#her dad was disrespectful toward me and keeps trying to contact me through her and my cousin
castielfucks · 29 days
dude actually i think I really don't like my mom
#her dad was disrespectful toward me and keeps trying to contact me through her and my cousin#even though i asked him to stop#my mom sends me a message saying “i know you told me not to pass on his messages but” and proceeds to pass on this nasty old dudes message#i tell her its disrespectful to my boundaries and im not interested in any contact or convo with this dude#and she sends me a vouce message CRYING ????? saying she hates being the middle man???#girl.... you are supposed to be the middle man for your child ? youre a parent ? thats not being a middle man thats parenting???#youre SUPPOSED to protect and defend your child from people they dont want to talk to#and your child getting frustrated when you fail to do so is not “throwing rocks” as she put it oh my GOD#get those fuckin tears out of bere man like i havent been the middle man the peacemaker for our family#since i was able to walk and talk#bitch PLEASE just be a parent!!! be normal about being a parent !!!!!!#how are you 50yo in a different state than your 80yo father and youre still scared of him ????#how do you let your father say some transphobic shit to your child and u shrug with “oh thats just how he is sorry”#youre grown as hell how does someone disown a 50 YEAR OLD ADULT CHILD LMAOOOO#please talk to your theraoist about it and not your youngest child !!! for once !!!!!!!! FOR ONCE !!!!!!!!#*****editing to add i just sent her a vm asking her to clarify what and who she meant by beung a middle man#if she says me im throwing hands verbally
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filmofhybe · 6 months
Chapter 12 - “drown”
> pairing : Nishimura Riki x Female Reader
> genre : college student AU! , Pool Lifeguard AU! , smau , fluff
> warnings : SLOW BURN!! , swearing , bad humor jokes , kys jokes (die etc) , kissing , semi verbal bullying (no violence) , reader! injuring herself by accident , missing parent figure
> chapter synopsis : 2 months later, y/n & niki continue to hang out with each other’s group. Causing Isabelle to be jealous of y/n, pushing her into the pool, trying to drown her at the end of her shift.
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© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
( I also just want to mention that this series is kinda slow burn, so if your not into slow burn or plot lines that can take a bit to develop than this story is probably not your cup of tea. But I do recommend checking out my other works if you want, enjoy!! )
; AUTHORS NOTE : is coming to an end :( I know I stopped updating this bc I have absolutely lost motivation to continuing. But for now this is chapter 12, 3 more chapters to go :(
WARNING : attempt murder, “drowning” , y/n struggling, parent death, swearing (Not PROOF READ!!)
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I sighed as I finished mopping the pool deck, the dim light casting a serene glow over the water. The day had been long, and the campus pool was finally empty. My lifeguard duties were nearly done, ready to close the pool and go hang out with my friends. or so I thought.
Out of the shadows and sound of slippers walking emerged someone, it was Isabelle, a simmering resentment in her eyes. I tensed, knowing there was no love or civil lost between us. Isabelle walked towards me, arm crossed and wasted no time launching into a bitter tirade about my dad.
“Look at who it is? Y/n Y/l/n.. surprised your working at a place where your dad drown. How disrespectful of you? Have you never considered that fact your dad drowned? I could never be like you.” She chuckled as I felt tears swelling up my eyes. But she doesn’t stop there. “And how dare you to hang out with MY Niki? Your the reason why he never hangs out with me. Ha.. you really think I don’t know why? Acting like your struggling with metal health just to get him to listen to you pathetic little problems… I could never be like you..”
Despite my attempts to keep her distance, Isabelle's words stung. The tension between them escalated until, in a moment of blind anger, I didn’t even realize Isabelle was stepping closer and closer to me. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, Isabelle shoved me into the deep end of the pool.
The shock of the cold water engulfed y/n. Panic set in as she struggled to stay afloat. Isabelle's twisted satisfaction echoed through the empty pool area. The lights remained dim, casting an eerie glow on the chaotic scene unfolding.
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Niki’s POV:
“What’s taking so long for y/n to come out?” Jake asked, cold wind blowing towards all of us. “She’s not replying either so I don’t know..” Hanni replied as she continues to rub her hand with Isa’s, trying to gain warmth. I sighed as I continue to spam call her. Clicking on the contact name “baby🤍” again, few seconds later, it still goes to voice mail.
“Right this is actually getting ridiculous imma go in.” I said as I pushed pass Ricky and Jake. “Yo bro she’s probably coming out!” Hearing both of them yell. I could care less, what if something happened to her? I could care less if they were following me too. I passed through the glass doors towards the pool, seeing a silhouette of someone, just standing there looking towards the pool. My eyes dashed towards the pool, realizing the person standing was Isabelle, chuckling. I see bubbles coming up from pool below. Y/n.. she pushed y/n into the deepest end of the pool.
“Bro what’s going on-”
Nothing but worry and desperation to save y/n came in the form of me. Without hesitation, l dove into the water, my arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to the surface. The relief was short-lived as she coughed and gasped for air, realizing the danger she had narrowly escaped.
As Isabelle's malicious actions became apparent, Jake and Isa, witnessing the incident, restrained her in a fit of rage. “stop! Let me go! I didn’t do anything” The confrontation attracted the attention of others – Jungwon, Ricky, and Hanni swiftly dialed for an ambulance. The urgency in their voices reflected the severity of the situation. “Please come quickly!”
I watched her face turning paler and paler, realizing she’s losing more oxygen. “Niki..cpr..” that’s the last thing she said before she faints in my arms. Fuck.. what do I do.. “NIKI! QUICK CPR! MOUTH TO MOUTH! GIVE HER OXYGEN!” Isa yelled, who was once a lifeguard in her own right, I immediately started administering CPR. Each compression and breath carried the weight of a lifeline as y/n’s oxygen supply dwindled. The fear in my eyes mirrored the desperate struggle to revive y/n. I promise I’ll save you love.. you would not die in my arms today.. my tears and sweat drops along with the pool water. I know we haven’t kissed and I know we aren’t a thing yet but I would do anything to save you right now.. slightly opening her mouth as I breath into her mouth, her pale but yet soft lips touches mines, snapping out of my thoughts, I quickly start giving her cpr again. After a few more seconds, y/n starts coughing up more water. Her eyes filled with tears as she grabs onto my arm. I pulled her into my embrace as I pat her back smoothly. Whisper nothing but soft caring words.
“Is okay love.. your fine.. I’m here..”
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The distant wail of an approaching ambulance added to the chaotic symphony. In the background, the school's teacher and principal arrived, flanked by a police officer who took swift action against Isabelle's reckless act. Isabelle was led away, restrained, and destined for the police station.
Amid the chaos, y/n was carefully placed on a stretcher as paramedics took over. The urgency in their movements reflected the critical nature of the situation. Niki, visibly shaken but determined, accompanied y/n to the ambulance.
The flashing lights of the ambulance cut through the darkness as it sped towards the hospital. Y/n lay on the stretcher, consciousness fading in and out. Niki held onto her hand, still soft even with the tubs in it, his concern etched across his face. The paramedics worked diligently, monitoring y/n’s vital signs, battling against time.
At the hospital, the ER team swiftly took over. Niki, desperate for answers, waited anxiously outside. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. The others soon arrives as minutes stretched into an agonizing eternity. Finally, a doctor emerged. Everyone heart pounded as he awaited the verdict. The doctor's words were a mix of relief and concern
“Your the reason she’s alive right now. She’s fully conscious and safe. But the accident has fully affected her.” Isa and Hanni’s heart hurts just by listening to his words. “You may visit her but please be gentle with her.” The group thanked him as they walked into the room.
Isa and Hanni quickly walk in, seeing y/n still smiling even after the terrible accident made the girls burst into tears. Walking towards her as they hugged her carefully.
“You don’t even know how worry we were of you…” Hanni sobbed into y/n’s embrace. “My girls is okay I’m okay..thank you for being here..” y/n whispered as she continue to hug them. Intak and Ricky ripped both of the girls from you as they hugged you. “We were worried sick, we thought we were going to lose you..”, “You should thank Niki. He really saved you…” intak exclaimed as he moved aside, trying to collect his tears. You looked over and see the boy you fell in love months ago, soaked wet. He walks up to you, pulling you into his embrace. Still warm even thought he’s fully drained. Tears starts to flow into your eyes as you realized your currently alive with the people you love because of him.
“Thank you for saving me…”
“I will save you everyday my love..” He kisses your forehead as you melt into his warm arms.
“For your information, the others are coming soon.” Isa informed, groans filled the room as it’s going to turn chaotic once the others arrive.. at least you’re surrounded with love today..
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series taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @haechansgf @txtistheloml @skepvids @syuuji @oshakyao @haechansbbg @en-happiness
network : @k-neighborhood @k-films @k-labels @kflixnet
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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hes-writer · 3 years
Summary: harry returns home
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst
Word Count: 1418 words
Based on: Changes by Cam!!
The rush of feelings where warmth overflowed through his chest, coursing through his forearms and leaving a tingling feeling from his fingertips. It was almost unexplainable, the way his shoulders slouch in a relaxed manner and breath of relief exhaled from his lungs.
Harry tapped his fingers gently against the curved slope of the leather steering wheel, head bopping along to the quiet thrum of the radio. The tinted glass windows of his black Range Rover were rolled three quarters down. Slight gusts of wind blew through the open vehicle, shifting his trimmed curls along his creased forehead.
As a child, Harry learned to memorize the roads of the small town. There wasn’t much to it, really. A few main roads, lots of dirt roads and neighbourhood properties that made up his whole childhood. Before leaving for the X-Factor, a feat that would soon change his life, Harry made a promise to himself to never forget where he came from. Who he was a boy who made it to the big city--living out dreams.
He was lucky. There wasn’t much to do in his town. His first job was at a corner store a couple of blocks down and school was only adjacent to the park he walked through every school morning. Things were very much routine-like and it only took a certain threshold for Harry to search for a way out. A chance to make a name for himself. To achieve something that was solely his own; where he could look back at a ripe age and smile as he reflects on the accomplishments accoladed to his name.
Yet as he drove past the swaying river, he couldn’t help want to return over and over again. Despite the constant reminder of his friends and colleagues stating that he seemed too out of reach, too big of a superstar to return to an old town road. Harry’s classmates didn’t know him anymore and he wasn’t exactly familiar with them either.
It was a bittersweet realization. The fragile innocence of hoping that nothing will change upon his return was stupidly absurd because as he shared drinks--cheap wine--with his old friends, the blank space of curiosity filtered its way in and out of conversations. There were things that Harry was surprised to find out. People who passed away, friends who left and never looked back as he did. Some had children while others continued with their cruel gossip of the new neighbour moving down the road.
It was familiar, yet different.
But one thing that stayed the same was the feeling of happiness buzzing through his body. The sight of the rushing water swaying down the river reminded him of joyful memories. His teen years of falling in love and letting it go. Leaving, but never forgetting.
While he travelled the world with the band, Harry’s mind kept reminiscing the memories he shared with Y/N. They were only teenagers when they began a relationship that ended quicker than they lasted. She had big dreams and Harry was set on following his dream.
Y/N was the person the helped stay grounded when times were chaotic. The fans mobbing him wherever he went, disrespecting his privacy. He felt as though he was stripped naked of who he was. And although it was the vulnerability that connected him to his fans, it didn’t sit right for him to have everything out in the open. All of Harry’s life, he had to be careful of what he said, what he did, who he was seen with in order to protect him and others around him.
She was the sunset at the end of a long day. The breath of fresh air every morning. The river was where they shared their last kiss. It was also the location of a promise that hung on a bated breath because it was a difficult one to keep. How were two lovers supposed to return to each other when the world was seemingly against them?
How were Harry and Y/N supposed to fall in love again when they were each falling in love with somebody else? And even with those obstacles, there was no stopping the quiet force of determination pulling them to each other, as if they were meant to be.
Between breaks, Harry came home to see Y/N and his family. He excused the aching feeling of his chest as homesickness; something about the identical pavement and familiar roadways. But Harry knew deep down that the reason was a complete and utter lie.
He came to accept that he was falling in love with Y/N in the back seat of his car. Empty as a small town can be, his car parked in a barren parking lot as she giggled in between words, trying to conclude the story that Harry had lost focus on. Harry swore that everything was in slow-motion during that time.
Y/N’s lips leisurely parted as she spoke. Her mouth sifting into a smile, cheeks perched high on her face. Harry’s head was resting on her lap, jostling once in a while when she got too excited. He could see the way the wind from the shafted windows blew through her hair, causing her to pause and tuck the strands behind her ear. Y/N looked down as she did so, right into his eyes.
Harry never minded eye-contact. But when Y/N locked her gaze on him; his heart stopped in his chest. There was a stutter in the organ’s thumping and only returned when Y/N gracefully smoothed the ruffled curls away from his forehead. He felt like he was the most important thing to her at that moment.
That was the moment Harry knew that he was in love. Right there, at the back seat of his car. His heart was fluttering every which way at the sight of the beauty above him. The mundane feeling of loneliness of being in an empty parking lot was non-existent; not when Y/N was metaphorically wrapping him up in a warm embrace. He willingly gave her his heart as if there was no chance that it will break when Harry knew that many things could go wrong because of who he was.
But Y/N didn’t mind and neither did he.
It was a battle of accepting and accommodating every little thing in order to understand each other because not one second passes where they weren’t different than the last. The minuscule change in judgment paves the way to misunderstandings and lost communication. However, nothing really changes until everything does.
Harry pursed his lips into a puckered whistle, pulling into the driveway of his home. Inside the house contained his family that he missed dearly. The pitched tune swirled in his ears as he grabbed the items from the trunk, grunting a few times from the heavyweight of the jug of milk. Closing the back of the car, a loud slam echoed through the quiet neighbourhood.
He walked up the clean pathway of his home, fingertips gripping the paper handles of the grocery bags. With one hand, Harry locked his car with the fob. Then, he inserted the key inside the keyhole. Still whistling, twisted the doorknob, entered the cozy home and closed the door behind him. resting the bags beside him on the wooden floor, he toed off his boots just in time for the shrill squeal of his daughter Cleo calling his name.
“Daddy!” Harry’s tiny daughter wobbled her chubby legs one in front of the other in the entryway. Her slightly fast pace painting a smile on his face and lighting up his eyes at the sight.
He took a knee, stretching his arms out to invite Cleo in a welcome hug. Her squeaky giggles filled his ears as Harry stood tall with his daughter in his arms, spinning their bodies around.
“You’re home!”
Harry nodded, “Yes, I am,” He booped her button nose with his index finger. He was too enthralled with his mini-me to notice Y/N leaning against the doorway, a fond look on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Where’s Mumma?”
Cleo pointed towards the direction of the kitchen, to which Harry finally noticed the woman watching the pair with a satisfied look on her face.
“I see I’ve been replaced,” Y/N joked, walking over when Harry signalled her to come closer.
He chuckled breathily from his previous actions, “Not possible, love,”
a cute dad!Harry piece ☺️
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Too Far
warnings: strong language, mentions of food (diet, eating habits, body image, throwing up/making yourself throw up), bit angsty o_O
era: mid 2019
❀ Yuta’s protectiveness over JiHo gets a bit out of hand when he takes his anger out on the wrong person
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“Sweetheart of course you’re gaining weight if you keep up eating like that. Your metabolism isn’t always going to stay this fast.” JiHo looked up from her plate of delicious looking pasta to meet the gaze of the older lady in front of her. She worked for SM and JiHo had seen her around a lot, but she had no clue what her job position was. All she knew was that this lady always had her nose stuck in other people’s business and wasn’t afraid to share her opinion and “advice”.
JiHo picked at her food with her fork a few times before saying something back. “But I like this food. It’s good.” The lady scoffed at the young girl’s words. “If that’s what you want.” She leaned back against the table behind her, a sickening smile appearing on her face. “If you like it that much that’s no problem. Eat all you want and all you have to do to maintain that figure of yours is stick your two fingers down your throat after every meal. That will work just as well-” “Excuse you?”
Both JiHo and the older lady turned to look at the doorway where Yuta stood with an angry expression washed over his face. “Tell your friend that eating like this will only make her fat. Girl idols should look after their looks not-” Yuta rushed over to the girls - well girl and women - and slammed his hand against the table.
“And why do you care?” The Japanese boy’s voice was low and laced with venom. “Because as a former model, I know how hard it is to maintain weight. With her eating habits-” The scoff that left Yuta’s lips caught the lady of guard and caused her to stop mid sentence.
All the while the lady kept commenting on JiHo’s weight and eating and Yuta was defending her and kindly telling her to “fuck off” at some point, JiHo continued to eat her meal while scrolling down social media on her phone.
She didn’t know how long the other two in the room were arguing but at some point, when her food was nearly finished, JiHo felt herself getting pulled up by her wrist. “What-” “Let’s go.” Yuta growled through gritted teeth and pulled the girl outside of the room.
Ignoring all of JiHo’s protests and questions if he could slow down, Yuta kept walking until the reached an empty hallway near the back of the building - somewhere not a lot of people passed.
“Why didn’t you speak up for yourself?” JiHo tilted her head as if confused and shrugged her shoulders. “Why would I?” The question seemed to tip the boy off a little more. “Why wouldn’t you? She had no business talking to you about your weight and what you look like. You should’ve said something.”
A sad smile formed on JiHo’s lips. She felt bad that Yuta cared so much to the point that he got angry. In all honesty the lady really didn’t get to JiHo at all, she didn’t care what some random person had to say.
“Oppa,” she began, “you know I don’t care about these things. I’m happy with the way I look and some random person isn’t going to change that.” She explained, but it didn’t look like it eased Yuta’s lingering anger. “Still! You should’ve said something. Are you really going to let people talk to you like that?”
Now it was JiHo’s turn to scoff. Did he even listen when she explained that she didn’t care about what other people thought and said about her? “I-” “All you did was scroll through that damn phone of yours while you let her talk down on you!” He interrupted her words, clearly too angry to listen to what she had to say.
His eyes locked with JiHo’s phone and before either of them knew it JiHo’s phone was in pieces on the tiled floor. JiHo’s eyes widened as she took in what happened. It all happened so fast that she had to do a double take.
“Did you just...?” She whispered and Yuta stayed quiet for a while, his eyes still fixed on the broken phone. “You’re on that stupid device too much anyway!” He suddenly yelled again. “So you throw my phone on the ground? Who are you? My dad?” The girl sneered at him and turned her head away from him.
Again a few moments of silence surrounded the pair until Yuta noticed JiHo’s hand stretched out in front of her. Her palm was turned upwards, presenting her opened hand to Yuta. “What?” “Your phone.” Her voice had gotten dangerously low. JiHo was trying so hard not to show her anger and disbelief in her voice.
Yuta couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the words. “You don’t believe I’m going to hand you my phone right now, right?” Suddenly the pair were stuck making eye contact with each other again. “Wouldn’t that just be fair now?” “I’m older than you JiHo-” An exaggerated laugh left JiHo’s lips as she threw her head back.
“Don’t pull that age hierarchy bullshit on me right now. If you want me to treat you respectfully then be respectful towards me as well. Now hand me your phone.” Yuta’s eyes widened, but he tried his hardest not to show how taken aback he was by the girl’s words. She had a way to be intimidating towards even the most fearless and strongest members. Her smaller frame helping to make the contrast between her youthful looks and fearless confidence even more surprising.
JiHo’s eyes stayed staring straight into his own and her hand stayed were it was since about a minute ago. Her confidence never faltering. “If you don’t give it to me...” Yuta’s hand unconsciously reached for his right pocket, where he usually put his phone. His fingers fumbling around a bit with the intention of keeping his phone save from the young girl who was threatening to do what Yuta did to hers.
Suddenly JiHo took a step forward and Yuta braced, ready to defend his phone. To his surprised the girl reached for his left pocket, which was when he realised his phone wasn’t in his right pocket to begin with. A victorious cheer left the girl’s lips as she held the now stolen phone in her hand.
“You won’t need this during practise later so let’s have it join my little friend on the ground. Sounds like a great plan right?” Before Yuta could protest, JiHo had already raised her arm and brought it down again with a huge swing. The phone was now skidding across the floor, leaving tiny pieces of glass in its wake. Both members looked at the way the phone came to a stop a few meters away from them.
Yuta now realised that he probably had reacted in a overdramatic way, because he should know fully well that JiHo could take care of herself. He just never saw someone being so disrespectful towards JiHo first hand. But he understood that he, himself, wasn’t being very respectful either with the way he talked to her and decided to throw her phone on the ground. He just wanted to protect her in the first place, yet he let his anger get the best of himself.
JiHo on the other hand felt a wave of guilt wash over herself as well. Up until the moment she asked for his phone, she felt like her feelings and words were justified, but grabbing Yuta’s phone and smashing it on the ground was a step too far. She understood that very well, but she still felt angry. He wasn’t being very fair at all. So although she felt like Yuta deserved everything she said and did, she still felt the guilt bubble up in her stomach.
“Wow~ What happened here?” The two turned around to see Mark and Jisung staring between them and then shattered phones with wide eyes. JiHo rolled her eyes, not in the mood to have any of her other members getting involved. She walked the other way, grabbing her phone - or at least what was left of it - with her.
“Noona-” Mark put a hand on Jisung shoulder signing to him that it was better to let the girl just walk away. Both young boys then turned to Yuta, their eyes making him fully aware that they wanted to hear what happened. “Hyung?” Mark pushed as he didn’t answer for a while. Yuta mimicked Jiho’s previous actions, but instead of walking the same way JiHo went, Yuta walked past the two boys. “Keep yourselves out of our business okay?” Mark and Jisung just wordlessly nodded, afraid to push any further.
“Mark hyung. Shouldn’t we do something?” Mark pushed his lips into a thin line and gave the younger boy a pat on the shoulder in an attempt to get him to stop worrying. “I don’t know Jisung-ah. Let’s just let them be. They love each other too much to stay mad at each other for long. I’m sure they’ll talk it through later.”
Side note: Since I’m posting less now this might be the last post of the week. I was planning to post it tomorrow, but I was too excited about this one ^^ Something I’m also excited about is Dream’s comeback. Only 5 more days!! LETS GOOO~~
Have a nice day/evening/night 🤍💚🤍
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writteninkat · 3 years
ii - rubies?!
word count - 1,903
warnings - mention of scars
"he's so tall and handsome as hell. he's so bad but he does it so well."
As you waited for April to come around, you spent your remaining days working out and training your quirk on your own. You didn't want to look for your father nor did you want to bump into him- the only time you wanted to see him was during UA's sports festival where you know he'll be watching so you can rub it in his face how good your life is without him.
As you work out in your apartment building's gym, you can't keep the blond out of your head. Was he doing alright? Should you have asked for his phone number at least? Where did he study? Was he even from this area?
Your mind races and wanders around thoughts about the blond, causing you to trip on your own feet on the treadmill. Before your hands come in contact with the running deck, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist, saving you from the fall but not from the embarrassment.
You take a few moments to stop and think about what just happened, allowing the whole thing to just sink in. I almost tripped because I was thinking about some guy. Stupid mistake.
Your savior puts you down beside the treadmill, hands immediately letting go of your waist. "You okay?" Despite having such buffed-up arms, he had such a sweet voice. You look to your right, checking to see the face of your knight in shining armor.
"My name's Izuku Midoriya." He smiles widely, extending his hand towards you. You take it, smiling back. "Y/n L/n, and yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for saving me, I could have attended my first day in UA with a bandage on my forehead." You chuckled, watching the guy's facial expression turn into excitement.
"No way! You'll be attending UA? That's crazy so am I!"
Your eyes widen, finally someone I can be close to in that new school. "What class are you in?" You move to turn off the treadmill, picking up your water bottle from the floor. You unscrew the cap, taking large sips as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Class 1A."
The water backfires, going down the wrong pipe. You cough out the water, rubbing your chest in pain as Midoriya pats on your back in worry. "You okay? Again?"
You wave your hand at him, coughing a few more times before clearing your throat. "So am I." Your voice comes out rough and broken but still understandable.
For the rest of the day, you chat with Midoriya, getting to know each other as you helped each other work out. Like whenever you needed help with your form, he'd guide you. When he needed more weight on his back as he did push up, you were more than happy to sit on him as you scrolled through your cellphone.
As the end of the day, before the two of you part, he asks for your number so it would be easier to contact you. You kind of regret giving it to him cause he wouldn't shut up about the heroes he looked up to. He was such a hero nerd you found it funny.
When he calmed down and told you good night, you hit the sack yourself, images of the angry blond with beautiful ruby eyes filling your head as you fell asleep with a smile. And honestly, that was the best sleep you've had in years.
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You're walking yourself to your new school, heart drumming against your chest. The feeling was a little too nostalgic, it was the same feeling you felt back when you came to UA for the practical exam. It felt like time went by a little too fast. You calm your mind, remembering your mom's text to you earlier that morning, telling you good luck with your first day.
You try recalling your goal- to become a hero despite my father telling me I couldn't. To become a hero, to become a hero to become-
"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya waves at you, his smile as bright as the sun. It's sickening but you shrug it off, it suits his face. "Oh, I hope it's alright if I call you Y/n."
"Only if I can call you Izuku." You wink at him, smiling as you continue your way towards the building. As Izuku rambled on about how nervous he was for today that he couldn't sleep properly, your mind raced back to the thought of the school uniform being uncomfortable.
You were so used to wear pants that showing off your legs seemed taboo to you. Don't get it wrong, you like your legs, you think they're okay. But you've been wearing pants maybe eighty percent of your life that you don't like showing even your knees. You can't sit the way you want with skirts- especially if the way you want is your legs either parted apart as you sink onto your chair or your legs on the desk as you scroll through your phone lazily.
Given that it was school rules to wear a uniform, you decided to cover up your legs with black thigh high instead, cursing at the skirt for being a little bit too short for your liking.
"Here it is." Izuku points up at the board right above the classroom door that read 1A. "I just hope I'm not classmates with Tenya or Kacchan." He chuckles, reaching for the door.
"Tenya? That glasses dude who seemed like someone pissed in his cheerios the morning of the exam?" Izuku nods his head but your mind wasn't at ease just yet. Who the hell was this Kacchan?
Your mind wanders again but your thoughts clear away when you hear two people arguing.
