You looked to the side, seeing everyone on the edge of their seat. You chuckled before turning back to the match before watching Lu Xia fall to the ground.
“Yu Qing wins. The final score is 7-5!” The referee yelled and your eyes widen.
“We won...” You heard Qiao Chen mumble before they all jumped up, cheering loudly with the crowd joining in soon after. They rushed to Lu Xia, lifting him in the air and you laughed as you watched them do so.
A few days passed and you were now eating in the tennis room. The boys were all eating their food as they talked. You heard someone clear their throat and turned your head to see Baiyang and Qiao Chen walk in.
“Good news for everyone...” “Hey!” Jiale raised his arm and Qiao Chen stopped his speech.
“Please stop, it’s the 5th time you’re supposedly announcing good new. I can’t even finish my food here.” “Hey, do you know what I am about to say?” Chen complained as he sat down and Jiale turned around.
“It’s about us getting a wild card. We’re advancing to the nationals, we will encounter Xing Yao and Hai Guang again.” Jiale spoke and you shook your head.
“Well, obviously not. We already know that. What is it?” You spoke and Qiao Chen smiled.
“Take a guess, I’ll tell you after you take a guess.” He said and you laughed, shaking your head as you leaned back in your seat. Jiale pondered for a second before being interrupted by Baiyang.
“The captain is coming back.” Everyone froze as he said this before looking at Baiyang. Your eyes widen as you pondered for a second, wondering why he hadn’t told you. While the others argued, you just sat back and continuing to eat your food.
Another week passed until he returned. The boys had planned a whole video that they’d show the day he’d returned. It was the day before that day and you were just at home since it was Sunday. Your books were spread over your desk as you made your notes until you heard your phone ring. You looked up, taking your phone from your bed before opening it to see a message from Siyang. Opening it, you smiled.
‘Look outside’
You stood up before opening the curtains and seeing Siyang leaning against a wall, phone in his hand and wearing a blue suit with a white shirt underneath it. You looked at him for a few seconds before looking at yourself. You were dressed in just a big t-shirt and chuckled. you opened your closet and dressing in some jeans and a blue crop top. You rushed downstairs, putting your shoes before taking your bag and leaving the room. You stalked towards Siyang before pulling his phone away.
“Hey.” You greeted and he gave you a smile, pulling his phone back from your grip. Without warning, you just hugged him tightly. You could hear him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around you as well.
“Next time you’re leaving, I’m dumping your ass.” You mumbled as you looked up. He rolled his eyes before kissing your forehead. You frowned before standing on your tiptoes and kissing him.
“i missed you.” You said afterwards and he smiled.
“I missed you too.” He spoke and you smiled before taking his hands.
“Great, now let’s do something so I didn’t dress up for nothing!” 
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hawopro · 4 years
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I’ve admired you all this time
a humble offering of He Xinglong & Lu Xia for @sandreeen
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alternatefandom · 4 years
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He Xinglong’s Burning Mode + his teammate’s reactions
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hhhhhhhappycow · 4 years
Prince of Tennis 2019 Hunger Games AU:
(Aka something I half-daydreamed after reading the Hunger Games prequel and watching the Prince of Tennis live action series):
When 15 year old Lu Xia volunteers as the tribute for District 4, even the peacekeepers are bewildered as to whether he can do that. After all, he spent the majority of his childhood in the Capitol with his mother. However he was born in District 4 and returned there the year before to live with his father in the Victor's Village, and so they allow it.
People talk, as they always do, wondering whether this was why he returned to them at all, why he kept to himself and always seemed to be training for something. It was.
The 15 year old boy he took the place of, Ah Mu, sobs with relief and gratitude and sorrow for this stranger who has certainly saved his life.
His father, the famed Victor, Lu Xiangqian, only watches in silence as his son walks toward the stage. There is no pride in his face, only terror.
Next they call the female tribute, and nobody steps forward for Qi Ying as she moves towards the stage, dwarfed by all those around her. She knows she doesn't stand a chance.
