#hes your biggest simp its canon
sweetbbyshion · 1 year
@dark-mnjiro match up ✨
Shinichiro Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
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Our loving Shin would dedicate to you the song: heaven by bryan adams
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a gift for my moot:
Shinichiro hears you call for him as soon as you enter the store. He almost hits his head as he rolls from under the car to quickly look at you.
You look divine in his eyes and he thinks he might be drooling. "A date tonight." you ask him and he is quick to agree. "Whatever you want." Shinichiro replied and you laugh, already waiting for that answer. He smiles brightly at you as you tell him your plans and all he can do is nod.
Shinichiro will always agree to whatever you say.
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spitinsideme · 1 month
what's your current perspective on ragapom after the new episode? my headcanons have been almost completely changed...they're both losers and ragatha certainly seems to be more of a loser than pomni like many have pointed out. she literally does not take pomni's name out of her mouth throughout the entire episode!! like, sure, we all know you care about her and you're worried after all that happened in the pilot, OKAY! but for the love of god you literally fell off a CLIFF and one of your first reactions is ask about her?? definitely the biggest pomni simp to ever exist, no mfer in this fandom can ever beat her
absolutely everyrhing changed youre so right !!! lime EVERYTHING !! i dont even see pomni as a loser anymore actually ragatha is the biggest fucking loser here, pomni is normal honestly the pilot kusr made her out to be this complete mess but pomni is nor ? she acyuallu seems lime INCREDINLY calm for the sitatuon shes in and kind of okau with it now ? lime in that scene where she was talking to the guy and she was like "yeah well im stuck here and im tryong to see ir as home" or soemthing lime rhat .. pomni isnt the fucking simp around here its ragatha !!! i mean come on even jax pointed it out !!! this meand that shes porbbaly mever done this nefore for any other newcomers !! shenwas dying being stabbed in the chest almost drowning and the whole time shes like POMNI ??? POMNO AR EYOU OKAY ??? POMNI ?????? i think its quote literlaly impossoble to not at leadt slightly believe ragatha likes pomni a biy too mufh .. anywayd yes everything has compleley changed and pomni nor ragatha is what i have drew them out to be, theyre compleley dofferent from the pilot !! i dont think ive ever seen someone care this much aboit someone they JUST met a day before, also how she tries to get clos3r to pomni the entire time !! shes literaly tryong to nefriend her reallyreally badlu trying to get clos3r and thats a gay fucking thing to do shes sofucking desperate shes in love trusr me i know a lesbian with a crush when i see one .. everytjing hss changed ...
i think that their dynamic righr now is like .. one sided woth ragatha trying to grt close to pomno and pomni trying to stop all her advances maybe becauze she still feels bad ? i hope that when they do talk (WHIXH THEY FUCKING WILL HOPEFULLY !!!) tbeir dynsmic changes and they actually become friends ? i think ragatba is really lonely, they all seem to be acquantices at besr actyally with kinger being the only one who seems to have a friendler fonnection to ragatha ? and hes mental a bit so youknow shes defonily a bit lonely !! my touch starbed headcanon foe ragatba still stays actually thats canon to me in my head .. i want to explore this newfound dynamic more actually !! its very interesting
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southparktexts · 3 months
kenny mccormick x goth reader head canons pleaseee :3 if not that’s fine!!
of course anon !! <3 (im so mad i had to rewrite this twice)
Kenny with a Goth Reader
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- okay, first off. he LOVES goth people.
- huge goth mommy girlfriend lover (he listens to asmr..)
- i feel like he had definitely confused you with the goth kids.
“look at that fucking emo… oh SHIT THATS Y/N”
- you had to educate him on the difference between emo and goth after that.
- knowing him he’s confused about the goth aesthetic
- i know damn well he just think its wearing black sexy clothes.
- the first time you did his makeup on him he was so confused.
“why the fuck would you get this.. thing (foundation) 8 shades lighter than your skin colour.. this is basically white.”
“i- .. you are so autistic.”
- please for the love of god, do not wear a corset or fishnets around him. he will stare.
- the first time he saw you walk around with a corset he was immediately staring… at your tits.
- i feel like he definitely protects you when you go out in public with him because of people who bark at you or try and sexually assault you.
- he’s not controlling of the way you dress because its your life, live it.
- he just doesn’t want you to feel insecure about yourself!
- i can definitely vouch that he loves buying you goth clothes and handing it to you.
- if you have a collection of goth anything, he will stare for hours.
- he gets so interested into goth things.
- i can see times where he would sometimes (all the time) where goth clothes to match and impress you.
- and he looks so fucking good as well.
“why don’t you just dress like this all the time??”
“you dont know how much i would fucking hate to be barked at.”
- he is your biggest supporter when it comes to social media posts and shit.
- commenting shit on your posts like ‘thats my bitch!’
- one time got into a fight in the comment section with some thirsty simps.
your not dating her lol
shut yo raggity ass up
*insert pic of you and him.*
think again
- ive said this once and ill say it again, he is your biggest supporter
- people barking at you? hes barking back.
- people cat calling you? he’s starting fights.
- people touching you? hes starting a war.
- one time yelled at a GRANDMA because she insulted you.
“thats not appropriate to wear out on the streets!”
- … he has issues? i think..?
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HELLO BELOVED CKB!! I have been restraining myself for months (hypothetical since I have no sense of time) on the topic of fictional characters that remind people of Yves. Because Oh Boy do I have a big one.
Have you seen Vil Schoenheit from Twisted Wonderland? There are so many parallels it makes me go absolutely bonkers. I might get his character wrong but oh well.
- Vil is insanely rich & a model/actor. Very influential and worked his way to that spot. His skincare and makeup routine is fucking impertinent to him; he must look flawless at all times. He makes sure that he is in prime condition and pushes to make sure that the people in his dorm are of similar regimens.
- Vil is based off of the evil queen (he’s not related to her in any sense btw.) He, by nature, is very nitpicky and motherly towards the people that he cares about even though it can be seen by them as smothering and overwhelming sometimes.
- He specializes in making potions and specifically poisons.
- Oh My God he is so mother and honestly one of my favorite characters and so is Yves which honestly says a lot about me. I need help. Canonically calls his right hand man “dear/darling.”
If I had to relate Yves to another TWST character it would be Malleus Draconia but only looks and obsessiveness and the whole “I want to be with you for eternity” thing.
- 🌷
Oh hell yeah i know Twisted wonderland, I follow a couple of blogs who specialized in making Yandere Fics about them, my favourite is Malleus Fuckin Draconia my man. Im pretty sure you can see my type (Long black hair, green eyes, calm, lithe and vampiric types)
I didn't know shit about twisted wonderland at first, I fr thought it was a yandere dating sim, but I had to learn everything bit by bit from the bits and bobs of canon those authors would sometimes post about, so it was like learning a language from scratch.
