mapsontheweb · 15 days
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Homicide rate of countries compared to global homicide rate
by Autistic-Inquisitive
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How can people even live in that failed state. My condolences to all the decent Democrats resident there.
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francepittoresque · 3 months
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28 février 595 : ordonnance du roi Childebert II punissant de mort les homicides ➽ http://bit.ly/Childebert-II-Homicides « Quant aux homicides, nous avons ordonné que quiconque aura tué un autre méchamment et sans raison, soit puni de mort, sans qu’il puisse se racheter par aucune composition. » Ces derniers mots ne prouvent-ils d’ailleurs pas qu’ordinairement on rachetait, en effet, sa vie par une composition ?
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gwydionmisha · 5 months
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bighermie · 2 years
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russianreader · 11 months
Mental Cafe
“July 15, 7 p.m. Mental Cafe: conversations about mental health. Open Space” Mental Cafe is a cafe without food service and a permanent address where people come together to discuss topics related to mental health. It is not a support group or a grief group. It does not provide psychological assistance. It is just a conversation club where you can share your experiences and ask any questions…
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View On WordPress
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lifewithaview · 2 years
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Omar Epps,Tupac Shakur,Jermaine Hopkins and Khalil Kain in "Juice"(1992)
Four inner-city teenagers get caught up in the pursuit of power and happiness, which they refer to as "the juice".
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foreverknightalways · 2 years
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Janette asks, Why? Nick answers, I thought I could handle it. Janette says, You have put all of us at risk. You should know better than anyone else that this power has to be controlled. Nick answers, I know, I know. Janette says, Yeah, You must find him. If they discover him, they may discover us. Nick walks out very concerned. Janette looks very worried.
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reverietruecrime · 2 years
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🎧New Podcast Episode🎧
Dr. Ronda Hampton knows the ins and outs of Mitrice Richardson’s case. She lived all of it, continues to, and knew Mitrice personally. She gives insight that will make you side-eye the LASD and LAPD, if you don’t question their behavior from Mitrice’s case, and other cases, already.
We will go through what has transpired from the time Mitrice began interning for her until today. Dr. Ronda has never stopped advocating for Mitrice and others who have been murdered and/or missing in the area under suspicious circumstances.
Documentary - Lost Compassion
If you scroll down to the middle, the data dump begins there. DATA DUMP
Only Dr. Ronda has access to this phone number, and you can stay anonymous, if you have any info. (Supposedly, the LASD is not doing much when it comes to tips or information. This will be your best bet.) • Feel free to call: 1-866-409-9882
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sjnatsuki · 1 year
Light and darkness.
1.The new guy.
Aoi. (He is on the beach playing the violin with a beautiful acoustic of a song)….Well I am going to rest, how beautiful the sea is, sometimes I would like to swim and float with the breeze of the wind.
Akiro. Sister, you see we have to go to school, run, we're running late.
Aoi. (He is putting away the violin and is grabbing his backpack and his violin) I'm coming brother, hey you bring my loche.
Akiro. If I have your lunch here, run, we shouldn't be late, remember that you have a violin presentation. Run, we'll miss the bus.
*. Aoi and Akiro arrived at school..Aoi arrived with little sadness, only that her family never knows how she feels, and Akiro arrived so happy to see her boyfriend Jin.
Director of the school. Good morning everyone. Remember that today is the big day of the competition, it will take place at 10:00 in the morning and whoever wins will win $100,000. Remember that those who have not signed up to participate can go to the address to register before it is 10:00 in the morning
Aoi. Well bye brother and Jin I'll see you later… I have to hurry before it's 10:00 so I don't rehearse in vain with the violin. (Aoi is running so fast that even her hair is loose, and she collides with a young man with black hair with silver streaks.)
*Aoi went to the address. The strange thing is that people were surprised to see Aoi that she was going to sign up as always. She has always been shy and almost never participates in things that she is in front of all people, that's why it seemed strange to them.
Kaede. Good morning, I'm kaede, you're here to register for the contest
Aoi. Yes, I come to register
Kaede. Ok just put your full name, your talent, your grade please
Aoi. Yes of course ok thanks (Aoi is signing up to enter the talent show.)
Kaede. Ok everyone who registered, please the contest will be at 10:00 a.m., don't miss it
*Aoi just enrolled so she went to her room 2nd, she got to her room, and sat in her seat Aoi (she always sits next to the window) went to her seat and put on her blue cat headphones, she arrived the math teacher.
Dai (math teacher). Good morning young people, I will be your math teacher in this 2nd year of high school ok well take out your math notebook and your mate book please.
*.Alix is ​​the new exchange student, his mother is from Japan and his father is from the United States, and his parents lived in the United States but his father set up a company in Japan, Tokyo, so they are going to enroll him in the Blue School of Joy This school is the prestigious one and only students with important parents enter, Aoi and her brother entered the school because they both entered with a scholarship.
Director (Yei). Good afternoon gentlemen, go ahead and come to my office.
Ethan. Thank you very much director. Well my name is Ethan and this is my wife Sumi and we want to enroll our son in your school and we want him to be in the 2nd room. I heard that this room teaches math very well.
Director (Yei). Yes, of course, sir, your son will be in room 2, I just need you to fill out this document, please.
Ethan. Yes, of course. (Mr. Ethan is filling out the document with the son's personal data.) Here is a director.
Director (Yei). Ok let's go to the classroom if you like you can come and see where your son will be ok.
Ethan. Yes, of course, let's go where our son will be, love.
