#hobo signs
theoutcastrogue · 2 years
German hobo signs / thieves’ cant code, 1540
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A very early depiction of hobo signs, the earliest I’ve ever seen for sure, from a little book written by a German judge somewhere in Werse (North Rhine-Westphalia today). It’s rogue literature but in the sense of “beware of rogues!”, not rogues are cool or anything. The hobo signs are called Zeichen in the book (which just means “signs”, in general), but by the 18th century they would be known by the cant term Zinken.
So who used them, exactly? Who were these rogues and vagabonds who communicated in secret code? The book calls them Brenner (literally “burners”) or Mordtbrenner (arson AND murder!), and it’s a bit above my pay grade to give you specifics with any certainty. But from what I gather, it’s a mishmash of people on the road due to their profession (tinkers, peddlers, etc), beggars, mercenaries or ex-soldiers left to their own devices, fugitives (I’m guessing that Läufer, literally “runner”, means on the lam), and various itinerant groups.
May or may not be relevant: the Yenish people, who emerged as a distinct itinerant group in Germany and neighbouring regions in the 19th century, are theorised to have “descended from members of the marginalized and vagrant poor classes of society of the early modern period”. And their language is cant-adjacent: “Yenish speakers generally speak their local German dialect, enriched by the Yeniche vocabulary, which is derived in part from Rotwelsch, with influences from Yiddish, Romani, and other minority languages of the region.” (Rotwelsch is basically the German thieves’ cant.)
The book translates the “signs and secret codes”, and also gives a list of known vagrants, which I find chilling. This isn’t a description of a criminal class, it’s criminalisation in action, of an already marginal class. The list includes names, descriptions (a lot of them have red beards, for some reason), occupations (beggar, carter, traveller, soldier), and comments like “wicked man”.
I don’t actually speak German, so if anyone wants to give it a go and translate any of this to English, it would be fantastic (for background, this may help).  
Source: Der Mordtbrenner Zeichen vnd Losunge, etwa bey Dreyhundert vnd Viertzig, ausgeschickt, by Ambrosius Trota, published in 1540 in Wittenberg. You can download it as a PDF, no OCR though.
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lanceschaubert · 3 months
Dad is Good at Welcoming Everyone
Dad had a lot of flaws when it came to making and keeping friends, but he always seemed to me to be great at welcoming everyone or at least early on he greeted everyone with a spirit of welcome that he shied away from in later years. My mother early on did the equivalent of early-nineties Pinterest parties, making exceedingly complicated cakes that Tara and I later found out were made by several…
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ratgingi · 1 year
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slot your pennies in the vending machine of love !!
a bunch of valentines cards i did for the dt anniversary + valentines day!! the last four are of some of my dt ocs! karen signed bigfoot's card for him. click for better quality ofc :-] <3
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zisurru · 2 years
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louis is mentioned briefly and i realize i have no idea where the fuck he is. where the fuck is ANYONE
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ashtrayfloors · 9 months
Kosmomancy. The universe sent us a myriad of good signs, and that was the first catchphrase of the tour (when you spend that much time cooped up in a car with someone, you're bound ta develop catchphrases & inside jokes) - It's a good sign!
We had a day off before we had to head to St. Louis, so I showed her some favorite spots of my dear drunken city, we slipped in the mud and let the cool autumn drizzle coat our arm hair, walked to Fuel Cafe. It still trips me out that Fuel's gone non-smoking, has remodeled and cleaned up its act. I will always long for the Fuel of the late '90s/early '00s, when it smelled like shit & a permanent nicotine haze hung at the ceiling, and it was fulla strange old men with matted hair who drummed on the tabletops & young punkrock boys with comic book tattoos who made fun of my anarchy tattoo but lauded my amazing ability to scam free copies of my zine. But Fuel still has good strong coffee, still sells copies of Cometbus, so there we went. Two coffees to go, and I thought the Traveler Lid on my coffee cup said Traveler Kid, and - It's a good sign!
I drove us downtown for diner food and a glimpse at the Bronze Fonz, which is tacky and not even in a fun kitsch way, I mean, blue bronze? C'mon. And where's the bronze Laverne & Shirley? I did joke that me n' Emch should reenact the opening credits of that show...Give us any chance, we'll take it, give us any rule, we'll break it, we're gonna make our dreams come true.
We jammed in the basement of my apartment building for a couple hours; rain trickled down the small windows high up above us. Emchy got friendly with Lydia, my accordion, for we were sharing her on this tour. Ain't she lucky? I said. She gets to be squeezed by two lovely ladies. We worked out a couple duets to play, though we ended up only performing one of 'em in front of people; Emchy with the accordion and me with guitar & ankle bells. We strummed and squeezed in the basement, and even when we fucked up it was great, the two of us playing our hearts out under the bare buzzing bulbs amid the musty basement smells, with crumbling leaf corpses sticking to our pants and cobwebs brushing our foreheads.
Then south again, back to Bayview, to meet some friends at the Hi-Fi, and then I took her to Burnheart's. We meant to leave early, but there was so much whiskey to be had and so much soul-talk to be poured out, not to mention the horrible pickup lines. (You gals wanna talk about the Packers? -No. -How about Large Hadron Colliders?) We were there 'til barclose.
[excerpt from a longer piece, written in 2008]
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greekceltic · 2 months
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I was watching a video about cave paintings and came away thinking about dragon hobo signs
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rowandamisch · 2 years
I know everyone and their mama is saying this but equal sign should be longer
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bookofthegear · 4 months
“THAT” room is way too interesting a description for a bold adventurer like yourself to pass up. You stride confidently down the ramp. Jimmy’s claws tighten on your shoulder.
There’s some kind of mural on the passage wall, but you can’t make it out, and anyway it looks to have more to do with giant flaming avocados than with, say, wealth and glory. (And a spirit of scientific inquiry, naturally. It’s just that if, in plumbing the depths of the concrete maze, you happen to find some wealth that no one is using…well. Y’know.)
You’re honestly more concerned with what looks like high water marks in the room upstairs. Granted, it had dried out, but it is a basic rule of Dungeoneering not to get trapped by unexpected rising water, and the best way to do that is to know exactly when and how the water rises, and to arrange to be elsewhere. Jimmy, sadly, doesn’t have an answer.
“I’ve never seen it flooded…not personally…but I spend most of my time outside. Between, um, adventurers, I mean. Sometimes that takes weeks. It could flood then, and I’d never know.”
You’d rather like to know how many adventurers he’s worked with, but then you arrive at THAT room. It’s a largely featureless concrete box of a room, with two large pipes, one on top of the other, in the east wall. The pipes dribble rust and the occasional drop of water down the cement, and a metal grill of clear antiquity covers the bottom one.
The hobo sign for “danger,” three stacked diagonal lines, has been chalked beside the upper pipe.