"Take your feet off that desk now." You chuckle, recognizing that voice. You mentally send a sorry to Izuku's way.
"Hah?" And that voice too!
You look up, scanning the room and looking for your two new classmates who were arguing. Iida's back covers who he's getting mad at, forcing you to step inside the classroom to get a better look.
"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin."
"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick in your ass?"
As you thought, that voice belonged to the same guy who's been infiltrating your head ever since you met him. Day and night. However his attitude caught you off guard, he wasn't this rude when the two of you met.
"Rubies?" You say out loud, the blond, or as Izuku calls him, Kacchan looks your way, eyes widening at the sight of you in the same classroom as him. His once smug expression is wiped off his face as he stares at you, completely taken off guard.
Tenya and a brown haird girl who looked a little too much like Kirby approached Izuku and they began talking to him. You, in the other hand, are being pulled out of the classroom by the blond. His hand still as soft as you remember, his grip isn't even that tight around your wrist. Just enough to tug you to where he wanted to bring you without hurting you.
The two of you stand right outside the door leading to the back of the classroom. He turns around, smug expression completely gone and replaced by confusion.
"You never told me you went to UA." He says, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he leans his side on the wall. You cross your arms on your chest, leaning to the side as you rest most of your weight on one leg. "You never asked." The two of you look at each other in silence for a few moments, your heart going haywire in your chest as he keeps his eyes on you. Such eyes that could keep you in a cage of trance forever.
Bakugou opens his mouth but before he could get a word out, a tired voice cuts him off. "Get inside the classroom." He tired-looking man with unkept hair and peach fuzz tells you both. Was he the school janitor? Nevertheless, the both of you walked back inside the classroom, Bakugou's eyes silently telling you that the two of you were going to finish the conversation later.
You sat down on your seat, eyes following the same tired-looking man as he stood in front of the class. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on."
He hands all of you your PE uniforms, telling you all to quickly change into them. You follow the girls to the changing rooms and you hang your PE uniform on your locker, already unbuttoning your uniform but you stop yourself.
I can't show them that.
A girl with long black hair, similar to yours, looks at you from the side, her expression questioning. "I don't think Aizawa sensei is okay with late students. You should quickly change."
You wrap your hands around yourself, cringing at the thought of other eyes on your body. The girl's expression changes into a softer one and she smiles, "Don't worry, nobody here will judge. All bodies are beautiful the way they are."
Exactly, yeah. If these girls were going to be your second family until you graduate highschool, you shouldn't be afraid. You can trust them, right?
Slowly, with slightly trembling hands, you begin unbuttoning your uniform. Taking a deep breath in, you slip your long sleeve down your body, showcasing the many scars that littered all over your back.
You can feel the atmosphere change into a silent, much colder one and your thoughts begin to race. Was it wrong for you to show them this? You've only been together for a few hours, how could you show such a vulnerable side of yourself?
Your eyes squeeze shut, ready for the comments and snickers but instead you hear a squeal. "We have the same bra!" A pink girl squeals, pointing at her pink lacy bra. A smile creeps onto your face as the girl extends her hand towards you, "I'm Mina Ashido. Nice to meet you, twinnie!" She perks and as soon as you take her hand, she shakes it softly before pulling away.
You quickly dress up into your PE uniform, pulling your hair up into a ponytail. "Woah, L/n! The white streaks on your hair look so cool! Where did you get them done?" Mina asks, completely taken by your hair, her eyes sparkling as you flushed at her compliment. No one has ever complimented your hair so genuinely like that before, makes you feel kind of proud having it.
"It's actually natural. My dad has black hair and my mom has white." The girls begin to ooooh and soon after, you all have reached the fields. Aizawa stands beside a white square with a device in his hand, patiently waiting with lazy eyes on his students.
"You should put your hair up like that more. I think the white streaks are cool." Bakugou tells you, his eyes and face forward as he listens to Aizawa talking.
You wouldn't tell him, but his words had your stomach feeling weird things and you feel your face slowly heat up. You swallow whatever you were feeling and face forward.
"Don't tell me what to do, rubies."
You had to buy more ponytails.
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mercywestforever · 3 years
Not out of nowhere
“I know that it seems impulsive and out of nowhere, but it’s not ...”
This is a mess, I am a mess but so are they. Those two weeks are going to be the end of me. To somehow deal with all my thoughts and theories I put a little something down in words, a little scenario of what might happen but probably won’t. 
After all this time, I’m really rusty at writing, so please excuse any and all mistakes as well as the horrible title. Also please let me know if you think that I should post this on other plattforms.
But without further ado, here is (I can’t believe I’m actually writing this!) a new Japril fanfic!
“I finally got her to sleep.” He looks up at April entering the room. His heart is still beating at a dangerously high rate and he’s not sure if he’s been able to breathe properly in the last hours.
April on the other hand simply looks exhausted. He knows firsthand that Harriet isn’t particularly fond of thunder. Sometimes he wonders if it has something to do with the circumstances of her birth, if in some inexplicable way her subconsciousness associates storm with danger and loss.  
“So how did it go?” April wonders out loud and he is suddenly reminded that she is completely unaware of everything that has been going on inside of him. She looks at him expectingly and it throws him off. “Good- “ he clears his throat “I mean it was good. It was the right decision to go see him.”
She nods pleased and looks around the room, out the window and back at him. “It’s smarter if you don’t continue your drive. It’s supposed to get even worse. How about you stay here tonight, and you tell me some more when you’re rested. You look exhausted.” She smiles at him, so warm, so lovely. “Plus, that way you can get up when Hattie wakes in the night.” She laughs slightly at her own suggestion and has an almost mischievous glint in her eyes. She’s beautiful. When he doesn’t respond she moves on. “I mean I can only offer you the couch, but I made sure it’s comfortable when I bought it.” She smiles again as she moves the throw pillows from the couch and he just can’t take it anymore.
“I love you.” It bursts out of him and he is almost as surprised about it as she looks. She stops what she’s been doing and turns towards him, a frown appearing on her forehead. “Jackson, is everything alright? Did something happen?” She seems so worried and that’s definitely not what he was going for. This is not at all how this was supposed to go but then again, when did it ever with them.
“Everything is fine, nothing happened” he tries but telling by her face it’s not that convincing. And well, who could blame her, it is after all not the truth. “I mean of course things happened but nothing bad, April, you have to trust me on that.” His voice gets a pleading undertone.
She crosses her arms over chest averting his eyes and he can feel the hope waver in his chest.
“April, I know that it seems impulsive and out of nowhere, but it’s not sudden nor is it out of nowhere. I mean I’ve loved you ever since San Francisco, I never stopped. I wasn’t always aware of it and I tried to repress it more than I would have liked it and I’m just tired of it. I know why no relationship I start works, I know why I’m unable to love anyone and I’m sick of pretending I don’t. I love you, April. It’s you, you are the reason. Because I never stopped loving you, I never got over you and I’m tired of trying to because I don’t want to, I don’t want to stop loving you. I want you, April, you’re it for me.” He’s breathless and exhausted but for the first time in years he feels like there isn’t something weighing down on him. He can finally breathe again.
He looks at her expectantly, but she doesn’t meet his gaze. She looks anywhere but him, furiously wiping tears away under her eyes. “April,” he begs in a whisper, “please say something.”
She takes a deep breath and then straightens herself. He knows immediately what she’s doing, has seen it too many times for his liking. She is preparing herself for a fight.
“Jackson, I know that all of this is confusing for you, it is for me too. And I know that the fact that Matthew and I broke up makes it look like things have changed but they haven’t-”
“April no!” He interrupts her, he has to, or she will say things that neither of them wants.
“It’s not about Matthew. This is only about us. About how neither of us can ever really let go of the other. April, I love you, I’m in love with you. I still am and will always be and I’m willing to fight until you believe me.”
She is openly crying by now and he is too. He looks at her desperately, he needs her to believe him.
“You hurt me.” At first, she is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear with the storm raging on outside but then her voice gets stronger, surer. “You hurt me so much, more than anyone else. And I’m not saying that I’m without blame here, I know I hurt you. But I can’t do this again, I can’t let you have this power over me. Ever since we got divorced I- So much of what we did, so much of what you said hurt me. And I’m not saying that you did it on purpose, I know you didn’t mean to, but it felt like at a lot of times you didn’t even care. You said things about me and to me that were hurtful and quite frankly disrespectful a lot of times. But you didn’t notice what that did to me or you did but didn’t care and I don’t know which is worse. I thought that that meant that you had truly moved on and I couldn’t even be mad because it was my fault. And you were there for Harriet, you are such an amazing dad, and you were there for me sometimes and I thought that that is just the way how things are now. And I put myself back together, because you broke me … but I did, and I am so proud of myself for it. And I can simply not let you in again because I am sure that I cannot do that again.”
He feels like he got hit by a truck, like someone punched him in his gut and knocked all the air out of his lungs. She is sobbing and it breaks his heart. She almost doubles over from the sobs and he can’t just stand there and watch, so he doesn’t. He closes the space between them and wraps her up in his arms. She barely offers resistance and then clings to his shirt. He feels her heart racing against his chest. He feels sick.
“I love you Jackson, so much, but I am just not strong enough to do this again,” she whispers against his body and he takes a step back to get a look at her face. He doesn’t let go of her.
“You are so much stronger than anyone I know, April,” he says, and he needs her to understand that he means it. “And I feel horrible, I was horrible. I was wrapped in my hurt and everything else and I think that deep down I knew that if I didn’t hold on to this grudge, that I wouldn’t be able to keep away from you, to do anything but love you with everything I am. And I know that that doesn’t excuse anything, but you have to believe me when I say I’m sorry. There is no bigger regret in my life than letting you go.  I will regret that as long as I live. But please, let me prove to you that I can change, that I can do better, be better, be the man that you deserve.”
She lets out a heavy breath, squeezes his hands and looks directly at him. “You are a wonderful man, Jackson. Please don’t ever think that I think of you as anything other than that. But maybe we just don’t work. Maybe we aren’t good for each other and we just have to accept that.” She sounds broken and he hates everything about this.
“You can’t believe that April. We are wonderful, broken but wonderful. We are meant to be together.” She smiles slightly and he can’t help but join her. “I thought you didn’t believe in that stuff.”
“Well, seems like I’ve changed. And if you don’t have it in you right now, I can believe for the two of us for a while.” She laughs at that and he does too because he is very well aware of the irony. Oh, how things have changed.
“You seem awfully sure of yourself.” Her nose crinkles as she says that, and he can’t believe how long he was able to go without this, without her.
“I am. And I am very much committed to proving to you that I’m right. For the rest of our lives if I have to.”
“That seems like a terribly long time.”
“Can’t be long enough.” And she smiles at him and squeezes his hands and he finally feels better.  
If you have read through this don’t hesitate to contact me and theorize about this new episode. I’m so excited but also scared. 
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cloud9in · 3 years
Encounter (Mc x Veronica)
Summary: Veronica goes out for drinks one night and finds herself in a situation where she needs saving. Good thing Bea exists right?
This fic was highly inspired by my boo @fundamentalromantic. Thank you so much for the idea and I hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 2,300
Warnings: Violence, implied sex, but 80% banter 
Tags: @samanthadalton @satrinadia @clowneryme @thedaft1 @alccaddsccup @penda-bear (tagged some people who I thought would like to read)
 A day before moving into Belvoire, Veronica decided she should get a feel of the area. New York was far different from the usual quietness of her small hometown in California. But on the bright side, the vlogger would get a ton of content for her Youtube channel in the buzzing city where people never sleep. The first few days of exploring involved bar hopping and recruiting Chloe to help her film in Soho and Chinatown for beauty week. Poppy took part in Veronica’s tour as well, and on Thursday the girls decided to check out the newest night club that opened up.
 Veronica stepped out of the car in a sparkly thigh-length dress with a slit, and black Louboutin heels. It definitely caught the attention of people standing outside the club, a few guys even attempting to approach her in their drunken state. Chloe basked in the attention, flirting with a blonde-haired guy who was clearly overdressed (in her eyes). Poppy dragged Chloe with her and the three girls walked swiftly past the long line of people and up to the bouncer. It didn’t take much effort to have him open the door for them, being as they were the three hottest people on the block, but Veronica also did have a killer reputation at just about any place she stepped foot in.
 An hour into partying and Veronica held her phone up as her livestream watched them all do a round of colorful tequila shots. The vlogger definitely felt the warm buzz of booze swimming through her veins as her muscles started to relax. New York was the place to be right now and more eventful than all of the years she lived in Cali. Veronica was excited to continue her career and studies in a place like this, but her peaceful thoughts are quickly cut off when someone approaches her, the smell of cheap alcohol invading her senses.
 “What’s a tigress like you doing in a raunchy place like this baby?” Veronica rolled her eyes at the hideous effort of flirting by a man who reeked of “just got divorced and into younger women”. His friends (who were probably part of the same club) seemed to laugh around him, encouraging the unwanted behavior. She shook her head and turned away from him in her chair. Don’t let some idiots ruin your night V, have some fun.
 She immediately stiffened when he wrapped his arms around her from behind, the wet feeling of his alcohol soaked beard grazing against her cheek. Veronica  jerked up abruptly, shoving the man away from her and placing her arms up in defense. “Get the fuck off of me.” 
 At this point people started to stare at them, Poppy and Chloe already standing by the Zeta’s side with anger. Veronica had left her phone on the table but the stream kept going, capturing the voices of patrons in the bar getting increasingly louder. The bearded man watched her with a predatory look on his face, well aware of the crowd that was forming around them. He grunted and turned away after realizing he probably couldn’t take on three women at once, atleast not in the way he imagined. Chloe scoffs loudly, crossing her arms, “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re scared of us. Pathetic piece of garbage.” 
 Yeah....bad idea Chlo.
 When he whipped around to face them, Veronica finally noticed just how large his muscles were, and how they were straining against his shirt. Oh shit. 
 “What did you say to me bitch?”
 Veronica shot a nasty glare at Chloe before facing the stranger once again, her arms slightly trembling. “Look, let's just forget all of this and move on with our night. Don't mind my friend...she’s just..” Veronica leans closer, mocking a whisper, “it’s that time of the month.” The guys laughed at her comment and she silently breathed a sigh of relief, hoping this would make them back off. The last thing Veronica needed was to get her ass handed to her on live, with thousands of people watching. Poppy stood there eyeing the men, her hand already on the tip of her phone, ready to speed dial her dad, or the cops...or her therapist if things went awry. 
 Chloe sneered at Veronica, her awful balance making her stumble as she stepped closer to the men. She clearly had too much to drink. “Oh please, I’m not sorry for anything that comes out of my mouth, even if it includes vomit!” She points a finger in their direction, “give me your best you motherfuc- mmh!”
 Poppy clamps one hand straight onto the blonde’s mouth before she can spit out any more profanity. Her face a mixture of annoyance and fear as the men start to lose their smiles. Veronica can see the bearded man getting ready to lunge at her and her flight or fight instincts seemed to kick in at the last second. She dodged the hand that tried to grab her, but he caught her leg as he was spent sprawling down on the ground from something behind. She yelped and kicked free of his hold before catching the gaze of a woman who stood a few feet away from her. Their eye contact was immediately broken as the stranger glared down at the man, “hands off the lady.”
 Two men from the group with buzzcuts tried to grab hold of the brunette’s arms but she spins easily and kicks one right in between the legs, making him fall in pain. The other guy tried to knock her down from behind but she locked his arm in an odd and excruciating position, “do you really want to do this?” His persistence led her to pull on his elbow, eliciting a scream from the man until he surrendered and scurried away, along with the rest of their crew.
 The brunette swiftly kicks the bearded man in the abdomen after seeing him trying to get up, “stay down you asshole.” 
 She wipes a trickle of sweat from her forehead and huffs out, “I’ve wrestled pigs bigger than these guys, but damn that was a workout.” Unbeknownst to the woman, it was all caught on tape and would be everywhere, including Belvoire’s hottest gossip blog the T. But she doesn’t have to worry about that because she doesn’t go there, right?
 Veronica gapes at the girl who single handedly became her hero, in tight leather pants. The curly-haired woman noticed the speechless expression on her face and smirked. “Well if I were you guys, I’d leave this place before the cops miraculously show up.”
 “Somebody should call the police! These- these bimbos tried to kill us-”
 Chloe earns another hand on her mouth as Poppy starts to push her towards the exit, “Oh yeah the only bimbo here is YOU, go and sit in the car before you end up in a jail cell.” 
 Veronica turns away from the chaotic scene and notices that the brunette has gotten closer to her. She can feel her throat starting to heat up, and it was enough to take her mind off what just happened. The Zeta girl tries to take a step and immediately feels her heel slip sideways, but the woman captures her hands and steadies her before she can fall. “Woah- careful there. Maybe we should walk outside? This club is starting to get crowded.” 
 They step around the man sprawled out on the floor. Yeah someone will probably come get him, no worries. Veronica lets her lead the way until they both step out to the curb. The brunette helps her sit down on the edge of the sidewalk before taking a seat next to her. “You know, I can’t keep living life without knowing the name of my savior.” 
 The mystery girl barks out a laugh as she siddles closer to her. She holds out her hand, hoping that Veronica would grab it, “Bea, Bea Hughes. And you?”
 Veronica stares at her wide-eyed, a not so sarcastic gasp escaping her lips, “You-you don’t know who I am?”
 “...Should I?”
 Bea scrunches her eyebrows in confusion before snapping her fingers, “Oh wait! You’re a Kardashian..!” That earns her a hard smack to her leg but she can only laugh teasingly. 
 “I think that was the most disrespectful thing someone has ever said to me....You’re very lucky you’re cute. Oh and it's Veronica.”
 Bea bites her lip shyly, “You’re too beautiful to be one of them...Veronica. And you definitely look all real to me.”
 “Okay if you’re trying to seduce me, this is NOT the way to go Hughes.”
 They both bust out laughing and Veronica wraps her arm around Bea’s, letting herself sink into her side. “Thank you by the way...I mean, not like I couldn’t handle it myself.” She shrugs and looks down at their entangled arms, squeezing tighter, “I owe you one.”
 “You don’t owe me a damn thing Veronica. I’m just grateful I was there as well. This ain’t the first time those goons have harassed women in the area.”
 “Judging by that southern accent and fighting skills, I’m guessing you’re not from here?”
 Bea smiles down at Veronica, studying her bright hazel eyes and luscious lashes. “No I am not, but….if you want to know more about me, how about over a drink? If you want to.” 
 The Zeta girl laughs softly, nudging her, “Oh so you do know how to flirt Hughes. Let's do it! But um..it might be a little difficult to do that because my heel is broken.”
 Bea peers down at her stilettos which seemed to be way past 7 lives now and smiles to herself. In one swift motion she scoops Veronica up in her arms bridal style. The vlogger gasps in surprise before wrapping her arms around the brunette’s neck. “Our problem seems to have disappeared already. And you are incredibly light like a feather.” Bea teases the Zeta, lifting her in an up and down motion.
 “That’s because I’m 40% alcohol right now, but do keep me in your arms, perfectly convenient for me.”
 “You mean I get to carry a stunning woman in my arms free of charge? This must be heaven..”
 “Okay Ms. Flirt, keep walking I’ll direct you where to go.”
 Bea fought the urge to tease her about trying to be dominant but the voices of Poppy and Chloe caught their attention. She approached the car where Chloe sat…wailing hysterically..?
 “I don’t want to go to prison! Don’t let them take me Poppy please!” The blonde grabs Poppy’s dress and doesn’t let go, desperately looking around. When Bea finally stops in front of them, Poppy looks over at the two women and rolls her eyes, clearly fed up.
 “Poppy what the hell is happening with Chlo?!” Veronica breathes out, even though this is the last place she wants to be.
 “Chloe thinks I called the cops on her and she said she doesn't want to sleep on a concrete bed with two other women in a prison cell.”
 Bea raises an eyebrow as she watches the two Zeta girls stare at each other like they’re used to what was happening right now. Veronica gives Poppy a stern look, essentially telling her “leave me alone, I’m trying to get laid”, and the strawberry blonde catches on quickly. She turns away, sighing heavily, “Go, I’ll deal with this. But be at the house tomorrow, it's our first day back.”
 The Zeta grins and blows her a kiss, signaling for Bea to carry on down the sidewalk as she lays in her arms barefoot. Poppy watches them walk away and roll her eyes.
 “So, should I ask?”
 “I think you would appreciate it if I didn’t tell you.”
 The brunette laughs easily, crossing the now empty street. The more she walked the direction that Veronica guided her to, the more quieter it got. “Um… V. Where exactly are we going..?”
 “You’ll see. It’s a secret spot. Kind of like a speakeasy, except it’ll just be the two of us and we can do whatever we want.” Veronica flips her hair seductively, catching Bea’s gaze as she bites her lips and winks. The brunette can feel her heart starting to beat faster, her breath hitching in her throat. She barely can move her gaze off of Veronica’s hazel orbs, her cheeks reddening at the girl’s shameless comment. 
 Lucky for Bea (or maybe not), their night was just getting started, and Veronica would have her blushing again, but this time on her knees. 
 Veronica saunters confidently into the gates of Belvoire on move-in day, watching as others run around campus with luggages and bags. She sips on the iced latte in her land, eyes glued to her phone on the other hand. She eventually finds Chloe yelling at some assistant girl and immediately turns around, not wanting to deal with it. A woman with a suitcase and a grey Henley shirt approaches the blonde, reprimanding her for her rude behavior. The video of the fight last night appears on the T just as Veronica looks at her phone again. Bea’s leather jacket appears on-screen and knocks the man down. Veronica smirks as she watches the woman take on 3 men effortlessly. People around start to point at the brunette while looking at their phones, and Veronica doesn’t look up until two voices that appear to be arguing, get louder. She nearly drops the cup of coffee in her hands when she sees the same face that was between her legs the previous night. 
 And as Poppy approaches Bea, the brunette catches a glimpse of familiar hazel eyes and ombre colored hair and her eyes go wide. “...Veronica..?” Oh shit.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Sex on the Beach - c. 06 - Rafe Cameron
Summary: You return to the vacation house to pack up your stuff.
A/N: I wrote this in like...45 minutes 😂 The re-write is complete...now for the last two chapters.
Holiday in the Sun Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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The room they gave you at the resort was nice, overlooking the waterpark and the ocean, twenty stories above the ground. Not as crisp white as the Nassau House had been but not quite a Hilton. You called your dad after you checked in to tell him that you had an argument with your mom and that was why you had charged the room to your allowance card, something he was perfectly okay with because that meant you liked him more for the moment.  
“Divorced parents are something else.” You commented, flipping through the room service menu. You were starving, in part from not eating for an entire day, and were happy to be getting something that wasn’t dictated by your mom. “My dad was like ‘do you need more money?’...he always wants to be the favorite.”
“Ask him if he can get us our stuff back.” Rafe joked, emerging from the bathroom with the pair of shorts you’d bought in the giftshop on, they were gray and had an Atlantis emblem on the one corner.  
“Did you try to get a hold of Sarah?” You asked, scooting over in bed as he sat down next to you. His hair was still wet from the shower and when he pushed it out of his face little droplets of water hit your shoulder and cheek.
“Yeah, she said ‘get your shit yourself’...real fucking helpful.” He grumbled.  
“I mean, your dad is a nightmare. If I was her, I don’t know if I’d want to risk having him flip out either. Especially since they’re stuck there for the rest of the week.” You replied.
“So what’s your plan?”
“Ask Wheezie when they’re going to be out and stop by to get our stuff?” You suggested, “I still have the spare key you told me to hang on to. We could just go in and get our things and leave.”  
“No, no.” He stood up and you watched as he paced for a moment before seeming to come to some sort of decision, “I’m not fucking hiding out from him.”
“You can’t just walk in there Rafe, he’ll be pissed!” You pointed out, “I really don’t think you should cause any more trouble-”
“The boat was his!”
“I’m not saying it was your fault but maybe just don’t provoke him.” You replied, “who knows what he’ll do.”
Rafe was silent for a moment and you almost thought he was starting to calm down, maybe come around to your side of the issue and realize what it was that he would be jeopardizing if he went back to the Nassau house and tried to have it out with his father. But a second later you jumped as his fist slammed against the dresser and he stormed back into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. You weren’t sure what to say, how to ease the situation or make Rafe anything but angry at his dad.  
“I’m gonna go down to the cafe, do you want anything,” you called through the bathroom door. You waited a minute for Rafe to answer but there was only silence from the other side of the door. “Rafe?”
“I don’t want anything.” He snapped.
The door to the room swung shut behind you and you walked down the long hall to the elevators. There was a little mini lobby, a room with ice and vending machines, two benches and a wall of mirrors that reflected back your exhausted appearance. You sat down on one and pulled your phone out of your pocket, calling your mom.  
“Where the hell are you?” She practically screeched through the phone and you rolled your eyes. Not the supportiveness that you were unrealistically hoping for but maybe you could mold her into someone half willing to understand.  
“I’m at Atlantis with Rafe, I’m using dad’s allowance money for a room.”
“That’s just like your father, swooping in to “help” as if you’re in trouble.” She bitched.  
“We need our stuff-”
“You are not staying with some boy unsupervised-”
You cut her off, “mom. We need our stuff,” you repeated, hoping that she would be more moldable to your cause. “Is there a time we could come get it?”
“Exactly what do you expect me to do? Pack up your things for you and have them waiting by the door? You are serious trouble young lady! You stole someone’s boat. And what’s more? You were rude and disrespectful and ungrateful to Mr. Cameron.” She complained.  
“I’m not staying in that house for the rest of vacation, pretending everything is okay. And Rafe’s not coming back either. So can we get our stuff or not?” You asked.
“Being rebellious isn’t worth your future. You’re supposed to be thinking ahead. What about college?”
“That’s two years away.” You argued, “I already sent applications, I’ve applied for scholarships, nothing is changing about college. But I’m not spending the rest of my vacation in a house with a man who assaulted me!”  
“Well maybe you can buy new stuff.” She replied, the line going dead immediately after. You listened to the click off and pulled your phone away from your ear to look at the home screen. She’d hung up on you, unsurprising but not the result you wanted.  