Lu Xiangqian is silent as he accompanies his son on the journey to the Capitol. Although he does not say anything, it is clear that this brings back memories of his own Reaping, 20 years previously, when he was just an unknown boy from an impoverished family, and not yet an underdog success story lauded by the Capitol. He has not been there in years, had returned to District 4 shortly after marrying and remained there even when his Capitol wife left him, taking their infant son with her, to return to her home. He is met with cheers and screams in the streets.
Also accompanying them is Qi Na, Qi Ying’s aunt and a fellow previous Victor. She won her own games two years after Lu Xiangqian, and although not quite as beloved a figure as he is, she too is welcomed in the Capitol. In spite of the quiet life she has enjoyed since her own games in the Victor’s Village of District 4, she takes it upon herself to mentor both Lu Xia and Qi Ying, determined that one of these small children will make it out alive. Still, her heart breaks every time she looks at them, realizing she will at some point likely have to make the choice between saving her niece and saving her former mentor and friend’s son.
Lu Xiangqian cannot bring himself to mentor his own son, and he knows that Lu Xia would resist all attempts for him to do so. Instead he spends time talking with the others at the training centre, giving tips when he knows Lu Xia is listening in. In particular, he finds himself bonding with a plucky young boy from District 8, Qiao Chen, who somewhat reminds him of himself.
Despite Qi Na’s advice for them to make allies, Lu Xia keeps to himself, and Qi Ying sticks close to his side. He makes no effort to befriend her, but he does not send her away either.
During training, they meet some of the other tributes.
Mu Siyang is the Career tribute from District 2, although he is not the standard Career as Lu Xia thinks of them. Siyang trained along with several other boys from his year, and managed to best them all. At 17, despite being a year younger than is usual for volunteers, the mentors from District 2 believed him to be far more capable than any of their 18 year old trainees, and so prompted him to step forward. Siyang, who had long since accepted that he would one day be reaped, merely did as he had been asked, with little complaint. He is tall and strong and by far the favorite to win, even favored by the Head Game-maker's own son, Ji Jingwu. His one weakness, which he hides from the tributes, is an old arm injury that occasionally acts up. Like Lu Xia, he largely keeps to himself, although he seems willing to train with others when they approach him.
Another unusual choice for a Career- and also a favorite for victory- is 17 year old Zhuo Zhi, from District 1. Similar to Siyang, he was supposed to volunteer in the following year, at 18. However, at the Reaping, it was his younger brother's name that they called, and the 18 year old who was supposed to volunteer- Guan Yue- remained silent, knowing that Zhuo Zhi would take his place. Lu Xia immediately marks him, aside from Siyang, as the toughest competition. Zhuo Zhi is careful not to practice his skills in front of the others, and there are rumours- supported by his high scores from the Game-makers- that he has no weaknesses. He seems to spend time with Siyang the most, seeking out his company and joking in an interview that they were both clearly fated to be in the games together this year rather than the following year.
Yan Zhiming, an 18 year old from District 3, is seemingly omnipresent in the training arena. He watches his competitors train with a sharp gaze, gathering data on all of his opponents. He takes the time to learn all of their strengths and weaknesses. It is only when Zhang Baiyang from District 7, tired of being watched, snaps at him to actually pick up some skills while he can or his data isn't going to be of any use in the arena, that he realizes he needs to learn to put his information to use.
Although not a Career, and despite only being 16, Zhang Baiyang is another favorite to win, strong and steely and determined. The only problem is he does not do so well with interviews, acting sullen and withdrawn in a way that comes across as sulky rather than arrogant. He puts maximum effort into training, although he himself does not seem confident in his ability to win. When Yan Zhiming approaches him with the offer of an alliance, he is reluctant to accept, but ultimately agrees after a seeming change of heart. Neither of them know how long it will last.
Qiao Chen, also aged 16, is from District 8 and is considered more of a dark horse in the competition. While he does not have the strength of the Careers or Baiyang, he is agile and has high endurance. His cheery attitude also endears him, both to the viewers and other contestants. Although not Baiyang, who gets fed up with Qaio Chen following him and trying to copy his strength exercises. At the prompting of Lu Xiangqian, he attempts to ally himself with both Lu Xia and Qi Ying, trying to earn their trust. Lu Xia remains suspicious that this is either just a ploy or that his father is orchestrating it solely for his benefit.