There is also a thing on the floor. It is about four feet long, damp looking, and of a color one might generously call brownish. It has a certain…organic…lumpiness to it. The sort that usually involves time spent in a digestive tract.
You are not a biologist, but you’ve been in enough ruins to recognize an owl pellet when you see one.
You poke it a few times with the point of your walking stick. Bits of fabric and strands of hair fall away, revealing a gleam of bone. You poke again. Oh hey, they wore a retainer. Neat.
“He stuck his head in the pipe,” says Jimmy, sounding deeply discouraged. “That might have been ok, but then he said he saw something and crawled in, and…well. I couldn’t see what happened, but there was a lot of thrashing and screaming and what looked like bone hooks. It’s safe now, though!” he hastens to add. “It hasn’t ever come out of the pipe while I’ve been here. Err. I mean, I probably wouldn’t want to sleep here, though.”
“Fascinating,” you murmur. “What does it live on, I wonder? When it can’t get idiot?”
“Frogs, I think,” Jimmy says. “Big red ones. They’re all over.” He adds reluctantly, “Err…you’re not gonna try to fight it, are you?”
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swappingbryn · 8 months
Contest Winning Halloween Costume
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My name is Derek, and I everyone around here knows my name and gives me as much space as I demand.
Halloween was coming up and I had secured an invitation to a highly exclusive party, obviously invite only, filled with hot chicks, free drinks, and the best part was the costume contest with a $10,000 prize. The rules were simple, “Best Costume Wins, No Holds Barred.” I had an idea, I’d need my buddy’s help, but he wasn’t invited to the party and I’d cut him in on the prize money if it work.
My plan was to go to the party in a different body, the ultimate costume. My buddy’s dad worked for a government research company that had perfected the technology. Before I even started looking for a body, I made sure all the body swap trope shit wouldn’t be a problem, like it wasn’t a one way trip, there wasn’t an issue with a body swapping back with itself, if the machine was destroyed we wouldn’t be trapped and there were other machines capable of doing the swap in case one malfunctioned.
Satisfied, I went about finding the best, most different than my own, body. I found it as I was leaving the gas station, he was a guy asking for change on the side of the road. He had to be close to sixty, his clothes were dirty and looked greasy, and I could smell him as I approached. I gave him a $20 and asked if he wanted to make more. He thanked me, but looked suspicious and asked what I meant. I explained my plan and offered him $200 to swap, and an extra $250 if I won using his body. I explained that it was safe, that all the safety protocols were in place, that there was no risk. He just laughed and said “it seems like if anything happens, I don’t need to worry about being safe, I’d be making out pretty well.” I guess he was right haha.
We went to the lab and initiated the swap, and it went off without a hitch. I walked out of the room in his old, smelly, dirty body. When I got to the party, I was stopped at the door (which is a good sign that I’d be winning the contest, since no one recognized me), but I presented the invite and explained who I was, so I was let in. I was definitely in a great position to win, no one recognized me, and when the host questioned me, I pointed out he specifically said “no holds barred,” which made him laugh and reply “you’re right bro, you’re right.” I spent the night drinking (which didn’t do much to me since I guess this hobo has a high tolerance), hitting on chicks, who weren’t into it since I looked gross. When the contest winner was announced, it was no surprise I won. The host even said “I know it’s seems like a cheat, but I did say ‘no holds barred,’ which I meant to mean much less drastic measures, but still, his WAS the best costume, no one would ever guess it was him.”
I collected my winnings and decided to leave soon after. Chicks were ignoring me, alcohol didn’t work, other guys avoided me saying I smelled, and this body ached all over with age and years of abuse on the streets. I went back to meet my body and swap back. He wasn’t where we agreed to meet and I freaked out, he was supposed to wait for me and not leave. However my fear subsided as he walked over, saying he didn’t expect me back for a while. Turns out while I was gone, he’d gone to the gym with my buddy who had helped us swap, my body said on their way back he stopped to get a drink from the store, and apologized for using $5 from my wallet. I was so relieved and just laughed, I told him not to worry about the $5.
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We went back to the lab and got ready. I gave my body the money and kept his $250 in his pants, and he placed my money in my jacket pocket, since after the swap we’d both have our money. The machine whirled and flashed, but nothing happened. We tried it again, I felt it working, but nothing happened. I asked what the fuck was wrong, and my buddy’s dad said there was a problem with my body, it was resisting the swap. This homeless fuck was preventing us from getting back. He promised he wasn’t doing anything, he was ready to swap back, he knew it was only fair.
My buddy’s dad ran some tests and said he figured out the problem, turned to me and said “it doesn’t look good,” before looking at my body and asking “do you want to swap back?” “Of course, I have to give him his body back, it’s only right,” my body replied. “That’s not what I asked. Do you WANT to swap back or would you rather stay like that?” “Well, I mean, I obviously like this body more. I’m younger, better looking, I don’t smell, and people don’t walk away from me to avoid me. But I know I can’t keep it.” “See Luke, that’s the problem. He is willing to return your body, he’s consenting to it, but he doesn’t WANT to swap back. The machine wasn’t calibrated for a forced swap, and we can’t change that mid swap. Since his mind doesn’t want to swap, the machine won’t do it.”
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That was almost a year ago. That fucker has been in my body all that time. He has been living as Luke Potter, the hot jock, the big man on campus. He has been hooking up with everyone he can find, guy or girl, he’s been doing a little modeling and even became an OF star and gay findom.
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And I’m stuck as Derek Grainger, the old, fat, drunk hobo. I developed a huge reputation at the homeless camp under the bridge. I’m ready and willing to fight any motherfucker that gets in my way. No one believes me about some swap, they think I’m just an old alcoholic that imagined it.
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netflix · 2 years
Do you have a cat? And if so, do you think they would like to grow huge and eat you?
Not currently, although several dozen cats have ordered me around when they wanted to be fed and lived in my house over the decades, and sooner or later there will be another (the biggest difference between New York State and The Midwest seems to be that there's no Cat Hobo signs on my door, so cats do not randomly appear, needing board and lodging). And I have no doubt that if I were small and scurrying, they would find me fun to hunt and quite possibly delicious.
– @neil-gaiman
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marsbutterfly · 2 years
Oh, What A View
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Summary: After the war is over, you are left to tend for the poor soldiers whose minds got broken in the process. One specific man catches your attention.
Warnings: unprotected, vaginal sex, creampie, cum leaking, oral sex (m! receiving), titty fucking, cum play, accidental voyeurism. | a/n: Hobo!Eren and Nurse! Reader concepts are originally aleks' (@princess-jaeger) <3
Wattpad! | Ao3! | Hobo! Eren Yeager x Nurse! Reader
“They did it!” The news broke loose not long after the event actually happened. All the newspapers, radio stations, and gossipers were talking about it, the end of the four-year-long war between Marley and the Mid-East forces had finally come to an end when a peace treaty was signed after the military destroyed their fleet.