You said you were going down to the cafe so you did, grabbing an iced coffee and heading back up to your room in hopes that Rafe had cooled down enough. When you reentered the room he was laying on the bed, sprawled on his stomach with his head turned toward the window. He didn’t move when you came in and you placed your coffee on the nightstand, climbing onto the bed and sitting cross-legged beside him.  
“Are you awake?”
“Unfortunately.” He grumbled.  
“I think you got sunburn,” you mentioned, eyeing the harsher red of his shoulders, “or is that still from the shower.”
He didn’t answer, only pushed his face further into the pillow. You reached a hand out, laying it flat on the middle of his back. When he didn’t move, but also didn’t seem to protest, you leaned over kissing the red on his shoulders and beginning to gently rub his back.  
“I called my mom.”
“You have shitty news delivery skills.” He replied, shifting over so he laying on his back. You followed his movement with your hand, your fingers brushing over his abs as they tensed beneath your touch.  
“She basically said ‘screw you and your stuff’. So I guess you were right, we’ll have to go there.” You replied, “though I still think going while Ward is there might not be the best idea ever.”  
“I just don’t even wanna think about all that shit tonight.” Rafe huffed.  
“Oh well, I can totally help with that.”
It was earlier the next morning that Sarah texted saying that she and Topper could pack up your stuff and Rafe’s and drop it at the resort. A feasible and preferred plan to Rafe’s, going back in that house and provoking his dad would do nothing positive for their relationship or for the vacation. You knew Rafe was pissed and that he would likely stay pissed until he confronted his father but you urged him not to go to that Nassau house. Though your urging proved in vain because his promise to take you to dinner soon turned into a drive down the road to his family house, the two rentals in the driveway signaling that everyone was home.
“Rafe!” You practically hissed as you jumped out of the car, following him to the door, “what the fuck are you doing?”
The sentiment was repeated by Ward as the two of you entered the house, everyone sitting at the table for dinner looking up in shock at the sight of the two of you. You wanted to run back outside and drive away, or sink into the floor and disappear.  
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Getting my stuff.” Rafe replied, already heading for the hallway while you just waited by the door, frozen, “don’t mind me though, keep having your nice family dinner.”
Ward was quick. He made it around the table and put himself between Rafe and the hallway leading to your rooms, blocking his son from getting to them. You weren’t sure what to do. In favor of not making eye contact with your mom or step-dad you had locked eyes with Topper, who was mouthing a ‘what is he doing’ to you as if you were any more clued in to the situation than anyone else. Was this what you wanted? To be the supportive backbone for someone that you barely knew because you had been crushing on him since you were thirteen and he paid you just the slightest bit of attention on a vacation that would’ve otherwise been hell. What was your motivation? That you liked him...that he liked you and that was just everything you’d ever wanted so you desperately were following him around.
“Get out of my way!” Rafe’s voice pulled you back and you looked over at him and Ward.
“I don’t hear from you for two days, no idea where either of you are...we’re all worried sick, and this is how you treat us? Show up here and waltz in like nothing is wrong, demanding your things?” Ward snapped.
“I called my mom after we checked in...I’m sure she let everyone know where we were.” You replied, “not to mention, you sitting down to eat doesn’t look like you’re too broken up about any of this.”
“You ungrateful bitch-”
“Hey!” Rafe cut his dad off, shoving him just enough that Ward stumbled back. You felt your whole body tense. You needed to get out of this room and this house and, preferably, off this island. This was nuts, this wasn’t permanent. “Don’t talk to her.”
He pushed passed Ward, knocking his shoulder with his dad’s as he headed down the hall toward his bedroom. You knew that you should follow but your feet felt glued to the spot, like you weren’t sure how to make them work anymore. Sarah got up from the table without warning and disappeared down the hall, coming back a moment later with your duffel and suitcase.  
“I already packed them yesterday.” She said, passing them to you.
Before Sarah could say anything else the shouting from Rafe’s room got louder. Worried, you left your bags by the door and headed into the hallway to see what was going on. Rafe was at the door of his room, completely red-faced, mid-screaming at Ward, louder now that you were standing there, and very much close to tears. Ward was shouting at the same time and even in the room you felt like you could barely make sense of what was being said. It was like walking into something that you had no right to witness.  
“Rafe,” you weren’t sure he heard you over the screaming but you placed your hand on his back and it seemed to bring him back into reality as he looked back at you, breathing heavy and labored.  
“I swear to god Rafe, you walk out that door and there isn’t a place for you at home.” Ward threatened.
He paused and you almost expected him to turn and apologize or call the whole thing off and decide to stay here. Miserable, sure, but at least he wouldn’t be homeless. But instead he grabbed his stuff and walked out the door passed you.  
“Happy?” Ward asked, gaze meeting yours across the room. You heard Rafe call your name from the living room and you looked toward the sound before glancing back at Ward. If you lied, you were sure he could tell. So instead, you said nothing, grabbing your luggage and heading for the door.  
You knew you should’ve been happy, in a way. Rafe was basically choosing you over his family and wasn’t that some kind of oddly romantic thing? Except all you felt was a pit in your stomach, eating up whatever feelings you had other than dread, leaving you feeling empty. He was walking away from his dad and his home and you weren’t even sure how you actually felt about him.  
Wheezie followed both of you out to the car and you put your bags in while Rafe swore to her that nothing bad was going to happen. “Dad and I just need time to cool off,” he promised.  
“But you said we would spend vacation together!” She insisted. He had promised her, before they even left the OBX.  
“And we will. I’m not breaking that promise okay?” He hugged her and then walked around the car, getting in the driver’s seat.
You got in the car, trying to ignore the glare that she sent your way. Just when you were starting to gain favor with Wheezie you’d fucked it up again by taking her brother from her. You wanted to apologize and, honestly, you wanted to be in Provincetown with your friends. A nice, drama free vacation...not this mess.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana  @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @aoba-josigh @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @under-a-canyon-moon @calums-betch @dpaccione @bbeauttyybbx @prejudic3 @starrystarkey93 @28cnn @princezukohere 
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thefoodwiththedood · 3 years
"Good Guys"
Here's another story from a bit ago, this time about Hatou and Eobea going on a diplomatic mission to Darkon III, and Hatou making a new friend! This is sort of a continuation of my stories "Strategy" and "Rising Phoenix," so for more context, you could read those first. Either way, let me know what y'all think of this!
Characters: Hatou Koros, Princess Eobea Xovrada, Oesta Varg, Chieftain Haeris Varg & Khosti Varg (who belong to @kaminoanbat)
Setting: 21 BBY, Darkon III
Word Count: ~2,300
“Must we do this?” Eobea whispered, just loud enough to be heard over the trumpets announcing her arrival. Her own procession was rather small, compared to the reception she’d been given: All around the walled courtyard of the palatial fortress where they’d landed, Mandalorian warriors stood at attention, their freshly-polished armor gleaming in the sun. At the end of the courtyard opposite her stood two more Mandos, an adult and a child, with their helmets at their sides and their own entourage at their backs. “I thought visits like this were reserved for planets with some…value to us”
Before Hatou answered, he held out his elbow, and her mechanical forearm hooked itself in the crook of it. “We’re here to encourage the people that Iridonia is with them, same as always,” he said as the two of them walked, “the Darkonan clans are good people, and even better warriors—if we can convince Clan Varg to join forces with us, the other clans will follow, and they could help us defend the other colonies from Separatist attacks''
“I can always rely on you to be optimistic, can’t I,” Eobea smiled,but the disdain was still palpable in her voice. “Maybe it’s just my ancestors talking—the ones who were murdered when the Mandalorians occupied Iridonia, you remember them—but I’m not so quick to trust. As I far as I know, Darkon III might just be the final holdout of those same invaders"
Thankfully, Eobea had said the last part just before coming into earshot of the Darkonan chieftain ahead of them. “Have faith, Princess,” Hatou reassured her, choosing his words carefully now that he could be heard, “It’s possible we may find some life-long allies today”
At the end of their long walk, Hatou and Eobea came face-to-face with a tall, middle-aged Zabrak clad in regal yet battle-worn armor. “It is an honor,” he began in accented Basic, his voice a strong, baritone rumble, “to welcome you to Darkon III, Princess Eobea. I am Haeris Varg of Clan Varg, Chieftain of the Darkonan Clans, and,” he paused only briefly, as he and the child at his side bowed respectfully, “your humble servant for as long as we may host you”
Eobea gave one final look to Hatou, before clearing her throat and replying. “You are very kind, Chieftain. I look forward to my stay here,” she lied, “and I look forward to discussing business—my father has assured me that you will be most indispensable allies''
“We always endeavor to be,” Haeris smiled—it could have been genuine enthusiasm behind that smile, or it could be as much of a put-on as Eobea’s. Neither she nor Hatou knew him well enough to tell, but they both wondered about it. “Ah, but in the meantime, allow me to introduce my family; this is my son, Khosti,” he swept an arm over the child at his side, and Khosti bowed once again. The boy was awfully mechanical in his movements, and he didn’t dare make eye contact with the Princess—clearly, he’d rehearsed this, or his father had made him. “And,” Haeris sighed, “though she’s running fashionably late, there’s also—
A sudden, roaring sound cut Haeris off mid-thought, and everyone in the courtyard looked up to see its source. A lone Mandalorian warrior rocketed across the sky, only to then circle back and finally stop just above Hatou, Eobea, and the Chieftain. Hovering in the air for only a second longer, she cut the engine in her rocket pack, falling several feet and hitting the ground on one knee. She rose to her feet slowly, removing her helmet and revealing the big, toothy grin she’d rode in with. “Hey, dad,” she spoke, tucking her helmet under her arm as she turned to face the Chieftain, “Sorry I was out, thought I’d take the scenic route back here. What’s…” she trailed off, apparently just noticing Hatou, Eobea, and the amount of people there in the courtyard with them. She studied Eobea in particular, her smile fading as she looked her up and down. “What’s with the Iridonians?”
“Oesta, please,” Haeris seethed, calling her attention back to him. He gave her a single, stern look, and she scowled back at him before relenting and taking her place at his right side. He took a deep breath before speaking again. “Oesta,” Haeris said again, this time introducing her to Hatou and Eobea, “is my eldest daughter, and will one day inherit my throne—if she can ever learn how a leader ought to act” Oesta rolled her eyes in response, before continuing to silently size up the Princess and her bodyguard.
If the mere prospect of working with Mandalorians wasn’t enough to sour Eobea’s view of this planet, the sheer disrespect from the Chieftain’s daughter might be. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Eobea lied again, trying and failing to mask her feelings, smiling so fleetingly she was bordering on curtness.
“Perhaps,” Hatou chimed in, rescuing Eobea preemptively from what surely would have been a long, uncomfortable silence, “I should take the Princess to her accommodations—allow us time to settle in, before our negotiations begin” He surreptitiously took her hand, and he could feel her relax slightly as their fingers interwove.
Haeris cleared his throat. “Yes, of course, please do—if you’d follow me inside, someone will show you to your rooms”
Hatou nodded, once again hooking Eobea’s elbow in his. The two of them followed the trio of Vargs and their entourage as they turned towards the large fortress, and Hatou almost caught Oesta studying him over her shoulder as they walked inside.
. . .
Hours later, Hatou found himself quietly slipping outside, sighing in relief as the brisk evening air hit his face. Even better than the air was the peace and quiet; to everyone’s surprise, Eobea’s opinions on the Darkonans began to sweeten over the course of the evening, and now she was happily—not to mention drunkenly, and loudly—wining-and-dining with the Vargs’ most senior clansmen. Hatou himself couldn’t partake, of course. His duties to the princess came first, and he needed to keep his wits about him. So, here he stood: a balcony overlooking the sea, lit by the light of Darkon III’s moons, leaning back against a railing and watching his charge through the giant glass door. She was having fun, clearly. That much made him happy.
“Hey” a voice suddenly spoke up to Hatou’s right, and he jumped in shock. He instinctively reached for his sword, but, upon turning to see the voice’s owner, he relaxed. It was just the Chieftain’s daughter—Oesta, if he remembered right—resting on the railing in the opposite corner of the balcony, looking at him with a sort of half-smile. Two drinks, one full and one half-full, were sitting on the wall at her side, evidently brought out from inside some time ago. “This kinda party ain’t your speed, huh?”
Hatou took a breath before answering, removing his helmet and holding it at his side. “No, not exactly,” he admitted, “And you?”
She smiled. “Not tonight. Kinda dreading having to talk to my dad after this morning, in the courtyard. Here, wanna drink? I was gonna have both myself but, now that you’re here,” she slid the full mug towards him, but with a small wave of his hand he refused it. “Yeah,” she continued, “Best to let him get all boozed up to soften that blow, y’know how dads are”
“Actually, I don’t,” he responded, “we’re very close, my father and I, we almost never fight”
Oesta raised an eyebrow, and her smile faded slightly. “Lucky you”
“I…” Hatou stuttered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Must be nice,” she continued, interrupting him, “to be born into a thriving empire, to a parent who likes you just how you are, and to get to serve your planet’s royalty, that’s—”
“Iridia” Hatou interjected, interrupting her in turn. “I’m from Iridia, not Iridonia”
“...Oh” Oesta paused for a moment, silently retracting most of her prejudgements. “What’s the difference?”
“Iridia’s its own planet, a former colony just like Darkon,” Hatou said, his tone softening. In spite of his previous reservations, he decided to take the drink she’d offered him after all, and he paused to take a sip. “It’s beautiful, but not in the same ways as Iridonia. It has natural beauty, I guess. You go there, and it just feels warm and welcoming, like the planet itself wants to nurture you and take care of you. It’s motherly, in a way”
“Motherly…” Oesta replied, the word lingering on her lips a little longer than she’d meant it to. “It sounds nice. But then, if you’re from a colony, how’d you end up with...y’know…” she gestured towards the glass door, and the half-in-the-bag Princess seated inside.
Hatou smiled, unabashedly proud of what he was about to say. “Emperor Stotrau saw great potential in me, he said so himself. He needed a bodyguard for his daughter, and I was the best candidate, from Iridonia or otherwise. It’s a great honor”
“I’ll bet,” she said, her lips curling into a wry smile. “So, does he know you’re banging his daughter yet?”
Hatou, who was in the middle of taking another swig, nearly choked. Oesta tried and failed to stifle a laugh as he coughed, and it was several seconds before he even tried to speak. “I...we...well, see...who told you?”
“Well you did, just now” Oesta chuckled, earning a groan from Hatou as he realized his mistake. “I saw you two out in the courtyard, the way you calmed her down. Seems like she trusts you”
With a sigh, Hatou shook his head and smiled. No use denying it now. “The princess...Eobea...we were friends long before we ever, well...I don’t know, it just kind of happened” He felt himself blushing now, and moreso, he felt Oesta’s gaze on him. He turned away, just to spare himself a little embarrassment.
“No need to justify it, man, I get it—it’s your job to protect her 'round the clock, you two’re bound to get close like that,” Oesta smiled, taking another sip herself, “She’s cute, too. Total catch”
“It’s more than just physical” Hatou hadn’t quite meant to say that, but he couldn’t help justifying himself here. This was a talk he’d rehearsed many times, in preparation for the day when someone found out, when someone would question how a relationship between an Iridonian princess and a lowly soldier from the Colonies could ever work. Explaining it to a nosy Mandalorian was never in the plan, but oh well. “I mean...she values my company, and I enjoy seeing her happy. Every day I watch the stress she’s put under, the way she’s underestimated and put down, even by those who mean well. But she’s ambitious, smart, driven, more than any of them see. I want to help her succeed. I want to be there for her through good and bad times, and share in her triumphs. I don’t want her to be alone at the top, when she inevitably gets there”
Oesta’s smile faded as she listened, alternatively glancing at him, and through the window at the princess herself. “You’re really devoted to her, huh” she finally said, her tone an equal mixture of intrigue and confusion, with just a pinch of concern. “Does she feel the same way about you? Wanting you to succeed and everything?”
“Yes. Maybe. Well,” Hatou paused, considering the question. “I’ve never talked about this with her, not really. In our private moments, we’re more focused on...well... “
“Just having fun?” Oesta smirked, and in spite of himself Hatou smiled back at her. In the back of his mind, though, he was worried. He found himself mulling over that question in silence for a few moments—does she feel the same way about you? “I hope she does” Oesta spoke up, as if reading his mind. “You seem like you have a lot of love to give. Only fair for you to be with someone who gives it back”
“Yeah?” Hatou found himself looking at Oesta now, even as she was staring down into her drink. No one had said that to him before. Not even Eobea.
“Yeah” she looked up at him, their eyes meeting for the first time that night. “You’re a good guy. The galaxy needs good guys” Their eye contact held for all of five seconds, and when those five seconds passed, they both got the same feeling: either they looked away right then, or this night was going to take a new, serious, and probably wrong turn. They chose the former.
After another brief silence, spent largely with the two of them feigning great interest in opposite sides of the ocean view, Hatou regained his composure a little. “Thank you,” he finally said, “You’re very kind” Oesta responded with a barely audible mumble, which could have been anything from ‘You’re welcome’ to ‘Yeah, whatever’ to simply ‘mhm’, but whose sentiment was clear enough. Another, much longer silence followed, before Hatou finally downed the rest of his drink, sighed, and re-donned his helmet. “I...should probably get back inside, see how the princess is doing”
“Yeah...yeah, sure” Oesta muttered, re-donning her own helmet, mostly just as something to do. “Nice meeting you. Good luck with your lady, Sir...uh…”
“Hatou,” he finished. “Hatou Koros. And you’re—”
“Oesta...yeah” she said, the smile evident in her tone despite being hidden behind her helmet. Hatou had heard her name before, in the courtyard, but only from her father and only to scold her. Now, from her, the name sounded as it was meant to: strong, stable, and really kind of pretty. Even as Hatou was thinking this, Oesta was climbing up onto the balcony’s wall—and before he even registered that. she was hovering in the air with her jet pack. “See you around, Hatou” she said, rocketing away with the cold, seaborne wind. He watched her go, waving halfheartedly before sighing, standing up straight, and rejoining the party.
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Responsibility - Part 3
Differences - Huang Renjun  
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Parent!Au
Warnings: Angsty, Mentions of drug taking, Mentions of injury/blood, Fighting.
Word Count: 5.1k
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 Devasted. That’s the word you would use to best describe how you were feeling in the past week that you hadn’t been with Renjun. You were absolutely devasted that the man you had came to invest all your love in had betrayed you in the way that he did. You had made it clear to him that the one thing you couldn’t stand was lying, as you already had a relationship fall apart due to it. And from what you had heard of the argument that occurred outside of your apartment door, Renjun had also had a relationship fall apart because of lying, although it was his lies that broke it. You were also shocked to the core that he was a father. It wasn’t only his lie about being a father that had you feeling sick from betrayal, it was the fact he has a child and didn’t trust you enough to tell you. He could see that you loved playing with Jiyeon and taking care of her, so you couldn’t wrap your head around why he felt the need to lie to you. You also wondered what else he had been lying to you about. You hadn���t spoken to him since that day, and you did your very best to avoid him, only leaving your apartment when you deemed it safe from his presence.
One thing you couldn’t avoid, was going to work. As much as you wanted to phone in sick and wallow in your own self-pity, you couldn’t afford to and you didn’t want to risk losing your job. You also thought work could be a good distraction from the rumination going on inside of your head, and so far, it had worked. All thoughts of Renjun had been wiped from your head when you were at work, but as soon as you stepped foot into your apartment building you couldn’t help but let the lying man infiltrate your brain.
You pulled on your scarf and slipped on your shoes, groaning quietly as you opened your apartment door and stepped out of it, shutting it as gently as you possibly could in hopes that Renjun wouldn’t hear the door shut and attempt to talk to you. But luck never seemed to be on your side, as when you turned around you saw the apartment door opposite yours open. Renjun stepped out with his head down at first, but then after he shut the door he glanced up. He felt his heart drop as he looked at your emotionless face staring at him. His words caught in his throat, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to conjure up the words he’d been rehearsing in his head ever since that day. You rolled your eyes and started to walk towards the stairs, not wanting to risk taking the elevator and being stuck in a confined space with him.
“Wait!” He grabbed your wrist, tugging you around to face him. His eyes screamed sadness, and you had to push down how much you cared because this is the man that broke your heart. “Please talk to me, I have so much I want to explain to you.” He let go of your wrist, almost grabbing it against in case you tried to flee. You crossed your arms over your chest and let out a sigh, waiting for a moment before turning towards the stairs again. You let out a squeal as he grabbed you by the shoulders, spinning you around and pushing you up against the wall. He caged you to the wall with his body, both his forearms planted on the wall either side of your head, with his face only centimetres away from your own. “Please…” He whispered, his voice cracking as a lump rose up in his throat. You slowly glanced up to look him in the eyes, seeing the tears rising in the waterline of his eyes.
“Renjun, let me go.” Your voice was wobbly as you tried to assert dominance over him. He shook his head as a tear trailed down his cheek.
“No, you won’t even let me explain.” He sniffed back his emotions and leaned his forehead against your own.
“I don’t need you to explain. You’re a liar Renjun.” You whispered, gulping and trying not to cry as you saw him cry.
“Baby please.” He leaned in and tried to kiss you, but you moved your face to the side, his soft lips hitting your cheek and leaving behind the faint remnants of his spit from where his lips had been parted.
“Renjun no. It hurts me so much to be near you, because I miss you and I’m in love with you.” You gulped once more, squeezing your eyes shut as he moved a hand from the wall to gently grab your jaw, turning your face towards his once more. “But you hurt me so bad.” His lips pressed to yours more gently than he’d ever kissed you, making no effort to move his lips, simply letting them rest against yours. You tried so hard not to break down in front of him, holding your breath until he pulled away.
“Let me make it right.” His words fanned across your lips, his lips caressing yours once more in a lingering kiss.
“No.” You broke the kiss, pushing him away softly and shaking your head. “I need more time…please don’t try to contact me until I’m ready.” Without sparing him another glance, you walked away, leaving him stood in the hallway on his own.
Renjun wanted to do nothing more than lay in his bed and wallow in self-pity. After his encounter with you in the hallway where you’d told him how much he’d hurt you, he felt like the biggest fuckhead in the world. He knew he should never had lied to you, and he was kicking himself for how things went down. But being a father meant he couldn’t just lay in bed and do nothing. He also had money to make, and to keep his brain muted of thoughts about you, he’d dove balls deep into his job. He’d stolen three cars and had managed to strip them all down to parts, selling them on for a hefty price. It was also during this time that Jiyeon’s mother showed up at the apartment with a little suitcase, reminding Renjun that she was going away for a week and that Renjun had agreed to have Jiyeon all week. Of course he’d forgotten, and he’d tried to persuade Jiyeon’s mother that he hadn’t. But she didn’t believe him.
He was laid in bed, watching tv with Jiyeon cradled in his arm, her pacifier in her mouth as she watched the cartoons and fiddled with her teddy bear. He let out a sigh, his phone pinging beside him and grasping his attention from the tv. He picked it up and saw a text from Haechan.
From: Haechan
Hey loser, get your ass down to the car meet. We’re all here to support Jaemin and you aren’t. Give the baby to someone else for the night!
So less than an hour later Renjun found himself in his car, pulling up beside the other cars he knew as his friends cars, all parked in a line in an unused car park that was being used as the start point for the race being held at midnight. They were all crowded around Jaemin’s car and glanced over at Renjun’s car as he parked beside it.
“Ey! Here he is!” Haechan cheered, throwing his lit cigarette on the floor and smiling widely at Renjun. Renjun got out of the car and rolled his eyes.
“I’m here by popular demand.” He immediately got out his own packet of cigarettes and lit one, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke up into the cool night air.
“Who’s looking after Jiyeon then?” Jaemin asked, sitting on the bonnet of his car with his arms folded over his chest.
“Oh…about that.” Renjun dropped his cigarette to the floor and used the toe of his shoe to stub it out. He opened up the back door to his car and the boys were met with the sight of Jiyeon staring at them front her car seat. “I couldn’t get anybody to watch her, so she had to come with me.” She squealed in delight at the sight of her beloved uncles, waving at them in the way Jeno had taught her to last time he watched over her. All of their jaws hit the floor in astonishment at her presence.
“You have to be fucking joking.” Jeno frowned, his voice deep and he tutted with a roll of his eyes. “Dad of the year award is definitely not going to you.”
“Hey! Watch the swears, any day now she will say her first word, I’m sure of it.” He unbuckled her from car seat and gently lifted her to sit her on his hip. She was dressed in her fluffy yellow duck onesie that Renjun knew she’d be cosy and warm in, and she had her tiny amount of hair in a little yellow bow that Renjun had done his best in attaching to the fine strands of black hair.
“You can’t bring a baby to a car race Renjun!” Jaemin hopped off the front of his car and shook his head. “You know how many dodgy people come to these places.”
“I’m not going to leave her unattended.” Renjun rolled his eyes and cuddled his daughter closer to him, frowning at his friends and huffing. Jiyeon sucked on her pacifier, laying her head against her fathers’ chest and glancing around at her surroundings.
“Well, look at this lads.” A short, stocky man smirked as he approached their group with his own gang of minions. “Dad of the year is here.” He clearly found his own joke amusing, and so did his friends, as they all erupted in laughter.
“I’ve already told that joke.” Jeno mumbled to himself and let out a sigh, pushing himself off of Jaemin’s car and standing up straight, putting on an intimidating front as he stood beside Renjun.
“What do you want?” Renjun felt his body stiffen up at the man’s words, knowing the worst was yet to come.
“I’m going to win this race tonight,” He shot a glance at Jaemin and then looked back at Renjun. “Then you and your mistake will never show your faces around here again.” Renjun’s jaw clenched and he didn’t even realise what he was doing as he shoved Jiyeon into Haechan’s arms, launching at the man stood in front of him. No one disrespects his child in front of him and lives to tell the tale. He swung his fist, it hitting the man dead in the nose. He felt the crunch of bone underneath his fist and he was about to swing again when one of the man’s minions jumped in, hitting Renjun in the side of the head and knocking him sideways. He couldn’t feel the pain from the adrenaline pumping through him, his anger surging as he swung at anyone near him. Jeno and Jaemin jumped in and fought alongside him, while Haechan shoved Jiyeon into Jisung’s arms, the young boy now holding crying baby to his chest.
