#henry fox rp
theonehenryfox · 2 months
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Always glad to take a bite at the Big Apple. #NYC #ferrari @f1driveralexcd
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bravelyloves · 9 months
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          THIS IS WHO I AM
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meraki-yao · 4 months
Some people say Nick posts about mary & george when there is something about Taylor because he wants to show that he has real jobs and shift the focus to real projects god, they're so evil
Jesus Christ, fuck them. They're stirring drama for drama's sake. That's their FUCKING JOB. M&G is literally 2 weeks, 14 days away, why wouldn't Nick post about M&G? Like they didn't choose for these dates to collide, it just did.
So yeah you're right, those people are fucking evil who can't leave a good thing alone.
But honestly, I'm amused by this "argument"/"criticism", and I'll tell you why (warning: discussion of real-person shipping under the cut, please don't read if you're uncomfortable with the subject)
Also warning, I ended up with a short-essay, because I'm me lmao
As I mentioned before, for rwrb I'm mostly active here; but I also look at the posts and opinions of the Chinese rwrb fandom (i don't post there though, I don't have nor want to have Chinese social media accounts)
and the thing about shipping culture in China is that RP shipping is almost DEFAULT (and I can write a whole dissertation on this phenomenon if anyone wants to read it) like, if you ship a pair in a show/movie unless the actor/actress is publicly in a long term MARRIAGE, not just relationship, MARRIAGE FOR LIKE AT LEAST FIVE YEARS, the audience will automatically ship the actors too. So much so that this is part of THE MARKETING STRATEGY of all locally-produced streaming shows
Also, when I say ship, I don't mean "aww that's cute they're cute together", I mean tin hatters. I mean they genuinely try to find snips and bits in photos that might serve as proof that they're together. We call it 嗑(磕)糖 ke tang (Eating/Drugged by Candy), because in Chinese weddings candy (called 喜糖 Xi Tang "happiness"-"candy") is given to guests, and because it's sweet. The "evidence" is called "candy", and the act of looking and finding "candies" is called "eating candies".
all this to say, nearly all rwrb fans in China ship Taylor and Nick together, and they're genuinely convinced that they're together. I've seen my fair share of "candy"/"evidence" and they keep coming. (some of those i genuinely think they're trying too hard but there are really some that I see and go "...damn.")
a last little tidbit from me and my opinion on the whole shipping thing for now: personally I don't entirely agree with the default real-person shipping, it has proven to be problematic in the past and honestly I hate how monetized it is, but 1, it's such an "everybody in the country does it" thing that I... would be lying if I said I'm not influenced by that mindset at all, 2, I know where this mindset came from and it has stuff to do with the societal pressure of young adults in the country and rebellion against traditional concepts of marriage and stuff. It's a sociology phenomenon, and when I look at it as an outsider, I find it kind of fascinating.
As for my opinion on the boy's relationship, I don't...care? I know they have a good relationship and that's all I want for them. As for what type of relationship they have, I don't really mind/care, and I don't think we should look too much into that. That's their relationship for them to define and them to publicize if they want to. I know for a fact, that they are great friends. Are they more than friends? That's unfalsifiable, and that's no one's business but their own. So that's my stance.
But I had to choose one extreme fan's reaction, rps is a much less harmful thing than the sheer amount of hate and deliberate drama-stirring I've seen. So there.
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henryfoxlovebot · 2 months
hi, hi!!
i'm 19 and will only rp with +18! i've been roleplaying for 8 years ontop of writing for myself! i really enjoy writing while also making friends and rotting over our characters!! im lazy lit to advanced, but usually mirror replies!
i don't *usually* double up, but i'd be willing to try based on the idea!! i love adding side characters and depth to our rp however!
i'm not in a lot of fandoms, but i'll rp red white and royal blue, school spirits, spiderman or ships from modern family! (preferably haley and andy!!)
for ocs, however, that's a different ballgame. i love dystopian, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, drama, angst. i’m great at brainstorming and coming up with ideas but only if i'm getting input too!!
i preference mxm and mxf. i'd rather write the female in the mxf.
i'm good with nsfw and i'm switch and prefer you to be as well!!
my oc masterlist is linked below! if you’re interested in rping with ocs, please look at them! i also love love love when people write as my ocs, so if that’s something you’re into — let’s chat! i’m super good with letting you have creative freedom with them!
and so — if you’re interested, send me a message! i don’t respond to likes. in your initial message, include the following:
your intro, age, what you’re looking for + the oc(s) you want to write for or against!!
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hellaa-roleplay · 3 months
Hi!! Im 25F looking for a firstprince rp!
I’m looking to play Henry so I’m looking for someone to play Alex.
