#hit me with your ideas!!!!
here2bbtstrash · 6 months
manifest a drabble - requests are open! 🔮
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2023 is coming to a close, which means it's time to start reflecting on the last 12 months and setting our intentions for the new year! one of my favorite ways to do that is through the power of ✨manifestation✨ - and since i've had such a wild trip around the sun, i figured this time, why not manifest for more than just myself??
so let's get into it!
🔮 what does it mean to "manifest" something? ✨ put simply, manifestation is really nothing more than a belief in the power of positive thinking! it's based around the idea that if you speak (or in this case, write ✨) something like it's already true, you can speak it into actually happening your life! i recommend looking up "the law of attraction" if you want to learn more about the idea.
however, for the purposes of this drabble event, this is really just a big ol' inside joke we have on this corner of the internet: since i started writing in this fandom, i've had a tendency to ~predict~ a lot of things in my writing, both in bangtan's world and my own personal life. it's gotten to the point where my friends are a little afraid of how spot-on i can end up being (lmao) so i thought it could be a silly thematic way to inspire some writing requests. with that being said, please don't take any of this too seriously - we're just having fun!
🔮 how do i manifest a drabble? ✨ it's simple! take a moment to think about something you really want in your life, particularly in this upcoming new year. your ideas can be abstract or specific, directly related to bangtan or not, based in reality or totally out in delulu fantasy world - i'm open to anything!
when you've got something, go ahead and "speak it into existence" by dropping it into my ask box. you can also include additional specifics for the resulting drabble if you have any (genre, preferred member, whether you want smut or not, etc.) - but i reserve the right to take some creative freedom in how it ultimately turns out!
🔮 are there any rules for requesting drabbles? ✨ just a few basics!
i expect you to be 18 or older to submit a request (or to be on this blog at all!!).
i don’t have any hard and fast rules about things i won’t write (open to smut, angst, fluff, memxmem, you name it!).
however, i do also reserve the right not to fulfill a request if i'm uncomfortable with it or don't think i could do it justice - or if i end up not being able to get to them all! i'm just one lil human with a full-time job and a busy offline life, so please be kind and patient with me.
you're welcome to submit these on or off anon, and i'm open to multiple submissions per person, just please don't submit the same idea more than once! (you can always DM me if you're unsure whether or not an ask went through).
and finally, keep in mind that these will be drabbles, ideally under 1k words each, so please try and keep your ✨ manifestations ✨ drabble-sized!
🔮 how long do we have to manifest? ✨ your clock runs out when the new year rolls in - requests close at 11:59 PM (eastern) on december 31st! i'll fill any requests that inspire my muse throughout the month of december, and will probably continue to dip into my ask archives well into january, depending on how i'm feeling. as a reminder, this event is me getting back into writing after a 6 month+ break, so forgive me if i'm a little slow/rusty!!
hope y'all are excited 🔮 if you've made it this far - why not take your future into your hands and manifest a drabble today?! ✨
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ao3usermelancholyhues · 2 months
rb for larger sample size! feel free to elaborate in tags about your process.
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jinuaei · 6 months
Self Aware! Yandere! Leon Kennedy × Player! Reader
Leon S. Kennedy was never a religious guy, never has he sought out God even during his darkest days. So when he first felt the pull when he entered the gas station, he thought nothing of it, disregarding it as his hangover (idk how it works I have never been drunk!!!) or just his curiousity. But that curiousity turns into fear when he sees the policeman getting devoured by another person. Rushing out the store he bumps into Claire, whom he pulled to safety towards the police car close to them.
The next time he felt the pull is when he got separated from Claire. With a blurry vision and a skull splitting headache, his body moves to an alleyway he doesn't recognize but somehow comes out a block from the station, it's looming form attracting Leon's eyes. Quickly he rushes to it's gates, doging and turning away from the people that tried to bite him. He is successful in this endeavour and rushes to lock the gate, blockading the front doors after entering the station. After that, it's been a constant tug of war with that pull wanting Leon to go somewhere and him trying to go against it, ultimately succumbing to it since no matter what he does his body won't listen to his mind. All of his constant rejection came to a stop when after Marvin saved him from getting mauled by a person-- no, zombie, not matter how much Leon tries to deny it they are now flesh eating zombies, not the humans he thinks they are. Before he could go into a panic attack with the reality of what is happening, the sudden vulnerability comes a warmth that almost made him pass out. God, a diety, or whatever the thing watching over him is, he could could feel it, he could feel YOU. He thinks of himself as stupid as he realizes that all that constant pulling was you trying to steer him away from danger. The warmth around him becomes hotter and hotter as he thinks more about what you've done for him to keep him safe, a shiver runs down his spine not from the cold but the intense emotion of devotion that overwhelms him. He doubles over in pleasure, his mind clouding with thoughts of you. Kneeling before Marvin sudden tears stream down his face, one would think of him as crying in fear, but his smile and the feverous blush on his cheeks hidden by his hair suggests otherwise.
He might not have sought God on his own but the deity watching over him definitely has, and he intends to keep that attention on him, and him only.
