belthegore · 9 months
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been really into drawin this guy lately. powerful demon warlord now in the body of a stoner dude who doesnt do anything but play video games high and do skateboard tricks
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gwendragonart · 3 months
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Some old characters from a Demon: The Fallen game; Jeremiah and Ezequiel.
Jeremiah (trans, He/They) is a Namaru (Devil), a silver tongued demon of radiance, that covers himself in the majesty of his former divine glory.
Meanwhile Ezequiel (NB, any pronouns) is a Rabisu (Devourer), a powerful demon of the wilds without much interest in subtlety, that serves as Jeremiah's bodyguard... And lover.
Jeremiah belongs to @zoeritto
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people you'd like to know better ask game
thank you for the tag @alarici! 😊💖
last song: clocks by coldplay
fav color: rn its blue and green
currently watching: How To Draw With Line Weight by poko, lol although i wanna go back to watching sucession
relationship status: single
current obsession: the sims 3 unfortunately lol but give it 2 weeks and i wont touch the game again for years
latest google search: "how to draw with clearer lines" cause my drawing teacher said my lines were clumsy and im taking it personally
im tagginggg @supergalatic-cat, @namaru, @zapatism, @alienhandss, @blondiest no pressure tho
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eric-the-bmo · 3 months
The gang's all here! (I decided to compile all my WoD ocs' heights together ☆)
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Giving quick descriptions of each character under the readmore:
Leo West (VtM): An impulsive fledgling Malkavian in 2021 San Jose who has memory issues and mysterious chronic headaches. He claims to have been abandoned by his sire, and aims to discover more about him. Most of Leo's problems seem to be his own fault.
Cecelia Natale (DtF): The host for a Fallen Namaru named Arielle. With her story set in 2003 LA, it's desperate to prove its worth in a time where Heralds are considered useless, and aims to find its brother Lucifer. Still a work-in-progress.
Alice Tenniel (CtD): A Nocker Wilder trying to balance his college and fae life- which is difficult, especially when the Dreaming is so fascinating... (Alice has no set chronicle at the moment, and is still a work-in-progress)
??? (VtM): A Kindred in 2021 San Diego who aims to escape a lab and return home. I can't talk about them much, due to chronicle spoilers and my urge to keep them a surprise for the other players.
Hazel Pedigree (VtM): A Camarilla Tremere from New York who was forced to diablerize her sire by the Kindred she views as a father figure. Currently on a mission to hunt down members of the Red List with her assigned coterie. (originally a Bloodlines oc!)
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dryades-angeli · 7 months
HI3 Seele & HSR Seele
This text is inspired by a discussion between me and @namaru. Have fun while reading. ~*~ As far as we know, Seele Völlerei is a person who was occupied by an abnormal stigma, because she wished to be protected. And that stigma later give itself the name Veliona.
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The question is, what is a stigma? As far as I know, a stigma is a copy of a real person that can only exist in bubble universes. Accordingly, Veliona would be a copy of Seele. In that case that would mean that the Seele exists independently of her. The blue Seele is very sweet and kind in character. She cares about other people and seems quite insecure/shy. The red Seele, on the other hand, is very self-confident and manipulative. Plus, she has no problem using her powers to get what she wants. If you compare the two characters with that of HSR Seele, you came to the conclusion that HSR Seelé's character is more similar to that of Veliona than that of Seele Völlerei. For example, HSR Seele is described as spirited and brave. The blue Seele, on the other hand, seems to be anything but brave, otherwise she wouldn't need Veliona. And as you said, HSR Seele's clothing is a combination of red and blue, and a mixture of them. Her clothing also symbolizes a connection between the blue and red Seele.
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In the event "Saha and Rebirth" was an abnormal stigma that was exactly what the blue Seeele looked like, but was quite evil and mean.
