#eu vs us
mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Passenger trains in US vs Europe (image is making the rounds among U.S. transit advocates today)
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arcadebroke · 2 years
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slicedblackolives · 8 days
Valid point re eurovision being mid, let's all boycott, but blocked for the us-centrism. By god, you guys are just so blind at the ramifications of the harmfulness of your propaganda-fed god complex. Everything is about the US, everything is born in the us, the us is the only standard and the only measure. Surely this mindsets doesn't fuel anything bad. Anyways, have a good day.
I can’t believe that I, an Indian who lives in India, am being accused of being a US centric yank because of pointing out that most Eurovision competitors who sing in fake american accents and use the aesthetics of american singers and use songs written for american singers are in fact imitating American singers.
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designsdefiance · 2 months
lays on the floor. i really wish i was one of those people who could play Just Anything on their characters and not worry about it being canon or making sense because it would make my life so much fuckin easier
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Love the vibe in the Star Wars EU novels where Threepio is like Leia's extremely nervous poodle and Han is the dad who begrudgingly puts up with him for his wife's sake. Very true to life.
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thegirlwholied · 2 years
retcons. they're a writing tool. they're not fundamentally a bad tool. though I greet them more often with an "ugh, retcon" than a "nice, retcon"-
and that's often because they're overwrites. sometimes carelessly so, the 'didn't pay enough attention to what came before'/'guess I changed it' route. And sometimes retcons are the 'that's not the story I want to tell now or I can do better than that' route.
Andor is doing the second type of retcon, and interestingly so, because there wasn't a whole lot there to retcon *and yet* they are managing to do that.
When Rogue One came out, Disney dropped a bunch of expanded universe material. The NEW expanded universe, because they'd already ditched the old one, to avoid conflicts; this new one could be consistent (ha, ha, ha).
In those 2016 detail books we got the facts on Cassian Andor's backstory: from the planet Fest (clearly carefully chosen for its old EU history), father killed during a protest against militarization on Imperial Academy planet Carida (another world with EU history), involved with a Separatist cell from age 6 on...
Anddd anyone who'd read those extended materials knew Andor the show was ditching that backstory within seconds of him dropping the name 'Kenari' in context that was immediately clear it was his home planet. I appreciated at least getting a nod to the backstory we had since 2016 with dropping that his 'cover story' planet was Fest. They definitely were aware and chose not to go that route. And that's OK! they have a story they want to tell, they're digging into some interesting themes and meanings and...
Well. Either way it's a retcon. A minor one that 97% of the audience will never notice or care about. And yes they're still keeping to the spirit of that key line in Rogue One-
"I've been in this fight since I was six years old"
- clearly the mining disaster on Kenari presumably happened when Cassian was six years old. So his childhood was ruined by the Empire then and he's been resisting them ever since, it's not that it renders it untrue it's just-
it's just that he's pulling a moral high ground with that line over Jyn whose life was also ruined by the Empire at eight years old and was raised as a child soldier by Saw Gerrera, a character whose very name is designed to evoke guerilla warfare...?
I mean a Cassian who's already been in prison and is scrapping by and sticking it to the Imperials all he can, drawing those character parallels between them even closer then are we, but the whole crux of that (excellently written & filmed I'm still not over it) argument hinges on Cassian's relationship with/committment to the Rebellion above all else. The show's retcon has just... shortened that relationship. By quite quite a bit.
And there is now some unintentional irony, from this retcon, if Jyn was actually (via Saw's cell) part of the Rebellion longer than Cassian.
...it's fine, it's fine, tbh watch them retcon Jyn's backstory soon enough, it's a very minor retcon and maybe future episodes will reveal Cassian has been doing more actual rebelling than it seems and... nonetheless. Ugh retcon.
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oldtvandcomics · 4 months
Just as long as we post educational things about the Public Domain: Bound by Law?:Tales from the Public Domain is a comic written with the explicit purpose to explain what exactly it is. It's a really nice introduction, though US-centric, if I remember correctly.
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pomellon · 1 year
#I have no idea what digimon is but this is fascinating!
The way this tag made me wanna cry and info dump at the same time ; u ;
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Let me just say shut the fuck up to my fellow Europeans saying shit about the US and how they expect it cause “welp it’s America”. This is a horrific fucking tragedy. How dare you make light of this. And we’re not better than them!!
First of all, there are European countries with just as horrific anti abortion laws and policies in place. The war on abortion is very much alive in Europe.
Secondly, when a change like this happens in a country as powerful and influential as the US, the pro-birth rats across the world are going to scurry at the chance to ride this wave. Our countries could be next, be careful and be vigilant.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
I am glad that the American habit of thought-terminating clichés is alive and well and can be applied to literally everything
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Is religion very important in your life?
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arcadebroke · 2 years
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ladychlo · 2 years
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digitalguap · 3 months
Russia's Impending Impact on the Global Economy: Unveiling the Unthinkable
Are you curious about how Russia’s imminent influence will shape the global economy? Get ready to explore the unforeseen possibilities as we delve into “Russia’s Impending Impact on the Global Economy: Unveiling the Unthinkable.” In this blog post, we will uncover how Russia’s actions could directly affect you, your financial decisions, and the global economic landscape. Discover the potential…
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head-post · 7 months
Germany’s decline is a warning sign for Europe and Ukraine
Germany is experiencing a recession in almost all spheres, this may negatively affect both Europe and Ukraine, according to The Washington Post.
The thought of trains being late in Germany seems as strange as all the good food suddenly disappearing in France and the peat bogs drying up in Ireland. However, Germany’s national rail company Deutsche Bahn (DB) has become so unreliable that Switzerland has become seriously concerned about ending its cooperation with its German neighbours to avoid delays on its own trains, which are renowned for their punctuality. DB has recently been paying record compensation to customers who have to postpone or cancel trips altogether.
DB’s disruption after weak investment is a sign of wider problems that are undermining Germany’s already shaky economic outlook, deepening its political crisis, eroding its credibility and raising doubts about whether Europe’s largest country can stand up to a moment of crisis.
Read more HERE
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isaacsapphire · 2 years
The problem you keep on pointing to seems to be caused much more by bureaucratic incompetence than by EU labor laws; if anything US labor laws incentivize quite a lot of time wasting and protecting missing stairs in their own right, especially at the highest levels of corporate power where people get paid millions while doing no work. In fact, you could argue that US labor laws are precisely why so many companies are hanging on a cliff in the first place.
In my observation, many companies, rather like many individuals, are hanging by a thread because they are managed by idiots who like to indulge in stupid real estate decisions, throwing expensive parties a lot, and subsidizing sexual partners.
I'm not arguing at this point if the US or Europe has more bureaucratic incompetence, but it seems like if you are making an argument that one has such a higher level of incompetence it's noticable on a national budget level, that requires a bit of evidence to back it up.
US labor protections don't magically get more robust for salared workers, the workers at that level demand contracts that grant them more rights. It's a market thing. In Europe, laid off office workers get gardening leave. In the US, they often get a few months pay anyways because of their contracts.
This means absolutely fuck all for hourly workers in the US, who are often informed they've been fired on the day of their termination, or discover they're laid off when they find the doors locked. If they're lucky, they'll get their unused vacation days cashed out.
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