He Xinglong, 18, is from District 11 and is considered another dark horse. In interviews he is mild-mannered and friendly, but when talk turns to family, his face turns hard and he announces that he promised his father he would come home, and that he intends to keep that promise. He is up there in terms of raw strength, although in the training sessions he spends more time working with the paints and learning to camouflage and hide himself. Asides from Qiao Chen, he is the only one Lu Xia may consider as a potential ally.
While not a favorite to win by any means, it is not considered outside the realm of possibilities for Chi Dayong, an 18 year old from District 5, to emerge victorious. He is an all-rounder, strong and intelligent, although he is somewhat slow and tends to trust others perhaps too quickly. To the surprise of many, Siyang seems to befriend him, becoming the only person other than Zhuo Zhi (and occasionally Yan and Lu Xia) that Siyang speaks with. He seems to be aware of the fact that he will not win, and is simply striving to stay alive for as long as possible.
Despite the rumours and the fact that the girl from his home of District 6 is, Tang Jiale, also aged 18, is not a morphling addict. His twitchiness comes from nerves only, as like Dayong he knows he is unlikely to live. While he is nimble and quick, he is not necessarily strong and he lacks stamina. He becomes close to Dayong over the course of their training, and by the time the two head into the arena they have a strong pact: If they're going out, they're going out together, at least.
Huang Jing and Ma Xiuwen are from District 9 and District 10 respectively, and deep down they both know they will not last long. Still, both boys are just shy of 15, and are in denial about their odds, doing their best in training to gain skills and strength in spite of the fact that their mentors have already abandoned them as lost causes. Together they copy the moves that Siyang does, trying to emulate him, and even Lu Xiangqian and Qi Na offer them advice. Huang Jing reassures Xiuwen that their training will pay off, that the two of them will make it right to the end, but he knows his words are empty.
The first time that anybody pays attention to Qi Ying is during the interview stage. She departs from her script and speaks of the atrocities, both awaiting them and in their home districts. Her speech is heart-rending poignant and heavily edited by the time it reaches the Capitol.
Lu Xia does not say much in his interviews, only stating that he is here to beat his father's records, although he does, to the surprise of many, defend Qi Ying.
Jiale and Dayong drum up some popularity in the interviews, with their clear affection for each other being viewed as an inspirational friendship by many. They both secretly wonder how much of it is built on the need to survive.
Another popular duo, for a different reason, are Baiyang and Qiao Chen. Their squabbling during training comes to a head during the interviews, and members of the Capitol gossip about the potential for a passionate showdown between the two once they enter the arena.
Siyang's interview only gains him more respect: He is introspective, intelligent, and calm, speaking about the event that is about to unfold with sorrow but also a resignation that is mature beyond his years.
Zhuo Zhi plays up the mysterious angle, bantering with the host (and Jiale, in an unexpected friendship that some of the audience love) and smirking throughout. The only time he cracks slightly is when his brother, who he volunteered for, is mentioned: That is when his determination to get home is truly revealed.
Lu Xia is slowly starting to realize that winning the Hunger Games may be harder than he initially thought.
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siyangs-glasses · 3 years
luxia: we're having dinner soon, what do you guys want-
luxia: guys I just wanted to ask what we wanted for Christmas dinner tonight
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talktothesun · 4 years
This is a little different than what I would normally post, but since there’s a whole pandemic occurring, I thought to word vomit my love for the Prince of Tennis characters. I was watching the Chinese version of Prince of Tennis (as one does during a quarantine), and I wanted to categorize each character’s love language. I’ve only watched the Chinese live action on Netflix, so this is completely based on my opinions from watching the show! This was lots of fun, but it’s also my opinion, so it might differ from how others perceive the characters :)
First, we’ll start with our captain, Mu Siyang.