I was partially interested in Vil Schoenheit, but I guess most of the fics wrote him as mainly focused on his fanbase and not the reader- like he needs the world to have their eyes on him or he will throw up and die. So that kinda killed my yearning boner off for him because reader's attention is not enough and he requires love from the masses too.
Like fr i appreciate the maternalness of Vil, but it just feels... surface level since I doubt he would be interested in personally wiping reader's ass when they're incapable or cleaning up your puke on himself with a straight face without making a big deal out of it.
and IMO i think he's a little too loud, a little too naggy and his nitpicky comes from a place of self service, not really in the reader's best interest. Like Yves would listen to you and observe 100%, whereas its the other way round for Vil, where you gotta drink the yappuchino he serves. Dont come for me Vil simps i think he is swell despite this </3 I just don't think he would be the parallel of Yves </333
but for MALLEUS tho,,, mans a quiet, antisocial loner from what I saw, only yearning for the attention of the reader (or "yuu"), he's super calm, a recluse, and has like 4 friends. I have read fics that painted him in a maternal light that tickled my heartussy, and I guess thas why i like him more. Because to me, I headcannon he would take care of you himself as if you're paralyzed from the head neck down without complaints or feeling icky when he gotta handle with human bodily fluids. He would mostly listen and observe, maybe infodump about gargoyles but I think he would be a closer match to Yves than Vil in vibes and looks.
Though might wanna consider Jamil Viper from Scarabia, he hates standing out and mans was always depicted as the caretaker to Kalim. And I would like always have the biggest crush on him because,,, hehe caretaker
But he does so begrudgingly and like has a deep hatred for Kalim, I was like damn what if he loves caretaking for me,,, that isn't gonna happen because Jamil comes from a background of injustice and he isn't going to like being subjected to the role forced upon him since birth,,, aha ... unless...
and he's hella smart, but he's moving in silence just like Yves, gritting his teeth but keep on trucking no matter how angery he is. He is calm and quiet, and he listens because he need that information to succeed in his goals, but my delulu ass would be like omg he is so attentive
but theres that spite in Jamil that do be present in Yves though, ironically I would say that Yves is closer in character to Malleus and Jamil than Vil, but i could be just biased and say that because of both appearances are similar to that of Yves rn (Malleus and Jamil has like long, straightish dark hair and them sharp eyes)
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dootznbootz · 6 months
oooh yeahhhh. like. they must have heard about the things he'd done in troy. But have they heard all of it? Have they heard of Palamedes, the Thracians and the countless other people? Will they still see him as the same man? Do they still care about him? Are they still waiting for him? No, no - he is the same man,, he must be. he must be the same man. He needs to get to them. He is convincing himself that he is the same. He needs them.
We love self-doubt on a tuesday don't we
Heads up, I am probably the most off track I've ever been because I'm just all over the place right now :'D Hope you don't mind. I DO make a point but it takes a long time to get there. I was just... a LOT of thoughts and it's kind of all over the palce. I'm really sorry 😅
YESSS!! I mean Palamedes dad DOES try to convince her that "Odysseus is bringing home a new bride" where she's like "You're trying to tell me, that my husband, one of the biggest simps to ever simp, is replacing me?? when he knows damn well that I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him??? You and your son are both scum. Get the fuck outta my sight."
HE'S STILL THE SAME MAN!!! He's just so...shattered. This is still the man who deeply loves his wife and son. Still the man who would do anything and everything for them. If they said "I'm cold" he'd get gasoline and matches to light the world on fire if that's what was needed. (very much "Odyssey version" haha as Epic is...Nicer? definitely WOULD still "trade the world To see my Son and Wife" but Epic is more..."Selfless"?? idk how to describe but you know. not as much of a "rude asshole" like he is in the Iliad especially (rereading it now, literally basically the only person he wasn't an ass to at some point were simply dudes he didn't have a lot of moments WITH in the Iliad haha) if he had moments with a person, he was a dick to them at some point. )
Like this is very much the same man. The man who made the wedding bed (and palace!) that meant so much to them! like, from what I know grooms WERE supposed to decorate their houses for their brides but not build an entire NEW one! Not MAKE A BED OUT OF A LIVING TREE!!! (Odysseus is canonically a hopeless romantic! Wedding Music when they reunite? the language used when he talks about her speaks to her? their bed and palace? LIKE?!?!? you cannot tell me this fucker wouldn't be into romcoms and disney movies He would still be like "just kill the villain" but he'd be all over the "romance" This is the same man who proudly declares himself as "Telemachus' loving father". He's still the man who is proud and cunning and a bit of an ass.
He's just...incredibly SCARRED. He's still there. That's what he's HOPING. He KNOWS he still loves them and is still so devoted. That's the Odysseus that they know. That's what matters, right? Right?! He LOVES them! He's trying SO hard. That's what matters, right?!
Penelope sees and knows this. but he doesn't yet and for once in his life he cares SO badly about what someone thinks about him.
Agamemnon calls him a coward? Tell him that Telemachus' loving father's head would be ripped off its shoulders before he's a coward.
Penelope simply vagues that their marriage bed is possibly gone? DISASTER! SOBBIGN! He's been STABBED!
That's "her Joy". That's her husband. No matter HOW he comes back. She will love him regardless because that's HIM.
Small thing I'm adding because it kind of has to do with it: I'm kind of one who loves the idea of Penelope hating songs about him in the war because of "That's not my Odysseus" in a way. ( I mean it is. but it's a PART of him. That is his "war" side. haha. She knows this and is the same way.) And I think Telemachus telling her to not care is kind of showing how "Telemachus doesn't see the "father". He doesn't see the loving man he is capable of being. He just sees the "Warrior"" She KNOWS that Odysseus is so much more than that. But probably since Telemachus is surrounded by asshole men right now, he's probably clinging to "my dad was a hero and I can be too!" instead of "my dad pretended to be mad to not leave our side. My dad exposed his ruse simply to save ME. He made a bed out of a living tree for my mother out of love"
He's only hearing about his darkest parts and that's PART of the reason why this poor boy is hurting so much. So ANGRY.
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jennathearcher · 16 days
I was tagged by the always wonderful @gellavonhamster to post four characters that make me go "my man, my man, my man!!"
