#hellen Jo
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Hellen Jo
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spitmercury · 1 year
borderline evil when artists print designs onto gildan shirts, etc like why do u punish me for supporting u, i am so aware of my body bc i can feel the texture of this shirt every place it is touching me this is not okay!
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miss-madness67 · 4 months
The Smell of You (Sam drabble)
When you meet your Alpha.
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Harvelle’s Roadhouse for hunters is in a way you have never seen before. Rugged men and women mingling with each other makes the smell of Alpha all the more potent. It’s no surprise most hunters are Alphas, but it is still bothersome considering your presentation as an Omega. You try to avoid as many people as you can as you navigate through the crowd. Your suppressants keep the attention of others away most of the time, but you prefer to avoid physical contact if you can. In the busy bar, there is no sign of your best friend, Jo. You think maybe she has gone behind the counter to help her mother, but Hellen is expertly managing the customers on her own. Where the hell has Jo gone to?
The door of the establishment opens and closes yet again, but you’re too busy looking for your friend to glance at the newcomers. Finally, in the mass of bodies, you spot Jo animatedly talking to Ash in a corner of the place, near the jukebox. With a smile on your face, you make your way over. Just as you reach them, something else happens. Your friend looks from over your shoulder at something -someone- behind you. And before you turn around, before you look at him, you smell him. People often say that when finding your mate, all of your concentration would be taken away and the only focus would be on them. You want to agree, but more than that, all that you can focus on is the smell. Oh, so sweet and yet so masculine. You wish to melt on him like butter, you feel reborn. Finally, as you look up, your eyes clash with Sam Winchester and nothing else seems to matter. You are his.
Taglist: @desimarie12 @hobby27 @coppernickeldime @sweetwerewolfqueen @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @perpetualabsurdity @deanswaywardgirl @seppys-return-to-madness @mrspeacem1nusone
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marimoscorner · 1 month
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Welcome to Marimo's Corner—your corner for chaotic, queer, mindful magic and paganism. This blog is meant as sort of a public grimoire of our path as well as a reference for other witches and pagans who wish to view it. We are by no means the authority on any subject nor perfect, but we want to contribute our small voice to the pot and hope it can help someone out. We want to foster community and find other like-minded souls to befriend! 🌿✨
Blog Content
This blog will widely cover what it is we study on our shared path. We study the following, but branch out as well.
Mythos: Celtic, Hellenic
Deities: Cernunnos, Pan, Danu, Dionysus, the Dagda, Apollo, among others.
Topics: Druidry, Celtic Magic, Hellenic Magic, Ancestral Magic, Green Magic, Kitchen & Home Magic, Knot Magic, Osteomancy, Tasseomancy, Bardism, Queer Inclusion in Magic, Animism, Ecclectic/Chaos Magic, Wheel of the Year, Convergence of Science & Magic, among others.
This blog will also be a sort of journal for us, so please do not expect perfection. We are excited to share with you!
About Us
We are a diagnosed DID system, so you'll see posts from a few of us! We'll do our best to remember to tag who writes what. Here are our primary spiritual alters.
Marimo he/they 🌿
Autumn she/her 🍁
Aekian he/they/she 🐏
Moss they/she 🍀
Bear he/they/it 🌲
Caleb he/him 📙
Gale he/they/she 🔮
Olive she/they🗡️
Rosie she/her ☕️
Jo she/they 🪻
Zephyr he/they 🦴
We all have slightly different interests, and are excited to share with you. We hope to see you again soon! Feel free to follow along on our journey. Thank you!
In an effort to make this blog a better resource, we will do our best to remember to log resources we’ve read here for your own research. Most will be directly witchy in nature, but others are simply lifestyle.
