#holiday harbinger
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A couple years back i was blessed to be the recipient of @thornaelle for @masseffectholidaycheer and this year i am finally able to return the joy that was given to me!
I was unbelievably excited to see you were my giftee this year!💕 and i knew immediately i had to do the dream team💕 and i got to draw Rani again after so long which was a joy! Once again. Virmire who?? Never heard of her.
I truly hope you like it🥺🥺💕💕 Happy Holidays my friend💕💕
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heavenlyeros · 1 year
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dear @captain-radioactive-mentality, this is your harbinger of holiday cheer speaking ! i hope you had a restful and joyous holiday season and i wish you the most wonderful and fantastic year ahead, filled with happiness, good luck, good health, and all the love and friendship in the world <3
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depressed-sock · 1 year
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Hi  @annalyia  I’m your gift giver for @masseffectholidaycheer !!! :D
I decided to go with a series of photo’s with your Ellie Shepard + an extra with Grunt trying to steal the camera. Hope you like it!!
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kipaia · 1 year
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Incredibly late posting this because I have absolute goldfish memory, but here’s my @masseffectholidaycheer​ from @undynedevotion​!!!! My new Bakara Overlordess now hangs above my monitors and *strongly encourages* that I get my work done XD I love her, absolutely incredible work, undyne you are my hero thank you so much! <3
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proserpiiart · 1 year
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Omg my holiday harbinger secret santa went above and beyond to treat me!! The scarf is AMAZING and perfect timing since its super chilly right now, I will love it and wear it forever 😭😭 the stickers and tje card are super cute too and the treats will absolutely find their way into my tummy. Thank you so much @mapplestrudel I absolutely GASPED when I saw the neck-warminator 9000 and it will be well used!! I am so so so happy thank you so much!!
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cassiefisherdrake · 1 year
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My @masseffectholidaycheer gift arrived from @theoriginalladya - thank you SO much! This blanket is huge (featuring my life-size omni-tool for reference) and absolutely stunning, covering two of my favourite ships: mShep/Kaidan AND femShep/Miranda! I can tell how much work and love you put into this and it shows so, so much. It will get plenty of use in our cold apartment. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU and happy 2023! 💛
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bardofheartdive · 1 year
Holy freaking hand grenades!!!
My @holidayharbinger gift from @happyhumannoises arrived and let me tell you, I am BLOWN AWAY!!!
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Look at it! Look, LOOK, LOOK!!! Guess who has a new reading light for their bedroom! This girl!
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Not only that but they also offered to draw me something too! @happyhumannoises - thank you so much for your generosity in gifting. I love it so much!
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menacingmetal · 1 year
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Hello @nonopi i’m your gift giver for this years Holiday Harbinger!! You said you liked Femshep x anyone (big same haha) and that Miranda was one of your faves so I drew the trouble shooting space divas after their Citadel date 😊 (Which it being a date is possible with the more gay romances mod that i forget isnt canon sometimes lol)
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commander-krios · 1 year
Happy Mass Effect Holiday Cheer @pastelroyce! What a surprise, I'm your gifter again. <3 I hope you like this little sequel to your N7 fic.
Title: A Tiny Bit of Chaos
Since retiring from the Alliance nearly 4 years earlier, Steve had taken a new course of action in his life. He had roots, a home, a future. He had someone to love.
He had Kaidan.
And in this new peaceful life, a tiny bit of chaos went a long way.
Words: 2364
Rating: T
Relationship: Steve Cortez/Kaidan Alenko
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Post-War, Post-Canon, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Steve Cortez was a man of action in the truest sense. As a fighter pilot, he had to be ready to perform some insane and gravity defying maneuvers to hit his target. As a shuttle pilot on the Normandy, he had to brave some of the worst battles to transport the soldiers who relied on him, to help protect the civilians who needed him. He always took his job seriously. If he didn’t, people got hurt… or worse.
But since retiring from the Alliance nearly 4 years earlier, Steve had taken a new course of action in his life. He had roots, a home, a future. He had someone to love.
Humming along with the old song playing on the radio, the brush in his hand moved gently over the horse’s hair, the routine mundane yet comfortable. It was a far cry from fighting a war on a frigate, but the peace was well deserved. He had enough war to last the rest of his life.
There weren’t many chores during the winter months, with the orchard hibernating, but the ones they still had kept the blood pumping. Despite retirement, there were no lazy days for Steve Cortez. He much preferred it that way.