(I've done an images-only version of this post previously, but I'm thrilled to elaborate on WHY I adore said characters here :P)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
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(fanart credit here)
How do I begin to explain Jonathan Archivist? He's flawless :P In all seriousness, Jon is legit one of the best, most complex characters I've ever seen in media, and perhaps one of the first characters to ever make me go "THAT ONE. MINE." XD
The best part is when I first started listening to the podcast, and didn't really know WHERE it was going to go or how big the story was going to become, I had s1 Jon who is kind of an asshole and I was SO frustrated by his skepticism CONSTANTLY XD then the end of s1 rolls around, s2 illustrates a character arc that encapsulates the immediate aftermath of a severe trauma SO well, and by the end of s2, I had my ".....oh. Oh no" moment :P
Jon spends pretty much the rest of the series just GOING THROUGH IT in one way or another, and pretty consistently going "This is fine" about all of it even though he is Very Not Fine :P I want to just wrap this man in a big cozy blanket and TAKE CARE OF HIM. Because Jon goes through so much of his whole storyline.....essentially ALONE and it DRIVES ME BONKERS XD There's a point in this series where Jon has pretty much lost every friend he's ever had and it is HEARTBREAKING.
But also, his transformation throughout the series :P I don't want to go into TOO much detail here for spoiler reasons, but god. Jon has moments especially in the latter half of the series where he is SCARY. HE IS POWERFUL. AND HE IS GODDAMN SEXY :P (my bestie likes to listen to s5 episodes with me and laugh maniacally over me Losing My Shit from sheer simp-itude XD)
Also, bonus points for being a Canon Asexual 8D like me!! <3
Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)
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Oh, Johnny, Johnny <3 I pretty much went into this game knowing he was gonna steal my heart, but even then, I was utterly unprepared for just how attached I would become :3
A lot of that is due to playing as a POV character that you essentially craft yourself from the ground up -- prime real estate for a self insert lover like myself XD And despite there being a myriad of colorful characters in the world of Cyberpunk, four of which you can romance, everyone can pretty much agree that Johnny is by far the most important character to the PC, who has the placeholder moniker of V.
The basics of the game's story are that your character, V, is a mercenary in the postapocalyptic world of 2077, and they are betrayed and nearly killed by one of their clients -- their life only being saved due to the presence of a chip they installed in their head during a job, without realizing said chip contained, essentially, the soul of Johnny Silverhand; a rock star turned terrorist who died in 2023.
The main plot of the game focuses on V's attempts to stabilize Johnny's presence in their brain, before the chip eventually overwrites their consciousness and kills them. A lot of that depends on the player's interactions with Johnny throughout the game, but as you can imagine, literally sharing a brain and body with someone can be quite the bonding experience :P
Especially because Johnny is a MESS. He's an alcoholic and drug addict who hides his supreme self-loathing behind a seemingly massive ego -- who talks a big game about his hatred of capitalism but in reality blew up the biggest conglomerate in the city because his girlfriend died (and it was his fault) and he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings.
The moments in the game when Johnny actually opens up to V are CAPTIVATING, certainly in part due to a masterful performance from Keanu Reeves :P This is one of those games that just grabs you with its immersion, and got me genuinely emotional several times during my first playthrough. (One day, I'll get the chance to play it again :P one day XD)
Plus there's also the aspect of building my own personal canon for my V and her relationship with Johnny, and all that adds up to holding a very special place in my heart :3
Gale Dekarios (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Of course I jumped onto the BG3 train for Astarion and ended up falling head-over for the character I most commonly heard referred to as annoying :P
A dorky wizard you say? Who's highly autistic coded? Loves books and his cat? Strongly implied to be an abuse survivor at the hands of an older female partner? AND HE'S SUICIDAL??? I didn't stand a fucking chance :P
I just love listening to him talk so much XD and thank god because he never shuts up :P Nothing like a guy who thinks he's the smartest man in the room who is, IN FACT, very very dumb <3
And lest we forget if you keep him around until the third act of the game, he decides his new coping mechanism is SEEKING GODLY POWER like babe please calm down XD
I've done pretty much all of his possible endings so far outside of doing his origin run (aka playing through the whole game as him), and I just. LOVE HIM SO MUCH <3 I'm excited to romance him again, especially since I missed out on stuff the first time XD Every time I start a new playthrough I end up half-romancing him anyway because I CAN'T HELP MYSELF :P ultimately breaking my own heart when I have to commit to the character I originally set out to romance in the first place XD and he's always the first companion I get to the Exceptional approval level :3
that's my emotional support wizard :P and I WILL make him useful by juicing him up with all the good spells, thank you VERY MUCH XD
Black Leg Sanji (One Piece)
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You all knew this was coming :P
Hey, you ever casually look at a fun pirate manga here and there as a teenager without ever really getting into it, but you know EXACTLY which character would be your fave and just kinda tuck that away in the back of your mind?
And then some odd years later, that manga gets adapted into an extremely successful and astonishingly well made live action Netflix series that is much more accessible to you than the source material?
And THEN that gets you engaging with more and more of the source material's fan content until you still haven't even watched the anime proper yet and somehow THIS has happened to you??
Anyway moral of the story is that your first instinct as to what character is going to be your favorite it always right no matter what :P OH MY GOD WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME
I just. Love him SO MUCH.
He smokes CONSTANTLY. He's ALWAYS associated with fire. He LIGHTS HIMSELF ON FIRE FOR COMBAT PURPOSES. And yet he has the most water elemental oriented soul I've EVER SEEN. (and CHRIST HOW IS HE SO FUCKING SHREDDED--)
He's 80% Leg. His EYEBROWS do the fucking THING. He's FRENCH. The extent of his post-timeskip transformation is PARTING HIS HAIR DIFFERENTLY. His name is a PUN. He is AN IDIOT and also SO SMART. He has to have 17 karmic punishments from the narrative before we ever get to his tragic backstory. His adoptive dad ate his own foot.
He's a Hopeless Romantic. He COMPLETELY FORGETS HOW TO ACT every time he so much as Sees A Woman at thirty paces. He gets so many comedic anime nosebleeds that it becomes A PLOT POINT. He has a CODE OF CHIVALRY that actually makes sense kind of (especially once you know his tragic backstory).
Lest we forget to mention that he's part of a FOUND FAMILY!!!! He has SO much love to give and his love language is all of them :P A different one for each person on the crew, as far as I can tell. With Zoro it's "the only person who's allowed to kill you is me, dammit" XD
I just. Husband Material. HUSBAND. I wanna lock that shit down SO BAD. I'm AS OBSESSED WITH HIM as he is with EVERYONE ELSE and by god I am making it the problem of all of my followers :P
tagging (with no pressure) @pink-cenobite @talesfromthecrypts @piratespencil @thebarefootking @damngoodbabysiitter @lady-phasma and anyone else who wants to do the thing!! <3
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Hi there! I’m new to the quarry fandom! I was wondering if you were still taking requests and if you were, if I could request some headcanons for what it would be like to date Dylan, and what kinda s/o he would look for? Gn reader preferably for our ladies and gentlemen simps! And more personality base rather than looks cuz he seems like the kinda guy to appreciate anyone regardless of shape, size, or color!