Sumi. Yes, clearly, let's go where my prince will be.
*So Alix's parents went to see where their son Alix's classroom will be and they arrived at the 2nd room, when the math teacher arrived, the principal knocked on the door of the room and the math teacher opened the door for her.
Director(Yei). Good morning teacher, we have a new student, his is Alix and he will be in his classroom, teacher.
Dai (mathematics teacher). Yes, of course, the director, Alix comes by so you can introduce yourself.
Dai (math teacher). Well, your son will have a good education, gentlemen, don't worry, I'll tell our student Aoi to give you a tour of the school.
Ethan. Thank you very much, teacher and director, well, we're leaving… bye son, we'll see you at home. (The parents have already gone to work.)
Alix. Bye dad and mom see you at home.
Dai(Matte teacher). Well come Alix I'll introduce you to the group ok come let's go into the room. dai. Well, students, we have a new student who will be in our classroom, come on in...stand up front and introduce yourself, please.
Alix. Well, my name is Alix and I'm from the United States. My father is from the United States and my mother is from Japan. Well, I'm 14 years old and I can speak 4 languages. Well, that's all.
Students. He is handsome, that he sits with me, that he is my boyfriend, they are handsome.
Dai(Math teacher). Well, Alix, you can sit next to Aoi. Please, Aoi, raise your hand so you know who you are. (Aoi raises her hand to let Alix know who she is)
Students. Not because he sat down with the nerd, he sat down with the weirdo.
Dai.Aoi please put away your headphones please, Aoi can I ask you a favor please.
(Alix went to sit with Aoi) Aoi. Yes teacher that I help you.
Dai (mate teacher). Could you show Alix the school and could you tell her what subjects they have please.
Aoi. Yes, of course, teacher.
Dai (mate teacher). Well let's start the class today I will teach you addition and subtraction of polynomials please pay close attention because you will see homework and you will be on the exam ok.
*.Well, math class is over and the English teacher didn't go because he's sick, so they got that free class to get ready for the talent show.
Aoi .went to change, she put on a black dress.
Aoi. I'm sorry for bothering you, would you let me in so I can sit down please Alix, yes of course.
Aoi. Thank you.
Students. I can't believe she's sitting with the nerd, well, it doesn't matter, the only good thing is that she has a very handsome brother.
Hello, The story cannot be copied or cast as if it were yours Att.SJNATSUKI
History of SJNATSUKI.💙✨
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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Homicide rates in US vs Europe, 2020.
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liesmyteachertoldme · 4 months
Forget Being the World's Policeman; the Federal Government Can't Even Keep DC Safe
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As the US federal government works to “bring peace” to the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and East Asia, it faces a rather embarrassing problem. There is currently a historic wave of violent crime battering the residents of Washington, DC.
With 274 homicides, 2023 was the deadliest year for the city since the 1990s. Shootings, carjackings, and armed robberies also jumped in the nation’s capital.
Parts of DC have been unsafe for a long time, but the violence is now affecting areas typically considered much safer. And members of the federal government are personally feeling it.
Last February, Representative Angie Craig (D-MN) was assaulted in the elevator of her Washington apartment building. The following month, a staffer for Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was stabbed multiple times about a mile from the Capitol.
In October, Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was carjacked at gunpoint on K Street, where many of the top lobbying firms are based. That attack was followed weeks later when a staffer for Senator Katie Britt (R-AK) was robbed at gunpoint, again a mile from the Capitol.
And the trend has continued into 2024. Last week, a former Donald Trump administration official was shot and killed during another carjacking on K Street.
Again, this ought to be especially embarrassing for the leaders of the federal government. As they try to bring peace and security to the entire world with bombs and ever-encroaching military alliances, their own staffers are in physical danger mere blocks from Capitol offices.
The federal government is in charge of most of DC’s criminal justice system, so it carries a lot of responsibility for what’s happening.
In 2021, Joe Biden appointed Matthew Graves as the US attorney in charge of the district’s justice system. By the end of his first year, Graves’s office had declined to prosecute two of every three arrests made. The next year, 2023, his office declined to prosecute 44 percent of those arrested.
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0firstlast1 · 5 months
How much money in percentage?
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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mercoglianotrueblog · 5 months
Most gun violent nation? Not US
#gun #deaths in #Brazil're #homicides(#drug trade),2 for 3 in #US're #suicides
US out of top 10 nations with highest #rate of gun deaths
-12% in US murders from 2022 as #NYC #Chicago #LA #Detroit but cars thefts rise cos of defects like in #Kia #Hyundai
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povertyeradicationday · 8 months
Poverty is dangerous.
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Crime and Victimization.
As Chapter 7 “Alcohol and Other Drugs” discusses, poor (and near poor) people account for the bulk of our street crime (homicide, robbery, burglary, etc.), and they also account for the bulk of victims of street crime. That chapter will outline several reasons for this dual connection between poverty and street crime, but they include the deep frustration and stress of living in poverty and the fact that many poor people live in high-crime neighborhoods. In such neighborhoods, children are more likely to grow up under the influence of older peers who are already in gangs or otherwise committing crime, and people of any age are more likely to become crime victims. Moreover, because poor and near-poor people are more likely to commit street crime, they also comprise most of the people arrested for street crimes, convicted of street crime, and imprisoned for street crime. Most of the more than 2 million people now in the nation’s prisons and jails come from poor or near-poor backgrounds. Criminal behavior and criminal victimization, then, are other major consequences of poverty.
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