You: *Pauses the game*
Leon: *Has a mental crisis of how he can't feel your warmth, crying bc you abandoned him, did he do something wrong? Do you hate him now???*
You: *Comes back and unpauses the game*
Leon: :D
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noecoded · 2 years
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pov u fell off the ropes course while trying to impress your co counselors and passed out (they were totally laughing at u btw)
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decarath-s · 9 months
Listen ofc all of the Unreal Unearth songs are amazing because it's Hozier we're talking about but holy fuck-
Personally the song in this album that smacked me across the face at first was Abstract (Psychopomp), and I can't believe more people are not going feral over it like I am, look-
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I saw you perform this ultimately fruitless yet incredibly significant, humane and selfless act of kindness. You put your own life at risk for something others would have considered "too small". I saw you run into moving traffic, stain your own hands, just to offer a little comfort to this poor animal in its dying moments. I was terrified, I knew I had no choice but to love you.
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fireladybuckley · 12 hours
I can’t believe a boyfriend made a silly sex joke to lighten the mood after both partners had a moment of vulnerability. The audacity. The horror. The normalcy! Unbelievable. How dare a conversation about feelings turn to levity. How dare a couple have a light chat about trauma-related things over dinner that doesn’t turn into an incredibly deep heart to heart instead of a joke and moving on. Unbelievable. I’m never watching this show again! 👎🏻
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kitocrystal · 1 month
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Happy Wednesday! I’m on spring break and blissfully alone at a cafe writing for a few hours this morning. The weather is just starting to turn nice (though its supposed to rain tomorrow) but I can feel spring coming properly, which makes me happy. I hope y’all are getting some nicer weather soon, too.
I’m plugging away on my new WIP. I previously mentioned I’m tentatively titling it Back and Back and Back. I also quite like Start at the End, though I’m not sure if that description will end up strictly accurate, so might not work. We shall see.
I’m going to go ahead and share the premise now (or rather, the inspiration) because why not? I was reading through @carryonprompts and found this one and quite liked the idea. I started daydreaming about it in earnest right away. This was the first thing I wrote:
BAZ age 6, 2003
When I get home from school, Vera always makes me a snack. After that, I’m supposed to do my homework before I’m allowed to go outside and play. There’s always pages and pages of it, and it’s horrid, because it’s so easy, it makes me want to rip it to pieces, or hide it under my bed. And if I have to read one more book about Dick and Jane, I think I might scream. (I’ve read every one of the books in my Beatrix Potter collections. Doesn’t my teacher know that if I can read words like presently, I shouldn’t need to read these baby primers?)
Even though I could do this stuff in my sleep, it’s going to have to wait because today he is here.
Or at least, I think he is. I only saw a flash of red out beyond the trees, but that’s as good a sign as any. I don’t want to make him wait, because I don’t know how long he’ll have to visit today, so I have to plan my escape quite quickly.
I don’t imagine this holding too closely to the book/movie. I’m taking inspiration from parts I liked (and can remember 15 years later lol) but shaping this to be a Watford-era, canon divergent fic with some time traveling/soul mate/destiny elements. It feels very ambitious for me to try writing time travel because it hurts my brain to even consume time travel media sometimes 🤣 and I am much more of a pantser than a planner when I write. Then again, the prospect of pulling off this sort of challenge intrigues me. Wish me luck!
Tags/hello/hope you are well 😘
@fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @moodandmist @mooncello @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @valeffelees @shrekgogurt @iamamythologicalcreature @youarenevertooold @brilla-brilla-estrellita @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @larkral @leithillustration @messofthejess @captain-aralias @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @run-for-chamo-miles @roomwithanopenfire @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @theimpossibledemon @theearlgreymage @whogaveyoupermission @monbons @noblecorgi @emeryhall @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ileadacharmedlife @that-disabled-princess @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @ic3-que3n @hushed-chorus @orange-peony @alexalexinii @angelsfalling16 @arthurkko @letraspal @supercutedinosaurs
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hothammies · 2 months
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(wip) kinda cooking with this apoc au i won't lie..
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jopzer · 9 months
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jamie thinks he's very funny. roy does not. (alt under cut where maybe roy thinks jamie is a little funny)
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gin-juice-tonic · 11 months
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exotic birds? that box clearly says pigeons
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elftwink · 5 months
one thing thats so interesting about being a vegetarian is you get to hear all about everyones hypothetical activism that they care about very deeply when talking specifically about your diet and why it's stupid, but literally will never bring up ever again in any other context
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #91
Danny was dimension hopping, his original dimension was still there but after his parents disowned him when they found out it wasn’t safe anymore especially with the GIW stepping up their game. Danny just wanted to find a dimension where he could live peacefully after all he was part human and while he loves the infinite realms it wasn’t sustainable in the long run to his human half. He finally finds one where the GIW doesn’t exist at all, but the weird part is there are actual superheroes here. The weirder part is his counterpart in this dimension is part of the Justice League! The bad part is it seems in this dimension the portal fully killed him so how was he supposed to explain to his counterpart that he was half dead.
