#he's dtf (demon the fallen)
belthegore · 8 months
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been really into drawin this guy lately. powerful demon warlord now in the body of a stoner dude who doesnt do anything but play video games high and do skateboard tricks
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chiss-ticism · 1 year
Absolutely buck-fucking-wild to me is it that the murder of Abel, ethics aside of being the first to discover such a thing is even possible aside, is the catalyst for sin in general, and not just, like, murder being a thing people can do now. The punishments levied upon him (and his descendants :[ ) were definitely harsh, sure, but I'm 100% surprised that they weren't worse all things considered. Especially with the raw deal that Lilith ended up getting when she did something Big G didn't like.
Here's two chunks of text from the Demon: The Fallen Sourcebook, Houses of the Fallen, for those unfamiliar:
The calm, measured war of the angels and demons ended suddenly and terribly when Caine slew his brother Abel. The shockwaves of this event ripped through Creation, opening the souls of both mortals and demons to the possibilities of violence, excess and hatred. Some of the Namaru, especially those closest to Lucifer, were able to resist the temptation of sin and stay pure. Many more saw the opportunities offered by atrocity and sin and embraced the darkness wholeheartedly...
Although humanity's mortality was imposed at the moment of the rebellion, it was some time before the rebels felt the impact of that curse. The watchfulness of the fallen angels helped keep accidents from becoming fatal and the early stages of the war were fought in ritual and structure between angels and not humanity. The Slayers knew that this escape from death's touch would not last, though, because they could sense humanity starting to grow old. Before the rebellions, humans aged until they reached maturity, and then they simply stopped developing in adulthood. They grew no older and thus had very little concept of old age. Still, the prospect of immediately ushering humanity into the world of death had receded. It was decades before the effects of aging became apparent. Humanity was aging slowly, far more slowly than modern man does.
That changed in a single moment of anger. Caine, son of the first man, raised his fist in anger and slew his brother. Abel's spirit passed through into the world of death, but any attempts to reach it were thwarted by a sudden storm that erupted in shadow of the world, carrying Abel's spirit away before Slayer or Loyal Reaper could interfere.
The storm changed everything. It changed the world of death, but the Slayers would not discover quite how much for some time yet. It changed the hearts of men, who turned on each other with anger, jealously, and most of all, brutality. Animals in the wild killed each other through necessity, to eat or to defend themselves. Through awakening humanity, the angels had also given mankind the ability to kill because they wanted to. In the centuries that followed, some Slayers speculated that the storm was nothing more than a manifestation of that change in humanity in other aspects of reality. Others dismissed the idea, saying that it made mankind too significant in Creation: The angels were the shapers of reality, not the humans. Whatever the cause was, there was no questioning the changes in the angels themselves after the storm broke. Where once their skirmishes had been more like philosophical debates conducted on multiple layers of reality simultaneously, their battles became desperate struggles for existence. The Time of Atrocities had begun.
(HoTF, p. 173)
Also notable is it that DtF frames Caine's decision to kill Abel as a moment of fetid rage - an act of passion, without much forethought into why he did what he did. ("a single moment of anger") Whereas Caine himself, (allegedly, mind, if we're to believe that The Chronicle of Caine is actually from his direct point of view), frames it as an epiphany of sorts. A premeditated act of sacrifice, for that's what Adam asked him to provide - one that he committed with a heavy heart.
Then one day
our Father said to us,
Caine, Abel
to Him Above you must make a sacrifice -
a gift of the first part
of all that you have
(The Book of Nod, p. 21)
He'd prayed for a whole day and night, having gone to bed previously with his eyes wet with tears and mind racing for some sort of reprieve from its anguish, and came to a realization on his own, as his prayers deliberately weren't answered.
The Oracles watched in horrified fascination as Caine killed his brother and created a new, poisonous set of concepts that would ultimately infect man and angel alike. The Oracles' first instinct was to bend all their efforts to preventing such a terrible act, but the lessons recently learned during the lunar raid gave them pause. Would it be worth it to allow the First Murder to occur if it led to a final triumph over the Holy Host? The idea tantalized them. This would be their first attempt to consciously alter the universe according to their will rather than God's, and in the end, the allure of that fact overcame their moral reservations. The storm approached, and the Neberu did nothing, believed that they were about to forever turn the tide of the war in the rebels' favor. (Houses of the Fallen, p. 102)
Despite offering up the brightest fruits and sweetest grasses, it wasn't enough - and likely never would be for he could never truly love the plants that he grew - not to the level that Abel reached with his animals whose births he aided in, those who he nourished and watched grow. So he offered up the only thing he possibly could, for only one thing did he love with his whole heart: his brother. An act of sacrifice with reverberations on a cosmic scale.