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This stigma was able to invade the space of the two Seeles used to communicate. Veliona was of the opinion that this stigma gained entry by force, because Seele (blue) would not have allowed it. So Veliona believed that only Seele could dispose of her common space, probably because it was her body? But the stigma says that Veliona let it in. There were several scenes where Veliona's fear of losing Seele was expressed + the final scene where Veliona turned Seele into an abnormal Stigma and Seele later became the Herrscher of Rebirth. To me, the scenes suggest that Veliona is the actual Seele and the blue Seele is a personality component of her. In the end it was Veliona who was in the body of "Seele". I explain this with dissociative identity disorder. A person experiences a traumatic event. And in order to cope with this or to suppress the memory of it, she splits off this traumatic experience. This creates a new personality. This personality has its own character, its likes and dislikes. This traumatic event can be caused, for example, by the loss of parents, loneliness or bullying. The blue Seele is specifically someone who cares about others and who Veliona can be strong for. But at the same time she is someone Veliona can hide behind. The fact that Veliona considers herself to be an abnormal stigma can also be related to a traumatic event, for example, which is why the blue Seele essentially represents her.
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And yes. Seele Völlerei has a stigma that is a legendary/true stigmata and distinguishes her as a Herrscher. But she gave this to Bronya before she went into the "Sea of ​​Quanta". So this stigma isn´t Veliona. And it still doesn't rule out my theory, because Seele (blue) is basically her own person. To make it short. I believe, that Veliona is the true Seele, because her HSR Version has nearly the same personality as her. Only in HSR Veliona did not split off part of her personality and thus create the blue Seele, but remained intact. And I think her outfit symbolizes the unity of these two personalities very well.
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HST Seele and HI3 Seele are the same. But the HI3 version has a DIS and the HSR version does not. And in that case I can say that HSR Seele doesn't necessarily have to fall in love with Bronya just because one of her personalities did. She can, but doesn't have to.
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corset · 1 year
Tagged by: @tanukidrill [Thank you :-)] 1. are you named after anyone? My deadname both first and middle come from prior family members, yes. As for what I intend to change my full legal name to, none of them come from someone else. The names I go by on here are kind of self evidently a yes lmao.
2. when was the last time you cried? Thursday. I don’t usually cry a lot but when I do it’s either barely noticeable or really really really bad.
3. do you have kids? No.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Not particularly. My style is more bluntly and dryly saying things and hoping for the best.
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I’ve done archery and weight lifting. 6. what's the first thing you notice about other people? I can’t actually tell because it’s hard to describe how I notice and experience and see people in general...I think I’m usually most immediately focused on the cadence and specifics of someone’s voice? Like how expressive they are, how loud or quiet, how fast or slow they speak, stuff like that.
7. eye color? Grey.
8. scary movies or happy endings? These things don’t really feel related to me so I can’t answer this properly. I guess I lean towards mushy crap in general though?
9. any special talents? I’m “hyperlexic” I guess (One of my only ‘autism powers’). I speak well. Uh...I’m good at figuring people out? I can draw too, but I don’t consider any of that really “special”. I honestly don’t know what special means in this context. Oh here I don’t consider this a talent but my body metabolizes alcohol so fast I speedrun the stages of being drunk. I can go from giggling to slightly hungover in just a couple of hours off the most nothing amount of alcohol. This naturally means drinking is a miserable experience for me every single time I foolishly attempt it thinking maybe something will change lmao.
10. where were you born? Florida.
11. what are your hobbies? Music, drawing, reading, video games, dolls, modding. I am Conceptually into knitting and sewing. Do cleaning and bathing count as hobbies? I’m kind of obsessed with soap and bath products and shit like that, and cleaning is relaxing for me. I also find it fun so I guess it could be a hobby of mine?
12. do you have any pets? Quaker parrot, black sphynx cat, a chihuahua/dachsund mix, and I’m about to have a goldendoodle soon. She’s supposed to be my ESA.
13. how tall are you? 5′8.
14. fave subject in school? I always liked all of my English classes growing up. Later on I enjoyed biology and chemistry and my sociology class. I dropped out before I could take psychology, but that probably also would have been one of my favorites considering how much I generally like the subject.
15. dream job? Therapist/counselor, but I’d also like to work in animal rehabilitation. 