Information traveled so fast that you were barely able to tell what was true and what wasn’t. The only concrete information you had was that Marley’s win was a real achievement and hundreds of mentally and physically scarred soldiers were on their way to your care.
It would take them a few days to get back from Fort Slava and, in the meantime, you find yourself preparing extra beds and blankets to care for those in need.
When the time goes by and the soldiers finally arrive, you watch closely as one of the warrior candidates assists a man who has been scared by the guard leading them towards the hospital, “ugh, typical,” you think to yourself, annoyed by the way those poor people are being treated. Not that there is anything you can do about it.
A week passes and, during those seven days, not a lot happens amidst the broken soldiers. It is a day like any other, medicine rounds begin going around and, with each passing patient, you mark an x next to their name. With the assistance of the other nurses, you get around pretty quickly.
“Has bed five B gotten her medication yet?” You ask one of the other nurses as you flip over the pages on your clipboard, not fully paying attention to what it is that they are currently talking about. If it didn’t involve the patients in your care, you wouldn’t give it a second thought.
“Yeah,” the short-haired nurse responds, dipping two of her fingers into the bag of chips. She brings the wavy food into her mouth before rubbing her fingers together, getting rid of the dust. It is more than clear to you that she doesn’t take her job very seriously, “The only one left is bed fourteen A.”
“Mr. Kruger?” You inquire, bringing the board close to your chest. The other woman shrugs, licking the orange powder off of her fingertips.
“He’s only willing to cooperate when you are the one doing his care,” she says and you can’t help but look away, a deep blush taking over your cheeks as you now stare at the ground. You had indeed been exchanging a few glances here and there with the man, but you wouldn’t think he would go as far as to refuse treatment from anyone but yourself.
Clearing your throat, you nod. With one hand, you bring the clipboard down towards your thigh, and with the other, you reach for a small cup containing a couple of pain pills, one antipsychotic and one antidepressant. It’s a decent cocktail, enough to cause a grown adult to relax.
The sound of your heels colliding with the floor fills the nearly empty hallway, the only exceptions being a few soldiers who sit in their designated wheelchairs, one of them with a book in hand as he reads the words on the page carefully and the other one slamming his head against the wall.
Your hand trembles, a nervous sweat dripping down the side of your head as you touch the handle on the door. The patient himself has never been anything but a gentleman but it is the people around him that worry you, after all, no more than a week has gone by since the military dumped the broken soldiers into the hospital.
With a deep breath, you enter the room without knocking. A small tv plays the same program it did the day before and the men and women sit around it like flies attracted to the light. A couple of them sit on a broken table, marked cards in their hands as they play a game similar to poker, though you can’t decipher what it is.
One woman, in particular, draws the same symbol over and over again with barely usable markers, mumbling words that feel like an incantation based on the number of times she has told you she is a witch. She is harmless overall, though can still be quite difficult when it comes the time to take her medicine.
With one glance around the room, you come to the conclusion that the patient you are searching for is nowhere to be seen inside the small room and it means that he could either be sitting on the bench outside or simply lying in bed in his room.
Making sure not to touch anyone, you make your way towards the massive window, eyes searching for the long-haired man in question. Once you realize that you can’t find him, you decide that it is time to look in the very last place and, if he wasn’t there, you would have to call the guards.
So you rush up the stairs towards the last room on the third floor, where all the physically disabled patients were being kept. It seemed like extremely poor management, considering that most of them weren’t able to walk down the stairs, but it is not like the Marleyan government cared about these men too much.
From underneath the door, you see a shadow hopping around on crutches and it could only mean that he is awake. Unlike the other nurses, you like to knock on the door, making sure that they understand how valuable their privacy is to you. 
Inside the room, a low, husky voice speaks as the shadow is now facing towards the wooden surface, “Come on in.” Your heart skips a beat for a second, the tone of his voice is deep and you can feel a dreamy sigh exhaling from your body as you twist the doorknob.
“Mr. Kruger?” You inquire, peaking your head inside the room, the hand that holds the medicine cup also bringing the clipboard closer to your body. His emerald green eye pierces right through you and a warmth grows on your face, even if there is absolutely no light to them, “I’m passing around medication.”
“Ah, I see,” the man exhales a response, extending the hand that does not hold the crutch forward to take it out of your hands. You wish you could offer him some juice or even water to drink the medication with but such luxuries were forbidden. It doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest, however. 
He takes a deep breath before swinging his head and the cup backward. You can see the movement of his neck as he swallows the pills with amusing ease. Once he is done, his tongue brushes through chapped lips, moisturizing the area as best as he possibly can.
“Thank you, ma’am,” he says in that exact same low voice, not shifting it in the slightest. You can feel as his eyes go through your body, taking in the full image of your silhouette and you can’t help but tug at the edge of your skirt, pulling it down in hopes of calming yourself down.
He begins to take a few steps closer and you feel as your legs gain a life of their own, backing your body against the door as you use your free hand to search for the handle, desperately looking for an out. Before you have time to fully take in what is happening, the man is standing before you, his hand touching the wood a little off to the side as he traps you in the space between the door and his body.
The man doesn’t say anything, he simply stands there. His breath is warm and there is a familiar scent to it though you can’t fully identify what it is. One of his eyes is bandaged up and you bring your hand to his face, your thumb brushing against the cloth gently so as not to hurt him.
“Does it hurt?” You ask, cursing yourself for saying it out loud and he shrugs.
“I have gotten used to it at this point,” is all he replies with. He eventually lets go of the crutch, now using your body to balance himself up. His grip on your waist is tight as his fingernails dig through your skin through the cloth of your clothes, but you don’t complain. In fact, it feels good to have him touch you.
You can’t help but exhale loudly, dropping the clipboard in your hand to the ground. When it collides with the surface, it makes a loud sound and immediately the man brings his index finger over your lips, telling you to shush, even if he knows that nobody would care about it, not the nurses and not the broken soldiers.
His lips ghost above yours, so close that you can already taste them, though he doesn’t give in so easily, he wants you to speak, he likes to hear your voice, “Tell me something you have never told anyone,” he requests.
It takes you a second to think and, in that time, he has lifted the edge of your dress, fingers brushing through the silk of your underwear as he carefully watches as the fabric makes its way past your thighs. He doesn’t stop until he can see your belly button, that’s when he shifts his focus to opening the front of your uniform.
You can’t find any words seeing as your brain betrays you, all of your thoughts are targeted at the man’s touch. His vision is focused on you and, without breaking eye contact, his mouth closes on your right nipple. Eren sucks on the hardened bud while your eyes are closed shut in pleasure. 