I have a lot of ideas and I also would love to incorporate either dom/sub elements or omegaverse (With Henry being the sub or omega)
I have a lot of other ideas though! Some range from au’s to canon/canon divergent so please send me a dm or like this post!!
Please be 18+, semi-lit, write in 3rd person,and have a discord!
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sunshinewalters · 8 months
heyy yall ! i’ve been scrubbing tumblr for days and thought i’d finally just make my own post about it! i am… looking for a firstprince roleplay!
• i’m 18 so please be 18+!! (for smut to be involved obvs. if you are under 18 please lmk before we start!!)
• i write in 3rd person! length varies WIDLY between either full length novels and a few sentences
• i prefer to use discord!
• i’ve read the book AND watched the movie!!
• i usually reply pretty quickly!
• i don’t mind being henry or alex! whichever works
• also i love chatting about the rp while it’s going on. just warning you
please send me a message on here if you’re interested!
(posted: oct. 23, 2023)
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chlzeas · 8 months
OH MY LORD rwrb roleplay?? HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT ! someone please i beg 😔
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frwappuccino · 22 days
hi hello ₊ ⊹
I am once again looking for a few new red, white & royal blue roleplay partners!
there’s more info on my pinned post, please check it out if it sounds interesting!!
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deziahx · 11 months
Just finished the book for Red, White and Royal Blue and I loved it! I can’t wait for the movie! Would anyone want to rp Alex to my Henry? I would love to explore more with these boys! We can rp here or on discord!! ❤️
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eldritchdemonfox · 2 years
Mockups of characters i made for my fnaf roleplay server’s au (a father’s love)
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They are, in order: Jeremy Fitzgerald, Gabriel Emily (formerly Brown) , Michael Emily (formerly Afton), Evan Emily (formerly Afton), Elizabeth Emily (formerly Afton), Charlotte Emily, Susie Brooks, and Henry Emily.
Made using the app Lily Story
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theonehenryfox · 16 days
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One more from a couple of weeks ago. Monaco will always be my favorite.
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nothinggathers · 1 year
DBH Fic Masterlist
One shots
Impatient - PWP - Human AU - Connor works at a tacky wings bar and hooks up with Hank in the alley
Dirty Laundry - PWP - Human AU - Hank has inappropriate feelings for the college student renting his spare room which he’s content to keep to himself, until he finds out the pictures of a guy that looks just like him don’t just look like him.
Warning: Drunk sex, post break-up revenge porn
The Mermaid of Fox Creek - Teen - Mermaid AU - Hank finds a broken down merdroid on the beach and takes him home, inadvertently teaching him to like soft things and How It’s Made before falling a little bit in love.
Night of the Soul - NC-17 - Canonverse - In the aftermath of the raid on Jericho Hank is spiraling, until Connor comes to ask for his help...
Warning: Rape by deception
Scandal - NC-17 - Modern Royalty AU - His Royal Highness, Henry Prince of Wales and his valet, Connor, share a few stolen minutes in the depths of a forbidden tryst that would ruin them both if it came to light.
Close To Me Always - G - Hank reflects on his relationship with Connor in the aftermath of his loss.
Warning: Major Character Death
Beautiful - Teen - Connor finds the imperfection and impermanence of Hank’s body beautiful, and Hank shows Connor that his body bears the marks of living too.
Ensoulment - G - Connor reads fairytales and ruminates on his own personhood
Ghosts in the Machines - Explicit - Reverse AU (Featuring art from @winterbaroness and @vladlen4i) - Detective Stern and his prototype android partner investigate murders and the disappearances of androids, and realise there is so much more to this than there seems....
Only Fools Rush In - Explicit - Post revolution Hank and Connor have been just friends, until Connor bids on Hank at a charity date auction.
Cross my heart and hope to live - Mature - Human Mafia AU - Connor is a hitman working under Hank when a job goes wrong and he gets badly hurt. But help arrives in time.
Warning: Suicidal thoughts mentioned
Two Smiles - Explicit - Modern Human AU set in real world London
Getting Home - Connor is gravely injured on a stakeout and Hank puts him up in his home while he recovers, but feelings they’ve both done their best not to acknowledge blossom under the unique circumstances.
Warnings: Graphic depiction of injury
Pendulum - Hank and Connor’s relationship develops over the following months, and Connor is faced with some difficult decisions about what direction he wants to go in the future.
Warnings: References to criminal cases involving rape, spousal abuse, child abuse, child death, alcoholism.