If you’re not comfortable writing that or aren’t taking requests that’s totally fine too! Thank you! I really enjoy your writing 👌🏻
ok so Dylan is one of my faves but this was honestly a little difficult to do cause I love him and Ryan together so I hope its ok. The Aussie in me jumped out a bit at some points too, so, sorry to all my Northern hemisphere readers.
What he looks for in a partner
Firstly his s/o has to be someone that takes a genuine interest or happily listens along to his ramblings/explanations. Even if its a topic his s/o knows nothing about/isn't interested he needs to know they'll always listen anyway and never feels like he's being a bother
ideally they can see past the witty front he puts up, and be able to determine when he's joking and when he isn't.
someone who's not too serious and understands why he can be so blase sometimes
While he's flirty from the get go it would take some serious effort for him to actually open up.
from his interactions with Ryan we know he does like the strong/mysterious kind but I can just as easily see him being with a more extroverted partner (like Kaitlyn or Jacob)
He definitely needs someone with at least a little bit of impulse control because otherwise, well he'll end up a hand down
What it's like to date Dylan
trying out random and new things all the time, I imagine him as someone that hyperfixates on things and likes to drag you along for the ride.
shit talking, when you and Dylan gossip it can become an all out hatefest but you'll always end it with 'but who are we to judge' as if that makes up for it.
Dylan becomes one of your 'biggest fans' watching you from afar whenever you do anything. you could be buttering bread and he'll be swinging his feet. The more open you are and reciprocate this energy the more you'll get back
Dylan will always be there to cheer you up from a bad day/mood he can tell without any words when you need comfort and quickly learns what you're most receptive to and what you hate.
He's very protective (I know everyone says this but I mean its literally canon) and if someone was seriously causing you any grief or talking behind your back and his words arent enough he probably would get into a fight that he knows he might lose (unless you tell him not to)
I'm inclined to think your dates tend more towards indoor/arcade/movie/cafe dates unless you're hardcore into hikes and shit and then he'll go along with you occasionally.
You definitely go ice skating once and he sucks, no grace, long arms desperately flapping around as he grabs on to you. If you suck too then it's even funnier and the both of you eat shit multiple times
dates to a shopping centre where you just go and walk around judging people. Frequenting Kmart and Target just to find the weirdest shit and making each other try on the most cooked outfits you can find.
He definitely has a tik tok and even if he hasn't posted before the two of you start making them together. But not the wholesome trends no. you two are up there slapping each other with tortillas.
You go to local fares/carnivals and just gorge yourselves on the food and he tries to win you something big and fails but you love whatever shitty little thing he gets you anyway.
This is kind of short but I'm still a little sick so I hope you all enjoy anyway
@laurakearnxy @wolfsquad @rainbows-dreams @dylanlenievy @kestisvrse @aaetherr69 @jjkk1m @g0th1ka @ghostverz @thebookbakery @qlqstqr @sheriff-hackett
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morathicain · 4 months
im also very curious about "part time soulmate, full time problem" in your wips (ik its in the list of ones youre not likely to continue but im still curious lol)
Ooooh! That one is a Midnight Museum fic for Khatha/Dome ^^
They're like one of the few soulmate couples (basically canon, but then again God literally has tried to separate them for all of eternity and force them to NOT choose each other) I enjoy. And hell is Khatha gone on Dome. Man who was chosen by god worships the man he's supposed to deny. Anygay, they have the BEST potential (what with one getting called out in front of everyone for his feelings as they all basically watch his memories XD) for Dome to absolutely be a menace to Khatha, who is the biggest simp! So it would basically be that, Dome doing stuff on purpose and by accident that drives Khatha CRAZY™ in the best of sense :P
So yeah, I don't properly remember the details I had planned for this, but I like the bit I'd written:
Khatha stared down at Dome with his arms crossed, hoping he seemed stern enough to intimidate the small man at least a bit. A tiny bit. Enough not to have any more idiotic ideas. Ideas like trying to solve supernatural problems he wasn’t equipped for at all. Ideas like saving Khatha instead of finally running to safety. Ideas like ... A hand at his arm stopped him dead in his tracks and he couldn’t suppress the shiver which took him hostage. For a second, he wondered if his heart would jump out once he opened his mouth. “I’m sorry”, Dome said, staring up at him with pleading eyes, his fingers curled around Khatha’s wrist, “I won’t do it again.” He was doomed, Khatha realised, frozen in time and space. Dome would do it again, he knew right this second, the touch setting his arm aflame, and he would follow Dome each time, without hesitation. Doomed. ~~~ “What’s with the lollipops?” Khatha didn’t even lift his eyes from the book he was reading, already knowing what sight would greet him. He’d asked Dome to join him in his office while he was researching the next artifact they were looking for. Just so Dome wouldn’t go crazy, locked up alone in his room. Just so Khatha could make sure he was getting better. Just so ... Khatha knew Dome was lounging on one of the chairs right now, not even sitting properly and not keeping quiet at all. The fact that his presence seemed palpable had made Khatha nervous enough to get out a new lollipop, hoping it would help him to concentrate. So far, he’d barely made progress, the letters almost dancing in front of him, as if to mock him. “Khun Khatha?” Dome really wouldn’t take a hint, would he? But then again Khatha couldn’t but revel in knowing that the man couldn’t leave him alone. Even if it was just out of boredom, he would approach Khatha first and the knowledge was addictive, made Khatha want to fight it and lean into it. As he heard Dome getting up, Khatha finally looked towards him, not sure how to handle it when Dome got closer even.
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LOOK AT HIM! He BEGS to suffer in ALL the ways!
More Wip titles you can ask about
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pxiedustnblades · 1 year
*knocks on the door quietly, and then peek inside, bringing cookies and chocolate*
Hi Faye! :D How are you doing? I saw your requests for ask and questions, so, here I am bringing them to you! :D
1,2,3,6,9,13,20,27 and 28! :D I know they are a lot, so feel free to answer only the one you feel the most! No need to answer them all, if they make you feel overwhelmed. :)
Oh my goodness thank you so much for the chocolate & cookies! Always a treat to hear from you. And always more then happy to oblige with answering those asks. While there are a lot, I am eager to answer them all. I am up to the challenge. Here, have some coffee for while you read.
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1) Who was your first ever OC? Do you still "use" them? How have they evolved over time?