He lets go of the nipple with a pop, then proceeds to bite down, blow a bit of cool air, and watch it as it becomes erect, then goes back to sucking on the bug. Licking, biting, sucking. It goes on. You couldn’t help the erotic sounds that come from deep within your throat.
Lust exploded from a place inside his chest and he couldn’t help but let it take over his actions. You cradle his head against yours; keeping him in place. Letting go of your nipple, he moves on to your left breast to give it the same attention. 
Though before he resumes the activity, he asks you the question again, a firmer tone this time and a threat of stopping if you didn’t respond quickly. You scramble to find something inside of your nearly empty mind but finally, something comes up.
“I have a collection of sex toys,” you whisper underneath your breath, afraid that anyone but him would hear your confession. He smiles, bringing his lips around your nipple once more before giving it the attention you so desperately craved. With every flick of his tongue, you could feel the wetness as it pooled in your underwear. “Now will you tell me your first name?”
You puff out your chest, giving him better access to your previously hidden breast. Your arms are pressed against the wall, hands balled into fists as you try and turn your head away from the scene in embarrassment. 
The man pulls your body towards him but before you have a chance to collapse against his chest, he is pressing you against the window, your cheeks against the glass as he pulls your underwear to the side, wanting to make this nothing more than a quickie, “Eren, Eren Kruger.”
You feel the head of his cock bumping between your legs, seeking for the entrance to your aching core. Closely after, it began to push slowly into you. The sensation as he filled your cunt wasn't one you had felt in a while, not even on those private, lonely occasions when you’d lay in bed, thinking about him and the encounters you have shared in the past.
You brace yourself against the window as the man buries his length all the way inside of you. Your fantasies seemed so pathetic now, the idea that he would be gentle? Nothing more than a distant dream as Mr. Kruger was known, by you specifically, to be quite rough when he is fucking you.
It isn’t his fault, he would say, there is just something about your juicy, puffy pussy that would make all of his senses go out of the window and he would only be able to think with the head of his cock.
Your breath caught in your throat. The pleasure was gathering inside of you. Every thrust drove you further toward ecstasy. You mouthed something incoherent at the streetlights on the wide road below. His hands on your hip pulled and pushed you as he slammed his cock into you, again and again, fucking you careless of your comfort, like you were just a thing, a doll.
Your breasts are pressed against the window, hands gripping at the curtains as tightly as you can while supporting both of your bodies, he holds you up by wrapping his arms underneath your knees and his cock never leaves the warmth of your cunt, not even for a second.
“People might see us,” you say, drool pooling on the corner of your lips. Wetness drips down your pussy, coating not only his member but the back of your thighs. He is rough, rougher than usual but at every step, no matter how tough his words are, he makes sure that you are ok.
“Then let them see,” he hisses, pumping his hips forward while lowering your body on his cock, allowing more of his length to enter your aching cunt and you gasp, eyes rolling to the back of your head in pleasure, “Let them see what a slut you are.”
“Mr. Kruger,” you moan his name quietly, trying to attract as little attention to you as possible, “It feels so good.” Your underwear is still pulled to the side but the fabric now comes in contact with your throbbing clit, rubbing the area ever so gently with his every thrust. A heartbeat passes and you correct yourself, “Eren.”
“I know what you like,” he says and you can tell he has a shit-eating grin on his face just by the way his voice sounded. You open your eyes to make sure nobody is watching the two of you, gripping the curtains hard in the process before allowing your head to fall backward.
A part of you secretly wishes that somebody would walk in, that somebody would catch the two of you in the most embarrassing of situations and you would have to acknowledge that you were having filthy sex with one of your patients, but you would rather live in denial.
He shifts ever so gently and finally hits the spot he was so desperately searching for, you have to bite down on your lip not to let out a loud gasp. You clench your butthole tightly, squeezing your muscles around him and he giggles, an amused laugh as he continues to pound into you, “Here, huh?” He teases.
You want to respond with an insult, something to wipe that smug smirk off of his lips but your vocal cords and your brain betray you at that moment and all you can think about is how delicious it feels to be fucked by him. 
The man proceeds to place the tip of your toes onto the window’s sill, spreading your folds apart and giving the passing people on the outside of the facility a perfect view of your stuffed pussy. It’s embarrassing and you can’t help but blush, but not a single part of you wishes to stop.
The man’s long hair sticks to the side of his neck, sweat exhaling from his pores with every thrust of his unstable hips, his mustache is coated in a layer of fluids and he readjusts for a second, pressing your body even further up against the window, your nipples becoming hard as they come in contact with the cold glass.
He brings his lips towards your neck, his tongue generously going through every inch of skin available, the bun on your hair, once elegant and now messy, threatens to fall and if it wasn’t for the lack of one of his legs, Eren would have already used his hand to take it down.
Your nails are rough and so is he, gravity leaving you bouncing on his cock harder and deeper than usual. Suddenly you don’t care that people outside might see you, you don’t care about anything but the angling of your lover’s hips and his ragged breaths against your neck.
“Keep moving just like that, baby,” he whispers against your skin and you take his words as an incentive to continue moving yourself on his cock.
You wrap an arm around his shoulder as you feel yourself unraveling and you moan into the glass. You are still trembling when he lowers you down, gripping one hand to your waist. Even though his pace now is faster than before, a hard thrust that shoves you forward into the window, and bracing your hand against the glass, you beg him for more. You need him now, need him closer than it is possible for two people to be.
“You’re going to make me come, Eren,” you say and he presses your body further against the window with a thudding sound, while the ripping of your underwear can also be heard. The cloth simply falls to the ground.
“Then come for me baby,” when finally you feel yourself tightening around his cock, a wave of an intense orgasm washing over you, you rock your hips against him, Eren moaning with you at the feel of your quivering muscles. You want people to see you now, to see them gasping in jealousy.
He witches, holding you perfectly in place for a few seconds, and his warm cum begins to flow inside of you, filling your body with sensations you could never grow too used to. So much comes out that eventually, you felt as the warmth began to squirt onto the glass and down your thighs.
Not a word leaves his lips so you are the first one to break the silence, “You made a mess, Mr. Kruger. Would you like me to clean it up?” A devious smile curls into his lips, though you cannot see it for he is hiding his face on the back of your neck, but you can feel as the corners twitch in excitement.
Slowly and carefully, he raises your body one more time, pulling his cock out from its newly found home inside of you. Your toes touch the ground, finding footing enough for the rest of your feet. It’s a slow process but, soon enough, you find yourself kneeling before him.
You raise his shirt and begin to kiss his stomach, starting just above the belly button. His body collides with the window, one hand searching for balance as he holds onto the ledge while the other is tangled around the back of your head, playing with your hair in a desperate attempt to show you what he has in mind. You cooperate slowly, letting him guide you down. It takes less than a minute before your mouth gets to the happy trail above his pubes.