Tagging: @namaru​ @desrocs​ @siddex​ @dragonageorigins​ @magicalemma​ @votoms @acidgirl @mavigator @senju @vashoth @3000s @kaeyagf @mortimer @jovoy @crystalis
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kidfoundonstreets · 9 months
PRINCE - One who destroys their aspect or destroys via their aspect
BLOOD - Unity and bonds though nor even the author really knows how it works so u can kinda do whatever the fuck
a PRINCE of BLOOD would be one who destroys unity and bonds or destroys through unity and bonds
very loserman classpect imo
AHAHEKHKEJEHFESFKESF HES UCH A LOSER IMAGINE HIM INTRODUICNG HIMSELF ALL VMAPRIRLEIKE errmm... imr namaru kageyamma xD the blood prince ahaagahahha AND THEN EVERYBDOY KICKS HIM OUT . IMMEIDLALTYE BULLIE SHIM IN A MUSIC VIDEO seirosuly though thatsd a cool concept very red and black . combine switch and snap
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chiss-ticism · 1 year
Absolutely buck-fucking-wild to me is it that the murder of Abel, ethics aside of being the first to discover such a thing is even possible aside, is the catalyst for sin in general, and not just, like, murder being a thing people can do now. The punishments levied upon him (and his descendants :[ ) were definitely harsh, sure, but I'm 100% surprised that they weren't worse all things considered. Especially with the raw deal that Lilith ended up getting when she did something Big G didn't like.
Here's two chunks of text from the Demon: The Fallen Sourcebook, Houses of the Fallen, for those unfamiliar:
The calm, measured war of the angels and demons ended suddenly and terribly when Caine slew his brother Abel. The shockwaves of this event ripped through Creation, opening the souls of both mortals and demons to the possibilities of violence, excess and hatred. Some of the Namaru, especially those closest to Lucifer, were able to resist the temptation of sin and stay pure. Many more saw the opportunities offered by atrocity and sin and embraced the darkness wholeheartedly...
Although humanity's mortality was imposed at the moment of the rebellion, it was some time before the rebels felt the impact of that curse. The watchfulness of the fallen angels helped keep accidents from becoming fatal and the early stages of the war were fought in ritual and structure between angels and not humanity. The Slayers knew that this escape from death's touch would not last, though, because they could sense humanity starting to grow old. Before the rebellions, humans aged until they reached maturity, and then they simply stopped developing in adulthood. They grew no older and thus had very little concept of old age. Still, the prospect of immediately ushering humanity into the world of death had receded. It was decades before the effects of aging became apparent. Humanity was aging slowly, far more slowly than modern man does.
That changed in a single moment of anger. Caine, son of the first man, raised his fist in anger and slew his brother. Abel's spirit passed through into the world of death, but any attempts to reach it were thwarted by a sudden storm that erupted in shadow of the world, carrying Abel's spirit away before Slayer or Loyal Reaper could interfere.
The storm changed everything. It changed the world of death, but the Slayers would not discover quite how much for some time yet. It changed the hearts of men, who turned on each other with anger, jealously, and most of all, brutality. Animals in the wild killed each other through necessity, to eat or to defend themselves. Through awakening humanity, the angels had also given mankind the ability to kill because they wanted to. In the centuries that followed, some Slayers speculated that the storm was nothing more than a manifestation of that change in humanity in other aspects of reality. Others dismissed the idea, saying that it made mankind too significant in Creation: The angels were the shapers of reality, not the humans. Whatever the cause was, there was no questioning the changes in the angels themselves after the storm broke. Where once their skirmishes had been more like philosophical debates conducted on multiple layers of reality simultaneously, their battles became desperate struggles for existence. The Time of Atrocities had begun.
(HoTF, p. 173)
Also notable is it that DtF frames Caine's decision to kill Abel as a moment of fetid rage - an act of passion, without much forethought into why he did what he did. ("a single moment of anger") Whereas Caine himself, (allegedly, mind, if we're to believe that The Chronicle of Caine is actually from his direct point of view), frames it as an epiphany of sorts. A premeditated act of sacrifice, for that's what Adam asked him to provide - one that he committed with a heavy heart.