Everyone stopped when Renjun let out a loud groan, crumpling over with his hands to his gut, blood flowing over his pale hands as he dropped to his knees. The man who’d stabbed him with the pocketknife had a big smirk on his face, slowly backing away with the rest of the cowards who brought a knife to a fist fight. They ran off, laughing as they went, leaving the rest of the boys to stand with their mouths hanging open.
Renjun couldn’t believe he’d just been stabbed, thoughts rushing through his mind about how typical it was for his life to just get worse. He squeezed his eyes shut in agony, picturing you holding Jiyeon in your arms. You had a wide smile on your face as you bounced his daughter on your hip, her own mouth stretched with a toothy smile as she stared at you, laughter spilling from her lips in a high-pitched giggle. It was the last thing he thought of before he lost consciousness.
A knock on your door tore you out of your nap, consciousness suddenly infiltrating your mind and causing you to jolt upright on your sofa. You jumped up quickly, shuffling to the door in your slippers and pyjamas to see who wanted your attention. You didn’t think to look through the peep hole, and instead opened the door widely.
“Oh, Haechan, hey.” You were surprised to see Haechan stood opposite, your eyebrow raising slightly in curiosity of his presence. You couldn’t deny that he was hot. His clearly dyed light brown hair, his piercing brown eyes that were sometimes lined with black eyeliner, and his neck tattoo of a red rose and black and white skull on the left side of his neck finishing off his total bad boy look that would make most woman weak at the knees. He looked dangerous, and you assumed that he was, but you were too afraid to ask. He had always been nice to you though, so you weren’t going to judge him.
“Hey sweetheart, could you do me a huge favour?” He leaned against your doorframe, his hands in the pockets of his light blue jeans as he gave off a calm demeanour.
“Er yeah sure.” You shrugged, expecting it to be something like give him some sugar, or lend him a spare lightbulb or something. You weren’t expecting what he actually said though.
“Okay so long story short, Renjun got stabbed yesterday and he’s currently looking after Jiyeon, he’s struggling with doing the most basic tasks and I have to go out. No one else is home and he needs some help. Could you please go over and help him until one of us gets back?” Haechan pulled an awkward smile and scratched the back of his head, definitely expecting you to say no. Your mouth popped open and you shook your head in confusion.
“Wait what?! Renjun got stabbed?!”
“Yeah, he’ll live! He just needs some help because Jiyeon is only this big,” He put his hand by his knees to show you how big Jiyeon was like you didn’t already know. “And Renjun can’t bend over because he got stabbed in the abs.” Haechan shrugged, acting like it was nothing, much to your surprise. “So will you help me out?” You hesitated for a moment, looking at your hands awkwardly before nodding quickly.
“Okay yeah, let me just get dressed.” You turned around and rushed to your bedroom. Throwing on a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoodie which you didn’t even realise was one of Renjun’s until you looked at yourself in the mirror. You debated taking it off, but in the end, you couldn’t be bothered so you just shrugged and ran a brush through your hair. You headed back to where you left Haechan and he gave you a small smile, taking you across the hall to his apartment.
“Someone will probably be back in a few hours, Jiyeon is with him in his bed I think…well that’s where I left her! Have fun!” He shut the door behind himself as he left, leaving you in the foyer of the apartment. You let out a sigh, feeling nerves bundle up in your stomach at the thought of seeing Renjun again.
“I shouldn’t have agreed to this…” You mumbled, slowly wondering further into the apartment to Renjun’s bedroom. You knocked on the door and slowly pushed it open, giving him a barely there smile. He’s eyes widened when he saw you and he quickly jumped up from his bed. He winced and placed a hand over the patch on the right side of his abdomen. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, only wearing a pair of adidas black jogging bottoms. Jiyeon sat on his bed, propped up against his pillows with his phone in her hands.
“(Y/N) what are you doing here?” He didn’t want to get his hopes up that you were finally coming back into his life, but the little glimmer of hope that lit up like a fire in his stomach was hard to suppress.
“You got stabbed. Haechan asked me to help you out with Jiyeon for a little while.” You didn’t look at his face, instead opting to flit your eyes around the room before landing on his bare torso. “You got another tattoo…” You didn’t mean to say that out loud, but the words just slipped past your lips without your permission. He glanced down at his arm, looking at his new tattoo of a pocket watch surrounded by leaves, the whole piece being in black and white and blending in perfectly with another tattoo of an eye that he had on his arm.
“Yeah I did…” He nodded, giving you a soft smile. You cleared your throat, picking Jiyeon up from his bed and holding her on your hip. She dropped Renjun’s phone onto the bed, instead using her little hands to cling onto you.
“You should rest, she’ll be okay with me…just shout if you need anything.” Your voice was dull, and you couldn’t wait to leave the room, making your exit and going to the living room with the baby.
“Hey Jiyeonie.” You tried to show her some enthusiasm in your tone, but it was hard as you looked at what was technically the person who tore your relationship apart. Even if it wasn’t her fault.  You sat down on the sofa, sitting her on your lap facing you. She stared up at you and smiled, her innocent face causing tears to fill up in your eyes. ��Oh god.” Your face crinkled up, cupping her little cheeks in your hands as everything dawned on you. You could see the resemblance of Renjun in her features, feeling stupid for not seeing it before you got your heart broken.
“Ba!” She started to babble, showing her fingers in her mouth as she watched you with inquisitive eyes. You tipped your head back, blinking your eyes to try and will the tears away.
“You’re so cute, it makes sense that you’re Renjun’s daughter, he’s cute too.” You talked quietly, bouncing her on your knee to keep her entertained. “What do I do? I love your daddy so much but he’s a fu-…stupid poo head.” You stopped yourself from swearing in front of her, opting to call him a more child friendly name.
You spent the next hour entertaining Jiyeon, feeding her some dinner before taking her back into Renjun’s room with her asleep in your arms. Renjun was watching the tv with one of his arms stretched above his head, he looked bored and suddenly perked up when you came into the room. “She’s asleep, where shall I put her?” You averted your gaze, looking at the floor as Renjun slowly stood up and approached you.
“I’ll take her, could you wait here for a moment? I want to speak to you.” He grabbed the baby monitor and left the room after you gave him the nod in confirmation. He took Jiyeon to Jaemin’s room and laid her on his bed, caging her on the bed with pillows and setting the baby monitor on the bedside table. He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, tucking her underneath a blanket and making sure she was warm. He quickly made his way back to his own room, shutting the door behind him and letting out a sigh. You were stood awkwardly by his bed, fiddling with the sleeves on your hoodie and leaning your weight on one of your legs.
“You have five minutes Renjun.” You muttered, still not letting your eyes settle on his figure.
“Sit down, please baby.” He sat down on his bed, groaning at the pain in his abdomen from his wound. You looked at him upon hearing his pained groan, sitting beside him and biting your bottom lip.
“How did you get stabbed?” You had a worried tone in your voice, finally meeting his eyes. You could see how much tiredness and sadness laid behind his dark eyes, but you were sure yours held just as much.
“I have to start at the beginning, so please stick with me and let me explain.” He quickly took your hand in both of his, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. “I lied about what I do for work…well kind of, I do actually work at the mechanic shop some days. But I steal cars, and sell them on, or strip them down to parts and sell them on.” Your eyebrows raised and mouth parted slightly at his confession of his illegal doings. You felt your heart beating in your chest, your stomach flitting in nerves. You couldn’t help but think about the worst possible outcome, which would be Renjun being arrested for his crimes and Jiyeon being raised without a father. This being the worst possible outcome you thought of made you realise that you cared too much for you to care about his work. “Jaemin takes part in illegal street races, and I went along to one, and got in a fight.” Before he could continue you quickly asked what was playing on your mind.
“Why did you get in a fight?” He looked reluctant to tell you, but eventually let out a sigh.
“Please don’t judge me, but I took Jiyeon with me, and someone was talking shit about her and I got defensive. Then I got stabbed.” He watched your face to try and gauge your feelings towards everything he was spilling to you.
“I am judging you.” You deadpanned causing him to sigh. “You took a baby to an illegal car race! Huang Renjun you are an absolute dumbass! Anything could have happened! She’s so precious and you just risked her li-” He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, moving one of his hands to grasp your jaw. You relaxed into the kiss, not having enough energy to fight against it. His lips moved slow against yours, and you kissed him back with passion. You couldn’t deny how much you’ve missed the feeling of his lips against your own, and you wanted nothing more than to get lost in his lips and fall into his trap once more. You pulled away and sighed. “You’re still a dumbass.”
“I know.” He pecked your lips, letting the kiss linger for a moment before he sat back, his hand still cradling your jaw as his thumb rubbed against your cheek. “I lied about Jiyeon because when I saw you standing at my door on the day that I met you, I wanted to get to know you so bad, and every other girl I’ve ever tried to impress has always ran away when I told them that I’m a dad at the age of nineteen. So I lied, and I regretted it straight away. Especially when you told me about your ex…I felt like the biggest idiot in the world and I tried to pluck up the courage to tell you the truth so many times. But I couldn’t.”
“Were you just going to lie forever if I had never found out?”
“No I would have told you the truth. Because I’m in love with you, and I want you in my life so bad that this past week has been one of the worst weeks of my life. And that’s saying something because my life hasn’t exactly been rainbows and sunshine.” You took all of his words in, and you knew you were stupid for the decision you’d just made inside of your head, but you couldn’t help being drawn to him like he was metal and you were a gigantic magnetic, being pulled towards him despite knowing it wasn’t a good idea. “I need you, and I get if you aren’t comfortable with me being a dad…but please take me back.” He whispered against your lips, leaning in closer until they were a hairs width away.
“Is that everything that you’d lied to me about?”
“Oh…sometimes I do drugs with the guys, but I wouldn’t ever do it around you or Jiyeon. I promise you. And if you don’t want me to do it anymore, then tell me and I’ll never touch anything again.”
“Renjun.” You sighed, turning your head away from him, shaking it slightly in disapproval.
“Listen, I know it’s a shitty thing to do, but its kind of my coping mechanism. From a young age I was expected to study, and I was completely under my parents’ control until I moved to Korea. Then when I finally got more freedom, I fucked up and became a dad. Which I don’t regret for even a second but, sometimes I just want to let loose, and all of my friends do it so it’s hard not to. It’s not easy being a teen dad. All I want to do is fuck my really hot girlfriend and smoke some weed.” He let out a soft chuckle that had a sad undertone to it. “But I also want to be a good dad, it’s what Jiyeon deserves and I really love her. She’s my number one priority and if anyone ever made my choose between them or her, it will always be her.”
“I would never make you pick something like that Renjun.” You shook your head, turning your head to look back at him. Your lips were grazing his and you felt your breath catch in your throat as you contemplated your decisions. “She’s an angel, it doesn’t bother me that you are a dad. It just bothered me that you lied about it. I won’t forget about it, and if I get the feeling that you are lying to me again about something then I will be pulling you up on it.” Renjun smiled widely, a quiet giggle coming out of his mouth sounding cuter than it should coming from someone of his appearance.
“You just said my baby is an angel!” He felt giddy and really happy that you were praising his child, something blooming inside of him that he would describe as pride and love.
“She is.” You let out a laugh and then cleared your throat, feeling as though you should still be mad at him, but struggling to be as he made you feel all mushy inside. Then you remembered a crucial fact that he’d told you that you hadn’t pulled him up on yet. “Wait you steal cars and sell them?! Renjun that’s such a horrible thing to do! People spend so much money on cars and you could be stealing someone’s pride and joy away from them.” Renjun’s eyes widened and so did the gap between the both of you as you both sat back.
“I mostly steal from wealthy people and places that sell cars! I know that its not a good excuse but it’s really good money, and I’m good at it.” His voice got a bit deeper as he explained himself.
“Until you get caught.” You rolled your eyes and said in a monotone voice.
“I won’t.” He grabbed your face in his hands and brought you in for a kissed filled with tongue and passion. You knew he was trying to distract you, but in that moment when you got a rush of butterflies filling your stomach at his touch, you couldn’t find it in you to care. “I want to make love to you, but I don’t think I can do it today…” He mumbled against your lips and then winced as he sat back.
“It’s okay.” You smiled and kissed his cheek quickly. “So when did you get that tattoo?” You took his hand in your own, holding his arm so that you could twist it to see the tattoo of the pocket watch from every angle.
“The day after you broke up with me. Do you like it?” He looked at the tattoo and then studied your face as you examined the artwork.
“I love it.” You very gently trailed your fingers over it, moving them over to the eye also tattooed onto his arm. “Is this Jiyeon’s eye?” He nodded to tell you that you were right, giving you a sweet smile. “She has your eyes.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, they’re beautiful.” You felt your cheeks heat up as you complimented Renjun.
“You’re beautiful.” He shot right back at you, giving you a cheeky wink before letting out a loud laugh.
“You’re being a cheese ball.” You laughed, leaning your head against his shoulder just as you heard crying come through the baby monitor. “Your baby is crying; you should go and get her.”
“Hey! I thought you were here to help me with her!” He stood up anyway, using the bed to support himself as he let out a small groan in pain.
“Oh yeah.” You laughed, standing up with him and taking his hand into your own. His hand felt warm, and it made the butterflies in your stomach wake up again as it dawned on you how natural it felt to hold his hand. As you picked up Jiyeon, holding her to your chest, she stopped crying. It felt just as natural holding her in your arms as it did holding Renjun’s hand. And as Renjun wrapped his arms around you both, pressing a tender kiss to Jiyeon’s forehead and then to your own, you felt a warmth spread throughout your body. You felt wanted and loved. You felt good.
“Dada.” Jiyeon babbled and stared at her father like she hadn’t just said her first word. Renjun’s mouth dropped to the floor and once he overcome his initial shock, he smiled wider than you’d ever seen him smile. You gasped, giving her a gentle squeeze and rubbing her head with one of your hands.
“Yeah dada! Oh baby girl you said your first word!” He pressed another kiss to her forehead, and she let out a soft laugh, kicking her legs out in excited at Renjun’s reaction.
“My heart.” You cooed and pouted at her cuteness, feeling proud of her even though she wasn’t your child.
“I’m so glad her first word was dada and not Nana, I would have actually beaten Jaemin to a pulp if she’d said his name before mine.” Renjun chuckled and held you both tighter. He felt something blossom inside of his chest when he held his girlfriend and his daughter in his arms. He felt a natural feeling of wanting to protect you both and give you all the love in the world he had to offer and, in that moment, he knew that it was his purpose, his responsibility. 
A/N - Howdy, this is the third and final part to Renjun’s part of the bad boy series. What did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback! The more feedback I get, the more content I create :) Thanks for reading and giving me support, I appreciate it with all my being. Oh, also, thank you @cheertaeil​ for helping me out with the idea for this one! Love you <3
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
Not Like Them
@ohbarracuda asked:  I want to request some Raymond love, maybe there is a fancy event and you are meeting his snob family for the firts time and they are giving you a hard time but they behave badly toward him as well, you find out where some of his isues come from, and thats the fluff part of the story but then the story turns to beaitiful smut toward the end. Your writing gives me life 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 
TW: asshole parents, light smut
“Are you ready?” Ray asks as he’s walking into the bathroom where you’re getting ready. You just put your earring on, finishing getting ready. 
“Yes.” You reply, nervousness is visible in your voice. Ray steps behind you, you’re wearing a long emerald coloured dress, and heels, yet Raymond is still towering above you. You take a look at him in the mirror, he’s wearing a black three piece suit, his hair is slick and his beard is trimmed nicely, his glasses are sitting on the bridge of his nose. You lock your eyes with his in the mirror, you see him sigh and shake his head a little bit. Raymond places his hands on your exposed shoulders, and he leans down to kiss your skin softly. 
“You look beautiful.” He murmurs against your skin. “Thank you for doing this.” 
You don’t know much about Raymond’s family, you know that he’s not really keeping contact with them, and he doesn’t really talk about them. You’ve been together since years, but you haven’t met with his family yet, but they invited you and Ray to this charity gala they organised. 
Before you accepted it, Raymond warned you about them, telling you to don’t take anything to the heart what they say. This made you nervous, but you agreed to go anyway. 
“Alright, let’s go.” Raymond says, and you walk out with him from the bathroom. “The sooner we go there, the sooner we can leave.” He says as you walk down the stairs to the front door. You follow him, and when he reaches the front door he suddenly stops and turns around. 
“And this means the sooner I can take this dress off of you and devour you.” He whispers close to your face. You take a sharp breath, then you smirk a little. Two can play this game. 
“I’m not wearing any panties so please, don’t make me wet.” You whisper back, and it’s Ray’s turn now to inhale sharply. You don’t wait for his reply, you walk to the front door and open it.
“C’mon let’s go!” You gesture with your arm to outside. Raymond shakes his head with a little smile on his face, but he walks outside to his car, and you follow him. He opens the car door for you and you take a seat, careful to not wrinkle your dress. 
The closer you are to your destination the more nervous you get. Ray is sensing this, he knows how nervous you are so he takes one of your hands in his, and he lifts it to his mouth to kiss the back of your hand. 
“It’s gonna be okay.” He says, and you nod. After this, you sit with him in silence until you arrive to a huge house.
“Wow!” You say stunned as you look at the house from the car. “This is not a house, it’s a small castle.” You mutter, and you hear Ray chuckle next to you.
“You grew up here?” You turn towards him, he just frowns and answers with a ‘yeah’. Raymond gets out of the car and walks to your side, he opens the door for you and helps you out. When you step out of the car, you look around and see that there are people everywhere. This event is bigger than you thought it will be and suddenly you’re even more nervous. 
“We still can leave if you want.” Ray offers as he sees you getting more nervous. You shake your head.
“It’s fine. Let’s get over this.” You say, and Ray takes your hand as he leads you up the stairs for the front door. You stop when you get on the top of the stairs and you turn towards Ray.
“Just please never leave my side.” You beg quietly. 
“Never.” He shakes his head and leads you inside. The house is huge, and it’s full of expensive decorations. There are people everywhere, everyone is wearing a fancy dress and suit. You suddenly feel like an outsider, you don’t feel like belonging here.
“C’mon, let’s get over this.” Ray repeats your words, and he leads you into the house. A waiter stops next to you and he offers you champagne, Raymond takes two glasses gratefully, and hands you one glass. You take a big sip from the bubbly liquid, letting it relax you a little bit. 
“Raymond! Darling!” You hear a woman say behind you, both of you turn around to look at the woman.
“Mother.” Raymond says and you freeze. Ray hugs his mother and places a kiss on her cheeks, and you watch them without any word or moving. She’s beautiful, and so elegant, and somehow she makes you feel so small. 
“Let me introduce my girlfriend to you.” Raymond turns towards you, his mother looks at you and you smile at her politely. She looks you up and down, you try to read something off of her face, but you fail. 
“It’s really nice to meet you Mrs. Smith!” You smile at her, but you can see that she’s not impressed by you, however her politeness wins, so she greets you back.
“You too.” She says, she’s eyeing you suspiciously. 
“Well” she turns towards Ray “your father should be around here.” 
“Great.” Ray says, his mother is looking for him in the crowd with her eyes.
“Oh, there he is!” She excitedly says and points at an older man who’s heading towards the direction the three of you stand.
“Raymond!” He greets his son by shaking Ray’s hand and pulls him to a hug. 
“It’s good to see you son.” 
“You too, dad.” Raymond once again turns towards you “Allow me to introduce my girlfriend to you.” He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to himself. Just like his mother, his father is visibly not a big fan of you either. 
“So, y/n, what do you do for the living?” Raymond’s mother asks you.
“I’m a teacher.” You reply politely, and you almost see his mother frown. 
“That’s really nice.” Raymond’s father says, he doesn’t wear his emotions on the surface like his mother does. Just as his father says this, you hear his mother let out a loud sigh. 
“Have you ever thought about having a more noble job?” 
“Mother!” Raymond hisses next to you, and your jaw drops from the shock. 
“Excuse me?” You ask, disbelief is visible in your voice. 
“A more educated woman matches to Raymond and not someone who does such a common job.” She explains, and you feel rage rushing over you. 
“Well, I’m sorry that I don’t match your perfect, ideal girlfriend to your son. But let me tell you something, I make him happy and that’s worth more than any education.” You spit “And here’s one more thing, there isn’t a more noble job than teaching young children. Opening their eyes to the world! Educating them! And I feel bad for you if you think this is not noble enough for your highness.” By the end of your speech your voice is raised, and Ray’s mother’s eyes grew bigger and bigger from the shock. 
“Do you let her speak to me like that?” She asks Raymond.
“Yes.” He simply says “She didn’t do anything to deserve what you said. And she’s right, what she does is amazing, she’s particularly raising children and guides them to be amazing people.” 
“But you’re a noble man with a noble job!” Ray steps closer to his mother as he angrily whispers:
“I’m a counselor to a drug lord! But you didn’t know that for the exact same reason I kept her away from you!” Ray steps back next to you.
“I love her more than anything, and I’m gonna make sure I’ll keep her away from your judging, snob self.” Raymond spits, and he grabs your hand and leads you out of the house. You silently rush after Ray, trying to keep up with his speed as he rushes towards his car. When he’s standing in front of the car, he stops and turns around, you bump into him as he stopped so suddenly. He grabs your face and pulls you closer, he smashes his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. You’re a little breathless when he pulls away.
“God, I’m so sorry about this.” He says.
“It’s not your fault.” you assure him.
Ray shakes his head “I knew it will be bad, but I never expected her to be this disrespectful. I’m so sorry love, I’m sorry I put you through this.” You step closer to Ray, and it’s your turn now to grab his face.
“It wasn’t your fault!” you tell him forcefully “Let’s just go home and forget about this.” Ray kisses you one more time before he opens the door for you and drives both of you home. 
You spend the road to your home in silence, none of you felt like talking. Raymond finally parks the car in front of his house, the house you share with him. You don’t wait for him to open the door for you, you get out of the car and walk to the front door, Ray closely behind you. You walk into the house, straight into the kitchen, you take two glasses out of the cabinet, you take a glass of whiskey and pour some for Ray and yourself. He walks next to you and doesn’t say a word, he just takes the glass away from you and takes a big sip from the amber liquid. Still with the glass in his hand, he walks to the vinyl player and puts on a record. Elvis’ voice fills the room, and you can’t help but smile as ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ plays, your song with Ray. He puts down his glass of whiskey on the table and walks up to you, when he’s standing in front of you he takes the glass away from you, and he leads you to the open area of the living room, and he slowly starts dancing with you.
Your smile grows bigger and bigger as you slow dance with Ray, and slowly he starts smiling too.
“Please forgive me.” he whispers.
“There’s nothing you should apologize for.” 
“I feel bad for what happened.”
“Raymond, love, it’s fine. It’s long forgotten.” you assure him. “I’m just glad you’re nothing like them.” Ray chuckles.
“Yeah, me too.” Ray nods one more time before he leans down to kiss you. You wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close as you kiss and swing to the music at the same time.
“Do you still want to devour me?” you whisper against his mouth, lips are still stouching. 
Ray smirks a little and whispers a ‘yes’. He stops the music and leads you up to the bedroom.
Ray stands behind you, slowly unzipping your dress, tracing his finger over your exposed skin, following the road of the zipper. You feel his beard on your shoulder before you feel his lips touch your skin, placing soft, wet kisses all over your skin, going upwards to your neck, and ear. 
You’re already trying to catch your breath as excitement fills you, and you gasp a little when Raymond finally slips your dress off of you, leaving you completely naked, wearing only your heels and your jewelry. He’s still standing behind you, but you can feel his eyes on you, drinking in your sight. 
“You’re really not wearing any panties, you naughty girl.” he growls into your ear, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth as you shake your head. “Turn around.” Ray demands, and you slowly turn around. Ray’s eyes are first on your face, then it goes lower and rests on your breath. He takes both of your already hard nipples between his fingers and tugs them gently, making you gasp loudly. There’s something incredibly hot in the fact that he’s still completely dressed and you’re completely naked. 
Raymond suddenly kneels down in front of you, he’s face to face with your mound, you can feel his breath tickle your skin as he took a deep breath and let it out. Then he placed a wet kiss on the top, his tongue gently touches your skin as you let out a small moan. 
You grab Ray’s shoulders for some support, but Ray takes your right leg and places it over his shoulder and buries his face between your legs. He licks along your slit, not pushing his tongue into your inner folds just yet as he’s teasing you. You grab the back of his head, tangling your fingers into his hair as you keep him in his place. You moan Ray’s name when he finally slips his velvet tongue into your pink folds, lapping your wetness, and sucking your skin. 
Raymond is a man who always keeps his promises, and it’s the same tonight.
A/N: This started getting pretty long so I had to stop, BUT let me know if you want a part two just for the smut!
Tag list: @innerpaperexpertcloud @lady-evans @agirllovespasta @mheart27 @claudiahxrdy @oldstuffnewstuff @keithseabrook27 @alexa-rae-dreamz @minnicelli @woahitslucyylu
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 27
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: The exam season is underway (yet somehow I don’t mention the exams all too many times...)
A/N: Yay, I'm back with this fic!! I think I can promise a bit more regular updates at least in the near future, but I will be starting to work longer hours possibly starting from next week so I will have a bit less free time then. I am still determined to keep up with my 500ish words per day goal so it should cause too much delay!
That's that, I hope you guys are as happy to return to this universe as I am! As usual, please let me know what you think :) This fic is about to take my longest fic position from Love Can Melt the Ice, so knowing that there are people who care about it really means a lot to me!
Words: 2393
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
Leo would have been lying if he had claimed that everything went back to completely normal after the talk with Calypso. Sure, they both really tried harder to act as neutral and friendly as possible around each other; whenever they were at home at the same time, they chatted casually about how things were going at work and at the university, their latest TV show or music discoveries, or some silly thing one of their friends had said or done recently. Sometimes they even watched something together or cleaned the common area together. However, the earlier confessions were never mentioned. On the surface things were ‘just fine’, but the unspoken words and lingering looks spoke for itself. Leo knew things were still heating up under the surface and sooner or later they would have to make some difficult decisions. But until then, he wasn’t going to risk anything by disrespecting the guidelines that they had set during their ‘big talk’, even if it was hard to resist sometimes.