His cock is right there, inches from your face. You hesitate for a second, wondering if a blowjob would be the best way to reward him. You decide on something better but, to prepare him for it, you run your tongue along the shaft, getting it wet with your saliva and you can taste the mixture of your juices and his, it’s still warm and quite salty.
It’s difficult and messy to navigate with just your mouth, but you do the best you can. Starting with kitten licks along his slit. The taste of his cum floods your tongue making you salivate.
You meet his eyes to find him still smiling, the corner of his mouth pulling up more into a smirk. He knows what he is doing to you. So you continue your motions down his shaft. Licking lightly along veins, drool escaping as you do. 
Clearly, this was the wrong choice, everything about this situation seemed wrong. As soon as you are halfway down, he begins to set the pace and it is relentless. Using you a hole more than a person.
You remove him from your mouth and move your hands towards your chest, unbuttoning the uniform you wear. Your hard nipples tingle in the cool air. You move up again, breasts large enough to cover his entire cock. He looked down at you in shock, but the devious smirk on his lips never ceased.
"I want you to cum between my tits,” you announce to him, knowing that is exactly the kind of stuff he wants to hear you say.
He simply moans as he thrust up against you. You respond by moaning as well, your breasts have always been sensitive, and react to his hips being pushed against them quite well. His hands come down, joining yours in squeezing your breasts around his cock. "Oh, shit." He hisses, his thrusting speeding up as he finds a rhythm, "You feel amazing."
You smile up at him. He doesn’t look like he'd last much longer, "That's it, baby, fuck my tits. Cum all over them."
"Uh... ohh fuck..." that is all he manages to say as a warning, his fingers begin digging onto the soft skin of your breasts, and his cock starts pulsing in its place between your boobs. You can feel wetness spreading, most of it being squeezed out and forming in a pool on your cleavage.
You continue to rub the shaft, looking at the mess he made. You can’t control yourself and your mind slowly slips away, rubbing his warm cum all over. There was enough to cover your breasts in his cum and have left over on your fingers. "There is so much, baby, and you just came not too long ago.”
“You’re just so fucking hot,” he pants, removing his hand from your breast to bring his cum coated fingers towards your lips. He pushes through gently, silently asking for permission before you open wide to receive him.
Your tongue swirls around his digits, fully taking in the flavors he is offering you. The viscous liquid drips against your taste buds and you continue to do so until his fingers are removed from your mouth completely clear, the only thing still coating them is a thick layer of your saliva.
As he places his cock back into his pants, Eren shakes his head, removing the hair from his eye. You are still on your knees, searching in your pockets for something that could be used as a tissue to clean the cum off of your bare chest.
“No,” Eren says, his voice is firm and it echoes through the almost completely empty room. You pause your movements for a second, wondering what he is talking about before he continues, “I want you to have my cum on your chest until you go home. A little reminder of me.”
“But, Mr. Kruger,” you try to reason with him, watching as he extends you a hand in the hopes of assisting you as you get up, “People will know.”
“After the little show we just gave them,” he smirks, buttoning up the top and covering your cum soaked cleavage, “I doubt many people don’t know about it already.”
You can’t help but blush in embarrassment, flustered cheeks facing away from him as you try to hide your emotions from him. You didn’t know what came over you, a public display such as the one you just experienced, and with an eldian no less, oh what the marleyan government would do to you if they figured it out.
A thousand thoughts go through your head in the span of a minute or so. Unconsciously, you begin to gather around your clipboard and the papers that fell out of it while you were busy being kissed by the man, and, before you have time to realize it, he has already walked out of the door and is on his way out of the courtyard.
You wipe away the steam off the window to find him sitting on the bench, he props his body up on the crutches as he speaks with one of the clinically insane patients. It takes a second for you to realize it is one of your patients, so you begin to make your way down the stairs, carefully enough not to fall but moving your feet at an incredibly quick pace.
Once you are finally there, you speak to him again, “I’m sorry, I looked away for two seconds,” you say, though your voice trembles with the thoughts of how the two of you were linked together mere moments ago. He shrugs, no light in his eyes.
“I don’t care,” he says, pretending not to know you. You knew how little you meant to him but still, to hear not a shred of empathy in his voice was enough to cause your heart to break. So you simply sigh, putting on a fake smile.
As you walk away, arm wrapped around your patient, you feel a cold breeze down against your free pubes and you finally realize that nothing is protecting your cunt, “Where are my panties?” You ask yourself silently, looking back at the man with a desperate look on your face, only to realize he has the cloth attached to his nostril, taking in a deep whiff out of it before placing it into his pocket, a smile on his face. That man was truly a devil.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Your First Valentine's Day Together
Creepypasta Head-Canons
Warnings: None
Jeff The Killer
Forgot it was valentine's day and last minute grabbed something from the gas station. Thinks most Valentine's stuff is over priced and cheesy anyway.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N." "Is this... A bag of chips..?"
Jane The Killer
Absolutely loves spoiling you and doing cute things for you, so there's a day dedicated to that??? Sign her the fuck up! She arranges to take you to a cute cat cafe and insists on paying for everything, seeing you smile is worth every penny.
"Jane you really didn't have to do all this!" "I just love making you smile."
Nina The Killer
Best. Day. Ever. She will be so excited to surprise you with a bunch of clothes she ordered online that's your style! Doesn't want to get any stereotypical things for you for Valentine's, only stuff she knows you'll enjoy.
"Ahhh! Y/N look at this cute shirt I bought you! I can't wait to see you wear it!~" "Another one???"
Toby Rogers
Is bouncing off the walls excited for Valentine's Day. Is VERY cheesy about it and probably absolutely buries you in every cute stuffed animal he could find. Will curl up and watch cheesy romance movies with you all day while munching on the chocolates he got for you.
Teases you if you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, calling it cheesy and too lovey dovey. However secretly she loves it, but she's not going to tell you that- at least not yet. So, you're in charge of planning your date together.
"Oh really? You go for that cheesy crap?" "Come onnn! It will be fun! Please!"
Eyeless Jack
Jack doesn't get many chances to act like just a person anymore, so when Valentine's Day rolls around he wants to take the chance to just act like a normal couple would. He plans a quiet dinner just you two in his room, enjoying feeling human again. Just for today- you are just two people in love.
"Do you like the candles, Y/N?" "I love them. It's perfect."
Laughing Jack
This clown has no earthly idea what he's doing. He just straight up throws you a "Valentine's Party" like it's a birthday. It's sweet though. He's trying his best- even though he invited everyone so you two don't really get any time alone.
"Surprise Y/N!!!" "AH! Is that heart shaped confetti?!?"
Ben Drowned
Simply plans a gaming date for the two of you with lots of gummy worms. This really is just a normal day with him but he claims it's special because he won't hog all the gummies this time.
"C'mon! It'll be fun! Why go out when we can just stay right here?" "Fine... Move over."