Aww this is a treat! My first ever OC was a HC’d lovechild between Kisshu and Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. Her name was Claire Momomiya and I adored her like nothing else. Even so far as to making a silly little comic book with a school friend. The writing was atrocious and very cliche middle schooler wattpad weeb. 🤣 So you know, grossly cringe. Ugh since then Claire is still used be she is completely separate from her original counterpart. She now goes by Clara and has matured a great deal. Although I don’t use her anymore, she is still such a memorable and precious OC that she will never be discarded. I will find something for her one day.
2) Who is your newest OC Why did you make them?
Yvette is my newest oc! I made her shortly after I started playing God of War and saw Tyr’s design. After hearing what a gentle giant he was, and then seeing him in Ragnarok, I couldn’t help but be smitten. That and comparing my own height to his. 😳 He’s such a sweet, wise soul whats not to love though? Even if he is a bit of awkward giraffe lolol. Between that and general simping gutter brain, I wanted to give him someone to love and be loved by. But not by me lmao. No self insert here. But uhh my gutter brain was strong with this one because size difference make brain go brrr. And somehow these became the horniest, most mature, yet sweet canon x oc ship I have to date. Whoops?
3) Biggest self-insert OC?
OOH! That would be my sweet pea, Faline! Closest tie with her would be Florence. Although both are actual self inserts. Faline has been my longest standing Self-insert (going on 2 years soon) and one that holds most of my similarities. Including my height, build, my autism, my not-so-great childhood, trauma, and mental health. Genuinely v little difference between her and I.
6) Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
I mentioned it before but Clara is currently the one without a story. Although I’m not quite sure if you’re talking actual physical written & completed story or just a general background. I’m assuming the latter, but please correct me if I’m wrong. I will eventually give Clara a proper story, but for now she is content seeing me bond with my other OCs.
9) Favourite OC?
Oh my Gods, Nemo; how can you ask me such a thing? 🤣Just kidding I can actually answer this. My beloved Claudia is my favorite. She was such a treat to create. To go from a minor character made to push a plot point, to then being one of my biggest muses, she is a gem and a half. She is as complex as she is beautiful, and I look forward to continue creating stories for her and Darius.
13) Which story has the most lore?
Oh Gods “Saints & Sinners” by far. Ash and I have spent almost two years developing that universe. It initially started off as a silly “what-if” thing but now we have a whole world, timeline, rules, deities for every basic thing, A deity hierarchy system, Soul-bondings, rules for said deities, the reset system, etc. it used to only focus on four characters, now its expanded to following 8. 4 couples, all soul-bonded deities. It’s an incredible experience.
20) What story are you the proudest of? Why?
Hmmm probably “burn scars” as of right now. Its still in the works but its pushing me out of my comfort zone to deal with more graphic, emotion-heavy scenes. Trying to capture something like that is not easy, but considering it’s such a crucial part in Darius & Claudia’s timeline I am determined to get it right.
What are your favourite movies?
I’m not much of a movie person in general but the ones that have higher chances of holding my attention are animated films. I’m the worst when it comes to watching films. Its like pulling teeth to get me to do.
Thank you again for asking me everything Nemo! I hope you enjoyed!
- Faye
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diavolosboobies · 1 year
Hello! This is in response to your head canons on whether the Obey Me characters can cook… Canonically, Satan can cook and is a good cook. The brothers also take turns cooking in the original timeline and are all somewhat decent at cooking, though when it’s Levi’s turn he tends to just order take out instead. Simeon is also canonically good at both cooking and baking, to where all the other characters look forward to his food if he does cook.
Sincerely, an anon who played the original Obey Me and all of its lessons and daily chats and was slightly distressed by your Satan HC, as I am a Satan simp.
(Please feel free to ignore this!! This isn’t meant to be aggressive or anything, I understand that they’re just headcanons on the characters.)
As Satan's biggest hater I disagree /j
You're telling me
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THIS THING can cook?
Someone dresses like they closed their eyes and spun around while getting dressed
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Sorry canon is a liar in this case /j How can you not get dressed but you can work a stove
The others I could likely believe but SATAN????
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luminarycomet · 1 year
Ships are ruining My Hero Academia
If your an anime lover, you might already know that most anime fandoms are...toxic. You know the phrase "PLUS ULTRA". That my friends is the legendary "Boko No Hiro Academia". One of the most popular animes of all time.
And one of the most TOXIC fandoms of all time. Why might you say? Well, to share the truth, I love Bnha. It was my second anime after Dragon Ball Z. The moment I watched it for the first time made me addicted. However, I have been seeing some controversy around the internet about Bnha. I even took peeks inside Fandom and Reddit Discussions about Bnha. Most involves ships.
My biggest complaint about this fandom base is that many MHA fans ship "ships" that look like they won't work out even if they were canon. Give "BakuDeku" for example. In case you don't know, Bakugo and Midoriya (Deku) had a history from childhood to teenagers. Bakugo bullies Deku only because he was quirkless and weak. But over the course of the series, Bakugo has started to warm up to Deku and even apologized for his actions. BakuDeku sounds like a good ship...right?
To answer that question, yes and no. Yes because you can make this ship work. No because people ruins the ship by doing inappropriate stuff to them. They are teenagers for God sake! Thus, they make Uraraka the bad person! (Canonly, Uraraka and Deku is an obvious canon ship.) They even make Deku look weak or cannot do anything, made a feminist version of him (or the one that looks like an uwu cat), etc. I JUST CANT-
(On a side note: I ship BakuDeku before, but when I realized how the fandom is treating it, I stopped. So, I went onto another ship called BkDk friendship, a ship where they are close friends.)
To make matters worse, people like SHIPS FLIPPING ALL MIGHT AND DEKU!!! JESUS CHRIST!
People even simps way too hard on certain characters that they become fangirls/fan boys and make a MHA as their "girlfriend" or "wife". Cringy right?
If this keeps up, the fandom will just ruin the entire show for others. But to point this out, ships are okay to me and I support them...but if you were to make it toxic, that's not okay. There are other reasons the fandom makes it toxic but, I don't wanna go further. However, My Hero Academia is a good show and is worth watching. I suggest stay away from the fandom and stay on the positive side of its fandom. That applies to every show btw.
Stay safe and have a great day!