One evening Leo found Calypso studying for her upcoming exams on the common area couch. She was wearing a pink, tunic length sweater that matched her lip color, and black leggings that hugged her legs tightly (not that he’d ever tell her that he had noticed such things). She had also pulled her now medium length hair into a messy ponytail so it wouldn’t bother her while she was reading, showing her nicely shaped facial features better. Despite noticing all that, Leo’s thoughts soon went to the facts that he had recently learned about his flatmate. Now he knew more about the hardships she had gone through; a dead sister, an abusive, controlling father, being alone all those years and the nightmares she had mentioned while drunk. Yet, somehow there she was, having escaped her father’s grip and looking perfectly content doing something as boring and normal as studying for exams. The girl was way stronger than he had earlier given her credit for, and Leo admired her capability to stay so calm; he wasn’t so sure the ghosts of his own past would leave him alone that easily.
“Hi,” he finally said before Calypso noticed that he’d been standing there just watching her far too long despite the rules they had set. “What are you reading?”
Calypso showed him the book. If she was surprised to see him, she hid it well. “A collage of Frenchmen’s experiences at the front lines during World War II. I know. A very cheerful way to finish the day.” She grimaced.
“Huh? I thought you were mostly focusing on older history? I didn’t know you study that stuff too,” Leo noted, shifting from one foot to another.
“Well, they do require us to have a good enough understanding of the newer events as well,” Calypso replied, now looking at him directly. For some reason that one look managed to make chills go down Leo’s spine. “It is true, though, that I am more interested in ancient history. There’s so much we still don’t know about those times and I want to be able to discover more.”
“I see,” Leo said. “I think I understand what you mean. I am constantly hoping to discover new ways to create things that will be useful for all of us. Flying dragons that use energy drinks as their energy source? How epic would that be?” Excitement surged through him when he simply thought about it.
“Isn’t that a bit out there?” Calypso asked, but Leo didn’t miss the amused glint in her eyes. “And what if everyone had flying dragons and that would cause horrible air accidents? I don’t know about you but to me they don’t sound very safe.”
“Sunshine, what’s life without some danger?” Leo questioned.
“Hmm, let me think: safe?” Calypso retorted.
“Ouch. Well, I don’t think I have time to invent flying dragons any time soon, so you don’t have to worry about that,” Leo reassured her, but now that the idea had been planted into his head, he decided to return to it some day in the future. Hopefully when he would be able to handle fire.
“That’s a relief,” Calypso replied. “Speaking of your inventions… have you decided what you’re going to do about your studies? The last time I asked you said you haven’t been in contact with your professor yet.”
That was a question Leo had been dreading for. He preferred to not talk about that topic unless he had to, but the truth was that he was still quite unsure about being able to continue. However, he hadn’t made any final decisions yet.
“I’ll… I’ll keep working to overcome my fear,” he responded vaguely. “I think I’ve made some small progress during our sessions. If I can keep that going, I may be able to retake the test next year. Small steps, you know.” In reality, so far he had managed to stay close to a small, burning candle for a short period of time without freaking out, but he still didn’t want to try the matches whenever Calypso suggested it. There was still a long way to go before he’d be able to use all the machines he needed during lab classes and at work.
“Okay,” Calypso said, but to Leo she sounded a bit unconvinced. Her voice got more reassuring, though, when she added: “You know that you can ask for my help any time you need it.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Leo nodded. “And same right back at you. I mean, you can ask me. If you need anything.” For some annoying reason he managed to only get stuttering out of his mouth at that moment. “Even if you simply want me to make you a miniature dragon in the middle of the night. It’s fine. I’d totally make it.”
“And why would I want you to make me a miniature dragon in the middle of the night?” Calypso looked at him questioningly. Before Leo managed to answer, her face softened into a smile and she added: “I really appreciate the thought, though. It feels so different… in a good way… to have people in my life who genuinely support me. I haven’t had that, well, since I got separated from my mom.”
She sat a bit straighter on the couch, her gaze going back and front between Leo and her book, and Leo wondered if she was debating if she should reach for him and touch his shoulder or something. Maybe even hug. One side of him wished she would just go for it. But that would have violated their newly made rules and neither wanted to make things even more complicated than they already were. They simply kept staring at each other for a while, as if trying to read each other’s thoughts, but finally Calypso sighed and turned her focus back on her book, closing it.
“I didn’t realize it’s already this late…” She said, adjusting her hair a bit with the hand that wasn’t holding the book. “I still need to finish an assignment for tomorrow.”
She stood up and started walking towards her room, but when she got past Leo, her arm briefly touched his. Leo’s arm was still tingling after Calypso closed the door behind her.
A few days later, Leo was still thinking of that incident when he almost fell over a big rock that was standing on his road. He and Jason were currently having a well deserved evening off after finishing their last exams of the semester earlier that day (Leo felt like he had at least succeeded with the calculations but his essay writing was a bit sloppy) and in honor of that they had decided to go for a long jog and after that have a big, unhealthy meal in one of their favorite pizza places. While they were on their way there, Jason had been explaining something about his holiday plans when Leo had zoned out, and Jason had to grab his arm so he didn’t fall.
“Hey, man, you OK?” Jason asked, frowning. “What just happened there?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m OK.” Leo brushed some dust off the sleeves of his coat. “I was just… thinking. And didn’t notice the rock on the road.”
“Hmmm, what got you that thoughtful?” Jason inquired. “I bet you didn’t even hear what I just said.”
“You know I have a pretty nasty case of ADHD, sometimes I just zone out randomly,” Leo said defensively, not wanting to admit aloud that recently he had been even more distracted than usual because of a certain flatmate of his. “And no, I didn’t hear you.”
“Alright,” Jason shrugged. “I was telling you that Piper’s dad has invited us to visit him over the break. I’m not sure yet if we are going, though. Piper didn’t seem very enthusiastic about it. Sure, she wants to see him, but she suspects he’s still working most of the time so it would be the same to just call instead of traveling all the way to LA.”
“Mmmh,” Leo mumbled, trying hard to stay in the present moment. “I’m going to be at Waystation during the break so if you guys decide to stay, we can still hang out.”
“Okay, I’ll let you know what we decide to do. That wasn’t all, though…” Jason continued, his face becoming concerned. “I think Piper has seemed quite distant lately, and not just when we’ve been talking about that trip. Sometimes I worry that she’s gotten bored of me, or something.”
“No way, man!” Leo exclaimed. “I’ve seen you guys together often enough to know that she loves you. Maybe she’s just going through a rough phase or something.”
Jason didn’t seem quite convinced. “I guess so. It’s just that usually she tells me directly what’s bothering her. This… keeping things inside her isn’t like her.”
“Maybe you just need to give her some time,” Leo suggested. “It’s like me with Cal; I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut more often and in exchange she has slowly started opening up to me more recently.”
“She has? That’s great!” Jason cheered up. “How is it going with you two anyway? I heard some things about the Halloween party aftermath…”
“Nothing happened after the party!” Leo yelped, raising his hands. “Whatever Piper has told you, all lies.”
“Really? So you two wouldn’t have kissed if Piper hadn’t interrupted you guys?” Jason raised his eyebrow.
If Leo’s cheeks hadn’t already been red from the jogging, he certainly would have blushed. “Um… well… the point is that we didn’t. Besides, we’ve set some rules that we’re supposed to follow because we don’t wanna make our co living too complicated.”
“So there is something going on between you two and you are acknowledging it,” Jason teased. “You wouldn’t need to set any rules otherwise.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Leo muttered. “If you must know, we did admit that we like each other after the party.”
“But that’s great!” Jason exclaimed.
“It feels pretty crazy,” Leo replied. “Sometimes I wonder why she likes me, but maybe the Bad Boy Supreme’s magic is stronger than I thought.”
Jason snorted at his comment. “I don’t know Calypso as well as you do but I doubt it’s the so-called Bad Boy Supreme side that she cares about. You pretend to be all cool and try to seem like you don’t care about what’s happening around you but I think you do that only because you care too much. Maybe Calypso has noticed that as well.”
“Dude, you’ve been hanging out with Piper too much.” Leo shook his head. “That’s something she would say. ” “Well, she’s not wrong. Anyway, what happened after the big confession?”Jason asked curiously.
“We’re not together if that’s what you’re asking, ” Leo denied immediately. “I just mentioned the rules, remember? We wouldn’t need them if we had decided to go down that road.” “Ouch… but why? Why didn’t you just decide to do it?” Jason wanted to know.
“For some stupid, noble reasons,” Leo grunted. “I’m not gonna go into the details because it’s up to her to talk about it, but long story short, she thinks it’s safer that way. I think she’s afraid of hurting one of us.”
“And do you think she’s right?” Jason inquired.
“I… No! I’ve told her I can handle it. But I’m not gonna push it - believe me, Jo and Emmie have given me long lectures about respecting women’s boundaries. If Cal and I wanna keep living together, I have to let it be.”
“Yeah, I can see your point.” Jason nodded.
“Besides…” Leo added after a moment, his face falling as he thought about his past. “Bad things tend to follow me. Who is to say that I wouldn’t be the one getting her into trouble?”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because when have I ever been successful with anything I’ve done?” Leo asked in return.
Jason seemed to finally understand what event Leo was really referring to. “You’re still beating yourself for things that happened years ago?”
“Why do you think I’m not capable of going to some of the lab classes? Because I simply think that skipping is fun and I don’t care whether I pass it or not?” There had been a time when Leo hadn’t cared about his school success, but back in those days he hadn’t cared about much else either. Now that he had dreams and things to live for, he hated the idea that anyone would think he’d throw it all away just because he could. His new family deserved better than that for what they had done for him.
“No, no, I was not thinking that! You just never talk about it so I assumed… whatever.” Jason didn’t want to make Leo even angrier so he decided it was better to change the topic. “Maybe we should talk about something else. I still hope that you and Cal will work it out eventually.”
“Yeah. I hope so too. Same for you and Piper.” The friends had gotten close to their destination, so Leo exclaimed quickly: “Hey, I’m smelling the pizza now! Whoever is last at the door pays!”
“That’s a bad deal because you know I’m faster than you. I train every day!” Jason pointed out but soon sprinted after him.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Rosebud Prologue:The first move.
In times of despair and sorrow there are fundamentally two options. Wallow in it, or move forward despite through the pain. A wise person would recommend escaping one’s own personal suffering. A wiser man would ask the question nobody else does. When you move forward, what happens to things left behind? They don’t fade away, not always. Sometimes...they try to keep up.
It was just another day. Ruby was doing dishes while her fourteen year old daughter, Carmine, held her baby brother in her arms. The little monster was enjoying his bottle while his happy sister hummed Gold to him. Ruby couldn’t help but feel all warm inside. Carmine had been doing everything and more to help out. This past year could’ve been way harder without her, but now things had fallen into a decent routine. More importantly, Ruby could say goodbye to sweatpants again and hello to corsets! Her body was back in action like it was before pregnancy. Loving her children had no limits but it felt heavenly to not feel like a balloon again. Jaune never complained though. Most likely because it meant it was his turn to whip her into shape. The sneaky husband loved helping with her stretches.
Ruby put away the last dish and dried her hands. “Wanna switch off?” She asked, clearly seeing Carmine enjoy her current duty. The girl shook her head no. “I’m fine feeding Garnet. Just another role as big sis!” Her smile practically reached her eyes. Ruby noticed Carmine had her red contacts in. “Going somewhere soon?
“Yep. When dad gets back with groceries I’m gonna head out to do a bit of patrolling. Thought I’d stop by Sun’s place and see if Aero wanted to join. He gets snippy if I don’t at least try and convince him to join.” Ruby laughed, that was pretty on brand for the boy. “Just don’t go around town starting trouble. I’m tired of the cops telling me you’re playing vigilante.” Carmine couldn’t help scoff at such exaggerated claims. “How’s it my fault I happened to encounter a gang leader in his hidden base of operations? It was poorly hidden. Besides, the cops haven’t called in weeks.”
Ruby’s scroll immediately starts ringing with the Vacou police department ID on it. She turns to Carmine and sighs. “Listen, I was wild like this too, but not this wild.” Carmine raised an eyebrow. “But...I haven’t done anything. In a while, or that they can prove…” she hoped. Ruby only shook her head tiredly and answered. “What or who did Carmine break?” The officer laughed lightly before it faded off. “No no, this isn’t about Carmine. One of the stations a couple of miles out of the kingdom to the neighboring towns called our department. If I’m correct, you were very close with Maria Calavera, yes?” Ruby moved away from her kids and spoke lower. Maria had passed away several years ago. It was the first time Carmine looked so hurt. “Yes, is everything okay? Did something happen to her house,”
“Her home is fine, but not her tombstone. Apparently some punk kid decided to defile it. The cops are wondering if you can drop by and scare the punk into proper shape. You know how people get when they meet you. Also you take care and technically on it, so pressing charges have to come from you.” Ruby was still processing someone disrespecting a grave. To what gain? Maria had no more enemies. Not to mention that her grave wasn’t in a cemetery. It was moved to a hill near the outskirts. “Yeah I’ll show up. I can’t promise I won’t scare the kid to death though. I can’t believe a person did such a thing. This world I’ll tell ya; give me a few minutes to head out. Have them with me so they can admire their work before I make them clean it all up.” Ruby hung up and let out a sigh. There was always something.
“Everything okay?” Carmine asked. She walked towards her mother and held Garnet's adorably chubby face in front of Ruby’s face. It was impossible not to smile at it. “Hehe, I’m fine. Looks like a certain baby is fine too. I might have to put this boy on a diet!” She poked his tummy and patted Carmine’s head. “I gotta go to your abuela’s gravesite. Somebody was messing with it and I gotta give them a stern talking to.” Carmine looked as stunned as Ruby did, then her face scowled. Ruby had seen that before. “Nah ah, you can not come and beat them up.”
Carmine poked her lips out. “You’re no fun. I guess I’ll keep the house safe with Garnet then.” As if she had a choice. Who else was gonna do it!? She stopped pouting when Ruby kissed her forehead. Carmine wanted to rub it off but her hands were full. “Mom!” Ruby stuck her tongue out childishly as she walked away. “Lock the door! You dad will be home soon.” The front door was closed and the house became a little more quiet. “Well it’s just you and I now.” Garnet blinked his eye at her curiously before spitting up a little on himself. Carmine closes her eyes to collect herself. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
The trip to Esperanza from the outskirts of Vacou was only a couple miles; not a real problem for someone who walked all the way to Haven. Ruby reached Maria’s small and festive hometown in about half an hour. It was still rather early for everyone to be out and about but noise and smells of food sizzling filled the air all the same. Ruby always liked this place. She spotted the tree that stood proudly on the hill on the other side of the town. Even from here she could see some limbs had been broken off and some kind of fabric flowing off of it. “Why would-ugh, teenagers.” Ruby groaned. Under the tree she could see a cop and another individual draped in a black hood. Now she was even more confused. An over eager fan or hater maybe? Many people around here loved Maria and her legendary status. Ruby wasted no time racing up to the vandalism, catching the raven haired officer off guard. Her emerald eyes bugged out at the sudden appearance.
“Gah! Wow, you’re faster up close. You should come with a bell.” Ruby chuckled at the statement. “I bet the grimm would love that idea.” A closer look at the tree revealed more damaged limbs and roughed up ground. Ruby turned to the cloaked figure who avoided her gaze. They were taller than Ruby expected but that’s all she could decipher. “Care to explain why you felt so compelled to ruin a memorial? Disrespecting the dead is pretty low.” She said firmly, crossing her arms for more affect.
The person hid further in their hood. Ruby waited for any possible response but there was only silence. They looked at the ground and dug their right foot into the dirt. The cop touched Ruby soldier. “He’s been pretty silent since I caught him red handed. There’s a mark on the back of the tree they spray painted. I can’t make sense of it but I was hoping you might be able to. For all I know, no gangs use that tag.” Ruby pointed star the culprit. “Don’t you dare try to run. We’re not finished young man.” He nodded. Ruby backed away slowly. There were always a few that tried running. It was as if they forgot what her semblance was.
A few steps from her and the cop told her that the dude was just gonna stay there. She finally turned around to examine the tree. “You said the back right? Gangs spray paint all the time so I might not know what….” her voice drifted into silence as she reached the other side of the trees. She had to take a few steps back to make sure she was seeing things okay. “This-This is…” words still eluded her as Ruby stared at black spray paint that perfectly made the image of a queen chess piece. Ruby could feel her face lose its color. “Cinder…” it was as if her name was a trigger for disaster. The tree suddenly was cut into by a blade that pierced the other side. Ruby was barely able to dodge the surprise attack, getting a clear view of the weapon. It was a scythe. Their culprit was holding a standard scythe that counted swinging at her. A small smirk was visible on the young man’s face as he came at her in full force.
The scythe constantly spun in his hand as he tried to swipe Ruby.The woman was done being surprised however. Ruby easily ducked and whipped out Cresent Rose. “Wanna play huh? Fine.” She hissed. Fighting first and asking questions later was something Ruby could get behind. She gripped the pole of her weapon tight and swung horizontally. The force alone caused enough pressure to push her opponent back while the blade barely scratched his torso. He had good reflexes. Ruby blitzed behind him and slashed him back before disappearing and reappearing in front of him. Ruby spun the bottom of her scythe and clipped his chin, then took a shot to thrust it forward. The sharp metal end would’ve connected to his face if an unexpected bullet didn’t hit Ruby in her arm. She turns her head to see the cop’s gun trained on her with deadly accuracy.
“What the hell are you-huh?” The emerald eyes of the cop turned pink and brown along with her hair. A familiar mischievous laughter comes from the old adversary as she twirls the gun and watches Ruby avoid the opponent in front of her. “Hey Rubes! You’re looking good; filled out quite a bit. I know your husband must like that.” She fired a few more bullets at Ruby’s feet to keep her moving as the red reaper was easily out classing the man in black, but he was nothing but persistent. He forced Ruby to jump by sweeping her feet and shoulder bashed her to the ground. Expert or not, Ruby was only so big. She quickly recovered by tumbling backwards and dashed towards Neo. For the first time in a long time, an ache more deadly than any blade pierced Ruby’s heart. Ruby couldn’t help but be bombarded with the memories of seventeen years ago.
“WHERE IS SHE!?” Ruby screamed at the smirking woman. That smirk pissed her off to no end. Not again, they’re not taking anything again. She swung Crescent Rose downward at Neo’s face, but quickly spun it sideways to shoot herself towards the right. The cloaked figure sprinted in front of her and blocked a horizontal slash that looked like it would’ve hit air, but wouldn’t. The Neo behind her shattered and the real one poked her head out from behind the man, happily surprised. “Damn, nothing gets past you anymore huh? Saw right through me.” Neo tried getting off another shot. “Still fast?” One bullet fired at close range only hit a rose petal. Instincts told Neo to push her partner out the way and duck. It was the right call. The edge of a scythe blade had been dropped and yanked backwards where Neo’s neck was. “I’m faster…”
Neo’s partner swung the end of the shaft to Neo to grab a hold of then Yanked her to safety behind him. “Phew, thanks darling. Told you she was the real deal.” Neo finally stopped smiling and glared at Ruby. “That’s What makes this next part so satisfying.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a detonator. Ruby’s body tensed up and her assault was halted. Neo’s thumb rubbed the top of the bottom rhythmically. “Guess where the bomb is?”
Ruby didn’t even flinch. “Leave the townspeople out of this or I swear-”
“Times up!” Neo hit the button and Ruby gasped. She went to dash at Neo but was hit in the side with a scythe from behind. The image in front of her shattered as she stumbled into it. An anger growl left her throat as Neo laughed. “Hahaha, kidding! This trigger does nothing.” She tossed it to the ground. “Still gullible after all these years. How are you not dead? Oh wait, others die for you.”
“Little…” Ruby grit her teeth and fired round after round at Neo. The cloaked man spun his scythe to deflect each one. He jumped forward with a downward slash but missed. Ruby spun in a tight vortex of petals that kept his feet fry the ground. She hooked his scythe with hers and yanked it out of his hands then hurled it Neo; not a shred of concern was seen as Neo leaned to the side and caught it. She turned to wink but saw Ruby behind her partner with the man on one knee and gripping the pole off Crescent Rose in an attempt to remove it from his neck before Ruby could choke him out. Neo pointed her pistol again but didn’t pull the trigger. With most of Ruby’s body behind his, it wouldn’t be a good idea to test her aim.
“Heroes take hostages now? That’s so cold”
“You would know.” Ruby pulled harder. “Must mean a lot to you if you’re not shooting. Where’s Cinder?”
“What? Am I not enough for you? Is my vengeance second rate? I thought you’d like me more after all we’ve been through.” Neo pouted.
“LAST CHANCE! OR-” Neo dropped the gun and yawned. “Or what? You’ll strangle him? That would be a terrible way to end a reunion, right Dustin?”
Just like that, Ruby felt her body go numb. “D-Dustin?” She muttered. Her grip accidentally loosened and the man ducked under the metal bar against his neck and rolled away in less than a second. The ground beneath Ruby trembled. Vines armed with thrones shot from the dirt and wrapped around her legs, waist, arms, and neck like barbed wire that pulled her down to her knees. The pain drained and felt a numbing, but Ruby could only stare at the black roses that bloomed on them slowly as the man walked towards Neo and grabbed his scythe. He looked back at Ruby who stared in disbelief, tears flooding her eyes. “D-Dustin…?” She repeated, her voice cracking. Ruby watched the man pull the hood off. Suddenly the world didn’t seem real. Her body felt ice cold with only the warmth of her tears on her face that came from silver eyes that became dim and cloudy; a perfect reflection of the ones in front her. Including the red and black hair. The difference being it was on a face that reflected not just her, but the man she married. It was only once, but Ruby never forgot that face. The face of the boy that made her a mother. The face she mourned for more times then she dared remember.
He finally spoke, “Hey mom. Glad you can make it.” The weight of cold and dense bone gripped Ruby’s shoulder. There wasn’t a nerve in her body that didn’t feel like fire and a heartbeat that didn’t sound like a boombox in her eardrums. If she was trembling before then she was now. Ruby didn’t even bother looking up. The shadow on the ground was enough. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s been quite some time since I met your mother in person. Isn’t that right?” The hand grabbed Ruby’s chin and turned it up to the right. Now Ruby had no choice but to look.
Cinder stood there looking down. Her previous outfit was ditched for dark purple leather pants and a black shirt that faintly glowed a deep fiery red like her heels. Not only was her arm different, looking fully formed and in case the bone armor grimm is known for, her eyes weren’t the same. One remained the same as before. The one that was never harmed. It was the injured one that made Ruby’s mouth run dry. The eye, it was silver as well. “Why don’t we catch up a bit? Normally I’m on a time crunch but since everyone is held up….” She turned Ruby’s head to the left and let her see what she had been missing out on. The wind around Vacou had picked up and turned a dust storm. In it, Ruby saw thousands of red eyes and the sign of fire. Alarm sirens blared seconds later.
“My gods…” Ruby gasped.
“Got to love subterranean grimm. Just have them move slow enough and a little magic to tip the weather in your advantage, then boom. Ambushed without a warning.” Cinder finally let her go sauntered over to Neo and Dustin. “Unfortunately it’s more smoke and mirrors than an actual bang. Tragedies on the scale of Beacon’s are hard to replicate. All you kids have grown up now and everywhere. It’s a pain in the ass. This event was just made to keep us uninterrupted.” Ruby tried struggling through the vines but could barely move. Every shift made her wince as they tightened. Not only that, but she actually felt weaker. They were doing more than restraining her. Cinder found amusement in the struggle. “Your son’s semblance is pretty annoying, isn’t it? Best not to move. Dustin, don’t over do it. I still want my fun.”
The pain eased and her strength was less inhibited. Ruby still couldn’t believe what was happening. She stared at her child who stared back, despondent. “Dustin, it’s me. I’m-”
He silenced her by tightening the single vine on her neck quickly. “I know exactly who you are.” Anger and vigor flooded his eyes in a glare that could only be seen as murderous. “And I have nothing to say to you.” Cinder rubbed his back. “Don’t mind him. You know how teens are, all rebellious and angry.” This situation was going so well she couldn’t help but laugh. “That being said, he’s grown into such a fine young man under my-”
“Ahem!” Neo said loudly. Cinder rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Under our guidance. He’s been quite helpful. Killing silver eyed people and learning their abilities has been far easier when he started helping out. It’s a shame, getting old that is. I used to go collecting by myself. Now he brings back the prizes for me sometimes.” Cinder rubbed the side of her face and saw Ruby shiver in shock. Their attention to each other was disrupted by a flashing light from Ruby’s pocket. The girl tried struggling again as Cinder reached for it and pulled out a scroll. Today got even surprisingly better all thanks to a home screen. “Oh well you look at that? Carmine was a person we expected to hear at least once, but I had no idea about the third one. What a handsome boy.”
Dustin’s body tensed tightly. “What…?” He muttered. Cinder tossed him the phone and sure enough, there the baby was with the rest of the family. Brand new silver eyes and all. The photo was blurred as Carmine’s name came up as the scroll rang. There was no hesitation in answering.
“Mom! Vacou’s being attacked and dad still isn’t back. Garnet is fine and no grimm are heading this way yet but-”
“CARMINE! TAKE YOUR BROTHER AND RUN!” Ruby screamed as loud as possible. Dustin hung up and looked at Cinder and she nodded. “Time for a family reunion.” She snapped her fingers and a nevermore descended from the sky for Dustin to jump on and head towards his brother and sister. Even with him gone, his vines still had a grasp on Ruby. It was weaker but the numbing pain still ran through her as she finally forced her way out of the ones around her arms and neck; air and sensation tried to fill her being again as she fell on her hands and knees. “My son, what did you do to him?” She raises her head with tears running down her face. Moving now would be stupid. Ruby had no choice but to recover.
“Me? You make it sound like I brainwashed him or abused him. No, no such thing.Granted it wasn’t my idea to keep him. The boy would’ve been dumped in a grimm pool or something if I had my way, then Neo had to step in and proposed a better idea.”
“Disguising as your nurse was far too much work to just have it end with a dead newborn. Besides, even I have my limits unlike some people” she glares the hell out of Cinder. “I can play the long game. A missing son returning to his family to erase it? That’s way more interesting don’t you think?”