Hobo Heart
Tries to plan something special for you two but has no idea what to do. He just wants you to love it! Finally settling on just a nice quiet coffee/tea date with just you and him. Cuddled up in the library reading books.
"Romance or Fantasy, Y/N?" "Why not both?"
Doesn't fully understand the concept of the holiday but isn't going to pass up a chance at treating you. He plans a lovely romantic evening in the underworld with dinner and wine. The man is a complete gentleman.
"Is this alright, Y/N?" "It's wonderful."
You want to spend Valentine's Day? With him? He finds the idea amusing at first but finally gives in, taking you out on the town in the underworld. Showing you off and buying you fancy clothes.
"Everything simply looks stunning on you!~" "Oh hush..."
Nathan The Nobody
He hasn't the faintest clue how to celebrate Valentine's Day with you but he knows he wants too. He simply comes to you and asks what you'd like to do.
"Want to just watch movies together?" "I'd like that very much, Y/N...."
The Puppeteer
Brushes off Valentine's Day. What's the point in something like that? You already have the perfect gift, getting to spend time with him! What more could you want???
"Pup, please!!! I just want to do something fun with you!" "This IS fun!"
Judge Angels
Takes the holiday very seriously, almost too serious! She insists she must make it absolutely perfect for you because you deserve it. Expect a fancy date and lots of dancing lessons, she loves dancing with you.
"Take my hand, Y/N." "You really went all out, didn't you?"
Bloody Painter
He makes you both some tea and you two spend a whole day in his studio. Laughing and cracking jokes while he paints a portrait of you, even offering to give you painting lessons. You just enjoy a lovely date full of giggles and messy paint.
"Aw, Y/N. You got paint on your nose." "Oops-"
Nurse Ann
She doesn't really talk much so she expresses her love for you through lots of hugs and attention. Quality time means the world to her so you two end up in the kitchen cooking together, after all a meal always tastes better if it's made with love.
"....." "I love you too, Ann."
Kate The Chaser
She doesn't exactly celebrate the holiday. She kind of just awkwardly offers you whatever she found in the pantry and hangs out with you for the day. It takes a long time for her to open up.
"Thank you, Kate." "..... No problem."
Homicidal Liu
He loves you dearly and wants you to always know that. He plans a beautiful picnic date at night, that way you two can gaze at the stars and tell each other what you see. Expect a dance in the moonlight, the crickets serving as your symphony. It feels like it's just the two of you in the world.
"This is so beautiful, Liu." "Almost as beautiful as you."
{More Content}
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cheesecakezyum · 1 year
I just found your blog and I am LOVING the Wukong content. I was hoping to request some smut headcanons (maybe alphabet hcs- if you feel up to it). I completely understand ty! <333
NSFW Alphabet ; Sun Wukong
Please do not click the ‘keep reading’ option if you are under the age of 18. Adults only, please! :)
Welcome to my page! I’m ecstatic that you’re enjoying what I’m providing <3 Doing alphabet headcanons are actually some of my favorites!
Mainly because it helps me with future pieces of writing (smut ofc) — like a cheat sheet almost!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He loves to hold you in general, so after a session of utter passion? It’s tripled. He’ll sometimes want to keep his cock buried in you overnight if you’re up for it and continue from where you two left off the next morning.
He’s not too big on cleaning himself personally after sex (like the absolute gremlin he is), but he’ll begrudgingly set a warm bath for you if that’s what you want! You’ve explained UTI’s and yeast infections to him, which is why he no longer complains about keeping his semen inside you as long as he can.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his tail. I mean, it’s like a third hand! Another tool to balance himself, grab things, and especially bring you to him when he’s needy.
He personally loves your ears. They’re so cute and small compared to his! Sometimes you’ll catch him fiddling with your earlobes. He also enjoys the noises you make when he nibbles on them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It turns him on extremely seeing you covered in his cum— legs spread, ever so slightly trembling as you’re leaking with his semen, your face twisted into an expression of pure bliss. It’s enough to get him riled up all over again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a Owner/Property kink that even to this day hasn’t publicly told you about. You found out yourself after a certain rigorous handjob when he basically begged you to let him cum, ending his plead with master.
Praise kink too, but he’s a bit more open with that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
At first he may seem clumsy, but he’s simply learning what makes your body tick. After maybe 3-4 sessions expect him to have your anatomy and personal pleasures memorized to the tea. Every whimper, moan— it’s all a sign to let him know that he should keep the ministrations going.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The mating press.
His main interest is the deeper penetration aspect of the position. He also loves the look of your helpless face every time he presses into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Pretty goofy! But Wukong knows when to switch the mood to make it better for you both. One minute he’ll be joking to you about a show playing in the background and the next will be eating you out like you’re the last meal he’ll ever have.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This man is 100% a hobo. Although being filled with body hair already (cause, y’know. Monkey?) he has a pretty clean happy trail which matches the ash orange color of his mane!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He won’t have sex with you unless there’s at least some sort of feelings in the mix. Whether they’re unspoken or not it’s something that’s always there. He’s not there just to fuck, he wants to make love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate often. He’d have to really be in the mood, but even still— he has trouble concentrating when it’s only imagination. If he ever does though, you’d be the only thing on his mind. Maybe a picture, or a voicemail would do.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. It’s instinctual for him to have reproductive urges; The idea of stuffing you full of his cum to be the future carrier of his children is quite appealing to the simian.
Marking. He likes both you and everyone else to know who you belong to. Whether it be carrying your scent with him— or the many bites littered around your body. He thinks it’s like taking a park of him with you.
Cockwarming. While it can be seen as torture for both parties, he adores the way you slowly break down above him. A simple shift of the hips enough to make such deliciously crude noises escape from those pretty lips. It makes sex that much more gratifying if there’s at least a bit of a wait.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a bit more comfortable if you guys have some type of privacy, considering the entirety of Flower Fruit Mountain is littered with primates. So a bedroom or bathroom would do.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being the big spoon. While it may start as sweet and lighthearted before you know it he’ll be slowly pressing his clothed erection into you, huffing softly and asking if you’re up for a round or two.
Your own moans. He’ll work hard as hell if it means by the end of the night you’re screaming his name, begging for more— to go even harder.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to definitely give. He finds his own pleasure in yours!
Let’s just say he knows how to use his tongue quite well. This can go back to E; He knows what you need to reach your climax and he’s more than happy to give it to you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and rough. Wukong wants to feel your walls clenching every single time he’s just about to pull out, only to thrust back in without a care in the world.
As his peak eventually reaches though— he will often try to chase it with a faster, sloppier pace. ONLY if he knows you’re both close.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
While he does like to take his time with you, quickies are a pretty common occurrence when you’re with Wukong. In a certain spot with few wandering eyes? He’ll lift you up against the wall and pound into you.