Irish Fairytales & Folklore by Y.B. Yeats (1888)
The Spirit of the Celtic Gods & Goddesses by Carl McColman & Kathryn Hines (2005)
The Book of Celtic Myths by Jennifer Emick (2017)
Celtic Mysticism by Tracie Long (2023)
The Book of Hedge Druidry by Joanna Van Der Hoeven (2019)
Queering your Craft by Cassandra Snow (2020)
Feral Self Care by Mandi Em (2023)
Etc. (Others I’ve sold, given, or borrowed)
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ghostattack · 2 years
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Archiving my artistic influences thread from twitter. I liked this exercise, for all the usual narcissistic reasons, but also bc by juxtaposing all these artists that have affected me, I see where they connect to each other as well as myself. - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -
Harold Gray Takashi Murakami Paul Pope Henry Darger Gary Panter Robert Rauschenberg Lynn Varley Frank Miller Shigenobu Ohashi aka Butanohana Bwana Spoons Aya Takano George Grosz Julie Doucet Mark Wheatley & Marc Hempel Ernie Colon Rumiko Takahashi Guy Davis Rick Veitch Ryan Cecil Smith Hellen Jo David Mazzucchelli Michaelene Walsh Keith Giffen Christophe Blain
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cosmonautroger · 2 years
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Hellen Jo
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thepaganraccoon · 2 years
Therasia: Minoan Goddess of the Sun, Fire, and Daytime Sky
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Who Is She?
Within the Modern Minoan Path (MMP), Therasia is one of the Three Mothers at the top of the pantheon. The Three Mothers are split into a triplicity: sky, land and sea. Therasia represented the sky.
The Minoan civilization is largely a mystery to us because their language is still undeciphered! So how did we get to know about Therasia? Well, Linear A is undeciphered, but Linear B is readable. Linear B was a later version of Linear A, and an early ancestor of Ancient Greek, that gives us some insight.
“At Knossos [a large “city” of Crete which could have functioned something like a capitol if we use today’s thinking], in a LMIIIA context (14th century BC), seven Linear B texts while calling upon "all the gods" make sure to grant primacy to an elsewhere-unattested entity called qe-ra-si-ja and, once, qe-ra-si-jo. However this probably refers to a god or a person rather than to an island *Qherasia > Therasia.” Wikipedia.
How do we know there even was a Sun Goddess? Well, unexpectedly, one of the biggest sources the MMP has drawn knowledge from has been folk dance/ethno-choreography from around the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean regions. Ethno-choreography is “not just the study or cataloguing of the thousands of external forms of dances—the dance moves, music, costumes, etc.— in various parts of the world, but the attempt to come to grips with dance as existing within the social events of a given community as well as within the cultural history of a community. Dance is not just a static representation of history, not just a repository of meaning, but a producer of meaning each time it is produced—not just a living mirror of a culture, but a shaping part of culture, a power within the culture:
“The power of dance rests in acts of performance by dancers and spectators alike, in the process of making sense of dance… and in linking dance experience to other sets of ideas and social experiences”.” Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnochoreology
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In many of these dances, there is honoring and implication of a Sun Goddess. In Knossos, there is a throne room just off the temple complex’s courtyard that implies this Goddess. A sun rising over the double-peaked sacred summit of Mt. Juktas flanked by palm trees and griffins, both things believed throughout the Mediterranean to be symbols of an ancient Sun Goddess. So whatever she might have been called in their native tongue, this Sun Goddess was obviously a sacred part of their religious practices.
These pieces of evidence and a collection of shared gnosis has led to the MMP understanding of Therasia.
How Therasia Differs From Other Sun Deity Traditions
We are used to thinking of the Sun as a masculine force in Hellenism and Wicca. However, before the Bronze Age Collapse, it seems the opposite was the norm. The Sun was a radiant woman, re-birthing herself yearly at the winter solstice. Personal experience and some shared gnosis has told me that while the Sun is a large part of her, she is not just this. She is the daytime sky, whether it is sunny with blue skies or dark and stormy. Rain, too, is her (though she shares this with the Serpent Mother). The nighttime sky, however, is our lady of stars Ourania. She may have also been regarded as the harbinger of the seasons. Many have encountered her as a powerful first contact when approaching Minoan spirituality.
While family trees are convenient and appealing in pantheons, as MMP founder Laura Perry puts it, the Minoan pantheon is more akin to a circus house of fun mirrors. However, Therasia is considered in MMP as the mother of Korydallos, god of joy, dance and humor, and Arachne, goddess of fate. Therasia and Korydallos may have been worshipped in a pair as Thumia and Kaulo in the form of hummingbird-lovers. (Mother-Son relationships among the gods was not considered incest, just a deity-thang).