Siyang’s love language is most likely quality time. Many times throughout the series, he professes his need to play with the team despite his persistent arm injury. Before his match with Ji Jingwu where he plays a match with Zhuo Zhi, he tells Zhuo Zhi that he doesn’t think he has more opportunities to play with the team. He wants to spend as much time with his team as possible. Even if he does not practice physically with the other main players, Siyang still directs them. We know as watchers that Yan Zhiming monitors the players with their training. But despite having Yan, Siyang still makes it a point to watch his team from the top or be present during practice. Not only in tennis, but Siyang loves quality time in terms of his hobbies. Multiple times throughout the series, Siyang fishes with someone. First, it’s with Zhuo Zhi, and second, he fishes with Lu Xia. He uses fishing as a way to communicate. When he’s not on the courts, he’s fishing with the people important to him (which is so cute!).
Next, Zhuo Zhi’s love language is probably acts of service. However, it’s not that he enjoys other people performing acts of service for him. Rather, Zhuo Zhi likes to perform acts of services for others. He has self-professed that he has a sort-of savior complex. He enjoys saving other people and fixing their problems by beating an opponent on the court. The best example is when his brother, Zhuo Yu, is taught a technique that is supposed to help him beat Zhuo Zhi, but the use of it eventually weakens Zhuo Yu and causes more harm than good to his arm. The technique is taught by Zhuo Yu’s coach and fellow teammate, Guan Ye, who goes against Zhuo Zhi in the Singles 2 match. Zhuo Zhi purposely loses the first five sets and makes Guan Ye believe that he will win against Zhuo Zhi 6-0. However, Zhuo Zhi uses all his strength to beat Guan Ye 7-5 (in the most iconic match of the entire series imo!). He performs an act of service for his brother by proving a point to the person who aided in his injury that Zhuo Zhi is not someone to mess with.
I argue that Qiao Chen’s love language is receiving gifts. How many times has that boy received some kind of food or money to buy food? While receiving gifts (in terms of food) can be one of his love languages, another one can be quality time. Many times that he eats his meals, Qiao Chen is accompanied by another person. He invites Lu Xia to eat hamburgers with him, he goes out to eat with Tang Jiale, and he enjoys the team dinners that occur in Xinglong’s restaurant.
Speaking of Tang Jiale, his love language is definitely physical touch. He is the exact definition of a physical touch love language. When he finally talks to Chi Dayong about the problems they’ve been having as doubles partners in the forest, he immediately hangs onto Dayong like a koala when he’s scared of the sound of Xinglong and Qiao Chen walking. He is constantly touching Dayong, holding onto his shoulders, or just in Dayong’s personal space (which Dachi doesn’t disapprove of!).
And since we’re on the topic of Jiale and Dayong, Dayong’s love language is words of affirmation. Dayong is in his head about whether Jiale wants to be his partner or not, or if he’s good enough to be Jiale’s partner. But once he and Jiale slowly patch things up, Dayong soaks up Jiale’s words of affirmation. Jiale reaffirms their partnership by talking to Dayong and convinces him that they are the golden partners for a reason. Similarly, when Zhuo Zhi and Jiale are partners for one match, Zhuo Zhi reassures Dayong that he and Jiale are the golden partners because of their chemistry. Zhuo Zhi takes his time to tell Dayong why Jiale needs him and vice versa.
Zhang Baiyang (my soft, tough boy) absolutely loves quality time. Once he has someone (or something) to spend time with, Baiyang soaks it by for what it’s worth. The immediate example that I can come up with is his time with the cat. He would love to spend time with someone who loves the same things he does, just enjoying the time they have with one another. Baiyang, while seemingly the tough character who has a strong bravado, is a total sucker for quality time. He never seems to care about what they are doing, as long as he’s alongside someone. His aura around the team during their lovely picnic or during dinners at Xinglong’s is so calm in comparison to when he’s training or on the court.