In a certain position while your cleaning? On the counter you go. Just sucks that you have to pick up even more of a mess after.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not too fancied on the idea of trying something new unless he has somewhat of an idea of what’s gonna go down. He doesn’t want to be left in the dark, and communication is especially key for this monkey.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His stamina is as big as his ego. This man could go fucking you a whole night if it meant filling you up to the brim.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t have any toys, and isn’t too fond of buying any simply because he doesn’t know where? Like???
If you have your own, though, he’d be more than happy to hear how to use them and spice up your tango just a bit more.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Humiliation really isn’t his game, but he loves to mention how destroyed you look under him— asking you to tell him just what you want him to do while he’s hovered over you.
It just gives him a bit of pride to know that he can make you into such a mess. You lustful deviant you!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don’t think he’d be necessarily loud. The trembling quiver of his voice as he breathes out your name— the occasional curse.
He’d have to be pretty wound up in order to raise that voice of his. It’s not necessarily impossible! The stroke of his tail is a pretty quick way to get an unprepared whore moan out of him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It’s like he’s constantly in the honeymoon phase when he’s with you. Pet names like hun, sweetie, peaches, schnookums even. His corniness is sickeningly addictive.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sleeper build. He doesn’t look necessarily ripped at first glance with all those robes but a good feel of those thighs or biceps shows that even thousands of years later, he’s in great shape.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High, very high. Maybe not at first; jumping straight into sex after building a relationship just isn’t him. One taste of that pie, however, and suddenly he can’t seem to get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He doesn’t fall asleep immediately after sex. It’s certainly tempting, but he’d much more prefer taking care of you, taking in the moment and making sure you’re okay.
Maneskin has been my go-to for music while I’m writing, especially spicier prompts/ideas I have yet to publish ;D
Definitely give their new album a listen if you’re interested!
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sturniolos-blog · 4 months
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You love me and I love you too - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - fluff, arguing, kissing, bailing on wedding, mentions of sex, gets heated but no actual smut.
requested ‼️‼️
2 years ago
I shook my head. “You can’t be leaving, Matt.” I let out a choked sob. My boyfriend of 4 years just told me he was moving to LA. Saying we need to break up.
“I’m so sorry bab-”
I cut him off, “Don’t call me that!” I sobbed loudly, sitting down on the couch of our apartment we signed a lease for only 2 months ago,
“Weeks Matt, weeks you lied to me! How could you do this to me!?” I kept yelling.
He sighed and sat down next to me, his arms wrapping around me tightly, i struggled in his grip,
“Let go!” I cried out, but i eventuallly got tired and gave in, letting him hold me as i broke down in his arms.
The present
My wedding day.
“It’s almost time, y/n.” My best friend, Priya said to me, fixing my hair.
A knock came on the door, Priya looks confused,
Flashback 2 months ago
“Another shot, please.” I smiled at the bartender.
“‘Course.” He smiled back.
I was currently sitting at a bar, my finance and i had gotten into our first argument in a while, i needed to blow off some steam.
I felt someone bump into me, i scoff.
“I’m literally sitting down how do you manage too-” I start to argue, but my face drops as i see who it is.
“Y/n?” He asks me. Holy shit, he is still so fine. Light stubble, his hair sort of long, still great style.
“M-matt.” I stutter out, putting a fake smile on my face.
“It’s been so long! How have you been?” He asks me so casually, acting like we weren’t in love with each other.
“Here’s your shot.” The bartender interrupts, i mutter a small thank you and take the shot quickly.
“You okay?” Matt puts his hand on my shoulder.
I jump at his touch and shake my head, “I need to um-” I get up and shake my head, “I need to uh- go, it was so nice seeing you again, b-but i uh- bye!” I say, quickly rushing out of the bar.
I make it outside, “Y/n! wait!” Matt calls out as i reach my car.
“Matt, please stop. It is really nice to see you again, seriously i promise, but i can’t do this.” I look up and shake my head, on the verge of tears.
He steps closer to me, “Can’t do what, n/n?” He puts his hands on my arms.
I push him back slightly, “I have a finance now Matt, I get married in two months.” I say, my voice quiet.
Matt’s face drops, “O-oh, oh i’m sorry, I just- wow you moved on quick. I should um-” Matt clears his throat, “I should go then..” He whispers.
I nod as he starts to walk away.
“Wait!” I say, grabbing his arm and pulling him back towards me, he lands right in front of me, face so close to mine, i look up at him, his eyes glance down to my lips and back up, i do the same thing.
“Don’t do something you’re gonna regret, n/n.” He says.
I shake my head, “I won’t regret it.” I say before leaning up and closing the gap between us, my arms wrapping around his neck as his pin me to my car, one of my hands move and grab my car keys that were in my pocket, unlocking the back door before getting in, Matt following suit.
“What if someone sees?” Matt says as he closes the back door,
“I was the only one in that bar besides the bartender and a couple of hobos, plus it’s dark. No ones gonna see us.” I say as i climb on his lap, starting to kiss his jaw and down his neck.
“Are you sure because the people i saw in there-”
“Matt!” I yell. Groaning against his neck.
“Right, sorry.” He mutters, grabbing my face and kissing me.
2 days later, still flashback
Matt was blowing me up.
are we ignoring what happened?
read 2 days ago
please don’t do this
read 2 days ago
you cheated on him n/n do you really love him?
read 2 days ago
fine be like that then
read 2 days ago
please y/n stop pretending it didn’t happen, i can see you read my texts
read yesterday, 6:37am
we have an extra room in LA you can take it
read yesterday, 8:34am
i’m sorry i broke your heart but it broke mine too
read yesterday, 6:45pm
i never wanted to hurt you.
read yesterday, 8:48pm
read 1:03pm
read 1:31pm
i love you.
read 1:50pm
come over
my address is ********
read 1:51pm
read 1:52pm
I get a knock on my front door, taking a deep breath, i open it.
I smile as i see him, he’s so beautiful.
“Hi.” He breathes out.
“Hi.” I says my voice barely above a whisper.
I shake my head, “Sorry uh- come in.” I laugh, opening the door all the way for him to come in.
He smiles, “You’re fine.”
I shut the door behind him and sigh.
“Um, i just wanted to tell you that we- we shouldn’t have done that. A-and i don’t think it meant anything.” I said, that was so hard to get out.
“And you wanted me to come all the way to your home, where you live in with your fiance, to tell me that?” Matt questioned, taking a step closer to me.
“Well i just- uhm- i figured that you woulda uh..” I scratched the back of my head as he got really close to me.
“Tell me you don’t want this right now, and i won’t kiss you.” He said, his breath fanning over my lips, god he knew just what to do to drive me crazy.