Go beyond
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merotwst · 2 years
ASDSJSKDJDKN ELLIE I JUST SAW YOUR REBLOG AND I FULLY AGREE WITH YOU !!!! JAMIL BABYGIRL SUPREMACY !!! HES THE BIGGEST BABYGIRL EVER!! I HEREBY DECREE THAT ITS CANON THAT HE TUCKS HIS HAIR (and his partner’s hair too because omfg if jamil viper himself ever tucked my hair behind my ear?? I’d literally burst into joyful tears aaaaaaaaaaa) BEHIND HIS EAR WHENEVER HE KISSES SOMEONE (omfg just imagine jamil tucking your hair behind your ear and then just leaving his hand to rest there on your ear/cheek/jaw area while he kisses you ahahshshdhshdhdhAJAJSHDJ LITERALLY GIGGLING AND KICKING MY LEGS RN) !! I DECREE THAT HE ALWAYS ENDS UP ZONING OUT AND DOODLING HIS CRUSH’S NAME IN THE MARGINS OF HIS TEXTBOOKS WHENEVER HE THINKS OF THEM IN CLASS [upon realising what he just did, he’d proceed to tug at his hoodie’s drawstrings and quickly rush to erase the writing before any of the professors call him out asjsjdjdjdhjdhd ITD BE SO OBVIOUS THAT HE DID IT THO BECAUSE THE PAGES WOULD HAVE THOSE INDENTS IN THEM FROM ERASING TOO HARD ASJSJSJSHJS] !! I DECREE THAT WHENEVER HE TIES HIS HAIR IN THE MORNING HE SUBCONSCIOUSLY THINKS OF ALL THE TIMES HIS CRUSH COMPLIMENTED THE STYLE SO HE TAKES EXTRA LONG TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERY BRAID IS PERFECT !! I DECREE THAT HE LOWKEY TRIES TO USE KALIM AS A WAY TO BRIBE/TRICK HIS CRUSH INTO COMING TO WATCH HIS BASKETBALL GAMES (“Kalim wants you to come watch the basketball game this weekend🧍🧍I would sincerely appreciate if you did as well though - it’d be nice knowing that someone reliable can look after Kalim for a few minutes while I play translation; HNNNGGG IM BEGGING ON MY KNEES PLEASE COME WATCH ME PLAY I WANNA SHOW OFF AND IMPRESS YOU WITH MY SKILLS”) !! I DECREE THAT THIS MF IS THE MOST DOWN BAD BABYGIRL EVER !! [don’t believe me when I say that all of these things are canon?? well too bad because I’m actually Disney so everything I say is true teehee🤭🤭🤭🫶🫶🫶]
I also decree that you and I are just as down bad for him as he would be for his crush ajajsjsjsjksksks 😔💖💖 BUT REGARDLESS TYSM FOR THE REBLOG !! and for letting me ramble about jamil here heheheheh <333333 I literally have the biggest crush on him (and Ruggie and Ace and Deuce and-) so I take every opportunity that I can to rave about him ahahsjjsskkdk (if I have your permission to, expect me to just send through an ask about jamil every time I get into a simping mood 💖💖🫶🫶🫶)
we all know jamil has an ANGELIC voice it's canon it's REAL THE WAY MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I HEARD HIM SING AT THE AUDITIONS PLS OK and so it's safe to assume jamil's a very talented and artistic person who appreciates music (he's got headphones at his bedside table and i personally believe he collects vinyls as well tee hee pls i want to bond with him over our favorite artists) so imagine him subconsciously making a playlist about his crush (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠) LIKE HE DOESN'T REALIZE IT. JAMIL'S LIKE im jus making another playlist that's all nothing special ab it BUT EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. ON. THERE. REMINDS. HIM. OF. THAT. PERSON. THAT'S. BEEN. ON. HIS. MIND.
no, i can definitely see him plucking at guitar strings on his free time. he says he's average but he has a habit of downplaying his talents bcs he's never been allowed to shine as brightly as should </3
A SONG?????
the playlist just wasn't enough there's just this SPECIFIC thing he feels THAT THE SONGS HE LISTENTS TO JUST DOESNT HAVE
and so he writes one word after another, strums a chord, hums a tune and after he sees an image of his crush in his head, everything just comes spilling out in swooping, sloping, cursive letters and he SINGS
and he hums the song on occasion.
when you catch him humming it and ask it what song it is, he's gonna play it off and say "oh, some old song from when i was young nobody's heard of it" like a liar but OH OH THAT'S SUCH A BIG LIE IT'S ABOUT YOU THAT HE WROTE ON HIS OWN FREE TIME
he could've done anything else because how much free time does he have????? you can just prolly count the amount of times he had time for himself in one hand and he could've done anything anything else
but he wrote a song about you
like a lovesick idiot
he's such a babygirl
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stinkrascal · 2 years
my latest post with vlad and gen is literally just that meme where its like
gen: IF SHE BREATHES SHES A THOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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scrollypoly · 3 years
If you haven't already, Ben for the nsfw alphabet 😳
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It took 3 days since i started this for you guys to ask me about ben, yall should know i'm one of the biggest ben simps on this gd hellsite, i'm so disappointed in all of you 😤
That being said I now get to talk about my baby boy~ 🥰
Friendly reminder that my ben is very different from the generally accepted canon, and if some things confuse you, you can always shoot me an ask or dm, or go through his tag or my masterlist for a couple posts talking about him. A big one that i will bring up here tho is that Ben and BEN are two separate entities that share a body, and i distinguish between the two of them. I will be writing for both of them here, and when it comea up, I will differentiate between them by making BEN's notes green for you guys. Also, my Ben is trans, these hcs will reflect that.
Now time to gush about my baby 😫😫👏🙌
Ben Drowned NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Aftercare is very important with him, because if he trusts you enough to have sex with you, you need to affirm it. He can have severe drops from his ptsd and get overwhelmed easily. Thankfully its not hard to calm him back down and assure him, just give him a good sturdy squeeze and soothe him a bit, reassure him that he's safe with you, and after a couple minutes of that he'll be good to tell you if he's okay to keep going 💕
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Being dead and forming his own vessel to use as a body, he got to pick how he wanted to look. Very lucky for him, because he likes almost every part of his body. Especially his eyes tho, he has his mom's eyes and now that she's dead its one of the few things he has to remember her.