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HtP theory D: Who is he really? 2 of 2
This is a continuation from a first post, Spoilers for Hunter the Parenting
Speaking of his age, a few characters have called out D as looking old, decrepit, frail, or sickly. Despite the fact that we see a golden god of a man who honestly looks younger than at least one of his purported children. I don’t think this is wholly wrong on both fronts. You see, there is a particular group in World of Darkness who can only hang around on the normal plane of existence by inhabiting the bodies of the frail, the sick, or the dying. Because I think the D in Big D stands for Demon.
In the World of Darkness, specifically the game Demon the Fallen, “demons” are angels who sided with Lucifer against God. They were cast down into hell, where their angelic forms where forever marred by the torment in the depths. Sometimes, they can make their way out of the pit and back into our world. As mentioned before, and would be the case for the average DtF character, many slip into the body of someone who has a weak grip on their soul and is close to death. From there the demon can either try to redeem themselves, and perhaps find a way back to heaven, or they can just embrace what they have become and be a complete menace on earth. Now in DtF, the ability for demons to come back to earth ON THEIR OWN is VERY recent. However, I think D is a demon who was called to earth by a group somewhat akin to the shaman of his previous life, put into the body of some frail person of a bygone age, and has been trying to reclaim his angelic nature by becoming a protector of mankind from the creatures of the World of Darkness.
Some notes around this:
-In his conversation with Kitten, D mentions hunting a methusala of the La Sombre vampire clan with his siblings. I’m of two minds here, this could mean the children of the shaman-like summoners (if he has a VERY close origin to Big E) or it could mean other fallen angels, who like D are seeking redemption through monster hunting. It would make a lot more sense for a group of former angels to kill an ancient vamp than a family of hunters. This would require though that these summoners pulled a few angels up from the pit, so not sure.
-As for why some see him as old or frail, I think sometimes either the mask slips (maybe because D is stressed, or his angelic nature is weakened) or some level of supernatural ability allows them to see past the angelic personage and into the frail human body beneath. Two of the people who have called him old have either been Tremere or Tremere ghouls, and as I understand some vampire blood magic allows one to see past illusions/veils (and sometimes ghouls get lil bits of power from their vampire blood supply). I looked this one up, it’s the vampire discipline of Auspex, which the Tremere clan does have access to.
-Remold. Remold mentions that Big D’s family and his family have been enemies for generations. If my theory that D is an immortal goofster who has been around for a long time holds true, maybe it’s not so much that the Blacklaws have been at odds with D’s family, but instead against D himself, repeatedly antagonizing them as a living bloodline curse. This might explain his interest in Brok in the recent episode: D knows that once Remold has his Chekhov’s gun of a heart attack, Brok becomes the next Blacklaw that D will be fighting at all times. Why is D antagonizing this family? Well it could be an attempt to beef up some human hunters: If an entire family is constantly having to battle this one madman, and they know of the supernatural, they might become good soldiers against the darkness. Or maybe the Blacklaws have historically been opponents of hunters, Remold does seem to be against knowledge obtained through Big D’s hunts, Brok probably wouldn’t put a lot of time or effort into learning, if previous behaviour is to be believed. Maybe the Blacklaws are anti-intellectual in their history, and D wants to fight them so they can’t dismantle the arcanum or stop hunters by being ignorant. Now, there is a particular lil blue fella that I think bears mentioning, but I would like to discuss that in more detail in its own post, because I think there is a lot to dig into.
Also, quite a while ago I read someone suggest that D in Big D actually stood for Death, as in the rider of the apocalypse, since he does have a horse. This is a neat idea, but I do not know enough about WoD’s story of revelation to be able to discuss it. If this one turns out true, it’d be cool.
For now, thank you for reading this far. As always please let me know your thoughts, and if you are someone who was really engaged with WoD during the original runs, especially Demon the Fallen, please gimme your thoughts. I have a great interest in this setting, but it is very difficult to find info because it was in MANY old books.