Cinder circled around Ruby, watching the girl carefully as she indulged herself with explaining how a day like this could happen.“You asked me what I did to him. I did the only thing that made sense. I told the truth.” Ruby’s face softened. Her eyes scanned the ground as she tried to understand. The truth? Cinder groaned, “Boring I know, but a lie this big would be impossible. Ruby Rose, a name known by every last goddamn soul on Remnant. Between that and Dustin’s features, he’d figure out that he wasn’t ours sooner or later, so I told him exactly who he was. A child stolen by a hero's worst enemy. You should’ve seen the way he wept for you. I told him all I could. How incredible your reputation was to the masses and how you would be remembered throughout history for all time along with your friends. Surely a hero that elite would rescue their son, right?” She smirked, Cinder could see Ruby get pale from the implications.
“He...was waiting for me.” Ruby’s voice crackled and shook. A stark contrast from the laughter Cinder had. “Hahaha, oh he did more than wait! Time after time, your son tried escaping. Each attempt meant him killing grimm that I didn’t even have to influence, and each time it was up to either me or Neo to save his life. His will was quite astonishing, his mind sharp. He tried for years until one day...he actually escaped.”
“What?” Ruby wasn’t expecting Cinder to say that. “He escaped?” Cinder pulled out a scroll and nodded, “He was young too. Barely twelve if I remember. At this point I was at my wits end. I thought my choices were to cut my losses or kill him out of spite; Never did I expect him to come back with a look in his eyes I’ve never seen. The anger for his situation had changed. All because of one simple little thing.” The scroll was flipped around for Ruby to see. “Remember this day?”
Of all the things that Ruby expected, a picture of her from an old news photo wasn’t one of them. It was her holding Carmen up proudly after the girl’s first tournament. Her daughter had entered a jr competition at eight and took first place. Cinder put the scroll away. “Apparently he made it all the way to that event. Imagine the look on his face, seeing you smiling so purely with the sister he had no clue about? All that faith he put into you...and it meant nothing. Congratulations, how’s it feel to move forward? It brought him closer to me. My sweet Dustin.” Cinder and Neo fawned dramatically. Their laughter grew as Ruby’s anger rose. Her blood started to feel like it’s boiling and vision started to blur. Her eyes started glowing before flickering in and out constantly as she tried her damnedest to eradicate Cinder to no avail. A pounding in her head started forming that made her grip it. Cinder bent down and tugged hard on Ruby’s hair to stare right into her face with complete disdain. “That’s right Ruby, hate me. Hate me as much as I hate you. This isn’t about justice or preservation. Your anger vs ours. Let’s see who edges out.” Cinder backs away and blasts a wave of ice that only freezes then shatters only the vines. Crescent Rose is stabbed into the ground next to Ruby. This day was unavoidable. These feelings had been building a festering for years. Not just because of Dustin. Beacon, Pyrrha, the friends she’s hurt; the despair Cinder brought into Ruby’s life was too much and too often. Ruby had enough. She pulled herself up off the ground with her scythe. Eyes devoid of light beamed into the two pairs of glimmering evil as the clouds darkened the sky. Ruby could only think of one thing.The only thing that Cinder had thought about for ages.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
The sounds of thunder and gun fire raged through and electrified the air as Dustin rode the nevermore. He looked back to see a concentration of wind and varying elements coming from where he left. “Looks like they’ve gotten serious. Time for me to get my party started.” He would be over Ruby’s house in a matter of minutes. Karma was finally gonna come knocking on her door. “A shame she won’t see this. Alright, time to see what my little sister I made-” a sudden pressure and force came upwards that hit like a canon. Next thing Dustin knew, the nevermore no longer had a head and was swan dive to the ground. He quickly jumped from the bird and rolled onto the sand to break his fall. Carmine watched the whole thing while cleaning grimm blood of her blade several feet away.
“I’ve never heard mom sound so panicked before. Grimm herds aren’t anything we haven’t handled before so I knew there was more to the situation; but what exactly is the more?” Carmine couldn’t make out his face from distance but the scythe on the sand and cloak were more than enough to be off putting. She stepped closer cautiously. The color of his hair and eyes immediately made her stop and jump back, placing her sword in front of her body as he stood. “Stop! Who are you?” He patted himself off and looked at his sister. Admittedly, he was caught off guard. This was already more interesting than he anticipated.
“What on Remnant possessed you to take out a grimm mid-flight? I doubt you noticed me.”
“A lone grimm going after a house outside of the kingdom when its friends are having a blast inside is pretty freaking suspicious. Now answer my question!” Her body tensed. Carmine didn’t know why but she felt as if his gaze alone might swallow her up like a pit of tar. There was no mistaking that color. His eyes looked fogged and hazy but they were definitely silver. Then there was his face. Carmine never imagined Garnet would look like grown up but this man’s face would’ve been pretty close.
“Huh, figures they never mentioned me. It was probably too shameful and humiliating to reveal such a major example of arrogance.” His words felt like venom and on the verge of being unhinged, yet maintaining a low tone of composure as he grabbed his weapon. “I think you already have a good guess on who I am, or do you need a closer look?”
Carmine saw the man vanish in the blink of an eye. She quickly rose her sword in front of her in a block that covered her entire body. A clash of metal crashed right into it and rattled her arms from the force. Now they were face to face with a similar look of intensity. “I….I don’t understand what’s going on!” Saying that this was unnerving was an understatement. Carmine has a job to do though. The longer he was with her, the further her clone was with Garnet. The only regret was splitting her sure evenly. Fighting an unknown opponent could go wrong.
“It’s simple really. You’re not the first born child of Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose. That kid got snatched by a witch.”
Carmine’s world felt like it stopped. “Cinder Fall.”
“Bingo.” A vine shot from the ground and wrapped around Carmine before flinging her. Dustin followed up with a leaping downward strike but Carmine corrected herself mid-air yo block it. “Heh, look at you…” his hand slid to the bottom of his scythe and started swiping side to side against Carmine’s defenses. Each contact made sparks fly and her arms ache from the weight of the attack. She couldn’t take it anymore and ducked under the next attack to get in close. Both opponents were no stranger to the limitations of a scythe or had to overcome them. Carmine knew he was likely to pull the entire thing back by bringing his hand to the top of the shaft, so she jumped straight up and grabbed her curved blade, Stamen, from both ends and swung it down to have it drop like a guillotine. The impact left a small crater where Dustin stood before he jumped out of the way. She had no expectations of hitting him but she needed breathing room. It was her turn on offense.
Carmine shot off three aura slashes before pursuing him. She watched closely as his scythe spun to block the attack and leaped over him to get a hit in from behind. More vines shot up and stabbed her hand before connecting. A low hiss came from her. This was obviously his semblance but knowing it’s function was hard to tell. More shot up around her in a circle. A simple spin cut them down to size easily and she unleashed a flurry of rapid attacks that clanged and bashed against his scythe when she wasn’t missing him entirely.
“Geez, maybe I overestimated. All the talk about my little sister and this is it?”
“Big talk from someone fighting a kid, and we’re not family!” Carmine swung at his left torso but was stopped dead in her tracks when he grabbed the blade with his hand. A jab to the throat made Carmine choke on her own breath as Dustin twisted her arm behind her then put her in a choke hold. Her feet barely scraped the sand as she desperately tried to breathe. Carmine could feel his breath on her ear as he whispered angrily through his teeth.
“Don’t act stupid and face the facts. It’s the least a sorry excuse for a replacement; don’t even have silver eyes like our brother.” He squeezed her wrist so tight she could feel it start to give. Stamen was dropped as she tried not to scream. “As for the age difference, three years ago I was already filling graves. What do you do? Rule over the talentless? Tournaments are useless. Just like you.”
Carmine squirmed and bit her lip till she bled. Screw the pain and his words. Weak was the last thing she was, and she was gonna prove it. “LET. ME. GOOOO!” Carmine felt a pop in her wrist as she jerked forward, hard. Her feet stomped the ground and two rose clones appeared on each side, the first grabbed her sword and drove it against Dustin’s ribs. The blow broke his hold on the original by pushing him back. The second clone grabbed his legs so he would fall backwards. It worked. Dustin’s head hit the ground and he stared up to the sky as the first clone did the guillotine drop the original did earlier. “Take this!!!!” It screamed.
Dustin hit his fist against the ground. Vines shot pierced right through the clone then swooped low to stab the other. With the last of its strength, the first clone tossed the sword to the original as she watched her clones go limp; their bodies faded as black roses bloomed the vines. Maybe it was their manner of defeat, but Carmine started to sweat. She hadn’t even realized she picked up her blade and was backing away from the man surrounded by a garden of death. A gut feeling told her that being trapped in those spelled the end.
Her semblance was info Dustin knew nothing about. To see it was genuinely surprising, but nothing he had to fear. Not with Carmine looking like a deer in headlights. “Do you know what black roses symbolize?” Carmine didn’t answer. Instead she pulled out the second part of her weapon, Pistil, and combined it with Stamen. The blade curved downward while the collapsible tactical baton connected to the hilt to make her scythe. Dustin felt a surge of excitement run through him. Another surprise from his sister. “HAHAHAHA! Oh please don’t tell me you’re about to challenge me with that?” He laughed hysterically, his calm demeanor completely shifting to nothing short of rage. He stabbed his scythe in the ground. “Rotten Rose will ruin you.”
“Rosebud hasn’t failed me yet.” Carmine got low and held on with both hands. Her right wrist aches but adrenaline and necessity demanded its use. Carmine needed all the reach she could muster. Dustin was done talking and put up his hood. Alarms, screams, explosions, even the wind blowing felt muted to Carmine. The only thing that mattered was the reaper in front of her. She was going to get through this and reject those black roses. Today wasn’t death day. Not for her. The vines shot straight at her. Carmine shredded through them like a blender by twirling Rosebud. Two more vines from each side forced her to jump straight up. She pulled a trigger on the shaft of the used to be tactical baton. A slug round recoil sent her back to the ground where a massive sweeping attack severed the vines. It wasn’t enough.
Her brief rest was interrupted by more sprouting from the ground around her. Another gunshot sent her out of the center before they all stabbed her from every side. More and more dove in and out of the ground like serpents chasing prey. Dustin stood motionless as his sister fired herself in any direction she could to avoid a strike. Occasionally she was forced to stand her ground to cut several before dodging again. She tried to hide it, but Dustin could see the fear in her eyes. He was gonna force it out of her. A wall of thorny vines walled off Carmine from back stepping again. Dozens of vines came from everywhere in the front. The fear he wanted didn’t come. Carmine grit her teeth and started slashing through them head on.
Chunks of plants flew everywhere as Carmine hacked angrily through them. “Haaaaaa!” The girl could only scream through the pain as thorns scraped her skin like a million stabs. “Just...a little...more!!!!” She refused to stop until a swing cut through to the other side. The sight of Dustin’s shocked face spurred her on. Another gunshot was sending her straight at him with Rosebud’s blade eagerly awaiting to connect with his throat. “You’re done!!!!” All her force went into swinging the blade; too much strength in fact. Dustin simply leaned back Carmine completely whiffed. Her momentum kept her body rotating. In the moment her body had turned away from him, her eyes could only see the blood stained thorns she borrowed through. Carmine’s anger subsided and was reminded of the most basic rule of fighting. Keep track of your aura. Her mistake for forgetting was an instant and excruciating pain that crossed her from each shoulder down to the opposite hip. It all had happened so fast yet time felt slow as the ground seemed to rise to meet her.
Carmine laid face down on the ground. Her back started to feel wet. Like if someone was pouring something warm on it, something thick. Tears filled her eyes seconds later when the shock of it all was met by the stinging of sand and reality.
Carmine couldn’t stop screaming in agony. Her arms did her best to lift her but her right wrist gave out. Everything was giving out. There wasn’t a muscle that wasn’t shaking in her body. There wasn’t a thought of anything anymore with the sound of creeping plants and footsteps approaching while a shadow loomed over her. The silhouette of her blood dripping off the scythe that was ready to draw more. The shaft of it flipped her battered body over for her to stare into the eyes that should’ve been preserving life; but all she saw was them asking for hers. Was this despair? Carmine never felt anything like it before. For the first time in her life she felt powerless, weak. Her tears ran down her bloody and soiled face. “Pl-Please…” she said, quivering. “ I don’t wanna die…” she shut her eyes and lost all sense of self. “I DON’T WANNA DIE!!!”
“CARMINE!!!” Multiple people cried out from a distance. Dustin turned his dead and was immediately blasted by a laser gun in the face that knocked him away. The current of electricity stunned him momentarily as he saw three more people. Two of them he had heard and learned about. The leader of team SSSN and his partner. The third was an unknown boy with bird wings that picked up Carmine while the other two stood in front of them. “Sun and Neptune. What are the odds the partners of a disbanded team are hanging out today of all days? One of you doesn’t even live on this continent.” He glared at Neptune.
The duo immediately recognized the man in front of them and gasped. No way they wouldn’t. Neptune gasped, “Is that…?”
“No way…” Sun said. He looked back at an injured Carmine then to Dustin. No doubt about it. He clapped his hands together and summoned clones. Now wasn’t the time to let his guard down. “I don’t know how you’re here but I’m not letting you go. Aero, get Carmine far away from here.”
“Not on my watch!” Dustin dashed forward immediately. Neither the clones or pro huntsman were quick enough to stop him blitzing the both of them. He reached to grab the boy holding his sister, then poof, nothing. It was like magic. Dustin blinked and they were gone. They went from right in front of him to already being in the sky, several minutes away. Whatever happened wasn’t speed. He didn’t know what that was, but it was definitely the boy’s doing. He looked back at Sun and Neptune who were charging at him in full force. Dustin clicked his teeth and sighed. Play time was over. “Two pro huntsmen like yourselves is way more than I bargained for. Especially after my other reunion, sorry.” A faint light in the distance caught his eye while planning his exit. Whatever it was had speed and was heading towards the storm over Cinder’s battle. “If I was a betting man…” Dustin used his vines to left himself into the air and grab a passing nevermore to ride, leaving Sun and Neptune in the dust.
“Damnit!” Sun yelled.
“Never mind him, let’s get back to town and help.” Neptune said, seeing the light. “Jaune’s gonna be pissed.”
Aero was flying as fast as he could to the medical station set up. Finding Jaune or his friend would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. What he wouldn’t give to have a healing semblance right now. The blood that came from Carmine and dripped down his arms as she wept in pain was burning a memory into him he didn’t want to ever see again.
“Hang in there Carmine! You’re gonna be just fine. Your clone found my mom so don’t worry about Garnet. He’s perfectly fine.” He told her to ease whatever pain and stress he could. The way she clung close to him wasn’t inspiring any change. Carmine kept weeping and shaking.
“Hurts…” she winced. “It hurts so much.” Aero felt a lump in his throat. The boy kept flying with all his might. The tears of the strongest person he knew weighed heavily on his heart the entire flight.”
That fight against Reaper and Maiden wasn’t fairing too much better. Neo could attest to that as she laid on the ground, aura flickering and writhing in pain. The normally dry, dusty air was soaked with pouring rain thanks to Cinder. Neo picked herself up painfully slow and could barely keep track of the hundreds of petals and embers that danced in the air over panicking villagers. Who would’ve thought Little Red would’ve grown into such a warrior? To Neo, both Cinder and Ruby might as well be freaks. She watched Crescent Rose carv through ice thicker than a goliath’s flesh and slam into Cinder. The woman went right through the already destroyed memorial tree before recovering with a tiny cyclone of lightning and fire that enveloped Ruby. That too was immediately reduced to nothing. Fortunately, Ruby looked tired. Her own aura and breath looked to be draining.
“Looks like this might be it.” Neo aimed her pistol. “Sorry Cinder, I get the kill-” the blur of bright light raced into view and then before Neo. Her eyes were witnesses to the shining white aura of a furious knight with a sword poised to strike her neck. Any time to move was erased to her as the blade was swung. The force would’ve been enough to take her head. The only thing stopping that was Dustin’s scythe between them that went unnoticed until now. Dustin’s arms went numb but his face remained stern as he stared at his father inches away who was lost for words.
“D-Dustin?” He uttered in disbelief. The hesitation left Jaune open for Dustin’s vines to grab him and throw him towards Ruby. The battling women had finally realized company had arrived
Dustin helped lift Neo to her feet. “You alright?” A pinch on the cheek and a nod told him that was a yes. Cinder landed near them while still facing Ruby and now Jaune.
“Why are you back?” She growled.
“Things got complicated, more huntsman. Time to go. We didn’t come here from a swan song.”
“Like hell! I’m just getting started.” Cinder made a bow and arrow out of lightning and took aim. “Ruby dies today.”
Not if Ruby had anything to say about it. She was ready for another exchange of blows but her anger was quelled when the sight of fresh blood was washing off of Dustin’s scythe. “Dustin, what did you do?Where’s Carmine and Garnet!?” Jaune was still shaken by who he was seeing. How was this possible? The sight of Cinder and Neo enraged him but the words Ruby said were brought to the forefront of his mind. “Carmine? Sun and Neptune should’ve-”
“I never saw Garnet.” Dustin interrupted. “As for Carmine...I’m sure she’s in shock by now. Fortunately for her my full swing wasn’t possible with how close she was. All blood, no lasting damage. Well...that’s not true. Trauma is tricky like that.” He smirked at his parent’s mortified faces. Dustin touched Cinder’s back. “Let’s go! We’ll kill them later. That wasn’t the point of this anyways.”
Ruby and Jaune tried their best to ready themselves as their son stepped forward and pointed at them. “Mark today. The peace you’ve cultivated in my absence will fall as easily as your daughter did, by my- our hands.”he declared. Ruby wasn’t even sure who she was looking at. The face she remembered was not covered in a hate and tragedy that mirrored the two by his side. Her heart couldn’t take it, it wouldn’t. Ruby was about to try and grab him when a shriek filled the air. The villagers down below were being trapped and attacked by vines. Ruby looked at Dustin. “Stop this!”
“You can either stop it yourself, or chase us. Choose fast. It’s not healthy to be wrapped too long.” The nevemore more extended its wing for them to walk on. He watched Ruby take another step before tightening his grip on screaming children. Ruby and Jaune looked in conflicting frustration before Jaune went to help them. “Ruby! I can’t do it all alone!”
Once again Ruby was asked to make the choice to chase her child or do her job. Grief filled her as she looked at him then stared at Cinder in seething hate. “Your head will roll if it’s the last thing I do.” Ruby threatened, joining Jaune to save the people. The nevermore took off and Cinder angrily aimed her bow before Neo blocked her sight with her umbrella.
“Don’t. Let’s not give them more reasons to hunt us now. It’s like Dustin said. This was just our first move. Break their world, then their lives. We waited this long. Just look at our handy work.”
Cinder watched the chaos of a small town and kingdom struggle with her grimm. To say it didn’t make her smile would be a lie. Yeah, she needed more of this. “It’s no Beacon, but it’s a damn good place to start.” Cinder looked at Dustin with more pride than she knew how to deal with. “Oh how I have high hopes for you. Do keep making your mothers proud. Dustin bowed respectively and watched the ruin along with her.
Finally a new game had started and the first move was theirs. Dustin couldn’t wait for his next one. “Here’s to a speedy recovery Carmine… Your big brother will be sure to visit.”
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justbecausewhynot · 3 years
Between Stars Part 3 {Arvin Russell x reader}
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
When you stepped into the church, everyone was crowded in the back watching Teagardin serve himself from the plates. You made your way to where your father and Mrs. Russell were standing. 
“But friends… the poor soul… that brung in them chicken livers on that beat-up plate… let’s just say I’m inspired to preach on it for a minute before we eat. Sure… some of us are better off than others. And I see… plenty of white meat and red meat laid out on this table. And I suspect that the folks that carried them platters in eat mighty good sometimes.”  Teagardin continued. “But poor people…got to bring what they can afford. So them organs…is a sign to me…telling me that I should, as the new preacher of this church, sacrifice myself. so that y’all can have a share of the good meat tonight. And that’s what I’m going to do, friends. I’m going to eat these organs. ‘Cause I model myself on the good Lord Jesus whenever he gives me the chance. And today…he’s blessed me with another opportunity to follow in his footsteps.” Teagardin picked up Mrs. Russell’s chicken livers and plopped a big scoop onto his plate.
You couldn't believe the nerve this man had, disrespecting Mrs. Russell like that, embarrassing her in front of the whole congregation. Arvin slipped his hand out of yours looking at you with a sorry expression and moved to his grandmother. He was practically fuming and glaring daggers at the preacher. Once Teagardin finished his speech, Arvin, who was holding onto Mrs. Russel’s shoulders, looked back at you and gestured for you to come over. 
“Now, don’t you worry about that pus-gutted blowhard. I bet he ain’t got two nickels to rub together.”
“Don’t worry about him Grandma, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Arvin said, comforting Mrs. Russell. 
“That’s right, I bet he just wanted it all for himself, did you see how much he piled into his plate?” You added, receiving a thankful smile from Arvin.
After everyone had eaten their share of the meals, Arvin led the way out of the church, not bothering to say goodbye to the new preacher. 
“I have to say Mrs.Russell, your cooking is amazing, don’t you listen to anything that man says.”
“Oh don’t worry about me y/n. It didn’t bother me none.” She said, clearly lying. “Will you and your father be able to join us for dinner tonight?”
“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.” You said, stealing a glance from Arvin. “What should we bring?”
“You only need to bring yourselves, don’t worry about anything.”
“Nonsense! I insist, I can make up a cake in no time.”
“We shouldn’t be too indulgent.” Lenora spoke up. “It’s not right to celebrate for nothing.” 
“Well, we are celebrating something.” Arvin said, “We are celebrating y/n coming to town and to our family.” 
“What about me?” Your dad said, walking towards you and the Russell’s. 
“Don’t think I forgot about our date y/n.” Arvin whispered from beside you while your father and Mrs. Russell talked about the dinner.
“I should hope not.” You responded. “ You would be a pretty bad boyfriend if you did.” 
After setting the details with the Russells, you and your dad headed home to get ready. You spent the rest of the afternoon making a chocolate cake, carefully decorating it to perfection. After all, you wanted to leave a good impression on Arvin’s family. Obviously you knew the whole dating thing was a joke, and it would likely not make it to your families… but nonetheless, Arvin was taking you on a date right after you met his family. Shit felt pretty real to you. 
Once you were finished covering the cake in cream cheese icing, you went upstairs to freshen up. Quickly re-applying your makeup and swapping out your flour-covered skirt for a sage green dress. 
“Y/n, get down here.” your father called, making you look at the time. 
“I’m coming.” you called down, almost tripping over your own feet. Your father was already waiting in the truck with the cake in the middle seat. 
The ride there was to say the least, uncomfortable. 
“So… y/n…”
“We have not been here yet a day, and you’ve already got a boyfriend?”
“Well Dad- It’s-I-Please don’t tell anyone about it. We haven’t really made it official or anything.”
“Don’t worry about me.” He said “I have better things to do than pay attention to teenage drama.” 
“We both know that’s not true daddy.”
“Welcome! Come in dear.” Mrs. Russell ushered you into the house off of the front porch. 
“Thank you for having us Mrs. Russell.” Your dad said, handing the cake to Lenora.
“This looks amazing y/n.” she said, admiring your handiwork.
“Let’s hope it tastes as good as it looks.” You said.
“I’m sure it tastes even better, if that’s possible.” Arvin said, coming up behind his grandmother, making you blush.
When you were all seated at the table, Arvin, who opted to sit next to you was listening to you talk about your old town. His thigh nudged slightly towards yours, until it rested beside it, making you heat up. 
“It was bigger than knockemstiff, but much less welcoming and homely…” You continued, feeling your body and face heat up. How could such minimal contact get you so riled up? 
The entire dinner, you and your father talked about your past, filling in Mrs. Russell on everything she had missed. After dessert, you and Lenora were doing the dishes, much to Mrs. Russell’s dismay. You worked in peaceful silence, one person filling your thoughts.
“He likes you, you know.” Lenora said, quietly enough for only you to hear. “I bet he’s watching your right now with that same puppy-dog look in his eyes.”
Slowly, you turned your head to face the table that Arvin, your dad and Mrs. Russell were sitting at. Sure enough, he was looking at you, seemingly zoned out in a trance. Those puppy-dog eyes were to die for. 
Turning back to the sink, Lenora smirked at you.
“He’s probably just listening very intently to the conversation at the table.” You said, trying to deflect the conversation off yourself.
“Yes of course.” Lenora said sarcastically, “Because house sales’ puts a love-sick smile on every teenage boy’s face.”
“Oh shut it.” You said blushing, splashing Lenora with water. 
The laughter coming from one side of the kitchen made your father roll his eyes. 
“Those girls and their giggling.” he grumbled.
Arvin was indeed watching you intently as his mind went through different scenarios. You and him as parents. You and him as grandparents. You and him on your wedding day. Something about you was so captivating that he couldn’t keep his eyes off. Finally, after gathering up the courage and picturing what he was going to say, Arvin sneaked up behind you and pulled you outside, saying bye to everyone quickly before jumping into his truck with you seated beside him. 
“To the creek?” You asked
“To the creek.”
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The Pact - Part 7
Sam Winchester x Crowley’s Daughter!Reader
Gothic AU
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
A/N: This idea was a long time coming. My first true AU, so please be gentle. This will be a slow burn, multi-chapter fic. Incantation used in this chapter was taken from SuperWiki.
WC: 6.8K
Series Summary: Lord Samuel Winchester has lost the love of his life due to the actions of the Demon King, Crowley. As he plots secret revenge, his father, the King of Lawrence, decrees that Sam will wed Crowley’s daughter in order to unite the two families to protect the sacred ground the Winchester’s Kingdom is built upon.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Crowley’s Daughter!Reader
Other Characters: John Winchester, Crowley, Rowena, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Jessica Moore (deceased), Pamela Barnes
Series Warnings: 18+ only, mild language, violence, implied smut
“I think Dad and Crowley want to sacrifice your child to Eve.”
The bedroom chamber was so quiet, you could hear the distant sounds of children playing in the gardens rising up through the open window. Despite the gleeful sounds that played softly in the background, you felt as if the wind had been knocked free from your chest and felt your stomach drop. 
Looking between the Lords Winchester, you could see that Sam and Dean were also struggling with what had been revealed. You wanted to speak, had every intention to do so, but there was no air to propel any words forth.