On you? Boobs, if you're a woman. He also loves thighs and your neck, very fun to bite and suck on. Or just snuggle up into 🥰
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His dick isn't technically real so most of the time, unless you've been working him up bad or edging him, he fires blanks He is a squirter though 😳💦
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's a dirty panty thief, none of your laundry is safe. He is pretty shameless about it too, if you catch him, he'll tease you for it 😤
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Ok listen . . . This boy is not inexperienced. However, most of the times he has done anything sexual previously was as a way to manipulate victims unfortunately. So in terms of an equal and enjoyable sexual encounter?? This boy is lost, but he's eager to learn 👀👉👈
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He doesn't have too much of a preference, but he likes to lay back and see you on top. Cowgirl, reverse missionary, amazon, any of them work cuz he loves the view 😏
BEN however is flipped almost. BEN is more dominant and will pin you down on any surface and leer over you and watch you freeze up or squirm 😈
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Def someone more casual and goofy, he knows he's nowhere near smooth enough to be all serious and sexy so why bother 🤭
BENs a bit more serious, mostly cuz it's more intimidating, so if it jokes around with you it has this weird threatening undertone thats pretty much designed to throw you off, and he plays it off pretty well but inside he's laughing his ass off cuz its so easy to fluster you.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Clean but he doesn't care much to trim. He prob will if you ask nicely tho 👀😏
As for the carpet matching the drapes, well, he's not a natural blond. Take that as you will
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
The two of you will only have a sexual relationship if he trusts you a lot, so that intimacy will already be there. Like Jack, Ben is demisexual, and has some severe trust issues, so the intimacy is a prerequisite for a relationship with him. He's very clingy and affectionate, and that translates to sex as well. He's very touchy and doting and will absolutely melt at any gentle touch you give him 🥺
BEN also needs a lot of intimacy to be in any kind of sexual relationship with you, but being a sort of protector of Ben, it needs far more trust with you, and has also never really had a chance to receive or process any sort of physical affection. It will be more of a hard ass for longer than Ben would, but once you have proven to him that it can trust you, it will slowly open up to you. Once BEN realizes it can safely have this kind of physical intimacy, it might fry a little bit tbh, but it will get so soft and gentle with you. He treasures you now 💞💖
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He gets so shy when he masturbates oh lordy He has to drop the glamour when he does it cuz his glamoured dick doesn't get that much sensation, and thankfully his dysphoria isn't too bad anymore, but mentally its still an Experience™️ to get off with a vagina when he's so used to having a dick. He gets really flustered and tbh it makes the sensation much stronger, and it's really hard for him to be still. His whole body goes into it when he masturbates.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
If you both be careful, he'd love to choke you, just make sure you have a safe word or signal so he doesn't go overboard.
He also has a bit of an oral fixation, and it shows cuz he will kiss and nibble and suck on you so much. Let this boy suck on your fingers, he will be such a good boy for you
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Please just a bed jfksjfk Or his desk 👀 he def would not mind that either 🥴
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
If you dress up for him, there's no going back, his pants are off, you are getting thrown onto that bed, and you cannot get out of this no way sir, nuh uh, he is on top of you and kissing down your neck like you are air that he needs to survive 😩
Sending him any form of nude or audio will also make him go crazy and if you do that, be prepared for him to pop out of your phone and show you how much he appreciates that~
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Do Not ever choke him; I wouldn't even recommend putting your hands on his neck. I wouldn't recommend any impact play on his upper body or arms either, it's just too close to the abuse he used to receive. If he asks for it, anything below the waist is okay though. I wouldn't restrain him without his enthusiastic consent either.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
This boy could go down on you for hours if you asked. He has a slight oral fixation, and by golly he knows what he's doing down there too 🥴🤤
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Tbh he lets you control the pace most of the time, but he doesn't like to go too fast, he'll just kinda bounce you on his lap and watch your head roll back and be content~
BEN likes to go a bit faster and rougher, it's just that demon-like instinct
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Hell yeah, come sit on his lap and ride him rq while he's playing a game, he'll be putty in your hands
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Open to public risks, but not many more.
BEN is far more open to public stuff because he's a possessive little shit.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Decent, he doesn't really do much working out so for what its worth he can last 🤭 Him not being as sensitive helps more tho, but having other pretty sensitive spots on his body that you can exploit evens that out
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He got a few, might have stolen them might have not 🤭🤫 Hes got a bullet vibrator and a couple of different dildos, and somehow he managed to get his hands on a stroker, just in case
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be a tease~ He's very touchy and that's usually how he'll get ya, he'll sneak up behind you and start rubbing down your sides and playing with your neck
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Noisy boy lol, very whiny and groany and breathy. He might babble a bit too, if you get him too much into a space
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Listen I know everyone talks about how sensitive his ears are, and I hate to disappoint, but my Ben is not elf like 😔 He doesn't have the pointed sensitive ears you can play with, he's just some guy
His neck is sensitive tho 👀
Technically since hes also *technically* a demon, BEN can have cycles
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Alright This is where the bulk of my trans headcanons come out, yall ready?
BEN is, physiologically speaking, a demon. It was not born a demon, but when it was created, the digital process resembled the arcane process of creating a demon just enough that it developed those traits. That means that BEN has a shifting or glamour ability.
Ben's dick is not real. I'm so sorry to say. It feels real and looks real, about 6.5 inches and very pretty, a nice vein underneath thats a little more sensitive. It feels real to the touch, but because it technically isn't, it's not nearly as sensitive as a real dick would be unfortunately. The good(?) news about this is he can't be overstimulated this way.
Depending on how bad his dysphoria is, he might be okay with having sex without his dick. He hasn't had any hormone treatment or surgeries, he didn't have to after he died, so he has a normal vagina. Usually, he keeps his dick out as long as he can, but if he gets too weak or exhausted his glamour will drop. If he wants to keep going after that, most likely he will strap up.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive isn't super high, but it is pretty easy to get him worked up.
Unfortunately though, BEN has a very very low sex drive. It wasn't really programmed for that, and most of the time for it, sex is an act of service or manipulation. The thing that really gets it going tho is the trust and intimacy of it, which does make him crave it more.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you wear him out, yeah he can probably fall asleep with you. He's such a cuddle big from being touchstarved most of his life, he really likes being able to be close and frisky with you like that and then just curling up in your arms and feeling good and safe and warm. Both of them do. Its very pleasant and reassuring to him, and it feels so safe.
If its during the day though, and you both have things to do, you'll prob still cuddle for a bit, but then its time for work
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syrenblubs · 3 years
— starting a podcast with their s/o (kugisaki , fushiguro, getou)
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a/n: was this an excuse for me to ask yall for podcast recs? yes (also im still experimenting with formats just a heads up) 
pairing(s): kugisaki nobara x f!reader, fushiguro megumi x f!reader, getou suguru x f!reader
genre: fluff, mildly suggestive, lwk crack for getou
warnings: slight reference to sex (i said the word sex like once here)
word count: 878
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kugisaki nobara
she was elated when you asked to start a podcast with her. she thought it would be more than fun to share your girl talks with the rest of the world.