The barn door creaked behind him, and Steve paused in his brushing, listening for the familiar crunch of boots in snow. Like clockwork, Kaidan entered the barn, covered from head to toe in the usual winter gear, stomping snow and ice from his boots. The sun had barely crested the horizon, leaving the sky a kaleidoscope of purple, pink, and orange in the distance. It left Kaidan in dark shadows, but Steve easily sought out the eyes he’d fallen in love with.
Kaidan smiled the moment their eyes met, the curls that he never managed to tame peeking out from beneath his knitted hat. The Reaper war had been tough on them both, leaving them more wrinkled and grey than before, with scars that covered their body.
And scars that didn’t.
But they were healing. Part of that was because of the orchard. The rest was because of Kaidan.
“Dogs taken care of?” Steve could guess which chore he’d done by the amount of dirt on his jeans and coat. The dogs were not gentle when breakfast came.
“Why am I the one who feeds the dogs when you’re the one who wanted them in the first place?” Kaidan asked, grinning at him in the way that always took Steve’s breath away. It didn’t matter how long they’d been together, it always made him fall in love all over again.
“You can’t tell me that you don’t love the excitement.” Setting the grooming brush down on the small wooden table, Steve turned towards him, crossing his arms over his chest. “Those little eyes glancing up at you because they love you-”
“I think you meant to say ‘they love the food in my hands.’”
“You know that’s not true.” Steve responded with affection, moving closer until he could reach out and touch Kaidan. He pulled him into his embrace in one smooth motion, tucking him against his chest. It was as natural as breathing, they fit together just perfectly.
“No, but you know I like to complain. If only to get you to make it up to me.” Kaidan returned, brushing a gentle kiss against his cheek.
“I like the making up part.”
Kaidan chuckled warmly, pulling away to meet his gaze. That’s when he wrinkled his nose. Leaning in again, he sniffed at Steve’s clothing, recoiling at the smell. “You stink like horse.”
“That’s what happens when you spend the morning brushing and feeding them, K.” Steve gently bumped his hip against Kaidan’s, smirking. “Besides, you smell like dogs so you can’t say much.”
Kaidan rolled his eyes, but the smile plastered on his face ruined it. “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“That’s Lieutenant to you.” Steve replied, taking a step back to grab his hat and gloves, ready to move on to the next chore. Which included teasing Kaidan some more. “I never made Captain.”
Kaidan snorted, the sound somehow both adorable and chagrined at the same time. “You’ve been hanging out with Joker too much.”
“Of Joker? Good try.” Kaidan grabbed him by the hand, pulling him along as they exited the barn. Once the heavy barn door was shut behind them, he glanced at Steve, raising a curious eyebrow. “Why? Were you trying to make me jealous?”
The air around them was cold, not quite bitter, but it felt nice against Steve’s warm cheeks. A breeze caught one of Kaidan’s unruly curls and it brushed against his forehead. He wanted to reach out and tuck it back under his hat, to touch Kaidan’s soft skin with his fingertips, but the warmth of Kaidan’s fingers wrapped around his was too comfortable. So he didn’t let go.
“Is it working?” He teased, turning towards the house, stepping carefully in the snow. Being on Earth, living his life day to day, was still strange. There was no constant worrying about missions, or drops, or war reports. No Alliance business to attend to. No war. 
It felt especially unfamiliar during days like this, after the night had covered the orchard in a foot of snow. But Steve was content with the life he had built here with Kaidan.
Kaidan chuckled, but said nothing, the crunch of his boots loud against the ice when he followed.
Despite the peaceful scenery, it didn’t take long for mischief to take hold in his mind. It’d been too long since they had a proper day in the snow. No work, just them, enjoying the fresh air and each other. It was the kind of peace that called for a tiny bit of chaos. 
The closer they came to the house, the slower Steve walked until Kaidan passed a little ahead of him, unaware of his impending doom. The snowball hit him in the shoulder, exploding into a shower of white flakes.
When Kaidan spun around, Steve had already ducked behind a tree, laughing wildly. It was a different kind of freedom to laugh with someone you loved. To have no doubts, no worries or fears dangling over his head. It’d been so long since he felt like this.
“You’re going to pay for that.” Kaidan warned. The growl low in his throat did things to Steve that he couldn’t wait to take advantage of.