“I--I don’t even know how to comprehend that, Dean. Why--What would make you think that our father could even entertain an idea like that?”
“Something I overheard… Look, Sammy, I don’t know what the Hell dad and Crowley are planning. I just know what I heard.”
“Which was?” Sam asked with exasperation.
“The only reason Crowley aided us with reinforcements, was because he’d made a deal.”
“Crowley, the King of Hell, make a deal? C’mon man, that’s just a Monday morning for him. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Because, part of this deal was Crowley promised Eve a new life. One created from the blood of her enemies.”
“Wh--Why? Why would she want that? She’s got all of Purgatory at her side. She has the ability to create whatever kind of life she wants!”
“Not a human life,” Dean shrugged in response. “But, I did over hear this from one of his demons, so take it with a grain of salt, wouldya?”
“Our father is a lot of things, but a monster that could sacrifice his own flesh and blood?”
“Sounds more like my father, than yours,” you replied softly. “Crowley would sacrifice anyone if it meant cementing his crown.”
“Even you?” Dean asked.
“Yes, even me.”
“Well, I guess I know who I’ll be nominating as father of the year,” Dean quipped and let his half smile fade as he made eye contact with Sam.
Sam pursed his lips tightly and sighed. “We need answers. Speculating what our father’s are up to won’t help anyone.”
“And how do you plan on getting that assurance, husband? Crowley won’t show here unless summoned. The King, if this is what is planned, won’t tell you. So, how--”
Sam grabbed your shoulder and gently turned you to face him. You did your best to stay stoic, but couldn’t help but so cracks beneath the surface. “I promise you, I will find out one way or the other. That’s the pact, right? We work together to uncover their plan--”
“Yeah, and don’t go making any babies until then,” Dean mumbled, and smiley shyly when you and Sam both looked at him with a quiet disdain. 
Yet, Dean’s words fell heavy on both you and Sam. Knowing how you had spent the night before, a quick glance between you two left a cold, numbing feeling in the pit of your stomach. Sam could almost read your mind, and gave your shoulder a loving squeeze. 
“We will get answers. But Dean’s right. Until we do, we will keep up appearances, but take no chances in creating a child.”
All you could do was nod slightly in response and present your husband with a demure smile. 
Dean cleared his throat to break up the moment. “I hate to pull your husband away, (Y/N) but I think he and I have some things to figure out before I have to leave for the Front again.”
“Wait,” Sam released you and quickly turned towards his brother. “What do you mean, go back? I thought you were home!”
“Just for a few days little brother. With Crowley’s reinforcements arriving, and the damage the rift storm caused, I can’t leave the Winchester Guard unprotected. Besides, we are actually making some headway having those black-eyed bitches with us. I hate to say it, but they are helping. I just don’t trust they won’t try and possess a few of our men if given the chance.”
Sam nodded in reluctant agreement. “I get it. It’s just, I could use you here.”
“I know, man. I do. But…”
“The greater good,” Sam replied with a half-defeated smile. “I guess we should go then, see what we can learn together while you’re here.”
“And don’t forget, plan a celebration…” Dean’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on you, but you were unsure of what he meant. 
“A celebration?”
“Yes, my father thinks we should have a large celebration, open the gates to the castle and allow the people of Lawrence to rejoice with us.”
“What’s the occasion?” you asked, not liking the sound of the King’s latest decree.
Sam signed and ran a hand through his long hair. “Our marriage and Dean’s return.”
“I see…” You hated the idea, but thought there was some way to use this to your collective advantage. “Well, one way or another we will make it work for us.”
Sam’s smile grew wide across his face, creating the cavernous dimples you had quickly come to love. “Yes, that’s exactly what we will do.”
Despite Dean’s presence, Sam pulled you into a loving embrace and held you tightly. Though your head was happily buried in Sam’s broad chest, you could feel Dean’s eyes watching you again. You understood his hesitancy in you, and your motives, but you wouldn’t let it ruin what you were building with your husband.
When you pulled back from the embrace, Sam turned back towards Dean and slapped his shoulder with one, large hand. “So, what do you say we go do a little digging.” 
Dean didn’t respond, but instead watched his little brother move towards the door to leave. He didn’t budge from his spot, or take his eyes off Sam. 
“Hey, you uh, you forgetting something?” Dean asked, arms crossed over his chest and watching Sam curiously.
Sam frowned in response and shook his head. “Don’t think so.”
“Well then you must be a witch yourself little brother. Because last I remember, you had yourself a shattered hip that barely let you learn to walk again. Now you’re basically sprinting out the door with no cane, no limp…”
Sam’s face fell instantly and lost color. then passed a nervous glance to you. Able to read his expression, you shrugged in return. ‘Should we tell him?’ ‘I guess… ‘
Sam sighed and snorted an anxious laugh. “Well, I’m not a witch but I am married to one. We got stuck in the rift storm, out in the Elven Woods. Found an old cottage and (Y/N) here worked her magic. Literally. I was able to walk with no pain, no limp… for days.”
“Days? That rift storm was weeks ago. You still look fine to me.”
“Last night, I applied a heavier dose of the ointment. Let it heat by the fire,” you paused and blushed at the memory of what happened after, “and this morning, he’s better than ever.”
“You let her work her hoodoo on you? Sammy, what were you thinking? She’s--”
“Listen here, Dean Winchester,” you interrupted, unable to hold your tongue any longer, “I understand your suspicions of me, I’ve lived with that stigma all my life just because of who my father is. But I grew up to have a mind of my own, and yes, I was taught witchcraft by the most powerful witch in all of Lawrence and beyond. Rowena MacLeod may have shown me the way of magic, but I learned a few things on my own, as well. Including love, compassion, and commitment to those in my favor. Your brother and I had a rocky start, yet we have come to a mutual understanding. If you can’t respect HIS choices in that, then I beg you to reconsider. Your brother is a wonderful man, and has been just as disrespected by his father, as I have been by mine. And if you truly believe, even for a moment, that I am capable of hurting him, well then, frankly, you’re a horses’ ass.”
Your impassioned speech fell heavy in the room for a few moments. From the corner of your eye, you could see Sam smirking. Dean’s expression, however, was more shocked than anything.
“Well alright then,” Dean finally said, “I suppose I could be wrong. Hell, hope I am.” 
You straightened your shoulders and stood as tall as you could. “You are wrong, Lord Winchester. Just you wait, you’ll see who’s side I’m on.”
Dean nodded and looked towards Sam. “Come on Sammy, let’s go see what Dad has really got cooking up with the King of Hell.”
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Shortly after they left the room, you sat down on the plush bed and sank back into the pillows. A flurry of thoughts and concerns raced through your mind, but as you tucked your arm over your head, hand beneath the pillow, you felt something hard and cool to the touch. Sitting up, you removed the pillows to see the vial that had once been around your neck to be stuck between the large, carved wooden headboard and the down mattress of Sam’s bed. 
A sigh of relief released from your lips; it was so audible you were afraid someone heard you out in the corridor. You clutched the vial to your chest and began to laugh softly. Slipping the cord back around your neck, you let the small bottle fall to your chest, then tucked it beneath your dress. Feeling its weight against your skin gave you more than just relief, it gave you an idea. Unsure if the pieces would fit together, you knew you had to find out. The one person who could answer your questions, was the same woman who taught you how to concoct potions in the first place. 
By the time the sun had hit the midday sky, you were reaching the entrance to the Elven Woods, and clutched at the old leather satchel slung over one shoulder. It was the first time you had ventured back to them since Sam had brought you there the day after the ceremony. ‘The day he tried to kill me,’ you thought. Shaking off the feeling of Sam’s blade against you, you took the first step through the archway to the woods.
As you made your way down the bumpy terrain, you came out to the majestic oak that grew at the fork in the path. It was just as radiant as you had remembered. The sunlight streamed down through its twisted maze of leaves and branches. You could feel its energy calling to you as it did to many magical folk in Lawrence. Somehow the magic you infused into the cream was able to break through the castle’s powerful warding. But the ritual you wanted to perform now, needed this extra boost of power. 
Pressing your hand against the rough bark of the trunk, you closed your eyes and felt the power that lived within its core. Focusing your mind towards that force, you began to feel it seep into your veins. When you finally opened your eyes, you felt a surge of magic like you’d never experienced and watched as the glow around your hand began to fade. It left you even more convinced that you were doing the right thing. Stepping back from the tree, you bowed your head in thanks, and continued down the right path that would lead you to the small cottage you’d found refuge in before. 
It didn’t take long before you could see the familiar shape of the roof peeking out through the trees. You took a last glance up at the sky, unsure if another rift storm would be lurking. Blue skies still reigned above, and you walked the last hundred steps towards the old place. 
You pushed in the door, and was immediately hit by the smell of the dried herbs lining the walls. It was warm and welcoming, and you began to find a love for the vibration you felt standing within its structure. Carefully lifting off the satchel you carried on your shoulder, you laid it down on the long wooden table and unpacked its contents.
Other than the noise you made setting up an altar, there wasn’t a sound to be heard.  Summoning another witch wasn’t exactly difficult, though it did require a certain amount of concentration. Grateful for the quiet, you lit the candles and began to break up the herbs and bones as the Grimoire had instructed. Holding your hands over the cauldron, you sprinkled in the last ingredient, conjured Rowena’s face in your mind and repeated the incantation. 
Upon finishing, a burst of purple light and blue smoke erupted from the old ceramic bowl, engulfing you in its haze. Waving your hands to help it clear, you began to smile the moment you saw a hint of Rowena’s bright red hair emerging through a small clearing in the fog.
“This best be important, dear. I was right in the middle of convincing the Prince of Wales that I was his long lost sister. That man’s money could’ve set me up for life…”
“I’m sorry, grandm--Rowena… but it is important.”
“You know, dearie, there are messengers to deliver important news. Did your father not teach you anythin’?”
Her words conveyed annoyance, but her expression gave you pause to think that maybe she wasn’t as bothered as she wanted you to believe. Rowena’s half smile, pulled into true grin as she surveyed your altar in front of her.
“Impressive. Seems as though you had a good teacher,” she replied smugly, and slowly made her way round to the side you stood on. “So tell me, why did you need to call on grannie?”
“I heard some things. Some details of the pact my father made with the King.”
“Oh?” Rowena’s curiosity was transparent, and as much as you respected her, you knew deep down you couldn’t trust her. “Do tell.”
“I… can’t. I have no reassurance that it’s true, though I do plan on protecting myself if it turns out to be a fact. What I need from you, is to tell me more about this…” you paused and withdrew the vial from beneath your dress.
Rowena took a small step forward and examined the bottle. A devilish smile unfurled on her petite face as her eyes came up to meet yours.
“Well, now, what do we have here?” Her eyes lit up as her painted fingertips carefully toyed with the glass. 
“It’s a love potion. I made it before we came here, in case I needed to protect myself from Lord Winchester.”
“Smart girl, though, poison and hex bags work better in my experience,” she shrugged and let it fall gently back to your chest. “Are you and Samuel getting along? Has he tried to hurt you?”
“Yes. we are getting along now, but he did try to kill me.”
“Yet, here you stand,” her smile grew even wider, “Clever girl… did you have to use that on him?”
“No, and don’t think I will. But…” you trailed off and turned back towards the altar. Pressing your hands against the wood of the table for support, you leaned forward and found the courage to tell her what you wanted to do with it. 
“If what I learned is true, I may need to use it on the King.”
“The King? Oh, please tell me you don’t mean your father…”
“Rowena, please. Of course not. I mean King Winchester. I am afraid the only sure fired way I can divert is his plans--”
“Is to make him fall in love with you?”
You nodded softly, and released your grip on the table. “I don’t want to. The idea of it gives me a sick feeling. But, if it's my last option, then I will do what I must.”
“Fair enough, dear. But where do I fit into this grand scheme of yours?”
“I took the spell from one of your books. I need to know the effects, if there is a curse attached, if I can break it if needed. I only mean to distract the King, not to become his bride next.”
“I don’t know, the King is at least easy on the eyes…”
“Please, don’t even suggest it. I was completely against this whole arrangement, but I have found a kindred spirit in Samuel. I’m sure part of my father’s intention was to have me tortured by this marriage, but really, he only did me a favor.”
“Don’t say that too loudly, you know that son of mine is always lurking. Knowing he did you a service, he may just snatch it right back from you.”
“I know, and it's why I hope I can trust you with this.” You paused and took Rowena’s hand, hoping that you could appeal to the side of her that felt fondness for you, and hatred for her son. “He’s your son… my father. We should be rooting for him, but at what cost? Look at what he’s already taken from both of us. You’re at his beck and call, and he had me marry his enemies, knowing they wanted me to burn solely for having the same blood run through my veins.”
Rowena seemed to be studying you, but you ignored her scrutiny. She stood quiet, contemplating the circumstances, then finally nodded. “You’re not wrong, my dear. My son is, to say the least, a vengeful little man. He’ll take any chance he can to destroy your happiness.”
“I know, that’s why I need to be proactive. So can you… will you, keep this to yourself?”
“Can I keep your motivations quiet? Yes, of course. But I cannot and will not help you with whatever plan you are conjuring. At some point, you have to be your own witch, dear. Can’t rely on dear old Rowena for everything.”
You thought you heard her wrong, but when she took a step back and made a demur shrug with her expression, you knew you hadn’t.
“I’m your granddaughter, and you refuse to help me? We’re family!”
“Oh, sweet child, what does family really mean? Because we share blood? One thing I’ve learned in this big, rotten world is that it means absolutely nothin’. Family is what you make it. Our bloodlines are poisonous, why do you think I sold Fergus off as a child? He was a rotten little twat. I needed to escape, or be put to death.”
Shaking your head slowly in disbelief, you turned back towards the altar. You could feel anger begin to boil under the surface, and for the first time in your life, felt the same hatred towards Rowena that you carried for your father. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But, I have to look out for myself. Think maybe it’s best if I disappear for a while. Go explore the world a bit. I do wish you luck,” she paused and gave a little smirk when she looked over your altar again. “Seems as if you know what you’re doin’.”
Before you could respond, Rowena mumbled a few words, and was gone. All that she left behind was a swirling mist of violet smoke, and her words ringing in your ears. 
‘...what does family really mean? Because we share blood? One thing I’ve learned in this big, rotten world is that it means absolutely nothing. Family is what you make it.’
“That’s probably the best thing you’ve ever taught me, grandmother.”
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You emerged from the Elven Woods just as the sun was reaching late afternoon. Despite its brilliance, you were left with a chill that ran through your bones. A feeling of certain dread that loomed on the horizon. Stepping across the threshold into the gardens, you took a moment to breathe, and lifted your face towards the warmth of the sun. Losing track of time, you weren’t sure how long you stood that way, just clearing your mind and letting its light wash over the darkness you felt in your gut. 
“Y/N? My Lady… are you alright?”
The older, gravely voice of the Winchester’s Maester brought you out of your unintended meditation. When you lowered your eyes, blinking away the bright spots behind them, you saw Bobby standing there, looking concerned and a bit puzzled. 
“Bobby… yes, I’m... “ you tried to say the word fine, but it wouldn’t seem to work. “...breathing.”
“Need a moment, did ya?” Bobby replied, slowly closing the distance left between you. “You look a bit pale, feeling alright?”
“Yes… well… no. But it’s not an ailment I’m afraid. No herbs or teas to fix this ache.”
“And what kinda ache is that, may I ask?” His tone had shifted from curious to suspicious.
You knew he was a trusted part of Samuel’s family; you had experienced that first hand when he allowed you use of his apothecary. But could you trust him with conspiring against his King in the manner of which you were considering?
“Revelation,” you said, and sighed softly. “Maester Singer… I know Samuel trusts you, so I am hoping I can as well.”
Bobby considered it for a moment, and nodded. “You can, long as you aren’t looking to hurt my boy.”
“Never. I have grown quite fond of Samuel, and hurting him is something I would never consider. Not anymore.”
“Glad to know we’re on the same page here. So, spill, what’s got you lookin’ like you just walked over your own grave?”
“Revelations… things I’ve heard. An unspeakable betrayal from those I thought were my family.”
“Well, considering who your dad is, can’t really say you should be surprised.”
“Not just him, Rowena, too. I asked her for help, and she threw me to the wolves.”
“Yes, I understand,” you interrupted and flashed him a look of annoyance.
“Alright, so if they can’t help ya, maybe I can. What is it exactly you need help with?”
“I need answers… I need to know if these things are true.”
“You can ask me. If I know, I’ll give ya an honest answer.”
Taking a moment to think before answering, you passed him a demur smile, and took a few steps around him, before turning back to face him. “I want too, Bobby. I do. But I fear asking puts you in a precarious position. I don’t want to do that to you. Samuel adores you, and frankly, I adore him. So, no, I cannot ask you.”
“Fair enough,” he replied, his brow furrowed in thought. “I may know someone who could help. A friend of mine is back in town. She’s been known to see what us mere mortals can’t.”
“Is she a Dreamwalker?” you asked, a burst of excitement creeping into your tone, despite your sense of being overwhelmed.
“No. But, she’s the best damned psychic I’ve ever known. People around here know her best as ‘The Oracle’. She travels ‘round helpin’ folks however she can. If you need answers, I am pretty sure she can get them for ya.”
“You would do that? For me?”
“You’re family, ain’t ya?”
For the first time in a while that day, you smiled a genuine smile. “Yes, I am. So, where do we find this friend of yours?”
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The journey to find the Maester’s friend didn’t take nearly as long as you thought it would. You didn’t want to be gone too long, or Sam may question where you went. Telling him your plans without all the answers felt dangerous somehow, but taking too long to divulge your thoughts could be just as dangerous. Rowena wasn’t exactly trustworthy, and who knew what she was liable to do with what you’ve already told her. Her agreement to keep it to herself didn’t exactly instill a sense of confidence in you.
Bobby seemed to sense your urgency, and had the horse drawn cart rumbling down the old dirt lane. But once he hit an offbeat path, overgrown with wildflowers and ferns, he eased up on the reins. 
“Almost there, Y/N. When we get there, I’ll make the introductions, but then I’ll wait outside. Been thinkin’ on what you said before, about not wanting to put me in the middle, and I do appreciate that. I may not always agree with John, but I did pledge my loyalty to his family. Sam and Dean, they’re just as much my boys as they are John’s. Hell, sometimes I think even more.”
He paused, and gave a quick glance your way. When you didn’t respond, he looked back towards the path ahead. “I’d give my life to protect both those boys. That includes protection from John, not that it would come to that. I know he’s rough around the edges, but--”
“But, he’s their father. I understand that, Bobby. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is destroy Samuel’s father. Despite their troubles, I couldn’t do that to my husband.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I can see that you are on his side, Y/N. It's why I’m helpin’ ya. I know John’s up to something, and my place in his court puts me at odds with how to handle it. So, if you need some answers, the least I can do is help you get to them.”
As Bobby guided the carriage round a bend in the path, you felt a surge of energy before the small house even came into view. When you saw it, you knew that was where he was taking you. You were so transfixed on the house, you barely noticed Bobby slowing down and calling the horse to a halt. It wasn’t until he set the reins around the hook and climbed down, did you realize that you were completely stopped.
You carefully stepped down, and waited for Bobby to join you before taking the short walk to the old, wooden door. Enamored by the energy pulsating from the house, you were both excited and nervous to step inside. 
Looking to Bobby, and swallowing thickly, you raised your brows and sighed, “Here goes nothing.”
The door opened before Bobby could knock. A tall, dark haired woman, dressed in a simple black dress with a plunging neckline stood before you. Her eyes were clouded white, but her smile beamed from ear to ear. 
“Bobby, I always love when you drop by,” she greeted and reached out for the Maester’s hand to pull him into a hug. 
“Pamela, beautiful as always.” He hugged her briefly and stood to the side. “This is Lady Y/N. She’s--”
“The wife of Lord Samuel. Oh, I know who she is. C’mon Bobby, I may be blind, the whole psychic helps with that,” Pamela laughed, and patted his shoulder before turning to you. “Now, let me get a look at you.”
Pamela reached out for your hand, and when you gently placed yours in it, she guided you inside.
“Alright ladies, I’ll be out here guarding Old Gus if ya need me.”
“Not joining us today, Bobby?” Pamela asked, slightly disappointed. 
“Not today. Today, Y/N needs some answers and whatever revelations she receives, are for her ears only.”
“I see,” she said, and turned her attention back to you. “Well then, Lady Winchester, let’s see what the spirits have to tell you.”
Pamela closed the door slowly behind you as you stepped further into her home, you drew in a deep breath of mixed herbs, candles, and sage. It was comforting and yet rejuvenated your energy, just as the old Oak did in the Elven Woods. 
“Please, have a seat.” Pamela motioned towards an worn, but cozy looking wooden chair, lined with plush red velvet. As she took her place directly at the round table, you slipped into the chair directly across from her and placed your palms flat on the table. 
“The energy in this place is inexplicably strong,” you mused, taking in more of the room. Candles were lit all around, some on table tops, some sitting atop tall iron candle holders. Over the table hung an iron chandelier, with more candles lazily flickering in a light breeze; yet you noticed no open windows. In the center of the small, round table, stood an iridescent purple crystal set in a sterling silver bowl filled with water. Admiring your surroundings, you settled into your seat with a sense of peace.
Pamela reached her hands towards the middle, palm up. You placed yours in hers once again, and could immediately feel the vibrations coming through her. When you looked up at her, meeting her clouded white eyes, a slight smile appeared on her face. 
“You’re a very powerful witch,” she said, then wrapped her fingers a bit tighter. “Taught, yes, but also born with the gift of magic.”
“My grandmother, Rowena. She’s a well known witch also born with innate magic. I suppose it comes from her.”
“I know of Rowena MacLeod. She’s… something alright. But your magic comes from a white witch. Your mother I believe.” She grew quiet, tuning in on your frequency, then nodded in confirmation. “Yes, your mother was a white witch. She’s passed, yes?”
“Y-Yes… I never knew my mother,” you replied softly, a twisted feeling bubbling in your gut. 
“Okay, close your eyes, Y/N. Focus your mind’s eye towards the crystal in the middle of the table.”
You did as told and waited for Pamela to begin. You could hear her breathing begin to slow, and nearly feel the rush of air she exhaled through her nose. 
“Amate spiritus obscure, te quaerimus, te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, aput nos circita. Amate spiritus obscure, te quaerimus, te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, aput nos circita."
Pamela repeated the chant a few more times, her will stronger each time. After the final pass, you opened your eyes and felt a cool air blew through the room, flickering the candles and casting erratic shadows to dance on the walls. 
“I call upon you, spirit, show yourself. I call upon you, spirit, show yourself!”
From beyond Pamela’s shoulder, a pale blue mist began to swirl slowly, eventually taking the loose shape of a woman. It floated towards Pamela, and seemed to ensconce her with its light. 
“Yes, I can hear you,” Pamela replied to a silent question. “Your name… to whom am I speaking…” She paused, awaiting a response. It felt as if time stretched on, but only a mere few seconds truly had. “Emmeline, yes, I understand. I give you permission.”
Though she had no external sight, Pamela’s gaze met yours for a moment, before she closed them tightly. When they opened again, gone were the clouded white orbs, and replaced by bright hazel eyes. You gasped at the change, then stared into them as if you knew them somehow. 
“Y/N,” Pamela spoke, but it was no longer her raspy tone; this voice was soft and gentle., “My daughter… you’ve grown up so beautiful.”
The whole change that unfolded before you, left you breathless. You reacted without thinking and tried to pull your hands away, but the spirit inhabiting Pamela’s body wouldn’t let go.
“Y/N, please....” the voice pleaded, “stay.”
You allowed her to hold your hands, and tried to think of what to say. But for all your questions, not only about her, but about how to handle the King, went out the window. All your mind could decipher was that despite all your magical knowledge and understanding, you were sitting and communicating with the spirit of your deceased mother. 
“How,” you whispered, “how is this possible? How do I know…”
“My sweet girl, you were born during a Harvest Moon, and I loved you from the moment I saw your face. Despite how you came to be…”
Recoiling slightly, you slowly shook your head. “I--I… I don’t know what that means. I have so many questions…”
“I don’t have long. Breaking through the veil isn’t easy, so I will try to answer what I can for you, child.”
Suddenly, everything you had come there seeking in the first place went out the window. Your blank mind began to grasp at the information you needed, but all you could think was that you were sitting across from a woman you longed to know your whole life. 
“I don’t know where to begin. My father would never speak of you. Grandmother, either. They would ignore me, or change the subject. Why? Why wouldn’t they tell me about you?”
The spirit didn’t reply. Instead she let go of your hand and raised Pamela’s fingers to rest upon the center of your forehead. Instantly you were hit with a surge of energy that felt like lightning racing through your body. Gasping for air, your vision went dark, and a series of images played out in your mind’s eye. Fragments of your mother’s memories poured into your knowing as the pictures flashed before you. 
Seeing her in her natural state was breathtaking. Emmeline had been a uniquely beautiful woman; her hair the color of spun gold, deep dimples--much like Samuel’s--when she smiled. You could see some resemblances of yourself in her, and it helped to settle the feeling of uncertainty you had rising in your gut. Seeing your mother, in her own body, practicing witchcraft at her own altar… the room filling with black smoke and taking over her body… Crowley entering the chambers and having his goons smash her altar to bits. 
Another flash… Crowley and her mother, now possessed by one of his minions, in bed together laughing maniacally at the despicable things they did and were planning to do. Another… her mother’s body, very pregnant, still possessed, but now she could hear her mother’s consciousness screaming to be let free, for the demon to leave her and her child alone. 
The images were coming faster now - death and destruction following Crowley and Emmeline’s body while she was carrying you inside her. Emmeline’s body on a dungeon floor, her eyes completely black and laughing as she gave birth to you. Then finally, one last image… this one was slow and lingered behind your eyes, as you watched the black smoke clear Emmeline’s mouth. Her body crumpled to the floor, but she was still alive and breathing slowly as she looked up to see Crowley holding a tiny bundle in his arms. 
 “Well done,” Crowley cooed to the heap of a woman on the floor as he stared down as his newly born child. “I promise, your efforts will not go unrewarded.”