How can I forget the glue of the team, He Xinglong? Similar to Zhuo Zhu, his love language is acts of service. But rather than accepting acts of service, he loves performing acts of service. Need I explain more? Xinglong seems to never charge the team for their dinners (but I believe they still pay despite Xinglong adamantly refusing their money), he always invites them for his famous roast goose, and even when parts of the team go to his restaurant, he always cooks more food than they need (but let’s be honest, with Qiao Chen on the team, there’s never too much food).
Yan Zhiming, the reason for the team’s success, definitely has acts of service as a love language. But similarly, in the realm of Zhuo Zhi and Xinglong, Yan loves to give his training plans to his teammates. His way of expressing his love for his teammates is by giving them the best training plan that will maximize their strengths and help their weaknesses. Also, how can I not mention his infamous Yan-juice? *I absolutely love the parallel of Xinglong’s famous roast goose and Yan’s infamous juice.* The initial purpose of his Yan-juice was to strengthen the team. He created the juice for the sole purpose of the improvement of his teammates. While his Yan-juice eventually becomes a punishment for his fellow teammates, Yan has never taken the purpose of his juice, which is to service his teammates in the best way possible for their bodies.
And how can I forget Lu Xia? Lu Xia’s love language is, none other than, quality time. Specifically, if the quality time includes tennis? Sign him up. He never passed up the opportunity to practice tennis with Xinglong, despite it being late at night. He always was willing to play with members of other teams even though he did not know them (which would worry me if I was his parent). The way his father bonded with him was quality tennis time. His love story arc with Qi Ying stemmed from spending quality tennis time with one another. There is no other love language for Lu Xia.
The characters in this show are so well-developed that I hope we get a season 2 so we can see the personalities of the other teams’ as well!
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jisungye · 4 years
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'yu qing tennis club icons
like or reblog if u save/use, please enjoy.
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kakushigo · 4 years
Does anyone have a list of pairs for Prince of Tennis 2019?
I know (? means unsure of):
Imperial Pair- Mu Siyang/Ji Jingwu
Perfect Pair- Mu Siyang/Zhuo Zhi 
Pillar Pair- Mu Siyang/Lu Xia
Kindness Pair- Zhuo Zhi/He Xinglong
Dream Pair: Zhuo Zhi/Tang Jiale
Rival Pair- Qiao Chen/Zhang Baiyang
Golden Pair- Chi Dayong/Tang Jiale
Emerald Pair- Yan Zhiming/Zhang Baiyang
Ponta Pair- Lu Xia/Qi Ying
Thrill pair- Lu Xia/Zhuo Zhi
Silver Pair-  Feng Zhiyuan/Hu Liangliang
Alpha Pair- Bai Shiting/Tian Zilong
Sensual Pair - Lu Xia/Bai Shiting
Sadist Pair - Zhuo Zhi/Bai Shiting 
Sadist Trio Pair - Lu Xia/Zhuo Zhi/Bai Shiting 
Cap Pair - Lu Xia/Tian Zilong
Mood Pair- Qiao Chen/Tang Jiale
Haiguang Troika - Tian Zilong/Liu Lian/Bai Shiting
Royal Pair - Lu Xia/Ji Jingwu
Data Pair - Yan Zhiming/Liu Lian
Childhood Friends Pair- He Xinglong/Ya Jiuxin
The Power Triangle: Mu Siyang/Lu Xia/Zhuo Zhi
New to Chinapuri
Gremlin Pair- Ji Jingwu/Zhuo Zhi
Perfectly Imperial- Ji Jingwu/Mu Siyang/Zhuo Zhi
Passion Pair - Lu Xia/He Xinglong
Height Difference Pair/Delta H Pair- Mu Siyang/Qing Yi
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No, but Lu Xia asking for healing oils to give to He Xinglong's father!!!!!??
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a-sndy · 4 years
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bubblesxo · 3 years
prince of tennis (2019) headcanons i have!
1.) dyslexic!lu xia !! because of the part of episode 15 where the words are floating all over the page when lu xia is trying to study
2.) mandarin isn’t lu xia’s native language ! this one is a bit out there (and may feature in a fic i write at some point), but lu xia doesn’t like to talk very much and is known to have pretty horrible hand writing in mandarin. (hey, i like to bend reality a bit with my headcanons)
3.) qiao chen likes to dote on lu xia. i see this as pretty canon, since he’s always waiting for him to go places/eat and even gave him a ride on his bike that one time (let’s ignore that lu xia fell off). plus, he did promise to look after him to lu xia’s dad.