your podcast with nobara revolves around the "big sister" persona
it's the type of vibe the two of you aim to radiate to your audience, which you successfully manage to achieve by giving advice on pretty much any topic your listeners ask about, from relationships to fashion or school
 although nobara may get a little over the edge with her advice, you're always there to bring her back on track
she's a whole icon throughout the fashion community, always giving her opinion on the latest trends
it didn't take your fans long to realize that you two were dating. the way her eyes light up when a listener asks for fashion tips melts your heart, and brings a small smile to your face everytime without fail
both of you, but mainly nobara, also use the platform to rant about your crazy lives, without getting into too much detail regarding the jujutsu world of course
most of nobara's complaining on the podcast would stem from gojo and itadori's antics
when asked who her biggest inspiration was, you already know she'd bring maki onto the show
on a related note, sometimes maki would make an appearance on the podcast, and to your fans, she was the real big sister behind you and nobara
your audience mainly consists of females around your age, some being slightly below or above, but nothing too alarming
fushiguro megumi 
when you first asked him to start a podcast with you, he was a little skeptical
with how busy missions got, he knew that you and him won’t have time to keep up with it
he was also not very fond of the idea of exposing himself on social media
after some convincing though, he found himself sitting on a comfy office chair next to yours in front of his bedroom window, holding your hand, as you began to speak into the mic that started recording just seconds before. 
on the podcast, you and megumi usually give out your book recommendations from different genres, which are requested by your fans, and also read some of theirs too, giving your thoughts on some of your fans’ favorites after reading
at first, you would do most of the talking, while megumi would give reassuring nods in agreement before moving on to the next topic, sometimes leaving a comment here and there
as time went on, he became more comfortable, easing himself into talking on mic
he definitely doesn’t talk anywhere near how much he would around you, but it’s a big improvement from when you began
now he’ll rant about shitty plot twists and the morals of some of his recent reads
yes, he has fangirls okay but how would he not though he’s made it clear that you’re his and only you
you have fans simping over you too dw 
still he has fanpages on instagram and you, along with your two other first year friends and gojo, think it’s funny
okay but do you wanna know who the real fan favorites are? his demon dogs
he summons them before recording because yk they can’t have jujutsu on set but your fans love seeing them on yours (and sometimes megumi’s) instagrams
hs!getou suguru
it’s practically canon that he got the most girls out of everyone in the series
he was the one who wanted to make the podcast, specifically one that gave dating advice
reason being that gojo didn’t believe him when he was really popular among girls and believed that there was something that he was doing in order to make them like him (ofc you did gojo - you can’t be good at everything sadly)
so yes this entire podcast was made to spite the white haired man with a god complex
he asked you to join on the idea that you could supply his advice with examples from your relationship with him 
also cause he just wanted to make gojo just that more jealous about having a girlfriend
on the podcast, he gives relationship and dating advice, as well as  any topic related to them
you let your fans dictate what your next topic on the podcast will be, whether it’s how to get your first kiss right to doing the nasty safely 
yes he preaches safe sex like the kind he was-
gojo bullies you and suguru before getting on set but he’s the one who listens to the podcast the MOST (like yeah bae you need it the most too <3333)
so its plain obvious that suguru have fans (like that’s just a given)
he acts so cool and snarky on mic, but yk he’s the biggest softie in private
you may or may not have said this to your listeners and the die-heart suguru totally didn’t rave over it on twitter
gojo is their leader fucking fight me on this one
he will not hesitate to show signs of affection to you on set
he says he does this to prove his points mentioned on the podcast, but really he’s just touch starved for you 24/7
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drewcline · 4 years
rafe as your boyfriend
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(gif by @rafecameron)
a/n: this is non-canon rafe btw so he is not a misogynistic racist sociopath killer 🤩 and i’m gonna “assume“ he has gotten over his addiction since i don’t wanna romanticize that topic.
rafe would be such a sweet boyfriend omg like he would be 24/7 being a simp for you and totally own it like he just doesn’t care what his friends think
he would keep you a secret because he doesn’t want his family to know about you because he would be ashamed of how they treat him
regardless of that you two would have so much fun! boat dates! going snorkeling and bringing a waterproof camera to take cute videos and pictures of you!
omg omg and talk to the pilot of ward’s plane and take you for a ride!
he is an ass man like pope (we lost again flat ladies) and would squeeze it/grab it all the time don’t @ me
golf dates with him and his bros in which he would do that cliche thing of wrapping his arms around yours from behind to “teach you how to swing” and topper and kelce calling him whipped
buying you jewelry and lingerie because he “thought of you” and making you model it for him (if you are comfortable)
he would “introduce” you to his family in midsummers and by introducing you i mean arriving with you unannounced and saying “this is my girl” and leaving his family to dance with you
you cookig for him while he is sat on the stool and talking about what you are gonna do tomorrow! then he comes up behind you and makes you turn around so he can grab you by your cheeks and pull you into a kiss
movie mondays and taco tuesdays are YOUR thing and no one is gonna interfiere with those
why do i think that he would tattoo you? like not a couples tattoo just a tattoo that you have wanted to get for a long time and it’s a simple design so he offers and he is a pretty good artist!
everytime he kisses you he grabs you by the neck (fight me in this if you want to but i won’t accept anything else because i have had this in my mind since i saw that video)
him kissing your stretch marks, freckles, moles , etc to reassure you that you are beautiful just the way you are.
you would make him ditch the hair gel and let him have wild hair since it suits him better and tell him that he looks hot and he would stutter and blush because rafe is not used to being loved and appreciated
no seriously wtf he would love you so much its not even funny, he would want to be all the time with you and be touching you and kissing you
would get you a cute pitbull puppy (adopt don’t buy) for your birthday and be like “now we are a family” but would play it cool and act like its a not a big deal but he is nervous af
and you would compare him to the puppy and he would complain but he is loving it
chilling by the pool on your bikini and him whistling and yelling how hot you are in front of your other friends
brushing you hair when you have too many knots and you get angry so he laughs a little bit but later on decides to calm you down by grabbing the brush and softly touching your cheek “i got you baby”
being very close to wheezie and letting her in on your movie dates when she is feeling lonely or abandoned since rafe doesn’t want her to feel like he did for all of those years before he met you
he would flirt with you all the time! sometimes it’s cringy, sometimes it’s sweet but he does it and has the biggest smile on his face when you blush or look away and would kiss you right there
would bring you to fancy restaurants and buy you a nice dress that he liked for you and open the door for you
give you a ride on his bike and would teach you how to drive it. he would put his hands on top of yours to ensure your safety
you buying him flowers and messing with his long hair to make him blush and shy because he gets so shy and hide his face on your stomach/shoulder/whatever is closer to him at that moment
making him a video of all of your cute pics/moments with “ocean eyes” by billie eilish since the song reminds you of him and he would get emotional and tell you how much he loves you
making out in the jacuzzi in his house and being interrupted by rose is a daily occurrence for the both of you
stargazing on the hammock and talking about the future and how his experience with his dad doesn’t mean he is gonna be a terrible person or father and reassuring him that he is more than enough for you
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