Also includes references to Hank’s recovering alcoholism
This Isn’t Meant To Last - Explicit - Human Prostitute AU set in a world where indentured servitude was never illegalised
One Night - Hank’s idiot friends drag him to a brothel on a drunken night out, and he finds himself alone with a doe eyed beauty that thinks Hank is the one that needs to be rescued.
Warnings: Prostitution
Yours - Hank returns even though he knows he shouldn’t, and he’s determined to help get Connor out of there, but he doesn’t know just how terrible Connor’s situation really is.
Warnings: Sibling incest, aftermath of violence, heaping amounts of angst, dubious consent, drug use, prostitution.
Icarus - Connor signs a deal that offers freedom for himself and Nines, but how much should he trust Elijah Kamski, and who will catch him when the wax melts? Ongoing.
Warnings: Prostitution, angst, dubious consent
Reverse Physiology - RP logs undertaken with @sevdrag set in a Reverse AU and then cleaned up for publishing
History - Detective Connor Stern thinks the HK800 Cyberlife assigned to the DPD for these deviancy cases might be more than just a machine, but the HK800 in question, Hank, disagrees. Until he doesn’t.
Reciprocity - Explicit - A year on, Hank the HK800 and Detective Stern are still working together, dancing around a mutual attraction as clumsily as they can. When Connor is injured at a crime scene Hank takes him home to take care of him, and things spill over.
Mutuality - Explicit - Connor plans to start the New Year as he means to go on: by finally telling Hank how he feels, and where they stand.
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meraki-yao · 5 months
Another thing from the Chinese RWRB fandom I wanted to share is, and I don't know if this is common at all, but there's a phrase called 衍生, meaning derivative, where people ship/create fan content/alternate universes for a ship's actor's other characters
So far Nick's filmography is bigger than Taylor's, so there are more different combinations with Nick's character, while for the most part for Taylor, they use Marco from Kissing Booth (who is the only good character and clearly the better man in 2, until he also got a little problematic in 3 but I think that's to force the main ship or something Kissing Booth was a fucking mess)
So I've seen people pair Marco up with Tom (Beat Beneath By Feet), Johnnie (High Strung), Sorensen (The Changeover), Timmy (The Craft: Legacy)
And it got me legit thinking that just based on their characterizations, who would make a good love story in an alternate universe with Marco?
Marco, Tom and Johnnie are all musicians, but Marco and Tom do more pop/modern-sounding music on the guitar while Johnnie is a classical violinist, so with Tom, it's like speaking the same language, but the combination of a modern and classical musician sounds really cool too
Tom is also like... a kid, while Marco and Johnnie I feel like are both protectors?
Timmy was an asshole at first but turns out it's cause he's got issues with a dead mom and struggling with his sexuality, so that emotional mess matches with the sunshine sweetheart that is Marco could also be fun?
Connor, who I haven't seen anyone mention yet can be understood as kind of a mixture between the three above? He plays the guitar, but also struggles with his sexuality and initially uses aggression to cope.
(I don't really know much about Sorensen, Sorry😶)
I don't know, What do you guys think would make the best pairing?
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henryfoxlovebot · 10 months
i opened after effects today after months of editors block (is that a thing? i’m making that a thing.)
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prpfs · 6 months
🦇 — hello! 21+ writer seeking 18+ writers.
i’m looking for a mxm canonxcanon rp. characters in italics are the ones i want to play but if both characters are in italics, i don’t mind playing either.
➵ red, white and royal blue:
henry fox x alex claremont-diaz
➵ dc 🕊️🍪
jason todd x dick grayson
jason todd x tim drake
jason todd x bruce wayne
➵ marvel (mcu)
bucky barnes x steve rogers
i prefer to rp in discord and i like to use private servers with tupperbox. i find it’s easier and neater. i’m down for chatting and building friendship ooc, sending songs or pictures relating to the rp, making pinterest boards and moodboards.
i usually tend to copy the writing length of my partner. one liners, semi-paras, paras (3-8 paras) also work. i’m okay nsfw. i’m down for rapidfires but i sometimes take up to a week to reply but please don’t hesitate to ping me for replies! i genuinely forget to hit reply sometimes.