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Eruption on Therasia
If you googled Therasia, you would find the island Therasia, the second largest island in the volcanic island group of Santorini in the Greek Cyclades. What are now the two islands, Therasia and Thera, was once one island, split by a volcanic eruption known as the Thera Eruption or the Minoan Eruption. I talk about the Thera Eruption because it was a contributing factor to the decline of Minoan Crete. Many palaces and coastal areas were destroyed. At the same time, there is evidence of invasion from Mycenaeans. It is also possible that the eruption spawned tsunamis which further decimated the island.
“The Minoan eruption was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption that devastated the Aegean island of Thera (also called Santorini) in around 1600 BCE. It destroyed the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri, as well as communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and the coast of Crete with subsequent earthquakes and tsunamis… the eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in human history.
Although there are no clear ancient records of the eruption, its plume and volcanic lightning may have been described in the Egyptian Tempest Stele, and the ensuing volcanic winter coincides with a cold wave mentioned in the Chinese Bamboo Annals. Since tephra from the Minoan eruption serves as a marker horizon in nearly all archaeological sites in the Eastern Mediterranean, its precise date is of high importance and has been fiercely debated among archaeologists and volcanologists for decades, without coming to a definite conclusion.” Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption
In the aftermath, I would be fascinated to know what myths the surviving Minoan people told to explain the series of tragedies and whether Therasia was any part of it as the namesake of the island that erupted. Especially since, allegedly, the eruption affected the coloration of the sunsets for three whole years. Additionally, some people think that this tragedy might have contributed to the myth of Atlantis.
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☀️The Sun
☀️The Sun Wheel*
*(A perverted version of this symbol has been appropriated by Nazis so please be wary. It is still a sacred symbol but not all who use it use it in its original context. The Minoans were far from Aryan and have no support for the ideals of Nazism).
☀️Date Palm Trees
☀️The Pillar, Pillar Imagery
☀️Figure of Eight Shields
☀️The Color Known As Phoenician Red/Tyrian Purple
☀️Electricity (a friend’s upg)
Ideas For Worship:
☀️Expanding your worldview
☀️Inspiration and creativity
☀️Connecting with the divine feminine
☀️Renewing your youthful spirit, as She does every winter solstice
☀️Fueling your inner strength and resilience
☀️Anything that needs passion, creativity, and/or vital energy
Ideas For Offerings:
☀️”Scipy” scents (Cinnamon, ginger, frankincense)
☀️Relevant Imagery
☀️A Labrys
I have found her to be open to tarot and pendulum; however, tarot wasn’t a favorite. Fire-based divination is a great fit. According to others I talk to, apparently any divination which involves reflection, reflection of the sun, is good to Her. White stones also seem to be a favorite for Her in the sense of geomancy/lithomancy or just as cult objects. One of the tarot cards I have come to associate with Her is the Page of Wands. I personally have a mirror dedicated to her from which I have received messages.
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Devotional Poem
Fire of heaven,
Shine your radiance upon me.
As your power moves my spirit,
So your brilliance fills my heart
And warms me to my core.
Help me to stay seated in
The strength and passion
That is your gift to us
And to remember that
Your light shines within me, always.
- Laura Perry
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The Mod Squad
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Mod Ghosts is your shop owner here! An advanced spirit worker that's been at it for 18 years. They are a hereditary with that specializes in curse work, spirit work, and general chaos magic. They have roughly 13 spirit companions in their family. When not at Hallowed they work often, spend time with their cat, family, and partners.
Ghosts currently specializes in Vampires, demons, crystalized hellcats, Drip deers, and Florals. They work with mainly dark aligned spirits.
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Mod Mandrake is one of the shop owners here at Hallowed Conjurations. She is a witch and pagan who has been practicing witchcraft for 13 years and communicating with spirits for even longer though she only started to put intentional work into working with spirits in 2012. She has a large sanctuary that is home to many spirits and many spirits friends but currently only works closely with 4 companions.
Outside of spirit work, she loves playing table top role playing games, video games, writing, and doing lots of crafts.
Mod Mandrake works primarily with fae entities, nature spirits and canine spirits but has worked with a very wide variety of different types of entities.
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Mod Banshee is an Intermediate spirit worker and witch. She is 30 years old and has been a Pagan Witch for 14 years. She's been working with thoughtforms for 12 years, and formal spirit work for 5.