“You can’t...take.. her,” Emmeline managed to squeak out. She pulled herself up to her feet, wincing in great pain as she found her footing. “She’s MY DAUGHTER!”
“Sorry, love. She;s mine. But, I can promise you, I will make sure she’s put to good use,” Crowley looked at the baby in his arms and smiled wickedly. “Papa has big plans for you, doesn’t he?”
Emmeline watched in horror as he lifted one of his hands from cradling the baby. Crowley ticked his head to the side and snapped his fingers. Emmeline began to choke, as her mouth began to spill blood down her dirtied and bruised form. 
“Don’t…. Do…. this…..”
“Too late. It’s done.” He watched as Emmeline drowned in her own blood and frowned when she ceased making any noise. Her body fell back to the ground, her once beautiful, vibrant eyes now vacant and cold. “Well, that was anticlimactic, wasn’t, Y/N? That’s okay, daddy still picked a good witch to bring you into this world. Me and you, we are going to do great things together.”
As the vision faded and your eyes readjusted to the somber lighting of Pamela’s cottage, you could feel the sting of fresh tears soaking your flesh. Pamela’s body was sitting back fully in her chair, but you could still see Emmeline’s eyes looking back at you. 
“I’m sorry to have to have showed you that, but you needed to know. Your father is a monster. I tried so hard to break free from that demon’s control, but I was helpless.”
The candles began to flicker before you even felt the icy cold breeze blow through the room. Your breath became visible in the air, and it made Emmeline’s spirit panic. 
“No… I need more time!” she yelled, half in her own voice, and half in Pamela’s. Pamela’s body jerked forward, then back against the chair hard knocking the spirit free from her body. The same swirling blue mist filled the room, ricocheting from the ceiling to the floor, to the corners and back again while Pamela’s chin hung to her chest, her palms still laying flat on the table. 
As quickly as she appeared, Emmeline was gone, leaving you feeling a sense of emptiness and dread. To have come so close to your mother, only to have her taken away again added a vat of fuel to the fire that burned inside you. The fire you would use to burn your father, and his Kingdom, to the ground. 
The temperature began to rise and the candles finally steadied from the whirlwind that just blew around them. Pamela was starting to come to, slowly raising her head until her white eyes met yours. 
Still shaken from the entire experience, her blank stare was starting to unnerve you. “Pamela?”
“I’m okay,” she said softly, her signature rasp still enough for you to know it was really her and not spirit. “That was… intense.” She reached across for your hand again, and though you honored her request, part of you was afraid to touch her again. “Your mother, you spoke with her? She showed you what you came here for?”
“Yes, she showed me…”
Pamela squeezed your hand and closed her eyes. “But not everything--”
Before she could continue, she was interrupted by a knock at the door, and the old wooden beast being slowly pushed open, allowing the day’s fading light to fill the room.
“Hate to interrupt the girl talk,” Bobby spoke up cautiously as she stepped over the threshold, “but are you ladies almost done? Day’s wasting here, and if Y/N doesn’t get back to the castle grounds before dark, I’m going to have some explaining to do to the King himself.”
You nodded in solemn agreement. You had come here for answers, though the ones you received weren’t exactly what you had been seeking. Unsure of how to process what you had learned, you turned to Pamela and smiled wanly. 
“Thank you, Pamela,” you started, and felt the rest of the words catch in your throat. “I--” expelling a deep sigh, you rose from the table and tried again. “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve given me.”
“But you didn’t get everything you came here for,” she replied, then stood up from her own chair. Pamela walked around the table with great ease for a blind woman, finding you immediately and putting both of her hands on your shoulders. 
Pamela pulled you into a warm embrace and gave you a caring squeeze. Before she completely let go, she allowed her lips to linger near your ear for a brief moment and whispered, “The baby you’re carrying is going to be blessed with great power. It will be up to you to keep him balanced and not let the scales tip in Crowley’s favor.”
Jerking away from her, your eyes snapped up to meet hers as a small smile unfurled on her lips. She gently laid one of her long fingers against her lips. “Shhhh… that baby needs to be your secret, or danger will find him long before he’ll need to pledge his allegiance.”
“Ladies? Everything okay?” Bobby asked from where he still stood in the doorway. 
“Everything’s fine Bobby,” Pamela replied, looking over your shoulder to flash Bobby her signature smile and wink. “She’ll be right along.” When her false eyes looked back on you again, her smile faded. “Keep him safe, and this child will one day sit on the King’s throne.”
“Y/N, I hate to bust this party up, but we really have to go.”
Still in a complete state of disbelief, you turned just enough to see the Maester impatiently waiting for you and nodded. “I’ll be right there.”
He threw up his arms and shrugged, before turning and heading back outside. 
“Y/N,” Pamela said, and turned your chin so you were again focused on her. “I know you have more questions, I know you were seeking truths about the potion, and a plan to use it. Whether you chose to follow through or not, it will not change the outcome of what’s meant to be.”
“And what is that? What IS meant to be?” you pleaded. “And how could I already be pregnant? Samuel and I, we just… it was one--”
“What is meant to be is already in motion. It was put that way the moment you and Samuel came together. Twin flames, though born of different fires, can still come together to create a force of nature.” She paused, and gently rested her hand on your belly. “And this boy, he will be a force of nature.”
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Series Tags: @theplaid-wearingmoose / @zombiewerewolfqueen / @silkiechicken / @collette04 / @katiecurls75 / @death-unbecomes-you / @colie87 / @roxytheimmortal / @klanceiscannon14 / @voltage-my2dlove / @flamencodiva / @xhannahbananax03 / @babykalika2001 / @traceyaudette /  @winchester-wifey @pilaxia​ 
Sam Winchester: @buckyscrystalqueen​ / @unabashedsoul97​
SPN (all): @wings-of-a-raven / @negans-wife / @kazosa / @deans-baby-momma / @hobby27 / @breereadsthings / @maddiepants / @sorenmarie87 / @screechingartisancashbailiff / @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ / @unlikelygalaxyiver / @linki-locks11 / @stoneyggirl / @clarinette07 / @lefthologramdeer / @destielhoneybee / @faughnphotography / @katehuntington / @81mysteriouslyme / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @deathofmissjackson / @lauravic / @akshi8278 / @rebelminxy / @idreamofplaid / @fictionalabyss / @blackcherrywhiskey / @his-paradox / @closetspngirl / @sorenmarie87 
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Erik and Reader have a 16 year old daughter who starts being disrespectful towards them.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst.
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Kayla Stevens was currently on FaceTime with one of her home girls from school gossiping about Spring Fling and who they were going to go with. It was way past her bed time, around 1:00 AM and Kayla’s mom and dad talked about her getting some rest since sleep was a must for the body. Plus, Kayla has multiple AP courses to prepare her for college since she wants to be a Physician Assistant like her mother. Kayla was dressed in a pair of Nike women’s pro shorts and a matching Nike sports bra with her curly full lace wig up in a bun and wrapped with a silk scarf. She laughed with her braces on full display, short nude nails bright in the camera light.
“Girl, Donte is like, all over me,” Kayla says while smacking her lips and sticking her tongue out, “He is so fione! I would give him all of me.”
“Donte is a hoe, Kayla. He’s cute and yeah he plays basketball like you but he is not the boy you need to be going for. He will cheat on you quick,” Trinny, Kayla’s friend says.
Kayla rolls her eyes, “But how do you know though? He asked me to Spring Fling. We could be crowned king and queen.”
“I mean, that’s up to you. Just don’t come crying to me about how much he hurt you.”
“Whatever, anywayssss,” Kayla rolls over on her back, “I’m trying to get my mom to take me shopping for a new dress but she talking about I have plenty of dresses and I don’t need no more. Ugh, she gets on my nerves with that shit.”
Trinny laughs, “My mom bought me some heels and a dress from Fashion Nova.”
“Bitch,” Kayla puts her middle finger up at Trinny, “She just get on my nerves! She found my report card and saw that I’m not doing good in AP Biology.”
“Damn, what did she say?”
“She saying she’s gonna take away some privileges if I keep messing up.” Kayla groans.
“You better get back on it then, girl. What did Mr. Erik say?” Trinny spoke sweetly.
“Girl, DONT say his name like that. That’s my father, Trinny, I don’t want to think about that shit.”
“He’s just so handsome! Let me find a dude like that!”
Ew, just...eww,” Kayla scrunched her face.
Knock knock
“Kayla, what the hell are you still doing up!”
It was her mother.
“Why are you still up?” Kayla asks with an attitude.
“Because this is my house and I can stay up whenever the hell I want. Don’t question me. Now open this door, what did me and your father tell you about locking doors?”
“UGH,” Kayla looks down at Trinny on her phone, “Girl, I’ll see you in school tomorrow morning.”
“You’re about to get your ass beat,” Trinny jokes.
Kayla hangs up on Trinny before climbing out of her bed and heading towards the door. Kayla unlocks it, letting out a frustrating sigh before opening the door. Y/N, Kayla’s mother was standing there in a pair of black silk pajamas, her silk pressed hair wrapped around and secured with pins. 
“What did your father and I tell you about staying up too late on a school night?”
Kayla rolls her eyes, “Go to bed by 11-”
“Who are you rolling your eyes at, little girl? last time I checked you’re 16 years old. Still a child. Don’t disrespect me, Kayla. I don’t know where you’re learning this behavior from but it damn sure didn’t come from me.”
“You embarrassed me on the phone with Trinny-”
“Is Trinny my child? no. If you weren’t on the phone then maybe Trinny wouldn’t know about it, would she?”
Kayla began tapping her foot with frustration, eyes heavenward as if she wanted to speak her mind. 
“Keep it up, watch. There will be no Spring Fling, no prom, and no birthday party. Don’t think I forgot about your grades.”
Kayla groans, “Ma, it’s just one class. That’s it.”
“So? you decided to take these AP courses your junior year and that’s exactly what you’re going to do and pass every single one.”
Kayla glared, kissing her teeth before turning to walk back into her room.
“Did I say we were finished? Kayla,” Y/N spoke with warning, “You know what, give me your phone-”
“Seriously?!!” Kayla looked distraught.
“Yeah, give me the goddamn phone. No phone privileges until the weekend-”
“DADDY!” Kayla called out for her father. Y/N places one hand on her hip, looking at Kayla up and down before abruptly snapping her fingers.
“HEY!” Y/N held her hand out, motioning with her manicured nails for Kayla to give her the phone, “Phone. Now.”
“What’s going on?”
Erik Stevens, Kayla’s father, Steps from out of the room rubbing his hands down his face since he was asleep. He wore a fitted white T-shirt with a pair of light grey sweatpants and his now much longer dreads wrapped up since he just got them done. 
“Dad,” Kayla started speaking in that sweet voice that always got her what she wanted.
“Yeah, baby,” Erik glanced over at his wife, noticing the anger in her eyes before looking back at his daughter.
“Mom is trying to take my phone away. Can you please tell her that I need my phone and that I can’t go the next few days without it.”
“She’s going to give me that phone. Calling your father out here isn’t going to change my mind, Kayla. I don’t know what has gotten into you but this is going to stop.”
Erik lets out a sigh, “Kay, come on, give your mother the phone.”
Kayla felt like her father betrayed her. She was definitely a Daddy’s Girl. Kayla is Erik’s little princess. Anything she wanted, he would give her, even after her mother told him no. Y/N and Erik had multiple arguments about spoiling kayla and trying to break her out of always having her hand out. Y/N has been trying to get Kayla to volunteer at the Hospital she works at so that she can have first hand experience but Kayla never wants to do it. All Kayla is worried about is her phone and how she looks. She desperately wants to keep her popularity. 
“This isn’t fair at all,” Kayla looked like she wanted to cry as her hand reached out in front of her. Y/N grabs the phone, tucking it in the pocket of her silk pajamas before folding her arms across her chest.
“You can have it back this weekend but right now, you don’t deserve it. You need to learn some respect-”
Okay, okay. It’s getting late. Kayla take your butt to bed, Y/N, let’s go. That includes no TV, Kay. Love you, goodnight.” Erik mentions with his arms out to separate Y/N from Kayla.
“Kay, we only want what’s best for you-”
“I hate this,” Kayla turns, storming inside her room and then slamming her door shut.
“Erik, I am two seconds away from going in that room,” Y/N closes her eyes, “What is going on with her?”
“I don’t know. I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow.
Y/N laid in bed with a mixture of sadness and anger in her eyes as she looked at Kayla’s contact numbers for Erik and herself.
“Erik! Come look at this!”
Erik went to their master bathroom to use it before going back to sleep. He entered the bedroom, slowly getting into bed next to his wife before glancing down to see that she was looking through Kayla’s phone.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“I paid for this phone, I have the right to see what my daughter has been up to. I want you too look at this.”
Erik sighs before grabbing the phone from Y/N. At first he stared at the phone nonchalantly but when he spotted what Y/N was referring to his eyes grew wide with anger.
“See? This is what I am worried about, Erik. I’m telling you, it’s that Trinny girl. She’s too grown and fast in the ass and she is trying to steer Kayla in the wrong direction.”
“Whore one, and Whore two.”
Erik was referring to the contact names that Kayla gave them both. Y/N was whore one and Erik was whore two.
“Oh hell nah,” Erik was pissed, “She ain’t getting this phone back until I say she can.”
“You’re still going to talk to her since you’re picking her up right?”
“Yeah,” Erik places Kayla’s phone on the night stand before turning off his lamp light, “And she wanted to go driving tomorrow too so she can get her license by prom, ain’t gon’ happen.”
Y/N didn’t turn off her lamp just yet as she stared down at her hands. She never imagined her little angel would be this disrespectful towards her. Y/N started seeing the signs when Kayla started hanging around Trinny. All the horrible things began to cross her mind. What if Kayla is having sex? What if she is sneaking out the house or inviting people over whenever Erik and herself go out for date night?
“Baby,” Erik takes his muscular arm, pulling Y/N close to him so they could cuddle. Y/N snuggled her bottom closer to Erik’s crotch, her hand coming down to interlock fingers with his hand. Erik reaches his head across to kiss her neck and then her cheek.
“It’s just a phase. You know we went through that shit too. Kayla is just growing up. Hormones, wanting to impress her friends, pressure from school. It’s all a competition.”
“You’re not worried, though? What if it’s something she’s out there doing and not telling us, Erik?”
“Like sex?” Erik questions, his mind filling with that unwanted thought.
“Yes. She talks about this Donte boy a lot-“
“Donte? I know it’s not the little nigga I see clowning around whenever I help out at the school with assist coaching.” Erik felt heat rise over his skin.
“It is. She has a little crush on that boy, Erik.”
“Fuck,” Erik presses his face into the back of Y/N’s neck, “Yeah, I’m gon’ have to have a serious talk with her tomorrow.”
Kayla was upset that basketball practice was canceled for the girls since the boys have a game coming up within the next two days. Kayla contemplated staying behind to watch Donte play but she decided it would be best to wait for her father to come get her. Kayla was on her way out of the gymnasium with her duffel bag and basket ball when a sweaty Donte caught up with her when she was exiting the school.
“What’s going on, light skin?”
“Shut up, I’m not even that light,” Kayla bashfully smiles with her mouth full of braces, “What do you want, Donte? Aren’t you supposed to be practicing?”
Donte takes the collar of his Wildcats jersey to wipe sweat from his forehead, “I need some air. You know that gym smell like ass and feet.”
“That’s y’all,” Kayla jokes.
“Whatever, light skin. So, you don’t want to stick around so we can hoop later?” Donte licks his lips.
“Can’t, my Dad is on his way so,” Kayla looks away before shouldering her duffel bag.
“Damn, daddy got you on lock down?”
“NO.” Kayla says to her defense, “He just needs to take me practice driving. I’m trying to get my license before prom so I can drive there.”
“OH SHIT!” Donte brings a fist to his mouth, “Kay Kay gonna have a whip!”
“Yes,” Kayla flips the hair from her full lace curly wig from her shoulder, “It’s gonna be so bomb.”
“If you stop playing games and let me take you I can keep you company in that car.”
Kayla blushes, “What makes you think I want you in my car?”
“Because of that look you’re giving me.”
Kayla rolls her eyes, unable to fight a smile, “You get on my nerves.”
Beep Beep
Kayla turns, spotting her father in his Lamborghini truck.
“Shit, I gotta go.”
“Tell Mr. Erik I said hi. And think about what I said, light skin.”
Kayla smirks, “I’ll think about it.”
Donte gives Kayla one final look over before turning, jogging back into the school. Kayla walks down the front steps of the school trying her best to control the butterflies in her stomach and the smile that fought to show. She didn’t need her father to question anything. Kayla approached the car, walking around the passenger side.
“Daddy,” Kayla closes the door, “Why did you bring the truck? I thought we were gonna drive in the Mercedes? I don’t know how to drive this-“
“Hello to you too,” Erik looks over at Kyla with a smirk.
“Hey dad.”
Erik drives off while turning down the music.
“So, are we going to practice drive or nah?”
Erik makes a turn, “No. we need to talk.”
Kayla rolls her eyes into her head, “Talk about what?”
“About what’s been up with you. Why you’re talking back to your mother. Why you’re putting us in your contacts as Whore one and Whore two.”
“Oh my God,” Kayla felt her heart drop to her stomach, “Y’all went through my phone?”
“Kayla, that’s not the point-“
“That’s not cool at all. Y’all don’t trust me?”
“Kay, I’m talking.”
She huffs, “Fine.”
“Why do you call us that? Your whores? Like we’re your friends or some shit?”
Kayla has a permanent scowl on her face as she looks out the window.
“Kay, I asked you a question.”
“I don’t know,” Kayla spoke with a small voice.
The drive was pretty short, only about ten almost fifteen minutes. Erik didn’t nag Kayla on the ride over.
“Still don’t know?” Erik asks.
“I’m not buying that,” Erik pulled up to their home, parking the car. He looked over at Kayla his eyes patient because rushing her wouldn’t help.
Kayla rolls her eyes with a groan, “It’s just a running joke. All my friends did it.”
“You find shit like that funny? Calling your parents who take care of you whores?”
“Dad,” Kayla looked away shamefully, “Look, I’m sorry, okay? How does mom feel-“
“You already know the answer to that question. Talk to me, Kay, what’s really going on with you?”
“Ugh,” Kayla hugs her basketball, “If you give me my phone back I’ll tell you.”
Erik gave her a look that made Kayla cower in her seat.
“There is really nothing to tell you, Dad. Maybe it’s a teenager thing, I don’t know.”
“I don’t give a fuck what thing it is, Kayla. Your mom and I are worried. This girl, Trinny, never met her but your mom tells me she’s a little...”
“How would she know that?” Kayla laughs trying to calm her anger, “Did she go snooping on Trinny too-“
“Kayla. That’s not the point. Stop running your mouth and listen.”
Kayla stopped talking.
“What about Donte?”
“Donte?” Kayla tried to fight a smile but Erik already saw it coming.
“Yeah, what’s going on with that? I know your getting older and you’re gonna have your little crushes and what not but...I’ve seen him, remember? I assist coach the boys basketball team. The things he talks about, his actions, I don’t like it, Kay.”
“He’s just a jokester, dad-“
“The reason I am saying this to you is because I’ve seen the way he acts when you aren’t around. That’s what guys do, Kay, they put on a front. He’s being all nice and flirty with you now but take it from your father, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. I don’t want my daughter getting involved with that type of situation. You need to focus on school, your youth, and playing ball. That’s all that matters. Niggas like Donte will bring you down, baby girl, trust me when I say that.”
Kayla sat listening. She always took her fathers advice but hearing him talk about Donte the way he did bothered her. Trinny talks about him that way too but Kayla never took it seriously. Hearing it from her dad felt different. It felt like she was making a bad decision.
“We love you, Kay. We have your best interest at heart. Not Trinny, and not Donte. Imagine if we weren’t in your life. My parents-your grandparents, they died before I could even understand what it meant to be a teenager. I had to learn all that shit on my own. Then, your mama and I had you at such a young age. We were still teenagers, Kay. If it wasn’t for her family, we wouldn’t have been able to take care of you. You gotta think about stuff like that.”
Kayla could feel her eyes welling up with tears. Taking the sleeve of her hoodie, Kayla wipes away at her wet eyes, her lower lip trembling like crazy.
“Kayla,” Erik leans forward in his seat to stare at his daughters face. Kayla turns away from him, sniffling a little bit while jerking her leg. Erik takes his hand to rub Kayla’s back, his jaw clenching so he wouldn’t become emotional. This brought back memories for him. When Y/N and Erik took Kayla to get her ears pierced at just one years of age, Erik teared up when Kayla began to scream-cry. He was ready to attack the woman who was piercing her ears. Y/N was the strong one.
“Kayla, Princess, look at me.”
“No,” Kayla says with a small voice.
“It’s just me and you.”
Kayla licks her dry lips before turning towards her father with puffy eyes and her face flushed.
“I love you. We love you. You know if you ever need to talk to us you can.”
“I know,” Kayla gave her father a weak smile, “I’ll try to communicate more.”
Y/N had a busy day at work, arriving home around 8:30 PM to find Cajun spaghetti left out for her on the oven. The smells of the spices made her stomach rumble. Y/N washed her hands before grabbing a bowl to eat. With her bowl filled and a tall glass of water, Y/N takes a seat at their kitchen island. In the middle of twirling spaghetti around her fork, Y/N heard footsteps approaching. Kayla was standing timidly at the entrance of the kitchen. Y/N places her fork in her bowl before standing from her seat to greet her daughter.
“Hey, baby,” Y/N hugs Kayla before placing a kiss on her forehead, “How was school?”
“Good. I didn’t have practice today.”
“Guys have a game coming up so they needed the space.” Y/N shifted on her feet, “Um...mama...dad told me about you looking through my phone.”
Y/N tilted her head at Kayla, “He did? Hmm...yes, I did look through your phone and I did find the names. Whore one and Whore two?”
Kayla shamefully looks down at her feet.
“I also found something else that I didn’t run past your father. You remember the conversations at family reunion about how crazy your father used to be, right?”
Kayla’s head snapped up to look at her mother.
“Kayla, the half naked photos in your underwear and bra? Who do you plan on sending those photos to?”
“No one,” Kayla reassures her mother, “I just...I just take them.”
“At 16? No,” Y/N turns away.
Kayla grew frustrated, “Why are you even going through my phone anyway? That’s like an invasion of privacy-“
“Kayla,” Y/N spoke with warning.
“what if I did that to you? Instead of talking to me you do something like that. Ugh, why did you go through my phone-“
“Because I can!” Y/N turns back to her daughter with rage, “I can do that because I am worried about my daughter keeping secrets from me. Why is it that every time we talk you always give me attitude, huh?! When you talk with your father you never disrespect him!”
“You’re always riding my butt! When dad says I can do something you go against it. You tell him about Trinny and Donte, you embarrass me, you never let me speak my mind-“
“You really feel that way about me?” Y/N looked at Kayla with a hurt expression.
“Yeah,” Kayla shakes her head, “I can’t talk to you about anything without you yelling at me.”
“Okay,” Y/N lets out a shaky breath before taking her seat again.
“That’s it, mama? No go to bed, you’re punished?”
“No.” Y/N stared straight ahead at the wall, “Apparently you can’t talk to me. Your own mother. I’m not going to argue with my child. I know what’s best for you even if you don’t agree with what I say. Some day you will understand but until then, if you feel like talking to your father is easier, then talk to him. It breaks my heart to get into these disputes with you. It wasn’t always like this, Kay.”
Kayla turns to find Erik approaching the heated scene. He heard everything.
“Go upstairs, I’ll be up in a minute.”
Kayla didn’t think twice as she walks past him and up the steps. Erik turns to look at his wife playing with her food, her head bent low.
“Baby. Just give her some time. She’s still not over the fact that you went through her phone.”
Y/N’s face scrunched up with anger, “Who’s side are you on? Did you hear the way she talks to me?”
“I did.” Erik spoke calmly.
“And you want me to give her time? See, when I was growing up,” Y/N’s hands shook, “My mama would pop my lips, make em’ nice and swollen to the point where I couldn’t feel them whenever I talked back to her. She would whip my ass with a thick leather belt. That’s how I was taught not to run my smart ass mouth. I swore I would never lay a finger on my child. When she talked to me the way she did last night, I wanted to hit her, Erik. For the first time, I wanted to hit my child. But, I know that if I hit her, it would only make things worse. She can’t keep talking to me like that. It’s been going on too many times, far too long.”
Y/N shook her head, pushing away her food, rising from her seat and walking past Erik. Erik grabs her hand, pulling her into his embrace. He trapped her in his arms so she wouldn’t go, squeezing her to let her know that she was okay and that he would always be there.
“What am I doing wrong?” Her voice shook, “Am I too strict? Do I not give her enough freedom? Does she hate me and love you?”
“Kayla loves you baby,” Erik looks down at Y/N, kissing her lips, “she loves you more than anything in the world.”
“It hasn’t been feeling like it lately. It feels like she’s disgusted with me. We never talk about anything. When I try to talk to her she isn’t engaged and then she walks away. Last night, she was telling Trinny that I get on her nerves. That hurt.”
Y/N slips from Erik’s arms, wiping her eyes.
“I don’t know what to do. I think I’m losing my daughter.”
“You’re not losing her, baby. Go upstairs, knock on her door, squeeze her. Tell her how you feel and maybe that will make her understand. She’ll open up to you, Y/N, I know she will. She didn’t open up to me today. I don’t want you to feel like she loves me more than you-“
“You’ve always been around, Erik. I’ve been in school, and now I’m working late and she hardly sees me. You’re involved with her school activities and I only go to parent-teacher night. She barely knows me.”
Erik couldn’t find the words to make her see reason.
“I’m going to bed,” Y/N grabs her work bag from the kitchen Island, not once looking at Erik as she leaves the kitchen. Erik frustratingly pulls at his dreads before walking towards the kitchen island to lean on it. He was deep in thought as the silence surrounded him. He felt like he was caught in the middle. On one end, he could understand where his wife was coming from. Kayla has been very rebellious and disrespectful. On the other hand, he felt that Kayla felt like her mother couldn’t communicate with her and Y/N looking through her phone made her want to keep anything from her mother. He truly didn’t know how to get both of them to come together. He could only hope that tomorrow would be a better day to try again.
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