Steve heard Kaidan moving in the snow, but he stayed put, calculating the odds of finding better cover before Kaidan could claim his revenge. Peeking around the tree, the white expanse of the orchard spread out before him, leaving nothing but wind and silence to greet him.
He should’ve seen it coming when the snowball smacked him right in the chest, leaving his coat covered in powdery snow. A blue biotic field shimmered briefly before it dropped away, leaving nothing in its wake.
“That’s cheating!” Steve called out, unable to stop the laugh that followed directly after. 
Kaidan appeared to his left. He’d been hiding behind an old tractor that hadn’t run since… well, since before the Alenkos had bought the property. It’s rusted exterior stood out against the dull blue paint, faded from age and the elements. Perfect hiding spot, he thought, watching as the man he’d fallen in love with walked closer, smirking proudly.
“Cheating? All is fair in love and war. A war you started.” Kaidan paused, the image of him against the white background burning into Steve’s mind. Whiskey eyes, soft curls that got longer the more time they spent planetside, skin flushed pink from the cold, his salt and pepper beard… all things that had taken time getting used to that he now took for granted.
These were only some of the things he adored about Kaidan Alenko.
First and foremost, there was the kindness Steve glimpsed during their time on the Normandy. The hope Kaidan held out to any who were near him. Hope, not only for the future, but for the very people he passed on a daily basis. Hope they’d get to live their dreams, to reunite with those they loved. In those dark times, Kaidan was hope personified.
For Steve, he still was.
Holding up his hands, Steve took a single step closer, the picture of innocence. It would only work once, if he was lucky, and after that the war wouldn’t end until one of them gave up. As usual, that person would be himself, he knew that. But he also knew that losing always had its perks.
“I surrender.” 
Another step closer and Kaidan hadn’t changed his position. So far so good.
“Really?” Kaidan raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t I believe you?”
He was close enough. Now, he needed to be fast enough.
“That hurts, Kaidan. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. I would never do anything to break that trust.” 
Before he could take that final step, Kaidan’s body was outlined in blue, his biotics flaring to life and suddenly Steve was doused in a pile of snow. Sputtering, it took him a minute to realize what happened. When he did, he couldn’t stop laughing. Unfair advantage and all, he was glad to see Kaidan getting into the spirit.
Steve dived for the other side of the tractor, barely dodging the next attack. Gathering up a handful of snow, he threw it in the general direction that he last saw Kaidan, taking refuge behind the vehicle. He figured his partner was long gone, but Steve didn’t want to take the risk of getting hit with biotic snowballs again.
No such luck. 
By the time they finished messing around, they’d both be soaked and frozen to the bone.
While he gathered up more snow, trying to arm himself as best as he could, Kaidan flanked him, sneaking around the old tractor without a sound. There were a few reasons why Steve was a pilot and not a soldier on the ground. This was one of them. 
One, two, three snowballs collided with his back in succession. A chunk of one got caught in the collar of his jacket, sliding down to drench his skin. With a yelp, Steve jumped at the icy cold, the heavy flannel shirt he wore beneath his coat sticking to his back.
“Care to keep going or can we go inside and warm up?” Kaidan offered his hand in truce, head tilted toward the house in invitation.
Steve could think of the many ways he’d love to warm up with, and most involved little to no clothing. He couldn’t deny he was tempted, but he had one last trick up his sleeve. Taking Kaidan’s hand, he squeezed it gently, leaning in to brush a kiss over his waiting lips.
Kaidan smiled, relaxed and at ease with a single touch.
Moving closer, Steve snaked his free arm around Kaidan’s waist. He leaned in, lips hovering against his, pausing before they touched. He lingered there briefly, then suddenly shifted his weight sending the two of them tumbling into the snow bank. They landed with a soft thump, a wall of snow rising up on either side of them. If he had to be cold and wet, so did Kaidan.
The resounding ‘oof’ that Kaidan let out as they landed was worth it.
As they laid beside each other, laughing at the absurdity of the entire situation, Kaidan shoved at his shoulder before turning onto his side, meeting Steve’s eyes. Kaidan’s face was red from the cold, the adoring smile softening his face and proving, once again, why Steve Cortez was head over heels in love with this man.
“Got it out of your system? Or do we need to go another round until you eat dirt?”
Steve pressed his hand against Kaidan’s chest, over the spot where his heart was. “I think I’m done, but you also said you’d stop using your biotics. It’s cheating, plain and simple. And it’s no fun when you cheat.”