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astranauticus · 6 months
stultifera navis rerun AKA thinking about Iberia hours again because a lot of the Iberians have such fascinating relationships with the concept of home but specifically Thorns and Lumen are eating at my brain. like where do you call home when the place that is your home Just Fucking Hates You? Elysium's rewinding breeze specifically makes a point to hammers home how differently Iberia treats its Liberi and its Aegir
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(which is especially interesting since this comes right after a conversation where Purestream commented on how despite Leizi being a high ranking government official, there are still some experiences that are universal for all Yanese people - because the experience of what Iberia itself is like isnt universal for all Iberians)
But all that being said, Thorns also straight up states that Aegir is not his home, and yeah, how could it be? How could a place you've never been to, never truly known, ever be your home? How could it ever feel like a home?
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so where do you go when the place that you are from hates your people and the place your people are from is completely unfamiliar and alien to you? Thorns' answer at the end of the conversation with Aya is: my home is where i chose it to be. my home is where there are people I care about and people who care about me
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in the complete opposite direction, Lumen's oprec asks: why do you still stay in a place that wants you gone? because the people of Gran Faro like Jordi well enough but when push comes to shove, they will want the only Aegir in town gone
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and yet, when Rald the messenger offers him a chance to leave Jordi turns him down and when he's forced to escape Gran Faro after the people there literally try to send him to his death (or worse) at the hands of the Inquisitors he keeps trying to go back because like everyone in stultifera navis, Jordi is clinging to his own dreams of a golden age
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but the shape of that dream is unique to every character and for Jordi, his dreams are deeply, inseparably bound to the Eye of Iberia, the legacy his parents left behind
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and it's this dream of becoming someone great, of bringing about that golden age that his parents devoted their lives to help create that ties Jordi to this nothing town because despite everything, despite the mistrust of the townsfolk and the hostility of the Inquisition and the danger from the ocean, he simply cannot leave it behind
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(or, because i personally dislike the official translation,)
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"I just see this place as my home"
so yeah. not sure what overall point i was trying to make here i'm just. deeply in love with these stories about chosing what is and isn't your home, of saying you will not call a place your home because it has given you no reason to or saying you consider a place your home even though it has given you every reason not to. deeply unwell about them <3
#arknights#asto speaks#not much of an essay writer i just keep thinking about them and i need to force other people to think about them too#thorns story fucks me up bc like. this whole almost found family adjacent idea of like#maybe home isnt something decided by your birth but something you can chose based on what truly matters to you#it just gets to me. i guess.#jordi gets to me in a completely different direction there's nothing personal about it i just find his story *fascinating*#just a guy. a completely normal guy. an absolute nobody caught up in these dreams of greatness while also fully aware of his own normalcy#but never letting either of those overshadow the other. never losing that self awareness or that fuckin obsessive determination#god. what a Character#i love jordi so much like genuinely#i joke a lot about him being just a Guy but thats also kinda like the best thing about him#the fact that he is the way that he is and does all the things he does despite being just a Guy#gently holds#for context i was so hyped about new iberia lore when sn was announced i read the whole thing as soon as it dropped on cn server#cuz someone uploaded all the story sections to bilibili right after it came out#and '我只是把这里当作自己的故乡啊' fucking hit me SO HARD#in like the greater context of elysium demanding to know why hes risking his life in like 5 different ways to return to gran faro#because yeah jordi just doesnt want to leave his home but like we the audience knows the full *weight* of what that home means to him#and the weight of the dreams that made him chose to see Gran Faro as his home and to refuse to let go of that#thats why i like the original a lot more than the translation i think like it really emphasises that active *choice*.#this is the place jordi has *decided* to see as his home and he knows what that means and what it means to him#side note the part on thorns might not actually age well depending on whether hg decides to ever release more aulus lore#i mean i'll gladly take the L if it means more aulus and/or thorns lore like#i just wanna know what (if anything) is tying him to iberia yknow#ak#iberiaposting
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thinking again about the tape on the TV indicator light in Whit's room and the people being provided with their specific medication and all the personalisations that Whit, Hu, and Teruko discussed in chapter 2. I do think the angle of the mastermind ensuring the comfort of the ones they've trapped and pitting against each other is interesting, but I'm also considering the possibility that they're remnants of the past
Whit is the only person with tape on his TV, because he himself put it there back when he first enrolled. Hu's clothes are the exact brand she likes, because she brought them with her. those who had prescriptions packed it with them when they moved in, and they were left behind in the dorms before whatever catalyst caused the killing game, which implies it happened during one of their school years. if I may be conspiratorial, I think you could even extend this to MonoTV—maybe it was originally a robot who was meant to help around in the school, cleaning up trash and whatnot, before it got tampered with and became the host of the killing game. maybe that's why it doesn't know who the mastermind is, it wasn't its original purpose
I wonder if we'll see more of this when new floors are unlocked, like crude doodles left behind on bathroom stalls and desks that weren't cleaned up before the killing game started. I think it'd be haunting if the cast were face to face with constant reminders of years they've entirely forgotten
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escyn · 10 days
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Small offering at the wip wednesday alter, piggbacking on the tags of this post + some post cannon sokka content: sokka's tui and la tattoo
+some Zuko koi tattoos under the cut
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