Then one day
our Father said to us,
Caine, Abel
to Him Above you must make a sacrifice -
a gift of the first part
of all that you have
(The Book of Nod, p. 21)
He'd prayed for a whole day and night, having gone to bed previously with his eyes wet with tears and mind racing for some sort of reprieve from its anguish, and came to a realization on his own, as his prayers deliberately weren't answered.
The Oracles watched in horrified fascination as Caine killed his brother and created a new, poisonous set of concepts that would ultimately infect man and angel alike. The Oracles' first instinct was to bend all their efforts to preventing such a terrible act, but the lessons recently learned during the lunar raid gave them pause. Would it be worth it to allow the First Murder to occur if it led to a final triumph over the Holy Host? The idea tantalized them. This would be their first attempt to consciously alter the universe according to their will rather than God's, and in the end, the allure of that fact overcame their moral reservations. The storm approached, and the Neberu did nothing, believed that they were about to forever turn the tide of the war in the rebels' favor. (Houses of the Fallen, p. 102)
Despite offering up the brightest fruits and sweetest grasses, it wasn't enough - and likely never would be for he could never truly love the plants that he grew - not to the level that Abel reached with his animals whose births he aided in, those who he nourished and watched grow. So he offered up the only thing he possibly could, for only one thing did he love with his whole heart: his brother. An act of sacrifice with reverberations on a cosmic scale.
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intriguecollections · 7 months
Url playlist tag game ~ tagged by @namaru (ty for tagging me! :D)
I Come With Knives - IAMX
Not Meant For Me - Wayne Static
The Zombie Song - Stephanie Mabey
Runaway - Mars Argo
Inside The Water - Kikuo
Going Under - Evanesence
Until The End - Kelley McRae
Entombed - Deftones
Cradles - Sub Urban
Off To The Races - Lana Del Rey
Lost - Linkin Park
Liar - Emilie Autumn
Everybody's Fool - Evanescence
Consume - Chase Atlantic
Terrible Thing - Ag & Brad
In Your Room - Depeche Mode
Off With Her Head - Ghost Town
Numb - Meg Myers
Slept So Long - Korn
Tagging anyone who's up for it 🎵
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chanoyu-to-wa · 1 month
The Chanoyu Hyaku-shu [茶湯百首], Part I:  Poem 10.
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〽 Namaru to ha te-tsuzuki hayaku mata osoku           tokoro-dokoro no sorowanu wo iu
     [鈍るとは手續き早く又遲く、           所〻の揃わぬを云う].
    “With respect to namaru¹, [we use this word to mean] when the continuing movements of the hands are now fast², and then slow³, so that [one] would say that here and there [the temae] is uneven.”
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    When someone performs a temae in this way, it gives the guests the feeling that the host is unsure about what he is doing:  he rushes through those actions in which he is confident, but lacks decisiveness or aplomb when he comes to those movements of which he is unsure.  This is disquieting.
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    Once again, there is an important difference between the earliest versions of this poem, and those that were passed on during the Edo period.  This early version reads:
〽 Namaru to ha michi ni te hayaku mata osoku          tokoro-dokoro ni mura aru wo iu
    [なまるとは道にてはやく又遲く          所〻に斑あるを云う].
    “With respect to namaru, [we use this word] when [one’s progress on] the Way is [now] rapid, [now] sluggish, [so that we] would say that here and there it is uneven⁴.”
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    In other words, while the later versions are talking about irregularities that are sometimes apparent in the student’s temae, here the focus is on the inconsistencies in the disciple’s spiritual development -- in one’s difficulty in attaining and maintaining a state of samadhi during the temae.  This latter lapse is much more critical, since the former can be cured by practicing the temae again and again⁵.
¹Namaru [鈍る] means that a blade has become dull or chipped, so it can no longer cut smoothly.  Drawing such a blade through something will cause the stroke to snag at one point, while it still cuts quickly at another, hence the allusion.