When not working for Hallowed Conjurations fae enjoys crocheting, spending time with her wife & pets and practicing energy work (and, of course, hanging out with spirits and her spirit fam!). Fae has 3 official companions and is also a god and spirit spouse.
Currently she does the most work with thoughtforms inspired by Flight Rising dragons, but also works with an exclusive species called Forever Kittens. Fae prefer light to grey aligned spirits. She will not adopt out to anyone under the age of 17.
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Mod Gremlin is an advanced-intermediate spirit worker who started actively researching spirit work in 2015, giving them roughly 7 years of experience. Mod Gremlin is an eclectic polytheist, though they keep their religion fairly separate from their spirit work. They have four formal spirit companions, though they have other spirit friends as well.
Currently, they mostly work with an exclusive species known as owla or owlen. In the future, they’d like to specialize in working with demons as well. They prefer working with gray aligned or dark-gray aligned spirits. Mod Gremlin does not work with beings heavily associated with Abrahamic religions, such as certain angel species.
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Mod Crow is an intermediate spirit worker who began working with spirits amid 2016. They have approximately 6 years of experience with astral travel and spirit companionship. He has two formal companions and other spirit acquaintances. They practice animism typically working with local spirits. Mod Crow likes herpetology, crafting, and cosplay when they aren't busy with university. He has aspirations of working in a museum and moving abroad.
Due to their animistic practice, Mod Crow typically works with nature aligned spirits. Their specialization lies in ancestor work and domestic spirit work. While open to working with all types of spirits and religious faiths, Mod Crow will not tolerate heavily gendered faiths that promote sex based gender structures.
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Mod Werewolf is a late intermediate spirit worker who began researching spirit work and met their first companion in mid-2017. However, while they only have been doing intentional spirit work for 5 years, spirituality has been a big part of their life since they were very young, though they did not realize it at the time. Mod Werewolf is an eclectic witch and Kemetic and Hellenic pagan, although this does not usually mix with their spirit work. They have 10 official spirit companions, although they have many more spirit friends, including the families of their spirit companions.
When not working on Hallowed Conjurations, Mod Werewolf enjoys video games, writing, traveling, and their job (they work full time and thus may not always be available). Currently, Mod Werewolf is finding new and improved methods of vetting and conjuring in a way that works best for them, as well as developing a deeper relationship with the spirits they conjure and are vetting, including Winged Holland Lops, a species they have a contract with (similar to an exclusive, although anyone can conjure a Winged Holland Lop). Mod Werewolf is happy to work with any alignment of spirit, although they are not very familiar firsthand with extremely dark-aligned spirits. They also are open to the idea of working with most species, as long as they are not from a closed culture.
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jerrylevitch · 2 years
Who's Lonnie Brown? and what was her relation with Jerry?
She's the one that was one of Jerry's closest friends when he was a teen, and was the daughter of Charles and Lillian Brown at Brown's Hotel where Jerry got his start. Jerry’s dad was working at the hotel, in the winter of 1938/39. This story takes place on a February morning in 1939 after he watched Lonnie singing to old records.
"Their daughter Lonnie-though only fourteen years old, she was mature, perceptive; someone you could easily relate to, knowing she’d keep your deepest secrets and listen to your problems, big or small, without losing sight of them. Soon she became a real sister-so to speak- as well as my closest friend.
'Sure, I told you-really, you sing good. Almost like Edyth Wright. Except, well…” She nodded silently, her face beginning to blush. At last, “I’m not that good, am I?” she asked in a strained little voice. “Lonnie, what I mean”- and this I said gripping her hand- “why sing almost like her when you can be her!"  "Me? Don’t be silly.” She seemed dumbfounded, but at the same time intrigued with my answer. And gleefully I kept building the fantasy, as though I had lived it a hundred years. “It’s simple as pie, Lonnie. You could do Edyth Wright and Hellen O’ Connel and, uh…Betty Hutton, Kitty Kallen, Jo Stafford-I tell you, there’s no end to it! The trick is to make believe you’re singing-see?” “How?” “How? Jeez, lemme show you!” Soon I had her perched on the chair watching me with perfect gravity as I began playing the same record; meanwhile clutching the teddy bear to my heart, completely preoccupied, the bit wholly imagined and feeling totally alone in the pleasure of my own making- Just to see myself spinning crazily away from the victrola the moment that TD’s solo leads into the vocal spot, then silently mouthing the first note exactly in time- YOU’RE Pear-shaped it was, or absurd but anyway- A SWEETHEART, IF THERE EVER WAS ONE, IF THERE EVER WAS ONE IT’S YOU… While staring pop-eyed at the teddy bear, then jumping out of the trance with a happy gleam to fling it up at the ceiling…Now on my knees, I mouth a lament over little Teddy, whose lying there on the floor- LIFE WITH YOU WAS AN INCOMPLETE DREAM, YOU ARE EVERY SWEET DREAM COME TRUE… And at the finish Lonnie’s off her chair in a screaming fit.