“I..” I trailed off, then he kissed me, his lips moving in sync with mine as his hands went to my waist,
Mine went up to his hair and tugged slightly, making him let out a groan, he put his hands under my ass and mumbled a ‘jump’ against my lips, i did and he picked me up, carrying me to me and my fiancés room.
He kicked the door shut with his foot and placed me on the bed, kissing down my neck.
“This is so wrong,” i practically moaned out.
“I’ll stop.” He said, his fingers stopping at the waistband of. my pants.
“No, don’t.” I whispered, he smirked,
“Good girl.” He muttered as he kissed my neck.
Present time
“I’ll get it, priya. Can you go make sure everyone’s set?” I ask, she nods and goes out the other door that led to the main entrance, the knock was coming from the side door.
I opened it and was faced with Matt, i let out a breath.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” I said, an annoyed tone to my voice.
“Don’t do it. Y/n, you know you don’t love him-”
“How do you know what i want!? you left me here! All alone! God, Matt do you know how hard that was for me!? My heart was literally broken, and you broke it!” I yelled and pointed at him, tears fallings from my eyes.
Matt grabs my arms, “I didn’t have a choice! I had too! I’m sorry i didn’t want too i promise!” He yells back.
“But you did. So get out.” I scoff, pushing his hands off me.
“Make me.” He says, in my face.
“You’re unbelievable, matt!” I yell,
“N/n, you love me and i love you too! You don’t have to go through with this wedding with whatever his name is!” He tried to convince me.
“His name is jackson..” I whispered.
He scoffs and walks up to me and puts his hands on my waist, “Come with me, nick, and chris back to LA. You’ll love it, and you can leave this life behind.” He says, his face really close to mine.
“I have a life, Matt!” I yelled.
“Yeah, with me. Please, y/n.” He begs.
He leans down and kisses me, i kiss back.
“Let’s go then, my wedding starts in 5 minutes.” I mumble against his lips.
this was totally not the ending i wanted but idekkkk i js wanted to get this done but i love this request thank you!
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planesawesome · 4 months
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VF-94 Mighty Shrikes
Strike Fighter Squadron 94 (VFA-94), also known as the Mighty Shrikes, is a United States Navy fighter squadron stationed at Naval Air Station Lemoore. It is an operational fleet squadron currently flying the F/A-18E Super Hornet. It is attached to Carrier Air Wing 17 (CVW 17) and based at NAS Lemoore, California. Its tail code is "NA" and its radio call sign is "Hobo".
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whole-circus · 1 year
hi! since your requests are open, could I ask for some room hdc?? with characters of your choice 🧎‍♀️
please take care of yourself and take your time!!
Creepypastas room headcanons!
➥ Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned, Clockwork and Hobo Heart
Oh hi and thank you!! Here you go sweetie! If you wanted someone more then feel free to uptade!! :33
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
☆ Jeff the Killer
What a stinky men. Im sorry but his room is messy for sure and you can't convince me otherwise! Dirty clothes, empty cans, leftovers, stains..man, hire him a maid or something. Some dead plants and messy grafitties, stolen traffic signs and construction boards! Propably never in his life made bed, and his sheets aren't changed often.
Definitely has many band posters on his walls too! Maybe some vinyls too?? Mostly the black, red and grey colours can be seen. Hates the big light, so usually sits in dark or with small lamp. His drapes 24/7 covered. He is emo and plays loud music.
Smells like cigarettes and like room that hadn't been aired for long time.
☆ Homicidal Liu
Pretty, clean and organized room! The only 'messy' thing could be mugs he forgot to clean (same tho). Im sure he has gramophone and listen some of this old, silly, romantic songs! Also - a lot of plants, maybe even lego flowers? Couple of this aesthetic posters, some gobelins, small paintings. Photos with his friends, S/O! His bed is almost always well made. He have many books, and an easel (what an art hoe of him).
Mostly green, brown and beige colours. He loves natural light and candles, and if the weather is nice then his windows are open.
His room smells like cleaning detergents, soil and candles (usually the flower ones).
☆ Eyeless Jack
Soo..his room is not as clean, but its caused by his wild side. On his walls and furnitures are many straches from his hands (or even teeth!). Otherwise? You don't have to worry about surviving visiting his room, you have high chance to not caught anything! I would say his room is pretty dark, only becasue his walls are in gloomy colours - maybe not black, but gray, green or navy blue (all in dark shades).
Let's pretend that he actually was into medicine before all his tragic events..pls? Propably has some decorations, like skeleton, anatomy-related posters! Also likes to keep his blinds shut, he is pretty hypersensitive in terms to hearing, sight, smell. And maybe..he would have this small, funny fridge in his room, you know - to keep his..food..fresh!
About the smell..maybe a bit of blood? And something rotten? But its not that strong tho!
☆ Ben Drowned
Musty, dusty and rusty room, but we still love him! He would clean once in a while, and he do that very solid..but that doesn't last long - his room gets messy very easly. When he isnt gaming then he is sleeping..pretty productive, huh? Bed is never made, lots of junk food wrappers, empty (or not) cans..
LED lights 25/8! His room is pretty dark, propably never seen the sun. On his walls are posters from movies, anime and games. Has pretty professional gaming set when it comes to computer (I would describe it but i only know that computer need screen and keybord lol). High chance of having some psp gaming corner! Like bean bag pouffe, TV and stuff. Also! Collects figures like funko pops, anime figures, nendoroids. Ben have pretty nice Lego collection too!
His room smells like sweat and energy drinks.
☆ Clockwork
A bit messy, but in this aesthetic way - in other way, chaos under control! You know, some clothes at the floor or on chair..some dirty mugs..and her trash can is a bit too full..but as I said - everything looks pretty planed..! She has many blankets and plushies (she would never admit to that tho) on her bed.
In her room dominates mostly shades of dark green and white! Has many fun stuff in her room - rocks, animal skulls..sorry fellow animal lovers, promise they were found! But also a guitar! Full jewelry holder - and they are all well made! Thats why they are a bit too messy.. And she keeps many fake plants, she sucks at taking care of them. Clockwork has many string lights in various shapes!
Dunno, but I cant really assign smell of her room! Maybe something like dust and coffee?
☆ Hobo Heart
Ahh I miss this pretty boy to be honest! His room is clean, end of the sentence, thats it. I also think that he would have some pet in terrarium or aquarium - lizard, frog or just some fishes. Even if they are small, he treat them with proper respect and like the family members!
Has white walls with paintings and photos of his friends/SO, but most of the decorations are in shade of red. Also vinyls as decorations and posters of his favorite singers/bands (m sorry but he totally looks like somoene listening to Lana Del Ray vibes T^T) - all in this 'aesthetic way'! Simple light bed sheets, and when his bed is made (which is pretty often) he put pillows that have this silly shapes. Like to keep his room natural lightened and loves candles!
His room smells pretty like vanilia, but its not a strong scent.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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