As always, good evening.
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spookieloop · 3 years
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I just heard that’s it’s Bi visibility day, so I wanted to share my WIP of my brand new DnD character because she’s very Bi and so am I
(Her name is Nevaeh and my askbox is open for her 24/7)
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hatekuhnradiated · 3 years
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The mega slut and egomaniac are done, I realllyyyyyyy like how bright they are, lmao
I did finish the pictures yesterday, though the bios weren’t done yet, so I couldn’t post.
Still feel kinda like absolute fucking shit, so I’m still gonna be offline.
Name: Foltage Watts
Nickname: Lust, Folt
Universe: Unholy Grace
Species: Demon
Race: Incubus
Power: Electricity
Hair: White
Eyes: Purple
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Personality: Kinky af, Overly sexual, Dirty minded, Nice, Cynical, Clingy, Blunt
Sexuality: Pansexual | Homoromantic
Friends: Lake (Wrath), Andrea (Sloth), Devora (Gluttony), Grophit (Greed), Exeilus (Envy)
Lives at: Hell
Lives with: Bruce Miller, Grophit (Greed) and Exeilus (Envy)
Relationship: Taken {By Bruce}
Job: Works for the Deadly Seven, professional tattoo artist and piercer/body modification artist
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 192 lbs
Preferred clothing: Anything revealing
Other facts:
-If his sin wasn't already deadass giveaway, he's always DTF.
-He did the majority of Bruce's piercings, only ones he didn't do are the ones underneath his skin, mainly because he's still trying to learn how to do that.
He also did Bruce's tats.
-He doesn't like being called a 'whore', but oddly enough doesn't mind 'slut', even has it tattooed.
-He gets overly protective over Bruce, even though he really doesn't need to be, especially considering that Bruce is stronger than him.
-Whenever in a situation where he has to where more clothes, he likes to wear really warm things.
-As a hobby he enjoys woodworking, specializing in prosthetic limbs, he usually sells them at a really cheap price. His favorite prosthetics to make are weird looking arms, for folk who enjoy being the oddball, but he also makes normal arms, and legs. He's trying to figure out a good way to make prosthetic wings, for those who lost/weren't born with them.
Name: Bruce Miller
Nickname: Ego, Bru (only by Folt)
Universe: Unholy Grace
Species: (Fallen? Corrupt??) Angel
Race: Archangel
Power: Light
Hair: Bright ass purple
Eyes: Blue
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Personality: Self-absorbed, Obsessive, Confident, Prideful, Crude, Aggressive, Uptight
Sexuality: Bisexual
Friends: Lake (Wrath), Andrea (Sloth), Devora (Gluttony), Grophit (Greed), Exeilus (Envy)
Lives at: Hell
Lives with: Foltage Watts, Grophit (Greed) and Exeilus (Envy)
Relationship: Taken {by Folt}
Job: Works for the Deadly Seven, "looking for a second job"
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 184 lbs
Preferred clothing: Baggy
Other facts:
-He used to be one of the best Archangels around, but then he met Folt and fell for him.
Literally, he's a fallen angel because of him, lol
-While most fallen angels become mortal after falling, he didn't, he's full angel which means he can enter Hell whenever he wants.
-He's often used as a example of why being a fallen angel is bad, because he is the worst case. He's the reason they're viewed as 'corrupt', because he IS corrupt.
-Most of his self-obsession comes from Folt, because the first time they met Folt would constantly remind him how amazing he is.
When I say constantly, I fucking mean it. Folt still does it, if there's anyone that is obsessed with Bruce more than himself, it's Folt.
-His and Folt's relationship is,,, toxic? Maybe,, there's no abuse of any kind, it's just a whole lot of them obsessing. As you can imagine, there's quite a bit of jealousy, even though they both have jack shit to worry about.
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crimson-chains · 4 years
Doesn't Art get in trouble for being so DTF? And also dating a demon? I mean, mood, but still
He’s frequently punished for sleeping with humans and also for involving himself with Damien. Whether that punishment comes as demoting his angel level, being put in time out, or some other forms! But he’s never been kicked out of Heaven or fallen or anything.
And that’s because he’s actually really good at his job and cares about humans a lot! So, he’s worth keeping around in general!
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