Later on Red Buttons was set to perform but was running late…
And five minutes later, in an amazing rush off Dad’s frantic call for a novelty interlude, Lonnie and I had the old Victrola out, and before you knew it we were working on the bill. She did the Edyth Wright number. Then it was my turn to strut and shake a la Jimmy Durante. (Just a minute! Everybody wants to git inta de act!) Finally we cut loose with the famed Jeannette MacDonald-Nelson Eddy “Indian Love Call” finishing to cheers. Yep, Red Buttons had arrived! We played maybe half a dozen shows that winter. It wasn’t enough, so I’d step right into the grinder and badger my fathers agent, Harry Cuttler, trying to raise his interest so he could get us booked at any one of the many small hotels in town. But he’d merely blink those dark melancholy eyes of his and say, “Not now, there’s plenty of time later,” and I finally told Lonnie, “Maybe we shouldn’t rehearse. What for?” And she said, “Guess you’re right. Who wants to bother with a couple of kids?” It brings a laugh when I think of it now; yet it’s kinda sad, too, if you’ve ever dreamed. "
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nuu-wa · 1 year
Still so sad the Hellen Jo and Big Bud Press collab never panned out, and it stings even more because Hellen has stopped designing shirts and just sells the occasional print now 🥲 I’m happy for her though because she seems to be doing more fulfilling small-scale projects and gallery exhibitions now
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What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Well first this was definitely not a question I was expecting in my ask box lol. And second honestly I did not know anything about this particular sector of satanism until now; but I looked into this particular group/branch. Considering they are anti-Semitic as fuck; and actively promote denial of the Holocaust; uhhh yeah not cool with any of that bro. Just like immediately no. Absolutely fucking not. Yikes all around. Do not pass go. Can’t think of any other ways to say FUCK NO to emphasize just how not cool I am with that bullshit. But yeah FUCK NO.
After reading their beliefs; which is just a weird mishmash of random pagan based spirituality and other beliefs that they clearly don’t actually understand mixed with conspiracies and nazism. They honestly are very cultish to me. So yeah totally gross and appropriative weirdos. Not here for any of that; like at all.
But outside of JOS’s wackadoodle nonsense; I have no problem with actual Satanism and Luciferianism, or Paganism; people being LGBTQIA+ or being pro-choice . My best friend is actually a member of The Satanic Temple located here in the US. I’ve even been to a couple of their ritual nights in the past. Which were pretty neato. They are actually a really rad organization, they do lots of charity work and their tenants/beliefs are very progressive and not shitty. Personally I don’t practice Satanism or Luciferianism; but I have no problem with people who do so long as they aren’t fucking using their beliefs/philosophies to be shitty/gross to others. I am a Pagan myself; a Hellenic Polytheist specifically. I’m also pansexual and pro-choice 🤷🏽‍♀️. So yeah not super sure what you were hoping for in terms of my answer with this ask; but I hope I was able to answer it well enough Anonnie XD
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paulinedorchester · 2 years
Asian and Pacific Islander (and diaspora) singers of Western classical music: a list that may actually be slightly more complete than its predecessors
The reason I say that — and why most of these artists are still with us — is that this is a fairly recent phenomenon. Still, I’m bound to have missed some. This list includes East, South, and North Asia; the region sometimes known as Central Asia will get its own list.
My disclaimer from earlier posts in this series applies here as well.