“No fun for you, but for me?” Kaidan nuzzled against his neck, beard tickling Steve’s skin. “It’s nice to use my biotics, even for silly things. It feels like it’s been so long.”
Steve sighed, melting into his embrace. The biotics were a part of who Kaidan was. And he loved who Kaidan was. “I know. Maybe we can think of other things to do to help you… flex those superpowers.”
Kaidan let out a breathless chuckle at the insinuation. “There’s only one problem.”
“And that is?”
“You still smell like a horse, but this time, it's a wet horse. Which is definitely worse.” Kaidan moved to sit up, but Steve stopped him with a gentle hand to his shoulder. 
When those brown eyes returned to him, Steve smiled, unable to hide the amount of love and devotion he felt. “We could fix both the stink and the cold with a nice, hot shower.”
Kaidan stared at him, studying him with a strange smirk on his face. “So that was your goal this whole time? To get me naked?”
Steve leaned closer once again, only this time his lips found an ear to whisper into. “This surprises you? After three years together, I thought you knew me better than that, Kaidan.”
When Steve moved away, he wasn’t surprised to find Kaidan’s stare molten, but his stomach still danced excitedly at the look. Kaidan brushed a finger across his lips, studying how his mouth opened in response, ready for whatever he intended. “I do. I know you as well as I know myself, Steve.” He closed the distance between them, mouths meeting in a dance of lips and tongues, nothing but heat and whispered promises.
Even with years of practice, Steve Cortez was still learning things about Kaidan. And everything he learned, he loved.
“Race you to the house?” He asked, breath coming in gasps the moment they parted.
Kaidan grinned with playful enthusiasm Steve never tired of seeing. Without warning, he leapt to his feet, running for the farmhouse in the distance. Steve followed, laughter echoing, the warm yellow lights a beacon in the early dawn.
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Hello dear harbinger! Will there be a reaping this year?
Apologies for the slow response. Harbinger was deep in Dark Space when you sent this.
Believe it or not, this year is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the first Mass Effect Holiday Cheer ... and even cranky old Reapers know better than to dismiss a TEN-YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
So yes, there will be a Reaping. It will likely follow the same January Jubilation model as in recent years, so there's still a bit of time before I have to mobilize the forces OF EVIL of holiday cheer.
But the forces will certainly be mobilized.
You will know gifts.
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alta-et-astra · 1 year
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Thank you so much to @curiouscanvas for my @masseffectholidaycheer gift! It means so much to me that you enjoyed my fic and created this beautiful art and mug, bringing something that used to only be in my head and online into the physical world!
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entykk · 1 year
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omg im so so sorry i thought i already posted this :sob: ANYWAY @otayuranidiot hi! i got you again this year! here’s your fella for @masseffectholidaycheer
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I almost forgot to add a few simple caps/edits of your favorites :)
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crocophant · 1 year
I Like Big Butts (And I Cannot Lie)
Written for @commander-krios for @masseffectholidaycheer 2023
Summary: Three times Joker got distracted by Shepard's ass (and one time he was allowed encouraged to be)
Read now on AO3 
This was wholly inspired by your post here and it all just fell into place from there!
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing it!
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writes-in-space · 1 year
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@illusivesoul I am the harbinger of your holiday cheer! I had such a fun time going through your OC tags to decide who to focus on for your gift!
Estefania and Ash called to me - they deserve a quiet moment in the corner of a shipboard holiday party after the war, don’t you think?
Happy holiday cheer! I hope you enjoy ❤️
And a big thanks to @masseffectholidaycheer for running this great exchange!
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woman1922 · 1 year
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I am so overwhelmed in receiving this beautiful painting of my beloved Zofia Shepard from @cassiefisherdrake for this year's gift exchange. Her inspiration was my note that "Leaving Earth" from the score is imprinted on my heart, and she completely captured that feeling. What Shepard goes through and sacrifices in the name of the deeply flawed people of the galaxy just destroys me, and then rebuilds me. I spent 2022 recovering from some dark stuff, and picking Mass Effect back up after at least five years really saved me with such reminders — along with this incredible community of people who come together to create collaboratively and support each other. Thank you @cassiefisherdrake for this treasure. I've already found the perfect spot on the shelf above my work station in front of my xbox so I can always see it. Best wishes for 2023 ♥
P.S. Thank you to the great one Harbinger @masseffectholidaycheer for coordinating all of this. It means a lot to a lot of people.
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