²Hayaku [早く] means swiftly, rapidly.  It also implies things like promptly and hastily -- that is, something that is done too fast, or too quickly.
³Osoku [遲く] means things like late, tardily, and belatedly -- with the implication being that something is done too slowly.
⁴Mura aru [斑ある], which usually refers to color or pattern (the kanji represents a piece of jade that has been cleaved into two by a blade, revealing the freshly cut surfaces and their imperfections) means there is blotchiness; the color is uneven; the appearance is not uniform.
⁵Of course, “practice” is also the cure for a case of irresolute spiritual development -- though training in chanoyu samadhi, at least, would have to be predicated on competency in the temae (since an uncertain hand during the temae would distract the mind from the cultivation of emptiness).
    It is important to take note of how chanoyu became completely secularized during the early Edo period, as the machi-shū’s ideology spread throughout the world of tea.
    In fact, this idiomatic reference to swords, as seen in the word namaru (meaning a dull sword), is completely in character for Zen writings from the classical period where, for example, we find things like the kōan [公案] “zō gyokken” [造玉劍], which means “sharpen your jade [or treasure] sword.”  The sword represents the master’s spiritual power; a dull sword, in turn, represents that on which the novice needs to apply his effort -- in other words, his samadhi.
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eden-regained · 5 months
I've decided that my WoD Vampire x Elohim crackship should be Setite/Ministry x Namaru bc not only do the latter possess Lores of light and fire on top of being a goddamn portable star, but Setites are also extra flammable.
Vampire has already turned themselves into a snowman of sunscreen but I think they'll need a few dozen parasols more atleast.
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we-are-a-dragon · 4 years
Belladonna (shadar-kai avenger): *grimly* I’m going to have a serious talk with Niños when we get back about lacking information.
Sunny (githzerai avenger): Yeah, she didn’t do very good vetting on this party.
blood (changeling sorcerer): Unless she’s a double agent and she sent us here to die. Maybe Namaru really was our contact all along and she drugged him to get to us.
Imperious (eladrin warlord): ...That’s upsettingly plausible.
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me and @namaru having our average visionary convos abt typo
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eric-the-bmo · 5 months
She fallen on my house till i namaru
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Introduction to my fantasy world
Each fantasy book is set on the fictional planet called Kaeyama. Each story is set in different countries with different MCs. 
The Countries are:
Bolyra - Bolyra is the first country and the starting place within the first book of The Legend of Bolyra. This country is rich in history and holds dark secrets that the rest of the Kaeyama inhabitants have long forgotten about. This is a medieval fantasy country with some modern tech, which will be covered in another post.
Huisong - Huisong is a fantasy Asian country that is steeped in tradition, lore, and is the third country to have humanoid animal races. 
Iecruinia - Iecruinia is a powerful dragon country filled with floating islands, lush forests, and mighty mountainsides. The inhabitants are dragons, dragon shifters, and dragonborns.  
Uthal and Nefrea - Uthal is a desert-like country that neighbors, Nefrea, which is a lush jungle-like country. These two countries are always at war with one another over resources.
Helina - A dictatorship country that is shrouded in mystery and is known for the biggest slave trade on the Kaeyama.
Namaru - A felinoid race, who are called Odine, inhabits this desert-like country that is based off Ancient Egypt.  
Moonfield and Cristalhold - These two countries are known for their fridgid temperatures and being the home to largest groups of Gninneagale, a grey-furred bipedal wolf race and Gauroku, a black-furred bipedal wolf race.
Pethaice - This tropical country is known for its fish, sea crystals, and various tropical fruits.
Kisaris - Is an island near Namaru. Not much is known about this place as many have assumed to be abandoned due to disease, war, or environmental problems.
Shiura - A freshwater aquatic country.
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Map by Azgaar Fantasy Map Generator
Link to the website: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/
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alta-ire · 4 years
wait so one fairy clan is all nobility and the rest of them are all peasants? that’s fucked up and also how the namaru think the houses work lol
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