Josef Jeongmeen Ahn, baritone, S Korea
Julius Ahn, tenor, S Korea
Brian Asawa (1966-2016), counter-tenor, USA
Seok Jong Baek, tenor, S Korea
Zheng Cao (1966-2013), mezzo-soprano, China
Jeongcheol Cha, bass-baritone, S Korea
Wei En Chan, counter-tenor, Singapore
Mario Chang, tenor, Guatemala
Sejong Chang, Bass, S Korea
Peixin Chen, bass, China
Sungjun Cho, bass, S Korea
Tiffany Choe, soprano, USA
Insik Choi, baritone, S Korea
Jerilyn Chou, soprano, USA
Siman Chung, counter-tenor, S Korea
Paul Corona, bass, USA
Chao Deng, bass, China
Danielle de Niese, soprano, Australia
Adam Diegel, tenor, S Korea
Amartuvshin Enkhbat, baritone, Mongolia
Arthur Espiritu, tenor, Philipines
Hinako Fujihara, soprano, Japan
Ying Fang, soprano, China
Andrew Gangestad, bass, S Korea
Sen Guo, soprano, China
Hui He, soprano, China
Candy Grace Ho, contralto, Hong Kong
Karen Chia-ling Ho, soprano, Taiwan
Haeran Hong, soprano, S Korea
Hei-Kyung Hong, soprano, S Korea
Elenora Hu, soprano, Netherlands
Ya Chung Huang, tenor, Taiwan
Sumi Hwang, soprano, S Korea
Sunhae Im, soprano, S Korea
Shiki Inoue, soprano, Japan
Yeonjoo Katharina Jang, soprano, S Korea
Sol Jin, baritone, S Korea
Sumi Jo, soprano, S Korea
David Minseok Kang, bass, S Korea
Joo Won Kang, baritone, S Korea
Pilgoo Kang, bass-baritone, S Korea
Quinn Kelsey, baritone, USA
Maya Kherani, soprano, USA
Antonia Ahyoung Kim, soprano, S Korea
David Junghoon Kim, tenor, S Korea
Gihoon Kim, baritone, S Korea
Hyoyoung Kim, soprano, S Korea
Jason Kim, tenor, S Korea
Jihee Kim, soprano, S Korea
Kangmin Justin Kim, counter-tenor, S Korea
Kathleen Kim, soprano, S Korea
Konu Kim, tenor, S Korea
Kyungho Kim, tenor, S Korea
Young Woo Kim, tenor, S Korea
Hellen Kwon, soprano, S Korea
Adam Lau, bass, USA
Haegee Lee, soprano, S Korea
Hye Jung Lee, soprano, S Korea
Seungweon Lee, bass, S Korea
Yonghoon Lee, tenor, S Korea
Yunah Lee, soprano, S Korea
Mingjie Lei, tenor, China
Jonathan Lemalu, bass-baritone, New Zealand
Meili Li, counter-tenor, China
Simon Lim, bass, S Korea
Chuanyuan Liu, counter-tenor, China
Long Long, tenor, China
Yitian Luan, soprano, China
Aki Matsui, soprano, Japan
Francesca Mehrotra, soprano, USA
Bejun Mehta, counter-tenor, USA
Misaki Morino, soprano, Japan
Eri Nakamura, soprano, Japan
Nina Yoshida Nelsen, mezzo-soprano, USA
Sean Panikkar, tenor, USA
Sherezade Panthaki, soprano, India
Hera Hyesang Park, soprano, S Korea
Jongmin Park, bass, S Korea
So Young Park, soprano, S Korea
Young Doo Park, bass, S Korea
Amitai Pati, tenor, New Zealand
Pene Pati, tenor, Samoa
Nicholas Phan, tenor, USA
Sun-Ly Pierce, mezzo-soprano, USA
Ta’u Pupu’a, tenor, Tonga
Ross Ramgobin, baritone, UK
Teddy Tahu Rhodes, baritone, New Zealand
Rodell Rosel, tenor, Philippines
Yasko Sato, soprano, Japan
Shenyang, bass-baritone, China
Yijie Shi, tenor, China
Mika Shigematsu (d. 2019), mezzo-soprano, Japan
Kihwan Sim, bass-baritone, S Korea
Narea Son, soprano, S Korea
Juyeon Song, soprano, S Korea
Andrew Stenson, tenor, S Korea
William Guanbo Su, bass, China
Yeree Suh, soprano, China
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, soprano, New Zealand
Asitha Tennekoon, tenor, Sri Lanka
Pete Thanapat, bass-baritone, Thailand
Brian Vu, tenor, USA
Karen Vuong, soprano, USA
Kang Wang, tenor, China
Yunpeng Wang, baritone, China
Boya Wei, soprano, China
David Won, baritone, S Korea
Hongni Wu, mezzo-soprano, China
Wei Wu, bass, China
Lei Xu, soprano, China
Angela Yam, soprano, USA
Guang Yang, mezzo-soprano, China
Seungwoo Simon Yang, tenor, S Korea
Wooyoung Yoon, tenor, S Korea
Junho You, tenor, S Korea
Kwangchul Youn, bass, S Korea
Guanqun Yu, soprano, China
Lu Yuan, tenor, China
Hyung Yun, baritone, S Korea
Liping Zhang, soprano, China
Meigui Zhang, soprano, China
Wenwei Zhang, bass, China
Yajie Zhang, mezzo-soprano, China
Huiling Zhu, mezzo-soprano, China
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stinckers · 4 years