4.) zhuo yu and lu xia are actually pretty good friends. after all, they do message each other a lot (from what we’ve seen) and don’t mind talking irl.
5.) zhuo zhi is super protective of zhuo yu, which yeah, is canon, but it would be super funny if he did that for super small stuff, too
6.) zhuo yu is going through some stuff fr. okay, i know that this is the third one in a row that i’ve mentioned zhuo yu but hes been bullied his whole life, was fighting with his brother for a long time, and is still hanging around a guy who treats him horribly. poor him, he should get out of there (guan yue hate club).
7.) lu xia had a life, family, and friends before he moved back to china. i know this one is obvious but i had to mention it because i’ve never seen someone mention it.
8.) baiyang is a sad boi. like srsly we’ve never seen him have any good friends and he’s not super close to anyone on the team soooo where are your friends. i wanna give him a hug (same with siyang).
9.) siyang’s family are either super concerned or just don’t give a shit. where are they while he re-injures his arm so many times???
10.) xinglong and yan need hugs, tho for different reasons. xinglong bcuz dudes always stressed asf and his childhood friend is an ass (tho he’s getting better, improvement!) and yan bcuz im fairly sure that his only friend shown on screen is liu lian and wow he only recently reconnected with him so??? where friends. and also hes prolly close to a burnout with as much work that he does so yeah bb take a break
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drama--universe · 4 years
Mu Siyang x f!Reader
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"Siyang!" You exclaimed as you rushed though the halls and tripping over air just a few times, but catching yourself before you fell. He turned his head around and you smiled at him as you catched up to him. He looked at you for a few seconds before walking through the halls again.
"Hey, wait up! Not everyone has super long legs like you, some of us are short!" You exclaimed and you saw his lips curl into a smirk and sighed. You were practically running behind him while he just casually walked. You did notice that he walked slower after awhile since you could actually walk next to him now without sprinting.
"Thanks." You mumbled and he chuckled before going back to his normal poker face façade. You rolled your eyes, but continued to walk next to him until you were at your classroom.
"I'll see you later on the tennis court, okay?" You asked and he nodded before going back to his own class. You watched him walk off before sitting down in your seat.
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When your classes were over, you packed up and rushed to the tennis court. You could see that everyone was already practicing and you sighed, knowing you couldn't bother them. You looked at the game between Lu Xia and Baiyang. Lu Xia seemed to be winning as both sweated profusely. You walked to the middle of all of the courts where Siyang and Zhiming stood.
"You can just join the club if you're always here." Siyang commented as he noticed you and you looked at him before chuckling, shaking your head.
"Nah, I'm better off being your personal cheerleader." You said while shaking you hands like you were holding pompoms. Siyang rolled his eyes as he stood next to you, his left hand in his pocket while his right just hung next to his body. He, too, looked at the match closely before giving a soft sigh.
"I'm seeing you tonight, right?" You asked, looking at him and he looked back at you. He nodded and you smiled before waving at Zhiming. He gave you a smile in return. You looked back at the game just in time to see the ball pass Baiyang, making him lose. His racket dropped to the ground as Zhiming went forward with a glass in his hand.
"What is happening?" You questioned as you watched Zhiming push the glass towards Baiyang, who took it with shaking hands. He downed the liquid in one go before giving it back to Zhiming, who smiled.
"3,2", You turned around to see Zhou Zhi as he counted down. "And 1..." He stopped and you frowned before looking back at Baiyang to see him laying on the ground. You took a step back immediately, noticing that even Siyang had flinched when he had seen the drink.
"Is it, uh... that bad?" You asked Siyang, who nodded while mumbling an 'You have no idea'. Then Zhiming came back before looking at you.
"Would you like to try?" He asked and you nodded, for some reason you didn't want to say no. You took the glass from his hands and took a small sip from the glass before giving it back.