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 3 months
(Open Rp) Ghostly Love story in " The Haunting of Phantom Manor"
Long time ago, Saphira Lorraina Fox has been Married to "Derek Stephen Vela" For the past 5 years and they decided to have kids but Derek wanted a baby Boy and Saphira Said to him that if this child is a girl, he needs to love her as well regardless of What Gender it will be..But He demanded to have a Boy and Not want anything to do with a Daughter if she has her…But then Saphira Slapped Him so hard it send him flying..and she said to him,"You Better Listen to me You-henry-the-8th-wannabe! Your going to love our child regardless of the gender..or so help me..I will give you a beaten of your life with a fucking belt! And I will make sure you Do…Do I make myself clear?" Her Words was Cold as ice and Her anger is seething ready to pull out a beaten belt…as Derek whimpers and Started to understand her terms or else..His ass Is going to be in the life of Asswhooping if he doesn't comply. Eight months later at the baby Shower, Saphira is Having a Boy and a girl That Will be named "Serena" (The girl) and Akira ((the boy..and honor to name after the creator of the DBZ,S, and GT)) as His parents was looking forward to see their grandbabies..including being thrilled to see their grandson and grand daughter but for Derek, He was thrilled to have a son but not cared about his Daughter…Saphira Was pretty angry at Derek for Obsessing to have a little boy and Not caring about the girl…but then on the nineth month, as she gave birth to a baby girl and baby boy…She holds them in her arms.. but then She notice something was wrong..she saw two children began to pass away in her arms, She Screams to the doctors and asking why the children died..but then The Doctor told her a Horrible news which made saphira shocked when she found out that she was Positive of some drug that she never dared to touch and all…She realized that someone put something on her drink to kill the twins..until Derek's parents came in and they were shocked and Devastated…and then Derek Came in and knowing if the boy survives..and She said angerly,
Saph:"Derek, What do you mean that "The Boy" Survives?"
Derek went pale knowing that he has been caught red bloodied handed and then he turns to saphira knowing that he is in huge trouble and with a Look of Saphira's angered face..he said,
Derek:" Umm..I can explain…i..ugh"
Saph:" Tell me…the truth…Right now… Did you have Something to do with my Son and my "DAUGHTERS" Death?"
Then His Mistress Name Claudia Cobra came in holding him..and asking if the Boy Survives and the girl dies so they can steal the son and her money as well..as Derek gave claudia a "Not Now" look..and claudia saw saphira….And Saphira was Shocked that He's been with Her Arch Bully..during the marriage..and She got angry and she said,
Saph:"Derek Stephen Vela, Is this true? and Why Are you With my arch bully?"
Derek:"Umm…Saph…you see..I put the drug to kill the daughter….I Didn't know it killed my son as well!"
Saphira's Eyes widen..and Her Blood begans to Boil in rage…and she and His parents said"WHAAAAAAAAT!?"
Saph:"Are you Out of your Sanity!? NOT ONLY You Killed my kids but Cheating on me with my arch Bully!? How could You Do this to your own wife!? and your own son and daughter!? You Cheated out on me! and my kids too!?"
Mr. Vela:" BOY! grabbed him by the ear You Fucked Up Big Time Now MISTER! I can't believe you would do this! Not Only on your Wife but your Own Children! You Are Suppose to love The Kids regardless of the gender! Your Mother and I Never raise you to become a Son-Obsessive Monster! And a Manwhore as well! pulls out a belt and dragged him to the other room I'm going to bust your ass now!"
Mrs.Vela: "And As For you Missy! grabbed Claudia by the hair and dragged her by the hallways and beat her up harshly How Dare you taking my son away from his wife!!?? Don't you know He's married!? I'll Have you Horsewhipped on you!"
Saphira was Furious at Derek..after Him and Claudia got ass beaten by Dereks parents and they were force to beg forgiveness..and then saphira said,"I will never forgive you Derek! You took away our little angels for your selfish desires! I'm going to divorce you and You! Claudia Cobra, I'll be suing you for compensation as well and i'll make sure you two are going to pay me dearly!" When Derek begged Saphira even more but She Smacked him away..and told him to leave…then after the divorce and all..Derek and Claudia was Charge of Murder and adultery and Saphira will make sure that No Women Will ever Marry nor date that Horrible man again…
One year later, Mr. and Mrs. Vela Comes to her home and apoligize for what their horrible son has done to her and the Children but as good Compensation, They decided to Gives her a Nice Lovely Manor that was meant for Derek but not anymore However, They said that This Manor is Haunted By the Groom of Phantom manor Who was Killed by "Carol Gazette" who's not only killed her own children but had an affair With the brother of Alastair Crump (aka the hatman) name "Harold Crump". Rumor Has it that Carol Gazette is a Witch Who Place a Curse Upon this Lovely Manor. Then Saphira decided to Start over and began to pack her stuff and all..she moved into a Lovely manor and she has a very own Gypsy woman Who is a Daughter Of Madame Leota Name," Marie Leona", She gives Saphira a lovely tour of this manor and after that…The Night came and the ghost Will come out to Socialized when the clock Struck Twelve…as Midnight came in..Saphira hears the Noises..and she said,"Hello? anyone here?" But then..the Handsome Voice Said…
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