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stincker Twin-Packs (2020)
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love-takes-work · 5 years
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Found Hellen Jo’s concept Amethyst in the movie
[First two images: Screenshots of Amethyst in Vidalia’s garage/art studio, featuring a painting behind Amethyst of her in hoop earrings, a coat, and striped pants]
[Third image: concept art by Hellen Jo, taken from Steven Universe: Art and Origins]
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moisok20 · 5 years
I just wanna thank God that Hellen Jo didn’t stay on Steven Universe as a storyboard artist
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Forgetting How to Draw the Rest of the World: An Interview with Hellen Jo, ICON11′s Programming Chair
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Hellen Jo is an illustrator and cartoonist living in Los Angeles, California. Her work, which includes watercolor paintings, comics, zines, and casual apparel, consists primarily of sullen and intimidating Asian American teenaged girls frightening the locals and disrespecting authority.
What's your favorite memory from past ICON conferences?
Before her ICON10 talk, Ako Castuera wordlessly walked on stage, performed a silent Okinawan karate form, then kicked over Josh Cochran's stage props with a bold yell. I felt chills of power, pride, and glowing respect and I get chills just thinking about it!!!
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Tell me about your practice!
I make a mix of comics, zines, and paintings for gallery shows. I do the tiniest bit of freelance illustration and I sustain myself via mailorder of graphic clothing that I design and prints of my work. I spend a lot of time drawing on computer paper and Post-Its, a smaller amount of time panicking over Arches watercolor paper, and about 10% of my time kicking and screaming at an old Wacom tablet attached to a nonfunctioning Cintiq where I color digitally. I draw angry teen girls exclusively, to the point of forgetting how to draw the rest of the world, and I sketch them from photo reference, real-life sightings, and memory. I'm currently working on a short coming-of-age comic, drawn on cheapo printer paper with 2B pencils, Post-Its, and correction tape.
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What is your studio/office space like?
My home office is essentially a child's bedroom covered in trinkets, posters, stickers, knick-knacks, a bookshelf full of zines, graphic novels, ghost story paperbacks, CDs and cassette tapes, and drawing/shipping supplies/printed shirts stuffed everywhere in between. I have a deep need to be surrounded by my precious junk assortment. In that pile are two large desks, laid out side by side against one wall; one desk is the electronic prison, where my Mac, Cintiq, second computer screen, laser printer, giclee printer, and large-bed scanner are located. The other desk houses my adjustable drawing surface, my heavy-duty guillotine paper cutter (for trimming zines), and a miniature Korean shaman shrine I built for my last gallery show, FOLK MEDIC. The room is my sanctuary, but it can be distracting, so I am also subletting a bare concrete bunker of a studio 15 minutes away, where I am working on my comic pages.
What's your hometown and where do you currently live?
I was born in the South, in Mississippi, and my family moved around a lot in my early childhood, but I mainly grew up in San Jose, California and I consider myself a Bay Area native. I currently live in Los Angeles, California.
Who are some of your favorite emerging creatives?
I really adore the work of Michelle Kwon, a young animator and cartoonist in New York. She is currently drawing and publishing online the coming-of-age comic, “To Die.”
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