"It's not that b-" Your sentence was cut short when the bitterness hit you, stumbling back before sitting down. Zhou Zhi looked rather amused and you gave him a small glare before trying to stand up. Siyang helped you up and you could see a small smile on his lips.
"Stop laughing or I'll make you drink 50 barrels of that." You growled and he went back to his poker face. After stumbling a few more times, you could stand properly and you exited the court.
After school hours, you were now sat in your room with Siyang next to you. Both of you were working on your homework, Siyang on your bed and you at your desk.
"Alright, this is boring. Let's do something else." You said and he smiled at you, sitting up completely.
"Like what?" "Let's go to that small café near Xinglong's restaurant. I heard it was really good." You explained and he nodded, swinging his legs off of the bed and getting up. You followed his actions and took your jacket before going downstairs. You took your shoes, heels that made you taller and less shorter than Siyang.
"Heels?" "I don't wanna be 2 heads shorter than you, thank you very much." You said and he gave out a short laugh, putting on his own shoes before opening the door. You took your keys before shooting a loud bye to your parents, who only replied with a loud hum. Taking Siyang's hand in yours and exiting the house.
"So, how is your arm..?" "It's better. Not the best, but..." You nodded at his response, giving him a small smile.
"Thanks for your honesty." You joked and he gave you a smile again as he intertwined his fingers with yours. You then entered the small café, not noticing the eyes that were immediately on you as you entered. You ordered your favorite drink and Siyang's ordered his before siting down at a table at the window. You leaned back in your seat and sighed.
"So, how is the training for the competition going?" "Everyone is getting better... Lu Xia needs to stop imitating his father and find a proper reason for why he plays tennis." Siyang spoke and you nodded.
"Are you going to play?" You asked and he shook his head.
"Good... You should focus on your recovery." You spoke and he nodded as he too leaned back in his chair. Your drinks were brought and you thanked the person, taking your drink and drinking from it.
"Ah, wrong drink... That's so bitter, how do you drink this." You said as you switched the drinks.
"Yan-juice makes you used to bitterness, I stopped putting sugar in stuff." He chuckled and you frowned. "Don't speak of that drink. I'm gonna faint by just hearing that name." You growled as you drank of your own drink, smiling at the familiar taste. You continued to talk about different stuff, until you finally noticed the eyes on you.
"Isn't that Jaile?" You suddenly asked, cocking your head to the side. Siyang looked up and towards where you were looking before nodding with a loud sigh. You chuckled and looked at the group before waving at them. You could see Jaile's face flush as he awkwardly waved back, turning back in his chair. You shook your head with a small laugh before getting up and walking to them.
"Is it interesting here?" You asked to Jaile before looking at the rest. Dayong sat next to Jaile and Xinglong next to Dayong, Zhiming opposite of them with Lu Xia next to him and Qiao Chen next to Lu Xia. Baiyang was the only one not here.
"Huh... Hey, uh... We didn't know you and Captain were a thing." Jaile stuttered and you smiled.
"We weren't hiding it, you guys are just clueless." You spoke and they all smiled, except for Lu Xia who just kept his normal poker face façade. "I never thought Captain could have a girlfriend..." Qiao Chen mumbled only to freeze when he noticed the captain standing beside you.
"Captain..." He awkwardly spoke and you looked at Siyang, who wore his usual poker face. "Well, excuse us. I barely get alone time with him, so bye." You said, pulling Siyang's right arm to exit the café. They only nodded at you and you left.
"You could at least smile some more, you know." You spoke and he looked at you.
"I barely smile." "You smile almost all of the time when you're with me." You spoke and he smiled, making you laugh.
"See. Am I so special?" You tease and he rolled his eyes at you, but said nothing in return. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him for a few seconds before grinning like the cheshire cat.
"Love you too, Siyang." You smiled, making him turn. You stepped closer to him and kissed his cheek, making him smile like a bloody idiot. You smiled too and took his hand again.
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hawopro · 4 years
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im deep in rare pair hell and im not sorry
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